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Why do you dream about Talking in a dream, what does it mean in a dream book to see Talking? Why can a person talk in a dream - specific reasons and dangerous consequences


The theme of the dream is mysterious and interesting. Research by scientists has shed some light on what happens to a person during sleep. All people know that good rest necessary. The quality of sleep determines how alert a person will be the next day. Is it possible to get enough sleep if you scream or utter strange sounds in your sleep? If your roommate or partner is complaining about mumbling at night, you're probably wondering what to do about it. Let's take everything in order and find out why people talk in their sleep?

What is sleep talking?

Doctors use a similar term to describe the sounds made by a person during a night's rest. Conversations during nap practically not recorded. Scientists have given the phenomenon a scientific name - somniloquy. Doctors consider talking in your sleep a safe phenomenon if it is not accompanied by additional symptoms.

What is sleep speaking in the usual sense? These are words, sounds, and screams spoken by a person during sleep. At the same time, the sleeping person does not remember in the morning that he had a dialogue. It turns out that you may not know about the tendency to sleep talk for a long time. Until a loved one or partner appears nearby who has light sleeper. Usually, when people learn about such a phenomenon, they become embarrassed and worry about their health.

Talking in a dream occurs in 5% of the world's inhabitants. The bulk of this falls on children under 10 years of age. In childhood, more girls suffer from somniloquy, and in adulthood, more men. Don't be upset if you are included in these percentages. Dream-speaking is safe for health and is normal for humans.

Sounds made in sleep

Before diagnosing yourself, make sure you talk at night. Perhaps a loved one imagined or dreamed bad dream. To be sure, ask your partner to write down or document what is happening. To do this, it will be useful to understand what sounds a person pronounces in a dream:

Conducts a dialogue or monologue. The sleeper talks calmly and asks questions. Answers questions from an invisible interlocutor. Or he simply pronounces individual phrases. The eyes are tightly closed.
Whispers or screams. Quiet words either loud sounds indicate the presence of sleep talk. If a person behaves restlessly, spins, and jerks his legs, then wake him up.
Makes strange sounds or mumbles. Mooing and other gobbledygook also refers to somniloquy. It is not necessary that you understand what is being said.

If you talk to the sleeping person, ask questions, you will receive answers. Do not pay attention if a loved one said something offensive or shouted curse words. They do not apply to you, do not look for a connection in this phenomenon. And even more so, do not reproach your loved one in the morning for words spoken in a dream.

What does a person say in a dream?

The opinions of scientists observing this phenomenon are divided. Depending on the circumstances and associated causes a person pronounces words or sounds. They can be related to events in life or have absolutely nothing to do with the sleeping person. What does a person say in a dream?

Repeats words spoken during the day. People suffering from emotional instability are prone to this phenomenon.
Conducts a conversation with a person from a dream. Sometimes it seems that the sleeper is conducting a dialogue. Similar phenomenon researchers explain how humans react to dreams.
Monologues thrown up by the subconscious. Some scientists are convinced that conversations arise as a result of a person’s reflection on long-standing events. The subconscious helps the sleeper by presenting possible solutions that result in a nightly monologue.

Why does a person talk in his sleep: reasons

It has long been proven that a person goes through sleep phases during rest. They are divided into several stages. Each of which is included in fast or slow. Most researchers are inclined to believe that somniloquy manifests itself during fast stage sleep. This statement is supported by the screams that appear during nightmares. Bad dreams people see during REM sleep. But quiet conversations, whispers and other sounds are also observed during the slow phase.

Let's list the reasons why a person talks in his sleep:

Medical factors. Talking in a dream is observed during fever, high temperature, infectious diseases. Somniloquy may become side effect after taking the medicine. Do not abuse medications, follow the dosage. Dialogues in a dream typical symptom for drug addicts or people exposed to toxins.
. If a person has experienced severe stress during the day, then at night the body will “digest” what happened. In such situations, the sleeper talks about an urgent problem, tries to find a solution, and comes to terms with what happened. Sleep talk due to the emotional component occurs in children and sensitive people.
Psychological factors. Mental disorders lead to insomnia or restless sleep. Such a person falls asleep for a short time, rest is accompanied by talking, screaming, and moving around the bed.

