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The effect of alcohol on testosterone and men's health. The effect of alcohol on testosterone in men

Since ancient times, the concept that if a man does not drink every day, then he cannot be considered a man. And if he decides to refuse a glass of vodka, then he can simply be laughed at. We all know perfectly well that alcohol is a real poison that leads to the degradation of the individual. However, not everyone understands that alcoholic drinks can turn any man into a "woman".

Alcohol: harm or benefit?

Alcohol is extremely detrimental to the body of men, and the impact will not depend on the amount or frequency of use. It will lead to the loss of men's health, which will be very difficult to return.

Many people believe that alcohol in small quantities is not capable of harming the body. For example, a glass of red wine can increase sexual arousal and act as a stimulant. nervous system. As a result, blood circulation in the genital area will improve, which will lead to a persistent and prolonged erection, dulling of sensitivity, which will prolong sexual intercourse. However, insidious alcohol can also lead to hormonal imbalances and a gradual suppression of testosterone. If experiments with health are constant, then this threatens a man with a decrease in potency, the development of erectile dysfunction.

The greatest harm is large doses alcohol, which can lead to violations of not only hormonal levels, but also liver damage. This leads to the fact that in the morning a man begins to experience an unexpected erection, which is caused by the production in the liver under the influence of alcohol of enzymes that affect testosterone and other sex hormones. This leads to a gradual depletion of the body and resolution male hormone.

Alcohol lowers testosterone

Testosterone is the main male hormone that determines the behavior of a man, his sexual activity. However, the influence of many factors can lead to its mutation into estrogen (female sex hormone), after which the reverse reaction will be impossible.

As men age, testosterone normally decreases, which affects potency. Changes in the hormonal background can lead to depressive states and refusal to sexual relations too early, because in most cases, doctors are able to restore potency at the same level.

Regular intake of alcoholic beverages will lead to the fact that testosterone will practically cease to be produced. Normally, this hormone should prevail in the male body, while estrogens should be destroyed in the liver. Alcohol leads to disruption of the work of this organ as well, as a result, the production of female hormones will not be suppressed, and they will begin to prevail in the body against the background of inhibition of testosterone synthesis. This will lead to a significant change in the hormonal background, the appearance of fat in the chest, hips and abdomen, which is typical for female body. Testosterone in insufficient quantities can lead to dry skin, muscle flabbiness, a change in character - a person becomes more suspicious, weak, tearful and vulnerable.

It is also important to remember that beer contains a significant amount of phytoestrogens, which are the real female hormones. That is why among men who prefer this drink, a “beer tummy” appears so quickly.

Alcohol and sexual activity

It is important to remember that alcohol is merciless to the main male hormone. Testosterone is produced in the testicles, which can atrophy under detrimental effect alcohol. As a result, spermatozoa will not be able to fully form, and the man will be diagnosed with infertility against the background of regular alcohol intake.

Also, the next glass should remind men that his sexual power will be destroyed by the liver. The fact is that the body is able to produce enzymes under the influence of alcohol, designed to destroy testosterone. Gradually, this will lead to the disappearance of the desire for intimacy with the female sex, weakening of erection and a disappointing diagnosis of impotence. This sentence can be pronounced for a man who regularly drinks alcohol, at any age.

Doctors, taking into account the vulnerability of testosterone and the aggressive effects of alcoholic beverages on the body, men are advised to exclude regular alcohol intake, because this can cause irreversible consequences.

Alcohol and sperm

Suppressed testosterone can impair sperm quality and cause problems with achieving orgasm, the latter is associated with damage to the subcortical structure of the brain by alcoholic beverages. Also, alcohol can lead to a decrease in sperm motility and causes their mutation. This, in turn, leads to the development of defects (from banal allergies to severe deformities) in the unborn child, because the cells carry low-quality gene information.,

So, regular alcohol intake can lead to the following consequences:

  1. Decrease in the level of testosterone in the blood and, as a result, the development of impotence;
  2. sperm mutations;
  3. testicular atrophy;
  4. Destruction of the liver;
  5. Increase in estrogen levels.

