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Sharp pain in the leg below the knee. Why do legs ache below the knees

If the bones of the legs below the knee are very sore, then this does not always signal a serious violation. Sometimes the leg aches from the knee to the foot with strong physical exertion. In this case, no special treatment is required, only rest and peace are important. If the pain in the muscle manifests itself constantly, while the limbs are swollen and other signs appear, then you should immediately contact the doctor. It can be initial symptoms serious disease of the musculoskeletal system.

Causes and features of the manifestation of pain in the leg from the knee to the foot

Increased physical activity

Sometimes the patient twists the cups and ache at the bottom of the legs due to physical overstrain. In this case, the muscles of both limbs cannot withstand the load and begin to hurt. The pain syndrome is characterized by a constrained character and worries only when walking or resuming loads. In case of violation, the patient has pain in the entire muscle located at the back of the leg.

How is obliterating atherosclerosis manifested?

The cause of pain in the legs below the knee is the impaired patency of the arteries due to ischemia of the muscle tissue.

With pathology, the level of blood flow in arterial vessels decreases, the lumen decreases and cholesterol is deposited on the inside of the walls. The patient is worried about severe pain in the ankle area, which is especially aggravated at night and after loads on the limb. In addition, the disease is manifested by other symptoms:

  • impaired motor function;
  • limping on a sore leg when moving;
  • trophic changes in the skin.

Signs of arthritis and arthrosis

Swelling of the lower limb may indicate the development of arthritis and arthrosis.

Although the disorders affect the joints, aching pain can appear on the side, front or back of the leg. Osteoarthritis or arthritis occurs inflammatory response in mobile joints, which causes pain attacks. The patient's legs are constantly aching and aching below the knees, the symptom is especially acute in the morning immediately after waking up. There are additional symptoms:

  • the leg swells in the lower part;
  • redness in the affected area;
  • a crunch is heard during limb movements;
  • a fossa is formed when pressure is applied to the skin.


If the legs hurt from the knee to the foot, then this may signal a pathology called osteoporosis. In case of violation in men and women, there is a lack of calcium in the body, as a result of which the bone structure changes, they are prone to fractures and injuries. At first, the patient does not have any symptoms or a slight pain is felt in the shin of one leg. As osteoporosis progresses clinical picture expands and adds other features:


A manifestation of varicose veins can be specific vascular protrusions.

If your left side hurts or right limb, then, perhaps, these are the first signs of varicose veins. The deviation is also easy to notice by explicit venous grids. In a patient, pathological signs extend to the lower leg, with pain of a dull nature. In addition to pain, other manifestations are of concern:

  • spasms;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • feeling of heaviness in the lower extremities;
  • the formation of "stars" on the skin;
  • protrusion of veins.

Features of thrombosis

If bruises or bruises form on the skin along the lower limb below the knee, it is likely that thrombosis is progressing. The disease causes discomfort and pain to the patient. The clinical picture differs depending on the type of disease. The main varieties and features are presented in the table:

ViewPain localizationCharacter traitsProgression rate
VenousBehind the calfThere is a gradual course with partial skin lesions3-5 days
Change in skin color to purplish or bluish
Part of the leg is very swollen
Hyperthermia in the affected area
Pain is aggravated by movement of the limb
ArterialAnterior area below the kneeRapidly developing2-3 hours
The limb turns pale and becomes cold
Unbearable, sharp pain

If a patient with arterial thrombosis is not provided with medical care in time, then gangrene occurs and tissue dies, which leads to limb amputation and disability.


A burning sensation in the foot is characteristic of polyneuropathy in people with diabetes.

When the bones of the legs hurt from the knee to the foot, this may be a manifestation of a disease that is typical for diabetics. Polyneuropathy develops as a complication against the background diabetes. The pains are burning and constant. The patient also complains of burning sensation in the foot area. The deviation is also manifested by the pallor of the skin and disturbed marching.

Injuries and injuries of varying severity

The cause of pain in the left or right limb below the knee often lies in a bruise, dislocation or other injury. If damaged, muscles, ligaments, or leg joints can be injured. How more serious injury, the more pronounced the pain syndrome. Localization of pain also depends on the site of injury, fracture, dislocation. It is worth contacting a doctor who will tell you what to do next and how to treat the injury.

Micronutrient deficiencies

The lack of vitamins and minerals leads to the fact that a person has pain in the knees and other structures located in the lower part of the limb. The following trace elements are necessary:

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium.

Micronutrient deficiencies can lead to cramps in the calf.

With their shortage, the legs often cramp and there is a shooting pain below the knee. Regular diets, prolonged refusal to eat food, a disturbed or unbalanced diet are capable of provoking a deficiency. Also, people with accelerated metabolic processes may experience a lack of trace elements.


If the infection is violated, they enter the bone tissue, which is why disturbed processes are noted in it and the patient is worried about pain. The pain syndrome is characterized by a sharp character, with pain in front of the leg below the knee. Additionally, the following symptoms appear:

  • high body temperature;
  • inflammation in the joints of the lower extremities;
  • redness in the affected area;
  • inability to move.

Inflammatory reaction

Due to hypothermia, a person develops myositis, in which the articular-ligamentous apparatus and the intra-articular bag become inflamed. In this case, the patient is in pain. posterior region lower extremity, while over time, pathological manifestations become stronger and become permanent. With myositis, weakness in the muscles is felt, the temperature rises and the patient is shivering.

What to do with pain?

Diagnostic procedures

Arthroscopy may be needed to detect pathology.

To determine the swelling on the leg below the knee or other disorders that caused pain, it is possible after a thorough diagnosis, which includes such procedures:

  • CT and MRI;
  • radiographic examination;
  • CDS of mobile joints with the definition of vascular disorders;
  • angiography using a contrast agent;
  • radionuclide diagnostics, in which blood vessels are examined for cancer;
  • arthroscopy.

Diagnosis is also possible through an osteopath, who examines the affected limb and immediately performs symptomatic treatment.

How to treat?

If the bone below the knee hurts, then immediate medical measures are required, prescribed by the doctor. Therapy differs depending on the type and severity of the disorder that caused the pain. Treatment is based on the following medications:

Insulin may be needed to treat the disease that caused this symptom.
  • anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications;
  • means of eliminating edema;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • mineral supplements;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • means that improve the microcirculation of the blood fluid;
  • hormonal and cytostatic drugs;
  • anticoagulant drugs;
  • insulin.

In addition, physiotherapy is carried out, which relieves pain and normalizes blood flow. The following procedures are effective:

  • ultraphonophoresis;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • laser treatment;
  • paraffin and mud therapy;
  • balneotherapy with the use of mineral waters.

It is possible to cope with pain in the leg below the knee with folk remedies that are allowed to be used after consulting a doctor. You can prepare baths using chamomile, bay leaf, linden inflorescence and others. medicinal products. Also effective is chestnut tincture and honey, which are applied to the damaged limb. Aloe, tansy, pine nuts, pumpkin and other natural ingredients will help to cope with pain.

Up to the feet, quite varied.

So, if the pain syndrome manifests itself only occasionally, and you know exactly the causes of its occurrence, then there is nothing to worry about: it is enough to give your legs a good rest, take a relaxing bath and the pain will recede. But it happens that uncomfortable aching sensations haunt a person constantly. In this case, the symptomatology is a signal of a serious illness that needs to be diagnosed as soon as possible in order to start timely complex treatment.

Features of the anatomical structure and causes of pain

The area of ​​the leg below the knee is called the lower leg. This part of the lower limb includes a bone structure, many muscles and ligaments, as well as blood vessels and nerve plexuses.

Therefore, the reasons due to which below the knee can be caused by violations in the work of any component of the limb.

In order to make it easier to diagnose the disease, doctors conditionally divided the lower leg into 2 sections:

  • The anterior section, which is located in front below the knee, is filled with muscle tissue;
  • The back section, in which there are ligaments, nerve fibers and blood vessels.

There are 5 main reasons why the legs hurt below the knees:

  1. excessive physical exercise or injury to the legs that occurred earlier. If the damage is minor, then they do not cause severe pain. However, their consequences, combined with excessive power loads, cause inflammation, which manifests itself in swelling of the anterior leg.
  2. Diseases caused by pathological changes in the spine, in which the nerve root is compressed. The pain syndrome manifests itself in back section during rotation of the trunk or palpation.
  3. Bursitis is inflammation of the kneecaps. Occurs after osteoarthritis knee joint or . In the course of the disease, cartilaginous structures undergo changes, they accumulate inflammatory fluid. A pronounced edema begins.
  4. Varicose veins. One of the most dangerous and insidious diseases, during the development of which the leg below the knee hurts. Blood that does not circulate well through the vessels stagnates in them, forming blood clots. In this case, the lower leg aches constantly, while the syndrome intensifies in the evening.
  5. vascular thrombosis. dangerous disease has two clinical pictures of development: arterial and venous. With venous thrombosis, pain in the extremities increases within 3-5 days. The legs become hot to the touch, acquire burgundy at first, and then Blue colour. Arterial thrombosis manifests itself rapidly. For 3-4 hours there is a sharp pain in the legs, the limbs turn pale and numb. In case of failure to provide medical care, the tissues die.

