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Correction of hips and legs - Cruroplasty. Indications, surgery and rehabilitation after cruroplasty. Femoroplasty – lifting the inner thighs Surgically removing the inner thighs

The structural features of some anatomical zones of our body are very difficult to correct using conventional methods. Diet or exercise in some cases has virtually no effect on the condition of the skin and subcutaneous fat layer. Moreover, it is difficult for patients of a certain age category to undergo intense physical activity if they have never practiced sports before. For this reason, many plastic surgeries are primarily aimed at correcting those anatomical areas that cannot be corrected by any other means. An area that requires radical correction is the inner thigh. Plastic surgery to correct the contours of the hips is called femoroplasty.

Femoroplasty is surgery, the purpose of which is aesthetic correction inside hips and elimination of cosmetic skin defects. The term femoroplasty comes from Latin word femur, which means femur.

Typically, femoroplasty is used by those patients who have excess fat deposits on the hips and experience discomfort from constant friction of the inner thighs when moving. This fact contributes to the development of irritation and microtrauma from friction, as well as rapid wear of clothing (trousers, for example). Thus, not only the aesthetic factor can serve as an indication for hip correction.

Unfortunately, the above inconveniences, as well as sagging skin on the inner thighs, occur not only in adulthood, but also in young people. It all depends on anatomical structure bodies, hereditary predisposition the patient and his lifestyle.

It happens that sometimes a person, with the help of diet and constant physical activity, still manages to get rid of excessive fat deposits in the area of ​​​​the inner thighs, but after massive weight loss, a large amount of excess skin remains, which gathers in folds and hangs in the form of an “apron” " It is impossible to eliminate this defect by any means other than surgical hip replacement.

Also, an indication for plastic surgery may be a lack of tissue in the hip area. Too thin thighs and weak muscles inner surface The hips can also be corrected using femoroplasty.

In what cases is femoroplasty used?

Thighplasty is indicated in the following cases:

  • excess fat deposits in the thighs;
  • after removing excess skin after massive weight loss or as a result of muscle tissue degeneration;
  • with ptosis of tissues in the hip area;
  • uneven distribution of subcutaneous adipose tissue on the thighs (too thin thighs);
  • weak inner thigh muscles;
  • the presence of “breeches” zones (fatty tissue that has accumulated on the outer side of the thigh);
  • for cellulite (when pits and stretch marks appear on the skin).

With age, even people with a normal body mass index experience ptosis (sagging) of tissue in the inner thighs. The reasons that determine this process are as follows:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • anatomical constitution of the body structure;
  • age-related muscle dystrophy in this area;
  • decreased skin turgor;
  • massive weight loss;
  • decreased skin elasticity;
  • after liposuction, when it is removed a large number of fat, but without tissue tightening.

Contraindications for hip surgery

Femoroplasty is not light surgical intervention. Therefore, factors that hinder its implementation should be taken into account. Hip correction surgery cannot be performed in the following cases:

  • acute, chronic or infectious diseases in the active stage;
  • diabetes;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergic diseases;
  • skin diseases in the intended impact area;
  • age restrictions (up to 18 years).

Preparation for hip surgery

Preparation for surgery includes several stages:

  • consultation with a surgeon;
  • comprehensive examination;
  • laboratory diagnostics.

The first step in preparing for surgery is a consultation with the surgeon. This must be done so that the doctor can find out the patient’s wishes and talk about how the surgical intervention and what the final result will be. If hip augmentation surgery is performed, measurements must be taken to make prostheses.

The second stage includes identifying contraindications to surgery and whether patients have allergic reactions. Consultation with related specialists is also necessary.

Laboratory tests include the following tests:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • analysis for (RW) Wasserman reaction (syphilis);
  • blood clotting test;
  • analysis to detect HIV infection;
  • analysis for hepatitis B and C;
  • fluorography;
  • electrocardiogram.

It is important to know that if sagging skin occurs as a result of massive weight loss, you should not immediately resort to removing excess skin on the thighs. After losing weight, you need to wait until the weight stabilizes, since there is a high probability of fatty complications returning, which will lead to the original condition of the hips.

Methods of performing hip surgery

There are several methods of performing femoroplasty depending on the surgical access to this zone:

  1. Through an incision in the inguinal folds.
  2. Through incisions on the surface of the thighs;
  3. Through a large incision from the groin to the knee.

The first method is the most gentle, with minimal aesthetic consequences. If the deformation of the tissues on the inner side of the thigh is weakly expressed, then it is stretched through small incisions in groin area. Then excess subcutaneous fat is removed. If it needs correction outer side thigh, then the incision is made from the groin area around the hip joint. The second method is used for medium volumes of subcutaneous fatty tissue, and the latter method is used for large excesses of excess skin.

If the correction of the hips is carried out in combination with the buttocks, then oval-shaped incisions are made that pass through the hips and the upper part of the buttocks.

