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Slow carbohydrate foods. What are slow carbohydrates and how do they help you lose weight?

For those who dream of being slim, the very phrase “carbohydrates for weight loss” is perceived as something paradoxical. After all, most diets are based on their absence or minimal quantities. In fact, this approach is fundamentally wrong. It is because of this that the diet is called unbalanced and unhealthy. The Right Attitude eating carbohydrate-containing foods is the key to safe and sustainable weight loss.

Effect on the body

When losing weight, you cannot exclude carbohydrates from your diet for the simple reason that they perform vital functions in the body:

  • are the main source of energy;
  • form cell membranes;
  • cleanse the body of toxins (which is not a plus for weight loss, as opposed to);
  • protect against viruses and bacteria, strengthening the immune system;
  • stabilize the functioning of internal organs;
  • strengthen muscles;
  • create a feeling of satiety;
  • exclude afternoon depression, lethargy, drowsiness and fatigue.

This group includes substances:

  • glycogen - is gradually processed into glucose, there is a lot of it in pork, beef and chicken liver, yeast, crab meat;
  • starch - turns into dextrose, found in potatoes, grains and legumes;
  • fiber - is considered a brush for the intestines, as it thoroughly cleanses almost the entire digestive tract: leaving the body naturally, takes with it toxins, wastes, bad cholesterol and others harmful substances;
  • inulin - formed from fructose, sends a signal to the brain about saturation, is present in some plants (for example, chicory and artichoke), replaces granulated sugar for diabetics;
  • pectin - found in fruits and vegetables.

We conclude that slow carbohydrates very useful for losing weight, as they eliminate spikes in blood sugar and provide a feeling of fullness for several hours. Isn't this the dream of everyone who follows a diet? And as a pleasant bonus, they act as an inexhaustible source of energy for intense physical activity, which allows you to burn as many calories as possible.

What is the glycemic index?

For weight loss, the concept of the glycemic index of foods, which is precisely related to carbohydrates, is very important. The faster they are digested, the higher the GI and the more undesirable it is to use such food as part of the diet. The slower the breakdown, the lower the GI and the more effective such food is for weight loss.

Wow! There is an opinion that a person does not gain weight from buns and fast food. To prove their theory, English scientists studied the lifestyle and nutrition of the Asian population in the past, when there was no talk of civilization. The basis of their diet was rice and bakery products. Despite this, they had slender and fit figures. Researchers claim that main reason excess weight - not in carbohydrates, but in a sedentary lifestyle.

Product Lists

If you have successfully figured out which carbohydrates are right and which are not, it’s time to make a list of foods that you can safely include in your diet. And at the same time we are sketching out a second one - already one of the harmful ones.

You can eat (foods containing slow carbohydrates):

  • legumes, including soybeans;
  • dark chocolate (cocoa bean content - at least 75%);
  • mushrooms;
  • greens: dill, basil, lettuce;
  • porridge from cereals: oatmeal, millet, pearl barley;
  • pasta from durum wheat;
  • natural yogurt without dyes;
  • vegetables: onions, leeks, zucchini, spinach, tomatoes, peppers, Bay leaf;
  • nuts;
  • papaya, sweet potato, mango, persimmon;
  • fresh fruits with minimal fructose content: kiwi, cherry, apple, tangerine;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • bread;
  • berries: plum, cranberry, cherry.

You should not eat (foods containing fast carbohydrates):

  • quick soups;
  • baked goods: sweet rolls, white flour bread, biscuits, donuts;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • potato;
  • candies;
  • vegetables: turnips, celery root, carrots;
  • cookie;
  • beer;
  • syrups;
  • sweet fruits: bananas, watermelon, grapes;
  • fruit juices.

These are not all foods containing carbohydrates (there are too many of them), but it is quite possible to create a menu from them in balance with proteins that will protect muscle mass from breakdown, forcing the body to expend energy directly from fat reserves.

Rejoice! Researchers from Tel Aviv University said that eating carbohydrates for breakfast eliminates the desire to indulge in sweets throughout the day. But at the same time it needs to be combined with something protein.

Some useful tips will allow you to organize nutrition correctly and achieve results.

