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Why is staphylococcal infection dangerous? Staphylococcus aureus: symptoms in adults. Treatment of staph infection

Why are staphylococci dangerous? Diseases caused by staphylococci

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Staphylococci are classic representatives of the microflora of the skin and mucous membranes that inhabit our body in abundance.. It is estimated that on average the mass of microflora (that is, all microbes inhabiting the human body) of an adult is approximately 3 kg. Of course, the bulk of the body's microflora bacteria is concentrated in the intestines, but a significant number of bacteria also live on the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth and nose.

Studying the microflora of the body is useful not only by finding out its positive qualities(in fact, the populations of some microbes that make up the microflora of the body perform a number of extremely important and beneficial functions for the body, for example, the synthesis of vitamins), but also because this allows us to prevent some diseases that arise when the microflora goes into an aggressive state.

Diseases caused by staphylococci occur extremely often. For the most part, these are banal suppurations or food poisoning, which happen to all people without exception. However, in some cases, staph infection can be severe and even life-threatening. Below we will talk about the main forms of diseases caused by staphylococci (including Staphylococcus aureus), but first we will look at the conditions that make it possible for the “peaceful” microflora to transition into the state of “disease pathogen”.

In reality, there is a constant struggle between the human body and the microflora inhabiting it: microbes try to attack the organs and tissues of the body, which in turn is protected using its own defense mechanisms. At the same time, under the influence of the protection mechanisms described below, the number of microbes practically does not increase, but only decreases, and the microbes themselves are unable to show all their aggressiveness. The main defense mechanisms of the human body are, first of all, the immune system, secondly, normal metabolism and normal functioning of vital organs, and thirdly, the integrity of the mucous membranes and skin body.

If at least one of these lines of defense of the body is violated, the microbes “go on a counterattack”, and in this case one or another infectious disease occurs.

The main forms of diseases caused by staphylococci

Forms and symptoms staphylococcal infection extremely varied. In order to make it easier for the reader to understand the main forms of staphylococcal infection, we will divide them into several main groups, which we will later consider separately and in more detail. So, let's distinguish the following types staphylococcal infection:
  1. Food poisoning caused by contamination of food with staphylococcal toxins;
  2. Staphylococcal infection with damage to the skin (skin) and mucous membranes - “superficial infections”;

  3. Staphylococcal infections with lesions internal organs;

  4. Septic forms of staphylococcal infection are “blood poisoning.”

  5. Food poisoning caused by staphylococci is a very common form of food infection. Staphylococcus aureus- This is one of the main types of staphylococci that cause poisoning. As a rule, food contamination with microbes occurs due to failure to comply with basic rules for preparing and storing food. Conditions favorable to the production of staphylococcal toxins are warmth and the presence nutrients. Food contaminated with staphylococci can become poisoned (spoiled) within a few hours (usually 10 hours or more) of being in a warm place. Food poisoning is often observed when eating dairy products, meat, and broths.

    In order to prevent the occurrence of food poisoning, you must, firstly, follow the rules for preparing and storing food (food must be stored in the cold), and secondly, do not eat food of dubious origin or products whose quality you doubt.

    Symptoms of food poisoning caused by staphylococci is: acute diarrhea(loose stools up to 10 times or more), acute “stabbing” and “twisting” pain in the abdomen, false urges to defecation, slight fever, possibly vomiting. In adults, as a rule, such poisonings occur without any particular complications. If children show signs of food poisoning (see above), parents should be extremely vigilant and, if possible, consult a doctor. In children early age Such poisonings can be very serious and dangerous.

    How to treat food poisoning caused by staphylococci?

    Like the treatment of any other food poisoning, treatment of food poisoning caused by staphylococci should begin with gastric lavage. Adults and older children can rinse their stomachs on their own; for children younger age you need to help by pressing on the root of the tongue with a spoon.

    To lavage the stomach, you can simply use warm boiled water, but better tea or a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate in boiled water. Adults need to drink up to a liter of this solution and then induce vomiting. Children are given a drinking solution in quantities in which they are able to drink it. It is best to repeat the washing two or three times until the vomit contains no particles of spoiled food that still contains toxins.

    In order to prevent dehydration throughout the entire period of illness, you need to keep drinking plenty of fluids - this is especially important for children. You can abstain from food for a while or eat baked fruits and crackers.

    You can use anti-diarrhea medications like Loperamide, but with great caution and very a short time. If an adult's diarrhea does not go away after taking 1-2 capsules, you should consult a doctor, as it is quite possible that the diarrhea is caused by another infection.

    Taking antibiotics or other antibacterial drugs during staphylococcal poisoning is not prescribed, since the microbes themselves that enter the intestines are not dangerous for humans, and antibiotics do not affect the activity of toxins.

    Note that the symptoms of food poisoning caused by staphylococci last no more than 2 days (if all the measures described above are taken). If diarrhea (diarrhea) continues for more than two days or the temperature rises against the background of ongoing diarrhea or stool If traces of blood appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    The best way to prevent staphylococcal poisoning is to follow hygienic rules for preparing and storing food.

    – characterized by purulent lesions of the skin and mucous membranes. In this article we will only describe general symptoms and principles of treatment of such infections. Skin staphylococcal infections are also often caused by Staphylococcus aureus, which inhabits the skin and mucous membranes in abundance.

    Staphylococcal sore throat

    It is an inflammation of the tonsils caused by staphylococci. It is impossible to determine the staphylococcal nature of a sore throat with the naked eye, therefore, to clarify the diagnosis, a microbiological examination must be carried out. The main symptoms of staphylococcal sore throat are sore throat, which worsens when swallowing, soreness and swelling. lymph nodes, increased body temperature. The course of staphylococcal sore throat is favorable, however, in some cases complications may occur in the form of abscesses or phlegmon, which require urgent surgical treatment.

    When a sore throat occurs, it is best to see a doctor and receive a course of treatment appropriate to the severity of the disease. In some cases, antibiotics are prescribed to treat sore throat.


