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Is laryngitis contagious, is it transmitted from person to person by airborne droplets? Is it possible to get laryngitis?

When a person develops laryngitis, he is interested in whether the inflammatory process is contagious or not?

With laryngitis, development occurs inflammatory reaction on the mucous membranes of the larynx. In this case, the mucous membranes of the larynx turn red (their hyperemia appears) and swell.

Not only the mucous membranes of the larynx walls are affected, but also the mucous membranes of the vocal folds.

The disease can appear due to a number of reasons, the main ones:

  • Exposure to viruses, resulting in the development of viral laryngitis. The disease is contagious.
  • Exposure to bacteria with the development of bacterial laryngitis. Bacterial laryngitis is also contagious.
  • Impact of allergens on the mucous membranes of the larynx. The disease is not contagious.
  • Laryngitis that develops after stress is not contagious.

Like any respiratory disease, viral or bacterial laryngitis, in most cases transmitted by airborne droplets.

Factors that contribute to the development of laryngitis:

  • Regular hypothermia of the body;
  • Breathing through the mouth outside during the cold season;
  • Decreased body defenses (immunity);
  • Active or passive smoking;
  • Regular overvoltage vocal cords.

The combined influence of direct and indirect causes creates favorable conditions for the development of laryngitis.

Clinical picture of the disease

Regardless of the etiology, signs of laryngeal damage are common. The following symptoms characteristic of laryngitis can be identified.

  • decrease in voice timbre;
  • hoarseness or complete absence voices (aphonia);
  • increase in body temperature to subfebrile levels;
  • slight burning sensation in the neck area;
  • with severe inflammation of the mucous membranes, there may be difficulty breathing;
  • general weakness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • headache;
  • nonproductive cough;
  • dryness of the mucous membranes of the throat.

On examination, you can see swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membranes of the larynx.

If the etiology is viral, then you can also see damage to the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, throat, and conjunctiva of the eye. Conjunctivitis, rhinitis, and pharyngitis develop.

Bacterial infection of the larynx can develop independently or as a complication of a viral infection. At bacterial inflammation the temperature rises to a higher level.

There are no clear signs by which one can accurately say what the etiology of the disease is. To accurately determine the cause of laryngitis, it is necessary to take a scraping. Carry out microbiological examination and identify the pathogen.

With allergic laryngitis and laryngitis after stress, in most cases there is no increase in temperature.

You cannot become infected with allergic laryngitis. There is also no risk of contracting laryngitis, which develops after stress.

Diagnosis of the disease

If symptoms appear, you should consult a general practitioner, otolaryngologist, or pediatrician. Only a specialist can determine whether laryngitis is contagious after examination and examination.

Upon examination, swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membranes are visible. To clarify the pathogen, a scraping is made from the mucous membranes.

IN general analysis blood at various reasons various changes. Thus, with viral laryngitis, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases.

And with bacterial inflammation, the number of leukocytes (inflammatory cells) and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate increase.

For allergic inflammation characterized by an increase in the number of eosinophils. And laryngitis due to stress is characterized by the absence of changes in the general blood test.

Measures taken to treat the disease

Since the disease is transmitted in most cases by airborne droplets, isolation of the patient is necessary. At this time, daily wet cleaning and ventilation of the room are required.

Dry indoor air should be avoided. To increase humidity, use special air humidifiers or hang wet tissues, which humidify the air when dry.

This is done in order to reduce dryness of the mucous membranes. The disease is treated, in the absence of pronounced swelling of the vocal cords, on an outpatient basis.

All treatment must be carried out strictly as prescribed by the doctor. In case of inflammation of the vocal cords, vocal rest is recommended in the first days of the disease.

Abundant is required drinking regime, to quickly relieve symptoms of intoxication and eliminate toxins.

If the disease is viral in nature, antiviral drugs are prescribed:

  • Arbidol;
  • Kagocel;
  • Ingavirin.

For bacterial inflammation, a course is used antibacterial therapy: Amoxiclav; Azithromycin; Suprax.

To treat allergic inflammation, antihistamines are necessarily prescribed:

  • Loratadine;
  • Fenistil;
  • Zodak.

For all types of inflammation of the larynx, inhalations are effective (with saline solution, sometimes with the addition of berodual).

Preventive actions

The following recommendations play an important role in preventing the development of inflammation of the larynx:

  1. Reduced visits public places during periods of increased activity viral diseases(epidemics).
  2. Increasing the body's defenses, strengthening the immune system.
  3. Outside during the cold season, breathe only through your nose.
  4. Avoid prolonged strain on the vocal cords.