It has been noticed that those who hold back anger during the day pour out negative emotions at night. At the same time, they speak vulgar words and behave aggressively. The phenomenon occurs due to the unconscious relaxation of the sleeper at night.

Why does a child talk in his sleep?

Young children often talk in their sleep. Frightened parents turn to the pediatrician and receive an answer that this phenomenon is considered normal. Scientists are convinced that dream-speaking helps young children adapt to the world around them. The child’s brain processes new impressions and emotions at night. Since the psyche of children is weaker than adults, every day seems to be a little stressful for the child. Experiences are expressed through nightly conversations.

Why does a child talk in his sleep, scream or cry? This phenomenon already indicates the presence of a nightmare or severe stress. Remember what happened during the day that could have scared the baby. Take your baby in your arms, slowly wake him up and calm him down. If nightmares recur, contact your pediatrician immediately.

A person talks in his sleep, should I worry?

Basically, talking in a dream brings inconvenience, but only to the person nearby. In other cases, the number of words spoken and the frequency of dialogues per week do not affect the state of the sleeper. But, there are cases when you should take a closer look at the “talker”.

When should you be concerned if a person talks in his sleep?

The sleeper experiences night terrors. They are recognized by screams and active human behavior. The sleeper closes his legs, twists on the bed, and screams shrilly. If you connect a person to a device that monitors the person’s state during sleep, you will see how they move eyeballs under closed eyelids. The described phenomenon is called a nightmare. In such a situation, the person needs to be woken up. Be prepared that this is not easy to do. Act gently, slowly and carefully, do not frighten the sleeper even more. Constant nightmares have a bad effect on the human nervous system, so medical intervention will be required.
Squealing aggressive behavior. Occurs due to phase failure REM sleep. If a person does not have time to systematically enter this period (wakes up due to the alarm, devotes little time to sleep), then a disruption of the usual cycle occurs. A person in this state makes movements at night. A doctor's help is required to restore sleep cycles.

Walking and other movements. Talking in your sleep is often accompanied by sleepwalking. The person moves around the room and can go outside. Seen in this state eating disorders when the sleeper eats while sleeping. Sleepwalking is dangerous because a person does not control himself. Unconscious eating at night is a sign of disorder digestive system. Therefore, if such factors are detected, consult a doctor.

How to prepare before going to the doctor?

Isolated instances of speaking do not lead to a decision to visit a doctor. If a person experiences discomfort, the signs described above, and interferes with the sleep of loved ones, then it would be a good idea to go to the doctor. Since the problem is quite specific, the specialist will need some data. Write them down in advance.

How to prepare before going to the doctor? Note the following points:

Talk time. On average lasts for 30 seconds. Ask loved one record the dialogue and record its duration. Ask your parents in advance if they have met similar cases in childhood. If yes, what measures were taken. At what age were the conversations observed, and did anything influence their occurrence?
Duration of sleep. Mark what time you go to bed and what time you get up in the morning every day. Remember if you woke up at night and for what reasons. Try to maintain a sleep schedule: set aside 7–9 hours for rest. At the same time, go to bed and get up at the same time every day.
Taking medications. Write down all the medications you take in this moment. Consider the medications you took 1–2 months before the onset of sleep talk.
Evening ritual. Tell your doctor how you prepare for bed. What foods do you eat at night, what drinks do you drink. You fall asleep listening to a movie, a book, or only in complete silence and with the lights off.

Information about physical activity during the day will not be superfluous. Do not hide events that have left a mark on your life: the death of a loved one, unfair dismissal, broken car or other . Having a complete picture, the doctor will quickly identify the causes of somniloquy and adjust your lifestyle.

Treatment for a person talking in their sleep

To make a diagnosis, the doctor does not perform sleep speaking additional research. Information about the condition is provided by the patient. IN in rare cases A person undergoes polysomnography. The study helps identify sleep disorders.

Treatment for sleep talking is indicated if somniloquy is a symptom of a serious medical condition. Wherein therapeutic methods directed against the underlying disease. After defeating the disease they will go away unpleasant symptoms, including talking in your sleep.

