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A child has a strong bad breath. Bad breath in children is a cause for concern

Even minor symptoms, which many people do not pay attention to, should sometimes be considered as a reason for an early visit for doctor’s help or at least for consultation with qualified specialist. Among such subtle disorders, it is worth highlighting changes in skin coloration, eating habits, time of sleep and wakefulness for no apparent reason. Should be more alarming frequent visit toilet, and the appearance of an unpleasant or strange odor from the hair, skin or breath. Let’s clarify why a child has bad breath; we’ll discuss the causes and treatment of this phenomenon in a little more detail.

Sometimes bad breath in a child is a natural symptom that does not require any special treatment. But in some cases it should be considered as a manifestation various diseases, including some that are quite hazardous to health.

The smell from oral cavity from a child - causes, treatment

Certain foods

Quite often, a child’s bad breath is a consequence of consuming garlic, onions, cheese, corn, some juices, etc. But it is worth noting that all such foods impair breathing only temporarily; this symptom goes away quite quickly.

Also, a child’s breath may begin to smell when consuming sweets in excess. Such food is fraught with the appearance of colonies of various aggressive bacteria in the oral cavity, which have a characteristic odor.

Insufficient oral hygiene

Most children do not like brushing their teeth very much and do not do this procedure regularly. Sometimes bad breath occurs due to unclean teeth, and sometimes it is caused by diseases of the gums and mucous membranes or caries caused by insufficient hygiene. Therefore, all children, without exception, need to brush their teeth twice a day (morning and evening), and also rinse their mouths after each snack.

Bad breath may give dirty tongue. So it would be a good idea to clean your tongue with a brush, because food fragments can accumulate in its uneven areas and cause some stench.

Fungal infections oral cavity

A child’s insufficiently developed immunity is often attacked by various aggressive organisms, including Candida fungi. They can be present on the mucous membranes of completely healthy children, but with accompanying factors they can begin to actively multiply and form white foci of a cheesy consistency in the oral cavity. In this case, the child may have bad breath and may also be bothered by painful sensations which children have early age manifested by whims and refusal to eat. In this case, in order to remove bad breath, treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor using local or systemic antifungal drugs.

Mouth breathing

If a baby breathes through his mouth due to nasal congestion or enlarged adenoid tissue, the mucous membranes of his mouth dry out. Therefore, there is an active proliferation of bacteria in the mouth, which in turn causes an unpleasant odor. To eliminate the smell, the only possible treatment in this case is to restore full nasal breathing.

Impaired nasal breathing is observed with a runny nose, which is viral, bacterial or allergic in nature. Determine the factors causing unpleasant symptoms, a pediatrician will help, sometimes you may need to consult an ENT specialist or an allergist.


Quite often, bad breath in a child is a symptom of chronic tonsillitis (constant, sluggish inflammatory process in the tonsils). With this pathology, bacteria multiply in the tonsils; they look a little red and loose, but at the stage of remission of the disease they do not cause negative symptoms in the baby. From time to time, lumps of yellow-white color may come out of the tonsils, which have an extremely unpleasant and pungent odor.

To remove odor from a child, treatment of chronic tonsillitis is carried out under the supervision of a pediatrician and ENT specialist using a number of medicines. The child needs complete dietary food, doctors also advise gargling after every meal. If the disease is prone to constant relapses, the ENT specialist may insist on removing the tonsils.

Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract

Sometimes a child’s bad breath is a symptom of diseases of the digestive tract. This phenomenon can be observed when there is an accumulation gastric juice, increased acidity, constipation and other pathologies. Sometimes an unpleasant odor occurs only if the child suddenly eats food that is unusual and/or difficult for the body.

Other pathologies

A specific unpleasant odor from the oral cavity in a child can occur due to a number of other diseases, for example, with disturbances in activity endocrine system(diabetes mellitus), diseases of the bronchopulmonary system (bronchitis, tracheitis, abscess).