To correct all sides of the thighs (inner, outer and back), an incision is made from the fold line of the buttocks along the groin folds.

At the end of the operation, the incisions are closed with stitches. It is very important that the sutures are placed correctly, otherwise there is a possibility of tissue displacement or deformation of the external genitalia. If necessary, drainage tubes are placed in the wound, and after surgery the patient immediately puts on compression garments.

Femoroplasty is also performed in conjunction with liposuction and abdominoplasty. Liposuction is performed before hip surgery, since during this operation only a small amount of fatty tissue is removed, and the main part of the subcutaneous fatty tissue is removed only with the help of liposuction. Correction of the hips primarily involves tightening the skin and creating clear contours.

Hip correction surgery lasts 2-3 hours, usually under general anesthesia, but sometimes spinal anesthesia is used. If additional corrective manipulations are performed, the operation time increases.

Progress of hip augmentation surgery

Among patients, hip reduction surgery is in particular demand; plastic surgery to increase the size of the hips is used much less frequently. Most often, the reason is the uneven distribution of subcutaneous adipose tissue on the thighs. Too thin and poorly developed hips can be perfectly corrected using silicone implants.

The materials from which prostheses are made are durable and safe, as well as high biological adhesiveness to the tissues of the human body.

When enlarging the hips, incisions are made in the subgluteal fold, which will make the seams completely invisible in the future. Also cosmetic stitches must be aesthetically pleasing.

Rehabilitation period

After the operation, the patient spends some time in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor. In the first days you cannot get up, walk or even sit. During this period the patient experiences painful sensations, increase in temperature, tissue swelling, feeling of discomfort in the operated area. The swelling goes away within a week. The sutures placed on the inside of the thigh are made of biodegradable threads and do not require removal. External sutures are removed after 7-10 days.

In order to make the recovery period as comfortable as possible. A few simple rules must be followed:

  • pay special attention to stitches; with proper care they will heal faster;
  • Immediately after surgery, the patient should wear compression garments that help rapid recovery fabrics;
  • regardless of the patient’s condition, mandatory antibacterial therapy is carried out;
  • you should not visit baths, saunas, swimming pools and solariums;
  • do not take hot baths;
  • avoid direct sunlight;
  • For a long time, discomfort may occur in the area of ​​the scars when walking, squatting and standing;
  • avoid intense physical activity.

The effect of femoroplasty will become effective a year after surgery.

Possible complications after hip surgery

As with any plastic surgery, a number of possible complications develop after femoroplasty. As a rule, they appear in the form of:

  1. Hematoma and seroma. This complication occurs quite often. It occurs due to damage to a large number of blood vessels and lymphatic capillaries. This leads to accumulation in the wound cavity of both serous fluid, and blood. Large seromas and hematomas are excised surgically, small ones resolve on their own.
  2. Necrosis of the skin on which the scar is located. Typically, tissue necrosis occurs due to poor blood circulation in the area of ​​the inner thighs and strong tension on the edges of the wound. This leads not only to tissue necrosis, but also to sutures coming apart.
  3. Lymphatic and venous outflow. The complication develops due to damage lymphatic vessels and disorders of lymph microcirculation. Under the skin of the thighs there is a large accumulation of lymphatic vessels through which lymph flows to lower limbs. As a result, prolonged swelling in the legs may occur. In some cases, impaired lymphatic drainage may become chronic nature, which leads to elephantiasis (its large cluster in the legs).
  4. Infection and suppuration of wounds. The complication is caused bacterial infection, tissue necrosis and the formation of hematomas and seromas. Eliminated by antibacterial therapy.
  5. Partial or total loss sensitivity. This complication is temporary and gradually disappears completely.
  6. Increased skin sensitivity. This phenomenon called hypertension. Sometimes increased sensitivity lasts for life.
  7. Unsuccessful result. Unfortunately, this also happens. It develops as a result of the skin being unable to contract sufficiently to provide the necessary firmness and elasticity.
  8. Fat embolism. The complication develops when elements enter the blood or lymph that are not found there in normal conditions. Fat embolism often causes vascular occlusion, which impairs local circulation. This is the most serious complication that leads to a terminal condition.
  9. Change in skin color postoperative scars. Persistent pigmentation may occur at the site of scars. It can only be removed using special cosmetic methods.
  10. Displacement of inguinal scars to the thigh area. The displacement and stretching of scars makes them very noticeable. This occurs during large-scale surgery.
  11. Asymmetry of the genital organs. This complication occurs due to strong tissue tension.

The occurrence of complications after hip surgery depends on both vocational training surgeon, and from the patient’s compliance with the rules during the rehabilitation period.

