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Benefits for pensioners for dental services. What is the procedure for receiving benefits? What documents are needed and how to get benefits

Dental problems often cause digestive problems, which has a detrimental effect on the health of any member of the human race. To a greater extent, dental problems worry older people.

To maintain good spirits and health, experts recommend dental prosthetics for pensioners.

Some categories of retired citizens can use this service at a reduced cost or free of charge.

Who is entitled to preferential and free dental prosthetics?

The topic of preferential prosthetics is relevant for those regions of the country that do not have a sufficient number of Money to pay for the service in full size. In such conditions, the state reimburses only half of the funds spent on the manufacture and installation of dentures.

The issue of the possibility of providing free prosthetics is decided by local regional authorities. In order to find out whether the service is available in the city of residence, the pensioner should visit the regional authorities at the place of residence.

According to the legislation on social protection, the following categories have the right to preferential or free prosthetics (depending on the region):

In order to receive a benefit, belonging to one of these categories is not enough - at least one of the conditions must also be met:

  • get in line for free dental prosthetics;
  • receive EDV (in addition to the pension);
  • have a net income that is twice the minimum subsistence level.

According to the law, citizens of Russia can use the benefit provided by the state no more than once every five years.

How to use the service in St. Petersburg?

Obviously pay dental prosthetics It is impossible for all beneficiaries to apply at the same time, so each region of the country has its own queue. In St. Petersburg it is distributed as follows:

The remaining categories of beneficiaries follow below. Those who took part in eliminating the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant are given a 50% discount on the price of production and repair orthopedic products.

When applying in person, the applicant must provide the following list of documents:

If a representative applies, the applicant will additionally need:

After receiving all necessary documents The Department of Social Protection of the Population makes one of two decisions:

  • issues a referral to the applicant for free (preferential) dental prosthetics;
  • issues the applicant a notice of refusal to provide the service.

If you move to another area of ​​the city, the right to receive services and a place in the queue are retained.

How can pensioners skip the line?

You can use the service out of turn in the following cases:

    the patient has cancer in the area of ​​the face and mouth;

  • oncology digestive system beneficiary;
  • malignant organ disease circulatory system patient;
  • previous complex surgery on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dental defects as a result of serious injuries.

If the patient does not have time to wait for his turn, he should contact paid clinic. All documents regarding payment for services must be issued to the working family member, after which he will be able to receive a special certificate that will allow him to subsequently return 13% of the cost of dental services.

How to return the tax deduction for treatment (NDFL), see this video:

Types of free dental services under the compulsory medical insurance policy

You can take advantage of free dental services in Russia by compulsory medical insurance policy. It provides a guarantee that the cost of dental services will be reimbursed by the insurance company to which the policy was issued.

Despite the fact that orthopedics and prosthetics are not included in the program, pensioners and other previously listed categories of citizens have the right to receive free orthopedic care under the policy.

The insurance company provides all information regarding the full range of services available on a budget basis. As a rule, among them:

What does the free prosthetics service include?

Dental prosthetics with a 50% discount or free of charge involves the manufacture, installation and repair of orthopedic products. At the same time, the quality of the drugs and materials used often suffers.

As part of the program, do not count on:

The patient retains the right to independently pay for expensive materials and services for installation of structures, i.e., the difference between the actual and expected costs. Allowed benefit will apply to the remaining amount.

How to arrange a service for a pensioner?

In order to obtain a free (preferential) service, you must first obtain a medical certificate confirming the need to install dentures.

At the next stage, the pensioner needs to contact the local social security authorities with the following package of documents:

  • certificate of family composition;
  • certificates from the place of work of all family members who have reached the age of majority; certificates about the amount of other material payments;

  • birth certificates of minors (if any) and parent’s passport;
  • applicant's passport;
  • pension certificate (if available);
  • application in the prescribed form;
  • certificate from the place of registration;
  • medical policy.

In a few days you will be able to find out about your place in the queue from the same authorities.

Unfortunately, the pensioner does not have the right to choose the institution where prosthetics will be performed. Typically this is public clinics who have everything necessary to carry out the procedure.

Prosthetics for low-income pensioners

There is no single federal program, reflecting the conditions and rules for the provision of orthopedic services to low-income pensioners. In each region they are individual. As mentioned earlier, to get all necessary information You should contact your local Social Security authorities.

The relevant authorities will provide you with a list of local medical institutions that provide such services and a list of documents required to provide. Typically this is:

Thus, the current system of free (full or partial) dental prosthetics for pensioners in the country allows older people to solve dental problems while saving their own money.


