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Immunity: features of the system and its diseases. Overactive immune system

Human immunity is an amazing and incomprehensible system, the role of which in the body can be compared to the role of a conductor in an orchestra. It directs the work of organs and systems, and is also a natural shield for us that protects us from all external dangers. To lose such a shield, or to render it unusable, means putting your life at risk. Therefore, immune protection is necessary for every human body. Although the immune system- our protector, this does not mean at all that she is invulnerable. Rather, on the contrary, balance and balance in it are very easily disturbed, leading to unpleasant and even dangerous consequences. What can be done to ensure that immune protection remains effective for many years? It is necessary to protect the immunity itself and not waste it on trifles. Know that every cigarette, glass of alcohol, sitting in front of the TV is an additional crushing blow to our shield. Another series of impacts every day are air, water, food and everything that surrounds us in a polluted atmosphere. Put it all together and you realize how much your immune defense suffers on a daily basis.

To prevent problems from arising, you need means to boost your immunity. They can be different, and each one is helped by something different. Some rely only on the means of modern pharmacology, others believe that it is better natural remedies there is nothing, but someone thinks that the key to health is correct image life. In fact, all these remedies for boosting immunity are good and effective. There's just something different for every occasion. If you are healthy and want to stay that way, sports and proper nutrition will help you with this. If you observe a slight deterioration in your health and an increase in colds, resort to folk recipes. They are good for the prevention and correction of minor disorders in the functioning of the immune system. Well, if persistent infectious diseases do not allow you to live a normal life, you need an examination and serious medicinal products to boost immunity.

Immunity boosting foods

If you regularly eat foods that boost your immune system, you can avoid many problems. Their variety is very large, so everyone can choose something suitable for themselves. It must be said that most fruits, vegetables and herbs are sources large quantity antioxidants. And this ultimately also provides powerful support for the immune system. Therefore, those who prefer fast food and unhealthy fried and fatty foods fresh natural products, as a rule, differ more good health.

When considering foods that boost immunity, the first thing that comes to mind is beekeeping products. Honey and pollen- this is a treasure trove useful substances. During periods of epidemics, stress, or increased workload, slowly dissolve a teaspoon of any of these products in your mouth twice a day. This is a good support for the body, but people prone to allergies should not consume these bee products.

Transfer factor is created on natural basis, therefore it is absolutely safe. The Russian Ministry of Health recommends it regardless of age for complex treatment and prevention of various diseases. Thousands of people around the world have trusted this drug with their health, and you can too.

Immunity- a concept known to everyone. Thanks to it we are less likely to get sick or strong enough to cure the flu in just three days, thanks to it we are protected from unexpected and dangerous infection and we get many diseases only once in our lives. But this system is so complex that it is impossible to describe it in a few words. And the problems that arise in the operation of this system are so diverse and heterogeneous that it can be quite difficult to determine the causes of decreased immunity or other diseases.

The immune system quite closely connected with all organs, which is obvious, because in human body nothing exists on its own. Of course, a disorder in one of the body systems is instantly reflected in the work of others. The protective functions of the body as a whole are responsible for the adequate functioning of all internal organs, for the state of liquids and other substances, for the reaction to various factors, for our well-being, for the duration and severity of any disease... The list can be endless.

If everything is so interconnected, it is believed that problems in the immune system can occur for any reason. But the most common and irreversible is heredity. Moreover, it may not be the immune problem that is genetically determined, but certain disease, which negatively affects the functioning of the entire body.

Other causes immune diseases should be named:

  • various viral and bacterial infections;
  • exposure to toxins;
  • hepatitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • environmentally unfavorable atmosphere;
  • overheat;
  • irradiation;
  • congenital defect necessary substances in organism;
  • low standard of living;
  • metabolic disease;
  • other diseases requiring surgical intervention;
  • nervous disorders including mental illness;
  • insomnia.