Advantages and disadvantages of femoroplasty

Like any surgical intervention, this method has some advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of hip surgery:

  • long-term effect of the procedure (10-15 years);
  • returning elasticity to tissues and slimness to legs;
  • getting rid of excess subcutaneous fat forever (subject to a lifelong diet and constant body weight);
  • acquiring slimness, harmony and proportionality of the hips.
  • deep scars and scars;
  • if liposuction is performed, then only in conjunction with a thigh lift, otherwise the skin will hang in unaesthetic folds;
  • after plastic surgery, unevenness and bumps may appear on the skin, which requires additional correction of the hips;
  • long rehabilitation period;
  • high risk of complications.

Excess fat deposits on the outer or inner thighs or buttocks are not only a problem fat people, thin people also often suffer from this. No matter how regrettable it may be, correcting these areas of the body through diets or physical exercise very difficult.

Modern medicine offers an alternative to grueling workouts and ineffective diets - liposuction of the thighs and buttocks. In just a few hours you can remove up to 40% of excess fat from problem areas and enjoy your new body.

Features and Methods

Liposuction is a procedure during which excess fat is mechanically removed from the body. body fat. It is worth noting that only subcutaneous fat, which is localized in the upper areas, can be removed, therefore in some cases the procedure only helps to correct the figure as much as possible, but does not make it a standard of beauty. Modern technologies allow patients and doctors to choose between several liposuction techniques. There are surgical and non-surgical methods for removing excess fat deposits.

Surgical techniques for liposuction

Indications and contraindications for liposuction of the buttocks and thighs

Before you undergo body contouring using surgical liposuction, you should make sure that you really need it and that there are no contraindications to the procedure. To do this, the patient is sent for a consultation with a surgeon. If the doctor discovers that to achieve desired results possible using non-surgical methods, he definitely recommends them. If there are clear indications for surgical intervention, the most optimal and safe way getting rid of fat.

It is necessary to remove excess deposits using surgery in the following cases:

  • the presence of so-called “breeches” on the outer surface of the thighs;
  • too large fat deposits in the thighs and buttocks;
  • disproportionality of the figure.

There are categories of patients for whom any surgical intervention is strictly contraindicated. To determine all risks, a detailed examination before surgery and a series of tests are prescribed.

Liposuction should not be performed in the following cases:

  • the presence of acute infectious diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • pregnancy and lactation for women;
  • the presence of malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • serious respiratory diseases;
  • herpes.

After successful body correction through liposuction, the patient must take a very responsible approach to his diet and lifestyle. For lasting results, you need to eat healthy and balanced foods and devote more time to physical activity. Otherwise, after a year all the results may disappear.

Patient behavior during the rehabilitation period

Even in the operating room, the patient is put on a special compression garment, which he must wear constantly for a period of time determined by the doctor. This will help eliminate sagging skin in the operated areas and significantly facilitate the rehabilitation period. The hospital stay can last several days, depending on the complexity of liposuction and the chosen technique.

When going home, you must remember that you should avoid any physical activity for 2 weeks, especially if there are stitches on your body. You should also refrain from hot bath, visits to the sauna, swimming pool and solarium. Even in the most difficult cases swelling and bruising disappear completely after 2-4 weeks, and you will be able to evaluate the results of the procedure. Most often, doctors take photos before and after surgery to clearly demonstrate its effectiveness.

Dreams of beautiful, toned buttocks push many girls to experiment with their appearance, including surgical interventions.

Modern procedures correction of hips and buttocks are carried out not only for aesthetic purposes, but also for very serious reasons.

These include:

  • flat, saggy buttocks,
  • tissue atrophy (resulting in too small volume),
  • loss of volume after sudden weight loss,
  • asymmetry,
  • deformation of the buttocks as a result of injury,
  • loss of elasticity with age-related changes.

If you need quick and long-term results the best option becomes buttock surgery. We will look at those proven over the years surgical methods butt lifts.

The most common types of correction include the following:

1. – this type correction involves the implantation of implants that allow you to create buttocks of the required size and shape.

Implants are placed under fatty tissue V upper area buttocks, or under a large muscle. Gluteoplasty is performed for sagging and drooping skin, asymmetry, and congenital defects.

2.Surgical lift – aimed at improving the shape, as well as eliminating ptosis (drooping) of the buttocks. A plastic surgeon will be able to restore lost volume by removing excess tissue and tightening the skin.

The procedure is indicated for cellulite and slight tissue ptosis. After filament lifting there are no scars left, but the effect lasts for an average of 5 years, after which the correction will have to be repeated.

4.Lipofilling– correction is performed by injecting the patient’s adipose tissue into problem areas. Fat tissue is removed from the patient's body, then processed and injected into the area that needs correction.

Celebrities with buttock correction

The effect of the procedure is more voluminous toned buttocks, if you follow the doctor’s recommendations, it remains for many years. Traces of the intervention are invisible, and the correction itself takes no more than 2 hours.

