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Proper feeding of puppies and feeding scheme. The time when a puppy from a blind lump turns into a funny watchdog

health status and physical activity any pet, including a dog, depends not only on the conditions of detention, but also on proper feeding, so it is extremely important to provide a puppy correct mode and high-quality feeding ration from the very first days.

General rules for feeding puppies

As a rule, significant problems associated with the state of health of the dog are provoked by flaws in feeding, as well as a pronounced violation of the basic principles of compiling a diet.

It is mandatory to take into account that feeding a puppy, regardless of its age or breed characteristics, is required strictly after a walk. Along with other predatory animals, the dog fully digests and absorbs food well only in a state of complete rest. Walking a pet after a meal can cause stomach problems, which will require urgent surgery.

Bowls with food and water should be stable and placed on a special convenient stand. It is advisable to place the bowls on the same level with the pet's chest, which will allow the dog to form the most correct posture. It is best to purchase lifting stands that are adjustable in height during the entire period of growth of the animal. If the puppy in the process of eating has its own hind legs under the body, then you should persistently, but not rudely pull them back, thus developing the correct stance.

This is interesting! Any food for a four-legged pet should not be very hot, but not too cold. Feeding is optimal natural nutrition room temperature, medium consistency.

How many times a day to feed a puppy

As a rule, depending on the breed characteristics and the chosen method of feeding, the feeding schedule may vary slightly. Some experts believe that a puppy can be seamlessly transferred to an adult diet as early as eight months.

Puppy age (months) Number of feedings per day Feeding mode
from 1 to 2 6 7:00, 10:00, 13:00, 16:00, 19:00 and 22:00
from 2 to 3 5 7:00, 10:00, 14:00, 18:00 and 22:00
from 3 to 4 4 7:00, 12:00, 17:00 and 22:00
from 4 to 6 3-4 7:00, 12:00, 17:00 and 22:00
from 6 to 10 3 7:00, 13:00 and 21:00
over 10 2 7:00 and 21:00

In no case should the belly of a freshly fed puppy look like a too tight and stuffed, or a large barrel. Such appearance belly is evidence of strong overfeeding and a signal that the portion of food must be reduced.

Diet according to age

The basis for compiling a complete diet is the rule: the younger the puppy is grown, the large quantity once a day he is given food. Regardless of the age of the pet, the diet must be completely balanced and be sure to satisfy all the requirements of a growing organism.

From the age of three weeks, it is imperative to give the puppy a clean and high-quality drinking water, which should be poured into a special bowl or a stable drinker. It is very important to replace the water in the cup with fresh, but not too cold, about three times a day. If the puppy is vigorous and active, and positive dynamics of weight gain and growth is recorded, then the pet is developing absolutely normally.

What to feed a 1 month old puppy

In the first one and a half or two months, the basis of the diet of any puppy is mother's milk. If the litter is too large or the bitch does not have enough milk to feed all the puppies good nutrition, then professional breeders and veterinarians recommend early introduction complementary foods from two to three weeks of age.

Three parts of sterilized cow's or goat's milk is added with one part of 20% cream, as well as raw quail eggs at the rate of two or three pieces per liter of the prepared mixture. The mass is thoroughly mixed, after which the milk-egg mixture is given to the puppy in a warm form.

This is interesting! As a rule, for the purpose of complete complementary foods, special factory-made mixtures are used, which are as close as possible in composition to the natural milk of a dog.

What to feed a 2 month old puppy

Starting from two months, mother's milk is replaced by the so-called "adult" food. This period is characterized by very intensive growth processes of the puppy, as well as the need to receive a large number of energy. A puppy up to three months of age can be fed soaked in warm boiled water dry ready-made feed, at the rate of 100 grams of granules per one and a half glasses of liquid.

The basis natural diet puppy at this age must be provided with high quality lean meat, low-fat meat broth, as well as wheat, oatmeal, rice and buckwheat. From the age of two months pet should be given dairy products, like not too sour and fatty kefir, fermented baked milk or bio-yogurt. Cottage cheese must be mixed with a small amount of whey before giving to the pet. Boiled or stewed vegetables have a very positive effect on the growing body.

Important! If there is even the slightest doubt about the quality characteristics of the meat, then it is necessary to freeze it well protein food or douse it with boiling water just before feeding the puppy.

