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The drug "Akineton": instructions for use, composition, analogues, side effects. Side effects Akineton. How to use the solution

pharmachologic effect

Anticholinergic drug central action, reduces the activity of cholinergic neurons of the striatum (a structural component of the extrapyramidal system). Peripheral anticholinergic effect is less pronounced. Reduces tremors and rigidity. Biperiden causes psychomotor agitation and autonomic disorders.



Plasma protein binding - 91-94%. Plasma clearance is 11.6±0.8 ml/min/kg. Stands out with breast milk.


Biperiden is completely metabolized. The main metabolites are bicycloheptane and piperidine.


Excreted in the form of metabolites in urine and feces. Excretion is carried out in two phases. T1/2 of the first phase is 1.5 hours, T1/2 of the second phase is 24 hours.

Pharmacokinetics in special clinical situations

In elderly patients, T1/2 may increase.


— parkinsonism syndrome in adults;

- extrapyramidal symptoms in children and adults caused by antipsychotics or similar active drugs;

- poisoning with nicotine or phosphorus-containing organic substances in adults.

Dosage regimen

At parkinsonism syndrome at adults in severe cases, the drug is administered intramuscularly or intravenously slowly in a dose of 10-20 mg (2-4 ml), divided into 2-4 injections.

At motor disorders caused by the action of drugs, to quickly achieve a therapeutic response adults the drug is prescribed IM or IV slowly in a dose of 2.5-5 mg (0.5-1 ml) once. If necessary, the same dose can be re-administered after 30 minutes. Maximum daily dose is 10-20 mg (2-4 ml).

Children under 1 year of age under 6 years of age- 2 mg (0.4 ml) and in under 10 years of age

At nicotine poisoning adults in addition to standard therapy, the drug is prescribed IM at a dose of 5-10 mg (1-2 ml) and IV at a dose of 5 mg in cases where the patient’s life is at risk.

IN case of poisoning with organic phosphorus mixture carry out individual dosing of biperiden, depending on the degree of poisoning. The drug is administered intravenously at a dose of 5 mg with repeated administration until signs of poisoning disappear.

Side effect

From the side of the central nervous system: dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, increased fatigue, anxiety, confusion, euphoria, memory impairment and, in some cases, hallucinations, delirious disorders; nervousness, headache, insomnia, dyskinesia, ataxia, muscle cramps and speech impairment. With increased arousal nervous system, especially in patients with impaired cerebral function, it is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug.

From the outside digestive system: dry mouth, increased salivary glands, constipation, epigastric discomfort, nausea.

From the side of the organ of vision: accommodation paresis, mydriasis accompanied by photophobia, closed-angle glaucoma (should be monitored regularly intraocular pressure).

From the outside of cardio-vascular system: tachycardia and bradycardia, decreased blood pressure.

From the urinary system: difficulty urinating, especially in patients with prostatic hyperplasia (in this case it is recommended to reduce the dose); more rarely - urinary retention.

Others: decreased sweating, allergic reactions, drug addiction.

Contraindications for use

- angle-closure glaucoma;

- gastrointestinal stenosis;

- megacolon;

— gastrointestinal obstruction;

- increased individual sensitivity to any of the components of the drug.

WITH caution the drug should be prescribed for prostatic hyperplasia, urinary retention, cardiac arrhythmias, elderly patients (especially in the presence of organic brain symptoms) and patients predisposed to epileptic seizures.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Since experience with the use of Akineton ® during pregnancy is limited, it should be prescribed after careful evaluation potential benefits therapy for mother and possible risk for the fetus, especially in the first trimester.

Biperiden is excreted in breast milk, in which its concentrations may reach those observed in plasma, so breastfeeding should be discontinued during treatment.

Use in children

Experience with the use of the drug Akineton ® for drug-induced dystonia in children is limited to short courses drug treatment.

Children under 1 year of age the drug is prescribed intravenously slowly at a dose of 1 mg (0.2 ml), in under 6 years of age- 2 mg (0.4 ml) and in under 10 years of age- 3 mg (0.6 ml). If necessary, this dose can be re-administered after 30 minutes. Administration of the drug should be discontinued if symptoms develop during administration. side effects.

Experience with the use of the drug Akineton ® for drug-induced dystonia in children is limited to short courses of treatment with the drug.


Symptoms: dilated pupils that respond slowly to light (mydriasis), dry mucous membranes, redness of the skin, rapid heartbeat, atony Bladder and intestines, hyperthermia, especially in children and agitation, confusion, delirium, collapse.

Treatment: antidote - acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and, above all, physostigmine, if necessary - bladder catheterization. Carrying out symptomatic therapy.

Drug interactions

The use of the drug Akineton ® in combination with other anticholinergic psychotropic drugs medicines, with antihistamines, antiparkinsonian and antiepileptic drugs may increase central and peripheral side effects.

Concomitant use of quinidine may cause increased anticholinergic cardiovascular effects (especially AV conduction disturbances).

Concomitant administration with levodopa may increase dyskinesia.

Anticholinergics may increase the central side effects of pethidine.

When treated with the drug, the inhibitory effect of ethanol on the central nervous system increases.

