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My stomach hurts at night once a month. Cutting pain in the lower abdomen in women. Let's figure out why your stomach may hurt at night and what to do about it

Stomach hurts at night, what are the causes of this symptom? In most cases, there is a parallel sensation constant hunger which stops after a person eats not a large number of food.

Painful sensations at night are of the following types:

  1. Psychogenic. This symptom occurs with constant or frequent stress. Pain appears, which manifests itself as a signal of suspiciousness and anxiety.
  2. Parietal. Occurs when the peritoneum is irritated, as well as a clear location. It hurts very much, especially when moving and breathing.
  3. Neurogenic. The pain appears in the form of lumbago. They appear and then disappear again.
  4. Visceral. Painful sensations arise due to irritation of the nerve fibers that are located in the abdominal cavity. This may be renal, intestinal or renal colic.

Basic pain

Pain that is accompanied by cramps and can have completely different intensity. Night pain in the stomach, the causes are as follows:

  1. Gas formation.
  2. Experienced stress.
  3. Very intense intestinal peristalsis.
  4. Infectious inflammation.

Why do these processes occur? Pain occurs due to changes in organs. For example, with the appearance of pancreatitis, abscesses, and gallstone disease. It can manifest itself in the form of cutting, burning and sharpness.

Root cause and symptoms

The pain intensifies when moving. In parallel, in addition to stomach problems, disruption of the intestines and pancreas may occur.

Based on the symptoms, you can determine which disorders of the internal organs lead to the appearance of such a symptom as stomach pain at night.

For example, if the temperature rises additionally, then it is quite possible that there is an intestinal infection or a blockage of the biliary tract occurs.

It is necessary to pay attention to whether the color of stool and urine has changed. In some cases, blood clots may even appear in the feces.

Stressful situations very often negatively affect a person’s general condition, including leading to disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Stomach pain, frequent bowel movements or constipation, bloating - very often this is a consequence of a previously transferred drug.

How to respond to pain in the stomach

At night, the human digestive system operates in sleep mode. The pancreas produces much less enzymes, and the intestines remove waste substances from the body much more slowly.

It is absolutely understandable for all people to experience pain during the day, because the internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract are active. Moreover, the main meal occurs at night, just like poisoning of the body.

The body reacts to external stimuli in the same way: with a spasm muscle tissue. In this regard, painful sensations arise that accompany any disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

If there is pain, it is necessary to determine the dysfunction of the digestive system, as well as diagnose the body and carry out the necessary recovery technique.


The most common cause of abdominal pain is the appearance of a stomach ulcer. In most cases, young people, as well as middle-aged people, are at risk.

A gastric ulcer is a disorder of the wall of the esophagus, stomach or intestines. During an exacerbation, an inflammatory process occurs around the ulcer.

In most cases, the main cause of stomach ulcers is the bacterium Helicobacter pylory, the inflammatory process occurs as a defense of the body.

Additionally, the following symptoms may occur:

  1. It hurts when a person has not eaten. Hunger pain in the stomach can be caused by irritation of nerve fibers by the acidic contents of the stomach.
  2. Stomach pain appears in the upper abdomen, usually 2 hours after eating.
  3. Increased appetite, which is associated with the fact that after eating a person’s pain decreases.

There is only one method for identifying an ulcer - doing a gastroscopy. The procedure takes several minutes, but is not very pleasant. All operating instructions must be strictly followed.

It is imperative to undergo a course of treatment to avoid aggravation of the situation, and sometimes even surgical intervention.

Colon dysfunction

The second most common cause of pain at night is colon disease. This may manifest itself due to the presence of tumors, inflammation, or other serious pathologies.

Night stomach pain is one of the typical symptoms the appearance of inflammatory processes in the colon, as well as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis.

These 3 diseases are very similar in symptoms and have the following clinical manifestations:

  1. Transfers with mucus, blood or purulent manifestations.
  2. A sharp increase in body temperature and chills.
  3. Pain in joints, muscle tissue and abdomen.

These diseases occur in middle-aged people. If problems in the stomach were detected in a timely manner, then with the help of medications the problem can be eliminated with the help of medications.

But when time has been lost, and the disease develops rapidly, then surgical intervention is necessary, which involves removing part of the colon.

Very often, pain occurs due to the appearance of cancer. This is especially dangerous for people whose loved ones have suffered from cancer.

It is necessary to undergo testing for the presence increased amount cancer cells, if you have the following symptoms:

  • Dramatic weight loss.
  • Appetite worsens or disappears completely.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Completely abstain from meat.
  • The appearance of blood or pus in the stool.

The presence of a disease such as irritable bowel syndrome is considered very common. This disorder was only recently identified as a disease. With this disease, frequent periods alternate with constipation.

Additionally, abdominal cramps may occur. This disease can be overcome with the help of medications such as: Duspatalin, Buscopan, No-shpu.

Other causes of stomach pain at night

There are other reasons for pain during the night. Some of them require medication or hospitalization in the intensive care unit of a hospital.

For example, upper stomach pain in older people may be a symptom of myocardial infarction.

At the same time, there is an increase blood pressure, vomiting, nausea. This is especially dangerous for people who suffer from diabetes.


The diagnosis of the disease can only be determined by a doctor. He listens to the patient’s symptoms, finds out how often the patient experiences pain and prescribes the necessary tests. It is necessary to donate blood for tests, undergo an ultrasound of internal organs, and also undergo fibrogatroduodenoscopy.

X-ray of the esophagus using barium. It is necessary to undergo an examination in order to determine the presence of ulcers in the walls of the stomach.

Additionally, it is advisable to undergo testing for the presence of bacteria. Helicobacter pylori.

First aid and treatment in the stomach area

If stomach pain occurs at night, the patient should consult a doctor in order to determine the disease for which it is necessary to undergo treatment.

Treatment at home can have a negative impact on the body. But in case of intense pain, first aid must be provided. First, you need to stop eating for several hours. When you feel hungry, you need to drink a cup of tea.

To reduce pain in the stomach, it is necessary to take a horizontal position so that the patient is comfortable.

Stomach pain can be eliminated with ice water. You need to act carefully so as not to harm the body. To do this, take a few sips of cold water.

You can also muffle the increased acidity of the stomach with the help of not too fatty broth or add mint. It must be remembered that the stomach should not be empty during the day.

Each person’s body is individual, so treatment is prescribed individually by a specialist. The most important treatment for pain at night is taking medications, as well as dietary nutrition.

How to treat your stomach at home

Why do most people now try to use traditional methods? They have a very large number of positive nuances. For example, minimal side effects.

  1. Plantain juice. You need to take 200 grams of plantain juice. You need to drink it within 24 hours. Plantain will help eliminate painful sensations. The stomach will stop hurting a few days after you start taking the juice.
  2. Cucumber juice. It is also very good at relieving spasm and throbbing pain. Take a teaspoon before meals. A cucumber diet or fasting days have a positive effect on stomach health.
  3. St. John's wort juice. This juice helps calm nerve fibers. You need to consume it one tablespoon at a time.
  4. Infusion of meadowsweet. It is necessary to fill the flowers with 300 grams boiled water and leave it in a dark, warm place for several hours.

If treatment does not bring the desired result, then more radical measures must be taken. For example, surgical intervention. Night pain in the stomach, the causes of treatment will be determined by the doctor himself.

Among the problems associated with gastroenterology, the most common are stomach pains that occur at night. This symptom causes significant discomfort because it deprives you of proper sleep. What causes abdominal pain? And how to get rid of them?

Nature of night discomfort

If pain occurs in the epigastric region at night, it is necessary to understand the reasons for its formation. The attending physician can make an accurate diagnosis. In this case, the localization of pain, its intensity and the etiology of the pathological process should be taken into account.

Night abdominal pain can occur due to the following diseases:

Also, unpleasant sensations in the abdominal cavity can be neurotic in nature and arise due to conflict situations and stress.

If pain occurs, it is necessary to pay attention to the duration of the syndrome, its nature and intensity. As a rule, adopting the fetal position helps relieve pain.

Night pain can have an unbearable dagger-like, flaccid, aching, dull form. Colic and spasms often occur. Colic usually signals that the evacuation function of the intestines is impaired. Dagger-like pain in the stomach is especially dangerous. This sign may indicate an ulcer, peritonitis or appendicitis. In such a situation, you must immediately call ambulance, and apply cold to the stomach.

Etiology of the disease

Before starting therapy, it is necessary to establish the causes of symptoms. A full examination, tests and consultation with a gastroenterologist will help determine the diagnosis.

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If the duration of unpleasant sensations is several minutes, you can usually not worry. In order to get rid of such symptoms, it is enough to reconsider your diet. If the pain lasts more than an hour, you should immediately go to the hospital to get help.

The causes of stomach pain that occurs at night may be the following:

  • Cramps are observed during indigestion as a result of disturbances in the acid-base balance.
  • Painful abdominal sensations occur due to excessive production of gastric secretions.
  • Due to incomplete bowel emptying.
  • Presence of irritable bowel syndrome, biliary dyskinesia.
  • Unbalanced diet. Abuse of fatty, spicy, fried, smoked and pickled foods.
  • Products rich in cholesterol can cause active advancement of gallstones.
  • As a result of individual intolerance to products: lactose, milk.

Qualified diagnostics will help to identify provoking factors.

Diagnostic measures and therapeutic therapy

To make a reliable diagnosis, you will need a comprehensive examination: ultrasound, x-ray, CT, biopsy and MRI, as well as FGDS. In addition, blood, urine and stool tests are taken. The doctor must take into account all the symptoms and perform competent palpation of the abdomen to collect a detailed medical history.

You should not self-medicate so as not to harm your own health. If the pain intensifies, you must take a horizontal position. You need to stop eating food for a while; you can drink warm, but not strong tea.

