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What is acute laryngitis? Acute laryngitis: symptoms and treatment of laryngeal stenosis in children. Infusion for internal use

Acute laryngitis is the most common inflammatory disease larynx. People encounter it different ages and floors. For what reasons can laryngitis occur and how to identify it? Why is he dangerous? How to treat it correctly? You will learn the answers to these and other questions from this article.

Features of the disease


Laryngitis can appear on its own, but in most cases it occurs against the background viral diseases upper respiratory tract. It is often accompanied by inflammation of the trachea, bronchi and pharynx (,).

Acute laryngitis occurs:

  • (the mucous layer becomes inflamed). This form is the most common and easiest;
  • edematous (inflammation affects the submucosal layer, the course of the disease is more severe);
  • . Most dangerous look laryngitis, found in in rare cases.

Inflammation begins in the mucous layer, then moves to the submucosal layer, and then severe cases- to the muscle layer. This may happen due to improper treatment or its absence, as well as due to the body’s weak resistance.

Inflammation of the larynx is accompanied by redness and swelling of the tissue. Laryngitis can be isolated (for example, it affects only the epiglottis) or affect all parts of the organ, which sometimes leads to stenosis, which is life-threatening.

Duration acute laryngitis is 1-2 weeks. If the disease drags on, then there is a possibility of transition to.
Occurs in children special shape laryngitis, which is called false croup. This disease is very dangerous and requires immediate appeal in hospital.

Causes of acute laryngitis

What causes laryngitis? The causative agents of this disease are usually various infections. These can be viruses (measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria), bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci, etc.) and, extremely rarely, fungi. Sometimes several infections are present at once.

It is known that the microflora of the larynx contains opportunistic bacteria and microorganisms (pneumococci, Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, Neisseria). IN normal conditions our body is able to fight them on its own, but when the immune system is weakened, they begin to actively multiply and cause diseases. That is, the main cause of laryngitis is weak body defense.

There is also a list of factors that influence the development of inflammation in the larynx:

  • polluted, dusty air. This problem is faced by people in big cities those with poor environmental conditions and those who work in hazardous industries;
  • eating food that is too hot or spicy food and drinks that irritate the walls of the throat;
  • overstrain of the vocal apparatus (for example, when shouting or working in people of vocal professions);
  • drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • injuries and tumors of the throat, microcracks in the mucous membrane;
  • talking in the cold and hypothermia of the throat;
  • chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

At risk are people who, for some reason, have difficulty breathing, increased sensitivity of the mucous membrane of the larynx, metabolic disorders, caries or other dental diseases.

Also, acute laryngitis in adults can appear as a result of allergic reactions, constant heartburn, and in rare cases it becomes a complication of tuberculosis, syphilis, cancer (Wegener's granulomatosis, scleroma) and rheumatoid arthritis.

For coughs, drugs that reduce the excitability of the cough center are prescribed:

  1. Kodilak. The tablets contain codeine, a substance that affects the cough center. Sodium hydrocarbon reduces the viscosity of sputum, and licorice root and thermopsis herb help to expectorate it;
  2. Glycodin. It contains Dextromethorphan, which reduces the excitability of the cough center, Terpinhydrate (reduces the viscosity of sputum and promotes its release), and Levomenthol (reduces irritation and soothes the mucous membrane). Sold as syrup;
  3. Gederin syrup. This is a drug plant origin, which is made from ivy leaf extract. It has an antiseptic, wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and tonic effect;
  4. Libexin. Its antitussive effect is due to prenoxdiazine. Libexin is available in tablets.

Additionally, gargle 3-4 times a day.

How to gargle for acute laryngitis? For this purpose, decoctions from various medicinal plants: chamomile, sage, calamus root, nettle, St. John's wort, calendula, fennel. Soda and saline solutions not recommended.

IN advanced cases for the treatment of acute laryngitis in adults, used steam inhalations with the addition of drugs. Inhalations with laryngitis have a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect.

For uniform distribution of medication and enhancement therapeutic action A device called a nebulizer is used. This is an inhalation device that converts liquid medications into an aerosol. nebulizer helps relieve inflammation and unpleasant symptoms, moisturize the mucous membrane of the larynx and reduce the viscosity of sputum. You can also use a special inhaler or simply breathe in the steam from the medicinal solution.