Akineton ® weakens the effect of metoclopramide and similarly acting drugs on the gastrointestinal tract.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is available with a prescription.

Storage conditions and periods

List A. The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life – 5 years.

Use in elderly patients

WITH caution The drug should be prescribed to elderly patients (especially in the presence of organic brain symptoms).

special instructions

Side effects are observed primarily in early stages treatment and if the dose is increased too quickly.

Except when life-threatening complications should be avoided by abrupt discontinuation of the drug.

In elderly patients, especially those with cerebral disorders vascular or degenerative in nature, can often manifest itself increased sensitivity to the drug.

Centrally acting anticholinergic drugs, similar to the drug Akineton ® may increase susceptibility to epileptic seizures. Therefore, doctors should take this fact into account when treating patients with this predisposition.

Tardive dyskinesia caused by antipsychotics may be aggravated by the drug Akineton ® .

Parkinsonian symptoms in the case of developed tardive dyskinesia in some cases are so severe that they prevent continued treatment with anticholinergic drugs.

Abuse of the drug Akineton ® has been noted. This phenomenon is possibly related to the mood enhancement and temporary euphoric effects of this drug that are occasionally observed.

During long-term therapy with Akineton ®, intraocular pressure should be checked regularly.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Taking the drug Akineton ®, especially in combination with other centrally acting drugs, anticholinergics, may impair the ability to drive a car and operate machinery.

Centrally acting anticholinergic drug.

Active substance of the drug: biperiden
ATX encoding: N04AA02
CFG: Antiparkinsonian drug - inhibitor of cholinergic transmission in the central nervous system
Registration number: P No. 015243/02
Registration date: 08/15/07
Owner reg. cred.: EBEWE PHARMA Ges.m.b.H.Nfg.KG (Austria)

Akineton release form, drug packaging and composition.

Flat-cylindrical tablets, almost white; on one side there is a cross-shaped mark with chamfers.

1 tab.
biperidene hydrochloride
2 mg

Excipients: corn starch, lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, potato starch, copovidone, talc, magnesium stearate, purified water.

20 pcs. - blisters (5) - cardboard packs.

The solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration is transparent, colorless.

1 ml
biperiden lactate
5 mg

Excipients: sodium lactate, water for injection.

1 ml - ampoules (5) - contour cell packaging (1) - cardboard packs.

The description of the drug is based on the officially approved instructions for use.

Pharmacological action Akineton

A centrally acting anticholinergic drug that reduces the activity of cholinergic neurons of the striatum (a structural component of the extrapyramidal system). Peripheral anticholinergic effect is less pronounced. Reduces tremors and rigidity. Biperiden causes psychomotor agitation and autonomic disorders.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug.

Suction and distribution

After taking the drug orally, Cmax is reached after 0.5-2 hours and is 1.01-6.53 ng/ml. Css after taking the drug orally at a dose of 2 mg 2 times a day is achieved after 15.7-40.7 hours. Bioavailability after a single oral dose is about 33±5%.

Plasma protein binding after oral and parenteral administration is 91-94%. Plasma clearance is 11.6±0.8 ml/min/kg body weight. Excreted in breast milk.


Biperiden is completely metabolized. The main metabolites are bicycloheptane and piperidine.


Excreted in the form of metabolites in urine and feces.

Excretion is carried out in two phases. T1/2 of the first phase is 1.5 hours, T1/2 of the second phase is 24 hours.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug.

in special clinical cases

In elderly patients, T1/2 may increase to 38 hours.

Indications for use:

Parkinsonism syndrome in adults;

Extrapyramidal symptoms in children and adults caused by antipsychotics or similarly active drugs;

Poisoning with nicotine or phosphorus-containing organic substances in adults (for solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration).

Dosage and method of administration of the drug.

For parkinsonism syndrome in adults in severe cases, the drug is administered intramuscularly or intravenously slowly in a dose of 10-20 mg (2-4 ml), divided into 2-4 injections.

When prescribing the drug orally, treatment usually begins with small doses, gradually increasing them, depending on the therapeutic effect and side effects. Adults are prescribed 1 mg 1-2 times a day. The dose can be increased by 2 mg every day. The maintenance dose is 3-16 mg/day (divided into 3-4 doses). The maximum daily dose is 16 mg. The total daily dose should be evenly distributed into doses to be taken throughout the day. After achieving the optimal dose, patients should be transferred to the drug Akineton retard.

In case of movement disorders caused by the action of drugs, to quickly achieve a therapeutic response in adults, the drug is prescribed IM or IV slowly in a dose of 2.5-5 mg (0.5-1 ml) once. If necessary, the same dose can be re-administered after 30 minutes. The maximum daily dose is 10-20 mg (2-4 ml).

For children under 1 year of age, the drug is prescribed IV slowly at a dose of 1 mg (0.2 ml), for children under 6 years of age - 2 mg (0.4 ml), and for children under 10 years of age - 3 mg (0.6 ml). If necessary, this dose can be re-administered after 30 minutes. Administration of the drug should be discontinued if side effects develop during administration.

