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Fish oil: for proper development, treatment and weight loss. Fish oil and fish oil: the difference, which is healthier

Fish oil is one of those foods that causes mixed feelings. We all understand that it is incredibly healthy, but we have a hard time coming to terms with its unpleasant taste. And now many shudder, remembering how their mother or grandmother in childhood forced them to swallow fish fat. At that time it seemed like a real punishment, but today we understand that this product really has amazing properties. All that remains is to figure out which ones exactly.

Varieties and methods of obtaining fish oil

Cod liver oil is cod fish oil, which the Norwegians learned to extract from the fatty three-lobed cod liver. There are two known methods of its production. The first is based on the use of factory steam plants, with the help of which all three grades of this product can be obtained.

To obtain the highest grade fish oil (white), purified cod liver is sent to a boiler with two-layer walls and treated with water steam or carbon dioxide. This product can be taken orally.

The liver remaining after this operation is subjected to more severe heat treatment, due to which red or yellow fish oil appears. Since this variety is significantly inferior to the highest in its characteristics, it is purified and used only in medicine.

Brown fish oil is made by subjecting the leftover liver to further heating and then squeezing it out. This product is used for technical purposes (for lubrication of parts or when processing leather).

The second method is artisanal and does not make it possible to produce high-grade fish oil. It is usually used by fishermen who seal cod caviar in barrels. After a month, they can be opened and a dark orange fish oil, distinguished strong odor and bitter taste.


The composition of this product includes a mixture of oleic (about 70%) and palmitic (about 25%) acids, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acid, belonging to the omega-6 and omega-3 groups. Fish oil also contains some stearic, acetic, butyric, valeric, capric acids, cholesterol and a negligible amount of iodine, phosphorus, bromine and sulfur. Let's not forget that this product is rich in vitamins A and D.

Beneficial features

Because human body cannot produce fatty acids poly unsaturated acids, the only source of their production is fish or fish oil. How does it work?

By taking this product, you supply your body with vitamin A, without which you can forget about good vision, healthy hair, nails and beautiful skin. In addition, this vitamin takes care of the mucous membranes of the throat and nose, respiratory and digestive systems, has a positive effect on the growth of tooth and bone enamel, and also boasts antioxidant properties.

As for vitamin D, it saturates the body’s cells with calcium and phosphorus, preserves our bones and teeth, and eliminates the occurrence of nervous excitability and unpleasant cramps in the calf muscles.

Omega-3 acids contained in fish oil reduce blood clotting and stress on cardiovascular system, make the brain work more efficiently, burn saturated fats, normalize blood pressure, take part in the production of prostaglandins and even suppress the release of stress hormones.

These substances represent an irreplaceable source of energy. Neither pregnant women who want their child to develop normally, nor older people who need protection from decreased concentration and impaired brain activity can do without them. Moreover, omega-3 acids leave no chance for the development of heart and vascular diseases, blood clots and peptic ulcer stomach.

Fish oil is an excellent preventative and effective drug, reducing the risk of diseases caused by overweight. This product also promotes the production of serotonin in the body, a hormone that elevates mood.

Treatment with fish oil

The benefits of this product have been confirmed by numerous clinical studies Therefore, it is used in the treatment of a number of different diseases.

1. Heart. Omega-3 fatty acids have long been proven to help reduce the risk of heart disease. Fish oil is used to reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and increase the level of “good” cholesterol, to prevent atherosclerosis in coronary heart disease and to treat angina attacks.

2. Excess weight. Fish oil is often included in a variety of diets. Combining its use with regular physical exercise, you can get rid of it much faster extra pounds.

3. Immunity. By remembering to take fish oil regularly, you can reduce your susceptibility to seasonal illnesses: runny nose, cough and flu. This product is also indicated in the treatment of lupus, as it reduces inflammatory processes in tissues and organs.

5. Cancer. Anti-cancer therapy has recognized this product as beneficial for weight loss, lipid control, and the prevention of breast cancer and other malignancies.

Fish oil is used in the treatment of diseases of the lungs, glands and bones, severe forms exhaustion, anemia, rickets and diabetes mellitus. In addition, this natural product prescribed to patients for treatment poor eyesight and eye diseases, inflammation with rheumatoid polyarthritis, burns, wounds and some skin diseases, for example psoriasis.

