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Cough in the evening causes. Causes of increased cough at night. Causes of intensified cough in the evening

Coughing is a very unpleasant phenomenon, and the one that occurs at night is exhausting and does not allow a person to fully relax. This is not an illness, but only an indicator of any disease in an adult. He is entrusted with protective functions body, and it clears the bronchi and lungs from accumulated sputum or foreign bodies. So the causes of coughing at night in an adult can be both ordinary dust and various serious ailments. At night, when a person is lying, the removal of sputum from the lungs and bronchi is difficult, which is why the attacks are longer and more persistent.

Adult nocturnal cough

Sudden onset of cough syndrome apparent reason at night warns of dust or other foreign objects entering the respiratory tract. An acute and debilitating cough during sleep, which lasts more than two weeks in an adult, indicates the presence of an infection, and incessant at night for two months, its transition to a chronic form.

This symptom does not always serve as a messenger of the disease. In some cases, the causes of coughing at night in an adult are due to the following factors:

  1. inhalation of gases with a pungent or pungent odor: cigarette smoke, campfire smoke, etc.
  2. inhalation of dust, small particles of sprayed aerosol (perfume, fragrance, etc.)
  3. inhalation of very hot or too cold and dry air.

In such cases, you do not need to worry and consult a doctor. To stop coughing, you just need to eliminate the irritants.

But if there are no factors that irritate the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, and coughing attacks at night have been tormenting for several days, it is necessary to assess its nature, which will help diagnose the disease that has arisen and begin treatment. The causes of night cough in adults are very diverse, so for correct setting diagnosis and identification of causes is worth visiting a specialist.

Dry cough

Incessant seizures, tickling, pain in the throat, in the absence or slight discharge of sputum - the main signs of a dry cough (it is especially painful at night).

The cause of this type of symptom is the onset of a cold, when the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract become inflamed. But at the same time ongoing long time dry cough at night can signal the presence of an allergy, chronic diseases lungs and bronchi, heart failure, oncology of the respiratory tract, tuberculosis, and even some diseases of the stomach in an adult.

  • Dry cough at night in adults, combined with increased heart rate and shortness of breath, can speak of pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  • Interruptions in work gastrointestinal tract(gastroesophageal reflux), which are associated with irritation of the nerve receptors of the respiratory tract and esophagus, where stomach acid can enter, are also accompanied by coughing.
  • With inflammation vocal cords cough at night in an adult dry barking.
  • Tearful, throat-rending seizures can warn of the presence of a tumor in the airways.
  • Continued for a long time dry cough, which may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, a clear symptom of whooping cough in an adult.
  • Long persistent dry may indicate pneumoconiosis, tuberculosis, collagenosis or sarcoidosis of the lungs.
  • Frequent dry cough at night indicates incipient bronchitis.
  • The causes of whistling, accompanied by heaviness in the chest, are: dangerous disease like bronchial asthma. At running form diseases cough in an adult is aggravated at night.

Moist cough

This type of cough occurs when a significant amount of mucus accumulates in the bronchi, trachea and lungs, which the body reflexively tries to get rid of. The causes of a wet cough at night, which often becomes a continuation of a dry cough, are the following diseases in adults: pneumonia; viral diseases; tuberculosis; rhinitis; pleuropneumonia; swelling of the trachea or heart; diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; oncological diseases respiratory organs; sinusitis, etc.

  • meager viscous sputum indicates the presence of tracheitis, bronchitis or asthma in an adult.
  • Slime with very bad smell may be a symptom of a ruptured lung abscess.
  • The cause of slippery sputum with pus is focal pneumonia.

The color of the mucus can also draw certain conclusions about the alleged disease.

