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Wheat for sprouting at home - composition, medicinal and beneficial properties, benefits and harms. Calorie content. How to germinate. How to use. Whole grain wheat flour. How to choose and how to store. Contraindications. - Self-transcendence. How fast

Bread with a golden brown crust, fragrant buns, tender cookies and pasta - just a small list of what is made from wheat.

Products made from wheat, or more precisely from wheat flour, are among the ten most harmful. The opposite can be said about sprouted wheat – it is in the top 5 healthy food and it is called one of the sources of health, energy and youth. You can find out more about the benefits of sprouted wheat in one of the previous ones. Now let's move on to how to germinate wheat for food.

Where to buy and how to choose wheat for germination

For germination you only need whole grains wheat - these can be found in supermarkets.
Where exactly to purchase wheat is up to you to decide. Buying grains in a supermarket is convenient and safe. Purchasing beans on the market has advantages and disadvantages.

  1. Unlike store-bought wheat, loose wheat is cheaper.
  2. Wheat sold by weight, examine the integrity of the shell and debris. The type of wheat for germination does not matter. The main thing is that it is fresh - it should be no more than one year old, and without damage. The market sometimes sells grains that have been treated with chemicals to increase yield. And in online stores you buy goods blindly and cannot evaluate the quality of the product.

How to germinate wheat

Sprouting wheat at home is a simple process. Since it is not recommended to store sprouted grains for more than two days, it is better to “put it on stream” and cook healthy food daily. Moreover, it will not take much of your time and effort.

As a rule, wheat germinates within 24 hours. although sometimes there are varieties that germinate in about two days, so it is more convenient to harvest in the morning. In this case, the grains will be ready by morning next day and you can eat them for breakfast. By the way, it is very useful to eat wheat on an empty stomach.

Let's start the germination process:

  1. Decide how much wheat you need to prepare so as not to throw away excess. The recommended daily serving of sprouted grains for one person is at least 1 tbsp. l. If desired, it can be increased: it is harmless.
  2. Pour the wheat onto a sheet of paper and sort through it, removing debris and spoiled grains. Place in a colander and rinse.
  3. Select a container for sprouting wheat: porcelain, glass, ceramic, enamel or plastic. But not aluminum. It is important that the dishes have a flat, wide bottom, on which all the grains will fit in 1-2 layers. For example, if you are preparing 1-2 servings, it is convenient to use a plastic container. For larger quantities, use a baking sheet or tray.
  4. Place the wheat in a container and pour clean water. Stir and remove any remaining debris and floating grains, as they are dead and unlikely to germinate. Drain the liquid, distribute the grains in an even layer and fill with water at room temperature - preferably purified or settled, so that it reaches slightly to the edge of the top grains. Cover them with several layers of damp gauze or cover the container with a lid so that there is a gap to retain moisture in the wheat and allow air to enter.
  5. Place the grains in a dark, warm place. The temperature should be around 22°C. You can sprout wheat at home by placing the grains in the refrigerator. But the method has no advantages - it increases the germination time.
  6. After 6-8 hours, rinse the grains and fill with purified water. If they do not germinate a day after the start of harvesting, change the water. When sprouts appear on the wheat, 2-3 mm, drain the liquid and rinse. The grains are now suitable for consumption.
  7. Store them only in the refrigerator for no more than two days. If the sprouts grow more than 3 mm, stop using them: they can be harmful.

Once the wheat takes root, it will need to be planted.

  1. Line a special seedling tray with paper towels to prevent roots from growing through holes in the bottom. Fill the tray five centimeters with moist soil: organic, without chemical additives. Spread the seeds evenly over the soil in one layer and press lightly. Wet the wheat with water using a spray bottle and cover the tray with moistened newspaper.
  2. Keep the soil moist for 3-4 days after planting, not allowing the seeds to dry out. Water daily, but do not allow the soil to become completely saturated with water. It is also worth moisturizing with a spray bottle and newspaper. After four days, remove the newspapers and place the tray in a bright place, but not under direct Sun rays.
  3. On the ninth day after planting, when the sprouts reach a height of 15 centimeters, the first harvest can be harvested. Use large scissors to cut the grass just above the root.