Scientists have discovered that daily consumption fish oil can relieve unpleasant symptoms in asthmatics, reduce the number of heart attacks by 41% and stop the development of tumors in prostate cancer. Fish oil can also be used as a preventative for allergies, since vitamin A, which is part of it, strengthens the cell membrane.

Fish oil and pregnancy

By taking this product, women expecting offspring contribute to the development of coordination of the unborn child. Fatty acids have a positive effect on the entire human body, and especially on the brain and vision of the fetus. Of course, taking any medications in this case must be agreed with your doctor.

Indications for use

Knowing about everyone beneficial properties fish oil, we can safely classify it as a medicine. Take it orally for the following indications:

Lack of vitamins A and D;
- chronic colds;
- impaired growth of teeth and bones;
- “night blindness”;
- dry skin;
- brittle nails and hair;
- burns of the skin and mucous membranes;
- wounds.

Fish oil for older people

1. Fish oil and its omega-3 acids help with joint inflammation and minor pain.
2. It has been scientifically proven that this drug prevents the development senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease. By regularly taking fish oil, you will notice that your mood becomes favorable and even, and brain activity- active.
3. This product is your protection against arrhythmia and blood clots. Fatty acids reduce the risk of myocardial infarction by reducing blood cholesterol levels and the number of atherosclerotic plaques.
4. Fish oil supports brain activity, so doctors advise older people to include in their diet, if not capsules with fatty acids, then at least mackerel, mackerel or sardines.


Even the most useful product there are some contraindications. In the case of fish oil, this is:

Hypersensitivity or individual intolerance;
- excess calcium or vitamin D in the body;
- cholelithiasis or urolithiasis disease;
- dysfunction thyroid gland;
- organic lesions hearts;
- active forms tuberculosis;
- chronic renal failure;
- acute or chronic liver diseases;
- presence of cuts, wounds, postoperative sutures(by thinning the blood, fish oil reduces its clotting);
- diseases gastrointestinal tract;
- ulcer duodenum or stomach.

Do not exceed the amount prescribed to you and strictly follow the instructions. Do not take fish oil for a long time because this drug requires the system. Doctors do not recommend using it on an empty stomach, as in this case you risk serious disorder digestion.

Take fish oil in courses of 1-1.5 months, 3-4 times a year. Do not exceed the dose (2 capsules 3 times a day), as this may cause side effects in relation to the thyroid gland, biliary excretion and genitourinary system.

How to use fish oil?

Today, fish oil is available in both bottles and capsules. The main thing is to remember that uncontrolled use of this drug by children under one year of age is fraught with various complications, so their parents should seek a doctor’s prescription.

Another popular option for using fish oil is external use. The drug in the form of oil is used in the treatment of burns and wounds. This product is no less useful for our beauty, as it has a beneficial effect on the condition and appearance skin, hair and nails. At the same time, it can affect the hair both from the inside and from the outside. For example, if split ends bother you, use fish oil and vegetable oil warm compress.

Consult your doctor, buy quality fish oil, take it in recommended doses and be healthy!

Fish oil is obtained from the liver of Atlantic cod and other fish. The product is a source of vitamins A and D.

Fish oil was used in the 18th to 20th centuries to treat and prevent rickets, a disease caused by a lack of vitamin D.

Fish oil is sold in stores healthy food as vitamin supplement. It is used as a remedy for joint pain and for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Composition and calorie content of fish oil

Fish oil is a mixture of fatty acid glycerides and contains many vitamins.

Other minerals and vitamins are found in fish oil in more modest quantities.

Calorie content of fish oil is 1684 kcal per 100 g.

What form does fish oil come in?

Fish oil is marketed in 2 forms: capsules and liquid.

In liquid form, the product is packaged in dark-colored glass bottles to prevent it from breaking down when exposed to light.

Capsules are made from gelatin. The benefits of fish oil in capsules do not change, but it is more convenient to use in this form. Fish oil capsules smell less fishy, ​​especially if they are placed in the freezer before use.

The beneficial properties of fish oil are known to people living in Northern Europe. They used it to boost immunity and protection during long winters. The product helped with rheumatism, joint and muscle pain.

