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Symptoms and treatment of allergic cough in children. How to recognize an allergic cough in a child: the most dangerous symptoms

Cough is a reflex reaction of the body to irritation of the respiratory tract (most often by a foreign object). It's normal physiological manifestation, option protective function. However, in some cases, the described phenomenon occurs outside the indicated cause.

One such typical situation is an allergic cough. What is the irritant in this case, how does an allergic cough develop and how can its origin be understood? Should be sorted out.

An allergy is an autoimmune false reaction of the body, when its own defense system, designed to protect the body, fails and takes its own cells and harmless substances for dangerous invaders from outside. How does an allergy develop? allergic cough?

The basis, as already mentioned, is the induced immune response. The antigen enters the body. What an antigen is, only an allergist can say based on the results of specialized tests. IN general sense This is a substance to which a person is allergic.

Most often, the cause of an allergic cough is animal hair, house dust, plant pollen, red food (due to the content of natural dyes in them). After the invasion of the antigen, the immune system produces antibodies designed to fight the "intruder".

An antigen-antibody complex is formed. A similar structure settles on the surface of healthy cells, destroying them. In addition, as a result chemical reaction destruction of the antigen, damage occurs to mast cells (basophils), which contain a large amount of histamine in their structure. Histamine, actively spreading, also destroys cells.

Accordingly, what has been said applies to particular cases as well.

An allergic cough in a child develops according to this scheme. The "antigen-antibody" complex is localized on the walls of the bronchi, trachea (upper and lower respiratory tract), causes the destruction of local epithelial tissue cells. As a result, a cough reflex is provoked (due to irritation of a special bronchial epithelium, designed to cause a cough).

In addition, the walls of the respiratory tract are also irritated by sputum, which is abundantly produced. Its function is to remove pathogenic microflora. But in this case, the pathogen simply does not exist. The whole reaction from beginning to end is false, but it causes considerable discomfort.

Possible causes of the formation of an allergic cough

There are at least 6 main reasons for the development of this manifestation:

  • Laryngitis. It is an allergic lesion of the larynx. It develops both in children and in. This pathology of allergic genesis accounts for only about 15% of all clinical cases (an insignificant figure).
  • Allergic tracheitis. It is an inflammation of the trachea of ​​allergic origin.
  • allergic bronchitis. As its name implies, this is an inflammation of the walls of the bronchi of an allergenic etiology.
  • Bronchial asthma. Severe allergic polyetiological disease. It is a specific inflammation of the structures of the bronchi and lungs. It occurs quite often (one case per 10,000 representatives of the population of developed countries). Most often, the disease begins in childhood and progresses as they grow older. In some cases, everything happens the other way around: the disease recedes with age.
  • Allergic inflammation of the oropharynx.
  • Quincke's edema.

These diseases can be distinguished only by characteristic symptoms.

Symptoms of an allergic cough in a child

An experienced doctor is already able to make an approximate diagnosis during the initial examination, when interviewing the patient. Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine the disease only on the basis of such a symptom as an allergic cough in a child. This requires an objective study.

However, even on your own, listening to your own feelings, you can assume the presence of a particular disease. What are the characteristic symptoms?

Allergic laryngitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the throat, just below the soft palate. The pain syndrome is raw, burning. The feeling of discomfort can radiate behind the sternum, into the region of the heart (why it will be falsely mistaken for a heart attack or an angina attack). The allergic form of laryngitis is characterized by the absence of a rise in body temperature. The pain syndrome is aggravated by swallowing, talking.
  • Hoarseness of voice. The voice may disappear completely, it all depends on the severity of the allergic reaction. Perhaps the development of laryngitis in combination with Quincke's edema.
  • Feeling of a foreign object in the throat. It develops due to dryness of the mucous membrane.
  • Throat scratching sensation.
  • Cough . Cough with laryngitis is dry, the so-called. " barking cough", because in character it is similar to the barking of a dog. Later, after a few days, sputum appears. The cough becomes wet, with a clear discharge (a major difference from bronchiectasis and other non-allergic diseases, in which sputum is rarely light-colored). It is characteristic of allergic laryngitis that the duration of the disease is only a few days.
  • Shortness of breath. Testifies in favor of a hard current process. Difficulty breathing requires immediate medical attention.

The disease can develop acutely, or maybe gradually, over a long period of time. Chronic form tends to recur constantly. The symptoms are especially pronounced at night and morning time. During the day, they weaken or completely disappear.


Similar in character to laryngitis. It has the following specific manifestations:

  1. Cough. Cough is fundamentally different. It is dry, without sputum, persists throughout the day. Dominated in the morning moist cough with the release of a large amount of viscous sputum of a light shade. Without expectorants, she departs extremely poorly.
  2. Pain behind the sternum. It is impossible to accurately determine its location. Gives back.
  3. Pain syndrome in the neck. As a rule, this is where the source of pain is located.

allergic bronchitis

Characteristic manifestations:

  • Constant painful cough at any time of the day.
  • The sputum is mucous and does not go away without expectorants at all. It has no shape at all or has the shape of balls (according to the nature of the alveoli).

Bronchial asthma - along with Quincke's edema, this is the most severe, and sometimes fatal, allergic disease.. Typical for her:

  • Paroxysmal flow. In the most severe cases, it is possible to develop several attacks per day.
  • Chronic nature.
  • Duration of symptoms.
  • Strengthening of pathological symptoms during the night.
  • Shortness of breath, suffocation (on contact with an allergen).
  • The allocation of a small amount of sputum after an attack (usually).

As far as can be judged, allergic cough in a child whose symptoms are described and treatment should begin immediately, refers to non-specific manifestations.

It is inherent in many diseases at once. Instrumental and laboratory studies are called upon to put an end to the issue of differential diagnosis.

The difference between allergic cough and cough in infectious diseases

There are two fundamental differences between an allergic cough in a child and an infectious-inflammatory cough.

First and the most important difference is the nature of the sputum produced. In allergic diseases, it is always and in all cases transparent. This allows you to exclude the bacterial process.

Second the difference is the nature of the cough itself. It is paroxysmal, dry and the attack lasts, on average from several hours to several days. At its end, the specificity of the cough process changes: the described manifestation becomes wet, a large amount of medium-viscous sputum is released.

Summing up, we can say that cough with allergies has the following properties:

  • He is dry, perhaps barking.
  • It is painful in nature, it is impossible to cough normally.
  • It is less prolonged, although it can last for years in the form of seizures.
  • There are multiple accompanying symptoms: runny nose, sneezing, flow of tears, pruritus because the reaction is usually complex.
  • The amount of sputum increases at the end of the attack.
  • The sputum is light, without inclusions of yellow or green pus.

Taking conventional antitussive drugs does not help, since the nature of the process is by no means inflammatory. But the attack is quickly removed by taking antihistamine drugs..


If the upper respiratory tract is affected, consultation with an ENT doctor will also be required.

Before starting the treatment of allergic cough in a child whose symptoms have already been considered, a thorough diagnosis is required. The examination begins for the patient with the selection of a specialized specialist. Such a doctor is an allergist or pulmonologist-allergist.

At the initial appointment, the doctor will ask questions regarding the nature and duration of complaints. Already at this stage, as noted above, it is possible to make an approximate diagnosis.

Then comes the turn of functional studies: the doctor listens to the patient's breathing, dry or moist scattered rales are usually noted (typical for allergies).

Instrumental studies include:

  • FVD. The function of external respiration is designed to assess the condition of the lungs and airways, the vital volume of the lungs and other indicators.
  • Endoscopy (laryngoscopy, bronchoscopy). Allows you to assess the condition of the respiratory tract, see with your own eyes the walls of the respiratory system.

Unfortunately, most instrumental studies are powerless to establish the nature of the process. This requires specialized laboratory tests.

  • The first and most important is an allergic test. Small scratches are applied to the skin, after which they are smeared with concentrates of various substances. By the nature of the inflammation, it is determined whether there is an allergy and to what.
  • provocative tests. Should only be done in a hospital setting.
  • General blood analysis. The main indicator of the presence of allergies is eosinophilia (high levels of eosinophils in the blood).
  • A blood test for immunoglobulin E. Designed to assess the presence or absence of allergies.

These studies are sufficient to make an accurate diagnosis. If necessary, X-rays, MRI / CT are prescribed (all these examinations are needed to exclude third-party non-allergic processes).

The reasons for the development of this condition are substances of a protein nature that enter the body:

  • out of thin air
  • straight into the blood
  • with food
  • by contact.

It can be:

  • saliva of domestic and farm animals found on their fur
  • house mites, most often living in pillows, mattresses, carpets, books
  • dust containing particles of house mites
  • plant pollen
  • poultry feathers
  • household chemicals
  • aerosol cosmetics (deodorants, perfumes, hair sprays, etc.)
  • fungi.

Sometimes an allergic cough occurs as a result of a viral or bacterial disease of the respiratory tract: the microbe has long since left the body, but the immune reactions that it managed to start still take place.

It is impossible to predict what substance a child may be allergic to: it is idiosyncrasy specific organism. There is an increased risk of developing any manifestations of allergies in children from those families whose close relatives suffer from bronchial asthma or other allergic diseases.

How to understand that a cough is a symptom of an allergy

Since coughing is accompanied by such dangerous acute diseases as bronchitis and pneumonia, it is very important to know the signs of this symptom in case of allergies. They are the following:

  1. An attack of coughing occurs suddenly, sometimes you can notice that for a short period of time before the attack there was contact with an allergen (for example, a child played with a dog or picked a flower)
  2. Cough - dry, painful, can last an hour or more. If it is a sign of laryngitis, then barking, if a symptom of allergic bronchitis or asthma, then it may be accompanied by the release of a very meager amount of clear, thick sputum
  3. Temperature does not rise
  4. Seizures recur for a long time
  5. Cough occurs most often at night
  6. Accompanied allergic rhinitis in children
  7. If you give the child an antihistamine (for example, Erius or Fenistil), the cough symptoms disappear.

