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Remedy for toothache: painkillers, folk remedies, how to quickly relieve pain. Which painkillers for severe toothache are the fastest and most effective: list of the best medicines

Enamels, caries, pulpitis, periodontitis, granuloma, cyst and some other diseases. Sometimes it appears as a result of inflammation of the nasal sinuses or exposure to cold air. If you can’t immediately go to the dentist, tablets for toothache will provide temporary help. In order to cause as little harm to the body as possible, mild painkillers are used for mild syndromes. If it is unbearable, strong toothache medications are needed.

List of tablets for toothache

The generally accepted tablets used for toothache are presented in the following list:

  • "Paracetamol";
  • “Analgin” / “Andipal-Neo” / “Pentalgin” / “Bral” / “Tempalgin” / “Sedalgin” / “Baralgin”;
  • "Dexalgin";
  • "Spazmalgon";
  • "Nurofen" / "Ibuklin" / "Ibuprofen";
  • "Nise" / "Nimesil" / "Aktasulide" / "Nimesulide";
  • “Ketanov” / “Ketorolac” / “Ketorol” / “Ketolong”;
  • "Morphine" / "Fentanyl" / "Promedone".

Note! Long-term use of painkillers can seriously harm your health. This is dangerous, first of all, for the kidneys, blood vessels, liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Low intensity pain

In this case, it is better to get by with ordinary Paracetamol. This is the most inexpensive and harmless drug, designed to relieve low-intensity pain. At long-term use the product becomes less effective. Paracetamol is included in many cold medications (Panadol, Milistan, Anaferon, etc.) If the sensations are more pronounced, Analgin will help. This medicine has many analogues with the same active ingredient: “Baralgin”, “Andipal”, “Tempalgin”, “Bral” and others.

These tablets and their analogues are well absorbed and reach high concentration in blood. A drug called Pentalgin even copes with severe toothache when other similar tablets do not help. This is explained by the fact that it contains anti-inflammatory substances, antispasmodics, narcotic analgesics and caffeine.

Note! "Analgin", "Paracetamol" and similar drugs Do not take on an empty stomach or for more than three days in a row. These tablets should not be taken with caffeinated drinks due to possible harm for the liver.

Sharp, shooting pains

In case of sudden and intense twitching in the tooth, a potent drug will help. A popular strong pain reliever for toothache is “Ketanov” (the active ingredient is ketorolac). It is available in ampoules and tablets. The drug inhibits the action of enzymes that cause inflammation and pain, without causing dependence or affecting work nervous system. Analogues - “Ketorol”, “Ketorolac”, “Ketolong”. The effect of the tablet begins after half an hour, and the injection after an hour.

A strong pain reliever for toothache is also represented by the tablets “Nise”, “Nimesil”, “Nimesulide” and “Aktasulide”. The name of the active substance of the listed drugs is nimesulide. “Nise” is available in the form of anesthetic suspensions and tablets that dissolve in the mouth and quickly relieve toothache. They are prescribed even to children from 2 years old. "Nimesil" is sold only in powder form for the preparation of a suspension. "Nimesulide" - in tablets and granules. "Aktasulide" is available in such dosage forms: regular and dispersible tablets, granules for suspension, suspension.

Aching toothaches

What painkillers are best to take for aching toothache? She is overcome with the help of a tandem of a conventional anesthetic and an antispasmodic: “Papaverine”, “No-shpa”. The latter are designed to cope with muscle spasms, so in themselves they are not good drugs for toothache. But if you drink them together with analgesics, the desired effect will most likely be achieved. When inflammation spreads to soft fabrics the best remedy Spazmalgon can be used for toothache. It contains a substance that is the basis of Analgin, as well as an effective antispasmodic. The drug “Bral” has a similar composition, which is often used for toothache.

Unbearable pain

When the usual analgesics do not help, you should resort to narcotic drugs against toothache, intended exclusively for adults. But they should be taken with caution, given the effect on consciousness and possible dependence. Popular drugs containing narcotic substances are: Morphine, Fentanyl and Promedol.

