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Can a nursing mother eat seeds: the benefits and harms of the product when breastfeeding a newborn. Is it possible to have seeds while breastfeeding: sunflower, pumpkin, sesame

Seeds - convenient snack, especially if you are on the road or do not have the time and opportunity to eat “normally”. Often, mothers on maternity leave become their “fans”: this is not surprising, because sometimes there is no time to even drink a cup of tea. Many mothers ask the question, is it possible to use seeds breastfeeding or it is better to start eating them after introducing complementary foods. What is the value of sunflower, sesame, flax and pumpkin seeds for mother and baby, and are they allowed during breastfeeding?

Let's figure it out together.

Benefits for mother and child

Every young mother endures sleepless nights, children's whims, routine in everyday life and long stay within "four walls". However, many people know that if she is depressed, in no mood, negative emotions The child is also worried. For breastfeeding women, antidepressants, chocolate and alcohol are prohibited, and there is often not enough time or opportunity for hobbies and entertainment outside the home...

The circle closes, which is why many mothers find joy in husking seeds while walking or watching a TV series.

Harmful properties

If you want to get rid of excess weight, then it is worth noting that 100 g of sunflower kernels contain 500 kilocalories, i.e. half a glass of sunflower seeds is equal in calorie content to a bar of chocolate.

Sunflower roots are long and can absorb cadmium from the soil layer, and since in Russia the control of these products is not always strict enough, it is possible to guarantee that they do not contain harmful substances, it is forbidden.

When cracking the seeds, tooth enamel can be destroyed, causing tartar. Seeds have a negative effect on vocal cords, which is why vocalists, politicians before performances, as well as educators and teachers are advised to limit their use.

And finally, we emphasize that after roasting, vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids are destroyed, therefore, shelling roasted seeds does more harm than good.

Types of seeds and their benefits

A large number of women know about the nutritional properties of seeds, including pumpkin, flax, hemp, chia, sesame, cumin, etc. Let’s take a closer look at some of their types.

Sunflower seeds

This product is good for use by women with heart and vascular diseases, Bladder, they also help with lactation by increasing the fat content of milk.

Sunflower seeds contain:

  • proteins, fats and carbohydrates. When consumed, appetite is normalized and strength is increased;
  • selenium, iron, magnesium, zinc, iodine, dietary fiber;
  • fatty acid. Reduce level bad cholesterol;
  • vitamin D. Has a beneficial effect on both the physical and mental development of the child;
  • vitamin A. Helps improve the condition of nails and hair, tighten the skin, and nourish the heart muscle.

Be sure that by consuming seeds while breastfeeding (a handful per day), you are ensuring your own beauty and well-being.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, microelements (in particular zinc) and vitamins. When consumed, the immune system is strengthened due to antiviral and antifungal properties, and bones become stronger. They help reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and normalize blood pressure.

The fatty acids in this treat can lead to increased breast milk production. Pumpkin seeds are the least allergenic during breastfeeding, which is important when talking about babies.

Despite their calorie content, they do not negatively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, unless, of course, you abuse this product.

Sesame (sesame) - dietary product, helping to reduce blood cholesterol. This is wonderful natural immunomodulator, sesame seeds cleanse the intestines and relieve constipation, and also eliminate age spots.

Sesame prevents skin diseases in children, helps in building brain cells, and also bone tissue, teeth and hair. 1 teaspoon of these seeds per day is enough to replenish calcium deficiency in mother and baby.

Sesame seeds also stimulate milk production, which is important when lactation begins. It is useful to eat them to prevent mastitis, as they have an anti-inflammatory effect.


Flax seeds are a wonderful nutraceutical; the protein they contain is easily absorbed by the body. They also contain fiber, polyunsaturated fatty acids, phytoestrogens, essential amino acids, magnesium, iron, zinc, calcium, copper, potassium, phosphorus, lignans, vitamins B, C, D and E.

Flax seeds are useful:

  • in the prevention of viral diseases;
  • for the full development of the nervous system and the prevention of rickets in a child;
  • as a prevention of breast cancer and to stabilize work hormonal system mothers;
  • to normalize intestinal function, against constipation;
  • for the synthesis of progesterone (help restore menstrual cycle during the GW period);
  • to improve the condition of skin, hair and nails.

Before introducing flax seeds into your diet, you must make sure that there is no benign tumors reproductive system, endometritis, polycystic ovary syndrome, gastritis and erosions in the gastrointestinal tract, pancreatitis, disorders of the gallbladder, MCD, hypertension.

