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How to tighten the buttocks and thighs - correction methods. What is pheroplasty? How much does a thigh lift cost? Current prices

Thighplasty involves surgically changing the contours of the upper legs - from knee joint to the hip. This could be a lift, liposuction or lipofilling. The type of procedure is determined by the nature of the problem being solved. During the operation, the surgeon eliminates cosmetic defects, restores tissue tone and creates aesthetically correct thigh parameters.

Why is there a need to correct the hip area and what does it represent?

With age, under the influence of constitutional, hormonal and gravitational factors, as well as various pathological processes, changes occur in the hip area. Subcutaneous fatty tissue and skin relax, which entails a change in the surface relief of the thighs, primarily the inner surface. Soft tissues and local accumulations on the thighs body fat become flabby and sag. IN severe cases violation of the surface relief of the thighs entails not only aesthetic, but also medical problems, such as rubbing the skin when walking, the formation of abrasions, wounds.

Difficult to accomplish conservative methods. Massage, physical exercises, shapewear, hardware techniques are good as a preventive measure or as methods that accompany surgical correction, consolidating and enhancing its results.

If the main reason for the change in the contours of the hips is the presence of excess fat deposits, and the elasticity of the skin is satisfactory, then the correction is carried out due to. Depending on the severity of the problem, liposuction is performed in several ways.

With minor changes, a good result is obtained by the lipolysis procedure, which consists of injecting drugs that break down fat deposits at the molecular level. At the same time, the breakdown products of fat cells are eliminated naturally. The injections are given in a course of several weeks, they are painless and have virtually no side effects, but they are not applicable on large areas of the thighs.

Three-dimensional liposuction, in which fat is removed through microcannulas with a diameter of several millimeters using vacuum, allows the correction of large areas. 3D modeling ensures precise and uniform fat removal. At the same time, the upper fat layer is preserved, which helps maintain the softness of the outline.

Large volumes of adipose tissue can also be removed using vibroliposuction. Fat is destroyed by vibration of the cannulas.

But liposuction methods are also the most popular. Ultrasound and laser destroy adipose tissue into an emulsion, which is removed through small punctures in the skin. In this way, it is possible to remove such large volumes of fatty tissue that subsequent surgical excision of excess skin may be required.

A thigh lift is most often the elimination of ptosis of loose, stretched and lost skin tone and subcutaneous tissue. As a result of this intervention, excess skin is eliminated, tissue tone and thigh contours are improved.

This operation is a very extensive intervention, performed only under general anesthesia.

Incisions may begin in the groin folds and extend into the subgluteal area. The skin and subcutaneous layer are peeled off from the muscle layer. If skin tightening is accompanied by liposuction, then the destruction of adipose tissue occurs before the incisions are made. After excision (removal of excess skin flaps), soft fabrics stretched and sewn to the tendons. All stitches are placed inside the skin in a cosmetic manner. A drainage is installed in the intervention area, which is removed after 1-2 days, and an elastic aseptic bandage is applied to the thigh.

The incision may be made vertically along the inner thigh and combined with an incision in the groin. The length of the incision directly depends on the amount of skin planned for removal. For example, plastic surgery of the inner thigh is performed. Other types of incisions are used to lift the outer and back thighs.

When planning hip surgery, the patient must keep in mind that such an operation inevitably entails the formation of scars, the quality of which largely depends on physiological characteristics the patient and the skill of the surgeon.

Sometimes the opposite problem may occur - excessive thinness. In this situation, it is possible to perform lipofilling, which consists of injecting one’s own adipose tissue through tiny incisions in the area of ​​natural folds of the skin - under the knees or in the groin. Enlargement of the hips in this way has a lasting result.

Thigh enlargement surgery is performed relatively rarely. Much more often, lipofilling is performed when it is necessary to fill sunken scars or depressions formed as a result of injury or unsuccessful liposuction in the past.

Possible complications and risks

Thighplasty always entails scarring. This should be taken into account when planning the operation. The size of the incisions and the method of sutures should be discussed with the doctor in advance.

The hips are a high-risk area for infection and, even more dangerous, blood clots. Therefore, after surgery, a preventive course of anticoagulants and antibiotics is often prescribed.

Asymmetry of the hips may occur, requiring additional correction.

Femoroplasty – direction in plastic surgery, the object of which is the inner and outer surface of the thighs.

With the help of such an intervention, you can tighten sagging skin, remove excess fat deposits, and eliminate various defects.

Causes of skin ptosis in the thigh area

Even during the prenatal period, the fetus deposits a significant amount of adipose tissue in the hips and abdomen.

From a biological point of view, this is a natural defense mechanism that allows you to survive during forced starvation.

Due to various factors, this feature of the body results in external defects.

Fat deposits have the ability to grow rapidly, but it is in the area of ​​the hips and buttocks that they “go away” very slowly.

To do this, you need to make a lot of effort: constantly monitor your diet and never stop exercising. Similar measures are required to maintain the achieved effect.

Considering that the skin on the thighs is subject to stretching during pregnancy, loses elasticity with age or sags after strong weight loss, we can come to the conclusion that it is almost impossible to restore its former elasticity using conventional means.