The unique properties of fish oil relieve inflammation, reduce arthritis pain, suppress anxiety and depression, and ensure brain and eye function.

For bones and joints

Fish oil helps with muscle pain and cramps. It replaces the use of certain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Lifelong consumption of fish oil increases bone mineral density in old age. It is especially important for women to take fish oil - it helps avoid osteoporosis during the postmenopausal period.

For the heart and blood vessels

Taking fish oil daily reduces the risk of heart disease and hypertension. The product improves vascular health, reduces lipids and reduces the risk of cholesterol plaques.

For nerves and brain

Autism, multiple sclerosis, insomnia, migraine, depression, schizophrenia - diseases that fish oil helps prevent. It reduces anxiety, improves cerebral blood flow and inhibits the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Fish oil in the form of dietary supplements prevents aggression under stressful conditions.

For eyes

Fish oil contains a lot of vitamin A, so regular use You are not at risk of hearing loss or myopia.

For the lungs

Fish oil is a remedy for upper respiratory tract diseases, flu, colds, tuberculosis and asthma.

For the gastrointestinal tract and liver

Vitamin D in fish oil reduces the risk of colon cancer, obesity and Crohn's disease.

For the pancreas

The supplement prevents type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

For the reproductive system

Fish oil improves the functioning of the reproductive system – stable hormonal levels due to the presence of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Vitamin E reduces the likelihood of developing cystic fibrosis.

For skin

Fish oil is effective when applied externally against psoriasis and eczema.

Internal use reduces the risk of sunburn.

For immunity

Fish oil protects against cancer, sepsis, inflammation and premature aging. The product acts as an antioxidant and relieves inflammation.

Fish oil is good for heart and brain health. It is capable of preventing mental disorders and reduce symptoms of schizophrenia, support skin and liver health.

Almost all brands of fish oil contain 400 to 1,200 IU per tablespoon of vitamin D and 4,000 to 30,000 IU of vitamin A.

Dosages of fish oil vary depending on the purpose of supplementation. For general health 250 mg of fish oil is sufficient, which can be obtained by eating fish.

If the goal is to fight disease, then 6 g. fish oil throughout the day will be most effective.

The more fish oil you get from foods, the less you need to add to your diet.

For the average person, it is better to get about 500 mg per day, while for the treatment and prevention of heart disease it should be increased to 4000 mg.

Pregnant women should increase their fish oil intake by at least 200 mg per day.

It is better to discuss the correct dose with your doctor.

Fish oil for weight loss

Fish oil does not directly affect body weight. It accelerates metabolism, heals the liver, blood vessels and digestive organs. Such healthy body loses weight faster.

The best fish oil manufacturers

The main countries producing fish oil are Norway, Japan, Iceland and Russia. During the manufacturing process, fermentation is important, which makes nutrients more accessible. Some manufacturers add flavor enhancers, others - natural extract mint or lemon.

A low-fat diet is far from the best healthy eating. Every person’s body needs fats, regardless of body type, age and gender. Even being overweight does not mean that you can and should completely give up fat in foods, you just need to choose the right sources of fat. For example, take fish oil, rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for metabolism and immunity. Regular intake of fish oil is prescribed by many doctors of various specializations, and in each this biological active additive is useful in its own way.

You can give fish oil to children and adults as a preventative general strengthening component. balanced nutrition. In addition, there is often information about the benefits of fish oil in bodybuilding, for enriching the diet with fatty acids. Moreover, taking fish oil for weight loss is no less popular than for gaining muscle mass. So what is it about this supplement that makes it so versatile? We propose to figure it out together, and at the same time decide how exactly to take fish oil in each specific case.

Why take fish oil? Composition and benefits of fish oil
Natural fish oil is produced in the body of fish that eat cold water northern sea: cod, mackerel, herring, etc. It provides them with thermal protection and hormonal processes, and accumulates mainly in the liver. Extraction of fish oil occurs in different ways, more and less modern technologies, therefore the quality of fish oil varies greatly. In the pharmaceutical, drug and nutritional supplement industries, only the purest, whitest fish oil should be used.