Timely treatment of acute respiratory diseases.

It is an inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa, which can be associated with both the common cold and more specific infections, such as whooping cough, scarlet fever or measles. Regardless of whether a child or an adult is sick, this disease must be treated completely, since there is always a risk of transition acute inflammation V .

Many people ask: “Is laryngitis contagious or not?” It is worth noting that not all types of this disease transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person. Below we will consider cases in which it is necessary to avoid contact with a sick person or reduce it to a minimum.

Symptoms of laryngitis

Before you understand the issue of contagiousness of laryngitis and the routes of its transmission, you need to learn to recognize it.

The main features will be the following:

  • It all starts with dryness and burning in the throat. At the same time general condition, as a rule, practically does not suffer;
  • The second most important sign is severe cough;
  • Against the background of a debilitating cough, a headache appears;
  • In addition to the headache, there is also pain in the larynx, so it becomes difficult for the patient to swallow;
  • Due to the spread of the inflammatory process further down the respiratory tract, the voice may disappear;

The result of all this will be the appearance wet cough, accompanied by copious sputum, sometimes even with purulent contents. At this stage, a patient with laryngitis is most contagious.

In the results of a clinical blood test, the level of leukocytes is much higher than normal. Upon visual examination, the throat will be red with brighter dots on the mucous membrane. They are formed as a result of rupture of capillaries during coughing.

Children become infected with laryngitis much more often than adults. And the disease itself is more severe in them.

How does disease transmission occur?

To understand how laryngitis is transmitted from person to person, it is worth understanding the causes of its occurrence:

  • (pet hair, fluff, paint and varnish products and strong odors) on the laryngeal mucosa. This type of laryngitis will not be contagious to others.
  • Prescription of drugs by doctors in the form of throat sprays. Such drugs are sprayed under high pressure and irritate the nerve endings of the delicate mucous membrane. As a result, a spasm occurs, which provokes inflammation. Young children are most often affected, so it is recommended that children aim the spray not directly at the throat, but at inner surface cheeks. Naturally, such laryngitis will not be contagious either.
  • Emotional stress. As a result of severe shock, spasm of the vocal cords may occur. Again, this happens most often in childhood. Such laryngitis cannot be contagious to others.
  • . Many will be surprised, but it does not pose any particular danger and the risk of infection in this case is minimal.
  • Infectious agents. This is the reason they talk about when a child or adult suddenly begins to fall ill. This form of laryngitis is the most contagious and dangerous.
  • Bacterial form. This is the second type of disease that poses a danger to others. Its symptoms include high fever, sore throat and ears, difficulty swallowing, copious discharge from the nose. With an exacerbation, suffocation may occur in children, since almost complete overlap occurs. respiratory tract.

Laryngitis is transmitted by airborne droplets. Largest quantity The pathogen is released when you cough or sneeze. But even after visible improvement, the danger remains. Laryngitis is usually contagious for two or even three weeks.

Sometimes, before any signs of inflammation develop, the bacterium is already present in the human body. The disease itself begins to develop only a few days after entering the body. This period is called incubation. As for laryngitis, it incubation period lasts 3-5 days.

How to avoid getting laryngitis?

Laryngitis is most contagious in children who regularly visit places large cluster people, for example, kindergartens. This happens because they do not yet know how to protect themselves from pathogens in the air.

If the child is already sick, then he needs to be explained how to properly cover himself when coughing or sneezing. You can also put a protective mask on your baby. Thus, the isolation of the pathogen in environment there will be less.

We can say that a protective mask must be worn not only by those who are sick, but also by those who are healthy. Laryngitis in adults is just as contagious to others, and wearing personal protective equipment will help prevent the development of inflammation.

An unexpected sore throat, a sore throat, hoarseness in the voice - obvious signs laryngitis Causing factors there is a lot of development of the disease. But is laryngitis always contagious to others or not, how can you get an infection? Knowing indirect signs, the cause of the pathology can be prevented or the risk of contracting the disease can be reduced.

Laryngitis leads to the active spread of pathogenic microbes in the body. With direct contact with an infected person, when the disease is accompanied by viruses and bacteria, a transition to a healthy person from the patient is possible. Pathology in adults and children has its own characteristics of development and course.

In adults

People's education is caused by smoking, damage to the nasal septum, and working in hazardous enterprises. All this reduces the body’s defenses, which increases the risk of contracting an infection from a sick person.