Dry paroxysmal cough can also occur with an inflammatory bacterial disease - whooping cough. This disease can develop in children of any age, but it is dangerous for children under 3 years old, since it is in them that it can cause respiratory arrest. How to recognize if it is an allergic cough or whooping cough?

  1. Whooping cough is accompanied by an increase in temperature, with an allergic cough, the temperature is normal.
  2. An attack of allergic cough develops after contact with an allergen - sleeping on a down pillow, communicating with animals, walking in the garden.
  3. With allergies, there are no reprises, that is, a whistling noisy breath that accompanies coughing fits.
  4. Whooping cough does not respond to antihistamines.
  5. Sputum with whooping cough can be transparent and viscous, in a small amount. More often it is cloudy, viscous, it is very difficult to remove it from the child's mouth.

In practice, by the nature of the cough, even a pediatrician often cannot distinguish whooping cough from an allergy, therefore, especially if we are talking about a child under 3 years old, it is worth going to the hospital, where they will accurately help determine the cause of this condition.

It is necessary to accurately diagnose and determine the type of allergen that caused the development of a cough in order to know how to treat the disease.

During an exacerbation, the following diagnostics are carried out:

  • general analysis blood: an inflammatory reaction indirectly indicates whooping cough, while an eosinophil count greater than 5 indicates an allergy
  • nasal swab for the presence of eosinophils in the mucosa
  • eosinophil cells are detected with allergies and in sputum
  • elevated levels of total immunoglobulin E in venous blood talks about allergies
  • if whooping cough is suspected, cough plates are tested - a bacteriological examination of sputum coughed up by a child
  • allergen detection by MAST blood test
  • enzyme immunoassay to determine the allergen.

Allergy tests - applying various allergens to scratches on the skin caused by a sterile scarifier - are performed only after recovery and only in children older than 3 years. The diameter of the formed blister is used to judge which substance could cause an allergy.

Treatment of allergic cough is divided into 2 stages - therapy for relief acute condition and treatment in the interictal period.

How to treat during attacks:

  1. Antihistamines: Fenistil, Zodak, Erius
  2. Medications that bind toxins that are inevitably formed during allergies in the intestines: Smecta, White coal, Atoxil
  3. Inhalation drugs are introduced that expand the bronchi: Eufillin, Berodual, Ventolin
  4. Be sure to follow a hypoallergenic diet, which excludes chocolate, citrus fruits, seafood, red berries and fruits

Therapy in the interictal period consists in taking:

  • antihistamines long-acting: Ketotifena, Zaditen
  • drugs - antagonists of leukotriene receptors: Singulair, Akolate
  • specific immunotherapy is the introduction under the skin in gradually increasing doses of the allergen that caused the allergic cough. It is carried out only in children older than 3 years under the supervision of an allergist.

How to prevent the development of a cough

If an allergen is identified, prevention will consist in excluding it from the child's life. If this is not possible, specific immunotherapy is necessary.

If the allergen is unknown, the following measures are taken:

  • following a hypoallergenic diet
  • pets are not allowed in the house
  • daily wet cleaning
  • Carpets are removed from walls and floors
  • pillows are replaced with those made of padding polyester and other synthetic materials
  • flowers are removed from the room where the child lives.

Thus, an allergic cough in a child is a condition that harms the state of health due to a deterioration in the supply of oxygen to the body. It is dangerous for the development of bronchial asthma. Therefore, it is important not only to stop attacks every time, but also to find out the reasons for their development, and then carry out their full prevention. Diagnosis and treatment of allergic cough is carried out only by a doctor.

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Cough in children is most often caused by infectious diseases of the respiratory tract caused by viruses or pathogenic bacteria. However, an allergy can be a fairly common cause of coughing.

The fact that the nature of the cough, most likely allergic, can suggest such features of this symptom:

  • Allergy coughs are often barking and dry.
  • Such a cough appears in a child suddenly in the form of seizures.
  • The cough is often prolonged and lasts up to two to three weeks.
  • Temperature with such a cough, as a rule, does not happen.
  • The cough often comes on at night.

Coughing is often not the only symptom of an allergic reaction. In addition to coughing fits, the baby may have:

  • Runny nose.
  • Sneezing.
  • Perspiration and itching in the throat and nasopharynx.
  • Tearing.
  • Discomfort after coughing.
  • Pain on inhalation.

Differences between allergic cough and cough with bronchitis or whooping cough

An allergic cough is similar to the coughing fits that occur with whooping cough or with acute bronchitis. Often it is a dry cough, which is called barking. Sputum with it is separated with difficulty, and before an attack, the child may feel suffocation (complains of lack of air) caused by swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Unlike a cough caused by an infection, the general condition of the child is almost not disturbed, and the body temperature remains within the normal range. In addition, an allergic cough can often be associated with the action of an allergen, for example, it occurs during the flowering period of certain plants, after sleeping on a pillow with down, or after communicating with a pet.

The difference between an allergic cough and an infectious one is also the effectiveness of the use of antiallergic drugs. If you give such a drug to a child, the intensity of an allergic cough immediately decreases until the attack is completely relieved.

Type of cough Dry

In most cases, a child with allergies suffers from a dry cough. Such a cough exhausts the baby, can last for a long time in the form of attacks and very often manifests itself at night. In many cases, a systematic pattern is noted in the appearance of a cough, for example, it occurs in the spring or winter.

A wet cough of an allergic nature is much less common than a dry one. If sputum is secreted during a cough caused by an allergic reaction, then it is transparent and does not contain pus. Due to its transparency and high viscosity, it is called vitreous.


With a prolonged dry cough of a child, it is important to show the pediatrician. The doctor will confirm that there is no infectious cause for the cough and recommend tests that will help identify allergens. The child will:

  • Complete blood count (pay attention to the number of eosinophils).
  • Blood chemistry.
  • Determination of the level of IgE in the blood.
  • X-ray examination of the chest.
  • Sputum analysis (with a wet cough).
  • Tests that determine the function of breathing.
  • Skin tests for allergens (in children older than 3 years).
  • Enzyme immunoassay for allergens.

How to treat?

Since a certain allergen enters the child's body to cause an allergic cough, the basis for treating such a symptom is getting rid of this allergen, as well as stopping the body's reaction.

If the cause is a food allergy, cough-provoking foods are removed from the diet.

Dust is a common allergen, so when an allergic cough appears, it is important to regularly ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning.

If you are allergic to a pet, you should decide on his contacts with the child.

It is important to maintain cleanliness in the apartment Preparations for treatment

Medications prescribed for children with allergies represent a group antihistamines. These include:

  • Zyrtec - drops are used from 6 months, tablets - from 6 years of age.
  • Ketotifen - syrup with 6- one month old, tablets - from 3 years.
  • Zodak - drops are allowed from the year, tablets - from 6 years.
  • Erius - syrup is prescribed for one-year-old children and older, and tablets - from 12 years old.
  • Cetrin - syrup is given from 2 years old, tablets - for children over 6 years old.
  • Fenistil - drops are given to children older than 1 month.
  • Suprastin - used from 1 month.

In addition to antihistamines, the child may be prescribed sorbents, for example, Enterosgel, Activated carbon or Polysorb, as well as drugs that relax the bronchi.

How to relieve a coughing fit?

For fast elimination attack use modern antihistamines. At the same time, we note that to choose the right remedy that will help your child, only a doctor should. Suprastin is often used, since an injection of this remedy helps to remove a cough in 5-10 minutes (tablets act a little longer - about 20 minutes).

If allergic symptoms are caused by exposure to pollen or dust, a spray that is injected into the baby's nose can improve the child's condition. These can be drugs Cromohexal (from 5 years old), Levocabastin (from 6 years old), Allergodil (from 6 years old).

You can quickly relieve coughing attacks with an inhaler How to do inhalation?

Inhalations are able to quickly cope with an allergic cough, for which a nebulizer is used.

The device can be filled with physiological saline or mineral water. This procedure will moisten the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which will ease the cough.

There are also inhaled forms of drugs that affect the bronchi.

This drug belongs to the hormonal agents often used for bronchial asthma and other diseases of the respiratory system, in which breathing is difficult. He is noted for the ability to relieve swelling of the bronchi, reduce inflammation and prevent spasm of the smooth muscles of the bronchial tree.

Before making an inhalation with Pulmicort, you should consult a doctor, since the dose for each child is selected individually. The drug is prescribed from 6 months of age. The required amount of medicine is diluted with saline, poured into a nebulizer and a procedure is carried out, the effect of which will be noticeable within ten minutes.

With berodual

The drug is used for dry allergic cough, in which the sputum is very viscous. Its main action is to expand the bronchi by relaxing their smooth muscles. Before using it, a consultation with a pediatrician is required to determine the correct dosage. The drug in the right dose is diluted with saline to obtain 4 ml of solution. Bay it in a nebulizer, let the child inhale. The procedure is repeated 4 times a day.

Komarovsky's opinion

A well-known pediatrician emphasizes that only a specialist can figure out whether a prolonged cough for several weeks or months is caused by an allergy or whether it is a sluggish infection. However, when acute manifestations parents are able to distinguish it from an infection independently.

Komarovsky emphasizes that poor appetite, drowsiness and lethargy, as well as fever should prompt parents to think about the infection. In addition, with SARS, the symptoms will not be limited to just a cough. The child will complain of a runny nose, pain when swallowing, or headaches.

If there is no fever and other manifestations of infection, and the general condition has not changed much, Komarovsky advises parents to reflect on what preceded the disease. Did the child go to a new place (on a visit or to the country), did the parents buy something new, did they treat the child to an unfamiliar dish, did they change the brand of household chemicals, and so on. Allergies, according to Komarovsky, should also be considered if only the child is ill, and all other family members are healthy.

