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What pills for pregnancy after intercourse. Indications for emergency contraception. Sex without a condom. When to start worrying

A huge number of girls and women do not want to take hormonal pills, do not like contraceptives, do not want to insert suppositories and find the use of condoms unpleasant. But those who want to make love without the risk of getting pregnant are not planned. Yes, why not, because there are many options for how not to get pregnant without using inconvenient methods of protection.

Some of them are the most modern and newfangled, others have come down to us since ancient times. At the same time, the effectiveness of any method that protects against unwanted pregnancy depends on many different factors, both external and internal, and if used correctly, they can help in preventing pregnancy. We will tell you about most of these methods, but we warn you in advance that there is a risk of conceiving a child in each method. After all, even if such barrier contraception as a condom cannot provide a 100% guarantee, then how can sex be safe in the absence of protection?!

The first half of the article will be devoted largely to the methods of “folk wisdom,” while the second half will be devoted to medical methods of “contraception.” And so, the 20 best ways to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.

Method one: “Oh, is there any reason to worry?”

To begin with, it makes sense to make sure that you may, in principle, be at risk of an unwanted pregnancy. Get examined by a gynecologist, no matter how blasphemous it may sound, but in the modern world, a lot of women cannot get pregnant without enormous efforts. Even if we don’t talk about true infertility, there are many nuances that can make it difficult to conceive or form an egg. Therefore, find out whether you should not take any precautions against pregnancy at all.

It is difficult (but possible) for women with an abnormal, non-standard position of the cervix to become pregnant, due to the curvature of the uterus and the “difficulty” of sperm moving deeper under these conditions. There are women whose “internal environment” is simply deadly for sperm. And so on. In fact, many girls can have unprotected sex with little risk of getting pregnant.

Method two: calculating dangerous days

This method is considered the most reliable. Monitor your menstrual cycle and calculate “dangerous days.” The maximum chance of getting pregnant occurs during the period of ovulation - literally a few days. A healthy woman of reproductive age experiences ovulation almost every month - the moment when the egg is completely ready for fertilization. These 1-2 days fall approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle. To be more precise, with a 28-day cycle, the moment when the egg is fully “combat ready” will occur somewhere on the 12th day, and with a 35-day cycle, ovulation occurs on the 17th day. However, these are all approximate calculations; to calculate the high accuracy of “dangerous days”, there are entire methods.

Calendar method. According to the existing calendar method of calculation, the most “safe” days can be considered two days before menstruation and two days after. To calculate your individual “safest” days, you need to know the length of your cycle. A prerequisite for this is its sufficient stability:

  • 1. Select the longest and shortest menstrual cycles during the study period (at least six months).
  • 2. Subtract 18 from the short number. This will give you the day from which the most dangerous period begins. For example: 24 – 18 = 6, i.e. The greatest chance of getting pregnant begins on the 6th day of your menstrual cycle.
  • 3. Subtract the number 11 from the longest period. For example: 28 – 11 = 17, so the 17th day of your menstrual cycle is the last day when you need to be very safe during sex.
  • 4. From the example considered, it turns out that the greatest probability that an unwanted pregnancy will occur remains in the period from the 6th to the 17th day of the menstrual cycle.

Basal temperature. The approximate date of ovulation can be calculated by plotting changes in basal temperature (in the rectum) over several menstrual cycles. To do this, from the beginning of the menstrual cycle it is necessary, at the same time, in the morning, immediately after sleep, to measure the basal temperature. Create a calendar based on the temperature graph. Record your measurements on this chart every day. In the first half of the cycle, as a rule, the temperature is in the range of 36.6-36.9 degrees, and after ovulation it rises to 37 and above. You can find out about your ovulation in advance by carefully observing and analyzing the graph. A slight decrease in temperature, approximately on days 12-16, predicts the release of a mature egg from the ovary literally in the next few hours. Accordingly, women who avoid pregnancy need to protect themselves with barrier contraception: condoms, vaginal caps, female condoms, spermicides, etc., or not have sexual intercourse at all.

Intuition method. Some girls can determine the moment of ovulation by their own feelings. The main symptoms: pain in the area of ​​one of the ovaries or in the lower abdomen; a sharp increase in sexual appetite; copious vaginal discharge (viscous, transparent leucorrhoea, odorless and disappearing without a trace after 2-3 days).

Ovulation tests. To help women avoid getting pregnant without protection, pharmaceutical companies produce special tests that detect ovulation. They are similar to tests that determine pregnancy, and even the result is shown in two stripes, revealing the peak of luteinizing hormone (LH) - the moment of ovulation in a woman’s body. After this time, the LH level drops sharply and the tests become “negative”. However, it should be remembered that it is better to carry out these tests twice a day, because the morning peak of the hormone when ovulation occurs may fall in the evening, showing a negative test, and the egg will be ready.

The fact is clear: calculating ovulation so as not to get pregnant without protection is a very complex method, absolutely not suitable for women with an irregular cycle. These processes depend on many factors; the cycle can shift and fluctuate for a number of reasons, which are almost impossible to determine: nervous breakdowns, stress, the use of all kinds of medications, various diseases. Obesity or overweight, as well as underweight or sudden weight loss, lead to hormonal imbalances. And when the menstrual cycle is irregular, tracking ovulation is virtually impossible. It may not occur for a couple of cycles in a row, or, on the contrary, it may happen twice in one month (which is not good for a woman).

Method three: removing the penis

In order not to get pregnant without protection, there is another way, in some sense the most reliable - interruption of sexual intercourse. The essence of the method of how not to get pregnant without a condom and how not to get pregnant without contraception is to remove the male penis immediately before ejaculation. Invite your man not to cum inside you. At the moment when he feels that he is close to the end, let him simply remove his penis from the vagina. He may end the act from the outside, or you may simply move on to another type of caresses. This way, you will be confident that the main flow of sperm has not entered the body.

