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Oregano in folk medicine. Tincture for nervous disorders and insomnia. Contraindications and possible harm

You can find oregano in the European part of Russia, the Caucasus and some regions of southern Siberia. This plant is unpretentious; it grows in light forests, open meadows and along roads. Oregano blooms from July to September.

The chemical composition of oregano, or oregano, includes tannins and essential oils containing phenol, as well as ascorbic and rosmarinic acid.

In culinary and medicinal purposes All aerial parts of oregano are used

The herb has a calming effect on the central nervous system, helps remove neurotic state, helps with depressed mood. An infusion of oregano herb helps with insomnia, increased irritability, tendency to a depressed state.

Oregano should not be confused with mint; they are completely different plants.

The large amount of indigestible dietary fiber contained in oregano herb facilitates digestion; an infusion of this herb is often used to increase appetite.

This herb affects smooth muscles, has an antispasmodic effect and is used to relieve stomach cramps, pain in the intestines, colitis, and gallbladder disorders. It relieves flatulence and constipation.

Don't confuse oregano with mint

Oregano enhances secretion sweat glands, has an analgesic and anticonvulsant effect. Antiseptic properties herbs are used to wash wounds and abscesses, to relieve itching, for scrofula and some rashes. An infusion of the herb can be used to strengthen hair and prevent hair loss.

The grass has positive influence on respiratory organs. Oregano is used for coughs, choking, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma and other lung diseases. For inhalation, oregano infusion is used for a variety of pulmonary diseases: pharyngitis, laryngitis, chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis, cough.

The herb is included breast collection and collection for the treatment of throat diseases. The infusion is used to rinse the mouth and throat in case of inflammatory diseases. Chewing oregano is used to relieve pain in teeth and gums.

Since ancient times, the properties of oregano have been known to be beneficial for women's health. That is why oregano is often called the “female herb.” Oregano decoction can prevent uterine bleeding, restores hormonal levels, neutralizes discomfort during the onset of menopause.

Oregano infusion relieves pain during menstruation and helps restore broken cycles. Sitz baths in oregano infusion can help get rid of chronic cystitis.

Another Russian name for this herb, “materinka,” is associated with pronounced gynecological properties. In Rus', the herb was used to stop postpartum bleeding.

Oregano contains a large percentage of vitamin C, so it can be used as a general tonic and preventative. This herb is usually part of an immunostimulating collection that helps strengthen the body's protective resources. Can be used as a tonic for dizziness.

Carvacrol contained in the plant prevents the formation free radicals in the body, and as a result resists the formation cancer cells. Rosmarinic acid, which is part of the chemical composition of the plant, is powerful antioxidant, which can also be used for cancer prevention. Thus, oregano contains a whole complex of anti-cancer substances.

Oregano is considered a “female herb”; a decoction of this herb is taken for various female ailments

Harm and contraindications

Oregano can have this effect Negative influence on the human body:

  • Danger of miscarriage. Oregano is contraindicated during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that this herb increases the tone of the uterine muscles, which can lead to miscarriage.
  • Decreased potency. Oregano has long been considered a feminine herb due to its great content phytohormones; tea with this plant was not recommended for men because of its ability to reduce libido.
  • Allergic reactions. In case of individual intolerance, an allergy to oregano may occur.
  • Contraindications for heart disease. The grass contains active substances which put stress on the heart. Therefore, oregano is contraindicated for heart disorders.
  • Effect on vision. Increased content essential oils may adversely affect vision. Therefore, if you have poor eyesight, you should not use oregano. large quantities.
  • Increased pressure. Even the smell of oregano can trigger a surge in blood pressure. Therefore, its use is harmful for people suffering from hypertension.
  • Decreased attention. The sedative properties of this herb have a relaxing effect and reduce attention. It should not be used before performing work that requires increased concentration and concentration.

Oregano does not go well with wine. Avicenna also noted that drinking this herb with wine causes headaches.

Oregano is a herb that has versatile properties and rich chemical composition. It can be used both in cooking and herbal medicine, due to its pleasant taste and aromatic properties, and in medicine due to the presence of a wide range of healing properties.

However, when using oregano, you should keep in mind some contraindications for use. In the absence of contraindications, the use of oregano in cooking and medicine can have a beneficial therapeutic and preventive effect.

herbaceous perennial, widespread throughout the world. Its popularization covers expanses of clearings, forest edges, woodlands and grassy areas. In a number of countries, oregano is cultivated for the purpose of further use in various qualities. Along with the demand for this plant and its unpretentiousness, it differs from a number of herbs in its incredible symbiosis of beneficial properties.

