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For headaches, tablets with the least contraindications. Headache medications

Problems with the head often disrupt all plans for the day, preventing you from focusing on work and simply feeling fulfilled. People with a high threshold pain sensitivity They literally groan from migraines and cannot even do regular housework. There is no need to endure pain. Pharmacy chains For such cases, they offer consumers a lot of high-quality and effective medicines. And if you are a supporter alternative medicine, then there are many rescue options in her arsenal. Let's get acquainted with them in detail.

How to choose pills for headaches

No matter how expensive or effective medications may be to eliminate the problem, we should not forget that it is still chemicals. They have many limitations in use, adverse reactions. Therefore, they should be selected wisely, and better than a doctor no one will do this. If it is not possible to contact him, it is worth considering the nature of the pain. So, focusing on it, we select tablets:

  • Tension pain. These are so-called migraines that begin suddenly, without cause, at any time of the day. They are characterized by unilateral pain syndrome, affecting the temple area and forehead. Often the precursors to a migraine include numbness in the hands, coughing, and a feeling unpleasant odors near. If this is your case, then you should choose non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Those made with ibuprofen are suitable. Among these, for example, are Brufen and Imet, Ibuprom. Their advantage is the minimum number of “side effects”, getting rid of pain syndrome for a long time.
  • Vascular. Such pain in the head is the result of expansion or, conversely, narrowing of brain vessels. That is, it accompanies hypotension and hypertension. The best way To confirm this is to measure blood pressure. Next you need to take, respectively, decreasing or increasing blood pressure medicines. In the latter case, Guaranine, Theobromine and Caffeine-sodium benzoate can also normalize the condition. You can reduce blood pressure and relieve pain with Verapamil and Losartan, Artezin and Captopril.
  • Liquorodynamic. This pain is a consequence of changes in pressure in the fluid spinal cord. Characterized by fullness in the head, sensations strong pressure brain to skull. When sneezing or coughing, CSF pain always intensifies. If you feel such symptoms, you can take analgesics (, Bral). However, you need to take into account that the above nature of pain can also signal tumors and meningitis. With such diagnoses, the use of painkiller pills alone is not very effective.
  • Psychogenic. It's about about pain in the head as a consequence of stress, emotional experiences, phobias. Psychogenic pain both people with unstable psyches and workaholics suffer. In this case, the best pill is to solve problems and relax, change the environment and calm. They will help sedatives Tenoten, Valocordin, Persen, Novo-passit, Notta. They need to be taken in a course. A single dose will not solve the problem.
  • Pain in pregnant women. They often complain about their head. This category of patients needs to be especially careful when choosing medications for headaches. In the first 12 weeks of gestation, it is better to give preference to products plant based(Fitosedan, Persen) or take Citramon, . Taboos - drugs Amigren, Tryptamine, Aspirin, Propranolol.

Having chosen your own suitable painkiller, you should definitely read the list of its contraindications in the instructions. Without doing this, you can eliminate the pain in your head and create other problems for yourself.

Relieve pain, normalize working condition Tablet medications will help. Each of them has its own characteristics, purpose, mechanism of action. Here are just a few:

  1. Captopril. Usually recommended for hypertensive crisis. It stops an attack quickly, but is not suitable for systematic use. Prohibited for those suffering from atherosclerosis. The medication can be taken with strict blood pressure control.
  2. Aspirin. Its analgesic effect occurs together with the antipyretic. Available drug good for colds with headaches, infectious diseases. Prohibited for breastfeeding women, pregnant women and those suffering from ulcers. Aspirin should not be taken for more than 7 days.
  3. Losartan. Prevents vasoconstriction, stabilizes blood pressure. Suitable for hypertensive patients. Good as a means for systematic therapy.
  4. . It is considered a highly effective medicine for eliminating headaches, and it is also safe. Suitable for combating pain of various etiologies. It should not be taken for a long time; its combination with alcohol and overdose are dangerous.
  5. . An affordable antispasmodic is allowed even for expectant mothers for safety reasons. Acts quickly. The good thing is that it causes almost no side effects and is not expensive.
  6. . Belongs to the category of strong analgesics of non-narcotic origin. Used in oncology, but requires strictest observance dosages. The medication has many side effects. Ketanov should not be used for a long time.
  7. Nurofen. The ibuprofen-based medication is convenient because it is available in different forms. In addition to analgesic, it also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Nurofen is safe with strict dosing and use for 3 days. Suitable for hypertensive patients.
  8. Took. Copes with mild pain and medium degree gravity. Acts as an antispasmodic, relieves inflammation. But it has a considerable list of “side effects”.
  9. Tramal. A powerful prescription analgesic. Relatively safe. His side effects appear rarely, mainly with increasing recommended doses.

There is a category of people who categorically do not accept pills as an option for eliminating headaches. So you can try other ways to improve your well-being - affordable and safe. Some people are helped by tightly tying the frontal part of their head with a woolen scarf, others go out into the fresh air and actively ventilate their lungs for 3-5 minutes (breathe deeply), others normalize the condition by washing their hair hot water. You can use a product with a strong smell for this.


