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Spermatic cord cyst in boys: diagnosis and treatment. Prevention of testicular cysts. Treatment of spermatic cord cyst

When making any diagnoses related to formations in the brain, parents have a lot of various issues. It is very important to know about the manifestations of such diseases in infants. This will help prevent life-threatening conditions in the future. Many parents are interested in brain cysts in newborns and infants.

What it is?

Cysts in the brain are cavity formations. There is no need to confuse them with tumors, they are completely various diseases. A cyst does not at all indicate that the child has cancer. Various influences can lead to the development of this condition.

In some cases, cysts in the brain are not detected throughout life. The child grows and does not even suspect that he has any changes. In other situations, cysts cause various symptoms that bring discomfort to the baby and interfere with his well-being. Such cases require treatment.

Typically, a cyst appearance resembles a ball. The size of the formation may vary. The contour of the cyst is correct and even. In some cases, examination reveals several formations at once. They can be located at a considerable distance from each other or adjacent.

Doctors usually detect brain cysts in every third of ten babies born. They appear in different places. There is fluid in the cyst cavity. Not big sizes formations, as a rule, do not cause any uncomfortable symptoms in the child.

If the cyst is not located near vital centers, then such a development of the disease is not dangerous.


Various factors can lead to the appearance of cystic formations in the brain. In some cases they may act together. Long-term or strong exposure to various causative factors contributes to the appearance of various cavity formations in the brain.

To the most common reasons their appearances include:

  • Various congenital pathologies. They usually develop during fetal development. Pathologies of central development nervous system promotes development pathological changes in the brain. The cysts in this case are congenital.

  • Injuries received during childbirth. Too large a fetus and the birth of twins contribute to the occurrence of traumatic brain injuries in newborns.

  • Infections that occur in the mother during pregnancy. Many viruses and bacteria are able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier. Doctors often register brain cysts in newborns as a consequence of infectious diseases occurring during pregnancy. Viral or bacterial meningitis is often the root cause of the formation of cavitary lesions.

  • Brain hemorrhages. May arise as a result various reasons. Often lead to the development of hemorrhage various injuries and falls. Damage to the brain causes a fluid-filled cavity to form, which then becomes a cyst.


Exposure to various causes leads to the appearance of cavity formations in the brain. They can be localized in its various departments. Currently, doctors identify several possible locations of brain cysts.

Taking into account their location, all cavity formations can be divided into several groups:

  • Located at the level of the pituitary gland. Normally, this section of the brain is responsible for the synthesis of elements necessary for growth and development of hormones. When cysts appear in it, the child begins to appear various symptoms. Usually there are no symptoms in this clinical form.
  • Cerebellar. Also called lacunar cyst. These types of cavity formations most often occur in boys. They are quite rare. If the disease progresses rapidly, it can lead to various movement disorders.

Mandatory treatment is required, as there may be serious complications– in the form of paralysis or paresis.

  • Located next to the pineal gland. This organ is called the pineal gland. It performs in the body endocrine function. The pineal gland is well supplied with blood, especially at night. Disturbances in its functioning lead to disruption of the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid, which ultimately contributes to the development of a cyst.

  • Arachnoid. Located in the arachnoid membrane. Normally, it covers the outside of the brain and protects it from various damages. Most often, this type of cyst occurs as a result of injury or inflammation of the meninges due to infectious diseases.
  • Dermoid. They are detected extremely rarely. They are registered in babies in the first year of life. Inside the cyst there is not a liquid component, but the remains of embryonic particles. In some cases, the rudiments of teeth and bones, various elements of sweat and sebaceous glands can be detected.
  • Choroid plexus cysts. They arise during the period of intrauterine development. Most often, these cavity formations are registered already at the 28th week of pregnancy. After birth they can remain for life. Usually the child does not have any adverse symptoms, everything proceeds without any clinical changes.

  • Intermediate velum cysts. They are located in the fold of the pia mater, which is located in the area of ​​the third ventricle of the brain. Often detected only by magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Pseudocysts. Inside the cavity is cerebrospinal fluid. The disease is usually asymptomatic. The child’s well-being and behavior do not change. In some cases, there are several pseudocysts, which is a consequence of polycystic disease.
  • Subarachnoid. Located in the subarachnoid space. Often occur after various traumatic brain injuries or after car accidents. May occur with the appearance of adverse symptoms. In case of severe disease and rapid growth of the formation, surgical treatment is performed.
  • Cysts in the ventricle of the brain. They are located in the brain collectors of the cerebrospinal fluid. Most often, such cysts form in the area of ​​the lateral ventricles. The rapid growth of formations leads to the appearance of symptoms of intracranial hypertension.

  • Subependymal. The most common cysts in infants. Inside the formations there is cerebrospinal fluid. Cavity formation occurs due to hemorrhages under the membrane of the brain and rupture of blood vessels. This condition usually occurs due to birth injuries. They can be of various sizes - from 5 mm to several centimeters.
  • Retrocerebellar. They form inside the brain, and not outside, like many types of cysts. The formation of a cavity occurs as a result of the death of gray matter. Various provoking reasons can lead to the development of this type of cyst: trauma, infectious pathologies, hemorrhages and others. Such cavity formations are usually quite severe and require treatment.
  • Porencephalic. This condition is extremely rare in pediatric practice. It is characterized by the formation of several cavity formations in the brain - of various sizes.


