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Smoking and non-smoking girl. The harm of smoking cigarettes for women: have time to save yourself. Smoking and female beauty

A woman's body is more vulnerable to such destructive addictions as alcoholism and smoking. At the same time, in most civilized countries there are very disappointing statistics, noting the rapid growth of smokers among women of childbearing age.

The effect of smoking on female body colossal. In Russia alone, about a third of all heavy smokers are representatives of the fair sex. Further we'll talk about the consequences of addiction and methods of overcoming it.

The effect of smoking on the female body in facts and figures

Tobacco smoke not only weakens the immune system and poisons the entire body as a whole, but also has a most detrimental effect on the reproductive system. Literally every cigarette smoked during the three-year period before conceiving a child significantly increases the risk of miscarriage and various pathologies and abnormalities in fetal development. Smoking mothers often give birth to children who are lagging behind in mental and physiological development, which is expressed in mental retardation or underweight.

German scientists who studied the harm of smoking on a woman’s body were able to identify very disappointing statistics, according to which:

  • More than 40% of women who smoke suffer from infertility (among the non-smoking half of the female audience, such figures do not exceed 3%).
  • Almost 90% of miscarriages are associated with systematic poisoning of the body with nicotine and tobacco tar.
  • Premature babies are born mainly to women suffering from addiction to cigarettes.

For a woman who smokes half a pack a day, the chance of conceiving is reduced by exactly half. The fact is that the egg accumulates toxins and poisons that enter the body through tobacco smoke, which ultimately leads to the inability to conceive a child. In case of simultaneous use tobacco products against the background of the reception hormonal contraceptives there is a huge risk various complications affecting primarily the cardiovascular system.

Is smoking harmful for women? Many ladies clearly underestimate the risks of such addiction, which leads to periodontitis, pneumonia, acute myeloblastic leukemia, aneurysm abdominal aorta and other dangerous diseases

Expectant mothers who smoke even 1/4 pack a day or less during pregnancy expose the fetus to oxygen starvation, and due to vasoconstriction due to exposure to nicotine, red blood cells lose the ability to deliver oxygen to the placenta. Pregnant women who smoke half a pack of cigarettes per day or more increase the risk of placental abruption by up to 70%.

Smoking mothers often give birth to children with diseases caused by systematic poisoning of the body with tobacco smoke. Moreover, they appear already during the first year of a child’s life. The harm of smoking for women is not limited to problems with the cardiovascular and reproductive systems. In women suffering from an addiction, the likelihood of inflammation of the eye membrane and age-related degenerative damage to the retina increases three times.

The vessels regain their lost tone only 30–40 minutes after smoking a cigarette. If a woman smokes more often without observing this interval, the vessels become critically narrowed, their walls lose elasticity, and the cardiovascular system It literally works like crazy.

Important! According to statistics, children who from the very first years of life are forced to observe the harmful addiction of their mother or father to nicotine, try smoking already at the age of 6–8 years, imitating their parents.

How does smoking affect a woman’s appearance and health?

How does smoking affect a woman's appearance? First of all, chronic smokers have a hoarse voice with an unpleasant timbre. In addition, the absolute majority of women who cannot imagine their life without a cigarette experience the following metamorphoses:

  • The skin of the face and other parts of the body becomes dry and dull, bags and puffiness appear under the eyes, as well as wrinkles and other signs of aging.
  • The menstrual cycle is disrupted, and severe pain occurs in the ovarian area.
  • Reproductive ability is rapidly lost, which is reflected in the death of eggs and menopause, which develops prematurely.
  • Teeth and nail plates become yellow, losing their healthy hue. Nails lose strength and split.
  • Body weight is rapidly falling, but those who want to achieve slim figure At such a price, they expose their own body to unjustified risk.
  • Nicotine reduces production female hormone estrogen, which leads to a decrease in mental abilities.

A woman who is systematically exposed to the negative effects of combustion products of tobacco is persecuted: increased fatigue, headaches, irritability, sweating and depression vitality. Heavy smokers are susceptible to developing diseases such as: hypertrophy thyroid gland, myocardial infarction and inflammatory processes of organs responsible for reproductive function.