Rules for using the product

So, you probably decided for yourself that it is necessary and possible to consume seeds. When breastfeeding, it is better to eat seeds raw, paying attention to the tips for taking them, which we list below.

How many seeds can you eat during lactation?

Nutritionists do not recommend eating seeds with other foods and frying them with a minimum amount of oil or without it.

Seeds should be introduced into the diet after childbirth gradually, starting with 20 grams per day. Observe whether there is a rash, redness on the skin, or constipation after taking them. Then you can increase the daily “dose”, gradually bringing it up to 100 grams per day.

Raw or slightly dried seeds in small quantities are beneficial for the body.

If you purchase seeds in a store, there is a risk that they contain cadmium, lead and other harmful substances. Presence on the peel pathogenic bacteria(manufacturers often do not wash the seeds before packaging) can bring serious harm, especially during lactation. To extend the shelf life of seeds, they are often treated with chemicals before packaging.

The best option is to grow seeds on your own personal plot or purchase them from familiar farmers if you have an idea about the growing and storage conditions.

If you are trying to lead healthy image life, it is better to eat raw sunflower seeds during breastfeeding. If you eat seeds simply for the love of this product, you can dry them in the summer in the shade, covered with gauze, or in a dryer at a temperature slightly above room temperature.

During frying they become harmful product: When heated, carcinogens are produced and vitamins and minerals are destroyed.

How to get rid of addiction to seeds

Some women complain of an acquired addiction to shelling seeds. Expert nutritionists advise gradually reducing the amount of seeds consumed per day and adding other types of seeds to the diet.

You can also advise replacing this habit with another one that is more useful, from your point of view, every time you have the urge to nibble on a sunflower seed, eat a nutritious dish, yogurt, or just drink water.

It is better to buy seeds in the peel, peel them with your fingers, it is more hygienic, and there will be no serious strain on the teeth.

  1. By consuming seeds correctly while breastfeeding, you will reduce the risk negative consequences for the health of yourself and your child.
  2. In the first 2 months after childbirth, it is better to refrain from experimenting with food, including sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, etc. The new kind It is better to introduce the product into the diet in the morning to monitor a possible allergic reaction of your child in the form of a rash, constipation, etc.
  3. You should not add sunflower or pumpkin seeds to your dishes; make them a snack separately from the main meal.
  4. It is preferable to eat the seeds raw or dried, rather than fried, without adding salt to them, so as not to provoke bladder or kidney diseases. Salty foods can cause a specific taste in breast milk, which is unlikely to be to the baby’s taste.
  5. Even if the baby does not have manifestations of diathesis, you should not abuse the seeds, taking them in quantities greater than 80-100 grams daily.
  6. If you hesitate - choose kozinaki, halva or roasted sunflower seeds, raw seeds are a healthier option. Oriental desserts contain a lot of sugar, their consumption can lead to allergies in a child.
  7. It is better to fry the seeds by first washing and drying the grains, heating the frying pan and not adding oil. Having found time for this simple procedure, you will be sure that the product is pure, without harmful impurities.


Seeds during breastfeeding restore mother's strength. Their benefits in normalizing the functioning of the nervous system are obvious; in fact, this is the merit of endorphin (the hormone of happiness) that they contain. The process of licking itself is reminiscent of meditation or fingering a rosary; it has a “magical” property of relaxation. Click the seeds and be healthy!

During the period of breastfeeding, every mother knows what important has a balanced diet and special diets for good health. With every drop of milk, beneficial and harmful substances from the mother’s daily menu enter the baby’s sensitive body. Therefore, women are often concerned whether it is worth giving up this or that product so as not to harm the child’s health. In this article we will answer the question of whether it is possible to eat seeds while breastfeeding.

Types of seeds and their benefits during breastfeeding


Half of the nutrients in sunflower kernels are fat. Their calorie content is 580 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, sometimes doubts arise whether it is possible to eat sunflower seeds while breastfeeding. But most of the arguments speak in their favor.

Sunflower kernels cover daily norm vitamin E. Almost covers the norm for vitamins B5 and B6. Also a high percentage of protein and fiber.

The beneficial substances of sunflower grains take part in the functioning of almost all body systems and are very useful for nursing women, provided they are consumed correctly.

An important factor after childbirth is psychological health mother of the child. Seeds can cope with this task.

Clicking can:

  1. Save from depression during the difficult postpartum period.
  2. Satisfy hunger due to its high calorie content.
  3. Get rid of bad habits, such as smoking.
  4. Distract from everyday routine, calm your nerves, and experience moments of overwhelming sadness and melancholy.

