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At what age do cats change their teeth? When do cats' baby teeth erupt? At what age do kittens change their teeth?

Today I will tell you how kittens change teeth and what measures should be taken during this period. Most often, the process occurs painlessly and unnoticed by the owners, so not many people think about whether cats’ teeth change at all. If you yourself are not involved in breeding kittens, you may not even know that they are born completely toothless. Usually in new house the pet “arrives” with, if not a complete, then a partially completed set of baby teeth. In small kittens, you can often see a picture when the baby shows the tip of its tongue. This is not due to harmfulness, but due to the lack of fangs, which are one of the last to erupt. By two or three one month old There are already 26 teeth in total, which is the cat norm. After the “milk set” is fully formed, another process begins - the replacement of teeth with permanent ones, which in kittens can last over the next four months. Typically, the period when cats change their teeth begins at three months, but slight variations in the timing are allowed. If the process started a week earlier or later, there is nothing wrong with that. Most likely, at the very beginning you will not even notice any changes. Ailments and painful sensations occur extremely rarely.

What to pay attention to

However, at the time of changing teeth, care should be taken Special attention cat nutrition Food must be of high quality and contain sufficient quantities of substances such as phosphorus and calcium. It is on them that the state of the emerging skeletal system kitten If the animal is feeding natural food, it is worth adding more cottage cheese to your diet. You can also select food supplements containing the listed elements. Nutritious food vitamins will also help developing organism resist various viral infections, to which the animal is especially susceptible during this period. After all, at the time when cats’ teeth change, their immunity is significantly reduced. That is why experienced veterinarians It is not recommended at this moment to do mandatory vaccinations for all kittens, if for some reason you did not do them in a timely manner. For a weakened immune system, the introduction of even a small amount of the virus is now completely useless.

When changing teeth, a cat may have a well-founded desire to “scratch” them, which he does with pleasure, tasting everything he can get his hands on. There is no point in punishing a cat for such tricks. It's better to buy it at a pet store. suitable toys and treats that will help your pet quickly get rid of baby teeth without harming furniture, shoes and your nerves. And for the cat - joy and fun. Do not allow him to bite your hands during this period, since the bad habit can remain for life.

If new tooth has already grown, but the dairy has not yet left its place, it is better to contact a veterinarian for help. The same applies if you notice a wound in oral cavity cat or even pus. Do not try to treat the animal yourself; let a specialist do it. Such complications, although rare, do occur, and should not be ignored in order to avoid health problems in the future.

Adult cat teeth

At the end of the change of teeth, cats will already have as many as 30 of them.

1. Incisors- the smallest teeth that are located on the front of the upper and lower jaws. Their main purpose is to capture and hold prey in the mouth; they do not participate in the process of chewing food. In total, a cat’s complete “dental set” has 12 incisors, 6 on each jaw. However, with age, some of them may be lost, since they are attached to only one root and are very unstable.

2. Fangsan important part cat jaw It is with their help that wildlife predatory animals dismember the caught prey. Despite the fact that the canines also have only one root, it is deeply embedded in the jaw and is therefore much stronger than the incisors. The cat has only four fangs.

3. Premolars. Located directly after the fangs, three pieces after each on upper jaw, and two on the bottom. Designed for chewing and grinding hard food. They can have up to three roots, so if one of the teeth is diseased, it is important to know their number, so that in case of removal you do not leave the root in the gum.

4. Molars. The outermost teeth, located one at a time on each inner edge of the jaw. They are also used for chewing hard foods and meat. The upper molars each have one short root, so they do not cause any difficulties with removal. The lower ones are a little more difficult, since they have two roots and, moreover, one of them is secured with ligaments.

By the age of three, most cats experience various problems with teeth, so it is important to carefully monitor their condition. Ideally, it is recommended to take the animal to the doctor at least once a year for examination, and more often if there is dental problems. Frequent occurrence, which may entail serious consequences- plaque. If you don’t get rid of it in time, it can threaten your cat with the loss of one or more teeth, which is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous for the small predator. After all, a cat's teeth are the main tool for eating, and its main weapon in the wild. Even toothless cats can feel comfortable in a home environment if caring owners They will prepare soft, easily digestible food for them. But it’s better to solve problems that arise in a timely manner and not let them reach a neglected state.

