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Innovations in dentistry. New in dental prosthetics: techniques of modern dentistry

The time when the only options for dentures were stamped crowns or uncomfortable removable plastic structures is a thing of the past. Today's dentistry uses modern technologies prosthetics and new materials of high quality.

New in dental prosthetics in modern dentistry– these are, first of all, diagnostic methods that allow you to identify the problem and choose the right method for solving it. Among them:

  1. Radiovisiography- a study in which an electronic matrix, rather than an X-ray film, is used to record an image obtained using X-rays. The image enters the computer, is processed and displayed on the monitor, and can be enlarged, changed in contrast and other operations.
  2. Magnetic resonance and, with the help of which a three-dimensional image can be formed. If necessary, the doctor can examine the problem area from a certain angle.

Another innovation is the methods of anesthesia. Today, drugs are used that practically do not cause side effects. Most often, all manipulations are performed under local anesthesia, but in some cases general anesthesia can be used.

Modern removable dentures are made from several materials.

Materials for dentures

They are made from several materials, including traditional acrylic plastic. However, nylon is increasingly being used instead. This material has several distinctive features:

  • increased flexibility;
  • high strength;
  • the ability to give the material different shades that imitate the color of the gums;
  • nylon dentures can be fixed to the gums due to the suction effect if there are no other possibilities for their fixation.

In addition, new materials began to be used for the manufacture of crowns. Previously, metal was mainly used for this, which is durable, but at the same time looks unaesthetic. Today, the most popular materials are metal ceramics and zirconium dioxide.

  1. They are distinguished by durability and good aesthetic characteristics. However, their service life is about 5 years, after which the metal frame, on which a layer of ceramic is applied, begins to show through.
  2. Installation of crowns from zirconium dioxide– a new technology in dental prosthetics. This is a high-strength material, which is characterized by strength, durability, and ideal aesthetics, since it can refract light.

Modern technologies make it possible to give the material different shades that imitate the color of gums.

Micro prosthetics

Microprosthetics is a new technology that allows you to restore the aesthetics and functionality of teeth in a gentle way. In most cases, such techniques eliminate the need to prepare teeth located next to the problematic one. These include:

  1. Adhesive prostheses, the installation of which requires minimal grinding of adjacent teeth. There are several varieties of such structures and methods of attaching them. The most commonly used design is a beam design, which involves the crown being held on a special beam fixed in small recesses made in adjacent teeth. The beam is made of fiberglass, on which an artificial tooth is created using the composite method (directly in the mouth).
  1. Veneers and- thin plates that are attached to outside tooth Their main function is to hide aesthetic imperfections (cracks, darkening, chips).
  1. Tabs They are designed to replace a defect, so their shape and size completely correspond to the dental cavity. Using this technique, it is possible to restore how appearance, and functionality.

Clasp designs

For modern dental prosthetics, a new technology is the use. These are prostheses consisting of three parts:

  • nylon or acrylic base;
  • crowns attached to the base;
  • clasp, that is, a metal arch that follows the shape of the jaw and gives the product additional strength.

In addition, such a denture has special fasteners with which it is fixed;

  1. Clasps- hooks that not only hold the entire structure, but also provide support, since most of the load falls on those areas where the clasps are located.
  2. Castle. This prosthetic technology assumes that one part of the lock is located on the crown, and the second is located on the supporting tooth. As a result, this lock snaps into place when the structure is installed.

Clasp products are easy to manufacture and fix, the patient can remove them independently, which is why such prostheses are quite popular. However, fastenings can rub the gums and damage the enamel, so most often they are installed on crowns.

Clasp prosthesis.

Innovative technologies for dental prosthetics

One of the newest technologies for dental prosthetics is the CAD/CAM system. With its help, all stages of prosthesis manufacturing are automated and highly accurate. This technique includes two components:

  1. CAD(design). The oral cavity is scanned, the data is sent to a computer program, which, after processing it, makes a three-dimensional model.
  2. CAM(manufacturing). Based on the resulting model, a milling machine controlled by a computer program makes crowns or veneers from a single piece of ceramic. After this, the resulting blanks are fired in a kiln, ground and polished.

Using this technique allows you to solve several problems at once. Firstly, the products are as accurate as possible, since dental technician errors are excluded during their manufacture. Secondly, with the help of this technology, the defect can be eliminated in one visit to the doctor.

