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Alternative methods of treating alcoholism. Long-term treatment for alcoholism with folk remedies. Recommendations for patients undergoing treatment for alcoholism

Currently, alcoholism is officially recognized by doctors as a disease that changes the physical and mental state alcoholic. Problems of this disease most often decided by narcologists and psychologists. The first ones are engaged in removing alcohol from the body, “cleansing” internal organs, restoration physical health. The latter affect the psyche of an alcoholic, bringing his consciousness to another, healthy level. Treatment methods chronic alcoholism varied, but there is a certain order determined by the disease itself.

It is generally accepted that the first thing you need is a visit to a narcologist and medical intervention in order to remove alcohol from the body of a sick person. But first drug treatment in itself, these procedures do not cure, they only “cleanse” the body. Since the causes of alcoholism lie much deeper and are associated with changes in the psyche, immediately after cleansing the body, the stage of working with a psychologist should follow.

The first step is to relieve or eliminate the hangover.

The body of an alcoholic, accustomed to a constant “influx” of alcohol, experiences a shock, the so-called withdrawal syndrome, when such infusions suddenly stop.

And in this moment Doctors' help is needed to relieve withdrawal symptoms. This stage is most often carried out in a specialized narcological hospital by narcologists.

Some people try to “dig out” at home, which is undesirable various reasons: there is no control by doctors, and isolation from alcohol is not guaranteed. Cases recorded fatal outcome alcoholism treatment at home.

After toxic substances are removed from the body, the next stage of treatment begins.

Since various internal organs are affected in an alcoholic, attention is paid to restoring health.

Among the medications used to treat addiction are tranquilizers, antidepressants, as well as drugs that reduce the duration of the state of euphoria as a consequence of intoxication.
The attending physician prescribes medications and monitors their intake and effects.

Treatment should be carried out simultaneously with medications nervous system sick. The stage is long, it can drag on for months, years and be accompanied by breakdowns.

The main goal is to form an internal negative attitude towards alcohol.

Treatment methods for alcoholism

One method is coding.

Simple coding for alcohol addiction

The effectiveness has been confirmed by long-term observations, but statistics show that there is also a high probability of relapse and a return to drinking alcohol.

Such assistance should be provided by experienced psychotherapists, taking into account the psyche of a particular person. In essence, coding is an anti-alcohol suggestion, an effect on the human psyche. That's why This method often helps highly suggestible people.

With this approach to treating a patient diagnosed with alcoholism, a certain “code” is introduced into the subconscious (hence the name of the method), which forms psychological indifference to alcohol and at the same time reinforces in the brain a ban on “drinking” under the threat of undesirable consequences and possible death.

Neurophysiological coding of alcohol dependence

Another coding method is based on the impact of electromagnetic pulses on biologically active points patient. In this case, over several sessions, individual “nerve centers” associated with craving for alcohol are selectively blocked. The consequences can be migraines, nausea and vomiting, which creates an aversion to alcohol.

Electrostereocoding for alcohol addiction

A deeper intervention in the alcoholic’s body occurs during neurophysiological coding. Should be used with extreme caution under specialist supervision.

The method can cause malfunction of the heart, lungs, and other internal organs even with a single dose of alcohol.

Hypnosis for the treatment of alcoholism

This method of treatment for alcoholism is sometimes used by doctors in group treatment. Having previously familiarized patients with the essence of hypnosis, the doctor puts them into hypnotic sleep using standard methods. And then, in a state of sleep, during a hypnosis session, patients are instilled with an aversion to alcohol.

The formed attitude is unstable, so hypnosis requires repeated repetition.

Injections for the treatment of alcohol addiction

A ban on drinking alcohol can be caused by entering medicines. For example, based on tetraethylthiuram disulfide, it does not have a negative effect on the body, but after drinking alcohol it can provoke disorders, even to the point of death.

After an injection with the drug, its effectiveness is checked by taking a small dose of alcohol.

The body's reaction demonstrates to the patient the effect of the drug when trying to drink. The method requires additional administration of medication, since it is gradually eliminated from the body with fluid and its effect weakens.

Sewing a “long-lasting” drug under the skin for the treatment of alcoholism

Another method of introducing medicine into the body involves implanting capsules (tablets) such as Esperal, or disulfiram, or torpedo into the patient. This so-called “stitching” is an operation performed with anesthesia.

The effect lasts for a fairly long period and depends on the number of tablets inserted.

Methods that prohibit drinking alcohol with the help of medications - “torpedo”, esperal, etc. The main condition is that the person recovering must be sober until the last injection, the “filing.” After the injection, the patient has a clear understanding that while the medicine is working, not a drop should be taken. However, after the completion of treatment and the duration of the implanted medication, failures often occur.

Acupuncture programming

The method developed by S.P. Semenov, a psychotherapist, back in 1979 is often confused with hypnosis and coding.

This acupuncture programming is one of the most progressive means of getting rid of alcohol addiction.