  • Yellow-orange rusty discharge indicates pleuropneumonia.
  • If there are blood impurities in the sputum, and the patient is shivering, the cause is tuberculosis or oncological pathologies.
  • At viral diseases sputum production in an adult at night is most often accompanied by fever, nausea and dizziness.
  • If a cough with sputum at night occurs without fever and other symptoms of the disease, then this may indicate the development of an inflammatory process in respiratory tract, oncology or tuberculosis.
  • The causes of a cough that does not go away for a long time are whooping cough or sinusitis.
  • Rhinopharyngitis (inflammation of the nasopharynx) manifests itself as a sore throat and cough, which intensifies at night in an adult. Phlegm is present, but very difficult to get out.
  • As a result of a breakthrough of the hepatic abscess, impurities similar to small grains can be found in the secreted mucus.

Wet and dry cough at night in an adult occurs by different reasons. Put yourself on your own correct diagnosis, not having medical education, almost impossible. Therefore, if the symptom intensifies at night and does not stop tormenting you for a long time, it's time to consult a doctor to identify the causes so as not to start the disease and start timely treatment. For staging accurate diagnosis an adult needs to take a blood and sputum test, take an x-ray chest, fibrogastroduodenoscopy and bronchography.

How to calm a night cough?

Cough at night in adults, regardless of the cause, the symptom is unpleasant, exhausting, interfering good rest. In this case, you can significantly alleviate your condition with the help of medical preparations or using folk methods treatment

Medical preparations

A dry cough occurs when inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract occurs, and the causes of a wet cough are the accumulation of sputum in them. To eliminate its symptoms, soothing, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, and the symptoms of a wet cough are fought with the help of mucolic agents that thin the sputum for its easier removal from the respiratory tract in an adult. It is important to remember that dry cough, in the absence of adequate treatment of the disease, over time, turns into moist cough, which indicates the further development of the inflammatory process. How to calm a cough at night? What medicines are effective for its treatment?

Modern drugs for the treatment of this unpleasant symptom are diverse and effective. But you should not use them on your own without getting professional advice from a doctor. Medicines will help eliminate the symptom of the disease - cough, and the cause of the disease will remain unclear.

Folk remedies

Having received a doctor's advice and holding a prescription with drugs in hand that can stop a cough at night, many begin to doubt: is it possible to do without taking medication? Are there folk remedies, healing causes of this disease and how to relieve a cough, thanks to them? Folk recipes The treatment of night attacks in adults is very diverse, but in order for their action to be as effective as possible, the following rules must be observed.

  • During treatment it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids ( Herb tea, pure water). The liquid well dilutes mucus and contributes to its removal from the pulmonary tract of an adult.
  • Humidify the air in the room and prevent its excessive cooling and overheating. To humidify the air, you can purchase special humidifiers, and during the heating season, you can simply hang wet towels on the radiator. Such measures can significantly alleviate coughing attacks at night and help fight the causes of cough syndrome in an adult.
  • If coughing during sleep is caused by allergies, additional antihistamines should be used.
  • When sleeping, use a high pillow to avoid the accumulation of sputum in the lungs and its better removal.
  • Herbal inhalations moisturize the mucous membranes very well and greatly alleviate the patient's condition.


  1. mix lemon juice, glycerin and honey in equal proportions. Take one teaspoon 4-6 times a day.
  2. Take equal amounts of chamomile and coltsfoot. Pour boiling water over and let it brew for an hour. This infusion relieves pulmonary edema and has an expectorant effect.
  3. A decoction of wild rosemary will help to quickly relieve the symptoms of coughing. To do this, take 50 ml. funds daily.
  4. Add one teaspoon to a glass of milk butter and put on fire. After the milk boils, you need to add a pinch of soda to it and, after letting it cool down quite a bit, drink it.
  5. In equal proportions, take oregano, licorice and coltsfoot, pour boiling water and let it brew. Take half a glass of infusion three times a day.
  6. Overcook one tablespoon of sugar in a small iron bowl on the stove until dark brown, add a quarter of a glass of water, add a few drops of aloe juice and drink before bed.
  7. Boil one tablespoon of sage in a glass of milk, let it brew in a warm place for 40 minutes, strain. Drink hot, one glass a day before bedtime.
  8. You can quickly relieve an attack of severe coughing by chewing on a leaf of the golden mustache plant.
  9. To prevent attacks of night cough, drink a decoction pine buds. Pour one tablespoon of pine buds with one glass of boiling water, let it brew for 50 minutes, strain. At the very beginning of the attack, take one or two sips of this infusion.
  10. If the cough caught you on the street or at a party, then the following remedy will help calm the attack: stand up straight, raise one hand up and raise it as high above you as possible, trying to reach with your fingertips as high as possible. Hold on until relief comes.