The manifestation of clinical signs depends on the initial location of the cavity formation. If there are several cysts, they are located in different parts of the brain, then the baby may develop the most different symptoms, which significantly complicate diagnosis.

To the most common clinical manifestations cystic formations include:

  • The appearance of a headache. It can vary in intensity: from mild to unbearable. Pain syndrome usually maximum upon awakening or active games. Reveal this symptom for infants this is a difficult task. It is worth paying attention to the child’s behavior, which changes significantly when a headache appears.
  • Change in baby's condition. In some cases, the child becomes more inhibited. He becomes increasingly drowsy and has significant problems falling asleep. Babies' appetite worsens and they are slow to breastfeed. Sometimes babies completely refuse breastfeeding.

  • Increase in head size. This sign does not always appear. Typically, the size of the head increases with pronounced cyst sizes. If such abnormalities are detected in a child, then additional examination is required to exclude cavity formations in the brain.
  • Strong pulsation and bulging of the fontanel. Often this symptom is the first sign of the presence of a cavity formation in the brain, which has already led to the appearance of intracranial hypertension.

  • Movement disorders and coordination disorders. Usually the data is unpleasant Clinical signs appear in the presence of a cavity formation in the cerebellum of the brain.
  • Vision disorders. Often, when looking at closely located objects, a child experiences double vision. Given pathological condition occurs as a result of compression of the optic nerve by a growing cyst.
  • Disorder of sexual development. Occurs as a result of the presence of a cyst in the epiphysis - pineal gland. Violation of hormone production leads to a pronounced lag in the child’s development age standards. In some cases, the opposite situation occurs - excessively early puberty.
  • Epileptic seizures. This condition appears when a cyst occurs in the area of ​​the meninges. To eliminate adverse symptoms, a prescription is required special treatment, and in some cases even undergoing surgery.


It is quite difficult to suspect the presence of a cyst in the brain of a newborn child. To establish a diagnosis, a additional examinations. These studies are being carried out on the recommendation of a pediatric neurologist. If the development of the cyst was preceded by trauma or brain damage, then you should consult a neurosurgeon.

To diagnose cavity formations, use:

  • Ultrasound examination of the brain. In neurology it is also called neurosonography. This method is quite safe and can be used even for babies in the first months of life. There are no results from the examination painful sensations. To determine the diagnosis, 15-25 minutes are enough.

  • CT scan(or CT). The study gives a high radiation dose. It should not be performed to screen for cystic lesions. Used this method only in difficult clinical cases when making a diagnosis is difficult. The study provides a complete picture of the anomalies and anatomical defects present in the brain.

  • Magnetic resonance imaging (or MRI). Feedback after this study was most positive. In most cases, it was with the help of MRI that it was possible to establish the presence of cystic formations in the brain. The method is characterized by high resolution and allows you to successfully detect cysts of even the smallest sizes. In difficult diagnostic cases, they resort to preliminary administration of contrast, which makes it possible to establish a more accurate diagnosis.


Typically, cysts are asymptomatic and do not require intervention from doctors. However, in some cases, with unfavorable localization, complications and consequences from their presence in the brain may occur. Neurologists treat such conditions. If impossible conservative treatment resort to execution surgical operations.

Most a common complication cavity formations in the brain (especially in newborn babies) is a lag in physical and mental development in future. In some cases, the child experiences visual and motor (motor) disturbances.

One of the complications is also congenital or acquired hearing impairment - due to the presence of a cyst in the brain.


The treatment tactics are pediatric neurologist– after identifying signs of cystic formations in the brain in a child. Typically, children are seen by such doctors throughout their entire lives. Regular examination allows you to monitor the growth and development of the cyst.

Cystic formations in the brain can be treated conservatively and with the help of surgical operations. The choice of therapy remains with the attending physician. No one will operate on the baby right away. First, a wait-and-see approach is used. The doctor assesses the child’s well-being using special diagnostic methods. If there are no disturbances in the child’s behavior, then there is no need to perform surgery. Usually conservative therapy comes down to prescribing drugs that have a symptomatic effect.

If the cyst occurs after bacterial meningitis, then an appointment is required antibacterial drugs. In some cases, they are prescribed in the form of injections or droppers. Treatment of such forms of diseases is usually carried out in a hospital setting. After recovery from the infection, as a rule, the resulting cyst also changes significantly in size. After some time, it may completely dissolve and disappear.

If the child has an immunodeficiency state, immunostimulating drugs are used medicines. They are prescribed in a course, often as intramuscular injections. Typically, such treatment is combined with the prescription of multivitamin complexes. Complex therapy allows you to improve your work immune system and leads to recovery.

At traumatic injuries meninges or after some birth injuries, doctors are forced to resort to surgical treatment. Usually operations are performed at an older age. Newborns and infants just watching. If the course of the disease is rapid and unfavorable symptoms significantly impair the child’s well-being, then the decision on the need for surgical treatment can be made earlier.

You will learn about what a brain cyst is in the next video.

Spermatic cord cyst in children. Treatment of spermatic cord cyst.

What is a cyst spermatic cord?