What products can be used for inhalation:

  • miramistin or dioxidin (antibacterial);
  • alkaline mineral waters, for example, Essentuki. Help eliminate dry throat;
  • mucolytics (chymopsin);
  • aromatic oils of mint, menthol, eucalyptus (to relieve irritation, soreness and pain, as well as treat cough);
  • herbal decoctions (chamomile, oregano, sage) with antimicrobial, analgesic, soothing, and anti-inflammatory properties.

Inhalations for acute laryngitis are carried out three times a day, their duration is 5-10 minutes.

In addition to treatment, physical procedures may be prescribed, for example, UHF, microwave therapy for the throat area, electrophonophoresis.

Compresses on the throat for laryngitis are not so effective and, according to some reports, can lead to complications, so it is better not to use them.

Antibiotics for acute laryngitis are prescribed if diagnosed severe swelling larynx and severe intoxication body. They are also prescribed if, after 4-5 days of treatment with other methods, the disease continues to develop. Antimicrobial therapy is usually carried out in a hospital setting. Used with clavulanic acid (), fluoroquinolones or macrolides (Azithromycin). Antimicrobial drugs for acute laryngitis are used together with medicinal installations.

When injecting antihistamines: Tavegil, Histidil. And glucocorticosteroids: Dexamethasone, Prednisolone.

Surgical treatment of acute laryngitis in adults is carried out with the development of purulent complications.

During the treatment of acute laryngitis, treatment for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, gastroesophageal reflux and sanitation of the oral cavity should be carried out (if necessary).

Acute laryngitis: treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies can be used to treat laryngitis as aid. What is used to treat acute laryngitis at home:

  • honey. Prepare a solution from warm water and a couple of spoons of honey and gargle with it 2-3 times a day. For greater effectiveness, add a little lemon juice or cranberries - they are also useful;
  • gargling with herbal decoctions (chamomile, sage, calamus root, nettle, St. John's wort, calendula, fennel), which are carried out every hour;
  • warm milk and eggnog. To prepare the latter, you need to take 2 yolks and grind them with sugar and butter. Some people add honey and milk. This drink coats the throat and eliminates pain, burning, cough;
  • vodka compresses. Moisten the gauze - cotton bandage in vodka, apply to the throat. Cover the top with plastic and wrap it with a warm scarf. Leave overnight;
  • a decoction of anise seeds, which is consumed internally. To prepare it you will need 250 ml of water and 100 g of seeds. Boil water and add anise, wait another 15 minutes, then remove from heat and let cool. You can add honey to the mixture. Drink up to 7 times a day;
  • foot baths with mustard.

Important! Before using any product, consult your doctor!

Informative video

Disease prevention

To prevent laryngitis you must:

  • promptly treat inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • avoid hypothermia, too cold and hot food;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • take medications to prevent flu and colds;
  • avoid straining the throat;
  • increase immunity (harden yourself, drink vitamins, eat healthy food);
  • ventilate the room in which you live and maintain normal air humidity. Don't forget about wet cleaning.

It is also important to follow basic hygiene rules, such as washing your hands and brushing your teeth, and to prevent complications, do not self-medicate and do not prescribe antibiotics for yourself!

Inflammatory process due to infection in the mucous membrane of the larynx, submucosal layer or in internal muscles leads to the development of the disease - acute laryngitis, types, symptoms and treatment folk remedies which we will consider in more detail in this article.

This is a common illness in adults and children. Occurs more often under the influence of viruses against the background of influenza, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections. It can develop under the influence of local irritants: hypothermia, inhalation of cold or polluted air, and substances that irritate the larynx: smoking, drinking alcohol, and certain medications. Less commonly, but the cause of laryngitis can be hereditary defects of the vocal cords in a child, their deformation due to physical impact, injury or insufficient hydration of the mucous membrane, dry throat, which is often observed in older people.

Acute laryngitis affects the larynx, vocal cords, causes cough, sore throat, scratching in the throat, difficulty swallowing, dry mouth, fever. If left untreated, the disease is fraught with complications: – development of false croup, swelling of the mucous membrane, asphyxia (suffocation) due to blockage of the channel for air and oxygen into the body.

If left untreated, acute laryngitis eventually develops into chronic stage. Symptoms, especially in adults, become intrusive or periodic and sluggish, then subside, then flare up with new strength again.

Forms of laryngitis

In children, the disease is mainly inflammatory infectious nature. In adults, laryngitis can develop in different forms.

