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Causes of allergies to tobacco smoke and methods of treatment. Why is an allergy to tobacco smoke dangerous?

Tobacco smog contains many toxic substances Therefore, smokers and people around them often develop an allergy to tobacco. What are the symptoms of smoke intolerance in children and adults? What methods and means are used in treatment? Can the liquid used in this product cause allergies? electronic cigarettes Oh?

Cigarette smoke is a strong allergen; it contains many toxic and poisonous elements that the body perceives as foreign and begins to intensively produce antibodies. Each component can trigger various allergic reactions. Additionally tobacco products treated with specific chemicals, which are designed to improve smoking properties, but are considered strong irritants.

What is included in tobacco smoke:

  • various resins;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • ketone bodies;
  • residual amounts of cadmium and arsenic;
  • heavy metals;
  • benzene;
  • alkaloids;
  • carcinogenic substances.

Upon penetration into the body, the components of tobacco smoke begin to actively interact with other substances, new particles are formed that cause negative reactions from the immune system. For smokers protective functions weakened, so allergic reactions occur not only to smoke, but also to many other irritants.

Symptoms of intolerance to cigarette smoke may not appear immediately; the intensity depends on the state of the immune system. Allergy to smog often causes hay fever, sinusitis, sinusitis, chronic allergic bronchitis, and deterioration in work performance. thyroid gland.

Active and passive smokers suffer from smoke allergies; negative reactions often appear when changing brands of cigarettes. In people with respiratory pathologies, the disease develops more often. Sometimes intolerance cigarette smoke is hereditary in nature.

How does an allergy to tobacco smoke manifest?

When you inhale tobacco smoke, irritating ingredients settle on the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, so allergic reactions to cigarettes most often manifest themselves in the form of cough and runny nose.

Signs of an allergy to cigarettes:

  • constant nasal congestion without other cold symptoms;
  • burning and itching in the nasal passages;
  • sore throat, hoarse voice;
  • frequent bouts of unproductive cough;
  • conjunctivitis, increased lacrimation, itching and burning of the eyes;
  • skin rashes.

Asthmatics tolerate cigarette smoke the worst of all - their symptoms of the underlying disease worsen, the allergy occurs in acute form. Edema of the larynx often develops, which causes an attack of suffocation - without timely medical care Possible death.

Can you be allergic to electronic cigarettes?

Electronic cigarettes with various liquids are becoming increasingly popular; it is believed that this method of smoking is safer and contains less harmful substances. The devices contain propylene glycol, which retains liquid - a compound recognized as safe for allergy sufferers. This substance has an irritating effect on the respiratory system, but true allergies occur less frequently than after smoking regular cigarettes.

Can nicotine in regular and electronic cigarettes cause allergies? Nicotine is not an allergen, but when it penetrates the body, the number of antibodies increases, which provokes the appearance of negative reactions.

The main danger of electronic substitutes is that the smell of cigarette smoke is weak; people often get carried away by the process of smoking. An increased dose of nicotine begins to enter the body, which can completely destroy the smoker’s immune system; the body will begin to produce antibodies to any irritants.

To minimize the likelihood of unpleasant allergic symptoms, it is necessary to choose liquid for electronic cigarettes, which contain nicotine and various flavors in small quantities.

Treatment and prevention of allergies to cigarette smoke

The best therapeutic and preventive remedy is to completely eliminate contact with the allergen. For heavy smokers should be gradually abandoned addiction, switch to electronic cigarettes. Drug treatment smoke intolerance is treated with modern antihistamines.

How to treat a cigarette allergy:

  • Erius, Zyrtec - these tablets allow you to quickly eliminate coughing attacks, lacrimation if you are immune to cigarette smoke;
  • Sanorin, Rinostop - nasal drops with a vasodilating effect, help get rid of rhinitis and nasal congestion, which often occurs with allergies to cigarettes;
  • Claritin, Allergodil - drops for treatment allergic conjunctivitis;
  • Fenistil, Adavant - means for local therapy, allow you to cope with dermatological reactions to tobacco.

In case of severe allergic reactions to tobacco, which are accompanied by swelling of the larynx, you will need additional treatment corticosteroids. Only a doctor can select the dosage and treatment regimen, since the drugs have different adverse reactions. In case of exacerbation of bronchial asthma, Intal, Berodual will help.

Additionally, smokers are prescribed medicines, which strengthen the body’s protective functions – Immunal, Dibazol, vitamin complexes, decoctions medicinal herbs. To cleanse yourself of toxins, you should take enterosorbents and drink more fluids.

