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Hazelnut: useful properties and contraindications, tips for use. Hazelnut is a useful hazelnut in the diet of women. Can hazelnuts be harmful if consumed in excess

It is known that hazelnut, which is also called hazelnut, is a cultivated species of wild hazel. Our ancestors used it for food, as well as for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. There is nothing surprising, because a tasty fruit contains a lot useful components.

Hazelnut calories

Many are interested in how useful hazelnuts are, what can they give the body? Let's start with the fact that hazelnut is a very high-calorie product, which is much more nutritious compared to fish or meat. For this reason, you should not get carried away with such a delicacy excessively. The composition of cultivated hazel is as follows: fats - 60-70%, proteins - 20-25%. How many calories are in hazelnuts? The energy value of a nut is 678 kcal / 100 grams. If a person is on a diet, then this is not a reason to refuse delicious, useful fruits because hazelnuts contain almost no carbohydrates.

Benefits of hazelnuts

Since ancient times, the hazelnut has been a success: in the form of food, for medical measures. This is all due to the fact that the hazel fruit is different large quantity benefits. Useful substances in hazelnuts are represented by a wide range. The composition of the nut includes the following nutritional components:

  • vitamin B, thanks to which the work of muscles is normalized, of cardio-vascular system;
  • a substance called pacletaxel - inhibits the development of pathologies and cancerous tumors;
  • vitamin E is considered a natural antioxidant that has a beneficial effect on reproductive function;
  • fatty acid- increase elasticity vascular walls, slow down their aging, prevent the accumulation of cholesterol;
  • micro and macro elements (phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc) strengthen bones.

Below is a table with information about the main advantages hazelnut and its derivatives. Find out why you need to eat hazel, how hazelnut husks and oil are useful.


Raw and roasted hazelnuts (Both types are good, but it is recommended to eat raw hazelnuts more often as roasted hazelnuts lose some of their useful substances due to heat treatment and contains significantly more calories).

  1. Release of an organism from toxins and slags.
  2. Strengthening the human immune system.
  3. Increased growth, muscle development.
  4. Hazelnut with honey (or raisins) increases hemoglobin in the blood.
  5. Effective fight with insomnia, depression, headaches.
  6. Stabilization of the central nervous system.
  7. Elimination and prevention of beriberi.

Hazelnut shell and husk

Crushed shells, husks and leaves of the nut are often used in traditional medicine. Decoctions, infusions help with high blood pressure, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, dizziness.

Peanut butter

Hazelnut harm

Hazelnut can not only benefit the body. Sometimes it can be harmful to health. This happens if the product is ingested in large amounts instead of meeting the normal, safe daily allowance. In one day, it is allowed to eat a maximum of 50-60 grams of hazelnuts. Otherwise, you can strongly plant the liver, get stomach problems or "earn" a strong headache(substances that are in the composition of hazelnuts can cause vascular spasms). It is necessary to be very careful about the use of hazelnuts in the presence of diabetes, allergies.

What are the health benefits of hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are equally useful for children and adults. Everybody nutrients, which are in the composition of the product, have an effect on the body positive influence. Hazelnut is recommended for both men and women. During the period of bearing a child, this product brings exceptional benefits to the expectant mother and baby.

During pregnancy

Useful properties of nuts during pregnancy have been experiencing for several years a large number of future mothers. The main advantages of hazelnuts for a woman in position are:

  1. Hazel, included in the daily menu, makes it easier to regulate diet and weight.
  2. Hazelnut is no less useful for the fetus: it has a beneficial effect on the formation of the skeleton, the nervous system of the child.
  3. On top of that, hazelnut allows you to almost eliminate the use of medical preparations during pregnancy. Hazelnut effectively strengthens immune system women, successfully fights fatigue.

