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What does it mean if you dream about cigarettes? Stagnation, an extraordinary situation. Why do you dream about smoking cigarettes?

They tell a lot of interesting things. And indeed, the topic is quite interesting. After all, it happens that such visions are dreamed not only by smokers, but also by those people who have never put a cigarette in their mouth. Well, it’s worth telling in more detail about what such dreams mean.

About symbolism

Before talking about what cigarettes mean in dreams, it’s worth first talking about symbolism. Tobacco itself is interpreted positively. Cigarettes and cigars are considered a good symbol denoting pleasure, well-being and peace. In the interpretations there is a clear line of similarity with reality. For example, in real life the smell of smoking tobacco can intoxicate a person. And if he sees something similar in a dream, then he should expect pleasures, pleasant meetings and, perhaps, even prosperity and an improvement in his financial situation.

However, to understand that this aroma is unpleasant, or to feel obvious discomfort, is a bad thing. The dreamer should take a closer look at his surroundings, since there are probably envious people and ill-wishers in them who are not against harming the happiness of another person. Therefore, in the near future it is recommended to be more cautious and careful in terms of communication. So, perhaps, you will be able to find out your ill-wisher.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of cigarettes according to this book of interpretations? This is also worth understanding. If a person sees cigarette butts, then he should prepare for minor worries and troubles. You should also be responsible for your work, since it is likely that it will not be appreciated or even paid. Therefore, you need to be careful and careful in this regard.

Seeing a lot of cigarette butts in someone's house - bad sign. It is worth remembering whose apartment or room it was. This is very important, since it is the owner who will turn out to be the dreamer’s ill-wisher. He will do a lot of bad things to the dreamer, bring a lot of suffering and cause pain. Often such a vision warns that it is because of this person that most of the wealth and well-being will be lost.

A vision in which a person is brought cigarettes or treated to them is also considered a bad sign. In this case, you need to be wary of hypocrites and liars who are trying to deceive the dreamer. This is a dysfunctional cigarette, on the contrary, for goodness and tranquility. The main thing is not to burn something in the process, otherwise this vision will already promise something else, namely, betrayal.

According to Vanga's dream book

You should also talk about what cigarettes mean in dreams according to this book of interpretations. If a person smokes, it means illness. And very serious. Often, unfortunately, such a vision is a prophecy of death through one’s own fault. Even if it’s far from immediate. Although, on the one hand, this is good. The dreamer will be able to fix everything by listening to the sign from above.

If a person saw him going to buy cigarettes in a dream, then this is also a warning. Only less creepy. Such a dream warns a person that he should be more careful in terms of wasting his finances - perhaps he will make some kind of unsuccessful purchase.

Why do you dream of cigarettes that are broken or not whole? Not good either. A bad omen, which tells that the dreamer may soon fall under the influence of bad personalities who have the power to destroy his life. Therefore, it is important to be more careful and begin to understand people and try to “see” them.

Modern dream book

Sometimes a person may have a very unusual dream. A pack of cigarettes, for example, consisting of so-called roll-your-own cigarettes, which were created by the dreamer himself. This is a sign from above, which tells him that his life is in vain. A person spends his time on the wrong things. If this is really the case, then it’s time to think and find yourself.

An ordinary cigarette is a symbol of the fact that a person needs rest and a change from his usual daily routine. Lighting a cigarette means opening a new and very profitable business. Seeing someone else take out a pack and prepare for the process of inhaling smoke is a revival of friendly relations.

If the dreamer tries to light a cigarette, but nothing comes of it, this means difficulties in his personal life. When a girl sees how she inhales tobacco smoke and at the same time feels great about meeting her old lover. But putting out a cigarette in an ashtray is bad news. Moreover, they will touch a loved one. Perhaps the dreamer will learn something unpleasant about his other half.

In general, there are still plenty of interpretations. But it is worth noting that their meaning for people who smoke and for those who have never touched a cigarette is the same.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream of Cigarettes in a dream according to 14 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Cigarette” symbol from 14 online dream books. If you haven't found necessary interpretation on this page, use the search form for all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Cigarettes according to the dream book?

Cigarettes - conversations, friendly communication, a break in activity.

Freud's Dream Book

A cigarette symbolizes the penis, and a cigarette pack symbolizes the female genital organs.