Persons falling under the category of beneficiaries

The following citizens are entitled to benefits for prosthetics:

  • labor veterans;
  • disabled children under 18 years of age;
  • people of retirement age who do not have additional income;
  • participants of the Great Patriotic War;
  • disabled due to health reasons.

In addition to pensioners and disabled people, the right to preferential prosthetics ordinary citizens can use, which:

  • have an income 2 times lower than the subsistence level;
  • were on a waiting list for free prosthetics as of January 1, 2005;
  • participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Detailed information about the list of beneficiaries can be found in the social protection authorities.

Additional categories of beneficiaries

In some regions you can find the following lists of categories of people entitled to free prosthetics:

  • home front workers;
  • old age pensioners;
  • disabled people and veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
  • victims of repression and those rehabilitated;
  • disabled people (you must have a document confirming this or that group).

Queue for free prosthetics

The queue for free prosthetics in each region may be different. So, in St. Petersburg the queue is distributed as follows:

  • disabled people and WWII veterans;
  • disabled people;
  • pensioners and labor veterans.

The remaining beneficiaries are distributed at the last level. Liquidators of the consequences at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant can receive a benefit in the amount of ½ of the total cost for expenses.

In Moscow and the Moscow region, pensioners can exercise the right to free prosthetics only if they do not work. A separate queue is determined for these persons. For discounted prosthetics military pensioners can count on and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Receiving benefits for pensioners

In order to take advantage of the benefit for prosthetics, you must first contact the social security authorities at the place of residence. Each region has its own procedure for regulating preferential queue and its provision.

Free, preferential dental prosthetics for pensioners is possible only in state clinics.

Currently, private dental clinics can also offer discounts on treatment to pensioners. Wherein A certificate from the social security authorities will be required that the person is truly included in the group of beneficiaries. But you need to find out about such moments in person at the clinic.

In public clinics there is often the following priority for dental prosthetics benefits:

  • WWII participants, heroes of the USSR, disabled children under 18 years of age;
  • disabled people due to health reasons, old age pensioners and labor veterans.

Services provided free of charge to pensioners and others

In each region there is a state municipal clinic with a dental profile, obliged to receive and serve a person who provided the medical insurance.

Scroll free services:

  • consultation with a dentist (examination and recommendations);
  • reorganization oral cavity;
  • treatment of caries, installation of fillings and restoration of damaged teeth;
  • elimination of inflammation of the oral cavity;
  • elimination of dental plaque;
  • prosthetics for a certain category of people.

Services not included in the program for free prosthetics for pensioners

The following services are not provided free of charge:

  • installation of implants;
  • installation of ceramic or metal-ceramic prostheses;
  • repair or production of orthodontic appliances that are aimed at treating periodontal disease and preventing increased tooth wear;
  • repair, production and prosthetics of structures made of precious metals and other expensive metals.


Out of turn, you can get the right to free prosthetics if:

  • the person has cancer in the area of ​​the face and mouth;
  • the beneficiary was diagnosed with digestive oncology;
  • there is a malignant disease of the hematopoietic organs;
  • recently underwent a complex operation on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • missing teeth due to serious injuries.


Which clinics can provide free dentures in 2018?

Full or partial dental prosthetics are provided exclusively in public clinics. The state cannot oblige private dental institutions to provide pensioners with special benefits and conditions. However, many private clinics offer additional discounts to their clients who have already retired. But, as a rule, the size of these discounts is insignificant.

Who can benefit from free prosthetics?

The features and nuances of the benefit in the form of free dental prosthetics are determined by regional legislation. By general rules The following categories of pensioners can count on free dentures in 2018:

  • war veterans and disabled people;
  • disability pensioners (including disabled children);
  • persons affected by the Chernobyl disaster;
  • labor veterans;
  • non-working old-age pensioners.

The authorities of each region of the country have the right to independently supplement their list of beneficiaries.

In addition to belonging to one or another category, to receive free prostheses, a pensioner must also meet the following conditions:

  • stand in line for free prosthetics;
  • receive EDV;
  • have an income below the subsistence level established in the region.

How to take advantage of free dentures?

You can find out whether a pensioner is entitled to preferential dental prosthetics at your local social security office. Social Security employees will also explain the procedure for contacting a prosthetist. As a rule, benefits are provided in three types:

  • 100% discount on prosthetics services;
  • 50% discount on prosthetist services;
  • payment for repair of prostheses.