Other triggers

There are other reasons for the manifestation pain syndrome in the lower leg. They lie in such diseases:

  • Obliterating atherosclerosis

In the process of development of ischemia of muscle tissue, arterial obstruction occurs. That is, the intensity of blood flow and lumen in the vessels of the arteries is significantly reduced - the lower leg begins to hurt. Pain is aggravated after physical activity. To stop the pain, the legs need to rest.

If left untreated, the disease progresses to pathological form: the time frame for the manifestation of the pain syndrome increases, the skin of the legs peels off, ulcers appear on them. In this case, only surgery can save the patient's life.

  • Physical overstrain of muscle tissue.

Occurs due to uneven and excessive physical activity. Most often manifested in overweight people, since the load on the muscle and bone apparatus shins are enlarged.

  • inflammatory processes.

Inflammation in the ligamentous apparatus causes myositis, which manifests itself due to hypothermia. The legs hurt in the back of the lower leg and are uniform and permanent.

  • Micronutrient deficiencies.

Pain in the leg below the knee is manifested by a lack of calcium, magnesium and potassium. It is localized in the back of the lower leg and is accompanied. Most often, such manifestations of pain syndrome are diagnosed in women who long time follow strict diets. In this case, an unbalanced diet leads to the fact that the necessary minerals are poorly absorbed and are excreted from the body at an accelerated pace.

  • Arthritis and arthrosis.

These diseases affect, but the pain can be localized in the lower leg. specific feature of these diseases is the reaction of the limbs to the change of weather: the joints ache and seem to twist.

  • Osteoporosis.

The disease occurs due to a lack of calcium in the body. Due to the insufficient amount of this necessary element, the bones become brittle, prone to frequent. Osteoporosis causes pain in the bones of the legs. The disease often affects women at the time of menopause.

  • Polyneuropathy.

This disease is a consequence of complications of diabetes mellitus. The pain syndrome is sharp and constant, independent of physical exertion. The patient experiences coldness and numbness of the extremities.

  • Osteomyelitis.

An infectious disease that affects bone tissue. The pain is severe and intermittent. The disease requires fast and qualified treatment.

There are several more reasons why the leg hurts in the shin area:

  • Prolonged or uncontrolled use of potent drugs;
  • arterial disease;
  • Diseases caused by rheumatism;
  • Tumor processes of various localization;
  • Paget's disease;
  • Hernia lumbar spine.

Symptoms and concomitant manifestations of diseases

If the legs below the knees hurt regularly and are accompanied by the following symptoms, you should urgently seek medical help:

  • There are difficulties in straightening and bending the legs;
  • There is discomfort during movement, a feeling of stiffness;
  • The manifestation of puffiness, any discoloration of the skin, hematomas, the appearance of purulent discharge;
  • The appearance of pain in the muscles of the legs below the knee at the time of climbing or descending the stairs;
  • Severe pain at the moment when the leg is supported;
  • The pain syndrome is sharp, cutting, constant.

If the legs are aching below the knees due to serious diseases, the clinical picture is supplemented by concomitant symptoms:

  • Wide localization of pain: from 10 to 15 cm. The more extensive the localization, the larger the area of ​​the affected lower leg;
  • During the period of physical activity, the pain intensifies, at the time of rest it recedes;
  • In smoking patients, the symptoms are more pronounced, since their circulatory disorders are more pronounced;
  • With osteomyelitis, purulent discharge appears;
  • Limited mobility of the joints and feet.

Methodology of therapeutic measures

The treatment process and its methods depend on why the legs ache, that is, on specific disease. The duration of therapy and the choice of medications are determined in individually, taking into account concomitant symptoms and the presence or absence of chronic diseases.

In addition, given the anatomical structure of the lower leg, in which several structures are involved, medical measures it is advisable to carry out in a complex way, combining physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises and massage. In some cases, surgery is indicated.

Drug treatment is most often aimed at eliminating pain and inflammation from the diseased area of ​​​​the leg.

Without fail, patients are prescribed a vitamin-mineral complex to maintain the necessary balance in the body.

Doctors may also prescribe the following groups of drugs:

  • Medicines that relieve swelling;
  • Drugs that reduce muscle tone;
  • Means to improve blood circulation;
  • Hormonal preparations and cytostatics;
  • Anticoagulants are used to treat thrombosis;
  • Insulin is used to treat diabetes.

Physiotherapy helps relieve tension in the limb, partially eliminate pain and inflammation, and improves blood circulation.

To eliminate the symptoms in the lower leg, treatment is used by such procedures:

  • Ultraphonophoresis;
  • laser glow;
  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Mud treatment;
  • Paraffin therapy;
  • Treatment with mineral waters.

Therapeutic gymnastics and massage are used only as directed by a doctor, since in some diseases, during the manifestation of which the lower leg may ache, excessive exposure to the leg worsens the patient's condition.

Surgery is resorted to if previous therapy has not alleviated the condition or the disease is at a stage when other treatment will be ineffective.

Varicose veins require long-term treatment, during which a tight fixation of the lower leg with a bandage is used, as well as ointments designed to strengthen the walls of the veins.

In the treatment of atherosclerosis, medications are prescribed only by a doctor!

Doctors recommend that patients, in combination with drug therapy, gradually change their lifestyle: move as much as possible and change their diet. You need to give up smoked and fatty foods, sausages, eggs. It is important to adhere balanced nutrition, gradually reducing the intake of foods containing cholesterol. Vegetable oil in this diet should be a key product, as its use helps the already formed atherosclerotic plaques to dissolve.

Prevention methods

Many reasons why the legs hurt in the lower leg area make us think about the prevention of diseases that cause such unpleasant symptoms.

  • Try to wear comfortable shoes made of natural material with low heels;
  • Sitting at work or at home, do not cross your legs, this position leads to squeezing of blood vessels;
  • Watch your weight;
  • Start treatment of flat feet at the first of its manifestations;
  • When resting lying down, raise your legs up more often;
  • Walk more often and go barefoot.

Evening relaxing foot baths and foot massages will help relieve tension and ensure healthy sleep.

Most likely, many of us had to complain to relatives and friends that our legs hurt below the knees. A common situation is when a person is at work all day, and when he comes home, he takes off his shoes and feels that his legs just ache, buzz and fall off. As a rule, discomfort occurs after a busy day as a result of excessive physical overexertion, in general, due to fatigue. After all, no matter which way you look, almost the entire load falls on the legs, and in case of excess body weight, this load increases several times, which entails increased pain below the knees.

The fact is that if earlier pain in the legs below the knees bothered mainly the elderly, then now similar discomfort are increasingly felt by people of a fairly young age. Today, soreness is a common symptom, so many are interested in the causes of pain in the legs below the knees.
First of all, it should be noted that every day the muscles, tendons and bones of the lower extremities experience a huge load. That is why, over time, there is the occurrence of edema, especially in the ankle joints, soreness and even a response to changes in weather conditions.

  • Traumatic: bone injury, cracks, delamination, thinning, stretching or rupture of the tendons, displacement of the patella or menisci.
  • Inflammatory processes: muscles, ligaments, synovial bags.
  • Diseases: cyst, atherosclerosis, neuralgia, sciatica, flat feet and other diseases.

In fact, the causes of pain in the legs below the knees are varied. After all, not only fatigue can cause pain. There are many diseases in which this symptom manifests itself. For example, pain can occur as a result of inflammatory diseases, infectious processes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis. Also very common cause pain below the knees is the deposition of salts in the cavity of the joints of the lower extremities (osteoarthritis). In such cases, there is local occurrence pain symptom in the area of ​​a certain joint.

The leg bone below the knees hurts in case of severe mechanical injury, in which cracks, delaminations or even fractures can occur with increased bone fragility. Strong and prolonged pain sensations are accompanied by bruises of the periosteum, while pain in the lower leg is formed below the knee in front.
Sharp pain is accompanied by damage to the tendons, with the help of which muscle groups are connected directly to the bones. The fact is that in many people the tendons are strong, but not elastic enough, therefore, even with a slight injury, sprains can occur, which is accompanied by pain that worsens while walking.

Pain may be caused by inflammatory processes synovial bags, muscles or tendons themselves, dislocation or displacement of the patella. The muscles of the legs hurt most often after intense physical exertion during sports training. The fact is that with excessive loads in the muscle tissue, lactic acid accumulates, which causes aching sensations in the calf muscles. Also, with the wrong approach to performing exercises, you can get a strong sprain or even muscle tears, which will certainly lead to an inflammatory process and pain in this area.

The legs below the knees are very sore with obesity and hypodynamia of a person. The fact is that nature has not calculated an excessive increase in body weight by two or even three times. Therefore, the joints and bones, especially below the knees, experience a very strong load, which results in accelerated processes destruction articular surfaces which, in turn, leads to inflammation and pain.

Diseases accompanied by pain syndrome of the legs below the knee

Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities

There are cases when the muscles below the knee hurt all the time, cramps often occur, especially at night or while walking up the stairs. In this situation, it is quite possible to assume that the problem lies in the deposition of cholesterol in the blood vessels of the extremities and the formation of cholesterol plaques. Also, a feature indicating atherosclerotic changes in the vessels is always cold feet at any time of the year, regardless of temperature. environment. Moreover, the representatives of the stronger sex may experience a cessation of hair growth and various violations of sexual functions.