Feeding a 3 month old puppy

Starting from three months, food is given, as a rule, four times a day. Very well suited for feeding at this age cottage cheese, vegetable soups and minced meat low-fat varieties. It is recommended to add mineral supplements and essential vitamins intended for young puppies.

At about the age of three and a half months, the puppy begins a natural change of teeth, therefore, in order to form the correct bite and strong jaws, it is advisable to give the pet soft veal bones, cartilage and crackers. The basic requirements of hygiene should not be neglected, so brushing your teeth should be done regularly, only with special pastes and toothbrushes.

Important! During the period of changing teeth, the puppy’s body temperature often rises, so the animal can become lethargic and apathetic, and also completely or partially lose its appetite for a while.

What to feed a puppy from 6 months

From six months, the puppy enters the stage of intensive development and growth, so it is at this age that the pet's need for complete protein food of animal origin, as well as an increased amount of fiber, a variety of vitamins and essential minerals, increases significantly.

The amount of lean meat in the daily diet of a pet should be approximately 50-60%. Also, the diet of natural food must necessarily include approximately 15-20%, 25-35% of cereals and cereals. IN vegetable puree it is advisable to add a small amount of vegetable or butter which will significantly increase the nutritional value ready meal, and also improves its digestibility by the animal's body.

Diet according to breed

It is important to note that regardless of the breed, it is imperative to feed the puppy at exactly the same time, but the food should remain in the bowl for no longer than fifteen minutes. After this time, the food bowl should be removed, even if the pet did not have time to finish it completely. This simple feeding tactic allows the animal to become accustomed to a particular feeding routine to the maximum extent possible. short time.

Feeding small breed puppies

Almost all are characterized by a predisposition to cardiac and vascular pathologies. It is for this reason that toy terrier puppies, and others miniature breeds from a very early age, a significant amount of complete vitamin complementary foods should be given. The dog's diet should also be extremely balanced.

Small or mini-dachshunds need to be sure to provide complete complementary foods with vitamin and mineral formulations containing an increased amount of calcium and fluorine. This feature is due to the peculiarity of the structure of a long and therefore very vulnerable spine, which should have time to get stronger as soon as possible. It is strictly not allowed to compensate poor quality feed by increasing the portions given to the puppy.

This is interesting! As practice shows, normal and completely healthy puppy any small breeds while providing him with a high-quality and complete diet, he should gain about 15-20 grams in weight every day.

Nutrition for puppies of medium breeds

A medium breed puppy needs more energy and essential nutrients than a small breed puppy, but significantly less than a puppy. large breeds. Nutritional requirement such a pet can be satisfied with ready-made and balanced dry food with an average content of vitamins, minerals and nutritional components.

It has been experimentally proven that premium dry food, as well as holistics, are characterized by an optimal, balanced amount of proteins, fats, natural and very digestible fiber, carbohydrates, vitamin and mineral complexes, which allows the puppy owner to middle breed do without the use of additional expensive nutritional supplements.

Important! An insufficient or excessive amount of minerals and vitamins negatively affects the further growth and development of a pet, and feed with high content proteins quickly cause an imbalance in the volume of phosphorus and calcium in the puppy's body.

Nutrition for large breed puppies

Puppies include huskies, and Caucasian Shepherd, Alabai and, as well as Rottweiler, Pit Bull and many other dogs. It is these breeds that need food with increased amount protein compounds. Lean meat in this case can be combined with stewed or boiled vegetables. This dish is best given to your pet at bedtime and only in small portions.

At correct compilation diet, a large breed puppy should gain about 150-170 grams of weight daily. It is allowed to use both a natural way of nutrition and feeding with ready-made diets intended for young pets of large breeds. In order to correctly determine the one-time rate of the daily amount of feed required by the animal, it is necessary to divide the daily amount indicated by the manufacturer on the package by the total number of feedings.

Important! remember that for representatives of such breeds is a very characteristic predisposition to articular pathologies, so the puppy should not be overfed in early age.

In the first hours and days after birth, a German Shepherd child needs only mother's milk and colostrum. With the help of a simple sucking-excretion algorithm, the baby's digestive system is put into action. Colostrum and partly milk contains immunoglobulins that protect the weak newborn life.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the presence of milk in a German Shepherd female and feed her according to a special, overpriced diet, as well as monitor the weight gain of the shepherd dogs.