For men

Hazel contains in its composition a lot of "usefulness" that the body of any representative of the stronger sex needs. Any specialist will confirm that hazelnuts must be present in the diet of every man. Hazelnut provides men's health with the following "services":

  1. Contains phytosterol - a component that effectively reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, is an ideal tool for the prevention of prostate diseases.
  2. Hazelnuts also contribute to the production of male sex hormones, well strengthens the body after physical effort.
  3. Hazelnuts are useful for potency. They have a positive effect on the duration of sexual intercourse, increase the function of reproduction.
  4. The protein that is in the composition of the hazel helps to build, improve muscles.

For women

What is useful hazelnut for women? On the body of every woman, this product has only a beneficial effect. Positive properties hazel:

  1. Stimulation of milk production during lactation. It becomes more satisfying, nutritious, useful for babies. The main thing is to adhere to a reasonable daily intake of the product.
  2. Hair Enrichment essential vitamins and minerals for healthy shine, density and pomp (masks of nut butter and egg yolk chicken egg).
  3. Skin cleansing from inflammatory processes(acne, abscesses, abscesses, acne, and so on).
  4. By means of a nut, infertility can often be cured.

Video about the beneficial properties and contraindications of hazelnuts

Since childhood, everyone has known the taste of Belochka sweets with chopped hazelnuts. They are the fruits of the Lombard walnut or hazel, as it is also called. These low trees grow more like shrubs in coniferous and mixed forests. It is noteworthy that there is a slight difference between hazel and hazelnuts.

If the first fruits of wild trees are smaller, then the second ones are much bigger sizes and have long been cultivated by people.

Hazelnut is bigger than hazel

The hazelnuts themselves are hidden in a light brown shell with a small dark “speck” at the bottom. Nuts look like round droplets and are used not only as an additive to sweets, but also as an original ingredient in gourmet dishes.


Hazelnuts, like other nuts, are high in calories. In 100 g of hazelnuts, there are as many as 660 kcal. It is several times superior to bread and 8-9 times chocolate in this indicator. The calorie content of roasted hazelnuts is slightly more than raw, only 40 kcal.

If you're faced with the choice of eating roasted or raw hazelnuts, it doesn't matter what you choose.

Your body will receive almost the same portion of calories and nutrients. To cover daily allowance for an adult, in terms of calories, it’s enough just to eat 180-200 grams of nuts. As dietary product it is better not to use it, or eat only a couple of nucleoli per day. Hazelnuts are high in calories, so you should not get carried away with them.

The composition of hazelnuts includes:

  • palmitic, oleic and stearic acids;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • cobalt;
  • calcium;
  • vegetable proteins.

Useful properties and contraindications

Due to the high content of antioxidants, hazelnuts are good for the body's immune system, it strengthens it and helps keep the defense against viruses and infections. Its use is especially effective during the off-season, when the body is weakened under the influence of beriberi and the influence of constantly changing weather.

It is able to increase the elasticity of the skin, which is so important for middle-aged women who struggle daily with wrinkles and try to capture the passing youth.

Just a couple of nucleoli with regular use can work wonders. Hazelnuts are also useful for the heart muscle. It strengthens its walls and increases the elasticity of blood vessels. Nuts are added to the diet of diabetics and vegetarians. For the former, it is involved in the process of regulating blood sugar, and for the latter, it makes up for the lack of protein.

You will learn more about the benefits of hazelnuts from the video:

The kernels are best consumed regularly at least once a day for people suffering from nervous disorders and severe brain overload. It is even considered an excellent option for the prevention of Alzheimer's disease and oncological diseases.

It is also effective for the prevention and treatment of oncology. It helps by saturating the body with a large amount of minerals and vitamins. They help cells important for the immune system - phagocytes - work more efficiently. Thanks to these cells, you can get rid of cancer.

Hazelnuts effectively provoke the excretion of accumulated cholesterol from the body, which is now found in most of the products that we consume every day.

What is useful for women?