Even with high blood pressure, you can normalize it with a tablespoon of cognac. Aromatherapy using lavender, rosemary, and pine esters can also be a salvation option for aching pain in my head. Psychologists say that the so-called second dominant helps to calm it down - switching attention to something exciting, fascinating, intriguing. Embroidery will help some, and a new game will help gambling people.


There are several types of such local manipulations. For example, cold compresses prevent blood flow. Ice from the refrigerator is used as a coolant. Just be sure to wrap it in natural fabric. Frozen vegetables, in the absence of special ice cubes, can also be applied to the forehead area. Hot, but not too hot, compresses dilate blood vessels, thereby reducing blood pressure. They do not have to be placed on the forehead. You can go to your feet lower limbs apply a hot heating pad.

For migraines, alternating a cold compress with a hot one can help.

But saline is good for headaches that accompany respiratory ailments. Vinegar will help with troubling pain of moderate severity that occurs during emotional experiences, fatigue, and lack of sleep. You can mix 9% vinegar with rose oil, moisten a cotton towel, and apply to your forehead.

(Video: “How to get rid of headaches. A towel instead of a pill”)

A slightly beaten one will also work as a compress. cabbage leaf. Some juice should come out of it. The sheet is wrapped on top with a scarf, towel, handkerchief. When the cabbage becomes warm under the influence, it needs to be replaced. Vegetable compress eliminates vascular spasm. An alternative to cabbage can be burdock leaf, only young.

Acupressure has also proven effective in relieving headaches. It's simple active points related to the brain. The first is yintang or the so-called third eye point. Located between the eyebrows, above the bridge of the nose. The second - he-gu is located in the recess between thumb and index. The third - ju-liao is located at a distance of 2 cm from the bottom of the nostrils, in line with the pupils. These points need to be massaged for 50-60 seconds with increasing pressure. Acupressure, as a type of reflexology, helps cope with moderate pain. They disappear 8-10 minutes after the end of the manipulation.

(Video: "Live healthy! We treat headache without drugs")

Neck massage eliminates head pain if it is caused by osteochondrosis. You need to relax your fingers neck muscles(stroking, rubbing, tapping), activate blood circulation in the area. You can enhance your actions by using a warming ointment.

The first thing that traditional healers recommend doing is to remove hats, clips, hairpins, and comb your hair. Then you need to drink a glass warm water to thin the blood, lie down in a dark room, completely relax. If the condition does not improve after 30-40 minutes, you can try the following:

  • Propolis. Its tincture helps to cope with headaches. You need to take it 30-35 drops.
  • Coins. It is believed that copper ones absorb pain. You need to apply a few to the temples and forehead. The pain should decrease within 15-25 minutes.
  • Lavender oil. A few drops are rubbed into the temples. The Vietnamese “Star” works in a similar way.
  • Lemon pulp. It acts as a tonic and relieves pain. Citrus slices should be applied to the temporal area and take a horizontal position.
  • Red beetroot. In the fresh vegetable juice moisten the tampons, wring them out, and apply them to the ears.
  • Vinegar inhalation. You need to breathe in steam from a mixture of water and apple cider vinegar, taken in equal shares.
  • Herbal infusion. You can make it from valerian and lemon balm roots, taken a pinch at a time. The drink helps relieve pain of psychogenic origin.
  • Cinnamon. Mix half a teaspoon of spice in hot water and drink slowly.
  • Foot bath. This is an option for improving well-being for hypertensive patients. IN hot water You can add a little mustard to stimulate blood flow.
  • Hematite. Wearing jewelry made from this stone is recommended for hypotensive patients suffering from VSD. It is better to use the product as a preventative.

Options to relieve pain varying degrees a lot of heaviness. However, first objectively analyze its reasons. Perhaps you need to start with lifestyle correction and then the question of treatment will disappear for a long time.

When choosing the best remedy for headaches, you can easily find one that is inexpensive, effective, accessible and safe drug for quick removal. We analyzed tablets for the treatment of migraines in adults and children from popular pharmaceutical companies, and also studied customer reviews, compiling a detailed rating of the most worthy offers. You just need to familiarize yourself with their advantages and disadvantages and decide on the appropriate option.

Which brand of headache remedies is better to choose?

  • Medisorb– largest producer medicines in Russia with more than 24 years of experience. The company produces over 40 types of analgesics, enterosorbents, antispasmodics and has its own formulas.
  • Pharmstandard– the company offers medicines in liquid and solid forms for oral and external use. The products are regularly tested for quality and effectiveness, have an adequate price, and are widely represented in pharmacy chains.
  • Borisov plant– the manufacturer produces inexpensive anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, painkillers and other tablets. Among them there are both those that are sold without a prescription and those that are sold only by prescription.
  • Berlin-Chemie/Menarini is a German pharmaceutical concern that became famous, in particular, after the Mig analgesic entered the market. He independently researches the situation in his niche, develops and tests some of the best drugs for headaches.
  • Sopharma– the company is located in Bulgaria, founded in 1933, is a leader in the country, supplies its products all over the world, one of which is Tempalgin.
  • Zdravle HFZ AD– the line of medicines from this Icelandic company is not very large, it includes nasal drops and tablets, including those for eliminating headaches – Spazmalgon. It produces medicines in various packaging and dosages.
  • Balkanfarma– the company was established in Moldova in 2007 and is characterized by high quality products. She cares about the safety of her funds and has developed a system for verifying their authenticity online and complies with all GMP standards. She owns the Sedalgin Plus tablets.