  1. Catarrhal, uncomplicated, observed minor symptoms in the form of redness and sore throat.
  2. Phlegmous with accumulation of pus in the larynx. This is a rare form of laryngitis that develops in adults due to trauma to the larynx. The infection may spread to cartilage and periosteum.
  3. Stenotic, leads to narrowing of the trachea, swelling of the ligaments and larynx. Complications are possible: false croup under the influence of viruses: measles, influenza, herpes, adenoma, and bacteria: chlamydia, staphylococci, streptococci, hemophilus influenzae.
  4. Hemorrhagic, in adults and children, symptoms of redness and hemorrhage are observed on the larynx and vocal cords.

The child's larynx is narrow and the connective tissue is loose. With swelling under the influence inflammatory process Obstruction occurs, the already narrow canal, the subglottic space swells, and the supply of oxygen is difficult.

Symptoms of laryngitis

In most cases, if the disease is not associated with hereditary defects when detected in a child, damage to the larynx and mucous membrane due to mechanical action (trauma) is seasonal. Symptoms appear during colds in adults and children in the off-season against the background of acute respiratory diseases.

It is no secret that many viruses and bacteria constantly live in our body, but do not manifest themselves in any way as long as a person has a strong and stable immune system. Once it weakens, a favorable environment for development is created. various kinds bacteria and viruses.

Symptoms usually appear 2-5 days after the activation of viruses or bacteria. Observed:

  • swelling, redness of the throat
  • swelling of the folds on the prepharyngeal surface
  • vasodilation
  • the appearance of hemorrhagic ulcers in the form of burgundy dots
  • dry cough (sometimes barking) with inflammation of the trachea, over time - with sputum discharge
  • temperature rise to subfebrile levels
  • pain, sore throat
  • difficulty swallowing, distension in the throat
  • presence foreign body
  • hoarseness of voice
  • difficulty breathing, shortness of breath
  • nasal congestion.

Acute laryngitis in children, features

Symptoms in children under 7 years of age are more pronounced than in adults; they experience this disease due to a narrow larynx. With swelling and the development of false croup, the child’s symptoms become paroxysmal. Most often appear at night:

  • rough strong cough
  • paleness of the face, blueness of the lips and skin
  • hoarseness of breathing, whistling
  • shortness of breath, feeling of lack of air
  • soreness, burning, scratching in the larynx.

How is the treatment carried out?

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the factors that provoked the development of inflammation, observe a gentle diet and all doctor’s instructions, and ensure the patient’s rest.

Treated acute and chronic laryngitis medicinally with the prescription of anti-inflammatory drugs, antibacterial agents. Inhalation sprays with the addition of antibacterial drugs penicillin group, cephalosporins are applicable. For chronic catarrhal laryngitis - solutions with the addition of alkalis and oils.

Atrophic laryngitis in adults is treated with aerosols containing chymortypsin. Mucolytic expectorants are recommended to thin and remove mucus. If the cough is dry, then bromhexine and chest herbal preparations are recommended for children.

If signs of false croup appear in a child, when stopping attacks at home is impossible, ambulance must be called immediately. Therapy will be carried out, treating the affected areas, removing (pumping out) purulent accumulations from the throat or larynx, and prescribing vasoconstrictors. It is possible to administer antihistamines and hormonal drugs. A child with symptoms of false croup and difficulty breathing is prescribed oxygen therapy.

Treatment of acute laryngitis with folk remedies

Acute laryngitis on initial stage development can be successfully treated with folk remedies. Gargling and mouthwash recommended herbal decoctions by brewing eucalyptus or chamomile, holding alkaline inhalations every 3-4 hours for laryngeal spasms, apply warm honey-mustard compresses to the throat for severe coughing.

When the mucous membrane of the throat is covered with crusts, an infusion of sea buckthorn and peach oils up to 2 grams 2-3 times a day is indicated. For rinsing purposes, you can prepare a solution from apple cider vinegar, blueberry decoction. A child with symptoms of false croup will benefit from foot baths to ease breathing by keeping the legs in hot water for 10-15 minutes with the addition of herbs. Main - drinking plenty of fluids, constant humidification of the air in the room in order to eliminate symptoms, attacks of choking and coughing, in case of spasms in a child - touching with a clean spoon back wall pharynx in order to relieve the disease.