Treatment of bad breath

If you notice an unpleasant odor, you should first seek advice from a dentist and pediatrician. These doctors will help determine the causes this phenomenon and, if necessary, send the baby to others narrow specialists. Treatment for bad breath directly depends on the cause of its occurrence.

That's all I wanted to write on this moment about this smell, causes, treatment for it.

First of all, you need to pay attention to oral hygiene. You need to brush your teeth twice a day, and after each meal you need to rinse your mouth.

Why can a smell appear in a healthy child?

Do not forget that eating certain foods can cause an unpleasant odor in the mouth. The main reasons that give rise to odor in healthy child, are:

  1. Cheese, onion, garlic or cabbage, which are strong-smelling products. The smell of garlic can be especially strong, even if the child has eaten it in small quantities.
  2. It may smell bad due to unbalanced diet. If a child eats foods high in protein or carbohydrates, indigestion may develop.
  3. Dry mucous membranes provokes the development of an unpleasant odor.
  4. As stated above, improper hygiene– one of the main reasons why this deficiency appears.
  5. Increased sugar consumption or products that contain it. Sugar is a favorable environment for bacteria to multiply.

Methods to combat unpleasant odor in a healthy child

If the smell arose due to the above reasons, then eliminating this defect is very easy.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to reduce the amount of sweets consumed. The best option Honey is a substitute for sugars if the baby does not have allergies.
  2. The diet should contain a large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables. Daily use A fresh apple or carrot will have a positive effect on your child’s health.
  3. In addition, you need to teach your child to better monitor the condition of the oral cavity. It is best if parents supervise tooth brushing.
  4. For rinsing, you can use not only store-bought solutions, but also infusions of various herbs, for example, chamomile or calendula. After brushing teeth, parents should check the cleanliness of the teeth; in the future, this will become a habit for the child.

An important factor is the use large quantity fluids to avoid dry oral mucosa.

If your child’s breath smells like medicine, do not worry, because this smell will disappear as soon as the medication is finished.

It is important to explain to your child how to brush their teeth properly

Odor due to disease

Halitosis - bad breath - can develop in a child due to various diseases. That is why, when this symptom appears, it is best to seek advice from a specialist in order to exclude the development of pathology.

If you experience a pathological odor from your mouth, not only after sleep, but at any time, it is best to get examined.

Acid smell

With increased stomach acidity appears this type, in this case, gastric juice is released directly into the esophagus. In addition to this symptom, the child has a stomach ache and develops heartburn.

Also sour smell causes gastritis, as in chronic form, and in acute.

One of the most dangerous odors considered acetone. If a child’s breath smells like acetone, these may be the following disorders:

Release of acetone
  • malfunction of the pancreas;
  • diathesis of neuro-arthritic type;
  • diabetes;
  • helminths;
  • liver diseases;
  • ARVI;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • presence of intestinal infections.

With fever, vomiting and weakness, acetonemic syndrome is diagnosed, which is caused by increased content ketone bodies in the blood.

Ketone bodies are formed after the breakdown of protein foods, and the disease itself is hereditary.

Causes of the smell of acetone from a child’s mouth

Stool smell

This smell occurs due to:

  • intestinal obstruction,
  • necrosis,
  • dysbacteriosis.

This sign is a mandatory reason to contact an ambulance, because when such a symptom appears in the child’s body there is an accumulation of toxins that are very dangerous.

Rotten egg smell

When acidity decreases, the smell of rotten eggs appears: food is not completely digested and begins to rot right in the stomach. Also, this symptom can be observed with severe overeating, because the stomach cannot cope with a large load in a certain time.

Smell of iodine

If there is an excess amount of this microelement, the child may smell like iodine. To eliminate this problem, it is best to contact an endocrinologist to prevent the development of diseases thyroid gland. At long stay this aroma may also appear near the sea, but this sign is not a pathology and goes away with time.

It is very important to know that iodine tends to accumulate in the body, so it is important to monitor the level of the element. In some situations, children may develop allergic reaction or increased sensitivity.