Often, mechanical trauma leads to the development of the disease. Overstrain of the vocal cords (observed in teachers, singers) and hypothermia also become common.

The incubation period lasts several days, the patient suffers from difficulty swallowing, coughing, and increased body temperature. At this moment, the person poses a threat to people nearby.

In children

Child visiting childcare facility, school, is most susceptible to infection, especially if the room is infrequently ventilated. The baby who brought the disease is dangerous for everyone else, so it is advisable to isolate him from society. Acute laryngitis(in another way -) children under 8 years old who have exudative diathesis are sick.

Due to swelling and spasm, the lumen of the pharynx narrows, making it difficult for the baby to breathe. This is mainly observed at night, the child suffers from a strong cough, there is noise in the chest, increased sweating. The temperature is usually normal or slightly increased. After half an hour, the symptoms stop, and the baby calmly falls asleep.

In such a situation, it is advisable to call a doctor. At this time it is necessary:

  • ventilate the room;
  • inhale with soda;
  • give it to the child alkaline drink.

The doctor will give an injection to relieve swelling in the throat. Antihistamines should always be on hand.

Causes of the disease

Acute laryngitis appears when infected by viruses, where the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx becomes inflamed, and can also spread to the lungs and bronchi. This often happens in adult patients, less often in children. In addition, it is possible to get laryngitis by airborne droplets from each other.

When infected with a respiratory virus or bacteria, the larynx begins to become inflamed. The causative agent of the disease can be external causes:

  • hypothermia;
  • eating cold or hot food;
  • application bad habits(smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • inhalation of hazardous substances (gas, dust).

You can get sick due to internal factors, adversely affecting the function of the neuromuscular system:

  • increased susceptibility of the pharyngeal mucosa;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • With GERD, stomach contents enter the esophagus, then ulcers form on the vocal cords, which causes hoarseness.

Laryngitis can appear secondarily in the presence of other ailments (tonsillitis, pneumonia).

Is laryngitis contagious?

Laryngitis has a contagious and non-contagious form of development. An infectious, bacterial type of pathology transmitted by airborne droplets is dangerous.

If a person has one of these forms, you should avoid contact with them for approximately 2 weeks.

Improperly treated laryngitis spreads, in addition to the larynx, to the trachea, which causes laryngotracheitis. The disease is a complication of the above pathology. Inflammation with laryngotracheitis can spread to the lower respiratory tract, forming pneumonia or bronchitis.

Non-communicable types of pathology

Inflammation caused by exposure non-infectious factors, does not pose a danger to others. The main types and causes of laryngitis.

Congenital predisposition

Congenital predisposition - is formed in a child as a result of a pregnant woman’s failure to comply with a certain diet: when eating carbohydrate, fatty foods. Besides, infectious disease, which arose from expectant mother, can cause the development of illness in a baby.

Reaction to stressful situations

Reaction to stressful situations- experiences, nervous breakdown provoke laryngitis. In children it appears due to a fragile psyche. The emotional factor leads to spasm of the vocal cords, and subsequently to loss of voice.

Reaction to medications

Reaction to medications - not every parent knows that medications in the form of aerosols, intended to eliminate laryngitis, are contraindicated for children under 3 years of age. Active ingredient, entering posterior region throat, provokes defensive reaction from the ingress of foreign particles. As a result, the larynx becomes swollen and inflamed.

Allergic laryngitis

Allergic laryngitis - dust, fluff, feathers and other allergens can cause an allergic reaction in anyone. Penetrating the mucous membrane, it causes irritation, which creates a cough and makes breathing difficult.

Occupational laryngitis

Occupational laryngitis - teachers and artists have constant stress on the vocal cords, so the disease occurs most often in them, but is not contagious. Therapy depends on vocal rest.

All of the listed species do not spread to other people. The pathology will disappear after the patient eliminates the provoking factor.

Contagious forms

Get laryngitis infectious nature very easy, just talk for a few minutes with the patient. The following species are dangerous.

Infectious laryngitis

Infectious laryngitis - formed due to accumulation on the vocal cords pathogenic microorganisms, they cause inflammation. The pathology passes to humans by airborne droplets, and damage to the respiratory system is noted.


Bacterial disease - expressed high temperature bodies. It is considered the most dangerous for people, capable of affecting children and adults. Infection occurs through sneezing, kissing, or sharing objects. Microbes are located in the air and are able to build on the mucous membrane of the larynx. However, the patient is contagious for some time after complete recovery.