There are no side effects, however, for the effect to be effective, you should completely avoid drinking alcohol for 10 days before the session.

Treatment in rehabilitation centers and Alcoholics Anonymous groups

In Russia (much earlier in America), rehabilitation centers for alcohol and drug addicts are actively developing. Most often these are religiously oriented organizations, but the degree of religious involvement in different centers different. They use medicinal methods to a much lesser extent, but the psychological impact is very active.

Group classes provide a lasting positive effect.

Those who have undergone rehabilitation at the Centers (for up to a year or more) gain the ability to resist their own desires and cravings for alcohol. If after rehabilitation center organized and social adaptation, then the effect of recovery is even more pronounced. After a course of treatment, the recovering person needs social rehabilitation.

Treatment gives results if a person realizes the fact of his own illness, accepts it, without trying to convince himself and others that he will “get over it” on his own. The first step to recovery is a person’s recognition of his own powerlessness over the illness.

It is believed that female alcoholism is much more difficult to cure than male alcoholism. Although, as statistics show, a woman can become addicted to alcohol much faster. Binges are typical for female alcoholics.

Difference female alcoholism is also the fact that women can talk about alcohol addiction for a long time not even people close to you suspect. As a result, late visits to doctors and low effectiveness of treatment.

Treatment methods for female alcoholism are not much different from how men are treated. These include medications, all kinds of coding, etc.

Self-medication at home

The folk remedies used can be divided into three categories:

  • don't let you get drunk;
  • reduce the impact of alcohol after a feast;
  • help to get rid of alcoholism in general.

Preliminary measures

Treating alcoholism yourself folk remedies helps reduce the effects of alcohol. To do this, you should prepare in advance for the upcoming feast.

Before the feast:

  • You should drink strong tea with mint, or coffee with a slice of lemon, repeat after drinking alcohol;
  • eat cabbage seeds (white cabbage), about a spoon;
  • chew about five kernels of bitter almonds.

Removing the body from a state of intoxication. Recipes

  • After the feast, add, for example, 20 drops of mint tincture to a glass of water and drink it: the headache goes away. Or a couple of drops ammonia, the effect is the same.
  • It is recommended to rub the intoxicated person’s ears vigorously with your palms: a strong flow of blood to the head will “return” consciousness to normal.
  • Widespread methods that cause vomiting reflex. This could be hot coffee with added salt or other saline solutions.

  • Sobering up occurs if you drink strong tea or coffee with the addition of a few spoons of honey. You can use alcohol tincture mint, adding 20 drops to about a glass of water.

Formation of aversion to alcohol: folk recipes

Make an alcoholic breathe in the smoke from burnt birch firewood, previously sprinkled with sugar before the fire. It is believed that after this you won’t even want to look at vodka.

The gray dung mushroom, as people believe, can cause a sharp aversion to alcohol. You need to fry the mushrooms or cook soup with them and feed them drinking man, preferably in a sober state. When intoxicated, the body will react as if it were poisoning: severe nausea and the urge to vomit.

In the summer, collect several forest bugs and put them in vodka. Let it brew and then give the alcoholic this vodka without telling him about the infusion. Rumor claims that in this way you can cause a lasting aversion to alcohol.

You need to eat 6 teaspoons of sweet honey in three stages with an interval of 20 minutes. Repeat after a couple of hours. Let me sleep. The next day, repeat the procedure in the morning before breakfast. For dessert - 4 tablespoons of honey. The hangover is relieved. Contraindication: diabetes.

You can reduce the desire to drink with red hot pepper. Make a tincture in half a liter of alcohol or vodka (2 weeks). Then add 2-3 drops of pepper for each liter of vodka.

An infusion of thyme (creeping thyme) is used several times a day, a tablespoon at a time. Prepare an infusion by pouring boiling water (a glass) into three tablespoons of herbs. The drink causes an attack of nausea and vomiting.

Long-term treatment for alcoholism with folk remedies

Relatives can try to discourage an alcoholic from drinking alcohol with the help of herbs.

Up to three months are required for treatment with elecampane. The infusion is prepared every day: 2 tablespoons of elecampane are left in half a liter of boiling water for half an hour. The strained solution is taken before meals. Take a break for two weeks every month.

Use hoofweed root: first boil a spoonful of root crumbs for 10 minutes over low heat (take a glass of water), then let it brew for 30 minutes. The strained broth is used, adding a tablespoon of vodka to a glass, no more, and given to drink without warning. The medicine provokes vomiting, nausea, and aversion to alcohol. However, the plant is poisonous and should be used with caution.

There is dependence on alcohol, both physical and mental. Therefore, it is logical that treatment is carried out in different directions and using different means. According to reviews from those who have gone through the difficult path of liberation from alcoholism, with the joint efforts of the alcoholic himself and his immediate circle, there is hope of learning to suppress addiction and live without alcohol.

