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Preparing a cat for castration and postoperative care. Preparing a cat for castration: main points

Castration is not abuse of an animal, but necessary measure in urban environments. This simple procedure provides not only peace of mind to the owners, but also protects the animal from suffering, physiological and psychological ailments.

Having realized the need to stop the need for reproductive function pet, it is necessary to approach the procedure itself with full responsibility.

If you do not want your cat to have offspring, you must have surgery to remove the testes.

It is advisable to castration before the first mating., otherwise information about mating is stored in the animal’s brain and the results may not be entirely expected.

It is at this age that animals recover faster and no negative consequences. In more early age disturbances in the genitourinary system are possible, and males over a year old It’s hard to come out of anesthesia.

Whether you are visiting or in a clinic, it is important to choose a qualified surgeon. The main indicator for the operation is the health of the animal. If the animal eats well, goes to the toilet, is cheerful and lively, you can plan castration.

Examination before surgery

Even if there is no doubt about feeling good a competent doctor will prescribe a preliminary examination of your pet to make sure that there are no contraindications for surgical intervention.

Before performing the operation, it is necessary to carry out clinical examination

At most within a month you should remove worms from the animal, treat the fur for the presence of lice with the usual preparation. It is mandatory to vaccinate your cat to avoid infection. At least a month must pass from the date of vaccination before the patient is allowed to undergo surgery.

One month before surgery we vaccinate

If owners refuse vaccination for any reason known to them, castration can be carried out, but subject to the introduction of a special serum that protects against infections, which, in essence, is the same vaccination, but short-term.

Immediately before scheduling the day of surgery, the veterinarian conducts a clinical examination of the animal, collecting necessary tests provided for successful implementation procedures.

It is advisable to carefully consider the date of the operation and ensure that one of the owners remains with the patient for about two days. Within a day or two, cats recover perfectly and no longer.

The day before castration

So, the date has been set. Despite the apparent simplicity of the operation, castration is a surgical procedure performed under general anesthesia. Preparation for anesthesia is necessary.

Before surgery, the animal's stomach must be empty. The day before surgery, you can give a laxative and stop feeding, despite plaintive requests, half a day before the procedure. If there is at least some food left in the pet's stomach, then...

The cat should not be fed the day before surgery.

You must stop giving water three hours before. If you really want, you can shave the cat's scrotum, but it is better if a doctor does it. At home, you need to prepare a ventilated place and sterile wipes. Instruments are sterilized immediately before surgery.

You can shave your scrotum yourself

For a trip to the clinic, stock up on a carrier, napkins, a soft blanket, your passport and your pet’s, if you have one.

Immediately before surgery, the veterinarian will again examine the cat, listen to the heart and weigh it to determine the dose of anesthesia.

The choice of anesthesia and its dose is the most important point during castration

You need to take the choice of anesthesia very seriously: the operation that even a student trainee can do is not so scary, but the effect of anesthesia on the animal’s body.

Recovery time for an animal after surgery depend on the quality of anesthesia and its effect on the animal’s body.

For owners of adult cats during their sexual heat, problems such as marking their territory, aggressiveness of the pet, and preventing the appearance of unwanted offspring become relevant.

There are two main ways to solve them:

  • temporary suppression of sexual desire with hormonal drugs;
  • surgical castration.

Because the long-term use hormones significantly increases the risk of developing various complications up to oncology, veterinarians advise making a choice in favor of castration. This procedure, if prepared in advance, is not hazardous to health., does not reduce the hunting instinct and playfulness of the animal, it will no longer develop testicular cancer and the likelihood of developing a prostate tumor will decrease. Owners who have decided to undergo surgery are faced with the question of how to prepare their cat for castration.

When is the operation performed?

The operation should be performed after the age of 9 months. However, in order not to encounter the typical behavior of a mature male, it is better to carry it out before puberty at 6 months.

Many shelters and nurseries practice early castration at 3 months, since by this age the kittens are already quite independent, they have done everything necessary vaccinations.