See more about this in the program of Dr. Komarovsky.

The best way to prevent an allergic cough is to protect your child from possible allergens as much as possible. Even during the period of bearing a child, the mother is advised to exclude allergenic foods or significantly limit them. Also, a pregnant woman should walk more.

When a child is born, you need to carefully examine his skin and, at the first manifestations of diathesis, immediately consult a doctor. Such a problem should not be considered a harmless condition that will pass by itself and does not require medical intervention.

For information on how to quickly find the source of an allergy, see Dr. Komarovsky's program.

In the child's room, wet cleaning should be carried out regularly, and direct contact with pets should be limited. Use hypoallergenic cosmetics and baby-safe household chemicals.

Remember that any allergy symptoms require the reaction of both parents and doctors, since inaction can lead to complications, such as bronchial asthma.

Cough can be a manifestation of various diseases, but it does not always speak specifically about the disease, being sometimes a protective reaction of the body from harmful to it. external influences. For example, when it comes to allergies. This situation is often faced by young parents and begin to stuff the child with medicines. But before treating an allergic cough in a child, it is urgent to make a diagnosis and understand what exactly caused it. Then eliminate the cause.

In medicine, an allergy is a reaction of the body's defense system to certain irritants. We can say that it is beneficial, because if the immune system had not reacted to the negative impact, the body might not have coped. And so measures are taken, the effect of the allergen is eliminated, and everything returns to normal.

"What is the treatment for allergic cough in a child?" - one of the most popular questions that young mothers ask in the offices of pediatricians. The current generation of children is not distinguished by strong immunity, and allergies at a tender age, alas, are a frequent occurrence.

Someone never wonders how an allergic cough in a child is treated. Allergy symptoms never make themselves felt. Some people suffer all their lives.

Whether a person is allergic or not, as a rule, becomes clear already in infancy. Children whose bodies react violently to certain foods or other substances with skin rashes are likely to continue to suffer from allergic reactions. Parents of these kids need to be on the lookout all the time.

In addition, the cause of allergies in the future can be diseases transferred in infancy, when immunity is still practically at zero. It is difficult for the body to fight the sore, and it fails.

Are at risk and those children whose close relatives also suffer from allergies. hereditary factor is of great importance in this case.

One of the most alarming conditions for parents is a dry allergic cough in a child. Than to treat it and stuff the child with drugs, of course, it is better to prevent the disease.

And prevention should begin even during the bearing of the baby. From the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman should walk a lot away from polluted highways, refuse to eat obviously allergenic foods and, of course, cross out all bad habits.

Both before and after the birth of a child, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness in the house - to do wet cleaning, to ventilate the room more often. It is better to protect the newborn from contact with animals. At the slightest suspicion of diathesis, the baby should be urgently shown to the doctor.

So, what is the treatment for allergic cough in a child whose symptoms are quite specific? Before giving any medication, it should be precisely established that the baby is coughing precisely because of the allergy. The main symptoms of an allergic cough are:

  • dryness (if sputum happens, it is not abundant and transparent);
  • protracted, paroxysmal, debilitating character;
  • cough begins suddenly, under certain conditions (after eating some food, after communicating with animals, during the flowering of certain plants, etc.);
  • cough like barking;
  • attacks occur more often at night;
  • often cough is accompanied by sneezing, itching in the nasopharynx and runny nose;
  • cough is not accompanied by fever;
  • shortness of breath is often present;
  • cough disappears after taking anti-allergic drugs.

Experts distinguish several types of allergic cough. Among them are:

  • Dry - most often occurs during cold or heat.
  • Barking character - accompanied by a hoarse voice. Sounds like the barking sound of a dog. Breathing is difficult.
  • Night cough - lasts a long time (two to three hours). The eyes are watery, clear mucus flows from the nasal passages.

As noted above, coughing can be manifestations of various diseases, including bronchitis or whooping cough. It is important for parents to correctly assess the condition of the baby in order to take the necessary measures in time. After all, in particular, whooping cough can pose a direct threat to life, and you can not hesitate to get medical help.

Of course, it is best to immediately consult a doctor. Competent doctors, before treating an allergic cough in a child, analyze the symptoms in depth. And they make the right decisions. And parents, being in anxiety are not always able to think clearly.

But still, how does cough with allergies differ from other diseases?

  • Bronchitis cough is accompanied by the release of thick copious sputum, and allergic, as a rule, is not.
  • Whooping cough and bronchitis occur with an increase in temperature, and with allergies, this indicator remains normal.
  • Coughing fits with whooping cough are accompanied by a wheezing, and this is not observed with an allergic cough.
  • With whooping cough, the sputum is thick and viscous. It is quite difficult to remove it from the child's mouth.
  • Anti-allergic drugs do not relieve coughing fits with bronchitis or whooping cough.

How and how allergic cough is treated in a child, diagnosis will help to say for sure. After all, even if the fact of an allergy is not questioned, it is difficult to determine what exactly it is caused by.

First of all, the pediatrician examines the baby, listens to him, assesses the nature of the cough, measures the temperature and talks with the parents, determining the type of disease. If there is an allergy, a special test is performed. Small incisions are made on the skin in the forearm area with a scarifier, which are filled with a certain reagent (allergen in small doses). If redness or blisters appear on the skin, itching begins, etc., then it is this allergen that causes the cough reaction. The reason is found - you can prescribe treatment. (This type of diagnosis is not carried out in relation to children under three years of age).

Often, when making a diagnosis, a blood test for the level of immunoglobulin is also prescribed, which allows to detect allergic reactions.

Obviously, in search of an answer to the question of how an allergic cough is treated in a child, determining the cause plays a very important role. important role. The list of provoking factors is huge, but the main ones are:

  • Domestic causes - dust, fungus, harmful insects (cockroaches), etc.
  • Food - honey, milk, citrus fruits, chocolate, eggs, nuts and strawberries are considered the most common allergens.
  • The causes of the epidermal nature are the wool or fluff of animals, their saliva, bird feathers, waste products, substances secreted by insects during bites.
  • Causes of a physical nature - cold, heat.
  • Mechanical reasons - mechanical damage skin.
  • Chemical causes - household chemicals, cosmetics, drugs.

After making a diagnosis and identifying the allergen, the first thing to do is to isolate the child from the irritant, or at least minimize contact.

If the incident nevertheless occurred (the child grabbed the cat and coughed heavily), the attack is removed with a special drug (Suprastin, Tavegil, Diazolin, Erius, etc.). But only after the allergen is removed to a safe distance, otherwise there will be no effect. Injections stop the attack within ten minutes. Tablets are somewhat slower - they begin to act in twenty to thirty minutes.

In cases where the allergen cannot be removed, antiallergic drugs will not help - hormonal ones are needed. Allergy inevitably causes intoxication of the body, for the elimination of which they take white coal, "Smecta" and similar drugs.

What is the treatment for allergic cough in a child yet? Children over three years of age may be recommended the “hardening” method, when an allergen is injected under the skin, each time increasing the dose, and as a result, the body develops immunity. Cough is well eliminated by inhalation, expanding the bronchi.

In the treatment of allergic cough in a non-acute period, doctors often prescribe Gerbion syrup based on plantain. This and some other plants faithful friends allergy sufferers, which is well known in traditional medicine.

"Whose children have an allergic cough, what do you treat?" - sometimes an alarmed mother asks other parents. And experienced parents share proven folk recipes:

  • drip aloe juice into the nose (well removes phlegm);
  • boiled and chopped bay leaf mixed with a few teaspoons of honey and a pinch of soda - give a remedy during an attack;
  • as a drink for attacks, use the water in which the onions were boiled (several onions per liter);
  • gargle with water (you can add sea salt) after walking.

The favorite of moms and dads, who has already become almost a legend, Dr. Komarovsky, answering the question of how to relieve an attack and how an allergic cough is treated in a child, urges not to panic and approaches the situation with humor. So, for example, he considers the first remedy for an allergic cough ... the establishment of a dog. Which will "bring" parents out for walks with their children. And fresh air for an allergic person is the best medicine.

The doctor also advises to humidify the room (during attacks, you can open the hot water tap in the bathroom to create steam). And another sure remedy is to drink plenty of water.

Komarovsky is categorically against total purity, which, in his opinion, just leads to allergic reactions of an unhardened organism. But, of course, it is necessary to keep order, because an excess of dust is harmful for a healthy person, but for an allergic person it is fatal.

The doctor agrees with his colleagues that the first thing to do is to exclude the patient's contact with the allergen if possible (that is, completely eliminate the cause), and then treat the effect. Otherwise, there will be no positive result.

Well, naturally physical activity, hardening, quality products, clothing made from natural fabrics and most importantly (as in any business) - a positive attitude!

Treatment of allergic cough in children

The complex treatment of allergic cough in children is aimed at reducing sensitivity to the allergen (desensitization), getting rid of it as far as possible (immune therapy), as well as relieving symptoms - bronchospasm.

To reduce sensitivity to an allergen, as a means general treatment allergic cough in children, antihistamine (antiallergic) drugs are used. They block histamine - a mediator of the human body's reactions to allergens.

It should be noted that the frequently prescribed first-generation antiallergic drugs (diphenhydramine, diprazine, suprastin, pilfen, pipolfen, tavegil) have not only a sedative (sedative) effect and cause drowsiness. Among the negative side effects of these popular drugs, their effect on the formation of nerve connections in children, even with moderate therapeutic doses. In addition, taking these medications leads to dryness of the respiratory mucosa, that is, the cough can become more intense with thick sputum in addition. It is for this reason that these medicines give children a maximum of five days. For example, tavegil (aka clemastine) is strictly contraindicated in children under one year old. And for children under the age of 12, it is prescribed 0.5 tablets 2 times a day (before meals, with a small amount of water).