Contraindications to any surgical corrections buttocks are:

  • endocrine diseases,
  • oncology,
  • bleeding disorder,
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Buttock lift surgery can only be performed by experienced doctor Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the choice of clinic and specialists to whom you will entrust your health.

Ask to provide documents and licenses for this type of activity, read reviews from other patients.


An alternative to plastic surgery - hardware correction of the buttocks

If you are not ready to go under the plastic surgeon's knife, pay attention to the following non-surgical methods:

1.Macroline– a filler designed specifically to increase the volume of the buttocks and breasts. This gel is based hyaluronic acid, getting under the skin, fills hollow areas and creates additional volume.

With the help of pulsed currents, it is possible to influence hard-to-reach muscles, including those that are not subject to stress in normal life.

3. Radio wave lifting – the results of such correction are often compared with the results of liposuction. Tightening the skin, eliminating cellulite and excess fat, returning the skin of the buttocks to its former elasticity - this can be achieved using a special device with radio waves.

It has a thermal effect and warms the skin up to 45 degrees. As a result, the production of elastin and collagen fibers is activated, volumes are reduced, and skin elasticity is restored.

4. Vacuum massage– aimed at warming up tissues and affecting fat stagnation. The device used during the session has special attachments: a vacuum “tightens” the skin and tissues and exerts a mechanical effect on them, an RF lifting attachment warms up the subcutaneous layers, and infrared heating “destroys” fat and removes it through the lymphatic system.

For achievement maximum effect For vacuum massage, a course of 6-12 procedures is recommended.

5. LPG massage– carried out using a special device to eliminate fat deposits, strengthen and tighten the skin of the buttocks, and combat cellulite. The doctor assesses the condition of the buttocks, selects the necessary programs, and changes them depending on the results achieved.

During a course of several sessions, the doctor manages to pay attention different areas, which allows you to get the maximum noticeable results. During the procedure, the patient must be dressed in a special suit, tailored individually to his figure.

These non-surgical methods of buttock correction are carried out in many beauty salons and beauty salons. Contraindications to them are minimal, and if followed proper nutrition and physical activity, these types of lifting give good results.

How to tighten your buttocks without resorting to plastic surgery and hardware techniques

You can tighten your buttocks and improve their shape using traditional methods that are quite accessible to everyone.

  • Proper nutrition. Reduce the appearance of cellulite and get rid of excess weight giving up fatty, salty, sweet food. Enrich your diet with fruits and vegetables, drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day.
  • Physical exercise. Fitness instructors will help you choose exercises to build up muscle mass in the buttock area. You can perform exercises not only in the gym, but also at home. Fast walking, jogging, swimming, and dancing are also useful.
  • Cosmetic procedures. At home, wraps with special creams and gels for figure correction will be useful.
  • Shapewear. Available in stores big choice slimming breeches, shorts, bodysuits that visually tighten problem areas; underwear with a push-up effect with sewn-in inserts is very popular. This “overlay” will help create additional volume, which will not be superfluous if you want to wear tight clothes.


In the pursuit of the perfect “butt,” all means are good. Both traditional methods, plastic surgery, and hardware cosmetology give excellent results.

Well, if there is a special event coming up, buy high-quality shapewear to look irresistible.

Beautiful and toned thighs every woman wants to have. Women's slender legs have always attracted the attention of men. Therefore, the unaesthetic, unattractiveness of the hips often upsets a woman.

The appearance of your thighs may be affected by strong weight loss, due to age-related changes, decreased skin elasticity, due to hormonal imbalance and a number of other reasons. Excess skin in the thigh area is frequent indication To aesthetic surgery- thigh lift.

Some women are only unhappy with the inner thighs, where the skin is often less elastic and the tissues are looser. Due to friction on the inner surface of the thighs, skin irritation is often observed and in general discomfort is felt when moving.

Of course, the advisability of the operation is discussed at the consultation, after examination by a plastic surgeon.

According to indications, the inner and/or outer surface of the thighs is lifted.

Most common types operations:

  • tightening the inner thigh;
  • tightening the outer thigh;
  • tightening of both the outer and inner surfaces of the thigh.

The location of the incisions is discussed during the consultation. As a rule, postoperative scars are hidden under underwear.


The scope of the upcoming correction depends entirely on the initial condition of the patient’s hips, as well as his wishes for their appearance after surgery.

According to indications, liposuction of the thighs is additionally performed.

A thigh lift is performed under general anesthesia. The average duration of the operation is about 2 hours. Upon completion of the operation, cosmetic stitches are applied.

The patient stays in the hospital for 1 day or more (as necessary).

After a thigh lift, it is mandatory to wear special compression garments for a month.

Rehabilitation after a thigh lift

Recovery from thigh lift surgery takes approximately 3 months. During rehabilitation period You must strictly follow all the recommendations of your doctor.