So, among the factors contributing to ptosis (or sagging) of the skin in the thigh area are:

  • a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • Not proper nutrition(lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, etc.);
  • sedentary lifestyle, neglect of physical activity;
  • previously performed liposuction (fat is gone, but the skin is not contracting enough).

If activities such as diet, sports, massage with cosmetics etc. do not help in any way, the solution would be to contact a plastic surgeon.

Indications and contraindications

Surgical correction of the hips is performed in the following cases:

  • elimination cosmetic defects in cases where loose skin negatively affects the psycho-emotional state, deprives one of self-confidence, and does not allow one to wear open clothes;
  • By medical indications , if too voluminous folds of skin and fat lead to friction while walking, diaper rash, irritation, abrasions, and poor circulation.

Ptosis of the skin on the inner thighs can be observed even in young girls.

Individual characteristics play a role here: persons with thin skin are more prone to the appearance of a defect.

In adulthood, this problem occurs in most women.

Ladies with too full hips, which rub during walking, are especially affected, thereby causing significant discomfort and rubbing of clothes.

Such phenomena force many to resort to surgical correction.

What can be achieved with femoroplasty:

  • elimination of sagging and flabbiness;
  • excision of excess adipose tissue;
  • reduction in hip volume (if necessary, increase through implants);
  • reducing the appearance of cellulite.

Plastic surgery on the hips is a serious intervention, so the possibility of the intervention depends on several conditions.

The first thing to do is to identify possible contraindications:

  • phlebeurysm lower limbs;
  • diabetes;
  • malignant processes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • minor age.

Types and techniques of femoroplasty

List of tests

A standard set of tests before any plastic surgery includes:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • coagulogram (blood clotting test);
  • blood on viral hepatitis, HIV infection, syphilis.

Additionally, an electrocardiogram and Doppler ultrasound of the lower extremities are performed. Consultation with specialists may be required.


During the conversation with the doctor, the following questions are discussed:

  • technique and tactics of the operation;
  • duration of intervention;
  • type of anesthesia;
  • duration full recovery organism and the time of manifestation of the final result;
  • shape, manufacturer, size of implants (if they are planned to be implanted).

At the time of surgery, the client should not experience any health problems, including minor ailments. For a woman, the day of intervention should not coincide with menstruation.


  • stopping smoking and drinking alcohol a week before surgery;
  • giving up some medicines(anticoagulants, etc.);
  • exclusion of physical activity two to three days before the intervention;
  • Last meal and liquid intake – 12 hours before.

There is one more important point, which concerns people who have suddenly lost weight.

If your skin begins to sag after losing so much weight, you should not immediately go under the knife. First, you should normalize your weight and maintain it for some time, otherwise the fat layer will quickly recover and return to its original appearance.

Therefore, a period of at least six months must pass between weight loss and surgery. During this time, the weight will have time to stabilize.


The operation is performed under general anesthesia, since the surgeon will have to work with a large volume of tissue.

This is a rather painful procedure. Its duration ranges from one and a half to three hours, in some cases even more.

The total intervention time depends on the problem being solved.

Before using anesthesia, consultation with an anesthesiologist is required, since the patient may have an allergic reaction to some substances.

Types and techniques

There are two main types of femoroplasty:

  • the first is aimed at correction in the direction of reducing tissue volume (excision of excess subcutaneous fat is carried out through a small incision, then the surgeon performs skin tightening);
  • in the second case, the patient requires hip augmentation using anatomically shaped implants.

If the correction involves removing excess fat, they start with liposuction.

Access is through an incision in the popliteal cavity.

After excision of excess fatty tissue, the surgeon performs a lift inner surface hips.

The following methods are used for this:

  • median technician a (an incision is made on the inguinal fold) - this is the least traumatic method, which is used to correct minor defects;
  • vertical technology(a continuous vertical incision is made from the inguinal fold to kneecap, excess skin is excised);
  • mixed media(a combination of a vertical incision and incisions on the groin folds) - the technique is used to remove a significant amount of skin.

After removing all excess, the surgeon applies stitches.


There are two options for liposuction:

  • self-correction;
  • together with other surgical techniques (lifting, hardware rejuvenation, etc.).

Anatomical areas:

  • "breeches" zone;
  • inner thighs;
  • peri-knee area.

Liposuction as an independent intervention is indicated for people who have a slight excess of fat deposits and sufficient skin contractility.

If the tissues cannot contract properly after correction, the result will be an even more pronounced defect.

To avoid sagging and sagging skin after liposuction, it is advisable for some patients to additionally excise skin flaps from incisions in the area of ​​the inguinal folds.


The laser technique involves destroying fat deposits under the influence of laser energy supplied through a thin needle (1 mm in diameter).

During movement, it disrupts the integrity of fat cells.

Advantages laser correction hips:

  • minimal injury;
  • duration less than an hour;
  • compression of collagen fibers and, as a result, a lifting effect;
  • no complications;
  • short rehabilitation period.

The method is often used to correct hard-to-reach and intimate areas.

In some cases, the technique is used as an addition to classic liposuction to straighten the surface of the thighs.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are pros and cons to the liposuction procedure.

