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What pills do you take for sore throat? Means for gargling and lubricating the throat. Antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal drugs

Sore throat (tonsillitis) is a rather complex disease, and it can be difficult to independently distinguish it from other inflammations of the larynx. For staging accurate diagnosis you need to see a doctor, get tested necessary tests, including a throat swab for bacterial flora. When the diagnosis of tonsillitis is confirmed, therapy will continue for at least 7–10 days.

Only such a time frame will help ensure that you get rid of the manifestations of the disease. The doctor will recommend how to treat a sore throat, based on the form and severity of the disease, as well as taking into account the general condition of the patient and the results of laboratory tests.

In order to quickly and effectively cure a sore throat, taking medications orally or receiving injections is not enough. Therapy must be comprehensive, because even the slightest complication of tonsillitis can cause serious consequences– education, pathologies of the cardiac and renal systems, and even dysfunction of the brain.

  • Antibacterial agents are taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor; they must be taken or injected in the indicated dosage, observing the frequency of administration;
  • compliance drinking regime– the patient must replenish the fluid lost during the intoxication process by consuming plenty of fruit and berry juices, fruit drinks, herbal tea, clean water;
  • providing the patient with complete rest and bed rest, subject to isolation from other family members, because tonsillitis is a contagious disease transmitted by airborne droplets;
  • gargling to remove necrotic and purulent plaque from the surface of the tonsils and local treatment in the form of lubricating the larynx;
  • restriction of physical and physical activity both during illness and after recovery, for at least two weeks;
  • avoiding hypothermia, drafts and contact with sick people to prevent relapse;
  • monitoring the condition of joints, kidney and cardiovascular systems, at least six months after treatment for a sore throat - if you suspect a pathology of these organs, you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

General rules for the treatment of angina imply an integrated approach

Medicines for sore throat should be continued to be taken or injected even after the main symptoms of the disease have disappeared. Only a full course of therapy can guarantee getting rid of a bacterial infection.

Some patients strictly adhere to the drug regimen only in the first days of treatment, and when they feel relief, they begin to skip medications or, worse, go to work. This is strictly forbidden.

Having not completely cured the bacterial infection and quitting antibacterial treatment, the patient creates favorable conditions for pathogen resistance to the drug. And if the symptoms of the disease reappear, it will be much more difficult to cope with it.

Drug therapy

What to take for a sore throat is the main question of any patient. After all, many people, suspecting they have tonsillitis, do not go to the doctor, but run to the pharmacy for medications, purchasing expensive antibiotics, without even knowing the instructions for their use. Self-medication in this case will not only not help, but also harm.

Tonsillitis can be caused not only by streptococcus, although in most cases it is this pathogen that provokes the development of the disease. Sore throat can also be of viral origin.

It is almost impossible to distinguish on your own what the nature of the disease is. A viral infection is accompanied by a runny nose, swelling and redness of the eyes, hoarseness, and often coughing. A bacterial infection can only be diagnosed by passing sputum for analysis of flora from the throat.

Flora analysis collection

Bacterial culture is done in any clinic equipped with a bacteriological laboratory, but the results of such culture must wait at least 3 days. Therefore, doctors have developed a number of criteria by which the likelihood of having streptococcal infection in the patient:

  • temperature exceeds 38 o C+ 1 point;
  • no cough + 1 point;
  • enlargement and tenderness of adjacent lymph nodes + 1 point;
  • tonsils are enlarged, hyperemic, swollen and covered with plaque + 1 point;
  • age under 15 years + 1 point;
  • age over 45 years + 1 point.

If the examination results are 4–5 points, the symptoms indicate a bacterial infection and the patient is recommended to take antibiotics from the first day of illness. The results of bacterial culture will be obtained and studied by a doctor for possible subsequent adjustment of antibacterial treatment.

Antibacterial therapy

Since tonsillitis in most cases is caused by a pathogen of the streptococcal group, an effective remedy for sore throat must be selected according to the bacterial agent. In some cases, the disease occurs due to the activation of Staphylococcus aureus.

Bacterial culture based on a smear from the throat should identify the pathogen, and the doctor starts from it, prescribing the appropriate drug.

At this time, there are a number of the most frequently prescribed:

  • Amoxil - antibiotic penicillin series, in combination with clavulanic acid. It has an active effect against a wide range of pathogens, including streptococcal and staphylococcal groups. Prescribed for diseases of the ENT organs and upper respiratory tract. For mild and moderate forms of the disease, the drug is prescribed orally (inside), for severe symptoms, intravenous administration is indicated.
  • Klacid is an antibiotic of the macrolide group, the action is aimed at Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcal group, Haemophilus influenzae and many other strains of bacteria. Effective against sore throat, taken in tablet form. The recommended dose and frequency of administration are selected by the doctor.
  • Macropen - like Klacid, belongs to the group of macrolides and has similar properties, but a suspension form has been developed for use by young children for ease of use.
  • Cephalexin is an antibiotic of the first generation cephalosporin group. It is taken orally and has a wide spectrum of action. Available in powder form for subsequent preparation of a suspension, in which 5 ml of the finished solution contains 125 mg of the active substance.
  • Tsifran is a drug from the fluoroquinolone group, active substance– ciprofloxacin. It has a powerful antimicrobial effect and is available in tablets, so it is indicated more for use in adult patients. It should not be taken by nursing mothers, since the active ingredient penetrates into breast milk and can cause problems with the child's hematopoietic system.
  • Doxycycline is a broad-spectrum antibiotic from the tetracycline series. Available in the form of capsules for oral administration, it is effective for diseases of the ENT organs and upper respiratory tract, including tonsillitis. Just like fluoroquinolones, drugs of the tetracycline group are contraindicated for use by nursing mothers.
  • Metronidazole – antimicrobial drug for systemic use. It is used mainly for the treatment of complications of sore throat, when the membranes of the brain, joints are involved in the infectious process, as well as when concomitant diseases, for example, with syphilis.

A doctor will help you understand the wealth of drugs for tonsillitis

These remedies for sore throat should be taken under strict medical supervision to avoid complications and side effects. Severe sore throat They are treated by combining drugs and monitoring the course of the disease.

External treatment products

What to drink for a sore throat - it has now become clear that these are antibacterial drugs. But for successful treatment, an integrated approach is needed. Particles of sloughed tissue that accumulate on the surface of the tonsils must be removed, as well as purulent plaque.

