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Is it better to drink tea or water? Scientists have revealed the daily intake of water

All doctors and nutritionists advise drinking at least 2 liters of water per day. But for some reason everyone is silent about tea, coffee or sparkling water. After all, these are also liquids, so why not drink them to avoid dehydration?

Why water?

Water and liquids are different things. You don't replace water with soup. Coffee, tea, milk, alcohol and juices are not the same as water. This is food that needs to be treated as such.

By drinking water you reduce the risk heart attack, and also control the feeling of hunger. Get into the habit of drinking a glass cold water 20 minutes before meals. Thanks to this, you will feel full earlier and you will eat less.

The body has learned to extract water from food, but how can it purify itself? If the body doesn't receive clean water To do this, he will have to extract water from his reserve resources. You need to drink it consciously, even if you are not thirsty.


However, you should not drink regular tap water. It is contaminated due to active work human, and clean it either with bleach or other bad chemicals. Thus, she not only loses all her useful qualities, but can also cause harm to the body. Therefore, you need to drink either boiled water or bottled water. Or you need to install a good filter at home based on a reverse osmosis membrane with a mineral cartridge.

How much water should you drink per day?

The body needs at least 2.5 liters of water and 1/2 teaspoon of salt every day to compensate for natural losses through urine, breath and sweat. Not taking enough of it puts too much strain on the kidneys. They will have to work harder to concentrate the urine and remove as much toxic waste as possible with a small amount of water. Larger people should drink 14 g of water for every 450 g of body weight. A person weighing 90 kg needs 2.8 liters of water. You should drink water every time you feel thirsty, even while eating. It doesn't have any effect harmful influence on the digestive process. Additionally, you should drink at least two glasses of water on an empty stomach in the morning to replenish the water lost during the eight hours of sleep.

Carry a bottle of water with you, keep a glass of it on your desk and drink throughout the day. In addition, drink before and after exercise to avoid dehydration.

Scientists have proven that a person can live for several weeks without food, but without water - only a few days. In our body, fluid makes up two-thirds of our body weight. It is continuously polluted through metabolic products that must be removed from the body, especially with the help of natural biological fluids; also when inhaling polluted air (industrial gases, human or chemical fumes, etc.); through the use by many people of substances that have a stimulating effect, such as coffee, tobacco, alcohol, table salt.

One way or another, all people are susceptible to such pollution of the body, which results in dry, pale skin, bad smell from the mouth (with caries or stomach diseases), coating on the tongue, thick saliva, frequent fatigue, dizziness, tinnitus. These signs indicate internal self-poisoning and are caused by a lack of fluid in the body. In older people, whose body is chronically lacking water, these symptoms appear even more clearly (wrinkles, sagging and pale skin, low resistance to colds).

Studies show that with a sedentary lifestyle, 2.5 - 3 liters of water are removed from the body per day. Water is excreted through the kidneys, intestines, lungs and skin. Correct exchange fluid loss occurs when the water balance is balanced, that is: the same amount of fluid is removed from the body as it is introduced. If the balance is disturbed, then the decay products are not removed from the body in time, accumulate and poison it. As a consequence - serious illnesses, bringing the death of a person closer.

We drink less than our organs require in order to function well. The result of this is hard stool, cloudy urine (small amount). The mucous membranes dry out, the amount of saliva decreases, swallowing becomes difficult, and it becomes more difficult to breathe.

How much fluid do you need to drink to keep your body in good shape?

In a milk-vegetable diet, the liquid content is about one and a half liters. In addition to these, you need to consume about two more liters. This amount should be drunk between meals, as water helps “transport” the contents of the stomach. Drinking during meals impairs digestion, as water dilutes gastric juice. Milk is a food, not a drink. It is not true that you need to drink only when you want. The body needs a certain amount of water, regardless of thirst. But you need to increase your water intake gradually, especially if you are not used to drinking a lot. One-time acceptance large quantity liquids are huge pressure on the heart.

Let's say a little about the temperature of the drinks. If the temperature of the liquid we consume is lower than body temperature, the body itself equalizes the temperature difference, so we lose calories. Following the call of instinct, we do not drink cold drinks in winter; they should be heated to body temperature. In hot weather, the need for water increases due to increased sweating.

To survive, a person needs to drink water. AND we're talking about not about a hot desert, but about a big city with a fast pace of life and poor ecology.

Everyone knows that the human body is 85% water: brain 85%, lungs, heart, kidneys - 80%, muscles - 75%, skin, liver - 70%, bones - 20%, adipose tissue- 10%. Water provides vital work for all important organs person. It improves heart function, digestive system, nourishes nervous system. Saturates the skin with moisture, preventing aging. Water lowers temperature, cleanses the blood, removes toxins, and normalizes metabolism. She's filming nervous tension And chronic fatigue. Half of all city dweller’s problems are related to feeling unwell and mood, is solved by regular drinking. But how much water to drink, when and what kind of water you can drink will be discussed below.