In some cases it helps cold water, which is drunk in small sips. Helps relieve pain Mint tea or light chicken broth. If, despite the manipulations, it gets worse, you should abandon them and call a doctor. Therapeutic therapy should be prescribed individually, after a complete examination. In addition to any therapy, therapeutic nutrition is prescribed, which must be strictly followed.

If you experience stomach pain, do not put off visiting your doctor until later. It is recommended to undergo examination and, if necessary, begin treatment. This way you can avoid dangerous complications.

Many patients complain of nighttime abdominal pain and want to find out what could be causing this.

Causes of nighttime abdominal pain

Can such sensations be considered symptoms of diseases? The answer to this question can only be found out after undergoing a full examination and passing all the required tests. And after this, treatment for nighttime abdominal pain will be prescribed. In addition, there is pain that signals an urgent need for medical help, which is why it is so important not to self-medicate. Be able to distinguish pain and, of course, consult a doctor at the first opportunity.

So, for example, abdominal pain can begin due to diseases of the abdominal space or abdominal organs, spine, genitals, nervous system, or even “flow” from chest with myocardial infarction or pericarditis. So, in the case of pain due to diseases of the abdominal cavity, symptoms may arise due to:

  • blood flow disorders,
  • smooth muscle spasms,
  • as well as inflammatory processes occurring in tissues and organs.

Night abdominal pain as symptoms of disease

If you have pain in the upper part and on the right, then this is most often observed with diseases of the gallbladder, liver, biliary tract, head of the pancreas, right kidney, as well as damage to the hepatic flexure of the intestine. If you have a disease of the biliary tract, the pain will also radiate to the right shoulder, with an ulcer - and pancreatic diseases - to the back, if there are kidney stones, the groin area will hurt. In the upper section, on the left, pain will signal possible damage to the stomach, pancreas, spleen, left kidney, as well as the presence of a hernia.

If you have pain in the lower abdomen, you should be wary. This may indicate an inflamed appendix, right kidney and genital organs - with pain on the right side. If the pain is tormenting on the left, this may indicate that you have damage to the left kidney, diseases of the genital organs, infection or damage to the sigmoid colon.

In order for the doctor to make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary first to establish the exact location of the pain. If you are taking painkillers, this will be quite difficult to do, so it is so important not to self-medicate, because in this way you can only harm yourself and delay the process of treating the disease, prescribed by the doctor after your thorough examination and correct diagnosis.

Night pain in the abdominal area is an alarming symptom, since it is considered a sign of various pathologies. Based on its nature, location, and the presence of accompanying symptoms, one can assume the development of serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Experts also do not rule out a number of disorders in other body systems.

Sturdy and healthy sleep is the most reliable rest for the human body, it restores its strength, prepares a reserve of energy for active pastime. Night sleep disturbance due to pain in the abdominal area worsens the quality of life of any person, forcing him to wake up and urgently look for an anesthetic to eliminate pain in order to fall asleep again. After such a night, the morning feeling of fatigue and weakness does not allow you to normally enter the daily work rhythm, and nighttime abdominal pain returns again, because painkillers relieve pain for a short time, but do not act on its causes.

How do nighttime abdominal pain occur, causes?

Not all people understand why pain in the abdomen, on the left or right side of the abdomen, can appear at night, what could be the causes of such pain at night in the stomach area. Physiologically, the activity of body systems, including the digestive organs, decreases at night. Of course, the process of digestion and absorption does not stop at all, but intestinal motility and peristalsis slow down, and enzymes are not synthesized as actively. If painful sensations in the abdominal region, pain on the left or right, in the lower or middle of the abdomen, are observed during the day, this occurs during the most active mode of activity of the body. In case of adverse effects of the food consumed (excess fatty foods, stale foods), the reaction of the stomach and intestines most often manifests itself in muscle spasm, which causes pain.

The specificity of nocturnal abdominal pain is that when the body is in a relaxed state at night, the mechanisms of action of the autonomic nervous system are activated, which, through pain, transmit signals about functional disorders. Therefore, sometimes the patient wakes up at night from an attack of hungry pain in the stomach, which can be relieved by simply eating a piece of bread. If the nighttime abdominal pain lasts only a short time, within a few minutes, or the condition improves significantly after bowel movements (with good release of gases), then there is no need to worry too much. Most likely, these are the consequences of a heavy dinner or intestinal upset due to poor quality food, which are considered isolated cases. But if the pain in the abdominal area at night does not subside for hours, giving way to an aching and pulling sensation inside the abdomen and completely preventing sleep, or takes on a cramping, cutting-stabbing character, forcing the person to take a position that reduces the intensity of the abdominal pain, you should immediately consult a doctor .

Types and types of abdominal pain at night

Night pain differs in intensity and localization.

Types of abdominal pain that occur late in the evening or at night:

1 Peritoneal abdominal pain at night or stomach pain in the evening. Such pain in the stomach area is characterized by limited localization in a specific place and manifests itself as a consequence of organic changes in the gastrointestinal tract or when they are damaged and inflammation spreads to the peritoneal area ( ulcerative lesions, necrotic changes in tissue structure, all this can cause severe abdominal pain). More often there are acute pains, cutting pains in the abdomen, which intensify with the slightest movement, so the patient takes the most comfortable position that reduces pain and tries not to change it. Night pain in the abdomen can be aching, constant, accompanied by muscle tension abdominal wall, gradually develop into strong, sharp attacks. This, for example, happens with inflammation of the appendix. Peritoneal abdominal pain is classified as a condition that is covered by the combination “acute abdomen”.

2 If, in addition to stomach pain at night, you also suffer from abdominal cramps. Pain of a spastic nature, cramping abdominal pain at night and its causes. Occurs due to spasms in the gastrointestinal tract or excretory ducts. It differs from peritoneal in its suddenness of appearance and cramping nature. It is observed in pathological conditions accompanied by colic in the liver, kidneys, stomach, functional disorders, and in case of poisoning of the body with poisons and chemicals. The pain is less localized and tends to radiate to areas of the back, for example, under the shoulder blade or in the lower back.

3 Referring pain in the abdomen, pain that has signs of being reflected from another area. It is observed when painful sensations radiate to the abdominal area in pathologies unrelated to digestion, for example, pneumonia, pleurisy, pulmonary embolism. This type also includes pain that occurs against the background of blood circulation disorders in the abdominal cavity, for example, with stenosis (narrowing) of the branches of the peritoneal aorta.

4 Neurotic abdominal pain, pain caused by neurotic reasons. Due to emotional stress, some patients complain of symptoms similar to those of an acute abdomen, especially at night. However, upon further examination, no corresponding pathologies are found, so in such cases it is recommended to consult a psychotherapist.

Causes of abdominal pain at night, depending on their location

Based on the location of pain in the abdominal area, you can determine the affected organ and make a rough diagnosis, which is often confirmed by further examination.

1 Upper abdominal area, if there is pain in the upper abdomen, then what could be the reasons for such pain? From the right hypochondrium: lower section right lung, pleura, liver, gall bladder, right kidney. From the left hypochondrium: lower part of the left lung, pleura, stomach, pancreas, left kidney.

2 Lower abdominal area, if there is pain in the lower abdomen: parts of the colon, appendix, genitals.

3 The area in the center around the navel, if there is pain in the middle of the abdomen in the navel area: small intestine, pancreas, spleen.

4 If it hurts in the very bottom of the abdomen, the pain radiates to the pubic area, groin: bladder, rectum, genitals.

Symptoms and signs that appear along with abdominal pain

The clinical manifestations of concomitant symptoms are varied, but studying them helps to quickly and accurately determine the cause of nighttime abdominal pain. Most often, if the stomach hurts badly at night, the following symptoms may be observed: a feeling of nausea, sometimes the urge to vomit, chills, increased sweating, a feeling of transfusion, rumbling in the intestinal area, frequent bowel movements, visible changes in urine and feces in color and consistency. When changing body position, there is often an increase in abdominal pain, which is why a person is forced to take a motionless position with his knees drawn up. Symptoms of accompanying signs raise suspicion of bowel dysfunction, including infectious origin, as well as abnormalities in the functioning of the pancreas and bile ducts.

Causes of abdominal pain at night, what diseases can there be?

Stomach ulcer and severe abdominal pain on the right, left, lower or center of the abdomen

Patient complaints of nighttime abdominal pain in the abdomen very often indicate the presence of ulcerative processes in the gastrointestinal tract. An ulcer is a defect in the mucous membrane of the inner surface of the stomach or duodenum, which causes trophic changes in the local area. Unlike erosive lesions, which involve only the superficial layer of the mucosa, the bottom of the ulcer extends deeper, including the submucosal layer and muscle fibers of the organs. The ulcerative process is always accompanied by a reaction inflammatory in nature. It acts as a protective mechanism by which the body initially tries to get rid of the bacterium Helicobacter pylory, which is the cause of the disease in the vast majority of cases. This is accompanied by disruption of the normal functioning of cells in the area of ​​the ulcerative process.

A classic sign of an ulcer is hunger pain in the epigastric region, which often bothers patients at night. Sometimes it is enough to eat something and the pain goes away. The disease can be diagnosed using the FGDS procedure (fibrogastroduodenoscopy), which is carried out with a special device - an endoscope. The doctor’s conclusion based on the diagnostic results will allow you to prescribe appropriate treatment, which must be completed before complete cure. Otherwise, the ulcerative process can be complicated by serious complications, including perforation of the stomach wall, which poses a threat to life.

Deviations in normal bowel function and stomach pain at night

Intestinal pathologies often manifest as night pain in the lower abdomen. They are present in the symptoms of diseases characterized by the presence of inflammatory processes, for example, in ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. In addition to night pain, these diseases are manifested by a complex of other symptoms:

1 urge to have frequent bowel movements;

2 rumbling in the stomach, feeling of bloating in the intestines;

3 the presence of mucus, streaks of blood, pus in the stool;

4 joint and muscle pain;

5 increase in body temperature.