In antihistamines latest generation- claritin, fenistil, zirtek, kestin - no sedative effect. So, claritin (aka lomilan, lotaren, clallergin, etc.) is available in the form of tablets and syrup. The dose of the drug for children from 2 to 12 years old is 5 ml of syrup (1 teaspoon) or half a tablet (5 mg) with a body weight not exceeding 30 kg; for children over 12 years old daily dose is 1 tablet (10 mg) or 2 teaspoons of syrup.

The best, although the longest (for three to five years) treatment of any allergy and allergic cough in children is allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT), which "accustoms" the body's immune system to allergens. The method is based on the introduction to the patient of gradually increasing doses of the same allergen that causes an allergic reaction. According to allergists, as a result of this treatment, the immune system simply stops responding to a previously unbearable stimulus.

Symptomatic treatment of allergic cough in children is carried out with the help of antispasmodic drugs, which reduce or completely remove bronchospasm and coughing fits. The drug Berotek in the form of a 0.1% solution for inhalation counteracts the development of bronchospastic reactions. It is prescribed for children 6-12 years old, 5-10 drops, over 12 years old - 10-15 drops per inhalation. Inhalations are carried out no more than four times a day, before use, the drug must be diluted in one teaspoon of saline.

An effective expectorant solutan (oral solution) is taken by children from one to 6 years old, 5 drops three times a day; from 6 to 15 years - 7-10 drops. For children 2-6 years old, it is better to use an aerosol for inhalation of salbutamol (ventolin) - 1-2 mg 3 times a day.

Cough syrup glycodin with terpinhydrate and levomenthol should be taken 3-4 times a day: children aged 4-6 years - a quarter teaspoon, 7-12 years old, half a teaspoon. And the preparation fluifort in the form of a syrup has a mucolytic (thinning sputum) and expectorant effect. Children aged 1 to 5 years are prescribed half a teaspoon 2-3 times a day, older children - a teaspoon three times a day.

Cough in children of the first years of life is one of the most common symptoms inflammatory, viral and infectious diseases of the respiratory tract.

Most often, with a weak cough and the absence of other manifestations of the disease, parents begin to treat the baby themselves, giving him antitussive pharmaceutical and folk remedies.

But such treatment will not help if an allergic cough develops.

To eliminate it, it will be necessary to find out the main cause of the disease and undergo a course of special treatment, which the doctor can choose based on the tests.

What causes an allergic cough in a child

An allergic cough in a child develops as a result of the reaction of the bronchi to one of the types of allergens.

The allergen that has entered the body causes a specific immune reaction, the production of inflammatory mediators occurs, which cause all the manifestations of allergies, including coughing.

In most cases, allergen provocateurs enter the bronchial tree along with the air flow, in this case, with the help of cough shocks, the bronchi try to get rid of the irritant.

Less commonly, allergens that cause an allergic cough enter the body with food or through the blood.

Common Causes

More often, allergic cough in children develops if they suffered from diathesis in infancy.

The predisposing factors of the disease also include:

  1. hereditary predisposition. An allergic cough in babies develops more often if blood relatives have a history of bronchial asthma, neurodermatitis, pollinosis, ;
  2. Reduced work of immunity;
  3. Bad environmental conditions;
  4. Constant smoking in the apartment;
  5. Introduction to the diet of a large number of products with dyes, flavors and other chemical additives;
  6. Helminth infestation.

Allergic cough mainly develops for the first time in children from one and a half years and more, all babies are susceptible to it. preschool age.

And if enough time is given to the treatment of the disease at this time, then you can completely cope with the disease and prevent the development of such a disease as bronchial asthma.

Causes of dry allergic cough

There are actually quite a lot of elements alien to our immune system that can provoke an allergic cough. But most often dry cough is caused by:

  • House dust. It has been established that in any residential area there are millions of dust mites, the waste products of which have a protein structure and can cause an allergic cough. It has been proven that in more than 60% of cases the cause of the disease lies precisely in allergies to house dust;
  • Animal saliva protein;
  • Pollen from flowering shrubs, trees, flowers;
  • Means of household chemicals;
  • Cosmetics with strong smell- perfumes, aerosols, deodorants.

An allergic cough in any child can also appear as a result of the use of an allergenic food product for him.

At the same time, in addition to coughing, burning and sore throat, swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth, rashes on the body can disturb.

Causes of an attack

A painful allergic attack is caused by a large number of allergens entering the respiratory tract or digestive system at once.

An attack can occur in a child at the time of contact with a pet, especially at a party if no pets are kept at home.

A strong reaction of the bronchi also occurs to substances of a biological nature of origin - pollen and microparticles of plants.

With a tendency to allergic reactions, an attack can be provoked by staying in a smoky room, sharp inhalation of odors, taking a number of medications, and excessive physical activity.

Usually after contact with the allergen is interrupted, coughing shocks gradually decrease and the state of health stabilizes.

Symptoms and main differences of allergic cough

It is difficult for a non-specialist to distinguish an allergic cough in a child from a cold.

But there are several signs that will help parents assume that their baby is developing an allergic reaction, these are:

  • sudden appearance cough. Some parents note that before the attack, the child played with a dog or cat, was in a forest or field. Read on the topic -;
  • The barking nature of the attack;
  • Absence of sputum or minor highlight;
  • The duration of an allergic cough is up to several weeks;
  • Strengthening of the attack at night;
  • No temperature;
  • Simultaneous development with the formation of a large amount of mucus and sneezing;
  • Absence positive effect when taking antitussive and expectorant drugs.

An allergic type of cough in children occurs in any month of the year. But if its cause, then exacerbations occur in the spring and summer.

We remove the attack

With the development of an attack of an allergic cough, parents should not be lost, because their correct actions depend general well-being child. Pediatricians advise to adhere to such rules:

In the event that an attack of the disease is accompanied by severe shortness of breath, suffocation, blue or blanching of the skin of the face, wheezing, then you should first call ambulance and then, until her arrival, provide first aid on her own.

With allergic laryngospasm, all of the above activities should be carried out, and in addition to them, you can seat the child in the bathroom, where they first turn on hot water. High humidity reduces the attack.

Is it necessary to carry out diagnostics in a medical institution?

Identification of the cause of allergic cough in medical institution necessarily, as soon as complete diagnostics the state of the child's body allows you to choose an effective course of treatment.

When conducting application tests and blood tests, the type of allergen is revealed, which in the future will reduce contact with the irritant to a minimum.

When examining a child, a general blood test is also prescribed, if necessary, feces for dysbacteriosis and worm eggs.

If the baby has concomitant diseases, then their treatment has a positive effect on the state of the immune system, which in turn reduces the likelihood of developing an allergic cough.

Treatment of the disease in children

Treatment of allergic cough is prescribed by an allergist. In addition to antihistamines, the child is prescribed, drugs that strengthen the immune system are selected.

Treatment came to be carried out in full, as soon as it would reduce the likelihood of developing bronchial asthma and other allergic diseases in later life.

Parents also need to remember that a coughing fit can appear at any time after contact with an allergen, so you need to try to make sure that the child experiences the irritant as little as possible.

The use of modern medicines.

When treating allergies in children, it is very important to choose the right antihistamine drug, since many of them, with a long course of therapy, can cause negative changes in the nervous system and internal organs.

Medicines such as Suprastin, Tavegil, Pipolfen, Diphenhydramine cause drowsiness, so you can not use them for more than 5 days.

The last generation of drugs cause the least side effects, these are:

Therefore, it is these drugs that are most often prescribed to children, but when choosing them, it is also important to take into account the age of the baby.

Spasm from the bronchi is relieved with the help of drugs Berotek, Berodual.

They are diluted in saline and sprayed into the bronchi with a nebulizer.

Inhaled Salbutomol or Fluifort syrup has an expectorant effect, they are prescribed for the formation of difficult-to-separate sputum.

All medicines for the child should be prescribed by a doctor, since it is important to choose not only single dosage, but also general therapy chickens.

When choosing drugs, other pathologies that the child may suffer from are also taken into account.

What does traditional medicine offer

In addition to the main treatment are often used and unconventional methods.

Traditional medicine at allergic form cough offers:

  • Carry out rinsing of the throat and nose after each visit to the street. use plain water, in which it is not forbidden to add a little sea or ordinary salt. The rinsing procedure removes some of the allergens from the mucous layer and, therefore, reduces the manifestations of an allergic reaction.
  • Cough medicine. It is prepared from a small spoonful of honey, an equal amount of soda and laurel leaves. Leaves in the amount of two or three pieces are boiled in a glass of boiling water, then honey and soda are added to this strained liquid. You need to take the solution during an attack in a quarter cup.

Disease prevention

An allergic cough in a child can be repeated again and again. Therefore, the task of parents is to make the number of seizures as minimal as possible.

For this you should:

  • Minimize contact with the identified allergen. Sometimes, unfortunately, you have to give pets to friends - dogs, cats, but without this, if you are allergic to the disease, it will only progress.
  • In the child's room, constantly carry out wet cleaning. You should also get rid of things in which dust accumulates the most, these are soft toys, heavy curtains, carpets, feather pillows.
  • When diathesis appears in a small child, it is imperative to find out the cause of the problem and choose hypoallergenic food for the child. If at this age you do not pay attention to, then in the future the child's likelihood of developing allergies increases many times over.
  • The child should try to feed only natural and healthy products. Food stuffed with various chemical compounds often becomes a provocateur of allergic diseases.

An allergic type of cough that occurs in a child must be treated in a timely manner. If you delay the visit to the doctor, then the development of bronchial asthma becomes a very real event.

A cough is an attempt by the body to get rid of an irritant in the bronchi, larynx, trachea, or sinuses. The most common reason for this response is related to viral diseases, but often cough occurs due to allergies. If parents observe suspicions of an allergic cough in a child, what to treat, what to look for and how to recognize the allergen are issues that need to be addressed first. Delay can lead to the fact that a harmless reaction to pollen, wool or food will result in prolonged asthma.