How can seeds be harmful when breastfeeding?

First of all, this is the likelihood of an allergic reaction. The seeds are saturated with proteins and various elements that cause allergies. This will immediately affect the child in the form skin rashes. In this case, you will have to immediately forget about your favorite product.

Also, you will have to limit or completely exclude seeds from the diet during breastfeeding if:

  • the child experiences colic in the abdomen;
  • you or your child become constipated;
  • you have excessive milk production;
  • you gain excess weight.

Important! Remember that seeds are not food, but an addition to food! Excessive passion leads to addiction, heavy stress on the stomach, and disruption of the diet.

You need to be careful with salted grains, as the child may not accept milk with a salty taste.

The shell can cause considerable harm to health; many microbes and harmful bacteria live on it. We do not know under what conditions they were prepared and how they were stored, so the seeds must be washed before use.

Rules for eating seeds while breastfeeding

In relation to this product, the rule is successfully applied - everything is good in moderation. Just 100 grams of seeds is enough to provide a mother’s body with all the beneficial elements during breastfeeding.

As soon as you want seeds after giving birth, don’t rush to eat a whole pack - after all, they are so healthy, you say! You can't overdo it in this case. To avoid harm to the newborn, you need to start with a small amount. A handful of grains is enough to see the child’s reaction to this product. If the child does not develop rashes, itching, or colic, then feel free to include the product in your daily diet.

In addition, to ensure that the use of seeds is healthy and safe, we advise you to follow the following rules:

  1. Eat only raw sunflower and pumpkin kernels. Perhaps a little dried in the oven.
  2. Buy only in shell. Refined grains lose their valuable qualities.
  3. The shell must be clean, so that there is no problem with dirty shells. harmful bacteria did not enter the body. It is better to rinse with cold water before use.
  4. It is more correct to eat seeds between meals, stretching daily dose for the whole day, rather than eating the entire glass in one sitting. Also, doctors advise eating 2 hours before feeding the baby.
  5. After peeling, you need to brush your teeth, as this process damages tooth enamel.

Is it possible to have seeds in the first month of breastfeeding?

Whether you can eat seeds while breastfeeding in the first or second month, you can only determine by trial. A moderate amount and the absence of an allergic reaction in the baby are indicators that the seeds are consumed from the first day of feeding.

How many seeds can you eat during pregnancy?

When breastfeeding, you can eat from 80 to 100 grams of grains to get maximum benefit from this product. Whether to increase the dose or not depends only on individual needs and general condition mother and child.

Is it possible to roast seeds while breastfeeding?

Not everyone likes raw grains, no matter how healthy they may be. But is it possible to eat roasted seeds or not while breastfeeding?

Unfortunately, roasted seeds lose most of their beneficial properties, leaving only calories, so it is advisable not to consume them at all.

It is better to dry the washed raw seeds in a dry frying pan or in the oven; this will be an alternative option for lovers of fried seeds.

How to get rid of addiction to seeds

Excessive consumption of seeds leads to problems in the intestines, heart, liver and kidneys of the child. This does not happen rarely, because they become very addictive, and it becomes a bad habit.

First of all, you just need to admit to yourself this problem, realize what harm can be done to the baby’s health. Determine your daily requirement and do not exceed it. Don’t stock up for six months in advance and try switching from sunflower grains to pumpkin grains.

Most of the facts speak in favor of your favorite treat. Small grains can fill the gap necessary vitamins in complex postpartum period and give the breastfeeding woman much-needed moral peace of mind.

Nursing mothers, caring for the health of their baby, completely review their diet. They try to exclude foods that should not be consumed while breastfeeding.

Before you refuse something, you should find out whether this product is useful or not. Very often, women who are breastfeeding have questions about seeds. Should we limit ourselves to this pleasant-tasting delicacy?

It is well known that sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, kozinaki and other varieties of them are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Despite their value, these products can be beneficial and harmful. What effect do they have on the body of a nursing mother and child?

Let's try to figure this out. You should take into account the composition of the seeds, rich in vitamins and minerals; most of all they contain:

  1. Vitamin D
  2. Fatty acids.
  3. Potassium.
  4. Zinc.
  5. Kukurbitina.

Sunflower seeds are compared in value to cod liver. An affordable product is a worthy competitor in terms of content important for the body fatty acids.

They are the ones who make breast milk fatty and high in calories. Together with calcium, acids help women solve problems with nails and hair, which are severely depleted during pregnancy.