Hazelnuts are recommended for use during pregnancy. It has a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system. After the birth of a baby, it is better not to refuse delicious forest nucleoli, because they will help increase the volume of milk from mom.

nuts render positive impact on the nervous system, which will help a woman cope with constant hormonal disruptions during menstruation and menopause.

During menopause, they will also be useful. Thanks to the content of lignins, flax evens out the hormonal background. In the period of menopause, such assistance will be very useful for a woman.

Regular use of this product will help strengthen nails and hair.
The systematic use of hazelnuts will transform hair and nails

Useful properties for men

In general, hazelnuts and other nuts should be attributed to men's products, due to the high content of proteins, which are the building blocks for muscle tissue. It is men who are more likely to worry about increasing their muscle mass and give it the desired relief.

The presence of high-quality natural protein plant origin also rich. Thanks to this, a person is quickly saturated and the body remains in a similar state for a long time.

In addition, hazelnuts are considered excellent remedy for prevention male diseases and have a positive effect on potency. Just 20-30 grams of nuts a day can save a man from many unpleasant diseases that will knock on his house after 40-45 years, when his sexual activity will decline.

Where does hazelnut grow in Russia

In our country, you can meet hazel trees mainly in the southern regions of the European part. Hazel chooses for itself either undergrowth or shady places of coniferous and mixed forests. She has thin branches, several trunks grow from one rhizome at once (usually 3-5 pieces). Although it is possible to go to the forest on your own for a bag of hazelnuts, the probability is too high that you will collect wild fruits.

They are not much different from cultivated ones except for the size and lower concentration of nutrients. To peel hazelnuts, it is enough to use pliers or a cutting board and a hammer. Its shell is strong, but under strong pressure breaks pretty easily. During the splitting process, the force of pressure on the nut should be constantly controlled so as not to split the kernel and turn it into porridge.

You can peel hazelnuts with a garlic press. How to do it - see the video:

Store hazelnuts only in a dry and warm place. If the nuts become damp, they will have a sharp, bad taste bitterness, and you cannot eat such a product. About 8-12 hazelnut kernels can be eaten per day. Exceeding this dose is not recommended due to the high calorie content of the product, which we have already mentioned above.

Useful properties of hazelnut oil

At the end of the last century, the French came up with the idea of ​​squeezing hazelnut kernels and extracting oil from them. It is considered the youngest, France is still the only exporter.

Useful substances of nuts are also stored in oil, since the pressing process takes place without heat treatment.

According to the set of useful properties, this oil is not inferior even to almond oil. When applied to skin it is quickly absorbed, tones them, increases elasticity and does not leave any "fat" marks. After application, the skin becomes soft and tender with a subtle nutty smell.

Other recipes for using hazelnuts

Hazelnut shell tincture was popular in Rus'. Until now, there is an opinion that Russian tsars loved to pamper themselves with it, not only in medicinal purposes. Alcohol tincture is quite easy to prepare.
For her you will need:

  • 15-25 unripe peeled nuts;
  • 1.5 liters of pure alcohol.

The kernels must be carefully crushed and placed on the bottom of a jar or container made of tinted glass. Top them with alcohol. It should be insisted for about one and a half months. After this period, the tincture can be taken 1 teaspoon 1-3 times a day.

Hazelnut tincture is used for medicinal purposes
Tincture will be a wonderful prophylactic against cancer and help normalize blood pressure.

A rich list of useful properties and hazelnut honey. By themselves, both ingredients have a number of medicinal qualities, and in combination they will generally become vitamin bomb. To prepare the mixture, it is enough to take both components in equal proportions. Nuts are crushed and mixed with honey. The mixture should be consumed before meals, 1-2 teaspoons.


Everyone has long known the benefits of any kind of nuts: walnuts, almonds, peanuts. Each of them has its own unique set of healing properties. Hazel has taken root with us for a long time and therefore is considered the most "domestic" hazel.

To get it to your table, it is not at all necessary to be surprised at the biting prices in stores.