You can remove it by gargling like pharmaceutical drugs, and by means homemade. For those who do not know what to smear the throat with a sore throat and how best to treat it, there are a number of special-purpose drugs.


The drug is in the form of a spray, which contains sulfanilamide. To successfully treat tonsillitis, doctors often combine the prescription of antibiotics and sulfonamides, so local treatment of the throat with Ingalipt spray helps not only speed up the healing process, but also clear plaque from the tonsils. And mint, which is part of it, will help relieve pain and provide an anti-inflammatory effect.


An effective cure for sore throat. Available in the form of lozenges with lemon flavor. The drug is active against groups of streptococci and staphylococci, which helps to successfully fight the bacterial agent locally - right in the throat. Resorption of tablets complements the effect of taking antibiotics orally.


Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial spray. The basis of the drug is propolis, which has long been known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Except antimicrobial action, the drug increases local immunity, has an anesthetic effect on sore throat and promotes hydration.


A natural-based product that, when applied externally, helps reduce painful sensations in the throat, reduce hyperemia and swelling of tissues, relieve itching and soreness. Available in the form of a product for external treatment of the pharynx.

Used in combination with other medications for sore throat, applied to the surface of the tonsils using a cotton swab. It is advisable to clear the throat of necrotic plaque by gargling before use.

Lugol's solution

The best remedy for sore throat, according to doctors, has been for a long time. The solution contains molecular iodine. It has an antiseptic, disinfectant effect, destroying the shell of even resistant pathogenic microorganisms.

To soften the effect of iodine, glycerin is present in Lugol's solution. Previously, mothers were reluctant to treat the throats of young children with this product, but recently a solution in the form of a spray has appeared, which has greatly simplified the method of using it.

Medicines for complex therapy tonsillitis

It is difficult to say which drugs will be more effective for angina. This depends on the age of the patient, the severity of the symptoms of the disease and the causative agent of the infection. Only a doctor who treats tonsillitis in a given patient can recommend it.

Some patients say, “I smear my throat with Lugol’s solution, and the sore throat immediately goes away.” Others have shown more complex and long-term treatment, with a combination of drugs for internal use and external treatment. The main thing is to follow the doctor’s recommendations for successful therapy.

Physiotherapy for tonsillitis

Physiotherapy is no less effective in quickly curing a sore throat. There are several indicated physiotherapy techniques for complex treatment tonsillitis:

  • Inhalations are carried out using a suspension of Hydrocortisone, the antibiotic Dioxidin, an aerosol of Imanin, Interferon, Lysozyme and other drugs. Inhalation course medications is usually 4-5 days.
  • UV irradiation– allows you to effectively kill pathogens on the surface of the tonsils. The number and duration of procedures is determined by the doctor, but usually the course is at least 5 days.
  • Ultraphonophoresis on the tonsil area– carried out using antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

You can start physiotherapy 2–3 days after the body temperature has dropped and the main symptoms of the disease have subsided.

Folk remedies for tonsillitis

Herbs for sore throat can become indispensable assistants in treatment. In combination with antibacterial drugs, taking herbal decoctions and gargling with them will have a significant anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

Gargling with herbal infusions:

  • two tablespoons of dry calendula leaves are poured with 250 ml of boiling water, and after infusion the composition can be gargled;
  • black elderberry - a few spoons of flowers are poured into a glass of water, the mixture is brought to a boil and cooked for several minutes. After cooling and straining, use for rinsing;
  • Chamomile is an herb long known for its antimicrobial properties. You can prepare a decoction for rinsing by adding two parts of linden blossom to chamomile flowers;
  • blueberries - for rinsing, use fruits boiled in an amount of 100 grams. The resulting tincture perfectly clears the throat and relieves pain.

You need to rinse at least 6–8 times a day to achieve a better effect, relieve pain and remove necrotic deposits from the surface of the tonsils.

Lemon is an effective remedy used not only for tonsillitis, but also for other respiratory diseases. This fruit contains vitamin C, which stimulates the immune system, fights infection and has restorative properties. Lemons also contain vitamins A, E, essential oils, magnesium, potassium and many other useful and strengthening substances.

Recipes for using lemon for a sore throat:

  • Dissolve slices of fresh lemon in your mouth every 2-3 hours, after dissolving, rinse your mouth with water.
  • Gargling with lemon juice diluted with water. For a glass of water you need to take 2 tablespoons of juice. Rinse 4-6 times a day.
  • Lubricating the throat medicinal composition– add two tablespoons of honey to a spoonful of lemon juice. Lubricate three times a day sore tonsils composition applied to a cotton pad or cotton swab. The same mixture can simply be dissolved in the mouth several times a day.

According to reviews, gargling with beetroot juice is an equally effective remedy. To prepare the composition, you need to grate one beet fruit, add a tablespoon of wine vinegar and gargle with this mixture several times a day. The second recipe is in a glass warm water add a spoonful beet juice, vinegar and honey.

Honey, garlic and lemon are the most effective and popular products for the treatment of tonsillitis

For treatment chronic tonsillitis black cumin is used. Here are recipes for gargling with this plant:

  • Boil 2 tablespoons of cumin seeds in 1.5 liters of water, then cool and strain. You need to gargle twice a day.
  • Warm in a glass boiled water dissolve the spoon caraway oil and a small amount of wine vinegar. Gargle with the mixture and prepare mouth baths.

For external lubrication, caraway oil is used, which is sold in pharmacies.

Before you use traditional methods treatment of tonsillitis, it is recommended to consult a doctor about possible contraindications. With an integrated approach, treatment of sore throat, even in difficult cases, can be done quickly and efficiently.

The combination of medicinal methods with traditional medicine recipes will help not only eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but also strengthen the immune system to avoid relapses. After completing therapy, the patient should avoid contact with sick people, limit physical exercise and increase the level of the body's defenses.

Sore throat or tonsillitis is a nonspecific infectious-allergic inflammation in the Waldeyer-Pirogov ring (lymphadenoid ring). Foci of inflammation are localized mainly in the palatine and pharyngeal tonsils. In most cases, the causative agents of infection are streptococci and staphylococci, less often - yeast-like fungi and viruses (adenoviruses, rhinoviruses).

Sore throat, myalgia and low-grade fever are the main clinical manifestations of the pathology. Delayed treatment of acute tonsillitis is fraught with chronicity of pathological processes and the development of complications. To stop the manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to take pharmacotherapy. The choice of drugs is determined by the causative agent of the infection, the localization of foci of inflammation, complications and the age of the patient.

