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Kiwi: the benefits and harms of “Chinese gooseberries”. Calorie content and methods of using kiwi: with benefit and without harm to health. How to choose healthy kiwis. Beet salad with kiwi

The sour, juicy fruit came to us from China, where it is sometimes called “gooseberry from China.” From the land of the rising sun, kiwi was brought to New Zealand, where it got its name due to its resemblance to the kiwi bird. Today, kiwi has become widespread in Italy, Greece, Chile, Japan, the USA, and Iran. In Russia there are also plantations where this tasty and beautiful fruit is grown - in Krasnodar region. But is kiwi healthy? Let's find out together.

Useful properties of kiwi

Today, kiwi has long left the category of exotic fruits - it can be found on the shelves of many grocery stores. But at the same time, many are cautious about choosing this pretty fruit, and all because they are not sure of its beneficial properties.


But in vain! After all, kiwi contains a huge amount of vitamins that are beneficial for humans, as well as fiber, folic acid, pectins and sugars, antioxidants and vegetable protein, flavonoids and beta-carotene. Its green or yellow pulp contains only 61 kcal per 100 grams, so kiwi is especially popular among those who maintain a slim figure and watch their health. healthy eating.

One ripe kiwi contains enough vitamin A daily norm person! And in combination with magnesium, which is also present in kiwi pulp, vitamin A is very beneficial for heart patients. In addition, due to the high potassium content, this fruit has a very beneficial effect on the well-being of hypertensive patients - it lowers and normalizes blood pressure in the vessels.

Nutrients in kiwi

  • vitamins A, group B, C, D, E;
  • beta-carotene;
  • flavonoids;
  • antioxidants;
  • cellulose;
  • vegetable protein;
  • organic acids;
  • folic acid;
  • actinidin;
  • Sahara;
  • pectins.

Scientists also noticed that those people who eat kiwi all year round, suffer less than others from the appearance of premature gray hair.

If you overeat, just eat one kiwi - it will help eliminate heaviness in the stomach and speed up digestive process. Kiwi perfectly removes cholesterol from the human body; it also helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and is a natural prevention of the development of atherosclerosis and thrombosis.

Fresh kiwis are excellent extra salt from the body, help cope with swelling and stones in the bladder. Due to their low sugar content, these fruits are recommended for anyone who suffers from diabetes and follows a healthy diet. Therapists and gynecologists recommend eating kiwi to all pregnant women, because these fruits contain many beneficial substances, micro- and macroelements.

For whom is kiwi harmful?

  1. for allergy sufferers;
  2. with gastritis;
  3. with increased acidity in the stomach;
  4. for gastric ulcers;
  5. for kidney diseases;
  6. for food poisoning.

How much kiwi can you eat?

The optimal amount of kiwi per day for an adult would be no more than 3 ripe kiwis. It is best to use this fruit as a healthy snack or to improve appetite - half an hour before meals. Remember that moderation is necessary in everything, which means that no matter how healthy kiwi is, you should not overdo it with its consumption, so as not to harm your health.

How to choose healthy kiwis

First of all, when choosing a tasty, ripe and healthy kiwi, you need to examine its fleecy skin. It shouldn't be on it dark spots- they say that the fruit is infected with a disease and should not be eaten. If you find a gray or gray-violet coating on the skin, this is a sign of rotting. Next, press a little on the stem of the fruit: if liquid appears, the fruit is not worth buying. Now we need to determine what kiwi smells like.

A ripe and fresh fruit practically does not exude any aroma, but if it smells like wine, then it is better not to buy this kiwi.

The most useful fruits should be a little soft: overripe kiwis are very soft, while unripe ones, on the contrary, are very hard. Although the latter can be bought and put aside for a while, they will quickly ripen and acquire a pleasant taste and will give your body all the beneficial substances, vitamins and minerals stored in the fruit.

Healthy recipes with kiwi

Ripe fresh kiwi is very tasty both as an independent product and as an addition to fruit salads, or as jam or jam. For our beloved readers, we have prepared a simple and healthy recipe salad with kiwi, which will be a pleasant change in your family’s daily diet.

Salad with celery and kiwi

We will need: celery - 200 grams, kiwi - 2 pcs., 20% cream - 100 ml, soy sauce to taste, cognac - 2 tbsp.

  1. First, let's prepare the sauce. To do this, mix cream, soy sauce and cognac in a saucepan, whisk lightly and place on low heat. Boil the sauce until reduced in volume by 2 times, without bringing to a boil and stirring it constantly. Then remove from the stove, cover with a napkin and let cool to room temperature.
  2. Cut the celery into strips or grate it on a coarse grater. Peel the kiwi and cut into half slices. Next, put half of the celery in a deep plate, a layer of half of the kiwi on top, then celery again and the top layer will be the remaining kiwi. Pour the sauce on top and pour the sauce over the salad. Garnish with kiwi slices and fresh watercress leaves.