Why does cough occur

Receptors in the larynx, inside of the nose and bronchi capture any foreign body or substance and transmit information about it to the brain. The immune system then releases inflammatory mediators. After that, a normal reflex reaction occurs - the lungs clear the airways from the irritant with a strong forced exhalation.

But if in the case of sputum or a liquid that accidentally got into the trachea, the cough copes, then it does not deal with allergens. Each breath draws millions of molecules into the bronchi into the bronchi, which the immune system sometimes determines as dangerous, so allergic cough in children will continue until the child is moved to an environment without an irritant or given medication to drink.

Hypersensitivity and, as a result, cough, cause:

  • pollen of flowering trees, shrubs, grasses (especially Asteraceae);
  • dust and dust mites;
  • feline or dog's fur;
  • mold spores;
  • synthetic substances (latex, detergents, nickel);
  • food products;
  • wasp or bee venom;
  • medicines (usually antibiotics).

Even if the stimulus does not directly affect respiratory system(eg, latex), an allergic cough attack may occur. This is due to IgE and E antibodies, which initiate not only coughing, but also redness, runny nose, stinging eyes, rashes, etc. In healthy people, negative reactions are not observed, because the immunity of an allergic person is pathological.

How to recognize an allergic cough

Dry allergic cough is often confused with the initial stage of whooping cough. The main difference from infection is that attacks in 8 out of 10 cases are accompanied by a feeling of lack of air, suffocation. Sputum is not excreted at all or comes out with difficulty. It is not formed due to an immune response, so a wet, squelching cough is almost never observed. The general condition and well-being of the child remains normal, the body temperature does not rise. A runny nose, stuffy nose and itching can give noticeable discomfort.

In addition to difficult breathing, symptoms of an allergic cough in children may include:

  • seizures are sudden;
  • barking dry cough often comes on at night;
  • elevated temperature is not observed;
  • in addition to a nocturnal cough, it manifests itself immediately after waking up and in the evening before going to bed;
  • cough may not stop for several weeks, go into a sluggish state and resume with renewed vigor.

One or more of these symptoms indicate that the baby is suffering from hypersensitivity. It can manifest itself at any time, be episodic due to the possible change of locations. Also, in addition to coughing, the irritant sometimes causes a runny nose, frequent sneezing, pain in the eyes, sore throat.

Try to determine if the child starts coughing after sleeping on a down pillow, contact with a pet, or when wearing clothes from an old closet, eating a certain food, etc. If you notice such a pattern, limit contact with a possible irritant. So you will help the doctor to make the correct diagnosis of where the child has a cough, and make life easier for the baby if the correct treatment is prescribed. In addition to oral information, the pediatrician will prescribe the following tests:

  • general blood analysis;
  • biochemical analysis blood;
  • analysis for the concentration of IgE in the blood;
  • chest x-ray (rare);
  • sputum smear;
  • analysis for allergens (enzymatic immunoassay).

Prevention of allergic cough in a child

Prevention is easy to do if you know what is causing the defensive reaction. If it is dust, ventilate the apartment at least three times a week, and even better - daily. Thoroughly clean pillows, blanket sofas, carpets from dust.

Pay special attention to the pillow, because at night the child can lie face down on it and inhale the old dust. To avoid this, pillowcases should always be clean, and the pillow itself should not be downy.

If the baby reacts to the fur of a pet, the latter should be taken to friends or parents at least for the time of active molting (spring-summer and late autumn). If it is impossible to prevent children from contacting a cat or dog, comb your four-legged pet outside the apartment and wash it 3-4 times a week. Also, due to a decrease in hormonal levels, pets shed 60-80% less if they are spayed.

With hypersensitivity to a certain type of food, you need to remove it from the diet altogether. It is important not to confuse food allergies with gastrointestinal disorders from the difficulty of digesting it. For example, up to 20% of children are unable to fully digest lactose due to a reduced concentration of the lactase enzyme.

When consuming dairy products, people with incompatibilities get symptoms that are similar to allergic reactions, but they are not. In addition to the incompatibility of products with lactose, some symptoms appear when the level of acidity of gastric juice is below normal.

It will not be possible to completely protect the child, but you are able to minimize the number of contacts with irritants: the fewer such “meetings”, the less likely the development of complications. Prevention also includes folk remedies:

  1. Rinsing the nasopharynx with water and salt or plain clean warm water.
  2. Syrup of garlic, honey or sugar, infused for 2-3 weeks - take a tablespoon once a day.
  3. 10 bay leaves are boiled in a liter of water, then a tablespoon of honey and soda is added.

Varieties of cough

Cough with allergies in children is dry and wet. Dry occurs most often, it is systematic, often begins at night or early in the morning. Barking heavy cough passes within 10-15 minutes to several hours. In advanced cases, hypersensitivity continues for days.

If the cough is too strong, it results in inflammation of the mucous membrane, pain and sore throat, loss of voice. To quickly relieve the effects of an attack, give your baby a good antihistamine. Such drugs keep the effect up to 12-24 hours, depending on the half-life. To reduce inflammation of the throat and sore throat, make tea, ask the child to gargle with warm water, spray with a nebulizer. This will moisten the organs of the larynx, hardened from constant “tearing”.

Wet cough- a rare event. Sputum looks transparent, without pus. It is called vitreous. It is formed after a long attack, when the mucous membrane of the throat becomes inflamed to such an extent that the salivary secretion thickens when released and accumulates like a “lump in the throat” during sharp forced exhalations, while this does not pose a danger. If a cough on the background of hypersensitivity occurred during a viral illness, in addition to antihistamines, mucolytic agents that thin sputum should be taken.

Cough in babies

In a newborn child or infant up to 6-12 months, allergic reactions in the vast majority of cases occur due to artificial feeding. If the baby is not fed baby food, but hypersensitivity in the form of cough or redness still manifests itself, the nursing mother should review her diet and remove foods from it that can cause an allergic reaction. Give up sesame, nuts, milk, legumes, honey, citrus and cereal products for a while.

In the hospital, hypersensitivity of infants is diagnosed by external examination and interviewing parents. In severe cases, a blood test is taken and ultrasound diagnostics abdominal cavity. If one of the parents is sick active form allergies or asthma, the chance that a baby under one year old will have similar health problems is 30-80% higher than that of children from healthy people.

The immunity of the crumbs is not able to withstand external threats, so IgE and E proteins react to everything. Treating a newborn on your own is fraught. Contact the clinic, because the selection of drugs for the treatment of young children is a complex and responsible process. In no case do not self-medicate if you do not know what to do.

What to do if a child coughs due to allergies

The first thing to do with an allergic cough is to limit the baby's contact with the irritant. If it's a dust mite, take your child to the park for some fresh air. If pollen sensitivity, limit outdoor play during active flowering and replace indoor plants with ornamentals or conifers. If the allergen is unknown, you need to undergo treatment at the clinic. In addition to the tests listed above, agree to skin tests - a scraper of the upper part of the dermis and applying the alleged allergen in its place. Accurate identification of the irritant will effectively deal with the manifestations of allergies.

How to relieve coughing attacks in a child:

  • taking antihistamines, cortisone, theophylline, or sodium cromoglycate. For children, in the vast majority of cases, only antihistamines are used because they are the safest;
  • installation of air purifiers with carbon filters in the house;
  • vaccination. Introduction immune stimulant IgG- last resort which is prescribed exclusively by doctors. Appropriate if no other treatment is working;
  • taking sorbents, activated charcoal - if the allergy is caused food product or liquid;
  • let the child drink warm tea, inhale with saline through a nebulizer.

If you are interested in the question of how to relieve an attack of an allergic cough in a child, pay attention to drugs that inhibit the cough reflex: drugs based on phenylbutyrate dihydrogen, bithiodine, glaucine. Please note that you can take such drugs only after the permission of the doctor. Don't be self-employed. How to cure a child, the pediatrician knows best. Remember that the most the best treatment is prevention. Keep your home clean, dust free, see your doctor when you first suspect an allergy, and use quality products.

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Allergic cough in a child: how to treat, symptoms and causes

Respiratory diseases and allergic cough in children are a common problem that should be dealt with as early as possible. In order to successfully treat this disease, you need to know about the causes of such an unhealthy reaction.

Allergic cough in a child, its treatment and prevention are associated with irritation of the respiratory tract by various allergens:

  • Microscopic particles of animal hair.
  • Dust mites found in pillows.
  • Reaction to food.
  • Plant pollen, after contact with which an allergic attack of coughing occurs.
  • Presence of molds in the house harmful bacteria.
  • Book or house dust, as the main provocateur of the disease.

At the same time, a minimal amount of the allergen is enough for contact with it to cause an allergic dry cough in a child - its treatment differs from the treatment of ordinary bronchitis. It is not always possible to identify the disease immediately. As a rule, only a doctor can do this based on the collected data on the condition of the baby and the frequency of occurrence of such a symptom as an allergic cough.

In this case, the symptoms of the disease appear unexpectedly, at any time of the year and are not associated with a cold: the child does not have a high temperature, he did not come into contact with patients viral infection. However, you need to clearly know how to identify an allergic cough in a child, since the disease tends to develop into more serious illness namely, asthma.


There are quite a few reasons for the appearance of a dry, non-SARS-related cough in babies. If particles of an irritating substance enter the respiratory tract, bouts of severe coughing occur, which may also be accompanied by sneezing, watery eyes and general malaise.

At the same time, the symptoms of an allergic cough in a child do not indicate any disease, but are a sign of an excessive reaction to certain substances. Together with allergic conjunctivitis and rhinitis, such an ailment can seriously affect the well-being of children, especially those under the age of 1 year.