It is necessary to pay more attention to the bacterial nature of the disease that occurs in children. During the period of worsening laryngitis, an attack of suffocation is possible, which is why the airways are completely blocked. The pathology is treated in a hospital under the supervision of doctors using antibacterial agents.

The viral disease can be safely eliminated at home. Taking antibiotics in this situation is not advisable. You'll need to drink more bed rest, performing inhalation measures, gargling. The room should be humidified several times a day.

Routes of transmission

The main ways pathogenic bacteria enter humans are:

  • transplacental - transmitted to the baby through the placenta when a woman is carrying a child;
  • contact - passes from a sick person to healthy person, through the use of common household items (toys, cups, etc.);
  • aerogenic - pathogenic organisms penetrate by airborne droplets and are based on the walls of the respiratory system.

Viral laryngitis spreads aerogenously: by blowing your nose, talking, or sneezing.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Laryngitis is an unpleasant and common pathology that often occurs in a child from one to 7-8 years of age. The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • soreness, hoarseness, loss of voice;
  • increased number of leukocytes in the blood;
  • attacks of suffocation;
  • intense painful sensation in the throat;
  • a dry cough initially appears, then transforms into a wet one, sometimes expressed by purulent sputum;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • chills, fever;
  • redness, swelling of the pharyngeal mucosa.

The disease can be acute or chronic. The first appears due to hypothermia and voice strain. The mucous membrane of the pharynx becomes inflamed, this has been observed for 2 weeks. In addition, the epiglottis and vocal cords are added. When laryngitis is not completely cured, it turns into chronic stage. Then all the symptoms are accompanied by inflammation in the nasopharynx.

As a diagnosis, the doctor performs a visual examination of the larynx. Swelling and blocked vocal passage are clearly visible. A small amount of mucus is released, which also complicates breathing. Then the specialist refers to:

  • blood test - to establish the inflammatory process;
  • oral smear - to identify the pathogen, based on it, treatment is determined;
  • test samples - carried out to detect the irritant of the disease, this is important for allergic laryngitis;
  • laryngoscopy - establishes the form of the disease.

After the study, differential diagnosis is performed. The pathology should not be confused with true croup, oncology, or asthma.

Antibiotics are used for infectious, bacterial illnesses, and in the case of a viral illness, antiviral medications are used. For candidiasis white coating noted on the walls of the larynx, antimycotic drugs are suitable here.

From all of the above, we can conclude that when laryngitis is provoked by viruses or bacteria, there is a risk of infecting others. A person needs to wear a mask to prevent infection. The disease caused by stress, irritation of the larynx, heredity, and allergies is not dangerous for people. Therefore, in order to protect yourself, you should strengthen your immune system, harden your body, eliminate infections in a timely manner and give up bad habits.

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Is laryngitis contagious or not? Let's take a closer look in this article. Infectious diseases such as colds, along with measles, whooping cough and scarlet fever, can provoke the development of a disease called laryngitis. In the presence of provoking factors, this disease does not miss the opportunity to settle in the human body.

How long does the illness last?

Acute laryngitis can last about two weeks, after which it usually becomes chronic. There are several forms of this disease, some of which can be quite serious danger for others. A person can persistently treat a cold and at the same time have absolutely no idea that he is a carrier of dangerous and pathogenic bacteria. We will talk about this disease in more detail in our article, and also find out what laryngitis is - whether it is contagious or not.

Symptoms of laryngitis

The initial stage of this disease manifests itself, as a rule, in the form unpleasant sensation burning, as well as dryness in the larynx. At the same time, your state of health may be quite good. At the next stage, a convulsive and at the same time debilitating cough may appear along with headache and swallowing problems. Besides, hoarse voice the person’s voice disappears and turns into a whisper. It is better to know in advance whether laryngitis is contagious to others.

Type of cough

The cough may become wet and be accompanied by expectoration of sputum, which can sometimes be purulent. Against the background of this disease, the level of leukocytes in the blood usually increases in a person. Among other things, the mucous membrane of the larynx turns red and swells. This happens due to burst capillaries, in place of which purple dots appear. Is laryngitis contagious or not? different stages, interests many.

What are the causes of the disease

When infected viral infection acute stage the disease manifests itself when inflammatory processes occur on the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Sometimes inflammation can move to the bronchi or lungs. Most often, something similar happens in adults, but can also occur in children. In addition, it is possible to catch the disease while being in the same room with an infected person. In this regard, it should be said that laryngitis can be transmitted by airborne droplets. But this doesn't always happen. Is laryngitis contagious in adults?