  • Daily carbohydrate intake

An adult needs from 100 to 500 g of carbohydrates per day. This figure depends on your lifestyle (sedentary or active), intensity of sports, height and weight. Those who engage in mental work need to eat about 400 g of carbohydrate-containing food, and if they do physical work, then about 500. For more accurate calculations, nutritionists offer the following formulas: 5 g of carbohydrate products per 1 kg of body weight (for office workers) or 8 g per 1 kg of body weight (for athletes).

  • Sports activities

Carbohydrates are not included in diets due to their high calorie content. In this regard, their use as part of weight loss must necessarily be accompanied by intense exercise. They will allow you to burn extra calories and speed up fat burning. Some nutritionists and trainers advise eating a carbohydrate meal about an hour before training to provide needed energy, increase endurance and improve performance. physical indicators, eliminating the debilitating feeling of hunger.

  • Diet

Firstly, meals should be fractional. Secondly, meals should always be taken at the same time. Thirdly, carbohydrate foods should be eaten in the morning, for breakfast, so that the feeling of fullness lasts as long as possible and eliminates snacking. However, the last rule does not work for those who suffer and are used to eating at night. In this case, it is better to eat food rich in slow carbohydrates for dinner.

  1. Constantly count daily calorie content the food you consume. The indicator should not exceed 1,200 kcal for women and 1,500 for men.
  2. Drink enough water: the average daily intake is at least 2 liters.
  3. To lose weight, choose foods rich in fiber.
  4. Carbohydrates are ideally combined with proteins, since insulin, produced when the former is consumed, transports to the cells the amino acids formed during the processing of the latter.
  5. Do not choose mono-fasting - give preference to combined diets, so that the diet includes cereals, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products.
  6. Cooking methods can be anything except frying.
  7. Fatty foods (pork, mayonnaise, etc.) are excluded.
  8. Have dinner no later than 19.00.

Carefully! Fast carbohydrates, according to scientists, can cause real addiction, similar to drug addiction.

Sample menu

Let's consider sample menu for a week. You can adjust the diet, but when forming it, consider the following points:

  • lunch portions of the first and second courses should not exceed 200 g;
  • breakfast and dinner - 200 g each;
  • for lunch you can eat 1 medium-sized low-calorie fruit;
  • for an afternoon snack - 1 glass of any low-calorie drink.

Dishes can be replaced with others to suit your taste, but the main thing is to maintain the BJU ratio and portion size in them. And always remember that fast carbohydrates will not bring you any good.

Where are the myths and where is the truth? Some scientists claim that carbohydrate foods contribute to the development cancer cells. Others say that it prolongs life.


To make it easier to create a menu, we suggest delicious recipes, which are very easy to prepare at home. Low in calories, made from slow carbohydrates, very nutritious, they will brighten up any diet and contribute to weight loss rather than weight gain.

  • Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms

For a glass of buckwheat - half a liter of water. Boil the cereal, add a little salt. Separately stew 300 g of champignons. Mix both dishes while they are still hot. Pepper, season with a small amount olive oil. An ideal carbohydrate breakfast for weight loss that will provide energy for the whole day.

  • Georgian lobio

Soak 300 g red beans in 500 ml cold water 3 hours. Boil until done. Finely chop a medium-sized onion and saute it. 100 g walnuts pass through a meat grinder, mix them with any spices (khmeli-suneli, pepper). Combine beans, onions and nuts, heat in a dry frying pan for 10 minutes.

  • Stuffed zucchini

250 g of freshly ground spelled (cereal, a type of wheat, sold in stores, contains slow carbohydrates), pour 500 ml of water, add 2 bay leaves, add a little salt and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Leave on low heat, covered, for 20 minutes. Peel, rinse and cut 1 kg of zucchini into halves. Scoop out the pulp with a spoon. Add salt and place on a baking sheet. Cool the spelled mass, remove the bay leaf. Add 2 to it egg yolks, pepper, mustard, 2 chopped garlic cloves. Fill the zucchini halves with the resulting mixture. Place in the oven preheated to 200°C and bake for 30 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Healthy, sustainable weight loss is not a mono-hunger strike, which first leads to physical and moral exhaustion, then to a breakdown, and ends in overeating and even more weight gain. Proper Use healthy carbohydrates will balance the diet and allow you to eat tasty and beneficial for your figure. Just differentiate them into good and bad: feel free to use the first (within reasonable limits, of course), and refuse the second or minimize their quantity.