The kitten is born without teeth. He does not need them as long as the baby eats exclusively mother's milk. Anyone who has decided to have a pet should know when cats’ teeth appear and how they change.

Kittens' first teeth

Veterinarians don’t like to use the terms “radical” and “milk.” They prefer the words “temporary” and “permanent”. A cat's teeth change at the age of 1.5-3 weeks. It ends in about one and a half to two months. With age, a full set of 26 teeth appears.

Among them:

  • two fangs above and below;
  • six incisors each above and below;
  • three premolars on each side from above;
  • two premolars on each side below.

The incisors are the first to emerge, followed by the canines. The premolars are the last ones to come out. But babies don’t have molars.

The process of teeth growth in a kitten is not particularly accompanied by unpleasant sensations. The baby can only chew on everything in a row, helping with teething, and rub his face with his paw. Need to provide it soft toys. Also sometimes observed increased salivation, gums become swollen and red. You may lose your appetite for a while.

Changing teeth in a cat

A cat's teeth change once in a lifetime. Temporary ones begin to fall out around three or four months, pushed by the permanent ones that are already climbing. The first to change are the fangs. At five months, the incisors are renewed. The last to appear (by about six months) are the premolars and molars. As a result, there should be exactly three dozen teeth in the animal’s oral cavity. Among them:

  • 12 incisors;
  • 4 fangs;
  • 10 premolars;
  • 4 molars.

With the help of incisors and fangs, the cat tears off pieces of food and holds them. Premolars and molars are necessary for chewing it thoroughly. 18 cat teeth have a single root, 10 have a double root, and two have a triple root.

Possible problems

Usually, a kitten’s change of baby teeth, as well as their eruption, proceeds without problems. The animal feels well and does not suffer from pain. The owner may not even realize that his pet’s teeth are changing until he finds “physical evidence” somewhere on the floor.

Sometimes the signs already described above are observed: decreased appetite, reddening of the gums, chewing longer than usual. When cats change teeth, it is advisable to feed them something soft or liquid. It will be more difficult for the animal to cope with solid food.

In some cases, a change in “chewing implements” is accompanied by a problem such as “residual baby tooth" Its scientific name is false polydontia. It's about about situations when a temporary tooth (or several) has not fallen out and is preventing the permanent one from growing. This often damages the gums, palate and adjacent teeth.

If time passes and the “stubborn” does not fall out, it must be removed. In particular difficult cases surgery required. The animal is put under anesthesia.

It is extremely rare for a cat to lose teeth during its life. As many permanent ones have grown, so many remain. If teeth suddenly fall out, it means your pet has serious problems with health. In this case, the help of a veterinarian is necessary.

But usually the teeth are only slightly worn down and covered with plaque. In order for them to serve your cat faithfully until the end of its days, you should not limit your pet exclusively soft food. In addition, his oral cavity requires care.

At what age do kittens change teeth and what symptoms are accompanied by this process? What the owner needs to know in order to provide timely assistance, if necessary, and monitor proper development kitten

All mammals, including cats, are born without teeth.

Cats' milk teeth begin to erupt at two weeks of age.

The first teeth to erupt are the incisors, followed by the canines by the age of one month, and by about two months, sometimes the process drags on to three, the molars (premolars) also appear. Molars erupt later, at the end of the tooth change period. The number of baby teeth in kittens is 26.

At the same age, that is, at the time of the appearance of the entire set of teeth, the beginning of readiness for independent food intake is also timed.

The period of eruption proceeds unnoticed and usually does not cause any trouble for the owner.

After the period of teething has ended, from about 4 months, the change of teeth begins in the same sequence, milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones.

First, the incisors are replaced, followed by the canines, the premolars are replaced last, and the molars erupt. Time to change teeth:

  • 4 months – appearance of permanent incisors;
  • 4.5 – appearance of permanent fangs;
  • 5 – appearance of premolars;
  • 6-7 – appearance of molars.