It is enough in the middle of autumn to go to the nearest undergrowth and collect fragrant nut stocks for the winter. It is advisable to eat kernels regularly every day without interruption. Only then will their effectiveness be maximum.

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Hazelnuts are very popular with traditional healers due to its extraordinary healing properties. In addition, hazel is known for its foliage and bark, which make excellent healing remedies. today hazelnuts, beneficial features which is described by many scientists, also becomes the basis for the creation of oil.

From this article you will learn:

General useful properties of hazelnuts (hazelnuts, hazelnuts)

Thanks to its mineral and vitamin complex, hazelnuts are able to strengthen the most different systems organs and save a person from many ailments.

  • Nuts lower cholesterol and increase the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, so they are useful for prevention. cardiovascular disease, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins and even anemia. The minimal content of carbohydrates and sugars also makes hazelnuts suitable for people with diabetes.
  • Hazelnuts, the beneficial properties of which act only with constant use, have a positive effect on the nervous system. Eating a handful of nuts every day relieves a person of insomnia and excessive irritability. Hazelnuts also help to cope with the so-called chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Doctors often advise eating nuts at the recovery stage of the body after serious illnesses. This is due to the fact that hazelnuts significantly improve brain activity and activate defenses.
  • If we talk about the usefulness of the hazelnut, one cannot fail to note its ability to combat free radicals. This product is very effective in the prevention of cancer due to such an important component as paclitaxel.
  • For the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases in chronic stage folk doctors advise grinding nuts with milk. Also, the periodic use of hazelnuts will help reduce pressure and reduce gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract. The product is also useful for fighting stones in the urinary tract.

The effectiveness of hazelnuts for men

Another unique point that hazelnuts are known for is their beneficial properties for men. Various clinical researches showed that vitamin E and trace elements in the composition of the nut provide multifaceted support for the health of the stronger sex.

  • The presence of antioxidants slows down the aging process of the body and strengthens the immune system.
  • Calcium allows you to resist daily physical overload, improving skeletal system. The high protein content in nuts helps build muscle mass.
  • The presence of potassium ensures the normalization of the work of the heart muscle.
  • Thanks to zinc, hazelnuts accelerate the production of sex hormones in the body.

It is believed that eating 50 g of nuts per day, men can relieve the symptoms of prostatitis. In addition, only 10-15 hazelnuts are enough to maintain a good potency.

The benefits of hazelnuts for women

One of the lowest calorie nuts is hazelnuts. This product also has useful properties for women, because it can be safely used in the process of losing weight.

Many doctors also allow the use of nuts during special diets. But the effectiveness of hazelnuts for girls does not end there.

  • The hazelnut fiber allows short time cleanse the body, removing dangerous toxins and toxins from it.
  • A diverse set of vitamins and the presence of minerals make hazelnuts useful for work. reproductive system. Therefore, nuts are advised to eat in the process of planning pregnancy.
  • During breastfeeding, hazelnut helps to improve the quality of milk and significantly increases lactation.
  • There is an opinion that hazelnuts are necessary for the prevention of cancer of the mammary glands and genital female organs.
  • Regular intake of nuts improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

How hazel leaves, shells and oil are used

Today, not only hazel fruits are becoming increasingly popular. From the young foliage of a tree, its bark and hazelnut peel, you can make a lot of folk remedies which are used in cosmetology and medicine.

  • Hazelnut kernels.
Also obtained from nut kernels by pressing, which is very popular in cooking. Oil is available both in liquid form and in the form of a butter -.

However, the beneficial properties of hazelnut oil also allow you to take it orally. It is not only useful food additive, but effective drug against burns and hair loss. The external use of pomace is mainly associated with the area, since with the help of hazel fruits you can remove acne and get rid of cellulite.

  • Hazel leaves.