Treatment of acute laryngitis consists of minimizing the load on the vocal cords and eliminating any other mechanical impact that can lead to irritation of the larynx. To protect your throat, you need to drink more warm liquids: fruit drinks, tea with lemon (mint), mineral water without gas. Smoking, drinking alcohol, hot and spicy foods should be avoided.

Folk remedies are used to treat acute laryngitis in children, when many medications are contraindicated and can lead to side effects, for example, antibiotics: decreased immunity, increased load on other important internal organs.

When a child has a cold, doctors, along with folk remedies, recommend treating with lazolvan, as safe means for cough, effective in the treatment of laryngitis in combination. For adults, Lazolvan for cough is applicable in the treatment of:

  • uncomplicated laryngitis
  • inflammatory disease in the upper respiratory tract
  • tracheitis
  • bronchitis
  • bronchial asthma
  • pneumonia
  • bronchectomy for accumulation of pus in the throat, thickening of mucus, and difficult sputum discharge.

Lazolvan for cough for inhalation should be diluted with saline solution (1x1). If the cough is severe, then do it 2-3 times a day, placing all the necessary ingredients in the nebulizer. When using it in children, it is necessary to ensure that Lazolvan, placed in a nebulizer for inhalation, is used correctly. Breathing should be free and deep, without causing unnecessary cough reflux. Using a solution heated to body temperature.

Symptoms of bronchial asthma can be quickly eliminated by sharing Lazolvan with bronchodilators to prevent attacks. Treating the throat with Lazolvan is prohibited only for pregnant women. early stages in the 1st trimester. On later- only with the permission of a doctor, taking into account possible threat for fetal development. Others side effects was not found during treatment with lazolvan.

The bronchodilator lazolvan, composed of fenoterol and hypotropic substances, perfectly eliminates muscle spasms, quickly stops coughing during attacks, frees the bronchi from mucus and phlegm accumulated in them, diluting it. It has a mucolytic and expectorant effect. Before use, it is enough to dilute with saline solution in the proportions specified in the instructions. Lazolvan can be used for coughs in conjunction with herbal inhalations based on eucalyptus, chamomile, and sage.

For adults, Berodual for cough is needed for inhalation. Children can use Lazolvan together with Berodual from the age of 2. One drop of the product is enough to be placed in a nebulizer to completely irrigate the entire surface of the affected larynx. For treatment to be effective, the technique must be performed correctly.

The first inhalations are best carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Parents should not lose their vigilance and if the child’s well-being worsens, there is no point in treating it with handy folk remedies; it is better to quickly consult an ENT doctor or otolaryngologist. Against the background of a strong suffocating cough, the development of cardiac collapse, myocardium during suffocation, acute stenosis of the larynx, complete blockage of the canal, cessation of air supply due to the spread of inflammation to the entire space under the throat ligaments. Signs of false croup are observed in children with severe swelling mucous membranes, coughing attacks. The child becomes unable to breathe, nervousness, irritability, and anxiety appear.

In severe cases, acute laryngitis can ultimately lead to suffocation, hypoxia, disruption of brain activity, confusion, coma, neck phlegmon, sepsis, abscess pneumonia, phlegmous laryngitis when the mucous membrane is infected, purulent inflammation supraglottic or lingual area. This child’s condition is critical and requires immediate hospitalization, autopsy, and elimination. purulent abscesses in the throat cavity. It is hardly possible to cure severe acute laryngitis in children with folk remedies. You need to call an ambulance, otherwise the consequences of false croup may become irreversible.

Only complex treatment acute laryngitis gives favorable results, as well as timely elimination of foci of inflammation when diagnosing sinusitis and tonsillitis, sanitation of the oral cavity, maintaining immunity by taking multivitamin preparations especially in the off-season, the use of immunomodulators with reduced immunity.

Often acute respiratory diseases complicated by laryngitis - inflammation of the larynx. To prevent complications, you need to know what laryngitis is, the symptoms of the disease, the causes of its occurrence and how to deal with it.

What is laryngitis?

Laryngitis is an acute or chronic inflammatory disease of the larynx and vocal cords of a viral nature. It can be either an independent disease or a consequence of another infectious disease. Most often, acute laryngitis is a complication of ARVI, whooping cough, influenza, measles, scarlet fever and other diseases. If not timely treatment it can become chronic.