The smell of bile

With diseases of the liver or gall bladder, an unpleasant bitter taste appears in the mouth, as well as a characteristic odor that parents can smell. Besides:

  • the baby may complain of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, nausea;
  • Yellowing of the whites of the eyes, mucous membranes and increased body temperature may occur.

Yeast smell

A yeasty aroma from the mouth may be a sign of the development of oral candidiasis.

thrush, a disease that is caused by the activity of a fungus.

On the surface of the tongue inner surface a cheesy coating appears on the cheeks. When you try to get rid of plaque mechanically, an erosive surface opens, which can bleed. In addition, the disease may be accompanied by severe pain syndrome and the child cannot eat or even drink plain water.

Other reasons

Characteristics of bad breath in various poisonings

What to do if your child has bad breath

First of all, it is necessary to teach the child to carefully observe oral hygiene. Teeth should be brushed twice a day special toothpaste and a brush with soft bristles.

Reducing the consumption of sugars and flour products– an integral part of prevention against unpleasant odors. In order to avoid fermentation in the stomach, it is best to avoid drinking various juices and sodas.

If the cause of an unpleasant odor is any disease, then it is necessary to fully approach treatment methods. Can be used not only drug treatment, but also traditional medicine methods.

Based general reviews, we can conclude that most often an unpleasant odor is not a symptom of a disease, but a consequence after eating spicy food. Many mothers believe that they need to more closely monitor their child’s diet so as not to complicate the work of the digestive system, and therefore avoid possible complications.

Doctors believe that the appearance of any foreign odor from mouth - acute cause, for which you need to consult a doctor. Very often, parents believe that the unpleasant odor that comes from their child’s mouth is simply a consequence of the food they have eaten. Although at this very moment the onset of the development of the disease is missed.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion on bad breath in a child

According to the doctor, an unpleasant odor always has a cause. It is very important correct diagnosis reasons for the development of pathology, which should be carried out by a qualified doctor.

If halitosis is accompanied by high temperature, you must immediately contact an ambulance to avoid the rapid development of inflammatory or infectious process in the digestive system.

Ultimately, we can conclude that bad breath is a very dangerous symptom, which requires detailed disassembly in order to accurately exclude possible development diseases.

There are several causes of halitosis in a child - among the main ones:

  • Certain drinks or foods (such as onions or garlic, corn, cheese, and certain juices) may temporarily make the smell worse. The causative factors for the appearance of various pathogenic bacteria in the mouth that emit an unpleasant odor can be overuse sweets;
  • Lack of oral hygiene - since children generally do not like to brush their teeth and do it infrequently, an unpleasant odor appears, because without regular brushing of teeth, bacteria begin to accumulate in the oral cavity. The smell can be, among other things, a symptom of caries or gum problems;
  • Fungi in the oral cavity. With a healthy microflora in the mouth, a balance of microbes and fungi is maintained, but if this balance is destabilized, an inflammatory process begins, which is accompanied by a bad odor. An imbalance may occur as a result poor nutrition(for example, if the child eats a lot of starchy foods). This disease manifests itself in the form of white dots on the tongue, lips or cheeks on the inside. If such signs appear, you need to show the baby to a doctor;
  • The child has a coating on his tongue. It must be remembered that in addition to the teeth, children also need to brush their tongue, because food particles accumulate in the uneven areas of the tongue, which causes bacteria to multiply and appear. bad smell. You need to clean your tongue regularly. Infants should wipe it with damp, clean gauze;
  • Breathing through the mouth - this process contributes to dry mouth, which can result in a bad odor;
  • Mucus in the sinuses of the nose. Mucus accumulating in the nasopharynx and sinuses is a fairly common pathology, resulting in bad breath and an unpleasant taste. Children with chronic sinusitis or seasonal allergies, are also susceptible to halitosis, because as a result of breathing through the mouth, the natural moisture in the nasopharynx dries out, and the accumulated mucus creates an odor. Individual cold or anti-allergy nasal drops can also provoke its occurrence;
  • Problems with tonsils in chronic tonsillitis. In this case, pathogenic microbes begin to multiply in them, causing them to become loose. Sometimes white-yellow lumps come out of the tonsils and have a pungent odor. They are usually leftover food that has become stuck in the tonsils and has begun the process of rotting. If this problem occurs, it is necessary to gargle the child’s throat with plain water after each meal. It is also necessary to remove dairy products (cheese and cottage cheese) and seeds from his diet;
  • Gastrointestinal disorders - due to an increase in the acidity of gastric secretions, the child develops a bad odor from the oral cavity. Sometimes it occurs as a result of eating food that is too heavy for the baby;
  • Fear, stressful state or severe emotional stress - in this case, the mucous membrane usually dries out or, on the contrary, begins copious discharge saliva. Both of these factors can become causal factors bad smell.