Tea is most often made from hazel leaves. This drink has an excellent diuretic property, and also strengthens the liver and facilitates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

The beneficial properties of hazelnut leaves have also found their application in hair cosmetology. So, a wonderful decoction comes out of fresh herbs, which is used to rinse the head with hair problems. And if you combine leaves with young twigs in a decoction, you get a remedy that relieves swelling and redness on the skin.

Infusion on walnut leaves helps with hypertrophied prostate gland, epilepsy, diseases of the nervous system. The same drink is used by men to treat prostate adenoma.

  • Hazelnut shell.

No less effective is the hazelnut shell. For men, it is necessary as part of the treatment of prostatitis. So, a decoction of the peel of nuts is consumed before meals, 2 tablespoons. Traditional doctors also advise using this drink to alleviate the condition with colitis, hypotension, dizziness.

Nut shells are added to therapeutic baths and ointments, since the tannins in its composition help get rid of joint problems, trophic ulcers, dysentery.

Hazelnuts, whose beneficial properties are also effective for women, can be immediately peeled to make a powder out of it. Such a remedy in combination with water helps with uterine fibroids. And if you use crushed shells in a dry form, you can recover from hemorrhoids and chronic diarrhea.

Restrictions and contraindications

Knowing how useful hazelnut is, you should not ignore the existing contraindications. So, it is not advised to use fruits in childhood in the presence of severe diabetes and severe liver disease. If you overeat nuts, having consumed more than 50 g per day, you can feel violent attack migraines due to spasms of the head vessels.

Also remember that maximum benefit they bring nuts stored in the shell, because otherwise the minerals and vitamins gradually decay.

Try natural nuts hazelnuts and be healthy!

Hello dear readers. Nature has endowed man with everything necessary for his perfect health and good health. Including - natural products nutrition. Nuts are a special category. And among them, one of the first places, in terms of benefits for the body, undoubtedly belongs to hazelnuts! Also because it grows in our area too. And as you know, everything that surrounds us can be useful to us. Today we will analyze the hazelnut in more detail. We learn about the benefits and harms, about vitamins, about the calorie content of this nut.

It is the most complete source of nutrition among all nut products, known to man. What are its main useful properties? In everything! And this is without any exaggeration. Thanks to its general strengthening properties, this nut has such a beneficial effect on the entire body that its benefits are noticeable, literally, with the “naked eye”, reflected, among other things, in appearance. We will tell you more about this below, and now about the potential negative effects of hazelnuts on the body. Yes, surprising as it may seem, there is such a thing! So let's look:

- it is better not to include it in your diet for diabetics, especially those with severe forms of diabetes;

- it is also contraindicated chronic ailments liver;

- at overconsumption nuts, they can provoke a spasm of the vessels of the head, which often causes a severe headache;

- atopic diathesis is also a reason to exclude hazelnuts from your diet;

- individual intolerance;

serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract (in this case, it is better to temporarily refuse hazelnuts)!

Hazelnut Description

This popular nut is familiar to very, very many. But they know it, to a greater extent, as a hazelnut or hazel. But in fact it is one and the same. Ancient Roman and Greek philosophers and doctors repeatedly mentioned it in their writings. And this means that he was known even in those days. It is believed that it began to spread from the Black Sea coast. When people learned that it can be eaten, and even more so that it is so good for health, its cultivation began. This entailed the emergence of many varieties of hazel over time. But the wild-growing hazelnut is quite suitable for consumption and has no less healing properties. And it is also unusually tasty and fragrant, especially if it is collected and dried correctly (on time). He succeeds in natural conditions, closer to autumn (in the last days August - early September). In some regions - later.

On given period time, the industrial cultivation of hazelnuts is carried out in many countries of the world, including: the USA, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine and others. Since one of the forms of hazelnut, only cultivated, is called hazelnut, it has very, very much in common with the first. It is essentially the same thing. The plant is a tree-like shrub. He is multi-year.

