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Children's dental clinic

Who is a pediatric dentist?

A pediatric dentist is a doctor who has received special training in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of both individual teeth and jaws, as well as other organs: everything located in the maxillofacial area and the oral cavity. Pediatric dentists must study all related areas of medicine and child psychology. They must find an approach to children aged 1 to 14 years.

What do pediatric dentists treat?

The competence of pediatric dentists includes preventive and unscheduled examinations:

  • mucous membrane;
  • oral cavity;
  • frenulum of the tongue and lips.

In addition, the pediatric dentist is obliged to:

  • assess the state of dental hygiene;
  • identify emerging pathological processes arising in the oral cavity for one reason or another;
  • identify the causes of pathologies and eliminate them if possible;
  • lead dynamic observation the process of teething in babies;
  • give advice on correcting oral hygiene, train parents on how to properly care for the oral cavity of a newborn and an older child;
  • draw up a treatment plan for identified problems;
  • perform the necessary manipulations;
  • monitor the implementation of your recommendations.

What symptoms should you contact a pediatric dentist for?

People turn to a pediatric dentist in Moscow about caries, malocclusion, and also in situations where there is insufficient functioning of the child’s masticatory apparatus. In addition, people are referred to pediatric dentists in Moscow if:

  • the child has problems gaining weight;
  • the child was born with a tooth or teeth;
  • baby is experiencing severe pain during teething;
  • the child has an increased pain reaction to irritants (cold, hot, sour, etc.).

Having examined his young patients in Moscow - visually and using available instruments - the pediatric dentist can refer them to additional examination for diagnostics:

  • caries;
  • mucous membrane;
  • marginal periodontium.

In some cases, the pediatric dentist may send for an x-ray or use a cytological examination method, during which erosions, cracks, ulcers, the presence of vesicles and blisters with peripheral signs of hyperkeratosis are detected.

Where in Moscow can you get this specialty?

A doctor practicing in the field of pediatric dentistry must have more knowledge than a specialist treating adult patients. In order to become a real pediatric dentist, you will need to study the developmental features human body, become a real child psychologist and so on. Departments of dentistry that train pediatric dentists are located in such large universities in Moscow as:

  • Russian Medical Academy;
  • MMA im. I. M. Sechenov;
  • RNIMU named after. N. I. Pirogova;
  • Moscow State Medical and Dental University;
  • RUDN;
  • MGMSU and others.

Famous Moscow doctors who worked in the field of pediatric dentistry

Teeth and problems associated with them have been studied since ancient times. Interesting data is contained in the writings of Hippocrates. Doctors from ancient Babylon, Assyria, and Egypt wrote about dental diseases. Much information can be gleaned from Ibn Sina's canon of medicine. Pediatric dentistry did not immediately become an independent specialty. Many doctors have devoted themselves to studying the development of diseases of the dental system in early age. Among them it is worth noting the 19th century surgeons Bush, Sobolev, Pirogov, Korovin. In the 20th century, doctors Dauge, Evdokimov, Platonov, Semashko, Novik, Shkolyar made a huge contribution to pediatric dentistry. Many works on pediatric orthodontics belong to Betelman, Kalvelis, Ilyin-Markosyan, Khurgin, and children's surgical dentistry Limberg, Vasiliev, Dubov, Khitrov, Kolesov, Kasparova, Novoselov, Davydov, Soloviev and others were actively involved.

On this moment Pediatric dentistry is developing rapidly, it is offered wide range services and the most modern equipment. Children visit the pediatric dentist until they reach adulthood. The main disease associated with teeth was and remains caries. But timely and regular visits to the dentist can be a method of preventing caries in children. Nowadays, a child can have caries as early as 2-3 years of age, because due to poor nutrition, consumption of sugar-containing products in a child develops this disease. For children under 2 years of age, caries can be treated without a drill, by silvering the affected areas of the tooth. After 3 years of age, a child can already be given anesthesia and use a drill. One of the methods for preventing caries is to fill the grooves of chewing teeth with a special solution to prevent the spread of microbes. The teeth may also be coated with a special gel or varnish to ensure a smooth surface.
It is very difficult for a dentist to find an approach to a child, because this requires special skills. In private clinics, doctors can spend more time contacting the child before the procedure so that the child is less afraid. Clinics offer various services for its treatment depending on the stage of neglect. The materials for filling teeth in children differ significantly from those in adults. Another direction of children's dental clinics is the correction of malocclusion in children. This will be more difficult to do as an adult.
Mostly, children's dental clinics provide services such as caries treatment, tooth extraction, and installation of braces. Concerning surgical intervention, operations to trim the frenulum of the tongue and lips are also performed. A speech therapist can refer a 5-6 year old child to trim the frenulum. Due to a short frenulum, the child may develop speech and individual sounds incorrectly. If the child's frenulum is in the area upper lip. It often prevents the upper incisors from closing. As a result, a disease such as diastema may occur. This is a gap between the teeth, which can later be corrected, for example, with the help of veneers. Ideally short bridle visible from birth, a child in infancy will be referred to a dental surgeon. A specialist can carry out the frenulum trimming procedure right away.
Reasons for patient's referral to pediatric surgeon may be the following: tooth extraction, abscesses, injuries and dental cysts, also lymphadenitis.
Task pediatric dentist make the dental treatment procedure less painful and comfortable. To make the child feel more comfortable in pediatric dentistry, one of the parents is offered to be next to the child in the office. To prevent oral diseases, it is necessary to visit the dentist every 6 months in order to prevent them in time.