If this problem is detected, it is imperative to take action and in no case ignore it, because cholesterolemia can lead to much more serious diseases, such as a cerebral stroke or myocardial infarction. A number of examinations should be carried out, the list of which must necessarily include angiography and ultrasound examination. Based on the results of the tests, specialists will clarify the diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment in order to alleviate the general condition and prevent pain in the legs.


This is inflammation of the tissues of the arteries. Usually, when this disease occurs, people complain of a sharp pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe feet or calf muscles. A characteristic feature is that the legs below the knees hurt badly not in the evening, as in normal fatigue, and after some time after the start of the walk. Sometimes it only takes fifty or a hundred steps to feel sharp pain in the legs. Very often there is even numbness below the knees. In such a situation, you should rest a little, stop, and preferably sit down. Unfortunately, such actions will alleviate the condition of a sick person only for a short period, after which the pain in the legs will return again.

If these symptoms occur, you should immediately seek help from a vascular surgeon who will prescribe comprehensive examination(includes mandatory research: angiography using a contrast agent, ultrasound examination and a detailed blood test) to identify the causes of the disease and prescribe the necessary treatment.

At the end of all procedures, the specialist makes a final diagnosis and prescribes the optimal treatment, which will reduce the degree of manifestation of the pain syndrome. But the fact is that this disease is very unpredictable and if you experience sharp pains, you should immediately call an ambulance, because it may be that you have to resort to surgical intervention perhaps even immediate.

Arthritis and arthrosis

These diseases are now also quite common. Their characteristic features are the manifestation of sharp pain in the joints during movement, and there is also meteorological dependence, which manifests itself in the “twisting” of the leg joints when weather conditions change. People suffering from these diseases can not only walk, but simply in a standing position, their legs below the knees are very sore.

To clarify and make a diagnosis, you need to contact a rheumatologist, who, after the examination, will prescribe the right course of treatment.


If below the knees the pain in the legs is pulsating, strong and manifests itself in the calf muscles, then it is worth suspecting a disease such as thrombophlebitis. In addition, redness and swelling appear in the calf area, a burning sensation, the veins of the legs change and become dense over time. In this case, it happens that the left leg or the right leg hurts. This is observed in the unilateral flow of the process.

Treatment in such situations should be prescribed by an angiosurgeon - a doctor specializing in the treatment vascular diseases. Depending on the risk of detachment of the formed thrombus and the degree of neglect of the disease, treatment is prescribed either conservatively or surgical intervention is performed.


Pain in the bone below the knees may well be a sign of a disease such as osteoporosis. This disease occurs when there is a lack of various reasons) in the body of an important macronutrient - calcium. With this disease, pain is manifested in an acute form, very often one can observe the appearance of muscle cramps. As a rule, women over forty years of age are most often affected by osteoporosis. The risk group includes ladies with blond hair, skin and blue eyes.

This disease causes a wide variety of negative consequences, so you need to urgently contact the specialists for appointment optimal treatment, with which you can get rid of the manifestation of pain in front below the knees or, according to at least, to reduce the degree of its manifestation.

flat feet

This disease is also a very common cause of painful syndrome in the legs. The most characteristic sign of flat feet is the very rapid appearance of a feeling of fatigue when walking, and with the development of the disease, the appearance of pain in the area of ​​​​the feet and legs is observed.

Flat feet need to be treated. You need to contact an orthopedist, he will prescribe and show special exercises and pick up orthopedic insoles for shoes. Women suffering from this disease should not wear tight and narrow shoes or high heels.

Diseases in the lumbar

Very often there are also cases when there is constant pain in the legs, with no pathological changes directly in the lower extremities can not be identified. Then you need to pay attention to the lumbar region and already there look for the cause of pain in the knee, lower leg or foot. Similar signs, as a rule, appear with sciatica or lumboischialgia - inflammation or irritation of the nerve roots of the lumbar spine. Depending on the localization of the process, the left or right leg hurts below the knee.

Severe pain, hyperemia of the skin in the shin area and an increase in local body temperature are symptoms of erysipelas. With this disease, pain occurs below the knees in front.

Gout causes severe pain in the big toes, which have a throbbing character. In adolescents, pain in the legs can occur during the course of infectious processes in other organs. For example, in chronic tonsillitis with purulent plugs very often it happens that the leg below the knee hurts in front and in the bones.

The main diagnostic methods for diseases of the legs

  • ultrasound diagnostics;
  • x-ray;
  • computer diagnostics;
  • arthroscopy;
  • contrast angiography;
  • other methods.

Pain treatment

All treatment procedures depend on the causes of pain in the legs. First of all, you need to conduct a comprehensive examination, and based on its results, prescribe a course of therapy. Healing procedures can be performed both on an outpatient and inpatient basis. It all depends on the degree of manifestation and severity of the disease.
There are many therapeutic methods, but the main ones are:

There are situations in which it is impossible to do without surgical intervention.
In the event that soreness and swelling appear at the end of the day, you should use a pillow or bench and give an elevated position to the legs. This promotes the flow of blood from venous vessels below the knee joint. It is also recommended to take foot baths using sea salt.

To stimulate blood circulation in the lower extremities, you can wipe the shins, feet, calves and ankles with a piece of ice wrapped in a piece of cloth. Well relieve the feeling of pain and heaviness in the legs warm baths.

There are also folk methods that perfectly help relieve fatigue of our legs. These methods include the use of honey compresses in a course of 5-6 procedures. Usually, after this procedure, the pain in the legs disappears.

In view of the fact that most of all diseases of the lower extremities develop as a result of malnutrition and excess body weight, you should adjust your diet and take measures to lose weight. If this cannot be done on your own, then you need to consult a dietitian.

Remember, in no case should pain be ignored, because it is a symptom of the disease, and if it is not treated, then there can be much more serious consequences.

Pain in the legs below the knees can be caused by the most unpredictable reasons. Such pains cannot be ignored, they may indicate complex pathological diseases in the body, which are fraught with harmful consequences (gangrene, necrosis, oncology). Diseases need to be detected and prevented in time, as well as to take all sorts of preventive measures for their occurrence.

Causes of pain

The main and most significant causes that can cause pain in the legs below the knees:

In violation of arterial patency due to ischemia of muscle tissue, the level of the main blood flow in the arterial vessels decreases, the lumen and deposition of cholesterol on their inner wall decrease, pain occurs in the lower leg. With obliterating atherosclerosis, the pain intensifies after any physical exertion. Rest is required to reduce pain.

If you do not contact the doctor and do not take action, then the pathological process of the disease begins to develop. Time without pain is shortened and recovery time is longer. Over time, the skin of the leg flakes off, dries up, trophic ulcers appear. The only cure is surgery. If the pathology is not detected in time, gangrene may develop and the patient will die.

Overload occurs with prolonged walking, standing, strenuous sports. Such a problem can occur in people with physical inactivity, as well as with a discrepancy between height and weight (with fullness, the load on the legs, bones and joints increases significantly and leads to pain). A sharp aching pain below the knees may indicate the onset of pathological processes. Worth revisiting everything possible options overload and begin to engage in constant light exercise to avoid the progression of the disease.


As a result of hypothermia of the legs, myositis, inflammation in the ligaments and synovial bags. In the inflammatory process, pain occurs in the back of the leg below the knee, the pain does not increase, they are always in the same pain threshold, if therapeutic and preventive measures are not taken.

Injuries and damage

Sprains, bruises, ruptures of muscles and tendons, cracks and fractures of the bone. Such injuries provoke further pain in the calf of the legs. Such pains appear over time during periods of sharp weather changes, in old age. Pain usually occurs in the evening and worsens at night.

If there is a lack of calcium, magnesium, potassium in the body, then there are cramps and pain in the calf muscles, mainly in the back of the leg. Most often, strict diets or prolonged refusals of food, unbalanced and malnutrition, leaching from the body with an accelerated metabolism, destabilization of absorption in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. To relieve pain, it is worth kneading the muscle until the discomfort disappears completely.

These diseases are articular, but pain can also occur in the calf behind the leg. Most often, such pains become a call to visit the doctor and identify true reason ailments - damage to the meniscus, arthritis, arthrosis, impaired joint mobility.

Varicose veins are very easy to recognize by the characteristic venous networks on the skin of the legs. But at the very beginning of the development of varicose veins, the mesh is absent.

Characteristic signs of varicose veins can be:

  • heaviness in the legs;
  • swelling in the legs at the end of the day;
  • convulsions for no reason;
  • Blunt pain below the knees.

Such a disease is accompanied by pronounced bruises or bruises on the skin.

Venous thrombosis:

  • the disease begins gradually (partially, in sections it affects the legs);
  • arching pain in the legs, in the calf region behind, below the knees;
  • purple-red, bluish skin;
  • significant swelling of the lower leg;
  • when walking, the pain intensifies;
  • the leg is hot to the touch;
  • very quickly develops (3-5 days) necrosis and gangrene.

Arterial thrombosis:

  • pathology develops over just a few hours;
  • the leg becomes pale, cold;
  • severe and sharp pain below the knees;
  • immediate action is required within 2-3 hours to avoid gangrene and tissue death.

A disease that occurs on the basis of calcium deficiency in the body. Bones change their structure, become brittle. Very often women are prone to the disease during menopause and menopause. Osteoporosis itself affects the bone and sharp pain below the knees requires long-term treatment.

