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Causes of erection in men in the morning. Why do men get up in the morning?

Erection in the morning

Morning boners or morning erections are not associated with sexual arousal. We can clearly see this in very young children: newborns, babies up to a year old, when such a baby is lying in bed, he has just been unwrapped from diapers, he is like a kitten, straightening his arms and legs, like a rose is blooming, and he has an erection there. This little one has 3-6 one month old baby erection or something sleepy child 4-5 years old, getting ready for kindergarten, he cannot pee because he has an erection. This condition, I repeat, is not associated with sexual arousal.

By the way, to be fair, it would be fair to say that morning erections can occur not only in men, but also in women. Women may also experience morning swelling of the labia and clitoris due to blood flow to these places. What is this connected with? Where does this blood flow to these places come from?

1. Bladder overflow. Remember, we talked in the article about the symptom of blue eggs, that during abstinence, the pelvic organs become overfilled: with secretions, juice, blood - biological fluids. This overflow of fluids leads to pressure on the capsules and excess fluid and pressure on the capsules of the organs leads to a feeling of excitement. There is even an experience where the brains of frogs were removed, their seminal vesicles were filled with saline through special capillaries, they swelled and an erection occurred. There is no brain - there is an erection. Because the pelvic organs are full. Same thing in the morning bladder filled. It puts pressure on the surrounding organs: the prostate, seminal vesicles, even if there is no stagnation of blood or stagnation of secretions there. Let's say you had sex in the evening, but in the morning you still have an erection, why? Because this bladder puts pressure on the prostate, puts pressure on the bubbles, even what is there, it is all distributed barely or tightly. Presses on the capsule and a state of excitation occurs. This is one of the theories.

2. When you sleep alone vascular-hormonal background When you wake up, you move from a passive-relaxed state to a standing-active-combat readiness for action. It's a whole complex hormonal regulation which occurs in a person the moment he awakens. What is the vascular response upon awakening? When you sleep, the vessels are relaxed, that is, the diameter of the vessels is wider. When you stand up, the diameter of the vessels narrows, sharply narrowing vessels lead to disruption of the outflow of blood from the penis (being on the outside, it is on the penis that vascular spasm is most clearly visible). Vascular spasm has led to the fact that the volume of blood that accumulated there while the vessels were relaxed does not quickly leave, which is why an erection occurs. An erection is a vascular reaction, I hope you remember this?!

3. Hormonal reaction. A simple question: when is the best time to get tested? In the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening after dinner? Morning, morning, morning... Why? Because in the morning, biologically active rhythms tell us that hormones are most active in the morning. What hormones exactly are we interested in? Testosterone, growth hormone, cortisol. This mass of hormones ensures our activity after waking up and we measure hormones such as cortisol and testosterone in the blood in the morning. Testosterone production peaks from 7 to 11 am. Naturally, where there is testosterone, there will be an active libido and a good, convincing erection. Therefore, those of you who use the morning erection to solve your family problems and fulfill your marital duty are not doing so wrong. They actually put their erections to good use.

An erection occurs by various reasons: vascular, hormonal, full bladder, sleep phase, we don’t care where the erection came from, the main thing is to use it for its intended purpose.

And a few words about erectile dysfunction. The morning erection rate is generally an indicator of whether erectile dysfunction is vascular or psychogenic. If erectile dysfunction is psychogenic, due to some internal problems in the head, if there is a morning erection, then it means vascular mechanism not involved. Only the head is to blame for the presence of an erection, or at least there is mixed mechanism. And here if there is no morning erection in men, then most likely the vascular mechanism is disturbed. And this means that such a person cannot perform sexual intercourse until the vascular problems are eliminated (in solving vascular problems FED-5 type has proven itself well). So morning erection in men is a very informative and useful phenomenon, of course not fully understood by scientists, which makes it easier for doctors to diagnose erectile dysfunction.

The question of why men have a headache in the morning torments many, but not everyone can voice it out loud. They don't talk about this openly. Even a specialist in this field will not give a clear answer, as this may be due to several factors.