How to stop talking out loud in your sleep?

Exist preventive measures, helping to reduce talkativeness during rest. The methods do not have scientific support and are reduced to ensuring long-term and good sleep. How to stop talking out loud in your sleep?

Relax after working day. Take a bath with essential oils, listen, drink mint tea, warm milk or sedative.

Don't overeat at night. Eliminate fatty, heavy, spicy food. Eat something light: vegetables, kefir, lean fish.
Remove the negativity. Watching the news, movies with bloody scenes or reading horror stories at night will not lead to restful sleep. Avoid aggressive sources of information before your vacation.

During sleep, the body's functions function. Therefore, during a night's rest a person moves, talks, smiles, and changes his facial expression. The number of people who talk in their sleep is much greater than recorded, since not everyone is ready to confess. In 85% of cases there is no cause for concern. Sleep speaking appears as a result of shocks, is noticed in sensitive people, or is inherited.

12 February 2014, 12:28

Why do you dream about talking?

Autumn dream book

Hearing loud talk in a dream means a secret meeting.

Why do you dream about talking?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Talking in a dream with an invisible face - in reality you can lose a close friend as a result of sudden death.

Talking to the dead means danger awaits you, and illness awaits your loved ones.

Talking to a fool means becoming a victim of a hoax.

Talking with God in a dream - you can receive the patronage of influential people if the conversation is friendly; if God is angry, you may be condemned in reality.

A dream in which you speak to a tree foretells wealth in the future.

Speak in a whisper - you will suffer from gossip.

Why do you dream about talking?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Talking to the invisible in person means losing a friend; with the dead - danger, illness.

Why do you dream about talking?

Azar's Dream Book

Talking to the prince means you have envious people

see or talk to your mother - their intentions will be revealed to you

seeing or talking to your sister is a good relationship

talk to the father if the deceased - must remember

talking to your father is happiness

talking with relatives - happiness in enterprises

father speaks to you - quick happiness

Why do you dream about talking?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Talking in a dream means improving things; To a foreigner, it’s an unusual, strange situation at home.

Why do you dream about talking?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

talking with an invisible face is the unexpected loss of a close friend; with the dead - danger and illness.

Why do you dream about talking?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Talking - It’s as if you are talking to someone - the dream warns that one of your loved ones will get sick; you will have to go to consultants. You dream of people who talk loudly - you will do everything right, you will correct other people's mistakes, but you will be accused of interfering in other people's problems; They will try to portray your strengths as your shortcomings.

You seem to hear what they are saying about you - you are in real life get into society strangers and you will feel their ill will; do not stay long where you are uncomfortable, if you do not want to be considered intrusive and increase the number of your enemies.

Why do you dream about talking?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Talking to any living person is good; talking in a dream softens the bad meaning of the dream.

Talking in a dream with a baby, a woman or a crowd of people is especially good.

Stuttering in a dream means joy in business.

Snorting means well-being.

Twitter is the envy of your neighbor.

But if you stutter so that you cannot say a word, thoughtless words will lead to evil.

Talking about iron in a dream means illness in the house.

Asking for directions means listening to bad advice.

Talking to trees means wealth awaits you.

Slurred speech is sadness.

In a dream, holding a speech means you have to vigorously resist someone’s will.

Chatting incessantly is success on your chosen path.

Lying in a dream is a benefit and a loss at the same time.

Boasting in a dream means exposing your friend.

Telling an anecdote is a surprise.

Giving your address is a loss.

Alien - well-being.

To hear in a dream means to hear news.

Telling fables is an unexpected joy.

Fairy tales will bring news.

To convey the news is sadness.

Groan in a dream - you will be slandered.

Giving thanks is an unexpected friend.

To receive an insult is good luck in business.

To insult is to humiliate oneself.

To swear, to give your word, is to successfully deceive.

To order is to lie to someone.

Inviting is a joy.

Asking is unexpected news.

Everything that angels, priests, and dead parents tell you in your dreams is true.

Why do you dream about talking?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Talking a lot yourself is a nuisance.

Speaking in front of an audience is a significant improvement in business.

Express yourself in foreign language- great inconvenience, problems.