This disease is a typical complication for patients with diabetes mellitus. Pain in the legs, with polyneuropathy, carry a burning character, accompanied by chilliness and numbness of the extremities. Such pain is often constant, it does not depend on increased physical exertion and simple leg fatigue.

Infection. The disease affects the bone tissue. Pain in the legs, in front or behind, below the knees is very sharp, is of a periodic nature. Osteomyelitis requires immediate treatment.

The following reasons can also cause pain in the lower legs:

  • long-term medication (diuretics, hormones, cholesterol-lowering drugs);
  • arterial diseases − periarteritis nodosa, vasculitis;
  • rheumatic diseases;
  • compression of the soft tissues of the calf muscles;
  • cancer cells and metastases of various localization in bone tissue;
  • oncological tumors of the bone;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia of the lumbar;
  • Paget's disease.

The main symptoms of pain in the legs below the knees, which should cause an immediate visit to the doctor for further treatment:

  • stiffness of leg movements;
  • difficulty in flexion and extension of the legs;
  • swelling, redness, cyanosis, suppuration, hematomas;
  • severe pain as a result of descending and climbing stairs;
  • sharp pain when stepping on the foot;
  • increasing pain accompanied by high fever;
  • pain that does not go away for several days;
  • sharp and cutting pains at the knees and below.

To determine the disease and its causes, the following research methods are used:

  • Ultrasound (ultrasound examination);
  • radiography (the process of studying the internal structure of joints, bones, organs or tissues using x-rays that reflect the overall picture on a special film);
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging);
  • CT (computed tomography);
  • CDS of the joints (procedure for detecting vascular diseases of the legs);
  • contrast angiography (x-ray of blood vessels);
  • radionuclide diagnostics (radiological examination of blood vessels for the presence of oncological diseases);
  • arthroscopy (a modern surgical procedure that is performed to diagnose and treat several groups of joints at once).

There is a method of examination through the use of osteopathy. The osteopath will provide comprehensive treatment not only to reduce the symptoms of diseases, but also to improve the health of the body as a whole.

Pain can be treated with medicines, exercise therapy and folk proven remedies.

Pain below the knees should be treated based on the cause of their occurrence. The basis of the fight against the syndrome is the use of drugs.

The doctor most often prescribes the following groups of drugs:

  • anti-inflammatory and painkillers (depending on the source of the problem);
  • decongestants;
  • vitamin preparations of groups B and D;
  • a course of trace elements - calcium, sodium, magnesium;
  • muscle relaxant drugs that lower muscle tone;
  • drugs to improve blood microcirculation;
  • hormones and cytostatics in connective tissue diseases;
  • anticoagulants for thrombosis;
  • insulin in diabetes.

Physiotherapy will help relieve pain, improve and normalize blood flow, and partially eliminate possible inflammation.

For pain below the knees, the following types of physiotherapy are prescribed:

  • ultraphonophoresis (increase pharmacological properties drug by ultrasonic vibrations);
  • magnetotherapy (treatment with electromagnetic fields);
  • laser treatment (a kind of physiotherapy using laser light);
  • wave therapy (impact on bone and connective tissue bone impulses of low frequency acoustics);
  • paraffin therapy (heat treatment method using heated pure paraffin);
  • mud therapy (treatment with the help of healing mud);
  • balneotherapy (treatment with mineral waters).

The simplest and most effective means traditional medicine to relieve pain in the legs below the knees are:

  • Herbal baths. Taking baths with chamomile grass, bay leaf, lime blossom eliminates the feeling of heaviness in the legs.
  • Chestnut tincture. To prepare the tincture, you will need vodka and chestnut fruits in a ratio of 50 grams of fruit per 500 milliliters of vodka. Combine all components in a glass container, cover and infuse in a dark and warm place for exactly a month. Tincture to rub sore feet.
  • Honey. Lubricate painful areas of the legs with fresh honey at night. Cover with a clean cloth and wrap with an elastic bandage. Honey eliminates the feeling of heaviness, relieves swelling and inflammation.
  • Comfrey tincture. Grind 250 grams of comfrey root and pour 1 liter of vodka. For 21 days, you need to insist the mixture in a dark, warm place. the container for the mixture should be glass and tightly closed. On day 22, the infusion should be drained. Store in refrigerator in a closed container. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals for a whole month.
  • Black radish. The root crop should be freshly grated and applied to the affected area of ​​​​the leg in the form of a compress.
  • Tansy. Great helper for gout and arthritis. A tablespoon of dried flowers and leaves of the plant, pour dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. You need to drink this infusion 2 times a day.
  • Aloe and oils. When stretched, muscle spasms and osteochondrosis. Mix fresh aloe juice with eucalyptus, menthol, camphor and clove oils. Rub the mixture into the sore spots of the legs and cover with a woolen cloth.
  • Pine nuts. Place the nut shells in a 0.5 liter glass bottle. Fill the shell with alcohol. Cork the bottle and insist for 20 days. The tincture is taken orally. Start with 2 drops and drink for 3 weeks (every day adding 1 drop to the dose), and then count reverse side until it reaches two drops again. The course ends.
  • Pumpkin jelly. Helps with the deposition of salts. Mix pumpkin juice with gelatin and raspberry syrup. Pour into 250g cups and refrigerate to set. Consume one 250-gram serving daily. Course 7 days.
  • Herbal collection. Relieves inflammation in the joints. Make an equal collection of leaves and flowers of immortelle, St. John's wort, succession, birch and bearberry. Grind dry raw materials. Brew like tea in a thermos at night. Drink the next day 100 milliliters before meals 3 times a day.

To avoid pain below the knees, it is worth doing the following:

  • nutrition should be balanced;
  • undergo a medical examination every six months;
  • take a course of full preventive massage once a year;
  • do gymnastics daily;
  • adjust your own weight based on your own height;
  • preventive physiotherapy (physiotherapy procedures can be aimed not only at the treatment of diseases, but also at the preventive improvement of blood circulation, cell regeneration).

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Not always a person pays attention to fatigue and pain in the legs. If the legs are aching below the knees, in front and behind, then this may indicate a number of diseases.

If we are talking about the area that is located below the knee joint, then we are talking about the lower leg. It consists of the tibia and fibula, muscles, including those located behind, as well as nerves and blood vessels. Pain may result from damage to one or more of these structures.

Causes of pain

Why do your legs still ache below the knees? This can happen for many reasons, let's consider the most common cases in clinical practice.

Micronutrient deficiency

A strict diet or refusal of food, poor nutrition, a violation of the function of absorption in the digestive organs and some other reasons can result in a lack of potassium, calcium or magnesium in the body. For this type of condition, the occurrence of pain and cramps in the back, in the calf muscle, is characteristic, especially at night. To alleviate suffering, a person is forced to massage the leg muscle. At severe insufficiency trace elements spasms can be predominantly behind, in the region of the lower leg, and above the knee, in the region of the thigh.

Physical overload of the leg muscles

It can occur with prolonged standing or walking, as well as during enhanced sports training. Especially often this phenomenon is observed with hypodynamia or excess weight with an increase in the load on the lower extremities, including below the knee. That is why doctors recommend exercising and losing weight to prevent the development of pathological conditions in the limbs.

Injuries and damage

Violation of tissue structure as a result of a fall, hard hit often end with stretching or rupture of muscles, cracks or fractures of bones. Subsequently, this manifests itself in the form of unpleasant sensations in the leg, mainly when the weather changes, in old age. This symptom is characterized by increased discomfort in the evening and at night.


As a result of hypothermia, myositis may occur, for which it is enough characteristic symptom is pain below the knee at the back. Inflammatory phenomena also occur in the ligaments or synovial bags.

Obliterating atherosclerosis

There is pain in violation of the patency of the arteries in the lower leg, and this happens due to tissue ischemia due to a decrease in the main blood flow in the arterial vessels due to a decrease in the lumen and deposition of cholesterol on inner wall. Increased pain manifests itself with prolonged load on the legs, for example, when walking. To improve the condition of such a patient, it is necessary to rest, and then move on.

In the future, as the pathological process develops, the length of the path is shortened, and more and more time is required for rest. The skin becomes dry, begins to peel off, the structure of the nails changes, trophic ulcers form. In the absence of assistance in the form of surgery, everything can end with gangrene and death of the patient.

Varicose veins and thrombosis

IN initial stage there is swelling at the end of the day, aching pain, which at first many take for fatigue, especially after prolonged standing, seizures are possible. Later, a characteristic dilatation of the veins joins.

With venous thrombosis, which often acts as a complication of varicose veins, there are:

  • increasing heaviness and pain in the lower extremities, localized in the affected area;
  • discoloration of the limb (redness, and then cyanosis);
  • pronounced edema;
  • increased temperature of the leg;
  • in the advanced stage, tissue necrosis develops.

Arterial thrombosis is characterized by:

  • rapid development (in a matter of hours);
  • numbness, blanching and decrease in temperature of the limb;
  • sharp pain in the lower leg.

Arthritis or arthrosis

In this case, pain occurs not only in the joint area, but sometimes in the leg below the knee. Sometimes in athletes it is observed with a lesion of the meniscus. In such cases, swelling of the inflamed area and impaired mobility of the limb in the joint join the pain syndrome.