Risk factors

Factors contributing to the development of halitosis in children:

  • There is constantly dry air in the room where the child is;
  • The activity and excessive mobility of the baby, due to which he sweats a lot, which causes dry mouth;
  • The development of any ARVI (with the flu or any cold, the respiratory organs dry out and a lot of mucus accumulates in them, which serves as a source of additional protein for microbes (which, when broken down, forms sulfur compounds);
  • Various inflammatory processes chronic in the respiratory system - bronchitis, sore throat or pneumonia;
  • The child has caries or periodontal disease;
  • Allergic runny nose, as a result of which excess mucus accumulates in the mouth and nose;
  • Inflammation of the adenoids.


In case of organ disease digestive system associated symptoms are - flatulence, changes in stool, regurgitation and belching, as well as constipation.

If inflammation appears in the nasopharynx area, among other signs, folds at the lips and nose stand out, and puffiness under the eyes. Also in this case, the child will snore in his sleep and breathe through his mouth.

In addition, halitosis may be accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • Loose teeth or toothache;
  • Unpleasant sensations in the throat (soreness, lump, pain);
  • Mucus flows down back wall pharynx;
  • Breathing through the nose becomes more difficult;
  • Nausea, as well as belching and heartburn;
  • Dry mouth;
  • Feeling thirsty;
  • Bad taste;
  • Coughing up blood.


There are several types of unpleasant odor that occurs in a baby’s mouth.

Acetone or acetic. This smell, especially if the baby also has heat, is very dangerous signal. This symptom occurs in non-diabetic ketoacidosis, which often occurs in children different ages. In this case, you need to immediately call a doctor and give your baby something to drink before he arrives. boiled water– in small portions (a teaspoon) and often.

A faint odor of acetone may indicate a malfunction of the pancreas, kidney disease, dysbacteriosis, helminthic infestations, diabetes mellitus. Therefore, if such a symptom appears, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor as soon as possible.

Putrid smell usually occurs as a result of poor oral hygiene, some kind of ENT disease (pharyngitis, tonsillitis or tonsillitis; against this background, the baby experiences cough, nasal congestion and white tongue), caries, stomatitis, diseases of the esophagus or low stomach acidity(the child often complains of abdominal pain). In this case, you need to consult with an ENT specialist, dentist and gastroenterologist, and also ensure that the child brushes his teeth regularly and ensure that he has the correct drinking regime.

The pungent odor of pus is mainly a symptom of chronic inflammation, as well as growth in the child’s nasopharynx lymphoid tissue. In this case, the tonsils become covered with a coating of pus, resulting in plugs that create a bad odor. Additional symptoms are runny nose, elevated temperature, plaque on the throat, coated tongue. You should consult your pediatrician as treatment with antibiotics may be necessary.

If a child has a sour breath, it is possible that the acidity in the stomach has increased or inflammation has begun there. In this case, you need to examine the baby by a gastroenterologist - perhaps he has gastritis. Another reason may be the reflux of gastric secretions into the child’s esophagus - at the same time, he feels pain in the sternum and heartburn.

When sweetish smell possible reason may have liver disease. Therefore, it is very important to see a gastroenterologist as soon as possible - such a symptom may indicate hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver.

Chemical smell may be a sign of illness digestive organs(this especially applies to the gallbladder). It occurs when there is dysfunction of the bile ducts.