Wheat grains are good for human body. This type of grain has been used as food since ancient times. Recently, sprouted wheat has become popular. Young sprouts are several times healthier than ordinary cereal grains.

The benefits and harms of sprouted wheat

The benefits of sprouted wheat

The beneficial properties of wheat increase several times in the sprouted state. As the grains revive, all their carbohydrates, fats and proteins begin to break down. This process is similar to digestion. Young sprouts facilitate the process of assimilation of all components of the grains. The benefits and harms of using sprouts are not the same. Before using it for food, you should carefully study its properties and contraindications.

Sprouted grains have the following beneficial properties:

  • Promotes self-healing of the body;
  • Improves the metabolic process;
  • Helps get rid of excess weight;
  • Increase skin nutrition;
  • Restore skin elasticity;
  • Add shine to hair;
  • Relieves brittle nails;
  • Have a beneficial effect on vision.

So numerous beneficial features cereal germs make it popular among society. However, not everyone is recommended to eat it. There are some contraindications.

What is the harm of sprouted wheat?

It contains lectin, a substance that is dangerous to health if consumed in large quantities. There is quite a lot of it in sprouted seeds.

Lactin affects the body as follows:

  1. Damages the gastric mucosa;
  2. Has a toxic effect on the endocrine system;
  3. Causes allergic reactions and autoimmune diseases;
  4. Impairs metabolism.
  • Children under 12 years old;
  • People of any age who have recently undergone surgery;
  • Those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, ulcers;
  • If you have an allergy to gluten.

All people who do not have these problems can eat sprouts, monitoring their effect on the body.

Doctors' advice on the dangers and benefits of sprouted wheat

Doctors are not against eating sprouted wheat.

  1. Choose grains carefully, buying them from pharmacies and small shops.
  2. Avoid grains stored in huge bags;
  3. During germination, drain the first water in which the grains have been steeped for about 8 hours;
  4. Throw away darkened, unhealthy grains;
  5. The length of young shoots should not be more than 3 mm;
  6. Use sprouted wheat within 2 days;
  7. Start taking from 2 tbsp. spoons, gradually increasing the amount depending on the body’s reaction;
  8. The maximum allowable amount per day is 100 g.

If you follow all the indications and advice, taking sprouts will only bring great benefit health. Doctors' advice will help you use sprouts wisely and without harm.

How to germinate wheat grains

It is not difficult to germinate wheat at home.

You need to follow a few simple steps:

  • Fill a glass glass to the very rim with water;
  • Cover it with gauze;
  • Place a spoonful of washed grains on the cheesecloth;
  • Change the water three times a day.
  • After 2 days, the wheat should germinate.

Many may be concerned about the question of how to germinate wheat. This is quite easy to do by following the instructions above.

Sprouted wheat - how to sprout at home

If after 2 days the sprouts have not sprouted, it is better to throw away the wheat.

How to eat grains and sprouts after sprouting

You don’t need to think too much about how to use sprouted wheat. It can also be eaten in pure form, without mixing with other components. You should eat grains on an empty stomach. The maximum allowable amount per day is half a glass.

You should chew the sprouted grains thoroughly until a mushy consistency forms in your mouth. Both the grains themselves and green sprouts are eaten. They can be added to salads, meat and fish dishes.

You can make juice from the sprouts. Maximum permissible quantity of this juice per day - 20 - 30 ml.

The use of sprouted grains or juice from sprouts is not recommended in the evening and at night.

This may cause insomnia as the grains stimulate work various systems body. Wheat sprouts or grains can be eaten in pure form or as part of salads and different dishes. You can't expose them heat treatment. In this case, all beneficial properties will disappear.