Features of pharmacotherapy

How to treat acute tonsillitis? The disease is characterized by an acute onset and rapid development of pathological flora in the airways. Therefore, it is necessary to treat inflammation when the first symptoms of pathology occur. It is possible to quickly stop local manifestations of the disease and infectious agents only if you undergo complex therapy.

On initial stages development of tonsillitis, treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis, complicated sore throat is treated in inpatient conditions. To eliminate inflammatory processes in the oropharynx and paranasal sinuses The following types of therapy are used:

  • etiotropic – aimed at eliminating the main causes of the development of catarrhal or purulent processes in the mucous membrane of the pharynx. As part of etiotropic therapy, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral drugs are used to treat sore throat;
  • pathogenetic – aimed at eliminating malfunctions in the body that provoked a decrease in the body’s reactivity. Immunomodulating and immunostimulating agents are used as pathogenetic drugs;
  • palliative – helps relieve local and common manifestations pathologies, which include: sore throat, hyperthermia, swelling in the pharyngeal mucosa, etc. To eliminate symptoms, you should take antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and decongestant medications.

Important! Medicines for symptomatic angina cannot replace medications for etiotropic and pathogenetic therapy.

Antibacterial treatment

How to treat acute tonsillitis in adults? In 90% of cases, pathology occurs against the background of the development of gram-positive and gram-negative microbes. Pathogenic microorganisms are not sensitive to the effects of antiviral or antifungal drugs. To destroy them, you need to take antibacterial drugs.

There are several groups of antimicrobial medications, but only some of them are used in the treatment of acute and chronic tonsillitis:

  • penicillins - a group of systemic antibacterial agents, the components of which are active against most gram-positive and some gram-negative microbes;
  • cephalosporins – antimicrobial agents broad spectrum of action, with pronounced bacteriostatic and bacteriolytic effects. Used in case of ineffectiveness or allergic reaction to penicillins;
  • macrolides are one of the safest drugs that do not cause side effects. They are used to treat acute tonsillitis not only in adults, but also in children.

Antibiotics are effective medications that help destroy bacterial pathogenic flora. However, uncontrolled use of medications is fraught with dysbacteriosis and a decrease in the body's resistance.

Antibiotics Review

What antibacterial agents should I take to treat tonsillitis? The infection in the body can be eliminated through systemic medications. They destroy bacteria not only in areas of inflammation, but also in the patient’s blood. To stop inflammation, adults are recommended to use the following medications:

  • "Fibell" is a drug of the penicillin group, which has a pronounced bacteriolytic effect; contains a beta-lactamase inhibitor, so it can be used to destroy most strains of gram-positive and gram-negative microbes;
  • "Augmentin" is a penicillin antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action; the components of the product are active against most aerobic and anaerobic microbes;
  • "Ceftriaxone" is a cephalosporin drug that helps destroy the walls of pathogenic bacteria; interferes with RNA synthesis, as a result of which the reproductive function of pathogens is disrupted;
  • “Sumamed” is a medicine from the group of macrolide antibiotics that has a pronounced bactericidal effect; binds to bacterial proteins, which prevents their further development;
  • "Spiramycin" is a macrolide antibiotic with bacteriolytic action, the components of which inhibit protein biosynthesis inside pathogenic cells.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

NSAIDs are a group of non-steroidal antiphlogistic drugs that inhibit the production of prostaglandins (inflammatory mediators) by blocking a special enzyme, cyclooxygenase. With their help, it is possible to eliminate pain in the throat, muscles, head and neck, as well as relieve inflammation in the ENT organs. The best medications have an antipyretic effect, which helps eliminate hyperthermia and low-grade fever.

Anti-inflammatory drugs affect the functioning of the hypothalamic centers, which leads to expansion of peripheral blood capillaries and increased sweating. Due to this, normal body temperature is restored, which prevents the coagulation of proteins in the blood. What medicines should I take for a sore throat?

To relieve the symptoms of pathology in adults, it is advisable to take medications that contain paracetamol. Almost all anti-inflammatory medications have an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa. For this reason, it is not recommended to use the tablets without a prescription from a specialist.

Important! Anti-inflammatory drugs inhibit platelet activity, which can cause prolonged bleeding.

What medications will help relieve pain and inflammation in the throat? Before treating tonsillitis with antiphlogistic agents, you should consult your doctor. Some of them cannot be used in combination with antibiotics and symptomatic medications.

Anti-inflammatory medications that can be used to treat adults include:

  • "Piroxicam" is an antiphlogistic drug that interferes with the synthesis of inflammatory mediators; helps relieve swelling from the pharyngeal mucosa and reduce inflammation in the tonsils;
  • “Ibuprofen” - tablets with an analgesic and moderate antipyretic effect, with the help of which it is possible to relieve pain in the head and throat, as well as eliminate the manifestations of low-grade fever;
  • "Naproxen" - anti-inflammatory capsules that inhibit the activity of lysosomes and prostaglandins, which contributes to the regression of inflammation in the affected tissues;
  • "Ketoprofen" is an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drug that interferes with the biosynthesis of cyclooxygenase and, accordingly, prostaglandins;
  • Paracetamol is an anti-inflammatory tablet with analgesic and antipyretic action that eliminates sore throat, hyperemia and swelling in the tissues.

You can take tablets only after meals to reduce the likelihood of irritation of the gastric mucosa.

Local antiseptics

What medications to use for sore throat in adults? Complicated and uncomplicated forms of tonsillitis should be treated in combination with topical medications. They prevent the generalization of catarrhal processes, as a result of which the likelihood of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, middle ear, lungs, etc. is reduced.

The action of medications is aimed at relieving local manifestations of pathology. In particular, regular gargling and lozenges help:

  • relieve sore throat;
  • eliminate hyperemia and swelling in the tonsils;
  • destroy pathogenic microorganisms in areas of inflammation;
  • relieve inflammation in the oropharyngeal mucosa;
  • accelerate the regeneration of the ciliated epithelium.

The best local remedies help eliminate several manifestations of the disease at once, which promotes regression of inflammation and recovery. But they should be used in combination with systemic medications.

What medications should you take to relieve pain and sore throat? A complex approach to solve the problem contributes to the speedy elimination of pathological processes in the oropharyngeal mucosa. Acute tonsillitis can be treated with the following medications:

  • tablets (lozenges) for resorption - “Septolete”, “Adjisept”, “Sebedin”;
  • solutions for treating the pharyngeal mucosa - “Lugol”, “Iodinol”, “Yoks”, “Lugs”;
  • sprays and aerosols - “Inhalipt”, “Gexoral”, “Bicarmine”;
  • preparations for rinsing - “Furacilin”, “Rotokan”, “Chlorphyllipt”.

