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Allergy. Symptoms of a pseudoallergic reaction. Seasonal allergies - what is the reason

Allergy is a pathological overreaction of the body to foreign substances. Is there a human allergy?

An allergy to a person is a rejection of another person as a person or their effect on you. Manifestations of allergies to the human immune system can be expressed by pain in the eyes, swelling, runny nose, hives, sneezing and coughing.

Allergies to a person are often caused by the inability to breathe the same air. It seems that this person is secreting a substance that is not compatible with your Ego. It happens that your neighbor can become the most powerful allergen, provided that he begins to mind his own business, and therefore causes irritation in the lining of the nose and leads to sneezing.

Human allergies, once considered outlandish, are now becoming more popular and aggressive. You can develop an allergy to a person, including your neighbor, right from school, as well as at retirement age. The disease affects residents of highly civilized, economically developed countries.

An allergy to another person is retribution for our selfishness. The growth of selfishness includes a mechanism for the development of allergic reactions to one's neighbor, and this disease is incurable. The crowds are sneezing...

Allergies to humans - causes

Why does this disease occur? The answer is genetics. There is a predisposition to allergies to people. A child is 100% likely to sneeze on others if his parents did the same. Allergies are often caused by decreased immunity. But it happens that a person does not perceive another and believes that his illnesses are caused by this person.

Causes of psychological allergies:

- a person nearby with a different mindset, temperament; is the opposite of your character, and the human body tends to deny someone who is very different from it;

- resemblance to a person in shortcomings leads to a strong release of hormones that cause allergic reactions;

specific smell a person to whom there is an acute reaction.

Medical theory of human allergies

Allergy to people is autoimmune disease, expressed in an allergy to saliva, epithelium (skin), human hair, accompanied by itchy skin, a rash on the head and face. Symptoms gradually increase, leading the patient to severe exacerbation (scratching). Antiallergic drugs are ineffective for this disease.

Psychological theory of the development of human allergies

There is a connection between hatred and the development of egoism, and there is no person free from these qualities. Nowadays, all structures of human society are susceptible to such allergies: children sneeze on parents, students on teachers, young people on old people, old people on youth, leaders on people.

Human allergies were not so obvious 100 years ago. This is all due to pollution of the human environment. Every year the ego of people grows at an accelerated pace, while saturating society with its poison and creating an increasingly dirty living environment with the new generation. Inhaling air from particles of people's egos, and if interests do not coincide, you will have an allergic reaction. If interests coincide, then the air will seem pleasant and clean. It follows that the cause of sneezing is a mismatch of interests and their acute opposition. People become more aggressive, not wanting to adapt to the habits and characters of others, and allergic manifestations intensify: cough, runny nose, itchy skin. The development of egoism led to dire consequences, and the world strives to destroy humanity with its own hands. equates to hatred. People's selfishness prevents the emergence of love, as the only cure for human allergies.

Allergy in the sense of philosophy is a kind of selfishness, as well as cynicism, expressed in inflated demands on others. You make yourself an indulgence: “I am good, normal, and let the other person change.” And if you look at the opponent’s position, then the point of view is definitely the same. And where is the truth?

Allergy to humans - treatment

There are no specific tests to diagnose and treat allergies in humans. You can, of course, conduct skin tests and donate blood for IgE and, after the examination, do ASIT (allergen-specific immunotherapy), which is carried out with precisely those allergens that caused the maximum reaction. This is the only treatment method that significantly reduces the disease and prevents the development of new allergic reactions. Examination and treatment are strictly prescribed by an allergist.

For treatment to be successful, it is necessary to remove the allergen from contact. Coexistence and tolerance of the allergen is not acceptable. And in order to be more tolerant of a person who is an allergen, you need to understand him and stop being prejudiced. The disease is often caused by decreased immunity. But it happens that a person does not perceive another and believes that his illnesses are caused by this person. Allergists consider the disease to be an exception to the rule, so it is necessary to seek help from a psychologist, since the reasons are not related to physiology, but lie in psychological characteristics the identity of the sick person.

Preventing human allergies

Remember that an allergic reaction to a person is a rare phenomenon and is caused in most cases by psychological characteristics.

When we really dislike some person, we can say in our hearts: “I’m allergic to him, I can’t see him.” Is this really possible or is it just an expression in a figurative sense?