If you decide to lose weight, you need to learn as much as possible about the properties of various products. Everyone knows how harmful fatty foods and sweets are for your figure. However, an equally important role in nutrition is played by the question of who contains slow carbohydrates. Products with them should be consumed daily, because they are very useful.

These substances have most valuable property: They break down slowly. So before they are converted to main source energy - glucose - a lot of time will pass and you will not need to replenish your reserves vitality too often.

In addition, (the list of products will be given below) help maintain normal blood sugar levels. That is why not only those losing weight, but also diabetics need to know where these substances are contained.

Slow carbohydrates. Grocery list

It is very important to plan your daily diet in advance. Then you will eat only what you need. As already mentioned, slow carbohydrates play a decisive role in nutrition. A table is the most convenient option for distributing products. It is easy and simple to use.


The largest amount of them is concentrated in various types of legumes. These products are also high in protein, so they are useful for those who play sports and strive to build muscle mass.

These are lentils, peas, beans, including green beans.
MeatOf course, slow carbohydrates are found in meat.

For those who bring their body back to normal, it is important to eat fish, chicken meat, veal.

Flour productsYou should not think that you will have to completely give up flour.In the first half of the day, it is quite acceptable to eat wholemeal bread, as well as pasta made from durum wheat.
VegetablesAnd, of course, vegetables contain large quantities of slow carbohydrates. which can be consumed throughout the day is quite extensive.

These are cabbage (white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower), onions, zucchini, peppers, mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes, leeks.

FruitsFruits contain enough a large number of sugar, but many of them are also rich in slow carbohydrates.These include dried apricots, oranges, apples, avocados, ripe bananas, cherries, peaches, grapefruits, and pears.
PorridgeFor breakfast you need to eat porridge.

Slow carbohydrates are found in all varieties except semolina, as well as white and Greatest benefit Buckwheat, oats, wheat, millet, pearl barley porridge have.

It is important to understand that nutrition should be correct regardless of whether you want to lose weight or not. should form a significant part of the diet of both adults and children. They will provide not only physical, but also. Therefore, be sure to include slow carbohydrates in your diet. The list of products given in the article will help you.

It has long been proven that when eating food with complex carbohydrates, a person will always remain in good mood. Therefore, in case of stress and failure, it is better to eat an apple rather than a chocolate bar.

Carbohydrates are an organic compound of sugars, complex and simple, that are present in the cells of living organisms. They are produced in the process of complex photosynthesis, transforming into clean energy that ensures the full functioning of human organs. They are divided into slow and fast carbohydrates.

Types of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates - made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, usually natural origin. Conventionally, they consist of units representing saccharides. They are divided into simple and complex: those containing one unit are called monosaccharides, oligosaccharides contain from three to 9 units, polysaccharides consist of 10 or more units. Complex ones are those consisting of three or more units.

Due to the ability of monosaccharides to quickly increase blood glucose levels, they are called fast or simple. Foods rich in complex carbohydrates increase levels gradually, which is why they are called slow carbohydrates.

Fast carbohydrates

Cane sugar 96,2
White Wheat flour 85.1
Rice noodles 83,2
Honey 80,3
Polished rice 78,6
Pasta made from soft wheat varieties 74,2
Canned peaches 68,6
Raisin 65,0
Boiled beets 64,1

Sources of slow carbohydrates

When consumed healthy products energy saturation occurs, while mood and physical state, slow satiation leads to eating less food, as a result, weight gradually decreases.

Beneficial features

Cooking pasta - slow carbohydrates are present in durum wheat

The importance of slow carbohydrates for body cells has long been known, due to the components of the chemical compound:

Glycogen— in the process of glycogenesis, it is converted in the liver from glucose entering the human body along with food. If the amount of polysaccharides is insufficient, the body takes glycogen from its own reserves.