Unlike other painkillers, these potent drugs do not interfere with the work of enzymes. They block the nerve impulse traveling from the diseased tooth to the brain. Such medications cannot be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription, and therefore they are rarely used. This is available to those who, after treating other diseases, still have a tablet or ampoule of such a drug.

Traditional medicines for toothaches

Note! When choosing a pain reliever, you need to carefully consider the side effects and then weigh the risks. For a child, you can buy children's Nurofen, Panadol or a similar product.


None homeopathic remedy It is not able to replace strong painkillers for toothache, but such a drug can bring some relief, although not instantaneous. In this case, it is important to make the right choice, taking into account the etiology of the pain syndrome.

List homeopathic medicines for toothache looks like this:

  • "Aconite" - will help relieve pain in the mouth that appears as a result of a cold.
  • “Coffea” is a homeopathic pain reliever that helps with toothache that occurs due to stress.
  • "Arnica" - herbal preparation, effective for injuries.
  • "Nuxmoshata" - painkillers homeopathic tablets, effective against toothache caused by hypothermia or dampness.

The fastest and most reliable way to alleviate suffering at home before going to the dentist is to use a special drug from your first aid kit. Those who are opposed to such medications, those who are in poor health or who are afraid of harming themselves, as well as those who have limited access to medications, can use other methods to relieve aching teeth.

To achieve pain relief from a toothache, you need to clear your mouth of food debris and rinse it warm water. Next, you can try rinsing the tooth soda solution, sage decoction or cranberry juice. Or apply cotton wool soaked in volocardine, valerian or special dental drops to it. Instead of taking a toothache tablet, you can try sprinkling a few drops on the problem tooth. essential oil eucalyptus, cloves, chamomile or any other. Another option is to add chopped onion or garlic or a pinch of salt.

In those days when analgesic drugs did not yet exist, people were saved in many other ways. Some of them have become firmly established among the people and are still actively used today. Let's consider which painkillers for toothache are popularly considered the best and strongest.

  • Garlic dressing. According to many who have tested its effect on themselves, this best medicine for toothache. It is necessary to chop two or three cloves of garlic and wrap them in a handkerchief or gauze (the juice should not leak out). After this, you need to tie a garlic bandage to the wrist of the hand on which the tooth hurts. After 15-20 minutes the pain will subside. This remedy helps with mild and severe toothache.
  • Garlic compress. A piece of garlic is applied to the inflamed area. You should not hold it for a long time, otherwise a burn to the mucous membrane will occur.
  • Slice of lard. A small piece of well-salted lard should be applied to the gum. Mild pain will pass.
  • Ear massage. You should actively massage the ear located on the side of the diseased tooth, starting from its upper part and going down to the lobe. This way you can avoid searching for an answer to the question - which medicine is better to choose for severe toothache?
  • Ice. It is necessary to forcefully move the ice cube along the palm of your left hand if the aching tooth is on the right, and vice versa. You should focus on the area between your index finger and thumb.
  • Onion cutting. This is a well-known, but not the most effective remedy for moderate toothache, but to some extent it can help. Cutting onions is necessary to cry. As a result, scientists say, pressure in the gums decreases and the symptom subsides.
  • Gargling with herbal decoctions. It should be repeated often. Chamomile, sage, plantain, oregano, calendula and lemon balm have an analgesic effect for toothache.

What to do if a woman has a toothache when she cannot immediately get to the dentist? Or, for example, is it too painful to peck? Doctors disagree on which painkillers to prescribe for pregnant women for toothache. But they agreed on some things.

Dentists consider Paracetamol to be the best painkiller for toothache. Nurofen is considered relatively safe, but only up to 30 weeks, as oligohydramnios may develop further. In some cases, a long-known effective remedy for toothache in the form of tablets, Aspirin, is prescribed, but not on the most early weeks. For pregnant women, it is especially important to choose the right medications and not delay going to the dentist.

Prohibited during pregnancy

During pregnancy and lactation, it is best to avoid taking painkillers for toothache. The instructions that come with them usually indicate this. If you can’t go to the doctor yet, but folk remedies do not relieve pain, you can take Paracetamol or, if necessary, resort to one of the most powerful painkillers for toothache.

Important! During pregnancy, taking medications containing narcotic substances is prohibited. They are considered the most powerful painkillers for toothache, but also the most unsafe for the embryo.