    This is a type of diffuse microbial skin lesion. The main symptoms (manifestations) of staphyloderma are: the presence of inflamed pustules located scatteredly and grouped on various areas of the skin, boils, barley, etc. There can be many reasons for the occurrence of staphyloderma: non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, hormonal changes in the body of adolescents, disruption endocrine system. In all cases of skin staphylococcal infections, you cannot take any treatment measures at home - this is fraught with serious consequences. Do not squeeze out boils(especially those located on the face), and you should not take antibiotics on your own. On the other hand, timely contact a doctor (dermatologist, surgeon, family doctor) contributes to a speedy resolution of the problem and prevents many undesirable consequences.


    This is an inflammation of the skin fold around the nail. This inflammation is also often caused by Staphylococcus aureus. Typically, the occurrence of panaritium is promoted by minor damage to the skin (for example, when applying a manicure) around the nail. The symptoms of felon are known to everyone - this is redness and inflammation of the skin around the nail, severe pain in the inflamed finger, possibly slight increase temperature. Panaritium can also occur with inflammation of the nail bed (paronychia), as well as with deep penetration of infection (even necrosis of the bone of the phalanx of the finger can develop). Panaritium itself is not dangerous - its complications associated with the spread of infection are dangerous. The most dangerous panaritium is on the thumb and middle fingers, as well as on the little finger. The anatomical structure of the tendons of these fingers predisposes to the spread of infection, so felon on these fingers can lead to the formation of phlegmon of the forearm and hand.

    The felon should not be squeezed out or opened independently.. With a simple panaritium, the patient can be helped by rinsing the finger in a concentrated saline solution, as well as local application of antimicrobial ointments: levomikol, Vishnevsky ointment, etc.

    Staphylococcal infections affecting internal organs

    As a rule, they are a consequence of the spread of infection from the primary focus or the primary penetration of staphylococci into a specific organ. The most common cases are staphylococcal pyelonephritis, staphylococcal cystitis or urethritis. Staphylococcal enteritis is possible in young children. In some cases, staphylococcal endocarditis may occur.

    Staphylococcal infections of internal organs appear specific signs damage to one or another organ (for example, lower back pain with pyelonephritis, pain in the lower abdomen with cystitis), as well as nonspecific signs of infection: increased body temperature, fatigue, weakness.

    Diagnosis and treatment of staphylococcal infections of internal organs is a matter for specialists. Most often, a course of antibiotics is used to treat such diseases. The dose of antibiotic and duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.

    Septic forms of staphylococcal infection

    They always lead to an extremely serious condition for the patient. This condition is also called blood poisoning. Blood poisoning can occur due to the penetration of a large number of microbes and their toxins into the blood. This can happen due to attempts to independently treat a boil or other purulent disease caused by Staphylococcus aureus. In women, severe toxic-septic shock can develop due to the use of vaginal tampons during menstruation.

    In case of blood poisoning, the patient’s condition sharply worsens, the temperature rises sharply, the amount of urine excreted decreases, the pulse quickens, and a rash may appear on the skin. In such cases, the patient must be urgently hospitalized, because blood poisoning or toxic-septic shock is fatal. dangerous conditions. Treatment of these diseases is carried out under the strict supervision of doctors.


    1. Kuznetsova E.A. Microbial flora of the oral cavity and its role in the development of pathological processes, M., 1996

    2. Medical microbiology, Military Medical Academy, St. Petersburg, 1999

    3. Diagnosis and treatment of major infectious diseases in modern conditions, Minsk, 1990

    Before use, you should consult a specialist.

    Read the bacteriophage!

    And I got this infection due to an ordinary scratch. And now any scratch or sore, everything starts to steam, the skin begins to rot, the sore begins to rot and scars remain even from a small scratch.

    Yes, I agree. I also took cordyceps - an excellent immunomodulator, besides this it also works as an anti-inflammatory and also has big pile beneficial effects.

    I’m not advertising, I just drank a Tiens product myself, it’s called cordyceps, a natural antibiotic. All information can be found on the Internet. Cordyceps fights staphylococcal infections, including Staphylococcus aureus.

    Tanya, everyone has staphylococci, including you.
    Only your immune system can cope with them, but someone’s immune system is impaired, weakened and cannot cope with them, so they cause various painful manifestations in him.
    But you cannot become infected with staphylococcus, since you already have it, just in an inactive state, since your immunity is strong enough and suppresses it.

    Hello! I have the following situation: We were planning to buy upholstered furniture from friends, but the other day we found out that our friends were suffering from staphylococcus. What to do? Can such a disease be transmitted through furniture to children or adults? What could be the consequences?

    Good evening! Tell me, has anyone come across purulent staphylococcus in a child’s throat. My daughter often gets colds - this year in the first grade. The tests seem to be nothing good, but for sowing microbes - it showed staphylococcus, and even purulent. I just never I haven’t encountered this, although we often get various colds. The doctor wrote a whole notebook on treatment.. and I once again feel sorry for stuffing my daughter with yet more pills.. injections.. she, poor thing, is so afraid of them. Tell me, is this so serious? Maybe there are some other methods treatment? please help. with uv. Irina.

    The child has a temperature of 37-37.3 for a month, no cough or runny nose. What could this be?

    Hello. Help please. Give advice on what to do next. On the first day, a 1.7-month-old child began to have loose stools up to 10 times a day and a temperature of up to 39. On the second and third days there was no temperature, only loose stools up to 10 times. On the fourth day, streaks of blood and mucus appeared in the stool, they took tests. For four days, there was up to 5 stools, no vomiting or fever. At 9 sudden fever and vomiting. On the 10th day they said it was Staphylococcus, but they didn’t say which one. The first three days we struggled with fever, there was vomiting, loose stools up to 10 times a day. On the 13th day, the temperature returned to normal, the vomiting disappeared, we followed a diet, but a streak of blood and mucus again appeared in the stool. Please tell me what to do next, maybe this is how the treatment is proceeding or other tests need to be done.

    The stomach was tormented. Bleeding and vomiting. Applied some. The first time it cost 120 dollars for 2 months, in a year I spent 370 dollars, and at the same time other problems with concussion and vision went away. It’s been 5 years without problems. I resumed the course a week ago. It should have been every year, damn it, stupid....