Why do you dream about talking?

Star dream book

You dreamed of Speaking - the unknown awaits you, and, most likely, failure in your planned business. They won't want to hear you.

Why do you dream about talking?

Dream Interpretation of Nancy Wagaiman

Talk in your sleep. To talk a lot and for a long time in a dream - in reality you will have to remain silent precisely when it is necessary to speak. Speaking in a dream in front of listeners means coming to an agreement with your enemies. Giving your speech from the podium means improvement in business. Saying something out of place means actively fighting the enemy, and for lovers it means showing selfish motives. Talking to babies or hearing them talk means your wishes will come true. No less good sign is communication in a dream with your loved one. If a girl saw such a dream, most likely she really misses communication with her boyfriend, and the subconscious gives it away in the form of night images.

Why do you dream about talking?

Intelligent dream book

Having a dream Talking to an invisible person - Rumor of death; talking to the deceased is an illness; talking to a tree is wealth.

Why do you dream about talking?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Talk (see also shout, hear) - Talk yourself or ask for something - Soon you will receive an answer to a question that has been bothering you for a long time

Why do you dream about talking?

Stuart Robinson's Dream Book

We often talk in dreams. And the interpretation of such a dream completely depends on the moment with whom and under what circumstances the conversation is taking place. Talking to a man you know in a dream is a sign of an upcoming trip or an exciting meeting. But for a man, such a conversation in a dream means that in the very near future you will be able to solve a problem that for a long time could not find a solution. Talking to dead people in a dream means some kind of danger, or an unforeseen illness. Speaking in your own language in a dream means establishing mutual understanding, both at home and at work. Speaking a foreign language is a warning that you may end up in extraordinary situation. Talking to animals or plants in your dream brings prosperity and wealth. If in a dream you are talking on the phone with an unpleasant and unknown person, this is a symbol of the loss of a close friend.

Why do you dream about talking?

Dream book of E. Ericson

What does it mean to speak in a dream - to do nothing without thinking about the consequences.

Why do you dream about talking?

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Talking to an invisible person is a rumor of death; talking to the deceased is a disease; talking to a tree is wealth.

Why do you dream about talking?

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

Talking to an invisible person is a rumor of death; talking to the deceased is an illness; talking to a tree is wealth.

Why do you dream about talking?

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

To talk a lot in a dream - you will have to remain silent in reality precisely when it is necessary to speak.

Speaking in front of listeners means coming to an agreement with enemies; making a speech from the podium means improvement in business; to say something “out of place” means to actively fight the enemy, and for lovers - to show selfish motives; talking to babies or hearing them speak means your wishes will come true; talking to trees means prosperity and wealth.

If you talk to an invisible person in a dream, you will hear about someone’s death or lose a friend; talking to the deceased means danger, illness.

Speaking a foreign language in your own country or at home means finding yourself in an unusual, extraordinary situation.

Why do you dream about talking?

Solomon's Dream Book

Talking in a dream means profit; about thinness - sadness; with an invisible face - the loss of a loved one.

Why do you dream about talking?

Lunar dream book

Speaking clearly means profit.

Why do you dream about talking?

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Talking in a dream means profit; It’s bad to say - sadness.

Why do you dream about talking?

Russian dream book

Speaking loudly means an excess of emotions; with a man - to embarrassment; with a woman - be careful, gossip is possible; with a girl - to profit.

Why do you dream about talking?

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

To speak to a deceased relative - the dream has shades of meaning depending on the family member in the dream. In any case, the dream is unfavorable when the appearance of the deceased is distorted by emotions or illness and even decay, and favorable when the appearance acquires unearthly enlightened features.

Talking to a woman means troubles should be expected from the health side. If the scenario is favorable, this dream is advice to take care of your health: diseases will try to penetrate through the mouth, eyes, hips and stomach.

When the mother specifically dreams, the disease is based in abdominal cavity. For a female dreamer, the appearance of a mother and grandmother in a dream is especially significant.