Allergic reaction to tobacco in children

In children the immune system imperfect, so they are susceptible to irritants, often in the background passive smoking they develop allergies to tobacco smoke which can develop into asthma, chronic rhinitis, migraine.

How does an allergy to cigarettes manifest in a child?

  • a predisposition to respiratory diseases develops;
  • the throat swells, the mucous membranes become red, but there are no other signs of a cold;
  • shortness of breath, dry cough;
  • sneezing, nasal congestion up to complete cessation of nasal breathing;
  • lacrimation.

How to distinguish an allergy to cigarette smoke in children from a cold? All signs of an allergic origin occur without an increase in temperature and disappear a few days after staying in a room without nicotine smog.

How to treat allergies using traditional methods?

Tobacco intolerance can cause frequent attacks cough. Facilities alternative medicine They allow you to get rid of the main manifestations of allergies and prevent the absorption of harmful components. For treatment, decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs are used.

Composition of the medicinal collection:

  • St. John's wort and centaury - 20 g each;
  • chamomile inflorescences and corn silks – 5 g each;
  • horsetail, rose hips – 10 g;
  • dandelion root powder – 15 g.

Pour the mixture with 350 ml of water and leave for 12 hours. Bring to a boil, leave in a closed container for 4 hours. Take the medicine in strained form, 75 ml three times a day.

A decoction of linden color, rose hips, thyme. To prepare the medicine, you can take one or more components - add 220 ml of water to 12 g of crushed raw materials, simmer in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. After cooling, strain and drink 55 ml after each meal.

To strengthen the immune system, you need to take beekeeping products for 6–8 weeks, and include foods high in vitamin C in your diet every day. It will help you cope with cough. fresh ginger– you can add it to tea or simply chew a small piece every day.

Allergic reactions may be caused by electronic and regular cigarettes, unpleasant symptoms occur in passive and active smokers. Intolerance to cigarette smog is especially dangerous for children, people with serious respiratory pathologies, and asthma.

A common occurrence is an allergy to tobacco smoke. It may appear both in a smoker and in a person forced to inhale nicotine-saturated air.


Appearance of signs allergic reaction Possible in people of any age, but it is especially common in children under two years of age and infants. Their immunity has not yet fully formed.


The basis of cigarettes is tobacco. This is a plant of the nightshade family that contains nicotine, a substance similar in composition to acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter (exciter) of the central nervous system(CNS). It's addictive. That's why it's so hard for people to say goodbye bad habit smoke.

Nicotine itself is not an allergen, so the concept of “nicotine allergy” is incorrect. But it makes the immune system more vulnerable because it disrupts the production of immunoglobulin.

Allergies can be caused by other substances that cigarette smoke contains:

  • hydrocyanic acid;
  • phenol;
  • metals (lead, mercury, etc.);
  • ammonia fumes;
  • benzene;
  • Nitric acid;
  • resins;
  • carbon monoxide.

A cigarette contains over 4,000 chemical compounds, which are especially activated during combustion. Various chemicals used to treat tobacco plantations can also be allergens. Ammonium nitrate, which is used to impregnate tissue paper, as well as aromatic additives, such as menthol, can cause a reaction.

This whole hellish chemical set enters the body through the mucous membranes, which cannot cope with the elimination of harmful compounds. In addition to the destructive effect on all organs, the compounds cause increased production of histamine, a substance that regulates metabolic processes. The metabolism goes astray and a reaction to cigarette smoke develops.

As for smoking a pipe and cigars, their smoke contains the same chemical substances, perhaps in a lower concentration. The composition that is put into a hookah is practically the same as in cigarettes. But the concentration of harmful components will be lower due to the fact that the mixture does not burn when high temperature, but slowly smoldering.

Factors that provoke the disease

  • chronic bronchial diseases;
  • weakening of defenses after illnesses;
  • long-term respiratory diseases;
  • increased sensitivity of mucosal receptors;
  • living in places with poor environmental conditions;
  • Parents with allergies have an increased risk of having a child with low immunity. A congenital allergy to tobacco smoke in babies of mothers who smoke is also possible.

Symptoms of the disease

Sensitive people may experience it as soon as they begin to inhale smoke. Moreover, it is not necessary to smoke or be near a smoker. All you have to do is walk into a smoky room. A person begins to have a headache, ache in his temples, fatigue and weakness. Appetite may decrease and sleep may be disrupted.

A delayed reaction is possible when histamine accumulation occurs gradually. This happens with passive smokers, so with those who smoked long time and I seemed to be feeling good.