During pregnancy, intake medications let's say in the most extreme cases, when other options do not help or are not available. Even the best painkiller for treating toothache, if taken repeatedly, can lead to extreme negative consequences for mother and fetus. Doctors are not able to accurately predict the development of events in such a situation, but they can accurately predict an unfavorable outcome.

How to quickly relieve toothache without pills?

When going on a long trip or hike, you need to imagine everything possible situations that may arise. Dental disease cannot be ruled out. In this case, you should buy the best of weak and strong painkillers for toothache. At home, such funds will also not be superfluous. What will instantly relieve a painful symptom if there is no analgesic used for toothache? Already after 10-20 minutes the analgesic effect of such drugs is felt:

  • Essential oils- apply to the tooth directly or through a piece of cotton wool.
  • Garlic dressing- Place on the wrist on the side of the diseased tooth.
  • Massage- you need to intensively rub either the ear or the palm - the area where the index and thumb connect.
  • Saline solution with iodine- such a rinse will become good remedy from toothache, when the soft tissues in the mouth are seized.
  • Cold compress- apply to the cheek on the problematic side.
  • Vodka- Rinsing for two or three minutes may provide relief.

Note! If the condition is accompanied by severe swelling of the gums and cheeks, increased body temperature or bleeding, in no case should you wait. Even the best painkillers don't get to the root of the problem. In this case, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

Today there is no shortage of effective painkillers to help with toothache. However, it is important not to abuse this opportunity to easily and quickly get rid of the painful syndrome. We must not forget that each of these means has long list contraindications and side effects.

Useful video: the best painkillers for toothache

Tooth pain can strike a person at the most inopportune moment. It is not always possible to visit a doctor right away, and it is very difficult to endure. After all, toothache is considered the most unpleasant thing for a person. A pain reliever is necessary to calmly wait for your visit to the dentist. Now there are many drugs that help with this. True, you need to take them correctly and choose the pills that are right for you.

Features of painkillers

1.All medications that relieve toothache, should not be taken frequently. Usually their effect lasts several hours, which is enough to wait for a visit to the doctor.

2. If you take them often and long time, then they will definitely appear side effects, which all drugs have that relieve toothache. The painkiller also has many contraindications, which are indicated in the instructions.

3. Each drug has a maximum permissible dosage, which is not recommended to be exceeded due to the increased toxicity of such drugs.

4. The cause of the pain must also be taken into account. If a tooth bothers you after dental surgery, you should not take medications that can cause bleeding. These are, for example, Aspirin, Diclofenac, Ketorolac or Naproxen.

Are you worried about toothache?

Pain medication will only help relieve symptoms, but will not cure you. Therefore this is a temporary measure. And not all medications can be taken for toothache. It is not recommended to drink Aspirin, because with such a strong pain syndrome You need to take a lot of it for it to help, and this can have serious side effects. You should also not take antibiotics without a doctor’s recommendation, since they are unlikely to help with pain and can cause harm. Eat special drugs, acting specifically on the centers that are responsible for damage to dental tissues. It is best to take one tablet of this medicine and try to see a doctor.

The most powerful painkiller for toothache

The best way to help with this is to take Ketorolac. It is known under the name "Ketanov", "Ketorol" or "Ketonal". On this moment This is the most effective remedy against pain. Its effect comes quickly and lasts up to 6 hours.

The drug is very quickly absorbed into the blood. Then "Ketorolac" suppresses the activity of enzymes, under the influence of which the formation of arachidonic acid. This is what causes pain and inflammatory processes. In order for the drug to start working as early as possible, you need to take the tablet big amount water. Ketorolac effectively relieves toothache, but it is not recommended to drink it frequently. It has many contraindications and side effects. Children under 16 years of age, pregnant women and patients with impaired liver and kidney function should not take medications containing it. With prolonged use or exceeding the specified dosage, side effects may occur: constipation or diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, headaches and drowsiness. Ketorolac may help you get rid of the pain, but if you don't see a doctor, it will still come back.

What other drugs relieve toothache?