When prescribing the drug orally, depending on the severity of symptoms, adults are prescribed 1-4 mg 1-4 times a day as a corrector of neuroleptic therapy. Children aged 3-15 years are prescribed 1-2 mg 1-3 times a day.

The tablets should be taken during or after meals with liquid.

Unwanted gastrointestinal side effects can be reduced by taking the tablets immediately after meals. The duration of treatment depends on the type of disease. When discontinuing Akineton, its dosage should be gradually reduced.

Experience with the use of the drug Akineton for drug-induced dystonia in children is limited to short courses of treatment with the drug.

For nicotine poisoning in adults, in addition to standard therapy, the drug is prescribed intramuscularly at a dose of 5-10 mg (1-2 ml) and intravenously at a dose of 5 mg in cases where the patient’s life is at risk.

In case of poisoning with an organic phosphorus mixture, individual dosing of biperiden is carried out, depending on the degree of poisoning. The drug is administered intravenously at a dose of 5 mg with repeated administration until signs of poisoning disappear.

Side effects of Akineton:

From the side of the central nervous system: dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, increased fatigue, anxiety, confusion, euphoria, memory impairment and, in some cases, hallucinations, delirious disorders; nervousness, headache, insomnia, dyskinesia, ataxia, muscle cramps and speech impairment. With increased stimulation of the nervous system, especially in patients with brain disorders, it is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug.

From the digestive system: dry mouth, enlarged salivary glands, constipation, epigastric discomfort, nausea.

On the part of the organ of vision: paresis of accommodation, mydriasis accompanied by photophobia, closed-angle glaucoma (intraocular pressure should be regularly monitored).

From the cardiovascular system: tachycardia and bradycardia, decreased blood pressure.

From the urinary system: difficulty urinating, especially in patients with prostatic hyperplasia (in this case it is recommended to reduce the dose); more rarely - urinary retention.

Other: decreased sweating, allergic reactions, drug dependence.

Contraindications to the drug:

Angle-closure glaucoma;

Gastrointestinal stenosis;


Gastrointestinal obstruction;

Increased individual sensitivity to any of the components of the drug.

The drug should be prescribed with caution for prostatic hyperplasia, urinary retention, cardiac arrhythmias, elderly patients (especially in the presence of organic brain symptoms) and patients prone to epileptic seizures.

Use during pregnancy and lactation.

Since experience with the use of Akineton during pregnancy is limited, it should be prescribed after a careful assessment of the potential benefits of therapy for the mother and the possible risk to the fetus, especially in the first trimester.

Biperiden is excreted in breast milk, in which its concentrations may reach those observed in plasma, so breastfeeding should be discontinued during treatment.

Special instructions for use of Akineton.

Side effects are observed primarily in the early stages of treatment and when the dose is increased too quickly.

Except in cases of life-threatening complications, abrupt discontinuation of the drug should be avoided.

Elderly patients, especially those with cerebral vascular or degenerative disorders, may often exhibit increased sensitivity to the drug.

Centrally acting anticholinergic drugs like Akineton may increase susceptibility to epileptic seizures. Therefore, doctors should take this fact into account when treating patients with this predisposition.

Tardive dyskinesia caused by antipsychotics may be aggravated by the drug Akineton.

Parkinsonian symptoms in the case of developed tardive dyskinesia in some cases are so severe that they prevent continued treatment with anticholinergic drugs.

Abuse of the drug Akineton has been noted. This phenomenon is possibly related to the mood enhancement and temporary euphoric effects of this drug that are occasionally observed.

During long-term therapy with Akineton, intraocular pressure should be checked regularly.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Taking Akineton, and especially in combination with other centrally acting drugs and anticholinergics, may impair the ability to drive a car and operate machinery.

Drug overdose:

Symptoms: dilated pupils that respond slowly to light (mydriasis), dry mucous membranes, redness of the skin, rapid heartbeat, atony of the bladder and intestines, hyperthermia, especially in children and agitation, confusion, delirium, collapse.

Treatment: antidote - acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and especially physostigmine, if necessary, bladder catheterization. Symptomatic therapy is carried out.

Interaction of Akineton with other drugs.

The use of Akineton in combination with other anticholinergic psychotropic drugs, antihistamines, antiparkinsonian and antiepileptic drugs may increase central and peripheral side effects.

Concomitant use of quinidine may cause increased anticholinergic cardiovascular effects (especially AV conduction disturbances).

Concomitant administration with levodopa may increase dyskinesia.

Anticholinergics may increase the central side effects of pethidine.

When treated with the drug, the inhibitory effect of ethanol on the central nervous system increases.

Akineton weakens the effect of metoclopramide and similarly acting drugs on the gastrointestinal tract.

Terms of sale in pharmacies.

The drug is available with a prescription.

Terms of storage conditions for the drug Akineton.

List A. The drug in the form of tablets should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C, in the form of an injection solution - at a temperature not exceeding 30°C. Shelf life - 5 years.

Analogues of the drug Akineton are presented, in accordance with medical terminology, called “synonyms” - drugs that are interchangeable in their effects on the body, containing one or more identical active ingredients. When selecting synonyms, consider not only their cost, but also the country of production and the reputation of the manufacturer.