Kiwi is an exotic fruit, its homeland is China. But kiwi was brought to Europe from New Zealand - it was there that 120 years ago they learned how to develop cultivated varieties of the product, which are distinguished by their larger mass compared to their wild “brother.” By the way, the fruit got its name precisely in New Zealand - kiwi is the name of a small bird, which is practically a symbol of the country and is even depicted on coins.

The nutritional value

Nutritional value 100 g:

  • Calorie content: 47 kcal
  • Proteins: 0.8 g
  • Fat: 0.4 g
  • Carbohydrates: 8.1 g
  • Dietary fiber: 3.8 g
  • Organic acids: 2.5 g
  • Water: 83.8 g
  • Unsaturated fatty acid: 0.1 g
  • Mono- and disaccharides: 7.8 g
  • Starch: 0.3 g
  • Ash: 0.6 g
  • Saturated fatty acids: 0.1 g


  • Calcium: 40 mg
  • Magnesium: 25 mg
  • Sodium: 5 mg
  • Potassium: 300 mg
  • Phosphorus: 34 mg
  • Chlorine: 47 mg
  • Sulfur: 15 mg


  • Vitamin PP: 0.4 mg
  • Beta-carotene: 0.09 mg
  • Vitamin A (VE): 15 mcg
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 0.02 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 0.04 mg
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): 0.2 mg
  • Vitamin B9 (folate): 18.5 mcg
  • Vitamin C: 180 mg
  • Vitamin E (TE): 0.3 mg
  • Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent): 0.5 mg


  • Iron: 0.8 mg
  • Zinc: 0.29 mg
  • Iodine: 2 mcg
  • Copper: 135 mcg
  • Manganese: 0.21 mg
  • Fluoride: 14 mcg
  • Molybdenum: 10 mcg
  • Boron: 100 mcg
  • Cobalt: 1 mcg
  • Aluminum: 815 mcg

Kiwi has a rich composition of vitamins and micro/macroelements. It contains B vitamins, but vitamin B6 is of greater interest - it preserves visual acuity and strengthens the lens. The fruit contains vitamin C, D, and E.

The pulp of the fruit contains folic acid, flavonoids, organic acids, sugars and pectins, actinidin and other substances beneficial to humans. And kiwi is an ideal option for weight loss: 100 g contains only 47 kcal! And this despite the fact that the berry (namely, botanists insist on this classification of the product in question) contains a large number of sugar - even diabetics need to eat it with great caution.

The benefits of kiwi - how it will help

Kiwi pulp contains a fairly large amount of potassium - this mineral substance has a beneficial effect on the walls blood vessels, strengthens and tones them. Therefore, the fruit is indicated for consumption by people with persistently elevated blood pressure(hypertensive patients). Kiwi contains a lot of potassium - it is enough to eat one fruit a day to take the daily requirement of this substance necessary for normal life body. Potassium in the fruit is combined with magnesium, so for people with heart problems, kiwi should become a familiar dessert on the table.

Unique combination minerals in kiwi pulp prevents the development of atherosclerosis, thrombosis and even fights aging - scientists have clearly established that regularly eating one fruit per day “delays” the appearance of gray hair.

Kiwi has the ability to remove excess fluid from the body, which helps people with diagnosed kidney stones, but you need to be careful and consult your doctor before eating kiwi - for some kidney diseases, the fruit is contraindicated.

Due to the listed beneficial properties, kiwi is recommended for consumption even by pregnant women, but with a caveat - it is necessary to exclude hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to the exotic fruit.

And the best thing for women is that kiwi contains enzymes in large quantities, which have the ability to burn fat. Therefore, the exotic berry will be an excellent remedy for weight loss. But nutritionists warn: even in the absence of contraindications, it is undesirable to eat more than 3 pieces of kiwi per day.

Harm of kiwi - to whom it is contraindicated

First of all, kiwi is contraindicated for allergy sufferers; before consuming this exotic fruit, you need to undergo allergy tests. After all, both the pulp and the “fluffy” surface of the fruit pose a real danger for people with hypersensitivity or individual intolerance. When coming into contact with this fruit, allergy sufferers may develop swelling of the tongue, an attack of suffocation, and dermatosis of the pharynx.

It is not advisable to consume the described fruit of the exotic plant for people diagnosed with... True, it is worth clarifying - if gastritis is diagnosed with low acidity gastric juice, then kiwi, on the contrary, will be very useful.

