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Useful plant for men's health. Restoration of sexual function by nettle seeds. The use of nettle, useful recipes

This plant is like a weed that grows in any favorable place for it. Many gardeners and gardeners, having met nettles in their area, are trying to get rid of the vegetation. However, you should know that the plant has many healing properties. Of the more famous are: hemostatic, wound healing effect. In addition, nettle seeds are also used for potency. .

  • Rapid growth and restoration of cellular structures,
  • normal urination,
  • elimination of constipation,
  • Restoration of the blood system,
  • increase in metabolism,
  • Helps in the fight against "cold" diseases,
  • Promotes general strengthening organism.

Tinctures, decoctions, teas are prepared from seeds. These drinks have a beneficial effect on the nervous and reproductive system. Therefore, among men, the improvement of potency with nettle recipes is widespread. The elements that make up the plant restore erection and improve the quality of sexual life.

Action in male diseases

Nettle for potency is a storehouse useful substances and vitamins. Since ancient times, people have used all the components of a burning plant. The leaves, roots and seeds of the grass contain elements that restore the urogenital area.

Nettle has many medicinal properties for men. It helps to cure such pathologies as prostatitis, prostate adenoma, erectile dysfunction. The main effect is achieved due to the fact that when taking drinks from it, the body increases the content of testosterone, which is responsible for the functioning of the reproductive organs.

It is believed that the increase in potency is achieved as follows:

  1. Delayed conversion of testosterone to dihydrosterone. The first hormone causes the activity of spermatozoa.
  2. The release of the hormone and its complexes with proteins, which is associated with men's health.
  3. Testosterone does not bind to other sex hormones. In addition, a sufficient amount active substances in the body, contributes to normal circulation blood in the genital area.

Before starting the treatment of male pathologies, it is necessary to consult a specialist. This plant promotes blood clotting, and is strictly prohibited in diseases of the heart and kidneys.

Active elements

Useful "weed" contains a large number of vitamin C, which is responsible for immune system. In addition, the composition includes vitamins B, E, K, A.

The benefit lies in the following substances:

  • Proteins, fats and carbohydrates,
  • Zinc,
  • ascorbic acid,
  • folic acid,
  • glycosides, flavonoids,
  • Tannins,
  • Formic, citric, succinic and other acids.

Soups and salads are often prepared from nettle leaves, which are used both for treatment and preventive measures. Feedback from patients taking herbal medicines is extremely positive.

Alternative medicine using a plant

In folk medicine, stinging nettle is used to increase potency. Both seeds and rhizomes and leaves are used. Infusions, decoctions, lotions, baths, and even enemas are made from the plant. In addition, seeds can be used without any treatment.

For the treatment of male pathologies, there are many folk recipes that help eliminate problems associated with potency, prolong erections, improve metabolism and the general condition of the body.

If you use dried raw materials for cooking medicinal preparations, it will take much less than fresh.

How to use the leaves

Nettle leaves are quite often used to treat diseases. They are pre-shredded and dried. Nettle is stored for the preparation of means to improve the potency of men all year round, recipes from it do not take much time.

Decoctions are made from the leaves of the plant, which are taken instead of tea. It is allowed to add honey, lemon to such a drink. To prepare a decoction, a tablespoon of dried leaves is poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for several hours.

In addition, quite often fresh leaves are combined with seeds. Previously, the leaves are cut and mixed in the same ratio with the grains. Raw materials are poured with tincture of aspen bark and a spoonful of honey is added. Leave the mixture for about a week. After readiness, 2 times a day, use 10 drops of the medicine.

Medicines from the root

A healing drink prepared on the basis of nettle root is taken as regular tea. To prepare the infusion, you need to chop the root and brew 1 tsp. raw materials in a glass of water. In addition to the main effect for men, the remedy is also used as a diuretic.

From the root medicinal herb do alcohol infusions from impotence. To prepare the recipe, several rhizomes of the plant are taken. They are cut and placed in 0.5 l. capacity ( better bank) and filled to the brim with vodka. The mixture is infused for 21 days. Take 2 times a day for 20 drops.