This method is very simple, provided that the psychological side of the issue is not confusing and there is mutual understanding between the partners. However, to consider it reliable, you need to remember some points:

  • 1. sperm retains its own viability for a long time, so this method is only suitable for the first sexual intercourse; if you repeat sexual intercourse after a short rest, the risk of getting pregnant will increase significantly.
  • 2. after ejaculation, not a large number of completely viable sperm may remain on the mucous membrane of the head of the penis or in the man’s urethra, so before repeated sexual intercourse, to be on the safe side, it is better to ask the man to take a shower and empty his bladder. And do the same yourself.

Despite the high popularity of this method, doctors claim that it is not reliable, since sperm, even in small quantities, can enter the female reproductive organs even before ejaculation. And to conceive, you really only need one sperm. In addition, a woman becomes completely dependent on her partner, who is not always able to control himself.

Method four: douching

An acidic environment is deadly for sperm – and that’s a fact. Therefore, the answer to the question of how not to get pregnant without a condom is douching with an acidic solution. There are various options for solutions: lemon juice, vinegar essence, diluted in certain proportions, etc. However, it should be noted right away that these options are not entirely and not always effective, and sometimes can be quite dangerous for your health, since acidic solutions can cause dysbacteriosis, burn the mucous membrane of the woman’s internal genital organs. Especially if you have an active, regular sex life. However, if the use of this method is more for you as an exception, then we will give a couple of recipes.

Lemon juice. Dip your fingers in squeezed lemon juice and run them inside yourself. Repeat the procedure several times and do not wash the juice out of your body after this for at least 2-3 hours. He will come out on his own later with secretions.

Fresh urine. Many recommendations on how not to get pregnant without a condom boil down to careful, deep washing with your own urine, immediately after intimacy. Of course, not a very pleasant ending to lovemaking, but, in the end, better than urine therapy or an unwanted pregnancy.

Method five: more steam, less risk

Of course, hot water can kill living organisms. However, the existing misconception that a woman taking a bath with very hot water for 15 minutes after sexual intercourse can “kill” sperm that have penetrated the uterus and prevent conception is nothing more than a myth.

But the advice to make love in a sauna is based on common sense. However, its point is not to warm up the woman’s body in a sauna and thereby “neutralize” the penetrated sperm. This advice applies more to men, and a woman in the sauna can only keep him company.

Sperm cannot be produced at excessively high temperatures. Overheating of the scrotum can easily be caused by taking an excessively hot shower, bath, frequent visits to the bathhouse, wearing too tight swimming trunks or trousers, or using an electrically heated blanket for night sleep. All this can disrupt the process of sperm formation. In order for a man’s sperm to become partially “safe” over the next 24 hours, it is enough for him to spend an hour or two in the sauna. As history confirms, it was this method that was used in the East to protect against unwanted pregnancy: before the night of passion, a man spent some time sitting over a bucket of boiling water.

Overheating of the scrotum can easily be caused by taking an excessively hot shower, bath, frequent visits to the bathhouse, wearing too tight swimming trunks or trousers, or using an electrically heated blanket for night sleep. All this can disrupt the process of sperm formation. Even a common flu with a three-day temperature of 38-39°C can worsen sperm viability for the next three months.

Method six: location matters

Further advice on how not to get pregnant without contraception largely relates to folk wisdom. There is no particular confidence in their reliability, but they are quite popular.
For example, advice: make love in the water. It is based on the opinion that you can get pregnant only if the man’s sperm does not come into contact with air, as well as water and other foreign substances. In other words, it is understood that when a partner cums into the water, even if some sperm later enters the partner’s body, this will not in any way affect her subsequent position.

Method seven: posture matters

Another tip is to have “vertical” sex. This means that sexual intercourse must be completed when the woman is in an upright position and does not lie down afterwards. In a supine position, sperm penetrates the uterus unhindered. When you stand on your feet, or sit in a position on top, most of the sperm will simply flow out, reducing the possibility of conception to a minimum.

Method eight: use additional lubricant

The likelihood of getting pregnant is much higher for those girls whose bodies produce less lubricant. The fact is that lubricant prevents the free movement of sperm to the uterus. And if you also use additional lubricant during intimacy, then it, enveloping the penis with a thin invisible film, will provide you with additional protection from unwanted conception.

But be that as it may, you should not blindly hope for chance, looking for unconventional methods of protection and testing their effectiveness on yourself. It will be much safer for your health to use contraception offered by official medicine. Its side effects are not as significant as the consequences of using folk remedies on how to avoid getting pregnant, and indeed the risks of their uselessness, can be dangerous. In addition, the existing modern contraceptives are varied, and you have every chance to choose the most suitable one for yourself.

Method nine: “rubber product No. 2”

The best known to the general public and one of the most reliable ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy is a condom. If you want to figure out how not to get pregnant without contraception using hormones and other pills, then this is the best method. In fact, condoms are almost ideal - they prevent a woman from getting pregnant when she doesn’t want to, protect against diseases, allow her to relax and not worry about interrupting sexual intercourse in time and running to the bathroom in search of folk “inventions” of contraception.

Every modern single girl must have a condom in her purse. Yes, just in case. And let men complain that the “rubber” is inconvenient and interferes with pleasure, which takes up a lot of “precious” time for pulling on contraception - do not pay attention to it. This is a completely acceptable “sacrifice” on the altar of a truly secure relationship, and not just in relation to an unplanned pregnancy.

Method ten: hormonal contraception

If you, like your regular partner, categorically do not like the use of “product No. 2,” as it was called in the USSR, but you are concerned about how not to get pregnant without a condom, then hormonal contraception is the answer to your “prayers.” This is a very reliable method, which has a high degree of protection against unwanted conception, although it also has its drawbacks, like everything else in this world. If you regularly take the pill, then you suppress your own ovulation, change the structure of the endometrium in the uterus and thicken the mucus, making it almost impossible for sperm to move towards the egg. However, you should always remember that you are taking hormonal pills; be sure to inform your doctors about this during any examinations or treatment - this is very important. Remember also the condition that makes such contraceptives effective is that they are taken daily, without omissions, and at approximately the same time.