The above drugs should be taken for the treatment of acute and chronic inflammation in the mucous membrane of the ENT organs. They help relieve pain and relieve swelling in the throat, which helps eliminate discomfort.

Inhalation is an effective means of eliminating inflammatory processes in the tonsils and pharynx. Regular implementation of the procedure guarantees rapid regression of catarrhal processes, which is due to the almost instantaneous penetration of the drug components into the foci of inflammation. Antiseptic solutions help disinfect the mucous membrane and reduce intoxication of the body, thereby improving the patient’s well-being.

What medicine for sore throat can be used for inhalation?

  • “Dioxidin” is an antibacterial drug that can be used to eliminate purulent foci in the ENT organs and prevent inflammation of the paranasal sinuses;
  • "Miramistin" is an antiseptic that relieves pain and inflammatory reactions in affected mucous membranes;
  • “Tonsilgon N” is an anti-inflammatory herbal medicine that accelerates regeneration processes in the ciliated epithelium;
  • "Pulmicort" is a glucocorticosteroid medicine that is used to treat tonsillitis complicated by pneumonia.

Treat sore throat inhalations are needed within 10-14 days after infection. Even with obvious regression of catarrhal processes, the procedures should be continued to eliminate the possibility of relapse of inflammation.

Perhaps the most main question, of interest to people who have been diagnosed with tonsillitis - what medications to take? After all, it is hardly possible to find a person who does not want to get better as soon as possible.

You can search for the correct answer to this question on the Internet or ask your friends. But the best decision, undoubtedly, will be to consult a specialist doctor.

Today, there is an impressive range of drugs that can help a patient with tonsillitis. At the same time, in treatment of this disease both adults and children are very important point is an accurate diagnosis of the nature of the disease. Subsequently, the doctor, based on diagnostic data, can draw up an adequate treatment regimen with the prescription of suitable medications.

  • The first of them is the mandatory prescription of antibiotics when 100% established diagnosis. We can say that this is the basis of the fundamentals of therapy said disease.
  • The second principle is the mandatory symptomatic treatment, aimed at eliminating the manifestations of the disease that bother the patient. For example, for a sore throat, these are drugs that relieve pain and reduce soreness; for ear pain, these are appropriate ear drops. Very good results achieved through the use of rinses. And at high temperatures, antipyretics are prescribed.

Medicines for sore throat are available in various dosage forms. Medicines general action most often used in tablets or injections. Local remedies are produced in the form of solutions or sprays.

However, it is worth noting that cheap medications for sore throat are in no way inferior to expensive medications in their effectiveness.

What antibiotics should you take for a sore throat?

Many people believe that best medicine for a sore throat - these are antibiotics. On the one hand, this is true, but on the other hand, not all patients with this disease require these medications. In such a matter, the best adviser is always a doctor. Only he can determine in what cases it is necessary to take antibacterial drugs, what kind of drugs they will be, because this group of medications is quite extensive, in what dosage and in what way they should be administered, and also when it is necessary to stop taking them.

Self-medication in this case is best avoided. After all, without information about the pathogen, it is almost impossible to choose the right antibiotic for a sore throat in an adult, much less a child.

Such difficulties are associated with the fact that microbes can be both sensitive to certain drugs and resistant to them. In other words, not all medications can act on any specific microorganisms that cause sore throat.

In addition, patients themselves may develop intolerance to certain drugs, which also have a bunch of contraindications and side effects. And all this can have a detrimental effect on health, already undermined by this disease.

Another argument against self-prescription and uncontrolled use of drugs for sore throat in adults and children is that, according to statistics, a good half of patients stop taking antibiotics immediately after the symptoms of the disease disappear.

Such non-compliance with the course duration of taking medications aggravates the situation: patients actually remain untreated and pathological process develops with renewed vigor and may be complicated by the resistance of the pathogen to treatment drugs.

So, if you have a sore throat, it is best to consult a doctor. After confirming the diagnosis, he will be able to say exactly which antibiotics for sore throat should be taken in this particular case. In this case, the main goal of antibiotic therapy will be not only to combat the pathogen, but also to prevent the occurrence of early and late complications. These drugs do not have a significant effect on the timing and severity of the main clinical manifestations of this disease.

The list of antibacterial drugs that can be prescribed to a patient with a sore throat is very long. There are many groups of these drugs, each of which is characterized by a specific specific action.

What medications to treat purulent sore throat: injections of Penicillin

Traditionally best antibiotic for angina - Penicillin and its derivatives (in particular, benzylpenicillin). The best results in treatment with these drugs are achieved through intramuscular administration.

For example, when diagnosed with streptococcal purulent tonsillitis, the medicine gives a good effect when daily dose 4 million units (for children the dose is reduced to 400,000-600,000 units). This treatment is carried out for 10 days, after which they switch to a prolonged form of the drug.

If it is not possible to inject drugs into the muscle, they are prescribed in tablets. However, with this method of delivering drugs to the body, the effect of their action is somewhat worse than that given by injections for sore throat.

Antibiotics for sore throat in children and adults with names: Amoxiclav and Amoxicillin

Among the drugs used in the treatment of sore throat, special place is given to Amoxiclav. This drug is more effective than many antibiotics. This is due to the fact that it combines the action of two substances at once: the above-mentioned amoxicillin and clavulanic acid.

The first is the main active ingredient, and clavulanic acid gives it resistance to the waste products of pathogenic microorganisms. Thanks to this, Amoxiclav, used for angina, retains its medicinal properties for a long time and acts faster than Amoxicillin. In addition, the acid itself has little antibacterial activity.

Both components of the medicine penetrate into all tissues and fluids of the body, including the tonsils, which makes the treatment of sore throat with this tool more efficient.

One of the widely used penicillin drugs is Amoxicillin, usually prescribed in tablet form. This is a long-used and well-proven remedy, one of the advantages of which is that it does not dissolve when it enters the stomach, so it can be taken regardless of food intake. However, despite the last fact, doctors still recommend doing this after eating. The drug begins to act half an hour after administration. Its effect lasts almost 8 hours, so this medicine is usually taken three times a day.

The frequent use of a drug called amoxicillin for angina is associated with its high activity against gram-positive as well as aerobic gram-negative bacteria, certain representatives of which cause this disease.