You should rest more in the first weeks. Minor exercise stress allowed 2 weeks after thigh lift. Active sports - no earlier than after 2-3 months. For at least a month it is forbidden to visit a sauna, bathhouse, solarium, or expose the operated area to direct sunlight.

Femoroplasty- This Plastic surgery, the purpose of which is to eliminate cosmetic skin defects and tighten the inner thigh. Typically, those who decide to undergo surgery to tighten the skin of the inner thigh complain not only about the presence of a cosmetic defect, but also about the constant rubbing of their legs against each other when walking, the appearance of skin irritation and abrasions from friction, and the rapid wear of clothing.

Eat plastic surgeons, which under this name also mean correction of the shape of the hips with implants. This operation is in demand among those who believe that the space between their thighs is too large. But there is very little information about such operations. Therefore, there is no information about what implants are used for this, nor about how the operation is performed.

Most companies that produce implants list endoprostheses for the testicles, legs, buttocks, and mammary glands in their product catalogs. But none of our editorial staff had a chance to see endoprostheses for correcting the shape of the hips.

Reasons for the formation of skin ptosis

Ptosis is the process of drooping of body tissues. The reasons may be:

  • constitutional feature of the body;
  • sudden weight loss, frequent changes body weight, obesity;
  • age-related body changes;
  • a consequence of hormonal disorders;
  • consequences of liposuction, in which excess fat was removed without tightening the skin.

Features of plastic surgery

Fat tissue on the inner thigh is most often unevenly distributed. Its largest accumulations are most often concentrated in two areas: above, closer to the inguinal fold, and below, in the area above the knee.

Usually both of these zones are corrected simultaneously. But correction can also be carried out in any one of the areas, most often the upper one.

When planning an operation, it is important to understand for yourself what part of the volume is formed by adipose tissue that can be removed, and what depends on the structural features of the bones and muscles. If you don't have a realistic idea of ​​the possible results before surgery, you can be seriously disappointed after surgery.

For example, if the area knee joints If the area is wide by nature, you should not expect plastic surgery to significantly narrow this area.

Types of surgical interventions

  • Liposuction.

Suitable for those who only need to remove excess fatty tissue and who have sufficient elasticity and contractility of the skin.

A relatively new direction. Allows you to simultaneously remove excess fat and tighten the skin without cuts or scars.

  • Non-surgical liposuction.

It is a hardware procedure, which, however, helps to significantly reduce the volume of the hips.

  • Surgical lift of the inner thigh.

It involves removing excess skin and fatty tissue. It is used when the excess skin is significant, and you can’t count on the skin tightening.

Video: Plastic surgeon about hip surgery


This method allows you to remove fatty tissue, which is located under the skin of the inner thigh and creates folds, bumps, and makes the skin loose visually and to the touch.

Limitations of the procedure

Don't expect a miracle. This method correction has its limitations, which should be taken into account when you plan to improve it appearance.

  • The surgeon cannot lose weight for you.

This is the most important limitation of the method, which patients prefer not to know about, and which plastic surgeons do not really like to talk about. Remember Alla Pugacheva, when many years ago she made herself a gorgeous figure correction. And what happened then? And then her weight came back very quickly.

And all because in cases where more than two kilograms of fat are removed during one procedure, the so-called pituitary response is activated, i.e. the body receives information about sudden weight loss and rebuilds metabolism so that as soon as possible restore body weight to the original level.

The conclusion is simple: liposuction can only be used to “polish” a body that has already been brought to the desired condition balanced diet and properly selected physical activity.
  • Cannot be done while losing weight or immediately after completing a diet.

The mechanisms that can affect the results in a losing weight are approximately the same as those described in the previous paragraph.

To avoid getting zero or negative effect, you need to finish losing weight, stabilize your body weight at the same level for at least six months, and only after that go for the procedure.
  • Liposuction does not eliminate cellulite.

Its goal is to eliminate excess subcutaneous fat in fairly limited areas of the body. It is impossible to eliminate uneven skin over the entire surface of the thighs and buttocks in one or several procedures. For the treatment of cellulite, completely different correction methods are more effective.

  • This method does not eliminate stretch marks.

Moreover, the presence of stretch marks significantly reduces the amount of fat that can be removed from one area of ​​the body, since the presence of stretch marks indicates a decrease in the skin's ability to contract. Stretch marks can also be indirect sign that sagging skin may increase after liposuction.

  • There are serious complications that can be fatal.

The risk of dying from the consequences of liposuction, such as thromboembolism, fat embolism, reaction to epinephrine and others, is 1 in 5000 patients. This is 25% higher than the risk of dying in a car accident.

Mandatory list of examinations

To determine the presence or absence of contraindications to surgery, you must perform:

  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • coagulogram (test for blood clotting);
  • biochemical blood test (liver, kidney function indicators, electrolytes);
  • blood tests for AIDS, viral hepatitis, syphilis;
  • fluorography.