The price of painkillers for migraines between domestic and foreign manufacturers does not differ very much, but their effectiveness is almost equally high.

Rating of the best headache remedies

The compilation of this TOP was made possible thanks to customer reviews, which allowed us to evaluate the drugs according to the following characteristics :

  • Efficiency;
  • Safety;
  • Versatility;
  • Price;
  • Convenient release form;
  • Taste;
  • Tolerability by the body;
  • Speed ​​of action;
  • Duration of effect;
  • Natural composition;
  • Side effects;
  • Cases of overdose.

We also decided to include a particular headache remedy in the rating based on price-quality ratio, availability in pharmacies, compatibility with other medications, expiration date and package volume.

The best inexpensive headache medications

The most affordable medicines are produced by Russian pharmaceutical companies. They are presented in tablets, sold in various quantities without prescriptions and do not require a doctor's prescription. In this category the best means For headaches, 4 options can be highlighted.

Analgin 0.5 N20 tablet/Medisorb

This painkiller is interesting because of its low cost, availability in pharmacies and quick effect. The pain goes away literally immediately after taking it. It comes in the form of small white tablets that are easy to swallow with water. One piece is enough to eliminate even a severe migraine, which appears either out of nowhere or caused by toothache, hangover, fever, burns, insect bites, etc.

Analgin from this manufacturer rarely has side effects if all the rules in the instructions are followed. True, it contains so much information that not everyone dares to read it to the end. The drug is recommended by doctors as the best pain reliever for lumbago and other discomfort in the head caused by circulatory disorders, but at the same time it is combined with vasodilating medications.


  • Price;
  • Dispensed without a prescription;
  • Shelf life: 5 years;
  • Convenient release form;
  • Tolerable taste.


  • Not suitable for pregnant women and lactation;
  • Use with caution in patients with low blood pressure;
  • It has many contraindications.

Practice shows that analgin is most often used for short-term use, and for long-term treatment it is better to choose other medications, for example, Mig.

In our ranking this is the most best drug from a headache, if we talk about the price. It is produced in Russia, sold in packs of 20 pieces. If necessary, tablets can be taken by pregnant women without risk to the health of the child or their own. It is suitable for children, including those under 6 years old, so it will never be out of place in your first aid kit.

Symptoms of an overdose of Paracetamol are quite rare, only when the norm is exceeded. The medication has the necessary certificates for sale and helps with both acute and dull ache in my head. It is less toxic than analgin, which means it can be taken more often and in larger quantities, which is especially important for migraines caused by high blood pressure.


  • Providing less negative impact on the liver than Analgin and Ibuprofen;
  • Shelf life: 3 years;
  • Effective for pain caused by colds, dental diseases, etc.;
  • Action in 10-15 minutes;
  • Long lasting result.


  • May make you feel drowsy after taking several tablets;
  • Incompatibility with oral contraceptives, anticoagulants and other drugs.

According to customer reviews, the weaker the headache, the more pronounced and longer the effect of Paracetamol lasts.

Exactly this better remedy to relieve headaches with numerous properties - antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory. The drug is absorbed without problems in the stomach and intestines, acts quickly and is excreted from the body in full. This minimizes the likelihood of negative effects on the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system.

Ibuprofen can be used to treat migraines in children over 12 years of age, but it is not recommended for use in younger children. One package contains 50 tablets, which last for a long time. It has a shelf life of 3 years, the cost is affordable, and the effect is bright.


  • Large list of indications for use;
  • Rarity side effects;
  • A large number of tablets in the package;
  • Cheapness;
  • Availability;
  • Fast results;
  • High concentration of active substance in one tablet.


  • Incompatible with big amount drugs;
  • Do not use in the last trimesters of pregnancy.

Despite Ibuprofen being recognized as the best remedy for migraines, you should not take it with high blood pressure - it is not suitable for treating pain caused by hypertension.

It is difficult to find a better product in terms of price, but its effect is vivid, the pain syndrome is eliminated gradually, but quickly. It helps with pain caused by fever and low blood pressure as it contains caffeine. One tablet combines analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties, which makes the drug universal.

The medication copes with both severe headaches and mild headaches. But, like most drugs, it has a number of contraindications. It combines paracetamol, acetylsalicylic acid and caffeine for one price, and a low one at that. Maximum daily dose, safe for health, is 6 tablets. It can be taken 2-3 times a day without consequences; side effects are extremely rare.


  • Good tolerance by the body;
  • Fast absorption;
  • Variety of action;
  • Wide range of dosages;
  • Suitable for pain caused by osteochondrosis.


  • Sometimes causes mild nausea;
  • Increases the side effects of glucocorticoids.

Treatment of headaches with citramone requires constant monitoring of electrolyte and acid-base balance.

The best drugs to quickly relieve headaches

At sharp pain The drugs presented in this category will come to the rescue in your head. They cost a little more than their predecessors, but they help almost instantly. 4 analgesics deserve attention here.