Abdominal pain at night is possible with the development of polyposis and tumor processes in the intestines. They can manifest themselves as cramping wave attacks in diseases that have psychosomatic reasons(irritable bowel syndrome). With psychogenic causes of pain, there are no signs of inflammation or organic damage to the intestines, however, the reaction of the nervous system to stressful and psycho-emotional situations is accompanied by symptoms similar to Clinical signs serious pathologies.

What to do if your stomach hurts at night, therapeutic measures, emergency care

If you have pain in the abdomen at night, which takes on the character of periodically recurring attacks, you should definitely undergo an examination. Self-treatment, especially with the help medicines, is undesirable, because without finding out the cause of night pain, it can seriously complicate the condition.

1 uncontrolled use of painkillers;

2 warm heating pads on the abdominal area;

3 excessive anxiety, so as not to aggravate the condition with severe stress.

If you have a one-time disorder, you can improve your condition a little by drinking a warm (not hot!) hour with chamomile or mint. For recurrent pain, consult a doctor. He will palpate the abdominal area, identify the most painful areas and make a preliminary diagnosis. After undergoing a more thorough examination and tests, you can find out the cause of night pain and get a doctor’s prescription for drug treatment. Severe pain is relieved by taking antispasmodics (No-Shpa, Spazmalgon). However, their effect is temporary, is not intended to eliminate the cause, and often masks symptoms that are important for the doctor to know. But this can be a signal of a life-threatening pathology. Must remember! Severe, cutting, sharp pains of a dagger-like nature are a reason to call an ambulance and immediate hospitalization.

This may indicate both a disruption in the functioning of the internal organs located in the abdominal cavity and an upset stomach. If you suddenly have a stomach ache in the evening, this may be caused by poor-quality products; in this case, you can try taking activated charcoal. And also for several other more serious reasons.

What does it mean if your stomach hurts in the evening?

Women often experience pain during ovulation, this peculiarity reproductive system women, and not some pathology, painful ovulation cannot provoke other gynecological diseases. Since during the cycle the right and left ovaries often work in turn, pain during menstruation can be observed either on the right or on the left. The pain is concentrated in the lower abdomen and appears about two weeks before the start of menstruation. The pain does not last long, depending on individual characteristics may last a few minutes or several hours, although some women complain of dull pain, which torments them throughout the day.

A person has a stomach ache all day and in the evening when diseases small intestine . For example, such a symptom accompanies chronic enteritis, this is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the small intestine; in humans it can occur together with damage to the large intestine. The disease occurs after intestinal infections, giardiasis. The pain has the following character - unsharp, dull, aching, most often appears after eating and in the evening. Abdominal bloating and rumbling may occur. Associated symptoms– dry skin, brittle nails, weakness, increased fatigue, bleeding gums.

For what other reasons can your stomach hurt in the evening?

The reason why your stomach hurts in the evening may be hernia which develops in the navel area. Accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate, and constipation. A dense formation of round or oblong shape appears in the navel area. If such symptoms appear, it is advisable to call an ambulance, which will take you to the surgical department. If the operation is delayed, necrosis of the strangulated intestine may occur.

Most often, of course, pain torments a person throughout the day, but every person individual characteristics organism, therefore diseases manifest themselves in different ways. In any case, if you systematically experience abdominal pain that only appears in the evening, it is best to make an appointment with your doctor:

  • gastroenterologist,
  • surgeon,
  • therapist
  • gynecologist.

Why does my stomach hurt in the morning? This question is relevant for many people who from time to time or often encounter unpleasant sensations localized in the lower abdomen immediately after waking up.

If you want to learn more about the causes of abdominal pain, relevant for both men and women, and also get Additional information on this topic, then read this article.

What are the causes of night and morning pain?

Pain that is localized in the lower abdomen in the morning is a symptom of many health problems. It is typical for both men and women, i.e. it has no gender division.

Most often, these pains are triggered by various pathologies of organs located in the abdominal cavity, and less often by problematic functioning of other body systems.

There are two types of pain that affect both men and women.

The cause of somatic pain localized in the lower abdomen every morning may be irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract caused by various diseases (chronic gastritis, ulcer duodenum and etc.).

These pains are permanent and appear, as a rule, in the morning, since it is at this time that the stomach is cleared of food. Why do these pains cause such severe discomfort?

Somatic pain in both men and women has a small area of ​​distribution, is determined in the lower abdomen in one place and is characterized by an acute course.

Occasionally, somatic pain that appears in the morning may be accompanied by mild or severe nausea, but diarrhea is unusual for such a situation.

You can block such pains that affect the lower abdomen by taking antispasmodics (No-shpa, Baralgin, Drotaverin) and remaining still until the doctor arrives.

If you have physical pain, you should definitely call an ambulance.

The causes of visceral pain that affect the lower abdomen in the morning are the reactions of nerve endings located in the walls of internal organs to various irritants.

You can determine the type of pain by observing its character. Unpleasant sensations in the abdomen in the morning, which are visceral in nature, are not based in one place, but can spread to various parts of the abdomen.

If we talk about the discomfort in the lower abdomen that is felt in the morning, then it is worth mentioning the so-called “hunger” pains that appear in men and women due to long breaks between meals.

Healthy people who do not have stomach problems rarely experience this type of discomfort in the morning, however, they can also feel “hunger” pain when more than ten hours pass between the last meal and the time they get up in the morning.

It’s easy to get rid of “hunger” pain that occurs in the morning – you just need to eat.

If “hunger” cramps do not go away even after eating, or occur regularly, three to five hours after eating, then it’s time to sound the alarm and consult a gastroenterologist.

Types of diseases that cause abdominal pain in the morning

To get rid of pain in the lower abdomen early in the morning, after getting out of bed, you should identify why these pains occur. This can be done by visiting a doctor and getting tested.

A list of the most common reasons that can provoke unpleasant cramps and cramps that affect the lower abdomen early in the morning can be found in this section of the article.

So, the reasons for the appearance of morning pain that attacks the lower (and sometimes upper) abdomen:

It often happens that abdominal pain in men and women has not one, but several causes. Due to the fact that their appearance is influenced by a large number of factors, they are difficult to treat.

Remember: antispasmodics that you take when your stomach hurts or feel sick are only a one-time solution to the problem.

You cannot constantly drown out the pain and hope that the problems that became its catalysts will go away on their own.

If you feel nauseous and your lower abdomen constantly hurts in the morning, but by the evening these unpleasant sensations go away, then you should not rejoice at such a quick “getting rid of” the problem.

There is a high probability that the unpleasant symptoms will return again, and you will feel unwell again.

In the morning, the human body reacts most sharply to various irritants that affect its work, and responds more sensitively to them, sending pain signals to the brain.

His task is to interpret them and “inform” his owner, that is, you, that it is time to visit the doctor.

How to deal with morning abdominal pain?

Abdominal pain is often accompanied by a symptom such as diarrhea. This symptom is indicative.

The presence of a problem such as diarrhea allows you to weed out many diseases that are not associated with it and concentrate on more obvious problems.

Diarrhea due to pain in the lower abdomen that appears in the morning - bad sign. As a rule, it indicates problems localized in the gastrointestinal tract.

Diarrhea can be eliminated by taking specialized medications that relieve diarrhea. They are sold in pharmacies and have different prices.

The most effective medications that block diarrhea are:

The second symptom that often accompanies abdominal discomfort is nausea. What to do when your lower abdomen hurts and you feel nauseous? Do not panic!

The best thing you can do for your body when you feel sick and have a stomach ache is to rinse your stomach. This should be done immediately after the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

If, after a set of measures taken, your stomach still hurts and you feel nauseous, then call an ambulance or go to the hospital yourself to get tested and find out what exactly caused your sudden malaise.

As a rule, a person feels sick when severe poisoning, as well as in the presence of any inflammatory processes occurring in his body.

Many of the men and women who were able to get rid of morning pain that attacks the lower abdomen note that they did this by following special therapeutic diets.

Medical menus have little in common with diets that help you lose weight. If severe abdominal discomfort is caused by stomach problems, then only proper nutrition can cure it.

You should avoid fried, canned, overly spicy or salty foods. In addition, you need to limit the consumption of such potential irritants to the mucous membranes as chocolate, coffee, various sauces, alcohol, and foods with excess acidity.

You can soothe the stomach mucous membranes irritated by food by taking Smecta, Almagel and other pharmaceutical drugs that have softening and absorbent effects.

After reading this article, you were able to find out why your stomach hurts in the morning. It contains general information for informational purposes only.

You can get accurate and meaningful advice, as well as check your body for pathologies that interfere with life, by visiting a doctor.

The nature of the pain, localized in the lower or upper abdomen, can be of any kind. Do not self-medicate!

Causes of severe pain in the lower abdomen in women

Many women are concerned about pain in the lower abdomen. This symptom is by no means uncommon among girls and women. Pain in the lower abdomen occurs quite often, and it causes women a lot of inconvenience. At the same time, many do not know how to properly deal with this problem, but they are in no hurry to seek help from a doctor, believing that taking a painkiller tablet and thereby eliminating the pain syndrome is enough. At the same time, few people think that pain in the lower abdomen can indicate the presence of many serious problems, the treatment of which can take a lot of time and effort.

The abdomen contains many vital organs, the disease of which can lead to very serious consequences without proper treatment.

1 Etiology of the disease

Before you start talking about the correct treatment of pain, you definitely need to find out what exactly caused the pain in the lower abdomen. When a girl has pain in her lower abdomen, the reasons for this can be very different. Let's find out the most common causes that can cause pain in the lower abdomen.