1. Actasulide very effectively relieves pain. It works for a long time, and therefore there will be enough time to see a doctor. But it should not be used by children, people with stomach ulcers and liver and kidney diseases. It can cause, in addition to malfunction digestive tract, drowsiness and attention disorder.

2. Another drug that has many contraindications and side effects is Nise. It begins to act within a few minutes and can relieve even the most severe pain. But it is not recommended to take it often.

3. A long-known pain reliever for teeth is Tempalgin. It is made on the basis of sodium metamizole. But other components included in its composition help remove emotional character pain.

If you have one of these drugs in your medicine cabinet, you will not be afraid of toothache. A pain reliever will help you wait until you see a doctor, where the cause will be eliminated.

Toothache is never predictable. It catches us suddenly. As a result, it is difficult for us to eat, sleep, drink, and speak.

It’s great when immediately upon occurrence discomfort you seek help from a dentist who can solve the problem.

However this opportunity there is not always. At this point, painkillers come to the rescue.

The scenario in which toothache occurs largely depends on the causes that provoke it. As the primary source of unpleasant sensations in oral cavity There can be both chemical and thermal factors.

They trigger the mechanism for moving the fluid of the dentinal tubules to the dental pulp, which, in turn, is an irritant for nerve endings. As a result, substances are produced that are responsible for the appearance of tangible pain.

It may initially be aching, but gradually develops into itching and, ultimately, sharpness.

Due to substances produced by nerve fibers, impulse pain can be transmitted throughout the nervous system.

Actions of drugs

The block of pain is carried out according to one of three schemes:

  • anesthesia;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • freezing.


Pharmaceutical anesthetic drugs stop the production of prostaglandins by the nerve fibers of the teeth. In addition, they suppress the activity of cyclooxygenase, which also causes pain in peripheral tissue and the central nervous system.

Thanks to the active components of painkillers, the transmission of pain impulses is stopped for some time.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

In this case, pharmacists prepare non-steroidal drugs that reduce the intensity of inflammatory dental processes and the body’s sensitivity to them.

As a result, the pain subsides.

Freezing Ingredients

The drugs, which are often presented on the market in the form of gels and ointments, provide pain relief in a very short time.

The active components of freezing agents penetrate deep into the periodontal and dental tissues and block impulses that send pain signals to the brain.

Names and purpose

Those who have experienced toothache at least once often carry a first aid kit necessary medications from this unpleasant dental symptom. All of them are classified depending on the degree of sensation.

For mild to moderate pain

If the pain is mild or average degree severity, you can take one of the following medications.


The active ingredients of the anilides group eliminate minor pain within 30 minutes. You can forget about mild discomfort after taking paracetamol for 4 hours. In this case, the permissible single dose should not exceed 1 g.

The drug can be purchased without a prescription. The cost limit starts at 10 rubles per package.

It is worth noting that during pregnancy, the main components of the drug negatively affect the development of the fetal nervous system. In addition, it is not recommended for use in cases of disruption of the hematopoietic system.


In just 20 minutes, metamizole sodium, which is the main component of the drug, has an analgesic effect. You can forget about discomfort and unpleasant sensations for about a couple of hours after taking the pill, which is available to everyone at any pharmacy.

The cost of one analgin tablet varies from 15 to 30 rubles. The drug is contraindicated for kidney and liver diseases.


The drug is a whole complex active ingredients. Paracetamol, aspirin and caffeine are involved in the fight against toothache. The combination of these drugs eliminates the decrease in quality of life caused by the nerve fibers of the teeth in 15 minutes.

At the same time, you can chew or sleep peacefully for 4 to 6 hours. But askofen is prohibited for children under 15 years of age.

The drug is freely available. Its cost does not exceed 50 rubles.


An antispasmodic drug based on drotaverine allows you to relieve toothache for just over half an hour. At the same time, you can breathe out a sigh of relief for as long as 5 hours.

However, the drug is not cheap. You can buy it in pharmaceutical establishments for an average of 250 rubles.

No-spa is dispensed without a prescription issued by a specialist.

Taking the drug causes side effects in people who are lactose intolerant.


In addition to fenpiverinium and analgin, the drug contains pitofenone and bromide. By acting on nerve fibers, the listed components suppress toothache in just 20 minutes. At the same time, you can forget about discomfort for 5 - 6 hours.