Life shouldn't be a challenge, so a glass of wine can be the perfect way to end it. have a hard day. It is important not to get carried away and remember that health is determined by the sobriety of the mind and fortitude.

We've all been told that alcohol leads to fat gain, muscle loss, reduced protein synthesis, and a drop in testosterone levels. I'd like to take a closer look at these claims, including the research behind it all. We all bust our asses in the gym and have a right to know what effect alcohol really has on our strength and mass. We also know that a real athlete "stays at home while everyone in the neighborhood goes to get drunk." All this is supposedly in the name of better performance, but personally I consider him a simple lazy person who does not know how to have fun. I encourage you to keep an open mind as we begin to delve further into this topic.

Alcohol and insulin resistance

"Drunkenness" was the direct cause of the experimental rats that led to the development of insulin resistance. This tells us that the body is not able to distribute glucose and fat to the necessary areas, including muscles. A decrease in glucose intake can lead to hyperglycemia, which in itself is a cause of the onset of type 2 diabetes. Let me explain something in very accessible language. The information is based on research conducted by the "Institute of Diabetes and Impaired Metabolism" in Icahn, New York. The study was done in rats, not in humans. This study showed a direct relationship between alcohol abuse and high concentration blood glucose, indicating insulin resistance. I don't find it hard to believe, but it is best case, since the study was conducted on rats, and our physiology is slightly different from them. Again, we are talking about natural drunkenness with a lot of alcohol and binges for 2-3 days. But be that as it may, it does not take a genius to understand - you should not fill up simple carbohydrates and fats when blood alcohol levels are already high.

Interestingly, there is also a large number of studies conducted in humans, which showed, on the contrary, an improvement in insulin sensitivity (versus a decrease in studies in rats) and glycemic control. For the enthusiastic athlete in the gym, this could mean that nutrients will be absorbed more efficiently, muscle potential will increase, and body fat will decrease. This may be the main reason, according to some studies, that moderate drinkers live longer than non-drinkers. This information just takes and spits in the face of all that mainstream surrounding the modern fitness community. Looking at the research below, I'm starting to be pretty sure that moderate intake is better than total rejection.

Alcohol and weight gain

Drinkers always lose weight better than non-drinkers, especially women. This is strange, since alcohol is marked by a rather high calorie content - 7.1 kcal per gram, moreover, it is similar in structure to dietary fats. One theory tells us that alcohol reduces appetite, which reduces long-term food intake. Another cites the previously mentioned increase in insulin sensitivity in moderate drinkers, resulting in better distribution. nutrients and fat loss. Alcohol works in a similar fashion to carbohydrates in that it inhibits fat oxidation (fat loss), so dietary fat stored in food cells more easily. As a result, the body responds to insulin, and the alcohol itself is not deposited in fat. The main cause of fat gain under the influence of alcohol may be a decrease in impulse control. I myself am a sinner in this, since more than once returning from a booze I pounced on cookies and cakes at home until I fainted from a food coma.

Alcohol, growth hormone and testosterone

You have probably heard about how alcohol reduces testosterone levels in men. The fact is that this is true, but the exaggeration has reached the point of distortion. Alcohol is indeed capable of lowering testosterone to some extent, but we are talking about 120 grams of pure alcohol. 120 grams of alcohol is almost 10 shots of real liquor. After such a binge, testosterone fell by 23% in just 16 hours. Growth hormone secretion is reduced by ethanol (alcohol), by deep suppression. There is also an increase in cortisol production (+36%), which can lead to unwanted accumulation of body fat. In studies where the effect of 70-80 grams of alcohol was studied, it was not revealed at all. negative influences for testosterone. In fact, the media pulled out several studies and made a real tragedy out of them, colorfully describing the devastating effect of alcohol on testosterone secretion. It may happen to you after 10 beers with your always drunk drinking companion, but all this has little to do with the reality of normal people.

But this is not all good news for athletes who deliberately refuse alcohol. In studies on rats, a decrease in protein synthesis was indeed noted, but this has not been proven in the case of humans. In chronic alcoholics, however, there is indeed a reduced percentage of muscle mass. But now we are talking about moderate reception. In addition, alcohol is perceived by the body as a poison and is a "priority for metabolism." When you drink, digestive juices are secreted primarily to break down the alcohol. All other food in your stomach goes to number two.

