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Redness inside the navel in a child. Fashion Tips - women's online magazine. Treatment of the other two forms

Through the navel baby for a long time contacts his mother. During childbirth, the umbilical cord is cut and tied. That is, in fact, the navel is the first wound on the body of the baby. And until complete healing, it remains perhaps the most easily vulnerable spot on the body. Therefore, in principle, the red navel in a child is a normal phenomenon, which does not pose a health hazard. But finding some concomitant symptoms, it is better to show the kid to the pediatrician.

Why does the child have a red navel?

The main cause of redness is the ingress of harmful microorganisms into the navel. This results in inflammation. In the recess - at the bottom of the navel - even after complete healing, favorable conditions for the life of infectious agents. And in the first days of life, the immune system does not even try to provide any resistance.

Severe redness of the navel inside the child, accompanied by swelling, swelling and hyperthermia, is called omphalitis. It's spicy bacterial inflammation requiring professional treatment.

In older children, the navel may turn red due to mechanical injuries and minor injuries. Children exploring the world and features own body, fingers in the navel run quite often. One awkward or too abrupt movement, and inflammation is guaranteed.

Another reason why a newborn may have a red navel is. Absolutely any factors can cause a reaction.

Sometimes delicate skin turns red even as a result of excessive straining.

Prevention of redness of the navel in a one-year-old child

So that inflammation does not develop in the navel, it is enough for parents to follow a few simple rules:

  1. After bathing, the navel must be thoroughly dried.
  2. During breastfeeding do not eat foods that can cause allergies.
  3. It is recommended to wash children's things only with special powders.
  4. children should be circumcised in a timely manner.

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A woman who first became a mother, the epithet "first", regarding a newborn, utters very often. The first cry, the first feeding, the first smile, the first wound or injury. The latter seem inevitable for such a crumb: everything is so small, tender, looking vulnerable. The anterior fontanel and navel cause the greatest anxiety in this regard: what if the first one does not close or the second one unties?

And for the newborn himself, during his mother's experiences for several months (up to a year) after birth, it is more important that they are properly cared for and protected. And if there are no special rules for the fontanel (the main thing is not to rub it with a towel after bathing, but to get wet), then for the umbilical wound the following are mandatory:

  1. timely change of the absorber (absorbent pad, diaper, diaper);
  2. treatment of the navel and the skin around it with a cotton swab previously moistened with a disinfectant liquid (for example, hydrogen peroxide) during the change of the absorber;
  3. make sure that the edge of the absorber does not touch or cover the wound.

Until the moment the umbilical cord falls off on its own, it is impossible to bathe the child. Air baths, which help the umbilical wound to dry out, the best prevention possible complications.

Why does the baby's navel turn red?

An unequivocal answer to the question "why?" No. No matter what measures are taken, in whatever sterile conditions the baby is kept, bacteria will always be present on his skin: there are a lot of them in the air, on the mother’s body and on the objects used. An open umbilical wound is the easiest place for them to enter the body of a newborn. Therefore, if this happens, an inflammatory process called special inflammation will begin to develop inside the navel. medical term"omphalitis".

The danger of omphalitis lies in the fact that from the focus of infection, the infection can end up in the blood, which means in any other place.

The first symptom of incipient inflammation is a red navel in a child. It may be accompanied by such phenomena as:

  • local swelling and a significant increase in skin temperature in the navel;
  • distinctly felt pulsation of blood (ibid.);
  • the acquisition of a navel of a bright red color.

When these symptoms appear, it is necessary, while maintaining self-control, to turn to pediatrician. Lost time is fraught with complications and prolonged treatment(up to several months).

A slight change in skin color, which is observed in most newborns after the cord falls off, is not considered a pathology! Proper care ensures the disappearance of redness within a few days.

A red navel in a child can also occur due to a violation of hygiene rules. Rubbing against the diaper can also lead to irritation and redness. Very rough (in comparison with the epithelium of the umbilical wound), its edge has on the most delicate skin action similar to abrasive.

What can be done to prevent infection?

Red navel in a child

Most of the difficulties and questions arise in young mothers precisely when caring for the navel of a newborn. Why did the umbilical wound turn red and is it dangerous? Can the belly button untie? How to care for the umbilical wound of a newborn? Indeed, these questions are quite important, so let's try to understand some of them.

At the time of the birth of the baby, the umbilical cord, with which he was connected to the mother in the womb, is carefully cut and tied up. All! The baby begins an independent, independent of nutrients mother, life. The umbilical cord dries up and after a while turns into the well-known navel. But in order for the wound to heal properly and infection does not get into it, the umbilical ring must be carefully looked after.

Why did the belly button turn red?