Like all of the above drugs, spasmalgon is available without a prescription, the cost is 130 - 150 rubles for 50 tablets.

The active substances negatively affect the development of the child's body.


Almost instant blocking of pain, within 15 minutes, is provided by ibuprofen. The main component allows you to calmly carry out your life activities, without worrying about toothache, for 4 - 5 hours.

On the shelves of pharmacies, the cost of Nurofen ranges from 150 to 200 rubles. And although he is affordable drug, It is not worth purchasing for those who have problems at work circulatory system and kidneys.


An excellent remedy for combating throbbing pain. The main substance is analgin. Relief occurs within 30 minutes, and you can forget about pain for 4 hours.

Baralgin is over-the-counter and costs consumers 170 rubles.

Contraindications to taking the drug – bronchial asthma, disturbances in the functioning of the liver and kidneys, the period of waiting for the baby.


Nimesulide, the main substance of the product, has an analgesic effect for 15 - 20 minutes and maintains the effect for 3 hours.

However, the drug is contraindicated for patients suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver pathologies.

Manufacturers advocate purchasing the drug with a specialist prescription, but pharmacists often dispense Nise without a permit.

Its cost does not exceed 150 rubles.

For severe toothache

When the pain becomes almost impossible to bear, remedies that have a more intense effect come to the rescue.


Dedicated to separate drug Nise component has increased efficiency and after 10 minutes it smoothly eliminates the pain.

By purchasing the drug at the pharmacy for 120 rubles, you can forget about the problem for as long as 6 hours.


The main substance, ketorolac, can block pain for 30 minutes. In this case, the suppression of nerve fibers persists for 5 hours.

Available only by prescription average cost- 100 rubles.

Relieving pain with ketane is strictly prohibited for children, pregnant women, people suffering from kidney diseases, liver diseases, and gastrointestinal pathologies.


A drug complex action naproxen, caffeine and paracetamol relieves pain within half an hour. Moreover, the effect after taking the tablet lasts for 5 hours.

The drug is available without a prescription, the cost is between 100 - 120 rubles.


The tablet can be taken once every 6 hours. The active substance - ketorolac - is contraindicated for stomach ulcers, liver failure and children.

Ketorol, the cost of which does not exceed 100 rubles, is sold strictly according to a prescription.

What to use during pregnancy?

Unfortunately, not all expectant mothers prepare properly for pregnancy. Therefore, toothache while expecting a baby is a common symptom. However, not all drugs can eliminate discomfort due to their harmfulness to the fetus.

Less negative impact medicines occurs in the second trimester of pregnancy.

No-shpa and paracetamol can relieve toothache at any time while waiting for the baby. In the second trimester, you can take advantage of the action active substances analgin and ibuprofen.

However, it is worth noting that these products should be used according to the permissible dosage.

Products for children

Childhood is a period when all body systems are in a period of improvement. Therefore any pharmaceuticals during this period of life should be taken with extreme caution.

Children under 4 years of age can be given Panadol as a pain reliever. The older generation can relieve toothache with Nurofen.

The minimum dosage allowed is Nise tablets and nimesulide for children over 12 years of age.

However, these drugs are now produced in the form of a suspension, which can also be used by the younger generation.

It happens that toothache strikes us at the most inopportune moment, and it is not always possible to immediately go to the dentist to solve the problem. Therefore, we often use painkillers and medications. But you must remember that you should not overdo it with taking pills - this can cause very disastrous consequences.

The most effective painkillers for toothache

We all know how unbearable toothache can be. Today, medicine can offer us a huge variety of painkillers, and therefore the question arises: what to choose?

Aspirin. This drug affects the pain centers of the brain. Aspini is the main component of such drugs as Asfen, Acelizin and Citramon. It is best to take medications after meals and wash them down with milk, not water. This is primarily due to the fact that aspirin can corrode the “mucous” lining of the intestines and stomach. Maximum dose for an adult – 3 grams of the drug per day. It is important to remember that aspirin is strictly prohibited for babies under one year of age. When viral diseases Do not give it to children under 12 years of age. The drug is contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The drug Actasulide, which belongs to drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect. The main active ingredient is nimesulide. This drug, which prevents toothache, should not be taken by people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nor should it be given to children under 12 years of age for toothache. In addition, take it with attention to those people whose work involves tension in reactions and attention.