Description of the drug

Akineton- A centrally acting anticholinergic drug that reduces the activity of cholinergic neurons of the striatum (a structural component of the extrapyramidal system). Peripheral anticholinergic effect is less pronounced. Reduces tremors and rigidity. Biperiden causes psychomotor agitation and autonomic disorders.

List of analogues

Note! The list contains synonyms of Akineton, which have a similar composition, so you can choose a replacement yourself, taking into account the form and dose of the medicine prescribed by your doctor. Give preference to manufacturers from the USA, Japan, Western Europe, as well as well-known companies from of Eastern Europe: KRKA, Gedeon Richter, Actavis, Aegis, Lek, Hexal, Teva, Zentiva.

Release form(by popularity)price, rub.
Amp 5mg/ml 1ml N1 (Ebewe Pharma Ges.m.b.H. Nfg. KG (Austria)169
Tab 2mg N100 (Lab. FARMACEUTICO (Italy)561


Below are the results of surveys of site visitors about the drug Akineton. They reflect personal feelings surveyed and cannot be used as an official recommendation for treatment with this drug. We strongly recommend that you contact a qualified medical specialist to select a personal course of treatment.

Visitor survey results

Five visitors reported effectiveness

Your answer about side effects »

Seven visitors reported cost estimates

Dear4 57.1%
Not expensive3 42.9%

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Fifteen visitors reported frequency of intake per day

How often should I take Akineton?
Most respondents most often take this drug 2 times a day. The report shows how often other survey participants take this drug.
Your answer about dosage »

One visitor reported an expiration date

How long does it take to take Akineton to feel an improvement in the patient’s condition?
In most cases, survey participants felt an improvement in their condition after 1 day. But this may not correspond to the period after which you will begin to improve. Check with your doctor for how long you need to take this medicine. The table below shows the results of the survey on the initiation of effective action.
1 day1 100.0%

Your answer about the start date »

Five visitors reported appointment times

When is the best time to take Akineton? empty stomach, before, after or during meals?
Site users most often report that they take this medicine on an empty stomach. However, your doctor may recommend a different time for you. The report shows when the remaining patients surveyed take their medication.
Your answer about the reception time »

69 visitors reported the patient's age

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Visitor reviews

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Official instructions for use

There are contraindications! Read the instructions before use

Akineton ® (AKINETON ®)

Registration number: P N015243/02-150807
Trade name of the drug: Akineton ®

International generic name: Biperiden*

Dosage form: solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection.
Composition per 1 ml of the drug:
Active substance: bileridene lactate 5 mg/ml.
Excipients: Sodium lactate, water for injection.
Description: Transparent, colorless solution.
Pharmacotherapeutic group: Central anticholinergic blocker.
ATX Code:

Pharmacological properties

Akineton is a centrally acting anticholinergic agent that reduces the activity of cholinergic neurons of the striatum (a structural component of the extrapyramidal system). Peripheral anticholinergic effect is less pronounced.
Reduces tremors and rigidity. Akineton causes psychomotor agitation.
Autonomic disorders.
Communication with plasma proteins - 91-94%. Plasma clearance is 11.6±0.8 ml/min/kg body weight. Passes into breast milk.
Akineton is completely metabolized. The main metabolites are bicycloheptane and piperidine, excreted in urine and feces.
Elimination occurs in two phases with a half-life (T ½) of 1.5 hours in the first phase and 24 hours in the second; in elderly patients, the half-life may increase.

Indications for use

  • Parkinsonism syndrome in adults.
  • Extrapyramidal symptoms in children and adults caused by antipsychotics or similarly active drugs.
  • Poisoning with nicotine or phosphorus-containing organic substances in adults.
  • Contraindications

    Increased individual sensitivity to any of the components of the drug, angle-closure glaucoma, mechanical narrowing (stenosis) gastrointestinal tract, megacolon, gastrointestinal obstruction.
    Caution should be exercised when prescribing the drug for prostatic hyperplasia, urinary retention, cardiac arrhythmias, elderly patients (especially in the presence of organic brain symptoms) and patients prone to epileptic seizures.
    Pregnancy and breastfeeding:
    Since experience with the use of Akineton ® during pregnancy is limited, the drug should be prescribed after a thorough risk/benefit assessment for the mother and fetus, especially in the first trimester. The drug Akineton ® is excreted in breast milk, in which its concentrations can reach the concentrations observed in blood plasma, so breastfeeding should be avoided.