In the presence of chronic diseases the list of examinations can be expanded at the discretion of the general practitioner, surgeon or anesthesiologist.

Contraindications for surgery

Contraindications for liposuction and surgical lifting of the inner thigh are mostly identical, so we will present them only once in this article.

Contraindications include:

  • problems with blood clotting;
  • blood diseases;
  • oncology;
  • any acute and exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • chronic diseases in which the function of any of the internal organs;
  • colds and infectious diseases;
  • mental illness.

Executing the procedure

Regardless of which area is supposed to be treated, the one that is closer to the groin fold, or the one that is closer to the knee, the skin is punctured in the popliteal fossa. The area of ​​the popliteal fossa is distinguished by a large concentration of large blood vessels and nerve trunks. Therefore, manipulations in this area require caution.

Performed under general anesthesia. It takes about an hour. When the entire volume of excess fat has been removed, the skin puncture is treated with an antiseptic and sealed with an adhesive plaster.

Recovery period

Immediately after completion of the operation, the patient is put on compression garments. You will need to wear it for at least 2-3 weeks.


  • reduction of postoperative swelling;
  • decreased tissue mobility, which relieves pain;
  • applying compression (pressure) to tissue to create best conditions for skin contraction and healing postoperative wound.

The patient usually spends the first day in the hospital. But there are clinics that discharge the patient home on the day of surgery, if his condition and well-being permit. Typically, pain and numbness of the skin in the area of ​​the procedure disappear within a maximum of a week.

If necessary, you can take painkillers. Swelling and hematomas can persist for up to a month. Only after the swelling has subsided can the results be assessed.

The following are canceled for the first time:

  • playing sports;
  • thermal procedures, including taking a bath;
  • visiting a solarium;
  • any mechanical effects such as massage or applying healing creams to the area of ​​the procedure.

In the first weeks after liposuction, the doctor can select a set of hardware procedures that reduce the severity of swelling, accelerate healing, and promote skin contraction and lifting.

Photo: physiotherapeutic device Hivamat 200-Evident

An example would be a rehabilitation course using the Himavat 200 Evident device.


  • Reduction or complete disappearance of skin sensitivity at the site of surgery.

As a rule, such a change in sensitivity is not permanent and over time, skin sensitivity is restored.

  • Damage to superficial veins.
Most often damaged are small branches extending from the large one. saphenous vein hips. It is almost impossible to completely eliminate such a complication, since the structure and location of veins is more variable than the location of arteries and other anatomical structures.

If a vein is damaged, it is ligated or its lumen is closed with a clip and the operation continues. Venous outflow in this case occurs through adjacent veins.

  • The appearance of increased skin sensitivity.

Hyperesthesia occurs in approximately 1% of all patients undergoing liposuction. The severity of discomfort may be varying degrees. Some patients experience increased skin sensitivity for life.

  1. Chronic pain at the liposuction site.
  2. Dead skin.
  3. The appearance or increase in the severity of sagging or sagging skin.

This happens when the skin cannot contract enough to provide sufficient smoothness and firmness to the thighs.

  • Impaired lymphatic drainage with the formation of persistent edema of the lower leg and foot.

Under the skin of the thighs, in the thickness of the adipose tissue, there are a large number of lymphatic vessels, through which lymph flows to the body from the entire leg.

If during liposuction the outflow of lymph is disrupted, then tissue fluid begins to accumulate in the area of ​​first the foot, and then the foot and lower leg and forms soft swelling.

Usually, lymph drainage is gradually restored and swelling goes away.

But in some cases, a violation of the outflow of lymph can become chronic, which will ultimately lead to the formation of elephantiasis (elephantiasis or severe swelling of the legs).

  • Anemia.

It can develop if the volume of fat tissue removed is large. Removal of fatty tissue is accompanied by bleeding, which in some cases can be very intense.

  • Fat embolism.

May develop in cases where liposuction is performed simultaneously with skin tightening of the thighs or anterior abdominal wall. Wherein adipose tissue enters the bloodstream and can block the lumen of the vessel, disrupting the blood supply to the tissue area.

  • Changes in skin color and post-operative scars.

For several months after surgery, pigmentation of the skin at the liposuction site may develop. Hyperpigmentation can be persistent, requiring laser or phototherapy to remove it.

  • Washboard effect.

A peculiarity of the location of the fatty layers of the thighs, abdomen and chin is that the fat in these areas is located in layers that are separated by fascia - connective tissue formations that look like thin films. Those layers of adipose tissue that are located in the deeper layers are distinguished by the speed of metabolism, in which fat accumulates quickly and leaves extremely slowly, even despite a significant decrease in body weight.

This feature is determined genetically. That is why these areas are often called “fat traps.”