Like any open wound, the navel of a newborn baby is a real "gateway" for any infection. After all, bacteria live everywhere around us: in the air, water, on human skin. And, if the wound is not systematically disinfected, sooner or later they will get into it. pathogenic bacteria, which circulatory system spread throughout the body, affecting all systems and organs. Such infection through umbilical wound called omphalitis.

But immediately after cutting the umbilical cord, the umbilical wound will in any case turn red and become a little swollen. This means that the body has turned on defensive reaction aimed at wound healing. It is necessary to distinguish between normal redness of the umbilical wound and infectious. If an inflammatory process has begun in the navel, the wound will become bright red, the temperature will rise in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdomen, and if you put your finger on healthy skin near the wound - you will feel a rather strong pulsation.

Also, the umbilical wound can turn red from uncomfortable diapers and sliders that rub the skin. Therefore, make sure that the folds of diapers or elastic bands of sliders do not fall on the umbilical wound.

When to start worrying about a reddened belly button?

If the skin around the umbilical wound is only slightly swollen and swollen, especially if 1-2 days have passed after the birth of the child, there is no cause for concern. But if the redness is quite strong, and besides this, it comes from the wound bad smell, appeared purulent discharge- this is an occasion to urgently show the baby to the pediatrician. Most likely, an infection has got into the cord, and the disease needs to be urgently treated.

As a rule, the specialist will prescribe an antibiotic ointment or gel for treatment (penicillin, which is the most harmless to the newborn), but can be prescribed in parallel and intramuscular injections if the infection was strong enough. Be sure to follow all doctor's recommendations and rules general hygiene so that the inflammatory process stops as quickly as possible, and the infection does not penetrate further into the tissues. Systematically clean the wound from pus and disinfect it with hydrogen peroxide. Use only sterile dressings and try not to get folds or seams of clothing on the wound.

It is also imperative to show the newborn to the doctor if bleeding has begun in the area of ​​​​the umbilical wound and does not stop for more than five minutes, although short-term bleeding is natural reaction body to injury, and there is no cause for concern.

How to care for an umbilical wound?

The umbilical wound is now the most weakness your child. Therefore, the overall health of the newborn depends on how carefully you take care of the navel. Here are a few simple rules that must be followed to avoid complications:

  • do not bathe the baby until the umbilical cord falls off on its own. There are many bacteria in the water that are not in the air, so bathing early can lead to a serious infection.
  • if water accidentally gets on the wound, immediately treat the surface with hydrogen peroxide and cover with a sterile napkin or a cut of a sterile bandage.
  • until the wound has dried up, give the newborn air baths as often as possible. Do not cover the wound with diapers or sliders. Most Better conditions for wound healing - "in the air", in addition, under the clothes the air is always humid and hot, which is an ideal environment for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.
  • all clothes baby should be made of soft cotton that allows air to pass freely. When the wound comes into contact with natural tissues, there will be no irritation or other undesirable consequences.
  • systematically disinfect the umbilical wound with hydrogen peroxide or ordinary brilliant green until completely healed. This must be done after changing the diaper and after each bath (wiping the baby clean water). Medical alcohol also suitable, but if it causes irritation on the baby's skin, it is better to refuse alcohol.
  • add a little potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) to the water for bathing the baby, this will protect the navel from infection in the water.
  • at the first suspicion that an infection has got into the umbilical wound, urgently contact the children's clinic.

Immediately after the birth of the child, the connecting thread between the baby and the mother is interrupted by cutting. The resulting wound is the most vulnerable place on the body of the crumbs. Most parents are afraid to even touch the so-called clothespin, which compresses the open end of the navel. You need to treat such a wound with caution, do not disturb it unnecessarily, but how then to monitor the hygiene of the baby? How to do without this procedure is simply impossible. Parents are obliged to prepare for the appearance of the child and know everything about this issue, so as not to harm their baby.

What is an umbilical cord?

Being in the womb, the child is inextricably linked with the mother thanks to the umbilical cord, inside which there are large blood vessels. After the baby is born, the umbilical cord is clamped with a special clothespin a couple of centimeters from the umbilical ring and cut. This leaves the baby with a small piece of the umbilical cord.

Parents often ask the question: "How long does the navel heal?" It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer, because the body of each of the children is individual and the healing process too. After about 4-14 days, the umbilical residue dries up and falls off by itself, without causing pain at the baby.

Why treat the navel?

Before the rest of the umbilical cord falls off, it oozes and bleeds for a while. During this period, you need to treat the navel daily, otherwise an infection may enter the body of the crumbs. If the child's navel turns red, then most likely the infection has already occurred. In this case, you need to urgently go to the maternity hospital or hospital to receive medical care, since inflammation can provoke the development of sepsis.

Sometimes doctors decide to remove the rest of the umbilical cord on their own. To do this, on the second day after the birth of the baby, with the help of a scalpel or special scissors, the remainder is cut off, and the residue is applied in its place. sterile dressing. After a day, the bandage is removed and the wound is provided with appropriate care.

