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If you have lost your dog. what to do? advice, recommendations. Preventive measures to protect your dog The dog ran away, how to find it in the city

What to do if not just a shaggy, thin mongrel was found on the street, but a purebred, well-bred, branded dog. How can a brand help in finding the owners of a four-legged creature? What does it mean? And how can you find the owner of a dog based on the brand? The article provides answers to all these questions.

Why does a dog need a brand?

They brand mainly purebred animals registered with the Russian Cynological Federation (abbreviated as RKF) or with any other alternative organization of cynologists. This is done for the correct identification of dogs in breeding work. First of all, so that at exhibitions the owners are not accused of the fact that the dog entered for participation has nothing to do with the pedigree presented to the members of the commission.

IN last years and began to put a mark so that in the event of a loss, people who found a runaway pet would not ask the question: “How to find the dog’s owner?” A brand is a tattoo, usually containing a special code that can be used to find the nursery where the animal was born and the owner's contact phone number. A mark can be applied by copying the number of another purebred animal, or simply dishonest sellers who want to use this sign to convince buyers of the purebred nature of the puppy. In this case, unfortunately, the branding of dogs will not make it easier to find the owners.

How to “read” the mark?

In order to find out how to find a dog’s owner using a brand, you must first read it.

Usually the mark is located in places inaccessible to licking: inside auricle, on the stomach, armpit. Pedigree dogs with early childhood They are taught to show the mark, so it is not too difficult to find it.

If the dog’s mark has been washed away and cannot be clearly defined, then experienced dog breeders recommend completely shaving the dog’s fur. this area body of the dog and wipe the brand with either alcohol or vegetable oil. After this, the signs will become clearer. if there is a stamp inside, you can “illuminate” it with a flashlight outside.

Finding a dog's owner in club stud books

Once all the numbers and letters have been identified, it is worth figuring out which of them may be useful. Depending on the order in which the letters and numbers are, as well as how many there are, you can determine in which kennel the dog was born (provided that it is purebred), and contact the breeder and ask for information about the owners. Most often, conscientious nursery owners store this data.

First, it’s worth understanding what brands different cynological federations have, then it will become clear how to find a dog’s owner by brand:

  1. The mark consists of 3 Latin letters and numbers (their number varies from 1 to 6 characters). Such a mark was most likely given by a breeder or a club - a member of the RKF, and the data is stored in their database. The letters indicate the name of the kennel where the dog was born. By contacting the Federation with a written request (or by email), you can find out the name and contact details of the nursery.
  2. How else to find the owner of a dog using the RKF mark? The brands of this organization did not always look the same. If the mark consists of 3 Russian letters and any number of numbers, then this means that it was also put by members of the RKF, but only until 2005. If the dog is elderly, then it is likely that data about it can also be found in the Federation database.
  3. The brand code begins with the letter E, followed by one or two numbers, then any latin letter and again three or five digits. A combination of two letters and numbers, these are the marks that are given by the Union of Cynological Organizations of Russia (abbreviated as SKOR). The numbers after the letter E indicate the year the dog was born. The following are serial numbers in ascending order. All information about clubs can be found by writing a letter to SKOR.
  4. The dog's brand number begins with the letters KW (Kind World), followed by numbers and letters in random order. The mark was given by the International Association of Cynologists " Good world" (abbreviated as MAK "Good World"). The brand codes of all clubs of the association are available for independent search on the official website of the Federation.

It is worth remembering that when sending a written request to any cynological organization, you must indicate the full stamp number, the estimated dog breed, color, approximate age and, if possible, attach a photo four-legged friend.

The Federation will not send the applicant the address of the alleged owner, but the contact information of the nursery where the dog was born. The breeder usually always keeps the contact information of the dog's owners. Experienced dog breeders claim that a good breeder treats his puppies like children and, most likely, will offer to take care of the foundling and further search for the owner.

Finding a dog owner through databases

If you don’t have time to wait for a response from the Federation, you can try to find the dog’s brand in the animal database on the Internet, but there is no single database of the RKF or any other dog breeding federation on the Internet. Various Internet pages are filled with amateur dog handlers, often the owners themselves, who leave the details of their pet so that if it goes missing, it will be easier to find it.