Kiwi contains a lot of water, so it can be very taxing. excretory system– some kidney diseases are a contraindication for consuming this fruit. For example, if a person has only one kidney or is diagnosed with glomerulonephritis or kidney cancer.

Kiwi has strong laxative properties - any poisoning accompanied by diarrhea (diarrhea) becomes a categorical contraindication to the introduction of the described product into the diet.

How to eat kiwi

Kiwi is very useful in fresh– its pulp has a pleasant taste, and the amount of vitamins and micro/macroelements is completely preserved. But jams and jams, sauces for meat and various desserts are prepared from this fruit. During heat treatment, the described product loses up to 60% useful substances, therefore nutritionists strongly recommend not only improving the taste of ready-made meat dishes and desserts, but eat it fresh.

Some manufacturers alcoholic drinks Kiwi is used as a flavoring to make liqueurs and wine. But you need to know - in this form, an exotic fruit loses absolutely all its beneficial features.

Kiwi in cosmetology

Manufacturers cosmetics Kiwi extracts are used to make anti-wrinkle creams, moisturizers, shampoos and facial cleansing lotions.

What can you make from kiwi at home:

  • face masks - the pulp of the fruit must be combined with some kind of fatty product(milk, sour cream, cream);
  • hair rinse balm - in this case you will need dried kiwi peel;
  • facial cleanser - you will have to use a special one heat treatment fruit pulp.

The simplest thing is to peel the kiwi, eat the healthy pulp, and the peel inside Apply to cleansed facial skin.

The whole world knows a fruit called kiwi. It grows on tree-like vines. The beneficial properties of kiwi are simply amazing. Not everyone knows that it is usually classified as an exotic berry. The pulp of the fruit is tender and juicy. It is widely used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology.

It’s not for nothing that people want to know about all the beneficial properties of kiwi and its contraindications. Kiwi is considered a unique product, since it contains a lot useful minerals and vitamins. It rarely causes allergies, so it can be given to young children. Let's talk about all this in more detail.

1. Normalizes blood pressure.
Kiwi contains a large amount of potassium, which lowers blood pressure. Therefore, hypertensive patients need to consume at least one fruit per day.

2. Treats oncology.
Numerous observations by doctors have revealed that people with oncological diseases who include kiwi in their diet, there is a decrease cancerous tumor. This effect is achieved thanks to the antioxidants contained in kiwi.

3. Removes excess salt.
The uniqueness of kiwi is that this fruit removes excess salt from the body. In addition, it cleans the walls of blood vessels.

4. Increases hemoglobin.
Kiwi contains a large amount of iron. It helps to cope with anemia and increase hemoglobin. The fruit contains vitamin B, which helps restore the psyche and has a calming effect.

5. Improves liver function.
The fruits are rich in tocopherol. It is a natural antioxidant that has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, kidneys and endocrine system.

6. Digestive system.
Introducing kiwi into the diet improves digestion, relieves heaviness in the stomach and fights heartburn. This is especially necessary for lovers of salty foods, because kiwi removes excess sodium from the body.

7. Promotes weight loss.
Frequent consumption of kiwi helps to get rid of extra pounds. Kiwi accelerates the process of burning fat, normalizes metabolism and speeds up metabolism. However, we should not forget that kiwi is not a panacea. To lose weight you need to eat right and exercise.

8. Restores the nervous system.
Kiwi successfully fights stress. With its help you can get rid of insomnia, nervous system will come back to normal and good mood will remain for for a long time. Vitamin C and iron contained in kiwi are responsible for mental activity and the nervous system.

With regular consumption of kiwi, the psyche returns to normal, irritability goes away, and a feeling of cheerfulness appears. The benefits of kiwi are invaluable for people with an unstable work schedule, especially when they have chronic lack of sleep And poor nutrition. Daily use berries restore the body and replenish the supply of nutrients.

9. Reduces cholesterol levels.
The benefit of kiwi is that it perfectly cleanses the body of cholesterol. If this is not done, then cholesterol accumulates in the body and leads to the formation cholesterol plaques. As cholesterol levels increase in the body, they begin to develop various pathologies associated with the heart and blood vessels.

In order to normalize cholesterol levels, it is enough to eat two kiwi fruits daily. Then help medical supplies you won't need it. But, again, it is better to consult your doctor first. Self-medication is not always healthy.

10. Normalizes insulin levels in diabetes.
Doctors recommend that diabetics include kiwi in their diet. It has been scientifically proven that the pulp normalizes insulin levels and dampens the desire to eat sweets.

11. Combats constipation.
Kiwi has a slight laxative effect due to great content fiber in fruits. To improve intestinal function and normalize stool, you need to eat three fruits with peel a day.