External reasons

A person’s larynx can become inflamed as a result of infection with a respiratory virus, and, in addition, streptococcus and staphylococcus bacteria. In this case, the main triggers for the onset of laryngitis are the following external causes:

  • Drinks and food that are too hot or too cold.
  • Prolonged and forced tension in the vocal cords.
  • Severe hypothermia of the body.
  • Smoking, including passive smoking.
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • Inhalation of dust, gases or vapors along with certain irritating chemicals.

Internal factors

Internal causes of laryngitis that can affect the functioning of the neuromuscular apparatus of the vocal cords are the following factors:

  • Violation of metabolic processes.
  • Availability hypersensitivity laryngeal mucosa.
  • Against the background of gastroesophageal reflux, stomach contents may enter the esophagus. As a result of this factor, ulcers may appear on the ligaments, and the voice itself may become hoarse.

Is laryngitis contagious for children?

Laryngitis in childhood

Children who attend kindergartens or schools are extremely at risk of this disease, especially if the institution rarely ventilates the premises. Just one of the sick people can pose a danger to others, so you should try to reduce the child’s contact with potential carriers bacterial infection. Is laryngitis contagious in children? Yes, sure.

False croup - this is the name of the acute form of this disease - can affect children under seven years of age who suffer from exudative diathesis. Due to swelling and spasm of the glottis, the laryngeal lumen narrows, making it difficult for the child to breathe. Attacks occur mainly at night. Against their background, a child may wake up sweating from a barking cough. The patient's lips may turn blue and breathing may be difficult. The breathing itself will be noisy. The temperature usually rises only slightly, but can often remain normal. After about half an hour, symptoms may subside, allowing the child to fall asleep.

In this case, of course, urgent hospitalization is required. While waiting for an ambulance, parents should ventilate the room and perform soda inhalation, and then give the baby an alkaline drink. In order to relieve swelling of the larynx, the doctor will perform an injection with the necessary medicines. Antihistamines medical supplies must be kept in a first aid kit.

Of course, it is possible at home successful implementation inhalations, but if the child develops serious edema, tracheal intubation can only be performed qualified specialist. In addition, resuscitation measures may be required along with artificial ventilation lungs.

We can safely say that laryngitis is contagious to others.

How is the disease acquired?

The main causes of laryngitis are the following factors:

  • The allergen usually ends up on the mucous membrane, irritating the larynx. Breathing may become heavy and accompanied by painful cough. But this form of laryngitis, of course, is not contagious.
  • Reaction to medical supplies. Children under three years of age should use spray medications with extreme caution. True, pediatricians, unfortunately, often prescribe medications that cause laryngitis. A strong stream of inhaler affecting the larynx, which is saturated nerve endings, leads to spasms and inflammation of the vocal cords. This is how laryngitis begins. True, this form cannot be infected.
  • Frequent emotional turmoil. After them, children may experience spasms of the vocal cords. This form is also not dangerous to others.
  • Presence of genetic predisposition. It is interesting to note that this predisposition is determined by the diet of the pregnant woman. As a result of abuse fatty foods Along with an excess of carbohydrates, a child’s risk of developing otolaryngological diseases increases. If the pregnant woman is over thirty-five years old or has suffered an infectious disease, the child is highly susceptible to this risk. A course of immunostimulants along with medical procedures will not be allowed to develop chronic form. This type of laryngitis is also not contagious.
  • Infection. When the mucous membrane of the respiratory canals is damaged, viruses can cause acute form laryngitis, which will be very dangerous for others.

Laryngitis - contagious or not?

As a result of viral laryngitis, the use of antibiotics will be inappropriate, since these drugs have no effect on viruses. Bed rest helps with this, along with frequent warm drinks, herbal and soda inhalations and moist air in the patient's room. Also extremely important complete failure from smoking. As a rule, in two weeks or less, depending on the state of the person’s immunity, the disease recedes. But the viral form of this disease can be transmitted by airborne droplets, so do not neglect a protective mask.

It is somewhat problematic to answer the question of whether laryngitis is a contagious disease. First of all, it is necessary to establish the reasons that provoked the disease. If laryngitis was caused by viruses or bacteria, then the likelihood of infecting others with them is extremely high. Patients require a special mask to prevent the release of germs from reaching other people when they sneeze.

Is any type of laryngitis in children contagious or not? An illness that occurs due to irritation of the larynx along with emotional shock, allergic reaction or due to genetic predisposition, cannot be transmitted from the patient to the people around him.