The following manifestations of an allergic reaction are possible:

  • frequent coughing, sneezing;
  • it’s hard to breathe, your nose is stuffy;
  • discharge of mucous contents from the nose;
  • hyperemia (redness) of the mucous membrane of the eyes, profuse tears;
  • sore throat;
  • swelling of the larynx;
  • the voice changes because the vocal cords are affected;
  • swelling skin, redness, itching, rash.

Important! Quincke's edema may occur. Emergency medical care is required as there is a real threat to life.

If contact with the allergen is prolonged, it may develop bronchial asthma. Possible development of bronchitis, sinusitis, and disruption of the thyroid gland. In addition, immunity decreases. A person becomes vulnerable to a variety of diseases.

Cross allergy

This is a reaction to compounds similar in chemical composition to the main allergen. The signs are similar. For example, if a person reacts to menthol in a cigarette, there is a high probability of intolerance to rosin and essential oils ate.

The problem is also that there are so many different components in cigarettes that it is very difficult to determine which one is causing the reaction. This means that it is also difficult to find out what a cross-reaction is possible for.

Diagnosis of allergies

Unless a person has an immediate allergy to smoking, diagnosis can be difficult. A person may associate poor health with other reasons, for example, believing that he has a cold or is simply overtired. The moment of truth can be the elimination of the allergen, for example, a person leaves the city. If there are no smokers there, his condition improves dramatically.

An allergist, immunologist or therapist will also help determine the allergen using special tests.


Initially, it is necessary to eliminate the allergen. As a rule, a tobacco allergy will go away in 2-3 weeks. This is how much the body needs to remove harmful substances. If complications arise, special means should be used.


They must be prescribed by a doctor:

  1. Antihistamines - Benadryl, Tylenol, Erius, Telfast, Claritin, etc. Drops are prescribed for infants - Zyrtec, Fenistil, Zodak.
  2. Antihistamine gel, cream or ointment that relieves itching - Lorinden, Gistan, Vundehil, Fenistil-gel, Soventol, Beloderm, etc...
  3. To make breathing easier - Pro-Air, Ventolin, etc...
  4. Medicines that relieve nasal congestion - Vibrocil, Novodrin, Histimet, Cromohexal, Cromosol, etc...
  5. Products that help remove toxins – Enterosgel, Polysorb, activated carbon tablets.

Traditional methods

Before using them, consult a specialist. Otherwise, you risk provoking an additional allergic reaction and worsening the condition:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. Brew 1 tbsp linden inflorescences. boiling water, leave for half an hour. Drink 4 tbsp. l. three times a day after meals.
  2. 1 tbsp. l. Mix crushed burdock and dandelion roots with 0.5 liters of boiling water, cook for 10 minutes, wait until it cools. Take ½ tbsp. before meals twice a day.
  3. Barley groats are poured with cold filtered water for 12 hours. You need to drink the infusion 3-4 tbsp. l. after eating for three weeks.
  4. For itching, baths with infusions of chamomile, string, and sage will help.
  5. Shots well allergic manifestations eggshell. It needs to be washed and crushed into powder. Combine 1 tbsp. l. powder and 1 tsp. lemon juice and water. Take twice daily for a week.
  6. 1 tbsp. l. pour 150 ml of boiling water over calendula flowers and cool. Drink 1 tbsp. l. three times a day.

High-quality honey and bee products also help to cope with the consequences of smoking. Smokers are recommended to eat one orange every day.

They are popular among those who are thinking about saying goodbye to a bad habit. A common question is: can there be an allergy to such cigarettes?

Part electronic means includes propylene glycol, glycerin, various herbs, aromatic additives. A reaction to any of these components is also possible. But since there are disproportionately fewer harmful substances, allergies to electronic cigarettes are less common.


Those who smoke need to stop poisoning themselves. You should also try to avoid “smoky” places and not allow smoking in your presence. If clothes are saturated with fumes, you will have to wash them. If a person is forced to stay in a room where it is smoky, it is necessary to ventilate and do wet cleaning more often.

Protecting yourself from cigarette smoke is not easy because there are many smokers, but it is possible. Moreover, the government has now tightened measures against smokers.

Today everyone knows about the dangers of cigarette smoke, mass media They never tire of publishing ominous statistics, but there are no fewer smokers. The list of risks of smoking, complications and pathologies, including cancer, is long, and relatively recently it began to include an allergy to tobacco smoke.