If a man smokes a cigarette- he is satisfied with his sex life.

If a woman smokes a cigarette- she prefers oral sex.

If you give someone cigarettes- you strive for group sex.

I took a cigarette to light it afterwards, but almost immediately after that my tooth (fang) fell out and I was told that while the wound was in place of the tooth, it was better not to smoke. Then there was some kind of celebration at my house, there were a lot of young people (my sister’s and my friends)

I dreamed that I was walking with friends, and then they left me, and I went to the store to buy cigarettes, then there were several different packs (of different colors), I asked how they differed, and they told me that these were colder (showing for a blue pack) and I bought them. Then I walked through the park, looking for a more deserted place, since I didn’t know how people would react... since I’m not a courier at all.
Then I found one place, there were steps (they went deeper to the bottom), and next to them there was some kind of monument (I once dreamed of that place... a couple of years ago., but in reality there are no steps there) then I saw some boy, his hair was dark and curly, and he was sitting and smoking, when I saw him, and wanted to leave, he handed me matches, and I smiled and sat down next to him, when I sat down, he handed me more I said one match, “can I have a box to set it on fire?” he handed it to me, and then they woke me up.

I smoked a cigarette, it periodically crumbled. I really liked smoking, releasing smoke. There was no one around, I was in my room. After I finished smoking, I collected the cigarette in a transparent bag and threw it out the window. This package was blown away by the wind and the cigarette flew out into the street behind the package. I dropped a package from a high-rise building

I dreamed of a lot of cigarettes in the car, just in blocks, and a lot of lighters, and I immediately started calling my friend, and then I tried one of the cigarettes, it was in a black pack with strawberry flavor, the taste didn’t even look like cigarettes, it looked like strawberries

I dreamed that I invited my loved one to go for a walk, but he was going somewhere and I decided to accompany him a little along the road, we were talking about something and he takes out a knitted birch from his backpack pink he puts a tubecake on his head and says that this is necessary in order to get a passport, I am surprised and want to smoke (I don’t smoke in my life), I go up to some man and ask for a cigarette, he gives it. The cigarette is brown, I ask my boyfriend to light it for me to light it, but he is categorically against me smoking and he does not give me a lighter. I look at the cigarette and it’s broken, not much at first, well, I break off that part and put it somewhere, because I really want to smoke at least one puff, when we approach the minibus, I go in with him and they pull him out of the back pocket a lighter, light a cigarette and hand it back to him, he sits near the window in the last row, the minibus is densely packed with people, I thank him, give him the lighter, he takes it without indignation, since I’m in the minibus, I can’t take a puff, it will stink, and I’m going to get out but at that moment the door of the minibus closes and drives off, I go up to the driver to ask him to stop, but he refuses and I have to go. After driving a couple of stops, he stops and we get out, although this is not a metro yet, the metro is on the next one. We get out and go to the metro and then I start saying how much I missed him, etc., he hugs me and I hug him too, and soon we kiss and feel the taste of cigarettes. We arrive at the place, it turns out it’s a hospital, he goes inside, and I stand under the house, but soon I also enter a large room where there are 10-15 beds for everyone, almost people are lying, in the corner there are a couple of tables littered with documents, my boyfriend walks around and asks bed sheets, they give him, he begins to put the blanket on the duvet cover, but the nurse stops him and says that before going to bed he needs to take tests, that these, shows a folder with fluography, are not enough, he sits on an unmade bed, and I sit on a bedside chair and I keep this folder, which is tied with a money rubber band. I pull it back and it breaks, if I don’t hold it with my hands everything will fall apart. I turn to the nurse, maybe she has one, she says that somewhere on the table, I come up with me, my boyfriend comes up with me, takes out an elastic band and gives it to me, I take it... (Then I remember everything is blurry) I’m running around some bakery store... I smoke again ...


A room in which it’s as if I’m not in it, but I see everything that’s happening. I'm standing opposite the door (at least I'm dreaming from this point). On the right is my ex-boyfriend (“former” was written in later, I still don’t want to believe it). He is without clothes on top, lying on the sofa/bed. In his hands, oddly enough, is a cigarette. He smokes (in real life, as far as I know, he doesn’t smoke). A girl with whom he has been posting photos in recent months appears at the door (they work together, but I don’t know if they have a relationship). I see her somewhat distorted: overly fat, but for some reason I understand that it is her. I conclude that they spent the night together and are now getting ready for work (I somehow understand this in a dream).