Video: Treating drunkenness without the patient’s knowledge

Video: Alcoholism - new treatment methods

The initial stage includes certain procedures for preparing and normalizing the emotional, mental and physical state of the body for subsequent anti-alcohol measures. Suitable for many patients ambulatory treatment, because the hospital treatment used for severe forms alcoholic psychosis. Methods of treating alcoholism at home involve eliminating hangover syndromes and removing toxins with medications:

- To relieve a hangover - pyrroxan, glycine;

- Sleeping pills– radedorm, eunoctin;

- Antidepressants – amitroptilane, pyrazidol;

- Behavior correctors – neuleptil;

- Tranquilizers – phenazipam, nitrozepam, tazepam;

- Intramuscular multivitamins – vitamins B1 and B6;

- Thiol preparations for detoxification – sodium disulfate, sodium sulfate solution.

*The duration of treatment and dosage of drugs is prescribed by the doctor.

Treatment of alcohol addiction - Dovzheko method

The treatment method was developed by psychotherapist Alexander Romanovich Dovzhenko, and in 1980 approved by the USSR Ministry of Health. The method is based on emotional stress on the patient in a state of hypnotic trance according to M. Erekson. A coding session using the Dovzhenko method consists of three stages: installation negative attitude to alcohol, consolidating a positive attitude towards a healthy life without alcohol, the treatment session ends with the materialization of suggestion through influence on exit points upper branches ternary nerve at the upper edges of the bridge of the nose. The ban on abstinence from alcohol is established for a strictly defined period, which is determined by the patient himself. Conducted studies among 10,000 patients with alcoholism showed stable remission over one year in 90-95% of cases.

Coding conditions for alcohol dependence:

- Excerpt from alcohol for 5-7 days before treatment.

- Agreement and the desire to undergo coding for drunkenness.

Cost and guarantee for treatment for alcohol addiction in our Center:

Treatment is carried out in the form of an individual treatment session with a preliminary consultation, at which the doctor will tell you in more detail about the treatment method, answer all your questions, and also conclude an agreement on the provision of medical services. According to its terms, within 12 months from the date of treatment, it is possible to undergo a second procedure free of charge to enhance the psychotherapeutic effect. The doctor will work with the patient until positive effect.

Conditioned reflex therapy treatment method “Torpedo”

This method of treating alcoholism is aimed at developing a stable reaction to the taste and smell of alcohol. The conditioned reflex during this therapy is the gag reflex. For this purpose, the consumption of small doses of alcohol is combined with the use of emetics. Most often, apomorphine is used for these purposes; this drug is administered subcutaneously. He provokes increased sweating, nausea and vomiting. During these painful reactions, the psychotherapist makes a suggestive suggestion to prohibit drinking alcohol, aversion to its smell and taste. The patient, after several similar procedures is being produced conditioned reflex to the smell and taste of alcohol, which subsequently works without the introduction of medications.

“Espiral” sensitization method

This method received wide use throughout the world thanks to its impact not only on psychological mechanisms formation of dependence, but also the creation of powerful physical intolerance to alcohol. Drugs such as teturam, flagyl, pyrrokasan are available in the form of tablets and require a course of treatment under the mandatory supervision of a doctor.

However, as a rule, stable remission is not observed in those who stop taking medications. Some time after stopping the course of treatment, patients begin to drink alcohol again.

In 1955 in France Claude Marie proposed a method for subcutaneous implantation (“suturing”) of the drug Teturam, which can have a longer-lasting effect on the human body. French drug "Espiral" is still one of the most popular in many countries. As a result of such “stitching,” the patient’s blood is saturated with small portions of teturam over the course of several months, and when drinking alcohol, severe poisoning of the body occurs. It is fear for one’s health that is the key deterrent when giving up alcohol while the drug is in effect. However, studies conducted in 1979 showed that in 35% of patients after “stitching in,” disulfirim was not detected in the blood, and in the rest the concentration active substance below the minimum. In this regard, many experts associate the effect of the drug with a psychological component, self-hypnosis. This is confirmed by data on the reaction of patients to a placebo administered under the guise of a medicine. Therefore, in Russia given time Both active disulfirim-based drugs and pacifier drugs are successfully used. In both cases, the effect of treatment or long-term remission is observed in only 30%.

Treatment of alcohol addiction using hypnosis

Alcoholism has long been treated with waking suggestion and hypnosis. The famous psychoneurologist and psychotherapist V.M. Bekhterev proposed combining suggestion, hypnosis and self-hypnosis (“Bekhterev’s triad”). During the treatment session, the doctor develops an aversion to alcohol reflex. Those patients who willingly and voluntarily seek help completely overcome their cravings for alcohol. However, some patients undergo such treatment only to “prove” to loved ones that no treatment works for them.