Your gynecologist will help you choose the optimal contraceptive drug for you, since their range today is very extensive. However, the use of this method is justified only in relationships with a permanent, reliable partner, since hormonal pills will not protect you from any sexually transmitted or infectious diseases. Otherwise, they are one of the most modern, high-quality and safe methods of protection. Correctly, such contraceptive pills do not negatively affect your health, and literally, a month after you stop taking them, all the reproductive functions of your body will return to normal and you will be able to get pregnant.

Method eleven: contraceptives

A great opportunity to figure out how not to get pregnant without a condom is to use intrauterine contraceptives. The so-called spirals and their modifications. These contraceptives are highly reliable in protecting against unwanted pregnancy for couples who have regular sex life. In modern medicine, their use is very popular, due to their long (up to 5 years) and effective prevention of unwanted conception. Insert the IUD once and don’t think about anything else.

The presence of a foreign object (spiral) in the uterus increases the so-called peristalsis, in other words, the frequency of contractions of the fallopian tubes. Thanks to this, the egg moves through the tube faster, without having time to connect with the sperm. The activity and lifetime of sperm are significantly reduced, the attachment of the egg does not occur and the structure of the endometrium does not change. In addition, if you choose a mixed type of IUD that is capable of releasing hormones, you can increase the chances of reliable protection and reduce the risk of any complications.

But this method also has disadvantages. First of all, it does not protect against sexually transmitted infections, and, therefore, partners must completely trust each other. The fact that the cervix is ​​constantly “slightly open” creates favorable conditions for the penetration of all kinds of infections. In addition, it is possible to lengthen your periods. But most importantly, when using IUDs, the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy is high. A foreign body located in the uterine cavity can provoke inflammatory and erosive processes.

Method twelve: emergency contraception

Anyone who is interested in the question of how not to get pregnant without using protection should definitely know more about this method of protection as emergency contraception. This means situations where intimacy has already occurred, unprotected and with a fairly high degree of probability that sperm got inside and conception could occur. In such a case, you will need emergency methods.

The maximum period for your reaction is 72 hours, i.e. During this time after intercourse, it makes sense to do something, and the sooner, the more reliable. You can take special medications (there are many of them in any pharmacy), with a high content of hormones, in addition, you can quickly put on an IUD, or use progestin drugs. It is important just not to waste time, and then all is not lost for you and you will have time to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.

Method thirteen: hormone injections

These contraceptives have an effect similar to that of hormonal pills. The principle of action is the same, but the pills need to be taken every day (I forgot once and then the whole month wasted), and when using this hormonal remedy, it is enough to visit a gynecologist once every 2-3 months.

However, the use of hormonal injections is recommended only for women who have already given birth or older women. In addition, you can stop taking the pills if the drug is not suitable, but there will be no reversal; you will have to wait for the end of the effect of the used hormonal drug.

Method fourteen: hormonal implants

In principle, this is the same as injections of hubbub, with the same effect and possible side effects. After the drug is administered, nothing can neutralize its effect, which means that possible side “troubles” will have to be endured until the end of its validity period.

Method fifteen: “female condoms”

All kinds of diaphragms, caps, so-called “female condoms” are very effective in use, but not entirely comfortable, to put it mildly. You still need to be able to use them correctly, which will require considerable experience and dexterity.

But perhaps this product will suit you best, and your gynecologist can easily select the right size. It is imperative to know how to avoid getting pregnant, but it is still up to your doctor to finally choose one thing that is right for you. Do not hesitate to discuss birth control methods with your gynecologist; this is your health, first of all, which needs to be protected until the moment when you definitely want to have a baby.

Method sixteen: tampons, lubricants, creams...

If you don’t want to take pills, but want to know how not to get pregnant without this kind of contraception, then look at various lubricants, creams, etc. These contraceptives in almost all cases contain spermicides - substances that affect the motility and viability of sperm. All you need is to lubricate the walls with cream or other means before indulging in carnal pleasures.

The reliability of this method is quite high and you can not worry about the onset of an unwanted pregnancy for about an hour after use.

Method seventeen: contraceptive suppositories

Contraceptive suppositories, in principle, are included in the line with creams and lubricants, but I would like to dwell on them in more detail. Suppositories are a form of contraception and differ in their composition. Some contain benzalkonium chloride, some contain nonaxinalone. However, both of these substances equally destroy the sperm membrane, making it less active and preventing fertilization of the egg.

Of course, vaginal contraceptive suppositories do not provide a 100% guarantee, like nothing else. In the case of using contraceptive suppositories, the risk of unwanted pregnancy remains on average in 20% of women. To a greater extent, this risk is possible due to improper use of the drug or its storage. A prerequisite for effectiveness is strict adherence to the instructions for using contraceptive suppositories.

Like other chemicals, contraceptive suppositories are acids that should not enter into any interaction with an alkaline environment, otherwise their properties will be lost. Therefore, the banal use of soap, for example, will significantly reduce the activity of the product and can lead to an unwanted pregnancy. It is better to wash with just warm water or a ph-neutral product, unless the instructions prohibit this.

Often, for advertising purposes, manufacturers indicate an overestimated period of action for suppositories, and, in general, for this category of drugs. However, you need to remember that in fact, the effect of birth control suppositories actually lasts about 40 minutes, no more. Therefore, for prolonged love games or repeated sexual contact, you need to use another candle. Of course, during an active sexual life, vaginal contraceptive suppositories will not protect you 100%, however, this is an excellent alternative if there are contraindications to the use of hormonal contraception or the use of intrauterine devices.