These include the following:

  1. Problems with the digestive system, in particular with the intestines. It often hurts in the lower abdomen with intestinal colic caused by eating incompatible foods, as well as foods containing too much fiber. If a woman’s lower abdomen hurts very badly and the pain continues for a long time, but quickly subsides if you lie on your side, there is no serious cause for concern. In this case, it will be enough to simply take an antispasmodic and a medicine that improves digestion. After this, you will need to lie quietly for about 20 minutes.
  2. If there is severe pain in the lower abdomen on the right side, this may be a sign of appendicitis. In such a case, discomfort will radiate to the rectum. They get worse if you lie on your left side. High fever and nausea appear. If you suspect appendicitis, you should immediately call a doctor.
  3. In many cases, women and girls constantly have pain in the lower abdomen due to diseases of the genitourinary system.
  4. Acute pain in the lower abdomen and painful frequent urination have every chance of being signs of cystitis.
  5. The lower abdomen may hurt in the presence of serious gynecological diseases.
  6. Cyst.

This disease poses a great danger, primarily because if proper treatment is not started in a timely manner, the cyst can grow to a fairly large size. This will lead to the fact that it will put pressure on nearby organs and nerve endings, which can subsequently cause tissue necrosis. As a result, the ovaries will become inflamed and very severe pain will appear in the lower abdomen. Rupture of the cyst can cause even more serious consequences - it can lead to peritonitis, inflammation of the abdominal area. In this case, the patient will require immediate surgery.

Often, ovulation, i.e., the process of releasing a mature egg, is a prerequisite for the occurrence of unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen. This suggests that there are clearly some disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries in the woman’s body.

Unpleasant sensations manifested by contractions may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the woman requires urgent hospitalization.

If, in addition to pain in the lower abdomen, a woman experiences bleeding or other discharge from the genitals, this indicates the presence of a disease of the reproductive system. In this case, you should definitely seek help from a gynecologist. In addition, if the woman was pregnant, such symptoms may be characteristic of a spontaneous miscarriage. During pregnancy, pain and bleeding may indicate a problem such as premature separation of the normal location of the placenta.

2 Other characteristic symptoms

Pain in the lower abdomen can often be accompanied by the presence of certain symptoms, among which special attention should be paid to the following signs:

  1. Increased temperature, chills. A similar symptom may indicate infections affecting the pelvic area.
  2. Anorexia, nausea, which may be accompanied by bouts of vomiting, may indicate the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Fainting, shock, and a rapid drop in blood pressure have every chance of being signs of abdominal bleeding.
  4. Frequent urination and radiating pain in the lower back may be a clear sign that the patient has serious problems with the condition of the urinary tract.

To find out why your stomach hurts, great importance we need to pay attention to the nature of this pain. Typically, pain in the lower abdomen has the following character:

  1. A sharp pain that began completely unexpectedly. This often indicates the presence of an acute pathology, which poses a very great danger to the patient. Such pain appears when a through hole appears in any internal organ, internal bleeding, twisting or rupture of an internal organ, intestinal colic and urinary tract diseases.
  2. The pain is pulsating and rhythmic in nature - usually this indicates an increase in intracavitary pressure in the genitals.
  3. If the pain in the lower abdomen is dull or muted, it begins smoothly and gains strength gradually, then this indicates the possible presence of inflammation, obstruction or a slowly developing process.

In addition, the cyclical nature of pain attacks is of great importance. It is on the basis of the frequency of the pain experienced that one can confidently talk about what kind of unpleasant manifestation the patient is suffering from - acute or chronic, which will significantly help in further treatment.

Trying to cure abdominal pain on your own without determining an accurate diagnosis and a properly designed treatment program can result in extremely unpleasant consequences for the patient.

To the question of what to do if your lower abdomen hurts, there is only one correct answer - you need to immediately go to the hospital for competent support from professionals.

With unpleasant symptoms in the lower abdomen, a girl can go to such specialists as a proctologist, gynecologist and traumatologist.

In the hospital, the patient undergoes a thorough examination of the pelvis, which necessarily includes such research methods as palpation, ultrasound examination, examination by a gynecologist and some other methods. And only after this will it be possible to say with confidence why the lower abdomen hurts. The specialist finds out the exact cause of the pain and only after that prescribes the most optimal and effective treatment.

4 When is a disease life-threatening?

When pain in the lower abdomen is felt unusually strongly, you need to clearly understand what actions can be taken and what actions cannot be taken under any circumstances. The painful condition of the body, which is known among medical workers as “acute abdomen,” poses a very great threat to the patient’s life. This condition is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Acute, almost unbearable pain in the lower abdomen, which does not subside at all for an hour.
  2. A significant increase in pain even with slight movement, coughing, straining, and so on.
  3. The lower abdomen hurts, and the pain does not become less intense when the patient’s posture or body position changes.
  4. Before the onset of unpleasant painful sensations, there was no bowel movement for the whole day; the stomach was in constant voltage and bloating.
  5. Despite the fact that the lower abdomen hurts a lot, it is in constant tension.
  6. In addition to pain, the patient feels a rapid heartbeat, increased sweating, the skin becomes too pale, blood pressure decreases, fainting and loss of consciousness are possible.
  7. During unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, the process of bowel movement occurs, during which the stool becomes black or other uncharacteristic color. You can see in them blood clots.

It is virtually impossible to identify a disease without qualified help and distinguish between serious diseases that threaten life and health from others that do not require emergency care. For this reason, in case of severe pain in the lower abdomen, which is certainly accompanied by an increase in temperature, a weak or, on the contrary, rapid pulse, nausea and vomiting, it is imperative to call a doctor.

Before the ambulance arrives, you can try to alleviate the patient’s condition in the following ways:

  1. It is necessary to provide the patient with maximum peace and quiet. It is advisable that it be in a horizontal position in a well-ventilated area.
  2. A cold compress or a heating pad with ice should be placed on the lower abdomen - the cold helps relieve pain, but this can be done for no more than 25 minutes. Cold compresses need to be constantly changed, because they will heat up from the warmth of the abdomen.
  3. As for medications, you can take No-shpu or another usual painkiller, the use of which has not previously caused any harm to the patient, but the dose should not exceed more than two tablets, otherwise the patient’s condition may worsen.

Great care must be taken with medications, because if the dose is incorrectly calculated or the patient is individually intolerant of the medication, the effect of taking them will be the opposite.

When providing first aid to a patient, be sure to remember the following actions, which are completely unacceptable:

  1. When a patient has pain in the lower abdomen, you cannot take several different painkillers at once - this still will not bring much relief. The clinical picture from such actions will become “blurred”, which will make it difficult to make a correct diagnosis, and in some cases will provoke an exacerbation of the underlying disease. If possible, it is better to stop taking painkillers.
  2. The abdomen should not be heated, as this may cause the development of sepsis.
  3. You cannot take various laxatives or do enemas.
  4. You can't eat or drink. If there is severe dryness in the mouth, which causes great inconvenience, it is allowed to moisten the patient’s tongue and lips.

You can't wait for the disease to go away on its own. Without medical care the condition will become worse and worse every day, so examinations must be carried out on time and treated only under the supervision of a doctor, so that in the future you will not again wonder why the lower abdomen hurts.

Cutting pain in the lower abdomen in women

Pain in the lower abdomen in women, according to statistics, is the reason for frequent visits to the hospital. Sometimes such pain indicates a serious surgical problem or even pathology.

Sharp pain, if it continues to intensify and does not go away long enough, is a serious reason to consult a specialist as soon as possible.

Since there are several causes of cutting pain in the lower abdomen in women, and they are all different, a separate large article will be devoted to this topic. It will help you understand why symptoms occur, as indicated by discomfort after sex or during pregnancy.

Why does the lower abdomen hurt in women on the right and left?

All women's pains are divided into 2 categories:

  1. There was a violation of the monthly cycle. It is also called algodismenorrhea. This also includes bleeding of a dysfunctional nature.
  2. The pain is somehow associated with approaching ovulation.
  3. Blood stagnation has occurred. This sometimes happens with pronounced bending of the uterus and hematometra. Blood accumulates in the uterine cavity, its outflow is disrupted.
  1. The intrauterine device was not inserted correctly.
  2. There is a pathology. For example, surgical or associated with diseases of the gallbladder, excretory system (from cystitis to pyelonephritis).
  3. Diseases “female style”. These include endometritis, adnexitis, cysts in any form, fibroids, ovarian torsion and some other diseases.

Each cause will be discussed in detail to help you better understand the source of your pain. By the way, in addition to cutting, patients describe the pain as sharp, tingling, unpleasantly aching, or simply dull.

Appendages become inflamed

It shows itself to be very revealing. First, the temperature rises sharply and signs of intoxication appear. If the patient has adnexitis, the lower abdomen on the left/right side may hurt. Endometritis is characterized by pain below, but in the middle. The examination reveals pasty appendages. The uterus enlarges and becomes soft. When palpated, the patient feels pain. IN chronic stage endometritis together with salpingo-oophoritis occur together with pain in the lower abdomen. Patients complain of heaviness where the appendages are located. Upon palpation, the doctor determines that the uterus is becoming quite dense and reacts sharply to any influence.

How to cure inflammatory diseases? For this, there is a whole range of remedies, including antibiotics, treatment with vitamins and suppositories aimed at relieving inflammation. Infusion-type therapy is prescribed.

Genital endometriosis spreads to the uterus as well as the adnexa, the space behind the cervix. Cells resembling the human endometrium in their structure spread beyond the organ. Before the onset of menstruation, pain begins to increase and reaches its peak during menstruation. Localization is mainly in the lower middle if it is endometriosis. In case of problems with the appendages, not the most pleasant sensations are observed in the groin area. Even retrocervical endometriosis is possible, when patients complain of pain behind the pubis.

Due to the development of the adhesive process, the pain syndrome in the pelvic area only gets worse. Women may be concerned about cycle failure. The discharge also changes; in the future, all this may result in infertility.

A disease such as endometriosis is treated with hormonal drugs, but surgical intervention in advanced stages is also possible.

In medicine, hemorrhage into the soft tissue of the ovary is called apoplexy. Associated with ovulation, as it occurs during the intermenstrual period. When the follicle ruptures, blood enters the ovary.