Types of immune system diseases

Autoimmune pathologies– when the immune system works to the detriment of its own organs. That is, the system perceives its own internal cells as hostile and destroys them, causing irreparable damage to the functioning of the entire organism. Among known diseases associated with a similar process: sclerosis, arthritis, diabetes etc.

In this case, as a rule, immunosuppressants are used that reduce the activity of the body’s own protective functions body, which allows you to ward off pathological
effect of immunity.

Immunodeficiency diseases– when the system as a whole does not work fully. There are congenital and acquired immunodeficiencies. Accordingly, the first group of diseases is diagnosed in childhood, since the failure of the immune system becomes obvious at the first colds and viral infections.
Acquired immunodeficiencies occur as a result of nervous disorders, injuries and other diseases.

Acquired immunodeficiencies also include:

  • AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) as a result of infection with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus);
  • hepatitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • infections typical for hot countries;
  • flu;
  • pneumonia.

In general, regardless of the nature of immunodeficiency, it manifests itself standard symptoms:

  • fatigue;
  • frequent and prolonged respiratory diseases;
  • stool disorders, which are associated with the occurrence of dysbacteriosis due to the development of pathogenic flora, since the immune system cannot cope with protective functions;
  • development of tumors.

Treatment similar condition As a rule, it begins symptomatically: with antibiotics in the case of a bacterial infection, antiviral in the case of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, etc. The main reason - immunodeficiency– requires serious intervention in the functioning of the body. In particular, immunomodulators are used varying degrees effects, as well as drugs that, by their action, partially replace the work of the body and help restore the immune system.

Overactive immune system: the reaction occurs to any foreign object too actively. Usually this is an allergy, when a factor common to many people causes an inadequate reaction of the body. This condition especially dangerous for those who have received organ transplants. In this case, immunosuppressants are used, which help reduce the effect of protective functions, and the transplants take root. In many other cases, symptomatic medications are used. For example, a course of antihistamines is taken or in the event of a reaction, removing the consequences of such an effect. Depending on the characteristics of the allergy, other courses of treatment are used, in particular, for bronchial asthma, a course of treatment is carried out aimed at regulating the functioning of the immune system, and at reducing the frequency of complications, and at relieving bronchospasm.

Diagnosis of immune system diseases

To identify immune diseases, various forms of examination are used:

  • blood test for the presence of specific immunoglobulins;
  • allergy testing;
  • determination of autoimmune processes;
  • Availability inflammatory processes and infectious diseases, their course - duration and severity;
  • response to physical activity;
  • immunogram as an answer to questions regarding the production of interferon necessary for protection against viral and bacterial infections and etc.

Treatment of immune diseases

For mild forms of dysfunction of the immune system, drugs are used that correct the functioning of protective functions in the right direction: immunomodulators in case of insufficient protection against viral and bacterial infections, for example. General strengthening measures are also used: hardening, physiotherapy, etc.

Severe forms, in addition to mandatory and in-depth examination, require the intervention of replacement therapy or the use of immunosuppressants, the use of which is justified by serious deviations from the norm, because even with allergies similar drugs threaten increased susceptibility to viral and bacterial infections.

In any case, restoration of immunity, as well as its correction, are necessary, since untimely treatment may not lead to desired results, and the risk of development is more serious illnesses is also present with minor deviations in the functioning of the body’s protective functions.

With autoimmune diseases, a person’s immune system mistakenly begins to attack any parts of his body, considering them foreign and dangerous to the body. Research shows that immune system dysfunction is one of the ten leading causes of death among women worldwide. age groups up to 64 years old. There are more than 80 different autoimmune diseases, but they all share some common symptoms.

It is very important to pay attention to the first signs of the disease, because early diagnosis helps prolong life, improve its quality and reduce the number and severity of exacerbations. So what are the signs that something is wrong with your immune system and it's time to see a doctor? Check if you are at risk.

1. Headaches, brain fog, trouble concentrating

Headaches, unclear thinking, and other similar symptoms can seriously affect your quality of life. They can be related to stress or lack of sleep, but are also signs of immune system dysfunction (such as lupus or anemia).