There is one more plus. Contraceptive suppositories have a dual effect: providing an antiseptic effect, they have an effect on sperm, but, in addition, they have a “killer” effect on viral and bacterial pathogens. Therefore, in addition to contraception for life, vaginal contraceptive suppositories protect against some sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, they provide the effect of additional artificial lubrication, which is very useful when there is a small amount of natural lubrication. This is an ideal means of protection for casual sexual intercourse, in combination with a condom.

But everything has “the other side of the coin”. By acting on bacteria, these drugs affect the natural microflora of the vagina. That is, with regular and long-term use, vaginal dysbacteriosis can develop. In addition, any chemical contraceptives can have a local irritant effect on the vaginal mucosa, and even cause allergic reactions, burning of the external genitalia.

Another negative aspect of using contraceptive suppositories is the lack of spontaneity in intimate life. The suppository must be administered at a certain time before sexual contact, specified in the instructions.

You should not use contraceptive suppositories for inflammatory diseases of the female genitourinary tract and during the use of vaginal therapy.

Method eighteen: “full ammunition”

If you add diaphragms or caps to the previous two methods (using cream, lubricant, contraceptive suppositories), you can greatly increase reliability and lengthen the time of love “battles”. This method is great if you accidentally missed taking your birth control pills or forgot to take them with you.

Method nineteen:
contraceptive patch

This is, so to speak, the “last squeak” in medicine, a new type of contraceptive. This contraceptive patch is applied once a week to the shoulder blade, buttocks, shoulder or abdomen. It is necessary to change the patch within three weeks, and on the fourth week it will not be needed, since this is already the period of menstruation. According to manufacturers, the degree of reliability is about 99.4%.

This hormonal contraceptive acts on the ovary, which stops producing eggs suitable for fertilization. In addition, the substances that the contraceptive patch contains change the cervical mucosa so much that the entry of sperm into the uterus is completely blocked. In addition to all the advantages, the contraceptive patch is positioned as one of the best hormonal products that provide effective therapeutic results, in particular: stopping menstrual bleeding between cycles, reducing menstrual pain, reducing the impact of premenstrual syndrome, and even clearing the skin of premenstrual rashes.

However, we should not forget that the contraceptive patch is still a hormonal drug, and, therefore, along with all the advantages, all the disadvantages remain: the possibility of gaining weight and the need to postpone pregnancy for some time after stopping use.

Method twentieth: a method that gives a 100% guarantee!

Well, of course, we had no right to ignore the most effective way to guarantee the prevention of an unwanted pregnancy. This is... the absence of sex, in other words, abstinence! Yes exactly. After all, only this remedy today has 100% effectiveness from conception and absolute safety for your health against sexual diseases. Other methods of contraception contain, even if small, the risk of one day ending up in an “interesting situation.” Moreover, no one can give you a guarantee that you will not get pregnant even with protected sex. And the first abortion may result in infertility for you, a cause of remorse for what you have done, which will torment you for the rest of your life.

However, if this method does not suit you, go ahead, use any of the others listed above, and enjoy the joys of sex!

However, be careful. Researching ways to avoid getting pregnant without a condom is possible only if you have complete confidence in yourself and your partner. It is no secret that all sexually transmitted diseases are transmitted only through sexual contact. But even if, after going through all the tests, you do not find anything like this in yourself, this is not at all a reason to have unprotected sex. Such an unpleasant disease as thrush, as a rule, is transmitted to women by men. At the same time, representatives of the stronger sex do not suffer from this disease at all, but only act as carriers of it. Having had sexual contact with a girl with thrush, he may not even suspect that he is capable of bringing you an unpleasant disease, from which it will be incredibly difficult for you to recover.

And the last thing: as already mentioned, no one can give you 100% confidence that you will not get pregnant. There are girls for whom conceiving a child is very simple, who get pregnant, as people say, even from a “kiss.” And if you belong to this category of women, do not be upset. You should not treat this as a punishment, because millions of women around you dream of a tiny extension of themselves, but, unfortunately, they do not have such an opportunity, and this is much worse than an unplanned pregnancy.

Any method of contraception can fail. The pill may not be taken on time, the condom may break, and with the calendar method, errors in calculations occur. Contraceptives come to the rescue after an unprotected act - they help prevent the onset of an unwanted pregnancy, even if the main method of protection has failed.

Contraception helps prevent unwanted pregnancy

Classification of contraceptives

There are 4 methods of contraception: barrier, calendar, sterilization and contraception using hormonal drugs. The last method includes 7 different contraceptives.

Name of contraceptive a brief description of
Combined oral contraceptives Preparations containing estrogens and progestins. Depending on the amount of estrogen, there are micro-, low- and high-dose. They are also divided into monophasic, bi- and triphasic drugs. Taken for 21 days with a 7-day break, or for 28 days.
Mini-pill Microdosed progestin tablets. The dose of the hormone in them is 6 times less than in COCs. Taken every day at the same time of day for six months or more. There are no breaks in taking.
Vaginal hormonal ring A topical contraceptive made from hypoallergenic material. Inserted into the vagina at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, it is effective for 21 days. Contains a minimal dose of estrogen and does not affect the liver or gastrointestinal tract.
Contraceptive patch A microdosed contraceptive for transdermal use, applied to dry, clean skin in the abdomen, buttocks or torso. The effect of the patch lasts for 3 weeks, after which you need to take a week break and apply a new one.
Injectable contraceptives Hormonal drugs with a high level of gestagen, administered intramuscularly using a syringe. The contraceptive effect of one injection lasts for 3 months. The product is used without interruption.
Subcutaneous implants Gestagen-containing silicone capsules injected subcutaneously from the outside of the forearm. They protect against unwanted pregnancy for 5 years; they can be removed ahead of schedule to interrupt the contraceptive effect.
Postcoital contraception Drugs to prevent conception after unprotected sex, the duration of use of which varies from 72 to 120 hours. Preparations based on gestagen or antigestagenic substances. Not used on an ongoing basis.