Why does apoplexy occur? It can be triggered by intense physical activity and even sexual intercourse. With intra-abdominal bleeding, the pain below is cutting, localized in the area of ​​the affected organ. There are symptoms of posthemorrhagic anemia, including pale skin and loss of consciousness. The victim's blood pressure may drop seriously. In most cases, emergency surgery will be required.

Another disease that affects women. With a large tumor, compression occurs on nearby organs – hence the pain. If the submucosal myomatous node is inflamed, the pain is cramping, accompanied heavy bleeding. Enlargement of fibroids causes aching pain. In both the first case and the second, surgery cannot be avoided.

This can happen when bending or overexerting. When torsion is ninety degrees, the outflow from the vein is disrupted and aching pain appears. If the torsion is more severe (three hundred and sixty degrees), arterial blood access is limited. The so-called picture of an “acute” abdomen is observed: cutting, cramping pain, intoxication. The temperature rises sharply, the patient begins to take a forced body position.

There can be only one treatment in this situation. The cyst is successfully removed, the leg does not unwind.

Doctors jokingly call him the “monkey” of all diseases. It can hide behind symptoms of other diseases. Most often it manifests itself as a low-grade fever, pain in the epigastrium, and right iliac region. A person’s appetite may decrease or completely drop, and vomiting may occur. If emergency surgery is not performed, inflammation of the appendix can cause peritonitis and result in the death of the patient.

Most often, the bladder becomes inflamed for one single reason - stones appear in the organ. The disease is quite acute, with an increase in temperature and all the ensuing consequences. The level of bilirubin in the blood increases, causing the skin to itch. Vomiting and nausea, characteristic pain in the lower abdomen and hypochondrium on the right appear. The pain radiates to the back, but can also radiate to the collarbone. Symptoms worsen after eating.

To cure cholecystitis, you need to reconsider your diet and start taking special medications that have a beneficial effect on the outflow of bile. If the gallstones are large, a person may need surgery.

Cystitis or pyelonephritis

It is known that women suffer from cystitis much more severely than men. Cutting pain is observed in the area above the pubis. It intensifies even more when urinating. Pyelonephritis can be felt by terrible pain in the lumbar region. When the kidneys become inflamed along with bladder, the temperature rises, problems appear during urination. Tests also indicate inflammation.

Effective treatment of cystitis and pyelonephritis is possible only with nitrofurans and serious antibiotics.

Ectopic pregnancy

One of the most dangerous gynecological diseases. After fertilization, the egg is implanted, but not in the uterus, but behind its cavity. This could be the ovary, abdominal cavity, fallopian tube, etc. Rupture of the fallopian tube as a consequence is accompanied by periodic pain of a paroxysmal nature. It hurts in the groin area, but sharp pain can also radiate to the vagina, supraclavicular area or rectum.

If an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed, immediate surgery will be required. Pregnancy outside the uterus can also be indicated by delayed menstruation and spotting from the vagina.

Causes of cutting pain before and after menstruation

Why do girls so often complain about painful menstruation? Typically, such symptoms indicate algodismenorrhea. It occurs in adolescence, but can also bother older girls. Associated with the development of the organism and the final installation hormonal levels. A tilted uterus can also cause pain in the lower abdomen shortly before menstruation. Known to almost everyone, the girl PMS, and endometriosis of the uterus, inflammatory processes occurring in the pelvic area. After menstruation, the endometrioid cyst tends to increase. With endometriosis, blood circulation increases, so discomfort is also possible after menstruation.

Pain in the lower abdomen during ovulation

Pain syndrome during ovulation is mild. It occurs in the middle of the cycle and causes almost no discomfort. Minor bleeding and mild abdominal pain may be observed for one to two days.

In medical practice, there are cases when patients did not ovulate as such. After making an appointment for laparoscopy, women were admitted to the hospital with bleeding in the abdominal cavity. A more detailed examination and operation revealed that the problem was apoplexy. As a result, it was necessary to perform resection, but using the laparotomy method.

Cutting pain in the lower abdomen after sexual intercourse in a woman n

Some women come to the doctor and complain of pain of an incomprehensible nature that occurs after intimate intercourse. Frustration is to blame for everything - the pain is most often aching, accompanied by dissatisfaction (moral and physical).

An intimate relationship can end in pain in other situations:

  • Chronic adnexitis
  • Cervicitis
  • Damage to the vagina. For example, after fairly rough sex.
  • Oncological diseases
  • Endometriosis
  • Adhesive disease

Pregnancy: cutting pain in the lower abdomen

In general, any incomprehensible pain at any stage of pregnancy should already be alarming. There are two main reasons why women interesting position"I'm worried about cutting pain:

When there is a serious threat of losing a child (miscarriage), a pulling sensation occurs in the lower abdomen due to premature contractions of the uterus. As a result, bloody discharge appears. The greatest risk occurs before 22 weeks.

  • The placenta detaches prematurely, but it is located normally.

Another pathology, the characteristic feature of which is severe pain in the abdominal area during pregnancy. This occurs when the placenta begins to separate in the lower segment. External bleeding is possible. It is good if it is mild, but there are known cases of quite severe internal bleeding with the appearance of a retroplacental hematoma. In this case, urgent intervention is indicated to save the baby (caesarean section).

Now you know why cutting pain occurs in the lower abdomen. But never rush to make a diagnosis yourself. If it hurts for a long time, it is better to see a doctor.

Pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women often complain of pain in the lower abdomen. It should be noted that such painful sensations can be physiological, and are associated with a complete restructuring of the body for the full bearing of a child. In some cases, this pain is dangerous symptom and requires immediate treatment.

Lower abdominal pain occurs during pregnancy:

Basic causes of physiological pain:

  1. Hormonal changes in the body. Under the influence of progesterone, blood circulation in the genitals increases, the blood vessels of the uterus and its appendages grow, which leads to aching or throbbing pain. Such pain should not be severe, occur periodically and go away after a short period of time, and not be accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina;
  2. Uterine ligament tension. Starts from the second trimester intensive growth of the uterus, which leads to tension in its ligaments. Characteristic is the appearance of pulling or stabbing pains lower abdomen on the right or left. The pain may intensify with sudden movements, physical activity and goes away with a change in position;
  3. Physiological divergence of the symphysis pubis. During pregnancy, the cartilage and ligaments of the pubic joint are loosened and serous (up to 0.6 cm), which helps increase the capacity of the pelvis during childbirth. The pain is usually not severe, pressing, and may at some moments make it difficult to move. After good rest pain goes away or decreases;
  4. Baby moving. The pain is especially pronounced when the fetus lies with its buttocks and legs down. When pushing, a sharp shooting pain occurs, often with the urge to urinate and defecate;
  5. Training contractions(appears after 30 weeks). The uterus periodically begins to tone up, aching pain occurs in the lower abdomen, which quickly passes after rest;
  6. Pressure of the head on the pelvic floor. This kind of pain is typical only in last weeks pregnancy before childbirth.

Information Physiological pain is a normal condition, does not pose a threat to the health and life of the mother and child and does not require treatment.

Reasons for appearance pathological pain lower abdomen are divided into obstetric (caused directly by the pregnancy itself) and non-obstetric (occur due to diseases of other organs and systems). TO obstetric reasons include:

Non-obstetric reasons are:

  1. Acute surgical pathology(appendicitis);
  2. Diseases of the urinary system;
  3. Bowel dysfunction;
  4. Food poisoning.

Symptoms and treatment of diseases that cause pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy- this is the development of a fertilized egg not in the uterine cavity, but outside it (more often, in the fallopian tubes). In the early stages, a woman cannot independently recognize this pathology, because pregnancy develops normally and does not cause a deterioration in general health. As a rule, termination of an ectopic pregnancy occurs by 6-7 weeks and can occur in the form tubal abortion or fallopian tube rupture.

Tubal abortion is characterized by:

  1. Sharp cramping pain, usually on one side;
  2. Bloody issues;
  3. Marked weakness.

With a complete rupture of the fallopian tube the following symptoms are observed:

dangerous Ectopic pregnancy is extremely dangerous condition, threatening the woman’s life and requiring immediate hospitalization and surgical intervention.

If a woman’s tubal pregnancy is detected in advance before bleeding and pain appear, then it is possible to perform an operation to remove the embryo without removing the fallopian tube. If the operation is performed as an emergency, then the tube or part of it is removed, and the ovary on this side will no longer participate in the function of childbearing.

Threat of miscarriage can be at any time: up to 22 weeks of pregnancy - this is a threatening spontaneous miscarriage, from 22 weeks to 37 weeks - this is premature birth.

Stages of development of spontaneous abortion:

  1. Threatened miscarriage. It manifests itself only as aching pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  2. Abortion in progress. This stage is characterized by cramping or aching pain and bleeding from the genital tract;
  3. Abortion in progress. The pain intensifies significantly, bleeding becomes profuse;
  4. Incomplete abortion. The fertilized egg is partially expelled from the uterine cavity. The cervix is ​​slightly open, severe pain and bleeding continue;
  5. Complete abortion. The fertilized egg has been completely removed from the uterine cavity and may be in the vagina. The bleeding and pain stop.

Premature birth occurs due to increased contractile activity of the uterus between 22 weeks and 37 weeks. At the initial stage, only aching pain in the lower back and lower abdomen is characteristic. When premature labor begins, the pain becomes stronger and proceeds like contractions; bleeding and discharge of amniotic fluid may occur.

When the first signs of a threat of miscarriage appear, the woman is urgently hospitalized and treatment is started to maintain the pregnancy. Pregnancy can be saved in case of threatening and, with difficulty, abortion that has begun, at the initial stage premature birth. In other cases, therapy has no significance; termination of pregnancy at any stage is indicated.