What is an allergy

An allergy is an inexplicable malfunction of the body in which the body's defense mechanisms begin to work against itself. That is, the body sees a threat not in viruses and bacteria, but in ordinary and harmless things, such as flowers, fruits or water.

The list of substances that can cause allergies is practically endless; they are called antigens.

There are five types of allergies:

  • atopic;
  • cytotoxic;
  • immunocomplex;
  • delayed;
  • stimulating.

The most common type is the atopic type, which is actually considered an allergy. When the body comes into contact with some new substance, the immune system always meets it with antibodies. Upon first contact with a new, harmless substance, the body should normally recognize it as safe and stop producing antibodies to it. But during a malfunction, called a hypersensitivity reaction in scientific circles, they continue to be produced, and the more of them are formed, the stronger the reaction will be. At this point, the situation can go in two ways: either everything will return to normal and resistance to the substance will develop, or sensitization to the substance will occur in the body. With the first one, a person will not even know that this happened in his body, and will be able to calmly continue contact with the substance. But in the second case, when a person comes into repeated contact with the substance, allergy symptoms will appear. And the strength with which they manifest themselves directly depends on how many antibodies were produced by the body upon first contact.

Human allergies - myth or reality

Recently, cases of hypersensitivity reactions have become more frequent, especially in children. And unfortunately, human allergies are quite a reality. Most often, allergies occur in men, since they excretory system works more actively.

The reaction can be caused by either close contact or simply being in the same room. That is, an allergy to a person can be caused even by breathing the same air as him. And since few people have heard of this phenomenon, it is often quite difficult to guess what is happening.

What exactly is the reaction?

In the case of an allergy to a person, a reaction occurs to his secretions, for example, the following:

  • saliva;
  • sperm;
  • urine;
  • female genital secretions.

Moreover, both for the discharge of a specific person, and for a specific discharge in principle.

Medicine has encountered such rare cases, like an allergy to any sperm or other people's sweat. There have even been cases where spouses lived for years and did not know that one of them was allergic to sperm and female secretions, and continued to have sex, aggravating the situation.

Research has proven that there is hereditary predisposition to allergies specifically to humans. Therefore, it is imperative to warn your children about this. If you give birth to a child from a person to whom you are allergic, there is a very high probability that he will be allergic to his father or mother, and quite severely.


The symptoms of an allergy to a person are no different from the symptoms of an allergy to something more common. It affects organs and tissues that come into direct contact with external environment:

Hypersensitivity is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • runny nose and swelling of the nasal cavity;
  • peeling and eczema;
  • decreased intestinal motility;
  • indigestion;
  • nausea;
  • cough, in severe cases turning into asthma.

All these symptoms can be manifestations of a wide range of diseases, so allergies should be diagnosed exclusively by an allergist-immunologist for adults. Since the mechanism of the hypersensitivity reaction in children is somewhat different.

Why allergies are dangerous

While the first signs may seem like just an inconvenience, it can get worse. The swelling of the nasal cavity can be so severe that it becomes difficult to breathe. And pulmonary edema is fraught with Quincke's edema, which can cause death so fast that ambulance he just won't have time to arrive. Another strong and terrible manifestation of allergies is anaphylactic shock. Therefore, if there is the slightest suspicion of an allergy, it is very dangerous to ignore it; no one knows what a particular case may lead to.

There are immediate and delayed allergic reactions. Their main difference is that in the first case the reaction occurs within a couple of hours, and in the second it can appear after a day or more.


Sometimes identifying what exactly you are allergic to can be quite difficult. If this is an immediate allergic reaction, then it is easiest to determine. In the case of slow motion, difficulties often arise.

If you suspect an allergy, you should contact an allergist-immunologist for adults directly, bypassing the general practitioner. First, the specialist will examine the patient to determine external manifestations. Next, he will ask him a series of standard questions: has he eaten a lot of fruit, has he been to exotic countries, and has he changed his usual skin care products, cosmetics, or household chemicals. At the end of the visit, he will tell you what tests to take for allergies to make sure that this is it. The fact is that when a hypersensitivity reaction is active in the body, the level of neutrophils in the blood will be increased.