List of the best emergency contraceptives

To prevent unwanted pregnancy, 4 main groups of drugs are used: gestagen-containing, antiprogestin, progesterone synthesis inhibitors and combination drugs used according to the Yuzpe regimen.

Progestin emergency contraceptive, the most popular drug for protection against unwanted pregnancy. Contains 0.75 mg levonorgestrel. To avoid conception, you need to take 2 tablets: 1 each, with an interval of 12 hours.

Postinor is a popular contraceptive drug

Contraindications: age under 16 years, pregnancy, liver and kidney diseases, lactose intolerance, jaundice, Crohn's disease.

Price: 340-390 rubles.

A progestin medicine for emergency contraception containing 1.5 mg of levonorgestrel. To achieve a contraceptive effect, you must take 1 tablet within the next 72 hours after intercourse. Modern and safer product.

Escapelle - modern contraceptive pills

Contraindications: age under 16 years, lactose intolerance, pregnancy, severe liver failure.

Price: 380-520 rubles.

An antigestagenic drug that increases uterine contractility and inhibits ovulation. A single use includes 300 mg of the substance - 3 tablets. In addition to preventing conception, it can terminate an unwanted pregnancy up to 6 weeks. Sold by prescription only.

Mifepristone is an antigestagenic drug

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, liver and biliary tract diseases, uterine bleeding, migraines, anemia, use of NSAIDs.

Price: 1320-1750 rubles.

A low-dose combined estrogen-progestin drug used for routine contraception. To protect against unwanted pregnancy, Regulon should be taken according to the Yuzpe method: 8 tablets per day, divided into two doses with an interval of 12 hours.

Regulon is a combined contraceptive drug

Contraindications: suspected pregnancy, breastfeeding, migraines, vaginal and uterine bleeding, sensitivity to components, liver disease, cancer of the reproductive system.

Price: 320-460 rubles.

Microdosed combined oral contraceptive with antiandrogenic effect. Method of using Jess for emergency contraception: 5 tablets 2 times a day, with a 12-hour break between doses.

Jess is an effective contraceptive drug

Contraindications: thrombosis, migraine, diabetes, pancreatitis, liver and kidney diseases, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Price: 820-950 rubles.

An antiprogestogen drug containing 10 mg of mifepristone. The medicine is not intended for medical abortion, but does an excellent job of preventing conception. Unlike Mifepristone, it is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Zhenale is a drug for emergency contraception

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, taking NSAIDs, porphyria, anemia, adrenal insufficiency.

Price: 350-420 rubles.

Low-dose monophasic combined estrogen-progestogen drug. Contains levonorgestrel as a progestin: a synthetic component used in emergency gestagenic contraceptives. For post-natal contraceptive action, Rigevidon must be taken twice, 4 tablets at a time. The interval between taking tablets is 12 hours.

Rigevidon is a combined estrogen-progestin drug

Contraindications: age over 40 years, herpes and itchy skin, anemia, malignant tumors, cholecystitis.

Price: 245-330 rubles.

Effective folk remedies

If it is not possible to use medications, you can try to prevent pregnancy using folk remedies at home. The success rate of such methods is much lower than with emergency contraception. For them to work, they must act quickly and apply within the next 24 hours.

Taking a shower, hot bath

Thorough washing of the genitals after intercourse is the most common way to protect against unwanted pregnancy. It will not be possible to wash all the male semen from the inside, but this will help reduce the risk of conception.

Taking a hot shower can help reduce your risk of getting pregnant.

Another method is to take a hot bath immediately after intercourse. High temperatures have a negative impact on sperm and prevent them from reaching their goal. Too hot water is unacceptable: it can seriously harm a woman.

Douching with vinegar or lemon solution

An easy way to prevent pregnancy by flushing out the vagina and neutralizing all the sperm remaining inside. For douching, you can use any weak acid: vinegar, lemon juice, potassium permanganate.

To prepare the solution, mix the acid with cold, clean water.

The amount of acid per liter of liquid depends on the specific product, it can be:

  • 2 tablespoons table vinegar;
  • juice of 1 lemon;
  • 1 teaspoon of lactic acid;
  • 1 teaspoon 2% potassium permanganate;
  • 1 tablespoon boric acid.

Douching with boric acid disinfects sperm

You can also use 10 tablets of furatsilin. After mixing, the solution must be shaken thoroughly, and then douching immediately. The faster it is performed, the lower the likelihood of pregnancy.

Water lily root decoction

Water lily infusion is a popular local anti-pregnancy method.

It is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Grind 50 g of dry yellow water lily root.
  2. Boil a liter of clean water, pour into a saucepan and put on fire.
  3. Pour water lily root into water, stir, cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Strain the infusion, let it cool, strain again.

A popular contraceptive folk remedy is a decoction of water lily root.

After the infusion has cooled and been filtered, you need to wash your vagina with it. It is preferable to divide the broth into 2 or 3 parts and wash it off at intervals of 6 hours.

Question answer

Will birth control help after fertilization?

Contraceptive drugs are intended to protect against conception. If this has already happened, birth control pills become ineffective. The only remedy that can help after fertilization is Mifepristone and drugs based on it: Zhenale, Ginepristone. In the early stages, they are able to terminate the pregnancy.

Candles as emergency contraception

It is impossible to prevent conception with the help of suppositories after sexual intercourse. There are no postcoital contraceptives in this format: there are contraceptive suppositories used immediately before intercourse, and antiseptic drugs for the prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system.

Suppositories will not help prevent pregnancy after intercourse

Using products from the first group can prevent conception: such suppositories produce acids and kill sperm inside the vagina, but their use after sex will not give any result. The second group of drugs does not have a contraceptive effect.

Bleeding after emergency contraception

Bloody discharge after gestagenic contraceptives is normal. The high dose of progestin contained in them changes the woman’s hormonal background and causes epithelial rejection, starting menstruation earlier than expected. This bleeding may last for a week or two, gradually developing into regular menstruation.