Since the number of beneficiaries wishing to take advantage of this benefit exceeds the capabilities of the state, free dental prosthetics are provided on a first-come, first-served basis and only by appointment. medical indications. Only those for whom dental prosthetics are vital can visit the dentist out of turn. necessary measure. As a rule, this applies to people suffering from cancer. gastrointestinal tract, severe maxillofacial diseases, as well as to victims of serious injuries.

Please note that the discount does not apply to expensive materials. But if a pensioner wants to install high-quality prostheses, he can independently pay the difference in the cost of subsidized and expensive materials.

Benefits in the form of dental prosthetics are provided once every five years. The warranty on dentures is usually 1 year.

Refund 13% of the cost of medical care

If the queue for subsidized dentures in the region is too long, and the pensioner decides to pay for dental services on his own, he can return 13% of the amount spent. To do this, before paying for prosthetics, it is necessary to draw up an agreement for an officially working relative, so that after a year he receives a tax deduction in the amount of 13% of the amount paid for the manufacture of prostheses.


Who is eligible for benefits?

Free or partially unpaid dental restoration is available to the following groups of citizens:

  • pensioners not working due to old age;
  • out of turn for veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
  • in the order of priority for labor veterans with the appropriate status;
  • disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3 (children);
  • persons whose subsistence level is half the minimum;
  • persons liquidating the consequences of the incident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • home front workers.

In different regions, preferential prosthetics and dental therapy may be provided to other groups of citizens.

Preferential (or partially unpaid) dental prosthetics for non-working pensioners is carried out by decision of the regional authorities. This service may not be available in every region. Russian Federation. To ensure that such services are provided to labor veterans and disabled people of groups 1 and 2, you must contact local government authorities for information.

If preferential dentures are provided in a given region, you must send an application to the (regional) social protection authorities. Such services are provided on a first-come, first-served basis, and there are two in total.

The first to carry out preferential orthopedic rehabilitation for Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, as well as for disabled children and Heroes Soviet Union. The following include old-age pensioners, disabled people of groups 1 and 2, as well as labor veterans. There are also extraordinary preferential or partially free dental prosthetics.

Queue order

Out-of-turn dental treatment is provided to labor veterans, disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3, and pensioners in the following cases:

  • malignant pathologies of the digestive organs;
  • oncology of hematopoietic organs;
  • undergoing major surgery on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • serious facial injury with jaw deformation;
  • malignant formation of the maxillofacial system.

How to get preferential treatment

To get the opportunity for free dental treatment disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3, labor veterans and other persons with benefits must collect the following package of documents:

  • original passport;
  • a completed application to the social protection authorities;
  • document on family composition;
  • additionally – compulsory health insurance policy;
  • a document indicating the need for dental prosthetics;

A child must have a passport of one parent and a birth certificate. Close relatives, guardians, and social workers can apply for a beneficiary to the social security service.

Free dental treatment

List of preferential services for labor veterans and disabled people in the state dental clinic:

  • consultation and examination of the oral cavity;
  • professional hygiene, removal of solid deposits;
  • treatment of carious and non-carious diseases, pathologies of the mucous membrane;
  • surgical removal of tumors in the maxillofacial area;
  • replacement of low-quality fillings, refilling of root canals;
  • installation of an orthopedic structure.

Benefits do not apply to the following services:

  • production and fixation of metal-ceramic and porcelain dentures;
  • implantation, treatment after fixation of implants;
  • repair of expensive orthopedic structures;
  • repair of structures that are indicated for the treatment of periodontal tissue.

The patient receives only the denture for which funds were allocated. You can choose the material and type yourself only at your own expense, after which the installation will be carried out free of charge (depending on the region).

Each service has exceptions. For example, metal ceramics can be installed for persons with allergic reactions or severe pathologies of the digestive organs, the stomach in particular.

Low-income citizens also have the opportunity to offset costs or receive completely free dental prosthetics. A special coupon is issued for dental services, which can be used within a month. The installed orthopedic structure is guaranteed for a year.

Each region has a different procedure for providing public services; to obtain detailed information, you need to go to the government authorities.

To receive benefits, labor veterans need to obtain the appropriate status. Documents are completed at the social security service within a month. After a positive decision and receipt of the certificate, you can choose suitable benefits and draw up documents for them.

Dental prosthetics can be compensated according to the conditions tax deduction. All taxpayers can benefit from this. To achieve this, dental prosthetics must be truly necessary.

More details


Features of the program

In some regions, free dental prosthetics are not available to pensioners. In this case, all costs are borne by the city administration. The disadvantage of such a program is that the patient cannot choose the institution where it is more convenient and preferable for him to receive such a service. Preferential dental prosthetics for pensioners are available exclusively at the municipal clinic. When providing this service, a contract must be concluded. This document must indicate that prosthetics were carried out on preferential terms. In addition, the contract must specify the terms of execution, warranty obligations, as well as the cost of procedures.