Preventive measures against night cough

To deal with the causes as little as possible, causing cough at night in an adult, it is necessary to observe preventive measures and take good care of your health.

  • Get hardened. It is not necessary to bathe ice water on the street. For a start, it will be enough just to walk barefoot at home and increase the time spent in the fresh air.
  • Go in for sports. Even regular morning exercises can give a good result.
  • Eat properly and nutritiously. Your diet must include fruits and vegetables.

    Cough often comes on like an attack in the evening, when you lie down in bed, this is due to the fact that in the usual position the mucus drains and does not irritate, but when we lie down it rear wall pharynx drains and begins to irritate her and cough appears. also, the sputum that is in the lungs is less absorbed, and the lungs themselves receive less blood supply.

    If a person has a strong and prolonged cough at night, this bad sign may develop severe disease.

    Increasing cough in the evening, closer to night, can be explained by a decrease in body activity, a slowdown in all processes, including blood circulation, which leads to slower resorption of sputum. As a result, mucus accumulates, affects nerve endings, and this increases the cough - the body's desire to get rid of this sputum.

    If you are not sick and you have a cough closer to the night - this is a reason to think: is there a hidden form of the disease here? It can be:

    • croup (paroxysmal cough, heavy breathing),
    • acidity problems digestive processes from taking the body in a lying position),
    • asthma or obstructive bronchitis(together with wheezing)
    • whooping cough (infection),
    • chronic sinusitis or rhinitis,
    • heart problems.

    When the human body assumes a supine position, it is difficult for the body to absorb mucus (in lying position obstructed circulation). Phlegm clogs the nasopharynx and provokes a reflex disposal of accumulated sputum - you want to cough.

    In addition, the environment also affects: by evening the air becomes cooler and drier than during the day. From this, the mucous membrane is irritated and a cough reflex appears.

    Drink a glass to calm your cough warm milk, you can add a little soda or honey.

    Humidify the air.

    All day long we walk, run back and forth

    We breathe and inhale different dust, imperceptibly for ourselves

    And in the evening it gets colder, the throat is clogged with dust particles

    So the cough intensifies - in the evening we lie down and rest

    In such cases, you need to drink a glass of tea with lemon and everything will pass.

    And everyone writes maybe, so maybe not. It turns out there is no exact answer and any version can be considered. I think it's much easier. During the day, we do something: we press, we swallow, we talk. And it has its effects. But when they settled down and calmed down, then the whole infection begins to irritate the throat. After swallowing something, the cough subsides a little.

    Any cough is the cause of respiratory disease. If the cough bothers you during the day, and intensifies in the evening, then bronchial disease or pneumonia is possible. If the cough gets worse when taking horizontal position, then the cause is the vagus nerve, which irritates the upper respiratory tract. Another reason is that the sputum moves down and also causes irritation.

    Cough- one of the most common diseases of the respiratory system. It is the body's response to substances accumulated in the respiratory tract. When the respiratory organs are affected by an infection, or irritation of the mucous membrane, an excess amount of mucus is formed, which is excreted from the body by coughing.

    More often increased cough in people with asthma, and respiratory diseases, and allergies, it occurs at night. In the morning hours, the cough is most often exacerbated in smokers. As for evening time, then a significant increase in the intensity of coughing closer to the night is most likely associated with cardiovascular pathology.

    Any type of cough requires serious attention and treatment. Therefore, at the very first signals of your body in the form of this protective reaction, you should definitely consult a doctor.

