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How is staphylococcal infection transmitted? How is Staphylococcus aureus transmitted? Risk group, prevention. Prevention of staphylococcal infection

Staphylococcus is a bacterium that can cause many infectious diseases in humans that vary in location, symptoms and severity.

There are 27 types of staphylococci, and 14 of them can live on the epidermis and mucous membranes of a healthy person. To protect yourself from a number of ailments, you need to know how staphylococcus is transmitted and where you can become infected with it.

Routes of transmission of staphylococcus

Hand washing is a way to protect against staphylococcus

The main routes of infection with staphylococcus, leading to the development of diseases, primarily of the respiratory system, are airborne dust and airborne droplets. Inhaling bacteria along with air, droplets of saliva of the human carrier and dust, they penetrate into the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth. As bacteria descend, they can cause bronchitis and pneumonia.

Together with dust, dirty hands or through contaminated dressings, the pathogen can get onto the wound or burn surface - this is how they become infected with staphylococcus. Cracks in the nipples of a nursing woman, scratches and microtraumas on the skin, for example, the place where a hangnail is torn off, can also become entry points. All this leads to suppuration.

People infected with staphylococcus or who are its carrier pose a greater threat. They spread pathogenic microorganisms through household items, products, personal hygiene items, a handshake. Particularly dangerous are people who work as cooks, waiters, medical workers.

Intestinal infections occur when staphylococcus is transmitted through dirty hands. This route of infection is possible when personal hygiene is not observed after visiting public toilets, or when a person does not wash his hands before eating. Another option for the penetration of a microorganism into digestive tract is utensils not processed according to all rules in catering establishments, kindergartens, schools, and hospitals. This can lead to real epidemics.

Another method of transmission of staphylococcus bacteria occurs in the absence of asepsis and antisepsis in dental and manipulation rooms, surgical hospitals and beauty salons. Staphylococcus is transmitted through contaminated equipment directly into the blood, which can lead not only to the formation of abscesses and cellulitis, but also to sepsis.

The infection enters the genitourinary system through untreated catheters, unprotected sexual intercourse (including as a result of oral sex, if one of the partners is sick with staphylococcal sore throat). Penetrating through the urethra, by upward path the pathogen can cause various inflammatory diseases, including prostatitis, cystitis, nephritis, orchitis, vaginitis, endometritis.

Staphylococcus is transmitted along with contaminated food products when preparation or storage technology is violated; most often, unboiled milk or raw eggs, obtained from sick animals.

The danger of staphylococcus infection during childbirth

Why and how is staphylococcal infection transmitted in the maternity hospital? The greatest danger is posed by staphylococcus, which a newborn becomes infected with in the maternity hospital. The pathogen can cause the development of dermatitis, damage to the bronchi and lungs, umbilical wound, eye, call severe dysbacteriosis intestines and even sepsis in a child. For the mother, the bacterium is no less dangerous, as it can lead to mastitis and infection of the birth canal and genitourinary system generally.

The most dire consequences arise when environment, air and maternity hospital objects are transferred to the child Staphylococcus aureus, which is often the cause of hospital-acquired infections that cannot be treated with antibiotics.

Let's list how you can become infected with staphylococcus in a maternity hospital:

  1. from mother to baby, during childbirth, through the genitals, as well as during breastfeeding, in the presence of mastitis;
  2. when visiting relatives who are carriers, during close contact between people;
  3. from infected medical personnel;
  4. in the presence of a pathogen in the air, on instruments, equipment, in food, including infant formula.

When and how can you get a staph infection? Not always when a microbe gets on mucous membranes, skin or Airways, one or another disease develops.

This requires the presence of a contributing factor, a reduction defensive reactions the body when there is no required level of immunity, as a result of:

  • taking antibiotics;
  • past viral diseases, including influenza, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections;
  • having HIV or malignant neoplasms, especially against the background of radiotherapy and chemotherapy;
  • after operations, polytraumas, childbirth;
  • imbalance of intestinal microflora;
  • neonatal period.

How Staphylococcus aureus is transmitted is of interest to many. Among all types of bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus is known to everyone as the most aggressive representative of this type of microorganism.

Staphylococcus spreads by airborne droplets and airborne dust. Its pathogen enters the human body through mucous membranes, through the skin and dirty hands. You can become infected through blood open wounds, burns. There are cases where a dangerous microorganism entered the body due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, through medical instruments and supplies. The infection can be transmitted through food and also through sexual contact.

Everyone has the possibility of becoming infected with staphylococcus; the infection can occur in both adults and children, but there is a certain risk group:

  • weak immunity;
  • postoperative period;
  • aged people;
  • children;
  • various metabolic disorders;
  • pregnant women;
  • breastfeeding period.

Most people are only carriers of the disease, i.e. passive carriers of infection.