    A red rash in a child (1.1 years old) on the legs, bottom, tests revealed Staphylococcus aureus in the stool, I can’t find anything similar on the internet! I haven’t noticed any irritation in the child due to this rash! Tell me what to do in this situation, what this is generally the case, otherwise the doctors in our city know little

    Irina, you need to bring bacteriological culture throat smear + identify the sensitivity of staphylococcus grown in this way to various antibiotics (antibioticogram). Based on the results of this examination, methods for its adequate treatment will be obvious.


    Is it possible to find out if there is staphylococcus by the color of your hair?

    My relative has a “disease” of her nose. They found staphylococcus in a smear, antibiotic treatment was prescribed. Please advise what else can be done.

Diseases that are caused by pathogens belong to a special category. This is due to the conditionally pathogenic nature of staphylococcus. Bacteria of this type are always present in the human body and are activated during periods of deterioration of immunity.

That is why it is important to recognize the symptoms of staphylococcus in a timely manner in order to carry out complex treatment and prevent the occurrence of irreparable health consequences.

Features of the disease

Before determining what the symptoms of staphylococcus may be (photos of people who have encountered this disease are presented in the article), you need to know exactly what kind of disease it is and how it is characterized. An infection develops in the body due to the penetration of pathogenic strains of microorganisms or their entry into those organs where their presence is simply unacceptable.

It is worth remembering that these bacteria are very resistant to external factors and retain their ability to live for several months even in frozen or dry form. During their existence, these bacteria secrete various toxins that can affect the skin, digestive organs and white blood cells.

Another product of the vital activity of these microbes is special substances, suppressing human immunity. As a result of this, bacteria begin to actively multiply. Symptoms of staphylococcus cannot always be recognized in a timely manner, however, it is worth noting that this infection can provoke the occurrence of pathologies in almost all organs and systems.


Infection with staphylococcus is not so simple, since it is always present in the human body and does not always provoke unpleasant consequences. In order for the bacteria to become active, it is necessary to ensure a combination of factors in the body such as:

  • deterioration of the immune system;
  • presence of a focus of infection;
  • a certain concentration of bacteria.

Symptoms of staphylococcus are observed almost immediately after infection, therefore, it is important to promptly recognize the presence of the disease and carry out comprehensive treatment that will help normalize well-being.

Types of staphylococcus

Before determining what the symptoms of staphylococcus are in adults, you need to know exactly the main types of this disease and how each of them is characterized. There are several different types of this bacterium, however only 2 of them pose a health risk and 2 are considered opportunistic. In particular, it is worth highlighting the following types:

  • epidermal;
  • golden;
  • hemolytic;
  • saprophytic.

The epidermal type is considered the most common and is always present on human mucous membranes and skin. The development of the disease is possible only with a decrease in immunity and transplantation of internal organs. The symptoms of Staphylococcus aureus are quite severe, and this type of bacteria is considered the most dangerous. It provokes the development of infectious diseases of the skin, nasopharynx and internal organs.

The hemolytic type refers to bacteria that are present in the blood of a healthy person and are activated only when the immune system deteriorates. Saprophytic staphylococcus belongs to a low-hazard species. In some cases, it can lead to the development of cystitis in women and urolithiasis.

It is worth noting that after treatment for staphylococcus, immunity to these bacteria is unstable and therefore, you can become infected even several times.

Main symptoms

Penetrating into the body, bacteria begin to multiply, and almost immediately pronounced symptoms of staphylococcus appear, as the microbes produce toxins, leading to the formation of various pathologies.

Signs of infection can be very different, it all depends on the bacteria introduced, the state of the immune system, and many other factors. Often, the symptoms of staphylococcus in adults resemble signs of poisoning from low-quality products, as abdominal pain and diarrhea are observed. In addition, it may appear headache, vomit.

For example, among the main symptoms of staphylococcus in an infant one can identify signs of dysbiosis, which are accompanied by very severe diarrhea, as well as skin rashes. All this should be very alarming and become a reason to seek medical help.

In addition, such manifestations may be observed infectious process, How:

  • skin diseases;
  • frequent cystitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • angina;
  • mastopathy;
  • enterocolitis;
  • blood poisoning.

Often, all these symptoms are provoked by Staphylococcus aureus, which is one of the most dangerous infections.

Skin damage

Symptoms and treatment of staphylococcus largely depend on the area of ​​localization of pathogenic microorganisms, their subtype and level of aggressiveness. In adults, this disease can affect almost all tissues and systems of the body, provoking the occurrence of diseases of a general or local nature.

Very often there is damage to the skin, resulting in the formation of ulcers. With a slight infection, there may be folliculitis, and if bacteria penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, boils can occur. If affected subcutaneous tissue, carbuncles may form. The localization of inflammation is mainly in the buttocks, neck, face and thighs.

Symptoms of staphylococcus in children under one year of age can manifest themselves in the form of Ritter's disease. As a result of infection entering the body, redness occurs on the skin, and individual layers begin to peel off.

Due to exposure to toxic substances, large blisters filled with sulfuric liquid may form on the skin. In the deeper layers of the dermis they develop purulent inflammation. An abscess is expressed in the formation of a capsule filled with purulent substance. In the presence of phlegmon, pus spreads between the tissues.

Damage to internal organs

If staphylococcus occurs in the throat, symptoms in adults are expressed in purulent lesions of the tonsils. As a result, a sore throat may occur, which is accompanied by pain in the throat, as well as the presence of white plaque on the tonsils.

Quite often, staphylococcus can be observed in the nose. Symptoms in this case manifest themselves in the form of nasal congestion and runny nose. This is typical for rhinitis. Symptoms of staphylococcus in the throat can also result in pharyngitis. This disease provokes painful sensations when swallowing, constant soreness, redness of the pharynx and a dry cough.

When the infection enters the lungs, pneumonia develops. It is quite severe and causes damage to the lung tissue. Among the main signs are intoxication of the body, as well as the presence of pain in the chest area. Multiple purulent lesions form in the lung tissue itself, gradually developing into abscesses. This type of microorganism is resistant to antibacterial therapy and often leads to the death of the patient.