There are many databases, this article describes only a few:

  • The database of nursery brands on the Infodog website is quite complete, reliable, and equipped with a convenient search. In this database, as a criterion, you can select both the brand and the city or breed in which certain nurseries specialize.
  • A constantly updated database on the website of the encyclopedia "Zoo Club", numbering more than three thousand brands. In addition to addresses and telephone numbers, it contains not only the stamp numbers that the kennel puts now, but also shows the marks that were put on dogs before 2005.
  • The international database Pedigree Dogsfiles is a database of RKF brands that does not have a search tool, but checking a dog’s brand will not be difficult, because the letters of the brand are arranged alphabetically.
  • Claws Charity Lost and Found Dogs and Cats File. A resource that helps you find missing dogs and cats, or their owners, animals found on the street. Data is replenished simple people. It would be a good idea to check the information on this website, maybe they are looking for the dog, or it has already been lost, and volunteers will be able to tell you about its fate.
  • The website of the Dachshund land dachshund breeding kennel is a complete database of old and new brands of RKF kennels, you can even try to look for a kennel that is no longer functioning, but perhaps the address and telephone number still belong to the breeder.
  • The national electronic identification database combines data on animals not only in Russia, but throughout Europe. In addition to the brand, you can find the owner of the dog if you know the number of the microchip implanted in him. The database contains data about the animals themselves and their owners.

Search through databases of breed sites and forums

Is it possible to find a dog's owner using a brand in other ways? People often leave their data not in general, hard-to-reach databases, but on breed forum threads and in special sections of websites about animals. If the breed of the found dog is known, it is worth trying to look for contacts of the owner or kennel on the following resources:

  • Catalog of representatives of the German Shepherd breed Gsdog - a database of pedigree German Shepherds of the FCI system, whose representative in Russia is RKF.
  • The forum for collie and sheltie lovers contains on its pages data from kennels that breed Scottish Sheepdog (collie) dogs. Contact details may be out of date (information last time updated in 2013).
  • Russian Retriever Club. There is a sheet with the “prefixes” of labrador retriever kennels. Data on common Labradors may also be available from kennels registered on this site. It is difficult to search - the first letters of the marks are not sorted alphabetically.
  • Database of dogs of hunting breeds Huntdogs, a database of brands of dogs of hunting breeds constantly updated by animal owners. All information is divided into breed branches, so if the breed is difficult to identify, the search will become more difficult.

Where else can you look?

If a search in databases and in cynological organizations does not produce results, you can try simply entering the full number of the brand into the search bar of Yandex or Google. In the request, dog breeders are advised to refine the search according to the following example: “stamp ABC72405 German Shepherd". This is done in order to ensure the search for the most reliable information.

What to do if the nursery is known?

Once it has become known in which kennel the dog could have been born (it may happen that there will be several kennels with the same information), you need to call or come to the owner of the kennel and tell him when and under what circumstances the dog was found, show a photo, tell him, where the mark is located. According to experienced dog breeders, most breeders do not even need to know the brand number to understand that the dog was born in his kennel, you just need to see it in the photo.

How to find a dog's owner by brand if there is no data on the Internet

The main thing you should never forget: if a dog has a mark, it is unlikely that it was simply abandoned to the mercy of fate; there will definitely be those who are familiar with the dog or its owners.

First of all, you need to independently place information about the animal in special groups V in social networks, specializing in searching for missing animals in various cities of Russia. Breed forums will also come to the rescue, “breeders” often unite in clubs, surely someone will recognize the dog, there will be “littermates” (brothers and sisters of the foundling), and the fate of the dog will no longer be so vague.

Now, the dog’s brand number cannot be published in full; it must be provided by the owners themselves. It is enough to indicate only the first letters, allowing you to understand in which nursery the animal was born. Otherwise, simple swindlers who want to appropriate someone else's property may call. By the way, it’s also better not to leave your address or phone number in the public domain; it’s better to limit yourself to the address Email.

Offline search

You can post flyers with advertisements in the area where the dog was found and additionally communicate with dog walkers walking nearby. They may have seen the dog here before, for example, with its owner. The principle of providing information is the same: you can indicate either only part of the brand, or simply the fact that the dog is branded, and the owners will need to inform the finder of this number and location of the brand in order to avoid further misunderstandings.