Key points

Moderate alcohol consumption can improve insulin sensitivity, leading to better absorption of nutrients and other health benefits;

Not alcohol is the culprit in weight gain, but your drunk trips to McDuck;

A negative effect on testosterone has not been proven when drinking moderate doses of alcohol. But after a heavy drinking session, there is indeed a drop in testosterone and growth hormone levels for the next day. Just don't get too drunk:

Alcohol does have a negative effect on protein synthesis in rats. As for people, there is still no confirmed data;

Alcohol does not directly contribute to weight gain, but it can act as an inhibitor of lipolysis. If you eat a lot of derma (fat/sugar) while you're drunk while lipolysis is down, your body composition may change for the worse;

It is better to drink low-calorie alcohol, such as dry wine, rum, and sugar-free drinks. Whereas beer and sweet wines are best reserved for a special occasion;

Don't act like an idiot and take this article as a green light for drunkenness. Be careful and think with your head.

The translation was made

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Testosterone makes males male. Thanks to him, boys at the age of 12-14 begin to turn into men, they develop secondary male sexual characteristics and craving for the opposite sex. No body system can function without testosterone. Its main functions include:

  • participation in protein synthesis, necessary for the development and maintenance of muscles in good shape;
  • the acquisition by a young guy of the secondary sexual characteristics of a man;
  • lowering the timbre of the voice;
  • the appearance of sexual attraction to the opposite sex;
  • improved blood circulation, which has a positive effect on erection;
  • correct distribution of adipose tissue in the body.

Based on the list of the main functions of testosterone, we can conclude that its lack will lead to muscle flabbiness and the appearance of problems with men's health, but let's dig deeper and dwell on this in more detail.

Any dose of alcohol has a detrimental effect on male body. There are widespread tales that a small dose of alcohol (several glasses of wine or champagne, a bottle of beer) cannot harm health and, on the contrary, are beneficial for the body.

But this is not true. Yes, a slight increase in the level of ethanol in the blood improves blood circulation in the genital area, increasing arousal, sexual desire and increasing the duration of an erection, but these urges should be controlled.

There are frequent cases of girls being raped by drunken men who could not cope with their animal urges.

The medal has back side: disruption of the work of all organs and systems of the body due to changes in the hormonal background and the impact on the functioning of the brain. In this case, the fact of damage to the structure of the part of the brain responsible for controlling the amount of testosterone produced is interesting.

In addition to the fact that ethanol lowers the sensitivity of all the senses, which can adversely affect the most crucial moment, alcohol also destroys spermatozoa, and which it does not destroy, it disfigures, changing their physiology.

Having fertilized an egg with defective genetic material, the couple is likely to become the parents of the same defective child. And not necessarily he will have physical abnormalities (no more than a couple of percent of genes are responsible for the structure of the body), most likely, the child's psyche will suffer.

Important! Damaged sperm tend to be much less mobile than healthy ones, and their chances of reaching their destination are negligible, but still above zero.

After drinking a glass reproductive system recovers in about a month, provided that healthy lifestyle life, and taking into account the fact that the complete renewal of male germ cells is carried out in 2-3 months, the chances of having healthy offspring for a couple of months from the date of the last booze are very low.

This ingredient began to be added to the recipe for brewing beer in the 12th century.

For the production of the drink, hop cones are used, which contain an aromatic oil that gives the beer a specific bitter taste.

Unfortunately, hops also contain phytoestrogen. This substance inhibits the synthesis of testosterone in the male body and leads to impotence.

"Beer belly" is typical for most beer drinkers. In the Czech Republic, which is famous for the production of this drink, they say that a man’s belly grows from beer, like a watermelon, but the tip dries up. This means that a man after regular consumption of beer becomes effeminate over time.

Passion for intoxicating drink and potency

Main danger for male power is found in hop cones. These are phytoestrogens - plant analogues of the female sex hormone. At the same time, it should be remembered that more hops are used in the preparation of dark varieties, which means that the content of phytoestrogens in them is much higher.