Let's take a closer look at how it is transmitted. The causative agent of staphylococcus enters the blood (septicemia) due to its overcoming the protective lymphatic barriers. Contact method transmission of Staphylococcus aureus involves infection through contact. The infection is quite resistant to change external environment. It tolerates temperature changes well and is resistant to some types of antiseptics.

In case of contact with an open wound from the external environment this type staphylococcus provokes purulent inflammation in the tissue. Infection may occur due to poor compliance by health care workers hygiene requirements. Unwashed hands or lack of a mask can cause infection.

The artificial method of transmission of microorganisms occurs due to medical instruments that have not undergone sterilization. This usually happens during examination with instrumental diagnostics. Sometimes during surgical operations. This can also be caused by the resistance of Staphylococcus aureus to the antiseptics used. Sometimes the cause of infection is the negligence of medical staff.

The aerogenic method of spreading staphylococcus is a transmission mechanism by airborne droplets. Often dangerous microorganisms live in the nose. In many cases, it is quite healthy people. Decline protective properties in the body is a signal of development and reproduction pathogenic bacteria in the nasal mucosa. Because of this, many diseases occur: sinusitis, rhinitis, frontal sinusitis and others. Pneumonia is especially dangerous.

Infection through the nutritional route occurs through entry into the body from food. Microorganisms secrete enterotoxin, which causes food poisoning in the intestines.

Prevention of infection

To prevent infection, the following measures must be taken:

  1. Eat right, supporting the body's immune properties. In absolutely healthy people, the infection does not show its pathogenic characteristics.
  2. The surface of wounds and burns should be carefully treated with special disinfection solutions.
  3. Observe basic sanitary and hygienic standards. On clean skin the bacterium dies after a few minutes. Don’t forget to wash your hands more often and systematically clean your house. Special attention It is necessary to pay attention to children's toys and keep them clean.
  4. Compliance with all hygiene requirements in various medical institutions, kindergartens and production facilities minimizes the possibility of infection of the population.

Staphylococcus aureus long time remains viable even when dried, preserved in dust. It is also not afraid of repeated freezing and exposure to solar radiation.

The infection can withstand heat up to high temperatures. It dies only when it reaches 80ºС after a period of time of about an hour. It is neutralized by a phenol solution. Staphylococci are sensitive to brilliant green.

Of all the currently known microorganisms that cause a large number of diseases infectious nature, the most pathogenic is Staphylococcus aureus. Moreover, staphylococcus is progressing, because today 27 species of this microorganism are known, 14 of which are found on human skin and mucous membranes. How to protect yourself from infection with this dangerous microbe and what to do if infection has already occurred?

To prevent infection, you need to know how Staphylococcus aureus is transmitted. This virus most strongly and often affects people with weakened immune systems, or those whose immunity has been weakened artificially, as a result of operations or injections.

The main route of entry of these bacteria into the human body is through airborne droplets or airborne dust. Staphylococcus enters the body through the mucous membrane, for example, through dirty hands. You can get it through the eyes, blood, open wounds and burns. There is a high risk of infection in people who have intramuscular catheters and other medical devices and devices. In addition, transmission of staphylococcus may occur during hemodialysis, internal ventilation, or intramuscular injection drugs.

In this regard, many people are wondering whether this virus is transmitted through sex? The doctors’ answer is disappointing: “Staphylococcus aureus is sexually transmitted.” This happens when one of the sexual partners is sick with staphylococcal sore throat. The microorganism, through mucous membranes, is able to penetrate into genitourinary tract, where it begins to develop. It is important to know that if a person has good immunity and at the same time he complies with all hygiene standards, staphylococcus can be in the body without causing infection.

Symptoms of Staphylococcus aureus appear depending on where it is introduced into the body. A person may develop a purulent skin disease - pyoderma or furunculosis, or "scalded skin" syndrome, which is most typical for infants. Those infected may develop phlegmons and abscesses - forms of damage to subcutaneous tissues, as well as peritonitis, cholecystitis, eczema, meningitis and pyoderma. IN in rare cases the patient may develop staphylococcal pneumonia, which is resistant to a number of antibiotics and is characterized by a severe course of the disease with shortness of breath, severe intoxication and chest pain.

To prevent the development of staphylococcal infections, a person must constantly maintain a high level of his immunity and regularly strengthen it by taking vitamins, playing sports and hardening. In addition, it is important to maintain good personal hygiene, eat clean and fresh products and take good care of existing wounds and cuts.

It is very important to prevent infection, because treating Staphylococcus aureus is an incredibly difficult task. In this case, doctors prescribe antibiotics, but choose effective drug It’s not at all easy, because these tenacious bacteria are able to adapt to them. But even with correct selection medicines It is necessary to strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations, because by interrupting the use of antibiotics, not all microbes will die, which will again begin to multiply and cause harm to the body. Often, in addition to antibiotics, the patient is prescribed sulfa drugs.