Early castration of animals slows down their growth and development, but this does not have global consequences, growth will still continue according to the genetically programmed program. In case of partial castration leaving the appendages of the connective tissue base of the testes (vasectomy or sterilization) hormonal function the gonads are not disturbed, which contributes better growth animal, but all the problems, except for unwanted reproduction, remain.

The age limit for castration is limited only by the pet’s health condition and the ability of its body to tolerate anesthesia; if a preliminary examination does not reveal any contraindications, then the operation can be carried out after preliminary preparation.

It does not matter for castration of a cat whether he has already mated or not yet.

What is castration

For females, castration is more difficult abdominal surgery for removing gonads than for cats. Owners often confuse and replace the concept of castration with the term sterilization in relation to cats, although in veterinary medicine sterilization of a cat is associated only with the deprivation of the ability to produce offspring by ligating the oviducts, without removing reproductive organs, however, in this case, if the kata is not prepared for the procedure, there is a high risk of polycystic ovary syndrome and inflammation in the uterus.

Correctly, the operation to remove the ovaries and uterus is called ovariohysterectomy, this the best option for the prevention of all kinds of gynecological diseases.

When we're talking about to remove only the ovaries, an oophorectomy is performed. It is better for the cat owner to understand these terms in order to speak the same language with the doctor and get the desired result from the operation.

How to prepare a cat for surgery

Preparing a cat for castration does not include large list events.

  • Firstly, as part of the preparation, it is necessary to carry out vaccination before castration and deworming, wait for the quarantine period, and check the general health of the cat with a veterinarian.
  • You cannot feed a cat before castration. Necessary for preparing the body starvation diet for at least 8 hours before surgery, abstaining from drinking for 3-4 hours.
  • The cat should be washed the day before castration.

Carrying out the operation

After preparation, castration is carried out by surgical intervention under general anesthesia.

The cat must be prepared for castration by a veterinarian. He administers anesthesia, removes hair from the animal's scrotum, treats the skin of the testicles with alcohol and then iodine. It’s good if the clinic has a separate anesthesiologist, this indicates high level institutions.

The testes are removed through a small 1-1.5 cm incision in the scrotum. Testes (or testicles) are a steam room gonad cats, in which, upon reaching puberty, the formation of sperm and the male sex hormone - testosterone occurs. The spermatic cords extend from the testicles.

Removal of the testes occurs after the spermatic cord is twisted to prevent bleeding and a ligature of a special material is applied to it. Complete dissolution of the thread occurs spontaneously within three months. The wound is treated with a sterile cloth and a special spray containing antibiotics. The wounds on the scrotum are very small, so stitches may not be required; healing occurs very quickly. Their additional processing from the owner is not required.

Such an operation, including preparation, lasts up to half an hour, 15 minutes for anesthesia and about the same for surgery. The animal can be picked up immediately or left in the hospital to recover from anesthesia (for about three hours).

A common problem in cats is cryptorchidism, which is the failure of the testes (testicles) to descend into the scrotum. It can be one- or two-sided. Both the owner and the doctor must find out before the operation whether this pathology exists.

It is necessary to treat a cryptorchid cat by castration with removal of the testicle from abdominal cavity or from the groin. At the same time, the second, healthy testis must be removed. At the same time, it is not permissible to remove a healthy testicle and leave the undescended one. Firstly, this may become a prerequisite for the development of testicular cancer, and secondly, behavioral deficiencies in the cat’s sexual heat will continue to bother the owners.

Usually the cat returns to normal life after surgery within 48 hours, complications are rare; to minimize and prevent them, preliminary preparation, precision of the doctor’s hands and postoperative care are necessary. In case of a suspicious course of the postoperative period, namely prolonged weakness, drowsiness, lack of appetite, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

Possible complications and postoperative care


  • prolapse of the common vaginal membrane;
  • bleeding;
  • stumps spermatic cord, omentum and intestinal loop;
  • Cardiovascular disorders are possible as a reaction to anesthesia, especially in older cats;
  • Intolerance to anesthesia is possible in animals with allergies. In this case, local anesthesia may be the solution.