This unique culture has many names such as incense, zenivka, oregano, motherwort and others, but behind all of them lies the oregano known to every person.

Chemical composition of oregano

Thanks to its chemical composition, oregano can easily compete with the overwhelming majority known drugs and funds. This is due to high concentration as part of medicinal substances. For medicinal purposes, dried flowers and leaves of the plant are actively used, on the basis of which alcohol and water tinctures and decoctions are produced.

Oregano is also saturated with essential oils, organic acids, phenols and coumarins. Individual substances from the released chemical composition of oregano demonstrate high effectiveness in the treatment of a number of diseases, especially if they are combined with each other.

Thus, the grass and inflorescences of the plant contain about 1.5% essential oil, containing aromatic alcohol, carvacrop, thymol; free alcohols; geranyl acetate. During the flowering period, polyphenolic compounds and glycosides are released from oregano. Among other things, with the help modern technologies and techniques, tannins, ascorbic acid and fatty oil, which has a pleasant smell and has unique bactericidal properties.

What are the benefits of oregano?

Popularity and wide use of this plant over time raised a lot of questions regarding the benefits of oregano for humans . Facing a wide range modern application herbs, many are surprised and delighted, which is no wonder. The use of oregano, due to its beneficial properties, is currently practically unlimited.

Various compositions, tinctures and decoctions based on this medicinal herb are actively used in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, row chronic diseases of different nature. Active ingredients located in chemical composition oregano, have a stimulating effect on the secretion gastric juice, and also normalize digestion and increase appetite. Oregano decoctions, which often act as a panacea in traditional medicine recipes, are an excellent expectorant. Calming effect, which is also distinguished by medicinal oregano, in turn, often helps people suffering chronic insomnia and constant nervous tension.

It is noteworthy that the properties of oregano are used in medicine even in the treatment of a number of skin diseases such as rashes and boils. Regardless of wide range and the variety of beneficial properties of the herb, its effect on the body of men and women often differs, which is why it is advisable to understand how oregano is useful for men and women.

Did you know?Oregano is a source of a number of antioxidants that actively support and protect human immune system, and also prevent premature aging. Decoctions and infusions of herbs can significantly slow down the development of cancer, atherosclerosis and diseases of cardio-vascular system. Among the scientifically proven beneficial properties of oregano are anti-inflammatory and soothing effects. Thus, in 2004, the authoritative scientific journal “Clinical and Experimental Allergy” published the results of many years of research, which proved that the use of oregano is most effective in the treatment of allergic asthma.

Benefits of oregano for men

Along with the generally recognized benefits of the properties of medicinal herbs, experts identify quite specific indicators of the impact of oregano on the body of men. In addition to treating the gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system, cardiovascular system and other organs, the recipe of traditional medicine states that infusions and decoctions of oregano can help a man get rid of alcohol addiction and cravings for smoking.

Important!In pursuit of quick treatment You should not exaggerate the volume of consumed decoctions and infusions based on oregano, since a high concentration of sedatives contained in the herb can reduce sexual desire men and/or even lead to the development of impotence.

Useful properties for women

For many years, almost every doctor and traditional healer knows how oregano is beneficial for women. Medicines based on oregano can help the fair sex in the treatment of countless gynecological diseases. For example, a decoction can relieve a girl from pain during menstruation, as well as normalize an errant menstrual cycle.

Among other things, the herb helps increase milk production during lactation. Immediately after the birth of a baby, oregano helps to quickly return to normal, to the usual rhythm of life, and also restores the uterus and normalizes the menstrual cycle. Some specialists and folk healers believe that oregano, beneficial features which are already numerous, can help girls whose genitals and breasts are not actively developing enough. However, this opinion is also shared by numerous women who have personally successfully tried this remedy.

In addition to all of the above, during menopause, a herbal remedy helps relieve unpleasant painful hot flashes, and also relieves migraines and excitability of the nervous system.

Important!During pregnancy, taking oregano (oregano) in any form is strictly prohibited, since the chemical composition of the herb contains substances that cause miscarriages.

The use of oregano in folk medicine. Recipes

In addition to the official medicinal use, V folk medicine oregano is also used frequently and effectively. For many years, healers and healers have skillfully answered the question “oregano herb: what does it help with?” », which comes up so often lately. Diversity folk recipes based on oregano is unimaginable, but the most popular and effective of them are known to almost everyone.