    If the cough occurs precisely when going to bed, then this is due to the adoption of a horizontal position, which facilitates reflux. And if the cough does not occur in a horizontal position, then it may be an allergy to something that appears only in the evening. Well, the vagus nerve plays a role.

    activity intensifies in the evening vagus nerve

    In general, this is due to a decrease in the resistance of our body. In the evening on biological clock our motor potential is falling and the production of many substances that kept it in a combat state during the day. For example, the same melatonin is produced less due to the lack of daylight and the body is already preparing for sleep because of this, even if we do not sleep, it still resists much weaker than at the daytime peak. Therefore, at night, not only cough, but also other sores become aggravated.

    During a cold, my cough also bothered me more in the evening, sometimes I couldn’t even sleep at night, the cough simply didn’t give. Everything went when the doctor advised inhalation. I did it through a nebulizer and added Prospan drops with ivy extract. The long-awaited relief came two days later. At night, the cough did not bother, and after 6 days it completely disappeared.

    During the day when our body is in vertical position, sputum, obeying the action of gravity, is at the bottom. When taking a horizontal position, sputum can simply spread, closing the respiratory passages. What causes irritation of nerve endings and reflex muscle contraction to free the airways - cough.

    The cause of coughing in the evening, namely when taking a horizontal position, can occur due to the vagus nerve, the endings of which are located in the upper respiratory tract, as well as the accumulated sputum in the bronchi, which shift when changing body position and, accordingly, cough occurs.

    In the first case, there will most likely be a dry cough, you should definitely consult a doctor, as this can be a sign of a terrible disease.

    In the second case, it is necessary to get rid of sputum in the lungs, you need to drink drugs that thin the sputum.

    I usually have such a cough with a sore throat, when the mucosa is inflamed and when taking a supine position, saliva and mucus begin to drain from the nasal cavity, respectively irritating and this causes a cough.

There are situations when a cough occurs in the evening, and nothing bothers a person in the morning or afternoon. In such cases, it is clear that we are not talking about colds or infectious diseases.

The reasons for this phenomenon are usually of a different nature, it can be an allergy, and diseases like pharyngitis, and taking some medicines, And occupational diseases, and disorders of the digestive tract. Treatment depends on what exactly caused this reaction of the body.

What factors influence the increase in cough in the evening?

As you know, cough is a reflex action, not a disease. Therefore, even in the event that an increase in coughing begins in the evening, you need to look for what factor can influence it at this particular time of day, causing such a reflex.

There are several groups of reasons:

    taking drugs of a certain group (ACEI), which are prescribed for diseases of cardio-vascular system;

    the presence of chronic respiratory diseases, including bronchial asthma. True, such cases are characterized by an intensifying cough not only in the evening, but also in the morning, during the day it may not bother;

    various occupational diseases that develop in people who inhale while working toxic substances(this is typical for workers in the chemical industry, painters, etc.).

To understand what exactly caused this reflex reaction, you need to consider the whole complex of symptoms.

Additional symptoms: from overeating to tuberculosis

It only seems that the cough, which intensifies in the evening, manifests itself arbitrarily. In fact, it is often accompanied by other signs, by examining which one can understand what diseases it is associated with.

For example, it happens that a dry cough begins first, and then vomiting occurs. Usually this phenomenon is typical for young children. Their vomiting and cough centers are physiologically located very close to each other. Impact on one of them leads to the fact that the other is activated.

And in the vast majority of cases, this phenomenon is caused by overeating. In adults, it can be triggered by reflux, that is, it is still associated with the work of the digestive system.

Coughing, which can begin only in the evening, and is absent at other times, and at the same time increases in a certain position of the body, can have a different nature.

If this wet cough, then he says that there is a disease of the bronchi, in which sputum accumulates there, when changing the position of the body, its withdrawal is difficult and a cough occurs.