All sucklings that have slowed down the rate of body weight gain will have to be supplemented artificially.

Complementary formula for lactating puppies NO

If the little shepherds mother's milk it is not enough recommended to add the following mixture as supplementary feed:

  • 800 ml whole unskimmed cow's milk;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • 1 fresh egg yolk;
  • 4 g of citric acid diluted in water;
  • 2 drops of multivitamins (for dogs).

The same milk-egg mixture can be used for newborn German Shepherd cubs.

Do not be afraid of the fat content of the resulting product. The milk of a lactating bitch is almost 3 times higher than cow's milk in terms of the amount of proteins and fats.

When used in a mixture of goat's milk, cream does not need to be added. It is one and a half times more fat than cow's.

Puppies must receive mother's milk until 2 months of age for full development.

You can try to find a special mixture - a substitute for dog milk, but never use formulas designed for a human baby.

Children's nutritious milk mixtures for feeding dogs are absolutely not suitable!

The prepared mixture is suitable for a day. It must be stored in the refrigerator and heated in a water bath as needed to the temperature of the human body.

The amount of supplementary feeding (relative to the weight of the shepherd dog) will be:

  • from 10 to 15 days - 25% (number of supplementary feedings with a mixture - 4);
  • from 15 to 25 days - 20% (number of supplementary feedings - 3).

After 25 days, supplementary feeding remains only in weakened babies. Stronger from this time (21-25 days) begin to eat more varied.

It is necessary to supplement the puppy 3-4 times a day

So what and how to feed a 3 week old German Shepherd puppy?

When to start feeding German Shepherd puppies and what foods

You can and should start feeding German Shepherd puppies with other food from the age of 2 weeks. When the mother’s lactation has not yet weakened, but the body of a growing shepherd dog already needs new “ Construction Materials". This should take care of the owner of the bitch.

Before handover to new owner approximate diet German Shepherd up to two months will be as follows:

  • shepherd puppies at 2 weeks old are already offered a staple or coarsely minced lean beef. For convenience, each serving can be rolled into small balls, the size of a bean seed - 2-3 balls for each;
  • you can feed the suckling with small portions of raw, well-washed, scalded with boiling water and finely chopped scar or heart;
  • from 3 weeks, sublimated puppy food is slowly introduced into the diet, after soaking them for at least 2 hours;
  • at 3.5 weeks, hard-boiled eggs are desirable - grated on fine grater and slightly diluted with kefir or acidophilus;
  • a shepherd puppy at 3 weeks must definitely receive yogurt, reverse, cottage cheese. Store-bought yogurt with incomprehensible fillers and an excess of sugar for feeding dogs is excluded. Homemade varenets with pureed berry or fruit puree is welcome.

Of course, every normal breeder wants to see his wards healthy, active and cheerful.

To do this, the first complementary foods for German Shepherd puppies must be added:

  1. Porridges from rice and a little bit of other cereals (except buckwheat and semolina) on a water-milk basis 1:1.
  2. Kids are offered fruits, berries and vegetables in small quantities.
  3. Little three-week-old "Germans" should have water constantly.

The water is clean, filtered (if necessary), but not boiled. The best container for water is a clay or faience bowl without a wide protruding edge.

How much? Where to begin?

The first feeding of German Shepherd puppies with a non-dairy product should be only 15-20 g. This is a little less than half a tablespoon.

You should start the first complementary foods with a staple or minced meat!

Coarsely minced lean beef is an excellent first meal

The further norm (as you get used to new products) is no more than 40-45 g per feeding. Average general norm of all foods for a German Shepherd baby per day will be:

  • 14-15 days - ½ cup (per head);
  • 16-20 days - ¾ cup;
  • 21-30 - a glass without a slide.

The number of feedings is 6 per day.

Feedings always take place at the same time and only after the suckling has already received a portion of mother's milk.

Each ward must be fed separately! “Otherwise, the strong will overeat, and the timid will remain hungry.

For artificers, the serving per meal can be increased to 75 ml.

Separate food

A prerequisite is separate feeding. No need to arrange a vinaigrette, trying to feed in a small portion both meat, and an egg, and soaked food at the same time.

Cottage cheese and porridge must be present in the puppy's complementary foods

Stomach little puppy is not able to produce many digestive enzymes, and each type of food requires a different composition of gastric juice.