Occurs against the background of deficiency or disturbance of calcium metabolism. The structure of the bones changes, they become brittle and brittle. The disease affects primarily women who have entered the menopause period. Pain can be noted not only below the joint, but also above it, behind the limb, as well as in any place that is affected by osteoporosis.


Violation of innervation with hyperesthesia in type 2 diabetes mellitus, smoking, chronic alcoholism. Occurs due to metabolic disorders. The pain is permanent and does not depend on physical activity. Often accompanied by a feeling of chilliness.

Other reasons

Often there are pains below and sometimes above the knee and due to other pathological conditions:

  1. Osteomyelitis. It is characterized by damage to bone tissue and has an infectious origin.
  2. Systemic diseases with damage to the arteries in the back of the leg.
  3. Neoplasms or metastases located in the lower leg area.
  4. Compression of nerve fibers due to pathological changes in the lumbar spine (hernia, pronounced osteochondrosis).
  5. Taking certain medications. Most often, these are cholesterol-lowering agents, corticosteroid hormones, and diuretics, and their use can lead to discomfort.

It becomes obvious that such symptoms in the lower extremities can occur not only due to ordinary fatigue. Often they precede the development of serious diseases, which is why it is so important to contact a specialist in time and not to start the disease.

Sooner or later, every person has such a problem: the legs hurt from the knee to the foot. There can be several reasons for this, from completely harmless to serious diseases, the treatment of which cannot be delayed. Therefore, if pain in the legs, localized below the knee, is alarming, you should immediately consult a doctor for further examination.

Causes and localization of pain

It is important to know! Doctors are shocked: “Effective and available remedy from pain in the joints exists ... "...

Causes generally fall into two broad categories: pain from overwork that goes away after rest; and pain caused by serious pathologies such as arthritis, vein diseases, and so on.

In most cases, the legs below the knees hurt on the side, back or front due to fatigue, a strong load on the legs after running, or improperly selected shoes and high heels in women. In a word, such factors can be easily eliminated, and the pain can be removed with the help of therapy, massage or relaxation. If there is one of these factors, you can not worry about the serious origin of discomfort in the legs. In order to reduce discomfort, you can resort to the help of folk remedies.

Another cause of severe pain is stretching of the muscles and ligaments below the knee joint. Of course, such a problem also needs to be eliminated, but it does not carry a potential danger. However, if the legs below the knees hurt for too long, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.

The lower leg consists of the tibia and fibula, the knee joint above and the ankle joint below. Bones are surrounded by muscles, numerous ligaments and nerves. Damage to all of these tissues can cause pain below the knee. In most cases, discomfort occurs due to the process of destruction of the joint, or its weakening. However, there is one more serious reason - varicose veins veins. It could also be nerve pain.

In some situations, for example, if a blood clot has formed in the leg, it is impossible to delay making an appointment with the doctor, since any moment can turn into an instant fatal outcome.

The main causes of discomfort in the legs are:

  • Injuries and damage to muscle tissue below the knee to the foot;
  • Neurogenic pain (sciatica);
  • Damage to the bones of the leg, knee joint, or bones of the foot;
  • venous thrombosis;
  • Arthrosis and arthritis of the joints;
  • Rupture of the popliteal cyst (Baker's cyst);
  • Thrombosis of superficial veins;
  • Postthrombophlebic syndrome;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Lymphostasis;
  • Squeezing the soft tissues of the leg below the knee and others.

Why there may be pain in the legs, you can also learn more from the video:

Varicose veins of deep and superficial veins

This disease is quite difficult to diagnose immediately, as it makes itself felt already on late stages development. It is mainly caused by excessive work of the circulatory system, in which too much a large number of fluids, veins dilate and cause pain in the legs, often at night. After, if the disease is not treated, so-called spider veins- dead veins and capillaries inside soft tissues that no longer function. Varicose veins are often confused with other diseases, such as high blood pressure. The main symptoms of varicose veins are:

  • Heaviness in the legs, which increases towards the foot;
  • Cramps in the legs;
  • Pain in the calves and other muscles of the leg from the knee to the foot;
  • Edema that appears towards the end of the day, especially if it was carried out on the feet and in uncomfortable shoes. Pass after a while after rest, especially in a horizontal position.

One of the causes of varicose veins is pregnancy, when the load on the legs, including the feet, increases greatly.

This disease develops rapidly. IN severe cases against its background, venous thrombosis occurs - a much more dangerous phenomenon that requires an urgent visit to the hospital. With it, the disease begins to progress even faster, and develops within a couple of days. The legs begin to unbearably hurt, go numb, whine, and the skin on them turns very red, and then turns blue. At the same time, the legs from below, in front and behind, swell strongly, pulsate, and become hot. Appears sharp pain which makes it impossible to walk.

If such a condition is let out of control and no measures are taken, after 3-4 days tissue death occurs, the skin on the legs turns white, since there is no more blood supply in it. In the best case, a person loses a leg, as gangrene forms, in the worst case, a fatal outcome occurs.

Discomfort below the knee due to nerve damage

Sometimes pains in the leg are neurogenic in nature, appear most often in the calves and have certain clear symptoms. Most often this occurs with lesions and pinching of the skin or sciatic nerve. A disease of this origin is very easy to distinguish from the rest.

The sciatic nerve is the largest and densest in human body. It passes through the skin, muscles, and other soft tissues of the leg. The nerve causes pain when it is destroyed, damaged or pinched as a result of injuries. In this case, the legs from the knee to the foot in men and women begin to hurt mainly on the back of the leg. Unpleasant sensations can be localized from the inside or outside legs. There is a burning sensation, tingling, aching and shooting pain, localized both in one and in both legs at once. There is also numbness or goosebumps in the lower extremities. All of these symptoms can spread to the knee and foot as well. Weakness and convulsions appear, a person is not able to perform elementary actions due to the pain that interferes with him.

Arthritis, arthrosis, joint damage

"Doctors hide the truth!"

Even “neglected” joint problems can be cured at home! Just don't forget to brush it once a day...

The lower leg is characterized as the distance between two joints - the knee and ankle. Both of them are very susceptible to various injuries. A huge load rests on the knee, the weight of the entire human body. With the passage of time, the articulation is erased, and closer to old age, problems begin with the destruction of the articular tissue, arthritis and arthrosis, the leg begins to hurt. Arthritis often affects not only the articular nodes, but, originating in them, passes to internal organs. The situation is aggravated if a person has an increased body weight, since in this case the pressure on the left and right knee increases many times over.

Doctor Lyudmila Ermolenko will tell you in more detail about arthrosis of the ankle joint:

The foot is also a very traumatic place: due to its complex structure, it breaks down very easily, including the ankle often tucked in the process of walking, sprains occur, and all this affects the joint in a negative way. The load is slightly less strong on this joint, however, since it is very thin, over the years it loses its performance and begins to hurt.

Symptoms of joint dysfunction:

  • Sharp and severe pain when moving the leg, which occurs in the articulation area and spreads along the nerves to the entire limb, dull pain is possible. However, this symptom is more pronounced in early stages; Since the onset of the disease, many patients do not attach importance to mild pain.
  • The crunch during movement speaks of the processes of destruction in the joint, which are restored only through long-term treatment.
  • The more the disease progresses, the less mobile the knee or ankle becomes: pain and destruction processes make it difficult to move at full strength.
  • Edema and other types of deformation are possible with the course of the disease.

Lack of vitamins and minerals

Everyone knows the great positive value trace elements, vitamins and minerals on the human body and on all its individual parts. well known in medicine big list diseases that develop precisely due to a lack of blood and tissues nutrients. If the leg hurts below the knee, perhaps this is the reason.

First of all, pain and discomfort can be caused by a lack of calcium, which is building element for bones. Magnesium is also important here, therefore, along with pain, strong prolonged cramps in the legs can occur, especially at night.

The patient also wonders why the legs below the knees hurt in front, behind or on the side, it may be worth measuring the level of sugar in the blood. Sometimes unpleasant feelings are provoked by diabetes mellitus, and this phenomenon is called polyneuropathy of the lower extremities. Especially often nagging pain in the legs occurs with diabetes stage 2 or more, when the disease affects not only the internal organs, but also the bones, nerves and muscle fibers. Sometimes it may appear strong feeling burning in front of the leg below the knee in the region of the tibial crest; numbness and cold limb syndrome occur, the leg can ache a lot. This disease is easy to recognize because the leg begins to hurt regardless of physical activity. The level of pain varies arbitrarily, but unpleasant feelings are always present.

There is an ailment called polyarthritis obliterans, when pain in the legs is caused by vasoconstriction and the formation of plaques on their walls. The patient feels severe pain in the leg and is unable to walk without limping. This is especially noticeable when standing or walking for a long time. Moreover, it is worth giving the legs a few minutes of rest, as the pain in the feet and lower legs disappears. However, this does not mean that medical assistance will not be needed in this situation. If treatment is postponed, the pains will intensify over time, ulcers appear on the skin, and pain accompanies the patient even in a state of complete rest.

Pain management and disease prevention

To get rid of discomfort in the legs, you need to resort to the help of a doctor. When nerves or soft tissues are damaged, they resort to therapy that will help restore them. It can be physiotherapy, taking medications, and so on. Serious surgical intervention should be resorted to only when the process of decay has begun in the leg. Everything else can be solved in more loyal ways. As mentioned above, some diseases are quite difficult to diagnose in the early stages, as they do not cause discomfort and pain. However, it is worth listening to your health and not ignoring the signals that the body sends, because pain is a clear sign that in some of the systems human body There has been an error that needs to be fixed.