If the discharge is not abundant and is not accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen, weakness and fever, it should not bother the woman. If you observe such symptoms, you should consult a doctor: there is a risk of uterine bleeding.

Bleeding may also appear after taking antigestagenic drugs. They are usually accompanied by bloody clots and a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen, and end after 2-3 days. This is also considered normal: this is how the fertilized egg leaves the body.

Emergency contraception is an excellent alternative to abortion methods, and in some cases, the only way out of the situation. However, you should not replace routine contraception: frequent use of emergency medications can disrupt not only the menstrual cycle, but also a woman’s reproductive health.

Methods of family planning include contraception, as it helps prevent the development of unwanted pregnancies and avoid abortions. Most of the currently known methods and means of protection were developed in the second half of the last century. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but to one degree or another performs its function.

Contraception can be biological, barrier, chemical, implantation, hormonal and surgical. To assess its effectiveness, the Pearl index is used, which reflects the number of pregnant women out of 100 using a certain type of contraception. The indicator is displayed as a percentage.

Hormonal contraception is the most popular and effective way to prevent unplanned pregnancy.

It includes:

  • Combined drugs containing estrogen and progestin (Rigevidon, Tri-Regol, Marvelon, Femoden, etc.).
  • “Mini-pill” – drugs with progestin (Microlut, Exluton, etc.).

The action of these drugs is based on the following processes:

  • suppression of ovulation (the egg does not mature and is not released);
  • thickening of the mucus secreted into the cervix does not allow sperm to pass through;
  • a change in the mucous membrane of the uterus, as a result of which a fertilized egg is not able to attach to it;
  • decreased motor activity of sperm in the fallopian tubes.

Thus, various stages of pregnancy are blocked: from the maturation of the egg to its fertilization and attachment to the uterus. Thanks to this, the effectiveness of the method reaches 99.9%.

Such a strong effect of drugs can cause a number of side effects. Nausea, vomiting, headaches, swelling, vaginal discharge, irritability, depression, acne, decreased sexual desire and weight gain may occur.

Contraindications include the presence of malignant neoplasms in the mammary glands and genitals, vascular diseases of the brain, venous thromboembolism, unrecognized acyclic vaginal bleeding, migraine, hereditary hyperlipidemia.

Among the advantages of hormonal contraception, its effectiveness comes first. In addition, these drugs have a number of positive effects: they reduce the likelihood of ectopic implantation of the fertilized egg, prevent the formation and spread of inflammatory processes in the genital organs, prevent the development of neoplasms, restore the menstrual cycle, and reduce pain during menstruation.

Hormonal drugs are convenient to use, they are available and presented in a wide range in most pharmacies. The possibility of conception is restored 2 months after stopping the pills.

The disadvantage of the hormonal method of contraception is the presence of contraindications and side effects. Long-term use or overdose can lead to disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, increasing the risk of developing hypertension, atherosclerotic changes, and blockage of blood vessels.

The method is effective only when taking pills daily, so constant monitoring is necessary. In addition, do not forget that hormonal drugs do not protect against infections.


Condoms are a male barrier method of contraception. The action is based on a physical obstacle to the penetration of sperm into the vagina. The effectiveness of this method when using a condom correctly is about 90%.

The advantages of using a condom include the absence of contraindications and side effects, protection against sexually transmitted diseases, the presence of additional lubricant, accessibility and “mobility” in use (does not require prior preparation, consultation with a doctor, adherence to a schedule, can be used at any time).

The downside is a decrease in sensitivity during sexual intercourse and the need to interrupt it to put on a condom. In addition, in rare cases, latex causes an allergic reaction.

Intrauterine device

This intrauterine device is a T-shaped device made of copper and plastic. The action of the spiral is based on inhibiting the movement of sperm into the uterus, reducing the viability of the egg and preventing its attachment to the uterine mucosa after fertilization. The effectiveness of the method is more than 95%.

The undoubted advantage of the intrauterine device is its ease of use: no additional actions are required from the woman; the gynecologist installs it in one visit. The spiral begins to “work” immediately after the installation procedure. Moreover, if a woman wants to get pregnant, she will not need to wait for some time as when taking hormonal drugs. The ability to conceive is restored immediately after the IUD is removed.

The intrauterine device is a reliable way to protect against unwanted pregnancy during breastfeeding. It does not affect milk production or its composition. It does not affect sexual activity and is not felt by the woman herself or her partner.

The disadvantages of the intrauterine device include:

  • the presence of contraindications (blood diseases, detection of precancerous processes in the cervix, neoplasms in the genital organs, a history of cervical injuries during childbirth);
  • Installation is not recommended for nulliparous women, as there is a risk of inflammation and subsequent infertility;
  • after the installation procedure - discomfort, possible bleeding;
  • pregnancy occurs in 5-10% of cases, often ectopic;
  • The IUD does not protect against infections and, if infected, increases inflammatory processes;
  • The risk of developing inflammation due to injury to the walls of the uterus by the coil.
  • This method of contraception is most suitable for women who have given birth, including breastfeeding women, who have a regular partner.

Coitus interruptus

When intercourse is interrupted, the man removes the penis before ejaculation occurs. The effectiveness of such contraception in comparison with previously discussed methods is low, about 70%.

The advantages of interrupted sexual intercourse primarily include its absolute accessibility and the absence of monetary and time costs. Proponents of this method of contraception emphasize ease of use, the absence of contraindications and side effects, and the preservation of high sensitivity of the genital organs. Coitus interruptus is a way to help avoid getting pregnant without additional protection.

The main disadvantage is the high risk of developing an unplanned pregnancy: every 4 women become pregnant. In addition, the method does not protect against infections and contributes to the development of impotence in men, as the blood supply to the penis deteriorates. Women often do not achieve orgasm, and with prolonged practice of this method of contraception, they develop frigidity.

Other methods of contraception

Hormonal contraceptives, condoms, intrauterine devices and interrupted coitus are the most common methods of preventing unwanted pregnancy.