Cellulose- necessary for the full functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If there is a shortage, peristalsis is disrupted, which leads to intestinal diseases. Removes toxins, normalizes.

Starch- promotes the gradual absorption of glucose, thanks to it there is no sharp change in blood sugar readings - a decrease or increase.

Cellulose- this plant polysaccharide. It is broken down gradually in the gastrointestinal tract, releasing a significant amount of energy.

Insulin- plays important role in metabolism. Necessary for people whose pancreas does not produce its own insulin, that is, those suffering diabetes mellitus.

The importance of slow carbohydrates during pregnancy

Complex saccharides perform following functions:

  • are an excellent source of energy;
  • improve digestion and metabolic processes;
  • normalize glucose levels;
  • maintains normal weight;
  • fight depression;
  • have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

Their deficiency leads to a decrease in mental abilities, deterioration of concentration, problems with sleep, and negatively affects the condition muscle tissue.

It is necessary to maintain the required amount of polysaccharides during pregnancy, as they normalize the functioning of the pancreas. Particularly important for women with disorders endocrine system where there are problems with insulin production. Improves peristalsis and fights constipation.

Important function slow carbohydrates is the fact that the body spends a lot of energy on their breakdown, this makes it possible to maintain normal weight. It is a supplier of vitamins and minerals that are essential for the normal development of the fetus.

How much is needed for a balanced diet?

Amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in a balanced diet

Scientists propose a formula where the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 1:1:4, respectively. If we talk about the quantitative consumption of carbohydrates, there are no universal indications for all people - each person is individual. Needs may vary depending on age, physical activity, gender, goal (desire to lose weight or gain muscle mass) and other factors. On average, according to nutritionists, men should consume 260 g, women 220 g daily.

Losing weight without harm to health

Doctors say that by regularly consuming foods rich in polysaccharides, you can cleanse yourself of toxins, normalize cholesterol, and also significantly reduce weight without exhausting yourself with strict diets and physical activity.

There are many, but they all require compliance certain rules:

  • eat at least five times a day, last time- until 19:00.
  • amount of food - no more than 200 grams per meal;
  • giving up alcohol;
  • limit the amount of refined sugar in your diet to a minimum;
  • drink more water.

Since the menu contains proteins and fats, the food will be varied and balanced.
A person with such a diet does not experience weakness and dizziness, because he does not exhaust himself with hunger.

Heart function improves and vascular system by refusing fatty foods, the glycemic index decreases, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves.

To prepare for a leaner than usual diet, a few days before starting the diet, it is advisable to reduce the amount of food eaten at one time by about 40%. The day before the start of the course, do a fasting day - drink only kefir with reduced content fat Choose a time that is not filled with activities and refuse to play sports during this time.

Five-day slow carb diet

First day Cereals without sugar and oil;
Steam chicken cutlet, cucumber;
Stew - zucchini, tomatoes, onions, sweet peppers;
Vegetable salad;
Kefir, apple.
Second day Steam omelette, tea;
Cheese, a piece of bread, a chicory drink;
Steamed fish, stewed vegetables;
Curdled milk, plums;
Mushrooms with herbs;
Boiled rice, salad.
The third day Coffee, low-fat cottage cheese;
Cheese, bread, pear;
Boiled veal, vegetables;
Stewed beans with herbs, herbal decoction;
Kefir with crackers, banana;
Boiled lentils, fruit drink.
Fourth day Tea, boiled egg, bread;
Yogurt, banana;
Mushroom soup, bread, salad;
Baked fish, tomatoes,
A serving of brown rice, compote without sugar;
Kefir, boiled breast, tomato.
Fifth day Coffee with milk, buckwheat;
Curdled milk, bread;
Green cabbage soup, bread, banana;
Boiled fish with vegetables, juice;
Mushrooms with buckwheat, Herb tea;
Vegetable salad, matsoni, berries
What you are allowed to eat when losing weight:
  1. Low-fat varieties fish and seafood.
  2. Poultry, rabbit, veal, beef,
  3. Brown rice, pearl barley and buckwheat, oatmeal, millet;
  4. Cucumbers, tomatoes, all types of cabbage, zucchini, eggplants, onions, radishes, green peas; beans, lentils, peas, chickpeas; mushrooms;
  5. Greens - parsley, cilantro, tarragon, dill, basil;
  6. Fruits and berries - currants, apples, pears, watermelons, plums, citrus fruits, kiwi, cherries and others; dried fruits.