Postoperative care:

  • on the day of surgery, only water in the diet;
  • avoid climbing to heights to avoid injury;
  • Make sure your eyes are closed while sleeping. While under anesthesia and for some time after it, the cat’s eyes may be open, and in order to prevent them from drying out, you should periodically close your eyelids, or use special moisturizing eye drops;
  • Do not allow licking in the crotch on the first day. If it is not possible to constantly control the animal, then you can use a special collar that will limit its access to hard-to-reach places of its body;
  • It is advisable to switch to food for castrated cats, or with low fat content. Due to the change hormonal levels metabolism slows down, the cat has a predisposition to gain excess weight. Therefore, it is very important to play with him regularly and feed him properly;
  • Feeding fish is contraindicated for castrates in order to avoid the development of urological syndrome from saturation of urine with phosphorus and calcium salts.

And, of course, the owner’s affection and love will help make the postoperative period easier for the cat.

After castration occurs hormonal changes, the cat no longer has the need to look for females, so territory marking and heart-rending screams will stop, he will no longer strive to escape from home, strive for dominance, and will become more affectionate and gentle.

The owner just needs to be prepared to pay him a little more attention.

Castration costs more than hormonal drugs, however, this is a one-time investment, while medications will become a permanent expense item that will have to be purchased throughout your life four-legged friend, which will be much more expensive.

The decision to castrate a cat that is not intended for breeding and has no breeding value is a civilized and correct decision. This not only relieves the owner from behavioral and possible medical problems animal, but also prolongs its life.

Opponents of castration cite a number of arguments, but most of them are mythical. You cannot project human instincts and needs onto cats; these are two completely different natures. Castration does not make a cat asexual, in nature, the sexual instinct is needed for reproduction, for searching for food, but in apartment conditions there is simply no need for this. The cat will remain the same cat, only calmer, balanced and happy.

To improve metabolism, provide active image life.

Castration - standard elective surgery, easily tolerated by the cat, does not cause serious side effects. But we must not forget that surgical intervention under anesthesia always threatens the health and even the life of the animal, so it is extremely important to properly prepare the cat for castration in order to minimize the risk of complications during and after the procedure.

Exploratory survey

The priority goal of the preliminary examination of the animal is to identify pathologies that are important for the upcoming operation. In parallel with the medical history (collection of information about the cat’s previous diseases, use of medications, spontaneous activity, functionality gastrointestinal tract And genitourinary system) carry out a comprehensive visual inspection/analysis of the cat’s current health status. Body temperature, breathing/pulse rate are measured, and the functioning of the lungs and heart muscle is assessed. If necessary, the veterinarian prescribes antihistamine therapy or additional testing:

  • electrocardiogram,
  • echocardiography,
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

Tests and vaccinations

An unvaccinated cat needs to receive all necessary vaccinations 2-3 weeks before the procedure. Vaccination will help protect the weakened animal’s body from infection, therefore, it will significantly reduce recovery period. A thorough clinical examination of a young animal is sufficient, but if there are any complaints about the pet’s health, it is recommended to undergo tests:

12-14 hours before castration, the cat stops feeding. If your pet is prone to constipation, you may need to give him a laxative 24 hours before surgery. The animal's stomach must remain empty - during surgical procedures, as well as when emerging from anesthesia, the cat should not vomit, as this will cause its deterioration. general condition. Water is stopped 3-4 hours before surgery. You can shave/trim the hair on the scrotum, but most often this is done by a doctor.

Day of castration

What to prepare for a doctor's visit:

  • passports (cat, animal owner);
  • warm blanket/plaid;
  • wipes (stress can cause involuntary urination).