Its approximate height is about 5 meters, but those specimens that are used for growing nuts on an industrial scale, in special areas, are much lower: about 3 meters. Nuts - rounded, both in shell and peeled (kernels). Diameter - about 1.2-1.7 centimeters. In one bunch, there can be from 2-3 to 5-6 nuts.

They are eaten raw, fried, processed different ways, are widely used in cooking, as well as in cosmetology and even in pharmacology! They even produce fuel and animal feed. But, today - about the benefits of hazel for the human body!

Hazelnut useful properties

There are a great many of them. And the most significant are:

- hazelnuts have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system: it strengthens the walls of blood vessels, clears their lumen, promotes normal functioning smooth muscle of the heart;

- increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, optimizes the balance of all its components;

- strengthens the immune system, improves lymph circulation, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the spleen;

- cleanses the body of toxic substances (toxins), which allows you to "unload" the liver, helps the intestines to get rid of toxins;

- contributes to the prevention of cancer (due to the rare biologically active substance"paclitaxel");

- helps to maintain the musculoskeletal system at the proper level, including the muscles of the skeleton;

- has a very positive effect on appearance: skin elasticity, condition of hair and nails;

- has restorative properties for the whole organism, organs, their systems, and so on.

It will not come as a surprise that the male and female body They differ not only in their structure, but also in functional features. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the beneficial properties of hazelnuts, as well as warnings for their use, separately for different sexes.

The benefits of hazelnuts for men

So what can be added to the general useful influence hazel is already specifically on men's health:

- contributes to the development male hormones(including testosterone) in sufficient volumes;

- improves the condition of the prostate gland;

- improves the quality of sperm;

– it helps very well with problems with potency or a decrease in libido!

Harm of hazelnuts for men

Can hazelnuts harm a man? The question is not easy. But, there is an unequivocal answer to it: moderate consumption(it is more than 50 grams 1-2 times a week) Negative influence this product on health is practically excluded. Contraindications or recommendations for limiting the use of nuts are common.

It has its own special effect on the female body. Physical and psychological state women largely depend on hormonal background. Hazelnut is the best master in its normalization. It is enough to include it in your diet (40-50 grams every 5-7 days) to maintain hormone levels in a ratio that is as ideal as possible. But, not only this is its beneficial effect.

The benefits of hazelnuts for women

- the outstanding benefits of hazelnuts during pregnancy have been proven, in particular - due to its unique balanced composition that nourishes the body future mother and at the same time, mediocre, the fruit itself, contributing to its proper formation and development;

appearance, to which women pay their attention for sure, will improve significantly, thanks to high concentration in these nuts vitamins and minerals, the hair will become stronger and silkier, the skin will become velvety, the nails will become smooth, and their surface will be even;

- hazelnut improves the quality of milk and stimulates the lactation process, but there are some nuances here.

Harm of hazelnuts for women

The fat content of this nut is so high that it can also affect the fat content. breast milk! Therefore, when breastfeeding, do not exceed the recommended intake this product, namely: about 50 grams of nuts several times a week (from 1 to 3).

The benefits of hazelnuts for children

Hazel is equally useful: for both adults and children. Pounded nuts, mixed in equal proportions with raisins, have a very positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system, and are also indicated for rheumatism. They help speed up the healing process in broncho-pulmonary diseases, increase the strength of immune defenses, improve vision, motor skills, and so on.

Important! Given the incompletely formed and strengthened gastrointestinal tract in a child, it is not advisable to give hazelnuts to children under 4-5 years old. Starting from this age, it can be gradually included in the diet, but only a few nuts once a week. And this applies not only to hazelnuts, but also to any other nut, pecan, almond, etc.

And one more thing: pay attention to the fact that the hazelnut is a very hard product. Therefore, it should be crushed conveniently and accessible way before giving to a child.