Knowing the diet plan for weight loss, you can create a diet yourself - the result will be excellent.

Glycemic index

Glucose is the final stage in the processing of any type of sugar, which occurs as a result chemical reactions body tissues. To characterize the speed of this process, the concept of glycemic index (GI) was introduced. Glucose is 100 units.

GI is divided into levels - low, medium and high, respectively: from 10 to 40; from 40 to 60, from 60 to 100. The higher the index, the faster sugar rises when consumed.

It is believed that in complex “useful” polysaccharides the glycemic index should not exceed 69.

Foods with high and medium glycemic levels:

  • beer - 110;
  • white rice, pasta, honey, pies, peaches - 90;
  • croissants, sweet carbonated drinks, cheesecakes, halva, brown sugar - 70;
  • ice cream, pancakes, tea and coffee, dumplings, full-fat sour cream and mayonnaise - 60;
  • meat and fish cutlets, mango, brown rice, yoghurt with sugar, liver, eggs - 50;
  • apples, quince, low-fat yogurt, green peas, vermicelli, plums - 35;
  • currants, cherries, strawberries, pumpkin seeds, gooseberries, full-fat kefir - 25;
  • almonds, celery, cashews, cauliflower and white cabbage, cucumber, nuts, mushrooms, zucchini, onions, peanuts, salted, bran, kefir, olives - 15;
  • lettuce, seeds - 9.

Knowing the index, you can completely abandon harmful products.

During carbohydrate starvation, the production of prolactin and cortisol increases, and the function of thyroid gland. This leads to bad mood, chronic fatigue, swelling, suffering digestive system. But doctors also do not recommend getting too carried away with such food; this can lead to obesity and other negative consequences.

At each meal, half the plate should be occupied by a vegetable salad, 1/4 each by carbohydrates and proteins, and a tablespoon of any vegetable oil- olive, flaxseed or sunflower.

The right image life includes not only the renunciation bad habits as well as sports and balanced diet. To do this, the diet must be varied and include all the necessary components. In this case, excellent health and an excellent figure are guaranteed.

It is known that the most popular substance for ensuring normal life activity and everything human body are carbohydrates. As numerous studies show, there should be at least half of the total daily norm nutrients. They are essential for regulating blood glucose levels, which affects brain function, and help the body process fats and proteins needed to increase muscle mass.

It follows from this that a decrease in the amount of carbohydrates consumed leads to various physical and nervous ailments, in particular, a decrease in stress resistance and performance. That is why it is important to learn how to choose carbohydrates for your diet, and also to understand what properties fast and slow carbohydrates have. Let's figure it out together.

Carbohydrates are substances called saccharides. Those that contain one unit are usually called monosaccharides, while two units are disaccharides. These substances are also called fast carbohydrates, since they rapidly increase the level of glucose in the blood, and besides, they are endowed with high glycemic index(GI).

Carbohydrates that consist of three or more saccharide units are called polysaccharides or slow carbohydrates. Polysaccharides slowly increase blood glucose levels and have a low GI.

In turn, each of these types is divided into groups.

Simple carbohydrates


Glucose (or dextrose as it is also called) is a kind of energy reserve concentrated in the muscles and liver in the form of glycogen. Glucose is found in foods such as grapes, all kinds of berries, citrus fruits, carrots and corn.

Fructose - this substance can be found in all types of honey, ripe fruits and vegetables that have a sweetish taste. This product is absorbed somewhat less well than dextrose. Before processing it, the body is forced to “convert” fructose into glucose.

Galactose - found in fermented milk products, such as cottage cheese, cheeses and others.


Sucrose - the bulk of this substance is concentrated in sugar (beet, brown and cane). Partially found in ripe vegetables and fruits (no more than 9%).