Mig, from Berlin-Chemie/Menarini, Germany

“Mig” can be considered the best medicine for headaches because of its almost instantaneous action. The drug helps by blocking the activity of a certain enzyme that promotes the release of substances that provoke painful sensations in my head. The main substance here is ibuprofen, which gives the medicine anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties.

The Mig was developed in Germany, and there are no complaints about its quality. Tablets can be purchased in packs of 10 and 20 pcs. It is well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and its effect is cumulative, the peak is observed 2 hours after administration. It can be used for both episodic and regular headaches, but over time the daily dose is reduced.


  • Does not cause a feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • Does not lead to addiction of the body;
  • Easy to carry;
  • Convenient release form;
  • Health safety.


  • It is necessary to reduce the dose if there is dysfunction of the liver, heart or kidneys;
  • Not intended for use by pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • Not recommended for women planning to become pregnant in the near future.

“Mig” is safe for health, but the manufacturer does not recommend drinking it for more than 7 days in a row, and it is also undesirable to exceed the dose indicated in the instructions.

This good analgesic With quick action, excellent for mild to moderate headaches. It can be used for ARVI, otitis, stomatitis and other otolaryngological and dental diseases accompanied by migraine. The remedy also helps with headaches caused by bad weather or chronic lack of sleep.

Tempalgin has a wide spectrum of action - sedative, antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory. This is due high concentration metamizole sodium in its composition. There are practically no “chemical” substances in it, there are even natural ingredients (Castor oil, cellulose).


  • Can be used by children over 15 years of age;
  • The maximum daily dose is 3 tablets;
  • Good absorption;
  • Long lasting effect;
  • Quick pain relief.


  • A dose reduction is required for patients with impaired renal function;
  • The maximum duration of treatment is 5 days;
  • Enhanced effect of ethyl alcohol.

The dose of Tempalgin depends on individual sensitivity to the drug and the severity of the pain syndrome; it is not always possible to determine the required volume the first time.

The drug contains several active ingredients– pitofenone, metamizole sodium and fenpiverinium bromide. It easily copes with mild and moderate migraines, helping the first time. You can drink up to 6 tablets per day. without health consequences, with an increase in this dose side effects may develop.

The product is quickly absorbed in the stomach and intestines, is quite easily tolerated by the body, and does not leave a feeling of heaviness. Spasmolgon can even be used to eliminate headaches due to fever. Overdose occurs very rarely, only when the norm is significantly exceeded. The medication does not cause addiction in the body.


  • Duration of admission is 5 days;
  • Suitable for children over 5 years old;
  • Several types of packaging;
  • Pronounced effect;
  • Shelf life is 3 years.


  • During the treatment period, you should not drink alcohol;
  • It is not advisable to drive a car while taking it.

Sedalgin plus, Balkanfarma, Bulgaria

This is a fairly easy-to-stomach remedy that the body accepts without addiction or allergies. It is absorbed in full within 1-2 hours after administration, which enhances the effect active substances in the composition. Sedalgin Plus has proven itself in the treatment of both chronic migraine and occasional pain. It can be used without medical supervision; consultation is required only if kidney function is impaired.

The medicine is good for headaches in people with arterial hypotension. It can be used at any time of the day, but the best effect when taking these good migraine tablets is observed strictly after meals. The patient must be over 12 years old. You can drink no more than 2 tablets at a time, but this is enough to improve your well-being.


  • Sold in packs of 10 and 20 pcs.;
  • Increases blood pressure during hypotension;
  • Adequate price;
  • Relieves inflammation;
  • Lowers body temperature;


  • It is not recommended to use with coffee; overdose symptoms may occur;
  • Alcohol in any form should be avoided during treatment.

Which headache medication is best to buy?

The drugs listed in the rating are dispensed in pharmacies by a pharmacist without a prescription. Long-term use, longer than a week, even the most best medicines headaches can lead to adverse reactions. It is recommended to discuss increasing doses with your doctor.

The following tips will help you choose among the proposed drugs:

  • If they need to be used only to relieve headaches, then Analgin or Paracetamol will be quite sufficient.
  • For migraines associated with low blood pressure, you will need a product containing caffeine - Citramon.
  • In case of ARVI and other inflammatory diseases, Ibuprofen will help best.
  • If there are complaints about elevated temperature bodies, Mig or Tempalgin can save.
  • For chronic migraine, treatment can include Spazmalgon or Sedalgin plus.

Watch all the most important things about headaches in this video:

We have listed the most popular, affordable, effective and inexpensive drugs for migraines. It’s not easy to say which remedy is best for eliminating headaches; it wouldn’t hurt to have several types in your medicine cabinet.

Most people on the planet constantly experience headaches; for others, this phenomenon is also not distant and alien, since it still occurs periodically. A state of discomfort appears due to a number of different factors; in addition to diseases and pathologies, the reasons can be physiological and quite banal, for example: lack of sleep, stress load. Almost every person immediately reaches out to home medicine cabinet for pain medication, but sometimes they are disappointed because the drugs are not there or they do not help. What are the best pills for headaches and how they differ, we will look at this article.