A spermatic cord cyst is an accumulation of fluid in the membranes of the spermatic cord, namely in the unfused vaginal process of the peritoneum. A cyst of the spermatic cord has much in common with hydrocele, both in origin and in treatment methods. It can sharply increase in volume (an acute cyst) or turn into an inguinal hernia.

Why is a spermatic cord cyst dangerous?

A cyst of the spermatic cord has the same complications as hydrocele of the testicular membranes. If it persists for a long time, it can lead to impaired development of the testicle, reducing the ability to fertilize. Sometimes turns into inguinal or inguinoscrotal hernia. An inguinal hernia is dangerous when it is strangulated, which occurs unexpectedly and can lead to the death of the strangulated organs.

What forms of the disease occur?

There is a spermatic cord cyst communicating with the peritoneal cavity and an isolated cyst. If the cyst communicates with the peritoneal cavity, then its size varies during the day due to the possibility of fluid flowing from abdominal cavity into the cyst and back.

Over time, communication with the abdominal cavity may increase, and a communicating spermatic cord cyst may develop into an inguinal or inguinoscrotal hernia. In addition, the communication with the abdominal cavity may disappear (for example, when the communication with the abdominal cavity is blocked from the inside by a strand of omentum or as a result of traumatic inflammation), then an isolated acute cyst of the spermatic cord appears.

How are a communicating spermatic cord cyst and a communicating testicular hydrocele formed?

During fetal development, the testicle descends into the scrotum through the inguinal canal. Together with it, an outgrowth of the peritoneum descends into the scrotum, forming inner shell testicles. This is the so-called vaginal process of the peritoneum.

Normal at the time of birth or during the first months of life top part the process of the peritoneum passing through the inguinal canal overgrows and turns into a thin cord, and the connection between the testicular membrane and the abdominal cavity disappears. Thus, neither peritoneal fluid nor abdominal organs can penetrate the cavity where the testicle is located. Bottom part The processus vaginalis of the peritoneum forms a slit-like cavity around the testicle, which, in case of dropsy, serves as a container for dropsy fluid.

The cause of the formation of a communicating cyst of the spermatic cord and communicating hydrocele of the testicle is non-fusion of the vaginal process of the peritoneum. This duct between the abdominal cavity and the membranes of the testicle exists in utero in the fetus, and normally closes at the time of birth. If the duct does not close, then fluid from the abdominal cavity through the duct enters the testicular membranes or the cavity of the cyst.

How does a spermatic cord cyst manifest itself?

A communicating cyst of the spermatic cord manifests itself as an inguinal hernia - swelling in groin area or, like hydrocele of the testicular membranes - an unstable increase in the size of one or two halves of the scrotum. You can usually notice a change in the size of the scrotum during the day - by the morning the size of the scrotum decreases, and by the evening it increases.

A non-communicating or isolated cyst of the spermatic cord remains stable in size for significant periods of time. The change in cyst size occurs gradually over weeks and even months.

Often occurs in children of the first year of life due to birth trauma, or after trauma to the scrotum in older children. May appear after surgery for varicocele. May occur against the background of undiagnosed inguinal hernia.

An acute cyst of the spermatic cord is manifested by the unexpected appearance in the groin area of ​​a round, sometimes egg-shaped, formation of dense elastic consistency, similar to a strangulated inguinal hernia. However, unlike strangulated hernia the cyst is usually painless to the touch and the child is calm.

How to make a diagnosis?

If a child develops swelling in the groin area or if the scrotum becomes enlarged, it is necessary to urgently contact a pediatric urologist-andrologist or pediatric surgeon. Parents themselves may suspect the disease, but to diagnose accurate diagnosis needed experienced specialist. In doubtful cases, ultrasound examination is performed. scrotum and inguinal canals.

At what age are surgeries performed?

The main treatment method for spermatic cord cysts is surgical. However, in boys under one year of age, self-healing is possible. Therefore, younger children age group with a spermatic cord cyst are under the supervision of a surgeon or urologist andrologist until 1–2 years of age. Surgery spermatic cord cysts are performed in children older than one year, usually at the age of 1.5 - 2 years.

In boys over 2 years of age, surgery is prescribed as soon as possible after diagnosis. In case of an acute spermatic cord cyst, treatment is carried out according to urgent indications when the presence of a strangulated inguinal hernia cannot be ruled out.

If the disease is of a traumatic nature, operations are performed no earlier than 3 months after the injury.

How is anesthesia administered?

Different clinics have different approaches to anesthesia and hospitalization periods.

We use combined options for pain relief using sedatives and local anesthesia, allowing to sharply reduce the concentration of drugs used for anesthesia and ensuring the absence of mental trauma and good pain relief in the postoperative period.

What does the operation consist of?

Operations at the clinic are performed on the day the child is admitted. Both with a spermatic cord cyst and with hydrocele, the purpose of the operation is to remove the cyst or duct connecting the abdominal cavity and the cyst.

Considering the close connection of the cyst with the vas deferens and elements of the spermatic cord in boys, cyst excision operations require delicate techniques and special skills of the surgeon. Correctly performed surgery is safe for the testicle.

How does the postoperative period proceed?

The operation is not difficult for the child and is well tolerated. The child is usually discharged on the day of the operation. Sutures are removed upon examination on the 7th day. On the 10th day, the child can attend a child care facility.


Key words: Spermatic cord cyst in children. Treatment of spermatic cord cyst. Communicating spermatic cord cyst. Surgery for spermatic cord cyst. Hydrocele. Hydrocele of the testicle.