Hazelnut oil benefits and harms

The oily base occupies from 55 to 60% of the composition of the nut as a whole. It has a very oily texture. Hence its benefits, and some contraindications. The composition of the oil includes several very important and relatively rare organic acids: stearic, oleic, palmitic. They are extremely important for health. And yet, they have one feature: despite the fact that the fat content of the hazelnut simply “rolls over”, it, with a normal metabolism, does not increase the level bad cholesterol in the blood, precisely because of these acids, which block its conversion.

Benefits of hazelnut oil

- is effective prevention oncological diseases;

- used in cosmetic purposes(both externally and internally);

- used to treat colds and ailments of the upper and lower respiratory tract, as well as - nasopharynx;

- is extremely nutritious, therefore - perfectly satisfies hunger and saturates the cells with the energy they need!

Harm of hazelnut oil

With all due respect to this product, it should be emphasized that it is far from perfect. So, it should be used with caution by people prone to overweight with impaired metabolism. Not excluded and individual allergic reactions on hazelnut oil, although this phenomenon is extremely rare, and it can rather be written down in the section of theoretical than often encountered in practice.

Hazelnut husk benefits

A decoction prepared from it is very healing for low blood pressure (hypotension), dizziness, and even hemorrhoids. The husk, crushed to a powdery state, can stop even severe diarrhea also helps with chronic loose stool. Well, and, in part, the shell has the properties of nut kernels, but to a much less pronounced degree. After all, it is in the nuclei that the concentration of vitamins and minerals is the highest.

Most of all they contain vitamins: A, C, E, group B, D. Hazelnuts also contain the following minerals: zinc, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper. There are dozens of substances contained in hazel in small doses, but at the same time, no less important! Each of them plays a role in the overall "ensemble" of the health of the body and the external beauty of a person. Do not neglect this natural gift, but include it in your diet as much as possible.

They can be collected independently in forest plantations, in the forest, from a home garden, or bought in a store, in the market. When purchasing hazelnuts in outlets pay attention to its quality. It is better to take unshelled nuts in proven places. They must be clean, without mold, the shell is light and whole. The nuts themselves should show absolutely no signs of dampness.

How many hazelnuts can you eat per day

For an adult, the norm of consuming hazelnuts is about 50 grams 1-3 times a week. By the number of nuts, this turns out to be 6-8 pieces (depending on their size). For children from 4-5 years old: a few nuts once a week.

And in conclusion, I suggest watching a video on how to recognize a fruiting hazelnut.

Good afternoon Dear friends! In this article, we will consider the beneficial properties and contraindications of hazelnuts. And also find out that they are beneficial or harmful.

Cashews, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts are nuts, the benefits and harms of which are known to few. Every second woman loves chocolate with whole hazelnut kernels. But at the same time, she does not realize that she saturates the body. unique substances, acids and minerals that preserve youth and beauty.

Every third man buys salted nuts for beer. But he does not even know if hazelnuts are useful. Meanwhile, the nut is actively struggling with the increase in the prostate glands of the stronger sex. There are several types of hazelnuts in the world, and all of them have not only amazing taste, but also medicinal properties.q

Variety of varieties

Hazel, hazel or Lombard nuts are most closely related to hazelnuts. Large hazel nuts in the selection process turned into noble hazelnuts, which today are divided into three varieties:

- Crimean, Badem and Kerasund. They can be distinguished by the following features:

- the fruits of the Crimean hazelnuts are different round shape kernels, and have a thin shell;

- badema nuclei have an oblong and flattened shape on the sides;

- nuts that resemble a cone in shape, with a very thin shell are called kerasund.

It is interesting: the kernels of a large cultivated plant reach 1.5 - 2 cm in length and 1.2 cm in diameter.

How rich is the fruit?

The health benefits of hazelnuts for children, men and women are due to the rich composition, which includes:

Oleic, stearic and palmitic acids , which normalize metabolism, participate in the renewal of damaged cell membranes, reduce cholesterol levels;

vegetable white to - contributes to the formation of muscle mass and maintenance general tone muscles;

Vitamin E- slows down the aging process, improves immunity and barrier functions of the body;

B vitamins - take an active part in the metabolic process, normalize the functioning of the nervous system, saturate the blood with red blood cells and oxygen, are responsible for the beauty of nails, hair and skin.