5 g of crushed root of burning grass are mixed with 10 g of seeds and pour ½ cup hot water. Ready extract to use as a tea. This drug not only improves potency, but also fights diseases such as diabetes, hepatic and renal pathology, rheumatism, and also eliminates swelling. You can also buy a ready-made extract.


To make up for the lost male power, restore potency, you need to consume several tablespoons of nettle seeds every day. These seeds are advised to chew well, you can grind them with a coffee grinder. This procedure contributes to the prevention of dysfunctions of the reproductive system.

Before experimenting with new folk recipe, you should carefully study its components and eliminate the risk of allergies.

It is best to use the seeds of the plant, combining them with other products. Then efficiency increases.

  1. 100 g of grains are poured into 200 ml. vodka and put in a dark place for several days. Apply the drug at a dose of 20 drops before the main meals.
  2. Add 1/3 cup seeds to 200 ml. hot water. Let it brew for several hours, and then take it with the addition of honey.
  3. 50 g of raw materials are mixed with the same amount of liquid honey, and then 20 g of chopped honey are added. ginger root And lemon juice. This medicine can be stored for 14 days. Use three times a day for a teaspoon.
  4. 1/3 cup of grains is mixed with chopped ginseng root (5 g) and honey (60 g). Cooked medicinal infusion use 20 g twice a day.
  5. Parsley seeds, nettle and honey are mixed in the same volume. Take a remedy to increase potency 3-4 times.
  6. To prepare the following recipe, you will need milk (200 ml) and a tablespoon of grains. All this is cooked for 10 minutes. After that, the mixture is cooled and taken with a teaspoon of honey twice a day.

Therapeutic baths, enemas and lotions

Nettle bath also has therapeutic effect. Take therapeutic baths to increase potency every day.

However, you should be aware that in some forms of prostatitis, such procedures are prohibited, so it is better to consult a doctor first.

To prepare a decoction for the bath, you need 2 kg. Seeds that are poured with 5 liters of hot water. This mixture is infused in a water bath for 15 minutes, then it is filtered and added to the bath.

Enemas based on the seeds of burning grass - good method prevention of inflammatory processes of the prostate gland and to increase potency. For an enema liquid, you need a glass of water and a tablespoon of raw materials. The infusion is boiled for a quarter of an hour, then cooled to 30 degrees. Enemas should be given daily for 30 days.

When a man moves a little, andrologists advise making nettle lotions. They are applied to the anus.

To prepare a remedy for lotions, you will need 1 tbsp. l. seeds medicinal herb and 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. Infuse the medicine for 14 days in a cool, dark place. In the future, a gauze napkin is moistened in this ointment and applied before going to bed for half an hour.

The causes of low potency in men can be varied. Therefore, the main action in the treatment should be to identify the damaging factor.

Seed tinctures

Tinctures can be prepared both on wine and vodka. Men who have a weakness for alcohol, preference should be given to water-based medicines. Wide application got the following recipes :

Method number 1.

250 gr. seeds add to 500 ml. vodka. Leave in a dark place for 3 to 5 days. After readiness, take 20 drops 3 times a day before meals, diluted with water.

Method number 2.

Boil 5 tablespoons of raw materials in one and a half liters of red wine or mulled wine for about 2 hours. After that, 4 tablespoons of honey are added to the drink. Tincture is taken up to 4 times a day, 1 spoon.

Method number 3.

2 teaspoons of seeds pour 500 ml. boiling water. Leave the mixture for 15-20 minutes. Then strain the product and take 100 ml. half an hour before meals. The course lasts a month.

Method number 4.

To prepare this recipe you will need: l. ginger, st. l. lemon juice, 2 tbsp. l. seeds and 2 tbsp. l. honey. All components are mixed, daily use is 1 tsp. before eating. The course of treatment lasts half a month. The finished gruel is stored in the refrigerator.