The medicine is removed from the body quite quickly, mainly through. When functioning normally, the latter antibiotic does not cause much harm.

What are the medications for sore throat: antibiotics Augmentin and Flemoxin solutab

Another medicine that a doctor can choose from among the variety of antibacterial agents for the treatment of sore throat is Augmentin.

This drug, just like the above Amoxiclav, is an improved form of Amoxicillin, the effect of which is enhanced by the addition of clavulanic acid.

When prescribing Augmentin for a sore throat, the doctor knows for sure that the effect of its action can occur quite quickly, because the additional component of the drug (clavulanic acid) does not allow bacterial waste products to inhibit the activity of the main active ingredient (Azithromycin).

This drug is low-toxic and, as a rule, is well tolerated by patients.

Flemoxin solutab for angina is prescribed almost as often as Amoxiclav. After all, this antibacterial drug also worked well in treatment the specified disease.

Doctors prescribe Flemoxin to both adults and children when there is no time to wait for the results of culture tests for sensitivity to antibiotics, when the patient’s condition requires immediate treatment.

This medication is quickly absorbed and within just an hour it is observed in the blood maximum concentration. The medicine gradually accumulates in the mucous membranes and bone tissue, providing its therapeutic effect.

The drug is also eliminated quite quickly: 8 hours after the last dose, there is practically no trace of it left in the blood.

Antibiotics for sore throat and their names: Azithromycin and Bioparox tablets

Azithromycin is a very effective and very common antibacterial drug. For angina, doctors actively prescribe, and patients eagerly use this medicine due to its low cost and at the same time high effectiveness.

The drug has other names, of which the most popular name is Sumamed, and is an antibacterial agent with a very wide spectrum of action, penetrating well into Airways as well as skin and soft tissues.

It is known that in most cases antibiotics for angina should be used for at least 10 days. If this duration of the therapeutic course is not observed, it is practically impossible to cure the disease. Azithromycin is an exception to this rule. It has a prolonged effect, which is why it is prescribed for only 5 days.

Such a short treatment period is one of the main advantages of the drug.

According to doctors, Azithromycin or Sumamed are much better tolerated for angina than penicillin. This antibiotic belongs to the class of macrolides, making it effective in therapy chronic form diseases.

When diagnosed with purulent tonsillitis, drugs from the macrolide group are also very effective. These drugs are rapidly absorbed and large quantities concentrated at the site of inflammation, which leads to the death of bacteria, and thereby to recovery.

Antibiotics for sore throat in tablets, the names of which, in particular, are given above, have a good effect due to their systemic action. However, in addition to them, there are drugs of limited, and more specifically, local action, which are also very often used in ENT practice for the treatment of sore throats.

Among such drugs, not the last place is given to a product called Bioparox.

This antibiotic is often prescribed when the patient has a sore throat and the temperature begins to rise, but upon examination no ulcers on the tonsils are found.

Bioparox for angina allows you to quickly eliminate the onset of the disease, preventing it from developing fully. The medicine is active against bacteria from the genus Staphylococcus and Streptococcus and is available in the form of an aerosol, the main active ingredient of which is Fusafungin. As a supplement, various auxiliary components and an aromatic component have been added to the preparation.

Unlike tablets for sore throat, antibiotics in the form of an aerosol are distributed directly into the pharynx and tonsils, exerting their therapeutic effect. In this case, adults are recommended to take 4 inhalations 4 times a day.

When using the balloon for the first time, you need to press its base 4 times, then attach the white nozzle to it. The latter needs to be tightly covered with your lips and inhaled by pressing the balloon.

As a cure for purulent sore throat Bioparox is not effective. The appearance of purulent plaque on the tonsils indicates an advanced disease.

In this case, more effective medications for sore throat are needed: antibiotics that affect the entire body.

Antiviral drugs for sore throat

In order to understand which drugs for angina will give the best effect, you need to know exactly the real cause of this. It doesn't have to be bacteria. It is likely that the disease will develop due to the pathological effects of viruses on the body.

Angina viral etiology differs from the usual one in that its manifestations are not accompanied by the appearance of plaque on the tonsils. The latter only swell and become reddish inflammatory in color.

Antibiotics are unlikely to help in this case. This form of the disease should be treated with antiviral medications. It must be remembered that antiviral drugs for angina will be effective only in the first 24-48 hours after the onset of signs of the disease.

Today there are enough wide range antivirus agents. In particular, such drugs include Arbidol and Ingavirin. You can also use Anaferon or Kagocel. In many ways, such a drug as Tamiflu is also known.

However, even timely initiation of therapy with these drugs will not provide a complete guarantee that during the course of the disease, bacterial flora will not join the existing pathology. This is where the antibiotics discussed above will help.

How to gargle with a purulent sore throat for a child and an adult

Local antiseptics have always been considered a good addition to antibiotic tablets for angina. They can be used to lubricate, irrigate or gargle a sore throat.

Lugol is traditionally used for irrigation or lubrication, and Chlorhexidine and Miramistin have proven themselves well as rinsing agents. All these, as well as many other drugs, can be easily purchased at any pharmacy.

However, before doing this, you should consult with specialists. He knows exactly what to gargle with a purulent sore throat for an adult and what to use for this.

Very often, when a sore throat develops, a person, even without consulting a doctor, tries to start gargling, using either medications, or folk recipes. This happens because you can give an absolute guarantee that after going to the doctor, rinses will be prescribed, because doctors include this method of treatment in the complex of therapy for this disease without fail.

Rinsing is very important procedure at inflammatory processes in the throat. This fact is explained by the fact that various microbes, including pathogenic ones, live on the tonsils in quite large numbers. To a person with good immunity this is not scary: his body’s defense systems cope well with the infection. On the tonsils of people with weakened immune systems, staphylococci and streptococci feel at ease, filling the gaps.

For regular cleansing of the tonsils from uninvited guests, for washing out microflora waste products from the gaps with the remains of dead cells that fight infection, rinsing is necessary. At the same time, it would be nice to know what to gargle with a sore throat, and not use “grandmother’s” recipes.

You should not neglect rinsing, even though this is just an auxiliary measure. Similar procedure can significantly improve and facilitate the healing process.

Almost all products used for rinsing have anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and analgesic effects. If the procedure is performed correctly outer surface The tonsils are well cleaned, and purulent plugs are washed out of the lacunae.