12. Treats hemorrhoids.
Most of modern men spends his time in the office, this has an adverse effect on health and often leads to the appearance of such an ailment as hemorrhoids. But pectin, which is part of kiwi, actively fights the disease.

13. Removes alcohol from the body.
To avoid alcohol intoxication, you need to eat one fruit before the feast, and then drink kiwi in the future.

14. Positively affects other body systems.
In order to prevent the formation urolithiasis and improve the respiratory system, doctors advise introducing kiwi into your diet. For lovers of such heavy foods as fried meat, kiwi is a must, as it promotes the breakdown of fats and prevents the formation of heaviness in the stomach.

Benefits for women

15. Beneficial for pregnant women.
Pregnant women need to include kiwi in their diet. The fruit prevents the possibility of miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. It also has a beneficial effect on the formation of the fetus. Kiwi helps the expectant mother maintain her body in good shape and gently cleanses the intestines of waste and toxins. The product saves pregnant women from intoxication.

16. Strengthens the body.
Not every woman is ready to become a mother, and therefore takes contraceptives. As a rule, the drugs are oral. They do not always have a beneficial effect on women's health and often provoke the formation of thrush. Kiwi prevents its occurrence and improves immunity.

Benefits for the skin

17. Nourishes.
Thanks to the vitamins and minerals contained in kiwi, it has nutritional properties. To prepare nourishing mask, you will need kiwi puree, a teaspoon of honey and sour cream. The mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes. Then wash it off warm water.

18. Moisturizes.
Kiwi is perfect for those who have dry and flaky skin. To moisturize your skin, you will need to make a special mask. Take a teaspoon olive oil, two spoons low-fat cottage cheese and one kiwi puree. Mix all the ingredients and apply the mixture to the skin for 25 minutes. Then wash your face with warm water.

19. Rejuvenates.
To give your skin freshness and youth, a rejuvenating kiwi mask is suitable. Take one teaspoon applesauce, heavy cream and kiwi pulp. Mix ingredients and apply ready-made mask on the face for 20 minutes. Rinse your face with cool water.

To fight with age-related changes another one will help you simple mask, consisting of egg white, mixed with two tablespoons of kiwi pulp. Apply the mixture to your face for 15 minutes. Kiwi helps rejuvenate the skin and smooth out wrinkles by stimulating collagen production.

20. Lightens skin.
If you want to brighten your skin or get rid of freckles, the following mask will help you. Take one teaspoon each of potato starch and kiwi pulp. Mix and apply to face for 30 minutes. Wash your face with cool water.

21. Eliminates acne.
Kiwi helps get rid of acne. It perfectly cleanses the skin and tightens pores. This berry successfully fights acne due to the large amount of organic acids. To do this, just mash the kiwi pulp and apply it to your face. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse with water.

22. Gives the face a natural tone.
If you have an uneven complexion, then this will help you cope with this problem. regular use kiwi or using masks based on it. Kiwi eliminates oily shine on the face. Vitamin E in fruits controls the production sebaceous glands.

23. Reduces " crow's feet" around eyes.
Many women after 30 years begin to suffer from such a problem as crow's feet around the eyes. To eliminate them, it is enough to use a kiwi mask. You will need half a teaspoon of kiwi puree and a tablespoon of full-fat cottage cheese. Apply the product to the area around the eyes and leave for 15 minutes. To obtain desired result, it is advisable to use the mask at least twice a week.

24. Tightens the facial contour.
For a facelift, just use the following product. Mix one tablespoon of kiwi puree with the same amount of semolina. The mask is applied to the face and neck for 25 minutes. The procedure should be done at least twice a week.

25. Eliminates blackheads.
In order to get rid of blackheads, you can use kiwi-based lotion and lemon juice. Add the same amount of lemon juice to one tablespoon of kiwi puree. Wipe your face with the resulting lotion. After 15 minutes, wash your face.

Benefits for hair

Kiwi is widely used in cosmetology not only for facial skin. Masks are made for hair based on fruit.

26. Strengthens hair.
Kiwi strengthens hair and nourishes hair follicles. Hair brittleness disappears thanks to the vitamin E contained in kiwi.

27. Restores hair structure.
When consuming kiwi, hair becomes soft and silky, it is easy to comb and does not tangle after washing. The oily sheen at the roots disappears, the activity of the sebaceous glands returns to normal. Dandruff also goes away.

28. Activates hair growth.
To activate hair growth, you can use kiwi not only internally, but also make masks from it. They are made from the pulp located closer to the peel, since if small grains get into the mask, it will be extremely difficult to comb them out of the hair.

Benefits for men

29. Improves sex life.
Kiwis count male berry, it helps to increase libido, increases sexual activity in men and attractiveness in the eyes of women.

