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Lactovegetarians what you can eat. Lacto-vegetarianism - what is it? Here is an approximate daily diet for a lacto-vegetarian

Hello and good mood to everyone who stopped by!🤗🌼😁

Today I will talk about my nutrition system and why, back in 2007, I did

such a choice, and for so many years now I have been a vegetarian and am very pleased with this fact.😊

Over the 7 years that I have been a vegetarian, I have received so many benefits from this style of eating on myself,

that no amount of gingerbread can lure me into meat-eating, I am firmly convinced that

Lactovegetarianism is the most ideal diet for every person on this Planet.

and these are not just words, these are facts supported by research. 😊

So who is human by nature?

Here I will give the floor to the writer of books about vegetarianism - Coles - Hamar David

The physiology of man, like his closest relatives among animals - large primates, is vegetarian in its structure.

The structure of the skin, teeth, stomach and intestines, the length of the intestinal tract, the composition of saliva, gastric juices and urine, etc. - all this is typical for a vegetarian.

However, sometime in ancient world man used his exceptional mental abilities and invented tools that allowed him to go beyond the limits of his body and kill other animals and eat their meat.

We became omnivores by force, but our physiology, with all its flexibility and ability to adapt to the digestion of meat that is unnatural to us, remained unchanged in its vegetarian essence.

If a man finds himself without his tools, it will become obvious. Imagine how much work it would cost you to first catch and then eat the raw materials of a rabbit - its fur, bones, tendons, etc. - and compare it with the ease with which you can collect and eat a bowl of fruits or vegetables.

Perhaps even more important is to ask yourself, when you are hungry, do you feel an instinctive need to stalk, chase and kill another animal?

Despite our omnivorous habits, a person is designed for a vegetarian diet and it strengthens him. We can be in excellent health without using any animal products at all (veganism).

Therefore, vegetarianism is an ethical issue, because how can we justify causing suffering and death to millions and millions of animals when we do not need to?

Here are the opinions of the main ones medical organizations USA, England and Australia about veganism and vegetarianism:

American Dietetic Association:
“Properly planned vegetarian diets, including vegan, are healthy and nutritious, suitable for people of any age, pregnant and lactating women, children, adolescents, athletes, and can also help in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.”

British Institute of Nutrition:
“A balanced vegetarian or vegan diet can be nutritional, but more extreme diets such as raw food diets are often ineffective and do not provide the full spectrum of essential micronutrients, making them completely unsuitable for children. ... A study of children of vegetarians and vegans in the UK showed that they develop and grow within normal limits"

Dietetic Association of Australia:
“A vegetarian diet can be beneficial because many plant foods are low in saturated fat and high in fiber. However, a healthy vegetarian diet requires careful planning..."

So for myself, I long ago made a choice in favor of vegetarianism.

It was very easy, very easy, and rather even this vegetarianism itself chose me than I chose it))

In general, initially in 2003, I became a vegan, and then a vegetarian for other reasons,

rather than pity for animals, although of course I love them very much, but if I

it took meat - I would eat it, a lion eats meat and I don’t blame him, my cat eats meat and that’s quite

That’s right, I even wear leather shoes (although I choose eco-leather for some of my bags), so what prompted me to switch to veganism?

And the simple fact that I simply never liked meat, I remember very well how I always

I caught the meat from the soup and threw it to the cat under the table or into a pot with a palm tree😂the meat was mine

disgusting, just very disgusting, to the point of nausea, and no one could force me to eat it! always me

I took a side dish (and sometimes two) without a cutlet, but I loved all the porridge, spaghetti, fruits and dried fruits,

pancakes, casseroles, bread, so it was very easy for me to give up meat - it happened

It’s a failure, which I’m very, very happy about.😇

A nutritionist's opinion on veganism and vegetarianism - by the way, about where to get B12 and other vitamins:

March 14th starts Lent, when believers give up animal products for 40 days. Here's what expert and nutritionist Lyudmila Denisenko says about this:

Even with strict veganism, proteins and all nutrients can easily be obtained from legumes, grains, mushrooms and vegetables. And if vegetarians continue to eat fish, eggs and milk, then they will fully compensate for the refusal of meat, and even the deficiency of vitamin B12, which has always scared vegans, will be overcome: over time intestinal flora begins to synthesize it in sufficient quantities. In addition, you can compensate for its deficiency with vitamins and supplements, including yeast.

Having switched to vegetarianism, I see hundreds of its advantages and enjoy them every day!😊

And not only by my example - after all, after myself, I lured people onto the path of vegetarianism

and their relatives - parents, their martyr, and all this without violence and of their own free will.😇 They

they themselves saw how great I feel and look, and besides, they, of course, are with me

ate all the delicious vegetarian dishes that I prepared daily for myself and the whole family,

and were convinced that it was not hay or grass 😀 but very tasty, satisfying, very nutritious and

various dishes, so gently and painlessly I brought all my loved ones with me,

and they appreciated all the advantages of vegetarianism - improved health, increased strength and energy, and as I said

my boyfriend - “This is a new attitude, you are in complete harmony with yourself and with the planet, you love everyone

and everything is like Buddha" 😂👍 For me, vegetarianism is beauty and health - I completely forgot,

When last time at least I was sick with something (t-t-))) I didn’t have a cold or flu or acute respiratory illness for three years!

Avoiding mistakes!

To make the transition to vegetarianism as comfortable as possible, 5 tips for future vegans and vegetarians:

Common mistake beginner vegetarians and vegans - this is excessive consumption

raw vegetables and fruits, this is generally the main mistake of all beginners and precisely because of this

many people mistakenly become disillusioned with vegetarianism and leave it without understanding what the problem is

not about vegetarianism, but about the fact that they started it wrong.😊

So, don't overeat raw vegetables and fruits - it's an excess coarse fiber, which in itself

not very healthy, plus a lot of fructose that the body simply cannot process in such

quantities, and this leads to problems with bloating, fermentation in the stomach, gas, diarrhea, as well as

large belly (“gorilla belly”), heartburn, bowel problems, and can even provoke

much more serious disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract - irritable bowel syndrome, which

very difficult to treat, gastritis, and even ulcers and perforations! in general if you have gastritis or an ulcer

already available, then vegetables - only boiled or stewed, raw vegetables and fruits as much as possible


✦ What is better to pay attention to are grains, various cereals, pilafs, which

very tasty and healthy on their own, it can be made from a mixture of rice, millet, vegetables,

After stewing thoroughly, I advise you to eat more different cereals, these are indispensable for vegetarianism

suppliers of protein, as well as microelements, vitamins, they normalize digestion,

mood, give satiety and energy, every day a variety of cereals and legumes should be

in the diet, it is very tasty to combine them with each other when cooking, which increases the digestibility of protein

and vitamins from them;

✦ Beans, peas, chickpeas - all legumes - are also included in the diet, they contain more protein,

than meat, and it is a very valuable vegetable protein😊

✦ We eat bread, it gives you satiety and normalizes the gastrointestinal tract😊

✦ We definitely eat butter! many beginners, for some unknown reason, sharply limit

or even completely exclude oil from the diet, meanwhile, without oil you simply won’t work

gallbladder, which is a direct path to stones and surgical intervention!

Oils also give us vitamins and help us absorb other foods! I recommend eating oils

every day we add flaxseed oil to porridges, soups, and also dip bread in them;

What do we eat?

Also an absolute plus is the vegetarian food itself, its variety, taste and benefits,

and for me personally, vegetarian dishes taste better, I’m a fan of Italian cuisine and can’t imagine myself

without pasta with mushrooms and cheese, vegetable ravioli, four cheese pizza, spaghetti, risotto,

and all these dishes are available on a lacto-ovo vegetarian basis and for me they are the most delicious.

And also the plus is that it’s easier to cook and there’s a lot of time left for yourself, for your hobbies, for work,

in general, solid advantages on all sides!