In the old days, morning erection was considered a disease with which it was customary to fight. Very painful methods were chosen, for example, at one time an iron device with special tweezers was put on the penis, which were attached to the pubic hairs. When the penis was raised in the morning, the hairs became stretched and the erection stopped. Later they came up with an electrical device that, when the male organ was raised, sent painful waves, and this also contributed to its descent.

Scientists have now established that morning erection not only indicates normality, but also indicates that everything is in order with a man’s sexual functions. Such manifestations are typical for all ages, be it a boy or an elderly man, only the frequency of erection of the penis and its duration change. Men after 80 years of age no longer experience erections in the morning; a similar process rarely occurs in boys before the onset of adolescence.

What is morning erection

It is characterized by spontaneous erection. This is a normal phenomenon for boys and men and is considered a physiological condition. Involuntary enlargement of the genital organ can occur not only in the morning; in some representatives this condition occurs several (3 to 5) times during the night.

In the morning, blood rushes to the cavernous tissues of the penis and morning boner. When the veins of the penis contract, it becomes hard.

Some people may experience arterial spasms during this process, in which case blood flow will be impeded. This leads to insufficiency or complete absence erections.

Reasons for morning erections

As mentioned above, the erect state in the morning hours is not scientifically explained. There are assumptions and a number of reasons, the combination of which may explain existing fact. It is worth considering the reasons why men get up in the morning:

  1. Testosterone. The main version of why the penis gets up in the morning is the accumulation of the male hormone testosterone overnight. It is he who is responsible for the reproductive abilities of the stronger sex. By 5-9 o'clock in the morning its accumulation becomes such that spontaneous excitation occurs.
  2. Urge to urinate. There are 2 centers located nearby in the brain, one of them is responsible for the urge to urinate, the other for sexual arousal. If you want to go to the toilet, the erectile function is also triggered. Therefore, as soon as a man urinates in the morning, sexual arousal disappears.
  3. Test run. Another version of what constantly stands in the morning is that before waking up, the brain sends signals to all organs, checking them normal work. The same applies to the penis. Therefore, doctors warn: if erections rarely occur in the morning, then it is worth checking the work genitourinary system.
  4. Prevention of hypoxia. If male organ in its normal state, the blood circulation in it is slowed down. So that it doesn't happen oxygen starvation in the penis, the brain several times a day, most often in the morning, when a man wakes up, sends a signal to excite, and therefore increase blood circulation in the organ.
  5. Erotic dreams. This reason has not been scientifically confirmed. Most likely, it was invented by women. But as one of the versions it may take place.
  6. Mechanical impact e. This happens to men who are too temperamental; their penis becomes erect even because of tight underwear or contact with bed linen.
  7. Brain response to REM sleep A. During sleep, its phases can change up to 8 times per night; with such rapid transitions, body temperature can increase and decrease. muscle, the eyeballs move, blood flows to the penis and it enlarges.

All these factors can affect a man in combination or individually.

Why do morning erections disappear?

Morning erections in men are a sign of sexual health. Therefore, if the penis does not enlarge in the morning for a long time, this should be a reason to consult a doctor.

But experts say that the absence of a morning erection for a month should not be a cause for concern. If this time drags on, then you need to sound the alarm.

Why guys get erections in the morning is now clear, but what can cause a morning erection to disappear for a while:

  • stressful situations;
  • physical or mental fatigue;
  • errors in nutrition;
  • minor temporary health problems due to colds or flu.

As a rule, after eliminating such factors, everything returns to normal. If you are still concerned about this, consult a urologist. Lack of erection in the morning long time may indicate more serious reasons:

  1. Various diseases, such as arterial hypertension, diabetes, hormonal disorders, heart failure, venereal diseases, genitourinary dysfunction and even long absence physical activity.
  2. The reason for the lack of morning erection may be smoking, alcoholism or drug addiction.
  3. Some medications can affect morning erection, such as antidepressants, tranquilizers, psychotropic drugs, diuretics.
  4. Nervous excitement, long-term physical exercise.
  5. Aging of the body.