What to do if the owners are found, but they don’t want the dog

Unfortunately, this often happens: the old owners are found, but they don’t want to return the dog. Then the person who found the dog should find out everything necessary information: dog’s age, preferred diet, and also be sure to ask veterinary passport with vaccinations and documents of the dog (puppy card or pedigree). If the would-be owners confirm their refusal in writing, that will be ideal. After that you can look for the dog new house, in which he will be loved.

Helpful information

The main thing is not to forget that it is imperative to look for the owners of a dog with a brand. You need to search for at least a month; people may be away and not immediately discover the loss. Experienced dog breeders warn that if you simply “appropriate” a found dog, then in the future this may serve as a reason for being accused of theft of personal property, because the owners purebred dog there is a contract, photographs and witnesses. Such cases have arisen in practice more than once, so everyone needs to know how to find the owner of a dog by brand number.

Unfortunately, one of common problems, which dog owners have to face is the loss of an animal. The pet may get carried away by something and get lost on its own, or it may be stolen by intruders. Let's figure out what to do if a dog is lost, what measures need to be taken to find it, and also how to prevent loss.

Dog search technique

If your dog is lost, there is no need to panic or despair. Properly coordinated actions at the initial stage significantly increase the chances of a successful completion of the search. Therefore, wherever and however this happens, the first and most important thing to do is to calm down. Then, depending on the conditions under which this happened, you need to take active action.

In the forest or in the country

Our beloved pets accompany us everywhere, so losing a dog while relaxing in the country or in the forest is a fairly common occurrence. Despite the fact that an animal, as a rule, behaves cautiously in an unfamiliar area, there is a risk that it may become distracted, frightened, or simply move far away. When this happens, you should remain in the place where you last saw your pet and call him loudly.

If this doesn't work and it's already getting dark outside, it is necessary to leave some thing in this place - it could be a scarf, jacket, gloves, T-shirt; in general, everything that is saturated with the smell of the owner - and go home. At dawn you should return to the place of separation. It is very likely that your dog will already be waiting for you there.

Important! The search for a dog will not be successful if you do it yourself. Should be collected as much as possible more people, and preferably those whom the animal knows.

The next stage is combing the territory. Divide into groups of 2 people and explore the nearby territory, while constantly calling your pet. Most likely, your dog will instinctively go to well-trodden paths, so follow them. Explore nearby villages and summer cottages, interview local residents. Out of fear and hunger, the animal will run to where there are people and food can be obtained.

After all of the above measures are taken and they do not produce results, you still should not despair. Return to the place where you left your item every day, and do not forget to touch it each time so that it is saturated with your scent. It is also possible that the animal will find its way home on its own, so wait for your pet and he will definitely return.

In the city

If your dog goes missing during a city walk, the first thing you need to do is walk around the neighborhood and interview passers-by, especially those who are also walking the dog. The sooner you get started on this, the better. Be sure to clearly formulate a description of the animal and its distinctive features. Walk around the area several times.

In the event that hot pursuit does not bring success, go home and make advertisements in which you must place a photo of the pet, its description, and also its nickname. Don't forget to include a contact phone number or address. Ready-made advertisements need to be posted throughout the area, especially near entrances, public transport stops, store entrances, near markets, and so on. Special attention should be given to parks and squares where dog lovers gather.

Important! Indicate in the ad that the finder is entitled to a reward, this can significantly increase its effectiveness.

You should definitely send out a newsletter to groups on social networks that are popular in your city; there are quite a few of them. Post information about the missing dog on your pages and ask your friends to help you spread it.

The Internet is considered one of the most effective ways to search for a missing animal, since there is a high probability that the information will reach a very wide range of people.

Monitor newspapers and the Internet for information regarding animal finds. If possible, advertise on local radio and television. It is also necessary to visit or call the nearest veterinary hospitals and shelters for homeless animals. Do not ignore markets where cats and dogs are sold secondhand - it is very likely that someone could pick up a dog and try to sell it.

Never lose heart, as finding a lost dog may seem very difficult, but it is still possible, so be strong and patient and do not give up your search. Enlist the support of family and friends, because searching for a pet alone is too difficult.

Did you know? Dogs can distinguish more than 500,000 odors. With the help of a unique sensitive sense of smell, dogs navigate the area. By smell they can find the owner or the way home.

If it was stolen

Owners of expensive and rare dogs You should always be vigilant, since the abduction of animals for ransom or resale, unfortunately, is gaining momentum and such cases are becoming more and more every day.