Pros of vegetarianism (veganism)

The advantages can be listed endlessly: I have a lot of time, I am full of strength and energy, I don’t know,

what is fatigue, I don’t walk, I fly, I started to look much better, at 18 I was just

a fat hippopotamus and weighed 66 kg with a height of 165, it’s a shame to remember...😂😂 you can see the photo

in a review of a raw food diet...😂😂 Now I have perfect skin and an ideal weight of 52 kg!😊

My body odor has completely disappeared, even if I sweat a little

(and I began to sweat a little at all) even if it was hellishly hot (and in Sochi in the summer it was just hellishly hot

plus 100% humidity, in general it’s just hell) and even if I’m traveling in the Sochi minibus -

and around there are a bunch of hot, sweaty Caucasians with not the best aromas - I’m clean, I don’t sweat,

there is either no sweat at all or it is like water and instantly evaporates without any traces.

Previously, I used safe types of disinfectants - for example, like this disinfectant

It’s been a couple of years now that I have NOT felt any need for them, and this is not only pleasant

and saves time on getting ready, but also saves money, and in general it’s very convenient and pleasant

have a body that basically doesn’t smell!😀👍

Also, a very delicate plus is that menstruation has become like a clock, and only lasts one day,

it's so convenient! Previously, it happened that they took away from me 3 or even 4 days of my young and active life,

and I’ll say, it’s not very pleasant, 4 days out of each month are down the drain. Now it’s only a day - maximum two.😀 I won’t count the fact that they are completely painless as an advantage of vegetarianism, since I had them like that before. By the way, regarding the question of a raw food diet and why I don’t recommend it - on the SE they are I was completely lost for six months! I was very scared and went vegan, and they came back VEGAN,

when I started eating a lot of boiled food, porridge, buckwheat, etc.! like this!

What if your family and relatives do not accept your vegetarianism?

Communicating on forums with vegans and vegetarians, I was surprised to discover that for many

Of these, relatives' rejection of their choice has become a serious problem, but this is not a problem at all! And the main thing here is not to be nervous! But instead, we need to make it clear to relatives that the choice has been made, and that everything is thoughtful and serious)))

I also had some misunderstandings, at first my family simply didn’t take it seriously, they cooked meat and constantly offered me all sorts of meat dishes, cutlets, sausage, at any holidays and feasts, without worrying at all that one family member, for a second, was a vegetarian - about this In general, at first no one thought about it!

If I raised this topic, they answered me - don’t suffer from nonsense!😂😂

It just infuriated me, but I calmly repeated - THANK YOU, I DO NOT EAT THIS, I don’t eat, I don’t eat, I don’t eat...


THEN I'LL JUST DRINK TEA WITH BREAD!😀👍 And you know, it worked!

Now, everyone has not only realized that my vegetarianism is serious and for a long time, and now they are preparing

something vegetarian for me, and they themselves switched to my eating style, albeit with little ones

indulgences that they sometimes secretly allow themselves and which, as they naively believe, I

I have no idea😂 So, everything can be solved, you just need patience and endurance, and don’t be shy

talk about your rules, and they will not only hear and understand you, but, quite possibly, they will want to


From 2003 to 2007, almost 5 years, I was 100% VEGAN!

In general, 85% of the time I am a vegan even now, although sometimes I periodically switch to

I am a lacto-vegetarian, like my husband, and I eat milk, cheese and dairy products,

and I chose the most suitable one for myself and my family - lacto-ovo vegetarianism.😊

For those who are not good at classification various types VEGETARIANITY, I’ll tell you about it.

VEGETARIANism is a very broad nutrition system and there are several subsections in it:

✦ pescetarianism (do not eat meat, but eat fish)

✦ ovolacto-vegetarianism (they do not eat meat and fish, but they do eat dairy and eggs)

✦ veganism (they do not eat any animal at all, even dairy and eggs)

✦ raw food diet (they eat everything raw) (NOT CHEESE!!!)))

✦ raw food diet (eating raw food without mixing it with each other)

Vegetarianism for men...

A delicate question about “male strength”... I’ll say this: my man is a vegetarian, just like me,

and with this😉 everything is more than fine with him😀👍 and these horror stories about the lack of protein are fairy tales!😄Everything you need in abundance in milk, dairy products, eggs, cheese, cereals and legumes!

Vegans live long lives and where to get B12?

In general, I covered this issue in detail in my review of VEGANITY - even on it

With the right approach, there will be no B12 deficiency, and even more so if you are a lacto-vegetarian,

and especially if you are a lacto-ovo vegetarian, then you don’t even have to worry about it.😊

And in 7 years I would probably have experienced this lack of it, however - there is enough of everything.😀👍

Donald Watson, an Englishman, the founder of the vegan community, lived happily for 96 years (!)

not knowing any shortage and not on some tropical island,

and in damp and cold England, and from the age of 17 he was 100% vegan.😀👍

TOP 3 books - the best on this topic -

✦ I highly recommend the book, which helped me a lot and is helping me now, it’s just super

and it contains answers to all the questions that may arise during the transition and this book is called -

✦ G.A. Shatalova “Human Health”, it’s just the basics, read it! The author is an amazing woman!

his benefit!

These books, with facts and examples, prove how useful, natural and simple

Vegetarian nutrition is necessary for a person, all these books are in OZONE and AMAZON.😊

Vegetarianism, veganism and lacto-vegetarianism are the most suitable for us, homosapiens,

nutrition, and moreover, this, I believe, is the nutrition of the future of our entire green Planet,

and it is precisely behind him that the future of INTELLIGENT HUMANITY and the entire Earth lies.

I was completely vegan for 5 years and completely happy with it, now I’m a lacto-vegetarian,

And in the future I plan to combine these types of nutrition with each other. It's hard for me to share them because I

at times I switch from one to another, and I think that in the near future I will come again to

complete veganism.😊

Other reasons why I switched to vegetarianism are in my review about veganism.😀👍

Why do I advise switching to vegetarianism?

✦ It's good for the body, it's good for the soul, it's good for the mind.😊😊😊

✦ The monks in Buddhist monasteries are entirely vegetarians, while they do not get sick, they are

always in a great mood, live for 90 years and even master special


✦ Hollywood stars - yes, and they too.😀👍 There are a lot of vegetarians in Hollywood,

I think 50%, and my favorite celebrities are Ian Somerhalder, Paul McCartney, Anne Hathaway,

Natalie Portman, Natalia Oreiro, Alyssa Milano, David Duchovny, Alicia Silverstone,

Pamela Anderson - they are all vegetarian and vegan, and I am very pleased to be in such great company;.😀👍

✦ There are already 10% vegetarians in the world, and the number of vegetarians is growing, and this makes me happy)))

✦ There are more than half of them in India, and look what great films they make,

not about shooting games, but about love💜 this is also an indicator of how good vegetarianism is in general

affects a person. 😊

✦ It is much easier for us vegetarians to maintain a slim figure,

Vegetarians are less susceptible to various diseases (we haven’t been sick with anything for 7 years! Even


✦ Vegetarians are much more peaceful.😊

✦ If vegans, theoretically, may still have some kind of shortage of something, then lacto-vegetarians definitely do not, there is plenty of protein in lentils, beans (23% protein),

nuts (22% protein), rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, mushrooms, seafood, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs,

and if you eat these foods, I simply guarantee that there will be no shortage of proteins!

✦ I have ideal volumes - 90-60-90 and weight - 52 kg; 😊

✦ Lactovegetarianism is very convenient if for some reason you are not ready yet

100% vegan, lacto-vegetarianism is a reasonable alternative, you can eat EVERYTHING -

including all dairy products, eggs, cheese pizzas, spaghetti with cream sauce,

cheese, any sweets, pastries, cakes with butter cream, pasta, all vegetables, fruits,

dried fruits, mushrooms with sour cream, all kinds of cereals, rice with cheese, crackers with cheese,

rice with vegetables and mushrooms, pasta with mushrooms, egg and tomato sauce, nuts, cheeses of all kinds,

milk, yoghurts, pastries, pizzas, cookies, lasagna, muffins, pies, and have you tried falafel -

These vegetarian cutlets are simply delicious!😇

✦ Our diet is very varied and suitable for the whole family -

All types of cereals, legumes, nuts, vegetables, raisins, lentils and beans, all grains, all types of mushrooms (I love mushroom pizza and pancakes), all types of dairy products (cottage cheese, cheeses, cheesecakes, yoghurts)

✦ On lacto-vegetarianism, I allow myself everything and do not gain weight, while eating very tasty -

I eat everything that I love, that brings me pleasure, I enjoy my favorite dishes

without remorse and harm to the figure;😀👍

✦ I feel very comfortable on this diet - I feel just great, my skin is great, my figure is perfect, and I’m also modest;😂😂

Proposal to the government!