Juice, compotes and tea are not water

For example, you: how much water do you drink a day if you drank 4 cups of tea in the morning, one cup of coffee, a glass of fruit juice at lunch, and a glass of milk in the evening? Correct answer: not at all. All of these nutritious drinks, of course, contain water. But in addition to it, there is also sugar, dyes, caffeine, etc. Therefore, they are considered food that the body digests. Water has unique functions: it dissolves and then transports vitamins, minerals and trace elements to cells, and harmful substances after dissolution, it is removed from the body through sweat and urine, thereby cleansing it. Water regulates body temperature and also speeds up metabolism, helping burn fat. Other liquids and drinks do not have such properties.

Drinking regimen: how much and when to drink water

It seems natural to drink when you want. But thirst is the body’s signal that dehydration has occurred. Medical recommendations are as follows: you need to drink about 2 liters of liquid per day, of which 1.5 liters are water. You need to increase the volume of water in hot weather, stuffiness, and also during sports.

It is best to drink the bulk of water in the first half of the day before 15.00, and try to drink less water after 19.00 - leave 1-2 glasses for evening time. For many, the question remains open: is it possible to drink water while eating?! Without going into details of how the digestive system works, we will answer briefly: it’s better not to. The only liquid that must enter the body to digest food is gastric juice. And it is better not to dilute it with water. Drink 30 minutes before or after meals, and between meals.

Which water is healthier to drink?

Of course, water from mountain wells is considered the cleanest and healthiest. But if you don’t have one nearby, then you have to choose from what’s available.

And tap water is available to everyone, which contains toxic chlorine, arsenic, heavy metals, harmful microorganisms and other dangerous elements. In order to destroy these harmful substances, we boil this water. True, at the moment of boiling such useful microelements, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, oxygen, nitrogen, noble gases. Therefore, there is an opinion that boiled water"dead".

More expensive and labor-intensive, but effective way water purification is filtration. Even a regular filter with activated carbon gives tangible results. Filters need constant replacement, so if you don't have enough time, you can stick to bottled water. Such water undergoes all necessary purification, preserving beneficial features. If bottled water is obtained from natural sources, then its value is even higher, since it does not contain those dangerous substances that are found in tap water.

Water is the most important component of existence. And the basis of human life. Its importance for the human body cannot be overestimated. She plays vital role In metabolism, thermoregulation of the body, our body consists of more than 2/3 water.

Loss of water by the body in the amount of only 8-10% of body weight leads to severe changes in health status and even fatal outcome. That is why it is so important to drink enough fluid and replenish its loss in the body in a timely manner. In medicine, it is not for nothing that there is such a concept as daily norm water consumption is the amount of fluid needed to normal functioning our body. So how much water should you drink per day?

The daily water intake is individual for each person. In fact, a single standard of water for everyone has not been determined and cannot be, since each person’s body is unique and everyone’s need for a certain amount of water may be different. It depends on a person’s lifestyle, diet, work schedule, climate, health status and many other factors.

The average daily water consumption is 1.5-3 liters. At the same time, a person receives almost half of this norm from the liquid components of his diet (tea, soup, compote, borscht, etc., regular drinking water). He must “get” the rest with water itself. But you shouldn’t go to extremes and forget that excess water is also harmful. Excess fluid is constantly eliminated by the body, which means that if you drink too much, you create a high load on your kidneys, which are flushed out of the body along with water. useful minerals, your blood is becoming too thin.

If an insufficient amount of water enters the body, this can lead to the deposition of salts, metabolic disorders and complicate the removal of salts and metabolic products from the body, and they can accumulate as toxins.

However there is pathological conditions body when you need to drink more water:

  • infectious diseases (germs and viruses are excreted from the body in urine)
  • severe vomiting and diarrhea (they lead to pathological dehydration and loss of salts)
  • toxicosis in pregnant women
  • kidney stones and bladder
  • liver disease

Nature has designed the human body in such a way that when there is a lack of water, we feel discomfort, thirst, and want to drink. This is how the body regulates the need for water and reminds us of the need to replenish the fluid supply in the body.

What is the best way to quench your thirst?

First of all, water, of course. Regular drinking water, purified with a filter, bottled, artesian, spring, mineral, simply carbonated.

Water with lemon quenches thirst very well in hot weather. You can also drink fruit drinks and compotes. It is worth remembering that the benefits of water will be maximum if you adhere to the norm of its use.

How to drink water correctly

Every person on Earth, in order to maintain their health, beauty and youth, must adhere to physiological requirements for water consumption. Otherwise, there will be chronic dehydration and many health problems. Remember that lack of water is the cause of the vast majority of diseases.

Daily water consumption for an adult healthy person average build is 2.5-3l/day. It is necessary to ensure the healthy functioning of the body. The concept of this norm includes - plain water(preferably filtered), natural mineral drinking water, water with lemon, green tea(1 liter).