Maintenance therapy for patients with alcoholism

Maintenance therapy is aimed at maintaining a sustainable positive effect from treatment and eliminating the possibility of relapse. For these purposes, both drug maintenance therapy and regular visits to a psychotherapist are used, which will help consolidate the positive therapeutic effect. It is necessary to avoid thoughts about the possibility of drinking alcohol in moderation. Drinking even a small amount of alcohol “for company” or “on occasion” ultimately leads to a new period of drunkenness. The resulting changes in the body from long-term use alcohol does not disappear after one or two months of abstinence; this requires much more time. If the regime of sobriety is violated, the uncontrollable painful attraction to alcohol again makes itself felt, awakening with even greater force.

Recommendations for patients undergoing treatment for alcoholism:

Completely stop drinking alcohol, avoid it in all forms and situations.

Stop contacts with the circle of people who provided Negative influence and provoked him to drink alcohol.

Direct the emerging energy in the right direction.

Free time previously spent drinking alcohol can be occupied with new hobbies. Don't spend your days in idleness.

Set up proper diet nutrition. Drink more fluids, eat vegetables and fruits.

If you resume cravings for alcohol, consult a doctor immediately.

People who become addicted to alcohol are considered “lost for life.” And the main condition for a person who has recovered from alcoholism is the subsequent complete cessation of drinking alcohol. Otherwise, even an insignificant dose of alcohol will negate all treatment and renew the desire to drink many times over.

Every alcoholic can overcome his illness, provided he completely changes himself and his attitude towards life. In any case, it is expected to abstain from alcohol during the procedures and after them, in fact, forever. The methods themselves are only the initial step towards this complex process.

The problem of getting rid of alcohol addiction is always solved comprehensively. The main methods of treating alcoholism are conventionally divided into medicinal and psychological effects. In fact, they organically complement each other at all stages, allowing for maximum effect.

Coding is rightfully considered one of the main methods of treatment. It is based on an instilled prohibition that causes fear of drinking alcohol. Its effectiveness is determined by the degree of suggestibility of a particular patient. Despite all the variety of these methods, the most popular options should be noted:

  • With conventional coding, the patient’s psyche is brought to the desired state. At the same time, a certain code is introduced into the subconscious, in the form of a program that improves in certain directions. Ultimately, an indifferent attitude towards alcohol is formed with a simultaneous ban on its use. The prohibition is based on the threat of harm to physical and mental health in cases of violation.
  • For neurophysiological coding, electromagnetic pulses with a specific frequency and wavelength are used. They affect specific brain centers, significantly reducing cravings for alcohol, and relieving irritation and depression. The required effect is achieved over several sessions.
  • Electrostereocoding has a more powerful effect on the brain centers that cause cravings for alcohol. After this method, drinking alcohol is extremely undesirable due to possible serious dysfunction of vital organs, even death.

Other methods are also used quite effectively. For example, with the help of acupuncture, an effect is exerted on biologically active points on the human body. In addition to special needles, the use of lasers, electrical impulses and electromagnetic waves with a certain frequency is allowed. Hypnosis gives good results when therapeutic effect produced during sleep. Sessions are conducted several times to better consolidate the aversion reaction to alcohol.

The most effective methods Treatments for alcoholism include drug effects, using drugs containing tetraethylthiuram disulfide. Among them, the most famous are Esperal and Torpedo. After using these drugs, the discomfort after drinking alcohol. Thanks to them, drinking alcohol becomes completely physically impossible, and in many cases carries a mortal danger.

In modern conditions, quite effective methods for treating alcohol dependence have been developed and are successfully used in practice.

For effective treatment alcoholism experts advise AlcoLock product. This drug:

  • Eliminates cravings for alcohol
  • Repairs damaged liver cells
  • Removes toxins from the body
  • Calms the nervous system
  • Has no taste or smell
  • Consists of natural ingredients and is completely safe
  • AlcoLock has an evidence base based on numerous clinical studies. The product has no contraindications or side effects. Doctors' opinion >>

    Modern methods of treating alcoholism

    The fight against alcohol addiction often turns into serious problem, since drinking alcohol up to a certain point is not considered a disease, and the whole process is supposedly under control. Therefore, when sooner or later the realization of the need for treatment occurs, many problems arise associated with the constant use of alcohol.
    The main one is violation normal operation body after getting rid of alcohol addiction. It's connected with pathological changes, which cannot always be corrected. The sooner treatment begins, the easier it will be to eliminate everything Negative consequences caused by alcohol.

    It should be remembered that any modern methods Treatments for alcoholism do not provide guaranteed results. The most important thing is that you cannot cure an alcoholic without his desire and will. Even the famous hypnosis is not capable of becoming a panacea that completely removes the craving for alcohol.
    This is due to the unpredictable reaction of the psyche when interfering with its activities. As a rule, people who stop drinking without much desire develop short temper, irritability, and rudeness. Therefore, the proper effect is achieved only if the patient consciously refuses to drink alcohol.