The imperfection of the stomach of a one-month-old shepherd child does not allow him to tune in to the production of the necessary enzyme if the food has a multi-species composition. Such food lies in a lump at the bottom of the stomach and lingers there for a long time.

The result is vomiting or diarrhea, when a lump nevertheless pushes into the intestines. There will be no benefit from such complementary foods, but indigestion or a persistent refusal to eat is easy.

When taken separately different types food like this does not happen, because the ventricle is able to cope separately with porridge, separately with meat, separately with cottage cheese.

Artificials and puppies on lure

Don't confuse toddlers who start weaning early with artificial puppies who get very little or no mother's milk. At the age of 2 months, they will always look smaller than their two-month-old peers, and have a slightly underweight. Generally, with proper care and correct selection diet, by 4-6 months the artificial people are successfully catching up with their brethren.

Shepherds raised on the right complementary foods, if they reach a minimum weight of 8 kg (boys) and 7 kg (girls), can be given to new owners from 8 weeks, that is, at 2 months.

By this time, the patronized shepherd should look dense and strong: the back should not be sagging, and the belly should be swollen.

Video: feeding (first feeding) German shepherd puppies


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The first feeding of puppies is an important step on the way to their harmonious development, foundation for good health and quality of life in the future. Complementary foods allow you to make the transition from mother's milk to an adult diet smooth and safe, and also saturates the fragile body with vitamins and minerals necessary for rapid metabolism. Do not forget that any changes in the diet can provoke serious disorders digestion even in an adult, completely healthy dog, what to say about puppies, whose body is not yet strong? Yes, puppies feed on their mother's milk until they are 2 months old, but their partial introduction to the adult diet should begin at an earlier age. And that's why.

If a breast-fed baby is abruptly transferred to self-feeding, this will cause great stress to the body and make it vulnerable to a huge number of infections. In addition, the rapidly growing body of a puppy needs a complete complex every day. nutrients, minerals and vitamins, and as the puppy grows older, mother's milk is not enough to fully satisfy this need. Thanks to complementary foods, the puppy gradually gets acquainted with a different type of feeding, without losing the usual food - mother's milk, and at the same time receiving the full range of nutrients he needs.

When to start weaning puppies?

Mother's milk is the best food for helpless newborns, however, already at the age of 2-3 weeks, puppies open their eyes and ears - and they become ready to get acquainted with the outside world. This age is ideal for the appointment of the first complementary foods. And here it is very important not to rush and not be late. If puppies are given complementary foods prematurely, this will lead to a reduction in the production of milk by the mother's body (since the puppies will consume less milk due to the feed) and, as a result, a violation natural nutrition and malnutrition. At the same time, late feeding will lead to slow growth and development of the body, the puppy will grow up weak and sickly.

What to use as food?

Puppies should be fed with the food that you plan to give them in the future. When choosing a natural type of feeding, suitable foods are gradually introduced into the puppy’s diet. natural products. However, here you need to be very careful, because it is easy for a beginner to make a mistake with the choice of products. Shaping the diet adult dog on your own, and even more so when introducing complementary foods into the puppy’s diet, you need to take into account many nuances that directly affect the health of your pets. In addition, it should be understood that the ideal balance useful components feed at home is impossible, and with a natural type of feeding, animals need additional vitamin and mineral supplements. Therefore, nowadays it is much easier to make a choice in favor of high-quality ready-made complete feeds, since their composition fully meets daily needs dogs. Same with the first meal. Best of all, this role is suitable for special dry food for the first feeding of puppies. It's called a starter.

puppy starter

As we noted above, starters are assigned to puppies at the age of 2-3 weeks. Quality starters are ideal foods for babies, as they are formulated to meet the needs of a rapidly growing body and are carefully balanced. Such food is easily digestible, does not cause indigestion and saturates the body. full range necessary for proper development substances.

But what is so special about the composition of starters, why are they better than natural food? Let's break it down based on the popular Monge puppy starter (MONGE SUPERPREMIUM STARTER FOR MOTHER AND BABY).

    The starter has a high content of fats and protein, which is very important for the development of a puppy during a period of rapid metabolism.

    The composition of the starter includes glucosamine, chondroitin, calcium and phosphorus - exactly in the amount that is necessary for healthy formation and development of the skeleton and cartilage.