If there is no sputum, and the symptom occurs only when a person assumes a horizontal position, this can be a sign of a rather severe pathology - this is how the vagus nerve is pinched, the endings of which are in the upper respiratory tract. Therefore, with such violations, you need to consult a doctor.

Considering the symptoms, you need to observe what the sputum will be - abundant or not, transparent or with blood clots. Many people think that blood clots are unique to tuberculosis. But it can actually be a sign of heart failure. When such a symptom appears, you need to contact not only a laryngologist, but also a cardiologist.

Cardiovascular pathologies and their signs

Cough may worsen in the evening or begin only at night, and if it is dry, or if sputum is released with blood clots, and chest pain occurs, then this phenomenon is most likely associated with cardiovascular pathologies.

Observations show that heart cough can significantly weaken or even disappear after taking cardiotonic drugs, so this can be considered a separate symptom of it.

A lung infarction always causes severe coughing attacks. Apart from acute pain in the chest, it is also accompanied by hemoptysis. In the presence of pericarditis (this disease most often has a rheumatic etiology), a dry and sharp cough appears, which is not always accompanied by pain.

Studies show that a high-intensity cough can indicate compression of the airways by an aortic aneurysm, sometimes it is the first indication of such a pathology.

Dry cough that gets worse after physical activity, but may also appear at night, may indicate CHF. This is the term for chronic heart failure. Do not underestimate the danger of the disease. Although it has stable flow, under certain external factors, it can develop into sharp shape, and that can already lead to very backfire. So if these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Why does the cough with such a disease intensify in the evening? This is due to the fact that with heart failure, circulatory disorders occur. As a result, blood stagnation occurs in the lungs, the mucous membranes swell because of this, sometimes the liquid penetrates (doctors say - “sweats”) from circulatory system into the lumen of the alveoli.

At night, in a state of rest, this all only intensifies, although the first signs are noticeable in the evening. As a result of mucosal edema and fluid sweating, cough receptors are irritated. The reaction caused by this phenomenon in such a serious illness can proceed in different ways.

The acute form of the disease can lead to severe shortness of breath with a cough, and at night. It is usually dry, but some phlegm may come out. In this case, it will be almost transparent, possibly with a slight pink tint, since in such cases red blood cells enter it.

As a rule, in such a situation, there are additional symptoms. The patient tends to sit up, because then the disturbing phenomenon decreases. The doctor during the examination will certainly note wheezing in the lungs. The patient feels the heartbeat accelerate. At home, it is unlikely that you will be able to help the patient, in such cases they call " ambulance”, and already in the hospital, the doctor prescribes a treatment regimen based on general condition patient and his medical history.

Don't underestimate a heart attack. It can be so strong that the patient loses consciousness, the so-called "cough syncope" is observed. Not to mention that hacking attacks destroy ligaments and airways. It must be treated simultaneously with the elimination of the cause of its occurrence.

Wet cough with pinkish sputum or copious excretion foamy liquid may indicate that in acute heart failure, pulmonary edema occurs. This is a very serious phenomenon, in which you need to immediately call an ambulance, since it will not be possible to cope with it at home.

A patient with such a diagnosis is usually hospitalized directly in intensive care. Pulmonary edema may be due to some acute factors, like sharp increase blood pressure or a heart attack. But sometimes it develops as a complication of heart failure itself, and before the onset of a cough, it is almost asymptomatic, which is why it is so dangerous.

Strong nocturnal cough: what are the causes

Nocturnal cough accompanies enough serious illness such as tuberculosis, bronchial asthma or cystic fibrosis. The last disease of a genetic nature, which is literally detected in newborns, in any case, it is diagnosed in childhood, and an adult cannot suddenly get sick with it.

Sometimes a dry cough, which manifests itself only at night, indicates that a person suffers from untreated bronchitis, which gradually takes on a chronic form.

In children nocturnal cough may continue for quite a long time after whooping cough, but is considered residual effect. Cough after an illness is especially pronounced at night, since the effect of some drugs just intensifies, and the immune system is weakened at night.