How to care for the umbilical cord?

In the first hours after childbirth, a nurse takes care of the baby's navel, she must teach the young mother to independently carry out this procedure. In the maternity hospital, they are obliged to warn the woman in labor that it is strictly forbidden to twist the clothespin, trying to tear it off along with the process. Although nerve endings not in the umbilical cord, but it has blood vessels, so you can not break natural process drying of the process, otherwise bleeding may open.

How to handle the navel with a clothespin in a newborn?

To begin with, you should wash your hands with soap and treat the umbilical ring itself with an antiseptic. The clothespin can and should be lifted to process the umbilical residue from all sides. The past generation does not know how to treat the navel, this is due to the fact that before the natural drying and falling off of the umbilical residue, mothers were not discharged from the hospital. At the present time, women in labor are often discharged on the third day after the birth of the baby, and they are responsible for further care of the navel.

How to care for an umbilical wound?

After the umbilical residue falls off, a wound forms, and then the most important stage in caring for the baby's navel begins. special rules how to care for the umbilical wound after the clothespin falls off, no, the main thing is regular treatment with sterile products and materials. The process itself occurs through the following steps:

  1. Treatment of the umbilical wound with hydrogen peroxide. Can be used cotton buds, but it is better to drop a couple of drops of the solution onto the wound with a pipette. Normal reaction- formation of foam, this should occur during each procedure until the wound heals.
  2. Crusts form inside the umbilical wound, which should be soaked from peroxide and easily separated from the skin. After that, using cotton swabs, you need to gently clean the navel. Remember that forcibly breaking off dried crusts is prohibited, otherwise bleeding may open.
  3. Next, you need to dry the wound with a sterile napkin or cotton pad so that no moisture remains in the navel.
  4. The procedure should be completed by treating the umbilical ring with an antiseptic. At the same time, it is important to push the edges of the navel so that everything inner walls process the wounds with the same quality.

The older generation can mislead young parents, because previously they used brilliant green, iodine or a solution of potassium permanganate to treat the navel. Now such funds are not used because of their coloring properties. After all, if a child has a red navel or inflammation has begun, then the rich color of brilliant green or iodine will not allow you to see anything.

Inflamed navel

the most serious and dangerous reason red navel in a child is omphalitis, that is, inflammation of the umbilical wound, ring and all surrounding tissues. How to determine availability this process? With omphalitis, you can notice a red spot around the navel, swelling and fever in the child. If inflammation is not noticed in time, then after a couple of days you can find purulent discharge from the umbilical wound.

Given bacterial disease causes discomfort to the child, affects his state of health and general well-being. The baby can become restless, moody, lethargic, he will also have bad dream and he will stop gaining weight. But main danger disease lies in the entry of bacteria into the blood, which will lead to the spread of infection. Omphalitis progresses in the first days after the birth of the baby, but the child's red navel may appear after some time.

When the baby grows up a little and begins to enthusiastically study his body, feeling with his hands, it becomes likely that he will get to the navel. Picking can cause a red navel in an older child (6-10 months). Therefore, it is important to observe the behavior of the infant. Constant wearing clothes will not allow the baby to play with the navel.

Allergic reaction

Another cause of a red navel in a child can be allergic reaction. Redness may indicate that something new to the diet of the baby or mother (if the child eats breast milk) the product is not suitable for the baby and should be excluded for a while. Also similar reaction may cause washing powder, baby cosmetics or new diapers. Any mechanical irritation, rubbing, diaper rash, close contact with synthetic or chemicals can cause redness and swelling in the abdomen. After a strong straining, intense rubbing of the navel or hysterical crying of the child, it may be found that the navel inside is red, because the skin in this place is very tender.

How to eliminate redness?

With severe redness, you need to be examined by a dermatologist, you can also seek advice from your local pediatrician. How to prevent inflammation? You just need to do following rules:

  • Be sure to wipe the navel dry after any contact with moisture, avoiding the accumulation of liquid.
  • In the first weeks of a baby's life, you can not tightly close the umbilical wound with a band-aid or diaper - it must dry.
  • It is necessary to arrange air baths for the baby as often as possible so that the wound dries as quickly as possible.
  • Trim your child's nails regularly to keep germs from accumulating underneath.
  • Baby underwear should be made from natural fabrics.
  • Do not wash baby clothes with synthetic washing powder.
  • At the first sign of souring of the wound, treat it with peroxide and wipe it dry with a sterile swab.
  • Eat foods that provoke an allergic reaction with caution.

Emergence inflammatory process skin in the navel can be not only in newborns, but also in older children.