Treatment of children at Dial-Dent is carried out only by the best dentists, who are not only highly qualified, but also understand child psychology. Pediatric dentistry in Moscow is the Dial-Dent clinic, where they love children. Here you will not see children's tears or hear children's screams. The best proof of this is children who want to return to see a pediatric dentist.

Despite the fact that Dial-Dent pediatric dentistry is paid, consultation with a pediatric dentist is free. This way you can get to know the doctor and the clinic, ask the necessary questions, clarify the cost of treatment and make a final decision on the location of treatment.

A child’s first visit to the dentist determines his entire subsequent attitude toward dental treatment and the prevention of oral diseases. The Dial-Dent Family Dental Center has a friendly atmosphere and friendly staff. Designed for young patients special conditions which help the child quickly adapt to an unfamiliar environment.

Features of pediatric dentistry "Dial-Dent" Moscow

Children's department The family dental center "Dial-Dent" offers a full range of dental services for children, including orthodontic treatment and dental treatment under anesthesia. Features of treatment at Dial-Dent - A complex approach to dental health.

For children's reception in our Family Dental Center there are rooms with a separate hall and toilet. In the hall, children can draw, read children's books or watch cartoons. During treatment, the child can watch cartoons on a screen built into the ceiling. At the end of the visit, each little patient is given a gift.

Dentistry for pregnant women - information for expectant mothers

Cost of treatment of children's teeth at Dial-Dent

Frequently asked questions about pediatric dentistry

Dial-Dent doctors who have earned the trust of young patients:

Children's dentist Borisova Yulia Aleksandrovna

Graduated from St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. Academician I.P. Pavlova. She completed an advanced training course at the same university with a degree in Pediatric Dentistry. Conducts treatment using dental laser - has a certificate for working with diode laser Picasso. Completed the additional course “Treatment of caries in children. Endodontic treatment of breast and permanent teeth» from Dr. Belfer Marina D.M.D. (Medical consulting group). A family dentist, he treats both children and their parents equally well.

Work experience: 17 years.

Reception hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:00 to 21:00

Reviews about treatment by Borisova Yu.A.:

“At first I went to Yulia Alexandrovna myself. Then she brought her 11-year-old daughter to her. The clinic has a welcoming atmosphere, there are no queues, they will make an appointment convenient time by phone - so paid pediatric dentistry is more acceptable to me. The treatment is comfortable, my daughter likes the doctor. I recommend to everyone". - Goncharova O.V.

“We contacted Yu.A. Borisova. regarding laser frenuloplasty. The child is 7 years old, he tolerated the procedures well, they came several times. In the summer we will go for a preventive examination. I liked the clinic, the attitude of the staff is at a decent level, it is very convenient that pediatric dentistry is located in TsAO, especially when you need to go to appointments often.” - Donina E.V.

Pediatric dentist-surgeon Lev Borisovich Petrovsky

Graduated from the First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov. Completed internships in pediatric dentistry, dental traumatology, aesthetic rehabilitation, restoration and microprosthetics in South Korea, Brazil, Turkey, Estonia, Ukraine, Russia. Participant and speaker at international training conferences. Author of articles in well-known professional magazines. Lecturer at Moscow Dental College No. 1. Member of the International Association of Dental Traumatology (IADT), member of the International Association of Pediatric Dentistry (IAPD). Performs dental treatment under anesthesia.

Work experience: 10 years.