It is also worth considering that not all bacteria die during the treatment; they mutate, thereby becoming resistant to drugs. The infection becomes stronger each time, and it becomes more and more difficult to defeat it. Therefore, the task of man is to prevent the development insidious infections caused by a virus such as Staphylococcus aureus. Take care of yourself and watch your health!

Staphylococcus enters the human body through airborne dust or by air through the skin, in particular through dirty hands, through mucous membranes, through blood, open wounds, burns. Microorganisms can be transmitted through dressings, catheters, instruments, personal hygiene items, food. They are also transmitted from person to healthy person through sexual intercourse. Staphylococcus can cause various lesions body - abscesses, boils, appendicitis, blepharitis, carbuncles, osteomyelitis, folliculitis, dermatitis, pneumonia, peritonitis, eczema, pyoderma, meningitis.

One type of these bacteria is Staphylococcus aureus; if it enters the body, a person can become very ill. Microorganisms are very tenacious and adapt well to different conditions. Staphylococcus aureus can be transmitted through food, from a sick person to a healthy person through abrasions and cuts, in which case it enters the bloodstream and then spreads throughout the body. You can become infected with it after diseases that cause a decrease in immunity: acute respiratory viral infections, injuries, dysbacteriosis, after surgical operations, long-term antibiotic therapy, various medical procedures. You can also catch a staphylococcal infection from, through direct contact with them or their feces, provided the person has a weakened immune system.

You can become infected with staphylococcus through intravenous nutrition, medical devices, hemodialysis, artificial ventilation lungs. At risk are people with low immunity or immunodeficiency.

Prevention of staphylococcus infection

To avoid becoming infected with staphylococcus, you need to follow the rules of personal hygiene, maintain and strengthen your immune system. high level. Hardening, playing sports, and taking vitamins will be useful. It is necessary to maintain cleanliness and order in home environment. To prepare food, you need to be careful about your food, choose fresh ones, eat only washed vegetables and fruits, and try not to eat on the street. You should wash your hands thoroughly before eating. Even minor wounds and abrasions must be treated immediately and, if possible, covered with a bandage.

If all hygiene standards are observed and if a person has good immunity, Staphylococcus aureus does not attack the body.

If you are infected with staphylococcus, you will need to take a course of appropriate antibiotics, which should be selected by your doctor. In addition to antibiotics, sulfonamide drugs may be prescribed. Purulent lesions on the skin are successfully treated with aniline dyes (for example,

Staphylococci are gram-positive, sedentary microorganisms of regular spherical shape, prone to forming clusters, resembling bunches of grapes in appearance. These are opportunistic bacteria that live on the skin and mucous membrane of humans and, with strong immunity, do not provoke any dangerous diseases.

Staphylococcus has many strains (27), of which the most common and pathogenic are aureus, saprophytic, epidermal and hemolytic. Each of these strains has varying degrees aggressiveness and danger to the body. When the protective forces are weakened, staphylococcus, once inside the body, can cause a strong inflammatory process.

The danger of these bacteria lies in the enzymes and toxins they produce, which are destructive to cells and disrupt their vital processes, affecting the skin, subcutaneous tissue And connective tissue. Staphylococci can cause very dangerous diseases, including sepsis, intoxication of the body, pneumonia, toxic shock, purulent skin lesions, central nervous system disorders.

Also, these microorganisms are often the cause of complications after various kinds diseases. Staphylococci are quite resistant to environmental influences and have strong resistance to antibiotic therapy. It is necessary to have an idea of ​​how staphylococcus is transmitted from a sick person in order to protect yourself from infection.

Signs and symptoms of staphylococcus in the body

Symptoms of staphylococcus depend on which organ is affected. The degree of their severity is influenced by the aggression of the microorganism and the state of immunity of a particular person. Most of all staphylococcus occurs in newborn children and pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with weakened immune system(for example, after a serious illness or surgery).

Signs of Staphylococcus aureus are the occurrence of purulent-inflammatory processes in organs and tissues, gastrointestinal upset if it enters the human intestine. Often symptoms of staphylococcus entering the body are the appearance of pimples, boils, carbuncles, and skin rashes. Signs of staphylococcus also include the appearance purulent mastitis breasts in women during feeding.

If bacteria enter the nasopharyngeal mucosa, staphylococcus can cause tonsillitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis and other diseases affecting the upper respiratory tract. Getting into the lungs, especially of newborns, staphylococcus often causes severe bacterial pneumonia. By affecting the bones, it can cause osteomyelitis, the heart - endocarditis, the kidneys - pyelonephritis, etc.

General symptoms caused by staphylococcus infection:

  • Local increase in body temperature (at the site of bacterial infection)

The local rise in temperature is due to the body’s fight against the pathogen in order to prevent its reproduction.