The properties of fish oil differ from those of other animal fats. First of all, neither of them is affected chemical composition, complex and unique in its own way, thanks to which fish oil is beneficial for several reasons:
That is why fish oil, despite its non-plant origin, is usually considered to be “ good fats" on a par with linseed oil and nut oils. IN in kind it has a thick but fairly fluid consistency, a translucent light yellow color and a characteristic fishy odor. All of these properties do not contribute to the pleasant experience of taking liquid fish oil, so modern dietary supplements are made in capsule form, in which the fish oil is enclosed in a smooth and streamlined gelatin shell that is tasteless and easily slips into the esophagus.

How to take fish oil capsules?
Despite all the health benefits, you can harm your body if you don’t know how to take fish oil correctly. Nutritional supplements fish oil are available in the convenient form of gelatin capsules and are always supplied with instructions for use, but additional, more detailed information will never hurt:

  1. For immunomodulation and strengthening of the body, fish oil is taken in courses lasting from one to three months, usually in the cold season. A one-time dose of fish oil will not bring any noticeable effect.
  2. Depending on the dosage of the drug indicated on its packaging and in the instructions, it is enough to take 1-2 capsules of fish oil three times a day, during meals or immediately after meals.
  3. It is not advisable to take fish oil before meals, that is, on an empty stomach. This can have a bad effect on the subsequent digestion of incoming food, including indigestion, nausea and stomach pain.
Exceeding the dosage of fish oil and/or using a low-quality, expired drug is manifested by nausea, loose stools, nosebleeds and other disorders. In this case, you should stop taking fish oil and consult a doctor to rule out the possibility of other side effects, especially if chronic diseases blood vessels, digestive and/or nervous system.

How to take liquid fish oil?
Taking gelatin capsules with fish oil is easy and convenient, but some doctors still prefer to prescribe liquid, that is, minimally processed fish oil. It is also well purified, but is more fully absorbed by the body. Drinking liquid fish oil is unpleasant, but it’s worth being patient for its benefits and be sure to follow these rules:

  1. Fish oil in liquid form should be stored in a tightly closed glass container, in a cool place away from light. Be sure to check the expiration date and throw away expired and/or spoiled fish oil without regret.
  2. Drink liquid fish oil from a spoon, approximately 15 ml per day. This portion fits approximately two full teaspoons or one and a half tablespoons.
  3. Take liquid fish oil with or immediately after meals. You can even add it to salads and other dishes at room temperature, but do not heat or cook it while cooking.
Some people experience an unexpected problem: an allergic reaction to liquid fish oil, when taking fish oil capsules does not cause this effect. In this case, it is advisable to replace the liquid product with capsules and reduce the dose in consultation with your doctor.

How to take fish oil for weight loss?
Fat metabolism in the body is a set of complex interconnected reactions that occur according to biochemical laws. Complete refusal from fats, contrary to expectations, does not improve, but inhibits metabolism and prevents weight loss. Therefore, nutritionists recommend that anyone who wants to get rid of extra pounds and maintain optimal weight take fish oil to lose weight, and then to maintain slimness:

  1. If you are overweight 15 kg or more, take 5-6 grams of fish oil per day, evenly distributing this amount between three main meals. It is easy to convert this amount into capsules if you read the information about the concentration of the drug on the packaging.
  2. If you want to lose just 5-10 kg, then it is enough to take 3-4 grams of fish oil daily until the scale readings suit you.
  3. For small ones, from 1 to 3 kg, overweight, take fish oil according to the same regimen as recommended for general strengthening purposes.
Please note that the calorie content of fish oil is as high as any other fat: 1 kcal/1 gram. To lose weight, include these calculations in your daily nutritional balance. But under no circumstances should you starve or deprive yourself of other nutrients, otherwise you may even correct scheme Taking fish oil will not help you lose weight. Eat a balanced diet, maintain a calorie deficit and exercise, then losing weight with fish oil will be healthy and safe.