    Directions for use and doses

    Parkinsonism syndrome in adults:
    IN severe cases Treatment can be started with a dose of 10-20 mg of Akineton (2-4 ml of solution for injection), divided into several injections (two to four), which are administered intramuscularly or as slow intravenous infusions throughout the day.
    Movement disorders caused by the action of drugs:
    To quickly achieve a therapeutic response, adults can be prescribed 2.5-5 mg of Akineton ® (0.54 ml injection solution) as a single dose administered intramuscularly or in the form of a slow intravenous injection. If necessary, the same dose can be re-administered after 30 minutes. The maximum daily dose is 10-20 mg of Akineton ® (2-4 ml of solution for injection). Children under 1 year of age can be prescribed 1 mg (0.2 ml) of Akineton, children under 6 years of age can be prescribed 2 mg (0.4 ml) and children under 10 years of age can be prescribed 3 mg (0.6 ml) as a slow intravenous injection. If necessary, this dose can be re-administered after 30 minutes. The injection should be stopped if side effects develop during administration.
    Experience with the use of the drug Akineton ® for drug-induced dystonia in children is limited to short courses of treatment with the drug.
    Nicotine poisoning in adults:
    In addition to standard therapy, intramuscular injections of 5-10 mg (1-2 ml) and intravenous injections 5 mg in cases where the patient's life is at risk.
    In case of poisoning with an organic phosphorus mixture, individual dosage of biperiden is performed, depending on the degree of poisoning. 5 mg of biperiden lactate is administered intravenously with repeated injections until signs of poisoning disappear.

    Side effects

    From the central nervous system (CNS): dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, increased fatigue, anxiety, confusion, euphoria, memory impairment and, in some cases, hallucinations, delirious disorders; nervousness, headache, insomnia, dyskinesia, ataxia, muscle cramps and speech impairment. With increased stimulation of the nervous system, especially in patients with impaired cerebral function, it is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug.
    Other side effects: dry mouth, enlarged salivary glands, accommodation paresis, mydriasis accompanied by photophobia, decreased sweating, constipation, epigastric discomfort, nausea, tachycardia and bradycardia, decreased blood pressure, difficulty urinating, especially in patients with prostatic hyperplasia (in this case it is recommended to reduce the dose) and, more rarely, urinary retention, angle-closure glaucoma (intraocular pressure should be regularly monitored), allergic reactions, drug dependence.


    Symptoms: dilated pupils that respond slowly to light (mydriasis); dry mucous membranes; skin redness, cardiopalmus; atony of the bladder and intestines; hyperthermia, especially in children and agitation, confusion, delirium, collapse.
    Treatment: antidote - acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and, above all, physostigmine, if necessary, bladder catheterization. Symptomatic therapy.

    Interaction with other drugs

    The use of Akineton ® in combination with other anticholinergic psychotropic drugs, antihistamines, antiparkinsonian and antiepileptic drugs may increase central and peripheral side effects.
    Simultaneous use Quinidine may cause increased anticholinergic cardiovascular effects (especially atrioventricular conduction disturbances). Concomitant administration with levodopa may increase dyskinesia. Anticholinergics may increase the central side effects of pethidine. When treated with the drug, the inhibitory effect of alcohol on the central nervous system increases. Akineton ® weakens the effect of metoclopramide and similarly acting drugs on the gastrointestinal tract.

    special instructions

    Side effects are observed primarily in the early stages of treatment and when the dose is increased too quickly. Except in cases of life-threatening complications, abrupt discontinuation of drug treatment should be avoided. Elderly patients, especially those with cerebral vascular or degenerative disorders, may often exhibit increased sensitivity to the drug. Centrally acting anticholinergic drugs similar to Akineton ® may increase susceptibility to epileptic seizures. Therefore, doctors should take this fact into account when treating patients with this predisposition. Tardive dyskinesia caused by antipsychotics may be aggravated by the drug Akineton. Parkinsonian symptoms in the case of developed tardive dyskinesia in some cases are so severe that they prevent the continuation of treatment with anticholinergic drugs. Abuse of the drug Akineton ® has been noted. This phenomenon is possibly related to the mood enhancement and temporary euphoric effects of this drug that are occasionally observed.
    Taking Akineton ® and especially in combination with other centrally acting drugs and anticholinergics may impair the ability to drive a car and operate machinery. During long-term therapy with Akineton ®, intraocular pressure should be checked regularly.

    Release form

    Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 5 mg/ml.
    1 ml in ampoules (2 ml capacity) made of colorless glass with a clamp and marked with a blue spot on the top of the ampoule. 5 ampoules are placed in a cardboard box with cardboard partitions along with instructions for use.

    Storage conditions

    List A. At a temperature not exceeding 30°C.
    Keep out of the reach of children.

    Best before date

    5 years
    Do not use after the expiration date stated on the packaging.

    Vacation conditions

    on prescription.
    The company is a manufacturer.
    Desma GmbH, Germany, produced by EBEVE Pharma Ges.m.b.H Nfg.KG, Austria.
    Manufacturer's address: EBEVE Pharma Ges.m.b.H Nfg.KG, Mondseestrasse 11, 4866 Unterach, AUSTRIA.
    Send consumer quality complaints to: Desma GmbH Peter-Sander-Str. 41B 55252 Mainz-Kastel GERMANY

    The information on the page was verified by physician-therapist E.I. Vasilyeva.

    The active substance of Akineton is biperiden hydrochloride. Tablet contains 2 mg active substance. In addition, the presence of additional components (corn starch, potato starch, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, copovidone, calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, talc, clean water) suggests the composition of the drug "Akineton".

    Instructions for use and photos indicate that the tablet form of the drug is almost white in color and has a flat-cylindrical shape. On one side of the tablet there is a mark with cross-shaped chamfers.