Improvementpossible with long-term and regular use of funds.

Kazakh recipe

The recipe, which for some reason is called Kazakh, also helps to increase male energy and strength.

For its manufacture it is necessary:

Add 5 tablespoons of seeds to half a liter of grape port. Then, this mixture cook on low heat. After boiling the drink, it is cooled and filtered. In the future, the drug is drunk three times a day for a tablespoon.

In the absence of port wine, it is replaced with wine with honey. Honey is put as much as the main raw material. Reception of the mixture is carried out in the same way.

The therapeutic course lasts several months. If the effect is not achieved, the course is repeated with an interval of a month after the first.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

With excessive intake of nettles, the development of undesirable phenomena is possible. The harm done to the body is manifested in the form of:

  • Painful sensations in the abdomen.
  • Headaches and dizziness.
  • Asthenia.

Contraindications for the use of grass seeds, first of all, include individual intolerance. Also, the list of contraindications is supplemented by:

  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Enhanced coagulation.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Pathologies of the heart, liver and kidneys.
  • Hypertension.

Doctors' opinion

Doctors say that such a plant as nettle has a rich set of vitamins and essential acids. Exactly complex composition herb makes it beneficial for the human immune system. Therefore, such effective influence it also contributes to the improvement male power. Ascorbic acid, which is contained in nettle dioecious, exceeds the concentration of content in currants or lemons.

Regular use herbal remedies are used as a prophylaxis against bacterial and infectious prostatitis. Seeds contain secretin, which restores metabolic processes, normalizes the content of insulin.

The active substances of the plant restore male libido can improve sperm quality. Spermatozoa become more active and viable, which is very important for conception. In addition, the raw material is quite common, it can be purchased at any pharmacy.


Applying folk ways treatment based on nettle, you can quickly restore body functions after prolonged illness, increase its defenses. The influence of the plant on the strength and health of a man is difficult to overestimate.

In order for the grains of the medicinal herb to be effective and useful, it is necessary to collect them correctly. Harvesting is carried out in late summer, early autumn, when the weather is still dry. If other parts of the plant (leaves, roots) are used for treatment, they are collected at the end of spring. Storage conditions for raw materials must be properly organized. The raw materials are placed in bags, where it does not lose its properties for 6 years.

nettle price in pharmacies is from 50 rubles.

Nettle for the potency of men belongs to the category of folk remedies. The composition of the plant does not contain stimulating components that directly affect a persistent erection, the duration of sexual intercourse, the agent affects the circulatory system, the state of blood vessels, eliminates inflammatory processes. The use of nettle has its own indications, contraindications, and if the instructions are violated, it causes side effects.


The plant contains vitamins of groups B, A, K, C, tannins, enzymes, formic acid, amino acids. In count ascorbic acid 4 times more than lemon. Trace elements calcium, potassium, silicon, iron. The healing properties of nettle are due to its diverse composition. Medicinal plant is used to treat many diseases internal organs, systems, skin, has a beneficial effect on the sexual activity of men.

Effect on the human body:

  • eliminates flatulence;
  • reduces pain in the stomach with gastritis;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • stops inflammation;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • stimulates the work of the digestive organs;
  • stops bleeding by thickening the blood;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • helps to cope with liver diseases;
  • treats prostatitis;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • accelerates the healing of the skin in dermatological diseases;
  • normalizes water balance;
  • disinfects, fights bacteria, harmful microorganisms;
  • has an expectorant effect.

The medicinal plant is used to treat diseases, eliminate pathologies, dysfunctions. Also for prevention.

Effect on the body of a man

Violation of potency occurs for various reasons:

  • age-related changes;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • physical fatigue;
  • chronic diseases;
  • diseases of the reproductive system;
  • exhaustion nervous system;
  • excess weight;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • bad habits.