The composition and useful properties of hazelnuts are taken into account when compiling the menu and vegetarian nutrition, despite its high calorie content. Its kernels contain a small percentage of carbohydrates and no sugar. Therefore, women who monitor their weight can consume up to 10 fruits a day without harm to the figure.

For the same reason, diabetics can include kernels on the menu. The product is also useful for vegetarians, as it contains up to 20% protein in its composition. It contributes to the saturation of the body and is involved in the vital processes of the body.

It is interesting: energy value nuts is 2725 joules, which corresponds to 651 calories per 100 grams. High calorie content contributes to rapid satiety.

How hazelnuts are used

Depending on the form in which nuts are used, the degree of their influence on the body of women and men changes. The kernels are eaten dried and raw, crushed, ground into flour, and oil is squeezed out of them.

The roasted nut acquires a more pronounced smell and aroma, therefore it is highly valued in cooking. Roasted nuts are easier to digest. This is the benefit of hazelnuts, and its harm is that you can get carried away and eat more delicious fruits than you need.

Overeating threatens possible allergies, feeling of heaviness in the stomach, weight gain. Excessive consumption of oil in food is also harmful, since its calorie content is greater than that of kernels.

Advice: per day, you can eat no more than a handful (30 - 40 g) of peeled kernels, raw or fried. It is in this amount that hazel is useful for pregnant women.

Useful properties of kernels and leaves

Hazel is not only valuable and delicious product nutrition, but also a fairly effective medicinal supplement to the diet of patients. Nuts have a positive effect on

- The work of the cardiovascular system. They reduce the amount of cholesterol due to the acids included in the composition;

- Treatment of incontinence and cystitis. Decoctions from the leaves help to cope with diseases urinary system due to the directed action of tannins;

- The condition of the skin. Vitamins E and B included in the composition improve skin elasticity and firmness, maintain lipid balance, increase protective properties keep youth;

- Increased immunity. Trace elements and vitamin E enhance the barrier functions of the body of children, women and men.

- Preservation men's health. Tannins contained in the kernels and leaves of hazel reduce the likelihood of prostate enlargement;

- Improve memory and amplify brain activity. This is facilitated unsaturated acids and B vitamins.

It is interesting : paclitaxen, which is the main element of anti-cancer drugs, was found in hazel kernels. Previously, this element was extracted from the bark of yew. However, in hazelnuts it is contained in the same amount.

Oil benefits

Hazelnuts, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are listed, are often consumed in liquid form. From mature kernels, hazels get valuable vegetable oil, which long time does not age, has a pleasant taste. The benefits and harms of hazelnuts in the form of oil are as follows:

1) oil mixed with egg white is used in folk medicine to treat burns;
2) to increase the elasticity and shine of hair, trichologists recommend rubbing oil into the scalp once a week, applying to the tips of dry hair to nourish them;
3) the systematic use of hazelnut oil contributes to the normalization of pressure;
4) oil enrich various cosmetics– from face cream to hair shampoo;
5) however, excessive consumption of oil in food can cause harm, since it has a high calorie content (899 kcal).

Harm of hazel fruits

Both women and men eat a lot of nuts a day is harmful.

Firstly, the high calorie content of the product will affect weight gain, especially if nuts are abused daily.

Secondly, possible spasm of cerebral vessels or the occurrence of a headache.

Thirdly, bowel function can be disrupted in both men and women.

Fourth, pregnant women should definitely eat hazelnuts, but in moderation. Otherwise, the rich composition of the product will affect the development of the fetus and the well-being of the mother.

Let those who love hazelnuts not be afraid of the benefits and harms of the product, but help them use it correctly - with health benefits. That's all I have, thank you for your attention, bye!