Premature placental abruption- This is the separation of the placenta from the walls of the uterus before the birth of the child. Happens two types of detachment:

  1. Partial. Characterized by mild nagging pain in the lower abdomen, the uterus is in good shape, minor bleeding is possible;
  2. Full. Severe cramping pain and profuse bleeding appear.

At the first signs, you should immediately consult a doctor, as there is real threat intrauterine fetal death. In case of partial detachment, timely treatment begins to stop bleeding and normal development of further pregnancy. In case of complete detachment, urgent delivery is necessary, regardless of the gestational age, because intense bleeding threatens the woman’s life.

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency ( ICN ) is a pathological condition characterized by a violation of the obturator function of the cervix. Normally, the cervix should be closed and only towards the end of pregnancy can it soften a little and open slightly. With ICI, the cervix is ​​not able to support the weight of the growing fetus, which ultimately leads to premature termination of pregnancy and possible infection of the placenta and baby. Most often, with this pathology, a woman complains of heaviness in the lower abdomen and periodic aching pain. An obstetric pessary (a mechanical device for supporting the cervix) is used for treatment. IN severe cases Surgical treatment is prescribed: circular sutures are placed on the cervix.

During pregnancy, the risk of developing acute surgical pathology, in particular, appendicitis. A predisposing factor is an increase in the size of the uterus, which leads to displacement and poor circulation in the appendix. During an attack, colicky pain, fever, and possible nausea and vomiting appear. Appendicitis requires urgent hospitalization and emergency surgical delivery.

From diseases of the urinary system Bladder inflammation (cystitis) is common during pregnancy. Most often, pain in the lower abdomen occurs suddenly and is stabbing in nature. Characterized by painful frequent urination and increased temperature. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a urologist.

Bowel dysfunction In pregnant women, it most often manifests itself as constipation and bloating. The causes of disruption of the digestive system are displacement of internal organs due to the growth of the uterus, poor nutrition, low physical activity. Treatment consists primarily of normalization of water and nutritional regime:

  1. Avoiding spicy foods, smoked foods, and foods that cause bloating: cabbage, grapes, tomato juice, etc.;
  2. Inclusion in the daily diet enough fresh vegetables and fruits;
  3. Increased physical activity(frequent hiking, gymnastic exercises for pregnant women, swimming);
  4. Frequent consumption of fermented foods;
  5. Fractional frequent meals(5-6 times a day in small portions);
  6. Sufficient reception fluids (if there are no restrictions for edema).

If there is no effect from normalizing the diet, the doctor prescribes medications: Lactulose is widely used to treat constipation in pregnant women, and Espumisan is widely used to treat intestinal bloating (take only as prescribed by a doctor!).

Food poisoning often occurs during pregnancy and is associated primarily with decreased immunity and disruption of the digestive system. Manifested by severe abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. At the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor and do not self-medicate. Long-term poisoning can lead to dehydration, which is extremely dangerous for women and children.

Pulling in the lower back and lower abdomen: causes, treatment. Drawing aching pain in the abdomen

Throughout his life, a person has to face more than once varying intensity painful sensations. As for pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, it most often affects women of reproductive age. Despite this, such a disease can also affect a man. It is worthwhile to understand in as much detail as possible why a person has pain in the lower back and lower abdomen.

It is almost impossible to independently determine the cause of the pathology. That is why, if your lower back hurts badly, your lower abdomen is tight, and additional complaints arise, you need to contact a medical facility as soon as possible. There you will be examined, a number of tests and diagnosed correct diagnosis. Depending on the reason why the lower back hurts, the lower abdomen is tight, treatment will be prescribed and recommendations will be given.

Causes of discomfort

Let's look at the most common diseases, the symptom of which may be discomfort in the lower abdominal cavity and back.

Premenstrual syndrome

One of the main reasons why women experience pain in the lower abdomen (lower back) is the condition before menstruation. The female cycle directly depends on the level of hormones produced. When the amount of the substance begins to change at the end of one cycle, tension in the mammary glands and frequent mood changes may occur. In addition, the uterine muscle tenses. Thus, it prepares for contraction, during which the endometrium is detached and released.

In most cases, this reason for pulling the lower back, lower abdomen and changing mood does not require any treatment. Quite often, representatives of the fair sex cope with premenstrual syndrome on their own. If this condition greatly interferes with a woman and does not allow her to lead her usual lifestyle, then it is possible to use antispasmodics, for example: No-Shpa tablets, Papaverine suppositories, Solpadeine and others.

Sometimes the doctor may schedule an appointment hormonal drugs, which eliminate premenstrual syndrome and normalize female cycle. These drugs include: Duphaston tablets, Zhanine contraceptives, Novinet pills and other drugs.

Inflammatory process or infection of the genitourinary system

If a woman experiences nagging, aching pain in the abdomen for a long time, an inflammatory process may develop. Quite often, such a picture can be given by diseases that can be acquired sexually: chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis and others.

Also, if you feel pain in your lower abdomen and lower back for a week, and at the same time you experience pain when urinating and blood in your urine, then inflammation is most likely developing.

If you have such symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. It is worth noting that women are more often affected by these pathologies, however, the male sex is not immune from the development of such a disease.

If inflammation and infection are detected, treatment should be started as soon as possible. Otherwise, you risk irreparable complications.

Treatment of infections resulting from sexual contact or inflammation of the urinary tract is corrected with antibiotics. The doctor may prescribe you the following medications: Vilprofen, Metronidazole tablets, Naxogine and others.

In case of inflammation of the bladder, it is additionally recommended to use diuretic drinks, for example: “Kidney tea”. After antibacterial therapy, courses of taking beneficial bacteria are prescribed: Linex tablets, Acipol capsules, Bactisubtil, and so on.

Intestinal diseases

If you have lower back and stomach pain (pulling in the lower abdomen), then the cause may be improper bowel function. When perilstatics are disturbed, constipation occurs, which serves as a reason for the occurrence of such sensations.

Also, inflammation of the appendix can be expressed by such symptoms, however, in this case, fever, nausea and weakness are associated.

Another reason why the stomach pulls and aches may be an inflammatory process in the intestines due to the ingestion of pathogens. In addition to discomfort in the abdomen, a person may complain of frequent stools with inclusions of mucus or blood.

If you have pain in your lower back and lower abdomen due to constipation, then for treatment you need to take laxatives: Duphalac syrup, Senade tablets. It is also worth reviewing your diet and choosing an appropriate diet.

If inflammation of the appendix is ​​detected, urgent surgical intervention is necessary, during which the doctor will remove the pathologically inflamed appendix.

If you suspect intestinal inflammation, then you need to see a doctor to get proper treatment. In most cases, the patient is prescribed sorbents: Smecta powder, tablets Activated carbon" It is also recommended to take a course of antibacterial agents: Gentamicin tablets or injections, the drug Doxycycline. After this, they are appointed beneficial bacteria to restore microflora: the drug "Bifidumbakerin", powder "Lactobacterin".

Quite often, the lower back and lower abdomen tighten due to various neoplasms.

In men, such symptoms can be caused by a tumor of the prostate or testicles.

Women are much more likely to be bothered by tumors. They may have cysts on the ovaries of various origins. Also uterine fibroids large sizes manifests itself with the following symptoms. Hormonal disorders such as endometriosis can also cause pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen.

In some cases, a specialist may choose a wait-and-see approach and monitor the growth of the tumor. However, if a woman complains of pain and discomfort, then correction is necessary.

When such pathologies are detected, surgical treatment is most often resorted to. During the operation, the doctor excises the pathological formation within healthy tissue.

A pregnant woman has pain in the lower abdomen and lower back: causes and treatment

Quite often, expectant mothers turn to a specialist with similar complaints. It is worth noting that the treatment method directly depends on the stage of pregnancy.

If the wife is on early stages pregnancy, then pain in the lower abdominal cavity and heaviness in the lower back may indicate a threat of miscarriage. In this case, appropriate correction must be made.

Also, in the first and second trimester, the expectant mother experiences pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, but such sensations pass rather quickly. This stretches the ligaments and enlarges the uterus. All these phenomena are completely normal and do not require medical intervention. However, do not forget to tell your gynecologist about your new sensations at your next appointment.

When a woman’s body is preparing for childbirth and the baby is already full-term, this condition is a variant of the norm and does not require any treatment.

If there is a threat of miscarriage, the woman should be prescribed complete rest and bed rest. She is also prescribed preservative medications, for example: Duphaston tablets or Utrozhestan suppositories. In addition to this, they are prescribed sedatives: Valerian tablets, Motherwort drops.

If you feel pain in the abdomen and lower back that bothers you for a long time or is very severe, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Only a specialist will be able to correctly determine the cause of the unpleasant condition and prescribe you the appropriate treatment.

Carry out medical correction in a timely manner and listen to the recommendations of a competent specialist. Take care of your health and don't get sick!

Pain in lower abdomen when sitting down

Pressing, spreading pain in the lower abdomen! 21 weeks

and it’s the same for me.

It flew by quickly. Lower abdominal pain

My period will start, I also had a little pain and just started yesterday, you and I have exactly the same weeks

This happened to me when my period came. Two months after giving birth. Although I continue to breastfeed.

Don't even know. Maybe you have a cold? Or M will go

It hurts in the lower abdomen..especially when I sit down. Maybe someone has had this happen..

Go to the gynecologist, it looks like inflammation of the appendages. Although there may be something with the intestines.

Pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the perineum.