Friends, we have a proposal to the Russian government - since we are vegetarians, we

I stopped getting sick altogether and, consequently, stopped going to doctors and my medical policy

has been lying around idle for 10 years, and the same goes for my martyr and my parents - WE ARE NOT SICK AT ALL

(t-t-t))) This is a fact! And it’s also a fact that in many countries around the world vegetarians have a 50% discount

for honey insurance and tax benefits, and we believe that in the Russian Federation vegetarians should also be given a discount

for medical insurance and tax benefits, because it has been proven that vegetarians get sick much less often,

and it would be right to financially encourage vegetarians, as is already being done in England and the USA

and Canada.😇 Do you agree with us?😀👍😂

The recipe for our favorite delicious vegetarian pies -


(the filling can be changed if desired - to fruits, berries, rice or mushrooms - this way our juices can easily be transformed from vegetarian to vegan!!!)

The resulting juices are incredibly tasty!!!


3 cups flour, 1 cup sugar, 50 gr. drained butter, 2 eggs, 8 tablespoons of sour cream, 0.5 teaspoon of soda, a pinch of salt, and I also put a couple of tablespoons of honey in the dough))

(if you are too lazy to bother, you can use any ready-made yeast dough)


300 gr. cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. l.sugar, 2 tbsp. sour cream, 2 egg whites, 2 tbsp. flour, 2 tbsp. decoys.
Dough: grind butter, sugar and eggs in a mixer, add flour, sour cream, salt and soda and mix everything thoroughly, roll the dough into a loaf and cut into pieces, then roll each piece into a ball and flatten it into a flat cake.
Filling: cottage cheese, sugar, sour cream, flour, proteins and semolina combine and mix thoroughly.
Place 1 tbsp on each flatbread. spoon of filling, fold the edge of the cake so that most of the filling is covered with dough, do not connect the edges themselves. Brush the juices with raw yolk. Bake for 25 - 30 minutes in an oven preheated to 230 degrees.
The curd filling in the pies is soft and juicy!

Enjoy your tea!

Life hack No. 1 - You can brush the top with an egg or the remaining filling - it’s on the egg and also gives our pies a blush,

Life hack No. 2 - According to doctors, calcium from baked cottage cheese is absorbed much better, so these juices are also extremely useful for the body!!!

Where can vegetarians eat?

There are no problems here either, now in any restaurant and cafe you can easily find a vegetarian menu,

even McDonald's and our beloved IKEA have very tasty dish- veggies.😀👍

Let me add that I regularly donate blood and according to all tests everything is completely normal,

vitamins, calcium, and iron, all at an ideal level, which is confirmed by regular examination

my health, because I am a blood donor.😊

So our conclusion is that vegetarianism is suitable for everyone, and the more

among us vegetarians - the more beautiful and green our Planet and the better our World!🌎😇​​​​​​

🌴🌴🌊🌊🌊 🌎 🎿 🗽 🗽🏂🎿 🗽 🗽

Thank you for your attention, good health and good mood to everyone! 😊😚💜

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Lactovegetarianism is one of the most common and gentle (mild) forms of vegetarianism. And in this article you will find out why!

1. What is lacto-vegetarianism?
2. When can you switch to lacto-vegetarianism?
3. What are the benefits of lacto-vegetarianism?
4. Disadvantages of lacto-vegetarianism
5. Delicious recipes lacto-vegetarianism!

What is lacto-vegetarianism?

Lactovegetarianism is the most gentle and soft form vegetarianism¹. Lactovegetarianism allows the consumption plant food, milk and dairy products. However, before switching to this diet plan, you should consult a nutritionist.

Lactovegetarianism is typically used by practitioners in entry level transformation.

Eggs, rennet cheeses, gelatin and food additives of animal origin (including products containing them) are excluded from the diet of lacto-vegetarians.

When can you switch to lacto-vegetarianism?

Switching to a lacto-vegetarian diet, as a rule, does not cause any negative consequences for human health.

Lactovegetarianism represents the optimal compromise. In modern cities, this type of nutrition is the most accessible and practical, in contrast to other more strict forms of vegetarianism.

Important points!

A person can become a lacto-vegetarian, but periodically he needs to arrange so-called fasting days!

Those. Drink only liquids or adhere to other forms of strict nutrition, and then return to consuming dairy products. Such unloading will help cleanse the body and increase its vibrations.

It should also be noted that if a person restricts himself in nutrition, then he is advised to take special vitamin-mineral complexes so that the body does not lack essential substances.

What are the benefits of lacto-vegetarianism?

Lactovegetarianism is beneficial because it leads to a decrease in blood cholesterol levels. In addition, such nutrition can cover almost all the protein needs of our body, useful substances oh and vitamins.

Dairy products contain vitamin D, calcium, vitamin B12 and easily digestible proteins, complete amino acid composition. However, it should be noted that many milk products contain a large amount of fat (for example, cream, cheese, full-fat cottage cheese, butter), so their consumption should be limited if your goal is to lose weight or maintain weight at the achieved level, and also if you are trying to lower your blood cholesterol levels.

Disadvantages of lacto-vegetarianism

This type of nutrition has one significant drawback from the point of view of transformation nutrition.

Lactovegetarianism is good only at the initial level (the first 5 years of transformation) or as the main background nutrition. Lactovegetarianism does not cleanse the body as quickly or well as more strict forms of nutrition (however, switching to them without prior preparation is dangerous).

Delicious lacto-vegetarian recipes!

The good thing about a lacto-vegetarian diet is that there are many recipes using milk, cottage cheese, cheese and other dairy products. This will keep your menu varied. However, the question of choosing the type of nutrition, lactovegetarianism in particular, still lies in the plane of individual preferences. Some people are completely intolerant to milk, so a stricter form of vegetarianism - veganism - is more suitable for them.


Tender creamy cauliflower soup

Cream and cream cheese such as Philadelphia cheese are added to the soup.

Ingredients for four servings:

— cauliflower – 500 g;
— potatoes – 3 pcs.;
— butter – 2 tbsp;
- onion - 1 pc.;
— vegetable broth – 2 cups;
- flour - 1 tbsp;
– cream cheese – 100 g;
— cream – 1 glass;
- nutmeg - 1/4 tsp;
Bay leaf- 2 pcs.;
- salt and pepper - to taste.

Cooking method

Preparation: 10 min. Preparation: 20 min. Total time: 30 min.

Lightly fry the onion in butter. Add diced potatoes. Fry for a few minutes. Add 1 spoon of flour and mix everything well. Let the broth boil, add potatoes and onions to it. Then cheese is added. After the broth boils again, add cauliflower, disassembled into small inflorescences. Salt (to taste), pepper, add bay leaf and nutmeg. Cook for about 15 minutes until the potatoes are ready. Remove the bay leaf from the soup and pour it into a blender. Pour a glass of cream into it and grind well until smooth. After this, warm up without bringing to a boil.

Rice with mushrooms and garlic

This dish can be prepared with white or brown rice, or you can also cook wild rice, which goes very well with mushrooms.

Ingredients for four servings:

- champignons or other mushrooms - about 6 pcs.;
- garlic - 1 clove;
- green onions - 1 arrow;
- chicken or mushroom broth - 2 tbsp.;
- white rice - 1 tbsp.;
- oil (butter or vegetable) - for frying;
- parsley;
- salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method

Preparation: 5 min. Preparation: 25 min. Total time: 30 min.

Mushrooms are coarsely chopped, garlic and onion are chopped. Melt the butter over medium heat (or heat 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil). Stew mushrooms, garlic and green onions in oil until the liquid evaporates. Pour in chicken bouillon, add rice. Season with parsley, salt and pepper. Reduce heat to low, cover and cook for 20 minutes.