30. Increases fertility.
It is believed that married couples who dream of having a child, but for some reason cannot achieve their desire, should add kiwi to their diet. The vitamins and amino acids that make up this berry increase fertility.

31. Increases potency.
Regular consumption of kiwi increases male potency. There have been cases when men completely got rid of problems with erectile dysfunction. It is recommended to consume kiwi daily for men over 40 years of age.

Harm and contraindications

1. May cause diarrhea.
Kiwi fruits are not recommended for consumption by people suffering from diarrhea, diseases Bladder, kidney and stomach problems.

2. Contributes to allergies.
If a person has an individual intolerance to kiwi, then consuming it may cause severe swelling or even dermatosis of the throat. Therefore, you should not take risks; it is better to refrain from eating this berry. Kiwi is considered allergenic product, so the kids in infancy It is prohibited to give it.

3. Do not consume excessively.
Even if you love kiwi very much, you can only consume it in moderation.

Chemical composition of the product

Nutritional value of kiwi (100 g) and percentage daily value:

  • The nutritional value
  • Vitamins
  • Macronutrients
  • Microelements
  • calories 47 kcal – 3.3%;
  • proteins 0.8 g – 0.98%;
  • fats 0.4 g – 0.62%;
  • carbohydrates 8.1 g – 6.33%;
  • dietary fiber 3.8 g – 19%;
  • water 83.8 g – 3.27%.
  • A 15 mcg – 1.7%;
  • beta-carotene 0.09 mg – 1.8%;
  • With 180 mg – 200%;
  • E 0.3 mg – 2%;
  • B1 0.02 mg – 1.3%;
  • B2 0.04 mg – 2.2%;
  • PP 0.5 mg – 2.5%.
  • potassium 300 mg – 12%;
  • calcium 40 mg – 4%;
  • magnesium 25 mg – 6.3%;
  • sodium 5 mg – 0.4%;
  • phosphorus 34 mg – 4.3%.
  • iron 0.8 mg – 4.4%.


As we have seen, kiwi - the most useful product. It has many advantages and a minimum of contraindications. We highly recommend including this unique fruit in your diet to benefit from it. maximum benefit for good health.

Beneficial features

  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Treats oncology.
  • Removes excess salt.
  • Increases hemoglobin.
  • Improves liver function.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.
  • Promotes weight loss.
  • Restores the nervous system.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels.
  • Reduces sugar levels in diabetes.
  • Fights constipation.
  • Treats hemorrhoids.
  • Removes alcohol from the body.
  • Positively affects other body systems.
  • Useful for men and women.
  • Good for skin and hair.

Harmful properties

  • May cause diarrhea.
  • Promotes allergies.
  • Do not use excessively.

Additional useful information about kiwi

How to use

1. In cooking.
Kiwi can be added to many dishes. You can make charlotte from it. The main ingredient in this dish will not be apples, but kiwi. If you bake chicken with kiwi, the meat will turn out tender and juicy. If you follow proper nutrition, be sure to prepare a smoothie from this exotic fruit.

This may seem strange, but you can make sandwiches with bread with kiwi. According to many people, they are very tasty. Kiwi jam turns out delicious and incredibly beautiful. Kiwi compote is not only healthy, but also perfectly quenches thirst. There are many recipes using kiwi. The exotic fruit is used in cooking all over the world.

3. In cosmetology.
Kiwi is an excellent component of creams, masks, and shampoos. In addition, you can make your own kiwi mask.

How to choose

There are a large number of kiwi varieties known. This fruit may be various shapes and vary in taste. But regardless of this, there are a number of rules by which you must choose a product.

  • The diameter of the fruit should not exceed 8 centimeters.
  • The color of the peel, depending on the variety, is green or dark brown.
  • The skin of kiwi is always thin and with small fibers.
  • The pulp of kiwi is green and contains a large number of seeds.
  • Depending on the variety, kiwi can be oval or round in shape.
  • You can often find fruits packaged in containers in stores. In this case, the fruits must be carefully examined. If the bottom of the container contains any accumulations, then it is better to refrain from purchasing such kiwis. Also, there should be no condensation on the walls of the container. If it is present, this indicates improper storage of the product.
  • Ripe fruit is always elastic. If you press it, there will be no dents on it. But at the same time, it should not resemble a stone.
  • The smell of kiwi should be soft and fruity, but not harsh.
  • If the fruit is too hard, this indicates its immaturity.
  • Soft kiwi not only indicates the ripeness of the product, sometimes it can be a sign that it has gone bad.
  • White plaque on the villi is considered the main sign of rotting fruit.
  • Spoiled fruit smells like wine.
  • Spots or dots on the peel indicate that the product is painful.
  • If you find sticky substances on the surface of kiwi, then it is better to refuse to purchase such fruit, since it has been subjected to chemical treatment to extend shelf life.