  • Redness at the site of inflammation

The appearance of hypermia is caused by a rush of blood to the sore spot. At the same time, the vessels dilate, and the outflow venous blood on the contrary, it decreases. This is also a kind of protection of the body from infection. He tries to increase the flow of oxygen to the tissues in order to reduce the toxic effect of staphylococcus.

  • Tissue swelling (this is due to increased vascular permeability)
  • Painful sensations that arise due to compression by swollen tissues nerve endings or vascular damage
  • Decline in organ functionality due to disruption at the cellular level

These signs of staphylococcus in the body are characteristic mainly of an adult. IN at different ages symptoms may vary.

How is staphylococcus transmitted?

Staphylococcus aureus is transmitted to humans if their immunity is weakened, as well as to people who have artificially weakened immune defense body, for example, those who resort to frequent injections or have used transplants. Another way is to use intramuscular catheters or any other medical devices and instruments that come into contact with the internal environment of the body.

Transmission of Staphylococcus aureus is possible in the case of intramuscular nutrition of children or hemodialysis. Staphylococcus is transmitted through any fresh scratches, wounds, during childbirth from mother to child, as well as through breast milk. There is a possibility of transmission of Staphylococcus aureus by coughing, sneezing, and in some cases by breathing, through food products and household items, dust.

The infection is transmitted through the mucous membranes of the respiratory, genitourinary and digestive tracts. At the site where the infection has penetrated, development occurs purulent inflammation, during which there is repeated multiplication of staphylococcus and the release of toxins, which cause the manifestation of the disease.

Sources of nosocomial infection include patients who have erased forms staphylococcal infection, or who are carriers of staphylococci. There are permanent and intermittent carriers. Constants include people who always have Staphylococcus aureus when taking a culture test from the nasopharyngeal cavity. In intermittent carriers, staphylococcus is isolated from time to time.

In addition to the well-known routes of infection, there are reasons why people are more susceptible to infection by the bacterium:

  • Any disease that reduces immunity (including HIV, AIDS);
  • Favorite chronic diseases;
  • Severe stress and lack of sleep;
  • Bad habits (smoking, alcoholism);
  • Poor hygiene;
  • Hypothermia of the body (if hypothermia occurs, it is very easy for an infection to enter the body and cause an inflammatory process);
  • Diabetes;
  • Age (children are most likely to become infected with staphylococcus - infants, preschoolers and the elderly);
  • Integrity violation skin and mucous membrane;
  • Eating contaminated foods

Treatment of staphylococcus

Treatment of Staphylococcus aureus is not an easy task, but it is quite realistic; the main thing is to prevent the microorganism from developing resistance to antibiotics. Among the most common methods of treating staphylococcus are the use of bacteriophages and the use of.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to do a culture from the sore spot to test the sensitivity of the bacteria to antibacterial drug and bacteriophages. After this, the doctor will prescribe complex treatment, which, in addition to an antibiotic or bacteriophage, includes immunomodulatory agents and drugs aimed at restoring normal microflora body.

The main thing is to complete the entire course of treatment, following all the doctor’s instructions. Treatment of staphylococcus is also quite common folk remedies. In this case, herbs, tinctures, pharmaceutical medications(for example, chlorophyllipt) and external methods of treating staphylococcus.

Measures to prevent staphylococcus infection

Prevention in the fight against staphylococcal infection is important and necessary measure, which everyone should know about. Since every year staphylococcus becomes more and more resistant to antibacterial therapy and capable of causing serious harm human health.

In a dried state, the bacterium remains viable for more than six months; in dust it can live up to 100 days. Doesn't kill staphylococcus Sun rays and freezing. The bacterium dies only from boiling, is neutralized for 15-25 minutes when treated with a 5% phenol solution and is sensitive to brilliant green.

Therefore, compliance with the following preventive measures will help maintain your health:

  • The main thing is, perhaps, compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, especially when it comes to hand washing;
  • Strengthening immunity: active image life, hardening, sports, proper nutrition, absence bad habits. All these methods will help increase the body's defenses to prevent possible staphylococcus infection;
  • Prevention of seasonal epidemics of influenza, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections;
  • Timely elimination of all foci of chronic or acute infection in the body (carious teeth, inflammation in the nasopharynx, adenoids, boils, barley, inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system);
  • Eating only clean, preferably packaged and thermally processed food products with good timing suitability;
  • Maintaining cleanliness and order in the apartment and workplace, regular ventilation of the room;
  • Refusal to visit dubious medical institutions, manicure and tattoo parlors, solariums, etc.;
  • Careful processing of medical instruments, avoiding negligence in relation to sanitary standards.
  • Visit a doctor in a timely manner if you suspect a possible carriage of staphylococcus.