    1 ml of solution contains biperiden lactate in an amount of 5 milligrams. Additional components are: injection water and

    pharmachologic effect

    The main substance biperiden is a centrally acting anticholinergic blocker.

    The effect suggests a suppressive ability on the activity of cholinergic neurons in the striatum, which is a structural unit of the extrapyramidal system.

    The drug causes a ganglion-blocking effect, antispasmodic and a moderate m-anticholinergic effect on the periphery (spasmolytic).

    The use of the drug helps eliminate limb tremor, which occurs when using cholinergic drugs (for example, pilocarpine), as well as catalepsy and muscle rigidity while taking antipsychotics. Has the ability to provoke


    " Akineton" binds to plasma proteins by 91-94%. Plasma clearance will be 11.6 ± 0.8 ml/min/kg body weight. A single dose of the oral form has a bioavailability of about 33 ± 5%.

    Able to pass into breast milk.

    Biperiden is completely metabolized in the human body. This substance is not detected in urine in unchanged form. The main metabolites are bicycloheptane and piperidine, which are excreted in feces and urine.

    Elimination occurs in two phases, with a half-life (T 1/2) of 90 minutes during the first phase and 24 hours during the second phase. In elderly patients, the half-life may increase significantly.

    Indications for use

    "Akineton" is used for extrapyramidal disorders caused by taking certain medications (neuroleptics, antipsychotics).

    The drug is also indicated for diagnosing parkinsonism disease (the drug is prescribed in combination with basic therapy),


    The purpose of this drug is not indicated in case of individual intolerance to the active substance of the drug "Akineton".

    The instructions for use inform that you should avoid prescribing the drug when diagnosing a patient with a pathology such as prostate enlargement, angle-closure glaucoma, obstructive changes in the gastrointestinal tract (pyloric stenosis, intestinal origin).

    Arrhythmias, epilepsy, breastfeeding, elderly age patient, pregnancy are factors in which Akineton is prescribed with great caution.

    Side effects

    On the part of the central nervous system, they are manifested by asthenia, increased fatigue, drowsiness, weakness, stupor, dizziness, feelings of concern, anxiety, memory impairment, confusion, hallucinations, catalepsy, drug dependence on the drug "Akineton".

    The instructions for use talk about side effects on the organ of vision - mydriasis, disturbance of accommodation.

    On the part of the cardiovascular system, it is characterized by an increase in heart rate (tachycardia); sometimes - slowdown (bradycardia); when using the injection form of the drug - a decrease in blood pressure (hypotension).

    From the digestive system - dry mouth, dyspeptic symptoms, constipation.

    From the outside metabolic processes- decreased sweating.

    From the urinary system - in patients with enlargement (hypertrophy) of the prostate gland - possible difficulty urinating.

    Allergic manifestations: rash on skin, itching.

    Methods of application

    For intramuscular as well as oral administration The drug "Akineton" is suitable in tablet form.

    The instructions for use indicate that Akineton therapy usually starts with small doses, then the dose of the drug is gradually increased depending on the required therapeutic effect and the presence of side effects.

    Adults using the oral form of the drug begin treatment with a dose of 1 mg in 1-2 doses throughout the day or 2 mg divided into two doses per day. Further, the dosage can be increased to 8 mg in two to four doses. However, you should not increase the dose by more than 2 mg per day. Should not exceed maximum dosage means 6-16 mg during the day. A single dose of the injection form of the drug should not exceed 2.5-5 mg. This dose can be re-administered after half an hour, but the number of injections per day should not exceed 4 times. Maximum dose The dose of the drug in injection form is 20 mg per day. When optimal dose the drug is achieved, it is possible to switch to taking Akineton retard.

    However, do not forget about individual approach to each specific patient when prescribing biperiden therapy.

    Extrapyramidal pathology that occurs as a result of taking certain medications (antipsychotics or neuroleptics) requires the administration of this substance in a single dose of 2 mg orally or parenterally. The specified dose can be repeated every half hour. However, as stated above, the number of injections should not exceed 4 times. The oral dose of the drug should be divided into one to three doses.

    Parkinson's disease involves prescribing this drug at a dose of 6-8 mg orally in 2-4 doses per day, gradually the dose can be increased to 6-16 mg.

    Children under one year of age suggest the possibility of administering this drug in injection form slowly, a single dose is 1 mg or 0.2 ml. For ages from one to 6 years, 2 mg or 0.4 ml is prescribed. From 6 to 10 years - 3 mg or 0.6 ml. If necessary, this dose can be re-administered after half an hour. If there are side effects on the administration of the drug, the injection should be stopped.
    When carrying out therapy with the oral form of the drug at the age of 3 to 15 years, take a dosage of 1-2 mg in 1-3 doses during the day.

    The tablets should not be taken on an empty stomach, but should be taken with a moderate amount of water. If unwanted side effects from the digestive system occur, you should take the drug immediately after a meal, which reduces the severity of the adverse effects of Akineton.

    Instructions for use indicate that in the case of adults, as part of standard therapy, they also prescribe this medicine, and its dose is 5-10 mg for injection forms, but only in cases posing a threat patient's life.