At regular use beer, the concentration in the male body of the plant analogue of the female sex hormone increases, while the production of the male hormone testosterone decreases. Over time, the male body itself begins to produce female hormones.

The first signs of a male hormone deficiency are weight gain. At the same time, it occurs in a feminine way: body fat formed in the abdomen, chest and thighs.

A decrease in the amount of testosterone in some cases leads to a decrease muscle tone, reduction of hairline, dryness and flabbiness of the skin, increase in the timbre of the voice. Irritability and hysteria may appear.

Men become effeminate, and not only outwardly.

One of the most important and unpleasant changes that have occurred under the influence of an intoxicating drink can be a decrease in potency. It is testosterone that makes a man be sexually active, therefore, with a decrease in the concentration of this hormone, there is:

  • A gradual decrease in attraction to the opposite sex, which over time can lead to a complete lack of libido.
  • erectile disfunction, expressed by weakening or total absence erections.

Given this, the connection between such concepts as beer and impotence is quite obvious.

According to some experts, an early infatuation with intoxicating drink may well be the reason male infertility. Studies have confirmed the fact that in half of infertile couples, the man began drinking beer at adolescence.

  • Tried many ways but nothing helps?
  • Another coding turned out to be ineffective?
  • Is alcohol destroying your family?

Possible negative consequences

If a man drinks regularly, in large quantities, then a decrease in the level of sex hormone, along with all the effects of this process, is provided to him. Because of negative impact alcohol on the vessels worsens the blood supply to the pelvic organs. This negatively affects erectile function.

If a man has low testosterone levels, he, first of all, needs to change his lifestyle and diet. If you continue to drink alcohol, then the level of the sex hormone will continue to decrease, and the changes taking place will accelerate.

In addition to this effect, alcohol negatively affects the functioning of the liver. It ceases to produce the necessary enzymes, as a result, androgens are transformed into female sex hormones.

The compatibility of alcohol and elevated testosterone levels is also small. This hormone is responsible for male behavior, including aggressiveness. The more sex hormone a man has, the more he is capable of rash acts under the influence of anger. In combination with alcohol, this is fraught with dangerous consequences.

Each man must decide for himself what is more important to him. Will he remain sexually active, with a healthy liver and heart, or will he drink alcohol, turning into an effeminate hysteric with low intelligence.

Consequences of drinking alcohol on your training process.

Alcohol (even months later) interferes with athletic performance, inhibits recovery, raises cortisol, converts testosterone to estrogen, and more.

Alcohol interferes with testosterone

The study found that in men who consumed alcohol after an intense workout (6 sets of 80% squats), free testosterone actually increased in response to the combination of intense training and alcohol. However, scientists believe that this increase in testosterone bioavailability is not anabolic (that is, not “absorbed” by the muscles for growth), but indicates a violation of bodily processes as a result of the presence of alcohol.

IN long term this undermines the development of muscles and strength, and also stops fat burning, scientists conclude.

Alcohol raises cortisol levels

Another study involving elite rugby players found that consumption of alcohol at dinner in the amount of 7 standard units(70 ml in alcohol equivalent or about 200 ml of a 40% drink) increased levels of cortisol (stress hormone) and estrogen (female hormone), and also weakened the power output during the training session the next morning.

Cortisol levels rise during times of stress in the body in order to provide a person with additional energy for solving complex tasks. In this case, energy is taken due to the splitting of muscles to amino acids and glucose.

Elevated cortisol levels lead to health problems such as: headaches, insomnia , frequent colds, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, suppression of thyroid function.

Alcohol impairs brain function

A hangover not only reduces peak performance and slows down recovery, it also undermines learning and skill development during training.

In response to alcohol, the rugby players tested experienced an increase in reaction time, deterioration in cognitive function, and an increase in decision-making time.

Alcohol lowers strength

3 standard units of alcohol(30 ml of alcohol or 75 ml of a 40% drink) lowered male maximum strength by 45% 12 hours after consumption.