Nicotine interferes with the absorption process important vitamins and microelements, as well as collagen synthesis, which makes the skin wrinkled and pale. In organism smoking man There is a violation of the absorption of phosphorus and calcium, which leads to the destruction of tooth enamel.

Excess carbon monoxide provokes thrombosis and ischemic disease, which entail hemorrhage in the placenta and a number of others serious problems with gestation. Nicotine, in combination with carbon monoxide, binds hemoglobin and disrupts tissue respiration, which has an extremely negative effect on the functioning of all body systems without exception.

Bad breath brittle hair and nails, wrinkled skin, intense aging and exacerbation chronic illnesses- not far full list changes occurring in the body of a smoking woman

How to give up a bad habit

If a woman stops smoking before pregnancy, her chances of giving birth to healthy offspring will be much higher. Scientists have proven that the most favorable period for a woman, during which it is easier for her to give up her addiction is the time immediately after the end of the menstrual cycle, since the body at this moment is most resistant to withdrawal symptoms caused by stopping smoking.

First of all, a woman who has decided to give up a destructive addiction should get rid of psychological factor, influencing the formation of addiction on a subconscious level: for some, the first cigarette was associated with the desire to demonstrate to the outside world (including parents) their own independence, for others, on the contrary, the habit arose as a desire to get away from problems and offenders , surrounding himself with an impregnable curtain of acrid tobacco smoke.

Recognizing that smoking is harmful not only to unborn children, but also to health, as well as appearance, a woman should minimize the number of situations that make her nervous, relax more and spend time with non-smoking friends fresh air or visit entertainment venues such as theaters, cinemas and bowling clubs.

During the refusal nicotine addiction the body is actively recovering, and taste buds are sharpening. Therefore, during the period of getting rid of bad habit it is recommended to adhere to healthy eating, saturated fresh fruit, vegetables and natural juices.

The dangers of smoking for women today are the most hot topic. If you believe the statistics, then recently the female population with tobacco addiction has been several times higher than the male population. That is why it is worth paying attention Special attention harmful effects cigarette smoke on women's health.

The harm of smoking on a woman's body

The female body, unlike the male body, has a higher resistance to tobacco smoke. However, you should not think that the harm from smoking cigarettes bypasses women. Women who smoke also suffer from the effects of poisonous and toxic substances contained in tobacco smoke. For example: the risk of developing various types cancer of the lungs, oral cavity, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, pancreas, kidneys and Bladder, and respiratory diseases. But I would like to pay special attention to the harmful effects of smoking on the skin and reproductive function of a woman’s body.

Smoking and female beauty

Female attractiveness and beauty are absolutely incompatible with the concept of smoking. Representatives of the fair sex who are unfamiliar with smoking look fresher and younger than their smoking peers. This fact is explained very simply: due to nicotine addiction, the potential cell division contracts, and the skin begins to suffer from chronic oxygen starvation. As a result, we get premature aging of the skin and wear and tear of all vital functions of the body.

It is worth highlighting the main consequences of smoking for female beauty, such as:

  • “Tissue skin” effect. Cigarette smoke blocks the production of natural proteins skin- elastin and collagen, and as a result, the skin acquires a yellowish-gray tint, looks tired and unkempt.
  • The appearance of premature wrinkles. Due to chronic oxygen starvation the skin on the face becomes deformed and early wrinkles.
  • Acne and pimples. Cigarette smoke inhaled by a smoker blocks pores, preventing normal sweating and oxygen saturation of the facial skin. Pores become clogged, inflammation and blackheads appear.
  • Explicit capillary mesh. In medicine, this phenomenon is called rosacea. Toxic substances contained in cigarettes weaken the walls blood vessels, making them thinner and more vulnerable. This leads to blood stagnation and the formation of capillary networks on the surface of the skin.
  • Yellowness of teeth. Yellow teeth- most a clear sign smoking, excluding bad smell from mouth. But this is just the surface of the iceberg. Women who actively smoke are more likely to develop gum disease and have a half-increasing chance of tooth loss.
  • Hair loss. Since smoking causes premature aging of the body, this cannot but affect your hair. Beautiful Thick hair They thin out faster, become thinner and more brittle, and also lose their shine and beauty. Scientists have noticed that a woman who smokes goes gray 5-6 years earlier.
  • Age dark spots. Such spots appear with age in almost every person. But if you compare with non-smokers, then in smokers they are more pronounced and appear in greater quantities.