Obviously, a person does not always know which pill to take for a headache and what triggered this pain syndrome. Let us note that a specialist can reliably diagnose the cause of pain and which pills are best for headaches in a particular case; this is not always possible at home.

When choosing the best products, the following factors are taken into account:

  1. Type of pain. Characteristics of pain sensations help to preliminarily identify the problem. Most often, patients complain of pain: acute or dull, with throbbing or chronic, a feeling of fullness or pressure inside/outside the head. Additionally, symptoms of a gag reflex are mentioned, which is preceded by nausea, as well as dizziness;
  2. The area where pain occurs: in the temples, on the frontal part or on the back of the head;
  3. Cause of symptoms. Most often, tension pain occurs, which is preceded by increased stress of a nervous, psychological or physical nature. It can also be triggered by fasting, mental stress, lack of quality sleep, weather phenomena and various pathologies.

Tablets for various forms of diseases

Today we will try to look at the main ways to get rid of painful symptoms. It is important to consider that not all tablets are equally effective for each individual disease, so you need to sensibly assess the expected results of therapy, only a doctor is fully capable of this.

Migraine is characterized by a condition in which paroxysmal, throbbing pain appears in the area of ​​the temples and forehead, and their duration can be 4 hours, or up to 3 days. Nausea and vomiting accompany migraine in a large proportion of cases.

The following medications help with migraine-type headaches: Ditamine, Rapimig and Zolmigren. The disadvantage of the drugs presented is that they can cause unwanted effects.

Tension headaches often occur after prolonged and sustained stress on the neck, head, or brain (even though it itself has no nerve endings). The nature of the manifestations is dull, perhaps aching; some patients describe it as if they were wearing a thick headdress. Simple, high-quality rest is enough here; you may have to numb the area, but no more.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Pain syndrome can be provoked by nervousness, depression or other undesirable psycho-emotional state. Long time You shouldn’t hold on to this feeling, because you can help yourself and take a pill.

The most common and effective drugs groups:

  • Ibuprofen is probably the most well-known headache remedy. You should not take more than 2 capsules per day;
  • Naproxen – do not exceed the maximum dose of 2 tablets;
  • Diclofenac is a name known to many, because the product is found in most home medicine cabinets. Use no more than 1 tablet per day;
  • Indomethacin can be used as a pain reliever for headaches with rapid results. Take no more than 1 tablet at a time;
  • Aspirin. Among the listed names, it is the cheapest remedy, although proper effectiveness is not always achieved. Take no more than 2 capsules at a time;
  • Ketoprofen is a painkiller that can be used in 2 pieces. at a time, but you need to wait for the product to take effect, and not drink it again.

All the described names of medicines have approximately the same principle of use - at the end of a meal. The most effective action is achieved after dissolution, absorption into the intestines and distribution through the blood throughout the body. This takes 30-120 minutes. The long-lasting effect is about 4-6 hours.

Some patients prefer folk remedies and that's not bad, but The best decision- this is to trust a specialist who will indicate what you should drink for a given illness.

Contraindications to the use of non-steroidal drugs are also present, because some pathologies can aggravate the health condition, instead of the expected help.

The most common and common reasons refusal of drugs:

  1. Allergic reaction, which most often manifests itself through itching, pigmentation, etc.;
  2. Obvious or hidden damage internal organs or heads that provoke bleeding;
  3. An ulcer, if it is in a period of relapse;
  4. When carrying a fetus or breastfeeding a child;
  5. Significant deviations in the performance of the kidneys or liver;
  6. High blood pressure, especially hypertensive crisis;
  7. Heart failure.

If the pills do not help, then you should not delay changing the course of treatment; you need to notify your doctor about this, just find out in advance the period of time until the first expected results.

If it happened that non-steroidal drugs for headache pain did not give the desired result, you should pay attention to other types of drugs, for example, antispasmodics.

The most common painkillers for headaches with antispasmodic effects:

  • Buskopan. These are pills for severe headaches that were caused by psycho-emotional and nervous overload. Thanks to its neurotropic effect, it allows you to influence the transmission of impulses nerve endings. This is very effective tablets for headaches, their effect begins in just 10-15 minutes and can eliminate even fairly severe pain syndromes. It does not have a psychotropic effect and therefore mental work or work requiring increased concentration can occur immediately after consuming Buscopan. In this case, the substance has a significant effect on the stomach and if there is pain in it, you should stop using the product until diagnosis. It is necessary to use 1-2 tablets 3-5 times a day;
  • Papaverine - it acts in such a way that it expands the lumen of blood vessels in the brain and prevents their spasmodic phenomenon. A calming effect is observed after taking the drugs. The effect occurs within 20 minutes, so Papaverine headache tablets are recommended for acute course symptoms. The disadvantage of this product is that it provokes a feeling of drowsiness, but it helps eliminate irregular sleep schedules. You should take 1 tablet approximately 3-5 times a day;
  • No-shpa. These are painkillers for headaches, which in many ways resemble the action of Papaverine, but slightly expanded. The drug is based on drotaverine. No-shpa is often prescribed when necessary to normalize blood pressure levels. This is enough strong tablets, since a pronounced effect is noted after just a couple of minutes. At sharing With other drugs you should be careful and consult your doctor first, as a mutual enhancement of the effect is possible, for example, this effect is observed with Paracetamol. Basically, No-shpa provokes the elimination of pain, but does not treat the cause of the pain syndrome. It is important to consider that in the presence of hypotension, the drug for the head No-shpa is not used. You can drink 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day;
  • Golidor. The principle of action is similar to other antispasmodics, but it is worth considering that the drug acute stage must have a current quick effect, and Golidor has a complex effect, so it is not suitable for this case. You need to use 1 pill 3 times a day, the duration of the course should be determined by your doctor;