A spermatic cord cyst is a disease in which fluid from the abdominal cavity overflows into the area of ​​the spermatic cord membrane. This phenomenon does not cause pain to the child, but is dangerous, as it can cause complications. If a spermatic cord cyst in a boy is not cured, there is a risk that necrosis of the scrotum will occur.

Patients who suffer from cysts are children aged from several months to 2 years. At this age, the disease can go away on its own, without surgical intervention, but constant medical supervision is required.

Less commonly, the cyst persists in preschool age. If it does not disappear by the age of 2 years, this is an indication for surgery.

It can also occur in adolescents and adults, but only as a result of injury or inguinal hernia. As a separate problem, it does not occur due to the physiological characteristics of an adult.

Cause of cyst

A cyst occurs for several reasons. The main one is non-overgrowth of the vaginal process of the peritoneum.

This canal, together with the scrotum, descends down through the inguinal canal. This is still happening early stages boy development: in the womb or in the first months of life. When the scrotum, and with it the vaginal process, descend, the upper part of the process becomes overgrown. Before overgrowth, the process communicates with the abdominal cavity, and after that it loses communication with it.

If fusion of the appendix does not occur, then the testicular membrane receives a permanent common canal with the abdominal cavity. Fluids that form in this cavity can circulate down (into the scrotum) and back. When they move down the processus vaginalis, this is called a spermatic cord cyst.

Infection may be delayed for several reasons:

  • genetic feature (the child simply develops more slowly, and all normal processes will occur, but later - until about the first year of life);
  • pathological (mechanisms for transforming physiology are knocked down, which is why the appendage will not heal without the help of surgeons).

Older patients (schoolchildren, teenagers, adults) can “earn” a cyst as follows:

  • having received an injury to the scrotum, as a result of which the process would open;
  • due to complications after an inguinal hernia;
  • as a result of a general somatic disease.

Important! The older the patient, the more dangerous the cyst is for him.

Cyst symptoms

A spermatic cord cyst is expressed in different ways. Symptoms depend on the type of disease.

A non-isolated cyst (when communication with the abdominal cavity is maintained) is characterized by a change in the size of the testicle during the day. In the morning, one or both parts of the scrotum - standard size. By the evening, the scrotum, in whole or in part, may swell, increasing in size. This occurs because fluid circulates in and out of the abdominal cavity.

With an isolated cyst of the spermatic cord in children, there is no change in the size of the scrotum. If it increases, it does so over a long period of time – it can take weeks and months. Parents may not notice such changes.

Important! During palpation, you can find watery pockets inside the testicles, the liquid in which overflows when pressed.

With an external increase in the size of the scrotum, the child rarely experiences pain. It can only appear as a result of injury or inflammation, necrosis. If the cyst is located on initial stage development, then even with palpation an infant (and even more so an older patient) does not cry or show signs of pain.

Possible complications

A stagnant cyst, accompanied by inflammation or compression of blood vessels, can lead to serious and irreversible consequences. Among the complications:

  • inguinal hernia;
  • inguinoscrotal hernia;
  • necrosis of scrotal tissue;
  • disturbance in the development of the testicles;
  • compression of the seminal canals.

These complications arise if the disease is not compensated by 2 years of age, or if an acute inflammatory process occurs as a result of an isolated cyst. The consequences can be prevented by promptly contacting a urologist or surgeon.

Necrosis occurs when there is a blockage (but not closure) of the cord, preventing fluid from returning back into the abdominal cavity. Having accumulated in the seed coat, it begins to put pressure on the tissues and can lead to pinching of blood vessels. Clamping provokes oxygen starvation tissue and necrosis.

Developmental disruption occurs for the same reason: tissues do not receive sufficient nutrition and either stop developing or slow down.

Diagnosis of the disease

The disease is similar to some other abnormalities in the functioning of the scrotal organs. During diagnosis, the doctor must differentiate the disease from the following ailments:

  • inguinal hernia;
  • scrotoinguinal hernia;
  • hydrocele of the testicle.

Diagnostic methods - palpation, history taking. If the case is difficult to determine, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound examination of the scrotum. The pictures will show the contents of the scrotal cavities.

You should contact one of the following specialists for a diagnosis:

  • urologist;
  • andrologist;
  • surgeon

You can't make a diagnosis yourself. Although the disease can be easily distinguished from similar diseases by the absence of pain on palpation, the layperson's definition of the disease may be incorrect. Only pediatrician Based on the examination, an accurate diagnosis can be made.

During the medical history, parents should be sure to report whether testicular size changes throughout the day. This will help distinguish an isolated cyst from a non-isolated one. It is also important to indicate at what time the changes were noticed, and whether the child suffered any illnesses or injuries before the cyst appeared.

Cord therapy

Treatment of cysts in children depends on the type of disease and the age at which the patient consulted a doctor. Children under 2 years of age are usually not referred for surgery. They are registered with pediatric surgeon or a urologist and undergo regular examinations. The doctor makes sure that the disease does not develop into an inguinal hernia or lead to tissue necrosis.

If the processus vaginalis heals on its own before 2 years of age, then no medical intervention is required. It can only be carried out if, by the time the canal is closed, too much fluid has accumulated in the lining of the testicles. Then this liquid will be removed.