Smoking and female fertility

Women who smoke most often experience irregularities in the menstrual cycle and early onset of menopause. Toxic and toxic substances contained in cigarettes accumulate in the egg and reduce the possibility successful conception child, and also reduce the duration of childbearing age.

Since tobacco negatively affects the functioning of the body’s cardiovascular system, a woman who smokes should stop taking oral contraceptives and hormonal contraceptive pills.

Harm of smoking during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women who smoke increase the chance of miscarriage and open bleeding. Tobacco also negatively affects fetal development. A woman can give birth to a child with serious pathologies at work internal organs, and nervous system. Research has shown that smoking women are five times more likely than non-smokers to have a stillbirth.

A nursing mother should under no circumstances use tobacco products, since the child receives all the toxic substances from cigarettes along with milk. It is also worth protecting yourself from so-called passive smoking.

It's worth thinking about what proper upbringing the younger generation can be given by a mother who herself suffers from addictions. At the psychological and genetic level, a child can adopt the habits of his parents.

Before starting to smoke, every woman should ask herself main question: “Do I want to have normal and healthy children?” After all, what could be worse than a diagnosis of “infertility” for a woman who passionately desires to give birth.

That's right, today's article will talk about girls, cigarettes and smoking. I think you could have repeatedly seen a girl with a cigarette in her mouth on the street or in a club. Some are against this, because girls are expectant mothers, but there are also those who approve of girls smoking. IN modern society the opinion has developed that a girl who smokes achieves everything more easily by attracting attention to herself.

Today, young girls want to look liberated and independent. Many of them believe that smoking cigarettes is a fashionable addition to their modern image. Not everyone has enough common sense and elementary medical knowledge to understand the harm they cause to their health by picking up a cigarette.

They have no idea that in a few years only memories will remain of their beauty.

Just five cigarettes a day are enough, and the smoker’s skin, due to constant oxygen deprivation, will become gray and dull, and circles under the eyes will appear much faster than those of non-smoking girlfriends. Hair will become dull, teeth will turn yellow, and nails will begin to break off and peel. All of the above concerns only female beauty, needless to say about the risks of being left without children.

Smoking and pregnancy

According to statistics, women who smoke about ten cigarettes a day are twice as likely to remain infertile as non-smokers. The egg contains everything harmful substances, which tobacco smoke introduces into the body, the ability to fertilize is lost.

There is nothing scarier than a woman trying to kill her child. But this is exactly what all pregnant women who smoke do. Fortunately, most pregnant ladies try to give up this bad habit while carrying a child. But almost always the child manages to receive a dose of poison, because not everyone succeeds in quitting smoking, even temporarily.

Why do girls smoke

First of all, it must be said that the reasons for the development of smoking addiction in absolutely everyone who smokes, whether boys or girls, are hidden in the upbringing and environment of such a person in childhood. Influence environment and lack of education are the main factors in a teenager's decision to start smoking.

If the mother smokes, the daughter will also start smoking, because children tend to imitate adults. Girls follow fashion in everything, and the media today impose on society the idea that young people, especially girls, look more attractive with a cigarette in their mouth. In the same glosses and different fashion magazines they print photos of celebrities with cigarettes, and the child, seeing this and not realizing that it is harmful, tries to imitate his idols.

To assert oneself through good education and high intelligence, you need to study for a long time and read a lot. It’s not a fact that you will be noticed in society even after this. It’s much easier to pick up a cigarette, slowly bring it to the lighter, showing off your impeccable manicure at the same time, and blow a ring of smoke from your brightly painted lips.

All these gestures attract the attention of men, and it is beneficial for girls to consider smoking as a norm of behavior. Alas, the thought that this is the beginning of a chain, the first link of which is a cigarette, and the last link is lung cancer and the collapse of all hopes, does not flash in their minds.

It's no secret that smoking has become a part of our everyday life. Scientists express the opinion that this bad habit has become one of the types of social behavior of people.