The change of teeth ends normally, by seven months, although there is a difference in timing, which depends on individual characteristics, genetics, breed, and conditions of keeping and feeding.

An adult cat has 30 teeth and their number on each jaw is as follows:

  • 6 incisors;
  • 2 fangs;
  • 4 premolars on the lower, and 6 on the upper;
  • 2 molars.

Total: 12 incisors, 4 canines and 14 molars.

Symptoms accompanying tooth change

Usually, the change of teeth occurs unnoticed by the owner, but still, you need to periodically inspect the kitten’s mouth to make sure that the process is proceeding normally. Symptoms that may accompany tooth change:

  1. slight drooling;
  2. temporary loss of appetite;
  3. unpleasant odor from the mouth.

Drooling that accompanies the change of teeth is a normal phenomenon, since the change of teeth is accompanied by a slight, productive inflammation in the gums, and their swelling and redness are observed.

Decreased appetite is also natural, since gum inflammation can cause pain.

An unpleasant odor can occur when suppuration appears in the inflamed gums, which usually ends without the intervention of a specialist, after the rejection of a baby tooth.

When changing teeth, the kitten may bite and scratch hands strongly during play; there is no need to indulge this, as this can become bad habit, which will cause trouble when he grows up.

During the game, place objects intended for the game instead of your hands.

When might you need dental help?

Despite the fact that changing teeth natural process and usually proceeds without complications, in some cases, the owner will still have to contact a specialist:

  • with severe suppuration and enlargement of the gums around the tooth;
  • if the baby tooth does not come off on its own for a long time and prevents the permanent one from growing, while the permanent one begins to grow crookedly;
  • if a baby tooth injures surrounding tissues.

In these cases, the veterinarian will remove the baby tooth that caused the undesirable consequences.

In order to relieve and alleviate the symptoms of pain and itching during teething, special teething toys are sold for kittens. They can be purchased at pet stores and veterinary pharmacies and give it to the kitten to play with during this period.

Treats in the form of dried ears and cartilaginous bones are good for relieving itching and massaging the gums.

Nutrition during teeth change

Feeding during the teething period should correspond to the recommended current age of the kitten.

We must not forget that the main building elements tooth tissue is calcium and phosphorus. Vitamins D and A promote the absorption of these elements. Accordingly, during the change of teeth, the diet should include a sufficient amount of these elements and vitamins.

Others won't hurt either vitamin complexes, since during this period immunity decreases somewhat due to inflammatory processes in the gums.

The diet should be rich in foods containing a lot of calcium and phosphorus.

You should use cottage cheese and dairy products, give them daily, in small portions.

Meat - beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit - is fed scalded or boiled, cut into small pieces.

Sometimes, once or twice a week, you can feed non-fat sea ​​fish, boiled.

Meat or fish are fed mixed with cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice) and vegetables (carrots, zucchini, pumpkin).

Is it possible to vaccinate a kitten during teething changes?

Changing teeth is a burden on immune system body, if vaccinations are carried out during this period, this does not have a beneficial effect on immune status, weakens the body, can delay the growth of the kitten.

Therefore, pet owners must promptly vaccinate their pets according to the schedule prescribed by the veterinarian.

The vaccination schedule takes into account a variety of age characteristics body, including physiological state during the change of teeth. This will help the kitten grow into a healthy and strong cat and please its owner for many years.

Dental changes over the course of a cat's life

A kitten's milk teeth are small and sharp. After changing, for up to a year, they remain white and clean or with a slight yellowish tint.

After a year, teeth begin to form yellow plaque, which it is advisable to periodically remove to avoid the formation of tartar.

By the age of 5, signs of wear on the tooth surface appear - the fangs become dull, the chewing surface of the molars smoothes out.

After 5 years, cats may no longer have some of their teeth due to damage and loss.

In old age, if a cat has a lack of teeth, you need to start feeding it softer food.

Kittens, like many other animals, are born toothless. Then the first milk teeth grow, which are eventually replaced by permanent ones. The process of growth and change of teeth usually does not present any difficulties and often goes unnoticed by a person.