1. Oregano beneficial properties of tea

To prepare, you need to crumble 20 grams of pre-prepared, dried flowering buds and pour a liter of boiling water. You can add a little dry linden and/or mint. This tea is infused for 5-10 minutes, after which it is carefully filtered. 2-3 mugs a day of oregano-based tea help calm inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. When stressed, a mug of tea can calm the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

2.Oregano infusion

20 grams dried preparation oregano should be poured with 40 ml of alcohol or vodka and placed in a dark, cool place for a day. After this, the infusion is a liter of boiling water. After an hour, the tincture can be strained. Teas based on this tincture (no more than 4 cups per day) help remove phlegm, calm coughs, and also treat bronchitis, pneumonia and other diseases.

3. Oregano massage oil

100 grams of dried oregano flowers must be added to 500 ml olive oil, whisk the resulting product thoroughly and place in a warm place, filter before use. The oil helps with pain in the limbs, temples, and general headaches. To do this, rub the composition in small circular movements 2-3 times a day. In addition, oregano is one of the main components of the remedy for the treatment of lichen planus. If traditional medicine recipes do not relieve symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Did you know? Regular use oregano in food significantly increases the body's defenses and promotes additional protection against pathogenic bacteria of different nature. According to published results of laboratory tests conducted on animals, oregano oil activates the production of white blood cells. Moreover, the substances contained in oregano can destroy the protective shells of a number of viruses, which improves immunity.

How to use oregano in cooking

The herb oregano is often used in cooking as a spice. The spice is obtained from the upper part of the plant stem, its leaves and flowers. Herbs for culinary use are collected at the end of summer. In many countries, traditional national cuisine is impossible without the use of this spice.

Thus, in Belgium and France it has found application in meat and mushroom dishes, and in Italy - in pizza. The piquancy of oregano (oregano) gives it an extraordinary aroma, combined with a delicate bitter-spicy taste. It is noteworthy that the plant has a rich taste, that is, it is enough to add it in small quantities. Oregano is often a key component in aromatic compositions used for liver, pate, and sausages. Housewives actively use dried oregano when preparing baked potatoes with vegetables. In addition, almost every home cookbook notes that oregano goes well with stewed, baked, fried foods, as well as with sauces and gravies.

Such dishes have a delicate but very rich taste. Spicy fillings are often made on the basis of oregano. meat dishes, eggs and pies. Moreover, marinade for pickles and pickled vegetables also often contains this spice. The combination of oregano with other spices, such as black pepper, basil, marjoram, rosemary, is almost unique and inimitable in aroma and taste.

Did you know?On the territory of our state, oregano has long been added to traditional ingredients in the preparation of kvass and beer. The herb gave drinks a special aroma and protected them from souring during long-term storage.

How to prepare medicinal raw materials

Oregano herb, which can be used for various purposes and industries, is collected during the flowering period of the plant and the full opening of its flower buds. This period falls on June-August. It is noteworthy that the collection can be carried out later, but in the fall the content of individual substances, such as essential oils, decreases, which reduces the quality and benefits of the herb as a whole.

As a rule, only the tops of oregano, about 20-30 cm in size, are harvested. Dry the grass outdoors or in a room with good ventilation, but be sure to protect the workpiece from direct sun rays. You can dry the plant faster using specialized forced draft dryers that support constant temperature air is about 40 degrees. It is noteworthy that when this temperature is exceeded during the drying process of oregano, the beneficial properties are partially lost as the essential oils evaporate.

In Russia, among bushes, on hills, meadows and forest edges, oregano, oregano, oregano, oregano, and incense grows independently. In France and North America it is unique plant cultivated because they know that the beneficial properties of the herb can cure almost any ailment.

Oregano herb - medicinal properties

Perennial herbaceous plant looks like a tall stem with pink-purple inflorescences. It is not for nothing that it is called a perfume color, since the aroma emanates from it is enchanting. The grass blooms from July to August, and when harvesting, only top part incense, leaving the stem 20-30 cm. Oregano tea is known throughout the world, because it is incredibly tasty and fragrant, much softer and more pleasant than the herbal drink made from thyme.