Chlorine smell, to which metal is mixed, is a sign of periodontal disease and high bleeding gums. You should contact your pediatric dentist.

If you smell iodine, you should contact an endocrinologist, since this symptom may be a sign of excess iodine in the body. Similar condition usually occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to sea, in case of thyroid disease or after taking iodized medications. A similar odor can occur due to infection with a bacterium from the Klebsiella group, which enters the body along with unwashed fruits - it can provoke acute gastrointestinal tract infections. intestinal infections.

If the smell of bile need to perform an ultrasound of the organs abdominal cavity and pass the necessary general tests– this symptom may be a sign of poor outflow of bile from the gallbladder, cholecystitis and biliary dyskinesia.

The smell of iron may be a developmental signal in a baby iron deficiency anemia. Therefore, you need to donate blood to determine your hemoglobin level. If the diagnosis is confirmed, you need to take vitamin complexes that contain iron. The reasons may also be high acidity, gastrointestinal diseases, gastritis and dysbacteriosis.

Urine smell indicates development diabetes mellitus or kidney disease. It occurs due to a decrease in insulin levels, as well as a disruption in the process of carbohydrate metabolism.

Stool smell– is quite rare and is usually associated with hereditary problems. Occurs when there is a violation intestinal obstruction. It can be diagnosed by a gastroenterologist or endocrinologist.

Rotten egg odor, burping and white coating formed on the tongue are signs of liver disease, peptic ulcer, gastritis, problems with the outflow of bile. In this case, the child should be taken to a gastroenterologist.

If yeast smell Candidiasis is usually diagnosed. Often this smell accompanies stomach diseases.

Diagnosis of bad breath in a child

During the diagnostic process, an analysis of complaints is carried out, as well as anamnesis - how long ago halitosis began, at what period of the day it usually appears, is there a connection with food intake, are there diseases (in chronic form) of the gums, mouth, nose and sinuses, liver , Gastrointestinal tract; Is there any difficulty breathing through the nose, etc.

The doctor also evaluates the degree of odor using an organoleptic method (its intensity in this case can be assessed in the range of 0-5). Before the procedure, you should not use breath fresheners, mouthwash, drink or eat.

The pediatric dentist examines the tongue and oral cavity (a yellowish or white coating may be observed on the tongue). You should consult a pediatric pulmonologist to rule out lung or bronchial disease, and in addition, a pediatric gastroenterologist and, in some cases, a pediatric otolaryngologist.


A blood test is performed using biochemical analysis(in this case, the level of glucose, liver and kidney enzymes is analyzed). A stool sample is also taken from the patient to determine possible availability worm eggs.

Instrumental diagnostics

Instrumental diagnostic procedures are also carried out.

Sulfide monitoring, in which, using special device halimeter, the doctor calculates the number of sulfur compounds in the air that the patient exhales.

Pharyngoscopy (examination of the throat) and laryngoscopy (examination of the larynx) are performed. In the second case, for a more detailed examination, use optical instruments– flexible fiber laryngoscope and rigid laryngoscope.

Traditional and herbal treatment

There are several methods traditional treatment halitosis in a child.

You can rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile, sage, mint or strawberry. You need to take 1 tbsp. ingredient, pour boiling water over it, and then strain when it cools. Drink 3-4 times a day.

To improve gum health, you should use oak bark- this is a well-known fact. You need to pour 1 tbsp boiling water. ingredient and let it brew for half an hour. Next, you need to gargle your throat and mouth with this tincture.

To freshen your breath, you can use chewing gum, which is made according to folk method. Needs to be melted on fire beeswax(100 g), then add 10 drops to it. lemon juice, 3 drops. peppermint oil, as well as 50 g of honey. This mixture must be stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained, and then cooled and rolled into balls. The resulting “chewing gum” should be chewed several times a day – it helps eliminate unpleasant odor and has a positive effect on the oral cavity.

Take mint (1 tablespoon of crushed leaves) and pour boiling water (0.5 l) over it, and then leave for 30 minutes. Rinse your mouth with the resulting infusion several times a day.