Thus, it is necessary to conclude that only complete and healthy man will not lose his sexual function and morning erections will be regular. And for this you need to be physically active, eat right, think positively and have regular sexual relations, preferably with one partner.

Many men notice the appearance of an erection in the morning. Some consider this the norm, others a deviation. There is an opinion that an erection in the morning is a reaction to dreams seen at night. In reality, such a manifestation often has nothing to do with what the man is dreaming about. Erection is a natural phenomenon that is associated with the structure of the body, as well as the work reproductive system in men. It allows you to increase the volume of the penis by three to four times. As a result, the penis becomes hard and hot.

Nerve impulses lead to the expansion and relaxation of the walls of the arteries of the penis, and blood fills corpora cavernosa. Muscles also take part in this process. They help compress the root of the penis. As a result, blood remains in the genital organ, its outflow slows down or becomes difficult, and the hardness of the organ increases.

The most common explanation

The main version is based on the fact that the bladder fills at night, and its walls send certain impulses to the spinal center. As a result, the state of arousal transfers to the erection center located nearby. The result is tension in the genital organ. But if the erection is caused by an overfilled bladder, it will not be long and strong, as during sexual arousal.

Hormonal activity

There is a version that the cause of morning erection may be hormonal activity. So, from five to nine in the morning the level of testosterone in the blood is maximum. This male hormone plays an important role in sexual arousal. It makes blood flow more actively to the penis. This is absolutely normal. It signals that the representative of the stronger sex is doing well in terms of male health.

Reproductive system testing

An erection after sleep can signal that the body is simply testing all organs and systems and assessing their functioning. This also applies to the penis. This proposal is scientifically substantiated. Therefore, doctors currently consider the lack of morning erection as a violation or deviation from the norm.

Blood renewal

At normal conditions arterial blood is periodically renewed. This is due to the structural features of the body. This is how blood enters the penis during an erection. If renewal does not occur, oxygen starvation will occur, which can lead to impaired potency. Morning arousal is relevant if a man temporarily does not lead a regular and fulfilling sex life.

Erotic dreams

Representatives of the stronger sex sometimes see erotic dreams. Of course, the body reacts to them with excitement. This assumption is justified, although not everyone has such dreams.

Increased sensitivity of the penis

Active movements during sleep or excessively tight underwear also affect arousal. So, if the sensitivity of the male penis is increased, it can react even to minor mechanical influences. In a dream, a person does not control his movements, sometimes he actively tosses and turns. During the process of turning from side to side, a certain impact can be exerted on the penis. This will lead to arousal and an increase in penis size. The same thing happens when a man wears tight underwear.

Brain activity

An erection can occur both in the morning and at night, and more than once. This is due to the phases of sleep. At fast phase muscles actively contract and move eyeballs. At such moments, the activity of certain parts of the brain increases. This triggers a whole chain of reactions that affect the penis and lead it to an erect state.

Spontaneous erection

Even before adolescence, boys may experience an erection in the morning that is not associated with sexual arousal. This phenomenon should be taken calmly. The only exception would be the case when a child tries to artificially delay urination in order to unknowingly prolong an erection. From an early age, you need to teach a boy to go to the toilet when he wakes up. Then the stimulation of the urinary center will pass, and the erection will disappear.

However, the penis can be erect in the morning without any reason. In adolescents, this is the norm of sexual development. Spontaneous erection is a sign of good male health.

Since the question concerns such a piquant organ, it is not surprising that it comes to the minds of guys and girls around the world. At the same time, an erection is both a necessary component of any full-fledged sexual relationship, and natural reaction in boys, teenagers, young and old men, and even sometimes in older people.

Bladder theory

First possible reason - this is a natural reaction to erotic dreams taken away in sleep.