It is recommended that a domestic cat that does not go outside should be given a mild sedative before castration so that he calms down and does not create difficulties for the doctor. The dosage of the sedative should be discussed with the veterinarian performing the castration in advance.

After surgery, it is better to leave your pet alone with the doctor for several hours. Let him go through the awakening phase after anesthesia under the supervision of a specialist, then in the event of a critical reaction of the body (excessive excitement, depression of the respiratory center, arrhythmia, cardiac arrest), the animal will be provided with timely qualified assistance.

Why is castration performed? Most often there are 2 main reasons for this - regulation of sexual behavior and the need to get rid of unpleasant odor. The success of a cat castration operation depends not only on skill and professionalism veterinary surgeon. Important role plays the correct preparation of the cat for castration.

If the preparation is carried out correctly, complications are eliminated or minimized. Postoperative period also needs increased attention - you need to care for the cat, following the veterinarian's recommendations.

After the operation, the doctor will give the necessary recommendations regarding what care your pet will need. In particular, what can be fed and what will be undesirable, how to properly treat a wound, at what time you can start feeding the animal and in what cases the help of a doctor will be needed. In addition, he will tell you how the animal recovers from anesthesia.

How to prepare for the procedure?

Preparing a cat for castration is an important preoperative step. In order to carry out castration surgery, it is necessary to determine how healthy the cat is. The absence of any diseases is important factor, since such an operation is performed using general anesthesia. Before preparing a cat for the castration procedure, you will need to consult with some narrow specialists And take a blood and urine test. If the indicators are normal, then you can safely prescribe suitable date and do castration.

Before deciding to neuter, you need to make sure your pet is healthy. To do this, it is advisable to visit a veterinarian and undergo the necessary tests.

In addition to a small medical examination, you will need to follow a number of recommendations. In particular, last meal must be 12 hours before the day of the procedure. In some cases it may be necessary laxative, which is taken 24 hours before surgery. This is necessary so that during the operation, under the influence of general anesthesia, the animal does not vomit, otherwise this may cause suffocation. The animal's stomach must be empty during surgery. Even if the surgical procedure is performed under local anesthesia, it is better to follow the rules regarding nutrition, since full stomach stress is more difficult to bear. Concerning water, then it should not be given 3 hours before the procedure. Immediately before surgery, the doctor will shave the cat's scrotum.

Before you go to veterinary clinic, you need to prepare and take with you necessary things:

  1. Owner's passport.
  2. Veterinary passport of the pet.
  3. Carrier or basket for a cat.
  4. Warm blanket for a cat.
  5. Napkins.

After arriving at the clinic, the doctor will examine the animal, weigh it and listen to the heart. This is necessary to select the type of anesthesia. About 20 minutes should pass after the anesthetic is administered.

If general anesthesia was used, the owner will be asked to leave the pet for a day in the clinic so that the cat is under the supervision of specialists. If this does not work out, then the owner and the pet go home, having first placed the animal in a basket and covered it with a warm blanket.

Features of the rehabilitation period

Caring for a cat after castration has its own characteristics. The recovery period for your pet after surgery depends on the type of anesthesia used. If local anesthesia was used, then it is enough to carefully treat the wound with special medicines and wash the tray after each use. After general anesthesia The recovery process is somewhat more complicated, and the animal takes longer to recover. Since such anesthesia does not wear off immediately, the operated animal will sleep for some time. While it is receding, you need to shift it from side to side so that the muscles do not swell.

In addition, it is necessary to periodically check the cat’s reaction during sleep - you can touch his nose, lightly tug his ears, tickle him. If the reaction is habitual, then there is nothing to worry about. When the cat comes to his senses, there may be an unsteady gait, cloudy look, a shaky head - this will go away with time, you shouldn’t be afraid of it. The recovery period after anesthesia is highly individual; some animals wake up immediately, others can sleep for a long time, up to 5 hours. This will depend on the type of drug used during anesthesia and the professionalism of the anesthesiologist. If the cat passes away with difficulty, it is better to leave him alone; over time, his condition will normalize.