The results of studies of the composition of cigarette smoke are shocking; it includes the following toxic components:

  • More than 4,000 harmful chemical compounds, of which 40 cause cancer.
  • Alkaloids – nicotine, anabasine, ornicotine.
  • Carcinogens - cadmium, nickel, arsenic, benzene, catechol and about 40 other components.
  • Hydrogen cyanide (hydrogen cyanide).
  • Nitrogen dioxide, ammonia, acrolein, formaldehyde.
  • Radioactive components - polonium, bismuth, lead.

The list of toxic substances can be long, they all have a pathological effect on human organs and systems, both the smoker himself and his environment, that is, passive “consumers” of cigarette smoke. In addition to the fact that smoking destroys the body, it is one of the factors that pollutes the environment and air, which results in an allergy to tobacco smoke.

Tobacco smog contains a huge amount of toxic substances, so it is not surprising that it causes a severe allergic reaction in many people. Some people do not immediately realize that sharp deterioration Cigarettes are to blame for your health, but immediate cessation of contact with the allergen is a necessary measure.

Causes of allergies to cigarettes

Cigarette smoke contains the following components:

  • resins;
  • benzene;
  • cadmium;
  • arsenic;
  • heavy metals;
  • alkaloids.

Once in the body, they interact with other substances. Thus, particles are formed, to which the immune system has a very violent reaction. This is not the entire list of potential allergens, but the listed substances most often cause negative reactions. It is worth noting that long-term smoking has a depressive effect on the immune system, so many smokers may experience another allergic reaction in addition to an allergy to cigarettes.

In most cases, allergies to cigarettes are more severe in active smokers, since nicotine and irritants enter their bodies in maximum quantities. The allergic reaction manifests itself somewhat more easily in those around them who inhale cigarette smog while being close to smoking man. In people with diseases respiratory system Allergy to tobacco smoke develops much more often because their body is in a state of heightened reactivity.

If a person prefers to smoke only after eating, the deterioration in health may be associated with the consumption of specific products. To determine whether you are truly allergic to cigarettes, it is enough to refrain from smoking several times after meals. Since the composition tobacco products It varies from brand to brand; some people are allergic to smoking new cigarettes.

Allergic reaction to electronic cigarettes and nicotine

Today, electronic cigarettes are very popular, smoking which is considered less harmful to health. Such devices contain propylene glycol, a liquid-retaining substance. Very in rare cases this compound may slightly irritate the respiratory tract, but causes true allergic reactions much less frequently than components of tobacco smoke. Based on numerous studies, propylene glycol has been recognized as a safe substance, so for many allergy sufferers, e-cigarettes are a good alternative.

Many people are interested in whether there can be an allergy to the nicotine contained in regular and electronic cigarettes? Nicotine itself is not an allergen, but its entry into the body from the outside stimulates the production of antibodies to any foreign agents. This is why allergies to cigarettes are usually more severe than other allergic reactions.

Thus, if the use of e-cigarettes led to the development unpleasant symptoms, nicotine is only indirectly to blame for this.

How does a tobacco allergy manifest?

Since when smoke is inhaled, irritating substances come directly to the mucous membranes respiratory tract, an allergy to cigarettes is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • nasal congestion;
  • runny nose;
  • burning and itching in the nose;
  • sore throat;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • obsessive unproductive cough.

Some people, especially asthmatics, have a severe allergy to tobacco smoke, which makes their symptoms worse. Due to swelling of the larynx, an attack of suffocation may occur. This condition can be life-threatening, so when it develops angioedema you need to urgently consult a doctor. In more rare cases, an allergy to tobacco smoke is manifested by conjunctivitis: watery eyes, itching and redness of the eyes, as well as rashes on the body.

Preventing cigarette allergies

To stop the development of an allergic reaction, you need to stop contact with the allergen. Since not everyone can quit a bad habit right away, it is recommended to gradually minimize the number of cigarettes you smoke.

The use of an electronic cigarette allows you to stop the entry of irritating substances into the body. If this does not help relieve symptoms of the disease, there is a possibility of an allergy to propylene glycol. Do not forget that when using such a device, not only propylene glycol enters the body, but also various flavors and other substances included in the smoking mixture.

Using an e-cigarette can have about the same negative impact as smoking tobacco. The fact is that the smell of smoke from such cigarettes is weak, so it is very easy to get carried away by smoking them, and as a result, nicotine will enter too much high dosages. In such quantities, nicotine impairs the functioning of the immune system and increases the body's sensitization to any irritants. Therefore, when refilling electronic cigarettes, it is better to choose mixtures with a minimum amount of nicotine and flavorings, or without them at all.