Disease prevention

In order not to have to experience unpleasant pain, you need to pay attention to your body. First of all, it is necessary to exclude shoes that are not the right size, constant strong physical exertion on the legs, and you also need to monitor nutrition and follow a diet. It is useful to engage in physiotherapy exercises, sports, swimming, and take vitamins. It is worth limiting smoking and drinking alcohol.

For the treatment and prevention of DISEASES OF THE JOINTS and SPINE, our readers use the method of fast and non-surgical treatment recommended by the leading rheumatologists of Russia, who decided to oppose pharmaceutical lawlessness and presented a medicine that REALLY TREATS! We got acquainted with this technique and decided to bring it to your attention. Read more…

Neurologist M.M. Sperling talks about common neurological pain in the foot and lower leg:

How to forget about pain in the joints?

  • Joint pain limits your movement and life...
  • You are worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain ...
  • Perhaps you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams and ointments ...
  • But judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, they did not help you much ...

But orthopedist Valentin Dikul claims that indeed effective remedy for joint pain exists!

Pain and discomfort in the legs below the knees can be caused by various reasons, some of which are not as harmless as many assume. Complex disorders that provoke pain under the knee and down to the feet cannot be ignored in order to avoid aggravating the situation. It is better to diagnose and eliminate diseases in a timely manner, as well as to engage in prevention.

Physiology of leg pain

The degree of pain depends on the specific disease, but relatively harmless factors are not excluded, including excessive exercise and long walks. In such cases it is enough good rest to get rid of the discomfort.

If pain in the knee joint, calves or the entire bone up to the foot occurs frequently and causes noticeable discomfort, it is necessary to go to the clinic for diagnosis. Let's take a closer look at the provoking factors below, but first consider common causes pain.

There is also pain in the legs that makes it difficult to move. At rest, it subsides, and when walking becomes aggravated. Probably, the matter is in the beginning of the development of thrombophlebitis of superficial or deep veins. Depending on their location, the pain is localized in front, behind or on the side. The pain is aching and internal.

If pain occurs in the muscles between the foot and knee (right, left, front - it doesn't matter) - look for the cause in external injuries of a particular area (bruises, hematomas, bumps). In this case, the discomfort is constant aching, and when you touch the affected area, they become aggravated.

Do not exclude functional pathologies in which muscles or bones hurt during the day. Discomfort is noticed at rest, but during activity it is not. Changes in joints, muscle tissue, blood vessels and even nerves inside the lower leg are possible. Next, consider special cases in which the legs hurt from the knee to the foot.

Varicose veins

Varicose veins are a common disease that causes pain in the lower extremities. Many women are familiar with the violation caused by walking in stilettos. At the initial stages, the disease is difficult to recognize, because the symptoms are easy to confuse with fatigue. Signs of varicose veins include:

  • swelling of the legs in the evening;
  • dull pain in the legs below the knee (usually on the inside);
  • light short convulsions.

The pain subsides if you keep your legs horizontal. Women with varicose veins of the lower leg often see a doctor late, so treatment does not begin on time.


The defeat of blood vessels by thrombosis is accompanied by pain inside from the knees and down to the feet. Doctors divide these disorders into two types:

  • venous thrombosis;
  • arterial.

Both have unique symptoms and course. With the arterial form, acute pains appear quickly, the leg below the knee becomes numb and turns white due to poor blood supply. If you notice this, immediately call an ambulance, as tissue necrosis develops in a matter of hours, and the leg may die. The venous form develops for 3-5 days and makes itself felt by a number of signs:

  • severe arching pain inside the legs below the knees;
  • on the fourth day tissue necrosis occurs;
  • on the fifth or sixth gangrene develops.

Inflammatory processes are dangerous with consequences, so do not delay contacting a doctor.


The disease occurs against the background of diabetes mellitus, which affects bones, tissues and even nerve endings. In some cases, severe pain in the lower leg is the only sign indicating the development of diabetes.

Polyneuropathy is a dangerous pathology in which the patient is overcome by constant, not passing pain in the legs below the knees. Sensitivity may be dulled and numbness may develop.

Most often, with polyneuropathy, a sharp pain and burning sensation in the legs below the knee is localized from the outside in the back or in front, but there are exceptions. Professional diagnosis is required before starting treatment.


There is a disease called atherosclerosis obliterans. The point is a violation of blood flow in the calf muscles due to vasoconstriction. The patient's legs hurt from the knees to the feet, and at first the discomfort occurs after a long walk or as a result of long physical exertion.

Gradually, the disease progresses and the pain in the calves intensifies, not disappearing even in calm state. Later, if you do not start treating the pathology, non-healing sores form, the skin flakes off and the nails change. The next stage in the development of the disease is tissue necrosis and gangrene, and in advanced cases due to tissue death, the limb has to be amputated.

When identifying symptoms of atherosclerosis, go to the doctor. You will probably need the help of a surgeon to perform the operation.

Nutrient deficiency

When a child has pain in the legs below the knees, the reasons may be a lack of trace elements in the diet. Of course, adults are not immune from this either. The body of each person requires a certain amount of salts, calcium, potassium and other components.

Lack of trace elements and vitamins or their imbalance can lead to aching pains in the legs below the knees - this is how the body signals a problem. In addition to pain, there are cramps in the calves after physical exertion and at rest (for example, at night).

Getting injured

If, when walking, the legs below the knees hurt in front or behind, inside or outside, and only the left or right limb may hurt, the reason lies in the injury. Inflammation of muscle tissue is also possible.

If you're not injured, it's possible that you've been training hard, resulting in a buildup of lactic acid, which irritates pain receptors. It is not difficult to cope with discomfort - a good rest and a light massage are enough.

If the injury is more serious and is associated with a sprain or muscle tissue, sharp or aching pain haunts for some time. The traumatologist will assess the severity of the situation and exclude a bone fracture based on the results of an x-ray.

How to treat pain in this case, every doctor and an experienced athlete will tell you: it is enough to exclude loads for several days.

If there is a fracture, pain below the knee may be localized in front inside on the left or right leg(depending on the injury). When a bone is broken, there will be severe sharp pain and swelling will occur (sometimes not immediately). In this case, it will not be possible to do without gypsum.

When to see a doctor?

Remember why the bones or muscles of the legs below the knees hurt, and also figure out what symptoms you need to immediately contact the clinic for diagnosis and prescribing a course of therapy:

  • the mobility of the legs is strongly constrained;
  • you cannot bend-unbend the limb (it hurts a lot in the knee, below the knee, in the foot);
  • there was redness, swelling, severe bruising;
  • stepping on the foot, you feel a sharp pain;
  • leg hurts below the knee when going down / climbing stairs;
  • pain lasts for several days;
  • the temperature has risen.

Each of the symptoms identified in a child or adult, if the legs hurt below the knees, indicates dangerous pathologies and diseases. Without medical care can't get by.

Who to contact?

Each disease, due to which heaviness and pain in the legs occurs in men, women and children, has its own specifics. What to do if the leg hurts below the knee inside or outside, on the side or behind? Of course, go to the doctor for an examination. In ordinary clinics, contact therapists.

The doctor will ask about the symptoms, palpate and find out the nature of the pain. If necessary, redirect to narrowly specialized doctors:

  • ordinary surgeon;
  • vascular surgeon;
  • orthopedist;
  • traumatologist;
  • phlebologist.

If the symptoms appear mainly in the evening and at night, you feel tired, an orthopedist will help. Helps with atherosclerosis vascular surgeon, and when different kind injuries - traumatologist.

Diagnostic procedures

Before starting the treatment of pain in the lower extremities from the knees down to the feet, a diagnostic examination is required. It includes many procedures depending on the symptoms and complaints of the patient:

  • analysis of urine and blood;
  • checking biochemical parameters;
  • x-ray examination;
  • magnetic resonance and computed tomography;
  • electromyography;
  • angiography.

With the exception of the most difficult, confusing situations in which the legs hurt from the knees to the feet, doctors prescribe 1-2 examinations to confirm the diagnosis.

What is the treatment like?

Having found out why there was a strong or aching pain, the doctor determines what and how to treat it? When the reason is a deficiency of trace elements and vitamins, and you are worried aching pain and cramps that haunt the calves of the legs, the doctor will prescribe pharmacy complexes to make up for the deficiency of nutrients.

If the pain occurs below the knee in front, the tissues of the tendon or joints are most likely inflamed. This often happens to athletes who receive microtrauma in training. With such symptoms, a sparing training regimen, wearing tight bandages, taking anti-inflammatory and painkillers are required.

Aching and debt pain from the outside or inside is a sign of inflammatory processes, arthritis or arthrosis. To relieve symptoms and treatment, painkillers and anti-inflammatory ointments and other external agents are required.

Taking into account the symptoms and nature of pain, patient complaints and a number of other factors, the doctor may prescribe medications the following groups:

  • painkillers and anti-inflammatory;
  • to relieve swelling;
  • vitamin complexes (mainly with vitamins B and D);
  • anticoagulants, if the cause is thrombosis;
  • intake of trace elements (especially sodium, calcium, magnesium);
  • means for the normalization of blood circulation;
  • muscle relaxants to reduce muscle tone;
  • cytostatics and hormonal agents if the connective tissues are affected.