2. Acne, psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, lupus

Skin problems cause a lot of inconvenience, because it is very difficult to look great when a rash appears on your face, or you have to hide it under a load of clothes. If regular remedies do not help, you should visit your doctor as these symptoms may be caused by hemolytic anemia, psoriasis, scleroderma and other disorders.

3. Allergic asthma

Scientists still doubt whether there is a link between asthma and autoimmune disorders. However, there are many studies that support the autoimmune origin of this disease.

4. Fatigue or hyperactivity

These symptoms are the most common for almost all autoimmune conditions. In most cases, causeless fatigue or, conversely, hyperactivity are very important sign immune system disorders. You may feel that your usual activities require more energy from you, and after completing even simple tasks you feel drained. Or maybe you wake up even more tired than you were before bed, even if there's no reason for it.

5. Weakness, stiffness and muscle pain

Muscle weakness and pain may occur when you are engaged in daily activities, such as climbing stairs or moving heavy objects. These symptoms may come and go, but should not be ignored as they may be caused by autoimmune hepatitis, Hashimoto's disease, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases.

6. Stomach cramps, gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation

Digestive problems may be a sign of autoimmune diseases such as celiac disease, ulcerative colitis, thyroid gland and many others.

7. Unreasonable weight gain or loss

Some autoimmune diseases affect the thyroid gland, an organ that controls many metabolic processes in our body. If thyroid begins to produce more hormones than the body needs, or, conversely, an insufficient amount of them, a person can suddenly lose or gain weight.

8. Numbness and tingling in the arms and legs

Tingling and numbness in the arms and legs are not considered serious symptoms if they come and go without causing any pain. But if they appear several times a week along with other symptoms of immune system dysfunction, they may indicate a more serious problem.

9. Hair loss

When the immune system begins to attack hair follicles, this leads to hair loss. The process begins due to inflammation of the scalp, but can also affect hair on other areas of the body.

10. Mild fever

A slight increase in body temperature without any other symptoms is often ignored. But it is one of the most difficult symptoms to treat. The problem is that fever can be associated with many diseases, including autoimmune diseases.

Don't despair if you notice any of these symptoms. There may be other reasons for them. But the first thing you need to do is see a doctor. It is better to take care of your safety in advance than to regret later.

Ashwagandha is an herb that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for over 3,000 years

Dealing with an overactive immune system is very difficult. Many foods cause an allergic reaction when consumed, and any vitamins or herbs that stimulate the immune system may cause more harm than good. should be used with caution when trying to heal an overactive immune system, as they can either calm the system or stimulate the system (depending on the body's current needs). A few well-known adaptogens include reishi mushrooms, American ginseng, ashwagandha, and licorice root. Always consult your physician before use medicinal herbs for medicinal purposes.

Reishi mushrooms

Many mushrooms are beneficial for the immune system, but in particular can help with an overactive immune system. Reishi mushrooms are an immunomodulator that “regulate the immune system by increasing or decreasing its strength.”

It is important to use adaptogenic foods or herbs (reishi mushroom instead of herbs) that stimulate the immune system when dealing with an overactive immune system. Adaptogenic herbs are plants with properties that have a normalizing effect on the body (neither over-stimulating nor suppressing normal function body!), but rather have a generalized tonic effect.

American ginseng

is another herb that may be helpful in treating an overactive immune system. Inflammation is often by-product immunity that goes into overdrive and autoimmune diseases can eventually develop. One study published in the Oxford Journal found that American ginseng suppressed inflammation in mice suffering from ulcerative colitis, often defined as an autoimmune disorder.


Ashwagandha is an herb that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for over 3,000 years. It is good for the liver and has anti-inflammatory properties. This plant is widely used to treat anxiety, Parkinson's disease, nervous exhaustion, insomnia and weakness due to stress. This is all possible symptoms overactive immune system.

Liquorice root

Another adaptogenic herb is useful for repairing damaged adrenal glands. Licorice stimulates the thymus gland and also “has excellent immunomodulatory activity,” which can both calm an overactive immune system and stimulate an underactive one.