The advantages include:

  • guaranteed removal of fat deposits in the problem area (“breeches”, inner thigh, near-knee area);
  • selectivity of impact: with the help of liposuction, you can correct only the area that needs it (with normal weight loss, the arms, chest, and face are the first to lose weight);
  • possibility of combination with other techniques;
  • sustainable result: the need for a new operation arises only with prolonged abuse of unhealthy and high-calorie foods;
  • improvement of psycho-emotional state: increasing self-esteem, eliminating complexes, etc.

Among the shortcomings are noted:

  • high cost;
  • risk of scarring;
  • the possibility of side effects occurring after an improperly performed operation (unevenness, lumpy skin, “washboard” effect, etc.);
  • swelling and pain in the first days after classical liposuction.

How long does it last?

Liposuction of the thighs takes about 1-1.5 hours. Depending on how much fat tissue needs to be removed, the surgeon makes 1-2 skin punctures and small incisions.

In some cases, preliminary fat breaking with ultrasound is required, which also affects the duration of the operation.

Are there any seams?

Even minimal incisions and punctures require sutures.

For this purpose, absorbable or non-absorbable threads are used. The length of the seam does not exceed 2-4 mm.

A week later suture material resolves on its own or is removed by a surgeon. Due to the special technology of suturing, scars practically do not remain on the body.

Postoperative period

You will need to wear compression garments for some time after liposuction.

In addition, the patient should undergo procedures aimed at improving the condition of the skin and reducing sagging.

  • limitation physical activity;
  • refusal of thermal procedures (baths, saunas), instead of a bath - shower;
  • use of healing ointments and medications prescribed by the surgeon.

Consequences and complications

Possible complications after liposuction:

  • Flabbiness. Before the operation, the surgeon assesses the ability of the skin to contract, based on which he makes a prognosis regarding the appearance of sagging. In this matter important role plays wearing compression garments.
  • Reduced skin sensitivity. Violation occurs due to damage nerve endings. This is usually a temporary complication. During this period, it is important to choose comfortable clothes that will not rub or tighten the skin.
  • Swelling. After liposuction, swelling is observed in everyone, but each patient subsides after a different time.
  • Hematoma. Pronounced tumors are rare. Usually these are small bruises that disappear in 1.5-2 weeks.
  • Fixation skin to the muscles. The complication occurs due to the fault of the doctor if he removed too much fat tissue. The result is that the skin seems to “grow” to the muscles.
  • Infection. If the health worker does not follow the rules of asepsis, the wound may become infected. As a result, a purulent-septic complication develops. This patient is indicated for intensive antibacterial therapy, and in some cases - surgical intervention.

Surgical plastic surgery

A surgical thigh lift is called a dermolipectomy.

From the name of the operation it follows that the intervention consists of excision of excess skin and fatty tissue. The remaining skin flaps are stretched and stitched together.

The operation allows you to get rid of sagging and uneven thighs.

Surgical beret lifting can be performed in conjunction with the following operations:

  • liposuction;
  • tightening the gluteal area;
  • tummy tuck and groin area.


This type of lift is also called a “median” lift.

The method is suitable for those people with slight ptosis of the tissues on the hips.

Incisions are made along the inguinal folds. The skin on the thigh side is partially excised, thereby providing a lifting effect on the inner surface.


With this technique, the incision goes along the inner surface of the thigh from the groin to the knees.

The technique is used if a large amount of skin needs to be removed.

At a short distance from the first incision, the surgeon makes a second one - so that a skin wedge is formed, tapering towards the knee.

The skin flap between the incisions is excised, the edges of the wound are aligned and sutured.


The method is used if any one technique is not enough to eliminate the defect.

The set of combined techniques is determined by the plastic surgeon.

For example, a lift can be combined with excision of excess fat tissue or augmentation with implants.

Volume increase with implants

Too thin hips and underdeveloped inner muscles can be corrected with silicone implants.

The materials from which modern implants are made are safe and biocompatible with the human body, so the risks of denture rejection are minimal.

Surgical access is provided through the subgluteal fold, resulting in almost invisible scars.

Before and after hip augmentation with implants:

How long does it last?

The operation is performed under general anesthesia.

Usually, inhalation or intravenous anesthesia is used, less often - epidural in combination with sedatives.

The intervention takes 2-3 hours, especially difficult cases- more.

Where are the seams located?

The stitches are located on the groin folds, around the pelvis or along the inner thigh.

Depending on the purpose of the surgery, the scars may also extend from the groin to the buttock folds.

Surgeons try to make incisions where they will be least noticeable.

In order to minimize rough scars, many specialists now refuse to sew the edges of the skin together and use the tactic of layer-by-layer application and combination of skin flaps.

Postoperative period

Recovery after surgical correction of the hips takes up to six months.

Duration rehabilitation period depends on individual characteristics body and how well the patient follows the surgeon’s recommendations.

The first few hours after surgery should be spent in the hospital.

Doctors should monitor how recovery from anesthesia proceeds.

In some cases, the patient remains under medical supervision for 1-2 days. The stitches are removed after 10-14 days.

Soreness and numbness may persist for up to two months.