The following options are less popular:

  • Female barrier methods: vaginal diaphragm, cervical cap, contraceptive sponge. All of them have the same advantages and disadvantages as condoms: effective, affordable, protect against sexually transmitted infections, but require certain manipulations before sexual intercourse. In addition, unlike condoms, female barrier methods have contraindications (mainly gynecological diseases).
  • Chemical methods. Spermicides inactivate sperm and prevent them from entering the vagina. They are easy to use, provide a certain degree of protection against sexually transmitted infections, and can be used either independently or in combination with other methods. Disadvantages: low degree of protection against pregnancy (16 cases out of 100).
  • Biological methods(calendar, temperature, cervical, symptothermal). They are based on identifying the days of the cycle in which a woman’s fertility is increased and abstaining from sexual intercourse during these periods. Depending on the correct application of the methods, the effectiveness ranges from 60% (assessment of cervical mucus) to 99% (determination of temperature). The absolute advantages include the harmlessness and accessibility of biological methods. They have no contraindications, side effects, and do not require material costs. The disadvantage is the laboriousness of measurements, the need to constantly monitor the characteristics of the body, and accuracy in calculations is required using the calendar method. The biological method does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases and is not always effective.
  • Sterilization(surgical method) is the most effective, but irreversible method of contraception. If the procedure is carried out correctly, the effectiveness is 100%. Advantages: does not require constant monitoring, material costs, refers to natural methods. Disadvantages: contraception is irreversible, postoperative complications may develop, there are contraindications.

Most contraceptive methods are used before sex. But sometimes it happens that there was sex, but there was no protection. This could be an ordinary everyday situation, when there was “no time”, a condom broke, or you forgot to take a birth control pill. Finally, we must not forget about rape.

In all these cases, emergency contraception will help prevent you from getting pregnant - means that act after, and not before.

Most often, medications are used to prevent pregnancy after sexual intercourse. Emergency contraceptive pills are hormonal drugs based on levonorgestrel and ulipristal acetate Emergency contraception. WHO fact sheet. These are not the only options, but they are the most popular and effective. If you take the pill within the first 72 hours after intercourse, your chance of getting pregnant is How Does Emergency Contraception Work? only 1–2%.

How does emergency contraception work?

Emergency contraception works in several ways Plan B One-Step:

  1. Suppresses ovulation. Since ovulation does not occur, then there is no ripe one that could be fertilized.
  2. Prevents fertilization.
  3. Prevents the attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterus.

In any of these cases, pregnancy does not occur.

But if you are already pregnant, the doses of hormones that emergency contraception offers no longer work. Emergency Contraception.

When to take the pills

Any emergency contraceptive drug should be used as soon as possible after unprotected sexual intercourse. Ideally, in the first 72 hours: on the fourth or fifth day, the effectiveness of the tablets will be low.

How to take pills correctly

Strictly according to the instructions, because there are many drugs and each has its own characteristics. If you have the opportunity to consult a doctor before use, it is better to do so: the doctor will recommend tablets that have minimal side effects.

But this is not always possible. And, in principle, there are no special contraindications for taking pills Emergency contraception. Standard exceptions:

  1. If a woman is not allowed for some reason.
  2. If you are allergic to the components of the medicine.
  3. If you are already pregnant Plan B One-Step.

There is no need to do any special examinations or tests before emergency contraception.

What happens after taking the pill?

If you take the pill after unprotected sex, you may experience side effects.

These are primarily minor bleeding and changes in the cycle: the next ones may be more severe or, conversely, mild.

Other side effects:

  1. Lower abdominal pain.
  2. Tension in the chest.
  3. Headache.
  4. Nausea.
  5. Fatigue.

These symptoms should go away within a couple of days, otherwise you should consult a doctor.

Is emergency contraception an abortion?

Abortion is the removal of a fertilized egg that has already attached to the wall of the uterus. This does not happen while emergency contraception is working. Moreover, during this period it is not even possible to predict or check whether fertilization has occurred.

So no, emergency contraception is not an abortion.

However, religious organizations may have a different opinion. In some religions, any contraception is considered an abortion.

What to do after emergency contraception

It all depends on the situation. Emergency contraception does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, if you suspect that you might have contracted them, you need to consult a doctor and carry out all the necessary research.

We remind you that this must be done a week or two after unprotected sexual intercourse, and testing for HIV infection must be repeated after two months.

How often can this method be used?

Emergency contraception is not the best method of birth control on a permanent basis. Even if a woman does not have regular sex life, there is always a means of protection that will take into account the needs and will not increase the risks of side effects.

And this is often why the use of emergency contraception is dangerous: the risk of menstrual irregularities increases Emergency Contraception. But this does not mean that the pill cannot be taken more than once in a lifetime.

Emergency contraception is not just pills

To quickly prevent unwanted pregnancy, not only hormonal pills are used, as is commonly thought, but also intrauterine contraceptives.

Inserting a regular intrauterine device within seven days of unprotected intercourse prevents pregnancy by almost 99%. In addition, this method automatically turns into long-term contraception.

Only a doctor installs the spirals.

IUDs have their pros and cons, which should be discussed with your doctor. But even if you decide on this method, remember that you will still have to get tested for STIs.

Situations often occur when, during sexual intercourse, the condom is damaged, which entails the entry of sperm into the woman’s body. Even more often, there are times when during sexual pleasure one simply forgets to use contraception. And besides, having sex without a condom is much more enjoyable. But such careless moments have one consequence - an unwanted pregnancy. What to do next?

The consequences of unprotected sexual intercourse can be corrected with the help of medications called emergency pills. They are created specifically to correct unprotected sexual intercourse, which entails the occurrence of unwanted pregnancy.

Such remedies are used only when absolutely necessary, when a woman is sure that conception can occur. Simply drinking them “just in case” is very dangerous to health and can cause irreparable harm to a woman’s life.