I saw that the brother of the guy I loved for a very long time was mine best friend, although we don’t know each other in real life. He offered me a cigarette, but I refused. I know that in life he hates girls who smoke.

In the dream, I was driving with a friend’s brother in a car and I constantly had a cigarette in my hand that I was smoking, and so on several times, the action took place in winter, although it is now summer. And sometimes I dream during the week, but I don’t remember them anymore

I don’t remember the beginning, but the point is that my friend and I were in some room and there was a pack of cigarettes under the bed or under the sofa, we opened it, looked at it and took it for ourselves. Then a friend decided to take a cigarette from this pack and light it, then she offered it to me, but for some reason it didn’t light up for me and I threw it away! And then I woke up

In the dream, my parents left for their homeland. And suddenly someone comes in smoking a cigarette, leaves it on the table and leaves, I told him to take it with him, he said he would come back, and I took all the windows and closed them, throwing away the cigarette.

There are many different books that give varied interpretations of dreams about a cigarette. Some consider this a positive sign, while others consider it a negative sign. Let's figure out what cigarettes are for in dreams.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Interpretations from this dream book:

  • Seeing a cigarette is a surge of strength.
  • Smoking a cigarette means losing your health.
  • Get a cigarette - beware, you may be deceived.


IN Modern dream book There are the following interpretations:

  1. Eating sweet smoke means well-being. If you don't like the smell, beware of people who flatter you. They will try to harm your happiness.
  2. You were treated to cigarettes - beware of deception.
  3. Smoking means peace and a pleasant pastime.
  4. You get burned while smoking - this is a warning sign that you may be betrayed.
  5. See smoking man- a threat is approaching you that will change your views.
  6. Smoking with pleasure promises health complications.
  7. Quitting smoking means that in reality you will fight enemies, as well as defend your views on life.
  8. See in night vision smoking woman means that your friend or acquaintance is trying to commit suicide.
  9. Seeing smoke means difficulties in communicating with people will arise.

Miller's Interpreter

Why do you dream about a cigarette? Miller's dream book has several interpretations. If you see a lot of cigarette butts in your house, then know that this portends minor troubles.

If cigarette butts are in someone else's house, then the owner of this home will bring you trouble.

A dream in which you cannot light a cigarette means that there will be problems in communicating with the opposite sex.

If you are treated to a cigarette, then this is not a good sign. Such a dream warns a person about ill-wishers who want to ruin his life.

Freud's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a cigarette according to Sigmund Freud’s dream book?

The cigarette is a symbol of male genital organs, and the pack underneath is a symbol of female genitals.

If a man smokes a cigarette, he is happy with his intimate life. If a woman does this, it means that she prefers oral sex. If you give people a cigarette, it means you want to have group sex.

What does it mean if you saw an empty pack in a dream? This is a warning about sexually transmitted diseases.

Seeing a cigarette butt in a dream is a sign of concern about your manhood.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a cigarette according to Vanga’s dream book? Let's figure it out now. If you smoke in a dream, then know that such a vision promises serious illness. Moreover, it can lead to fatal outcome. But don’t be afraid, everything can be fixed.

In a dream you were buying tobacco products- you should be careful in the financial sector, there is a possibility of making an unsuccessful purchase.

Dream Interpretations of Maya and N. Grishina

Smoking in the Mayan interpreter means a quick meeting with a former lover.

N. Grishina's dream book interprets such a vision differently. What does it mean to smoke a cigar or cigarette? Such a vision is a harbinger of joy.

But burning your lips with tobacco products means treason in real life.