Consequences and complications

The more extensive the intervention, the higher the risk of postoperative complications.

These include:

  • deformation of the genital organs;
  • rough scars;
  • thrombosis;
  • bleeding;
  • seroma;
  • infection;
  • disruption of lymph flow.


After the intervention, you need to wear compression garments for two to three months, which promotes better tissue regeneration and healing of sutures.

The speed of recovery depends on what type of plastic surgery was performed. With surgical correction, the initial state of health returns after 2-4 weeks.

In the first days after discharge, sensations such as pain, burning sensation, and numbness are disturbing.

To relieve discomfort, take painkillers. Sutures should be treated with antiseptics.

What not to do?

Restrictions in the postoperative period:

  • exclusion of physical activity for two months;
  • refusal of thermal procedures (saunas, steam baths, hot baths) until swelling completely disappears;
  • refusal of solarium until scars heal.


Surgical thigh lift without liposuction costs about 100,000-130,000 rubles. You will have to pay an additional 70,000-80,000 rubles to remove fat.

The cost of the operation depends on the prestige of the clinic and the experience of the surgeon.

In Moscow

Prices in Moscow:

In St. Petersburg

Prices in St. Petersburg:


With this operation you can achieve:

  • reducing fat deposits on the thighs;
  • visual improvement of outlines;
  • increasing the volume of too thin hips with the help of implants;
  • elimination of defects in the form of curvature, irregularities, etc.

Photos before and after:

When will the effect be noticeable?

The result can be assessed no earlier than three months after correction.

But it must be borne in mind that the final tightening of the scars may occur much later.

If the purpose of the operation was to reduce the volume of the hips, the effect will be noticeable almost immediately, despite the presence of swelling and bruising.

How do you know that everything went well?

The success of the intervention is evidenced by the absence of complications.

This is the main point to focus on. At the end of the recovery period, the patient should see the result that was initially discussed with the surgeon.

Any defects (irregularities, asymmetry, depressions, etc.) indicate that the surgical technique may have been violated.

In this case, repeated consultation with a specialist is required.

How common are unsuccessful surgeries?

Most hip plastic surgeries are successful.

Complications occur in 0.5% of cases.

Plastic surgery – reliable and effective method elimination of defects in the hip area.

However, you should resort to it only if no other measures help.

You need to be prepared for the fact that recovery takes quite a lot long time, and you can return to your normal lifestyle only after two to three months.

Every woman dreams of having toned and slender legs. However, as we age, our skin stretches and is no longer as elastic as it once was.

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Thigh lift (thighplasty, femoroplasty)

What is a surgical thigh lift?

A thigh lift involves removing excess skin and fatty tissue from the inner and outer thighs. This procedure is often desirable after significant weight loss, or after surgical weight loss. It is also suitable for those who have been unable to get rid of excess tissue on the thighs as a result of dieting or physical exercise. As a complement to this operation, liposuction can be used to reshape the inner thighs. If you support healthy image life and are of moderate weight, a thigh lift can help restore the desired youthful contour of your thighs.

Thigh lift: pros and cons

When should you consider a thigh lift?

If you want your hips to have a better, more proportional contour so they have a firmer look and feel.
- If you have undergone surgery surgical reduction weight or have lost a lot of weight.
- If you experience discomfort due to loose, sagging skin on your thighs.
- If your clothes do not fit you well due to heavy hips.

Related procedures

Many women considering a thigh lift also consider procedures such as abdominoplasty, or body contouring after pregnancy and childbirth. Thigh lift surgery may be combined with butt lift surgery in one procedure called a lower body lift.


- Clothes and swimwear will look better on you.
- Your body will look slimmer and more proportional.
- Your thighs will become firmer, more youthful, and more curvy.

- Visible scars may remain
- When fatty tissue is removed through liposuction, the skin may appear depleted.
- Another subsequent operation may be required to correct the resulting irregularities.

When deciding to undergo a lower body lift, you should weigh the above three main pros and cons. If you intend to focus on those that will be unique to you, then it is advisable to contact your plastic surgeon.

Are you a candidate for a thigh lift?

Some common reasons why people decide to undergo a lower body lift include the following:
- The consequences of age, expressed in the formation of folds, cellulite, and loose skin on the thighs.
- You've successfully lost a significant amount of weight and now want slimmer thighs to match your more proportional, more toned figure.
- Because of your heavy hips, clothes don’t fit you very well.
-Your thighs are making you feel self-conscious and you want to regain your confidence in your body.

If your health is generally good and you have a positive attitude and realistic expectations, then you are likely a good candidate for this procedure.

Thigh lift: photos before and after the procedure

How is hip augmentation surgery performed?

Medial (internal) thigh lift: An incision is made in the groin area through which the excess is removed. adipose tissue, and the skin of the inner thighs. In this case, depending on individual requirements, liposuction can be used (but not necessarily). The contour of the thigh area is corrected from the groin to the knee, and then this procedure is repeated for the other thigh. If a significant amount of tissue is removed, then this procedure is often called hipplasty.

Lateral (external) thigh lift: This is a more complex procedure that usually involves adjusting the contours of the buttocks along with outer part thighs, as well as tissue removal. The scars here are more intense and the skin will be less elastic after surgery, so weight maintenance is necessary.