Doctors clarify in their answers to parents how allergic cough manifests itself in children, its symptoms should be distinguished from colds and bronchitis:

  1. An unexpected start without warning. An attack can occur both at home and on the street.
  2. The simultaneous presence of a runny nose, or rather - watery discharge from the nose, accompanied by frequent sneezing.
  3. Nocturnal paroxysmal cough, practically ending during the day.
  4. Protracted cough with allergies - symptoms in children are observed up to 3 weeks or more.
  5. No sputum or clear discharge.
Symptoms of the disease may first appear or worsen against the background of a long-term sore throat or when taking certain medications.

Differences from respiratory diseases

If the cause of the malaise is an allergy, the cough has distinctive features:

  • In most cases, seizures occur against the background of complete health, without fever and general malaise.
  • Allergy and its manifestations concerning the respiratory tract are different from whooping cough. In both cases, the attacks can be prolonged, but the signs of an allergic cough in a child may only resume after contact with the allergen, for example, at night or after walking outside during the flowering period of plants. In addition, unlike whooping cough, there is no vitreous sputum in allergic cough.
  • During an attack, the baby has shortness of breath, cough is dry and barking, but the voice, unlike laryngitis, will not be hoarse.
  • The doctor will tell parents how to understand that the child's cough is allergic, and not caused by bronchitis. In this case, expectorants and mucolytics do not have the desired effect. In addition, the baby does not have a temperature, and the throat is not reddened.

If the baby behaves restlessly, begins to choke and an allergic dry cough occurs in the child, how to treat it and what medications to take, you need to ask a specialist. If you are prone to allergies, diathesis, you can immediately take an antihistamine - 1 tablet of suprastin, diazolin or put a candle in diphenhydramine.


With rare exceptions, an allergic cough in a child cannot be cured with medication alone. In this situation, a set of preventive measures is needed:

  • Consultation of a pediatrician and an allergist. A detailed survey will help to establish what exactly causes a deterioration in the health of the baby. Diagnostic measures will also be mandatory - a blood test and skin tests. This will help determine exactly which allergen caused the disease and choose the treatment for an allergic cough in a child.
  • If the irritant is known, all measures should be taken to reduce the frequency of contact with it. In spring and summer, with allergies to flower pollen it is better not to travel out of town, not to walk in the park and other green areas, and after returning home, you should take a shower to wash street dust from your body. If an allergic cough in a child shows symptoms from contact with animals, pets should be avoided for the sake of the health of the crumbs. It is also worth cleaning the house frequently to reduce the amount of dust.
  • If a child has allergic bronchitis for the first time, you can relieve the cough by removing some allergen products from me. Sometimes the body reacts strongly to certain medications, and even conventional vitamins. In this case, you need to change the treatment of allergic cough.

When a child develops a cough, see a doctor

These measures will help to significantly reduce the frequency and duration of attacks. After that, you should definitely visit a doctor who will tell you in detail how to relieve an attack of an allergic cough and how to treat an allergic cough in children.

Treatment must be comprehensive:

  1. Reducing the body's sensitivity to the allergen by taking drugs such as pipolfen, diazolin, suprastin, tavegil, etc. 2nd generation drugs (loratodin, claritin) are also prescribed to help eliminate allergic cough in children - the symptoms and treatment of the disease are indicated above.
  2. If bronchospasm occurs, inhalation with Berotek preparations is recommended: 10 drops for children under 12 years of age and 15 drops for adolescents. Before you remove an allergic cough in a child using this procedure, you need to dilute the drug in a spoonful of saline and only then pour it into the inhaler.
  3. When asking how to cure an allergic cough in a child, parents ask if expectorants can be given. Most often, in such cases, fluifort syrup and glycodin are prescribed ½ teaspoon 3-4 times a day.

How to remove an attack

Parents who are familiar with what kind of cough with allergies in children are most often concerned about how to quickly alleviate the baby's condition. If the attack has already begun, take the following measures: make a hot foot bath, offer the child Solutan drops (1 drop per year of life), and inhalation to relieve bronchospasm. You can decide in more detail how and how to treat an allergic cough in a child after consulting a doctor.



How to treat an allergic cough in a child

Allergic cough paroxysmal and dry. Accompanied by itching in the throat and nose. Sometimes clear sputum is secreted, in which there are no purulent inclusions. Symptoms of an allergic cough in a child worsen in the evening and closer to night. Some attacks begin suddenly and last 1 to 2 hours. Only antihistamines can stop them. An allergic cough can turn into bronchitis or asthma if its cause is not eliminated in a timely manner.

Home diagnostics

Treatment of any disease begins with diagnosis. Allergic cough can be provoked by:

  • dust and mites living in down pillows;
  • hair or saliva of a pet;
  • bird feathers;
  • household chemicals;
  • cosmetical tools;
  • pollen of indoor and wild plants;
  • Food.

Mom, in order to determine the cause of pharyngitis, starts a child's diary. In it, she writes down what plants the baby came into contact with during a walk, what he ate, what he played with and washed his hands. In the diary, you need to indicate the composition of the dishes, as well as the brand of powder, baby shower gel and others. detergents. If cats or dogs live in the house, the mother records the time when the child was in contact with the animal, and then the baby's reaction to the wool.

To the most common food allergens that you need to pay attention to include:

  • citruses;
  • smoked meats;
  • canned food;
  • sausages;
  • mushrooms;
  • eggs;
  • exotic vegetables.

If it was not possible to independently determine the cause of the cough, the child is shown to a pediatrician and an allergist. Specialists give directions for biochemical and general blood tests, X-rays of the lungs and bronchi. For children from 3 years old, skin tests are done: several common allergens are applied to the forearm and the reaction is monitored. After identifying the cause, the doctor selects antihistamines that remove the cough and other symptoms.

how to get rid of cough at home

Cleanliness and fresh air

The house where the allergic child lives should be clean. Parents dust daily, wash floors, regularly vacuum upholstered furniture and refuse carpets. Down pillows and blankets are replaced with options with synthetic fillers. Dirt, dust, sweat and mites do not accumulate in polyester and ecofiber. Pillows filled with buckwheat husks are also suitable for children.

Allergy can be provoked by ordinary soft toy. The child is bought plastic cars, dolls and dishes, designers and various Board games. But no teddy bears, bunnies and other animals.

Parents are forbidden to smoke in the house and even on the balcony. Smoke and the smell of tobacco that remains on clothes and seeps into rooms can cause bronchial spasms and an allergic dry cough.

Pets are regularly bathed, vaccinated and treated for fleas and worms. A child may perceive cat hair and saliva normally, but a dirty animal is a source of ticks, helminths and infections that weaken the immune system and make it susceptible to allergens.

Children who have a dry spasmodic cough should not walk near highways. Exhaust fumes and dust irritate the nasal mucosa and cause itching. In winter and autumn, you can go to the park and breathe fresh air. In spring and summer, during the period of active flowering, you should avoid alleys planted with shrubs, trees and ornamental plants.

how to get phlegm out of lungs

Diet for cough

With an exacerbation of an allergic cough, all dangerous foods are removed from the child's diet:

  • orange vegetables and fruits;
  • almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts and peanuts;
  • natural cow's milk;
  • mayonnaise, mustard and ketchup;
  • smoked meats and sausages;
  • bee products;
  • chocolate and sweet pastries;
  • mushrooms;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • products containing preservatives.

Contraindicated in duck and goose allergy symptoms. With caution, the child is given chicken and turkey breast. Poultry meat is replaced with beef or rabbit. Instead of cow's milk give goat, but in small quantities.

Green vegetables are allowed: zucchini, broccoli, cucumbers, white cabbage, eggplant, and cereals. Useful cottage cheese, prunes, bananas and black bread. You can green apples and boiled potatoes.

Prohibited foods are introduced into children's diet after successful treatment cough. First, they give 30 g of pumpkin or red apple puree, then increase the portion if the body reacts normally to new components.

Products that cause an allergic cough are left on the menu. But they give the child literally 10-15 g of strawberries, mushrooms or milk. Gradually, the body gets used to the component and stops producing antibodies.

how to treat cold allergy

Cough preparations

An injection of "Suprastin" helps to quickly stop a coughing fit. The medicine is released in the form of tablets, but they act after 20 minutes. An injection removes allergy symptoms in 5-10 minutes.

Antihistamines are prescribed to children from the age of one month. Infants are prescribed "Fenistil" or "Suprastin". Patients from 6 months are given drops of "Ketotifen" and "Zyrtec". Children who are 1 year old are prescribed Zodak in liquid form and Erius.

Cetrin syrup is prescribed from the age of two, and Ketotifen tablets from the age of three. With an allergic cough, children are given Diazolin, Loratadin and Tavegil.

Between doses of antihistamines, it is recommended to cleanse the body with sorbents. Suitable "Polysorb", activated carbon, "Enterosgel" and "Polifepan". Means facilitate coughing fits, reducing the concentration of allergens in the blood.

Pharmacy sorbents are supplemented with seeds or milk thistle oil. The plant cleanses the body of toxins and allergens, soothes sore throat and bronchial tubes, has wound healing and hepatoprotective properties. Dried seeds are ground into powder and given to the child 5 g twice a day. Milk thistle oil is used in a similar way. It is impossible to abuse the plant, otherwise the allergic cough will not disappear, but will intensify.

Irritation and perspiration in the larynx are removed by Glycodin. The syrup softens the mucous membrane of the throat and bronchi, relieves attacks of dry cough. Children under 7 years old are given 5 ml of the drug 4 times a day. For allergies in a schoolchild, the portion is increased to half a teaspoon.

A cough that occurs due to plant pollen or dust is stopped with Levocabastin, Kromoheksal or Allergodil sprays. Drugs are prescribed from the age of 6. The medicine is injected into the nasal passages. It removes swelling, inflammation and perspiration. Washes out particles of pollen and dust.