If bacteria penetrate the brain, they provoke the development of purulent meningitis and abscesses. These are quite severe and critical complications that are difficult to get rid of. They do not go away completely and leave behind lifelong consequences, which often lead to disability. Symptoms of the infection are expressed in the form of headaches, vomiting, fever, nausea and neurological signs.

When affecting the heart, the infection causes endocarditis. Inflammation in the lining of the heart muscle is characterized by a sharp increase in temperature, the occurrence of a heart murmur and weight loss.

Symptoms of staphylococcus in the intestines manifest themselves in the form of gastroenteritis. This disease is an inflammation in the small intestine or stomach. In addition, there may be enterocolitis - inflammation in the intestines. As a result of this, the patient feels bloating and pain in the abdomen. Diarrhea, nausea and vomiting are also observed.

When affecting organs genitourinary system there is inflammation of the kidneys or Bladder. The patient is very often bothered by the urge to go to the toilet, and during urination there are painful sensations and back pain. With particularly aggressive exposure to bacteria, sepsis can develop, which simultaneously affects all organs and systems of the patient.

Carrying out diagnostics

Diagnosis of staphylococcus is based on determining the type of bacterium, as well as its specific strain, so that the most effective treatment method can be selected.

Infection can be detected in blood and urine cultures, as well as when performing a stool test for dysbacteriosis. In addition, a preliminary diagnosis can be made based on the existing symptoms of the disease.

Features of treatment

Staphylococcus is very common in adults. Symptoms and treatment for infections caused by these pathogens can vary. In order to quickly and effectively get rid of existing disorders, it is imperative to adhere to complex therapy aimed at suppressing the infection and treating the underlying disease. In particular, methods such as:

  • antibiotic therapy;
  • surgical intervention;
  • drug therapy.

In the presence of purulent formations conduction on the skin is indicated surgical intervention. Application is mandatory medications aimed at destroying pathogenic microorganisms. Antibiotics will help eliminate staphylococci, however, only the attending physician can prescribe them, taking into account the existing indications, as well as the characteristics of the patient’s body. Self-administration of medications can only aggravate the patient’s condition and lead to even greater problems. Treatment may be based on the use of such groups of antibiotics as:

  • penicillins;
  • cephalosporins;
  • lincosamides;
  • macrolides.

The most common penicillin antibiotics are: Cloxacillin, Amoxicillin, Ampiox, Oxacillin. I prescribe cephalosporins for the treatment of purulent disease and in the presence of inflammation. Most Popular medicines This group includes Cefazolin, Cefotaxime, and Cephalexin. Macrolides can very quickly penetrate the site of infection and eliminate staphylococcus well. Among the most popular drugs in this group, Erythromycin or Clarithromycin should be highlighted.

Antibiotics can be prescribed for internal administration, as well as intravenous and intramuscular injections. To carry out this type of treatment, it is necessary to first determine the sensitivity of bacteria to a specific type of antibiotic. It is important to remember that you can kill staphylococcus only by strictly adhering to the dosage and course of treatment with the prescribed drug.

To restore the skin, lubricate the affected areas with means for local application. To eliminate an infection in the nasopharynx, rinsing with a chlorophyllipt solution is recommended. In addition, it is necessary to increase immunity and normalize hormonal background body, as well as restore metabolic processes.

Application of traditional medicine

In addition to medications, you can also use traditional medicine, which in combination with traditional treatment, guarantee very good result. For therapy, you can use infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs for rinsing. Plants that cope well with pathogens include:

  • plantain;
  • black currant;
  • rose hip;
  • liquorice root;
  • plantain;
  • eucalyptus.

You can make decoctions based on one or several herbs at once. To do this you need to pour 2 tbsp. l. herbal collection 1 liter of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. In the fight against Staphylococcus aureus, the water catcher or golden thorn has proven itself very well.

In addition, you can treat with juices, taking them several times a day. Good effect provide juices from black currants, celery root and parsley, apricot juice or puree from this fruit.

If there is an infection on the skin, special medicinal baths are indicated. To carry out this procedure, you need to use a decoction of the string.

During the treatment process, it is imperative to observe special diet, aimed at increasing immunity, and also consume a lot of warm liquid to more quickly remove toxins from the body.

Possible complications

Staphylococcal infection poses a very great danger to health. If it is not detected in a timely manner and a quality assessment is not carried out complex therapy, then quite dangerous complications may develop, in particular such as:

  • relapse of respiratory diseases;
  • exacerbation of diabetes, arthritis;
  • blood poisoning.

In addition, it promotes the penetration of other bacteria into the body, for example, pneumococcus or streptococcus. The occurrence of meningitis can lead to irreversible consequences, as nerve fibers are affected. There may also be inflammation of the heart muscle tissue.

These are very dangerous conditions, therefore, it is necessary to prevent the development of streptococcal infection, as well as timely treatment existing diseases.

Carrying out prevention

Preventive measures are aimed at strengthening the body, as well as observing basic sanitary and hygienic standards. In addition, you need to monitor the quality and freshness of the food consumed. Among the main methods of prevention, vaccination should be noted, which will help ensure comprehensive and reliable protection from infection.

Staphylococcus is very dangerous for humans, as it can provoke serious complications. Treatment of this type of infection must be carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist. It is worth remembering that it is impossible to completely get rid of staphylococci even without large quantities they do no harm.

Symptoms of staphylococcus in adults are very diverse and in most cases depend on the damage to a specific organ or system of the human body.

Also, often signs of staphylococcus in adults and children can be hidden and occur under the “mask” of other diseases. Among the main manifestations of organ damage by such an infection, the following should be highlighted:

  • heart (endocarditis occurs);
  • lungs (pneumonia with rapid development of destruction);
  • intestines (dysbacteriosis and enterocolitis);
  • skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue(pustular diseases, abscesses, phlegmons, etc.);
  • liver (abscesses);
  • blood system (sepsis);
  • central nervous system (meningitis);
  • other lesions of cavitary and parenchymal internal organs.

How does staphylococcus manifest in adults with heart damage?