Reception hours: Tuesday and Thursday - 9.00-15.00, Friday - 15.00-21.00, Sunday - 9.00-21.00

Children's dentist Evgenia Yurievna Nazarenko

Graduated from Tver State University medical academy. Member of the Russian Dental Society. Pediatric dentist. Specialization - root canal treatment.

Reception hours: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday from 9:00 to 21:00

Reviews about treatment by Nazarenko E.Yu.:

“Evgeniya Yurievna is a very attentive and careful doctor. She tries to make the treatment comfortable for the patient, always asking if the chair is comfortable, and is careful with the instruments. She conducts diagnostics very carefully; not a single problem area on the X-ray escaped her attention. He has an excellent understanding of CT scans, reads them like a book and explains everything in detail. When the need arises, I will bring my son to her for treatment.” - Oksana L.

Pediatric orthodontist Selector Olga Nikolaevna

Graduated from St. Petersburg State University medical University them. Pavlova. Has certificates and experience working with the following systems bite corrections: Invisible All In, Incognito, Damon, Clarity, which are successfully used in the treatment of children and adults. Member European Society orthodontists (EOS), Olga Nikolaevna leads scientific work and continues his studies in full-time graduate school at RUDN University. An attentive and punctual doctor who knows how to gain the trust of a small patient.

Work experience: since 2002.

Reception hours: Sunday from 9:00 to 15:00

Reviews about treatment by Selector O.N.:

“I correct my bite with Damon braces from Olga Nikolaevna Selector. Treatment is underway six months. I like everything, although my teeth sometimes hurt. But I believe in success and completely trust my ort. I know for sure that in a year and a half I will have sparkling beautiful teeth.” Polina, 16 years old.

Children's orthodontist Sleptsova Maria Pavlovna

Graduated from Moscow State Medical and Dental University.

Work experience: since 2003.

Reception schedule: Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday.

Reviews about treatment by Sleptsova M.P.:

“We were referred to Maria Pavlovna by a pediatric dentist for consultation, as the child constantly sucks and chews on toys. She examined the child’s teeth very carefully and gave advice on preventing malocclusion. We will see her, and I hope that my son’s teeth will grow straight.” Maria, son Ivan

Children's orthodontist Maria Nikolaevna Ostroukhova

Graduated from Moscow State Medical and Dental University. I received the specialty “Orthodontics” under the guidance of Doctor of Medical Sciences. Professor Gioeva Yu.A. in residency at the Center for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Dentistry. Corrects bite in children and adults. Prefers to work on the most efficient modern orthodontic systems: aligners, various ligature and self-ligating, vestibular and lingual brace systems. Special attention focuses on the prevention of dental anomalies in the youngest patients.

Children's orthodontist Oksana Igorevna Bolshova

Graduated from the Moscow Medical Dental Institute named after. Semashko in 1989. There she completed an internship in the specialty “Pediatric Dentistry”. For 8 years she worked at the Department of Orthodontics and children's prosthetics» MMSI (now MMGSU). Holder of more than 20 certificates and diplomas for completing additional courses and master classes in orthodontics. He considers independent practice, observation and analysis of long-term treatment results to be the key to a doctor’s success.

Work experience: more than 20 years.

Reception hours: Thursday from 13:30 to 21:00.

Teach your child to take care of their teeth

If adults are afraid to visit the dentist, then it is even more difficult to bring small children for an examination. The NovaDent clinic cares about all patients, therefore it offers best conditions for children. You should make your first appointment with the doctor as soon as teeth emerge. Pediatric dentistry is a special direction in medicine.

Regular visits to the doctor will help prevent the occurrence of dangerous diseases, and also select suitable care for the oral cavity in accordance with age. The clinic is selected not only by prices, but also by conditions.

How to choose a dentist?

A good specialist is distinguished by experience and the ability to communicate with children. This determines whether he will come to the appointment a second time. In any of our departments, children can expect:

    Attentive attitude;

    nice office;

    availability of toys.

The dentist will tell you how to take care of your oral hygiene early childhood, which will help prevent the development of dangerous pathologies.

Doctors provide all types of preventive and medical care inexpensive and high quality. From early childhood, they teach the child to monitor the condition of the oral cavity and convince him that a dentist is best friend, not a torturer. Paid pediatric dentistry is chosen by parents precisely for these reasons.

In the departments of our clinic, doctors will give the required anesthesia according to age and conduct necessary treatment quickly, efficiently. The child will remain in a cheerful mood even after visiting the doctor’s office.