The medicinal properties of oregano have been established by doctors for a long time. This is mainly due to the high antibacterial and soothing activity of the plant. Motherboard - indications for use:

In addition, the perfume color has an expectorant, diaphoretic effect, and has a diuretic, choleretic, and anti-inflammatory effect. Some more indications of the medicinal plant in medicine:

  • chronic or acute bronchitis;
  • secretory insufficiency of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • enterocolitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • gingivitis.

Oregano - medicinal properties and contraindications for women

One of the names of the plant is motherwort, because the herb cures many women’s ailments. In folk medicine it has found its use as an effective medicine, relieving discomfort during menopause. The healing properties of oregano help normalize disrupted hormonal levels. Decoctions and infusions from the spirit flower are recommended to be drunk by teenage girls whose breasts are developing poorly. Oregano is contraindicated for women while they are expecting a child, as it can cause uterine contractions, bleeding and termination of pregnancy.

Oregano - medicinal properties and contraindications for men

As already mentioned, the perennial plant incense is a women's herb, so it is not recommended for men to consume it in large quantities. An aromatic spicy spice can affect potency and cause predominance female hormones. Oregano is useful for men, if there are no contraindications, short course in the form of tea:

  • to improve digestion;
  • for colds;
  • for respiratory diseases;
  • for gastrointestinal diseases;
  • for diabetes;
  • with exacerbation of the ulcer.

Oregano - application

Tannins, essential oils and high percentage ascorbic acid Motherboards have a beneficial effect on people who are depressed, help with long-term stress, insomnia, and epilepsy. This is a natural antibiotic that fights all kinds of liver inflammation, including jaundice. However, the use of oregano is useful not only internally. The beauty herb is actively used in cosmetology to rejuvenate and regenerate the skin, cleanse pores, and eliminate dandruff.

Perfume essence is widely used in homeopathy to treat hysteria, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension. Another indication of the plant - additional therapy at malignant tumors any etiology. In cooking, oregano is used dried or fresh for preparing fish sauces, salads and meat dishes. The spice facilitates digestion and stimulates the appetite. The seasoning is useful for constipation because it produces minor laxative effect.

Video: medicinal properties of oregano

The chemical composition of oregano a large number of useful substances - vitamins and phytoharmones, natural antibiotics and essential oils, geranyl acetate. It is because of them that the plant has pronounced antiseptic and diuretic, choleretic and antihelminthic properties, providing therapeutic effect for the whole body.

Doctors have long noticed the healing properties of oregano, or as it is also called, motherwort :

  • It has a high sedative effect, therefore it helps with nervous tension and insomnia.
  • Oregano has anti-inflammatory and choleretic properties, as well as a diuretic effect.
  • The plant has a strong diaphoretic and expectorant effect , which makes it indispensable for colds, bronchitis and even pneumonia.
  • The infusion perfectly relieves stomach spasms and helps normalize the functioning of the liver, gallbladder and duodenum, eliminates flatulence, relieves an attack of toothache and inflammation of the gums.
  • The motherboard copes well with fungal infections, indicated for eczema and the treatment of furunculosis and other skin problems.
  • Oregano decoctions help restore the normal structure of the subcutaneous fat layer and thus helps eliminate cellulite.
  • Removes negative manifestations menopause, attacks of pain during menstruation, indicated for delayed puberty in adolescence..

Medicinal properties of oregano in folk medicine

Oregano in folk alternative medicine has long been used in the fight against many ailments. It is prescribed when increased excitability, insomnia and bouts of blues.

Decoctions and infusions of this plant improve intestinal motility, increase the secretion of bile and promote contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterine walls, acting as a diuretic, and regulate menstrual cycles.

It is used in the form of a decoction and tincture as an effective analgesic and anti-inflammatory, a means to combat pathogenic bacteria - therefore, it is prescribed for whooping cough and bronchitis, to improve digestion, as a means of combating colitis and enterocolitis, which are accompanied by constipation and flatulence.

As an external remedy, the herb is used in the form of compresses and lotions to combat furunculosis and swelling, any rashes on the skin, as well as for gargling and oral cavity for inflammation and colds. The infusion itself is used to wash wounds and cuts, it is recommended to wash your hair in case of hair loss, and baths with the addition of motherwort decoction are indicated for scrofula, especially in young children and itchy eczema.

Medicinal properties of oregano in oncological practice

Many people know that the motherboard is used as an unconventional remedy for leukemia - along with using medications For treatment, traditional herbalists recommend drinking 100 ml of oregano infusion. 3 times a day.