As stated above, staphylococcus (most often aureus) infecting the heart causes a disease such as endocarditis. This pathology in this case is characterized by the following manifestations: fever reaching 40 degrees; interruptions in heart function; an increase and then a decrease in blood pressure; chest pain; heart failure; damage to the mitral and aortic valves.

It should be noted that during the diagnosis of “staphylococcal endocarditis”, the patient develops many complications of different organs and systems due to the spread of the microbe through the bloodstream.

It is important to know that staphylococcal endocarditis has a very high mortality rate (in approximately half of the cases of this pathology). Treatment of this pathology is quite difficult and lengthy.

Lung damage

Infecting the lungs, staphylococcus in adults causes rapid destruction of the organ parenchyma. But this is alternated by focal inflammation, turning first into lobar and then total. Often Staphylococcus aureus causes the appearance of multiple abscesses in the tissue and empyema.

Symptoms that occur when the lungs are affected: fever; expectoration of sputum with purulent contents; respiratory failure; insufficient saturation of body tissues with oxygen, which is manifested by cyanosis of the skin; hemoptysis that occurs when involved in pathological process alveoli and blood vessels; Crepitation and coarse rales are heard over the lungs; rapid destruction lung tissue causes pneumothorax and hemothorax; pus also often begins to accumulate in the pleural cavity.

It is important to understand that destructive pneumonia caused by such an infection leads to rapid fatal outcome, due to damage to large volumes of lung tissue. Also, such pneumonia causes both sepsis and toxic-resorptive fever.

Staphylococcal enterocolitis

This pathological condition occurs after eating products contaminated with Staphylococcus aureus (but sometimes staphylococcus in feces is also detected normally). Hidden after eating contaminated food incubation period lasts up to 8 hours, but after this a lightning-fast picture of poisoning (food toxic infection) develops.

Patients are worried severe pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, which does not bring relief; along with these symptoms, the body temperature rises to 39 degrees. Due to constant diarrhea and vomiting, severe dehydration occurs, characterized by the loss of many electrolytes and the occurrence of concomitant disorders of the cardiovascular system.

If during the day patients do not receive specialized medical care, then even a quick lethal end is possible.

The occurrence of staphylococcal infection on the skin and subcutaneous fat

The skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue are affected by staphylococcus many times more often than any other organ of the human body. It should be noted that this infection is caused by the following microbes: Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis.

It is important to understand that in 90% of cases of various types of purulent foci on the skin, they arise due to Staphylococcus aureus. Treatment must be comprehensive (surgical and therapeutic).

The local reaction on the skin after the introduction of Staphylococcus aureus is characterized by the following pathological parameters: pain, tissue swelling, redness and dysfunction. Both pyoderma and furunculosis occur most often. Second after these skin diseases are abscesses and phlegmons.

Perhaps the most dangerous lesion of the skin and subcutaneous tissue is considered to be a complication such as phlegmon. This disease is characterized by the rapid spread of infection under the skin with the formation of abundant purulent contents. If left untreated, cellulitis (infection) can spread to internal organs and even cause sepsis.

Liver damage

Signs of liver damage are characterized by symptoms of impaired liver function. These include: yellowness of the skin and visible mucous membranes; pain in the liver area; increase in size of this organ; at ultrasound examination single or multiple abscesses; blood tests show a sharp increase in specific liver enzymes and signs of protein breakdown, which confirms the development of liver failure.

The mortality rate for liver damage from such a staphylococcal infection is very high and even timely treatment may not save the patient.

Damage to the blood system

This lesion is quite common in children, but is extremely rare in adults. The main symptoms of such a lesion are signs of sepsis: decreased blood pressure; an increase and then a decrease in body temperature; an increase followed by a decrease in the number of leukocytes, which is evidence of damage to the white blood cell; spread of infection throughout the body and the formation of many foci as a result purulent infection(abscesses).

In the following days, the patient with sepsis develops symptoms of multiple organ failure (kidneys, liver, heart and blood vessels, central nervous system and others). The mortality rate of sepsis is very high and can reach 70% in adults, depending on the immune reactivity of the body, in the absence of treatment 100%.

Staphylococcus aureus infection of the central nervous system

In adults, Staphylococcus aureus causes a disease such as meningitis. The latter is characterized by defeat meninges. The main symptoms of this pathology are the following: fever; Strong headache; rash on the skin; areas of tissue necrosis on the skin; impairment of consciousness and the appearance of focal neurological symptoms.

It should be noted that such meningitis is quite dangerous disease, even today, its mortality rate reaches from 30 to 40% (with Staphylococcus aureus). The main complications of meningitis are sepsis and the formation of brain abscesses, since the latter completely lacks the immune system. Treatment should begin as quickly as possible with the use of specific antibiotics.

Lesions of other abdominal organs and musculoskeletal system

IN in rare cases, such a staphylococcal infection can affect the kidneys with the formation of an abscess or carbuncle in them. This will manifest itself as symptoms of severe intoxication and disruption of the urinary system.

It is important to understand that such a pathology requires surgical treatment and long-term antibiotic therapy (treat until complete eradication).

Quite often, such a staphylococcal infection affects musculoskeletal system and causes osteomyelitis. It should be noted that most often the culprit is Staphylococcus aureus. One of the manifestations of staphylococcal infection is considered to be purulent melting of the bone, which leads to a violation of its integrity, a tendency to fractures and constant intoxication ( general weakness, increased body temperature), due to the absorption of bacterial waste products.

Osteomyelitis also requires surgical treatment, repeated and repeated antibiotic therapy until Staphylococcus aureus is completely eradicated.

Often staphylococcus begins to develop in the throat, from where it is transmitted by airborne droplets to others. Also, the patient develops a sore throat, requiring immediate treatment.

Staphylococci are widespread in environment, many of them live permanently in the human body. Even those that can cause disease often sit quietly in the nasal passages for years and do not cause any problems. Why is staphylococcus so dangerous, why do doctors pay so much attention to its identification and treatment?

Staphylococci are constant neighbors of humans. Due to the fact that many of them are part of the normal bacterial flora people, in a way, they can even be called our permanent tenants. And at the same time, we often hear about great danger emanating from them, what's the matter? Let's understand this phenomenon.