At the same time, the presence of connective tissue layers requires the surgeon to perform the procedure correctly. Since removing excess fat by different levels can give reverse effect: instead of eliminating a cosmetic defect, liposuction will create another even more noticeable one.

If the “washboard” effect has nevertheless formed, then repeated liposuction will be required, which not every plastic surgeon is able to perform, in order to correct the “washboard” effect and give the legs the long-awaited smoothness. In some cases, it is no longer possible to correct the defect.

Is it possible to gain weight after liposuction?

You can gain weight after any surgery. If we talk about liposuction, then in addition to the problem of excess weight, the patient will also have the problem of body disproportion.

The volume of the body increases because there are fatty tissue cells under the skin and around the internal organs, and each of these cells increases in volume, accumulating fat.

In those places where liposuction was performed, there are much fewer fat cells than in other places. Fat cells do not restore their numbers in the liposuction sites.

Therefore, after the body weight changes, the patient can get a wide back, big belly and increased volume of the buttocks, knees and legs. And with all this, thin, thin thighs will contrast very strongly.

As a result, instead of the appearance of the PlusSize model, you can get significant cosmetic defect, which will attract attention due to its unusualness.

Currently, it is advertised by some Moscow clinics as an absolutely safe method of removing excess fat and tightening the skin using a laser without incisions or scars.

To perform the procedure, a thin tube is used, which is inserted under the skin to a specified depth. A laser pulse is delivered through the tube into the tissue, which simultaneously destroys fat cells and seals blood vessels, which reduces the risk of bleeding.

The damaged fat cells can then be sucked out through a cannula, or they can be allowed to dissolve on their own. The body independently removes a volume of fat deposits of no more than 0.5 liters.

Laser radiation also stimulates the formation of collagen and elastin in the skin, which contributes to its lifting. The advantages are the ability to perform it under local anesthesia and short recovery period. Despite the assurances of surgeons about the absolute safety of the procedure, before prescribing it, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination. This method has all the same contraindications as other types of hip surgery.

Non-surgical liposuction

Carried out on the device SplitFat System, which is a cold laser. Under the influence of its impulses, fat excretion processes are stimulated in fat cells. All the fat that enters the intercellular space is eliminated through the lymphatic system.

Usually the course consists of 6-9 procedures. Depending on the initial body weight, during the course you can reduce the volume of the hips by 6-10 cm. The greater the weight, the greater the reduction in volume.

Surgical hip plastic surgery

Currently, this method provides a guaranteed aesthetic result that lasts years later.

Examinations and contraindications

We will not dwell on these two points separately. They are the same as those given in this article for liposuction.

Types of inner thigh plastic surgery

  • Internal (aka middle).

Incision at internal lift thighs passes along the inguinal folds.

  • Vertical.

The incision runs vertically along the inner thigh from the groin fold to the knee.

  • Combined.

With this method of lifting, the incisions are made vertically along the inguinal folds and along the inner surface of the thigh.

The cuts in the skin form a wedge that converges towards the knee. The areas of skin between the incisions are removed, the edges of the wound are tightened and stitched.

Methods for fixing the edges of the skin

The main problem for both patients and plastic surgeons is that the hips are a very mobile area. And the scar, originally located in the inguinal fold, stretches from the constant pressure exerted on it and moves from the inguinal fold down to the skin of the thigh.

In this section, we will look in detail at several methods of tissue fixation, so that any patient coming for a consultation can have a substantive conversation with the surgeon and assess the likelihood of obtaining an excellent result depending on the tissue fixation technique after performing a thigh skin lift. Stitching the edges of the skin wound after removing excess skin and subcutaneous fat.

In the photo, red arrows indicate the area where the deformed scar is located. If you look closely, you can see that the scar is wide, with uneven edges and loose. It is located on great distance from the inguinal fold. On the one hand, such a scar turns into a cosmetic problem, since you don’t want to show it to anyone. This applies to both intra-family relationships and visits public places such as a beach, swimming pool, etc.

On the other hand, such a scar deforms the perineal area. In some cases, the scar may shift so much that the inguinal folds are simply smoothed out.

There is no chance that the stitched and unfixed skin will not move, and that the scar will not spoil the appearance of the body. Stitching the edges of the skin wound and fixing the scar to the Wheel ligament. The Ligament of the Wheel is a section of the superficial fascia of the perineum, a connective tissue formation that is attached to the bones of the pelvis. Fabrics sewn to the bundle of Wheels place an unusual load on it. As a result, the ligament is stretched and deformed. Together with it, the tissues fixed to the ligament are displaced, which negatively affects final result operations.

In this photo, the edges of the leather, after removing its excess, are stitched and fixed to the Wheel ligament. As a result, the scars are stretched. And the perineal area is significantly expanded. In a standing position, an unnatural widening of the gap between the inner surfaces of the thighs is determined in the perineal area.