As an adjunctive therapy for pain below the knees on the inside and outside, doctors prescribe physiotherapy treatment:

  • magnetotherapy;
  • ultraphonophoresis;
  • paraffin therapy;
  • laser treatment;
  • wave therapy;
  • balneotherapy;
  • mud treatment.

Preventive measures

Now you know why your legs hurt from your knees to your feet in the evening or during the day and how to treat them. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with preventive measures that will prevent violations and prevent the situation from starting if the pathology has already been detected:

  • stop wearing shoes high heels;
  • do not sit cross-legged and do not take other poses that compress blood vessels;
  • treat flat feet when the first signs of it are detected (especially in a child, before it's too late);
  • control body weight and prevent obesity;
  • don't wear tight pants;
  • go for walks regularly;
  • walk barefoot more often;
  • watch the water-salt balance.

Perhaps this is a vascular disease, thrombophlebitis. Then you need ointments based on horse chestnut. If the pain is of a rheumatic nature, then rubbing and ointments with a warming effect. that with thrombophlebitis is contraindicated. If the pain occurs in the heat, then cool baths and wraps will bring relief. In general, there is nothing better than lilac tincture - its action relieves almost all pain in the legs. Only now you need to make it yourself. CAT

Why do my legs hurt below the knees?

Cardiovascular diseases, in addition to swelling of the lower extremities and thrombophlebitis conditions, cause obliterating pains. This is a special type of atherosclerosis of the vessels of the circulatory system. If the legs below the knees hurt, this is a consequence of a violation of the main blood flow in the arteries, especially the lower leg. The lumen in them narrows due to plaques, the inner lumen becomes narrow. There is pain in the calf muscles and intermittent claudication is observed. The disease does not allow long walks or walking distances, which makes the patient sit down, rest, and then the pain symptoms decrease. If the disease develops, then over time, the sensation of pain is not left alone. An important symptom is dry skin, peeling or hyperkeratosis. If you pay attention to such moments in time, you can avoid serious complications, which will lead to the operation.​

These include osteochondrosis of all sections of the spinal column, sciatica, lumbalgia. If the lumbar spine is damaged, especially if there is a hernia or protrusion of the disc, then pain may occur along the nerve roots-branches, on the right or left leg. This type of pain is aggravated by turning, bending, awkward movements and occurs in the lower leg, can be given to the foot. Often it is accompanied by numbness of the limb, which is already in itself alarm symptom.​

Therapy of osteoarthritis consists in pain relief and restoration of the affected tissues of the joint and its components, as well as the restoration of motor function. To begin with, if possible, the cause of the disease is found out, and if it is established, then there is a need to eliminate it. For example, the cause of osteoarthritis is overweight, then the patient is invited to lose weight. In addition to drug treatment, the doctor prescribes additional therapeutic measures: physiotherapy, acupuncture, massage, physiotherapy exercises and others.

An unstable position of the knee joint is felt.

Excess weight provokes damage to the joints.

Neoplasm under the knee (Becker's cyst).

Also taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

This category includes dislocations, bone fractures and diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis, inflammation of the knee menisci. If the leg bone hurts below the knee, then this is an alarming symptom, because, unlike muscle pain, this is usually a sign of a serious illness or injury.

Lower leg

Probably a bruise, for sure, she herself did not notice how she hit

Treatment of pain in the legs below the knee

A lack of vitamins (hypoavitaminosis), especially if the patient is a fan of strict diets, can lead to pain in the legs, which are especially acute at night. They are accompanied by cramps in the calf muscles, in the top. This indicates a lack of elements of potassium, iron, magnesium. This is easily corrected with the help of multivitamin complexes, a proper balanced diet.

Flat feet can also be attributed to this form of causes. If you do not wear special orthopedic shoes or an insole, then the patient gives pain not only to the foot, but also to the lower leg, knee. The development of flat feet should be monitored from childhood and therapeutic and preventive measures should be taken in time: gymnastics, massage, wearing arch supports.

If a person’s activity involves monotonous leg movements that affect the structure of the knee joint, then a warm-up should be introduced during breaks. This disease is mostly inherent in boys aged 11 to 18 years, especially it occurs in those who are actively involved in sports. The essence of Schlatter's disease is that the tuberosity of the tibia is injured, which in adolescents is still in a loose state.

When sprained tendons or ligaments, first aid is the same. To begin with, cold is applied to the damaged area. Then it is necessary to immobilize the joint with a splint or elastic bandage and place it in an elevated position. If the patient is in severe pain, then painkillers can be given. Seek help from a doctor.​

There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of pain under the knee, but they are mainly associated with inflammatory or traumatic injuries of the tendons. Similar symptoms of pain in the legs below the knees, see here. If the leg hurts under the knee, then this is mainly due to damage or inflammatory disease tendons. Tendons are very susceptible to sprains, injury, inflammation or tearing. Although they are strong, they cannot stretch much. In addition to the fact that acute pain under the knee can occur due to tendon disease, it can also appear as a result of serious diseases. For example, meniscus rupture or fracture of the patella, dislocation or inflammation of the periosteum. Mostly, athletes suffer from tendon diseases. There are even special definitions of diseases for a particular sport: "runner's syndrome", "jumper's knee" or "swimmer's knee". But these diseases are confirmed by those who are not engaged in active physical exercises and even children. Pain under the knee can also be caused by varicose veins, which are accompanied by heaviness, pulsation, or pulling pain under the knee. Uncomfortable shoes that do not allow the knee joint to bend normally can also provoke a tendon sprain.


Pain under the knee

Sprain or rupture.

Causes of knee pain

  • Aching prolonged pain in the leg below the knee, as a rule, is a symptom of a developing inflammatory process, arthrosis, arthritis, rheumatoid condition. Symptoms can be directly relieved by using ointments with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Vascular and nerve damage
  • - this is a part of the leg from the knee to the heel, the pain in which can be caused by a lesion of any of its components: muscles, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels, periosteum. Therefore, pain in the legs below the knee is a fairly common phenomenon, and they can occur for a variety of reasons. In most cases, such pain is episodic, often not requiring serious treatment and caused by excessive physical activity or micronutrient deficiencies. But this problem can also occur due to injury and illness.​
  • ​Personal Account Removed​
  • In general, whatever the reasons, it is necessary to seek qualified medical help in order to avoid consequences, to choose a treatment strategy.
  • Arthrosis and arthritis of the lower extremities, bursitis of the knee joints is reflected in pain and edematous syndromes. The pain may be different nature, very often accompanied by swelling, redness, occurs when moving or at rest, at night. The left or right half of the whole body suffers more, sometimes only the limbs. Morning pain often occurs in people prone to rheumatoid arthritis, gout. Strongly restricting movement, it passes only after a warm-up. Sometimes the patient has to spend several minutes in bed to warm up and only then he can get up.
  • In case of damage to the knee, it is recommended to immobilize or reduce the load on the knee as much as possible for at least two days.
  • The disease begins with tenderness in the area of ​​the knee joint and pain occurs when moving, especially when squatting or bending the knee. Severe pain under the knee appear when kneeling. During the development of the disease, growths near the knee joint and swelling below the knee may appear.
  • In general, the treatment of ligaments occurs in several stages and can last from several weeks to several months. If the sprain was mild or average form, then impose elastic bandage. In the event of a ligament or tendon rupture, a cast is applied. To reduce and relieve swelling, it is recommended to use ice every three to four hours for twenty minutes. When lying down, the knee should be above the level of the heart, so it is best to lay it on a pillow. IN drug treatment may include analgesic and anti-inflammatory tablets and medicines to restore the joint itself. Crutches or a brace may be needed to get around. After the swelling subsides, treatment can be continued with various compresses or heating pads to increase joint mobility. Simultaneously with thermal treatment, massage is recommended. To fully restore the functionality of the joint requires rehabilitation treatment in the form of physiotherapy and physiotherapy exercises.
  • It is very difficult for a non-professional to distinguish the symptoms of ligament pain from tendon pain. With a sharp movement, not only the sprain of the ligaments, but also the tendons can occur. In either case, severe pain begins, swelling appears and movement becomes difficult. When the tendons are damaged, the color of the skin changes less than when the ligaments are injured. When a tendon ruptures, a crackling sound can be heard, after which the functioning of the muscle stops, and the lower leg ceases to unbend. Consider the main symptoms of a sprain:
  • Displacement or fracture of the popliteal cup.
  • Considering that pain in the legs can have a very different origin, in cases where acute pain does not stop for more than 2-3 days or constantly increases, is accompanied by swelling, limits mobility, you should immediately consult a doctor, and not self-medicate.
  • Venous thrombosis, varicose veins, narrowing of blood vessels, pinched and damaged nerves.

Consider the main reasons why the legs below the knees may hurt.

Tendon pain under the knee or ligament pain under the knee

This means that sex should be done lying down, not standing up ..