A thigh lift is aimed at eliminating skin folds and excess fat tissue.

Which thigh lift surgery option is right for you?

There are two different types of thigh lifts: medial (inner) and lateral (outer) lifts. This is described in detail in the paragraph “About the procedure itself.” Finding out which of these two types of lift is right for you requires a physical examination, a thorough review of your medical records, and a discussion with your plastic surgeon. It is possible that you will be offered a combined lower body lift.

What incisions and scars will remain after thigh lift surgery?

Medial (internal) thigh lift: An incision is made in the groin area. For patients who require large amounts of skin removed, a longitudinal incision may be made along the inner thigh.

Lateral thigh lift: Depending on the requirements for an outer thigh lift, scars may extend from the groin area, around the pelvis, and possibly down to the buttock crease. The surgeon will aim to make incisions where the scars will be hidden by clothing, but with this type of surgery the incisions will be larger than with a medial thigh lift.

Preparation and performance of the operation

How to prepare for a thigh lift procedure?

Your surgeon will provide you with preoperative instructions, answer any questions you have, write a detailed medical record, and perform a physical examination of your body to determine your readiness for surgery.

Before your surgery, your surgeon will ask you to do the following:

Stop smoking before surgery to promote better healing.
- Stop taking aspirin, certain anti-inflammatory medications, and some herbal preparations which may cause increased bleeding.
- Regardless of the type of operation performed, hydration of the body plays an important role for safe recovery, both before and after surgery.
- Your surgeon will want to make sure that you maintain a stable weight for a significant period of time, as weight gain can be detrimental to the effects of your thigh lift.

What should you expect on the day of your thigh lift surgery?

The operation may take place in an accredited hospital, an independent outpatient clinic, or surgical room office type. Most surgeries of this type last two to three hours, but it may take longer.

During the operation you will receive medications, ensuring your comfort.

As a rule, general anesthesia is used during the operation, although in some cases it is desirable to use local anesthesia or intravenous sedatives.

For your safety, various monitors will be used during the operation to monitor your heart function, blood pressure, pulse and amount of oxygen in the blood.

Your surgeon will follow a surgical plan that he will discuss with you before surgery.

After the procedure is completed, you will be moved to a recovery room where you will continue to be closely monitored. You will have drainage tubes installed. You will wear a compression garment on the areas of your thighs where liposuction was performed. Surgical dressings will be placed over the incisions.

If you are using general anesthesia, you will remain in the facility overnight for observation. Your surgeon will discharge you once you have recovered from anesthesia in sufficiently. If your surgery was performed under local anesthesia, you may be allowed to go home after a short observation period, unless you and your surgeon have other plans for your post-operative recovery.

Care and recovery after hip surgery

Your surgeon will tell you how long it will take to return to normal level activity and work. After surgery, you and those caring for you will receive detailed instructions By post-operative care, including information on the following:

Drains, if installed.
- Normal symptoms you will experience.
- Any possible signs of complications

Immediately after thigh lift surgery

Although your smooth new thigh contours will be visible immediately after surgery, there will be some bruising, swelling and pain for some time. If the pain is very severe or lasts too long, contact your doctor. Contact your surgeon to find out whether the pain, bruising, and swelling you are experiencing is normal or a sign of a problem.

Recovery time frame after a thigh lift

It is extremely important that you follow all patient care instructions that your surgeon provides you with. This will include information about wearing compression garments, drain care, taking prescribed antibiotics, and safe level and type of physical activity. Your surgeon will provide detailed instructions about normal symptoms that you should experience and oh possible signs complications. It is important to understand that the amount of time it takes to fully recover varies different people varies greatly.

First two weeks

For the first 10-14 days, you should limit yourself to light physical activity only.
- This is a critical period for healing and you should watch for any signs of slow healing and report them to your doctor immediately.
- Heavy lifting, walking, sitting and bending cause stress in the suture areas, so you should move carefully and attentively.
- It is advisable to have someone stay with you during the first days of recovery.

From the second to the eighth week

To achieve optimal thigh contours, you may need to wear compression garments for the first month.
- The tumors should go away in three to five weeks.
- You can resume driving and walking two to three weeks after surgery, but only if such activities do not cause pain.
- Avoid heavy lifting, and hold off on jogging for the first six to eight weeks.

How long will the results of the operation last?

If you maintain a stable weight, lead a healthy lifestyle, and exercise, your results will last for a long time.

Keep in touch with your plastic surgeon

For safety reasons, as well as to obtain the most beautiful and healthy results, it is important to visit your office at the appointed time. plastic surgeon for subsequent inspections. In addition, you should contact your surgeon any time you notice changes in your hips. There is no need to hesitate. Contact your surgeon every time you have questions or are concerned about something.

Possible complications after a thigh lift

Fortunately, serious complications As a result, thigh lift surgeries are rare. The specific risks associated with such an operation will be discussed with you during your consultation.