(others can also be used in a lacto-vegetarian diet)

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Vegetarianism - eating plant foods and avoiding meat (red meat, poultry, seafood and any other animal) (

Nowadays, more and more people are inclined to lead a healthy lifestyle, which implies adherence to the principles of proper nutrition and regular exercise in a variety of sports. But what kind of nutrition system can be called correct? Contrary to popular belief, avoiding sweets, most baked goods and synthetic products does not mean that you are finally on the path to health and longevity. Professional nutritionists also recommend avoiding meat and fish products. Why? Expert advice is based on fairly compelling reasons.

Lacto-ovo vegetarianism as the only correct nutritional system

It is difficult to argue with the fact that meat, poultry and fish contain substances that are important for maintaining human health: vitamins, minerals and fatty acids. However, the benefits of the listed products are significantly reduced due to their potential (and in most cases, real) harm: modern industry requires the widespread use of dangerous synthetic substances, including little-studied preservatives. In an effort to win the loyalty of consumers, Russian and foreign manufacturers stuff their products with flavor enhancers, dyes and even flavors (the latter are especially rich in semi-finished products, preserves, sausages and frankfurters). What should a buyer do who has a head on his shoulders and who does not agree to poison the body with useless and meaningless chemical additives? Not to mention that more than two thirds of these additives are carcinogenic.

Lacto-ovo vegetarianism, the menu of which includes the most ordinary products, seems to be the only true way out of this situation. Why spend money on practically inedible chemicals if you can limit yourself to a set of natural products rich in substances necessary for full life?

Special diet

The main reason for people's instinctive mistrust of switching to lacto-ovo vegetarianism is the list of products in which there are restrictions. To dispel the not entirely correct idea about this food system, it is enough to analyze the menu that you are going to stick to. Excluding meat, poultry and fish from the diet is not just a tribute to the fashion for a healthy lifestyle. Professional nutritionists advise paying close attention to the amazing variety of foods that you can eat every day. These are fruits, vegetables, eggs, milk and dairy products, baked goods, pasta, sweets (including everyone’s favorite chocolate), cereals and cereals, muesli, nuts, dried fruits, mushrooms, and any drinks. Lacto-ovo is a trend in vegetarianism that allows you to eat almost everything except the most harmful.

Life without meat

The most important thing you need to know about giving up meat and fish products (including derivatives) is that along with the step in new life you begin a long but indispensable process of healing the whole body. Preventing obesity and getting rid of excess weight, reducing the risk of chronic diseases, longevity, absence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, reducing the overall absorption of contaminants (pollutants from environment) in tissue, strengthening bones are just a few of the many benefits of going lacto-ovo vegetarian. Reviews from those who have already set foot on the path to a long and happy life, as well as the opinions of professional nutritionists, come down to one conclusion: giving up meat and fish will only benefit you and will in no way cause harm. If you are concerned about nutritional deficiencies, try planning your diet in advance. Below, especially for those who do not yet fully believe in lacto-ovo vegetarianism, is a detailed menu for the week.

Before the start

To begin with, it is worth understanding that if you exclude meat and fish products from your breakfasts, lunches and dinners, you will not suffer from protein deficiency. Protein-rich plants are much healthier than steaks, cutlets and sausages. IN natural food contains protective phytochemical compounds. Thus, beans are known for their unique ability to lower blood sugar levels due to the combination of protein and fiber. Compared to meat, beans, peas and lentils contain fewer sulfur amino acids, which means they do not contribute to the leaching of calcium from bones. If you are determined to at least try lacto-ovo vegetarianism, the menu for the week will help you navigate the choice of products and methods of preparing them.

Day 1: start of the journey

  • Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs or omelet, toast with a tablespoon of butter.
  • Dinner: large plate vegetable salad, natural yogurt with the addition of fresh fruit.
  • Dinner: vegetable stew with cashews, carrot or tomato juice.
  • Snacks: raw nuts, preferably almonds or assorted nuts.

Drink as much plain still water as possible.

Day 2: more vegetables

  • Breakfast: multigrain porridge, a glass of milk (preferably soy), whole grain toast with jam or preserves. You can also replace the jam with a slice of avocado or your favorite nut butter.
  • Lunch: hummus, whole grain pita bread, cherry tomatoes, carrots, banana.
  • Dinner: cauliflower cheese pie, green salad, fresh fruits.
  • Snacks: protein shake, carrot and celery sticks, hummus for dipping vegetables.

If you are not just trying to switch to lacto-ovo vegetarianism, but want to make your diet as healthy as possible, prefer butter to margarine, and hard cheeses to soft ones. To make a protein shake, you will need protein powder and any fresh fruit along with freshly squeezed juice.

Day 3: Cereals and milk

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with berries and cinnamon, cow's milk (can be replaced with almond, rice or soy).
  • Lunch: vegetable sandwich (mayonnaise, chopped tomatoes, red onion, halved Brussels sprouts between two slices of whole grain bread with dill pickle), a handful of grapes.
  • Dinner: tacos - hot tortilla stuffed with soy meat, cheese, onions and beans, with spicy gravy.
  • Snacks: natural yogurt with sliced ​​banana and a pinch of cinnamon.

When choosing yogurt in a store, make sure that the composition does not contain synthetic additives, sugar or fruit fillers. It is better to add fresh fruit to it than to risk your own health.

Day 4: protein norm

  • Breakfast: muesli with blueberries, a portion of seasonal fruit.
  • Lunch: vegetable salad, tempeh (fermented soybean cake), apple.
  • Dinner: soy meat, organic sauce (for example, homemade tomato paste) and grated parmesan, baked apple.
  • Snacks: Half a whole grain bagel with nut butter.

Lacto-ovo vegetarianism involves focusing on protein foods to avoid protein deficiencies. Eat brown rice, buckwheat, quinoa, beans, peas, and peanuts as often as possible.

Day 5: mouth-watering dishes

  • Breakfast: muffins with pieces of dried fruit, protein shake.
  • Lunch: baked beans, fresh carrots, celery, fruit salad.
  • Dinner: tempeh and vegetable stew with brown rice, tomato juice.
  • Snacks: a serving of whole grain cereal with milk, natural yogurt with fresh fruit.

When choosing cereals, oatmeal remains the ideal option. coarse grinding also contributes to good digestion and good mood.

Day 6: quick fix

  • Breakfast: whole grain cereal with milk, small muffin.
  • Lunch: vegetable roll, oatmeal raisin cookies, melon.
  • Dinner: vegetable burger, baked potatoes, green salad.
  • Snacks: muesli.

Some dishes are better to cook yourself than to buy from supermarkets - especially if lacto-ovo vegetarianism has become your new lifestyle. Recipes can be found in the corresponding cookbooks, and we present the simplest of them in the article.

Day 7: Celebrating Diversity

  • Breakfast: 2 egg omelet with bell peppers, garlic, mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese, whole grain toast with butter, fruit juice.
  • Lunch: Spicy lentil soup, whole grain bread, fruit salad (for example, mango and strawberry).
  • Dinner: vegetarian lasagna, green salad leaves.
  • Snacks: a mixture of nuts and dried fruits.

As you can see, the devil is not as scary as he is painted. Lacto-ovo vegetarianism will soon become a real way of life if you allow your personal beliefs and the professionalism of eminent nutritionists to prevail over advertising templates and one-sided public opinion.

11.01.2016 Vladimir Zuikov Save:

Hello, Dear friends! Today I will introduce you to one of the common types of vegetarianism in more detail. We will talk about lacto-vegetarianism as a nutrition system and lifestyle. Let's consider what it is, the possible benefits and harms of such nutrition, and what a lacto-vegetarian can eat.

So, lactovegetarianism is one of the popular types of vegetarianism, when the diet includes plant and dairy foods, and all other foods are excluded from the diet. That is, no meat, fish, animal seafood, eggs + products that contain any of these in their composition.

I’ll tell you right away about false foods that are not eaten with this food system:

  • Anything that contains gelatin (made from the bones of livestock, so it is not vegetarian). For example, many dairy yoghurts and desserts contain it, even if it is not written about it on the label.
  • Rennet cheeses (almost all hard cheeses) are made from calf stomach enzyme.
  • All food additives of animal origin and products containing them.