  • Lucy
  • Most of all, pain below the knees is manifested in persons prone to congestion in the veins. Such pains are pronounced, the same in manifestations:
  • In order not to hurt under the knee, it is necessary to protect the knee itself from hypothermia.
  • ​When mild case diseases, it is recommended to reduce or eliminate a large load on the joint (avoid jumping, running, squatting). If the pains are repeated regularly, then the diseased joint is immobilized with a splint for two months until the pain disappears. If the initial treatment fails and the pain persists, then the joint is operated on and excess inert growths are removed.
  • One of the common problems of the knee joint and the occurrence of pain under the knee is torn menisci. An awkward sudden movement or long-term squatting creates an additional load that can lead to a torn meniscus. Only specialists can diagnose a meniscus rupture and distinguish it from a normal bruise. But there are signs by which it can be assumed that the menisci are injured. Based on them, it is urgent to contact the surgeon. Signs of a meniscus injury:​
  • Movement of the knee is difficult or impossible. If the ligaments are completely torn, then the knee becomes very mobile.

First aid

Inflammation or rupture of tendons.


Many people complain that they have pain in the legs below the knees. Such pains appear for many reasons. The knee joint, being the largest and most complex joint in the human body, is subjected to everyday stress, often subject to various kinds of inflammation, injury and damage.​

Meniscus injury

Other reasons

  • Damage to the muscles of the leg
  • ​Personal Account Removed​

Be sure to undergo an x-ray - there may have been a bruise or a crack.. You young man will take this phenomenon seriously ..)))). Actually, I read it a long time ago. that men who drink a lot of alcohol during a hangover have a sore leg bone (withdrawal) This is a strange phenomenon! ! Hope this doesn't apply to you..


Starting gradually (up to 10 days), then they become more pronounced and permanent;

Symptoms of the disease

Complaints of patients that their legs hurt below the knees often manifest themselves at stages when the disease is already developing. In the initial period, few betray this fact due attention. These pains can be at night or in the evening, are not associated with an overload of the body, do not depend on weather conditions. Pain sensations can be different in strength and intensity, in sensations and perception. They affect both the foot and the lower leg, bringing suffering. Why do my legs hurt below the knees? Let's try to figure it out.


In medicine, the patella is called the patella, which is located in front of the knee joint. This is a very small bone that protects the knee joint.​

Schlatter's disease

The leg does not bend or unbend;


If you press on the knee, then there are sharp pains.


Softening or deformation of the articular cartilage.

Fracture of the patella

​Injuries of a traumatic nature caused by physical exertion or as a result of improper warm-up before long active workouts.​

Fracture symptoms

This list includes causes that are not directly the result of damage to the legs below the knees, but can cause pain in them. These factors are violation water-salt balance in the body, inflammation of the subcutaneous adipose tissue, sciatica, pregnancy.

First aid

First of all, these are great physical exertion, which can cause muscle pain, and sometimes severe cramps. In addition, cramps in the calf muscles can be caused by a lack of certain trace elements in the body (potassium, calcium, magnesium). These causes of pain in the muscles of the legs below the knee are quite easy to eliminate. More serious are the cases of inflammation in the muscles, as well as pain caused by various injuries and sprains.


Well, if you didn’t hit, then maybe you, like your grandmothers, are aching for bad weather.


Preventive measures for knee pain

  • A feeling of heaviness appears in the legs, the pain becomes bursting from all sides of the lower leg, especially where there is an affected venous artery;
  • First of all, it should be noted that the lower part of the limb of the leg consists of two large joints: the ankle and knee, and on the foot - those associated with the fingers. The lower leg is divided by physicians into two sections: anterior and posterior. They are delimited in front by the tibia, its inner edge, behind - by the part of the fibula, which includes the ankle. lower limbs richly supplied with blood vessels, nerve endings, muscles and ligaments. Depending on the localization of pain, sensations, associated complications, during the examination, it is possible to find causes that reflect characteristics. What exactly can give pain - only a specialist doctor knows the answer.
  • Suspicion of a fracture of the patella can be suspected if the leg under the knee in front constantly hurts, and the pain especially increases when leaning on the sore leg or trying to stretch it. There is swelling, and sometimes deformation of the knee joint occurs. As a rule, after a calyx fracture, a bruise appears, which can eventually move to the foot.
  • There was a feeling that there was a click and the knee joint was jammed.


During the movement, a crunch and clicks are heard.

Anatomical features

Varicose veins

Physical exercise

Injuries resulting from a bruise, fall, impact.

Pain can be different in type, frequency and place of occurrence, but it is always an unpleasant sensation, because if the leg hurts below the knee, then, naturally, it has to be treated.

Traumatic injuries

Ligament and tendon injury

Diseases of the spine


First you need to take an x-ray. No normal doctor will give you advice just like that.

Inflammatory processes

The limb changes color, becomes purple, the right or left side swells strongly;

Stagnation in the veins

Often, professional duties force you to be in the same position. These are teachers, salespeople, workers at the machine tool, hairdressers. By evening, the legs swell, they hurt a lot, especially below the knee. Due to congestion associated with work, pain can bring unbearable agony.

  • First you need to immobilize the leg and apply ice. Consult a doctor.​
  • It should be noted that with a prolonged injury to the menisci in a calm state, pain may not occur, but only appear during descent. Over time, damaged menisci lead to the destruction of articular cartilage, so you should see a doctor as soon as possible. After the diagnosis of meniscus rupture is made, surgery is mandatory. Even experienced surgeons cannot immediately identify a meniscus tear. To diagnose a meniscus injury, it is recommended to use magnetic resonance imaging, since x-rays show only bones, and with ultrasound, you can only see damage to the joint by 50-60%.​
  • A hematoma appears slightly below the damaged area.
  • Various diseases in the hip joint.

Inflammatory processes in the joint or periarticular bag: arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis, bursitis.

Obliterating atherosclerosis

​The easiest problem to fix is ​​muscle pain or cramps. If they are the result of physical overstrain, then no specific treatment with the exception of massage and sparing regime are not required. If the legs below the knee hurt at night, and cramps occur, then this symptom is most likely caused by a deficiency of trace elements and requires taking vitamin preparations.

Metabolic disorders

The most common cause in this case is a sprain. But there are options for damage and inflammation of the ligaments and tendons, usually requiring long-term treatment (for example, ruptures).

Maybe she pulled a muscle.


The leg hurts below the knee, in front of the bone ... (((((((((((

The pain is so intense that it is impossible to step on the foot.

Quite often, athletes have pain sensations who withstand super-strong loads on the joints and bones due to jumping, running, strength training. Such pain can be acute or constant, aching. In these cases, only unloading of the joints, frequent changes in body position helps. This is done to properly distribute blood flow within the body.

The treatment of a patella fracture is determined by the nature of the fracture and the displacement of fragments. Fractures can be stable or unstable. With stable fractures, there is no tendency to displacement; with unstable fractures, displacement has already occurred or will occur in the future. If there is no displacement of fragments, then treatment occurs in a conservative way. A plaster or orthosis is applied to the knee joint for up to 6 weeks. If there is even a slight displacement of fragments, then operating method fragments combine and restore the surface of the joint, after which the cup is fixed. A fracture of the patella is a very serious and severe injury. Subsequently, such a fracture may develop arthrosis, in which there will be pain in the joint.

My legs hurt, the third day, below the knee, in front of the bones.. what would it mean and how to treat?

One of the common diseases of the knee joint is osteoarthritis, which can lead to deformity of the knee joint and immobility of the knee as a whole. Osteoarthritis is a disease chronic nature, in which the cartilage of the joint is gradually destroyed and mobility is impaired. This disease people over 40 are most affected. Mostly women who are overweight. Excess weight puts a lot of stress on all joints of the legs, including the knee. Also, the development of the disease is associated with a violation of metabolic and hormonal processes. In people over 60, this disease is caused by age-related changes and aging of the joints. At this age, self-healing of cartilage tissue no longer occurs.

The damaged area swells.

Schlatter's disease.

Infectious processes: venereal diseases or psoriasis.

If the leg hurts below the knee in front, then this most often indicates an inflammatory process in the tissues of the tendon or joints, the development of which is usually associated with sports and the resulting microtraumas. With such symptoms, the most sparing regimen is prescribed, up to the application of fixing bandages, and

Injuries and diseases of bones and joints

I had that. This is rheumatism. It happens even in children and adults even more so. Apply ointment for rheumatism to the legs and place them on an elevated place, such as a pillow. You need to rest at least for the evening. Then smear the ointment for a week. Helps.​

In especially dangerous cases, such phenomena can lead to gangrene and limb amputation. With this nature of the disease, trophic ulcers with purulent discharge can often occur, which also requires immediate medical intervention. Similar symptoms may be associated with manifestations of cardiac pathology. The only difference is that swelling appears on two legs at the same time.

Sometimes an injury that can be suffered in childhood makes itself felt in the form of a pain syndrome. Any mechanical damage are especially reflected in the structure of the bone and ligament. Over time, inflammatory processes appear in front or on the back of the lower leg, swelling is found in place traumatic injury. Therefore, any injury must be treated necessarily and periodically carried out. preventive procedures to avoid consequences.​

An article on the topic of pain under the knee from behind, see the link.

Osteoarthritis causes pain under the kneecap, a feeling of discomfort, rapid fatigue of the legs, difficult movement of the knee, swelling and deformity of the knee may appear. On last stage diseases appear severe pain under the knee and in the knee itself, the muscles around the knee become atrophied. Movement becomes severely limited or even impossible. It is possible to cure the disease at this stage only by implanting the knee joint.​