Types of services

A paid clinic is advantageous in that you can make an appointment at a convenient time and at the nearest branch of the clinic. At the same time, the services of experienced doctors will be inexpensive. They work in such areas as:

    therapy – doctors treat primary and permanent teeth, and also carry out preventive measures;

    surgery - in this case, dentists provide services to correct anomalies and remove inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;

    orthodontics – a plan is selected using modern devices and braces, which straighten teeth.

We only use safe drugs for children, and we also make sure to conduct a preliminary examination to identify contraindications.

Our doctors will help the child adapt to the environment.

Starting a doctor's visit

For the first time, parents of a baby have to make an appointment with a referral from a pediatrician for comprehensive survey. Preventative examination of baby teeth is necessary because they are covered with thinner enamel. As a result, caries develops much faster.

It is worth enrolling in the NovaDent pediatric dentistry so that your child can acquire good habit visit the dentist. This way you can identify malocclusion and quickly fix the problem.

Even when treatment of baby teeth is necessary, you need to make an appointment with pediatric dentistry. Then it will be possible to prevent the condition from worsening, which will cause the child to become a frequent visitor to the dentist’s chair. To find out prices for services or make an appointment, just call the contact number or fill out the online form on the website.

How to prepare your child for a trip to the dentist?

The key to healthy baby teeth is the child’s trust in the dentist. Whether the doctor will be able to find contact largely depends on the parents. Their task is to properly prepare their son or daughter for the first visit.

The parent who is not afraid of the dental chair should talk to the child the day before. Otherwise, his insecurity will certainly be passed on to his heir. You shouldn’t start preparing too early, a day or two in advance is enough: in a week your baby can hear a lot of “scary” stories from his friends.

Avoid the phrases “it won’t hurt”, “don’t be afraid”, present a visit to the dentist as an ordinary, unremarkable event - similar to a visit, a walk or sports training.

Don't promise gifts in advance good behavior so as not to cause questions and wariness in the baby.

The main rule is not to deceive, but to honestly tell what to expect at the reception. It may sound something like this: “The doctor will look at your teeth, clean them, and anoint them.”

You can simulate a visit to a paid dentist’s office in advance as a game. This way the child will know how to behave, where to sit and how to keep his mouth open. This will help him adapt to the new environment.

The doctor will decide whether you will attend in consultation with you. Sometimes it is advisable to leave the child alone with the pediatric dentist, however, if the doctor allows him to remain, you should not interfere with healing process. The baby's attention should be focused on the dentist."

How to prepare your child for his first visit to the pediatric dentist?

The child’s contact with the dentist and the effectiveness of treatment largely depend on the first visit. Therefore, the doctors of Dentistry on Smolenskaya have prepared for parents simple recommendations how to behave on the eve of this important event in a baby’s life and how to help him adapt.

Someone who is not afraid of dentists should talk about an upcoming visit to the dentist. A positive attitude and confidence from parents is very important. If you contact our clinic, you really have nothing to fear: we have everything you need for a painless and fearless treatment.

Treat a visit to the dentist as an interesting but ordinary event, do not focus on it. Call the doctor by name to make it easier for your child to understand. It is better to talk about this one or two days before the visit, so that the baby does not have time to get scared and does not have much time to think about it or discuss it with peers.

It is better to plan your first visit at morning time when young children are calmer. Older children will also cope better with visiting the dentist if they don't have to think about it all day. We recommend bringing your child's favorite toy or book with you to your appointment. You may need to spend a few minutes in front of the office where you can look at pictures, read, or just play. The situation at Dentistry on Smolenskaya is quite conducive to have a nice time while waiting.

What advice can you give to parents before their first visit to the pediatric dentist?

In order for the first visit to be comfortable for the child and leave him with only pleasant impressions, the right attitude and confidence of the parents that everything will be fine are important. Never lie to your son or daughter, for example, “The doctor will just look at the teeth and that’s all.” It is very important to maintain trust, because if there are other manipulations during the appointment, the child is unlikely to believe you in the future.

  • promise children expensive gifts, because they may conclude that visiting the dentist is something very scary and serious;
  • say the phrases “don’t be afraid”, “you’ll have to be patient”, “it won’t hurt”, because the baby, most likely, did not even think about such a development of events, which means he may get scared;
  • use the words “drill”, “pull out a tooth”, “take an x-ray”, “put a filling”, because the pediatric dentists of our clinic know how to present these procedures in a form that is more understandable for the child.