Not all drugs for angina in adults are suitable for use when similar disease in children. For example, the use of Chlorhexidine to combat this disease in young patients is contraindicated. But Miramistin is quite suitable for children due to its low toxicity and low absorption.

Taking this into account, as in the case of adults, you should entrust the doctor with the decision of what to gargle with a child’s sore throat. But parents should pay attention to how to gargle correctly.

It is quite difficult for young children to carry out this procedure themselves. They need help. In particular, you can irrigate the throat using a syringe, while tilting the child's head over the bathtub or sink. It must be remembered that too loud, intense and loud rinses may not only not help, but even do harm, driving microbes into the depths of the gaps. Therefore, you need to teach children to gargle quietly and carefully, avoiding swallowing the product itself.

The doctor will also tell you what to gargle with a purulent sore throat in a child. Usually, the same remedies are used for this as for other forms of sore throat, but only with greater caution.

It is not for nothing that doctors insist on using this method for a sore throat. Despite the fact that you cannot do without antibacterial agents (after all, they are considered the main resource in the fight against the disease), rinsing significantly speeds up the healing process. With the help of rinsing, it is possible to destroy the breeding ground for pathogenic microbes. Plus, this allows you to moisturize and quickly restore damaged mucous membranes.

That is why, when diagnosing a sore throat, topical medications are no less popular than antibiotics.

Cheap medicine for angina Lugol

Lugol's for sore throat is effective and time-tested means. It has a local antiseptic effect and is used quite often.

Main active substance this drug– iodine, which has an active bactericidal effect on pathogenic microflora.

Until recently, this drug was produced by pharmacists only in the form of a solution. Today at pharmacy chains They suggest purchasing Lugol spray, which is much easier to use. And given the cheapness of the drug, when answering the question of what medications to treat sore throat, it may be one of the first on the list.

The drug is applied topically 2 to 6 times a day. Sprays with one click on the spray head. Before this, you need to take a deep breath and hold your breath, and after irrigation, do not drink or eat anything for half an hour. If the medication accidentally gets into your eyes, rinse them with water and then with sodium thiosulfate solution.

When using Lugol's in the form of a solution to lubricate the mouth and tonsils, it is most convenient to use tweezers with a cotton swab or simply wrap cotton wool around a pencil. Ultimately, you can simply dip sterile cotton wool into the solution and suck on it for a few minutes.

Chlorhexidine rinses for sore throat

When considering drugs for the treatment of sore throat by rinsing, it is worth, first of all, to highlight a drug such as Chlorhexidine. Recently, the use of this substance has become quite widespread. Thanks to its properties, it copes excellently with microbes in the tissues of the tonsils. Moreover, the drug is so strong that only a 0.05% solution is enough for the rinsing to be quite effective.

However, this medicine also has side effects. In particular, if swallowed in large quantities, especially with a high concentration of the solution, it can cause poisoning or stomach ulcers. Therefore, the drug should be used with caution, and it is best to check with your doctor whether Chlorhexidine can be used for angina in this particular case.

For getting best effect before rinsing, it is necessary to prepare the oral cavity: thoroughly clean it of food debris and rinse with warm water.

Rinsing is carried out 2-3 times a day for 20-30 seconds using one tablespoon of the drug. After the procedure, the medicine is spat out and the patient is advised not to eat or drink for the next 2 hours.

What medicines to take for sore throat: Miramistin

The use of the drug Miramistin for angina is widespread in modern ENT practice. This broad-spectrum medicinal substance has antiseptic, antiviral and antibacterial effects. In addition, the drug copes well with fungi and increases the body's defenses.

An important fact is the ability of this medication reduce the overall resistance of harmful microbes to antibacterial drugs, this means that with the help of Miramistin, even those microbes that were not susceptible to antibiotics before its use can be destroyed. The main function of this medicine is the fight against streptococci and staphylococci.

Miramistin can be safely included in the list when answering the question of what medications can be used by pregnant women for sore throat. It is safe to use, does not cause local irritation, and is almost not absorbed into the blood, which is why it is also indicated for children and women during lactation.

Children's antibiotics for sore throat with names: Amoxicillin, Sumumaed and others

As is the case with adults, in order to achieve maximum effectiveness of angina treatment in childhood treatment should include two directions at once: drugs for general treatment must be supplemented local medicine for sore throats for children.

General therapy involves the use of antibacterial medications, and local therapy – antiseptics.

However, use topical medications for sore throat for children infancy almost impossible. Local treatment, although it gives an excellent effect and speeds up recovery, it can only be prescribed to those over 2 years of age. For younger children, the emphasis is usually on general methods. Moreover, antibiotics are often used parenterally.

This disease in children is usually caused by streptococci. Penicillin drugs are very good against these pathogens. For example, Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, etc. Such antibiotics for angina in children are quickly absorbed and do not have a strong effect on the body as a whole.

If after 2-3 days the child does not feel better, then it is necessary to raise the question of changing the drug.

In case of severe disease and drug intolerance penicillin group, and also in cases where there is a risk of complications, the doctor may prescribe drugs such as Cefotaxime or Ceftriaxone. They have low toxicity and are quite effective. The course of treatment usually lasts at least 10 days.

Antibiotics for sore throat in children, the names of which were indicated in the previous paragraph, belong to the group of cephalosporins. However, there are other groups of antibacterial drugs, representatives of which can be used to treat this disease. In particular, these are the so-called macrolides, of which the most famous are Azithromycin and Sumamed. Along with penicillins, they are the most popular and, perhaps, the most effective remedies for this disease.

A children's antibiotic for sore throat, the name of which sounds like Sumamed, is essentially the same Azithromycin, as mentioned above. Its peculiarity is that it is able to accumulate in the body and, due to this, has a longer-lasting effect, the effect of which persists even after completion of the course of administration.

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Tablets for sore throat will help alleviate the patient’s condition in general; many of the medications are aimed at symptomatic treatment. Antimycotic agents, antibiotics, and less commonly, antiviral drugs, destroy the infection. The range of medications is wide, the focus of the drugs varies significantly, so the use of any medication must be agreed with a doctor. Doctors note: before taking pills, you need to make a correct diagnosis and determine exactly which remedies will be most effective. When drawing up a course of treatment, the characteristics of each patient’s body are taken into account.

The causative agent of sore throat is bacteria from a number of cocci, sometimes inflammation of the tonsils can be caused by spread and mutation adenovirus infection or activation of fungal microflora. The fungus begins to develop after hypothermia of the body, when the protective resources are weakened and are unable to build adequate protection.