If a bad odor appears due to gastric pathology, it is recommended to continue for 1 month. take wormwood tincture – 1 cup/day.

There are cases when the presence of health problems, in particular in children, is judged by such indirect signs like a child having bad breath. At the same time, he does not feel any symptoms of the disease, does not complain, and behaves as usual.

In such cases, parents' anxiety is completely justified. If this is a signal of a problem, then you should not remain silent about it. It would be a reasonable decision to immediately consult a doctor in order to conduct a reliable differential diagnosis.

Why does this happen?

Physiology child's body is such that any dysfunction can provoke specific smell from the oral cavity. If we discard the “aroma” that comes after eating actively smelling foods (onions, garlic, radishes, fresh cabbage), all other factors can be divided into two large groups:

  1. Caused by hygienic problems.
  2. Arising as a result of various types of diseases.

The second group includes infectious and somatic diseases.

Food debris that is not regularly cleaned from the crevices of teeth tends to decompose and rot. This occurs especially intensely in the oral cavity, since it is here favorable conditions: presence of moisture and comfortable temperature. Putrefactive bacteria, which quickly multiply during these processes, cause a foul odor that comes out.

The second reason is untimely sanitation of the oral cavity. A child's bad breath can be caused by:

  • carious teeth;
  • sore gums;
  • the presence of plaque on the cheeks, tongue and tonsils;
  • inflammatory changes in the oral mucosa on the palate, inside cheeks

In addition, enlarged and inflamed adenoids, discharge from the nasal cavity and nasopharynx (during colds) can provoke an uncontrollable odor in a child when exhaling through the mouth.

About diseases of somatic organs

Pathological processes occurring in the body can also be unpleasantly signaled by the release of specific odors.

  1. If the parents’ olfactory organs sense the “aroma” of acetone from the child’s mouth, most likely he has acetone syndrome. It is caused by metabolic disorders, which may be hereditary. Due to the excess of ketone bodies in the body, they are excreted in the exhaled air and urine of the child. Acetone is also present in the exhaled air of patients with diabetes.
  1. Defects in food movement digestive tract lead to abandonment of hydrochloric acid(formed in the stomach as part of gastric juice) into the esophagus. A sour smell comes out through the nasopharynx, depriving the breath of freshness.
  2. Ulcerative diseases (stomach, duodenum) destroy the integrity of their mucous membrane, as a result of which substances that smell like rotten eggs begin to be synthesized.
  3. Ammonia accompanies the child's breathing if he suffers from diseases excretory system, namely the kidneys.
  4. If you have liver problems, you can feel how raw liver smells specifically unpleasant.

Depending on the individual characteristics The child may develop his own personal mouth odor. It can be sharp or faded, sometimes depending on the time of day, food eaten, type of activity, mental stress and even mood. Body temperature may not change, appetite and sleep remain unchanged.

You need to be especially critical when such a symptom appears in infants. Their body is massively populated with specific flora designed to break down milk. That is why such children should smell like milk and nothing else.

A change in the air released also occurs in case of nasal breathing disorders. On the one side, purulent discharge There is an unpleasant specific smell in the nose. On the other hand, a child, switching to mouth breathing, helps his mucous membranes dry out and release special, pungent-smelling molecules.

Bad breath can be caused by a number of bacteria, viruses and protozoan microorganisms that cause infectious diseases.

These include:

  • helminthiases (enterobiasis, ascariasis, hymenolipediasis and others);
  • acute respiratory viral infections and flu;
  • rotavirus infections;
  • diseases of the airborne transmission mechanism, starting with respiratory phenomena;
  • tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis (caused by streptococci);
  • acute intestinal infections such as gastroenterocolitis or food toxicity.

Why else does a child’s breath smell like putrefaction? Diseases of a purulent-inflammatory nature caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococci, pseudomonas and other pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, may also have odor as one of their symptoms. There are quite a few of them, each with their own biological characteristics.