Beware of mixing grains with dairy products. This will lead to problems with gastric tract and digestion.

What dishes to cook with sprouted wheat

Sprouted wheat grains have a rather specific taste. Many people don't like him. To make it easier to consume grains, you can prepare different dishes from them.

Delicious dessert with apple and sprouts

You will need: 1 apple; a third of a glass of sprouts; 100 grams of yogurt; 1 teaspoon honey.

  1. The sprouts need to be soaked in water, then drained.
  2. Peel and chop the apple.
  3. Mix all ingredients together.

Dishes made from sprouted wheat

Salad with wheat and carrots

Required: 100 grams of wheat sprouts; 1 large or 2 small carrots; 400 grams of lettuce; 1 teaspoon honey; 1 teaspoon mustard; 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil.

The carrots need to be peeled and grated on a coarse grater, the lettuce leaves should be chopped.

  1. Mix carrots and lettuce with sprouts.
  2. Season them with butter, honey and mustard.
  3. Mix everything.

Oatmeal with sprouted wheat and berries

You need to take: 4 tablespoons of sprouted grains; the same amount of oatmeal; 300 grams of kefir; 100 grams of any berries; 1 teaspoon honey; half a teaspoon of cinnamon.

  1. You need to mix kefir with sprouted grains and oatmeal.
  2. Add cinnamon and honey to the mixture. Wash the berries in advance.
  3. Mix all ingredients together.
  4. Leave to infuse for several hours.

Dishes made from sprouted wheat are tasty and satisfying. They provide the body with everything important vitamins and microelements.

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Sprouted wheat is a source of youth, health and beauty. Many people ask questions about how to germinate wheat correctly and how to take it. Sprouts should contain vitamins and microelements that have a beneficial effect on all body systems.

How to germinate wheat

Whole, undamaged grains are selected for germination. Care should be taken to ensure that the wheat for germination is not processed chemicals, as this may negatively affect the sprouts.

The germination process is divided into the following stages:

  1. Decide on the amount of sprouted grain needed. Recommended amount: 1 tablespoon per person per day.
  2. Pour the grains onto Blank sheet cardboard, carefully selecting debris and damaged wheat. Place in a colander and rinse under running cool water.
  3. Select a container for germination. A glass or porcelain plate with a wide bottom or an iron tray will do.
  4. Pour the wheat into a container, fill it with water and leave for 2-4 minutes. Drain the liquid and carefully distribute the grains over the surface.
  5. Pour warm spring water over the wheat, cover with a bandage or gauze on top. You can close the container with a lid, leaving a small gap for air to enter.
  6. Place the container in a dark place for 8-9 hours. Change the water.
  7. After the sprouts appear, drain the liquid and place the wheat in the refrigerator or on the balcony.

Sprouted wheat can be eaten within 24-34 hours. If the sprouts have grown and reached 3-4 mm, then you should not add grains to food.

Wheat germinates within 24 hours, but some varieties sprout within 2-3 days. You can germinate grains in the refrigerator, but this slows down the process.

Green wheat sprouts without grains are very useful. They can be grown by placing sprouted grains in humus or sawdust. Daily watering and good lighting help rapid growth herbs. The sprouts can be consumed on day 8-9, when they reach a height of 13-16 cm. They are cut with scissors and added to soups, salads and side dishes.

Sprouted wheat: benefits and harms

Sprouted wheat is a storehouse of vitamins and useful substances. Eating sprouts improves immunity, normalizes acid-base balance, eliminates vitamin deficiency and cleanses the body of toxins.

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • antioxidants;
  • iron;
  • cellulose;
  • phosphorus.

Sprouted grain has a beneficial effect on gastrointestinal tract, increases blood flow and strengthens cardiovascular system. It is recommended to include sprouts in the diet of overweight people.