Children over 2 years of age are urgently sent for surgery. The process is excised, which activates the healing process. Scarring begins, during which the canal tightens and the pathology disappears. Excision is dangerous for men's health procedure if it is performed by inexperienced doctors. You should trust only experienced surgeons, since an incorrectly performed operation can lead to disruption of the seminal canal. However, surgery performed by a competent specialist does not pose a danger to either a child or an adult.

During treatment, the accompanying illnesses. If the patient suffers from a hernia, then it is compensated either by conservative methods (without surgery, in the early stages of the disease), or surgically(if the hernia threatens the functioning of the scrotum).

Removal of a spermatic cord cyst is not carried out urgently if communication with the abdominal cavity occurs as a result of injury. Then a minimum of 3 months is allotted for recovery from the traumatic situation, after which corrective surgery is prescribed.

If the cyst is isolated, excision may or may not be indicated. It depends on what caused the isolation - gradual overgrowth of the process or the formation of a temporary blockage. In any case, fluid is removed, which can lead to tissue necrosis.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia. Children and sensitive patients must be prescribed additional sedatives to reduce psychological trauma after surgery.

Important. General anesthesia It is rarely prescribed, mainly only to adult patients who do not suffer from heart problems.

Prevention of testicular cysts

There are no clear preventive measures to prevent the development of cysts. If the disease develops as a result of developmental delay, parents cannot influence the process of cyst formation in any way. The only measure that reduces the risk of temporary pathologies is proper pregnancy planning and correct image life while bearing a child.

You can prevent the appearance of cysts from the age of 2 years by reducing the child’s contact with traumatic objects. The baby must be under adult supervision. Not allowed in early age expose a child physical activity: It is not recommended to send a child to heavy sports before 4-6 years of age, as this contributes to the formation of a hernia.

You can reduce the risk of complications and surgical intervention if you conduct periodic preventive examinations with a urologist. A child under one year old must visit the specified doctor several times. You should not violate the procedure for visiting doctors established for newborns. If there is any suspicion of a violation of the infant’s sexual development, you should make an appointment with a pediatric andrologist, surgeon, or urologist.


A cord cyst can easily be eliminated with surgery or naturally, as a result of the development of the child’s body. You should not avoid visiting a urologist if the first signs of fluid accumulation are detected. Seeing a doctor in a timely manner will help avoid complications and large expenses for treatment. Adult patients should contact a urologist or surgeon especially quickly.

Cyst or cystic neoplasm- a fairly common diagnosis in newborns, but sometimes it is given to babies aged 2-3 months. This pathology can be found in any part of the body, however, cysts of the head and brain are the undisputed leaders among their own kind. There are cystic formations different types, the choice of therapy depends on this. What treatment methods exist for these pathologies? Could there be consequences?

Signs of pathology

How can a cyst be detected and what symptoms of this pathology exist? Signs of the disease may vary, depending on where the tumor is located, as well as possible complications. Note that a small cyst may not cause discomfort in the baby and may be invisible to parents. The most obvious signs of this pathology:

  • tremor of the baby's arms and legs;
  • convex fontanel;
  • uncoordinated movements;
  • lethargy, delayed reaction to stimuli;
  • insensitivity to pain;
  • frequent and profuse regurgitation;
  • convulsions;
  • hypertonicity or hypotonicity of a muscle group;
  • problems with hearing, vision;
  • insomnia;
  • headaches, which can be judged by the baby’s restless behavior and crying;
  • mental retardation.

These signs may be present in various combinations and have varying degrees expressiveness. Moreover, in 9 out of 10 children, the cyst goes away on its own without any treatment. However, in some cases it is required surgery. The surgeon may suggest removal of the tumor if:

  • it is innate and tends to grow rapidly;
  • appeared in the child after birth;
  • It is large in size and puts pressure on surrounding tissues, which creates a risk of mechanical impact on the brain.

If the diagnosis is made on time and prescribed adequate treatment– you can get rid of the tumor. It is important that parents consult a doctor in a timely manner and carefully follow the doctor’s prescriptions. May be shown drug therapy or surgery.

Types of cysts

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This is what a brain cyst looks like on an MRI

We have already mentioned that a cyst can be congenital pathology, or may appear after the birth of the baby:

  • In the first case, the neoplasm appears as a result of developmental disorders of the child while he is in the womb. It is also possible that inflammatory process after asphyxia that occurred at birth.
  • In the second case cystic formation may occur as a complication after injury or an inflammatory process. Next, we will consider the types of these pathologies.

Choroid plexus cyst

The choroid plexus captures a small area of ​​the brain membrane, which begins to secrete secretory fluid. This fluid accumulates and is gradually compressed by surrounding tissues. As a result, a cavity filled with contents is formed - a choroid plexus cyst.

Such neoplasms occur in a child during intrauterine development. They can be diagnosed by a doctor during an ultrasound session. It is believed that vascular types of cysts in the fetus arise as a result of an infectious disease suffered by a woman during pregnancy - usually we're talking about about herpes and its varieties.

As a rule, cysts from blood vessels have time to resolve before the baby is born and great danger don't imagine. However, in in rare cases they remain with the baby even after birth. If such a formation occurs in a baby, it is possible various options developments of events.