If you are convinced that your dog has been stolen, you should do the following:

  1. Write a statement to the police.
  2. Post and post missing pet notices in public places and on the Internet. Be sure to indicate that there is a generous reward for the dog.
It is possible that the kidnappers, even without all this, will try to contact you in order to get money. When talking to them, try to portray composure, because if they notice that you are very worried, a fantastic amount may be announced. Try to speak confidently and seriously.

Beware of scammers: if you are offered to transfer money to a card, and only after that give away your dog, do not believe it - these are scammers who want to profit from someone else’s misfortune.

It would be a good idea to call veterinary hospitals - if the animal was stolen and sold, the new owner can turn there for advice, not knowing that his new friend has been stolen.

Did you know? The friendship between man and dog can also be explained from a scientific point of view. It turns out that we have an almost identical set of genes, the difference is only 3%, that is, we are 97%similar genetically.

Preventive measures

To avoid a long and exhausting search for your beloved pet, you must always adhere to simple rules, namely:

  1. Keep your dog on a leash in areas large cluster people, near tram and railway tracks, in places unfamiliar to the animal.
  2. Avoid attending noisy street events with loud music and fireworks - a sharp sound can frighten a dog, and it may run away from fright.
  3. Do not tie your pet on a leash near the entrances to shopping and entertainment centers.
  4. When traveling in a car, close the windows.
  5. Always be attentive while walking, do not be distracted by gadgets and conversations, spend as much time as possible with your pet.
  6. Do not allow small children to walk the animal on their own.

There are also preventive measures that can make it much easier to find an animal even if it gets lost. These include:
  • Tokens or tags- you can attach them to the collar. They indicate the dog's name, home address and/or contact phone number.
  • Chips- you can implant a capsule under the pet’s skin with information about it and its owner, in which case almost any veterinary clinic will be able to read this data and contact you.
  • Glowing collar- great thing for evening walks, your pet is always visible to you and others in the dark. Thanks to the bright LED lights, it will definitely not disappear from your field of vision.

Take care of your four-legged friends, because separation from them is a difficult test for a loving owner. And even if your beloved dog suddenly disappears, do not lose hope, but try to quickly and organizedly carry out the above actions.

05/07/2017 by Eugene

Unfortunately, pets very often run away, sometimes even simply disappear, although it would seem that just recently the dog was nearby, but in a moment, it is no longer there.

In this case, the first thing you need to do is pull yourself together and calm down, because while you are shedding tears and panicking, the dog moves on, and the likelihood of its quick detection is less and less. Secondly, it is necessary to analyze what happened and immediately go looking, following the instructions and recommendations of specialists. So, how to find your beloved dog if it ran away from you? Let's consider only basic and effective tips.

Plan A: Immediate Search

  1. After discovering your pet is missing, we immediately begin searching. The main thing is not to waste time thinking about whether your pet will find its way home, but to act. It is necessary to carefully examine the surrounding area. You need to look everywhere, loudly calling the dog’s name.
  2. Interview all the people you meet along the way: people just walking by, sellers, janitors, elderly people, drivers Vehicle, owners of other dogs, etc. If you have a photo of your pet with you, be sure to show it, perhaps someone saw it, noticed which direction it went, or whether one of the passers-by took it. The more sociable you are, the greater the likelihood of finding your pet quickly.
  3. Be sure to leave your phone number and address with those interviewed. Most often, people cannot immediately remember necessary information, however, over time, the necessary information may appear in your memory at the moment when you go far away.
  4. When searching, it is recommended to use greatest number of people. This way it will be possible to cover a larger area and collect more information in a short period of time.
  5. Particular attention should be paid to children during the search. They are more observant and show special interest in animals; they notice things that adults simply do not pay attention to. In addition, their logical thinking very different from the mature one.

Plan B. Notification

If emergency actions didn't bring it desired result, don’t lose heart and move on to the next stage.

We notify everyone, everywhere.

  1. If the dog was not found after examining the surrounding areas, it is necessary to notify the authorities responsible for catching homeless animals, if they are in the city, in order to find your dog safe and sound. Better yet, come to the shelter in person to interview the staff and leave a photo of your pet in case it is found.
  1. Next you need to deal with advertisements. So that they stand out and attract attention. Describe the dog as accurately as possible, briefly, without terminology, in a language that everyone can understand. Moreover, shorter sentences are easier to remember. Having a large color photograph will quickly interest people passing by. Place roots that can be torn off with brief coordinates.