How should children take fish oil?
Fish oil is traditionally prescribed to children for full development and prevention of rickets, but, ironically, it is children who flatly refuse to take fish oil. Therefore, it is worth choosing fish oil for your child in odorless and tasteless capsules and monitoring compliance with the rules of administration:

  1. Fish oil is given even to very young children, starting from one month. For babies, fish oil is dosed drop by drop and given 1-3 drops twice a day, morning and evening, but only as prescribed by a doctor.
  2. A one-year-old child and older are allowed 1 teaspoon or 1 capsule of fish oil per day, during the first meal or immediately after breakfast.
  3. From the first grade, that is, from 6-7 years old, the portion of fish oil for a child is increased to 2 teaspoons or 2 capsules per day.
Fish oil helps both preschoolers and schoolchildren grow, cope with stress, and resist viral infections and be active, cheerful and smart. Fish oil for children is often available with flavorings and vitamins, but the advisability of such preparations should be discussed with your pediatrician.

As for contraindications to taking fish oil, the lion's share of them is individual sensitivity, and the rest is exacerbation of pancreatitis, cholecystitis, pregnancy and/or lactation, as well as taking certain medications. This means that adults and children, healthy and convalescents, athletes and those losing weight should take fish oil strictly according to the rules, without improvising or exceeding the dosage. Take care of yourself, be prudent and healthy!

Each of pharmaceutical companies can produce fish oil in its own way. This concerns its composition, quality, as well as basic properties.

Modern fish oil is capsules without a specific taste, which can be an excellent replacement for vitamin D3. It perfectly strengthens the body’s immune forces and becomes a good preventive measure. infectious diseases. Fish oil is especially indicated for diabetes.

The benefits of consuming fish oil have been proven in numerous scientific studies. The drug can be recommended for quality assimilation calcium and improving its absorption from the digestive tract.

Fish oil helps compensate for insufficient vitamin D production.

Effects of fish oil on the body

This fat can be made from:

  • cod fish livers;
  • whale fat;
  • subcutaneous fatty tissue of seals.

Each type of fat requires additional industrial processing. If it has not been produced, then the substance will have a transparent color and a fairly characteristic odor.

There is a special classification of fish oil depending on its quality:

  1. medical;
  2. technical;
  3. veterinary.

It is technical and medical that are the most valuable lipids. The industry produces a high-quality product that contains vitamins A and D.

Thanks to special specialized processing, the product is completely devoid of bad taste and smell. Customer reviews confirm that modern fish oil in capsules is no longer the low-quality lipid that many have known since childhood.

The use of fish oil by patients is determined not so much by the presence of calcitriol, but by the content of omega-3 fatty acids. This substance is characterized by a fairly high potential, which helps eliminate obesity.

It is especially important to take fish oil if you have diabetes, because diabetics often have problems with blood vessels due to excess weight!

If children consume fish oil regularly, then it will be possible to restore the structure bone tissue subject to rapid growth rates.

The increased insulin content against the background of an excess of fatty acids can be explained by their occurrence due to synthesis from carbohydrates.

Benefits and harms of the product

As a result medical research It was found that there is an indirect relationship between the amount of triglycerides and blood sugar. Fish oil in capsules, if used regularly, makes it possible to rid the body's cells of lipids.

The process of fat removal is called lipogenesis.

In addition, the dietary properties of such a product are characterized by the ability to accelerate weight loss due to the breakdown of the fat layer.

Reviews say that the harm of fish oil can only occur if it is consumed in excess.

High dosages of vitamin D3 should not be used due to the fact that the tendency to develop stones inside increases. urinary tract and the gallbladder in particular. The instructions for fish oil also speak about this.

The benefits of the drug will be reduced to the following points:

  1. vitamins A and D are present;
  2. noted a large number of unsaturated acids;
  3. bone density increases;
  4. the quality of vision improves;
  5. the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized;
  6. the functioning of the respiratory system is activated;
  7. dryness goes away skin;
  8. prevents brittleness of nail plates;
  9. the quality of tooth enamel increases.

Based on reviews of the drug, we can say that regardless of the form of its release, the effectiveness will be the same. This makes it possible to say that fish oil in capsules, solution and tablets can be recommended for adults and children with excessive excitability, as well as cramps in the calves.

The presence of fatty acids in fish oil helps blood vessels to be more elastic, and also minimizes the likelihood of heart and vascular diseases. A decrease in the formation of blood clots will be ensured by a qualitative improvement in cholesterol metabolism, as well as a decrease in the likelihood of developing plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

If omega-3 fatty acids enter the body, then the accumulation of lipids inside the walls of blood vessels will be prevented. Conducted biochemical research showed increased production of prostaglandins against the background high level fish oil intake.