If something unusual is revealed at the appointment, then the allergist receives a recommendation to remove everything suspicious from the diet and everyday life approximately once every 3 days, which is exactly how much is needed for the allergic reaction to begin to subside. Usually at this stage the allergen is detected. But it happens that contact with everything new and unusual is completely excluded, but the symptoms only intensify. Then they decide to do an allergy test. To do this, several incisions are made on the arm or back and essence with one of the most popular allergens is dripped into each of them.

Causes of allergies

Doctors have not yet reliably determined the exact reasons for its appearance, but the following are considered the most likely:

  • environmental degradation;
  • drug intervention in the immune system;
  • vaccination;
  • flourishing of the chemical industry.

The causes of allergies to humans, most likely, also lie in poor ecology, because the toxicity of a person’s secretions is directly related to what he eats and what he breathes.

But this is only an assumption and many questions remain regarding the mechanism of allergy. For example, why can some people be in contact with certain substances all their lives and nothing happens, while for others the slightest contact is enough for the strongest manifestation.


The most the best treatment Allergy is the elimination of the allergen by complete failure from further contact with him. Then the allergist will simply prescribe medications that will help quickly neutralize all symptoms. But it happens that this is impossible, then new generation antiallergic drugs come to the rescue. And if you stop eating or using something household chemicals It is still possible, but leaving a loved one because such a reaction to him is quite difficult morally. Any allergy only intensifies over time, and in severe forms, continue to communicate with this person without taking antihistamines, can be fatal.

The famous “Suprastin” will not help against allergies of such strength, because it is only a first-generation drug. That is, it simply blocks symptoms for a period of no more than 5 hours. And drinking it constantly is quite harmful.

Second generation drugs, such as Claritin, Fenistil and Zodak, have less side effects, but are contraindicated for heart patients.

Zirtec and Cetrin are third-generation drugs and have a minimal list of side effects. Approved for use by people with cardiovascular diseases.

And finally, antiallergic drugs of the new generation, that is, the fourth. These are Levocetirizine, Cetirizine, Erius and many others. They relieve allergy symptoms quickly and for a long time. They have a minimum of contraindications.

Prescribing drugs from previous generations may also be advisable. It is up to the allergist to decide what exactly the patient will be treated with. A person without appropriate education and experience cannot take into account all the nuances.

There is a chance to get rid of the disease completely. There is such a method as allergen-specific immunotherapy. The patient's body is exposed to allergens in a certain way, thereby causing resistance to them. This therapy does not always work, but it gives hope to such couples for a normal life together.

Psychological reason

There is such an unusual phenomenon as a psychological allergy to a person. That is, one person literally cannot be near a person who is unpleasant to him. And the reason lies precisely in personal hostility, in the fact that a person brings negative emotions. In this case, sometimes a smart organism gives such a strange, but, oddly enough, protective nervous system reaction. When a person begins to smell the smell of someone who is very unpleasant to him, a huge amount of hormones are released into his blood, which give a reaction similar to an allergy.

“Suprastin” is unlikely to help against allergies of this type. Here you need to either somehow accept the inevitability of communication with this person and work through it with a psychologist, or simply exclude communication completely. Since this only happens when dealing with people who are truly unpleasant, it can only be difficult to do this social reasons. For example, if it is the child’s boss or teacher. But more often than not, this issue can be resolved.


Prevention of any hypersensitivity reaction means living in the most favorable areas from an environmental point of view and eating food that is as clean as possible from nitrates and growth hormones. In conditions modern life this seems unlikely.

But drink fewer pills at the slightest provocation, buy better vegetables and meat, refuse products instant cooking everyone can do it.

Other unusual allergies

Milk and medicine will surprise no one. But there are types of allergies that are truly amazing. For example, there are allergies to the following:

  1. Water. Prolonged exposure to the skin causes peeling and atopic dermatitis.
  2. Sports and fitness, otherwise called “physical exertion anaphylaxis.” When playing sports, the human body releases specific set hormones, and a reaction occurs to them.
  3. sunlight. Burns from long stay exposure to the sun is familiar to many, but for a small number of people such burns occur instantly.
  4. Plastic. In this case, you will have to surround yourself exclusively with natural materials, but outside the home it is quite problematic to avoid contact with plastic things in the 21st century.
  5. Metal. One thing that saves us is that there are a large number of types of metal and you cannot be allergic to everything at once, since the composition of different alloys is strikingly different.