Doctors advise studying the benefits and harms of sprouted wheat before consumption: the product has contraindications. It is not recommended to include sprouts in the menu:

  • children under 10 years old;
  • in the postoperative and rehabilitation periods;
  • people suffering from stomach and intestinal diseases;
  • Allergy sufferers with intolerance to gluten-containing products.

Sprouted grains should not be consumed during periods of exacerbation of inflammatory diseases.

How to take wheat germ

Having learned about the benefits and harms of grain, people are interested in how to take sprouted wheat. The intake of nutrients and microelements into the body directly depends on the correct use of sprouts.

  1. Avoid cooking wheat. As temperatures rise, grains lose beneficial substances.
  2. Grind the grains in a meat grinder or blender. Mix the resulting mushy mass with olive or linseed oil. Eat 1 tablespoon daily at breakfast.
  3. You can make an infusion from the sprouts. To do this, fill the grains with clean water and place in a dark place for 2-3 hours. Add to drink to add flavor lemon juice or oregano leaf.
  4. Dry and grind the sprouts into flour. Add the mixture to ready meals and drinks.
  5. Wheat milk is very healthy. Mix 3 tablespoons of sprouted grains thoroughly with 2 tablespoons of raisins. Fill with warm spring water and place in a cool, dark place for 4-5 hours. Strain the infusion. Can be stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

In the first days of taking sprouts, do not consume more than 2 tablespoons per day, otherwise diarrhea may occur. After 2-3 weeks of use you can increase daily use sprouts up to 60-70 grams.

Do not include wheat germ in your diet along with full-fat milk, floral honey, mushrooms. This may cause an allergic reaction and nausea.

The benefits and harms of sprouted wheat have been studied by experts for a long time. The grains contain unique microelements that heal all body systems. With proper germination and consumption of wheat, you can not only get rid of chronic diseases, but also rejuvenate the skin, strengthen joints and muscles.

We germinate wheat in 2-3 days - video

How to quickly germinate wheat is a question that worries me for a long time(details about why it is necessary to eat sprouts -). I tried to germinate wheat grains more than once, but for some reason all my germinations ended unsuccessfully, either it was the wheat itself, or I created it incorrect conditions for growth. After each unsuccessful attempt, I was visited by disappointment, which was accompanied by throwing out another portion of sour wheat in the trash.

But hope did not die, I knew that everything ingenious is simple, and I, too, should be able to germinate wheat. I wanted this process to be simple, and I couldn’t help but wonder how to quickly germinate wheat. Special germinators are obscenely expensive, so I didn’t stop thinking. The main thing that seedlings need is access to air, but at the same time they must remain moist, and then it dawned on me that what I needed was very close by and how I had not guessed about it before.

So, I will tell you my personal secret of how to quickly germinate wheat.

It is necessary to use an AIR HUMIDIFIER for germination. I don’t know, maybe someone before me already guessed this method, I, according to at least, I’ve never heard about this before or from anyone. Therefore, I will tell you about this in detail, perhaps those who have this wonderful device at home can use my method - how to quickly germinate wheat.

1. As usual, we wash the wheat grains; if you have free time, you can sort them out first to remove not only debris, but also damaged, non-whole grains, since they do not sprout. If you don’t have extra time (like me), then lightly rinse and fill with water; I use filtered, unboiled water. It is also worth paying attention to the quality of water, since the grains will feed on this water, they will absorb it and swell. Based on this swelling property, you need to take into account that their volume will double, and in the future I will use a small metal strainer, which can only hold a couple of tablespoons of wheat.

2. Fill the grains with water so that they are all covered with water. We leave them to swell for about 12 hours, this time can be changed according to your capabilities, sometimes I took them out earlier and later, the only thing you need to take into account is that when long stay in water, they can begin to deteriorate, the water simply begins to go bad, so it needs to be changed.