Second possible reason- bladder fullness. The thing is that as a result of filling the bladder, its walls send impulses to the spinal urination center. However, after significant stimulation of this center, the excitement passes to the erection center, which is located nearby. And this leads to tension in the penis. If the erection is caused precisely by the filling of the bladder, then regardless of its strength, it can never be as strong as during sexual intercourse.

The weakening of morning erections, or even temporary cessation, causes much greater excitement and even scary thoughts, among which there are often thoughts about impotence and its consequences. How more man thinks about this, the more nervous and anxious he becomes, which leads to an even greater deterioration of the situation (morning erections appear weaker and less frequently). If you are one of those who are visited by such questions, do not suffer or be upset, seek help from a highly qualified specialist and forget about your speculations and worries.

Morning erection in children often causes concern among parents. Meanwhile, in most cases there is no need to worry (the exception is when children artificially delay urination in order to continue conscious or even unconscious sexual arousal). Parents should encourage their boys to empty their bladder as soon as they wake up. After this, the excitation of the centers of urination and erection will fade, and the erection will subside.

According to the conclusion of many scientists, in one night an erection lasting 10-15 minutes usually occurs four to six times. Young men experience erections almost a fifth of the time they sleep. Moreover, it is spontaneous, and, as a rule, is not associated with dreams at all.

The theory of nocturnal erections

Being in a non-erect state, calm state, the member gets very little arterial blood(arriving in large volumes only during the notorious erection). If he remained in this state all night, hypoxia would begin to be observed in his tissues ( in simple words– lack of oxygen). Actually, to some extent this is what happens, but the cells do not tolerate an insufficient amount of oxygen for long, they begin to become indignant (excited). If this did not happen, the man could become impotent, but nighttime erections save your sexual health. And even in cases where you are not sexually active, 4-8 spontaneously occurring nocturnal erections will protect you from unpleasant consequences.

Morning erection is no different from night erection. You can consider it the last of the usual nocturnal erections, and it is quite possible that you will be one hundred percent right. In addition, although scientists have made many attempts, they have not been able to finally refute the theory described above regarding the stretching of the walls of the bladder.

Theory for those who believe in the energy of life

As meditators say, an erection is a reaction to the stretching of the areas adjacent to the pudendal nerve and the pudendal nerve itself in length and width. This stretching is caused strong winds, driven by a voluptuous thick pneuma, along with which coarse pneuma circulates and profuse blood. Winds, blood and pneuma rush into the hot arteries, which are located in the seminal organs.

Anything that contains extraneous moisture, which can, under certain conditions, turn into winds, contributes to such an erection. The moisture remains and swells the penis until the third digestion.

Morning erection does not always serve as an indicator of a man’s arousal; rather, it is a reflection hormonal levels, which reaches its maximum at this time of day. Let's take a closer look.

Erection in the morning

If a man has an erection in the morning, it means that his men's health Everything is fine. That is why such a phenomenon is not observed in patients with impotence. This type of erection is not particularly different from others, you just have to note that it occurs completely involuntarily, when a man may not want it. In fact, the penis is filled with blood up to several times at night, which physiologists have long been interested in. They found that every 90-120 minutes healthy sleep a man experiences a rush of blood to the genital organ, which can last up to 50 minutes.

Why do you get an erection in the morning? Scientists have found that it reaches its greatest peak in those who sleep soundly and see pleasant dreams. Anxiety, fatigue, or insufficient sleep significantly reduce the ability or frequency of developing an erection.

Normally, the phenomenon of morning erection begins in adolescence and continues until age 50. fullness decreases and the frequency of swelling of the penis decreases; with age, these parameters decrease even more, but still in men 70 years old when treated healthy image life, nocturnal erection occurs.