How to store

Kiwi is classified as a fruit that does not have a long shelf life. In most cases, it is purchased already ripe, and the shelf life will depend on the degree of ripeness.

If you do not plan to consume kiwi for several days after purchasing, it would be preferable to buy an unripe fruit. At home, kiwi ripens perfectly.

  • You can store kiwi at room temperature, in the refrigerator, and even in the freezer.
  • One of the amazing qualities of kiwi is the ability to preserve its nutritional properties no matter where it is stored. In any case, the fruit will not lose its taste.
  • An exception is peeled kiwi; such a product is not stored for a long time, since after a day the surface of the sliced ​​kiwi will begin to attack microbes, accelerating its oxidation.
  • In order for kiwi to be well preserved, it needs oxygen, so the fruits are placed in open containers or bags with holes.
  • If during storage the fruit becomes covered with a white coating, this means that it has begun to rot. It is better to throw away such a product.
  • To prevent the kiwi from being absorbed foreign odors, it should be stored away from strong-smelling products.
  • An apple will help shorten the ripening time of fruit. To do this, place the fruit in a bag, and after two days the kiwi will be ripe.
  • You only need to wash kiwi before storing if you plan to store it in the freezer.
  • The ideal humidity for kiwi is 90–95%. Under such conditions, the product will last longer.
  • You need to know one storage rule: the longer the product is stored, the softer it will be.
  • The ideal temperature for kiwi is not lower than 0 degrees. If you create the right conditions to store the fruit, it can be stored for three months.
  • At temperatures from +10 to +15 degrees, kiwi will retain its qualities for a month. The main condition is complete exclusion sharp changes temperature.
  • Frozen product can be stored for several months. To do this, remove the skin from the fruit, cut it into pieces or slices, depending on preference, and place it in freezer bags.

History of appearance

Residents were the first to grow kiwi ancient China, the fruit was brought to New Zealand in 1906. The kiwi we are now familiar with appeared as a result of long-term human experiments on the almost inedible ancestor of the fruit only 73 years ago. This can be attributed to the most famous discovery of New Zealanders.

Initially, the fruit was called “Chinese gooseberry”; later they decided to rename it in honor of the national symbol of the country, which is a miniature kiwi bird. Chinese medicine has been using kiwi for many years to treat the digestive system and prevent many problems with blood vessels and bones.

Long-term studies of the fruit have shown its antitumor antioxidant effect. In some countries, kiwi is recommended to be given to athletes as a restorative.

Kiwi plantations are found in places where there are favorable climate for growing. These include the following countries: Italy, South Korea, Chile, Greece. But the leaders in kiwi cultivation are still China and New Zealand.

Despite certain difficulties with cultivation, plantations with this fruit appeared relatively recently in Abkhazia and the Krasnodar Territory. Therefore, to see how kiwi grows, you don’t have to go abroad; all this can be seen within our country.

How and where they grow

Around 2,700 kiwis are grown in New Zealand. farms. They supply their products to 60 countries around the world. Other countries grow kiwi for the domestic market. South Korea produces 30,000 tons of kiwi for domestic consumption.

In the US, the situation with kiwifruit production looks a little different. Many farms that tried to cultivate kiwi went bankrupt there. The kiwi vine has taken root only in California and Hawaii.

Kiwi is one of the most difficult crops to cultivate. Therefore, to this day, new ways of caring for the plant, options for its pruning and propagation are being studied and implemented. IN wildlife Kiwi grows as a shade plant that seeks sunlight.

The vine should not be exposed to strong gusts of wind, which can damage young shoots. Kiwi loves fertile and well-drained soil, but does not tolerate saline soil.

For commercial purposes, kiwi is harvested while still unripe. This way they can withstand transportation and storage. And when growing for themselves, farmers leave kiwis to ripen as long as possible so that their taste becomes as rich and sweet as possible.

  • In China, the fruit was nicknamed “monkey peach” because of its fuzzy skin.
  • Europeans nicknamed the fruit “Chinese gooseberry”, but the plants have no relationship, gooseberry is a shrub, kiwi is a liana.
  • Wild kiwi is very small and weighs no more than 30 grams, but the cultivated fruit reaches a weight of 100 grams.
  • Kiwi vines can live for a long time in water.
  • The kiwi fruit continues to grow after harvest.
  • The vitamin C content of kiwi is higher than that of citrus fruits.
  • If you want to make kiwi jelly, don't rush. The berries contain an element that prevents the gelatin from hardening, so first kiwi must be doused with boiling water.
  • The main exporters of kiwi are Italy, Chile and New Zealand.
  • The stems of the kiwi plant have a catnip scent. Because of this, cats are not averse to rubbing themselves against kiwi trunks. This can threaten young plants with death.