Some people choose this food system for ethical, moral or religious reasons, others because of health. The reason may also be the recommendation of a doctor or nutritionist to follow such a diet. In any case, something always prompted a person to choose this particular type of vegetarianism and not another.

A fair question arises: “Why don’t lacto-vegetarians eat eggs?” Usually due to ethical reasons. Eggs contain an embryo (the embryo of a new life), and therefore eating eggs is killing the embryo of a future bird that could hatch from the egg.

By the way, Hindus even consider unfertilized eggs to be flesh and do not eat them. In India, 70% of vegetarians and most of them are lacto-vegetarians. This is not just food for them, but a philosophy of life. Such are the things.

Health benefits and harms of lacto-vegetarianism

1. What are the advantages?

If we compare lacto-vegetarianism with traditional nutrition, it is undoubtedly much healthier. First of all, because foods containing heavy fats and cholesterol are removed from the diet. This alone is worth something for the body and consciousness!

But where do you get the substances found in meat? Friends, milk can be a source of calcium, vitamins D and B12 if consumed correctly and compatible. Properly selected plant foods in the diet of a lacto-vegetarian contain all the necessary substances. In this case, the body does not lack anything and the nutrition is beneficial.

An important advantage of lacto-vegetarianism is that it helps you lose weight. Of course, in this case, dairy products are selected low-fat, without being overly saturated with fat. All this should be done competently and understand what results the diet will lead to. Next I will give recommendations in this regard.

2. What are the disadvantages?

Having helped people improve their nutrition and switch to a raw food diet, I can say the following. When an illiterate nutritionist or a person creates his own diet, this often leads to a lack of certain substances in the body, and health problems may begin. For example, anemia is a problem with red blood bodies.

I'll explain in more detail. If a person ate all sorts of rubbish and meat and suddenly suddenly becomes a lacto-vegetarian, the body receives psychological stress + protein starvation. It is a fact.

Therefore, the transition should be made gradually and carefully, in consultation with a competent specialist with experience in vegetarianism. You should not listen to doctors and nutritionists who do not adhere to a vegetarian diet - they are theorists. That's why one specialist will say one thing, another - another. Who to believe?

By the way, if you look at the opinions of nutritionists and doctors, among them there are many specialists who believe lacto-vegetarianism great system health improvement for people with excess cholesterol in the blood. Many people consider this type of vegetarianism as a diet, sometimes long-term, but not permanent.

Personally, I believe that you can live without meat, fish and eggs without losing physical and mental indicators, but on the contrary, gaining them. I myself have been living without all these products since 2013 and I know what I’m talking about.

Helping vegetarians, I see what serious mistakes they make. Unfortunately, even on lacto-vegetarianism, some people have indicators and symptoms of a lack of vitamins D and B12. When tested, the guesses are confirmed. But this is a consequence of an ill-considered diet. If you do everything correctly, such a picture can be easily avoided.

Separately, I would like to say about lacto-vegetarianism for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Sometimes girls like me or Pelagia ask for advice about changing their diet. It’s sad, it’s painful to look at such gross mistakes.

Dear girls, do not cross under any circumstances, especially abruptly! It’s already difficult for your body, it works for two (you and your child), and you want to give it another load. According to my observations, the health of most modern women is very poor, so I recommend that you complete breastfeeding, and only then can you safely begin changing your diet.

What can a lacto-vegetarian eat?

As I wrote above, when a person refuses animal flesh, protein starvation may occur in the body. Therefore, at the initial stage it is necessary to properly replenish protein. This can be done through milk, lactic acid products and plant foods.

I'll tell you straight. Most people don't understand anything at all about proteins and their absorption. Many people believe that only heavy plant foods contain protein (nuts, seeds, legumes). This protein is considered inferior and is poorly absorbed... I won’t argue. Let me just say that this is not the right protein and the reason for this is physiological. It can be easily eliminated. I was personally convinced of this.

Anyway. In the reality of a person who has just given up meat, dairy products truly become a salvation in terms of supplying protein to the body. Of course, you shouldn't abuse it! In addition, a beginning lacto-vegetarian should learn a few important points.

I think you are an adequate person and understand that the menu needs to be structured in such a way as not to experience a shortage of necessary substances. But I don’t advise you to listen to theoretic nutritionists, who usually prepare such diets for people that the abundance of dairy products makes a person sick. And problems with organs are also not far off.

Okay, I won't focus on this. I'd rather give you a few important advice, what you should pay attention to:

  1. There is no need to think that all the protein that enters the body is absorbed and beneficial. Milk protein It’s not very digestible, so eating dairy products 3 times a day is already too much.
  2. Are you afraid of lack of protein? Use vegetable proteins, the same quickly cooked porridge from whole grain. Everyone advises filling them with milk or kefir. I don’t recommend doing this, because... this causes protein incompatibility and putrefaction in the intestines. The result is a load on the gastrointestinal tract and poor absorption of proteins.
  3. Try to eat dairy products separately and raw. Better suited for an adult dairy products. So there are no problems with eating them raw.
  4. I advise you to completely avoid synthetic dairy products. This is everything that is sold in supermarkets in jars and bags. There is almost no benefit there. Choose natural!
  5. Liquid fermented milk has the best digestibility: kefir, whey, natural yogurt. It is also normal to eat sour cream, cottage cheese, soft cheese, feta cheese. Oh yes, in small quantities, a couple of times a week. It is better to exclude hard cheeses, even if they are not fermented, as they are poorly digested.

That's all for today about lacto-vegetarianism. Everyone decides for themselves whether to stick to it, choose something less strict, or vice versa - something more strict. The main thing is to choose what suits you best.

P.S. If you have any questions about the article, write them in the comments. What do you eat as a lacto-vegetarian?

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Vegetarianism is a nutritional system that consists not only of avoiding certain foods, but also affects the entire lifestyle as a whole. Fans of vegetarianism fiercely defend their principles, considering them the only correct ones, while opponents are sure that complete failure Meat is harmful to health. However, there is no single correct opinion on this matter - it all depends on the correctness of the approach and a balanced diet.

Adherents of strict vegetarianism argue that excluding meat and other animal products from the diet does not have a negative effect on either the well-being or the condition of the body as a whole. However, science has proven that humans are neither a herbivore nor exclusively a predator - the entire complex of substances necessary for health can only be obtained through a balanced, organized diet that includes all healthy foods.

With vegetarianism, this balance is slightly disturbed, so this system, despite its undoubted benefits, also has disadvantages, and in some cases can seriously harm health.

A vegetarian diet may have certain contraindications.

The harm of vegetarianism

The disadvantages of giving up animal food are primarily due to the fact that it contains microelements and vitamins that are absent in vegetables, grains and fruits. A lack of these substances in the diet can lead to metabolic disorders and, as a result, harm health.

  • Iron is one of the most important microelements that primarily affects the composition of the blood. The maximum amount of iron is absorbed from liver, meat and fish, which are rejected by vegetarians. Some of them may argue that iron is found in nuts and fruits, but at the same time, plant foods contain tannins, phytates, calcium - everything that can prevent the full absorption of the microelement. A maximum of 7% iron enters the human body from greens, legumes and grains (spinach, soybeans, rice), which is significantly less required norm consumption - its deficiency can cause weakness, dizziness, anemia and a general loss of vital energy.
  • Protein is needed to maintain normal operation muscles and structure connective tissue. Contrary to the popular belief that legumes contain enough protein and can satisfy the body’s needs in full, it has been found that it is absorbed worse from plant foods (from potatoes - 65%, from buckwheat - 60%, from millet - 45%, although animal protein almost completely absorbed).
  • Calcium is an extremely important microelement for hair, nails and skeleton. It is believed that it is absorbed better from leafy vegetables than from milk or cottage cheese, but strict vegetarians often have dangerously low calcium levels.
  • Vitamin B12 – necessary for normal functioning nervous system. No one herbal product cannot satisfy the need for it in full.

List of products for vegetarians and dosage of necessary substances

In addition, proper healthy vegetarianism is a rather expensive nutritional system. To provide the body with everything necessary substances the diet should be varied and of high quality, and fruits, vegetables, nuts and grains are not available to everyone.