Lactose – milk sugar, a one-of-a-kind carbohydrate that is of animal origin. Because of this, it is an extremely valuable component of every person’s diet. This product is found in milk and ranges from two to eight percent, depending on the type of milk.

Maltose is a natural sugar that is formed during the formation of malt and fermentation of grapes. Maltose can be found in beer, muesli and citrus fruits.

An excess of carbohydrates of this type (various jams, granulated sugar, baked goods with cream, etc.) has a very detrimental effect on the condition of the body. They quickly enter the bloodstream, which leads to the release of insulin. As a result, you can dial excess weight or worse, obesity may develop.

Complex carbohydrates

Glycogen is processed by the liver into glucose. When the body does not receive the required amount of carbohydrates, this product can be formed from proteins and fats. This substance can be obtained from pork, beef, and chicken liver. There is plenty of glycogen in yeast cells, as well as in crab meat.

Starch – thanks to catalysts, it is converted into dextrose and maintains its level in the body. These substances are found in potatoes, grains and legumes.

Fiber – 2/3 of this component passes through digestive tract and leaves the body naturally, “taking” with it “bad” cholesterol and other harmful substances. Helps protect the intestines from various diseases.

Insulin is formed from fructose residues. Acts as a reserve carbohydrate for most plants. For example, insulin can be found in the cells of chicory and artichoke. This substance is used as a replacement for granulated sugar for people suffering from diabetes.

Pectin plays the role of stabilizing products. Unripe fruits and vegetables contain propectin, which is converted into pectin when they ripen.

Complex carbohydrates are substances that are very rich in fiber, which helps improve the functioning of the digestive system. They gradually release their sugar into the blood, helping to maintain normal level energy. Thanks to this product the feeling of satiety with the food consumed is maintained sufficiently long time. By using complex carbohydrates, you can reduce the amount of calories your body needs, which will help you lose weight. In addition, polysaccharides will be an excellent source of nutrition for active physical activities.

Carbohydrate to Protein Ratio

By reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed and adhering to a dietary nutrition program, each person must include a certain amount of protein in their menu to balance all the beneficial substances.

Thanks to this, it is possible to prevent the consumption of nitrogen, the deficiency of which, in turn, leads to malfunctions muscular system or to a decrease in muscle mass. In addition, the body urgently needs excess protein, which, transformed in the liver into dextrose, is needed to ensure the normal functioning of both the brain and the central nervous system.

Slow and fast carbohydrates in food

To properly introduce carbohydrates into your diet, you need to know what the glycemic index of a particular product is.

The table below contains a list of foods that contain fast carbohydrates.

List of food products GI indicator List of food products GI indicator
Fried potatoes 90 Zucchini caviar 85
Watermelon 65 Muesli 90
Honey 85 Beer of any kind 105
Syrup made from rice and wheat 95 Glucose syrup 110
Starch 105 Glucose 115
Maltodextrin 90 Potatoes baked in the oven 105
Rice flour 90 Potato starch 105
Fried potatoes, french fries 90 Rice lean porridge 100
Instant Potatoes 95 White bread without gluten 100
Celery root 90 Cornflakes 95
Maranta 80 Boiled or steamed carrots 90
Refined wheat flour 80 Corn starch 90
Turnip 80 Rice pudding 90
Rice milk 80 Parsnip 90
Popcorn without any additives 80 Hamburger buns 90
White sandwich bread 80 Tapioca (cereal) 90
Rice biscuits, puffed rice 80 Instant rice cereal 90
Pumpkin 85 Mashed potatoes 75
Syrup made from corn 125 Lasagna 80
Sweet waffles 80 Donuts 80
Milk rice porridge 85 Aerial amaranth 75
Bagels and bagels 65 White bread, loaf, buns 75
Corn porridge 80 Biscuit 65
Grocery list GI indicator Grocery list GI indicator
Fresh tomatoes 15 Pearl barley 25
Fresh cucumbers 25 Pasta made from durum wheat flour 40
Bulb onions 15 Medium fat milk 37
Broccoli 15 Medium fat cottage cheese 35
Fresh white cabbage 15 Medium fat kefir 30
Fresh carrots 25 Low-fat cream 35
Canned olives 25 Sea kale 20
Canned olives 20 Boiled sausages 30
Fresh grapefruit 18 Smoked sausage 37
Fresh apples 25 Ketchup and other tomato-based sauces 15
Fresh apricots 25 Tomato juice 20
Fresh oranges 40 Kvass 35
Fresh peaches 25 Wine 28
Fresh black currant 20 Nuts 20
Dried prunes 30 Marmalade 28
Dried dried apricots 35 Bitter chocolate 18
Boiled potatoes 75 Oatmeal 70
boiled rice 75 Buckwheat porridge 48
Fresh persimmon 60 Rye flour bread 70
Fresh melon 55 Processed cheese 55
Fresh bananas 55 Chees Feta 48
Sauces based on eggs and vegetable oil 55 Sugar free coffee 50