Types of acute laryngitis

Spicy catarrhal laryngitis- during the development of the disease, the mucous membrane, submucosal layer and internal muscles of the throat are affected.

Acute phlegmous laryngitis is a lesion of the outer layers, muscles and ligaments of the larynx with pus; in some cases, the disease spreads to the cartilage and periosteum.

Causes of acute laryngitis

Acute laryngitis is temporary: after the main cause that caused the disease is eliminated, the symptoms of the disease go away. During treatment, the patient should try to talk less so as not to overstrain the inflamed vocal cords. If it is not possible to completely exclude conversations, then they should be whispered.

Acute laryngitis - causes:

Viral infections (ARVI, influenza, etc.);

Viral diseases (measles, mumps, whooping cough, etc.);

Bacterial infections (eg diphtheria);

Contact with a patient with ARVI;

Inhalation of cold air;

Hypothermia of the body;

Inhalation of microirritants (caustic and hot vapors);

Smoking, alcohol;


Chronic diseases;

Operational disruptions immune system;

Gastroesophageal reflux (reflux of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus).

Chronic laryngitis - causes

Chronic laryngitis is a disease that lasts more than three weeks. This form of the disease is caused by prolonged irritation of the vocal cords and larynx. If left untreated, chronic laryngitis can cause deformation, injury to the vocal cords, or lead to the formation of growths on them.

The main reasons for the development of chronic laryngitis:

Heartburn (gastroesophageal reflux disease);

External irritants (chemical gases, smoke, allergens);

Chronic stroke;

Alcohol abuse;


Bacterial and fungal infections;

Worm infestation;

Respiratory infections (flu, ARVI, bronchitis, sinusitis);

Harmful production (inhalation of harmful chemicals);

Acute and chronic laryngitis require mandatory treatment. The patient needs to consult a specialist to determine the cause of the disease and receive the necessary therapy.

Signs of acute laryngitis in adults

The incubation period of the disease can range from several hours to several days.


The main symptom of acute laryngitis is hoarseness of the voice up to its complete absence;

Acute laryngitis in adults is manifested by soreness, burning and scratching in the throat;

Dry throat;

Dry barking cough;

Pain in the throat that gets worse when swallowing or talking;

Deterioration general condition patient (weakness, fever - no higher than 37°C, in severe cases body temperature rises to 39-40°C);

The disease may be accompanied by symptoms of ARVI (rhinitis, nasal congestion);

Phlegmous laryngitis and laryngeal abscess appear severe pain in the throat, swallowing disorder;

If acute laryngitis is accompanied by swelling, then the patient experiences shortness of breath and a sensation of a lump in the throat.

Symptoms of laryngitis in children

Children under 3 years of age are most susceptible to laryngitis. This is due to the fact that in early age located near the larynx a large number of loose connective tissue, while the larynx itself is narrow. Once in the throat, the infection quickly spreads through the mucous membrane, causing thickening of the larynx. An inflamed larynx increases in size and prevents air from entering the Airways. This condition is called "acute stenotic laryngitis." In children, this disease can become life-threatening. Children prone to allergic reactions are at risk. Older children tolerate laryngitis much easier.


Mostly, laryngitis develops against the background of acute respiratory viral infection or influenza;

Severe swelling of the larynx appears;

High probability of airway spasm;

Increased risk of developing acute shortness of breath with severe complication- respiratory failure;

The child has trouble swallowing and a sore throat;

Attacks of shortness of breath mainly appear during sleep (in the supine position);

The child wakes up from a choking attack with blue lips;

The attack is accompanied by a strong barking cough, but the voice is not changed;

The attack can be repeated every 15-20 minutes;

The attack may stop on its own.

If a child wakes up from a choking attack, parents should immediately call emergency assistance. It is also important to help the baby, to alleviate his condition before the doctors arrive:

First of all, calm the child down;

Important: do not put the child down, otherwise the likelihood of a repeated attack of suffocation will increase; it is better if he is in a sitting position;

Ventilate the room in which the baby slept so that the air in the room becomes cool;

You can let your child breathe in the warm steam;

Warm foot baths will help calm the baby; after the procedure, be sure to wipe the feet dry;

Give your child a warm drink;

Never leave your child unattended.

If a child suddenly develops acute laryngitis, only a doctor can tell you how to treat the disease. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

Treatment of acute laryngitis in adults

First of all, the patient needs to limit vocal stress, it is better to talk in a whisper.