The following have the right to receive preferential services:

  1. Labor veterans.
  2. Unemployed citizens of retirement age.
  3. Disabled people who have a group according to their health status.
  4. Disabled children under 18 years of age.
  5. Participants of the Second World War.

In addition, the program is available to people whose average per capita income is several times lower than the subsistence level. Discounted dental prosthetics are also available for pensioners and for citizens who are on the waiting list as of January 2005.

Those who are involved in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident can count on the provision of such a service free of charge. Additional categories of people who can undergo free prosthetics are determined by the relevant decision of the local government.

Get full list those included in the program can be contacted by the social security authorities.

Who else can take advantage of the benefit?

Preferential dental prosthetics are available to: labor and WWII veterans; disabled people who have documentary confirmation about the presence of a group; home front workers; rehabilitated victims of repression, pensioners.

How is such a queue distributed?

Each region of the country provides a certain priority order for the provision of free dental prosthetics for pensioners and other categories of citizens. Take, for example, St. Petersburg. Here, the queue for the provision of preferential services is carried out according to the following principle: first of all, veterans, as well as disabled people of the Second World War, are served, then the disabled, labor veterans and pensioners.

In Moscow and the Moscow region, dental prosthetics are available for pensioners free of charge if they do not work. There is a separate queue for this category of citizens. Also, a preferential service is available to those who are employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and military pensioners.

How can I use the service?

To be able to get teeth installed on preferential terms, a pensioner must contact the social security authorities at his place of registration. It is worth remembering that each region has its own order of queuing. The service of dental prosthetics for pensioners is provided free of charge only in state dental clinics.

If you have the appropriate documents issued by social security authorities, some private medical institutions can provide this service with a certain discount. Before contacting such a clinic, you should clarify under what conditions free dental prosthetics are provided for pensioners, and how much it will cost.

To make it easier to keep track of beneficiaries, in some medical institutions several queues have been created:

  1. The first includes heroes of the Soviet Union, participants of the Second World War, and disabled minors.
  2. The second group usually includes labor veterans, people of retirement age, and people with disabilities due to health reasons.

What services are provided free of charge?

All public clinics that have a dental department must provide free services to patients with medical insurance. In this case, there is a certain list of services:

  1. Patient examination, dentist consultation and recommendations.
  2. Elimination of all kinds of damage, filling of canals, as well as treatment of caries.
  3. Sanitation of the oral cavity.
  4. Removal of various dental deposits.
  5. Treatment of inflammatory processes.
  6. Dental prosthetics for pensioners (free) and for other categories of citizens.

In addition, the municipal clinic repairs prostheses of any complexity, as well as their complete replacement if they cannot be restored.

What is not included in the program

Exist certain types services that are not included in the free prosthetics program. These include:

  1. Installation of implants.
  2. Prosthetics with metal-ceramics and ceramics.
  3. Manufacturing and installation of structures made of expensive metals and materials, as well as repair of such prostheses.
  4. Creation and restoration of orthodontic devices that are designed to prevent increased abrasion tissues and periodontal treatment.

Exceptions to the rules

On this moment installation of structures that are not included in the social program is provided. This need arises if the patient has allergies, as well as oncology of certain organs of the digestive system. In such a situation, clasp dentures made of more expensive material can be installed.

In addition, the beneficiary has the right to pay the difference between the cost of a conventional and more expensive design. In this case, a deduction will be made for the installation of such a prosthesis.

It is worth noting that the service of dental prosthetics for pensioners allows you to save significant amounts of money and restore the missing elements of the dental system. The patient can install the design that suits him best.

When is free dental prosthetics provided for pensioners out of turn?

Dental restoration can also be done out of turn. This is permitted in the following situations:

  1. If the patient lost teeth as a result of the injury.
  2. The presence of oncological diseases of the digestive system, maxillofacial part of the head.
  3. After complex operations performed on the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. In the presence of malignant diseases some hematopoietic organs.

How to get benefits

To obtain the right to preferential dental prosthetics for disabled people or pensioners, you must contact the social protection department at your place of registration. Here the patient must be placed in a queue. In this case, you must have the following documents with you: a certificate from your place of residence; passport; a certificate received from the clinic indicating that the patient needs prosthetics; statement; pensioner's certificate, as well as a medical insurance policy.

How is the procedure performed?