Allergic coughs are treated with antihistamine syrups, tablets, and sprays. But with a complication of the disease, corticosteroids can be prescribed. hormone therapy restores the functioning of the bronchi and lungs, protects against asthma.

how to get rid of house dust allergy


Children from 3-4 years of age are specific immunotherapy. Doctors identify the allergen and then introduce it into the body by injection or by oral route. The method makes the body get used to the product, coughing, runny nose and swelling.

  • household chemicals;
  • wool, saliva and dander of domestic animals;
  • mold and fungi living on the walls of the apartment;
  • dairy products;
  • citrus;
  • pollen of ambrosia and other plants;
  • dust.

Immunotherapy is an expensive and time-consuming procedure. Sometimes the course of treatment is delayed for 3-5 years. But the child gets rid of not only cough, rhinitis, conjunctivitis and other symptoms, but also allergies. The body gradually gets used to citrus or pollen and begins to perceive them as neutral.

Treatment takes place at home. The doctor selects drugs and doses. The first procedure is carried out in the hospital to monitor the reaction child's body to the allergen, and then allowed to take medications on their own.


Dry cough is relieved by a nebulizer. The device is intended for inhalation for colds, bronchitis, tracheitis and pharyngitis. Nebulizer fill mineral water or saline solution. The device turns the liquid into steam, which cleanses the airways of allergens and moisturizes the mucous membrane, removing tickling.

Mineral water is replaced special preparations designed to stabilize mast cell membranes. Children from 6 months are discharged hormonal remedy"Pulmicort". The medicine prevents spasms in the bronchi, removes inflammation and swelling of the airways. The drug "Pulmicort" is diluted with saline. The dosage is selected depending on the age of the child and the neglect of the disease.

Means "Berodual" is prescribed to patients with dry allergic cough and too viscous sputum. The drug expands the lumen of the bronchi, facilitating breathing, and reduces spasms. Berodual, like Pulmicort, is mixed with saline.

Allergic pharyngitis is treated with "Eufillin" and "Ventolin". The drugs relax the smooth muscles of the bronchi, expanding their lumen. They moisturize the mucosa, thin the sputum and gradually reduce the frequency and duration of coughing fits.

Spasms in the bronchi and lungs are removed by Berotek. A 1% solution is poured into the nebulizer, which is prepared from 10 drops of the drug and 1 liter of liquid. Steam inhalation carried out 4 times a day. The procedure can be combined with antihistamines and special diet which will speed up the recovery of the child.

how to do inhalation with mineral water

Massage and breathing exercises

With frequent and prolonged bouts of coughing, parents are advised to conduct a finger massage. The child lies on his stomach on a bed or sofa, hanging his chest down. Mom holds the baby's legs with one hand, and the second taps on the back in the region of the bronchi and lungs. The fingers move quickly but gently. Lightly “run” along the child’s chest, kneading it and removing spasms. Massage liquefies sputum and facilitates expectoration, relaxes the smooth muscles of the respiratory system.

Children from 5-6 years old are recommended to do special exercises for allergic cough. Mom can work with the child. Breathing exercises develop the muscles of the chest and bronchi, protect against asthma and calm the nerves.

The execution technique is simple:

  1. Mom and baby sit on a mat or just on the floor, close their eyes and listen to their own breathing. Feel how the lungs fill with air and push it out.
  2. They take a long breath. Breathe in through the nose until there is no room left in the lungs. It is necessary to involve both the chest and the stomach. Then exhale sharply and quickly through the mouth. Repeat 3-4 times.
  3. Then the mother and child take three short breaths, gradually filling the lungs with oxygen. At the expense of "4" exhale sharply the whole carbon dioxide. Three repetitions are enough.
  4. Mom and baby mentally count from 1 to 4 and at this time take one continuous breath. The air is taken in slowly, working only with the nose. They imagine that oxygen descends to the lungs, and then flows down to the navel. They hold their breath while counting to eight. If the baby does not succeed, you can reduce to 6 or 4, and then gradually increase the figure. The air is exhaled in eight counts in short bursts.

Gymnastics can be combined with moderate physical activity. Suitable for swimming, rollerblading or cycling. Skates and skis are contraindicated. A child should drink 150–200 ml of mineral or distilled water before training. The fluid prevents the accumulation of mucus in the lungs and protects against coughing fits.

Folk methods

Allergic pharyngitis caused by dust or animal hair is treated with a decoction of bay leaves:

  1. Boil 20 g of spice in 500 ml. The drink is brought to a boil, and after 5 minutes it is removed.
  2. 25 g of baking soda is added to the filtered medicine.
  3. The medicine is filled with 30 ml of linden honey.

The child drinks 50-60 ml of medication daily until the attacks stop.

With an allergic cough, it is advised to strengthen the immune system with a lemon-honey drink:

  1. A medium-sized citrus is washed, doused with boiling water and passed through a meat grinder without peeling.
  2. For 100 g of lemon gruel, you will need a glass of linden honey.
  3. The products are mixed and diluted with 400 ml of distilled water.
  4. The drink is put on water bath and heated to 40-50 degrees.

Medicine that has passed heat treatment, cool to room temperature and divide into 3-4 servings. The child drinks the remedy for the day, it is possible both before and after meals.

Important: Lemon-honey drink should not be brought to a boil. At a temperature of +60 degrees and above, vitamins evaporate, and the medicine loses beneficial features.

Viscous sputum liquefy with allergic cough camphor oil. The product is heated to 37–39 degrees and rubbed into the chest. Mustard plasters are applied to the right side, wrapped with cling film and a thick scarf on top. Camphor compress hold for 20-30 minutes.

Allergic cough in children is treated with folk and pharmaceutical products, nebulizer and diet. For the prevention of pharyngitis, it is advised to perform breathing exercises, swim a lot, keep the house clean and strengthen the child's immunity with walks in the fresh air and vitamin complexes.

how to put mustard plasters when coughing

Video: how to distinguish an allergic cough from an infectious one


Allergic cough in a child

allergic cough

Timely detected disease, correctly diagnosed and correctly selected course of treatment - all this is the guarantee of our health. Especially, it repents of our children. And, especially with regard to allergic manifestations. Today, we invite you to talk about one of these allergy symptoms, like an allergic cough. How not to confuse it with a cough for another reason, how to treat it, how to relieve an attack, and, of course, how to prevent the development of such an allergic cough? Read all about it in our post...

Where is the cough from?

Most often, when our child starts to cough, we immediately think of a cold. However, this is not correct. Do not discount the likelihood that the causative agent of coughing is not an infection, and not a cold, but allergens. It is noteworthy that

if your child is allergic, and since childhood he suffered from diathesis, then he may have an allergic cough more often than other children who did not suffer from food allergies in childhood.

It is enough for such children to meet the allergen pathogen - it can be animal hair, product, dust, as in view of the fact that the threshold of allergic alertness has already been raised, all this, even the most microscopic allergen, can cause such a cough.

Allergic cough symptoms

Allergy symptoms in children

Unfortunately, distinguishing an allergic cough from a cold is actually not so easy. Particularly aggravating the picture of the diagnosis is that such an allergy can be accompanied by a runny nose, sore throat, elevated temperature. Is not it typical symptoms colds? However, if there is one course of treatment against a cold, then against an allergic cough it is completely different. And, not correctly diagnosing, not recognizing allergic notes in the cough, not prescribing the correct course of treatment, you can get bronchial asthma, concomitant inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes of the throat, bronchi and trachea.

If an allergic cough is also accompanied by an allergic rhinitis, then this is a big burden on the respiratory system.

Well, now, about the symptoms of the most allergic cough

  • Paroxysmal cough that starts suddenly and lasts a long time, similar to barking.
  • The child can cough with such a cough for 2-3 weeks, without other visible symptoms of the disease.
  • During the day, the child coughs less often than at night.
  • Such a cough is usually without sputum, but if it is, then it looks transparent and without impurities of pus.
  • Accompanying an allergic cough are symptoms of itching in the nose and throat, as well as frequent sneezing.

It is quite obvious that the symptoms may depend on the type of allergy - to dust, to pollen from flowers, to animal hair. However, it is not worth ignoring such symptoms, hoping that they will pass by themselves. There is a high probability of developing bronchitis, asthmatic bronchitis, which can develop into bronchial asthma.

How to distinguish an allergic cough from a non-allergic one

Of course, the diagnosis is the task of the doctor. But you and I, as parents, are more interested in the health of our child, therefore, we ourselves must learn to recognize the nature of such a cough. So, the main sign of the allergic nature of a cough in a child is the absence of sputum, the cough is dry and barking, coughing attacks are protracted, during which the child may complain that he does not have enough air. Such sensations arise as a result of edema of the mucous surfaces of the larynx and bronchi. An increase in temperature is observed in rare cases.

Attacks may intensify if the child sleeps on a pillow that is stuffed with down or feathers.

Exacerbations of allergic cough are seasonal in nature, and occur in winter and summer. If the child takes an anti-allergic drug, then the exacerbations and frequency of allergic cough attacks are reduced.

If you observe a cough of this nature in a child, then most likely it is caused by an allergen pathogen. Immediately seek further advice from an allergist.

How to treat an allergic cough

Treatment and prevention

Cough occurs as a result of exposure to an allergen irritant. Therefore, the main treatment should be aimed at ridding the child of exposure to such an allergen. To do this, it is necessary to identify it. We hasten to say right away that this is not so easy, and it will take not a single week, however, the health of your child depends on it. Analyze the situation, what most often provokes seizures - eating certain foods, staying in a room, communicating with pets ... Try, if possible, to exclude such allergens. And, in order to reduce their impact on the child’s body while you are looking for the cause, let the baby rinse his throat and mouth with warm water several times a day, especially when he returns after a walk, rinses his nasopharynx with salt water 1-2 times a day.

As a local effect, you can take anti-allergic drugs, however, remember that they do not cure, but help the child's body cope with exposure to the allergen.