For some time after castration, the cat is in a sleepy and lethargic state and cannot fully control its muscle functions. The owner needs to be nearby and monitor his pet’s reactions.

If subsequently actions local anesthesia a pet still behaves in an unusual way - you shouldn’t be scared either, this is all within the normal range. After the effects of anesthesia, cats' behavior may be slightly disoriented.

How to care after surgery?

After the animal wakes up and the effect of the anesthesia wears off, you need a little moisturize the oral mucosa, but you can’t give him water, even if the cat is very thirsty. This prohibition is due to the fact that anesthesia can disrupt the swallowing reflex. Appetite will also be impaired, so there is no need to force feed your pet. First feeding It is recommended to carry out every 8 hours. The portion should be small and light food. You shouldn't bathe your cat either.

First day It is necessary to closely monitor the behavior and condition of the pet. Since the cat licks itself frequently, you need to ensure that the animal does not lick the wound. If the following symptoms are observed: you need to go to the doctor immediately:

  • swelling in the mouth, tongue, eyelids;
  • mucous membranes have acquired a pale or bright color;
  • wheezing appeared in the chest;
  • there is difficulty breathing;
  • increase or decrease in body temperature;
  • heart rhythm disturbance.

Since you are interested in how to prepare a cat for castration, it means that you have already encountered inappropriate behavior pet during the period of sexual heat, if not, it’s for the best. An operation of this nature is considered simple, but to reduce possible complications At a minimum, the cat must be prepared for the procedure. Let's talk about this.

The health of the pet is one of the fundamental conditions for the operation. The importance of this point increases even more if castration under general anesthesia is planned. To find out whether a small patient is ready for the upcoming procedure, the first stages of preparation include taking tests of various types:

  • examination by a therapist, cardiologist;
  • undergoing cardiac ECHO;
  • taking urine and blood tests.

If the results of the study do not reveal clinical abnormalities, a time can be set for castration.

It will be better if the cat spends several postoperative days with one of the family members. Therefore, you need to choose the date of the procedure, taking this factor into account.

During the preliminary examination, the priority goal is to identify deviations that could affect the success of the planned operation.

Tests and vaccinations

If the cat is not vaccinated, then the necessary injections must be given a few weeks before castration. Thanks to vaccination, the recovery period it will go faster, and it will be easier for the pet’s weakened body to fight possible infectious diseases.

Home preparation

Preparing a cat for castration at home begins with feeding restrictions. Half a day before the operation, the animal must stop feeding. In some cases, you even have to resort to laxatives. If the cat needs help to relieve itself, a laxative should be given the day before castration.

An empty stomach is important aspect upcoming procedure. After all, if a cat begins to vomit during the operation or in the first hours after it, the animal may suffocate. In case of local anesthesia, empty stomach It won't hurt your pet either. He will bear it easier stressful situation, he will be less sick. You can give the cat water, but 3 hours before castration you must stop giving water. If desired, the cat can shave the scrotal area. But this is not necessary; a surgeon can also handle this task.

Preparing for surgery

The technical side of preparing a cat for surgery should not be ignored either. You need to prepare for the doctor's visit. In particular, you need to take the following set of things with you to the operation:

  • blanket for the cat;
  • towel;
  • documents (yours and for the animal, if any).

If the cat is indoor and does not go outside, then you can give him a little sedative to calm down. It is best to discuss an acceptable dose of medication with your veterinarian.

Upon completion of the operation, the cat should be left alone for a couple of hours. It is best if he spends this time under the supervision of a doctor. Sometimes awakening after anesthesia negatively affects the condition of the operated animal. A cat may experience:

  • excessive excitement;
  • breathing problems;
  • arrhythmia.

In particular severe cases the animal's heart may stop.

Doctors are aware of such cases and are ready to provide timely qualified assistance if problems arise.

Still have questions? You can ask them to our site's in-house veterinarian in the comment box below, who as soon as possible will answer them.