Preparing the infusion is quite simple - 3 tbsp. spoons of dry herb are brewed in 600 ml. boiling water and put on low heat, bring to a boil, turn off the heat, then leave for 8-10 hours, letting it brew, and take the infusion as described above.

Standard infusion

Preparing oregano infusion according to a standard recipe is not a problem at home. For this, take 15 grams. dry plant and brew 200 ml of boiling water, leave it in a tightly closed container for 3 hours, but if necessary, you can reduce the time to 1 hour. For getting best effect The decoction or infusion is taken 30 minutes before. before meals, although certain diseases There is no such connection - for sore throat or bronchitis it is used at any time.

Oil infusion

To maximize the effect of this medicinal plant and extend its shelf life, prepare an oil infusion. For this recipe, you need to take the dried plant and oil - sunflower or olive, mix the components in a ratio of 1:10, and leave for 12-14 hours in a dark place. The infusion itself can be used internally - 3-5 drops and externally, as a compress or lotion.

Recipes for various diseases

Oregano can be used in different ways, using one or another method of preparation, which determines its best effect on the body:

Hypertension and severe stress

The medicinal properties of oregano have long been famous in the fight against high pressure and stress - in this case, doctors and traditional herbalists recommend brewing 2 teaspoons of the dry plant in a glass of boiling water and, letting it brew for half an hour, take ½ glass three times a day before meals. If you have insomnia or a problem with the nervous system, a bath with oregano will be effective; the recipe is presented above.

Solving problems with stomach and intestinal diseases using oregano

If there is a problem with digestive system or simply an unpleasant feeling in the stomach - oregano will perfectly help eliminate such negative symptoms and overcome the problem. In this case, it is enough to mix oregano and yarrow in equal proportions, and take 2 teaspoons of the resulting mixture and brew it in 300 ml. boiling water, let it brew for half an hour and take this aromatic infusion instead of tea.

Even if you have a stomach or duodenal disease, you can brew 2 tbsp. spoons of dry plant in a glass of boiling water and put on water bath for 10 min. After this, let it brew for half an hour and, after straining, dilute it with water in equal proportions - take this infusion 1/2 cup half an hour before meals. This recipe helps relieve intestinal colic and cramps in the stomach and normalize intestinal motility.

To effectively cleanse the intestines and at the same time restore beneficial microflora, you should perform cleansing enemas from the prepared decoction. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of dry plant and brew it in 1/2 liter of boiling water, let it brew, strain and use to rinse the intestines 4-5 times with an interval of 1-2 days.


To overcome allergies and their negative manifestations, you need to take 1 tbsp. spoon of dry plant, brew a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Take the infusion 3 times a day, 1/2 cup before meals. The course of treatment for allergies is from 2-3 weeks.

Skin diseases

If the patient has a skin problem in the form of eczema, acne and other rashes, just take 1 tbsp. spoon of dry oregano and brew it in 0.5 liters of boiling water. Let this infusion brew for 30 minutes. and then leave it for 5 minutes. over low heat, bringing to a boil. The prepared decoction is taken 4-5 sips 3 times a day before meals - this method of treatment helps to cleanse the body and eliminate the negative manifestations of eczema, dermatosis and furunculosis, abscesses and allergies after just a week.

In the fight against allergies, you can also take medicinal baths - in this case, it is enough to brew 150 grams. dry plant in 3 liters of boiling water, leave it for 3-4 hours and already in finished form add it to warm, but not hot bath. This method also helps to overcome migraine attacks and relieve headaches.


If there is nervousness and insomnia, nervous tension– you can overcome it with a decoction prepared from 2 teaspoons of ground, dry oregano and pour a glass of boiling water over it. After the broth has been steamed for 15 minutes. – drink it with the addition of a spoon of honey like tea. In addition to fighting insomnia, this tea perfectly helps to rejuvenate the body and have a positive effect on the patient’s skin and appearance. And to effectively cleanse your face of acne and rashes, brew the herb in a saucepan and hold your face over the steam for 5-6 minutes. As a result, the face will be cleared of acne, and the color will become fresh and even.

Contraindications and side effects

Although oregano has a lot of positive, medicinal properties, it also has contraindications for use.

At peptic ulcer And increased acidity – You should take oregano very carefully. Taking it in this case causes attacks of pain in the stomach and therefore it is contraindicated and how medicinal plant, and as a seasoning.