But any surgery carries a certain degree of risk. Some possible complications any operation are:

Negative reaction to anesthesia
- Hematoma or seroma (an accumulation of blood or fluid under the skin that may require removal)
- Infection and bleeding
- Changes in sensations
- Scars
- Allergic reactions
- Damage to internal tissues
- Unsatisfactory results, which may require additional procedures.

You can minimize some of the risks by following the recommendations and instructions of your professional board-certified plastic surgeon, both before and after your thigh lift surgery.

A thigh lift is a medical and cosmetic procedure.

This is due to the fact that with the help of this surgical intervention it is possible not only to restore the aesthetic appearance of this part of the body, but also to relieve the patient of problems arising from sagging skin on the inner thighs.

These are constant diaper rashes and abrasions, irritation on the skin, which causes gait disturbances.

When is a thigh lift needed?

The desire to change both their appearance and their feelings force many patients to seek help from a plastic surgeon.

If the contour of the hips has changed not for the better, the figure has lost its attractiveness and sagging skin causes many problems, the moment has come when you should contact a plastic surgeon.

During the first consultation, the doctor, after a visual examination, will make a diagnosis and confirm all suspicions or refuse the need for surgical intervention.

After the operation, the contour of the hips will be restored, the skin will regain lost turgor and elasticity, and the muscles will regain their elasticity. Surgical thigh lift is also necessary in cases where the patient is in a condition after surgery to remove excess fatty tissue.

The result of such an intervention is not only a significant reduction in volume, but sagging skin in the areas of the intervention.

Of course, the reason for contacting a plastic surgeon is the discomfort experienced by the patient in Everyday life. The clothes fit poorly and don’t look good at all, it’s uncomfortable to move, and even at rest, patients experience discomfort.

Before deciding on a surgical thigh lift, many visitors to a plastic surgery clinic try other procedures:

  • manual massage;
  • liposuction;
  • hardware massage.

In some cases, these procedures can be very effective, but sometimes the doctor decides that surgery and a thigh lift are necessary.

Patients should be aware of the possible consequences and risks associated with this procedure. The doctor will tell you about them in detail:

  • postoperative scars;
  • loss of skin sensitivity;
  • feeling of tension;
  • depleted appearance of the skin.

Knowing these details can influence your decision.

Preparing for surgery

If the patient, after familiarizing himself with all possible consequences and you are optimistic about the risks, and the doctor is confident in the need for surgical intervention, you can proceed preparatory activities, among which:

  1. A complete examination, during which it is necessary to obtain advice from specialists such as a therapist, vascular surgeon, cardiologist. During the examination, confirmation or cancellation of availability will be received chronic illnesses in the acute stage, blood clotting disorders, diseases of the blood, heart and blood vessels, kidney and liver diseases. It is important to confirm the absence of cancer.
  2. You will need to take blood tests to determine blood clotting time, hemoglobin level, and the number of leukocytes in the blood.
  3. It is important to obtain confirmation of the absence of diseases such as HIV and hepatitis.
  4. It is necessary to do an ECG and fluorography.

Depending on what it's like general state patient, the list of listed tests can be changed or expanded.

The second stage of preparation for the operation - changes that will affect familiar image life. It will be necessary to change or limit the number of accepted medicines, the effect of which can affect blood clotting or the activity of the heart, kidneys and liver.

You will need to quit smoking and drinking alcohol. The diet will also be changed. A potential patient should exclude spicy and smoked foods, fatty meats from their menu, and reduce the amount of fried foods.

All this affects the functioning of the liver and heart, so as much attention as possible should be paid to nutrition at least 14 days before surgery.

In the clinic

On the appointed day, the patient arrives at the clinic, where markings will be made on his body indicating the location of future incisions. The plastic surgeon chooses the most suitable look interventions:

  1. An internal or median lift involves making an incision along the contour of the inguinal fold. In this case, the contour of the inner surface of the thigh changes. Excess fat tissue is removed, the skin is stretched, and after full tension, the excess is cut off during suturing of the surgical wound. This method is perfect for those who have small folds caused by slight sagging of the skin on the inner thighs.
  2. A vertical lift leaves a seam on the inner surface of the thigh extending from the groin fold to the knee. The essence of the operation is that the surgeon makes two incisions, between which a skin wedge is formed. The doctor excises it and tightens the edges of the wound. This wedge is quite wide at the top and tapers noticeably near the knee. Such an intervention is carried out in cases where excision of quite large quantity flabby skin that has lost its elasticity and firmness. Skin that is stretched, lumpy, and noticeably sagging is removed.
  3. A spiral lift is performed after an incision is made around almost the entire surface of the thigh. The doctor moves the scalpel from the inguinal fold towards the fold under the buttocks and further to the groin. This type of lift is also called external. It is required for those patients who are in the most short time For some reason I lost a lot of weight. The result of extreme weight loss is sagging skin and the formation of skin bags. They are an obstacle to movement and the cause of abrasions, irritations and other skin diseases. During the operation, skin lifting is performed on the entire surface of the thigh. The skin is tightened in front, behind, on the inner and outer surfaces. After uniform tightening, all layers of skin are hemmed, creating a new contour of the leg.

There is a combined technique. It allows you to use not only a lift, but also liposuction or several types of thigh lift at the same time. This is necessary if one technique fails to get rid of severe ptosis.