My ligaments hurt and from there it can shoot anywhere, into the perineum and into the intestines. Especially for the ligaments, pain in the lower abdomen is typical, right if you look at the level where the elastic band of the panties passes and the pain goes down to the perineum. When I went to the doctor with this and told about all the manifestations, she assured me that it was all ligaments and pressure on the nerve bundles. That's all! Sometimes the pain is stronger, today it’s there, tomorrow it’s gone. I take this calmly, since the child grows and the ligaments and organs have to constantly adapt to the new load. The doctor recommended a swimming pool and it really helps and also prescribed a bandage. I noticed that when there is an accumulation of feces or gases in the intestines, pain begins. It also helps to lie down. Or a child, when he changes his position and lies across, is very unpleasant. Or a child kicks my rectum, also a very interesting sensation))

This happened to me from 19 weeks until the birth itself. The doctor told me that it was psychological. There was a feeling as if Lala was pressing directly on the crotch. Over time, this intensified, then when walking for a long time, pain appeared in the pubic bone. Sometimes it seemed that Lala would fall out of there altogether. The knee-elbow position helped me. I stood for 4 minutes and it became easier.

I had to see a doctor. I was referred to a surgeon. We ruled out a disease that would make it impossible to give birth (such as something with ligaments or muscles). They referred me to a neurologist. It turned out to be a magnesium deficiency. I took magnesium until the birth. All pain disappeared. I didn’t go to the doctor right away - I endured it. The doctor stuck it out. The appearance of any pain is not normal. To the doctor

If you have pain in the lower abdomen, this is more of a subjective perception than an objective sensation, so examining patients with such a complaint can be difficult.

If you have pain in the lower abdomen, you need to understand that there are a great many causes of pain in this area of ​​the epigastrium, and they can be conditionally divided, so to speak, by gender - typically male symptoms and signs of pain characteristic only of the female body. In addition, there are common symptoms that are common to both men and women, the elderly and children.

Lower abdomen hurts, causes of pain in men

Representatives of the stronger sex also suffer from pain in the lower abdomen, however, somewhat less frequently than women, for whom they can sometimes occur monthly. If a man has a lot of pain in the lower abdomen, most often they bravely endure the pain in the lower abdomen, despite possible serious dangers that lie behind this symptom. The causes of pain in the lower abdomen may be as follows:

  • Inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, stomach or duodenal ulcers. The pain is usually aching in chronic diseases and acute, cramping in exacerbation of the disease.
  • Inflammation of the appendix, which is located in the lower right part of the abdomen, near the colon. The pain can be varied in nature and does not always manifest itself in the right epigastric zone. One of the characteristic signs of appendicitis is sharp pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting and increased body temperature.
  • Diverticulitis, in which lower abdominal pain may be localized to the left lower abdomen. In addition to pain, inflammation of the diverticulum is accompanied by nausea and low-grade fever.
  • An inguinal hernia, which is a rather serious pathology, can be strangulated and cause acute pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting and even loss of consciousness. This condition requires emergency surgery.
  • An inflammatory process in the kidneys, pyelonephritis or stones are also a provoking factor that causes pain in the lower abdomen in men.
  • An inflammatory process in the testicles (orchitis) or appendages can also cause pain in the groin.

Fortunately, a rare cause of pain in the lower abdomen is an oncological process in the intestines. Pain may appear as early as late stage diseases when the tumor reaches a large size and puts pressure on nearby organs.

The lower abdomen also hurts in men due to chronic, often asymptomatic at the initial stage of development, diseases of the genitourinary system. If this is chronic cystitis, then the first signal is a violation of urination, which gradually turns into acute stage up to urinary retention. An overfilled, inflamed bladder causes first dull and then severe pain in the lower abdomen. In addition to cystitis, the cause of pain in the lower abdomen in men can be prostatitis. The inflammatory process in the prostate gland develops, as a rule, slowly, often without obvious symptoms. When clinical signs appear, we can say that prostatitis enters the acute stage. The pain usually begins with a pulling sensation, which the man tries to endure patiently. If prostatitis is not treated, pain in the lower abdomen becomes more obvious, radiating to the groin and testicular area, especially severe pain accompanies the process of urination. In addition to the fact that the man’s health can hardly be called good, he is tormented by constant pain in the lower abdomen, and his sexual activity is also impaired. Prostatitis, not detected in a timely manner, can aggravate the course of another serious disease - prostate adenoma. Pain in the lower abdomen with adenoma is characteristic; it appears due to severe narrowing and compression of the urethra; as a rule, the pain is constant and provokes the urge to urinate frequently at night and during the day. Adenoma is accompanied by a significant deterioration in the patient’s condition, urinary retention often leads to renal pathologies, and sexual function decreases.

All conditions that cause permanent chronic pain or acute, sharp pain, accompanied by nausea, a drop in blood pressure, require medical attention, often emergency.

Why does the lower abdomen hurt in women?

Common physiological reasons for the fair sex are premenstrual pain, a painful menstrual cycle, pressure from the uterus on the bladder, which may also be full. The lower abdomen often hurts during menstruation; this is the most common complaint of pain in the lower abdomen in gynecological practice. Family troubles, physical and sexual violence, alcohol and drug abuse and other stressful influences can also be realized in the form of painful sensations. Among the factors that cause pain in the lower abdomen are fullness of the large intestine and diverticulosis, cramps of an empty stomach, the first three months of bearing a child, when the muscles and ligaments of the abdomen are stretched. Also, pain in the lower abdomen in women can be caused by pathological reasons, among which the most common are the following:

An inflammatory process, acute or chronic, in the female genital organs - the ovaries, the body of the uterus, the vagina or the fallopian tubes. Often a woman has pain and pulling in her lower abdomen due to an ovarian cyst that has grown to a large size or due to chronic adnexitis; the pain can be caused by colpitis or adhesions, endometriosis or a benign formation in the myometrium of the uterus - fibromyoma. Most often, in addition to pain, these diseases are accompanied by fever, discharge, and weakness. Analytical studies of blood serum show an increased level of leukocytes, confirming the inflammatory process.

Why does the lower abdomen hurt in women if the cause is clearly not gynecological? Factors that provoke pain in the lower abdomen can be various inflammatory processes of the urinary organs, such as cystitis, pyelonephritis or kidney stones. Blood tests also show an increase in the level of leukocytes; both leukocytes and red blood cells are found in the urine; the urine itself darkens, becomes cloudy, often interspersed with purulent elements. In addition to pain in the lower abdomen, the above diseases can cause increased body temperature, pain when urinating, and severe swelling.

Pathological processes in the pelvic organs can also provoke pain in the lower abdomen in women. These can be hernias of various sizes, diverticulosis of the large intestine. Constant constipationfunctional disease, called megacolon, in which the walls of the large intestine hypertrophy and the intestine itself constantly thickens. In addition to the fact that the lower abdomen hurts very much, the diseases are often accompanied by poor appetite, general fatigue, flatulence, hemorrhagic thrombosis of the veins of the rectal part of the digestive system.

If the lower abdomen hurts, the reasons may be more serious - these are oncological diseases such as tumors - cancer of the uterus and ovaries.

All diseases that require urgent surgical attention can also cause pain in the lower abdomen, although these conditions are most often accompanied by characteristic signs that are called “acute abdomen” in surgical practice. This is appendicitis, a protrusion of the wall (diverticulum) of the ileum - Meckel's syndrome, which, in addition to pain, is manifested by vomiting and blood in the stool. A woman’s lower abdomen often hurts due to volvulus of the sigmoid colon, torsion of the pedicle of an ovarian cyst, rupture of a cyst, perforation of an ulcer and ectopic, tubal pregnancy, torsion of subperitoneal uterine fibroids. Each of these serious diseases can end in disaster if timely medical care is not provided. In addition to the rise in temperature, acute pain in the abdomen occurs; these conditions are characterized by a sharp drop in blood pressure, nausea, and severe weakness to the point of loss of consciousness.

Among the causes may be infectious diseases, including intoxication. In addition to painful sensations in the epigastric area, a woman often experiences diarrhea, vomiting, and increased body temperature.

Pain in the lower abdomen can be caused by extragenital factors, but most often the pain symptom is a sign of gynecological disorders, among which the most common are the following:

  • Apoplexy, ovarian rupture. In this case, there may be bleeding into the peritoneum or rupture of the capsule occurs without hemorrhage, but both types of apoplexy are accompanied by severe pain.
  • A congenital pathology that interferes with the normal development of the genital organs and interferes with the outflow of blood.
  • Primary or secondary menalgia or algodysmenorrhea - severe pain during the menstrual cycle.
  • Pathological inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, progressing to the acute stage.
  • Torsion of the legs of various types of cysts or uterine appendages.
  • Rupture of a large purulent or simple cyst.
  • Hyperstimulation of ovarian function due to the use of hormonal drugs.
  • Termination of an ectopic, tubal pregnancy is a condition requiring emergency surgical care.
  • Uterine fibroids that increase in size.
  • Inflammation of the endometrium, adnexitis, parametritis.
  • Necrosis of fibroid tissue or its torsion, this applies to fibroids growing towards the peritoneum (subserous formations).
  • The development of fibroids growing in the submucosal tissue towards the uterus is a submucosal formation.
  • Threat of miscarriage in the early or late stages of pregnancy.
  • Mechanical injuries of the peritoneum and uterine walls (impact, fall, accident, etc.).
  • Iatrogenic trauma during minor surgical intervention, including uterine perforation during termination of pregnancy - abortion.
  • Tuberculosis of the pelvic organs.
  • Spikes.
  • Fusion of the cervical canal and impaired blood flow during menstruation - atresia.
  • Accumulation of liquid secretion in the abdominal cavity, cyst – serosocele.
  • An intrauterine device installed incorrectly, causing pain.
  • Varicose veins, pathological expansion of the venous system of the pelvis.

Also, a woman has severe pain in the lower abdomen due to diverticulitis, perforation of a stomach or intestinal ulcer, or strangulation of an irreducible hernia. In addition, pain in the lower abdomen can be associated with advanced cystitis, pyelonephritis in the acute stage, granulomatous enteritis (Crohn's disease), and an oncological process.

If your lower abdomen hurts a lot?

Regardless of whether the person suffering from pain is a man or a woman, there are common signs emergency conditions and rules of conduct in such cases.

The lower abdomen hurts very much, what needs to be done and what should not be done under any circumstances.