Oregano is not recommended for men, since it may not have the best effect on male potency and libido. Women should not take motherwort during pregnancy and lactation - this plant causes contractions of the uterus and can ultimately cause a miscarriage, and when breastfeeding, this plant can cause a cessation of milk production.

Take the motherboard with caution if you have blood pressure problems- she provokes sudden changes pressure and therefore its dosage and administration should be agreed with the attending physician.

Individual intolerance to oregano– is also a contraindication for use.


People all over the world know and appreciate the herb oregano for its health benefits and pleasant aroma.

Since ancient times, it has been widely used in the treatment of ailments, to preserve youth and beauty, and to prepare dishes to which it not only gives an original taste, but significantly increases their benefits.

It is one of the most common herbs in herbal medicine, however, before using it you need to familiarize yourself with its action in detail and pay attention to existing contraindications.

Let's figure out how oregano is good for health, what are its medicinal properties, what are the benefits and harms of this medicinal herb for the human body, are there any contraindications for use?

What kind of plant is this, where to find it, preparation

Oregano is a perennial herb., belongs to the Lamiaceae family. People sometimes call it “Tatar tea”. It has a slightly bitter, slightly astringent, tart taste.

In appearance, it is distinguished by a soft-haired stem, straight, up to 90 cm high, tetrahedral, has a small branch at the top, where fragrant, pleasant-smelling small flowers.

They can be pink or red-lilac in color, collected in a panicle-type inflorescence. The leaves are usually dark green, oblong in shape, with slightly translucent veins.

It has a highly developed branched rhizome of brown color. Flowering begins in mid-summer in July-August, and the fruits ripen closer to September.

More than 20 species of this plant are known, as well as up to 50 varieties and subspecies. IN natural conditions Only three different species are found in Russia.

Here is a photo of the medicinal herb oregano, below we will look at its beneficial and medicinal properties, talk about the benefits and harms of flowers for the human body, contraindications and proper use:

It is quite easy to find this one in nature; it occurs frequently.. It usually grows on dry, loamy soils, also on sandy loam. Can be found in coniferous forests, on rocky soils, large open glades or forest edges.

During flowering, large areas covered with this grass become glossy and sparkle in the sun, forming an elegant carpet, for which the plant is also called shiny.

For preparations, they are collected in dry weather.. The stems are cut to one third of their length. This must be done very carefully, without pulling out the rhizome located close to the surface. If this happens, the grass dries quickly and then dies.

Also, in wide areas where it grows, during collection it is necessary to leave at least up to half of all plants, which is necessary to protect the species from extinction.

Dry collected in bunches or spread out in thin layers in shaded, well-ventilated places, away from direct sunlight. Grind immediately before use.

The series of programs “1001 spices of Scheherazade” talks about the beneficial properties of oregano and its use in cooking:

Health benefits and indications

For many millennia in a row, people have valued it for its beneficial properties. Scientific research The value of the herb containing essential oils was confirmed. British scientists have discovered that they are antibiotics.

Traditional medicine uses this herb much more widely.. It is a component of many recipes for a wide variety of diseases, and its effect can be very different depending on the different people, even have contraindications.

In order to use it with the greatest benefit, you should know the range of beneficial properties and the limitations of their action.

Traditional recipes also recommend using infusions to improve appetite and digestion.

Used for external use. Infusions are added to baths and lotions, which are useful for ailments such as rickets, scrofula, itchy rashes, abscesses and boils.

Application fresh leaves will have a softening effect on of various origins skin seals. It is good to sprinkle dry powder over things to prevent the appearance of moths.

Our distant ancestors called the essential oil of grass “hop”, used it to relieve toothache. In cosmetology, it has proven itself well as a fragrant natural fragrance for soap.

What are the benefits for the human body?

For women

Especially many beneficial properties of oregano have been highlighted for women's health.. It is believed that this herb is most suitable for women.

First of all, it is used to maintain a fresh appearance. Absolutely safe for skin care. If you wash your face with its infusion twice a day, your facial skin will gradually renew itself.

It is good to use these infusions frozen in the form of ice cubes for rubbing. When carried out regularly, such procedures will help improve skin tone, improve appearance, give the skin a healthy color.

A decoction of this herb can perfectly replace bath salts., flavored foams. If you pour a whole liter of this decoction into the bath, your skin will noticeably smooth out.

Oregano rinses help with dandruff, which will make hair elastic, soft to the touch, thick.

Widely applied in the field female gynecology for various types of diseases, pain during menstrual cycle. If menstruation fails or is delayed, taking a glass of oregano decoction three times a day helps.