Observations by scientists confirm that when following the principles of vegetarianism for more than 7 years, there is a significant decrease in immunity and disturbances in the psycho-emotional state, which are expressed in fanatical adherence to one’s beliefs and harsh condemnation of those who do not share them.

And finally, vegetarianism is harmful:

  • People with weakened immune systems.
  • Persons recovering from illness.
  • For children.
  • Pregnant and lactating.
  • People with anemia, osteoporosis, joint diseases, visual impairment.

Vegetarianism has certain contraindications, which especially applies to pregnant women and children. Interesting fact!

The benefits of vegetarianism

However, giving up meat also has its positive sides– it’s not for nothing that this is not only a nutritional system, but an entire philosophy, the origins of which go back to ancient times. Proponents of vegetarianism note the following advantages:

  • Vegetables, fruits and grains have low energy value- they are low in calories, but at the same time healthy and very nutritious. Therefore, their use helps to avoid excess weight and maintain your figure.
  • The high fiber content in vegetarian products has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines and stomach, normalizing and stabilizing everything metabolic processes.
  • This nutritional system has an extremely high cleansing potential: toxins and waste are removed from the body, resistance to disease is significantly increased.
  • Vegetarianism helps maintain optimal cholesterol and sugar levels: people with atherosclerosis, cancer, heart disease and diabetes are almost never found among vegetarians.
  • Antioxidants contained in vegetables and fruits maintain skin tone and keep it youthful.
  • Complex carbohydrates, for which vegetables and grains are famous, support excellent energy levels and promote an active lifestyle and longevity.
  • A balanced intake of salt, common to all vegetarians, helps maintain vascular health.

Vegetarianism is more of a philosophy of life than just a diet plan

In addition, vegetarianism helps to realize oneself as a part of nature and the surrounding world, while feeling harmony - giving up meat is nothing more than accepting living beings in the most humane way. This approach gives balance and peace of mind.

Safe transition to vegetarianism

Taking into account the peculiarities of switching to plant foods, you will avoid unpleasant consequences for the body

Giving up meat and switching to plant-based foods is quite a serious stress for the body, so adopting vegetarianism should be approached extremely thoughtfully.

  1. It is necessary to consult a therapist, gastroenterologist, nutritionist and psychologist, take tests and undergo all prescribed examinations to identify diseases for which vegetarianism is contraindicated: these include gastritis and pre-ulcerative conditions of the stomach, colitis, hemoglobin deficiency, pancreatitis. If any of the diseases have been detected, before changing the diet it is necessary to undergo treatment, i.e. Prepare for this in advance - get rid of existing diseases.
  2. When switching to plant-based foods, a favorable psycho-emotional background is extremely important: during times of depression, stress or nervous exhaustion, vegetarianism can only aggravate the harm to the body. The best time to give up meat is a period of calm and well-being, without worries and serious shocks.
  3. Master new system nutrition should be smooth and gradual, while making the diet as varied as possible: if legumes - then peas, chickpeas, beans and lentils in turn, if vegetables - then different colors, if dairy products - then curds and natural yoghurts. Step by step, food variety can easily replace the usual meat.
  4. Vegetarianism denies alcohol and smoking: cessation bad habits in this case is required.
  5. With such a diet, it is necessary to take vitamins B12 and D, as well as calcium supplements.
  6. And finally, regular testing is recommended for everyone who adheres to this nutritional system.

To adhere to vegetarianism, you need to take into account all the nuances of switching to this lifestyle, and also balance your diet with the substances necessary for the body

The slightest signs of deterioration in health or well-being require a transition to a more gentle vegetarian diet or a return to the usual diet.


Types of vegetarianism

There are quite a few types of vegetarian diet plans.

To people who are not too familiar with this philosophy, vegetarianism is seen simply as a refusal of animal products. In fact, this power system is divided into several types:

  • Veganism is a complete rejection of animal foods in favor of plant foods, eating exclusively vegetables, fruits, and grains.
  • Raw mono diet - involves the same strict approach to food selection as veganism, but it rejects any food that has been subjected to heat treatment.
  • Fruitarianism is a deeply philosophical approach to nutrition based on the idea that plants can experience pain too. Therefore, fruitarians consume only what can be obtained without damaging the plant - fruits, berries, nuts, excluding even root vegetables.
  • Sous vegetarianism is the exclusion of all animal foods and strong-smelling plant products (onions, garlic, durian).
  • Sproutarianism is a nutritional system based on the consumption of sprouted grains and legumes.
  • Lacto-ovo vegetarianism is a diet that allows the consumption of dairy products, eggs and honey.
  • Lactovegetarianism - when eating plant foods, both dairy products and honey are acceptable.
  • Ovo-vegetarianism - plant foods, eggs, honey are acceptable.
  • Semi-vegetarianism - allows the consumption of all products except red meat, fish and poultry are allowed. This system is often classified as a vegetarian diet.
  • Pesco-vegetarianism - in addition to plant foods, the consumption of fish and seafood is allowed.
  • Macrobiotic diet - based on the consumption of legumes, grains, fruits and vegetables, with particular preference given to seaweed and daikon.

Everyone can choose the optimal vegetarian diet plan for themselves.

Of all the above directions, nutritionists most welcome lacto-ovo-vegetarianism, lacto-vegetarianism, pesco-vegetarianism and semi-vegetarianism - according to experts, these are the nutritional systems that can be considered the most balanced: the consumption of plant, dairy foods and seafood can satisfy the human body’s need for vitamins and minerals almost completely.

Veganism, raw foodism and fruitarianism, on the contrary, are marked by rather severe criticism: nutritionists are confident that eating according to these systems can lead to a deficiency of many important microelements, and, as a result, health problems.

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The benefits and harms of vegetarianism

Vegetarianism is one of the most popular nutrition systems in the world today. With this food system, meat products are excluded from the diet. There are many reasons why people choose vegetarianism. The benefits and harms of this way of eating are what are worth talking about.

Many experts still disagree about whether a vegetarian diet is harmful or beneficial for health. In order to make a decision for yourself whether to switch to this system or not, it is worth studying in detail each side of this issue.

Opinions vary

Vegetarians themselves, of course, insist that giving up animal products does not cause any harm either to a person’s sense of self or to general condition health and body. But Scientific research It has long been proven that man, by his structure, is neither a herbivorous mammal nor a predator. Scientists say that full composition A person can only obtain useful substances by consuming a wide variety of products, including meat.

When a person eats only plant foods and excludes meat products from his diet, it is difficult to talk about a balanced diet. The opinion of doctors in this case is that such a diet can even worsen health.


Food of animal origin contains a number of vitamins and microelements that are not found in plant foods at all. By excluding the animal component from the diet, a person deprives himself of these beneficial substances, which ultimately threatens the body with metabolic disorders.

Here are some useful substances we're talking about:

  1. Such important trace element like iron. Its presence affects the composition of the blood. Most of this microelement is found in offal, such as liver, kidneys, and fish. Vegetarians insist that iron is also present in plant foods. But the problem is that, along with iron, plant foods contain substances that prevent the full absorption of this element. It is easier and more abundant for the body to absorb this element from food of animal origin.
  2. Anyone who is even a little involved in sports knows that for the structure muscle tissue protein is simply irreplaceable. Vegetarians insist that this element can be extracted by eating legumes. Here things are the same as with iron. Indeed, plant foods contain protein, but the human body only absorbs half of it. Unlike animal protein, which is completely absorbed.
  3. The next important microelement is calcium. It is extremely important for the health of the musculoskeletal system, as well as for the beauty of hair and nails. The opinion of vegetarians is that this microelement can be more than obtained from leafy vegetables. But! Current research suggests that the amount of calcium in the body of vegetarians is often greatly reduced.
  4. Animal foods contain the important vitamin B12. The presence of this vitamin depends normal functioning nervous system. Plant foods are not able to saturate the human body with this vitamin.


However, this question, like any other, has a second side.