If the cough is hacking, paroxysmal in nature, then it may indicate that the intrathoracic pressure has risen sharply. This is commonly seen in people who do physical labor, especially heavy lifting.

WITH medical point vision, this indicates the presence of tracheobronchial dyskinesia. Such a cough has a characteristic sound, it has a slightly nasal tinge, which is why it is sometimes compared.

Strong bouts of dry cough almost every night are typical for those who have long and seriously abused cigarettes. Smoking is a habit that can cause the most various diseases, and cough may be associated with them.

But in this case, coughing can be an independent phenomenon. It is related to the fact that harmful substances settle on the cilia of the epithelium, reducing their protective functions. Gradually, toxins also enter the bronchi, their slow destruction begins and chronic diseases are caused.

Over time, the cough will be accompanied by sputum and occur even in the morning. So it is necessary to revise habits already at the stage of the appearance of the first signs.

There is no such disease as cough. After all, this is just a sign of some kind of ailment. Its occurrence most often indicates that the body is trying to fight the attacking microbes. Or the fact that somewhere nearby an allergen lurks, irritating the respiratory tract. It happens that the state of health is completely normal all day long, and at night a real nightmare begins - severe attacks are not allowed to sleep. Nocturnal dry cough can even cause sleep disorders. And inadequate rest leads to increased irritability and nervousness.


A dry cough at night can be triggered by an onset of a cold. A sick person who occupies a horizontal position in bed is not able to cough well. A mucous secret accumulates in the respiratory tract - because of it, there is a need for coughing.

If a dry cough in an adult lasts more than 2 weeks, this indicates the development of an infection in the body. And when it does not stop for more than 2 months - that the disease has become chronic.

In some cases probable cause cough is established by its characteristic features:

  • barking - laryngotracheitis, whooping cough;
  • deaf - obstructive bronchitis;
  • paroxysmal - pleurisy;
  • with an anguish - a neoplasm in the trachea or in the larynx.

The most common causes of nighttime coughs are respiratory viral infections, bronchitis, whooping cough and bronchial asthma.

Sometimes it happens that a dry cough at night does not let you sleep, and the temperature is normal, and there is no runny nose. In this case, many simply ignore this symptom and do not go to the doctor. They begin to sound the alarm only after a couple of weeks or after a month of nightly coughing.

It is important to visit the doctor in a timely manner. But how do you know which one to go to? The answer to this question will give the cause of the obsessive symptom that has appeared.

A prolonged nocturnal cough without fever can signal:

  • the need to finally quit addiction- smoking;
  • esophagitis;
  • allergies;
  • tuberculosis;
  • heart failure;
  • oncological disease;
  • venereal disease.

When the respiratory organs are not involved

Most people think that people cough at night only when there are some problems with the respiratory system. However, a dry paroxysmal cough may appear for a reason that has nothing to do with the condition of the respiratory tract.

Often such attacks are long, painful and even suffocating. Because of them, the quality of sleep is seriously affected. You can take antitussive syrup for weeks on end, but they will still be repeated. What to do in this case?

Many do not know that dry cough during sleep can cause stomach disease - esophagitis. Acidity level gastric juice at healthy person usually normal. When it rises, some of what is in the stomach is thrown into the esophagus. As a result, heartburn is felt in its lower section. Cough receptors are also located in the same zone.

Note that bouts of "gastric" cough disturb only at night, when a person is in a horizontal position. It is very easy to diagnose it by the already mentioned heartburn. To solve the problem, you should consult with a gastroenterologist.

For some cardiovascular diseases also suffers from dry cough. It has a very great resemblance to bronchial - the same suffocating and hysterical. Therefore, it is called "cardiac bronchitis." This symptom may be accompanied by shortness of breath and blue nasolabial triangle.

To check whether a person really began to cough at night due to heart problems, during the next attack, he needs to sit down. If it has become much easier, you can immediately make an appointment with a cardiologist. It is impossible to eliminate such a cough without curing the underlying ailment.