Exotic fruit Kiwi is a product of selection from specialists from New Zealand, who created a popular fruit based on Actinidia sinensis. Kiwi was bred in the 20th century, but it became known to Russian citizens relatively recently. An alternative name is “Chinese gooseberry,” named for its large branched tree-like vines, on which the dark brown, green, bristly fruits ripen.

The indescribable taste properties of kiwi - a mixture of pineapple, apple and - have allowed the emergence of millions of fans of the fruit, which can safely be called a delicacy. Is this fruit healthy, what are the benefits and harms of kiwi fruits for the health of the body of men, women, pregnant women and children, and how to use it so as not to destroy the beneficial properties?

Health benefits and composition

By constantly or occasionally taking kiwi, a person is able to enrich his diet with new flavors and receive certain benefits from consumption. A huge amount of vitamins gives the right call the fruit “the king of vitamins”, allowing adults to maintain their body in good shape and children to develop harmoniously.

By what parameters does kiwi outperform other fruits?

Replenish daily requirement Only one kiwi is capable of vitamin C (almost 93 mg per 100 grams). The product contains a valuable and rare compound that can only be found in broccoli in similar concentrations. It is for this reason that kiwi can be a beneficial substitute for broccoli in children's diet, which kids often don’t like.

For older people, “Chinese gooseberry” is useful for protection against high blood pressure quickly absorbed potassium.

By consuming valuable nutrients a gift of nature along with citrus fruits, children and adults better tolerate the cold seasons and get sick less colds .

Is it possible to eat with the peel, is it healthy and why?

You can eat kiwi with the peel without fear for your health: the hairy membrane of the fetus contains a huge amount of fiber, which has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties.

Another advantage is that the taste of the product from New Zealand becomes richer and deeper, the only requirement is to thoroughly rinse the surface to get rid of possible pesticides used in cultivation.

The peel of the velvety fruit has a soft, hair-like coating, which, according to many doctors, acts as a bowel brush(quick removal of toxins). You can remove the peel only for aesthetic purposes and for ease of use - for some people, the roughness of the shell is an irritant.

Dr. Elena Malysheva and her colleagues will tell you about the benefits of kiwi for the human body:

Contraindications and subtleties of use

The exotic fruit is consumed exclusively in its washed form; you should avoid peeling the unwashed fruit with a knife (microbes from the knife will come into contact with the pulp and, if there is an infection, will cause disease). Having a characteristic laxative effect, the exotic fruit is not recommended for people prone to intestinal upset.

In what situations should you not eat kiwi:

Particular attention should be paid to individual intolerance, which, if detected, may cause swelling of the mucous membrane with asthmatic manifestations in the form of shortness of breath, as well as edematous phenomena in the tongue area. At the first time, you need to try a small amount of pulp, and after the absence negative manifestations- enjoy the extraordinary taste of this fruit without fear.

Other uses

What other benefits are there from kiwi? Availability valuable substances in the pulp of green fruit allows it to be usefully used in cosmetic and caring procedures, as well as power systems for effectively reducing body volumes.

For facial skin

Simply rubbing your face with a piece of the original fruit can tighten the pores and have a slight brightening effect. However, more effectively use of masks, let's look at a few popular examples (in all cases, peeled fruit is used).

For aging skin. Half the fruit is mixed in a blender with a teaspoon of honey. Use - direct application of nutritional consistency to clean skin(15-20 minutes). Saturation with vitamins helps slow down the aging process and active rejuvenation.

For dry skin. Half the green pulp is brought to a smooth consistency in a blender along with 2 tablespoons of yogurt and half a banana.

Application time: no more than 20 minutes on the neck and face area. The result is tightened, hydrated skin without signs of dryness.

Safe whitening. Hand made peeling scrub helps relieve irritation, get rid of impurities and acne. The recipe is to mix half a teaspoon of poppy seeds (edible) with a kiwi fruit mashed in your hands. The mixture is gently rubbed in (1.5 minutes), then the mixture is left for 15 minutes as a mask, and when finished it is washed off with warm water. After several procedures, you can notice a slight whitening effect.

Dietetics: a means for losing weight

Let's figure out how kiwi is useful for weight loss? The simultaneous satiety from eating kiwi and low calorie content make it possible to use a product of fruit engineering to get rid of extra pounds.

The increasingly popular kiwi diet involves eating this fruit in large quantities (from 1 to 1.5 kilograms per day) with alternating certain products: semolina, yogurt, diet bread, soups (not meat).