By the way, a smaller dose - in 1.5 standard units - did not affect the level of maximum strength. Meanwhile, small doses weaken the transmission of nerve signals to the muscles, which can further reduce strength performance.

Scientists from the Institute of Nutrition and Health in New Zealand conducted the following study. 10 healthy men received a quadriceps load for 2 weeks. At the same time, after a load on one day of research, men drank a drink from vodka and orange juice(1 g of ethanol per 1 kg of body weight), on another day of research - just orange juice.

The greatest drop in efficiency was observed after 36 hours: muscle was about 30% weaker after drinking alcohol compared to drinking plain juice.

Alcohol in small doses - increases testosterone, in large doses reduces

Evidence from the available analyzed studies (about 20 studies) suggests that alcohol consumption below 1.5 g ethanol/kg body weight (up to 100 g alcohol per 70 kg person) shows an increase in circulating testosterone levels (a 17% increase in circulating testosterone was recorded 2 hours after eating.

And vice versa: consumption above 1.5 g ethanol/kg body weight shows a reduction in circulating testosterone levels(for example, approximately 120 g of alcohol, reduces testosterone levels by 23% within 16 hours of consumption). Despite the fact that such a decrease is observed mainly in men, but not in women. A decrease in testosterone, as you understand, reduces the effectiveness of training on your body.

Even a single use of alcohol has a long-term effect

As the old joke (which has a lot of truth in it) goes: alcohol completely disappears from the body in 21 days, that is, never.

According to an American study in which 170 student athletes took part, a single alcohol abuse has a long-term effect - the previous results are achieved only 1-3 months after the abuse.

Dr. O'Brien, who has been researching the problem of the influence of alcohol on the health of an athlete for several decades, informs about an average decrease in results of 11.4%.

Alcohol is high in calories

In the end, alcohol is a very high-calorie product due to its main ingredient - alcohol. In 100 grams of vodka - about 240 kcal, and in a bottle - almost daily rate skinny person. At the same time, alcohol calories are usually called "empty" - they do not contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which make up any food.

Alcohol calories are pure energy that the body needs to spend. Have you noticed that under the influence of alcohol people become more active?

The body, receiving a dose of such empty calories, immediately rearranges itself in such a way as to get rid of them in the first place. Because he cannot store alcohol and strives to bring it out with all his might. That is why the body stops burning fat and carbohydrate reserves, switching to alcohol fuel, and these fat reserves, prepared for burning, are simply postponed for the future. In the folds above the belt, for example.

UPD. In defense of alcohol

Some readers of Zozhnik were outraged by the one-sidedness of the scientific data provided and the lack of important arguments in our article:

Zozhnik Reader Dmitry Barsukov in his usual manner (but then how someone was brought up) he also reminded about other aspects of alcohol consumption and gave us a chance to supplement the article. Thanks, Dmitry!

Our respected fitness expert Dmitry Pikul comments on the reviews scientific research on the effects of alcohol on the human body: the role of ethanol in influencing cortisol levels and testosterone secretion is still not entirely clear, although the stressful effects of ethanol on the human body may be responsible for the increase in blood levels of cortisol (which is confirmed by a number of studies).

According to Pikul, the strong effect of alcohol on protein synthesis in muscles normal person, yet so far in the scientific literature, apparently not. These negative indicators are mainly obtained on chronic alcoholics(who consumed from 100 grams of ethanol per day, every day), who had a reduced rate of protein synthesis.

And yes, in most studies on rats, alcohol affects protein synthesis negatively, but the main problem with this kind of experiment is that the results of studies on rats are almost never applicable to human physiology, because. there are profound differences in how humans and rodents deal with macronutrients and toxins.

Or, negative scenarios for the degradation of protein synthesis were measured on athletes using rather extreme protocols (in one study, a hard (high-intensity) training regimen with negative repetitions was used; in another, strength training (weight 80% of 1RM, 8 sets of 5 repetitions) was immediately replaced by 30 -minute NIcardio, which in turn were replaced by a VIcardio protocol (10 intervals of 30 seconds each) and the intake of significant doses of alcohol immediately after exercise (in the region of 1-1.5 g ethanol / kg).