How to treat

Before prescribing treatment, the doctor must establish the correct diagnosis. And for this, the patient needs to pass a couple of tests and undergo several examinations. Most often, with complaints of a dry nocturnal cough, the doctor prescribes:

  • general or detailed blood test;
  • fluorography (X-ray) of the chest;
  • bronchography;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy (if esophagitis is suspected).

The specialist selects a therapeutic course for the patient, taking into account the clarified cause of the cough. If it is a respiratory disease, he prescribes expectorants, anti-inflammatory drugs and, if necessary, antibiotics.

How to calm a nocturnal cough without taking pharmaceutical drugs? ethnoscience gives a few actionable advice. And yet it is advisable to use them in combination with drug treatment, so as not to start the disease.

Summing up

If a dry cough began to bother at night due to adverse effects external factors, it is very easy to fix it. In this case, it is enough to use a humidifier, regularly ventilate the room and do wet cleaning.

Before proceeding to drug treatment night cough, you need to see a doctor. After all, if a serious pathology is diagnosed, some drugs may be contraindicated. Remember that only a specialist should prescribe any medication.

Everyone knows how unpleasant it is to get sick when the temperature rises, a runny nose and cough torment. Especially disgusting when it intensifies at night. A cough can deprive a person of normal sleep.

In the morning, a person who catches a cold wakes up with a heavy head, completely broken, absolutely not rested. Why does the cough get worse at night when lying down? The thing is that after 9 pm all the processes that occur in the human body slow down. And, as a result, blood circulation deteriorates significantly, so sputum almost does not dissolve, mucus accumulates and irritates the nerve endings. Here is a cough and pestering in the evening and at night, preventing you from fully falling asleep and relaxing.

Diseases due to which a strong person appears

Let's understand in more detail, what can cause it, disrupt normal life:

  • Croup. Here man comes in fits and does not allow you to take full breaths.
  • Acid reflux. This is not a cold, but a digestive phenomenon.
  • Asthma or bronchitis. Here, coughing attacks at night are also accompanied by a strong whistle. This is especially true for obstructive bronchitis.
  • Whooping cough. Infection, and he is characterized by a nocturnal cough. The most severe disease occurs in young children under one year old.
  • Sinusitis, rhinitis. Another reason for poor night sleep. Note here also chronic adenoiditis.
  • Heart failure. Here to treat a cough simple means will not work, because its cause is not at all inflammatory processes nasopharynx.

This common diseases which can cause coughing. Each of them must be treated and not run, so as not to suffer from a sore throat later.

Why does the cough get worse at night

When a sick person goes to bed, the mucus practically ceases to resolve. Phlegm begins to clog the nose and throat, provoking the appearance of a strong, hacking cough.

A similar process can be observed in the lungs, because when the body assumes a supine position, blood circulation slows down and is disturbed.

It is also noticed that in dark time The composition of the air changes during the day. It becomes much drier, cooler, different from daytime. It can also lead to reflex coughing attacks because the mucous membrane starts to become irritated.

But be that as it may, a cough must be treated in any case and preferably under the supervision of a specialist. After all, the nature of its appearance can be varied and it is dangerous to choose a treatment on your own. First of all, eliminate the cause of the appearance of the disease, and not its consequence.

Why does the cough get worse at night? How to fight

Of course, lying and coughing all night is very bad. A person does not get enough sleep, the body does not fully rest, which means that it is not treated. What will help get rid of unpleasant state and fall into deep sleep.

Very good remedy- a glass of warm milk with butter and honey. Some advise adding a little soda to it.

A simple humidifier will also help to cope with the problem.

If the cough continues to bother you, take inhalations. They will perfectly warm the neck, and this will help to cope with the disease.

Recall also about effective action some medicines. These are Sinekod, Codelac, Libeksin and Dextromethophane.

But to apply them in healing process preferably after consultation with your doctor. Drugs help improve sleep, but can cause an allergic reaction.