Talking to a man means you need to beware of diseases of the spirit (conceit, selfishness, etc.), which secondarily affect any organ (depending on what emotions predominated in the dream). Diseases with this option can penetrate through the head, feet, ears and hands. Diseases come through the head when the father is seen in an unfavorable way; and this can mean both internal illness and the threat of head injury. Adverse event an irritated (sick) father is especially dangerous, since it means a break with Heaven and a loss of information from the Cosmos, for which only the dreamer can be to blame, for someone else’s evil will can steal life, but cannot take away the connection with Heaven given by the Creator. The worldview and value system must be changed.

The question of why a person talks in his sleep has interested scientists for many centuries. The ability of a sleeper to converse on an unconscious level is called somniloquy or sleep-talking. It is inherited or manifested in the process of life. Research does not provide an unambiguous assessment of the phenomenon. The reasons for the violation remain a mystery. Experts note the general features of the formation of parasomnia and identify ways to reduce the number of attacks.

Late-night conversations disturb the sleep of household members and put the talker in an awkward position. Frequent episodes lead to lack of sleep. The conversation lasts about 30 seconds. From 2005 to international classification sleep disorders, sleep talking is described as a conditionally normal manifestation. Does not pose a health hazard, but may indicate illness.

Talkativeness awakens at any stage of sleep and during the transition between phases:

The division of speech clarity into stages of sleep is arbitrary. For some people, the phenomenon manifests itself exactly the opposite. A chatterbox does not control his speech: he uses foul language, insults, and calls close people by other people’s names. You should not take the words of the sleeping person to heart. Statements carry a strong emotional coloring and a minimum of truthful information.

Chatterboxes learn about their personality from complaints from their roommate or bedmate. The man forgets his chatter. In this, somniloquy is similar to sleepwalking.

It is foolish to try to find a secret meaning or a solution to the mysteries of the universe in the words of a sleeper. At night, the brain is busy processing information. Emotions, positive and negative, feelings, new knowledge - everything that happened during the day is transmitted through various images in dreams. A person talks with these images. Scientists are sure: conversations reflect the real state of affairs of an individual.

The talker does not have information about the creation of the world, no matter how plausible the story may sometimes seem. Night conversation touches on the problems and anxieties that a person experiences during the day. at this stage life.

Do I need to see a doctor?

Depends on the type of parasomnia. There are 2 types of violation:

  • neurotic - caused by psychological stress;
  • paroxysmal - deviation indicates problems with the psyche and central nervous system.

In case of neurotic manifestations, medical assistance is not required. Characteristic of 50% of children aged 3-10 years. Girls, the most impressionable natures, communicate more often with night interlocutors. The habit goes away with puberty. According to statistics, sleep speaking occurs in 4% of adults. Among older people, they suffer more than a man. People may not be aware of their ability to talk at night, or may not admit to having a problem. Therefore the numbers are approximate.

Vivid examples conditionally normal manifestation of somniloquy:

  1. Women start talking during pregnancy. After the birth, the invisible interlocutor leaves them.
  2. The child is constantly improving, developing, receiving a portion of emotions and splashing them out at night.
  3. Sleeping high school students answer exam papers before the session.

Paroxysmal somniloquy is accompanied by aggression and signs of sleepwalking. It is observed in persons over 25 years of age. Indicates violations in the central nervous system, cerebral cortex, psyche.

The following signs are reasons to contact a neuropsychiatrist:

Treatment is prescribed in case of illness. Specific drugs no from sleep talking. Held complex therapy, for example, with epilepsy or concussion.

To make a diagnosis, you will need to find out the details. It is recommended to clarify the picture of what is happening before contacting doctors.

The specialist will ask a number of questions:

Keeping a diary will be a plus when contacting a psychoneurologist. It reflects when the chatterbox goes to bed, falls asleep (presumably), and wakes up. The duration and nature of the conversation are noted. Night conversations are recorded on a voice recorder. The doctor will prescribe an EEG (electroencephalography), study the records, and find out the cause of the disorder.

Dream speaking has been little studied. The main reasons are the manifestation of emotions and heredity.

It is known that late-night conversation is encouraged by:

Drive the body into depressive state capable of negative and positive events. External stimuli depend on many factors. A person, due to his psychology, often cannot change his perception of what is happening: he gets nervous, angry, overexerted. Illness also contributes to conversations. Heat with a common cold, it causes bouts of sleep-speaking.