Progress of the operation and postoperative period

A special feature of a thigh lift through the inguinal fold is the danger associated with the relatively complex blood supply to the this area. Carrying out the operation requires a lot of experience and a significant amount of knowledge.

Surgery takes place only under general anesthesia and lasts at least two hours. Total duration The operation depends on the volume of tissue and nuances in each individual case.

The tissues are stitched in layers, which eliminates the risk of formation of rough scars and speeds up healing. If liposuction is performed during the intervention, then this procedure is performed first, and only after it they begin directly to tighten the skin tissue.

The first day after the tightening, the patient is bothered by pain and burning in the incision area. Possible numbness and temporary loss of sensitivity, swelling. All these symptoms persist for two to three days after surgery. After this time, the patient is discharged from the clinic under the supervision of a surgeon in the outpatient clinic.

The sutures are removed on the tenth day. Patients are bothered by a feeling of tension and minor pain when sitting. If necessary, painkillers are prescribed.

Experts strongly recommend using shapewear that promotes normal blood flow and reduces swelling. Mobility is limited. It is forbidden to bend over or make sudden movements, to stand on your feet for a long time, or to carry or lift heavy objects.

In the first month after a thigh lift, it is forbidden to play sports or swim in the pool. It is not recommended to go to the sauna or bathhouse for the first two months after the stitches are removed. You cannot visit the solarium or relax on the beach for a year after the operation.

TO active image life can be returned no earlier than six months after the intervention. Early movement leads to the formation of blood clots and rough scars.

The effect after a thigh lift is lifelong, so you should carefully listen to all the recommendations you receive and strictly follow them.

Possible risks

You cannot refuse to use compression garments or arbitrarily shorten the period of wearing them. Violation of medical requirements leads to the development of thrombosis. However, early rise and constant movement without additional loads are mandatory. This will avoid blood stagnation.

After discharge from the clinic, it is necessary to pay sufficient attention to the treatment postoperative sutures. Dressings are made by treating the wound surface with solutions containing antiseptics.

If the regimen prescribed by the doctor is violated, a tumor may appear in the suture area, accompanied by a feeling of fullness. You should definitely inform your doctor who, if necessary, will install a drainage tube and give instructions on how to follow the regimen.

It is important to remember that recovery period After a thigh lift, it is quite long and following all the rules of conduct and all the recommendations received from the plastic surgeon will help you go through this stage without complications and in the shortest possible time.

The doctor will describe in detail all the symptoms and sensations that the patient should experience during the rehabilitation period, and the slightest deviation from the norm should be reported to him immediately.

Hormonal and age-related changes affect not only visible areas of the body. Hips can also take on an unattractive appearance as a result of losing weight, after childbirth, or have aesthetic flaws initially. They are usually damaged by folds caused by sagging skin, increased volume, and ptosis of soft tissues. Thigh plastic surgery (femoroplasty) will help solve these and other problems. This method will give effect where diet and exercise fail.

Read in this article

What is the procedure

The operation is performed to restore smoothness, elasticity, firmness and harmony to the hips. In some cases, it is also necessary to adjust the volume, for which plastic surgery is combined with liposuction. It is also carried out in medical purposes. After all, sagging tissues in this area can interfere with walking, cause abrasions on the skin, physical discomfort, problems with choosing clothes and the need for frequent replacement due to rapid wear.

Hip correction may be necessary in different areas this part of the body. Femoroplasty changes the appearance:

  • inner surface;
  • outdoor area;
  • full hips;
  • thighs combined with buttocks.

In accordance with the location of the problem area, incisions are made, excess tissue is excised, the remaining tissue is moved and the wound is sutured.

Useful video

To learn how and why plastic surgery of the inner thighs is done, watch this video:

Indications for use

Not all leg defects can be corrected by plastic surgery. And if the unaesthetic appearance of the hips is caused by excess excess weight, it is possible that the patient will first have to lose weight. The operation to correct them is in this case the finishing touch, and not the main method of solving the problem.

For hip plastic surgery, there are clear criteria that make it necessary:

  • stretching of the skin and the folds and unevenness caused by it;
  • rolls of fat on outside giving unwanted additional volume;
  • irritation on the surface of the skin caused by too close contact due to excess tissue during movement.


To carry out any type of intervention to improve appearance thighs, readings alone are not enough. There must also be no reason why the operation could be dangerous for the patient. Contraindications to its implementation include:

  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • oncological diseases;
  • serious disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pathologies that interfere with blood clotting;
  • periods of pregnancy and lactation;
  • thrombophlebitis.

Preparation for the event

The most frequently performed operation is plastic surgery of the inner thigh. It, like surgical correction of other areas, requires... The first stage is an examination to determine the patient’s health status. It consists of:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • blood clotting studies;
  • tests for infections;
  • fluorography;
  • therapist consultations.

If general health allows the operation to be performed, the patient must take measures to facilitate it successful implementation and avoiding complications:

  • 2 weeks before the intervention, stop taking anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents;
  • at the same time, eliminate alcohol from your life and forget about smoking;
  • do not go on a strict diet that weakens the body, but also do not overeat;
  • take vitamins to avoid colds;
  • Do not expose your skin to ultraviolet rays.