    Plays an important role in treatment medicinal method. There are several groups of medications intended for certain purposes:

    • Cleansing agents that accelerate the removal of toxic substances from the body and thereby eliminate the need for a hangover.
    • Imitation drugs, evoking feelings severe poisoning alcohol. This medicine is added to alcohol, which is the main disadvantage this method.
    • Medicines that relieve cravings for alcohol are taken by the patient himself, according to at will. These drugs must be taken under the supervision of a doctor to avoid possible serious consequences.
    • Treatment of alcoholism using the Torpedo method is often practiced, which eliminates further alcohol consumption.

    There are many folk remedies for getting rid of terrible addiction. However, all of them must be taken taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient.

    Traditional methods of treating alcoholism

    Along with traditional methods, they are widely used traditional methods alcoholism treatments based on the use of various natural ingredients.

    Most of them are recipes that provide for the independent preparation and use of these products:

    Do you still think that it is impossible to cure alcoholism?

    Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against alcoholism is not yet on your side...

    Have you already thought about getting coded? This is understandable, because alcoholism is dangerous disease, which leads to serious consequences: cirrhosis or even death. Liver pain, hangover, problems with health, work, personal life... All these problems are familiar to you firsthand.

    But maybe there is still a way to get rid of the torment? We recommend reading Elena Malysheva’s article about modern methods of treating alcoholism...

    Read completely
    • Honey, which contains a large amount of potassium, which is lacking in the body of an alcoholic, is very popular.
    • Apply various ways liver cleansing, for which there are separate recipes.
    • An effective herbal mixture to get rid of strong cravings for alcohol. It contains creeping thyme - 4 teaspoons, wormwood and centaury - 1 spoon each. Dry herbs are carefully crushed. A tablespoon of the dry mixture is poured with boiling water - 1 cup. After two hours of infusion, the product is filtered and becomes ready for use. The general course of treatment is about three months, although relief occurs already in the second week.

    There are others unconventional methods Alcoholism treatments are no less effective. Before using any of them, you must consult your doctor.

    Treatment of alcoholism using the Dovzhenko method

    The essence of this method is the hypnotic and psychological effect on the subconscious during the session. At this time, the patient is awake and not in deep hypnosis; only verbal influence is exerted on him. The therapist’s emotional and vivid speech, supported by examples of the destructive effects of alcohol, gradually leads to the idea of ​​completely giving up alcohol. At the same time, special code words are inserted into the patient’s consciousness, consolidating the result obtained.

    Nowadays, the treatment of alcoholism using the Dovzhenko method, which is based on the method of psychotherapy, is very popular.

    Most reviews about it are only positive. The desired effect is achieved with a person’s conscious desire to quit drinking. Attempts to try to violate these settings will not lead to anything good. This has also been tested in practice and can be seen from patient reviews.

    Thus, all new methods of treatment are possible only with complete abstinence from alcohol. Only in this case positive result will be achieved without serious consequences for the body.

    Alcoholism is a disease that affects not only a person’s somatics, but also his psychological and social sphere. Alcohol addiction in most cases requires integrated approach. The goal of therapy should be to heal not only the biological, but also the psychological structures of the addict’s body, as well as its social adaptation. The AlkoMed clinic offers various modern methods of treating alcoholism. Experienced doctors They will provide the necessary assistance at any time of the day or night.

    If you delay treatment for binge drinking, the situation will worsen significantly!

    • 1 Anxiety, insomnia, feelings of unhappiness
    • 2 Palpitations, increased or decreased blood pressure
    • 3 Strong desire to drink alcohol
    • 4 Nausea, vomiting, extreme thirst
    • 5 Headache, dizziness
    • 6 Tremor - small shaking of hands

    We are ready to help you today! 8 495 956 11 01

    Medication methods for treating alcoholism

    During drug treatment, coding is carried out using special drugs. A medicine is introduced into the human body, which not only significantly reduces the craving for alcohol, but also forms a toxic compound when drinking alcohol, thereby causing the patient to fear for their health in the event of a breakdown. Drug treatment can be carried out using injections or sewing in the drug.


    The method is as follows: it is implanted (sewn into) muscle tissue. the right drug, which will constantly enter the bloodstream and block the production of enzymes required to process ethanol. The drug is implanted after the patient consents and abstains from drinking alcohol for a certain amount of time (3-7 days).


    The drug is administered by injection. Before the procedure, the patient must completely abstain from drinking alcohol for a certain amount of time (3-7 days). Depending on individual characteristics, the duration of action of the drug may vary. The average period for which the procedure lasts is 1 year.

    Medication methods used at the Alkomed clinic


    It is one of the most popular methods of getting rid of alcohol addiction today. Aquilong method low toxicity, the effect of therapy is most pronounced in the first weeks after the procedure. This type of coding suppresses cravings for alcoholic drinks to the maximum extent. Effective at any stage of alcoholism. The encoding period is one year. If necessary, the doctor may recommend it for three years.