Increased risk erectile dysfunction under the influence of several adverse factors. In this case, the main cause of weak potency is impaired blood circulation, weak muscle tone, and spasm. Decreased libido occurs when hormonal imbalance. In turn, a decrease in testosterone production is due to malnutrition, sedentary image life, disease endocrine gland, age-related changes.

To eliminate erectile dysfunction, improve potency, you should understand true reasons violations of the reproductive system. Then proceed to the complex effect.

For achievement maximum result necessary:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • stimulation of hormone production;
  • improvement of blood circulation, blood flow to the pelvic organs;
  • increase in energy reserve;
  • calming the nervous system;
  • elimination of spasm.

All these functions are provided by nettle in combination with other beneficial ingredients. The use of drugs from nettle is indicated for violation of potency due to diseases of the reproductive system, especially prostatitis, diseases of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract.


Nettle has a pronounced hemostatic effect, anti-inflammatory, firming. The plant thickens the blood, accelerates clotting, increases arterial pressure. These beneficial properties medicinal product may cause side effects if you use nettle, regardless of contraindications.

It is forbidden to use in cases:

  • increased blood clotting;
  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • hypertension;
  • severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • serious diseases of the liver, kidneys;
  • convulsions;
  • advanced age.

On the whole, absolute contraindication to the use of the remedy is an individual intolerance, increased viscosity blood, high blood pressure.

In the presence of individual intolerance, an allergic reaction on the skin is observed in the form of rashes, itching, burning, redness, swelling, deterioration in general well-being. Feeling dizzy, headache, indigestion, nausea. In case of overdose, there are similar symptoms, added heart palpitations, shortness of breath.

Recipes to increase potency

Tinctures, decoctions, powder are prepared from nettle, fresh leaves, seeds are used. To increase efficiency, they are mixed with other components.

  • Port tincture

Nettle seeds increase sexual desire, stimulate blood flow to the pelvic organs. In 500 ml of port, add 5 tbsp. spoons of seeds. Boil over low heat for 5 minutes. Leave until completely cool. Take 50 ml in the evening. With a slight violation of erection, you can notice the effect of the drug after the first dose. To obtain a lasting effect, you should drink the tincture daily for at least 14 days.

  • egg recipe

Normalizes sexual functions, increases sexual desire, increases the duration of sexual intercourse. An effective remedy is prepared half an hour before breakfast. Mix nettle powder with black pepper. smash egg, add the mixture on the tip of a knife. Lightly beat the egg, drink. To get a lasting result, you need to drink the medicine every morning for 10 days.

  • Decoction

Pour 1 teaspoon of seeds with 200 ml of boiled water, insist under a closed lid for 5 minutes. It is allowed to add sugar to taste, and also honey is better. Medicinal decoction drink like regular tea half an hour before a meal or after a meal. In order for the decoction to have a positive effect on the nervous system, the seeds are mixed with chamomile, mint, lemon balm, thyme. The duration of therapy depends on the complexity of the situation. It is allowed to drink no more than 3 cups of healing tea per day.

  • Wine tincture

20 g of seeds are added to 500 ml of red wine, homemade. Cover with a lid, insist for a week in a dark place. You should take 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day. The duration of therapy is at least 10 days. The tool increases sexual desire, normalizes blood circulation, cleanses blood vessels, prolongs sexual intercourse, improves well-being.

  • Nettle with honey

An ingredient such as honey has a beneficial effect on circulatory system, digestive, cardiac, sexual. The main properties are antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, tonic, healing, regenerating. Nettle seeds, honey, red wine are mixed in equal proportions. Use 1 tbsp. spoon half an hour before meals. You can prepare a medicine each time a new one or store a pre-prepared composition in the refrigerator.

  • nettle salad

To increase sexual desire, improve sperm quality, it is recommended to use fresh nettle leaves. Delicious, healthy salad nettle, egg, green or onion. This salad is served with any side dish, seasoned with sour cream or vegetable oil. Salad enriches the body useful trace elements, vitamins, improves general well-being, raises protective functions organism. To prepare the dish, boil the egg, chop the young nettle, finely chop the onion.