How to try to stop a girl from smoking

I can’t say that at least one of these tips will help your loved one leave this bad habit, and yet, if you care about your girlfriend, I’m sure you will try to do everything possible and impossible for this.

If the habit of smoking has become a necessity for a girl, it will not be possible to forcibly wean her off it. Any pressure leads to confrontation. First of all, you need to show patience and care. It is advisable to develop an action plan. Let your girlfriend, daughter or granddaughter know that her smoking habit is making you suffer.

If a girl really loves you, sooner or later she will think about how to solve this problem. To help her quickly understand the detrimental effect smoking has on her health, try to discreetly give her specialized literature to read, and unobtrusively give examples. negative impact bad habit.

If a girl who smokes cannot realize that with her habit she creates discomfort for the people who surround her and who love her, she will have to resort to another method, a more radical one.

I warn you right away that after using it there may be Negative consequences. And the method itself is to give an ultimatum - either smoking, or something that the girl incredibly values: love for you, favorite food, business, person, restriction of freedom, etc. And the negative consequences lie in the fact that there is a possibility that something from the list given earlier will prevail. Therefore, you need to be very careful with this method.

A girl can quit smoking only when she realizes that she needs it. No matter how many books by Alan Carr she read, no matter how much advice she listened to, everything will be useless until she herself wants it.

When a girl agrees to give up her smoking habit, help her with your advice. It is important! You must always be on hand and, in case of “danger,” stop the hand reaching for a cigarette.

You should not quit smoking immediately, but gradually, during this period you should drink more water, and also do breathing exercises every day.

Be that as it may, remember: when a girl smokes, she gradually kills not only herself, but also all those children she could give birth to. Smoking is a harmful habit, and you should get rid of it if only in order to raise healthy and happy children.

Addiction to tobacco products negatively affects the health of every person. However, the harm of smoking for women, as evidenced by the results of numerous studies, is much more significant than for men. The female body, unlike the male body, is more susceptible to tobacco. Thus, the risk of developing diseases in female smokers is several times higher than in non-smokers.

The effect of cigarettes on appearance

Women who want to look good need to adhere to healthy image life. Beauty and smoking are incompatible, so you should forget about tobacco. Representatives of the fair sex who do not smoke look younger and more attractive than their peers who are familiar with cigarettes firsthand. Nicotine is bad for the skin, causing it to lack oxygen. That is why she ages before her time. The main consequences of smoking:

  1. The skin withers and appears unkempt because natural proteins, elastin and collagen cease to be produced. The cover gradually acquires a yellowish-gray tint.
  2. Early wrinkles appear. Chronic oxygen starvation takes its toll, leading to deformation of the facial skin.
  3. Appear acne, acne. The pores become clogged with toxic substances from the smoke inhaled by the smoker. As a result, the process of sweating and saturation of the facial skin with oxygen is disrupted.
  4. A capillary network is visible on the skin. The phenomenon occurs as a result of the action of toxic substances contained in tobacco. The walls of blood vessels weaken, become thinner and more vulnerable, which leads to blood stagnation.
  5. Pigment spots appear. Such spots appear with age in almost every person. But in smokers they are more pronounced and appear in greater quantities.
  6. Teeth turn yellow, bad smell from mouth. Heavy smokers may have gums that become inflamed and their teeth begin to decay.
  7. Hair loses its natural shine and beauty and begins to fall out. Early gray hair appears.

Effect of tobacco on organs

  1. Digestive system. Toxic substances contained in cigarette smoke, along with saliva, enter the stomach, causing immobilization. nerve endings this organ. Nicotine irritates the gastric mucosa, causing the development inflammatory processes. Metabolism is disrupted, resulting in possible weight loss. Many women are happy about this effect, but it has nothing to do with healthy weight loss.
  2. Respiratory system. Intoxication occurs faster in women than in men, since metabolic processes in their bodies are more active. The harm caused by nicotine is more obvious.
  3. The cardiovascular system. Smoking tobacco leads to increased blood pressure and weakening of the heart muscle. There is a risk of developing heart disease.
  4. Nervous system. It has been established that smoking has a more negative impact than stress. At the same time, the activity nerve cells recovers with great difficulty.