In 90% of diagnoses, the infection is transmitted by airborne droplets or contact. The weaker the immune system, the more violent the onset of the disease. Therefore, if you feel discomfort or a sore throat, you need to start treatment immediately. Patients diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis should be especially careful.

Tablets for sore throat in adults are selected after examination by a doctor and receipt of the results. clinical tests. For bacterial infections, antibiotics are required:

  • Penicillin group. Augmentin, Amoxicillin, Flemoclav, Flemoxin - excellent tools, which destroy the structure of staphylococcus and streptococcus cells - have a bacteriolytic effect. Since the drugs are acid-resistant, they quickly penetrate the intestinal wall into the bloodstream. At a therapeutic level, they last 6 hours. Medicines quickly enter the body's tissues and are considered one of the most effective targeted antibiotics. Clavulanic acid, which is part of Augmentin, expands the spectrum of action of the drug.
  • If a side effect is observed or there are other reasons, the doctor prescribes drugs of the azithromycin group. Popular are Sumamed, Azicin, and other products with the active ingredient azithromycin. These medications have a destructive effect on all types of bacterial infections, causing diseases ENT organs or upper respiratory tract.
  • IN special cases cephalosporins, which have powerful bactericidal activity, are applicable, greater resistance (compared to penicillins and azithromycin) to beta-lactamases.

Correct use of antibiotics will help you recover quickly and prevent complications. Almost all antibacterial tablets and injections are contraindicated during pregnancy in the generally accepted dosage, so expectant mothers must strictly follow the advice of their doctor - replacing prescribed medications is prohibited.

Modern antibiotics are low toxic. To reduce risks and quickly remove swelling of lymphoid tissues, otolaryngologists or therapists simultaneously prescribe a course of antihistamines. Loratadine, Cetrin, Aleron are effective.

The simplest proven paracetamol can lower the temperature and eliminate chills - it is a selective blocker and does not affect the spread of inflammation. Non-steroidal drugs will help soothe hyperemic areas of the pharynx, reduce pain, and significantly reduce swelling of the mucous membrane. They are prescribed to adults without any particular concerns. Nise, Nimesulide, Nalgesin are especially in demand.

They have a triple effect: analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory: they block the activity of inflammatory mediators. An important plus is the lack of addiction to the active ingredients, even with a long course. The first representative of this group was aspirin, the use of which today is strictly limited due to many side effects.

If the pathogen is a fungus, then it is imperative to use drugs that inhibit pathogenic cells. Adults can take Nystatin or Levorin tablets for sore throat. Fluconazole and Miconazole are considered more modern with a minimum of contraindications.

Medicines that relieve symptoms

Tablets for sore throat can significantly improve the patient’s general condition. Modern lozenges, lozenges or lozenges effectively disinfect the surface of lymphoid tissues and the adjacent mucosa. For purulent sore throat, such medications will help suppress reproduction pathogens, neutralize pain.

For those who have a sore throat, antibiotic lozenges will be very effective: fortified Gramicidin C is in demand, Grammidin Neo, supplemented with an anesthetic, Stopangin 2A, which has an analgesic effect due to benzocaine.

Pharmaceutical drugs have anti-inflammatory, mild analgesic and disinfectant effects. synthetic drugs. These throat lozenges will reduce swelling and make breathing easier:

  • Hexoral - its effect is observed for 10 hours, the active substance hexetidine destroys cell membrane infection, promotes the death of foreign cells. Half an hour after resorption, noticeable relief occurs.
  • Koldakt Lorpils is considered a good antiseptic and analgesic with a pleasant taste. Damages the protein membrane of pathogenic cells. Indicated for all inflammatory diseases of the pharynx.
  • Sebedin, Anzibel, Farington based on chlorhexidine - powerful antiseptics that can prevent the proliferation of bacteria and viruses.
  • The usual Septefril will provide sanitation of the pharynx from staphylococci and fungi. During therapy, the active substance decamethoxin increases the sensitivity of bacterial infections to antibiotics.
  • Theraflu Lar will also disinfect and relieve pain. Breathing will become easier as the lozenges reduce systemic swelling.
  • The best option is Lizobakt. It is safe even for pregnant women, it has not only an antiseptic and analgesic effect, but also supports local immunity.

Names of drugs based on natural ingredients are well known. Their action is based on healing properties plants:

  • Karmolis. It contains essential oils of thyme, cloves, nutmeg and 7 other natural ingredients. This unique combination provides a pronounced antimicrobial, antispasmodic, antifungal effect drug.
  • Travisil has a wide range of effects: it is an antiseptic, eliminates unpleasant odors, and promotes the regeneration of epithelial cells. Also acts as an immunostimulant and mucolytic. Extracts from 14 plants, supplemented with auxiliary substances, are effective in the treatment of sore throat, pharyngitis, and tracheitis.
  • Isla based Icelandic moss has antiseptic, immunostimulating activity. The Isla-Mint variant has a pronounced analgesic effect.
  • Chlorophyllipt. This medicine comes in various forms. Pressed tablets are suitable for those who do not know how to gargle or are forced to undergo treatment in an uncomfortable environment. Effective in the presence of cocci, microbes do not develop resistance to the active substance. Recommended as an excellent additional component in treatment with antibiotics or antiviral medications.

All auxiliary products should not be used more than 5 times a day, unless otherwise indicated. This will allow you to achieve maximum effect, avoid allergic reactions.

When the temperature rises, it is wiser to give preference to products from NSAID groups or tried and tested paracetamol. Doctors note that antipyretic medications should not be taken more than 4 times a day.

Complex therapy is complemented by rinsing with pharmaceutical solutions or herbal decoctions. “Tantum Verde”, “Rotokan”, diluted “Chlorophyllipt”, a prepared composition of dissolved Furacilin tablets will help clear the throat and tonsils of infected mucus and purulent exudate.

You can use folk recipes: brew herbal tea from chamomile, sage, calendula. Excellent natural antiseptics will help support the irritated epithelium and remove pathogens from the larynx.

During illness and rehabilitation, it is worth excluding sharp foods: carbonated drinks, sour, and bitter foods are contraindicated. Food and any liquid consumed must be warm.

Sore throat, or acute tonsillitis is inflammatory disease, having infectious nature, which primarily affects the palatine tonsils. Since its development is based on pathogenic microbes, therapy is aimed primarily at eliminating pathogens.