Staphylococcus is not a microorganism that causes any specific disease. Manifestations of staphylococcal infection can be varied, they depend on the location of the infection and the condition of the body. The term “staphylococcal diseases” combines a number of diseases that are studied in various branches of medicine and treated by doctors of various specialties. However, there are things that unite diseases caused by staphylococcus into a single group, and we will focus on them.

There are three types of staphylococcus, causing diseases in humans: epidermal (S. epidermidis), saprophytic (S. saprophyticus) and golden (S. aureus). Staphylococci are widespread, and many of them are part of the normal human microflora, without causing any harm to him. Even Staphylococcus aureus, which is considered a very undesirable “guest,” is regularly found on human skin and mucous membranes. According to various sources, up to 90% of people have a healthy carriage of this infection in the nasal passages, 20% have a long-term carriage. This bacterium is also often found on the skin and in the vagina (in 20% of adult women). Why can the same microorganisms both peacefully coexist with humans and cause dangerous diseases?

How does the infection develop?

Staphylococcus aureus enters the body through airborne droplets or contact and is considered a highly contagious infection. What happens after it hits the skin or mucous membrane can be called, in some way, a confrontation. The reaction of the macroorganism (human) depends on the integrity of its skin and mucous membranes, and the state of its immunity. Staphylococcus has something to counter “defense”; it has enzymes and toxins in its “arsenal”. If the body “loses the fight,” the microbe manages to realize its pathogenic properties with the help of attacking factors. For example, one enzyme melts connective tissue skin, another helps him cope with phagocytes (cells of the immune system that absorb foreign microorganisms), the rest also “do not sit idle” and contribute to the spread of infection. With the help of these properties, most characteristic of Staphylococcus aureus, a focus of infection is formed on the skin or mucous membrane. When the body's defense mechanisms cannot contain the process within the skin, microbes enter the bloodstream and can form distant foci of infection in other organs. Great importance In the development of infection, there are toxins that cause inflammation, the development of fever, a decrease in blood pressure, promote hemolysis (decomposition of red blood cells), impaired absorption of water in the intestines and other pathological phenomena.

Another option for the development of staphylococcal infection is the activation of microorganisms that were already previously present in the body. This mechanism is typical for the development of staphylococcal enterocolitis, which develops as a result of treatment with antibiotics. Microorganisms sensitive to the antibiotic die, and staphylococci are allowed to grow uncontrolled.

It is especially important to note here that usually the human body is not so susceptible to staphylococcal infection. Having been in contact with staphylococcus since childhood, the body largely produces specific immunity. Therefore, children under one year of age and people with weakened immune systems are especially susceptible to infection. What exactly can threaten a person if a staphylococcal infection has a chance to manifest itself?

What diseases does staphylococcus cause?

Staphylococcus can affect many organs and is the causative agent of about 120 different diseases. We will try to describe the most common ones: Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue- a large group of diseases. This includes boils, carbuncles, abscesses, cellulitis, pyoderpia, folliculitis, “staphylococcal erysipelas” and others. In addition, skin lesions include scarlet-like rashes in other staphylococcal diseases. Burn-like skin syndrome– most often affects children under 5 years of age. It is an inflammation of a large surface area of ​​the skin, with peeling of its upper layers. Damage to bones and joints more often occurs with a generalized infection, when staphylococcus circulates in the blood. Toxic shock syndrome occurs when severe forms infections when too much gets into the blood a large number of toxins. Staphylococcal sore throat has few particularly distinctive features. Staphylococcal endocarditis characterized by damage to the heart valves and increasing heart failure. It is often accompanied by infarctions (death of areas) of the lungs. Pneumonia and pleurisy have a severe course. Foci of infection in the lungs tend to merge, purulent complications appear, respiratory failure and intoxication are pronounced. Acute staphylococcal enteritis and enterocolitis The reason for their occurrence was mentioned above. They are accompanied by profuse watery diarrhea, which threatens rapid dehydration of the body. Staphylococcal enterotoxin poisoning occurs when eating foods contaminated with staphylococcus. The toxin can accumulate in large quantities in food, which is very dangerous. Dairy products are the most dangerous in this regard. Staphylococcal meningitis and brain abscess develop as a result of staphylococcal sepsis (blood poisoning). Staphylococcal diseases of the urinary tract usually do not differ from pathologies of other origins. Their causative agent is often saprophytic staphylococcus.

Staphylococcus is also common pathogen row inflammatory diseases eye, Firstly, stye and conjunctivitis.

How to distinguish a disease of staphylococcal nature from others?

How to identify a staph infection?

To confirm that staphylococcus is the causative agent of the disease, you need to find it in the materials taken from the patient for examination. The material is taken depending on the form of the disease, in different cases it can be blood, ulcer discharge, sputum, urine, feces, cerebrospinal fluid. The pathogen is isolated, its properties and sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs are studied, which helps in choosing an effective treatment. When examining swabs from the nose and throat, carriage or contamination is considered to be 1st and 2nd degree growth, up to 20 colonies or 10 to the third degree CFU/tampon/ml. Higher rates indicate staphylococcus as the cause of the disease. Now that we've figured it out, let's move on - when, how and with what should a staphylococcal infection be treated?

How to treat?

Doctors of most specializations treat staphylococcal infections. Depending on the specific disease, this may be a surgeon, therapist, ENT specialist, ophthalmologist, or pediatrician. Such patients do not often reach an infectious disease specialist, but his consultation definitely makes sense.

The main methods of combating staphylococcal infection: Impact on the cause, that is, on the microbes themselves, antibiotics. This type of course is not indicated for mild localized types of infection (carriage, minor local inflammation). In these cases, antibiotics can even provoke deterioration, exacerbating the imbalance of microflora. If the course of the local process takes difficult character or there is a generalized process (staphylococcus has entered the blood), then the prescription of antibiotics cannot be avoided. Antimicrobials are prescribed taking into account the known antibiotic resistance of staphylococci. To combat staphylococcus, oxacillin, dicloxacillin, ceftriaxone, vancomycin, ofloxacin and a number of others are used. Effective combination drugs containing an antibiotic and a substance that suppresses the antibiotic resistance of staphylococcus: unasin, amoxiclav. The dose and route of administration of drugs depends on the specific case.