Moderate alcohol consumption (60-90 grams of alcohol) does not increase catabolic tissue destruction and does not drastically affect the decline in muscle strength.

Says scientist and fitness expert Alan Aragon from his Athlete's Guide to Alcohol: “To sum up, we can say that alcohol is not a necessary substance for health and there is no reason to think that it can improve your performance in any direction.

But at the same time it moderate consumption(1-2 Standard American Drinks a Day) May Help Keep Your Heart Healthy without interfering with looking good without clothes.

If you don't drink, there's no point in starting. And if you drink a lot, the risks are very high. But if you keep within limits, drink enough to benefit, but do not wake up with a hangover - there is no point in quitting. The simplest advice sounds like this: if your libations interfere with training, you need to drink less.”

What is the treatment for alcoholism

  1. First of all, psychotherapy helps- this is work with the primary source of the disease and what is most necessary, in the opinion of the editors of Zozhnik, in order to cope with the disease.
  2. Disulfiram and analogues. You can also fight with drugs active substance disulfiram(most famous drugs: Teturam(144 rubles at the wer.ru pharmacy) and Esperal(1479 rubles in the online pharmacy 36.6). Disulfiram in these medicines is just the most direct analogue of the folk verb “sew up”. Disulfiram blocks the conversion of acetaldehyde to acetate and thereby contributes to the accumulation of acetaldehyde in the body and alcohol consumption becomes subjectively unpleasant and even dangerous to health.
  3. Naltrexone. Medicine, which binds to opioid receptors and blocks the effects of endorphins - that is, alcohol ceases to please the patient. As a result, according to studies, it reduces the need for alcohol and prevents relapses within 6 months after a 12-week course of therapy (success depends on the desire and consent of the patient). Naltrexone sold in the same pharmacy "36.6" (online for 995 rubles).

In any case, before self-treatment difficult cases a doctor's consultation is recommended.

Scientific sources:

1. Vingren JL, Hill DW, Buddhadev H, Duplanty A. Postresistance exercise ethanol ingestion and acute testosterone bioavailability. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2013, vol.45, N.9, pp.1825-1832.

2. Murphy AP, Snape AE, Minett GM, Skein M, Duffield R. The effect of post-match alcohol ingestion on recovery from competitive rugby league matches. J Strength Cond Res. 2013, vol.27, N.5, pp.1304-1312.

3. J Am Coll Health. Reducing High-Risk Drinking Among Student-Athletes: The Effects of a Targeted Athlete-Specific Brief Intervention. 2015;63(6):343-52. doi: 10.1080/07448481.2015.1031236

4. Eur J Appl Physiol. Post-exercise alcohol ingestion exacerbates eccentric-exercise induced losses in performance. 2010 Mar;108(5):1009-14. doi: 10.1007/s00421-009-1311-3. Epub 2009 Dec 11.

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What makes a man a man? It turns out that this is testosterone (male sex hormone), which is produced in the testicles and differs from the female sex hormone (estrogen) by one hydrogen atom! And because testosterone is very unstable, a little that mutates into the female sex hormone estrogen. (But reverse mutation never happens!) Testosterone disappears even when the weather changes!

Testosterone is also key hormone in building muscles. Let's try to figure out what foods and what lifestyle lower the amount of our testosterone.

Foods that acidify the blood (they convert the hormone testosterone into estrogen) and foods containing phytoestrogens and estrogens are especially dangerous.

Of the foods that appear on our daily menu, researchers identify the following testosterone destroyers:

Salt. It has been experimentally proven that increased content sodium reduces testosterone production.

Sugar. It provokes the production of insulin, which stops the process of testosterone production. And although glucose, which is part of sucrose, ensures sperm motility (therefore, a man instinctively reaches for sweets), but sugar is not exactly glucose. First, industrial sugar is full of chemistry. And secondly, it works better in combination with other components in natural form(fruits vegetables).

Dangerous products containing hidden sugar: fizzy drinks (especially tonics, hide sugar behind the bitterness of quinine) and sweet alcoholic drinks. Dehydration is added to the action of sugar, caffeine and alcohol.