Here great importance has an area where the tumor is localized. For example, a choroid plexus cyst in the cerebellum can cause dizziness and coordination problems. A formation on the back of the head often leads to visual impairment; if the pituitary gland is affected, convulsions, hearing problems, paralysis of parts of the limbs, a decrease or increase in the normal production of hormones responsible for sexual development are possible.

Dr. Komarovsky states that this education is physiological and does not even require the supervision of specialists. In his opinion, the so-called pseudocyst of vascular connections does not require treatment.

Subependymal cyst

In the brain there is lateral ventricles- left and right. These are areas filled cerebrospinal fluid. Sometimes a cyst forms in the area of ​​their walls; it is called subependymal. This type of neoplasm is much more dangerous than the previous one.

The main reasons for its appearance:

  • Cerebral ischemia, which is the result of a circulatory disorder in any part of it. As a result, the problem area of ​​the brain tissue dies, which leads to the appearance of a cavity. Over time, the empty space fills with cerebral fluid. If such a formation begins to increase in size, it puts pressure on the surrounding tissues, which leads to disruption of the structure of the brain and displacement of its parts relative to each other. In such a situation, the baby may begin to have convulsions and general weakness.
  • Hemorrhage. This happens due to birth injuries, asphyxia, and infection of the fetus. If this happened during childbirth or after, it will be easier to cope with the problem, otherwise the prognosis worsens. The situation is aggravated by the fact that subependymal cysts are not treated with medications.

Arachnoid cyst

The brain is surrounded by membranes, one of which is called the arachnoid. Its tissues are located in close proximity to the brain. A neoplasm filled with serous fluid on the arachnoid membrane is an arachnoid cyst. Doctors believe that the appearance of a primary, that is, congenital cystic formation is associated with disturbances in the intrauterine development of the meninges. The neoplasm can be secondary or acquired. Then its appearance is associated with injuries received or the consequences of diseases.

Arachnoid cysts tend to grow, reaching 4-5 cm in diameter. Such a “bump” on the membrane of the brain during growth compresses its area, which can lead to unpredictable complications.

Often, 2-3 month old patients with this diagnosis experience epileptic seizures. With such a pathology, constant supervision by a neurologist is required. Causes of the occurrence and development of arachnoid cysts:

  • skull injuries;
  • infectious diseases such as meningitis;
  • cerebral hemorrhages.

Retrocerebellar cyst

A retrocerebellar cyst occurs as a result of a violation cerebral circulation. This can be caused by injuries and inflammation after illnesses. In brain tissue - " gray matter", who died due to lack of normal blood circulation, a cavity filled with fluid appears. A retrocerebellar cyst may not manifest itself in any way, but can cause disorders such as headaches, partial loss of hearing, vision, convulsions, nausea and loss of consciousness.

Periventricular cyst

This cystic formation is formed in the “white matter” of the brain, due to abnormalities in intrauterine development or complications after infectious diseases. A periventricular cyst is a hypoxic-ischemic brain injury and can cause paralysis in an infant.

Such diseases are not often diagnosed, and the choice of treatment method in each specific case may be different. As a rule, both surgical intervention and pharmacological therapy are required.

Porencephalic cyst

This type of tumor can occur in any part of the brain. Pathology begins to form in place of necrotic or completely dead tissue. If a porencephalic cyst is detected, treatment should be started as soon as possible, as it can cause serious complications. There are frequent cases of diseases such as hydrocephalus, as well as the development of brain abnormalities - schizencephaly.

Intermediate velum cyst

A cyst in the intermediate velum in a newborn is a fairly common phenomenon. During the early stages of pregnancy, the brain is formed in the embryo. Folds of the pia mater appear, which is called the intermediate velum and looks like a pocket. This pocket eventually transforms into other brain structures, but in rare cases it remains and degenerates into a cyst. If education does not manifest itself while the child is small, it may continue to remain in its place in calm state throughout his life.

Subarachnoid cyst

Subarachnoid cyst of the brain on an MRI image

This neoplasm forms on two layers of the brain membrane at once - the dura mater and the arachnoid membrane. It can appear anywhere in the shells. The reasons for its occurrence are: postoperative complications on the brain, meningitis, as well as connective tissue abnormalities syndrome. However, subarachnoid cysts in newborns are extremely rarely diagnosed.

Dermoid cyst

Dermoid cysts represent separate form formations that are localized on the surface of the head, they can also form on the neck, near the collarbones, in the middle part of the sternum. If we talk about a tumor in the head area, it is often located in the corners of the eyes, behind the ear, on the back of the head, in the area of ​​the nose, and mouth. It is believed that the locations of dermoids correspond to those areas where the embryo had the rudiments of gills, which disappear by the eleventh week of intrauterine life.

A dermoid cyst on a child’s head most often represents a dense neoplasm, inside of which there is a viscous mass mixed with follicles and hair particles. Photos of such a pathology on the scalp can be found on the Internet. It must be removed surgically, since such a tumor does not tend to resolve.

How is a cyst diagnosed?

Brain ultrasound procedure

To make a final diagnosis and determine the type of pathology, the doctor must see the results of ultrasound or neurosonography. This study is safe; during the session, even an infant usually behaves calmly. It is worth noting that this diagnostic method is only possible in children in the first year of life whose fontanel has not yet closed (more details in the article:). The fact is that the bones of the skull do not transmit ultrasound or distort the waves. Due to the fact that cysts are often found in children after birth trauma, this type of ultrasound is indicated for all children who have suffered asphyxia, as well as premature babies - those who were born ahead of schedule.