To be as objective as possible, let's talk about the benefits of a vegetarian diet:

  1. With a vegetarian lifestyle it is much easier to maintain correct weight. This is because plant foods are quite low in calories, but at the same time they contain a lot of useful substances. Eating this kind of food will make it easier for you to get rid of extra pounds, and keep your weight at the proper level.
  2. It is much easier for the intestines and stomach to work with exclusively plant-based foods. It is easily digested, does not provoke decay processes, and the body is easily freed from the remnants of such food.
  3. With this type of nutrition, it is much easier for the body to stay in a clean state longer. Plant foods help remove waste and toxins from the body, making it easier for the body to fight external and internal negative factors.
  4. A vegetarian diet helps keep sugar and cholesterol at proper levels. This means it stays in good condition longer. the cardiovascular system. Research on this topic suggests that among vegetarians there are much fewer people who suffer from cancer or diabetes than among meat eaters.
  5. A vegetarian diet is excellent for prolonging youth, as vegetables and fruits contain many antioxidants.
  6. It is believed that meat eaters eat more salt than vegetarians, and excessive salt consumption is also bad for health.

There are several types of vegetarian diet. Let's look at its most popular types and look at how each of them affects the health of the body.


Lactovegetarianism allows the use of dairy products in food. At the same time, lacto-vegetarians refuse certain types of rennet cheeses, gelatin, as well as products that contain additives of animal origin.

Typically, the reasons why people become adherents of lacto-vegetarianism are ethical and moral standards. Lacto-vegetarians thus renounce any kind of violence in their lives. This also explains the refusal of eggs, which, in principle, may contain a chicken embryo.

If speak about positive aspects If you are a lacto-vegetarian, this way of eating keeps cholesterol in the body at the proper level. If you plan a lacto-vegetarian diet correctly, you can provide the body with nutrients in sufficient quantities. With a lacto-vegetarian diet, you have access to vitamin D, vitamin B12, calcium, and proteins that are easily digestible and contain amino acids. There are plenty of these substances in a lacto-vegetarian diet, due to the presence of dairy products in it.

That is why, suddenly becoming a lacto-vegetarian, you will not put as much stress on your body as if you suddenly became a vegan.

The lactovegetarian diet is not as poor in composition as other stricter types of vegetarianism.


Another type of relatively democratic type of vegetarian diet is ovo-vegetarianism. An ovo-vegetarian diet requires no dairy products, but you can eat eggs.

If we talk about the reasons why people begin to adhere to an ovo-vegetarian diet, then they are either ethical in nature, or individual intolerance to dairy products is the basis of ovo-vegetarianism.

Another advantage of an ovo-vegetarian diet is that it allows you to eat a product that is beneficial to the body, such as honey.

An ovo-vegetarian diet can even be prescribed for people with poor health. The ovo-vegetarian diet is easy to eat and is good for colds and other body ailments.

Lacto-ovo vegetarianism

Another common type of vegetarianism today is lacto-ovo vegetarianism. Logically, it is clear that this includes people who allow meat, fish, eggs and dairy products in their diet.

The reasons why people become lacto-ovo vegetarians may also be ethical, or it may simply be a healthy eating option.

Lacto-ovo vegetarianism is also a good gentle transition to a more restrictive diet. With such a diet, the body also has the opportunity to receive almost all the nutrients it needs.

Vegetarian diet and children

Many questions arise regarding the topic of vegetarianism and children. Every parent has the right to choose a nutritional system for their child. If you have made such a decision, then here are recommendations that will help you do this as carefully as possible for the health of the child.

  1. You cannot immediately switch your child to strict vegetarianism, for example, veganism. Children should receive easily digestible protein. Instead of meat, add to children's diet beans, seeds, eggs and dairy products.
  2. To prevent children from becoming deficient in vitamin D, offer them milk that is fortified with this vitamin.
  3. It is very important that children get enough iron. If you refuse to allow your child to eat meat, then help the child’s body absorb more of this microelement from plant foods. To do this, foods containing vitamin C must be present in the child’s diet at least once a day.
  4. You should not feed your child whole grain bread all the time. Whole grains fill the stomach much faster, and also partially interfere with the absorption of iron, zinc and copper. To avoid this, it is better to give your child whole grain products only half the time.
  5. Children's body needs a certain amount of animal fat. It is worth considering periodically including butter or medium degree fat content of cow's milk. This is the only way to get this valuable product with a vegetarian diet.


The benefits and harms of vegetarianism | Lose weight - 21st century

Has your friend become a vegetarian?

Are you thinking about becoming one yourself?

What are the benefits and harms of vegetarianism?

What is the role of the individual characteristics of the body when switching to one or another type of nutrition?

What should you consider when choosing a diet?

Let's try to figure it out.

According to the VITA Animal Rights Center, the majority of the Russian population eats traditionally.

A survey was conducted in St. Petersburg and it turned out that most often people do not become vegetarians because they cannot live without meat and love meat dishes and are on protein diets.

Many people believe that in order to become a vegetarian, you need some good reasons, and also that meat is necessary, since it contains essential amino acids.

Few people have thought about becoming a vegetarian because, in their opinion, such a diet is healthier for the body. Vegetarians themselves, when asked about the motives that prompted them to switch to this type of diet, answer that they consider such food healthier, many of them like Indian culture and cuisine, or they really love animals.

Is a meat-free diet really healthy? What are the benefits and harms of vegetarianism?

To answer this difficult question, let’s first define the concepts.

Vegetarianism is a way of life, a nutritional system in which meat and other animal products are completely or partially excluded from the diet. There are many “vegetarianisms”.

One of the strictest is veganism, which completely excludes any type of meat from animals, birds, fish, seafood, as well as eggs, milk and dairy products, and in some cases even honey.

Lactovegetarianism is a dairy-vegetarian vegetarianism.

Adherents of this trend eat milk and various dairy products. Lacto-ovo vegetarianism is a dairy-egg-vegetarianism, along with plant foods.

Such vegetarians consume dairy products and poultry eggs.

Pescetarianism is a diet in which the meat of warm-blooded animals is not consumed, but the consumption of fish and seafood is allowed.

A raw food diet is a diet that completely excludes the consumption of any food that has been subjected to heat treatment.

For example, in St. Petersburg, lacto-ovo-vegetarians and pescatarians are most often found.

As the respondents themselves admit, in the climate of the Northern capital, “you can’t live without meat.” However, the source of protein is usually compensated by vegetarians by consuming various types of legumes, nuts or fish.

The generally recognized disadvantages of a vegetarian diet are:

  • deficiency of certain amino acids necessary for the growth and development of children,
  • insufficient supply of the body with vitamins D and B12 contained in animal products,
  • lack of vitamin B2 (in case of refusal of dairy products),
  • low vitamin C content (when using predominantly grain diets),
  • insufficient supply of the body with iron (if you refuse meat), calcium, zinc and iodine.

Vegetarianism is more suitable for older people and is extremely undesirable for children, says Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, presenter Researcher Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences of Moscow Alla Pogozheva.

From the same point of view, a vegetarian diet is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, sick and weakened people.

Older people are more suitable not for strict vegetarianism, but for diets with a vegetarian focus, based on ovolacto-vegetarianism with the periodic (2-3 times a week) inclusion of fish and seafood in the diet.

In general, vegetarians are less likely to suffer from coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, some types of cancer.

The advantages of plant foods are the presence of phytoncides and a high content of dietary fiber, which help remove cholesterol and glucose from the body, prevent atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, constipation, and provide a feeling of satiety.

This food contains no cholesterol, no animal fat, it contains a little saturated and a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids; significant content of potassium, magnesium and low sodium content.

At the same time, plant foods contain insufficient amounts of many nutrients necessary for the normal development of children's and youth's bodies.

Studies have shown that children on a vegetarian diet develop physically more slowly, they are more likely to have anemia, rickets, and are shorter than peers who consume a mixed diet.

It has also been noted that vegetarianism can negatively affect menstrual cycle in girls and women, including those in the premenopausal period.

Nutrition and weight management consultant Bogdan Kislyakov adheres to the rule of the golden mean: “If a vegetarian consumes the right amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins, then there should be no consequences. Plant foods have everything you need, the problem is only with protein, but it is also present in legumes, for example.

Adequate replacement of animal products is possible with products of plant origin and with the help of food additives.