    "Sewing Esperal"

    If a person suffering from alcoholism is against intravenous administration of any types of coding, AlkoMed can offer alternative way treatment – ​​“Esperal stitching”. After the start of action local anesthesia The narcologist sews a low-toxic drug under the skin. Most often in the area of ​​the shoulder blade or buttock, since it is very difficult to independently remove medicine from these areas in the event of a breakdown. In the fight against alcoholism, the drug shows excellent results. The medicine is slowly absorbed into the blood and maintains the required concentration of the active substance in it. This ensures that the drug is not removed prematurely. After the procedure, the patient may experience inflammation in the stitching area. In the future, this may lead to fouling of the administered drug. connective tissue and impaired absorption of the drug into the blood. The recommended coding period is one year, but the use of the drug can be extended up to five years.


    Another modern and fairly effective coding method for alcoholism is “Veritrol”. Doctors recommend it in cases where previous coding efforts have had little or no success. During therapy, drugs are administered in two doses, with an interval of at least half an hour between them. According to individual indications, the specialist can leave the patient’s relatives with medications for the full course of treatment. Therapy helps to reduce the craving for alcohol as much as possible and increase the effectiveness of coding. Medicines are not addictive and can be combined with other similar drugs. The encoding period is recommended for one year, and according to the doctor’s decision it can be increased to 3–5 years.


    The modern Nanoxol technique is an exclusive coding method for alcohol addiction. It is developed using the latest biotechnology. The administered drugs act at the cellular level, during which they block the brain receptors responsible for the occurrence of cravings for alcohol. In the event of a breakdown, a person experiences serious poisoning, tachycardia, convulsive syndrome, and sharp increase BP (blood pressure). This method is recommended for patients in whom previous coding cases were unsuccessful. The procedure is carried out in two stages: 2 medications are administered at intervals of at least half an hour. The recommended coding period is one year, according to the doctor’s testimony – up to five years.

    Psychotherapeutic methods used at the AlkoMed clinic

    Brain Clinic uses it as a principle new technique treatment of alcoholism, which is based on the main listed treatment methods and using classical principles, which we write about separately. In the meantime, I would like to highlight the classical techniques used in Russia and around the world.

    The described methods of treating alcoholism should be applied strictly differentiated, and depending on the form of alcoholism, taking into account the immediate health status of the person suffering from alcohol addiction.

    Prohibitive methods of treating alcoholism

    One of the most common methods of treating alcoholism in Russia is a technique called Coding. In fact, coding is not a treatment for alcoholism; this technique is aimed at blocking alcohol intake, but does not solve the main problems that must be solved during the treatment process.

    Despite this, coding is often very effective way solutions to the problem of alcoholism in some specific cases. Coding can be effective at the initial stages of the development of the disease, when a person has not yet completely lost criticism of his condition and his personality has not undergone serious changes, the degree of personality degradation as a result of alcoholism is not high, and alcoholic encephalopathy is not developed. When biological and mental changes are not clearly expressed and a person is able to cope with the so-called alcoholic “craving” for alcohol through willpower. In this case, coding acts as a help to a person who, in moments of temptation to drink alcohol, helps to cope with his desire and the persuasion of others under the feeling of fear that is formed during the “Coding” procedure.

    The influence of fear in the treatment of alcoholism

    This fear has objective grounds, since during the procedure either special drug, which is an antagonist of alcohol, and when combined with it causes violent toxic reactions in the body, which are very painful and can lead to death. Either through special psychotherapeutic techniques, attitudes are introduced that, when drinking alcohol, cause similar reactions the body as a result of dysfunction of the central nervous system. It is because of these “mysterious” reactions of the nervous system that this technique was called “Coding”. This technique was first developed and applied by Dovzhenko, after whom one of the most popular and effective anti-alcohol coding techniques is named.

    The use of anti-alcohol coding techniques in an alcoholism treatment program is recommended to be used in combination with basic treatment.

    As an independent method of treating alcoholism, it can be used in the early stages of addiction.

    Drug treatment of alcoholism

    Drug treatment for alcoholism is aimed at solving many problems simultaneously.
    In connection with alcoholism, the human body is subjected to “toxic attacks” every time alcohol enters the body, since alcohol is not only a neurotoxin that causes clouding of consciousness and disruption of thought processes at the time of consumption, but also causes the development of chronic changes in brain tissue, which forms such complex diseases as, for example, alcoholic encephalopathy, alcoholic epilepsy, etc. Toxic lesions that alcohol causes in the brain contribute to the development and mental illness, which increase gradually with the duration and volume of alcohol consumed throughout life. In addition, alcohol also has a toxic effect on internal organs, which contributes to the development of various somatic pathologies, such as, for example, alcoholic cirrhosis liver, gastric bleeding, alcoholic myocardial dystrophy, etc., which can cause premature death person.

    Over time, alcohol becomes embedded in biological metabolic processes the body, displaces and replaces, radically changing the meaning of biologically normal processes, many metabolic reactions of the body. This leads to the development of alcohol addiction.