With this method of tissue fixation, the risk of developing overstretched scars and displacement of the perineal skin is less than with the first described method. But here, too, the risk of getting a pronounced cosmetic defect is high.

Fixing the edges of the wound to the periosteum of the pelvic bones. The periosteum and pelvic bones are absolutely immobile formations that can withstand significant loads. Therefore, fixing the edges of the wound to the pelvic bones is a relatively new and promising method of tightening the inner surface of the thigh.

The areas of the pelvic bones to which tissue will be sewn after removing excess skin and subcutaneous fat are highlighted in red. The photo shows the appearance of scars after lifting the inner surface of the thigh two years after the operation.

Postoperative scars are thin and slightly whitish. The inguinal folds have retained their natural contours. The most effective method of tissue fixation in terms of preventing complications. But not all plastic surgeons know it.

See photos before and after labia reduction surgery, and find out all about it in the article - labiaplasty.

How to fix crooked legs without surgery? This question interests everyone who has this deficiency. Details.

How is the operation performed?

The operation takes about 2.5 hours.

Preparatory stage

The operation is usually performed on the day the patient is admitted to the hospital. Earlier hospitalization is not justified, since all examinations can be done on an outpatient basis, but none preparatory procedures not required. General intravenous or inhalation anesthesia is used. On the operating table, the patient is given a gynecological position: the legs are spread apart, the popliteal fossae rest on special supports.


The markings are applied after the patient is put under anesthesia. The maximum width of the removed area of ​​skin in a straightened state should not exceed 8 cm.

Progress of the operation

Surgical incisions are made according to the markings. Excess skin between the incisions is removed. The edges of the wound are drawn together. The bottom of the wound is fixed with non-absorbable sutures to the pubic bones. A double-row suture is placed on the skin to prevent this from happening. slight omission fabrics in postoperative period. For the same purpose, the tension of the seams is adjusted so as to visually narrow the perineum. Usually the narrowing does not exceed 5 mm.

Video: Thigh lift

After suturing the wound is completed, the sutures are treated with antiseptic solutions and closed. sterile bandage. Some plastic surgeons prefer to seal the seams with a special glue, which subsequently makes it easier for the patient to care for the wound and carry out hygienic procedures. Immediately after treating the wound, the patient is put on compression garments.

Rehabilitation period

The patient spends the first 2-3 days after surgery in a hospital setting. This is necessary in order to ensure proper care behind the area of ​​the postoperative wound, make sure that there are no early postoperative complications and complications of anesthesia.

The patient is discharged from the hospital if his condition is satisfactory. In the next 2-3 months you will need to visit a doctor on an outpatient basis.

If only thigh skin tightening is performed, then on the day of surgery in the evening or the next morning the patient is allowed to sit down, stand up, and walk. From the first day hygiene procedures in the perineal area.

If lifting and liposuction were performed simultaneously, the recovery period becomes longer, and active movements allowed with more late date. This is due to the fact that during liposuction, the fascia that normally supports the subcutaneous fat layer and the skin through it can be damaged.

On the third day in the hospital or at home, you are allowed to shower. In the first week, a set of rehabilitation procedures, such as LPG surge, may be prescribed. 10-14 days after surgery, the sutures are removed. Pain in the wound area, severe discomfort when moving, while sitting, and when standing up can persist for several months. Usually the condition normalizes enough to return to work within 3-4 weeks. A month after the operation, you can start playing sports.

Complications of femoroplasty

  • The appearance of rough scars.

The most common reason the development of such scars in the case of tissue fixation to the pelvic bones - friction. If we're talking about about seams that run vertically along the inner surface of the thigh, then this is friction against the seam of the compression garment. And if it’s about a seam in the inguinal fold, then this is the friction of the seam against the tissue of the perineum when walking.

In both cases, small wounds may develop in areas of greatest friction, which, when healing, create uneven scars. Is being decided this problem in consultation with a surgeon, who prescribes dressings with healing ointments or the application of secondary intradermal sutures.

  • Development of marginal necrosis (death) of the skin.

The blood supply to the skin in the perineal area is relatively weak. And the tension on the edges of the skin can be very significant. Under such conditions, the blood supply to the marginal areas of the skin that form the postoperative scar may be disrupted. Areas of skin in which the blood supply is disrupted die. The seams come apart.

In cases where the blood supply is not completely blocked, delayed healing of the postoperative wound may occur with the formation of an extended hyper- or atrophic scar.

  • Infection.
  • Development of hematoma, seroma.
  • Impaired lymphatic drainage with the formation of persistent edema of the lower leg and foot.
  • Development of asymmetry of the hips and/or genitals.
  • Violations of venous outflow, thrombosis.

If liposuction is performed simultaneously with plastic surgery, then possible complications complications of liposuction should also be added.


Photos before and after