In the advertisement we indicate:

  • in large letters we indicate that the dog is missing;
  • breed (or who it looks like);
  • signs;
  • age;
  • character traits;
  • presence of a collar, tag;
  • information about where and when the dog ran away;
  • remuneration data;
  • information about the brand or microchip.
  1. Also make business cards with information about the pet, with brief description and your contacts. They must be distributed to all respondents during the search.
  1. The next step is posting advertisements. If an immediate search is unsuccessful, you must search everywhere. Dogs are smart and quick-witted, they can chase someone and run away long distances; they are sometimes picked up by passers-by and taken far from the place of the loss. If this happened in the city, then you will have to conduct a search in all areas. If this happened outside the city, in a village, then it makes sense to look in the surrounding area, nearby fields and settlements, and even in the forest.
  1. Post notices to veterinary hospitals.
  1. Daily patronage of the area in which the dog ran away, expanding the search radius, interviewing passers-by, distributing business cards, re-posting advertisements.
  1. Post and distribute information on social networks, forums, message boards.
  1. Place advertisements in newspapers, local radio and television.

  1. Include all your friends, neighbors, acquaintances, work colleagues, relatives.
  1. Monitor newspapers and online advertisements daily. If your dog is an expensive breed, look through sales ads for the same breed.
  1. Answer all calls to people who call. Any information is indispensable in the search.
  1. We do not relax and do not despair, even if time has passed and the pet has not been found. There are cases when dogs are found several months later at any time of the year, even in winter.
  1. Show the photo to patrolling police officers, guaranteeing a reward for the found pet.

When your dog is lost, the first thing to do is try to calm down and collect your thoughts. While you panic and cry, your dog wanders further and further, and the chances of finding him decrease. Therefore, pull yourself together, remember the details of what happened and go on a search.

Plan A. Operational searches:

1. Spend the first 2-3 hours exploring the surrounding area. Be attentive, look everywhere, call your dog loudly or whistle if he responds to the whistle. Be sure to bring a photo of your dog with you. A photo on your phone will also work.

2. Talk to people along the way and show them a photo, perhaps one of them saw your dog, noticed where it went or whether a person took it (if it was suddenly stolen). Talk to everyone you meet: passers-by, sellers of kiosks, tents, open sales places, janitors, people at parking lots and bus stops, elderly people at entrances, dog owners, children, etc. The result of your search may depend on your sociability and perseverance!

3. Leave people your coordinates (phone number). Many people cannot immediately remember the necessary information, but there is a high probability that over time, the information you need will emerge in their memory, and you will already be far away.

4. Take a partner with you, or better yet, involve as many people as possible in the search. This way you can cover a larger area in less time, and you can also interview more people.

5. Involve children in the search. Children love animals and new Interesting games, they will certainly help you. In addition, children's thinking is different from the thinking of an adult - they can look in places that would never even occur to you.

If operational searches are unsuccessful, do not despair and move on to plan B.

Plan B. Notify everyone, everywhere:

1. When the dog is not found during a survey of the nearby area, you should immediately notify the organizations responsible for catching stray animals, if there are any in your locality. Remember, this must be done to increase the chances of finding your four-legged friend alive and unharmed... It is best to visit these organizations in person, since by talking with employees face to face, it will be more difficult for them to refuse you or lie to you. In addition, by talking to you personally, employees will remember you and your grief while performing their duties. Speak to them “without attacks”, do not reproach them and do not demand anything, but humbly ask them to tell you the truth if the dog is no longer alive, so that you do not have empty hopes, ask for help, let them know that you value your pet very much . Don't forget to leave them a photo of the dog and your contact information.

2. Next, tackle the announcements. In the ad, describe the dog as accurately as possible, without using terminology. Write more simply, in short sentences. This way you can be sure that when you read the ad, everyone will understand it. Be sure (!) to include a large photo of the dog. To reach more people, use colored printing paper or a color printer (color photography). Such advertisements catch the eye and stand out from the crowd. Make advertisements have tear-off spines with coordinates and very brief information about the dog, so that the person who tears off the piece of paper does not forget whose phone it is. Contact information must also be indicated in the main part of the ad, so that if all the roots are torn off, you can still be contacted.