If the smell appears as a result of treatment for a previous disease

There are often cases when children’s breath begins to smell not from the first days of illness. This happens when, when certain symptoms appear, a child is diagnosed and treated. When we begin to implement it, we rarely think about whether there is back side such an action. It turns out that it exists. It can manifest itself unpleasantly in two ways:

  1. The use of antibiotics can provoke the destruction of healthy useful intestinal microflora(called bisbacteriosis in medicine).
  2. Allergic reactions to certain types medicines.

In both cases, a symptom of bad breath in a child is possible and even probable. The reasons for this are shifts in immune status little man, education specific antibodies and immunoglobulins.

If a child’s breath stinks while taking any medications, this is a signal to stop taking it and consult a doctor to change the prescribed therapy. It should be noted that such a symptom can also be caused by an overdose of drugs. Therefore, saying “no” to self-medication is the sacred duty of parents.

How to help the situation

If your child has bad breath, you can try to deal with it yourself. This will bring results only in the absence of internal diseases and pathologies.

Hygienic reasons can be overcome if:

  • brush your teeth regularly, 2 times a day, grabbing your tongue and gums;
  • rinse your mouth after meals by special means or brewed solutions of chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot and other herbs with antiseptic properties;
  • promptly sanitize carious teeth, inflammation of the tonsils, septic processes in the nasopharynx and oral cavity.

Bad breath from a child’s mouth caused by illness is not so easy to overcome. The main thing is to pay attention if the child breathes through his mouth and his breath is not fresh.

Substances that increase salivation will help. More frequent rinsing of the mouth mechanically removes foul-smelling particles.

Drying of the oral mucosa can be prevented by humidifying the air in the room and drinking more liquids. There shouldn't be any traces in the air tobacco smoke and overly aromatic compounds. A too hot microclimate also has a negative meaning. Overheating of the body leads to hypersolivation (excretion of fluid through sweat) and subsequent dehydration.

The child has bad breath unpleasant character will alert the pediatrician and force him to carefully collect an anamnesis of the disease. The first signs of pathology are especially important, since they indicate the root cause.

In the future, monitoring the process using the sulfide method may be recommended. For this purpose, a special device is used - a halimeter.

A visual examination of the ENT organs is a mandatory stage of diagnosis, during which devices such as a pharyngoscope, laryngoscope, and fibrolaryngoscope are used. These devices are types of endoscope with various attachments.

The presence of certain symptoms may indicate inflammatory diseases in the sinuses of the nose and the brain as a whole. To reliably assess them, methods such as computer diagnostics, radiography, tomography.

Pathology of parenchymal organs (liver, kidneys) will be identified using diagnostic laboratory research and clinical tests (biochemistry, general clinical analysis, enzyme-linked immunosorbent reactions, modern PCR diagnostics).

If no pathology is found during the measures taken, the pediatrician will definitely refer such a child to a gastroenterologist, ENT doctor, or surgeon.

The significance of the symptom of children's bad breath should in no case be underestimated. Being potential primary symptom, he will be able to help diagnose the disease in time and avoid its consequences. Well, if there is no illness, it’s a matter of hygiene: competent, complete, regular!


Children usually smell very nice, especially their own - any parent will tell you that. But it often happens that suddenly, in the absence of any obvious illness, an unpleasant, pungent odor begins to be felt from the child’s mouth. Why is this happening? And does this smell from the child’s mouth indicate the development of some serious infection? And the main thing that worries parents is how to get rid of such a problem?

A sharp unpleasant odor from the mouth, including in a child, on the tongue medical terms called halitosis (or halitosis). Unfortunately, it can be observed in children of any age (sometimes even in infants), and, accordingly, cause a “bouquet” of worries and worries in parents. What if the sharp, nasty odor from a child’s mouth really is a sign of a serious illness?

Causes of bad breath in children

Where does bad breath come from? Doctors have found that the main “producers” of the unbearable sulfur-ammonium “amber” are special bacteria, the very essence of whose existence is to break down the proteins we get from food.