Drug treatment

Allergy to tobacco requires use antihistamines until the bad habit is over. The following medications help eliminate the symptoms of the disease:

  • tablets "Erius", "Zyrtec", "Levocetirizine";

  • vasoconstrictor nasal drops “Naphthyzin”, “Sanorin”, “Rinostop”;
  • eye drops "Allergodil", "Claritin";
  • creams and ointments “Fenistil”, “Gistan”, “Advantan”.

If the allergy to smoking is severe and is accompanied by angioedema, antihistamines may not be enough, it is necessary intramuscular injection corticosteroids. The dosages of all drugs and the duration of treatment depend on the severity of the allergy and are therefore determined individually.

Causes of allergy to cigarettes and features of its development. Manifestations and symptoms of such intolerance. Diagnosis and treatment of allergic reaction to tobacco smoke. Relieving symptoms and preventing their occurrence.

Most non-smokers periodically you have to enter a room in which someone smokes or for other reasons there is tobacco smoke there. If inhaled, it may cause intolerance symptoms. Allergy to tobacco smoke, the symptoms of which are described below, occurs quite often, mainly in non-smokers who rarely come into contact with smoke.


An allergy to tobacco smoke develops in non-smokers who are forced to regularly inhale smoke for one reason or another (smoking family member, colleagues, neighbors, etc.). The phenomenon occurs as a result of so-called passive smoking.

“Passive smoking” is the process of inhaling cigarette smoke by a person standing next to the smoker. At the same time, harmful components contained in smoke settle not only in bronchopulmonary system smoker, but also someone who simply inhales smoke.

Allergies to tobacco smoke can occur for many reasons. This gas is very multicomponent. It contains a wide variety of combustion products. When some cigarettes burn, they also release flavorings and other chemical components. Intolerance can be caused by either a complex of these substances or just one of them. Ketone bodies, carcinogens, carbon dioxide - this is an incomplete list of substances that release tar from cigarettes when burned.

Allergy to tobacco has unpleasant feature. Sometimes it can even appear in rooms where people have smoked for a long time. The fact is that the tobacco molecules released during combustion are very small. They remain in the air for a long time and become components of dust. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to avoid inhaling them.

Smoke allergies develop just like any other. When a particle enters the body, the immune system recognizes it as foreign. She tries to “protect” the body from the effects of the pathogen. As a result, allergic antibodies are produced, which cause the symptoms of the reaction.


Ketone bodies have a negative effect on the nasal mucosa. It thins out and becomes looser. As a result, other allergens actively penetrate through it. Thus, smoke intolerance can be confused with another intolerance.


Most often, allergies to smoke occur in those who have a tendency to bronchopulmonary diseases, in asthmatics. Their reaction develops quickly and is particularly violent. Also, it is for them that it is most dangerous, since it can threaten the development of bronchial spasm. But the symptoms can be expressed quite mildly. Allergy to smoking manifests itself in most people as follows:

  1. Nasal congestion or mucus discharge, allergic rhinitis;
  2. Dry spasmodic cough both in smoky rooms and within a few minutes after leaving them;
  3. Pain, dryness, or sore throat;
  4. The eyes become watery and red, the eyelids swell, and there may be pain in the eyeballs, redness of proteins;
  5. Shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, sometimes suffocation.

An allergy to smoking most often begins to develop after entering a “smoky” room. However, even after moving to another room or exiting Fresh air, symptoms may continue to develop. This is due to the fact that a certain amount of allergen has already been absorbed into the body, and it also remains on the nasal mucous membranes.


Cigarette allergy cannot be diagnosed in laboratory conditions. In Russia there is no allergy test for this pathogen. However, the doctor can make such a diagnosis based on collecting anamnesis - the patient’s complaints and the nature of the course of intolerance. Specific immunotherapy, allowing to achieve long-term remission, on this type pathogen testing is also not carried out in Russia. But preventive measures can help.

To relieve the symptoms of a cigarette allergy, your doctor may recommend several remedies:

  • Antihistamines that block receptors responsible for the production of allergic antibodies. As a result, the development of the reaction is inhibited and a significant improvement in the condition occurs;
  • Antiallergic sprays can be used to relieve nasal congestion. This safe drugs, which can be used independently;
  • To get rid of the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis, purchase eye drops;
  • If developed allergic bronchitis, then you need to consult an allergist. He will prescribe bronchodilators to relieve attacks.

Asthmatics may also be prescribed special inhalers containing antiallergic components.

An allergy to cigarettes will not occur if careful preventive measures are taken. The main one is the complete exclusion of visiting premises where people smoke. Sometimes this does not correct the situation, because particles of combustion products remain on the smoker’s clothes and hair, so an allergy can begin to develop even by simply communicating with a smoker.