Why does the cough become strong in a child at night

Little kids get very tired at night coughing, he literally brings them to real stress. IN daytime perspiration does not harass the kids so much, parents calm down a little and do not turn to doctors for help, but with the onset of night - again coughing, again insomnia.

In order to stop the suffocating sounds, you need to visit a pediatrician in order to determine the cause of the disease, and you can also use the old grandmother's recipes helping to fight disease.

Causes of cough at night in babies

The body is trying to get rid of excess fluid accumulated in it, and causes a cough. He - defensive reaction organism, giving a sign that treatment is needed.

Drugs that can eliminate a cough in a child have a bad effect on the body, they eliminate the disease only superficially, sputum remains in the bronchi, and this is dangerous by the development of the disease into pneumonia.

Therefore, it is advisable to use proven medicines and drink plenty of fluids.

Consequences of night cough in a child

Why does the cough get worse at night in a child? After the baby has had an acute respiratory disease or a severe cold, which most often could be caused by hypothermia or a virus, he may have a strong cough at night for a long time. It especially often accompanies those whose colds have not been properly cured.

That's why this consequence must be eliminated as soon as possible by contacting a doctor who will prescribe the necessary conservative treatment and will heal everything that was carelessly missed in due time. At right approach what a cough is, the baby and his parents will forget in two or three days.

Why cough gets worse in adults at night

Why does the cough get worse at night in an adult? Itching caused by asthma is different from simple cough loud whistling sounds, as well as heaviness in the chest area and severe difficulty breathing.

Dry cough at night is also observed when there is heart failure, and shortness of breath also appears. At night, insufficient oxygen enters the lungs due to the horizontal position of the body.

Another reason for coughing at night can be problems in the gastroenterological part, when the nerve endings of the patient's esophagus are affected annoying factors, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed.

Here you will need adequate treatment and supervision by a specialist.

Why does bronchitis cough worse at night?

This problem is not new for most people. It is with bronchitis that there is a strong cough in the dark.

In the supine position, the fluid that is separated from the lungs stops circulating, it does not come out. That is, sputum begins to stagnate, a strong cough manifests itself, a sore throat. The body tries to get rid of mucus, trying to clear the lungs and bronchi.

Why does the nocturnal cough increase with whooping cough?

Why does it get worse at night? This disease infectious nature especially dangerous for small children. The cough is very severe, accompanied by high temperature and even vomiting.

The causes of whooping cough at night do not differ much from those already listed above. This and:

  • Accumulated sputum in the lungs.
  • Incorrect body position during sleep.
  • Poorly ventilated room, too dry air.
  • Drinking little liquid at night.
  • Lack of regular treatment.
  • Vomit is not regularly expectorated and accumulates in the bronchi.

Whooping cough must be intensively treated, carried out regular inhalations, drink plenty of fluids and take pills, potions, herbal decoctions.

How to deal with a cough

We have found out the reasons why the cough is getting worse, now we will give a few useful advice how to deal with it at home.

We offer a couple of simple but effective recipes.

  1. Honey will help to cope with coughing fits. We dissolve a teaspoon of a viscous liquid in a glass hot water and drink in small sips.
  2. Lemon. It is rich in vitamin C, which helps block nighttime sore throats. Mix the juice of the lemon half with honey and cinnamon. We take a teaspoon several times a day, at night it is also advisable to take a medicinal product.
  3. Radish. Great if it's black. It has been helping in the fight against coughing fits for many years. For treatment, you need one radish. She is thoroughly washed, a hole is cut in the vegetable, warm honey is poured into it. We leave the medicine to languish for a day. After the juice that flows out of the radish, mixed with honey, we use it as a cough mixture.
  4. Onion and garlic. Squeeze the juice from the garlic and onion cloves and mix it with sugar. We boil everything over low heat, at the end pour a glass of milk and keep it on fire for five minutes.

Now you know exactly how to cure a cough and forget about it for many years. Do not get sick and do not start the treatment process, and also seek help from specialists.