The components of the seeds provide the baby’s body with normal fat metabolism. At the same time, the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases decreases. Due to their potassium content, their consumption has a positive effect on muscle tissue.

The seeds increase the amount of milk. Acting as an excellent antidepressant, grains can turn a mommy who is tired from lack of sleep into a positive mood.

The habit of gnawing on seeds allows a woman to pass the time between feedings. Against the background of the above facts, there is an opinion that breastfeeding women can, and even should, use them. However, along with the benefits in sunflower seeds, pumpkin and kozinaki. there may be a threat lurking.

Can a nursing mother have sunflower seeds: raw and roasted?

Raw seeds without pre-roasting retain their nutritional value. While traditionally pan-roasted seeds are stripped of much of their value. Taking care of their own health and that of their baby, mothers prefer to choose raw sunflower seeds.

  1. The only problem that may arise during their use is purely dental in nature.
  2. If you chew them, they spoil tooth enamel. This problem can be solved very simply; it is enough to change the culture of seed consumption.

Peel the seeds from the husks not with your teeth, but with your hands, or buy already peeled seeds. Then the teeth will remain intact, and the baby will receive nutrients along with milk. Raw seeds You don’t have to chew them; as an independent product, they can be added to different dishes.

Can a nursing mother have pumpkin seeds?

As for pumpkin seeds, their greatest value is contained in the greenish crust, which is located immediately under the husk. Therefore, it is very important to properly clean the seeds. The husk must be removed, leaving a green crust. This can be achieved by peeling them with your hands, otherwise everything useful will remain in the husk.

  1. Unlike sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds also very useful.
  2. Have a beneficial effect on immune system.
  3. It is believed that pumpkin seeds are less allergenic, do not clog the intestines and do not irritate the intestinal mucosa.
  4. They are indicated for problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Using seeds as anthelmintic, they cannot harm the baby. Pumpkin seeds have gained popularity due to the fact that they help fight helminthic infestations. It is recommended to eat them raw, without roasting.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat kozinaki from seeds?

If a nursing mother is confident that there is no allergic reaction to the components of kozinak, the risk to the child is reduced. Since they are very nutritious, you should be sure that the baby will not face any extra stress on the body. It is very important to follow the recommendations regarding their inclusion in the diet.

  1. Thanks to the fiber content, intestinal function improves, which can lead to active work digestive system baby.
  2. High nutritional properties will contribute to the rapid saturation of the baby and weight gain.
  3. In combination with walnuts, kozinaki improves the quality and quantity of breast milk.

Kozinaki is often consumed with honey or prepared with a sugar base; these products can be dangerous. Honey and sugar are powerful allergens. The ideal way to use them is to carefully monitor the baby’s condition.

Norms and rules for consuming seeds during lactation

When consuming sunflower, pumpkin or kozinaki seeds, you need to take into account their high calorie content. Therefore, you should not consume more than 100 grams of them per day. It is worth noting that 100 grams of seeds contain more than 600 kcal.

A seemingly harmless glass of sunflower seeds contains half the daily requirement of food calories.

When consuming kozinaki, you must remember that they are based exclusively on carbohydrates and fats. In addition, there may be preservatives present; when purchasing, read their ingredients. Therefore, you need to use this delicacy carefully. 100 grams of kozinaki contains 575 kcal.

Pumpkin seeds are best consumed in the morning. For the first time, it will be enough to eat a few grains. This rule should be followed with any products; introduce them gradually. Observe the baby's reaction. If everything is fine, you can gradually increase the number of seeds. The norm in the daily diet is 70-75 g.

Doctors' opinion

  1. In order to extract the maximum benefit from seeds during lactation, it is recommended to mix seeds and nuts in equal portions.
  2. It is advisable to drink them with milk. Or they can be infused in boiling milk.
  3. Pumpkin seeds are included in the list of products with an average level of allergenic properties. Sunflower - with a high level.
  4. You should definitely follow the advice on how to use them correctly. Don't forget about the quantitative limitation.
  5. Regarding kozinaki, you should avoid peanut, almond and hazelnut varieties. Give preference to kozinaki from sunflower seeds and walnuts.
  6. Consuming the seeds in their usual form gives heavy load on the body, difficulties arise with their digestion.
  7. Foreign researchers have dispelled the myth that seeds and nuts increase the fat content of milk. Amount of fat in breast milk does not increase, but presence changes different types fat What has a beneficial effect on the baby.
  8. It is worth giving up during lactation roasted seeds, as this will negatively affect the fragile body of the newborn.