How to calm an overactive immune system?

When the immune system is working perfectly, antibodies travel throughout the body to kill germs and other foreign substances. But when something goes wrong with our immune system, it becomes overactive. An overactive immune system can continue to kill substances even after the germs have already been killed. This misguided attack on our body can kill healthy cells blood and organs, so it must be stopped. If you want to avoid drugs or surgery, some natural methods may also be effective.

  1. Go to the doctor. Tell him about your symptoms and get appropriate blood tests.
  2. Relax to reduce your stress levels. Listen to soothing music or try other relaxation methods such as meditation.
  3. Eat healthy food. Include fruits and vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy products. Accept vitamin supplements. Avoid adding salt, sugar, high cholesterol foods, saturated fat and trans fat to your diet.
  4. Sleep 8 hours a day to refresh your mind and body. This is especially important for people with immune system problems. Getting enough rest helps fight stress and illness.
  5. Start a yoga or tai chi exercise program. Strenuous exercise with an overactive immune system can easily tire you out and worsen your symptoms.
  6. The use of natural adaptogens is especially effective when the immune system is overactive.

When young children are sick, parents' lives turn into endless trips to the doctor, a hunt for miracle drugs and sheer disappointment if vigorous activity aimed at improving the child's health does not bring results. Most often this happens when the child's immune system is affected. Moreover, no matter how strange it may sound, a decrease in immunity has just as negative an impact on the baby’s condition as the hyperactivity of immune mechanisms.

In the first case, the child often and for a long time suffers from various infectious diseases that are difficult to treat. antibacterial agents. Reduced immunity is a harbinger of pathology in the hematopoietic organs, including malignant ones. Therefore, with frequent colds consultation with a pediatric immunologist is mandatory.

And if the immune system is overactive, you need to contact not an immunologist, but a pediatric allergist. Allergic manifestations, observed in children with a hyperreaction to foreign proteins and allergens of a different nature, may vary in severity and severity. At the same time, the attending physician will not prescribe treatment without a preliminary examination, even when your baby is advised to take such a harmless and universal medicine, How kestin. Although this drug absolutely harmless and suitable for treating babies aged 6 months or more, exact dosage infant Only a specialist can calculate.

In most cases any allergic reactions start with skin manifestations. Itching bothers the baby, but does not affect him general condition. Therefore, some parents put off visiting a doctor or do not even think about the fact that rashes on the child’s skin require the attention of a specialist. And completely in vain. Don’t think that a common rash is not a reason to visit an allergist. In the absence of timely qualified treatment, allergic dermatitis in children they can develop into chronic neurodermatitis or lead to the development of bronchial asthma.

Of course, bronchial asthma today is not as formidable as it was before, but the disease continues to remain quite serious. This is evidenced by the fact that young men of military age who suffer bronchial asthma, are exempt from military service.

To prevent a serious illness from causing a serious illness for your baby, you need to take the first manifestations of allergies very seriously and carry out a course of treatment. It should be remembered that buy kestin or other medicinal product– does not mean acquiring a panacea for all diseases.

Often the rash hides not an allergy, but childhood infections - scarlet fever, measles, rubella or common chickenpox. This is also why there is no way to avoid consulting a specialist: if the allergist decides that the origin of the rash is infectious and not allergic, he will refer the child to a pediatrician or pediatric infectious disease specialist. Self-medication with antihistamines without a doctor’s examination and tests is fraught unpleasant consequences: painting infectious disease mistaken for an allergy may be erased.

After a course of therapy with modern drugs antihistamines the child's condition returns to normal. However, you should adhere to the recommendations of doctors, and for a period determined by them, regularly conduct courses of maintenance therapy even against the background of full health. This will avoid relapse of the disease. Typically, preventive courses of maintenance treatment are carried out twice a year - in spring and autumn. If there are no exacerbations for more than 5 years, we can talk about a complete cure for your baby from allergies.