3. After your future seedlings have been saturated with water, they need to be washed and put to germination. I’ll tell you a terrible secret - I never wash them unless the water finally starts to go out! If you have a free minute, it won’t be a bad idea if you rinse them with clean water, maybe the same filtered, unboiled water. This ends the first stage of the operation called

4. Well, the “X” moment has come. We place the finished, clean grains on a metal strainer and place them on the humidifier, having first removed the lid from it. Then we turn it on, I have a medium steam mode, but you can use a higher mode, for example, if there is a radiator in the room, which makes our air dry, and the seedlings really don’t like this.

Thus, the grains have what they need - access to air and moisture, which prevents them from drying out. Another factor influencing the rate of wheat germination is heat. Naturally, the warmer the better. But you should not place the sprouts in direct sunlight, this also applies to soaking grains, they also should not be in direct sunlight.

5. And now the most interesting thing - the grains begin to germinate. What delight came over me when I saw the first seeds hatching! You can watch them and mix them well so that hydration occurs evenly. When most of the grains have sprouted, they can be taken out. The length of sprouts up to 5 mm is considered ideal for consumption. In photographs on the Internet you can often see very long sprouts of grains; I do not grow them to such an extent, since there is information that they become poisonous. But I don’t want to take any risks! My sprouted wheat grains look like this:

6. And now you can eat them. It is best to consume sprouts immediately; you can store them in the refrigerator, but not for very long, up to 2 days, do not forget that with storage the beneficial properties of sprouts decrease. As a rule, they don’t stay in our place; we eat them as is or add them to salads or other dishes. My child loves them. But you need to keep in mind that they are useful when they are well chewed in the mouth, otherwise there will be no benefit. Therefore, if your child starts eating sprouts, emphasize to him that they need to be chewed thoroughly with his teeth.

I hope I was useful to you in the question of how to quickly germinate wheat. Now I'm not only germinating it. With the onset of summer, it became much easier to make sprouts, because central heating does not dry out the air in the apartment, and there is plenty of heat from the street, so I was able to carry out the traditional method of sprouting - on a dish, covered with a thin layer of gauze. So, by soaking the grains overnight and placing them on a dish in the morning, by the evening you can already get a batch of sprouts, the only condition is to periodically moisten them, I do this with a spray bottle, the main thing is that they are not dry.

Perhaps someone can easily find a traditional way to quickly germinate wheat, but if for some reason you can’t do it just like me, then try my method using an air humidifier, it will be convenient and clear for beginners. But, unfortunately, it has disadvantages - it consumes electricity (but if you use a humidifier constantly, then it doesn’t matter!) and the small amount of sprouts that can be obtained, although this amount is quite enough to replenish daily norm vitamins

ABOUT valuable properties sprouted wheat has been known since ancient times. She was used as medicinal product against many ailments, and also as a miraculous remedy for preserving youth. Today, sprouted wheat sprouts are considered the most useful food product for improving human health.

Wheat grains have three components:

  • germ - the central part of the grain, enriched with fats and vitamins;
  • grain shell - the hard covering layer of the wheat fruit, which consists of fibers and is called bran;
  • core (endosperm) - a voluminous starch layer between the germ and the shell saturated with carbon.

Wheat sprouts differ from ordinary wheat in their properties. During germination, the proportions in the grain change nutrients. The sprouts produce a large number of protein, and the amount of carbon in the grain that is used during the growth process decreases.

Wheat germ contains vitamins A, B, E and D, and also contains eighteen amino acids. In sprouted grains, active breakdown of all nutritional components that are in wheat germ. This process makes it easier for the body to absorb nutrients.

Sprouted wheat is valued for its beneficial constituent elements:

  • vegetable protein mass;
  • vitamins;
  • folic acid;
  • carbohydrates;
  • minerals.

Sprouts contain a significant proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Sprouted seeds contain magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and many other trace elements. Wheat is also a source of fiber.