Antispasmodics also have contraindications, their list is below:

  1. Kidney/heart failure;
  2. Hypersensitivity to any substances included in the drugs;
  3. Hypotension;
  4. Glaucoma.

Against vascular pain

Good pills allow you to normalize both intracranial and arterial pressure. Since the expansion of blood vessels significantly increases their area, the pressure in the intracranial box is highly dependent on this. At the same time, dilated vessels prevent high-quality blood circulation. When the vessels narrow, the pressure in them increases significantly, which can provoke hemorrhage, which is characterized by a high intensity of flow.

Medicines from the analgesic group:

  • Analgin. Allows you to eliminate discomfort of various origins. Actively used to normalize high temperature and eliminate the inflammatory reaction;
  • Otalgin - affects the body by reducing the activity of cyclooxygenase, prevents the release of endoperoxide, certain PGs and bradykinins, free-type radicals. All this action is aimed at preventing the conduction of impulses from nerve receptors, as well as more high level excitability of the sensation of pain. Swallow 1-2 tablets no more than 4 times a day;
  • Minalgin – has strong effect analgesic type. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps eliminate fever. Due to its rapid effect, Minalgin is one of the frequently used remedies;
  • Novalgin – prevents strong painful sensations due to the analgesic effect, while an antipyretic effect is noted. Inflammatory reaction slows down its development somewhat or even enters the stage of regression, but complete recovery is not observed. Additionally, it stimulates the central nervous system. If there is pain in the head area, take 1-2 tablets approximately 2-3 times a day;
  • Baralgin allows you to restore normal condition blood pressure, which prevents spasmodic phenomena in blood vessels. Take 1-2 tablets at a time, and use 2 times a day, maximum 3.

Important! For some of the drugs described normal occurrence urine is considered red in color.

This type of drug is characterized by the following contraindications:

  1. Hypersensitivity to the components of the product;
  2. Damage to the kidney filtration system and hematopoietic function;
  3. Availability bronchial asthma;
  4. Deviations in the genetic structure of the body.

Liquorodynamic pain

This type of discomfort is characterized by the presence intense pain with a feeling of fullness. Symptoms worsen when sneezing. In fact, the situation is very serious, so you should seek the help of a doctor.

When using tablets, little effectiveness is observed.

Treatment in pregnant women and children

During pregnancy, you need to take care not only of your own well-being, but also the health of the child, which is why many drugs are prohibited altogether, while others must only be used carefully and adequately.

It is allowed to use Citramon, No-shpa and Paracetamol, and other medications only as prescribed by a doctor. Nurofen, Analgin and Aspirin are probably prohibited for use.

The situation is similar for children; some drugs are also not allowed until a certain age. You can use Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. It is best to use Paracetamol; if there is no effect, a consultation will be required.

Important! The dosage is selected individually, as it directly depends on the child’s age and weight.

Most Popular

Some drugs are used more often than others, their list is below:

  • Analgin – cheap remedy, which allows you to eliminate spasm and pain during migraines. Use 1 tablet 2-3 times a day;
  • Tempalgin is a drug similar to Analgin, only the substance tempidone is added. Take 1 pill 1-3 times a day;
  • Citramon. Enough accessible remedy containing caffeine, cocoa powder and citric acid. The threshold before an overdose occurs is much greater than in previous methods;

  • Pentalgin is combination remedy, which combines many medicinal components. Additionally, they improve sleep and the patient’s well-being.


Treatment with medications is the basis for eliminating pain and normalizing lifestyle.

Don't forget to leave comments with your favorite drugs and ask questions, we will be happy to help you.

Headache is a symptom familiar to everyone. It is one of the main causes of temporary disability and a symptom of more than 40 diseases. But rarely does anyone immediately run to the hospital to look for the cause of their illness; most prefer to take a headache pill and rest a little. Of course, a pill can temporarily alleviate the condition, but if it doesn’t get better over time, then you should definitely visit a doctor.

Before going to the hospital, it is very important to listen to yourself and determine what kind of pain is ruining your life - sharp, dull, squeezing or bursting, constant or paroxysmal. It is also important to determine its local location - forehead, temples or back of the head, and whether there are any accompanying symptoms, for example, dizziness, photophobia, nausea or vomiting. In addition, it is worth considering what it may be related to, the weather, work, food intake or medications, etc. Your diagnosis and the treatment the doctor chooses will depend on all these factors.