In a clinic that provides free dental prosthetics for pensioners and the disabled, you must first obtain a coupon. It is necessary for the procedure. It is worth noting that the service must be provided within 30 days, and only in the dental clinic indicated in the referral received.

At the initial appointment, a contract is concluded, the patient is examined, and the oral cavity is prepared for the installation of ready-made structures. After this, the doctor must take impressions and determine the color of the tooth enamel so that the future prosthesis does not stand out and looks more natural. At this stage, the patient can express all his wishes, which will be taken into account in the future.

When the design is completely ready, the pensioner must come to try it on. If the patient is satisfied with everything, the doctor can install a prosthesis. A pensioner can use other services:

  1. Removal of diseased or broken teeth.
  2. Elimination of caries.
  3. Treatment of periodontal disease.

Warranty for prostheses

All structures that were supplied as part of the social program must be covered by warranty service. The warranty period is usually 12 months. If the prosthesis has become unusable, its repair or production of a new one is carried out only on the basis of a special medical report. If it is proven that the structure has become unusable due to the fault of the dental clinic, its repair or the creation of a new one will be carried out free of charge.

Dentures for pensioners benefits Rox cream for fixing dentures

Teeth are normal Dental prosthetics Is it possible in Moscow to provide free dental prosthetics for disabled people and pensioners?

In old age, a person is more susceptible to diseases of the teeth and oral cavity, so by the age of 50-60, most pensioners have a need to restore lost teeth. This pleasure is not cheap, and not available to every person of retirement age. What conditions for free prosthetics for disabled people and pensioners exist in the Russian Federation?

What are the features of the free prosthetics program?

In some regions of the Russian Federation, free dental prosthetics are not available to disabled people; in this case, the city administration must bear such costs. The program has one serious drawback - the patient does not have the right to choose. That is, a person cannot independently choose an institution in which it will be more convenient for him to restore lost teeth.

The service of preferential dental restoration is provided exclusively in municipal clinics after drawing up an agreement, which necessarily indicates the fact that all services are provided on preferential terms. The agreement also specifies the following moments:

Who is eligible for benefits?

The following can receive preferential services: categories of citizens:

  • labor veterans,
  • children with disabilities under 18 years of age,
  • disabled people who received a group for health reasons,
  • non-working pensioners,
  • WWII participants.

The program is also available to those citizens whose income is several times less than the subsistence level. In addition, liquidators of the Chernobyl accident can count on free dental services. Additional categories of citizens who can take advantage of the program are determined by self-government bodies.

How is the queue distributed?

How is the queue distributed? In each region of the Russian Federation, the order of priority for free smile restoration services is organized in its own way. For example, in Moscow and the region there is a separate queue for non-working citizens of retirement age. Military pensioners and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also have the right to use the service.

In St. Petersburg, registration for dental prosthetics for pensioners is determined as follows:

  1. Veterans and disabled people of the Second World War.
  2. Citizens who have become disabled due to health reasons.
  3. Pensioners and labor veterans.

How to use the benefit?

Expert opinion. Dentist O.L. Astakhenko: “How can I use the free dental prosthetics service? To do this, just contact the social protection authorities. Be sure to keep in mind that the queue order is formed differently in each region. In addition, do not forget that the prosthesis will be made for you only in a state medical institution.”

Labor veterans receive free services on a second priority basis.

But some are private dental clinics can provide free dental prosthetics services to pensioners with a certain discount if they have been issued the appropriate documents by social security authorities. Some medical institutions have created two types of queues to make it easier to keep track of beneficiaries:

  1. First of all:
  • heroes of the USSR,
  • WWII participants,
  • minor children with disabilities.
  1. Second stage:
  • labor veterans,
  • citizens of retirement age,
  • citizens with a disability group due to health conditions.

List of free services

It is important that all state dental clinics, without exception, are obliged to provide dental prosthetics services for pensioners free of charge to those citizens who have a medical insurance policy. List of free services:

  • examination, consultation, doctor's recommendations,
  • , depulpation, canal filling,
  • rehabilitation,
  • therapy of inflammatory processes,
  • repair of prostheses, as well as their replacement if repair is impossible.

What services are not included in the program?

The dental prosthetics program for pensioners provides the following services:

  • production of metal-ceramic and ceramic prostheses,
  • installation of structures made of expensive materials,
  • production and installation of orthodontic devices.

Who's out of turn?

Out-of-turn service is provided in the following cases:

  • the patient lost teeth due to injury,
  • oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, maxillofacial area of ​​the head,
  • after serious surgical interventions on the gastrointestinal tract,
  • diseases of the hematopoietic organs.