So, please indicate in your ad:
- the phrase “lost dog” in large font,
- breed (or “looks like...” such and such breed),
- color (including minor features),
- age,
- floor,
- distinctive external features (for example, one ear droops, the nose is pink, there is a scar on the face, the tail is docked, etc.),
- nickname,
- presence of an address tag, token,
- information about the collar (material, color, etc.),
- information about where and when the dog disappeared,

-indicate that you guarantee a reward to the person who found and returned your dog to you. Some people only react to this. Don't think about their morality, your task is to interest them as much as possible larger number people with their problem. But remember, since you promised a reward, be sure to give it to the person who deserves it - do not tempt fate by deceiving those who helped you.
- presence of a microchip and stamp. BUT! Do not indicate the stamp number in the ad, otherwise you may be deceived. The brand number and its location will help you find out if the person calling found your dog. Do not say the stamp number out loud, ask the caller to name it. If a person refers to the fact that the mark is illegible, then you know exactly which letters and numbers can actually be distinguished and which cannot. Do not transfer anything to anyone until you receive your pet.

3. Print business cards with brief information about the dog and your contact phone number. You can distribute them to everyone you talk to during the search process.

4. Then go post advertisements everywhere. If operational searches have not yielded results, then now you should search everywhere. Dogs are fast and smart: they can jump into public transport, chase someone and run away, thereby far from home, follow a stray bitch in heat, and the like. In addition, they can be picked up by people and taken far from the place of discovery. Therefore, you will have to search and post advertisements throughout EVERY locality, even if it is a metropolis. If there are other settlements near the place where the dog went missing, then you should search there too. Post advertisements wherever you can and where they allow it. Don’t forget to explain the situation to people and ask for assistance where permission is needed to place an ad, for example, in courtyards - these are janitors, in stores - managers and administrators, in public transport- at least a driver.

5. Patrol the area where the dog is missing every day, expand the search area, talk to people, hand out business cards, stick up advertisements where they have been torn off or the tear-off roots have run out.

6. Show your imagination (without breaking the law) in posting information about your problem. You can write with chalk on the fence, paint on the asphalt, and so on.

7. Contact local radio and local newspapers. Post an ad there. It's not as expensive as it might seem. Free advertisements are also placed in newspapers. You can order a ticker on your local TV channel.

8. Place an ad on the Internet on at least 3 sites (bulletin boards).

9. If your The dog is purebred, notify your breeder and the club, as well as the RKF, about its loss, ask for all possible help. These organizations can and should be provided with the stamp and microchip number. This will help prevent fraud if, for example, thieves try to make money by breeding or selling your dog.

10. Inform all kennel clubs and kennels in your locality, as well as veterinary hospitals, dog training schools, and go to pet stores.

11. If possible, involve all your friends and acquaintances, work colleagues, and relatives.

12. Look through newspaper and electronic advertisements every day. Perhaps someone has already picked up your dog and is looking for you. If your pet has a pedigree, then pay attention to the sale of dogs of the same breed in your and nearby localities. Dogs with good breed characteristics (especially males) may be offered for breeding, so look through these advertisements as well.

13. Try to answer all calls or call back the people who called if you did not answer the phone. Any information can help in the search, and maybe even complete it!

14. Don't despair even if a week or more has passed and the dog has not been found. Situations can be very different. There are many cases where it was possible to find a pet months later.


Dogs can get lost various reasons, but there is a possibility that the pet will return, because dogs are able to find their way home even from many kilometers away, but the chance is very small. Therefore, you should not give up and hope for your pet to return home on its own.

Search in hot pursuit

The first step is to check if the dog has returned home by calling family members at home. Some escaped pets return home along a familiar route near their home.

If the pet is not at home yet, then you should look for it in the surrounding area, moving in the direction where the pet ran away, calling it to you. But the dog may not respond if it is scared, does not yet respond well to the name, or has not been trained in the “come to me” command. It is imperative to interview passers-by, giving them a description of the dog, or even better, showing a photograph, because not every passerby will be able to imagine appearance animal by breed name. It may be possible to find out the direction of the animal. Moreover, it is important to inspect secluded places where the animal could hide. How longer dog is alone on the street, the larger the search perimeter should be.