In this case, a person knows how many calories and nutrients (nutrients that are contained in food and provide the body with energy and plastic materials necessary for its functioning) consumed.

To eat properly, you need to take into account the norm of proteins, fats, proper carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber.

It’s very important to drink enough fluids and try to eat smaller meals.”

According to Andrei Gruzdkov, it is important not only to introduce the necessary nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, etc.) into the body, but also to effectively absorb them - assimilate them.

Since ordinary food is represented mainly by biopolymers, gastrointestinal tract under the influence of various enzymes, they are broken down into monomers, which are then absorbed in the intestines and enter the internal environment of the body.

The smell of food and its appearance significantly influence the preparation of the body for its absorption.

If eating food causes negative emotions, then such food is digested worse.

When choosing a specific food, each person should know their capabilities and take into account their state of health. In this case, the individual characteristics of the organism play the most important role.

And, of course, the body must receive essential amino acids, which, as a rule, are not found in plant foods, or are contained in them in insufficient quantities.

Andrey Gruzdkov also emphasizes: “Ugolev often said that in nutrition important role play centuries-old traditions, often determined geographical features terrain.

For example, in the North people adapt to one food, and in the Caucasus to another.

In some African countries where there were no traditions dairy farming“, a larger percentage (than, for example, in European countries) of the adult population suffers from milk intolerance, since during the transition of a person from breastfeeding to regular food, repression of the lactase enzyme occurs, which breaks down the milk sugar contained in milk - lactose.”

And now about the generally accepted.

For a long time, the most common theory was balanced nutrition.

It was formed at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century on the basis of ideas that developed more than two hundred years ago. Academician Alexey Pokrovsky and his students made a significant contribution to its modern development.

According to this theory, healthy eating first of all, it must be balanced, that is, one in which the body receives in sufficient quantities and in certain proportions all the substances necessary to ensure its energy costs, tissue renewal and regulation of physiological processes.

As is known, the penetration of nutrients into the blood occurs after hydrolytic cleavage in the gastrointestinal tract of the initially polymeric structures of food under the action of appropriate enzymes and absorption of hydrolysis products (mainly in the form of monomers).

Food contains various components: beneficial substances (carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, water), ballast components (dietary fiber, for example, pectin, cellulose, cellulose) and toxic substances (harmful to humans).

According to the theory of balanced nutrition, the value of a food product is determined by the quantity and ratio of beneficial nutrients it contains.

Since dietary fiber is not broken down by enzymes of the stomach, pancreas and small intestine, it was customary to consider them ballast, which is better to get rid of (for example, by refining the original food products).

IN last decades The theory created by academician Alexander Ugolev was developed adequate nutrition, which, while preserving the basic postulates of the theory of balanced nutrition, made very significant adjustments to our ideas about what healthy food should be.

Thus, according to the theory of adequate nutrition, the optimal diet must take into account the presence in the body bacterial flora intestines and its important role in the digestive process.

In particular, in his theory, Ugolev took into account the fact that the so-called ballast substances (dietary fiber, cellulose), which were previously considered useless, since they are not broken down by digestive enzymes, at the same time are food for the microflora of our intestines.

At the same time, bacteria inhabiting the large intestine, using these “ballast” substances, produce from them healthy foods- some essential amino acids, vitamins. Consequently, the previously widely used refining of food products cannot be considered a factor that improves their quality.

What remains common to the theory of balanced nutrition is the postulate about the functions of nutrition:

  • maintaining the molecular composition of the body,
  • satisfaction of its plastic and energy needs.

But an important addition has appeared: nutrition must not only comply with the principle of balance, but also the principle of adequacy, that is, meet the characteristics of the digestive system of the mammalian body that have developed during evolution.

Thus, when taking a comprehensive approach to choosing a diet, you should consider:

  • their individual physiological characteristics,
  • established eating habits,
  • love for familiar dishes and national cuisine.

It makes sense to find something that will provide excellent health and health.

Whether you decide to become a vegetarian or eat a balanced diet, if you have excess weight, then you need to get rid of it. And in this matter it would be good to have an assistant.

If you are overweight or have problems with overeating, then the AS clip with nanocoating for weight loss will help you cope with these problems.

Source: NAKED SCIENCE magazine.


Lactovegetarianism: what is it, benefits or harm, what can you eat, recipes

One of the varieties of vegetarianism is lacto or ovo-vegetarianism: such food cultures are considered the most lax and allow a number of indulgences, and also provide health benefits.

Lacto-ovo vegetarianism and a healthy lifestyle: essence and benefits^

Lacto vegetarianism is a nutritional method significantly different from veganism, allowing the consumption of milk and dairy products.

It is worth noting that most often vegetarians generally refuse fats and proteins of animal origin contained in meat, fish, cottage cheese, milk, kefir, eggs, and honey is also prohibited, because. it is obtained through the exploitation of living organisms - bees.

  • Ovo-vegetanism is also distinguished, in which it is allowed to eat eggs, and in rare cases on weekends you can afford seafood and fish.
  • All this is done in order to replenish the reserves of substances contained in meat, which are prohibited in all varieties of this food culture.

Lacto ovo vegetarianism: pros and cons

The benefits of ovo-vegetarianism have been known for a long time, and that is why it has a lot of supporters:

  • The vegetarian menu does not include foods that increase cholesterol or contain chemical additives;
  • As a rule, adherents of such a culture change not only their diet, but also their lifestyle: they begin to play sports, often walk in the fresh air, become interested in oriental practices - all this has a positive effect on the psychological and physical condition person;
  • Thanks to the correct selection of products, it is possible to achieve harmony with nature, improve your well-being and avoid many diseases;
  • Using lacto vegetarianism for weight loss, it is possible to achieve good results: much less fat and calories enter the body, and the amount of nutrients increases, as a result of which metabolism is activated.

Now, in more detail about the disadvantages of lacto-vegetarianism - they are expressed in a deficiency of elements important for the body due to the refusal of meat and other products of animal origin:

  • Protein: despite the fact that it can be obtained from plant foods, it will be much less absorbed, as a result of which muscles can weaken and health problems may appear;
  • The iron contained in meat and offal is processed by the body better and faster than that found in plants, so iron deficiency anemia may occur;
  • A lack of microelements and vitamins often leads to the development of chronic diseases.

In addition, with lacto- or ovo-vegetarianism, the likelihood of hormonal imbalances and endocrine disorders, therefore this nutritional system is not recommended for people with any chronic diseases, as well as pregnant and nursing mothers.

Lacto vegetarianism: harm or benefit

Having figured out useful features lacto-vegetarianism, we can summarize:

  • It makes it possible to make giving up meat less noticeable to the body by including milk and products made from it in the diet;
  • This nutritional system has a positive effect on health, because... It is dominated by vitamin-rich vegetables and fruits.

There is only one drawback here - the impossibility of obtaining the iron contained in meat, as well as animal fats and proteins, without which it is impossible to balance your diet.

Lactovegetarianism: what you can eat, recipes ^

Lacto-vegetarianism: list of products

As mentioned earlier, the menu of lacto-vegetarians may include milk and dairy products, but it is also built from other foods:

  • Fruits;
  • Vegetables;
  • Greenery;
  • Bitter chocolate;
  • Tea and coffee;
  • Cereals.

Ovo-vegetarians are allowed to eat cottage cheese, eggs, seafood and fish, but only in rare cases.

Lacto-ovo vegetarianism: recipes

Cottage cheese casserole recipe

Check your body fat %, BMI and other important parameters

Beet salad recipe

Vegetarian soup recipe

Doctors advise paying special attention to the transition from a regular diet to lacto-vegetarianism: you cannot immediately give up meat abruptly, because. this can lead to a rapid subsequent breakdown.

To lose weight, it is recommended to compose your menu mainly from fruits, vegetables and legumes: they perfectly satisfy hunger, help cleanse the intestines, normalize cholesterol levels and allow you to easily lose weight, because. contain a minimum of calories.

Quitting lacto-vegetarianism is also of great importance: it is undesirable to suddenly introduce meat products into the diet, otherwise putrefactive processes may occur in the intestines, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will worsen, and such food, after using a different diet, is very difficult for the stomach.