    The starter also contains X.O.S., necessary for the formation and strengthening of the puppy's independent immunity.

    For the production of the starter, only high-quality fresh meat is used, which does not cause problems with digestion and promotes easy absorption of nutrients.

    When fed with a starter, additional vitamins and minerals in the diet are not required.

In addition, balanced starters can be used not only as complementary foods, but also for feeding an adult dog during pregnancy and lactation, which is very convenient.

Whatever food you choose, do not forget that you should never mix two types of feeding (natural and ready-made)!

When introducing complementary foods to your puppy's diet, do not hesitate to consult with experienced breeders and experts. This important question that needs your attention and right approach. After all, it is in the first weeks and months of life that the foundation for the subsequent health of your pets is laid, and it is not worth risking it.

Very soon, at the age of 2 months, babies will need to be transferred to complete puppy food. But we will talk about this in our next article.

From birth, puppies consume mother's milk, and in the absence of mother's milk, mother's milk substitutes (it is recommended to use ready-made special mixtures for puppies).

From the age of 3 weeks, the body of babies is already ready to digest meat and puppies can begin to feed with meat. As well as for adult dogs, the meat is not thermally processed. Scraped meat is prepared for puppies. It can be done in several ways. Scrape the frozen meat with a knife, grate the slightly melted meat on a coarse grater, grind into coarse minced meat. Puppies of this age are still breastfed by the mother, but the amount of milk is gradually reduced, and the addition of food in the form of meat and dairy products is required. Since at this age puppies still eat mother's milk, they only accustom them to meat, and then increase the amount of meat and dairy components, as feeding breast milk reduced or stopped altogether.

In order to teach a puppy to eat on its own, you need to pick up the puppy and lightly dip its muzzle into a bowl of milk or other dairy product, or meat, making it clear where the food is. A saucer is suitable as a dish, preferably with a wide base so that liquid food does not spill. Puppies very quickly understand what is required of them, get used to such feeding and then eat on their own. TO month old As a rule, puppies eat themselves, from a bowl placed on the floor. Do not try to reproach more than necessary, puppies should immediately learn to eat from a bowl. Make sure that the puppies eat the offered foods evenly if you have several puppies.

Vegetables can be added from 2 months. age in raw, finely ground form and limited quantity, can be used as a source of fiber bran, which is easy to digest. digestive system puppy and which are also recommended for adult dogs. The dose of bran for a particular dog is calculated from a dose of 1 tsp. without a slide for 20 kg of weight, for a small puppy, the dose of bran added to each feeding can correspond to the dose “on the tip of a knife”, that is, a pinch.

If the puppy has completely stopped eating mother's milk, then the food doses are calculated according to the formulas indicated in the article about, and also calculate the dose according to a very important article mineral supplement and vitamins A and D3

How many times a day to feed a puppy?

From 1 to 2 months, puppies are fed 5-6 times a day every 3-4 hours (night can be skipped), portions increase as the weight of the puppy increases. The number of feedings is reduced to 5 times at the age of 2 to 4 months. At 4-5 months of age, feeding is carried out 3-4 times a day, at 6-7 months - 2-3 times a day, after 12-14 months - 1-2 times a day.

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Complementary foods should start at 14 days of age. By this time, puppies eyes and ears are already opening, the kids are quite active. Start the introduction of a new food should be with regular cow's milk. In order to make it more nutritious, you can add raw egg yolk per liter of milk. Feed immediately, not from the nipple.

Puppies should be taken one at a time and lightly dipped with their muzzles into a bowl of milk. A small bowl or saucer is suitable as a dish. The most convenient way to feed the baby is to sit him on his knees and hold the bowl with one hand and the baby with the other. Just put a towel on your knees. But you can carry out this procedure on the floor. Certainly, most of milk will be spilled by, but very quickly realize what is required of them.

After 3-4 days, you can start feeding the babies with porridge. There are plenty to choose from here. Many breeders brew semolina on milk. There are those who feed puppies soluble baby cereals. It is also very convenient and the kids usually like it. To diversify the diet, you can grind buckwheat, rice, oatmeal on a coffee grinder yourself, or grind ready-made porridge with a blender. However, now in pet stores, along with dry bitch milk, you can also find special cereals for feeding. puppies. True, they are not cheap, and you can not find them in everyone.