If after a couple of hours you cannot find your pet, then you should move on to the next stage - notification. You need to report the loss of your pet to organizations involved in catching stray animals (if there are any in a particular locality), animal shelters, veterinary clinics, and leave them your contact information. You need to call animal shelters several times a day, because shelter employees work in shifts and not everyone may be aware of the loss of a particular dog.

In case of loss purebred dog It is advisable to call the breeder or the club where the animal is registered, report the loss of the pet and give the number of the brand and microchip. This information will allow you to identify the animal if they try to sell it or use it for breeding.

Missing dog notices

Ads posted on the street or on the Internet, media, and TV are effective in finding missing dogs. You can ask for help in groups and social networks, for example in groups dedicated to a specific breed or area of ​​the city. You should not neglect newspapers and magazines if locality small, then advertisements in the media and on television are quite effective.

You should place ads about your missing dog in the database of microchipped animals (Animal-id and AnimalFace) if it has a microchip implanted.

Posting advertisements also produces results. The ad must describe the animal in detail, but without unnecessary words. The ad text should be simple and understandable. The heading “Missing dog” is indicated in large font, followed by the breed, or main characteristics (if the pet is not purebred), color, gender, age, nickname, information about the place and time of the animal’s loss, shape, color, material of the collar and tag (address tag). You must attach a photo, preferably in full height, and indicate coordinates and contact information. The presence of the phrase “a reward is guaranteed for those who return the dog” will attract more people to the search. The advertisement must be printed on an A4 sheet, in color, with tear-off contacts and in a quantity of at least 100 copies, posted around the area, next to shops, veterinary clinics, stops, metro, garages, dog walking areas.

You can distribute leaflets to schoolchildren with a photograph and description of the missing dog; some children actively take part in the search. You can place the flyer on the back window of your car.

You should not indicate the microchip code and the brand number in the ad, but if the person calling claims that you have found the animal, then it is advisable to ask him about the location of the brand and ask him to name its number, checking the accuracy of the information.

If possible, you need to answer all calls, call back those who were not able to answer in a timely manner, look at advertisements about found animals in newspapers, on the Internet, and also look through ads with offers for selling dogs, searching for a partner for mating.

There is no need to be lazy and drive around and look at the dogs reported by people who responded to the advertisements. It is not always possible to recognize your pet based on one description, who during his absence could get dirty, lose weight, get hurt, or, in a word, change.

Some calls may come from scammers, so you can and should record them phone conversation and conversation in person. Before the meeting, it is advisable to call the police; if the police respond, the scammers will be detained when transferring money for the dog. But you can’t always hope for help from the police, so you can arrange a meeting with the extortionist and come with friends and activists who will help deal with the extortionist and return the animal.

If your pet is stolen

If a dog is stolen, there is little chance of returning it. Although there have been cases when animals were found in the same places where they disappeared. The thieves kept the animal and walked with it in the places where they committed the crime. But you need to walk through these places often, calling and looking closely at each similar dog.

It wouldn’t be a bad idea to go to the poultry market and look for your dog there, because it could have been stolen for the purpose of sale.

Searching for a dog in the forest

The animal's knowledge of the area and breed matters. It is known that hunting breeds are better at navigating the terrain than companion pets. If the dog is lost in the forest, and after calls and waiting for many hours it does not return, then you can do the following. It is known that dogs have an unusually well-developed sense of smell; by relying on scent, you can leave your personal item in the forest and return to the same place the next day. Some pets come to this place because of the familiar smell and wait for the owner. It is advisable to leave the dog's toys and a note asking not to touch these things if a person stumbles upon them. There is no need to leave food, it will attract other animals, but water can be poured into a bowl.

Another option is to take a rag, preferably the owner’s personal item, pretty much soaked in sweat, or urinate on the rag, wipe the car wheels with it and drive in the direction of the house. Exists big chance that the dog, having smelled the owner’s scent, will be able to orient itself and return home on its own by the smell of the tracks from the wheels.

How long does it take to find a dog?

You cannot stop searching, even if it takes several weeks or months. Every day you need to walk around the nearest areas, look for your pet, interviewing passers-by, especially animal owners who are more willing to respond to help, and re-post advertisements.

If you notice your dog on the street, you don’t need to chase it; the animal may get scared by sudden movements and run away again. Therefore, you should approach slowly, repeating the pet’s name, talking affectionately, you can throw dry food pellets to attract the animal.