Treatment methods for a cyst depend on its size and location. Some types of them do not require treatment at all.

Almost all vascular or subependymal cysts resolve on their own; over time, studies show a decrease in their size or complete disappearance. However, if the doctor finds an infection, it will need to be treated, and only then the ultrasound examination will be repeated.

If the cyst has a significant diameter or is of a type that does not resolve on its own, it is removed. It is advisable to remove retrocerebellar and dermoid cysts. This operation is performed urgently if:

  • the neoplasm quickly increases in size;
  • During the growth of the cyst, important areas of the brain are affected;
  • the child has been diagnosed with hydrocephalus;
  • the patient often experiences seizures;
  • there is a significant increase in intracranial pressure;
  • hemorrhage occurred.

After deciding to remove the cyst, the specialist will offer several options for getting rid of the tumor. In some cases, it can only be removed with a scalpel. Today there are such methods of surgical intervention:

  1. Excision. The surgeon opens the area of ​​the skull where the tumor is found and completely removes the cyst. This method considered the most effective. Its disadvantages include excessive trauma to all surrounding tissues, as well as a long rehabilitation period.
  2. Bypass or drainage. Using special instruments, the surgeon makes a hole in the skull through which fluid is removed from the cyst. As soon as the tumor is left without content, the “bubble” begins to subside and gradually disappears.
  3. Endoscopic removal. Most progressive method getting rid of pathology. With it, the surgeon also makes a hole in the skull, but the tissue is minimally injured. Thanks to such a loyal operation, the recovery process is shorter than in the first and second cases.


If the cyst is detected in a timely manner and adequately treated, the consequences may be absent or minimal. It is worse if the tumor is not removed on time, and the cyst begins to increase in size. This situation is fraught with serious problems. The following complications are possible:

  • the child may lag behind his peers in development;
  • the baby will have hearing and vision impairments, and will experience a loss of coordination;
  • convulsions will begin;
  • the tumor may degenerate from benign to malignant;
  • paralysis.

Note that in newborns, even large cysts after removal have almost no complications. Parents should carefully look at the baby, noting any atypical manifestations in his behavior. Early diagnosis will help eliminate possible problems, which is carried by a neoplasm in the baby’s head.

A cyst of the spermatic cord, medically called funiculocele, is a common disease in men. genitourinary system, can occur in any age category and has a lot common features with hydrocele. Most often, the disease is detected during an ultrasound of the abdominal organs. This pathology has different sizes, which vary from 2–3 millimeters to 10 cm. Large formations complicate the functioning of the genitourinary system and lead to consequences dangerous to a man’s health. Therefore, it is important to know what a spermatic cord cyst is in a man or boy, what its causes are, and also to clearly see the photo.

What is a cyst

The cystic formation appears as a dense spherical compaction located near the testicle. It is filled with a fluid consisting of a mixture of spermatocytes and spermatozoa and has different sizes, which tend to increase over time.

There are cases that a cystic formation, which is small in size, gradually resolves and disappears over time. If the pathology reaches 1 cm or more, then surgical intervention is required. Most often, the cyst is asymptomatic, without worsening the man’s quality of life or affecting his reproductive function. Not big size formation does not require surgery, it only requires regular examination by a urologist. Usually the cyst is located near the left testicle, but there are also cases of its bilateral spread. In the latter case, the risk of blockage of the seminal ducts increases, resulting in infertility. The development of a cystic formation located near the spermatic cord is provoked by the following factors:

  • frequent hypothermia and inflammatory processes of the male reproductive system;
  • surgical interventions performed on the scrotum;
  • testicular injury;
  • venous stagnation;
  • changes in secretory fluid at the age of 40–50 years;
  • presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Types of disease

A spermatic cord cyst in men is considered a benign disease, which is most often discovered during a comprehensive examination. It may be the following types:

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  • Congenital, in which a spermatic cord cyst in a boy occurs as a result of intrauterine disorders due to partial non-closure of the abdominal process, which leads to the formation of cavities that do not communicate with each other. Also, this pathology can occur due to injury to the mother’s abdomen during pregnancy or premature birth. This type The disease is not classified as spermatogenic, since it does not contain sperm in the cystic cavity.
  • Acquired. In this type, a cystic formation of the spermatic cord is formed as a result of injury to the scrotum or during an inflammatory process. As a result, the affected ducts are unable to function normally, which interrupts the free flow of sperm. Then the secretion accumulates, while the wall of the spermatic cord stretches and a cyst is formed, in which accumulation of the resulting sperm is observed. If the pathology has formed in an adult man, then it consists not only of new, but also destroyed sperm.


Typically, a funucolocele is characterized by its asymptomatic and most often it is discovered completely by accident during an examination of the abdominal organs, a preventive examination by a doctor, or while bathing in the bathroom. On palpation, the cyst is felt as a spherical formation in the scrotum. When the pathology begins to grow rapidly, it puts pressure on blood vessels, nerve endings, which can cause the following clinical picture:

  • slight pain in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • bloating;
  • increased hair growth, which has a connection with the performance of hirsutism;
  • elevated temperature, fever, nausea. These symptoms can occur when the formation is twisted and ruptured;
  • pain, pain when urinating due to pressure on the walls of the bladder.