It is quite difficult for a person to live with some types of allergies, but medicine does not stand still, and scientists do not lose hope of finding a cure for allergies that will be 100% effective.

Answered these and other questions Chief allergist-immunologist of the Moscow Department of Health Irina Sidorenko.

"AiF": - Can allergies transform? For example, if a patient previously had all signs of allergy disappear with the onset of winter, and the period of remission lasted until August, but now sneezing and runny nose do not stop throughout the year. Tell me, is there any chance of recovery at all?

I.S.:- If allergies have become year-round, then an allergy to house dust cannot be ruled out. But it happens that this is a sign of autumn hay fever associated with the flowering of autumn herbs. You need to see an allergist. We must understand that it is impossible to cure with medications. In general, no one in the world can cure allergies. But long-term remission (improvement of symptoms or complete disappearance) can be achieved by treating with allergens. Children experience spontaneous remission of symptoms in adolescence. But after 20 years, symptoms may return. Therefore, treatment with allergens using different schemes and combinations is used all over the world. Unfortunately, there are contraindications to this method. Accordingly, if there are contraindications, then you will have to select antiallergic or symptomatic drugs, but for this you need to contact an allergist.

“AiF”: - Why can a child have allergies from birth? Does it happen that the medications the mother took during pregnancy are reflected in this way?

I.S.:- If your child has an allergic reaction, but it is usually not due to medications or antibiotics. The question is that some children have a peculiarity of immune response that manifests itself allergic reactions. The child must be examined, the main allergens identified and taught to live with these allergens. In this case, local skin therapy must be included: moisturizing creams, atopic steroids. It is necessary to decide on treatment methods together with an allergist.

"AiF": - Is there an allergy to water? For example, sea or river?

I.S.: - Unexpected allergic reactions occur. For example, last summer was special. Perhaps some chemical substances from the smog dissolved in water. If this does not happen again, the problem will go away on its own. Many patients experienced worsening allergic reactions last summer. In such situations, you need to take an antihistamine.

“AiF”: - What can cause an allergy, especially if it has never happened before?

I.S.:- Sometimes people confuse a runny nose and an allergy. We can assume that he is allergic. It is necessary to visit an otolaryngologist and an allergist. The diagnosis can only be made after consulting a doctor.

By the way, advertising of natural cosmetics is a scary thing for allergists, because any product, if it actually contains plant components, can cause an allergy that can last a lifetime. You need to be very careful and think before you take any medications, including herbal ones!

“AiF”: - What is an allergy to smells and how to deal with it?

I.S.:- Firstly, you need to avoid “smelling” stores. Secondly, it is important how things are at home: is there sneezing, itching in the nose. If yes, then you definitely need to go to an allergist. It seems alarming to me - headache. Migraines and headaches can be manifestations of allergies. You need to treat yourself carefully and evaluate your symptoms outside of stores.

“AiF”: - At what age does allergies most often appear?

I.S.:- Allergies can begin at any age, although they most often occur in childhood or at a young age. In spring, allergies usually occur to tree pollen. You need to find a site that has a pollen level count, for example, www.allergology.ru. It indicates the concentration of pollen of the main plants and spore molds today and anamnestic data for past years.

At a certain level of pollen in the air, symptoms begin allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, bronchial asthma. During pollen monitoring, if there are reports that tree pollen has appeared, it is time for you to take antihistamines. This is conditional prevention, but starting next year the issue of possible holding allergen-specific therapy.

If we talk about other levels of prevention, or if the patient plans to have children, then a child under 4 months should only receive breast milk, of course, in the absence of allergic reactions to breast milk. This is the only method of preventing allergies. Everything else is conditional. Treatment with allergens is the prevention of exacerbations of allergic diseases. Methods such as diets without indications do not play any role. You need to see a doctor, select medications for immediate treatment of seasonal allergies, and then the most important, proven method of treatment - allergen therapy.

The choice of allergens is very large. We treat seriously ill patients who are allergic to house dust, animals, birch pollen, etc. in a hospital. You can live with allergies if you follow your doctor's recommendations. If a patient has registered bronchial asthma and requires specific medications for the treatment of asthma, in Moscow such patients are treated free of charge, receiving anti-asthmatic drugs at their place of residence, regardless of the presence of disability.