But there are circumstances that the speaker has the power to change. The cause of parasomnia should be sought in lifestyle.

Highlight simple ways reduce the number of manifestations. Often somniloquy is inherent at the DNA level. It is completely impossible to get rid of late-night conversations.

It is important to adhere healthy image life and follow the rules:

It is not advisable to wake up a chatterbox during an attack. Especially when showing aggression. Fear leads to serious consequences for the health of the talker.

The child is picked up and rocked to sleep. We need to find out what events caused the attack. In children, sleep disturbances are often caused by computer games, eating sweets. With absence visible reasons If parasomnia occurs, you should talk to your child.

This doesn't just apply to young children. Teenagers have a hard time going through puberty. Need to find mutual language with the offspring, understand what is bothering him. If necessary, consult a psychologist.

The adult is told about what is happening, asked about his health, and decides whether to visit a doctor. To reassure yourself, you can contact a neuropsychiatrist. The doctor will tell you how to stop talking in your sleep in a specific case. But most often it is necessary to get rid of bad habits.

What's the result?

Somniloquy is a common phenomenon. The Internet is full of various stories about sleep speaking. The blog of British woman Karen Lennard has gained popularity. The girl publishes recordings of conversations between her husband Adam. The 36-year-old man’s phrases are of great interest to subscribers and bring income to the family.

The question of why adults and children talk in their sleep remains open. Each talker has his own reason, often emotional. The pace of life and the environmental situation create stressful situations for the most psychologically stable people.

Stopping chatting at night helps to reduce psychological and physical activity, getting rid of bad habits. For the sake of peace of mind of the household, healthy person It’s worth finding the strength to control yourself.

The question “why does a person talk in his sleep” can be answered in one word - this is somniloquy. Another name is the phenomenon of co-speaking. This feature has been known to people for a long time, but it is worth noting that to date scientists have not given an explanation for this phenomenon. Many people believe that the property is inherited. And this has some connection with sleepwalking. Scientists believe that predominantly men suffer from this feature. And this is a rather rare phenomenon, since only 5 percent of those living on Earth can talk in their sleep.

To understand why a person talks in his sleep, you need to know that only people of a certain emotional make-up are endowed with this feature. Psychologists who study this phenomenon believe that in this situation a person says the words that he uttered a little earlier in reality.

I would like to note that small children can talk in their sleep. Parents do not need to worry, because if a sleeping child speaks, this will help him adapt to the outside world. The psyche of a child is weaker than that of an adult, and any event can cause him anxiety. A child talks in his sleep under the influence of new vivid emotions and impressions. But if this feature is also accompanied by nightmares, then you should worry.

Many experts who study, in a dream, confirm all of the above. This feature is harmless. These are only projections of the individual’s consciousness, thoughts, and emotional shock. Usually, if they speak in a dream, it does not last more than half a minute. But it can happen again during the night.

When a person speaks in a dream, he usually does not remember it. His speech may be offensive or eloquent, unintelligible or vulgar. It could be a shout or a whisper, like a dialogue with someone or a conversation with yourself.

Disturbance and night terrors are the main causes of such a phenomenon as somniloquy. Some people are very difficult to wake up; when they talk, they begin to kick and toss and turn. According to psychologists, during a dream it is a reflection of a person’s character in life. Those who do this are quite cruel. Yes, they restrain aggression during the day, but at night they completely relax on a subconscious level.

Why does a person talk in his sleep? This may also occur due to medical supplies, elevated temperature bodies, mental illness or substance abuse.

If this problem worries - you should seek help from a doctor. He will suggest performing a polysomnography or sleep study. To answer the question of why a person talks in his sleep, the doctor will keep a special diary, in which, over the course of several weeks, he will record information about the medications taken by the patient, drinks drunk before bed, etc. Thanks to these techniques, it will be possible to determine the reason why an illness arose. After this, the specialist will tell his patient what he needs to do to get rid of the problem.

Many people talk in their sleep and most of them do not pay any attention to this phenomenon, considering it a variant of the norm. Along with this, if a person talks in his sleep with enviable regularity and persistence, this may indicate the presence of various dysfunctions important systems and organs.