It must be added to this that smokers may experience oncological diseases. Moreover, with each cigarette smoked, the risk of developing them increases significantly. Cancer can affect many organs. It poses a particular danger to the oral cavity, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, pancreas, lungs, kidneys, and bladder.

Effects of tobacco on fertility

Smoking 10 cigarettes a day by a woman increases the risk of remaining infertile by 2 times. The harm of smoking for women is that toxic substances concentrated in tobacco smoke gradually accumulate in the egg. The ability of the female body to fertilize is significantly reduced. Over time, as a result of exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, the eggs die.

It is no less dangerous for a smoking woman if, in order to avoid unwanted pregnancy, accepts hormonal pills. The risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Even heart attacks cannot be ruled out. That is why medical workers Such drugs are not recommended for patients who smoke. Smokers may experience both lack of menstruation and irregular menstrual cycles. Women who smoke may experience unusual symptoms much more often. vaginal discharge. Bleeding is also possible. Natural menopause occurs early in them, which is due to the toxic effect of cigarette smoke on the ovaries.

Science has proven that the chances of giving birth healthy child incomparably higher in non-smoking women. Those who smoke may have miscarriages. Oxygen starvation leads to fetal death. Red blood cells are unable to deliver oxygen to the placenta due to the fact that the walls of the blood vessels narrow under the influence of nicotine. Women who smoke can give birth to a stillborn child, which, according to statistics, happens 5 times more often than non-smokers.

But even the fact that if a woman who does not deny herself the pleasure of taking a puff of tobacco smoke gives birth to a seemingly healthy child does not mean that he will not have problems in the future. First of all, they will be associated with metabolic disorders. As a result, the child may develop worse than his peers, this will be due to the effect of smoking on the woman’s body. This may result in slower growth.

In order to prevent the negative effects of nicotine on the body of the unborn child, a woman must realize that it is harmful and quit smoking even before conception. Doctors strongly recommend parting with bad habit in advance.

There are hardly people in the world who have not heard about the dangers of smoking. Hundreds of books have been written and dozens of films have been made about the consequences of inhaling tobacco smoke. However, each of us sees men and women smoking on the street every day. If the history of men's smoking goes back hundreds of years, then women's tobacco companies They came into use quite recently - in the middle of the 20th century. Why this happened and why smoking is harmful for women, we will look into this article.

Non-smokers often consider smoking to be weak and stupid. “How can you smoke if there is so much information about the dangers of smoking?” - they reason. But thinking like that is a big mistake. Smoking for both girls and men is not a whim or a stupid hobby, it is a drug addiction.

It starts with simple desires: to relax, get rid of stress, make an impression, appear more mature, take on a challenge, and so on. Tobacco companies went to great lengths to make cigarettes attractive to girls. They created the myth that smoking has a lot of positive effects (in particular, it helps control weight and fight stress). But the main achievement was the image of a strong and independent woman with a cigarette, to which sexuality was later added.

If a woman smokes, she does not want to harm herself. It is obvious. On the contrary, she wants to be attractive, spectacular, independent and bright. It all starts with the harmless first puffs, when even thoughts about the dangers of smoking do not arise, but gradually nicotine has a negative effect on the woman’s body, causing addiction, which cannot be gotten rid of at first glance.

The situation with women's smoking

The problem, let's not be afraid of this word, is catastrophic. At the beginning of the 20th century, if a woman smoked, it was an extraordinary phenomenon. Today, 23% of women in the world smoke, while 21% of them are at an age when the harm of smoking is especially dangerous - from 18 to 44 years.

Tobacco companies are developing special women's cigarettes, make them visually attractive, elegant and thin, add various aromatic additives that soften the burning sensation in the throat and reduce bad smell. They often target young girls by creating playful and colorful images on cigarette packs. And young women, for whom smoking is more harmful than older ones, easily fall into the trap.

Why is smoking harmful for women?

Tobacco smoke has an extremely negative effect on a woman’s body. We will describe only the main consequences caused by smoking cigarettes.

Lung cancer

Smoking is dangerous for both women and men, and primarily damages the lungs. Among the 7,000 chemical compounds contained in tobacco smoke, 400 - strong poisons, and 70 are active carcinogens, that is, substances causing cancer. The good news is that of all types lung cancer only 15% are fatal, but the bad news is that they are all a consequence of smoking.