"AiF": - Does it happen that allergens change over time? How to track this process?

I.S.:- Allergens do not change so much as accumulate. The reaction to some allergens may weaken with age. It is possible that the clinical response to animal allergy decreases during adolescence. It happens that to a pet the reaction subsides, but you shouldn’t count on it; it’s better to part with the animal. As a rule, the range of allergens expands. If we treat with allergen-specific immunotherapy, we interfere with the immune response. International studies have shown that then the range of allergens does not expand so quickly. Allergies require certain efforts on the part of the patient. It is impossible to get rid of allergies completely and forever, but to live full life any patient should, using treatment and self-control programs that will be developed jointly with allergists. All over the world, there are more and more people suffering from allergies. This is also associated with the appearance food additives, and with the environment, and with changes in nutritional structure, and with the use of drugs in large quantities, not always justified. For example, many immunomodulators are contraindicated for patients with allergies. There is no need to get carried away with unnecessary drugs. In developed civilized countries there are a lot of people with allergies.

“AiF”: - Is it possible to somehow get rid of allergies or is it for life?

I.S.:- If allergies appear in childhood, then the baby should be taken to an allergist. Milk contains several allergens; your doctor will be able to tell you which types of dairy products can be given to your child and which ones cannot. Milk allergies often go away with age. Egg allergies may improve, but are much less common. Fish is a very complex allergen. Classic set atopic march - food allergy, bronchial asthma, urticaria. If the child is a Muscovite, we can treat asthma and achieve good control of symptoms.

I am not sure that with such a set of allergens, we will be able to treat the child with allergens. But children should definitely be treated by an allergist. If there are problems, or the child lives in the region, on the website of the Moscow Department of Health there is a section on how nonresident patients can get to our institution. We are resolving this issue. But one-time consultations do not always lead to desired result. I know a lot of good allergists throughout Russia.

District clinics are responsible for patients, and the doctors there are very responsible. If the question requires special treatment, let me remind you that district allergists decide it together. It seems to me that we know all the complex patients in the city.

An allergy is a peculiar reaction of the body to the penetration of foreign bodies. The occurrence of this reaction is influenced by the state of the immune system. If it is weakened, the risk of allergies increases. Allergies are contagious, both viral and infectious diseases isn't it? Let's talk about this in the article.

How allergies occur

Let's look at the mechanism of allergies:

The last stage (immune reaction) can occur with all the symptoms, or, for example, only accompanied by cold symptoms. This is a case of an allergic reaction to plant pollen. A man suffers from a runny nose and headaches. My eyes are watering, general health worsens significantly. But no allergic rashes there may not be.

Hereditary predisposition

There is a myth that a child can get allergies from one of the parents. This is a slightly incorrect statement. An allergy is an individual reaction of the body, which is not transmitted in any way. But a mother, not following the rules of nutrition during pregnancy, can oversaturate her body with some substance, which in the future can affect the appearance of allergic reactions in her child.

Also, if both parents are allergic, then in 70% of cases their children will also suffer from allergic reactions. This is not infection, but rather the transfer of predisposition.

Urticaria, dermatitis

Skin manifestations of allergic reactions can sometimes look scary. The rashes that cover the body strike fear into those around them. “What if I get infected?” is a question that torments many.

External allergy symptoms are not contagious. But, for example, chickenpox - viral disease, some of whose symptoms are similar to those of allergies, infects others. But chicken pox is caused by the herpes virus type 3 and can be easily transmitted to other people. Then several people will suffer from itchy rashes and other symptoms

And urticaria will not spread to others in any way: neither through airborne droplets, nor through sexual contact, nor through contact.

Infectious allergies - contagious or not

This type of allergy is also not contagious..

But it is very important to know that infectious allergies can accompany diseases such as:

This list includes quite dangerous diseases, which are easy to become infected with. Then the occurrence of infectious allergies cannot be avoided.

The answer to the main question - can you get infected or not?

Are allergies transmitted from person to person? No! A predisposition may be transmitted, but not the disease itself. If there is a person next to you who is allergic to casein or cold, this does not mean that you will suffer tomorrow.