What is the procedure for receiving benefits?

To obtain the right to free dental prosthetics, pensioners in Moscow must contact the social protection department at the place of registration, where a queue is formed. You must have a package with you documents:

  • statement,
  • medical policy,
  • passport,
  • pensioner's ID,
  • a certificate from the clinic stating that the patient needs dental treatment or restoration,
  • certificate from your place of residence.

Military quotas

Free dental prosthetics for military pensioners is provided by law to persons who have been discharged from the armed forces, as well as other formations, security agencies, internal, border, and railway troops. Military pensioners have the right to undergo free diagnosis, treatment and installation of prostheses:

  1. Free prosthetics are provided if the officer has 25 years of service, but expensive metals and materials cannot be used.
  2. The benefit is also available to pensioners who served in the rank of officer for more than 20 years or in the rank of warrant officers and midshipmen for 25 years.

Stages of the procedure

At the clinic where prosthetics will be performed, the patient must receive a coupon. Prosthetics must be carried out within 30 days and in the medical institution indicated in the referral. The first appointment is to examine the oral cavity, prepare it for prosthetics, and conclude a contract.

Also at this stage, impressions are taken and the color of the future prosthesis is selected. The second visit is to try on a ready-made prosthesis. In case of any inaccuracies, the design is adjusted. The patient can also use the following services:

  • caries treatment,
  • therapy of periodontal tissue diseases.

It is important that all prostheses come with a warranty, which is usually 12 months.

Dental clinic "Partner-Med"

By the age of 60, a person, unfortunately, is missing more than half of his teeth. Many commercial dental clinics in Moscow offer prosthetics services for pensioners on favorable terms: in installments, on credit, with discounts.

Dentistry "Partner-Med" provides the following benefits for pensioners:

The clinic also provides discounts for pensioners on prosthetics in the amount of 20 to 35% of current prices for services.

Discounts for pensioners at other clinics

Clinic Address Conditions
"VitaDent" st. Malygina, 3 Dental treatment and prosthetics for pensioners – 5% discount

From 12,000 rubles – 10% discount,

From 24,000 rubles – 15%.

"Denta Lux" st. Bolshaya Spasskaya, 10 20% discount on dentures for all patients visiting the clinic for the first time.
"All Ours" Autumn Boulevard, building 12, building 10 30% discount.
"Bella Meda" Lunacharsky Ave., building 60, kV.1 Consultation is free.

Discount on dentures – 10%.

"Dent Berg" St. Kirovogradskaya, house 9, apt. 2 Discount on treatment – ​​10%.

Discount on dentures – 5%.

Permanent social discounts on all services for disabled people of the first and second groups - 10%.

"Riga Stom" St. Litovsky Boulevard, 26 Discounts on treatment – ​​20%.

Discounts on dentures – 7%.

Benefits for pensioners in clinics in St. Petersburg

Are there any benefits for pensioners for dental prosthetics? in clinics in St. Petersburg? Free prosthetics and dental treatment and discounts for pensioners in St. Petersburg The following clinics provide:

​Today, a special system of preferential dental prosthetics for people of retirement age has been introduced in the Russian Federation. If the program does not operate in the region in which the pensioner lives, then the regional management structure bears full responsibility for the costs of subsidized prosthetics. Main negative point of this program is that the beneficiary does not have the right to choose one or another clinic for the relevant service, since only municipal dental institutions are covered by the program. So, today we are talking about preferential dental prosthetics for pensioners, namely, how a pensioner can receive compensation for dental prosthetics.

Preferential conditions for dentures: who are they available to?

Free dental prosthetics are available to people of retirement age who are currently considered unofficially employed. In addition, the following groups of people fall under the category of beneficiaries:

  • labor veterans;
  • disabled people of groups 1-3;
  • liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • military pensioners;
  • disabled children who have not reached the age of majority;

All of the above groups are located in general list, however, in some regions other population groups are added to it. It should also be noted that for persons who were involved in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, the cost of dental construction will be reduced to 50% of total price for the procedure.

How can you find out if a similar service is available in your area?

As a rule, the pensioner should apply directly to the local social security structure. If the answer is positive, an application is sent to the appropriate authority. Presumably the beneficiary will have to wait his turn. Extraordinary service is possible if there is an oncological disease of the digestive system, loss of teeth after an injury, a tumor in the maxillofacial part, or diseases of the hematopoietic organs.