How to properly consume herbal substances?

For preparing food that will contain small amounts simple carbohydrates, preference should be given to boiled or baked foods. Must be excluded from your diet fried foods and smoked meats. Vegetables in the diet should be fresh or steamed. Fish and meat are baked on the grill (or in the oven) or boiled.

This regimen and diet will help the body normalize the process of assimilation of organic nutrients. Thanks to this method of eating food, you can get rid of extra pounds, as well as normalize insulin levels in the blood.

A complete rejection of carbohydrates is strictly prohibited, otherwise you can harm the liver and kidneys, which will lead to worsening general condition human health.

Choose only the right products nutrition and be healthy!

    From athletes and followers healthy eating You can often hear the following phrase: - this is evil, and slow carbohydrates are good. But is everything really so clear? The issue requires detailed study. In this article we will look at the process of converting slow carbohydrates and their effect on the body of a professional CrossFit athlete and representatives of other sports.

    General information

    Complex carbohydrates - what are they and how do they affect the body? If you are familiar with, then you know that the body is traditionally accustomed to drawing all its energy from carbohydrates. It breaks them down completely and releases the resulting sugar into the blood. But the body hides any excess energy in the fat depot. Slow carbohydrates are a way to prevent the accumulation of excess fat. Due to their structure, they are extremely slowly converted into pure sugar, and, therefore, energy enters the blood in doses.

    What does this mean in practice:

  1. The body has time to spend almost all the energy received from slow carbohydrates, therefore, it does not need to convert it into fat.
  2. If some excess caloric intake is observed, then with slow carbohydrates it will most likely have time to break down into, bypassing the stage of release of triglycerides and alkaloids.
  3. Complete absence of load on the liver.

The remarkable properties of complex carbohydrates have made them a traditional source of excess calories in the diet. However, this does not mean that if you replace sweets with porridge, you will begin to lose weight. No, you’ll just be full for much longer, which means you’ll eat less and less often.

Product groups

Considering which products contain complex carbohydrates, we must not forget the fact that in the process of chewing or cooking, slow carbohydrates can turn into fast ones. The most simple example wheat can serve.

  • Raw wheat is rich in fiber - the standard of slow carbohydrates.
  • Refined wheat - devoid of fiber, slightly higher.
  • Wheat porridge is still considered a slow carbohydrate, although its GI significantly exceeds standard standards.
  • Wholemeal flour is already considered fast carbohydrates, although this factor is leveled out high content fiber.
  • Baking made from wholemeal flour is considered healthy dietary dish, although in fact these are fast carbohydrates.
  • Fine flour is a very fast carbohydrate.
  • Baked goods made from finely ground flour are highly not recommended for consumption due to the extremely high glycemic index.

The raw product has an extremely low level and is considered a slow carbohydrate. At the same time, baked goods made from wheat, which has simply been finely ground, are practically devoid of starch compounds. Instead, under the influence of mechanical and thermal factors, all carbohydrates are converted from slow carbohydrates into classic monosaccharides.

Group 1: cereals

This is one of the slowest sources of carbohydrates. During the digestion process, carbohydrates from cereals turn into sugar for a long time, thanks to which they nourish the body throughout the day. That is why it is recommended to use porridge to maintain strength even on diets.