Finally, studies have shown that dentures made with a CAD/CAM system last longer than those made by a dental technician. All these advantages come at a price: the price of such structures is high.


  1. Wulfes H. Modern prosthetic technologies. Moscow, 2002.
  2. Ryakhovsky A.N. Digital dentistry. Moscow, 2010.

There is no person in the world who has not had to visit a dentist at least once in his life. Unfortunately, most often such a need arises more than once. But with every decade dental procedures are carried out less painfully and provide best result. This is due to the development of new technologies in dentistry, which are provided by specialists all over the world, and public and private clinics immediately implement them into their practice.

The latest technologies have affected all areas: they are involved in the treatment of caries and canal filling, in prosthetics and implantation, in pediatric and aesthetic dentistry.


The time when dentures were placed in oral cavity loose and could move while laughing, talking or chewing food, left behind. There are now new approaches that provide modern techniques, designed for long service life, exceptional ease of use and the most natural appearance.

Clasp dentures

A very multifaceted method that was developed in Germany and quickly gained recognition among dentists around the world. It has an affordable price and is suitable for patients with various problems.

For clasp prosthetics, the following types of fastenings are used:

  • Clasps– using special hooks, the prosthesis is securely attached on both sides (to the base of the artificial tooth and to the neighboring ones).
  • Attachment– the structure resembles a snap button, which reliably fixes the entire structure.
  • Telescopic prostheses – They look the most natural of all clasp dentures, but technically they are difficult to implement. The design is mounted on perfectly fitted recesses, the slightest gap between which can ruin the result.

Clasp prosthetics allows you to forget about dental problems for 6-7 years, but for the outermost elements in the dentition it is not applicable.

Nylon replaced the hard and uncomfortable plastic from which prosthetics were previously made. This material is elastic, but very durable and does not damage the gingival margin. If nylon is used to fasten one tooth, then dental gel is used for fixation, and if for several teeth, then hook mechanisms are used.

This technology is quite new, but has already proven itself to be very successful: it does not require grinding down adjacent teeth, addiction lasts no longer than a week, and nylon never causes allergies, unlike other materials. In addition, it is not stained by juices or coffee even for a long time. All this allows the use of nylon prostheses without replacement for about 8 years.

This modern method has improved removable prosthetics and has become a transitional form to implantation. It is perfect for those people whose condition of the jaw bone does not allow implants to be screwed in or in cases where there are clear contraindications for surgical operations.

For intramucosal implantation, the prosthesis is introduced into the alveolar layer, where it is secured using a reliable fixator. The only disadvantage is that this technique is not suitable for elderly people, since the healing of the mucous membrane in them occurs very slowly.


Implantation is a fairly new branch in dentistry, so it is currently at a stage of rapid development. In this area, new materials are emerging from which implants are made, and new technologies for their implantation.

New materials

Previously, implant manufacturing companies used the same raw materials for manufacturing. But now their number has increased, which has affected the amount of materials.

Main advantages:

  • Today, materials used in implantology allow minimal damage bone tissue, increase the tightness of the implanted elements and improve the bite mechanism after the procedure.
  • Implants can be manufactured with a density that is calculated individually for each patient, taking into account the pressure on the dentition at a certain point.
  • The adhesive strength of implants using new materials exceeds even the quality of the density of your own dental tissues and jaw bone.
  • The minimum service life is at least 20 years, and in some cases a lifetime warranty is provided.
  • The client does not have the feeling of artificial teeth; the implanted elements feel the same as natural ones.

Previously, dental implants could not be installed for everyone: large list orthodontic factors were a contraindication. Modern methods have been able to solve almost all such problems, so you can choose the appropriate method for each patient. In addition, the price range for the proposed methods has also changed significantly.

Some of the latest implantation technologies include:

  • One-step form. It is very profitable in that it takes about one week, while classical methods they demanded more than six months. Such fast deadlines are achieved due to the fact that after implantation, they do not wait for complete healing, but immediately place a crown on top part. In total, a missing tooth can be restored in just 3-4 visits to the clinic.
  • Two-stage form. At the first stage, the implant is implanted and covered with a temporary prosthesis. After complete healing, the timing of which is strictly individual, a permanent crown is installed. This technique is recommended in cases where the entire dentition is subject to restoration.
  • Non-surgical technology. Instead of large incisions, a small puncture is made at the implant insertion site. This manipulation can be performed without using general anesthesia with help local anesthetics. The advantage of this technique is that it is very fast recovery period: The patient can return to eating solid foods within a couple of weeks. In addition, minimal damage dramatically reduces the risk of infection until complete healing.
  • Basal form. It is suitable for people who have previously been denied implants due to insufficient jawbone density or thickness. The screw is now inserted into the deep layers of the jaw, and a few days after this, external dentures can be installed. Soft fabrics at the same time, they are slightly affected, which ensures short term healing.
  • Laser technology. For the cuts that are necessary when installing screws, non-standard ones are used in this case. surgical instruments, and the laser. The properties of the laser beam eliminate the risk of bleeding during surgery and infection in damaged tissue. This method allows you to reduce the area of ​​incisions and prevent inflammatory processes during the healing of mucous membranes. Unfortunately, laser technique is one of the most expensive this moment, but also the safest.

Aesthetic dentistry

The beauty and attractiveness of a smile is impossible without absolute health of the enamel. To achieve this result, several new technologies have been invented that help achieve dental perfection.


Such onlays help to significantly change the shape of teeth. The plates applied to the enamel surface are made of very durable materials that give an ideal appearance. Most often they are located in the smile area to ensure desired color and contours.

The positive thing about installing veneers is that natural teeth do not need to be ground or prepared, so the native tissues are not damaged. Outwardly, they completely imitate perfect enamel, the material is even slightly transparent, like natural fabrics.

With the help of such overlays it is possible to get rid of cracks, small chips and interdental gaps. Modern veneers can perform their functions for about 7 years, after which they need to be replaced with new ones.


In aesthetic dentistry, this technology is considered the newest and most advanced, but due to its novelty, it still tops the list of the most expensive. In addition, the technique is patented by the manufacturer, and therefore holds a monopoly on the creation of these porcelain onlays.

In order to place lumineers, the dentist must take impressions of the teeth and send them to the manufacturer in the USA. The most modern dental clinics do this using 3-D scanning, which somewhat speeds up the process, which takes at least a month.

The method is completely non-traumatic, since it does not require grinding for installation, just like when removing lumineers. The manufacturer provides a 15-year warranty, after which the lumineers must be replaced with new ones.


Using this method, it is possible to hide small chips, curvatures and other minor imperfections.

Despite the fact that ultraneers are very thin (their thickness does not exceed 0.3 mm), they are extremely durable, so you can safely eat any solid food with them. Their installation in most cases is carried out without the use of any type of anesthesia.

Treatment of caries

Poor nutrition, use of certain medicines or heredity can cause the development of caries. Fortunately, this common condition can be treated with the latest techniques used by dentists.

Chemical-mechanical treatment

With this method, infected dentin is removed not only painlessly, but also silently. Healthy tissue however, they are not damaged at all.

A special gel is applied to the affected area, which softens carious deposits. After its removal, a small cavity remains, which requires less filling material. Chemical-mechanical treatment does not require anesthesia, since only necrotic areas of dentin that do not have innervation are removed.

Laser technology

With this technique, drilling is not performed, since the affected tissue is burned out by the laser beam.

In parallel with this, disinfection of the cavity occurs, since the laser kills any bacteria.

Children's dentistry

Dental procedures have always caused painful sensations, so persuading a child to visit the dentist is not an easy process. New technologies can make children visit clinics more willingly and fearlessly.


German technology, which is based on the disinfecting properties of ozone, allows you to do without the use of a drill during treatment.

Ozone is supplied through a small silicone tube, which operates completely silently. The process of complete disinfection lasts only 30-40 seconds. After this, a compound is placed into the cavity, which strengthens the adjacent dental tissues.

If the caries was superficial, then after ozonation you can even do without installing a filling.


The method is suitable for fixation initial stages caries, when changes appear in the form of whitish spots. After treating such chalky areas with ICON, the color of these areas returns to natural.

The development was first implemented in Zurich in 2017. After removal permanent tooth In his empty alveoli, a new element was grown using stem cells.

The entire procedure takes about 2 months and allows you to restore one missing element or a complete row of teeth.

Chinese scientists have refined this technique and were able to create a natural tooth in a test tube, after which it was implanted into the jaw. This technology took only 2 weeks.

It is expected that this technology will become available to clients of dental clinics in 2020-2030.