Complete smoking cessation.

The air in the room where the patient is located must be humid.

The patient is prescribed inhalations, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

The patient is prescribed special procedures for treating the larynx with medications. This treatment is performed by an otolaryngologist using a special laryngeal syringe.

According to indications, the doctor prescribes antibacterial agents.

When acute laryngitis is diagnosed, treatment consists not only of taking medications, but also of observing certain dietary restrictions: hot, cold, spicy and salty foods, as well as alcohol, are excluded from the diet.


Treatment of complicated forms of laryngitis (phlegmous, edematous and chondroperichondritis laryngitis, laryngeal abscess, laryngeal stenosis) is carried out in hospital treatment.

For edematous laryngitis, decongestants, antihistamines and hormonal drugs are indicated.

Treatment of acute laryngitis in adults in the subsiding stage of the disease includes voice and breathing exercises.

IN emergency situation during suffocation they produce surgical intervention- tracheotomy.

Laryngeal abscess is treated surgically under local anesthesia.

In the case of acute laryngitis, symptoms and treatment are interconnected. The method of therapy directly depends on the severity of the disease.

When the patient is hospitalized, a medical history of acute laryngitis is compiled, which contains the following information:

Anamnesis of life;

History of illness;

Objective research (indicators of physical development);

General examination of the patient;

Musculoskeletal system;

Respiratory system;

The cardiovascular system;

Organs of the digestive system;

Genitourinary system;

Endocrine system;

Nervous system and sensory organs.

Treatment of acute laryngitis in adults is prescribed only after filling out a medical history.

Acute laryngitis in children - treatment

In acute laryngitis not accompanied by laryngeal stenosis, anti-inflammatory therapy with fenspiride is prescribed. Anti-inflammatory and bactericidal therapy with fusafungine is indicated for patients over 2.5 years of age. If the cause of laryngitis is allergic reaction, then antihistamines are prescribed to prevent the development of laryngeal edema, which often accompanies acute laryngitis in children. Treatment also consists of taking antipyretics, antitussives and mucolytics. These medications are prescribed to the child only when necessary.

Acute laryngitis: symptoms and treatment of laryngeal stenosis in children

If the patient has been diagnosed with “acute laryngitis,” treatment must be timely, otherwise the disease will become chronic.


When communicating with ARVI patients, use individual means protection.

Harden the body.

Lead healthy image life.

Avoid hypothermia and drafts.

Support Good work immune system, take a multivitamin.

Give up bad habits.

If you have stomach problems, be sure to consult a doctor.

Avoid putting foreign objects, such as fish bones, down your throat.

Avoid contact with allergens, take if necessary antihistamines.

Acute laryngitis has the second name false croup and occurs mainly in childhood. It is important to promptly diagnose and treat this disease. curative measures. Acute form laryngitis is characterized by the appearance of paroxysmal barking cough which is accompanied by loss of voice.

This disease can be treated well, but despite this, the patient must be under the supervision of a specialist, which eliminates the development of possible complications.

Causes of development of acute laryngitis

Acute laryngitis develops in children and adults due to the penetration of viruses into the body, which provoke the development of infectious diseases such as diphtheria, influenza and scarlet fever. The cause of laryngitis is chemical or mechanical irritation of the larynx, as well as overstrain of the vocal cords.

Along with the vibration created, sound is produced. If there is an inflammatory process in this area, the ligaments swell and harden. This provokes hoarseness of the voice and is the cause of aphonia ( total loss vote).

Reasons for the development of laryngitis:

  • ulcerative lesions localized in the area of ​​the vocal cords;
  • the appearance of neoplasms on the mucous membrane;
  • chronic forms of sinusitis or sinusitis, as well as enlarged adenoids;
  • cancer, trauma and stroke.

Laryngitis occurs due to the influence of a number of certain predisposing factors on the body. Among them are hypothermia of the body, abuse bad habits, poor nutrition and obesity, inhalation of polluted air and excessive strain on the vocal cords.

It is also important to take into account factors such as reduction immune defense body and work in unfavorable working conditions.