Moreover, this act of splitting occurs in us, both adults and children, directly in the mouth. Actually, this is the first step along the long digestive tract. During the decomposition process, some sulfur-containing compounds are inevitably formed, which, in fact, emit a terrible odor.

However, nature foresaw this moment and added human saliva special component (namely - specific type streptococcus), which in theory should neutralize the unbearable “aroma” of sulfur. But in practice there are often plenty of examples where this does not happen. Typically for two reasons:

  • Either there is too little saliva in the mouth;
  • Or there are too many bacteria in the mouth that break down proteins (and there are too many of them when they have something to eat - that is, when food debris or dried mucus constantly accumulates in the mouth).

In adults, there may be a third explanation - there is enough saliva in the mouth, but it does not contain that same “sanitary” streptococcus. However, this cause of bad breath has nothing to do with children - their saliva always has the “correct” composition.

So, the problem of bad odor is always related to saliva. And attempts to “link” bad breath in a child to stomach problems gallbladder or intestines - completely unfounded. The problem of bad odor in the mouth concerns only the oral (and sometimes also nasal) cavity and is limited exclusively to it.

Factors that contribute to the development of an unpleasant odor in a child:

  • Dry air in the room where the child lives;
  • The child moves actively and sweats a lot (which also contributes to dry mouth);
  • Any (during any cold, the respiratory tract becomes dry and an excess amount of mucus is formed in them - on the one hand, these are additional proteins for bacteria, the breakdown of which produces sulfur compounds, on the other, an obstacle to the “work” of salivary streptococcus);
  • Any chronic inflammation V respiratory tract(be it , or , or );
  • Bad teeth with signs of caries or periodontal disease;
  • (which also causes accumulation of excess mucus in the nasal and oral cavities);

Bad breath in a child: a symptom of a disease or an incorrect menu?

In reality - neither one nor the other! Bad breath has nothing to do with digestion, or with any infections, or indeed with anything other than the condition of the oral mucosa.

So, in almost 100% of cases when a child has bad breath (up to 13-14 years old), this is not related to any serious illness. Moreover, this phenomenon is in no way connected with any other area of ​​the child’s body except the oral and nasal cavity. Parents, do not be alarmed: no matter how sharp and bad the child’s breath suddenly smells, everything is still fine with the gastrointestinal tract system. The cause of “amber” should be sought exclusively in the mouth, or in as a last resort- in the nose.

So if you went to the doctor with a problem of bad breath in your child, and he prescribed you a “bouquet” of tests (demanding to study feces, urine, blood - whatever), this doctor, to put it mildly, is mistaken. Everything that is “produced” by the body below the level of the mouth is completely pointless to study in this case.

There is only one thing that needs to be clarified - why does the baby develop bacteria that should normally be suppressed by the components of saliva? Perhaps there is not enough saliva... Or perhaps there are too many bacteria (for example, if the teeth are rotten). It is also possible that the child’s adenoids are inflamed - mucus accumulates on them and, undergoing the process of decay, is a source of unpleasant odor.

How to eliminate bad breath from a child

To eliminate bad breath in a child, it is necessary to solve two main problems: eliminate dental problems (if any) and restore salivation. To do this you should do the following:

  • periodically give the child water with lemon to drink;
  • organize a humid climate in the room (air humidity should be between 60-70%);
  • check the condition of your teeth at the dentist;
  • if the nose does not breathe, rinse the nose saline solution(and do this several times during the day);
  • check with an otorhinolaryngologist the condition of the child’s adenoids;

So, by and large, contrary to popular belief among parents, bad or pungent odor from a child’s mouth is not medical problem- There is nothing special to treat here. The only thing that should be done is to check the condition of the baby’s teeth and tongue (whether food debris accumulates there), check to see if there is an inflammatory process in the throat, and finally find out whether the child’s nose is breathing normally.

If the baby is in perfect order on all these points, then a humid climate in the house will definitely help solve the problem of bad breath, which will restore proper salivation in the child and prevent the mucous membrane from drying out. That, in fact, is all the wisdom of dealing with unpleasant odors!