Medicine does not stand still, and dentistry is especially actively developing. Which is logical, information technologies also involve powerful and precise means. IN last years Even the concept of “computer dentistry” appeared. Probably everything Newest technologies in dentistry that will appear in the future will be associated specifically with computer technology.

Machines to help people

Digital technologies are, first of all, relevant in orthopedic treatment at all stages. Systems have already been developed and are being implemented that completely independently fill Required documents. Automated work includes modeling the oral cavity of a specific client with recommendations on which treatment paths should be optimal in a given situation.

The latest technologies in dentistry allow graphic data to be analyzed and processed extremely quickly, and the patient to be examined in detail, without omissions. The results obtained during the research can be demonstrated to both the patient and colleagues. It must be said that the first such devices cost a lot of money, but competition quickly grew and changed the situation. There are cameras for photo and video recording in the oral cavity that can be connected to a PC. Using this type of technology is easy. In advanced clinics, traditional X-rays are practically not used; instead, radiovisiographs are used that do not irradiate the patient.

Three-dimensional medicine: the future is already in our hands

Efficiency shown computer programs, record and analyze the patient’s facial expressions. These are also new technologies in dentistry. Prosthetics becomes much easier and requires less time if the doctor first has a full-fledged animated model of the oral cavity on his computer screen, where he can return it and study it from any angle. Such programs are called 3D articulators.

To pick up best option treatment in a particular case, you can use computer treatment planning. By the way, special anesthesia control programs have been developed - the computer can now even cope with the task of pain relief.

Neuromuscular dentistry: new technologies

Only the most modern institute of new technology dentistry can afford the neuromuscular approach. Its advantage is that the neurophysiology of the patient’s oral cavity is also taken into account. Methods have been developed to study how active the masticatory muscles are and how ideal occlusion is. Best effect is ensured by the fact that the doctor can simulate the trajectory along which the lower jaw, and work on the prosthesis taking this information into account. If we're talking about about a patient with TMJ dysfunction, then neuromuscular dentistry is the most reasonable option.

The pioneer in this area is the American company Myotronics. The company's specialists developed the K7 system, which has become widespread throughout the world. It is used in the most progressive Russian clinics.

Orthopedics against dental problems

The latest technologies have found application in dentistry and in the work of orthopedic doctors. Modern materials and a fundamentally new approach to prosthetics helped reduce the time required to eliminate oral defects while maintaining high level reliability.

First of all, new technologies in orthopedic dentistry are, of course, materials. Damaged teeth are built up using composites - this is the most effective way. The material is created artificially and includes:

  • glass;
  • quartz;
  • porcelain flour;
  • silicon oxide.
  • The advantage of the composite is its extensive color range. The patient can choose a material that is as close as possible to the natural shade of the teeth. So, the renewed tooth will look exactly like the “native” one.

    Ceramics are most often used in orthopedic dentistry. It allows you to make truly beautiful and durable dentures, which is why it is used primarily for the front teeth. Artificial teeth will look like real teeth, even their coating is like enamel. Ceramics are completely safe for health. Strengthening is provided by a metal frame.

    New products in dentistry: all stages of prosthetics are covered

    Modern orthopedic dentistry also means new solutions in the following areas:

  • connection of materials;
  • veneering of dentures;
  • methods of manufacturing materials.
  • A technique for durable joining of composite and metal was developed. It is based on new methods of metal processing: mechanical, physical-chemical, combined. In recent years, there has been a great demand for adhesive technologies. When handled, super strong adhesion can be guaranteed.

    The latest technologies are used in dentistry and when working on veneers, dentures, and onlays. The most common material is composite, which is of the highest quality. Visiting the dentist to install such a prosthesis is no longer scary and the patient will not feel any pain.

    New items in the arsenal of dentists

    The most relevant new technologies in therapeutic dentistry in root canal treatment. This branch of dentistry is engaged in, which is called endodontics. The main diseases studied by this industry are:

  • pulpitis;
  • periodontitis.
  • If the root canals have been well treated, the tooth will last a long time despite the removal of the nerve. But complications may arise when pathological processes spread to the jaw bone. Then they talk about cysts and granulomas. Effective modern technologies will help avoid such a disaster. One of the most effective technologies is depphoresis. It is used if you need to treat a tooth that has already been treated previously using an outdated method. This technology is irreplaceable if the patient is diagnosed with a granuloma or cyst.