Treatment of migraine or tension headaches

A headache can occur due to many reasons. If it is an injury, a decrease or increase in temperature, then the algorithm of action is more or less clear. But what to do if the headache starts suddenly without any visible reasons? In such a situation, you can suspect a migraine or tension headache. With a migraine, the headache usually affects one side of the head, the forehead or temples. Before the onset of an attack of pain, tingling in the limbs, photophobia, nausea, and the appearance of strange odors may be observed; all this is called an aura.

The causes of migraine are not yet known, and there is no way to treat it either, so it is advisable for people suffering from this disease to always have headache pills with them. It is necessary to understand that such pain is not life-threatening and does not bring anything but discomfort. But the discomfort is sometimes so strong that it is completely impossible to tolerate it. A modern means for headaches they help stop the attack in time and prevent its further development.

The best pills for migraine headaches are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The safest and most modern are ibuprofen-based tablets. You can choose imet, ibuprom, nurofen, brufen or any other drug with this active ingredient. They not only relieve pain, but also significantly reduce the manifestations of the aura. In addition, these drugs have a minimum of side effects, and pain disappears for almost the entire day.

Vascular headache and its treatment

This pain occurs when there is excessive narrowing or dilation of the blood vessels in the brain. This usually happens when blood pressure increases or decreases. If you have headaches infrequently and you cannot distinguish between them, it is better to immediately measure your blood pressure. In this situation, the correct treatment would be to increase or decrease the pressure with special drugs. But you can take such drugs only on the recommendation of a doctor.

This pain is more common in people with high blood pressure, but there may be other reasons for its occurrence. Sometimes this pain is a symptom of meningitis, a tumor, a head injury, or an abscess. As already said, such pain is too much dangerous symptom, so that it can simply be ignored, eliminated with the help of an anesthetic. Moreover, when taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or analgesics, this type of pain decreases slightly. If such pain occurs, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and diagnose correct diagnosis, self-medication in this situation may be too dangerous.

Treatment of psychogenic pain

Psychogenic pain usually occurs with a variety of mental disorders, for example with phobia or depression. In this case, the person does not have any organic disorders, but the pain is felt and interferes with a normal life. Most often, people who suffer from such pain do not solve problems, but simply push them deep into the subconscious.

Diagnosis of such pain is extremely difficult, since most patients refuse to acknowledge the psychogenic nature of the disease, fearing that they will be considered crazy. They insist on searching somatic disease and they often find a not very conscientious doctor who, for their money, begins treatment for a non-existent disease.

Correct treatment such pain is relief from stress.
You need to understand that there is no pain itself, so medicine will not help here. There is a feeling of pain, which can only be eliminated by defeating the problem that caused the pain. Usually psychotherapists deal with this, sometimes you have to take sedatives.

Treatment of headaches during pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women experience increased headaches. main reason this phenomenon is a violation hormonal levels and changes in blood volume. But there may be other reasons. Most women ask whether it is possible to take pain medications during pregnancy. It depends on the type of pain and the drug. If you know for sure that the pain is not related to threatening conditions, then you can take medicine based on paracetamol, citramon or no-shpu. Of course, even these tablets are not the best option for a pregnant woman and cannot be considered absolutely safe, but their harm is usually minimal.

The list of drugs strictly prohibited during pregnancy includes all drugs based on the narcotic substance tryptamine, such as antimigraine, amigren, zapmigraine. Also, during pregnancy, such products are contraindicated. medicines such as propranolol, ergotamine, nurofen and aspirin. They can cause uterine contractions, bleeding and delayed development of the baby.

During pregnancy, it is much more important to prevent pain. This can be done using proper nutrition And healthy image life It is important to spend a lot of time on fresh air. You should also drink enough water and try not to get nervous. If pain has already appeared, you can lie down in the dark for a while with a cool compress on your head, light massage collar area, relax and listen to pleasant music.

The most effective medications for headaches

Of course, it is impossible to choose a medicine for headaches without knowing the diagnosis and without a doctor’s recommendations. But get acquainted with the range of drugs that can help solve this problem will be very useful. It is also important to learn how to manage pain without medication.

As for tablets, all headache medications are divided into several groups:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs– these are the most common drugs that have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. These include most of the tablets familiar to everyone, such as aspirin, analgin, paracetamol, ibuprofen. They are all relatively harmless, but there are some Negative influence on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Methylxanthines– medications that stimulate brain function and enhance metabolic resources. These drugs are most effective for pain caused by low blood pressure. This group includes drugs such as Caffeine-sodium benzoate, Theobromine, Guaranine.
  • Barbiturates– drugs for severe pain with anticonvulsant and hypnotic effect. At long-term use They are addictive, so they are used only as a last resort.
  • Ergot alkaloids– help relax and improve cerebral blood flow, these are drugs such as ergometrine, nicergoline, ergotamine.
  • Myotropic antispasmodics– the safest medicines that eliminate spasms and pain. These include papaverine, no-shpu, drotaverine, dumpatalin and others.
  • Benzodiazepines- a kind of tranquilizers that soothe and relax, thereby reducing pain. This group includes Midazolam, Sibazon, Diazepam, etc.
  • M-anticholinergics– drugs that block muscarinic receptors. They simply slow down the spread of pain, but have quite a lot of side effects, such as dry mouth and increased blood pressure. This group includes Platyfillin and Spasmomen.
  • Tricyclic antidepressants- These are psychotropic drugs that are good for migraines.
  • Narcotic analgesics– are not very effective in treating headaches, in addition, they have a lot of side effects. The most popular medicine from this group is codeine and all its derivatives.
  • Beta blockers are medications that help dilate blood vessels and internal arteries and thus relieve pain when they narrow. This group includes drugs such as Atenolol, Metaprolol, Propranolol and Obzidan.