Reasons for the development of morning erections

The exact reason why men get an erection in the morning cannot be established, but still, in the course of research, some of which was carried out in laboratories, scientists were able to establish the following factors that influence the occurrence of an erection:

  1. A full bladder puts pressure on you. It is believed that full bubble squeezes nerve endings and triggers the reflex mechanism of erection. but this version is not suitable in cases where the penis fills with blood up to 7 times in one night.
  2. Hormonal level. Experts believe that it is testosterone that has this effect on the vessels of the penis. Its maximum synthesis is observed precisely in the morning hours against the background of full, healthy sleep.
  3. Blood enters the penis for prevention purposes. Scientists suggest that the penis is supplied with blood mainly during an erection, and therefore such morning episodes may well serve as a factor in the renewal of blood in the organ.
  4. It all depends on the sleep phase. Erections develop mainly during REM sleep.

What does a morning erection mean?

The appearance of an erection in the morning does not mean that a man is promiscuous or preoccupied. The morning excited state indicates in full health men. If morning potency has disappeared, you need to look for the cause, the most likely of which may be a violation of the psycho-emotional state, impaired vascular patency, and also a violation of innervation.

When does the erection disappear in the morning?

It is known that in the morning hours the penis fills with blood, mostly this happens involuntarily. The frequency and duration of this phenomenon depends on several factors. During a morning erection, a man most often wakes up. Often a man complains about the disappearance or decrease in the intensity of filling of the penis. Mainly the reason is stressful state, any mental stress.

Scientists consider the process that ends with ejaculation, that is, emission, to be natural. If morning erections no longer appear, then you should think about serious physiological problems. Most of Men whose morning erections disappear begin to suffer from depression. They think that this is the beginning, and with a bad attitude they only make the situation worse.

In fact, there are several reasons why the morning erection disappeared:

  1. Increased blood pressure.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Endocrine disorders, and this applies to all glands internal secretion, and not just sexual ones.
  4. Weakening erection may be a manifestation of heart failure.
  5. Any vascular diseases, for example, atherosclerosis, lead to impaired blood supply.
  6. Bad habits, such as smoking and alcoholism, significantly reduce a man’s chances of prolonging morning erections into old age.
  7. Daily physical activity is of great importance. Its absence negatively affects blood flow, the level of hormones in the blood, and the psycho-emotional state.
  8. Lack of sleep or sleep less than 8 hours a day has an extremely negative impact on overall health, not just the reproductive system.
  9. Regular stress and depression depress masculinity.
  10. Uncontrolled use of certain drugs negatively affects the condition of the genital organs. For example, antidepressants, diuretics, tranquilizers.

We found out why there is no morning erection. But of all the reasons listed highest value provide nervous tension and stress. To prevent such situations, doctors recommend concentrating on inner peace, achievement good rest, giving up negative thoughts.

If you don't notice an erection after sleeping for more than a few weeks, this is a reason to pay close attention to physiological state genital organs, because in such cases the cause of erectile dysfunction may be diseases:

  • chronic prostatitis,
  • sexually transmitted infections,
  • erectile disfunction.

If you notice that not only your morning erection, but also your erection in general, have disappeared, or signs of impotence have arisen, you should sound the alarm and seek help from professionals. Lack of erection in the morning may be the first sign of serious illness. The course of treatment for such men usually consists of different drugs, which are aimed at improving blood flow, replenishing the body with vitamins and minerals, eliminating hormonal disorders, , and almost everyone is recommended by doctors to take erection medications. this is for everyone known remedies like Viagra. Now there are many analogues, as well as drugs that have already surpassed the effectiveness of Viagra. For example, the Drug is indicated for those men who find it difficult to achieve an erection or maintain it for sexual intercourse. Cialis quickly produces an effect; within 15-20 minutes a man can begin sexual stimulation, which is immediately accompanied by the development of an erection. The effect of the drug does not depend on meals, but lasts up to 36 hours. The price of Cialis is quite reasonable, as you can see by visiting our store. You can also find an alternative treatment option for erectile dysfunction here. For example, dietary supplements. The drug is a product based on plant extracts, so the effect of its use is long-lasting and not short-term. After a course of treatment with Vimax Forte, men experience increased erection, it becomes stable, the orgasm is longer and more vivid. The product contains no synthetic components, and this is another reason to give it preference.

Violation of morning erection is not a death sentence. Most men seek help on time and quickly fix this problem.