How specific remedy also works well against staphylococcus antistaphylococcal bacteriophage. It can be used topically, intramuscularly and intravenously, depending on the need. This method is worth paying attention to Special attention when the use of antibiotics is not indicated. Sanitation of foci of infection carried out in the presence of ulcers. They are opened and surgically processed. Specific immunotherapy carried out by introducing antistaphylococcal immunoglobulin And antistaphylococcal plasma. Sometimes immunization is carried out with staphylococcal toxoid, which helps the body cope with intoxication. Nonspecific immunomodulators are also used to increase the body's resistance. Treatment is being carried out accompanying symptoms: fever, low blood pressure, allergic reactions, dehydration and others.
A special issue for the treatment of any disease is competent assistance to pregnant and nursing mothers in case of illness.

Information for expectant and nursing mothers

Before a planned pregnancy, you should be tested for carriage of Staphylococcus aureus (nasal and throat swabs). If found, get treatment, but without using antibiotics, we talked about this above. The same applies to other family members; all of them must be tested for carriage of staphylococcus and undergo treatment if a positive result is obtained. First of all, this concerns future fathers who wish to be present at the birth.

When detecting carriage or local forms of staphylococcal infection in pregnant women, there is also no reason to panic, but go through adequate treatment no use of antibiotics necessary. Vaccination with staphylococcal toxoid is also recommended for pregnant women at 32, 34 and 36 weeks of pregnancy.

What to do if staphylococcus is detected in breast milk? It is known that mothers often stop breastfeeding and start taking antibiotics (sometimes without a doctor’s prescription). In most cases, this cannot be called the right tactic. In such situations, staphylococcal toxoid is indicated (subcutaneously) according to a certain regimen, which the doctor will give you. Breastfeeding, as a rule, does not have to be interrupted, since the baby also receives protection from infection from the mother with milk (antibodies to staphylococcus). The whole family needs to have bacterial cultures taken from the throat and nose, and if detected, carriers should be treated. In such a situation, a child needs to have a stool test for dysbacteriosis and visit an infectious disease specialist.

Always coordinate your actions with your doctor. If the staphylococcal infection has taken a form that requires the use of antibacterial drugs, the doctor makes the decision, weighing possible benefit and the risk of the prescribed treatment.

How to warn?

To prevent the spread of staphylococcal diseases, it is necessary to find and treat carriers of the infection, as well as effectively treat and isolate patients. To treat carriers, an antistaphylococcal bacteriophage is used locally; vaccination of carriers with staphylococcal toxoid is indicated (its use for pregnant women is described above). If carriage of Staphylococcus aureus is detected in one family member, the whole family should be examined and treated, as otherwise it will not be effective. There is no treatment for carriage of saprophytic and epidermal staphylococci. Personal hygiene, balanced diet and hardening are effective methods prevention. If you find out that you are a carrier of Staphylococcus aureus, you should not neglect treatment. It should be remembered that the hero of our article may be especially dangerous not only for you, but for loved ones and people around you with poorer health.

And do not despair in any case if staphylococcus gets in your way. It is possible to defeat it, it will be easier to do this if you consult a doctor in a timely manner and strictly follow the recommendations for treatment and prevention; however, this rule applies to any disease. Be healthy!

Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus) is a spherical, nonmotile and aerobic (capable of existing in the air) Gram-staining bacterium that causes various diseases in children and less often in adults.

Staphylococcus aureus gets its name from the golden glow it produces when sown on a nutrient medium. Translated from the Greek slaphyle - “bunch” and coccus - “spherical”, staphylococcus under a microscope resembles a bunch of grapes. Staphylococcus aureus is widespread in the environment; it can be sown from household items, from toys, from medical instruments, from breast milk and affected skin and mucous membranes of a sick and healthy person.

Why is Staphylococcus aureus dangerous?

Normally, Staphylococcus aureus lives on the skin and mucous membranes of almost all people. But healthy people with good immunity do not get sick with staphylococcal infection, since normal microflora inhibits the growth of staphylococcus and prevents its pathogenic essence from manifesting itself. But when the body’s defenses are weakened, the microbe “raises its head” and causes various diseases, including blood poisoning or sepsis.

The high pathogenicity of Staphylococcus aureus is associated with three factors.

  • Firstly, the microorganism is highly resistant to antiseptics and environmental factors (withstands boiling for 10 minutes, drying, freezing, ethyl alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, with the exception of brilliant green).
  • Secondly, Staphylococcus aureus produces the enzymes penicillinase and lidase, which makes it protected from almost all penicillin antibiotics and helps melt the skin, including sweat glands, and penetrate deep into the body.
  • And thirdly, the microbe produces endotoxin, which leads to both food poisoning and a syndrome of general intoxication of the body, up to the development of infectious-toxic shock.

And, of course, it should be noted that there is no immunity to Staphylococcus aureus, and a person who has had a staphylococcal infection can become infected with it again.

Staphylococcus aureus is particularly dangerous for infants, located in the maternity hospital. It is in hospitals that the concentration of this microbe in the environment is high, which is of no small importance due to violation of the rules of asepsis and sterilization of instruments and carriage of staphylococcus among medical workers. personnel.


There is no doubt that the cause of staphylococcal infection is, as a rule, Staphylococcus aureus. Infection occurs when immunity decreases, which is facilitated by a number of factors:

  • taking antibiotics and hormonal drugs;
  • stress;
  • poor nutrition;
  • hypo- and vitamin deficiencies;
  • infections;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • immaturity of the child at birth;
  • artificial feeding;
  • late breastfeeding.

Types of staphylococcal infection

There are generalized and local forms of staphylococcal infection.

Generalized forms include sepsis (septicopyemia and septicocemia).

Local forms include diseases of the skin, mucous membranes, internal organs, bones, joints, mammary glands and umbilical cord. Also, food poisoning with staphylococcus endotoxin should be highlighted in a separate column.