  • nettle tea

The leaves of the plant are poured boiled water, insist 5 minutes, add a spoonful of honey. Drink instead of regular tea. Delicious, healthy drink contributes to the normalization hormonal background, improves blood circulation, cleanses the blood, strengthens blood vessels, has a positive effect on the nervous system.

  • Vodka tincture

With sexual dysfunction, decreased potency, sexual attraction, a preparation based on vodka and nettle root is recommended. You will need sealed glassware. Pour 500 ml of vodka there, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed root. Insist in a dark place for 3 weeks. Take 20 drops 1 time per day daily, half an hour before meals or after. The duration of therapy depends on the complexity of the problem.

  • herbal collection

Mint, St. John's wort, nettle leaves, clover, thyme are mixed in equal proportions. Pour 200 ml of water. Boil over low heat for 5 minutes. They let it brew. Drink with the addition of sugar or honey, like regular tea. The number of cups is 3 per day. Excellent remedy to increase potency, increase energy reserves, improve overall well-being.

  • Product for external use

Powder of seeds is added to fresh honey, mixed thoroughly, applied to the genitals. Within 5 minutes, an erection occurs. Nettle irritates the skin, increases blood flow to the pelvic organs, improves blood circulation. The procedure can be done daily in the evening, the mixture is washed off warm water. In this way, blood stasis is eliminated, the elasticity of blood vessels is improved, and muscles are trained. Improving potency is gradual, but the result lasts a long time.

If you don't have enough time to cook effective medicine, you can use one simple recipe. Grind 1 ripe banana in a blender, mix with a tablespoon of seed powder. Take the mixture throughout the day. In the evening they eat the last portion.

Side effects

With strict adherence to the instructions, side effects are not observed. However, care should be taken with the duration of therapy. You should not take the selected medicine for more than 30 days. If desired result missing, change the drug for therapy. And it is even better in this case to consult with a specialist. The first sign of an overdose is skin rash, headache, nausea, and increased blood pressure.


There are a lot of folk remedies to increase potency. This also includes dietary supplements based on herbal ingredients, which include nettle.

Herbs that increase potency:

  • Ginseng;
  • Valerian;
  • Motherwort;
  • Thyme;
  • Celery;
  • Clover;
  • Parsley;
  • Dill;
  • Hawthorn;
  • Goryanka;
  • Melissa;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Mint;
  • Ginkgo biloba.

Spices coriander, cinnamon, cloves. Eleutherococcus tincture, dietary supplement Nettle-Lecra-SET, Gista Block, Nettle-Chamomile tea. Plants to speed up the result are allowed to be combined. Can cook medicinal tea of the ingredients that suit your taste the most.

One of the most famous medicinal plants is nettle, the medicinal properties of the plant for men are not limited.

Description of the beneficial properties of nettle

Of great importance for the treatment of many diseases, including the pathology of the male reproductive system, among them is the anti-inflammatory property of nettle. In addition, the components of the plant have a pronounced effect on the walls of blood vessels, are able to fight bleeding.

The benefits of nettle for men also lie in the fact that the tincture of the leaves of the plant can excite lust.

Many other properties of the plant have been experimentally proven: wound healing, the effect on a quick stop of bleeding, strengthening of blood vessels, a stimulating effect on the immune system, or rather, its lymphatic component, as well as the removal of toxins from the body through the kidneys.

Nettle is very popular due to its versatility. It is used in almost all areas of medicine: cosmetology, hair treatment, in patients with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, in violation of hemostasis, falling immune protection, with diseases of the male genital organs, such as prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

Having a mild effect on the body, nettle won first place among non-traditional methods treatment as the most safe alternative medicinal preparations.

The use of nettle for the treatment of diseases of the male reproductive system

The healing properties of nettle can be successfully used to treat diseases such as impotence, weak erection, and other organ pathologies. genitourinary system.