But it’s worth it for the owner of mustachioed pets to understand it and understand how everything happens. This will help you quickly notice and eliminate potential problems in the oral cavity associated with the chewing apparatus in cats.

Formation of dental occlusion from the birth of a cat

A complete set of baby teeth in cats consists of 26 pieces. The onset of gum eruption occurs between 2-3 weeks from birth (usually closer to 3 weeks). A complete primary dentition is formed by 6 weeks (maximum 8). The appearance of the first sharp teeth is a signal that the kittens can begin to be introduced to “chewable” complementary foods.

Teething order:

Healthy baby teeth in a kitten

  • incisors (2-4 weeks from birth);
  • fangs (3-4 weeks);
  • premolars (6-8 weeks).

Cats' milk teeth are whiter and thinner than their permanent teeth.

Changing baby teeth to permanent ones

When do kittens/cats change their baby teeth?

Changing teeth in cats is a painless process and usually goes unnoticed by the owners. The onset is noted at 3-5 months of age. By 7-8 months, a permanent molar bite is usually formed, including 30 teeth.

The permanent dentition consists of:

The added 4 molars are missing in the primary dentition.

The order of changing teeth

There is no clear order and exact timing for changing teeth, but most experts are of the opinion that in cats everything changes in the same order as it grows:

  • first the incisors (at 4-5 months);
  • then fangs (at 4-6 months);
  • The last ones to be replaced are the premolars (at 5-6 months);
  • molars grow (by the end of 6 months).
Characteristics of a healthy grin

A healthy grin on a cat's face

Healthy molars first clean white, over time they acquire a slight tint of yellowness. After 4-5 years, you can observe signs of abrasion of the tooth surface due to age - the fangs become slightly dull, and the curvature of the premolars and molars is smoothed out. Cats older than 5-6 years of age may already lack some permanent teeth, but healthy animals cope well without them.

How often do cats' teeth change?

The dentition of domestic whiskered predators changes once in a lifetime, replacing milk components with permanent ones. If tooth loss has been noted at any age over 1 year, then this is not normal and there must be a specific reason for it.

Symptoms of teething or changing teeth

In both the first and second cases, cats have a desire to bite and chew. Toys, bedding, pillows or the hands of the owners are used. Biting a person's hands must be stopped, because... one-time actions can develop into bad habit bite them constantly.

There is no pain during the growth of teeth or their replacement, but some discomfort is present. Possible loss of appetite and increased salivation.

Loose baby teeth can disturb the pet, so you can see the cat shaking its head, actively licking or trying to get rid of it with its paw. There is no need to help, the animal will cope on its own!

When teeth are replaced with primary teeth, baby teeth may fall out or be swallowed. This phenomenon happens very often, but is not a cause for concern.

Possible complications during the process of changing teeth

Changing the teeth of kittens and cats is usually hassle-free and without any particular inconvenience. Often the owners don't even notice this. But veterinarians advise that during the period between 5 and 8 months—the full period of teeth change—to periodically examine the pet’s mouth cleanly. for preventive purposes. It is important not to miss a protracted inflammatory process, which will require additional intervention or “stuck” teeth (when a loose baby tooth is still holding on, but a new permanent one is already actively growing under it).

Gum inflammation

Teeth erupting or changing teeth may be accompanied by minor inflammatory process, which goes away on its own after the complete formation of the dentition. If not fed properly, inflammation may prolong.


Inflammation of the gums of the upper jaw

  • the kitten/cat tries to chew everything;
  • saliva flows profusely;
  • the animal may rub its muzzle with its paw or rub its muzzle itself on objects;
  • Appetite may decrease due to increased pain;
  • When examining the gums, their swelling and intense redness are revealed.

Inflammation when changing teeth goes away on its own when the pet is switched to soft food, eliminating additional irritation of the gums with hard food.

Residual (“stuck”) baby teeth

Very often, the first teeth do not fall out until the permanent molar emerges from the gums. This phenomenon can disrupt the bite due to abnormal growth molar tooth and lead to injury to the cat’s gums, cheeks and lips. It is better if the diagnosis is carried out by a veterinarian, because... Not experienced owner cannot always distinguish young teeth from permanent ones.