    The influence of concomitant diseases on the treatment of alcoholism

    The concomitant diseases that were mentioned here stimulate a person to drink alcohol, despite the presence visible reasons. But, mental disorders, which are constantly growing, do not allow a person to realize the changes taking place in his mental health and, not rarely, physical condition. This is defined as a decrease in criticism towards one’s true state as an alcoholic, which is why it is difficult to persuade a person to undergo treatment.

    The main task when using drug therapy alcoholism, is to suppress the development of the consequences of alcohol consumption, to treat mental and neurological disorders, as well as treatment of other somatic diseases, which are formed under the toxic influence of alcohol on all tissues and organs. However, psychotropic drugs must be used with a high degree of caution and only in cases of urgent need. It is necessary to take into account the patient’s propensity to abuse, the possible risk of overdose, toxicity, interaction with alcohol, the likelihood of addiction and the characteristics of the body’s reaction to certain types of drugs.

    Besides, medicines used to reduce the need for alcohol, treat withdrawal symptoms and neutralize intoxication, eliminate positive reinforcement(pleasure from drinking alcohol).

    Drug treatment of alcoholism

    Medicinal methods of treating alcoholism are quite standard and consist only of the correct individual selection of the composition of the drugs used, the order and dosage.

    Tranquilizers are effective during withdrawal symptoms, although their use may be unacceptable for some patients. The very high risk of abuse of these drugs by patients should also be taken into account.

    Antidepressants are often used to treat one of the serious complications of alcoholism that requires vigorous intervention. Depression often develops in the initial period of alcohol withdrawal and, as a rule, goes away within 2-3 weeks and is only occasionally persistent.

    The most common long-term depression is caused by:

    • True unipolar depression, which may accompany alcoholism;
    • Toxic brain damage as a result of drunkenness;
    • Psychological and social manifestations that are caused by the consequences of drunkenness (a break with loved ones, loss of work, loss of self-esteem, demoralization).

    Specific agents for treatment alcoholic depression no, therefore therapy should be selected strictly individually.
    According to some reports, lithium drugs reduce the likelihood of relapse and suppress alcoholic euphoria. But he also cannot appear specific drug in methods of treating alcoholism, since cases of lack of effect are not uncommon. For impulsive behavior, it is sometimes recommended to use carbamazepine.

    Neuroleptics - used for high anxiety and agitation, pronounced aggression. But these drugs require caution and direct supervision from a psychiatrist-narcologist, since the improper use of antipsychotics in the treatment of alcoholism may be accompanied by side effects(late neuroleptic hyperkinesis, etc.).

    Chemical protection and treatment of alcoholism

    Disulfiram (Antabuse) – is used as an additional drug in comprehensive alcoholism treatment programs. In combination with alcohol, the drug disulfiram (or rather its metabolites) provokes the so-called antabuse reaction.

    In mild cases, the antabuse reaction manifests itself as malaise and weakness. In severe cases, the person feels a feeling of heat, pulsating headache, feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, increased sweating, chest pain, chest pain, palpitations, arterial hypotension, there may be fainting, dizziness, confusion, blurred or blurred vision.

    In particular severe cases Possible manifestations are acute heart failure, convulsions, coma, respiratory arrest, and even death is often observed. Enter this drug became widespread and was wrongfully separated into a separate, independent method of treating alcoholism called “Medicine coding.”

    Medication treatments for alcoholism are designed to mitigate the course of neurological disorders, which cannot be completely cured and compensate for mental changes, as well as normalize and restore the functioning of internal organs. They help the patient cope with the psychological craving for drinking alcohol.

    This not only provides a significant improvement in a person’s overall health, increases immunity and mental reactions, but also significantly reduces the level of so-called alcohol “craving”, which forces a person to drink alcohol again.

    Psychotherapy in the treatment of alcoholism

    Individual psychotherapy can help many people in complex methods of treating alcoholism. For alcohol addiction, psychotherapy has some special applications. And in initial stage development of alcoholism, psychotherapeutic techniques are specific and at the same time momentary therapeutic in nature. The main psychotherapeutic tasks in the treatment of alcoholism are to help the patient cope independently with current momentary and daily psychological life troubles and difficulties that arise as a result of drunkenness, and to prevent the person from taking up a glass and drinking again. Recommended methods are mainly aimed at suppressing aggression, mental and psychological relaxation, etc., depending on the characterological characteristics of the patient and the degree of toxic brain damage.

    Rational psychotherapy in the treatment of alcoholism

    The first and most important stage of psychotherapy in the treatment of alcoholism is decisive. To establish trusting contact, which has an important therapeutic effect. The most effective at this stage is the active position and leadership role of the individual psychotherapist.

    We often come across the question of whether it is necessary to achieve a complete cessation of drinking alcohol. In this case, I would like to ask a counter question: when treating any other disease, would anyone be satisfied with an incomplete therapeutic effect? Is the goal of treating alcoholism the treatment process itself? If yes, maybe someone likes the treatment process itself, but the doctor’s goal is the recovery of the patient who turns to him for medical care. Therefore, from the point of view of a doctor who is faithful to his duty and honestly treats his chosen profession, only complete abstinence from drinking alcoholic beverages should be the main goal of anti-alcohol treatment.