Instructions and composition

The most popular form of fish oil release is gelatin capsules, which have an oily consistency. In some cases, their contents can be used to treat wounds and wound defects. In addition, it is important to note that the benefits of fat when used to relieve burns will be maximum if the pharmaceutical format of the lipid is used.

The instructions for the drug state that its calorie content is 902 kcal for every 100 g. Use per day should be more than 1 g and for this reason it will benefit those patients who are overweight. Fish oil does not contain high-calorie carbohydrates, which, with prolonged use, makes it possible to lose weight.

It would be rational to consume fish oil capsules for 1-3 months. Only the attending physician can tell you the exact dosage.

The benefits of consuming omega-3 fatty acids are obvious. IN different varieties There will be different amounts of fish oil. So, this substance is:

  • 0.3 g in cod;
  • 1.3 g in tuna;
  • 1.4 g in halibut;
  • 1.9 g in mackerel;
  • 2.2 g in herring and sardine.

Features of application

Fish oil is completely safe for people of absolutely any age, which is repeatedly confirmed by reviews. It is indicated for pregnant and lactating women, but in some cases a preliminary consultation with a doctor will not hurt.

Relatively healthy people should use the drug 3 g per day. Usually, we're talking about about 1-2 capsules 3 times a day. It is optimal to consume them during a meal or immediately after it. The course of such therapy is 1 month, after which a break of 2-3 months is taken.

If you have some ailments, you will need more high dosage lipid. If there are elevated triglycerides, then in this case volumes of fish oil up to 4 g per day will be shown.

If a person feels unwell or has health problems while taking fish oil capsules, then they should definitely consult a doctor to determine the appropriate dosage of the drug.

Elderly people especially need to consume fish oil, because the drug helps improve brain activity.

In addition, fish oil is extremely useful for the following ailments:

  1. tuberculosis (especially of the lungs and bones);
  2. anemia;
  3. rickets;
  4. exhaustion.

The drug will be an excellent prevention of senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

Fat sea ​​fish in capsules will help burn overweight subject to availability physical activity, and also contains vitamins. fish oil responds favorably.

Thanks to its special structure, fish oil in capsules will help avoid many vascular and heart diseases.

This becomes possible due to the ability to reduce the concentration of bad (low-density) cholesterol in the patient’s blood, as well as qualitatively improve the condition membrane cells, regulating fat metabolism in the body.

Thanks to the latest scientific research it has been proven that:

  • when consuming 10 g of fish oil daily, the number of heart ailments and attacks will be immediately reduced by 41 percent;
  • taking a dose of 2 g of lipid per day can achieve a decrease in diastolic pressure by more than 4.4 mm, and systolic pressure by 6.5 mm;
  • consuming even a small amount of the substance will help speed up the process of healing ulcers, wounds, as well as other damage to the skin or mucous membranes;
  • fish oil will have a beneficial effect on the course of psoriasis.

In other words, fish oil helps reduce or even eliminate the need for certain medications. This is also confirmed by numerous reviews from those who have experience in such therapy.

Contraindications to the use of fish oil

When consuming fish oil in capsules, you should remember that there are several important contraindications. This applies to those people who have:

  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • hemophilia;
  • acute cholecystitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • impaired functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • chronic renal failure.

It is important to take into account the fact that various unexpected factors may arise that will affect the ability to take fish oil capsules and its dosage. For this reason, it is important to always consult with your doctor. Only with this approach will it be possible to talk about the unambiguous possibility of obtaining maximum benefit from this substance important for human health.

The usefulness of fat obtained from fish lies in its unique composition. It is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids that have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. With regular consumption of fish oil, the risk of developing insulin resistance, blood clots, and low-density lipoproteins is reduced.

Fish oil contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), the most important of which are alpha-linolenic and eicosapentaenoic acids for the body. They are responsible for the efficiency of transfer of biogenic amines to the central nervous system and improve blood supply to the brain. These processes directly affect the increase in cognitive performance. EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) has anti-inflammatory properties.