The general dream book gives the following interpretations:

  1. Smoking in a dream means big profits.
  2. You see someone smoking, one of your relatives is expecting a profit.
  3. Buying a pack of cigarettes in a dream - in reality, in any situation, everything will depend on you.
  4. But if you dreamed about how you sold tobacco products, then beware, luck may turn away from you.
  5. Did you dream that you received a cigarette as a gift? Get ready to get paid.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine II

Why do you dream about a cigarette? This interpreter gives the following interpretations:

  1. You see a lit cigarette in a dream - your impressions may be deceiving.
  2. You smoke - the path to success will be difficult.
  3. Keeping a cigarette in your mouth means problems with your teeth.
  4. If you burn your fingers or lips, you will soon suffer from betrayal.
  5. The cigarette goes out in your hands - you will relax in the company of old friends.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti and Eastern

The Italian dream book Meneghetti interprets the vision as follows:

  1. Smoking is joy, short-term pleasure or peace.
  2. If the action refers to a man, then this symbolizes calmness and wisdom in relation to any matter.

By Eastern dream book If you smoke, it means that all your affairs will soon be resolved successfully. That is, success awaits you in any endeavor.

Long-time interpreter and dream book of ancestors

What does it mean to smoke in a dream according to a long-time interpreter? This is a very bad sign. He promises you various diseases, troubles. But if you gave the cigarette you smoked to another person, then you will be able to cope with all the problems in reality.

In the dream book of our ancestors there are the following interpretations:

  1. Smoking in a dream is a symbol of authority in reality.
  2. If in a dream you blew smoke rings, then this promises you a promotion up the career ladder. Such a vision is a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

Recent and psychoanalytic interpreters

The first gives the following interpretation of smoking in a dream: such a vision promises diseases of the lungs, throat, larynx or trachea.

The psychoanalytic dream book interprets this differently. Smoking in night vision means feeling calm, being relaxed.

Dream book of the 21st century

IN this dream book There are also interpretations of visions about a cigarette. Let's look at them.

Smoking in night vision portends prosperity, a peaceful, carefree life. If in a dream you have a desire to smoke, then know that this is a sign of melancholy. It is possible that you have health problems.

If someone smokes in night vision, this means that you will find yourself in an environment where you will have to show your strength.

What does smoking a cigar mean in this dream book? Such a vision means joy and enjoyment of peace.

Buying cigars in a dream means that you will have to dramatically change your opinion about someone you know.

Dream interpretation of birthday people

What does smoking mean according to this interpreter? Such a vision promises that negotiations will be successful. Smoking in a dream means that you will acquire another bad habit. It is possible that you will develop a craving for alcohol. Therefore, watch what you do to avoid problems in the future.

Smoking in a dream and blowing smoke through the window means that in real life you lead a rather wild life and waste money. Come to your senses! It may be worth rethinking your values.

Smoking a cigarette means that you will commit some bad act in front of your friends.

If you buy tobacco products in night vision, then know that you may have some health problems.

Non-smoker smokes

What does it mean to smoke a cigarette in a dream? non-smoking girl? There are several interpretations of this vision. They sound like this:

  1. In reality you will be able to achieve what you want, you will be satisfied with your life.
  2. The desire to conquer young man who doesn't pay attention to you.
  3. Secret dissatisfaction with life.
  4. Frivolity warning.
  5. The desire for independence, the desire to get rid of guardianship.

But you should not attach special importance to such a dream if you are a smoker who is trying to quit bad habit. Most likely, such a dream is caused by the subconscious.

The meaning of the dream Cigarette according to O. Smurov’s dream book

Cigars and cigarettes in a dream are symbols of peace, well-being, and pleasure. The smoke and aroma of cigars can make you intoxicated in life. And therefore, if this happens in a dream, then pleasure, prosperity and meetings with pleasant people await you. But if in a dream you feel that the aroma of cigars is unpleasant to you or that you are choking on smoke or suffering from suffocation, then you should beware of flatterers, scoundrels and envious people who will try to harm your happiness. Cigarette butts in a dream symbolize minor chores, worries, thankless work for little money. If you dream that you saw a lot of cigarette butts in someone else's house, then this person will do a lot of bad things for you, bring you pain and suffering. Often such a dream indicates that through this person you can lose your fortune; If you dream that you were presented with cigars or treated to cigarettes, then beware of liars who want to deceive you. Smoking a cigar in a dream is a harbinger of peace and have a great time. If in a dream you burned your lips, tongue or fingers while smoking, then the dream warns you of danger or betrayal.