    In case of poisoning with organic phosphorus mixtures, dosing of biperiden is carried out individually, which depends on the severity of the lesion. Start with a dose of 5 mg in the case of intravenous administration, repeated administrations continue until the signs of poisoning disappear.


    An overdose is manifested by pronounced anticholinergic effects caused by the drug "Akineton".

    Instructions for use, reviews from doctors draw attention to the fact that the therapy this state asymptomatic (maintaining cardiovascular and respiratory systems, oxygen therapy, correction of hyperthermia, if necessary, establish urinary catheter). Administration required (primarily physostigmine) .


    " Akineton" when used simultaneously with m-anticholinergic blockers, drugs with antihistamine and antiepileptic effects increases the severity of the latter. However, simultaneous use with metoclopramide weakens it therapeutic effect. The drug is strictly incompatible with ethanol. Prescribing quinidine significantly increases the risk of developing manifestations of dyskinesia. The M-cholinergic effect is enhanced by the use of levodopa.

    Conditions of storage and sale

    To purchase this drug A doctor's prescription is required to provide to a pharmacist. To store Akineton, you must comply temperature regime, i.e. temperature environment should not exceed a value of 25 degrees (Celsius scale). It is necessary that Akineton is not accessible to children.

    The instructions give the shelf life of the drug - five years.

    special instructions

    Prescription of biperiden during pregnancy and breastfeeding(lactation) requires strict indications.

    Biperiden can enter the baby's body through breast milk, which is the reason for temporary refusal of breastfeeding until Akineton is discontinued.

    The description of the drug draws attention to the fact that when deciding whether to prescribe biperiden during pregnancy and lactation, the possible risk to the newborn and fetus is taken into account.

    The elderly age of the patient becomes a risk factor when treated with this drug. Therefore, Akineton is prescribed to this category of people with great caution.

    The absence of any data indicating the safety of use in childhood, is the reason why the drug "Akineton" is not used for children.

    The description of the drug (instructions for use) indicates the fact that caution is necessary when using this drug in patients with epilepsy or arrhythmia.

    At long-term use Drug dependence may develop.

    The risk of developing withdrawal syndrome involves gradual cessation of Akineton therapy.

    During therapy, you should avoid drinking alcohol-containing drinks.

    Therapy with this drug requires abstinence from driving. vehicles and engaging in activities that require increased concentration and rapid psychomotor reactions, as this carries a potential danger due to the risk of dizziness.

    "Akineton". Instructions for use. Analogs

    The following substances are synonyms for the drug: “Biperiden”, “Mendylex”, “Biperiden hydrochloride”.

    "Akineton". Reviews

    The drug has high efficiency when treating parkinsonism, tremors in the limbs stop after a short period of time. The drug "Akineton" is well tolerated.

    P N015243/02-150807

    Trade name of the drug: Akineton ®

    International nonproprietary name:


    Dosage form:

    solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration.

    Composition per 1 ml of the drug:
    Active substance: bileridene lactate 5 mg/ml.
    Excipients: Sodium lactate, water for injection.

    Description: Transparent, colorless solution.

    Pharmacotherapeutic group:

    Central anticholinergic blocker.

    ATX Code:

    Pharmacological properties
    Biperiden is a centrally acting anticholinergic agent that reduces the activity of cholinergic neurons of the striatum (a structural component of the extrapyramidal system). Peripheral anticholinergic effect is less pronounced.
    Reduces tremors and rigidity. Biperiden causes psychomotor agitation.
    Autonomic disorders.
    Communication with plasma proteins - 91-94%. Plasma clearance is 11.6±0.8 ml/min/kg body weight. Passes into breast milk.
    Biperiden is completely metabolized. The main metabolites are bicycloheptane and piperidine, excreted in urine and feces.
    Elimination occurs in two phases with a half-life (T ½) of 1.5 hours in the first phase and 24 hours in the second; in elderly patients, the half-life may increase.

    Indications for use

    • Parkinsonism syndrome in adults.
    • Extrapyramidal symptoms in children and adults caused by antipsychotics or similarly active drugs.
    • Poisoning with nicotine or phosphorus-containing organic substances in adults.

    Increased individual sensitivity to any of the components of the drug, angle-closure glaucoma, mechanical narrowing (stenosis) of the gastrointestinal tract, megacolon, gastrointestinal obstruction.
    Caution should be exercised when prescribing the drug for prostatic hyperplasia, urinary retention, cardiac arrhythmias, elderly patients (especially in the presence of organic brain symptoms) and patients prone to epileptic seizures.

    Pregnancy and breastfeeding:
    Since experience with the use of Akineton ® during pregnancy is limited, the drug should be prescribed after a thorough risk/benefit assessment for the mother and fetus, especially in the first trimester. The drug Akineton ® is excreted in breast milk, in which its concentrations can reach the concentrations observed in blood plasma, so breastfeeding should be avoided.