The beneficial effect of PUFA precursors - neuroprotectins is to protect neurons from harmful influence oxidative stress. The latter is the result of excessive physical activity, including during training. This explains the high need of athletes for a constant supply of these substances into the body.

The benefits of omega-3 PUFAs extend beyond their effects on the brain. The results of studies conducted in the seventies of the last century showed that people taking omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids are significantly less susceptible to diseases such as ischemic disease heart disease (CHD), atherosclerosis of the extremities, hypertension.

Benefits for the body

This animal fat is actively used in treatment night blindness, anemia, rickets, tuberculosis and other disorders. Its high content of vitamin A helps maintain excellent vision. Fish oil allows you to restore clarity of thinking and improve your mood in case of organic depression that develops against the background of degenerative and vascular processes, epilepsy, neuroinfection, chronic intoxication, and trauma.

The high content of vitamin D in fish oil makes it an effective preventative against disorders skeletal system. Vitamins of group D are directly involved in the production of serotonin from the amino acid tryptophan, which is also called the “hormone of joy.” The function of serotonin is to regulate appetite, motor activity and moods. All this has a positive effect on general condition human body and well-being.

Fish oil burns saturated fat and helps you achieve significant weight loss results faster. Latest Research showed that omega-3 can prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease. This fact finds both supporters and opponents. Discussions on this matter are still ongoing. Suppression of oxidative stress by fish oil leads to decreased sensitivity to adrenal hormones.

Fish oil contains:

  • arachidonic, oleic, palmitic acids;
  • omega-3 and omega-6;
  • cholesterol;
  • phosphorus and .

Daily consumption rate

Determined individual characteristics body. Acceptable quantity fish oil, which will not harm the body, is considered to be from 1.0 to 1.5 grams per day. For those involved in weightlifting, this figure doubles and amounts to 2-3 grams. As you lose weight, you need to consume even more fat, bringing its amount to 4 grams per day.

There is no need to take breaks between doses. One should take into account the fact that receiving pure form Due to improper storage it is quite difficult. If storage rules are violated, large quantity metabolites are converted into free radicals. The latter do not bring any benefit, but, on the contrary, cause severe damage to the body.

Instructions for use

Fish oil is indicated for hypovitaminosis (deficiency) of vitamins A and D, depression, neuroses, and disorders of the nervous system such as neurocirculatory dysfunction - vegetative-vascular dystonia(VSD), as well as to improve the conductivity of the central nervous system (CNS). For athletes, this animal fat is indispensable. It accelerates the metabolic processes occurring in tissues and helps improve physical performance.

Omega-3 is available in capsules. Take them only after meals. If you take capsules on an empty stomach or before meals, this is fraught with various gastrointestinal disorders. Daily norm capsule intake can be viewed at back side packaging. When unsaturated fatty acids are taken in the form of a tincture, it is drunk three times a day with meals, but not more than 15 ml.

You can get PUFAs from fresh fish. The main thing is that the product is stored properly. In this case, it will be enough to eat 150 grams of fish per day.

Capsules are the most convenient form of administration

Prohibition of this medicinal product during the times Soviet Union was determined by origin. Fish oil, obtained from cod liver or fish remains, contains many substances harmful to the body, including heavy metals. Today, the drug from these sources is found on the market, but is not recommended for use.

Fish oil that is beneficial to the body should be labeled “fish” on the packaging and not “from cod liver”. “Fish” oil comes from meat, not leftovers or liver. The more expensive the type of fish used, the better the quality of the fat obtained from it. This is the reason why you should not buy fish oil capsules that are too cheap.

Contraindications and side effects

Gastrointestinal disorders - main by-effect caused by improper intake of fish oil empty stomach. Omega-3 has a number of contraindications for use. It should not be used for kidney stones, hyperthyroidism - increased function thyroid gland, excess normal level calcium in the blood.

Taking polyunsaturated fatty acids is contraindicated in disorders associated with decompensation of systems, including febrile syndrome, as well as during exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease. When a substance gives rise to allergic manifestations, this is fraught with the development of anaphylactic shock.

Fish oil, like any drug or product, has its contraindications for use. In the absence of individual intolerance, manifested in the form allergic reactions, preventing it from taking diseases, it brings invaluable and multifaceted benefits to the body, allows you to keep yourself in good shape and maintain health.