Course of acute laryngitis

Acute laryngitis treatment in both adults and children, which should be carried out in a timely manner, is sufficient dangerous disease. The pathogenesis of the disease is as follows:

  1. At the very beginning, hyperemia of the laryngeal mucosa develops due to damage pathogenic microorganisms or viruses.
  2. During the inflammatory process, blood vessels dilate, which provokes the infiltration of leukocytes and is accompanied by the release of submucosal transudate.
  3. Transudate causes the release of purulent or mucous exudate, which may contain an admixture of blood.
  4. Due to intoxication caused by the inflammatory process, swelling occurs in the mucous membrane, which is the cause of the development of laryngeal stenosis.

Symptoms of the disease

Acute laryngitis symptoms, which determine the stage of the disease, occur suddenly. General weakness occurs unexpectedly, accompanied by irritability and fatigue. In some cases, during the primary stage of development, an increase in body temperature of up to 38 degrees is observed. There is discomfort in the throat, a sensation of a foreign body or lump.

There is soreness, dryness and rapid fatigue of the vocal cords. The voice becomes rough or may be completely absent. Initially, a paroxysmal dry cough appears. With timely treatment, it quickly becomes productive. When expectorating, mucopurulent sputum is released.

Possible complications

Acute laryngitis treatment, which is not started in a timely manner, can provoke the following complications:

  • laryngeal stenosis of varying degrees;
  • abscess formation of the epiglottis;
  • infiltration of the epiglottic mucosa.

These conditions pose a serious threat to the patient's life. That is why in case of acute laryngitis it is recommended to hospitalize the patient, which allows timely treatment measures to be taken and, if necessary, assistance to the patient.

Acute laryngitis symptoms and treatment in both adults and children, which are closely related to each other, should be diagnosed in a timely manner. The diagnosis can only be made by a doctor based on the patient’s complaints. The collected medical history and the results of the research procedures performed. The first step is laryngoscopy (examination of the larynx).

In accordance with clinical picture a specialist determines the form of the disease:

  1. acute catarrhal laryngitis is mild form diseases that are accompanied by an inflammatory process;
  2. the diffuse form is accompanied by redness and swelling of the mucous membrane in the larynx area;
  3. in a limited form, signs of the inflammatory process are present in only one part of the larynx;
  4. the hemorrhagic form is accompanied by the appearance of pinpoint hemorrhages in the mucous membrane;
  5. The fibrous form is characterized by the appearance of a whitish coating in the larynx area.

to confirm the diagnosis are prescribed general tests urine and blood, which allows us to determine the increase in ESR and leukocytes in the body. X-ray examination is not very informative, but allows you to differentiate the diagnosis.

Therapeutic measures

Acute laryngitis in children, treatment that is started in a timely manner, as a rule, does not produce complications. It is imperative to ensure that the vocal cords are rested. Even when whispering, the vocal cords become tense, so you shouldn’t talk at all. It is important to exclude such traumatic factors as tobacco smoke, dust and fumes. The air in the room should be humidified and fresh. It is recommended to follow a diet devoid of spicy, alcoholic and spicy foods.

If laryngitis occurs against the background of ARVI. Then the patient is prescribed antiviral drugs medicines. Local antiseptics such as Dequalie and Timol are suitable for these purposes. If necessary, the doctor prescribes oral antibiotics. Among the most safe drugs Bioparox can be distinguished.

If there is a cough, expectorant medications are prescribed. It is recommended to give the patient mineral water to drink. alkaline water and use potassium iodide.

When conducting antibacterial therapy it is important to prescribe medications intended for recovery intestinal microflora(Linex, Bifiform or Lactovit). Reduce high temperature Paracetamol, Aspirin and Ibuprofen help. Sore throat is relieved with aerosols such as Orasept, Ingalipt, Hexasprey.

Elimination of mucosal edema

At false croup swelling and spasm in the larynx should be eliminated:

  1. Oral inhalation using a nebulizer with 5% ephedrine, 0.1% atropine and adrenaline, hydrocortisone, diphenhydramine and chymopsin.
  2. Injections of the corticosteroids dexamethasone or prednisolone.
  3. Introduction « lytic mixture", which includes an antihistamine (suprastin, diphenhydramine), an antispasmodic (papaverine, drotaverine) and analgin (added for fever).

In case of laryngeal stenosis, the patient must be hospitalized in a hospital, where resuscitation measures are carried out. In order to prevent the development of laryngitis, it is necessary to treat promptly infectious diseases, avoid contact with an infected person, prevent burns and injury to the mucous membrane in the larynx, control the load on the vocal cords.