    Directions for use and doses
    Parkinsonism syndrome in adults:
    In severe cases, treatment can be started with a dose of 10-20 mg of Akineton (2-4 ml of solution for injection), divided into several injections (two to four), which are administered intramuscularly or as slow intravenous infusions throughout the day.
    Movement disorders caused by the action of drugs:
    To quickly achieve a therapeutic response, adults can be prescribed 2.5-5 mg of Akineton ® (0.54 ml injection solution) as a single dose administered intramuscularly or as a slow intravenous injection. If necessary, the same dose can be re-administered after 30 minutes. The maximum daily dose is 10-20 mg of Akineton ® (2-4 ml of solution for injection). Children under 1 year of age can be prescribed 1 mg (0.2 ml) of Akineton, children under 6 years of age can be prescribed 2 mg (0.4 ml) and children under 10 years of age can be prescribed 3 mg (0.6 ml) as a slow intravenous injection. If necessary, this dose can be re-administered after 30 minutes. The injection should be stopped if side effects develop during administration.
    Experience with the use of the drug Akineton ® for drug-induced dystonia in children is limited to short courses of treatment with the drug.
    Nicotine poisoning in adults:
    In addition to standard therapy, intramuscular injections of 5-10 mg (1-2 ml) and intravenous injections of 5 mg are recommended in cases where the patient's life is at risk.
    In case of poisoning with an organic phosphorus mixture, individual dosage of biperiden is performed, depending on the degree of poisoning. 5 mg of biperiden lactate is administered intravenously with repeated injections until signs of poisoning disappear.

    Side effect
    From the central nervous system (CNS): dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, increased fatigue, anxiety, confusion, euphoria, memory impairment and, in some cases, hallucinations, delirious disorders; nervousness, headache, insomnia, dyskinesia, ataxia, muscle cramps and speech impairment. With increased stimulation of the nervous system, especially in patients with impaired cerebral function, it is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug.
    Other side effects: dry mouth, enlarged salivary glands, paresis of accommodation, mydriasis accompanied by photophobia, decreased sweating, constipation, epigastric discomfort, nausea, tachycardia and bradycardia, decreased blood pressure, difficulty urinating, especially in patients with prostatic hyperplasia (in this case it is recommended reduce the dose) and, more rarely, urinary retention, angle-closure glaucoma (intraocular pressure should be regularly monitored), allergic reactions, drug dependence.

    Symptoms: dilated pupils that respond slowly to light (mydriasis); dry mucous membranes; redness of the skin, rapid heartbeat; atony of the bladder and intestines; hyperthermia, especially in children and agitation, confusion, delirium, collapse.
    Treatment: antidote - acetylcholinesterase inhibitors and, above all, physostigmine, if necessary, bladder catheterization. Symptomatic therapy.

    Interaction with others medicines
    The use of Akineton ® in combination with other anticholinergic psychotropic drugs, antihistamines, antiparkinsonian and antiepileptic drugs may increase central and peripheral side effects.
    Concomitant use of quinidine may cause increased anticholinergic cardiovascular effects (especially atrioventricular conduction disturbances). Concomitant administration with levodopa may increase dyskinesia. Anticholinergics may increase the central side effects of pethidine. When treated with the drug, the inhibitory effect of alcohol on the central nervous system increases. Akineton ® weakens the effect of metoclopramide and similarly acting drugs on the gastrointestinal tract.

    special instructions
    Side effects are observed primarily in the early stages of treatment and when the dose is increased too quickly. Except in cases of life-threatening complications, abrupt discontinuation of drug treatment should be avoided. Elderly patients, especially those with cerebral vascular or degenerative disorders, may often exhibit increased sensitivity to the drug. Centrally acting anticholinergic drugs similar to Akineton ® may increase susceptibility to epileptic seizures. Therefore, doctors should take this fact into account when treating patients with this predisposition. Tardive dyskinesia caused by antipsychotics may be aggravated by the drug Akineton. Parkinsonian symptoms in the case of developed tardive dyskinesia in some cases are so severe that they prevent the continuation of treatment with anticholinergic drugs. Abuse of the drug Akineton ® has been noted. This phenomenon is possibly related to the mood enhancement and temporary euphoric effects of this drug that are occasionally observed.
    Taking Akineton ® and especially in combination with other centrally acting drugs and anticholinergics may impair the ability to drive a car and operate machinery. During long-term therapy with Akineton ®, intraocular pressure should be checked regularly.

    Release form
    Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration 5 mg/ml.
    1 ml in ampoules (2 ml capacity) made of colorless glass with a clamp and marked with a blue spot on the top of the ampoule. 5 ampoules are placed in a cardboard box with cardboard partitions along with instructions for use.

    Storage conditions
    List A. At a temperature not exceeding 30°C.
    Keep out of the reach of children.

    Best before date
    5 years
    Do not use after the expiration date stated on the packaging.

    Vacation conditions. on prescription.

    The company is a manufacturer.
    Desma GmbH, Germany, produced by EBEVE Pharma Ges.m.b.H Nfg.KG, Austria.
    Manufacturer's address: EBEVE Pharma Ges.m.b.H Nfg.KG, Mondseestrasse 11, 4866 Unterach, AUSTRIA.
    Send consumer quality complaints to: Desma GmbH Peter-Sander-Str. 41B 55252 Mainz-Kastel GERMANY