And the last piece of advice: never get angry, even if your son or daughter behaves completely differently than you would like. Each child is individual and reacts differently to new things. For some, one visit is enough to find contact with a doctor, while others begin to contact only the third or fourth time. Remain patient - and our experienced pediatric dentists will definitely help you!

Do children's baby teeth need to be treated or is it easier to remove them?

There are strict indications for the removal of baby teeth. This cannot be done simply at the request of the parents of a young patient, as this can lead to serious damage to the dental system. On the spot extracted tooth a void is formed into which the adjacent teeth will gradually move. This will make it difficult to cut through the molar, which will appear out of place. The situation will have to be corrected by an orthodontist.

Due to the absence of baby teeth, it is difficult for a child to chew food normally, which will sooner or later lead to digestive problems. We should not forget about diction disorders, which, although not critical at a very early age, can negatively affect self-esteem in the future.

Of course, if the tooth is severely damaged and cannot be treated, it is better to remove the source of infection, but in its place it is necessary to put a special space holder or a neat removable denture. This will allow you to maintain full chewing function. In addition, due to the absence of a tooth, the child’s diction will not be impaired and the facial skeleton will form correctly. In other cases, the doctors at Dentistry on Smolenskaya offer parents safe and painless treatment for their children. modern techniques using quality materials. This allows you to preserve your teeth for as long as possible before permanent teeth appear.

At what age should a child be taught to personal hygiene oral cavity?

Cavity hygiene at any age is aimed at removing soft plaque and food debris from the mucous membrane and teeth. As a child, take care of oral cavity just as important as in adulthood. This should be done as soon as the first teeth appear. From the very beginning, instead of a toothbrush, you can use a napkin - gauze or a special disposable one. A silicone fingertip will also work, but as soon as the baby gets used to the fact that this procedure is regular and, in fact, ordinary, you can switch to a toothbrush.

You absolutely need a brush as soon as your baby starts teething. chewing teeth, they are also temporary molars, with a pronounced relief chewing surface. Residues of food will accumulate in the grooves, and they can only be removed with a brush: neither a napkin nor a fingertip will help here. The enamel in the intertubercular pits is most susceptible to caries because it is very thin. That is why, after the appearance of these teeth, after the age of two, the child must brush regularly.

At what age should you visit a pediatric dentist?

As soon as your baby has his first baby teeth, it’s time to find a good pediatric dentist and make an appointment with him. This should ideally be done before a year. It is during this period that the dental system begins to form, and an experienced doctor will be able to assess its condition and give useful recommendations.

  • if you have a toothache;
  • gums bleed periodically;
  • you notice dark plaque on your teeth or on the enamel - cracks, white spots, or other defects;
  • there are carious cavities of any size, even minor ones;
  • ulcers or other signs of inflammation appear on the oral mucosa;
  • the child complains of pain after eating cold or hot food.

Sometimes during initial examination The pediatric dentist refers you to an orthodontist for consultation. You yourself can pay attention to some defects in the bite or dentition, for example, irregularities, violation of the jaw position when closing the teeth, etc.

Also, do not delay your visit if you notice the eruption of molars too early or a delay in the development of the dental system at any age. It’s better to ask questions to an experienced dentist or orthodontist at the Na Smolenskaya clinic, stop worrying and trust your child in good hands!

Do they do it for children? professional hygiene oral cavity?

The main task of a pediatric dentist is not just to cure teeth, but also to prevent the development of caries, because childhood this process happens very quickly. That is why, in addition to the usual hygiene procedures experienced doctors clinics “On Smolenskaya” recommend their patients to come for professional oral hygiene at certain intervals.

Professional cleaning significantly reduces the risk of developing caries and allows you to detect problems on initial stage and prevent serious consequences. In addition, a child who regularly visits the dentist, including preventative, rather than therapeutic purpose, learns to calmly communicate with the doctor, which means that in the future he will not have difficulties with dental care.

If within individual program the dentist recommended for your child professional cleaning, do not rush to refuse. Listen to the advice and come for the procedure at the frequency that will be indicated specifically for your son or daughter.

Where to go with a child who has suffered an injury and a broken tooth?

According to statistics, every third person receives dental injuries in childhood - usually at home or while playing sports. If this happens to your son or daughter, remain calm. Important to follow simple steps, and then contact a specialist as quickly as possible. At the Dentistry on Smolenskaya clinic, your child will always be helped - our specialists have extensive experience working with such injuries.