Typically, a cyst in a man has a yellowish tint because it contains fluid consisting of sperm. When the spherical formation has shades from brown to dark, then we can talk about the presence of a hematocele resulting from injury.


Typically, a specialist makes a diagnosis based on an examination of the patient, however, for a more accurate picture of the disease, it is recommended to undergo the following examination, which allows us to exclude the presence of complications:

  • Ultrasound, which allows you to determine the exact size and location of the cyst.
  • Diaphanoscopy. This examination allows not only to detect the cyst, but also to determine its fluid composition, since the formation is completely visible.
  • MRI is usually prescribed if cancer is suspected.


Funiculocele does not pose a threat to a man’s life, since with timely consultation with a specialist, this disease can be completely cured.

If the cyst begins fast growth or is accompanied by pain, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible to rule out different consequences, which can be quite heavy. Most often this is:

  • inflammation of the testicle and its appendages;
  • infertility;
  • oncological education in the area of ​​the cord;
  • under the pressure of the accumulated fluid, a vascular breakthrough may occur, in which the liquid composition accumulates in the scrotum.

Men need to know that there is no conservative methods treatment of funiculocele. In addition, various traditional methods, based on the use of oils and compresses can only aggravate the situation; they have a negative prognosis, since they contribute to the spread of the inflammatory process to nearby tissues. These drugs only have a resolving effect, but they are not able to cope with the cyst. Massage may cause the cyst to rupture, releasing accumulated fluid into the inguinal canal. As a result, precious time is lost, the operation is postponed to a later late date, which leads to an increased risk of developing various complications.


Today, cystic formation of the spermatic cord is not life-threatening; treatment is easily carried out with timely consultation with a specialist. If the cyst is large and simultaneously accompanied by an inguinal hernia and pain, then surgical intervention is necessary, which is performed with the administration of local anesthesia. During surgery, the tissue of the cyst is excised, while the tissue of the appendages is minimally injured, which does not cause negative influence on the further reproductive function of a man. In this case, careful suturing of the epididymis is performed to prevent the development of scar changes, which can interfere with the maturation and transportation of sperm. After the operation, the patient in the ward is given a heating pad with ice on the scrotum area and prescribed anti-inflammatory therapy to help prevent inflammatory processes and recover after surgery.

Usually the patient leaves the hospital the next day and recovery period is about 10 days, after which the patient returns to the normal rhythm of life. Complications from this operation are quite rare, however, in addition to specific consequences, manifested in the form of pain, bleeding, inflammatory processes of the wound, the disease may return and the appearance of pronounced scars. If during the operation there is damage to the working seminal ducts, then infertility may develop, and there is also a risk of testicular hydrocele. However, with high professional skills of the surgeon and the use of proven methods of performing the procedure, all of these complications can be avoided.

Postoperative period

IN postoperative period a man is advised to avoid heavy lifting, hypothermia, maintain the correct rhythm of life, and have sex regularly. In addition, the patient should wear specialized elastic underwear, which helps not only to maintain the testicles in a normal position, but also to prevent the seam from coming apart. Doctors also advise adhering to some dietary recommendations, which are based on eating small and frequent meals; you need to eat at least 6 times a day. In this case, you should include as much as possible fresh vegetables and fruits. Drinking alcoholic beverages is completely prohibited.

Features of the disease in children

If parents notice a swelling in the child’s groin area, they should immediately contact a surgeon. He will make a preliminary diagnosis, to confirm which it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound of the inguinal canals and scrotum. Most often, a spermatic cord cyst in children occurs due to defective fusion of the peritoneal process passing through the inguinal canal, which then transforms into. As a result of intrauterine disorders, newborns experience a cavity in which fluid accumulates.

If a spermatic cord cyst is discovered in an infant, then it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination to exclude other developmental defects, since if the period of embryogenesis was accompanied by problems, then other organs of the child could also be affected.

In addition, the development of spermatic cord cysts in children could be influenced by injuries and inflammatory and infectious diseases suffered in the first year of life. Most often, this pathology occurs when there is inflammation of the testicle or its appendages, due to the accumulation of fluid, leading to stretching of the walls of the duct and, as a result, the formation of a cyst-like formation. In a teenager, this problem occurs as a result of venous stagnation, an inflammatory process during puberty.

If a swelling is detected in the groin area in a child, you should consult a surgeon


Since the main way to help treat the disease is surgery, the formation is not touched in infants under 1.5 years of age. There are known cases of self-healing in a baby of the first year of life due to self-closure of the patent process. If the cyst begins to grow and cause discomfort, it is removed after reaching 2 years of age. Before reaching this age, the child undergoes regular examinations by a surgeon. The famous pediatrician Komarovsky advises parents to take a wait-and-see approach and observe how the cyst behaves for 2 years. If the pathology is discovered after reaching two years of age, then removal of the spermatic cord cyst is carried out in the near future to prevent strangulation of the inguinal hernia. When the problem arose after injury to the testicular area, the operation is performed only 90 days after the injury.

Cystic formations of the spermatic cord require observation and treatment by a specialist, the use of methods alternative medicine can only harm a man and lead to serious consequences.

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