The seeds are beneficial to the mother and as a remedy against stretch marks during childbirth. If you use them skillfully, there should be no problems. Otherwise, they need to be excluded from the diet of a nursing mother.

A little additional information O proper nutrition You can find out about a nursing mother in the following video.

Good day, my dear readers! Do you like seeds?

I won't mind one small portion. And I also know that there are many girls for whom cracking seeds is a common everyday activity! But here’s the question: is it possible to have seeds while breastfeeding?

For example, I was sure that it was impossible. Misconception? Let's find out!

The vast majority of people are partial to seeds. This is not surprising - not only do these grains perfectly calm the nerves, they also contain a lot of useful properties.

The seeds are also good because they help a woman maintain her beauty and youth, and thanks to its rich composition, they strengthen nails and restore elasticity to the skin. Isn't this what a nursing woman needs?

Most often, pregnant women want sunflower seeds. And indeed, their taste is indescribable, familiar from childhood. Moreover, during the period of breastfeeding, a woman’s body requires vitamins and minerals.

  • proteins;
  • carbohydrates (including sugar);
  • fats (including cholesterol, fiber, sodium, potassium).

By the way, pumpkin seeds are no less beneficial. They are, of course, not as popular as sunflower seeds, but no less good.

Pumpkin seeds contain:

  • manganese;
  • tryptophan;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • protein;
  • zinc;
  • iron.

2. What are the benefits of seeds for women in labor?

So why are seeds not prohibited for women in labor, but even vice versa? I decided to figure it out.

It turns out that due to the fact that the seeds contain a considerable amount of vitamins and minerals, they are perceived by the body more than well:

  1. The seeds are great for soothing nervous system. After childbirth, a woman is more susceptible to depression than usual. Here the seeds act as a natural antidepressant.
  2. Any food that a young mother eats is passed on to her baby through breast milk. This means that any product eaten by a woman in labor (or rather, its vitamins and minerals) must be immediately divided into two. At a minimum, the seeds contain enough calcium, which is necessary for the mother after childbirth for recovery, and for the baby to form bones.
  3. The seeds have a beneficial effect on milk production.

Of course, the list is not complete, but this information is quite enough to make a conclusion: the seeds are really useful for a woman in labor.

Unfortunately, you can’t always eat seeds while breastfeeding. There are several nuances that need to be taken into account before buying another package of seeds.

3. What harm can seeds cause to a nursing mother?

Despite beneficial features seeds, they also have their drawbacks. At a minimum, their calorie content is quite high (see table below). So before you start eating your favorite grains, you need to understand how much you can eat. Usually, a young mother is not recommended to eat more than one small handful of seeds per day.

In addition, the husks of the seeds can negatively affect the tooth enamel of a young mother, damaging it. Therefore, it is important not to forget to brush your teeth after each cracking of seeds.

Other disadvantages include:

  • allergic reaction baby (before you get carried away with eating seeds, you need to check how the baby’s body reacts to this product - try eating 15 grams of seeds first and see if the newborn develops a rash; if the baby is covered in small spots the next day, you will have to give up the seeds);
  • seeds can provoke colic in a newborn (if your baby begins to sleep restlessly, the tummy is swollen, and gas does not go away, stop eating seeds);
  • a large number of seeds can give mother's milk bad taste, as a result of which the baby will refuse the breast.

Be careful!

4. What to do if you really want seeds

There are women who cannot imagine a single day without seeds. There is nothing to worry about if the newborn tolerates this product well. But what should you do if your child has an allergic reaction from the seeds and a bloated tummy?

As they say, there is always a way out, you just need to follow simple recommendations:

  1. You should eat the seeds no later than two hours before the baby is supposed to feed. Then the damage from them will be minimized as much as possible. It's important to eat as much as possible here. healthy products so that the milk does not acquire an unpleasant aftertaste.
  2. You can eat seeds in smaller quantities, gradually reducing the portion to a minimum.
  3. You can replace sunflower seeds with pumpkin seeds. Usually they do not bring discomfort to the baby's body.

Although, of course, it is first necessary to accurately determine whether the baby really has intolerance to seeds. Maybe an allergic reaction occurred to a completely different product.

You can learn more interesting information about seeds from pediatrician Komarovsky - there is a lot of his advice on various topics in the public domain on the Internet.

For more information about nutrition during breastfeeding, watch this video:

On this note, I propose to part with you, but not for long. If you found this article useful, share it with your friends. And subscribe to my updates, I have something to talk about. Bye bye!