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Procedure for receiving benefits

In order for a pensioner to be able to use the service of preferential dental prosthetics, it is necessary to provide the following list of documentation to the local hospital:

  1. passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  2. pensioner's ID;
  3. application for free dental prosthetics in accordance with the current social security program;
  4. health insurance policy;
  5. document on the amount of pension payments.

Provided that all documentation is filled out correctly, the citizen is placed in a queue, the duration of which depends on the region in which he lives. As a rule, it varies from 3 to 7 months of waiting.

It should also be noted that For preferential dental prosthetics, only acrylic structures are used, which are created in municipal medical institutions. As for imported dentures, ceramic bridges and crowns, they are produced exclusively in private clinics, and therefore are not included in the system of preferential dental prosthetics.

Providing a guarantee

Dentures that are installed under the terms of a special social program are guaranteed for a period of 1 year. If the prosthesis breaks down, repairs are carried out based on a medical report or a new one is assembled. Repair and production of a new design is carried out free of charge if it is proven that the denture has become unusable due to the fault of the medical institution.

The presence and quality of teeth is a factor influencing a person’s life expectancy. Solving the problem at your own expense is expensive, there is another way. The state provides preferential dental prosthetics to some citizens.

In 2019, not everyone will be able to use it. Legislation strictly regulates the spending of budget funds.

Who is eligible for government support?

The right to preferences is laid down in the relevant legislative act, which interprets the concept of a preferential category.

The list of persons receiving subsidies for free prosthetics is given in Federal law“On social protection of citizens.”

These include:

  • veterans of the Great Patriotic War (WWII), labor;
  • disabled people of the Second World War;
  • non-working pensioners;
  • disabled people, including minors.
This help provided from regional budgets. This means that local authorities are adopting their own laws that expand the list of beneficiaries.

Regional features

As a rule, regions provide benefits for dental prosthetics to the following beneficiaries:

  • citizens whose average family income is significantly below the subsistence level;
  • liquidators of accidents at nuclear facilities (Chernobyl victims and persons equivalent to them);
  • in some regions:
    • home front workers;
    • pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
    • military pensioners (with more than 25 years of service);
    • honorary donors of the USSR and the Russian Federation;
    • heroes of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation;
    • repressed.
If a citizen was on a waiting list for dentures before 2005, he must be provided with funding.

People who doubt whether they will be included in benefits should better find out the details from civil servants in local government structures. Legislation is different everywhere.

For example, in Kamchatka prosthetics are provided free of charge to all members of a family raising a disabled child.

How to take advantage of government support

Due to the peculiarities legislative regulation regarding this issue, you should contact the social security department directly. The allocation of service coupons is the responsibility of this body.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Get a certificate from your doctor about the need for prosthetics.
  2. Attach photocopies of:
    1. passports;
    2. IDs:
      • pension;
      • preferential (if available);
    3. compulsory health insurance policy (CHI);
    4. birth certificate (for a child with disabilities);
    5. original certificates:
      • about family composition;
      • about the income of all persons indicated in the previous document.
  3. You must fill out an application at the social security department. Specialists will suggest its form and also examine the documents.
  4. If you receive a positive decision, you must immediately take advantage of preferential preferences.
The preference coupon is valid for a certain period of time and then becomes invalid. Specific deadlines are determined by regional legislation. They range from 2 weeks to six months.

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The nuances of the preferential queue

Those wishing to undergo dental prosthetics for budget resources a lot of. This means that you have to choose who should receive government assistance first.

As a rule, priority rights in this area are enjoyed by:

  • veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War;
  • minors with a registered disability;
  • heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation;
  • some citizens for medical reasons.

The following are included in the list:

  • disabled people;
  • labor veterans;
  • low-income pensioners and others.

Thus, there are actually two queues. Deserved and especially needy citizens receive services at state expense earlier than other beneficiaries.

The budget pays only for certain manipulations, namely:

  • dentures made from conventional materials;
  • their repair.
A person can exercise the right to free dental installation (prosthetic repair) once every five years.

Limitations and subtleties of using budget money

Citizens who want to take advantage of government support need to know some of the features of this type of assistance.


  1. Budget services are provided only by state clinics (the address is indicated on the coupon). In another hospital you will have to pay for the services out of your own pocket. That is, the patient has no choice.
  2. It is prohibited to use ceramics and precious metals. Only the cheapest prostheses are installed at government expense.
  3. In some cases, it is allowed to use expensive materials. But you will have to pay extra for them out of your own pocket.
  4. The list of free services does not include:
    • dental implantation;
    • creation of structures used in the treatment of abrasion;
    • prevention and treatment of periodontal disease.
In case of allergic intolerance to conventional materials, a more expensive material (porcelain, for example) can be used on the doctor’s recommendation.