From day 21, the baby's body is ready to digest meat. And you don't need to boil anything. For puppies cooked meat is cooked. It can be done in several ways. Scrape the frozen meat with a knife, grate slightly melted meat on a coarse grater, grind into minced meat. Then the prepared meat must be rolled into portioned balls, the size of a phalanx and frozen. These will last for a long time - one serving is enough for a puppy in one meal. For each feeding, the required number of balls should be thawed. Portion in parts put directly into the mouth. Already on the second or third day, the puppy will chew meat very actively.

Remember that the meat must be beef or lamb - pork should never be given to dogs. Moreover, it is not necessary to choose a tenderloin or entrecote. Much better and healthier for kids - beef kidneys. They are relatively inexpensive, but contain a huge amount of essential vitamins and minerals. By the age of one month, it will be enough to cut the meat into a piece the size of and give in portions equal to a tablespoon.

In addition to meat, it's time to introduce and calcined cottage cheese. To get it, add 3-4 tablespoons per liter of milk calcium chloride. collect cottage cheese flakes, and drain the whey or give it to the bitch. And by the age of one month, you can start giving food. Here the choice is yours - to feed the puppy natural food or accustom to prepared feed. If you settled on the finished version, then choose soft canned food, or pre-soak dry food pellets in warm water or milk until softened. Just do not pour boiling water, otherwise all the vitamins available will be destroyed. If you are for natural, then you can make porridge from various cereals - wheat, rice, buckwheat. Boil the broth separately and mix with porridge. Head meat, kidneys are suitable for its preparation, although the latter do not have a pleasant smell.

Feeding is best distributed in this way: 1 feeding - porridge with meat, 2 feeding - cottage cheese, 3 feeding - porridge with meat, 4 feeding - milk semolina or oatmeal, 5 feeding - raw scraped meat. Giving meat at night should be because it is digested slowly and the puppies will be full all night and will not wake up from hunger.

The puppy must also be ready to "move" to. The age of the “migrant” is at least 1-1.5 months, he must eat on his own, be vaccinated and absolutely healthy. Then adaptation to a new home will be easier and easier. Giving away or donating a purebred puppy, you must take care of the presence of the stigma of the Russian Cynological Federation (RKF) on inner surface ear or in the inguinal fold of the dog. It must strictly correspond to the puppy card purebred dog.

It’s good if you give a new inexperienced owner a puppy care kit as a nice addition to the pet. These are safe toys, bowls, a leash and a collar, a mattress, a set of familiar food. These useful gifts will appreciate both the new owner of the dog and the animal itself.

You should take care of the comfortable transportation of your pet. It is better if it is a special carrying bag so that the puppy does not run away from fear and anxiety due to the unusual situation and is not injured in or public transport. And also very small ones in winter must be wrapped in a warm blanket in order to avoid frostbite of the still fragile crumbs.

Helpful advice

To make your pet have a very good and comfortable life with a new owner, ask for a conditional fee for it. It can be either 1 ruble or 100 rubles.

If you have a puppy, maybe you found him on the street, then your first desire will be to feed the baby. This, of course, is very commendable and does you credit, but since the dog is still small, it is impossible to give it the kind of food that would be suitable for a person or an adult dog. You need to feed the baby properly so as not to harm him.


If the puppy appeared in the house by accident, then the question of what kind of food to give him - dry or natural, is not worth it. It is up to you to give him what is in your kitchen. At the same time, no sausage, sausages, and, moreover, something raw smoked, should not be given to him. If the puppy is still quite a baby, and his age obviously does not exceed two months, then give him only dairy food.

Immediately exclude both raw legs and other parts with - they are fed with hormones and various chemicals. IN last resort, you can only use from one that can be brewed cereals"Hercules". If they are not, then cook porridge on this broth. Remember that before you give cooked food, it must be cooled so that it is only warm.

Boiled pieces or with tubular bones should also not be given - the sharp edges of the bones gnawed by it can damage the esophagus and stomach. From meat, he can eat raw or boiled beef, but fish - only boiled and only sea, without bones. It is best not to give anything solid if the puppy is over 4 months old and is teething permanently.

Almost everything can be given to him from dairy - cottage cheese, kefir. But cheese, especially hard and sharp varieties, is contraindicated. Even if you are overwhelmed with feelings and you do not feel sorry for anything for him, do not give your puppy any sweets and other sweets, white rolls, cakes and muffins.