Ketanov. Non-narcotic and non-steroidal drug against toothache. Its main element is ketorolac, which acts in a systemic manner. The maximum level of ketanov in the blood appears within a few hours, and its effect continues for five hours after administration. Ketanov is available in the form of tablets or ampoules. In some cases, when used, it may cause lethargy, diarrhea, and migraines. Ketanov should not be used by pregnant and lactating women and children under 16 years of age. In addition, persons with diseases of the digestive system should not take it. Asthma, renal failure.

In any case, painkillers and tablets for toothache should be taken wisely and not abused; otherwise, the body quickly gets used to them and no longer reacts when pain appears. It is also dangerous to health.

Analgin is a universal painkiller that is known to every resident of our country. They are also used as toothache tablets. The most accessible and effective drug, although, of course, this depends on the degree of the disease and the type of dental disease itself. Available without a prescription in the form of tablets and ampoules. It has remarkable analgesic properties, is highly soluble in water, and therefore easily absorbed by the body. You should take it 1-2 tablets once a day, depending on the severity of the pain. If the pain is excessively severe, then you should consult a doctor for advice on increasing the dose or replacing the drug with a more potent one.

One of these most potent painkillers is the British drug Nurofen. He has already established himself as reliable way Relieve pain, including dental pain, as quickly as possible. The medicine contains 400 mg of ibuprofen, coated with a special coating that is not susceptible to exposure acidic environment stomach, and dissolves in alkaline environment intestines, thereby ensuring the fastest absorption of the substance into the body. What tablets for toothache - Nurofen is the best way forget about the unpleasant sensations for a long time.

If your pain is so severe that simple pills do not help you, and you are literally climbing on the ceiling from the pain that is driving you crazy, then last resort before you go to the doctor and get rid of the restless irritant, this is Ketorolac. Manufacturers call this drug differently. Ketones are most often found in pharmacies, but other names are no less common: Dolak, Ketalgin, Ketorol, Toradol. The medicine is not a narcotic drug, therefore it does not affect the human psyche. Available in the form of injection ampoules and simple tablets. The drug is effective for five hours, while maximum concentration The substance is observed in the blood within 45 minutes (it begins to act much earlier!). We strongly recommend that you consult your doctor before use!

What is important to know about taking painkillers for toothache?

But in our medicine cabinets we can always find almost all types of analgesics, and it is important to know whether we are taking them correctly, and which drug is best to take for a particular pain.

There are several types of analgesics that “turn off” pain by acting on it through the brain. Basically, these are synthetic devices, which are popularly called opiates and cause severe addiction. Such tablets are prescribed only by a doctor and only in exceptional cases. For example, to warn pain shock after various injuries, or in case chronic pain if other painkillers do not help. Such analgesics include those drugs that include morphine, fentanyl and codeine. In case of toothache, such tablets are not prescribed, and the painkillers you take do not have such an effect.

Is it necessary to take painkillers if the pain can be tolerated?

Undoubtedly, if the pain can be endured, then it is better not to take painkillers so as not to cause dependence. For example, in the case of mild toothache, it is better to be treated for some time with folk remedies. If pain can disrupt your plans, then, of course, you can take an analgesic tablet. It must be remembered that the constant use of painkillers leads to very unpleasant consequences. Thus, American scientists have proven that with their constant use for headaches or toothaches, taking the pills will soon have the opposite result, that is, it will increase pain when taken.

In any case, toothache is no joke. And if now, at the moment when you have pain, you cannot go to the doctor, then, of course, the symptoms of pain need to be removed. But this will not remove the problem, and only professional doctor, who will diagnose you and begin treatment to remove the very cause of the pain.

Painkillers for toothache that the dentist uses

What could be worse than toothache? Many of us associate a visit to the dentist with unpleasant and painful procedures. By the way, this is one of the probable causes, which is why most patients go to the dentist when their own toothache is more than expected from a visit. Why are we afraid of the dentist? Russian dentistry served us well in this, using proven and reliable, but outdated technologies applicable to toothache. Often, parents, trying to calm a naughty child, try to scare him with a visit to the dentist, keeping fear in the subconscious for many years.