Group 2: Starchy foods

First of all, these are potatoes and corn. This is a faster group of carbohydrates, but the process of converting starch into monosaccharide is associated with additional fermentation of foods - the missing enzymes take a relatively long time to produce, so they can still be called slow.

Group 3: Fiber-rich vegetables

Even if these are foods containing sugar, fiber almost completely compensates for this deficiency. Fiber cannot be absorbed by our body and binds sugar molecules together. The body first needs to separate the monosaccharide from the fiber, which requires a lot of energy and time.

Below is a table of foods with slow carbohydrates.

This table contains more than just pure carbohydrate foods. Many protein foods contain fiber or substances that break down into simple sugars during digestion.

In addition, in the table you will find products whose value significantly exceeds the threshold of 70. But at the same time, they are still considered products with a low glycemic index. The thing is that some of the products contain fructose instead of glucose, so the process of digestion occurs without the participation of insulin. Another reason why products are included in the table is the glycemic load, which is considered an integral component of slow carbohydrates. This parameter is the primary coefficient for determining GI. And in fact, to determine the real index, it must be multiplied by the coefficient, dividing by 100%.

Apple juice (no sugar)51 10
Black yeast bread75 12
Whole wheat bread75 25
51 32
Sushi55 45
Spaghetti55 10
Sorbent75 40
Orange juice75 32
Sweet canned corn57 47
(boiled or stewed)75 10
Fresh pineapple77 12
Basmati rice51 25
Rye bread75 32
Wheat flour78 45
Sprouted wheat grains73 10
Industrial mayonnaise71 40
Pizza on thin wheat dough with tomatoes and cheese71 32
Shortbread55 47
Fresh papaya58 10
Wheat flour pancakes73 12
Oatmeal71 25
Muesli with sugar75 32
Ice cream (with added sugar)71 45
Marmalade75 10
Mango51 40
Pasta with cheese75 32
Lychee51 47
Lasagna71 10
Brown brown rice51 12
Canned pineapple75 25
Canned Peaches55 32
Canned vegetables75 45
Cranberry juice (no sugar)51 10
Maple syrup75 40
Kiwi51 32
Ketchup55 47
Chestnut71 10
Boiled potatoes in their jackets75 12
Cocoa powder (with added sugar)71 25
Raisin75 32
Melon71 45
Long grain rice71 10
Jam75 40
Mustard55 32
Grape juice (no sugar)55 47
Instant oatmeal77 10
Bulgur55 12
Yam (sweet potato)75 25
Banana71 32
Arabic pita57 45
Pineapple juice without sugar51 10

The effect of carbohydrates on the body

Yes, complex carbohydrates are not suitable for closing the carbohydrate window. The thing is that due to the low rate of breakdown, they do not have time to cover and the body begins optimization processes, which is fraught with additional muscle destruction. However, this can also be used to your advantage. First, slow carbohydrates help you stay full longer. This is important in cases where a person goes on a diet, which is characterized by limiting not only calorie intake, but also reducing the amount. Secondly, slow carbohydrates maintain a positive energy balance throughout the night. Therefore, it is important to load up on slow carbohydrates along with for the night. This will avoid optimization processes.

And most importantly, slow carbohydrates are not stressful for the body, since they do not create energy surges, which are characterized by further exhaustion without maintaining the appropriate energy level with external nutrition.

To summarize

And yet, slow carbohydrates are really ideal source energy and protection from all troubles? Yes and no. Slow carbohydrates are not a panacea, despite all their benefits. Excess calories remain excess calories, and it doesn’t matter where you get it from - from a sweet cake or from healthy buckwheat porridge.

If you consistently exceed the recommended dosage of calories per day and do not waste excess energy, sooner or later the body will learn to redistribute reserves, replenishing not only glycogen, but also fat depots. Main danger is that slow carbohydrates form a complete fat cell, which is much more difficult to break down than a fast carbohydrate that is not completely bound by an alkaloid. This means that the fat gained on buckwheat porridge will be much more difficult to lose, since it will require not only a calorie deficit, but also special aerobic exercise. This is why all CrossFit athletes do not look at the sources of carbohydrates, but monitor their quantity.