First, examine your child to determine if there are any serious musculoskeletal injuries or other injuries. The mouth needs to be rinsed cool water and blot with a clean napkin, only then inspect the cavity. If a permanent tooth is broken, try to find a fragment and place the fragment in saline solution or milk (water, alcohol or hydrogen peroxide are not suitable). The sooner you arrive at our clinic, the higher the chances of successful implantation of the fragment.

If you notice that a tooth has become mobile due to a bruise, although it looks undamaged, do not hesitate to contact a traumatologist. The main thing in such a situation is not to put pressure on the tooth, even if it prevents you from closing your mouth. Perhaps, due to an injury, a nerve is damaged or the root is broken - such a tooth can be saved if you contact us in a timely manner.

If you got hurt baby tooth, we are not talking about its restoration: the treatment tactics are different. Here it is important to prevent infection from reaching the permanent tooth germ. If everything is done on time, childhood trauma will not lead to serious consequences.

Which toothpastes are best for children and at what age?

We recommend brushing your teeth from the moment the first tooth erupts, so that your baby gets used to regular oral hygiene. Pick up toothpaste necessary depending on the age of the child. For example, pastes for babies from 0 to 3 are registered as food product, so you don’t risk anything if your son or daughter accidentally swallows a little.

The paste should prevent the development of caries, restore enamel early stage destruction, weaken the effect of bacteria and slow down the spread of plaque. It is very important that it tastes good, otherwise the child may refuse to brush his teeth.

  • A good toothpaste must contain calcium(as part of compounds) and fluorine if the child is over three years old and knows how to rinse his mouth. Fluoride restores tooth enamel through remineralization, but it is optimal if it is presented in the paste in the form of amino fluoride - the most accessible form for absorption.
  • If in your region there is increased content fluoride in water, then it is better not to use fluoride paste so as not to disturb correct formation enamels.
  • It’s good if the paste contains Xylitol And Sorbitol, slowing down the development of bacteria, as well as enzymes lactoperoxidase, bromelain, lactoferrin, papain.
  • The abrasiveness of the paste should not exceed 20 if the child is under three years old. For children from 3 to 13 years old, choose a product with an abrasiveness of up to 45.

But you should avoid pastes with whitening and antimicrobial components, as well as products containing sodium lauryl sulfate, which has a strong allergic effect.

Schoolchildren and children with permanent teeth We recommend alternating pastes with and without fluoride, for example, seasonally. The best proven manufacturers are ROCS, Biorepair, Montcarote, Elmex.

What is silver plating? Are there other methods for preventing “cervical” caries?

Silvering is one of the methods for preventing “cervical” caries. A silver nitrate solution is applied to the cleaned tooth surface. After a few minutes, a film is formed, which should stop the development of caries thanks to antimicrobial action silver The method is absolutely painless, but in practice it is in many ways inferior to other more effective technologies.

It is advisable to silver teeth in the early stages of the carious process, before microbes are under the enamel. In more difficult cases silver does not cope with the problem, does not restore the structure of the tissue, and acts only as a temporary antiseptic.

Advanced pediatric dentists are resorting to more effective non-invasive methods. At the initial stage, when only the stain is noticeable, we practice remineralizing therapy, which involves applying special gels to the surface.

Another innovative method is called ICON: it covers teeth with initial signs caries composition with increased penetrating ability. It is very important to detect carious lesions as early as possible. This is why children's doctors at Dentistry on Smolenskaya recommend bringing your child to routine examinations at least once every 3 months.

At what age should a child be taken to an orthodontist?

Pledge beautiful smile for life - the correct bite. It is very difficult for a non-specialist to independently notice deviations in its formation in a child: only an orthodontist can do this, so it is advisable to show your son or daughter to a doctor at an early age. The sooner you start correcting your bite, the higher your chances of achieving positive result by the time permanent teeth appear.

Even if you are convinced that the child does not have defects in the closure of teeth or incorrect alignment of the dentition, still schedule a visit to the orthodontist as early as possible. After all straight teeth- is not at all a guarantee that the bite is formed correctly, which means you may miss precious time. Over time, improper closure of teeth will lead to speech defects, damage to enamel, and difficulty chewing food.

If the specialist notices small deviations at an early stage, as soon as the baby agrees to hardware treatment, you can start fixing it. This is much easier and cheaper to do as a child than as an adult. Therefore, you should not postpone preventive examinations and ignore the advice of experienced orthodontists.