Current dentistry is not ready to recognize the old principle “you must be patient” - the patient should not experience not only painful sensations, but also even minimal inconvenience during the treatment of toothache and dental prosthetics.

Types of professional analgesic methods for toothache

The pain reliever the dentist uses is different from the one you take at home. pharmaceuticals. Today, different types of pain relief have been used, allowing the doctor to perform all the necessary therapeutic measures without creating any inconvenience for the patient. For any dental procedures, the most suitable way anesthesia:

Application painkillers. Most often, the so-called pain reliever is used as an application pain reliever for toothache. lidocaine aerosol. This is a superficial type of pain relief that does not extend to underlying tissues. It is used in the case of removing dental plaque, eliminating loose teeth, as well as for opening small periodontal abscesses, and in addition, before using a deeper type of painkillers, to relieve discomfort from the injection;

Infiltration painkillers. This type anesthesia is the most common in dentistry, this is a familiar injection. Infiltration anesthesia is performed in the form of an injection of the drug under the periosteum, mucosa or intraosseously. The anesthetic penetrates perfectly into the tissues, and after 5 minutes the pain stops. A severe toothache that requires pain relief may be a sign of serious dental damage. This type drugs are used for the most different types dental operations – during therapy of dental canals and teeth, operations on the dental pulp. The duration and depth of anesthesia are sufficient for various dental interventions for at least an hour.

For any person, one of the most unpleasant pain sensations is toothache. When your teeth hurt, it is impossible to concentrate on anything, everything around you becomes unimportant. The only desire is to somehow achieve relief from the terrible condition.

Most often, people use non-narcotic painkillers to get rid of toothache. medicinal drugs. It was they who saved people for many decades, being quite effective means impact. These include medications such as Aspirin,. These medications have a significant anti-inflammatory effect and effectively relieve pain.

Paracetamol can be used as a pain reliever if the toothache is tolerable and not very severe. This medicine has long earned the trust of medical workers and ordinary people. In addition, Paracetamol is much safer than Analgin. Of course, if the cause of suffering is acute toothache, then neither Paracetamol nor its Western analogues such as Efferalgan can overcome it. At severe inflammation and pain, most people prefer Aspirin. However, this remedy has one drawback. Acetylsalicylic acid irritates the gastric mucosa, so some doctors recommend taking the drug only after meals. WITH severe pain The combined use of drugs can cope quite well. For example, it helps a lot simultaneous administration one tablet each of Aspirin and Analgin. It is not advisable to use painkillers frequently for this group of toothaches; 1-2 times is enough, after which you should consult a dentist.

For unbearable pain, some use new developments of painkillers - Ibuklin, Ibufen. These drugs are relatively safe and effectively relieve pain. You just need to keep an eye on correct dosage. It should be remembered that daily dosage Ibufen for adults is no more than 4 tablets. In turn, Ibuklin is a combination of Ibufen and Paracetamol. Given remedy includes all the basic qualities of the above medicines. For toothache, Ibuklin and Ibufen can be used even by children, for whom manufacturers offer medications in the form of tasty syrups.

Ketanov and Aktasulide are considered more powerful painkillers. These medications contain the substance nimesulide. However, despite their strong analgesic effect, they have many side effects, which is their disadvantage. Daily dose drugs containing nimesulide should not exceed 2 tablets. The use of these medications is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women and children.

If you need to cope with toothache in a short period, you can inject Dexalgin-25. This medicine provides relief within half an hour after administration and lasts for several hours. But even here there are a number of contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, bronchial asthma, peptic ulcers.

Aching toothache can also be relieved with antispasmodic drugs. This is Papaverine. But even with severe toothache, it is not advisable to use narcotic painkillers (Morphine, Promedol, Fentanyl). Their impact significantly affects the human psyche. These products are mainly used to remove excruciating pain cancer patients.

Painkillers should be taken no more than 3 days in a row. Further dental problems will be resolved by visiting a dentist. Be healthy!