To stimulate the genitourinary system, an infusion of dry leaves of the plant in the amount of 1 tablespoon filled with a liter of boiling water is suitable. Let it brew for up to 1 hour, then strain and apply 60-70 ml. three times a day.

After the course of treatment, there is an improvement in the functioning of the excretory organs and the reproductive system, as well as the metabolism.

Required recipes that can be used, to :

  1. Nettle seeds, taken in the amount of 5 tablespoons, pour half a liter of wine. It is advisable to take port wine. Bring this mixture to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat. After cooling, the mixture must be filtered and consumed in 50 ml. once a day, or divide the intake into three times a tablespoon.
  2. The following recipe contains the following ingredients: honey, wine, nettle seeds. All components are taken in equal amounts to obtain a mixture of a homogeneous consistency. After a course of treatment with such a “drug”, an increase in sexual desire is observed. Nettle, prepared in this form, is used to increase potency.
  3. Recipes for men from nettle are based not only on seeds, leaves, but also on the rhizomes of the plant. The washed roots are crushed, taken in the amount of 2 tablespoons and poured with vodka. It will take a liter of vodka. You need to insist for three weeks in places where they do not penetrate Sun rays. After that, apply 20 drops only once a day;
  4. The most useful and not so aggressive will be a mixture of nettle seeds and banana pulp. A tablespoon of seeds should be mixed with one banana, you get a pleasant medicine that is eaten once a day for a tablespoon.
  5. Nettle recipes that affect potency can be quite simple. For example, you can simply brew a tablespoon of the seeds of a medicinal plant and use it instead of tea.

Stinging nettle for men is also used for prostate adenoma, and is especially effective in its first stages. The recipe is simple. You will need fresh leaves and rhizomes of the plant. They are washed, finely chopped so that both parts of the grass are in the same amount. Then take 2 tablespoons of the mixture and pour boiling water (250 ml.). On low heat, you still need to hold for 5 minutes and then let cool. The filtered preparation is drunk in a cup in the morning and in the evening in a warm form.

Nettle as a remedy for male potency

According to modern ideas, about 30% of men suffer from erectile dysfunction and potency disorders. To treat such changes, pharmacological preparations. However, you should not immediately resort to their use. Sometimes it is possible to correct the situation by observing correct mode day, the transition to proper nutrition, as well as with the help of traditional medicine.

Nettle seeds are used to prepare decoctions, teas, infusions. The medicines received positive influence on the work of the organs of the reproductive system, the central nervous system, as well as on blood circulation.

Substances contained in nettles improve potency through direct action, as well as through the treatment of diseases such as those that are accompanied by erectile function.

Before using any nettle-based products, get the advice of a specialist, as the plant is able to thicken the blood, and this is contraindicated in the pathology of the heart and blood vessels.

How to prepare nettle

Each medicinal plant has certain set healing properties only at specific intervals of time. That's why importance given to the collection and storage of plant parts.

Usually when describing medicinal properties The plants are referred to as dioecious nettles. But parts of stinging nettle sometimes get into the mixture, which in no way spoils the properties of the preparations prepared later. Just in homeopathy and traditional medicine, the leaves of the stinging nettle are used more often. The remaining parts (rhizomes, seeds and less often stems) are taken from the nettle.

A properly collected plant is one that was plucked during the flowering period, that is, from June to August. It is important to collect raw materials in dry, clear weather, when the dew on the grass has already dried up.

When collecting raw materials, make sure that the place is environmentally friendly, not located near roads, industrial enterprises, places for walking animals. It is also worth asking if there were any chemical industry waste dumps in this place, mineral fertilizers, animal burial grounds.

It is clear that the collection must be carried out in tight gloves, tearing fresh leaves from the tops of the plant. If you need a large amount of raw materials, then the nettle is first mowed with a sickle or scythe, allowed to wither a little, then it is not so stinging. After that, you can safely cut off the leaves with your hands.

The roots are washed before drying, cleaned of dirt. Drying is carried out indoors or on fresh air so that the sun's rays do not fall, and the place itself is well ventilated.