For many people, seeds are a fun snack, and for some, they are also an antidepressant of sorts. But it is important to figure out whether a nursing mother can chew seeds, and which seeds should be preferred?

The numerous health benefits of sunflower seeds have made them a popular addition to a snack or even a diet. They are definitely useful. Sunflower seeds are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. They contain vitamin D, vitamin A. Sunflower seeds contain more vitamin D than the weight of cod. Thanks to this vitamin D content, the child will receive it for the necessary growth and mental development directly from milk. Thanks to vitamin D, the mother herself will not have problems with nails and hair. Vitamin A contained in the seeds will help women not only look beautiful, but also improve their health, as it excellent antidepressant and will have a calming effect on the child. Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E. Vitamin E can help improve the condition of cells and the protective activity of the epithelium in a child. Sunflower seeds are also rich in zinc. Zinc may help improve both the number of active immune cells and the mobility of white blood cells. In addition, zinc is very important for normal operation intestines, as it normalizes the balance of body fluids and improves intestinal condition. Sunflower seeds are rich in antioxidants, which help protect baby and mother from free radicals.

In addition, sunflower seeds are rich in fatty acids, which are beneficial for the brain development of a growing fetus. They are also high in fiber, which can help prevent constipation during feeding. Constipation can occur during lactation as new mothers are unable to move freely and this will slow down bowel movements.

Sunflower seeds are a rich source of folate and various minerals such as iron, calcium, zinc, selenium and copper. Folic acid in sunflower seeds helps in the formation of red blood cells, which are the main source of oxygen for the cells of a growing baby. Lack of folic acid causes various problems, such as developmental disorders in your growing child. Additionally, folic acid found in sunflower seeds may help prevent birth defects in newborns. Because the daily need V different substances any mother, when feeding her child increases, the need for folic acid. Therefore, such a source of this acid will be an excellent addition to your diet.

Thus, sunflower seeds can be eaten while breastfeeding, but in moderation. However, it is recommended to choose sunflower seeds carefully as many products available in the market contain many preservatives.

Roasted seeds during breastfeeding do not contain vitamins, so you should give preference to drying them in the oven and eating them without salt.

Kozinaki made from seeds during breastfeeding can be used as an alternative to fried seeds, but you need to know exactly the composition of what is contained in kozinaki. After all, excess glucose or dyes can cause problems with stool or allergic reactions in the child.

Sesame seeds are also very useful during breastfeeding. In ancient times, it was believed that sesame seeds could cause miscarriage during pregnancy, mainly because they are “hot” in nature and generate heat in the abdomen. However, there are no scientific research to prove that sesame seeds can be harmful, and when taken in moderation, they can actually become wonderful and healthy food when feeding. Make sure that you are not allergic to sesame seeds and you can easily consume them without harming yourself or your baby.

Sesame seeds are rich in calcium, amino acids, proteins, vitamins B, C, E and even iron, all of which are extremely important minerals.

Constipation - a common problem observed in nursing mothers. Sesame seeds are one of the best natural products that may help solve the problem. Adding sesame seeds to your foods can help soften stools and even affect your baby's bowel movements. Sesame seeds are filled with nutrients that boost health and immunity. Consuming sesame seeds during the winter can boost your immune defenses and protect against colds and flu.

Most women tend to lack calcium, and sesame seeds are indeed natural source this vital mineral. Sesame seeds are one of the best natural power boosters. They strengthen muscles and nerves and make the body energetic. Consuming sesame seeds is believed to reduce mental weakness and stress, and slow down aging.

One more healthy seeds during lactation - these are flax seeds.

Flax seeds contain some vital nutrients that you need during lactation. Flax seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, which your body and baby need. In addition to being an excellent source of two essential fatty acids for human health, linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid, flax seeds are also good source fiber, minerals and vitamins. The laxative properties of flax seeds help prevent constipation in a child.

Pumpkin seeds while breastfeeding are incredibly beneficial for breastfeeding mothers' diets, especially for increasing milk supply. Pumpkin seeds are full of nutrients. These seeds also contain various minerals and vitamins. Recent research points to the importance of having adequate levels of zinc in your breast milk for healthy lactation. Why do children need zinc? Zinc supports a healthy immune system and protects against colds and infections. Zinc is great for baby's skin and it also helps in brain development. Zinc allows your baby's body to also absorb other vital nutrients. Zinc does not accumulate in the body, so it is important that mom consumes it regularly to maintain zinc levels. Roasting pumpkin seeds is a quick and delicious way to make sure you're getting enough zinc for your baby.