A person speaks in a dream: basic information about the phenomenon

Before you figure it out, why can people talk in their sleep what are the reasons for this phenomenon, possible consequences and treatment methods, I offer you in general outline become familiar with the specifics of the violation in question.

Somniloquy– this is the scientific name for the condition in which a person talks in his sleep. The problem occurs everywhere and is not considered particularly serious or dangerous.

Why? Because chatting in a dream without the presence of aggravating symptoms does not harm anyone, although outsiders who have become unwitting observers may find the content of conversations talking man vulgar, offensive, meaningless.

Typically, the duration of conversation in sleep is up to 30-60 seconds, periodic resumption of speech activity is possible during the night.

Some people speak quite intelligently and meaningfully, others babble incoherently. Sometimes these are individual sounds, other times they are complete sentences. Most often, during sleep, a sleeping person turns to himself, but he can also communicate with other interlocutors. The volume of conversations can also vary, which often causes discomfort to the patient's surroundings.

Who is prone to talking in their sleep?

Almost anyone can start a sudden late-night conversation. According to average statistics, more than half of children under 10 years of age speak while sleeping. As you grow older, the frequency and duration of such manifestations rapidly decreases.

Moreover, female patients are more prone to talking in their sleep than boys and men.
According to the latest medical research, talking during sleep can be inherited.

How to understand what a person says in a dream: signs and reasons

It is almost impossible to independently establish the fact of a conversation during sleep. As a rule, a person learns about this peculiarity of his from other people.

Why does this happen and when does it appear? First of all, there is no clear opinion about when exactly conversational activity occurs: a person can start talking both during slow and fast periods.

Such conversations usually do no harm, but if the phenomenon is long-lasting and persistent, you should consult a doctor. Why? The reason is that talking in a dream can be a symptom of another more serious illness or disorders.

Among the most common factors that contribute to sleep talking are nightmares. If these are present, a person may scream, toss and turn violently in bed, and exhibit motor activity. Wake up in similar condition pretty hard. Children in particular are prone to talking and even walking in their sleep during nightmares.

Speaking is also observed in patients with REM sleep disorder. They may scream, grumble, or repeat any actions from their dreams.

In addition, speaking can be a symptom.

Among additional factors, the presence of which can cause sudden conversations in a dream, the following points should be noted:

  • taking certain medications;
  • stress;
  • elevated temperature;
  • mental disorders;
  • consequences of taking drugs.

Treatment Options for Sleep Talking

If night conversations are accompanied by nightmares, sudden actions, screams, appear regularly and last a long time, consult a doctor.

You should also consult a doctor if sudden conversations in your sleep interfere with the sleep of others. See your therapist first, then follow his instructions.
If your child talks in his sleep, take him to the pediatrician.

Any special examinations and testing in most cases is not carried out - the need to involve them arises if there are assumptions that speaking is caused by other diseases. In some cases, if there is a specific need, the doctor may prescribe a sleep study/polysomnography.

If speaking in a dream is not a symptom of another disease, does not cause significant discomfort to others and the patient himself and does not pose a threat to his life, any special treatment in most cases it is not used. Otherwise, the optimal composition of therapy will be determined by a qualified specialist.

Prevention of talking in your sleep

There are no special techniques to reduce episodes of talking during sleep. Along with this, preventive measures can be taken, among which the most effective are healthy sleep and absence of stressful situations.

If you plan to see a doctor, first keep a sleep diary and write down the following data in it:

  • bedtime;
  • duration of falling asleep;
  • time to wake up.

Additionally, please provide the following information:

  • list of medications taken;
  • the presence of any kind of disease;
  • consumed foods and drinks;
  • periods of physical activity.

Thus, talking during sleep is not a serious problem, provided that it is not aggravated by others negative factors, is not associated with any disease and does not cause serious inconvenience to the patient and his environment. Otherwise, you need to consult a doctor and follow his recommendations.
Be healthy!

Video on the topic: “Sleep disorders - sleepwalking, sleepwalking, sleep talking, grinding teeth in sleep,” somnologist R.V. Buzunov in the “Radio Mayak” program