Ready raw materials do not need to be trampled down, crushed immediately, they are stored in their original form in paper bags, bags, baskets.

It is difficult to overestimate the value of this plant not only for the treatment of diseases of the male reproductive system, but also for other pathologies. rich composition and healing properties nettles have made it one of the most valuable medicinal plants.

The dream of many men is to have at any age good potency. Proper nutrition, no stress and bad habits, are the basis for a healthy and long sexual life. Everyone understands that in modern world almost impossible to lead correct image life. Often, men who have problems with potency avoid visiting the urological office and try to cope with this disease on their own.

Search effective remedy for potency continue now, says the site menpoten.ru. According to statistics, 60% of men are trying to increase potency precisely folk remedies. One of these miraculous remedies is nettle, which has long been used to treat many diseases. It is also useful for the male body.

Nettle is a common plant known for its stinging qualities. The properties of nettle are useful for men who suffer from impotence, diseases of the genitourinary system and male weakness.

For the treatment of the genitourinary system in men, the following agents are used.

One tablespoon of the plant (pre-grind) will require a liter of boiling water. Infuse the remedy for 20 minutes, then it must be filtered. Use the resulting product three times a day for about 70 ml. The use of tincture leads to a significant improvement in metabolism, thereby natural stimulation urinary system in men.

As emergency remedy apply the following decoction of dioecious nettle. Pour 100 g of nettle leaves (dry, they can be dried on their own or bought at a pharmacy) with two glasses of boiling water. When the infusion becomes slightly warm, add a spoonful of honey to it. After complete cooling, the infusion will be ready for use. Such an infusion will act like Viagra, so it is recommended to take it an hour before sexual intercourse.

To increase the potency, you can take five tablespoons of nettle (seeds) and pour half a liter of grape port over them, boil the mixture for about five minutes, cool and strain. Take 75 mg before bed.

Please note - nettle is contraindicated in people who have been diagnosed with thrombosis, or have a tendency to it, as well as those men who have increased blood clotting.

The article was prepared and edited by: surgeon



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Nettle is a valuable medicinal plant, the "magic" properties of which have been known for a long time. Especially, the previous generations are well known with an excellent "educational" effect! Absolutely not traumatic, but a particularly memorable means of education.

Nettle is considered traditional means helping to cope with men's problems. This is due to the fact that it contains a substance that does not allow decay male hormone testosterone, which is responsible for normal work prostate. The substance is contained in large quantities V .

The experience accumulated over the centuries helps to cope with many specific male diseases Not medications. So, nettle helped in the fight against the disease, prostate adenoma. Statistics say that more than 80% of men develop this unpleasant disease with age.

Unfortunately, most are extremely frivolous about the first alarming symptoms:

  • weak stream of urine;
  • difficulty in the beginning of urination;
  • sensation of incomplete emptying of the bladder.

Important! If you do not pay attention to these symptoms in time, then a serious illness can develop over time.

Nodules in the prostate do not easily retain urine, but pose a threat of kidney damage, the formation of stones in bladder. Inflammatory processes develop, and sexual dysfunction, so you need to pay attention to the first alarming signs in time. This is where nettle-based products can help. After all, they inhibit the breakdown of testosterone, stimulate sexual activity.

Treatment of diseases

Even official medicine recommends drinking as a diuretic in the treatment of diseases associated with difficulty urinating. Also nettle root tea aid in the fight against adenoma I and II degree.

The use of the root for prostate adenoma and prostatitis

adenoma and prostatitis different diseases affecting one organ - the prostate gland. Traditional medicine with the help of nettle treats both.

In folk medicine, many male specific diseases treated with various decoctions:

  • 2 tsp nettle roots and leaves;
  • 1 cup boiling water.

Put the mixture on a slow fire for 5-10 minutes. Then it should be filtered and taken still warm in small sips. Drink in the morning or evening for 1.5 months.