It's great to have vegetables in the fridge. They can be given in any form - raw, boiled and stewed. Fruits, even citrus fruits, if the puppy wants, then give.

And please don't overfeed him. If he came to you from the street and got hungry, then he needs to give him a little food, within 100-150 g. Even if he insists, show restraint and feed him again only after a couple of hours. But give him plenty of fresh water.

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Unfortunately, this happens - a newborn puppy was left without mother's milk. The best thing that can be done in this situation is to find a foster mother for the baby. However, this is not always possible. How to feed a newborn puppy?

You will need

  • - pipette, syringe, small vial, cotton flagellum or brush;
  • - goat's or cow's milk, mother's milk substitute;
  • - fresh eggs;
  • - baby cream;
  • - White bread, cereals, meat soup, meat, greens.


If it is not possible to buy a substitute or goat, and time does not endure, for the first time you can feed the baby with cow's milk. True, in pure form It is not suitable for feeding puppies. Take 250 g of boiled cow's milk, add 1 raw egg. Cool the mixture to 38 degrees. Feed your baby with a pipette. It should be remembered that it is better to almost overfeed than to overfeed. At the first feeding, do not give the puppy more than half a pipette of the mixture.

If you don't have a pipette, use a small syringe. Instead of a needle, put a rubber tube on it. Drop bottles can be used. Put a rubber band from a pipette on the neck of the vial and pierce a hole in it. In the most extreme case, if absolutely nothing could be found, roll up the cotton flagellum. Dip it in milk and then squeeze it into your puppy's mouth. You can use a small paint brush. Dip it in the mixture, and then put it in your mouth with bread, liquid milk porridges with the addition of fresh egg. Starting from 3 weeks, be sure to give water several times a day. Feed from 3.5 weeks meat soup, and at 4.5, add boiled meat to the diet - twice a day for 15-20 g. At the same age, start giving finely chopped greens.

Some dog owners start assigning puppies to new owners as early as 3 weeks of age. Of course, babies are already able to eat solid food, but still, the nutrition of puppies 3-6 weeks of age should be given Special attention.

What to feed little puppies

Finely chopped raw meat is useful for monthly puppies, while minced meat, on the contrary, is undesirable, since it is poorly digested and practically not absorbed. It is also useful to include kefir, cottage cheese, gruel from vegetables (bell peppers, beets, carrots and tomatoes) and boiled cereals (buckwheat, wheat, millet, barley and rice) in the diet, boiled eggs and black bread crackers. All this can be mixed with meat to make a complete food with all useful vitamins and minerals.

When the puppy is more or less accustomed to the new food, you can choose one of three types of feeding: natural, mixed and dry. In the diet of the natural direction of feeding, meat (beef, turkey, rabbit and veal) should be present, liver and heart can occasionally be given. It is useful to offer puppies cooked on meat broth porridge from buckwheat and rice, you can add stewed vegetables (broccoli, zucchini, carrots and pumpkin). Grown up puppies can be (fillet) and beef jelly.

When mixed feeding, it is necessary to alternate dry puppy food with natural food. The interval between meals of ready-made factory food and natural food should be five hours.

It is useful to give your puppy an apple slice as a delicacy. You can combine stewed vegetables with meat, but should be avoided herbal products with intense bright coloring, they can provoke allergies.

Contrary to popular belief about the dangers of dry food, they will not adversely affect the puppy's health, if you remember about fresh water in the bowl. It is necessary to choose balanced feed specifically for puppies, which include essential vitamins and micronutrients. Babies up to three months are fed with dry food soaked in warm boiled water in proportions of 300 ml per 100 g of food. It is advisable to soak each portion separately, and not to prepare a large amount of food in advance.

Starting at two months old, puppies should be given small amounts of raw cartilage from time to time. Grown up pets can be pampered with soft beef or veal bones. Six-month-old puppies can be given oatmeal porridge, but semolina and cereals from it are harmful to dogs of all ages.

How to feed small puppies

So that a puppy taken from its mother does not act up often, it is necessary to feed it at the same time. While he is eating, you need to gently talk to your pet. After feeding, it is advisable to take the baby, warm it up and put it on a soft cozy couch.

A cup of fresh water should always be filled. It is better not to give whole milk to a puppy. For the convenience of the puppy and your comfort, bowls should be stable and deep.

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