Wheat germ contains germ oil - octcosanol, which is a source of vitamin E and helps remove cholesterol from the body. In medicine, wheat grains with sprouts are used as additional remedy at complex treatment many diseases. Doctors advise using sprouted grains, as they help:

  • normalize metabolism;
  • remove toxins from the body;
  • remove cholesterol;
  • increase immune system protection;
  • stabilize intestinal microflora;
  • increase the body's resistance to cold;
  • improve vision;
  • prevent the formation of toxins in the body;
  • saturate the blood with oxygen;
  • stop inflammatory processes;
  • fight infections;
  • heal wounds.

Wheat germ helps restore many vital functions of the human body. Taking this regularly nutritious product can be significantly strengthened nail plates, improve hair structure and significantly rejuvenate the skin.

Research by scientists has led to the conclusion that eating sprouted wheat prevents the occurrence of tumors and forms in the body defensive reaction from cancer.

For men wheat germ are an essential source of zinc. Thanks to a sufficient amount of this element in the embryos, male reproductive cells have the opportunity to fully realize the function of fertilization.

Despite the useful amazing properties sprouted grains, sprouted wheat is not beneficial for everyone. Before consuming the product, you need to know that taking wheat germ is contraindicated:

  • children's age category up to twelve years;
  • at chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract;
  • in the presence of allergic reaction for gluten;
  • during the postoperative period;
  • with stomach ulcers.

Before introducing sprouted wheat grains into the daily diet for treatment various diseases You should consult your doctor first.

Properly germinating wheat at home is not at all difficult. To do this, you must initially select high-quality selected material, which can be purchased in the store. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the integrity of the grain.

To form sprouts you need to prepare:

  • deep glass or enamel container;
  • gauze cloth;
  • purified water at room temperature;
  • sieve;
  • flat tray

The germination process consists of several step-by-step actions:

  1. The grains are washed under running water. All debris and floating unusable seeds are removed.
  2. The raw materials are placed in a prepared container and filled with water. The seeds should soak for eight hours.
  3. After a set time, the water is drained and the grains are washed again.
  4. Clean material for germination is placed again in the container and covered with gauze soaked in water, which is folded several times.
  5. At room temperature, seeds usually germinate in less than ten hours. The appearance of small sprouts white indicates end result preparation of the product. The grains are washed again before use.

If there are no sprouts after two days, the grains become unfit for consumption. There should be wheat seeds with sprouts up to one millimeter in length. Hold finished product must be refrigerated for a maximum shelf life of two days.

If the seedling has reached three millimeters, then healing properties product are significantly reduced, since a significant part of the nutritional components goes into the sprouts themselves. Wheat shoots acquire a greenish tint and a sweet taste.

Ten-centimeter sprouts are separated from the already unnecessary seeds and used as healthy greens for making salads. Nutritious juice is often made from long shoots using a blender. The crushed pulp is used as a wrinkle-smoothing face mask.

Sprouted wheat is used for food not only in its raw form. From this useful product prepare various dishes - porridge, jelly, soups and salads.

Wheat sprouts should be consumed before lunch, as the body needs considerable time to digest this product. Sprouted wheat is introduced into the menu little by little, otherwise stomach upset may occur.

  • The first portions of the product should consist of two teaspoons.
  • The volume of sprouts consumed gradually increases over three months.
  • The maximum daily dose consists of eighty grams of wheat raw material.

You can prepare various baked goods from crushed grains with sprouts, but during heat treatment a significant proportion valuable substances disappears. To get everything contained in sprouted wheat useful components It is best to eat it raw.

Often wheat seeds with sprouts are poured with dairy products. Before such a connection food ingredients You should first eat a small portion and check whether your stomach tolerates this combination.

Initially, taking wheat seeds with sprouts may cause weakness, dizziness and diarrhea, but after a couple of days such symptoms will disappear. The first results of wheat nutrition begin to appear after a couple of weeks.