Such pills are also called day-after pills, providing contraception for 72 hours. It is during this time after sexual intercourse that the effect of the medication is determined.

Important! The high effectiveness of not getting pregnant after taking the emergency pill is due to the first day. On the second and third days, performance indicators decrease by 15-20%, respectively.

If you are really afraid of getting pregnant, and in no way want to let this happen, then you need to take the pills on the first day. If the medication was taken on the third day, then its effectiveness is no more than 50%. If pregnancy still occurs after unprotected sexual intercourse, then there is no point in using pills.

Important! The pills are called emergency because they provide a fast-acting effect that helps prevent the fertilization of an egg by sperm that has entered a woman’s body.

Types of emergency contraception medications

  1. 24-hour drugs. The need to take such tablets immediately after intercourse, as well as after the event for the above-mentioned time.
  2. 72-hour effect of medications. If more than 24 hours have passed since the act of carnal pleasure, then a 72-hour remedy will help.
  3. There are also means to prevent pregnancy even after three days. These include a copper-containing spiral. The main advantage of such a spiral is its functionality even after 5 days after intercourse.

In case of rape, the installation of a spiral is not allowed, as it can lead to infection of the body.

Let’s take a closer look at the pills that are classified as 24- and 72-hour emergency medications for pregnancy.

Effect of emergency drugs

The effect of contraceptive medications after intercourse is determined by the following important responses:

  1. A fence is carried out, which is characterized by the inadmissibility of the ovaries leaving the egg.
  2. Limit the meeting of sperm and egg.
  3. If the egg has already been fertilized, then the drugs prevent it from entering the uterus.

Thus, when a woman takes the medication, the following effect occurs in her body: thickening of the mucous secretion in the cervix. These clots that form are a barrier to sperm. It is in this way that emergency contraceptives function.

For your information! There are two types of emergency medications for conception: estrogen-containing and non-hormonal.

Drugs that contain estrogen are hormonal. When they are used, some types of side effects(headache, nausea, diarrhea, groin pain).

If after using the medication there is a deterioration in health, you should immediately consult a doctor. Why should you see a doctor? First of all, this is necessary to find out the cause of the disease, because a side effect may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. Often, after taking the drug, a woman may feel pain in the chest, arms, shoulders, legs or arms. Such symptoms indicate an incorrect dosage of the drug.

Let's take a closer look at the 72-hour and 24-hour tablets, as well as their names.

72 hour tablet

If sexual intercourse occurred more than 24 hours ago, then the 72-hour pregnancy medication is suitable in this situation. By taking the pill within this period of time, you can stop the phenomenon of conception.

They are characterized by high hormonal activity, so they can be taken no more than four times a month. The most common of this series of tablets are the following drugs: PostinorDuo and Escapelle, Genale.

Taking the drug often causes the following complications:

  1. Severe pain in the abdominal area. Appear 3-5 weeks after using the product. Most often indicates an ectopic pregnancy. Requires immediate hospitalization.
  2. Difficulty breathing and blurred vision.
  3. Allergic rash and chest pain.

To avoid or reduce side effects, you should take the drug under medical supervision.

It is used in cases where protective measures were ineffective and allowed sperm to enter the woman’s body. The active component of the drug is lovonorgestrel. The drug does not allow fertilization of the egg, and if a phenomenon occurs, it is capable of rejecting the embryo from the body. The effectiveness of the drug is determined by the time it is taken after sexual intercourse; the earlier, the greater the likelihood of not getting pregnant. It has virtually no negative side effects.

A drug based on histamines, which is determined by its effectiveness for 72 hours, but no later. It is a potent component because it contains synthetic substances. Helps inhibit the ovulation process, as well as the rejection of a fertilized egg. The drug is characterized by these types of contraindications, manifested in the form of discharge of blood clots from the vagina, unbearable pain in the groin area, as well as pathological abnormalities.


The postinor tablet consists of the hormone levonorgestrel. This is a synthetic analogue of the hormone that does not allow fertilization of the egg after sexual intercourse for 72 hours. Levonorgestrel is still used in the main means of contraception, which are taken before sexual pleasure, only the dose of its content is much lower than in the drug Postinor.

The postinor package contains two tablets that are recommended for use:

The first - after intercourse (and the earlier, the better).
The second - after 12 hours.

Important! It is necessary to repeat the drug intake if at least one of the tablets was removed from the body through vomiting. Vomiting may occur if the tablet is not absorbed.

Postinor refers to drugs that are not able to save a woman from an already existing pregnancy. It is worth noting this situation: if you took Postinor after sexual intercourse, and a couple of days later you had sex again without using protection, then in this case the drug will not save you from a second fertilization.

If, after taking Postinor, an unwanted pregnancy is detected, you should immediately consult a doctor. This drug may increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy. The doctor will conduct an examination and determine the location of the fetus.

Tablet 24 hours

24 hours is a tablet that is characterized by its effectiveness within 24 hours after sexual intercourse. Most often used:

  1. When carnal pleasures occurred without means of protection.
  2. When protective equipment has been damaged.
  3. In case of rape of a woman.

Before the embryo develops, the pill is 95% effective, and after that it is zero. When taking medication, you should be 100% aware that the embryo has not yet formed.

It has a number of side effects:

  • Vomiting, groin pain, diarrhea, cramps
  • Dizziness and fatigue
  • Vaginal pain and menstrual irregularities

Vaginal tablets

You can get rid of unwanted pregnancy using vaginal tablets. They are characterized by a not so large percentage of legal capacity, which is 80-85%, but are absolutely safe for women. The active substance of the drug, after its use, helps to block sperm, thereby reducing the risk of fertilization of the egg.

Also, the main features include the absence of negative effects, which allows you to take the drug at any time of the menstrual cycle. Vaginal tablets include:

  • Pharmatex
  • Benatex
  • Ginakotex

These pills are non-hormonal substances, which makes them safe, but the effectiveness of such drugs is greater when taken together with other contraceptives.