What to remember when you have a sore throat

Before starting treatment for acute tonsillitis, you should definitely consult a doctor. Since this disease is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance to an inexperienced person. Complications from improper treatment of this pathology can be very serious, and from this we can draw an unambiguous conclusion: it is dangerous to be treated for a sore throat without consulting a therapist.

In addition, the named disease may be either a consequence of external infection from a carrier of the infection, or a complication of the course of any existing illness. By the way, not only viruses or bacteria, but also fungi can act as its causative agents, therefore, without an accurate diagnosis and establishment of the cause of the pathology, medications for sore throat will not only be ineffective, but can also cause serious harm health.

Treatment of viral sore throat

The most common form of sore throat is a viral one. Her distinctive feature is the possibility that the disease will pass independently (usually within 5-10 days from the onset of the disease). But the struggling body requires help, so the doctor prescribes a medicine for a sore throat that will help strengthen resistance to the disease - these are Strepsils lozenges, as well as Septolete or Falimint.

Throat sprays are also popular in these cases: “Aqualor”, “Lugol spray” and “Hexoral”. One of the prerequisites for a successful recovery is not only medications for sore throat, but also regular, frequent gargling with decoctions. medicinal herbs(calendula, sage, chamomile) or Furacilin solution.

For relax general condition doctors usually prescribe standard drugs: Paracetamol, Aspirin or Ibuprofen.

Why are antibiotics needed to treat a sore throat?

To combat the main causative agents of sore throat - bacteria (most often streptococcus), local and systemic antiseptics and antibiotics are used. And for cupping unpleasant symptoms symptoms accompanying this disease (inflammation, fever, pain, etc.), symptomatic medications are used.

When prescribing effective medications for sore throat to adults, doctors choose antibiotics (Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, Penicillin, Cefadroxil, etc.), since they eliminate the cause of the disease, and as they heal, various symptoms go away. It follows from this that the use of antibiotics to combat sore throat is a necessary condition for successful therapy.

By the way, to enhance the effect, during the treatment process you should combine local drugs with systemic ones. And those who are allergic to penicillin are usually prescribed drugs from the group of macrolides: Erythromycin, Azithromycin, Lincomycin, etc.

Antibacterial drugs used for sore throat

Since the cause of acute tonsillitis quite often lies in the presence of bacterial microflora in the patient’s body, when prescribing medications for sore throats to adults and children, doctors choose broad-spectrum antibiotics. This postulate is especially relevant in cases where the exact etiology of the disease cannot be determined.

The most common causative agent of the described pathology is streptococcus. If it is detected, the patient is prescribed penicillin drugs. Perhaps the most popular medicine for sore throat (especially for children) is Flemoxin, available in the form soluble tablets with a pleasant citrus taste.

Today, drugs for emergency treatment of this disease are also known. Treatment with such medications can last only 3 days. The leader among these antibiotics is Sumamed (synonym - Azithromycin), which, by the way, is capable of fighting even those pathogens that have been able to develop resistance to other antibiotics. It is taken once a day, 1 g for 3 days. And after the first dose, the patient, as a rule, feels relief in his general condition.

Sore throat medicine for children

For both adults and children, the main thing in the treatment of sore throat is an accurate diagnosis of its nature. Based on the data obtained, the doctor draws up a treatment regimen and prescribes medications.

If the underlying cause of the disease is viral infection, which is accompanied by a cough, runny nose and high temperature, then it is treated based on the symptoms. The child is prescribed gargling with a solution of "Furacilin", in addition, sprays are suggested as a medicine for sore throat: "Inhalipt", "Tantum Verde", "Cameton", etc. high temperature fight with age-appropriate antipyretics, available in syrups or suppositories: Paracetamol, Nurofen, Panadol or Ibufen.

Bed rest, frequent drinking and gargling every 2 hours will also help significantly alleviate the patient's condition.

How is bacterial sore throat treated in children?

Basic drugs for acute tonsillitis bacterial origin in children, as in adults, these are antibiotics. The purpose of each of them directly depends on the patient’s age, his condition, as well as on his history of using similar drugs.

As already mentioned, today it is believed that the best medicine for sore throat is the penicillin group: Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin, etc. They are easy to use for children, as they are available in the form of a suspension.

If you are allergic to the active substance of these drugs, Sumamed is prescribed. But when using it, you should definitely pay attention to possible side effects, since it is a fairly strong antibiotic.

Local antibacterial drugs

There are also topical preparations. The most effective medicine for sore throats for adults and children - this is the Bioparox aerosol. They irrigate the throat, and he begins to fight the infection directly on the mucous membrane.

This has been proven by researchers who, after using this drug, found it in the blood of subjects in the lowest possible concentration, which allows the use of this drug by pregnant and lactating women. To this it should be added that almost all pathogens of sore throat are sensitive to the drug "Bioparox".

In what cases are antifungal drugs used to treat sore throat?

But sore throat can also be a secondary pathology, developing as a consequence of existing diseases. Such cases include acute tonsillitis that occurs against the background of thrush (candidiasis). Its causative agent is a yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida, which means that treating such a disease with antibacterial agents is ineffective.

In the mentioned situations, the doctor prescribes as a medicine for sore throat antifungal drugs, having a wide spectrum of action. These drugs include “Futsis”, aimed at combating diseases of the mucous membranes of the throat caused by a fungal infection. Often it is enough to take it just once to get rid of both the infection itself and its symptoms.

Drugs used for purulent sore throat

Treatment of a purulent form of sore throat, as you understand, requires the mandatory use of antibiotics and, as a rule, is always carried out according to the same scheme:

  • restorative therapy;
  • application antiseptic solutions for gargling and lubricating the throat;
  • a diet that does not irritate the throat;
  • bed rest for 5-7 days;
  • use of antiallergic drugs if necessary.

The main medicine for purulent sore throat, as already mentioned, is Amoxicillin, as well as Cephalosporin and its analogues: Cefuroxime, Ceftriaxone, Cefazolin, etc. If there is intolerance to their components, then macrolides are used : Clarithromycin and Spiromycin.

In addition, they are used non-steroidal drugs and Paracetamol to relieve inflammation, fever and pain. The drugs “Ibuprom” and “Nimesulide” are also used. For sore throat caused by streptococci, be sure to take antihistamines: “Claritin”, “Suprastin”, “Loratin”, “Diazolin”, etc. Do not forget about topical drugs that relieve the severity of symptoms: “Faryngosept”, “Strepsils”, “Stopangin”, etc.