    And, of course, we cannot help but mention the new materials used by dental therapists. Recently, glass ionomer cements have become widespread and have shown themselves to be the most promising. These materials have a minimal level of toxicity, but they are strong and beautiful. In addition, due to the increased concentration of fluorides, such cements effectively fight caries.

    Dental crowns: new technologies to protect oral health

    Modern dental crowns are made from a special material based on metal and ceramics. It was possible to automate the process of designing crowns and their production. CAD/CAM is the name given to these advanced technologies in dentistry. Crowns made in this way fit the patient perfectly, and this is ensured by computer modeling of the oral cavity, thanks to which the doctor can examine hard-to-reach areas from all sides at any time. CAD/CAM is used to create prostheses and onlays, crowns of the most complex types and shapes. The technology is quite expensive, but it significantly reduces the time spent at the doctor’s office and allows you to get perfect crowns, which cannot be said about older methods.

    You can't skimp on your health

    It's no secret that dentistry with new technologies in Moscow will not be cheap. You can spend much less money if you turn to old, “grandfather’s” methods, or even go specifically to a small town on the periphery of the Moscow region, expecting to find a low price tag. Doing this is strictly not recommended. Bad dentures can ruin your entire future life and lead to many problems. Therefore, truly reasonable behavior is to turn to specialists who practice the most modern methods. It is imperative to make sure that modern and effective materials are used in the work.

    If you have the opportunity to visit a clinic that offers computer modeling, you should afford it without looking at the price tag.

    Patient experience: putting it to good use

    Choosing dental clinic, you definitely need to study the reviews: find out from friends and acquaintances where they had their teeth treated, what their general impressions are. When collecting information, it is necessary to analyze not only how positive reviews, but also how much they can be trusted. The latest technologies in dentistry are the key to a flawless smile, as evidenced by reviews from satisfied patients.

    Publication date: 05/26/17

    Medicine does not stand still, and dentistry is especially actively developing. Which is logical, information technologies are also involved as powerful and accurate tools. In recent years, even the concept of “computer dentistry” has appeared. Probably, all the latest technologies in dentistry that will appear in the future will be associated with computer technology.

    Machines to help people

    Digital technologies are, first of all, relevant in orthopedic treatment at all stages. Systems have already been developed and are being implemented that completely independently fill out the necessary documents. Automated work includes modeling the oral cavity of a specific client with recommendations on which treatment paths should be optimal in a given situation.

    The latest technologies in dentistry allow graphic data to be analyzed and processed extremely quickly, and the patient to be examined in detail, without omissions. The results obtained during the research can be demonstrated to both the patient and colleagues.

    It must be said that the first such devices cost a lot of money, but quickly growing competition changed the situation. There are cameras for taking photos and videos in the oral cavity that can be connected to a PC. Using this type of technology is easy. In advanced clinics, traditional X-rays are practically not used; instead, radiovisiographs are used that do not irradiate the patient.

    Three-dimensional medicine: the future is already in our hands

    Computer programs that record and analyze the patient’s facial expressions have shown effectiveness. These are also new technologies in dentistry. Prosthetics becomes much easier and requires less time if the doctor first has a full-fledged animated model of the oral cavity on his computer screen, where he can rotate it and study it from any angle. Such programs are called 3D articulators.

    To select the best treatment option for a particular case, you can use computer treatment planning. By the way, special anesthesia control programs have been developed - the computer can now even cope with the task of pain relief.

    Neuromuscular dentistry: new technologies

    Only the most modern institute of new technology dentistry can afford the neuromuscular approach. Its advantage is that the neurophysiology of the patient’s oral cavity is also taken into account. Methods have been developed to study how active the masticatory muscles are and what the ideal occlusion is.

    The best effect is ensured by the fact that the doctor can simulate the trajectory along which the lower jaw moves and work on the prosthesis taking this information into account. If we are talking about a patient with TMJ dysfunction, then neuromuscular dentistry is the most reasonable option.

    The pioneer in this area is the American company Myotronics. The company's specialists developed the K7 system, which has become widespread throughout the world. It is used in the most progressive Russian clinics.

    Orthopedics against dental problems

    The latest technologies have found application in dentistry and in the work of orthopedic doctors. Modern materials and a fundamentally new approach to prosthetics have helped reduce the time required to eliminate oral defects while maintaining a high level of reliability.