How to stop an allergic cough attack

In order to stop a coughing fit, you can make an injection of Suprastin - the injection will work after 5-10 minutes. If you take the pills, the action begins after 20 minutes. The duration of the effect of this drug on the child's body depends on the dosage, however, on average it lasts up to 12 hours. The drug is excreted from the body of the child with urine and sweat. However, your doctor must prescribe it for you. Unauthorized use can lead to irreversible consequences.

How to diagnose an allergen pathogen

The method for determining the allergen of the pathogen is akin to the method of vaccination. So, the child is given appropriate tests that ensure contact of the body with allergens, and then the reaction of the child's body to such an allergen is monitored. I would like to say right away that this procedure is long and expensive, and not every laboratory has reagents for conducting such allergic tests.

Folk remedies for the treatment of allergic cough

You can also try to treat an allergic cough in a child with folk remedies. Most of them are absolutely harmless, and unlike medicines, they have no side effects.

  • Rinse the child's nasopharynx during the day several times with solutions of water with sea salt.
  • Medicinal collection for allergic cough - honey, bay leaves, baking soda. It is very important that the child does not have an allergy to any of the components of this collection. Boil bay leaves for 5 minutes, add 1 teaspoon of honey, and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Give the child ¼ cup a day when the coughing fit starts.

Video about allergic cough - Dr. Komarovsky's school:

Prevention of allergic cough

Since the treatment of such an allergic cough is delayed for long months, and the consequences of this disease, if it is started, are terrible, take all necessary preventive measures in order to prevent the development of such an allergic cough. Avoid giving your child food allergens, keep your home clean and hygienic, regularly ventilate the room in which the child lives, limit his contact with pets ...


One of the protective reactions of the body is coughing. And it doesn't always mean a cold or the flu. When an allergen enters the respiratory tract, an allergic cough occurs. In children, quite often it is not possible to recognize it in time.

What is an allergy in children?

She acts as a defender of the immune system in response to the attack of stimuli. Inhaled chemical compounds can become provocateurs. Unlike a cold, an allergic cough in children occurs abruptly, without accompanying symptoms. infectious disease. The throat does not hurt, the temperature does not rise, there are no migraine attacks, and the appetite is normal.

Causes of allergic cough in children

Most often, provocateurs can be substances that are contained in the inhaled air.

  1. Dust that rises in the movement of air masses.
  2. Plant pollen - during the flowering period of herbs, there is quite a lot of it in the air.
  3. Mushroom spores are carried by the wind.
  4. Animal fur.
  5. In addition, allergic cough in children is possible as a response to a foreign protein. It can enter the body after the introduction of the vaccine. Plasma and serum should be added to this list.
  6. The smell of perfume can also cause an allergic cough.

Symptoms of the disease

Most often, manifestations of an allergic cough last a couple of weeks. Possible runny nose. There is itching in the throat and nose. The child sneezes. A dry allergic cough can last for many hours. The child's symptoms may return intermittently over weeks.

Rarely, sputum may be produced during coughing. It is transparent and contains no impurities.

The symptoms of this disease are exacerbated at night, and during the day, on the contrary, the condition improves.

How not to confuse allergic cough with other diseases - bronchitis or whooping cough

Bronchitis is inflammatory process in the bronchi, and whooping cough is an infectious disease often found in babies. So, allergic cough in children is very similar to the one that occurs with these diseases. But there are clear differences.

Dr. Komarovsky about allergic cough in children

This doctor is very popular with mothers, because he gives good advice for the treatment of various childhood diseases. Regarding how to cure an allergic cough in a child, Komarovsky says the following:

  1. Here, a whole chain of first actions is built - the doctor makes a diagnosis based on symptoms, then treatment is prescribed. The doctor is in charge.
  2. In fact, with the help of coughing, the body clears the lungs of accumulated mucus, which cleans the bronchi and neutralizes viruses and bacteria.
  3. To prevent the drying of sputum, so necessary in the process of self-healing of the body, you need fresh air and plenty of fluids.
  4. If an allergen is found that caused a disease in a child, it is necessary to exclude all contact of the baby with it. It can be a woolen blanket or flowers.

Diagnosis of allergic cough

If parents cannot achieve success on their own in treatment, giving the baby antitussive drugs, then they take him to see a doctor. The specialist conducts a thorough diagnosis and identifies the exact allergen, after which treatment can begin. First, the doctor examines the child for symptoms of other diseases that could cause coughing fits. Then tests are carried out, with the help of which it becomes possible to determine the allergen. They are made in order to be able to determine how to cure an allergic cough.

Small scratches are applied to the skin of the forearm with a scarifier. They drip solutions with certain substances. This is how an allergy test is done. If irritation appears at the site of the drop, then the desired allergen will be found. Although there may be several. This diagnosis is contraindicated in children under the age of 3 years.

In addition, before starting the treatment of allergic cough in children, it is necessary to determine the level of immunoglobulins in the blood. With this modern and exact method it becomes possible to reliably state that the child has an allergic reaction.

It is necessary to gradually protect the baby from suspicious substances, as well as objects. If, as a result, the attacks stop, then the allergen was found exactly.

Types of allergic cough

Exist the following types cough:

  • Dry. It is exacerbated in the winter season, as well as in the summer. This is the main sign indicating that there is an allergy in children.
  • Barking. It cannot be confused with another type of cough. hoarse voice in a child, ringing during attacks, similar to the barking of a dog. This is allergic laryngitis - the larynx becomes inflamed and the lumen narrows in it. The baby has difficulty breathing due to a decrease in air flow to the lungs.
  • Night. It is paroxysmal and does not stop for a long time. The eyes begin to water, the child has a runny nose. At the same time, the temperature does not rise, as in the case of colds.

In what cases can it be assumed that a child has an allergic cough?

  1. If attacks occur more often at night.
  2. Dry cough.
  3. The temperature does not rise.
  4. More often the child coughs in summer time year or winter.
  5. Attacks stop when taking certain drugs - drugs "Tavegil", "Suprastin" or "Diazolin".
  6. Observed heavy discharge from the nose, but vasoconstrictors do not bring relief.
  7. There is redness in the area of ​​the nasal passages.

Effective treatment of allergic cough in children is a pledge wellness child. Indeed, due to the impact on the child's respiratory system of an irritant, it is possible mild asphyxia against the background of swelling. In order to get rid of the irritant, the baby coughs - this is an attempt by the body to protect itself from negative impact allergens.

How to treat an allergic dry cough in a child

To effectively combat frequent seizures, use various drugs, as well as folk remedies. If there is an allergic cough, the child's symptoms are not quite like a cold, because the body temperature does not rise, for example. In any case, you need to first consult with a specialist and only after that proceed with treatment.

Allergens that cause coughing fits

These include:

  • Household. Dust, mold fungi, cockroaches and their waste products.
  • reaction to pollen.
  • Food. Often there is an allergy in children to milk or eggs, cereals. Honey and strawberries, as well as citrus fruits, must be added to this list. And still - chocolate and nuts, sesame.
  • epidermal. Wool, saliva, dander, fluff, feathers, pet excrement.
  • Reaction to insect bites, manifested in the form of an allergy.
  • Medicinal. For antibiotics or anesthetics.
  • Fungal.
  • Helminthic.
  • physical factors. Wind or heat, cold or mechanical irritation.

Treatment methods for allergic cough in children

There are many effective drugs, but only a doctor can prescribe them - self-medication is unacceptable here. There are other effective remedies for allergic cough.

  1. Homes need to be kept as clean as possible. Wet cleaning should be carried out several times a week.
  2. Do not smoke in the room where the child lives. Even because of the clothes of a smoker, a coughing fit in a baby is possible.
  3. If you are allergic to animal hair, you should limit the contact of children with the pet.
  4. Foods with a high risk of developing allergies should be excluded from the diet.

Medicines for allergic cough in children

There are many effective means, among which are:

  • The drug "Gerbion" is a syrup with plantain. It is absolutely harmless to the child and is excellent tool from dry cough. Of the contraindications, individual intolerance and diabetes mellitus should be distinguished. This syrup helps to get rid of irritations against the background of a negative reaction of sensitive nerve receptors to allergens.
  • In order to stop the attack that has begun, use tablets for allergic cough. Preferably antihistamines - "Suprastin", "Diazolin" and "Loratadin". The effect of taking them occurs after about 20 minutes.
  • If the doctor allows, then you can do inhalations with medicines or herbs. Having brewed medicinal plants, it is necessary to breathe the resulting steam. In this way, the condition of the child can be alleviated. But first you need to make sure that there are no allergies to the constituent components, otherwise the situation will become even worse.

Folk remedies for allergic cough in children

Rinse the child's throat and mouth several times a day with warm water - especially after walking in the fresh air. Rinse your nose and nasopharynx a couple of times a day. Add sea salt to the water.

Prepare a mixture of bay leaves boiled in water, a couple of teaspoons of sweet honey and baking soda. With coughing fits in a child, a remedy should be taken.

To remove phlegm, put a few drops of aloe juice into the nose.

Onion honey will soften the walls of the respiratory tract. Boil a couple of small onions in 1 liter of water - the water should evaporate by half. Strain and let's drink in severe attacks.

Preventive actions

Even during pregnancy, a woman should go for walks more often, breathe fresh air and get rid of bad habits. From birth, at the slightest suspicion of diathesis, it is necessary to consult a doctor. When allergens are identified, the child must be protected from them.

How to deal with allergens

By following a few simple rules, you can protect your child from allergies:

  1. Wet cleaning should be carried out every day, rooms should be ventilated.
  2. Pets are not allowed in the baby's crib.
  3. At food allergies allergenic foods should be excluded from the diet.
  4. Before the child goes to bed, be sure to ventilate the room.

Whatever the parents' assumptions about the origin of the cough, it is imperative to contact a specialist. Only after that start treatment. Doctor will hold necessary examination child, identify the cause of allergies and help get rid of unpleasant symptoms. The recovery process will be quick if the parents do not resort to self-medication with various untested methods.