Cigarette in Vanga's dream book

Smoking a cigarette in a dream means a serious illness. Sometimes such a dream prophesies death through one’s own fault. Smoking a cigarette in a dream means a serious illness. If you dreamed that you were buying cigarettes, then soon you will make a not very successful purchase. Seeing a broken or smoked cigarette in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream suggests that in the future you will be influenced by bad people which will gradually deprive you of all your property and destroy your family life. If in a dream you make a cigarette with your own hands, then in reality your life is wasted because you are doing the wrong thing. It seemed to you that by taking the criminal path you would achieve everything in life, but, unfortunately, this did not happen. You failed to get what you wanted, on the contrary - you lost your health, peace of mind and happiness.

Interpretation of the dream Cigarette according to L. Morozova’s dream book

If you dreamed of a cigarette - to a well-fed and contented life; seeing someone smoking cigarettes in a dream means revitalizing friendships; lighting a cigarette yourself in a dream means material losses; receiving a cigarette in a dream - beware of deception from loved ones; getting burned with a cigarette in a dream - to adultery - for a family, for a non-family - to a quarrel with a friend; just holding a cigarette in your hand means toothache.

Dream Cigar in Hasse's dream book

Seeing a cigar is a dream of revival in business and life in general. Smoking - to loss physical health. For a woman, a dream in which she smoked a cigar means that she will do something unusual for herself. Smoking and at the same time blowing smoke into the faces of others means that you will show disrespect for some people, and in the end it will turn against you. Someone gave you a cigar - be careful, you may be deceived. To dream of buying cigars means that your level of material well-being will be high and will completely satisfy you.

Even a person who is an ardent opponent of smoking can dream of cigarettes.

Such a dream carries a certain meaning that can affect later life dreamer

Why do you dream about cigarettes? What does it mean to see them in your dream?

If you just saw them

In general, a dream about cigarettes symbolizes peace and enjoyment of life. If you dream that they are in a pack, it means that you are considered a welcome guest at many celebrations. And a cigarette lying lonely on the table reminds you that your inner world designed in such a way that only loneliness can calm you down.

  • A dream in which cigarettes get wet denotes internal contradictions.
  • Dreaming that they are scattered on the floor means worries.
  • A cigarette in the hands of a friend or girlfriend means you will soon be invited to visit.
  • Seeing them on display means making an unnecessary purchase.
  • Stepping on it means giving preference not to rest, but to work.

Cigarettes that someone else smokes dream of spending time in a company where they do not share your interests. The main problem is that you will have to adapt to other party participants, without expressing your opinion and constantly agreeing with others.

A dream where a person who does not suffer from this in reality has to smoke cigarettes bad habit, speaks of your ability to stand out from the crowd.

Your actions

According to the dream book, the cigarettes you smoke in a dream are good sign. For example, if such a vision comes to a girl, it means that she will soon meet good guy. It is possible that he will become her reliable companion for many years.

A dream in which cigarettes are in your pocket, but you are trying in every possible way to hide it, is a dream about participating in a risky business. If you are careful, you can avoid negative consequences. And indifference and negligent attitude towards fulfilling your duties can greatly harm you.

  • Smoking in a prohibited place means a reprimand at work.
  • Smoking in big company- have fun from the heart.
  • Inhaling someone else's smoke means depending on someone.
  • Smoking in bed means changes in your personal life.
  • Enjoying aromatic smoke is a new hobby.

Smoking several cigarettes at once means trying to please several people at once. This behavior is rarely beneficial.

After all, if you try to please many people, then your inner world is gradually destroyed. In this case, you risk losing yourself as a full-fledged person.

You dream of smoking cheap cigarettes when you want to save on your basic needs. According to the dream book, a cheap cigarette in a dream is a sign of your indifference to yourself. Do not forget that until you love your character, others will not respect you.

  • Smoking on the balcony is a distraction from work.
  • Blowing smoke rings means enjoying life.
  • Smoking while using alcoholic drinks- to a rash act.

If you dream that you had to smoke cigarette butts, then hard times will soon come in your life. If you take problems seriously, you will soon be able to neutralize them. And indifference and apathy will lead to even greater troubles.

What cigarettes mean in dreams often depends on other circumstances of the dream. This means that for a more specific explanation of such a dream, it is necessary to take into account all its details. Author: Vera Drobnaya