In addition, staphylococcal infection can be primary and secondary (if there is a primary focus). Along the flow, sharp, lingering and chronic forms, and according to the severity of staphylococcal infection, mild, moderate and severe.

Symptoms depending on the affected organ

Symptoms of staphylococcal infection depend on the location of staphylococcus in the child’s body and the degree to which the body’s defenses are reduced. The main signs of staphylococcal infection include

  • increase in body temperature
  • severe intoxication syndrome (lethargy, weakness, lack of appetite, nausea).


Microbial infection umbilical wound, which is accompanied by swelling of the umbilical ring, purulent discharge from the wound. When the umbilical vein is involved in the process, a compacted and thickened vein is palpated. There is also hyperemia that spreads upward, towards the sternum.

Skin damage

  • With pseudofurunculosis (damage to sweat glands, not sebaceous glands) dense, red nodules appear in skin folds(cluster sweat glands), which then fester.
  • Vesiculopustulosis is characterized by the formation of bubbles with liquid contents, which spontaneously open and a crust forms in their place.
  • Exfoliative dermatitis (Ritter's disease), or “scalded skin syndrome,” is characterized by the formation of large blisters that look like burns, then the skin peels off and unprotected wounds form.
  • An abscess is a lesion of the deep layers of the skin with visible redness and thickening. A cavity containing pus is formed.
  • Panaritium is a lesion of the extreme phalanx of the finger.
  • Phlegmon - in addition to the skin, the process involves subcutaneous tissue, which suppurates.

Eye damage

When the mucous membrane of the eyes is damaged, conjunctivitis develops (photophobia, lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids, purulent discharge from the eyes).

Respiratory tract damage

Food poisoning

It develops when eating contaminated or spoiled food and occurs with symptoms of acute enterocolitis. Characterized by fever, nausea, vomiting up to 10 or more times a day, loose stools mixed with greens.


Blood poisoning, or sepsis, occurs with severe immunodeficiency. The course of the disease is severe, with very high temperature, severe symptoms intoxication, impaired consciousness (from excitement to lethargy).

With the development of infectious-toxic shock, blood pressure drops sharply, the patient loses consciousness and may fall into a coma.

Septicopyemia is the circulation of Staphylococcus aureus in the blood with the formation of purulent foci, both on the child’s skin and in the internal organs.

Septicemia is characterized by the development of infectious toxicosis. Septicemia can be complicated by the addition of pneumonia, the development of disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome, etc.


Differential diagnosis of staphylococcal infection should be carried out with streptococcal infection. In the diagnosis of diseases of staphylococcal etiology, the following serological methods are used, which are characterized by speed and high accuracy:

  • Standard coagulase test in vitro, which lasts 4 hours, but at negative result extended for a day.
  • Latex agglutination, which uses commercial kits of latex particles associated with antibodies to staphylococcus (A-protein, clumping factor and a number of surface antigens), which makes it also useful for species and strain identification of the pathogen

Also used:

  • General blood and urine tests (leukocytosis, neutrophilia, increased ESR are detected in the blood, and protein, leukocytes, staphylococci in the urine).
  • Sowing biological material to nutrient media.

Sowing on nutrient media is carried out to identify the causative agent of the disease and determine its sensitivity and resistance to antibiotics.

Stool culture should be done no later than 3 hours after defecation; swabs from the mucous membranes of the mouth and nasopharynx should be taken on an empty stomach, before brushing your teeth and before taking medications.

A smear for staphylococcal conjunctivitis is taken from the lower eyelid with a sterile swab soaked in distilled water before washing.

At skin diseases smears are taken after pre-treating the skin around the wound with an antiseptic solution and removing necrotic areas (crusts) from the wound.

  • Widal agglutination reaction

Allows you to determine the dynamics of the disease and the effectiveness of treatment. It is carried out 2 or more times with breaks of 7-10 days. An increase in antibody titer in the blood of more than 1:100 indicates the progression of the infection.

  • Phagotyping of isolated staphylococci

Allows you to determine the sensitivity of a microbe to phage viruses in order to prescribe appropriate treatment.


For mild forms of staphylococcal infection, antibiotics are not required.

For moderate and severe forms, semisynthetic penicillins (amoxiclav), which are effective if the microorganism is resistant to penicillins, and cephalosporins (kefzol, ceftriaxone) are prescribed.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and infection of the skin or internal organs (from 7 days to several months).

For purulent-inflammatory skin diseases (furunculosis, carbuncle, impetigo) it is prescribed local treatment- mupirocin or pleuromutilin derivatives. In their absence, wounds can be treated with antiseptic solutions: brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate and antibacterial ointments(syntomycin, oleandomycin ointments, Bactroban).

At conjunctivitis The eyes are washed daily with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and a 30% solution of albucid is instilled 4-5 times a day.

For purulent skin lesions ( abscesses, phlegmon), surgical opening of the abscesses is performed to drain the pus.

In addition, the administration of antistaphylococcal bacteriophage, antistaphylococcal plasma and immunoglobulin is indicated (for sepsis and severe diseases).

For staphylococcal food poisoning Antibiotics are not prescribed; antistaphylococcal toxoid is used. Carry out gastric lavage and replenishment of circulating blood volume with intravenous infusions saline solutions(saline solution, glucose solution, rehydron and others).

To prevent intestinal dysbiosis, it is recommended to use antifungal drugs(Diflucan, nystatin) in parallel with antibiotics.

At the same time, immunocorrective therapy is prescribed (vitamins B, C, levamisole, Tactivin and others).

A pediatric infectious disease specialist treats staphylococcal infections in children.

Treatment methods are selected depending on the damage to certain organs. The child is hospitalized in a separate ward-box, where bed and underwear are changed daily and the patient showers daily.

Complications and prognosis

Staphylococcus aureus is especially dangerous for infants. Possible complications:

  • sepsis;
  • infectious-toxic shock;
  • coma;
  • death.

The prognosis depends on the severity of the disease and the effectiveness of treatment.

With mild lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, the prognosis is favorable. Massive infection with Staphylococcus aureus, especially with the development of sepsis, is fatal in 50%.