Residual tooth in a kitten

  • presence of baby teeth over 6 months of age (rare);
  • presence of loose primary teeth obvious signs growth under them is constant.

If, upon examination of the mouth, the veterinarian notes the impossibility of spontaneous loss of baby teeth, they resort to surgical removal under anesthesia.

Caring for your cat's teeth

It is useful to sometimes look into the mouth of a domestic animal for overall assessment the condition of the teeth and oral cavity as a whole, even if outwardly there is no hint of problems with the mastication apparatus. There are no special conditions for caring for a cat’s oral cavity, other than proper nutrition in accordance with age.

Advanced case of tartar in a cat

One of the most common problems with cat teeth is tartar. In nature, predators do not have this problem. Pets who receive dry food or food in large pieces do not have it either. With regular feeding of soft foods, when the procedure of self-cleaning of the oral cavity is excluded, plaque forms on the teeth, which under the influence of bacteria, salts and food debris turns into tartar. The running process will require cleaning with special tools in conditions veterinary clinics and under anesthesia.

To prevent this problem you should:

  • brush cats’ teeth at home with special brushes with rubber (silicone) fingertips at least once every 3-4 weeks;
  • periodically feed with special dry food for self-cleaning of teeth;
  • Do not feed soft food in the form of small pieces.

For preventive sanitation of the oral cavity in cats, as well as to prevent the formation of plaque and tartar, as prescribed by a veterinarian, you can use the drug “Stomadex” C100 in courses of 10 days (cost: 400-450 rubles/pack with 10 tablets). The tablet from the package is glued with your finger onto the dry surface of the cheek closer to the toothless edge (top or bottom). Dry the cheek with a clean, dry paper towel. After attaching the tablet, the animal should not be given food or drink for 20-25 minutes. It is better to do the procedure before bed, half an hour after the last feeding (the period when the amount of saliva produced decreases).

Toothbrush for a cat

To clean your teeth, you can use special mixtures sold in pet stores or veterinary pharmacies or prepare it yourself (½ teaspoon of soda without top is moistened with red wine to the consistency of a paste and used to clean premolars and molars). The use of human cleaning pastes on cats is prohibited!

The formation of the chewing apparatus in cats occurs according to the general laws of animal physiology and does not require human intervention. But this does not free owners of fanged pets from control. this process and preventive examination of the oral cavity.

Many owners of furry pets are concerned about the question: when do kittens’ teeth change and what needs to be done about it? this period animal development. This is an important stage in the life of a mammal; the baby needs special care at this time. An animal’s teeth are an indicator of its health; they should be white and strong and have the correct bite.

Changing teeth in kittens

Little kittens are born toothless. This is provided by nature - smooth gums do not injure the mother’s nipples, because for the first month of their life, babies feed on her milk. At 2-3 weeks of life, cats begin to erupt their first milk teeth. Their appearance goes unnoticed and does not cause trouble, because the pets are still small and cannot move around the room. By the age of one month, they already have 26 sharp teeth in their jaws; pets can feed themselves on solid food. Many owners are interested in the question: do cats’ teeth change, how does this happen and what is accompanied by it?

Do kittens lose teeth?

Dairy bone in the jaws of cats it is replaced with a permanent one in stages. Inexperienced owners, if a kitten’s tooth falls out, do not know what to do. There is no need to panic - the main thing is to examine the oral cavity. If old teeth do not interfere with the smooth growth of new ones and fall out in a timely manner, there is no need to interfere with the process. It may happen that the wounds in the cavity do not heal and fester, and the gums become inflamed. Then you need to contact a veterinarian so that your pet does not develop periodontal disease. Healthy baby gums should be pinkish in color without red edges along the bone line.

It happens that milk teeth do not fall out, but molars are already growing. This situation requires inspection veterinarian. An overabundance of teeth can injure your gums and cause an abnormal bite. Subsequently, the problem will affect the pedigree characteristics of the animal. In this case, the doctor removes the old tooth and nothing prevents the permanent tooth from growing smoothly.

At what age do cats change their teeth?