    Although some patients, after treatment, are able to quite effectively control the frequency and dose of alcohol, limiting their alcohol consumption. However, it is impossible to accurately predict who will be able to drink moderately in the future and who will not. It must be taken into account that this depends both on individual character traits and on the developmental characteristics of the organism, its metabolic biological processes and on how far the disease has progressed. There is a lot of data that suggests that the further the disease has progressed, the less likely it is to self-control alcohol intake after treatment and the greater the likelihood that a sharp exacerbation of the disease will occur and the person will start drinking again.

    Treatment of alcoholism in the clinic

    Regarding the likely and almost inevitable episodes of alcohol use during alcoholism treatment, we tend to take an individual and flexible approach to each individual situation. It is not realistic to expect that the patient will immediately stop drinking, despite the fact that he has a goal focused on completely stopping alcohol consumption, which remains unchanged. Individual episodic drinking cannot be a direct indication for urgent or planned hospitalization. It will be much more correct and better if the psychotherapist finds out the motives for drinking and discusses in detail with the patient all the likely accompanying circumstances that provoke him to relapse. As a result, the patient begins to more successfully understand what situations should be avoided, and what features of his own character and mood are fraught with a possible breakdown, and sometimes even binge drinking. It is necessary to proceed from the basic concept of alcoholism and always remember that alcoholism is not a bad habit, but a very serious chronic disease, and relapse in such cases is quite likely. And in the early stages of treatment, alcoholism is even inevitable.

    One of the primary tasks of a psychotherapist when selecting effective techniques treatment of alcohol addiction is to overcome the denial of the problem of alcoholism by the patient himself, recognizing the presence of his own dependence on alcohol, loss of self-control, his own powerlessness and weakness - this means a very significant and, naturally, very painful blow to one’s self-esteem. Therefore, it is necessary to select special methods for treating alcohol addiction that help the patient overcome his own internal resistance and recognize his own helplessness in the face of a serious illness.

    Psychological support

    Starting with psychological support and directive forms of psychotherapeutic influence, we talk about the need for a gradual transition to techniques that help the patient understand himself, analyze the current situation, develop a critical attitude towards his condition and strengthen his will.

    In accordance with modern theories psychodynamics, chemical dependence (drug addiction and alcoholism) is based on conflicts of one’s own “I”, or one’s own “Ego”. For example, many psychological researchers believe that a weak psychological defense mechanism can often lead to increased levels of anxiety, depression, anger and feelings of shame, which in the initial stages of addiction to alcohol and at the moments of intoxication and stupefaction are drowned out under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

    Group psychotherapy in the treatment of alcoholism

    Group psychotherapy in the treatment of alcoholism is also very necessary, and it is difficult to give preference to any particular type in terms of effectiveness. Group sessions have many advantages over individual psychotherapy, since the community (group) is much better able to resist attempts by one of its members to deny the fact or justify their own drunkenness. Examples of those who were able to overcome cravings for alcohol and lead a stable sober lifestyle sometimes evoke much more trust and significance for the patient than several individual sessions with a psychotherapist. Such examples, after repeated breakdowns, inspire lasting hope and desire for one’s own recovery.

    Family psychotherapy is best carried out in different forms, changing tactics along the way, for example, you can start it in the form of psychotherapeutic sessions for the whole family, moving on to detailed and confidential conversations with both spouses, continuing with sessions for several married couples, or in the form of organized sessions separate for the wives or husbands of the patient (patient). This form of psychotherapeutic treatment of alcoholism gives a very significant effect, especially in combination with other methods of treating alcoholism, which should be included in the complex of anti-alcohol measures (anti-alcohol therapeutic complex).

    The selection of effective methods for treating alcoholism at the Brain Clinic is one of the priorities and is constantly being improved, based on many years of experience and world data. classical medicine. For example, Brain Clinic specialists have developed a recipe for an “anti-alcohol cocktail” that significantly reduces and daily use, completely relieves the craving for drinking alcohol in most patients, gradually creating a feeling of aversion not only to the taste of alcohol, but even to the smell.

    Forecast for alcoholism treatment

    Treatment of alcoholism in 90% of cases will be successful only if there is support and collaboration the patient's relatives with the doctor. Only in this case is it possible to talk about a favorable prognosis in therapy. Unfortunately, the weakest link in the treatment of alcoholism is the people closest to you, and not the patient himself. Only in the close collaboration of a doctor and loved ones can the disease be overcome.

    If we talk about prognoses in the treatment of alcoholism, much depends on the presence and degree of development of the consequences of this disease, complications on the brain and other human organs.

    The prognosis for treatment of alcoholism is individual. It depends on the degree of damage to the body and the completeness of compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician.

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