If your health condition does not allow you to wait in line

The law describes exceptional cases when teeth are installed free of charge and urgently. This rule applies to people with serious illnesses.

If your mouth is missing even a few teeth, it can greatly impact your overall quality of life. The bite becomes incorrect healthy teeth account for heavy loads. The result is gum disease, loss of remaining teeth, etc. Therefore, dental prosthetics must be carried out in a timely manner.

Let's figure out what benefits there are for dental prosthetics, for which categories of citizens they are provided, and what procedure is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for preferential prosthetics.

All age categories of citizens need timely dental implantation. There are many reasons for this: poor nutrition, untimely visit to the dentist, poor environment, etc. therefore, not every person remains with a healthy smile by the age of 50-40.

There is no need to talk about pensioners, who make up the majority of people who need prosthetics. And if you look at the average pension in our country, you can understand that for many, replacing teeth can become a luxury.

Preferential prosthetics, according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, are available to all labor veterans and disabled people various groups, military pensioners, military personnel, and some other categories of the population.

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the following persons are entitled to benefits:

  • Military personnel who received the status of Hero of the Russian Federation;
  • Owners of Orders of Glory;
  • Labor disabled people of groups 2 and 3;
  • Donors of the Russian Federation and the USSR;
  • Persons liquidating the Chernobyl accident.

Free dental prosthetics has its own characteristics. They are regulated by Russian legislation for disabled people and pensioners of certain groups at the management level of each individual region.

How to get a free service

It is worth understanding that preferential dentures are not provided in private dentistry. Moreover, count on free treatment costs only after undergoing an examination by a state dentist.

But, according to the law on social protection, not every city in Russia has this program. Thus, in Krasnodar, only military personnel who have completed World War II can receive prosthetics free of charge.

In the Capital this social program implemented more loyally. Thus, absolutely all categories of pensioners who do not have any Orders or military ranks can get dentures free of charge.

How is the procedure completed?

Procedure for receiving free dental care involves contacting a dentist who will evaluate general state oral cavity, and will issue a conclusion confirming that implantation is indicated for you.

Then you need to collect and issue special certificates:

  • About the composition of the family;
  • According to form 2-NDFL from the place of work;
  • Children's birth certificate ( if there).

As soon as all these papers are collected, you, with your passport, pensioner certificate, and compulsory medical insurance policy, must contact the social protection authorities of citizens of the Russian Federation and apply for a decision in the queue for free prosthetics. The place in this queue can be controlled in the same institution.

Dentures at half the cost

In certain cities, where public clinics do not have the ability to fully compensate for dental prosthetics, they operate programs that provide for the purchase of prostheses at a 50% discount.

The package of documents for obtaining such a service is completely similar to the certificates from the previous paragraph.

Important! The right to free dentures can only be obtained once every 5 years. This rule applies to all categories of beneficiaries, regardless of their age and status.

How long will you have to wait

It happens that you cannot wait in line for free services in the field of prosthetics. Therefore, each beneficiary can install the necessary orthodontic structures at his own expense and receive compensation from the state in the amount of 13%.

It doesn’t matter whether implantation of one or several teeth is required, quotas are still distributed for each specific region separately. There is also a system based on compulsory insurance, which provides for extraordinary replacement of crowns.

The categories of persons who can receive such a service are also determined depending on the specific region. But there is common list diseases, containing a list of reasons why you can receive highly qualified dental care for free:

  • Various malignant neoplasms;
  • Complications after surgical interventions;
  • Losing several teeth after serious accidents.

What is included in free dentures and what is not

Benefits for dental prosthetics include consultation with an orthodontist, treatment of an illness that caused tooth loss, design and manufacture of dentures, as well as endoprosthetics (installation of dentures).

What is excluded from the program:

  • Installation of dental structures made of expensive materials ( porcelain, gold, ceramics, etc.);
  • Manufacturing and installation of foreign prostheses;
  • Treatment of caries;
  • Manufacturing and installation of complex structures aimed at reducing tooth wear, and for any other complex orthodontic purposes.

It is also important to understand that free prosthetics excludes high-tech medical care, which can only be offered by private clinics.

In certain cases, beneficiaries can also insert expensive dentures. But, you will have to pay the difference according to the law. Moreover, free dental prosthetics is provided for citizens serving in certain military units.

In any case, free dental implantation is a matter for each individual citizen, his status, as well as the city and dental clinic. Therefore, more detailed information can be found exclusively in each specific region.