Liquids and drinks that contribute to dehydration: black tea, coffee, alcohol, beer, sweet soda.

Make it a rule to take “water breaks” during the day - mandatory water intakes of 250 - 500 ml of water, which you need to drink slowly, in small sips. One of these appointments should be in the morning.

  • Water should be drunk in the morning immediately after waking up to eliminate dehydration caused by long sleep.
  • Water should be drunk before meals (the optimal time is 30 minutes before meals). This will allow you to prepare digestive tract, especially those who suffer from gastritis, heartburn, ulcers, colitis or other digestive disorders.
  • You should drink water whenever you feel thirsty or hungry - even while eating.
  • Water should be drunk 2.5 hours after eating to complete the digestion process and eliminate dehydration caused by the breakdown of food.

When I or my partners ask their clients: “How much water do you drink and what kind?” we usually hear the answer: “ I drink a lot of coffee and tea! I also eat soups!“This is the answer of 95% of people. And, unfortunately, this is the biggest misconception that reigns among people.
Let's find out why, coffee, tea, soup, soda and other drinks are not water!

All of the above drinks and food actually contain water. These also include compotes, jelly, drinks, soda, the beloved Cola and Pepsi, etc. These are all liquids, but not water!

Due to their illiteracy, most people think that if they have liquid in their diet, then they are getting enough water every day. This is where the catch lies. Water and liquid are completely different things.

Everyone knows that the human body consists of 75-80% water. This is not the water that comes out of your kitchen faucet. This water has a certain structure. Closest to water in human body is pure raw structured water or melt water. Such water is easily absorbed by the body, and it does not expend energy on this process.

As soon as something is added to water, or it is heated and brought to a boil, it loses its structure.

Such water is much less absorbed by the cells of our body, plus it needs to expend a lot of energy in order to extract water from a drink or soup and give it the desired structure. We lose energy to a process that should, on the contrary, give it.

Therefore, if we talk about the importance of water for life and health, then there is no other drink that can beat regular pure structured water.

But, at the same time, all other drinks are not equally harmful, some of them are very useful.

The benefits and harms of the drinks we drink

Milk is the first thing every person tastes as soon as he is born. Now I am talking exclusively about a natural product. There are no sweeteners or dyes, nothing artificial. Exactly mother's milk helps shape intestinal flora the child and is the only food during the first few months of the child’s life. In the future we will drink milk from cows, some goats and other animals. Milk is also rich in protein and vitamins.

Juice from fruits, berries and vegetables is very beneficial for its vitamins and fiber. Fruits and vegetables also contain water, which the body can absorb with minimal loss of energy. Enzymes allow food to be easily digested. The juices have the greatest value at the moment when they are squeezed. But many of them retain their value for up to 7 days.

Water, milk and juices are the only natural springs waters that were available to man in primitive times. This natural products, which are the most beneficial for the human body, for maintaining health and youth.

Tea is one of those drinks that almost all people drink every day. Many cultures have entire tea ceremonies. It is worth saying that tea differs from tea.

Eat healing teas, which, of course, are very useful for humans. They come in floral and berry varieties, with spices and medicinal herbs. We do not drink such teas every day, but only for the purpose of improving our health.

Most often we drink black tea, pure or with additives, or green. And, unfortunately, in countries former USSR, we drink tea of ​​very low quality, because tea High Quality very expensive and not everyone can afford it.

Many teas, especially green teas, have a diuretic effect, like coffee, and sometimes contain more caffeine than coffee. Therefore, for every cup of tea or coffee you drink, it is recommended to drink 1 glass of water to restore water balance body.

Now, I hope you understand why tea and coffee are not water!

We always emphasize to our clients the importance of drinking enough water when drinking teas or teas, since these products are also diuretics or cleansers. Taking these foods without water may have the opposite effect.

Soup and borscht, especially if they are not meat, but vegetable, can be good source water, although not enough. If you add fats, meat or fish, the body will have to expend significantly more energy to release and absorb water. Therefore, even if you choose soup or borscht meat broth, choose low-fat varieties meat and fish.

Cola and Pepsi and other carbonated drinks have several dangers. They are also diuretic, contain caffeine and are very high in sugar. One liter of Coca-Cola contains 27 sugar cubes! That is why Americans, for whom Coca-Cola is the national drink, are in 1st place in obesity in the world!

Many sweet lovers also add a lot of sugar to tea and coffee, which is very harmful!

Attention! You should know that a decrease in the amount of water in the body can lead to serious consequences for Your health.

If your body's water content drops by 2%, you will feel very tired. When water in the body decreases by 3%, a person’s blood pressure decreases. This affects the heart, liver and kidneys. With a decrease of 6%, a person may experience seizures. A loss of water of 8% can lead to the formation of a blood clot and cerebral ischemia. Losing water by 20% leads to death!

Initial symptoms give you the opportunity to pay attention to the problem in time and solve it in a simple way– drink water.