As a rule, from three to four months, kittens' milk teeth begin to fall out, when they are replaced by permanent ones. This process is long, everything happens gradually. The replacement of teeth in different animals takes from 12 to 20 weeks, as a result pet by 6-8 months of age in the upper and lower jaw A full set of strong permanent molars will appear.

Changing teeth in kittens - symptoms

When cats' teeth change, an experienced owner will notice this from the behavior of their pets. Pets become restless and often meow loudly or pitifully, informing the owner of their discomfort. Babies may refuse to eat due to loss of appetite. Sometimes it appears from the mouth, but it goes away on its own within a few weeks if there is no inflammation in the cavity.

When kittens change their baby teeth to molars, they need a complete diet, which should contain calcium and phosphorus. Then the animal’s bone tissue will form strong and healthy. The menu should include fermented milk products, cottage cheese, lean beef, rabbit and chicken, vitamin and mineral supplements in tablets or drops. At this time, the animal’s body is weakened and all sorts of things are contraindicated for the baby.

Often when kittens change teeth, they begin to chew on everything - wires, things, shoes. It is better to buy them safe rubber toys in the store or chewable treats. And attempts to bite the hands of the owner during this period of the furry pet must be stopped immediately, otherwise this habit may remain with him for the rest of his life. Pets need to be accustomed to the oral cavity from childhood so that the gums and bone tissue are always healthy.

Do kittens' teeth and fangs change?

Every owner should know whether cats' teeth change before they are one year old in order to monitor the formation of the animal's correct bite. First, the baby incisors change - 2-4 weeks, then the canines (first lower, then upper) - 3-4 weeks, last of all the molars and premolars grow - 3-8 weeks. Permanent teeth the cat must have 30 pieces. On both jaws in front you can see two canines and six incisors. 4 molars grow from above, and from below - 3 on each side.

Changing teeth in Maine Coon kittens

Newborn Maine Coons, like their relatives, are born without sharp teeth. Their first incisors grow in the second week of life. By the age of three months, the pet becomes the owner of a full set of baby teeth - 26 in total. Pets grow, and kittens begin to change teeth at the age of four months. They grow gradually - first the incisors, then the canines, then the molars and premolars. An adult Maine Coon cat has 30 teeth - molars are added to the set of replaced milk teeth. Pets do not chew food, but use their jaws to chew, tear and bite food.

A growing cat gets a full adult jaw by 7 months of age, sometimes the process is delayed and is completed by 9. Pets of this breed rarely have diseases of the oral cavity and tartar, but it is better to ensure that the animal periodically receives hard food to cleanse the enamel. In Maine Coons, baby teeth are often adjacent to growing molars - then they need to be loosened to speed up the process of falling out.

Changing teeth in British kittens

Many owners are interested in the question at what age do British kittens’ teeth change. Their milkweeds (26 pieces) erupt from the 10th to the 30th day of life. From the 3rd to the 8th month they fall out and permanent ones grow. During this period, it is important to examine the baby’s jaw to avoid the formation malocclusion. When kittens change teeth, you should pay attention to the position of the lower canine and upper outer incisor. It should not come into contact with it or go into the gum, otherwise there is a high probability of overbite or underbite. Such defects are often the reason for disqualification at exhibitions.

You can correct the situation using special massage gums or breaking off the edge of the fang, which can be done by a veterinarian. The change of teeth to permanent ones (30 pieces) for the British begins at 3.5 months and ends at 5.5. The order of their appearance, like that of all relatives, is incisors, canines, molars, premolars. During this period, pets often refuse to eat. Sometimes the process can take up to 10 months.

Change of teeth in Scottish kittens

When asked what time Scottish cats teeth change, experienced breeders give a definite answer - the milk teeth begin to erupt from 14 days, at the age of 4-6 months the molars grow in their place. An adult animal, like all cats, should have 30 of them - 16 on the upper jaw and 14 on the lower jaw. A normal bite is considered to be straight or scissor, when the upper incisors overlap the lower ones and come into contact with them. A deviation from the standard will be a forward movement of the lower jaw (bulldog) or an underbite when the teeth do not touch.