Caffeine. Caffeine destroys free testosterone. However, it acts in a short period of time and itself is quickly destroyed. In addition, caffeine is recommended for baldness - after all, baldness is partly caused by the action of testosterone on the hair roots.

The best source of caffeine - green tea and green coffee, brewed with water not hotter than 80 degrees (caffeine dissolves only in very hot water). In addition, they are very rich in polyphenols. Roasted coffee, like all roasted fiber, is carcinogenic.

Meat. It's no secret that female hormones are given to animals to speed up weight gain. Commercial beef, chicken, and pork are 100% higher in these hormones.

Foods with high cholesterol. Cholesterol is animal fat. Its main source is fatty meat. And it's not cholesterol itself that's bad. Cholesterol is needed, as it is the main component in the synthesis of testosterone. Its excess is harmful. What is excess? A man's body produces microscopically little testosterone. Several milligrams per day. Accordingly, the amount of cholesterol required for this is also insignificant.

Soy. Contains phytoestrogens - plant analogues of the female sex hormone. That is, these hormones are opposite to testosterone in action. In small quantities, soy is harmless. It contains complete protein.

Fat milk. Especially natural. It contains natural bovine estrogen.

White yeast bread and pastries. It contains several factors that reduce testosterone at once: acids, yeast, sugar.

A large number of vegetable oil . Most strongly reduces testosterone soy, corn and linseed oil. To a lesser extent sunflower. Does not reduce - olive and nut. Harmless Amount sunflower oil ends at the sixth spoon a day.

Bird eggs. Contain a lot different hormones and cholesterol. In addition, the protein film located directly under the shell is toxic. It will not succeed in poisoning, but it affects the body. Especially the reproductive function.

Smoked products. They contain smoking liquid. This causes toxic damage to the tissues of the testicles - the glands that produce 95% of testosterone in the body.

Alcohol. A real poison for the testicles. With an increase in the level of alcohol in the blood, the amount of testosterone simultaneously decreases. Drinking alcohol in amounts that can cause a hangover reduces testosterone levels by 20% within 12-20 hours. Moreover, the testicles affected by the "degree" are never fully restored.

The most sophisticated strike male power- beer. In addition to alcohol, it contains phytoestrogens - female sex hormones.

Here are some foods and tips to increase testosterone levels:

Psychology: a man loves with his eyes! From how his beloved looks, how the level of the male hormone can immediately jump or fall on the thermometer. So, women, remember your appearance constantly!

Testosterone is destroyed by stress hormones. Therefore, it is recommended to laugh a lot, do breathing practices, normalize sleep.

Sleep: Testosterone (as well as another important hormone - melatonin) is produced just during sleep, reaching its maximum concentration in the morning. And for this process, complete silence and complete darkness are needed ...

Physical education: move. For every 3 hours spent sitting or lying down, you should spend 20 minutes physical activity(Running and swimming are ideal, but an exercise bike or similar is fine.) Even ordinary walking is a wonderful means of eliminating stagnation in the small pelvis.

Temperature: Constant overheating of the testicles is extremely dangerous and leads to prostatitis and prostate adenoma. The temperature at which spermatozoa are born should be about 3.5 degrees lower than body temperature. Therefore, warm blankets, tight jeans and shorts, constant overheating of the seats in the car, a sedentary lifestyle act as testosterone killers. Men are advised to sleep in a cool room.

Sunlight: Increases testosterone levels. Proven by scientists.

- greens in large quantities: parsley, cilantro, celery, cabbage, lettuce, onion, wild garlic, watercress salad,
- tikva ( main source zinc, which is part of testosterone),
- berries, grapes,
- non-alcoholic red wine
- oil walnut, Sesame oil. Plus - olive oil which helps in tissue repair human body and increases hormone levels.
- spices in large quantities: cardamom, Bell pepper, hazel, cilantro, turmeric, horseradish, and mustard!

For more complete information, we add that testosterone increases the onset of prostate cancer. Although, this is not the topic of this article and this issue should be dealt with separately ...