Plastic surgery is done on an empty stomach, that is, the last meal before it should be completed 8 hours before the start of the intervention.

How is it carried out?

Surgical correction of the hips is done under general anesthesia. In total, the operation takes 2 - 2.5 hours, unless combined with other interventions. Often, along with femoroplasty, liposuction of this area, lifting the buttocks and abdomen are performed.

The intervention begins with the patient receiving anesthesia. She is laid with her legs apart and raised at the knees. Then the surgeon applies markings on the skin in order to clarify the nuances of the operation (where to make incisions, what and how much tissue to remove, tighten, etc.). Further actions doctors depend on the area of ​​the hips that will be corrected:

  • If it is an external surface, the incision starts from the groin and is outlined hip joint. The seam is then covered with underwear.
  • If it is necessary to tighten the entire surface of the problem area, access is made through an incision from the fold under the buttocks, running along the border of the groin and ending at the edge of the junction of the thigh and pubis. It looks like a spiral.
  • Joint improvement of the buttocks and thighs dictates the need to make ellipsoidal incisions through them upper limit, from one hip to the other. This allows minimizing forced tissue trauma.
  • Plastic surgery of the inner thigh is done through an incision from the inguinal folds to the knee area. This is a clearly visible area where it is difficult to disguise the seam. Access is also possible only through a dissection in the area of ​​the inguinal fold or one vertical one to the knee.


The patient's recovery after hip surgery begins from the moment he is transferred to the ward. You will have to stay in the hospital for 1 to 3 days, where the sutures are taken care of and the drainage tubes are gradually removed. At first, there is pain and swelling in the thighs and bruises. But after 2 - 3 weeks these problems disappear. For cupping pain you can take pills. Compression garments will help you get rid of the syndrome faster, alleviate it, and make the entire recovery period easily bearable. It is put on immediately after the operation and worn for up to 2 months.

Sunbathing and going to the pool are prohibited for 30 days

What other features distinguish rehabilitation after hip surgery:

  • you can get up the next day if the operation was not supplemented by liposuction;
  • on the third day you are allowed to take a shower, avoiding getting water on the incision lines (genital hygiene is acceptable even earlier);
  • after 10 - 14 days the sutures are removed, at the same time mild exercise stress;
  • the swelling goes away in 3 - 5 weeks, by which time you can go back to work;
  • for the first 30 days you cannot visit the sauna, swimming pool, solarium, or take a hot bath;
  • It is forbidden to drink alcohol, it is undesirable to smoke;
  • Active physical activity is allowed no earlier than 2 months after surgery.


The effect provided by hip plastic surgery before and after gives noticeable differences. But it will finally appear after a while, when the swelling goes down and the tissues adapt to the new position. With the help of the operation it is possible to:

  • get rid of folds and sagging skin;
  • eliminate "ears" on inside hips;
  • give this part of the legs greater harmony, which they were deprived of due to ptosis and deformation of soft tissues;
  • align the surface of the thighs.

Some time ago, it became possible not only to reduce this part of the body, but also, if necessary, to enlarge it. The need for enlargement arises due to the disproportionate size of the hips, as well as their insufficient slimness. The outlines are changed using silicone implants, installed through the fold under the buttock into the formed muscle pocket. The result in this case is a slight increase in the circumference of the hips and making them slim.


Since correction often has to be done in older patients, and surgery is a serious intervention in the functioning of the body, it does not exclude the possibility of complications. Failure to comply with rehabilitation conditions contributes to them.

Most frequent complications femoroplasty Causes of appearance and location of lesions
Rough scars Their occurrence may be caused by the body's tendency to form hypertrophic scars. But there is an accompanying factor here - the friction of the seams on the clothing, since it sits tightly on the hips, and when moving, the contact intensifies. This can cause wounds to appear, which means longer healing
Skin necrosis The problem also occurs in the seam area. One of the reasons is too tight tissue tension due to excessive excision. The provoking factor is that there is a rather sluggish blood supply in the thigh area
Change in skin sensitivity It can be temporary, but can also be a long-term concern. Occurs due to nerve injury, manifested by numbness or, conversely, pain
Hip asymmetry The problem appears due to uneven removal of excess subcutaneous fat.

In addition to these complications characteristic of this type of operation, there are others characteristic of many aesthetic (and not only) interventions:

  • seromas and hematomas;
  • impaired lymphatic drainage, leading to swelling of the legs;
  • infection;
  • development of thrombosis.

In addition, implants not only enlarge the hips; plastic surgery with their use can result in rejection of foreign materials and their displacement.


The cost of femoroplasty varies from 130,000 to 300,000 rubles. It is determined by the type of surgical correction, the scale of the work, and the qualifications of the doctor. There is no point in saving money, especially when hip enlargement is required. These operations are performed recently; the skill of the surgeon and the accuracy of the actions are more important than ever.

Hip correction surgery – last resort, used to restore the beauty and harmony of a given part of the body. But when good quality carrying out it provides the most lasting result. However, to maintain it you will still need further efforts - proper nutrition and exercise.