Official medicine uses drugs for the treatment of prostatitis, which include nettle root, and traditional medicine suggests using a tincture of the roots. This tool has come down to us from ancient times and has proven itself, today it is also widely used.

Nettle root tincture:

  • 200 g of nettle roots;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • a little pine needles (about 30 g).

Nettle roots are thoroughly washed and cut as small as possible. Pine needles are crushed in the same way. All ingredients are poured into a specially prepared container and filled with vodka. Then the container should be tightly closed and put away in a cool, dark place.

Once a day, it is advisable to take out the container and shake it slightly. The remedy should be infused for 7-10 days. Then you need to strain using several layers of gauze. As a medicine, it is taken twice a day, at lunchtime and at bedtime, 20 ml.

Important! The roots must be collected strictly during the flowering period.

On the basis of nettle seeds, preparations are prepared that stimulate male potency.

  1. 1 tablespoon of nettle seeds is ground with 1 banana and this mixture is consumed throughout the day.
  2. Crushed seeds in a mortar are mixed with a spoonful of honey and grape wine.
  3. Salad of nettle leaves, onions and eggs.

Important! Almost all parts of the nettle have a beneficial effect on male potency.

Nettle is also included in many fees to enhance potency. For example, you need to take in equal parts the leaves of nettle, mint, St. John's wort, clover, pour boiling water and let it brew for 1 hour. Drink 3 times a day.

Herbs are usually treated for 2 to 6 weeks. And you should take traditional medicine with caution, because possible allergic reactions.

With baldness

The most famous and popular use of nettle is this. With the help of decoctions and nettle infusions, they give hair density, get rid of dandruff and fight hair loss. To combat hair loss, nettle decoctions and masks are used, and even taken orally.

Let's look at a few recipes.

  1. 2 tbsp. l. dried roots and leaves of nettle, pour 0.5 liters of hot water (not boiling water). To put on water bath and cook for about 30 minutes. The prepared broth is tightly closed and wrapped, left to infuse all night. The next day, the broth should be filtered. Nettle "water" is rubbed into the hair roots after regular wash heads. If possible, it is better to pour the infusion into a container with a spray gun, for ease of application and distribution of the product. This decoction fights hair loss and stimulates their growth.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. fresh leaves nettles are placed in a glass container and a glass of vodka is added there. The container closes tightly and hides in a dark place. Nettle stands there for a month, then the mixture must be filtered through cheesecloth. Apply the tincture as follows: pour 2 tbsp into the water prepared for washing. l. the prepared product and wash their hair with this water.

Attention! This method is not suitable for those who have dry scalp and dry hair.

mask recipe

Grind 100 g of fresh nettle leaves into a pulp. Add sea ​​salt(if it is not, then you can use the cookbook). Everything is actively mixed until a mass is obtained that resembles sour cream in consistency. This nettle mass is applied to the hair and left for half an hour. Then the head is washed with shampoo and dried without using a hair dryer. Nettle mask stops hair loss, helps in the fight against dandruff, and makes hair softer and more beautiful.

Attention! The mask is only suitable for oily hair.

Hair growth stimulant and hair loss preventative for oral use:

  • 1 st. l. nettle collection;
  • 1 glass of water.

Pour the collection and keep in a water bath for half an hour. Remove from heat and let stand for 2 hours. The broth is filtered and put on fire again, bringing the volume of liquid to 300 ml. The resulting remedy is taken for 14 days, ½ cup.


nettle wonderful treatment plant, but it can not be applied to everyone and not always. Like most medicines, this one also has it.

  1. It should be borne in mind that nettle has the ability to increase blood clotting, so people suffering from varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. To those who have thick blood it is not recommended to use nettle as a medicine due to increased risk thrombus formation.
  2. You can not use nettle for kidney disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension.
  3. Nettle should not be taken by pregnant women due to the risk of increased uterine tone.

Also, nettle can cause allergic reactions. In any case, before starting treatment with nettle preparations, you should consult with your doctor.