But all patients must remember that the choice of medications can only be made after correct setting diagnosis and only by a doctor. Self-medication in this situation is dangerous.

A painful, debilitating headache that interferes with work and rest, causes suffering and torment. Worst option– migraine – a condition worse than torture, accompanied by pulsation in the temples or back of the head. The situation can be dealt with if you know the cause and have painkillers in stock.

What types of headache pills are there?

Only a doctor can definitely say which headache medications will help you. This is explained by the fact that for painful condition there are many reasons. By quickly dealing with the attack, you will remove the symptom, but the next day everything can happen again. Knowing accurate diagnosis, the doctor will select necessary funds. Tell us at your appointment about the location of the discomfort: forehead, back of the head, temples, describe the nature of the pain:

  • acute;
  • compressive;
  • pulsating;
  • dull;
  • bursting.

According to their action, painkillers are divided into groups:

  • Analgesics. They have antipyretic and analgesic effects. The list of drugs is headed by Analgin, Panadol, Aspirin.
  • Antispasmodics. Help relieve vasospasm and increase blood circulation. No-shpa, Papaverine, Dibazol help well.
  • Nootropics. They cause dilation of blood vessels in the brain, which relieves a migraine attack. These are Trental, Nootropil, Piracetam.

Depending on the disease causing the headache, the following medications are available:

  • Barbiturates. Actively influence severe symptoms, have a hypnotic, calming effect. Among them are Barbital, Butizol, Alurat.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). At the same time relieve pain, fever, inflammation. They have a bad effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Popular remedies: Nise, Voltaren, Diclofenac.
  • Antidepressants. Prescribed for tension pain and depression. The drug Amitriptyline is effective.

What pills to take

Go to the hospital if you have frequent headaches. Only a specialist, after diagnosing and listening to you, will be able to prescribe effective means. There are too many things that cause headaches and migraines. Wide range There are medicines in the arsenal of doctors. Only together with the patient is it possible to cope with problems. What pills should I take? Here is the answer to this question.

For migraine

The prescription of medications for migraine depends on the severity of the patient's condition. If attacks are rare and short-lived, you can take analgesics or NSAIDs. They begin to act after half an hour, but do not completely relieve the attack. This situation occurs because medications slow down absorption active ingredients. To speed up, you need to add drugs with caffeine: Citramon, Excedrin. This type of medicine includes:

  • Analgin;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Ketoprofen.

Combination medications for migraines already contain caffeine. After 15 minutes, a mild attack stops completely. These remedies are not suitable for severe forms. The list of medications includes: Solpadeine, Stopmigren. At severe pain When the form of the disease is moderate and severe, triptan drugs are used. They quickly relieve an attack, but a prescription is required to obtain them. This group includes:

  • Zomig;
  • Imigran;
  • Eletriptan.

Under pressure

Tablets for headaches caused by high pressure, have an effect on blood vessels, helping to relieve spasms and speed up blood circulation. Such products with familiar names should be in the home medicine cabinet of patients with hypertension. Inexpensive and effective, they help cope with the problem. Among known means:

  • Papaverine;
  • Duspatalin;
  • Dibazol;
  • No-shpa.

With low blood pressure, the pain is throbbing, pressing, accompanied by nausea and dizziness. Such patients are often weather dependent. In this case, products that contain caffeine help increase blood pressure: Askofen, Citramon; Gutron helps stabilize. Effective tonics - tinctures:

  • ginseng;
  • Eleutherococcus;
  • lemongrass

For tension headaches

You feel like your head is being squeezed in a vice, and unbearable pain engulfs your neck. This happens after stress, lack of sleep or an uncomfortable posture when working. Rarely occurs in old age. It is possible to cope with tension headaches. This will happen provided that the cause is clearly established. Tablets used:

  • antidepressants: Paroxetine, Duloxetine – for anxiety states;
  • muscle relaxants: Tolperisone, Tizanidine - if there are movement restrictions;
  • NSAIDs: Ketoprofen, Naproxen - for muscle pain, osteochondrosis.

When can you take analgin?

Among the remedies for headaches and migraines, Analgin is still popular among our people, although this medicine is not used in Europe. The drug can quickly relieve a migraine attack and pacify the pain. Analgin is effective for high temperature. At the same time, it is cheap and accessible. It is important to know that this medicine only relieves painful symptoms. There is no need to get carried away with immediate relief. The cause must be found, a diagnosis made, and treatment begun.

Analgin is part of the following drugs: Pentalgin, Spazmalgon, Mig-150. It is not recommended to use the medicine for stomach ulcers or gastrointestinal diseases. It should not be given to small children. The drug is associated with serious side effects.