For weight loss

Sprouted grains as a means of weight loss are taken in in kind. To combat overweight You should eat no more than three tablespoons of the product in the morning. This morning portion of sprouted wheat saturates the body for the whole day, relieving the feeling of hunger for a long time. The kilograms do not disappear quickly, but the result remains for a long time.

Oatmeal porridge with sprouted wheat:

pour hot boiled milk cereals and left to swell for five minutes. Raisins, nuts, honey and one spoon of ground sprouted wheat grains are added to the finished porridge.

Sprouted wheat jelly:

Add crushed grains with sprouts to a pan of water and cook for three minutes. Then cover with a lid and leave for half an hour to infuse. Before use, the finished jelly is filtered.

Wheat flatbreads:

Ground sprouted wheat is mixed with a small amount of water, crushed seaweed, salt and sautéed onions. These components are formed into flat cakes, which are fried in olive oil or sunflower oil on both sides. You can add nuts to the dough.

Avocado salad:

In a plate, put a few raisins pre-soaked in water, a handful of sprouted wheat grains and peeled, grated avocado. Mix all ingredients. By adding vegetable oil. This salad is very healthy, as it contains many essential vitamins.

Salad with apples and cucumbers:

Cut the washed cucumbers and apples into cubes without peeling them. Pour sour cream over everything, adding a couple of tablespoons of sprouted wheat and chopped garlic. Mix the salad, pour honey on top and garnish with fresh berries.

Cutlets made from sprouted crushed grains:

Grains, zucchini, salt and pepper are passed through a meat grinder. Add an egg to the vegetable mince and mix. The cutlets are fried in a frying pan greased with olive or sunflower oil.


Shredded sprouted wheat is mixed with nuts and dried fruits. Balls are made from the resulting dough and rolled in sesame and poppy seeds. The cookies are baked in the oven for twenty minutes over medium heat.

Wheat milk:

Sprouted grains and water are mixed in a blender in a ratio of 1:4. During the process, nuts and raisins are gradually added. The resulting milk mixture is filtered. This milk can be stored in a cold place for two days.


Add half a glass of ground wheat grains with sprouts to one and a half liters of water and cover the container with a piece of gauze. This kvass should steep for three days, after which it is filtered. To prepare the next portion of the drink, you can use the same grains.

Sprouted grain soup:

Pour four hundred milligrams of water into a saucepan, add finely chopped vegetables - carrots, potatoes and onions. Boil the soup mixture and remove from heat and let cool for ten minutes. Afterwards you need to add three tablespoons of sprouted wheat grains, pepper and Bay leaf. No salt is added to wheat soup. Bring the soup to a boil and remove from heat, let it steep for ten minutes. By adding this soup to your daily diet, you can significantly improve your immunity.

Dessert of sprouted grains with yogurt:

Sprouted slightly salted wheat grains add peeled and diced apples. Mix the ingredients and pour over the yogurt. This dessert is great for a light diet breakfast.


I know a grandmother and grandfather who have been eating wheat all their lives; they look like their grandfather is 65 years old, but they’re still walking, so try to catch up and estimate that they are both already over 90 and practically don’t go to doctors, so draw your own conclusions: eat sprouted wheat now or take pills later

I have been eating wheat for a couple of months and I have felt a great surge of energy and my mood has become much better. I am 25 years old. Previously, every winter I had lethargy, fatigue, weakness, I wanted to sleep all the time. Everything was attributed to dystonia. It is difficult to say exactly what has changed. General vigor and tone appeared. My nails really started to look better, my hair also improved, gray hair I don’t have it, so I don’t know if it helps or not. Myopia has decreased by 0.5. I don’t know whether it’s related to wheat or not, but for the last 5 years my vision has not changed (I check it once a year). I am not overweight. Every morning I cook oatmeal in water and add wheat.

Sprouted wheat - benefits and harm. Recipes and tips: video

Sprouted wheat grains can be used as a breading for meat dishes and as a seasoning for side dishes. Such valuable product can be taken regardless of the time of year, filling the body with valuable life-giving substances.