    First of all, new technologies in orthopedic dentistry are, of course, materials. Damaged teeth are built up using composites - this is the most effective way. The material is created artificially and includes:

    • glass;
    • quartz;
    • porcelain flour;
    • silicon oxide.

    The advantage of the composite is its extensive color range. The patient can choose a material that is as close as possible to the natural shade of the teeth. So, the renewed tooth will look exactly like the “native” one.

    It is often used in orthopedic surgery. It allows you to make really beautiful and durable dentures, which is why it is used primarily for the front teeth. They will look like real ones, even their coating is like enamel. Ceramics are completely safe for health. Strengthening is provided by a metal frame.

    New products in dentistry: all stages of prosthetics are covered

    Modern orthopedic dentistry also means new solutions in the following areas:

    • connection of materials;
    • veneering of dentures;
    • methods of manufacturing materials.

    A technique for durable joining of composite and metal was developed. It is based on new methods of metal processing: mechanical, physical-chemical, combined. In recent years, there has been a great demand for adhesive technologies. When handled, a super strong adhesion can be guaranteed.

    The latest technologies are used in dentistry and when working on veneers, dentures, and onlays. Among the materials, composite is indeed widely used as the highest quality. Visiting the dentist to install such a prosthesis is no longer scary, and no patient will experience pain.

    New items in the arsenal of dental therapists

    New technologies are the most relevant in root canal treatment. This branch of dentistry is engaged in, which is called endodontics. The main diseases studied in this field are:

    • pulpitis;
    • periodontitis.

    If the root canals have been well treated, the tooth will last a long time despite the removal of the nerve. But complications may arise when pathological processes spread to the jaw bone. Then they talk about cysts and granulomas. Effective modern technologies will help avoid such a disaster.

    One of the most effective technologies is depphoresis. It is used if you have to treat a tooth that has already been treated using an outdated method. This technology is irreplaceable if the patient is diagnosed with a granuloma or cyst.

    And, of course, we cannot help but mention the new materials used by dental therapists. Recently, glass ionomer cements have become widespread and have shown themselves to be the most promising. These materials have a minimal level of toxicity, but they are durable and beautiful. In addition, due to the increased concentration of fluorides, such cements effectively fight caries.

    Dental crowns: new technologies to protect oral health

    Modern dental crowns are made from a special material based on metal and ceramics. It was possible to automate the process of crown design and manufacturing.

    CAD/CAM is the name given to these advanced technologies in dentistry. Crowns made in this way fit the patient perfectly, and this is ensured by computer modeling of the oral cavity, thanks to which the doctor can examine the most inaccessible areas from all sides at any time.

    CAD/CAM is used to create prostheses and onlays, crowns of the most complex types and shapes. The technology is quite expensive, but it significantly reduces the time spent at the doctor’s office and allows you to get perfect crowns, which cannot be said about older methods.

    You can't skimp on your health

    It's no secret that dentistry with new technologies in Moscow will not be cheap. You can spend much less money if you turn to old, “grandfather’s” methods, or even go specifically to a small town on the periphery of the Moscow region, expecting to find a low price tag.

    Doing this is strictly not recommended. Bad dentures can ruin your entire future life and lead to many problems. Therefore, truly reasonable behavior is to turn to specialists who practice the most modern methods.

    It is imperative to make sure that modern and effective materials are used in the work.

    If you have the opportunity to visit a clinic that offers computer modeling, it is worth the price tag to afford it.

    Patient experience: putting it to good use

    When choosing a dental clinic, you should definitely study the reviews: find out from friends and acquaintances where they had their teeth treated, what their general impressions were. When collecting information, you need to analyze not only how positive the reviews are, but also how trustworthy they can be.

    The latest technologies in dentistry are the key to a flawless smile, as evidenced by reviews from satisfied patients.

    Recently, innovative developments of the latest alloys, adhesive solutions and technological processes dental restoration.

    Various types of prosthetics

    Diagnostic methods, projection of dental attachments and dentures have changed significantly, which has maximally improved the quality and speed of prosthetics.
    The most current and well-known high-quality denture devices are new palateless, telescopic “sandwich” dentures, silicone, acetal and polyurethane temporary wearing structures.
    Absolutely new things in dental prosthetics have been developed among non- removable structures– these are veneers, ceramic inlays, zirconium crowns, prosthetic bridges without grinding teeth and titanium implants.