For young nursing mothers, the infusion will help increase milk production, normalize the functioning of the body and promote it rapid recovery after pregnancy and childbirth.

The herb not only has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the uterus and female cycle. It is effective for delayed development of the genital organs and mammary glands.

There is an opinion that drinks made from this herb help increase breast volume., alleviate the condition of the body during periods of illness due to menopause, smoothing out the sensations of hot flashes, reducing migraines, stabilizing the entire nervous system.

For men

Despite the rich and varied beneficial properties, its use is not recommended for men.

Its use in small quantities is possible, but with regular use, for example, for a month, oregano can cause sexual impotence, even impotence.

For this reason, it is best to remember how exclusively female herb and not for use by men. In this case, the probable harm from weed will significantly exceed possible benefit.

For children

The only exception is the case when it will be useful for small children, is taking medicinal baths. They are essential when a number of diseases are detected: rickets, allergies.

Baths with decoction are useful for babies 2-3 times a week. To do this, use two or three tablespoons of dried flowers, brewed in two liters of water. After infusion for up to half an hour, filter and pour into a medicinal bath.

During pregnancy

Despite the fact that oregano is considered an herb for women, it is widely used in gynecology, we must firmly remember the categorical prohibition of its use in some cases. This exception is during pregnancy.

During this period, it cannot be used for oral administration throughout the entire period, even as a culinary seasoning. Grass should be completely excluded both from the diet and from the cosmetic field.

Natural properties may be needed only if termination of pregnancy is necessary what is here the best remedy traditional medicine.

About what healing properties has oregano, says the program “Live Healthy”:

Traditional medicine recipes: tea, decoction, infusion

At home, it is most often used in the form of infusion, decoction or tea.

You can prepare an infusion by taking 2 tsp. herbs poured into one glass of boiling water. Then it is covered and left for up to 20 minutes, filtered. Drink warm, preferably half a glass up to three times a day, half an hour before meals.

The decoction is prepared in the same way, but after it has been covered with a lid, it is placed in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Cool, filter and take similarly to the infusion.

Using the flowers of this herb you can prepare different types tea and fees.

To make breast tea take marshmallow root, coltsfoot leaves in half, and one part of oregano. They are mixed, and one tbsp. pour two glasses of boiling water.

Infuse for up to a quarter of an hour and take half a glass after meals every three hours, slightly warmed.

For gargling against colds take two tbsp. prepared mixture of oak bark, marshmallow root and oregano in proportions 6:1:4. It is poured with two glasses of boiling water. Infuse, strain and rinse your mouth after eating.

In cosmetology, tincture of oregano with the addition, diluted in mineral water , replaces lotion for skin prone to oily discharge, inflammation and rashes.

How do you think,

Potential Harm

In addition to its beneficial properties, there are a number of categorical contraindications to the use of oregano, this also applies to tea from this plant, which, in order not to harm health, should not be drunk uncontrollably.

This herb should not be consumed while pregnant., because it can provoke spontaneous miscarriage, activating uterine contractions, bring irreparable harm for women's health.

Restrictions on consumption are recommended for persons with serious disorders of the cardiovascular system, men, to avoid the risk of decreased potency, in case of illness or duodenum, as well as with existing renal, intestinal or hepatic colic.

Using oregano in any form, even in the form of essential oil, with the help of this herb you can effectively fight cellulite.

To do this, mix oregano oil with vegetable oil 1:8 and rub it into the skin for a month. For the same purpose, use a mixture of orange, lemon, grapefruit oils, two drops of each, and one drop of oregano and rosemary oils.

The mixture is added to baby cream, lubricated problem areas, wrap for half an hour. The procedure is carried out within a month.

Proven high efficiency for weight loss. To do this, you don’t even need to brew it, you just need to use it as a seasoning.

Regular ingestion of seasoning into the body will prevent the formation excess weight. Baths with the addition of herbal decoction will contribute to the same goal.

Oregano is a widely distributed herb in nature., which has long enjoyed love and respect among the people.

Decoctions, infusions, and baths prepared from it will help in the field of women's health and beauty. Adding herbs to dishes as a seasoning will give them an exquisite taste and aroma.

When using oregano herb, you need to remember not only the preparation methods and beneficial properties of the plant, but also the existing contraindications.

Under this condition, you can achieve great results quite in a simple way. Be healthy, use all the power of natural resources wisely and profitably!

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