If people have the same allergic reactions that occurred around the same time, this does not mean that someone infected someone else. This phenomenon only means that two different organisms equally influence the invasion of provoking substances into them.

Allergies cannot be contracted from either people or animals. For prevention it is necessary to conduct healthy image life, stick to proper nutrition and strengthen the immune system in every possible way. Then the occurrence of an allergic reaction will be minimized.

Video about allergies:

In order to get rid of allergies, it is enough to give up sweets.

This is not true, allergies are related to nutrition, but not definitely to the consumption of sweets. Among the list of products with high allergenic activity, there is not a large percentage of sweets.

There are significantly fewer allergy sufferers among vegetarians than among meat lovers.

Such studies have not been officially conducted, so it is impossible to reasonably say that this is so. Allergies to meat are quite rare, because substances that could cause allergic reactions are mostly neutralized during heat treatment.

Children born in a house where there is a cat do not experience allergies.

This is wrong. If a child is born into a family where there is a cat, then it is to this cat that protective antibodies can be developed and allergic manifestations will not be. But if this child has a predisposition to allergies, then when faced with other living conditions, with other animals, even with other cats, the allergy may manifest itself.

It often happens that if a person is sensitive to one type of animal, then cross-allergic reactions to other types occur. If, for example, an examination reveals increased sensitivity to the epidermis of a cat, it is not recommended to have any pets, neither dogs, nor hamsters, nor birds.

The main cause of allergies is dysbiosis.

Allergy is the body's sensitivity to various substances that do not cause painful reactions in most people, associated with an atypical reaction of the immune system.

Dysbacteriosis cannot be the cause of allergies, but it can be concomitant pathology for allergic diseases. What is dysbiosis, is it an imbalance intestinal microflora. Every person in gastrointestinal tract many types of bacteria, when the balance in the composition of this flora is disturbed, various symptoms: indigestion, impaired production of enzymes for breaking down food, decreased production of interferon in the mucosa duodenum, that is, they decrease protective functions body. You should not get tested for dysbacteriosis without serious indications for this. We have 400-500 species of flora, only 14 are studied in the laboratory, and to judge the full picture by such a small percentage of the studied flora, by at least, not logical.

If a person has a severe food allergy to a certain product, then by introducing it a little at a time, you can “accustom” the body and there will no longer be allergic reactions to it.

There are foods that may lose their ability to cause allergies with age. For example, a reaction to milk and dairy products that is very common in childhood in most cases goes away as the child grows older. This does not depend on whether this product was eaten or not. But to most products with strong allergenic activity, intolerance can last a lifetime. The reaction to these foods can be very pronounced and even life-threatening, so it is necessary to completely exclude them from the diet. Such products include nuts, fish, seafood and crustaceans, and peanuts.

If parents have an allergic reaction to a certain type of irritant, such as pollen, or an allergy to fish, then the child will also be allergic to it.

Allergies can be inherited, and parents with allergic diseases The risk of having a child with allergies is much higher than that of those who have not encountered this problem. But it is a predisposition that is transmitted, and not a specific type of allergy; a child may have a reaction to completely different potential allergens than the parents.

If you didn’t have allergies in childhood, they won’t appear in adulthood.

Unfortunately, it is not. Both pollen and food allergies can occur at any age, even if there were no manifestations in childhood. But on the contrary, it happens that children with allergic reactions do not face this problem as adults.

Allergies cannot be treated; you can only avoid contact with allergens or relieve allergy symptoms with antihistamines.

This is wrong. There is a method of treating allergies, it is called Allergen-specific Immunotherapy (ASIT) and is based on the introduction of very small doses of allergens, with their gradual increase. The drugs are administered either in drops or by injection. Thus, it is produced immune defense from this stimulus and sensitivity to it decreases.

It is mainly used for the treatment of hay fever; treatment with the ASIT method reduces the likelihood of hay fever becoming more severe. severe forms, in particular in bronchial asthma. Recently, drugs have begun to appear to treat household allergies. For multivalent allergies, when there is a reaction to several different allergens, treatment with this method gives good results not only in the treatment of hay fever, but also alleviates the manifestations of household allergies, for example to dust.

Treatment is carried out outside the flowering season, in the autumn-winter period.