    Several types of orthopedic operations are practiced, each of them is used individually, taking into account the physiological characteristics and financial capabilities of the patient.
    Prosthetics can be:

    1. Full;
    2. Partial;
    3. Removable;
    4. Permanent.

    Prosthetics can be carried out even in the absence of a number of teeth

    Indications for such operations are:

    • restoration of the maxillofacial area to normalize chewing and speech functions;
    • preservation of healthy teeth under constant mechanical stress;
    • prevention of destruction of jaw tissue and recovery after surgery;
    • defects of hard dental tissues;
    • replacement of deformed, atrophied dentition;
    • lack of teeth;
    • (if correction is impossible with conventional therapeutic methods);
    • replacement of bone process upper jaw(alveolar process) and the jaw itself.

    For optimal method reconstruction of dentures, the orthopedist diagnoses and determines the degree of damage to the masticatory apparatus and the condition of the jaw bone for admissibility to orthopedic manipulations.
    The prosthetics process itself consists of the following sequence:

    • preparing the oral cavity for prosthetics;
    • a number of complexes of orthopedic manipulations (grinding teeth, installing implants, preparing gums);
    • development of prosthesis design;
    • installation of a prosthesis in the oral cavity.

    Currently, high-quality dental prosthetics has increased to the maximum; new technologies in orthopedics are rich in their diversity in the creation of dental implants and the production of high-quality prostheses.

    Innovations in prosthetic technology

    The latest techniques on this period time is the design and modeling of dentures using a computer; such work is fully automated and eliminates the possibility of errors in calculations.
    The technological process allows us to most accurately develop and create a virtual model of the prosthesis that is ideal for the patient.
    3D projections show the position of adjacent virtual teeth and antagonists located on the opposite jaw, while possible future atrophy, the potential process of subsidence and other subtleties of wearing dentures are taken into account.
    Using a virtual model, special inlays, dental crowns and bridges are produced based on high-quality non-allergenic materials - zirconium dioxide, aluminum and titanium.

    Taking into account the great physical activity In the oral cavity, the strength of alloys for the production of dentures is extremely important: teeth are subject to stress from chewing movements and damage from saliva and food.
    The mechanics of chewing food in the mouth are very difficult process, chewing is carried out by the method of muscle contraction and periodontal tension, which changes significantly with anomalies/pathologies of the dental system.
    If you have dentures, physical stress and strain may increase different areas dentition.
    And if you take into account that in a year a person makes half a million chewing movements, then you can imagine how intensely their teeth are used.
    Modern dental prosthetics makes it possible to design and install especially strong dentures that do not differ in quality, and in many ways even surpass natural, healthy teeth.

    Innovative removable dentures

    By physiological characteristics or at the request of the patient, removable dentures are installed.
    Often the choice of removable structures is determined by the complete absence of teeth or contraindications to mechanical effects on the jaw tissue.
    Removable dentures are:

    Dental prosthetics with fixed dentures
    Prosthetics with fixed prostheses has several types; this category includes the installation of pins and implants. The main difference between these designs is based on constantly wearing and immobility of the product in the mouth.
    Modern methods of dental prosthetics make it possible to restore a partially lost tooth in fixed prosthesis and reconstruction of the product with partial absence molars.
    New developments in the production of work consist of a preliminary sinus lift procedure to restore jaw tissue; this manipulation is performed only immediately after tooth extraction.
    The process is to fill the space maxillary sinus and further fixation of the artificial tooth root.

    Implant installation diagram

    The chewing department involves the installation of a more durable material; such prosthetics are performed on the basis of implantation of an implant, pins, clasp or dental bridges.
    The front part is installed with special attention to the aesthetic appearance; porcelain (metal-ceramic) one-piece structures are used here, which are as identical as possible to real teeth.

    Types of fixed dentures

    Final anamnesis

    A dental examination will determine the need for dental treatment or prosthetics.

    For normal functioning everyone's life important functions First of all, a person needs to have healthy teeth.
    Both the physical and mental balance of an individual are directly related to the presence of teeth.
    Teeth are responsible for proper and thorough chewing of food, clear speech and facial aesthetics, which is why dental prosthetics have existed since ancient times.
    Previously, orthopedic operations could not be imagined without pain and uncomfortable structures in the oral cavity.
    Today the situation has changed - the latest modern technologies make it possible to perform dental procedures painlessly, and artificial teeth impossible to distinguish from the original.