  • One of the reasons why a child may have omphalitis is congenital anatomical features structures of the umbilicus.
  • The umbilical canal may be narrow or retracted, which increases the risk of accumulation of dead skin cells and sebaceous glands.
  • Damage to the navel in a child can also lead to the development of omphalitis. When an injury occurs, infection can occur and the inflammatory process begins.
  • If a wound that has arisen in the umbilical canal does not occur proper care, omphalitis occurs.
  • The development of the disease is especially likely in children with reduced immunity. With reduced work efficiency immune system, the body can not cope with the development of infection. In these children, the likelihood of complications is significantly increased.


It is easy to determine the inflammatory process in a child on the skin in the navel area. Signs of omphalitis vary depending on the form of the disease.

  • With purulent omphalitis, purulent masses form in the umbilical canal, as well as swelling and redness of the skin around the navel.
  • Anterior vein dilation occurs abdominal wall, which is clearly visible.
  • The child may be naughty, anxious, sleep poorly, his appetite decreases.
  • With the rapid development purulent omphalitis the navel begins to bulge above the surface of the skin.
  • If the baby has a weeping form of omphalitis, instead of pus, a liquid appears in the umbilical canal.
  • If the liquid dries up, crusts form on the navel.
  • With weeping omphalitis, the child may feel good, but this form of the disease provokes the spread of the inflammatory process to neighboring areas of the skin.

Diagnosis of omphalitis in a child

  • A doctor can diagnose the inflammatory process of the umbilical canal with initial examination. The child must be shown to the pediatrician and surgeon.
  • To identify the pathogen infectious disease, it is necessary to pass a sample of discharge for bacteriological culture.
  • Tank culture helps to determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibacterial drugs.
  • The child may be scheduled for ultrasound to prevent complications in the form of abscesses or phlegmon abdominal cavity.
  • Abdominal radiography can also be performed to identify complications of omphalitis in a child.
  • For determining general condition the child's body is assigned general analysis blood and urine.


The occurrence of complications of the disease in children is rare. At timely diagnosis and correctly prescribed treatment, there are no consequences and complications after omphalitis. But what is the danger of the disease, in case of complications? There is a possibility of developing pathologies various bodies and systems.

  • Possible development of an inflammatory process lymph nodes called lymphangitis.
  • Emergence purulent process in soft and bone tissue and also in the bone marrow.
  • The development of phlebitis - inflammation of the veins.
  • The beginning of the inflammatory process in the intestinal mucosa or enterocolitis.
  • development of sepsis. Sepsis is a blood poisoning that can be fatal.
  • The onset of inflammation in the arteries called arthritis.
  • Inflammatory process in the abdominal wall.

Therefore, the child may be hospitalized to prevent the development of complications.


What can you do

  • If the disease proceeds without complications, the child is treated at home.
  • It is impossible to determine the treatment on your own: you need to show the baby to the doctor and follow the medical recommendations.
  • With a simple form of omphalitis, treatment occurs by treating the navel with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, after which alcohol or water solution antiseptic.
  • Parents should treat the resulting wound in a timely manner, at least 3 times a day.
  • Moms and dads should use clean cotton swabs or sticks to prevent further infection of the inflamed skin area.
  • Bathing a child for the duration of treatment should be carried out in water with the addition of a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • If dressings and plasters are used, they must be changed in a timely manner.

What does a doctor do

  • If a child has a complicated form of the disease, treatment takes place within the walls of a hospital under the supervision of doctors.
  • The doctor prescribes antibiotics.
  • To cure omphalitis in as soon as possible physiotherapy procedures, laser, UHF are used.
  • With complicated omphalitis, in some cases it is required surgical intervention. The doctor removes damaged and dead tissue. To reduce the intoxication of the child's body, special drugs are administered intravenously.
  • For get well soon antibiotics and immunosuppressive drugs are prescribed.
  • To wound after surgical intervention healed, wound healing agents are used.


You can prevent the development of the inflammatory process in a child in the navel area by following simple rules.

  • If anatomical structure umbilical canal predisposes the development of omphalitis, it is necessary to monitor skin in this area.
  • Upon receipt of damage to the navel, the resulting wound should be disinfected in a timely manner. For this, water or alcohol antiseptics are used, as well as hydrogen peroxide.
  • If necessary, dressings or patches should be used, which must be changed frequently.
  • Increase the efficiency of the immune system with fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as vitamin and mineral complexes. But the intake of vitamins should occur after consulting a doctor. To increase immunity, the child must be daily on fresh air, observe the regime of the day and eat well.

You will also find out what can be dangerous untimely treatment omphalitis disease in children, and why it is so important to avoid the consequences. All about how to prevent omphalitis in children and prevent complications.

And caring parents will find on the pages of the service full information about the symptoms of omphalitis in children. How do the signs of the disease in children at 1.2 and 3 years old differ from the manifestations of the disease in children at 4, 5, 6 and 7 years old? What is the best way to treat omphalitis in children?

Take care of the health of your loved ones and be in good shape!