If a woman smokes, she may develop different shapes cancer (breast, cervix), but most often die from lung cancer. You also need to know that when cancer is detected, doctors immediately recommend starting a course of chemotherapy - an unpleasant treatment that has many side effects. This is due to the fact that cancer from the lung quickly spreads to other vital important organs, including liver, bones, brain.

And the worst news is for women who are not fully aware of the dangers of smoking: medical statistics, 5 years after the discovery of lung cancer, only 6% of women remain alive.

Cancer of the breast, cervix and vulva

The harm of smoking for women is not limited to lung cancer. Tobacco smoke causes other types of this as well. dangerous disease. The fact is that the woman’s body begins to actively remove toxic substances, as a result of which internal resources are no longer enough to produce hormones necessary for normal functioning. Medical research show that smokers increase their risk of developing breast cancer by 25%, vulvar cancer by 40%, and cervical cancer by 75%!

Cardiovascular diseases

Tobacco smoke affects this important system a woman's body, like the heart and blood vessels. Thus, smokers have a 3-fold increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases compared to non-smokers. At the same time, women high blood pressure, heart attacks and strokes begin to “pursue” earlier than men.

The reason is that smoking cigarettes causes increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. At the same time, it also has destructive effect on the vessels. This causes the cardiovascular system to wear out much faster than that of non-smokers. Another important factor- is the presence in cigarette smoke carbon monoxide. If a woman smokes, each of her organs finds herself in a situation of constant oxygen starvation, and this is dangerous, especially for the brain and heart.

This disease, which manifests itself as weakness and brittle bones, is caused by a lack of calcium in the body. It can also be added to the list of consequences of smoking, because it is tobacco smoke that interferes with the absorption of calcium. In women who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, the density bone tissue 10% lower than non-smokers.

Skin, teeth, gums

Women give their appearance much more higher value than men, because for them smoking, so to speak, is more harmful. It leads to premature aging skin, and therefore the appearance of wrinkles. The cause is a constant lack of oxygen in the blood caused by the presence of carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke. Also, we must not forget about plaque on the teeth, inflammation of the gums and bad breath.

If almost all the diseases described are true for men, then there is a specific effect on the female body. We're talking, of course, about reproductive system. It may come as a surprise to many women that the harm caused by smoking delays menopause by 4-5 years. At the same time menstrual cycle may become unstable because the poisons contained in tobacco smoke negatively affect the ovaries and the process of hormone production.

But greatest harm for a woman is that she may become infertile. This manifests itself not only in the inability to become pregnant, but also in the inability to preserve the embryo in the first few weeks. If pregnancy does not become a reason for a woman to give up a “bad habit,” then smoking will bring great harm to the future child. Possible slow development of the fetus, decreased weight of the newborn, and in difficult cases premature birth and even a miscarriage.

So why do women smoke?

After reading about all these terrible diseases, you involuntarily ask the question: “Do women who smoke really not know about the dangers of smoking for their bodies?” Some people really don't know, but most, judging by those who come to the Allen Carr Center, do. And very good. Many people are ashamed of this, but they can’t do anything because the addiction is too strong. It cannot be overcome with pills, patches or acupuncture. You need to understand its essence!

That's what we do at the Allen Carr Center. Just one day and you can calmly, without straining your willpower, quit smoking!

Take a walk and in a minute you will find out whether it will be easy for you to quit smoking.

about the author

Alexander Fomin, Trainer-therapist at the Allen Carr Center in Russia

Alexander Fomin, ex-smoker with 18 years of experience, organized the Russian representative office of the Allen Carr Center “An Easy Way to Quit Smoking.” The first licensed specialist and chief consultant of the Allen Carr Center in the Russian Federation. Helped several thousand of our compatriots quit smoking once and for all! He has 10 years of experience using a brilliant method that has helped millions of people around the world. He took part in editing and voicing books in the “Easy Way” series from the Dobraya Kniga publishing house. Author of numerous articles on the topic of quitting smoking, regular expert on radio and TV programs, author of the book “Myths and modern methods quit smoking."