It is allowed to eat boiled chicken breast and steamed fish, taboos include lemonade, sweets, pork and semi-finished products. Within just 1 week of following such a nutritional system you can lose up to 5 kilograms, without causing harm to the body.

Traditional medicinal recipes

The scope of application of the “green miracle” also affected the so-called health recipes that help resist diseases and adverse manifestations of nature.

Any skin lesions quickly regenerated by a mixture of grated green pulp(1 fruit) with spoon

Relatively recently, the fruits of an exotic plant - kiwi - began to be sold on the shelves of grocery stores. The fruit has quickly become popular and beloved by many people. Kiwi has a second name - Chinese gooseberry, which was given to it due to the territory of origin of the plant. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour, the pulp is tender, surrounded by a fleecy skin.

The vitamin series attracts with its diversity:

  • Vitamin C is able to replenish a person’s daily need for it. Even citrus fruits lag behind in its quantity.
  • B vitamins: B2, B3, B6 and B9.
  • Nicotinic acid, vitamins A, E, D.

Kiwi also contains a significant amount of useful micro- and macroelements: potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc.

If you are on a diet, then the fruits of this plant are right for you! After all, they contain a minimum of calories, as well as fiber, disaccharides and monosaccharides.

The fruits of this plant can rightly be called a storehouse of beauty and health. Useful vitamins and the substances are present in abundance in kiwi. What beneficial properties does this product have?

Product for weight loss

Many people around the world are seriously passionate about the idea of ​​losing weight. The use of these fruits helps achieve this goal. Proper nutrition definitely includes this berry in the list of recommended products.

It is recommended to consume the berry after meals. This is because it blocks the possibility of heartburn or belching, and also speeds up the digestive process. But you don’t need to eat more than two pieces at one time. This is how the medicinal qualities of the product are activated - normalization occurs intestinal microflora and metabolism accelerates. The fruits have therapeutic effect and on the kidneys, which helps get rid of excess liquid in organism.

Use in cosmetology

Much is also known about the beneficial properties of kiwi for female beauty. The tender pulp is great for preparing masks, the properties of which can transform your face, make it soft and significantly reduce wrinkles. The composition can be used for different types skin, mixing the mass with other care products.

In addition, such a mask can relieve irritation on skin, lightly bleach it and saturate it with vitamins. The result of use becomes noticeable to others after just a few uses.

Benefits for pregnant women and children

Kiwi is a treasure trove useful components for pregnant women. About properties folic acid they know firsthand. The item is very valuable for correct formation and child development.

Young children should also eat this fruit. For example, drinking it in the morning before breakfast will help you not even think about the problem of constipation in your child.

The properties of vitamin D included in the composition have a beneficial effect on strengthening the bone tissue of a growing body. In addition, this vitamin is increasingly used as a preventive measure against cancer.

General health benefits

The immune system is activated after eating fruits Chinese gooseberry. Protective and restorative functions are launched at full capacity. Resistance to stress increases. Human cardiac activity is significantly improved, cellular metabolism is activated, and the digestive process occurs much better. This is why people consider kiwi a berry with medicinal qualities.

The inclusion of a product in the diet for the purpose of prevention is very popular. rheumatic diseases, diseases of the respiratory and urinary system.

By eating fruit daily, everyone can significantly reduce cholesterol levels and strengthen the walls of small vessels and capillaries. At the same time, the composition of the blood is normalized, as a result of which it reduces the risk of thrombosis and hypertension. The beneficial properties of kiwi help improve the quality of lipid metabolism, gray hair appears more late age, fats are burned, and the body is brought into the necessary tone.

One can talk almost endlessly about the positive qualities of the product, but attention should also be paid to contraindications.

Harm from consumption

Like other food products, the fruits of this plant have not only positive traits, but also contraindications. Don’t be afraid of them and completely exclude fruit from your diet. The main thing is to be aware possible consequences and exercise some caution when eating kiwi.

Yes, availability large quantity vitamin C can provoke allergic reactions. Moderate consumption of berries is important to prevent the risk of hypervitaminosis.

A contraindication for eating is the presence of peptic ulcer duodenum or stomach. For gastritis with high acidity, Chinese gooseberries are also prohibited. The product is not recommended for people who often suffer from bowel disorders. Knowing allergies to certain fruits can also be a contraindication. In this case, consulting a specialist will not be superfluous.

Some contraindications can be considered quite conditional. For example, a person who is diagnosed increased acidity, can eat yellow ripe fruits in small quantities. They have the sweetest taste, and the acid content is minimal. People suffering from diarrhea can eat the product after removing its peel, which has laxative properties.

Therefore, it is very important to take any food inside wisely. Having studied the effect of a food product on the body, you will definitely get all possible benefit from its use! And no contraindications will be scary. Hello!