The condition, which in clinical practice is characterized as “acute abdomen”, is a serious threat not only to health, but also to life, accompanied by the following symptoms and signs:

  • Acute, unbearable pain that lasts for an hour.
  • Significant gain pain symptom at the slightest strain or cough, when turning over or any movement.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen that does not change in intensity when the patient's posture or position changes.
  • If before the onset of pain there has been no bowel movement for 24 hours, the abdomen is tense and swollen, this may indicate acute intestinal obstruction.
  • The stomach doesn't just hurt a lot, it's tense.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen is accompanied by rapid heartbeat, sweating, pale skin, decreased blood pressure up to fainting and loss of consciousness.
  • If the pain is accompanied by defecation, in which blood clots are noted in the stool (stool is black or of an uncharacteristic color).

In any case, it is almost impossible to independently diagnose and differentiate a serious, threatening disease from others that do not require emergency care. Therefore, in case of severe pain that persists for an hour, fever, weak pulse, nausea and vomiting, you should call an ambulance.

Before the arrival of specialists, the following independent actions are permissible:

  • The patient needs complete rest, silence, a ventilated room and a horizontal position.
  • You can apply cold to the abdominal area - a heating pad with ice, a chilled bottle of water, a cold compress. The cold should not be kept for more than 20-25 minutes; cold compresses should be changed to avoid warming the abdomen.
  • As for medications, we can take No-shpa, no more than two tablets. All other medications can only be prescribed by a doctor after examination and a preliminary diagnosis.
  • If signs of internal bleeding appear - fainting, bluish complexion, increased heart rate, and there is a health worker nearby, you can put an intravenous drip with sodium chloride solution.

The lower abdomen hurts very much, the following actions are unacceptable:

  • You cannot choose and take painkillers on your own. At a minimum, this “blurs” the clinical picture and makes it difficult to make a correct diagnosis; at maximum, it provokes an even greater exacerbation of the underlying disease.
  • You cannot warm your stomach to avoid the development of extensive sepsis; only cold is permissible.
  • You cannot take medications such as laxatives, and enemas are not allowed.
  • No food or drink allowed. For severe dry mouth, wetting your tongue and lips is acceptable.

These are recommendations that apply to both men and women; you especially need to be attentive to pain symptoms in children who do not yet know how to correctly describe their sensations. At the slightest alarming sign of illness in a child, you should immediately seek medical help.

Lower abdomen hurts during menstruation

Such pain in the lower abdomen is most often characteristic of young women whose hormonal system has not yet stabilized. Menstruation itself is not a disease; it is a natural physiological condition that ensures a woman’s reproductive function. If all a woman’s organs and systems work flawlessly, then the menstrual cycle should not cause discomfort. Some soreness may occur in the first two to three days of the cycle and then go away. Lower abdomen hurts during menstruation, usually due to dissonance between different types sex hormones - prostaglandins and progesterone. The uterus produces substances that ensure its contractile function - prostaglandins. If there are too many of them, contractions become intense, and pain increases accordingly. Also, an excess of prostaglandins can provoke headaches, nausea, and even vomiting. Increased levels of contractile hormones are typical for young women who have not yet given birth. If the lower abdomen hurts during menstruation in women who have given birth, this may be evidence of more serious pathologies - endometriosis, uterine fibroids, adnexitis, inflammation in the ovaries, fallopian tubes and many other diseases. Moreover, poorly chosen intrauterine device can also cause pain during menstruation. Pain in the lower abdomen may be accompanied by other symptoms, the most common of which are:

  • Pain radiating to the lumbar region.
  • Heaviness and pain in the legs.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Difficulty bowel movements, diarrhea or constipation.
  • General weakness.
  • Irritability, tearfulness, often increased aggressiveness.

Emergency medical care is needed for pain during menstruation if the following signs appear:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen becomes intense as bleeding increases. The test is a sanitary pad that overflows in one hour.
  • In addition to pain, the woman feels an increase in body temperature, fever, and sweating.
  • The pain is accompanied by severe aching in the joints.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen is accompanied by dizziness and loss of consciousness.

Lower abdomen hurts after menstruation

This is typical for conditions caused by excessive levels of prostaglandins, which are responsible for the contractile function of the uterus. During the cycle, the uterus must contract to remove blood clots; after the end of the cycle, contractions become less active. However, if a woman’s hormonal system does not work properly, there is an imbalance of hormones, and pain is possible after the menstrual cycle. Often in women 30-35 years old there is an increase in estrogen production, which leads to pain in the lower abdomen during the cycle, which can also change and go astray. As a compensatory response, the uterus begins to intensively produce prostaglandins, which continue to contract the organ even after the end of menstruation. Postmenstrual pain in the lower abdomen is often caused by stress or depression. As a consequence of a difficult cycle, the functioning of the thyroid gland, which controls hormonal balance, is disrupted. It turns out to be a kind of vicious circle in which one pathological factor provokes another. In addition, after menstruation, the lower abdomen hurts, often due to a congenital anomaly of the uterus - underdevelopment or its incorrect position. Any inflammatory process - adnexitis, salpingitis - can cause prolonged postmenstrual pain. The intrauterine device, which irritates the walls and uterine cavity, can also prevent normal contractions of the uterus. In situations where pain in the lower abdomen after a cycle does not stop for two to three days, there is no need to worry, this is most likely a normal physiological hormonal “jump”. If, after menstruation, the lower abdomen hurts for four or more days, especially if there is discharge and elevated body temperature, you need to consult a doctor to rule out a serious inflammatory process in the pelvic organs.

Lower abdomen hurts after ovulation

This is also a common phenomenon in gynecological practice; women often complain of pain in the lower abdomen during the period of follicle maturation and uterine contraction. Surprisingly, even women who have given birth sometimes do not know what ovulation is and how the process of fertilization is connected with it.

Ovulation is the period during which a mature follicle “releases” abdominal cavity one single egg ready for fertilization. This process begins with the first menstrual cycle and gradually fades during menopause. If a couple is planning a new addition to the family, then ovulation days are the most favorable days to conceive a baby. The ovulation period is individual for each woman and depends on the length of the monthly cycle. The boundaries of the ovulation period vary from 22 to 33-35 days. Ovulation is often accompanied by painful symptoms, in addition, during this period fertility (attraction) to the opposite sex increases significantly, which is proof of the natural predisposition of these days to conception. Pain both during and after ovulation is most often of moderate intensity and is acceptable physiological norm. Rarely, pain in the lower abdomen becomes severe and cramping, but, as a rule, it does not last long. If the pain alternates from the left side to the right, this indicates the maturation of the follicle in the left and right ovaries. Painful sensations after ovulation are very rare, and if they occur, this may indicate the following conditions:

  • Exacerbation of chronic, latent inflammation in the ovaries.
  • The completion of conception.
  • Pregnancy, which may be associated with some inflammatory processes in the ovaries.
  • Pathological processes in the pelvic organs that are not associated with the maturation of follicles and the release of the egg.

Lower abdomen hurts and discharge

This is a sign of an inflammatory process that is entering the acute stage. Often, pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by milky discharge, is a symptom of a common disease - thrush or candidiasis. In fact, this is also inflammation of the vagina, but it is usually caused by Candida albicans - specific yeast-like organisms and fungi. The reasons why the lower abdomen hurts and the discharge becomes abundant, characterized by its curdled consistency, are very diverse. Among the most common are the following:

  • Pathology of the endocrine system – hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism.
  • Diabetes mellitus, in which the level of sugar in the blood and, accordingly, in the vaginal discharge is increased. The acidity of the excretory secretion decreases, which creates a favorable, comfortable environment for the proliferation of Candida albicans.
  • Metabolic disorders, obesity or anorexia.
  • Long-term use of medications - antibiotics, hormonal drugs.
  • Physiological changes in the body - menopause.
  • Long-term use of contraceptive drugs.
  • Diseases of venereal etiology.
  • Infectious diseases of the pelvic organs - mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis.
  • The consequence of a surgical intervention as a result of which the body goes through a process of adaptation.
  • A change in climate zone especially often provokes pain in the lower abdomen and discharge; moving to hot countries.
  • Overall decline protective functions immune system.
  • Avitaminosis.

Thrush is not a health-threatening disease, but it is chronic course can provoke an erosive process in the cervix, which is considered a rather serious pathology.

This is also a sign of an inflammatory process in the appendages. Inflammation of the appendages can manifest as painful sensations on the left or right side, radiating to the thigh or sacral region of the lower back. Discharge during inflammation is mucous, often with pus. Body temperature may rise and a feverish state may occur, which indicates an exacerbation of the process.

Also, pain in the lower abdomen may be regular, but not pronounced, and the discharge may be scanty; however, these symptoms also cannot be ignored in order to prevent aggravation of more serious problems that may require emergency surgical care.

Lower abdomen hurts after sex

This is evidence pathological processes pain, which can occur hidden in the body, but often such pain is provoked by psychogenic factors.

Pain in the lower abdomen after sex is also a symptom of standard gynecological problems that require diagnosis and treatment. Pain in the lower abdomen after sexual intercourse may indicate rupture of an ovarian cyst, rupture of the ovary itself, or a threat of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy. In addition, the cause of pain can be purely mechanical, when sexual contact was too rough, intense and caused injury to the vaginal wall, damaging the mucous membrane of the cervix. If your lower abdomen hurts after sex and there is bloody discharge, you should urgently seek medical help, especially if the bleeding is intense.

Lower abdomen hurts during pregnancy

These are completely acceptable sensations that are considered physiologically normal, although for expectant mothers any discomfort is a cause for anxiety and sometimes panic. Before subjecting your nervous system to emotional tests, you should learn to differentiate the nature of the pain in the lower abdomen, determine where it radiates (radiates). Often, painful sensations do not pose a threat to the health of the mother and the unborn baby, but there are also quite serious conditions, the signs of which need to be known in order to take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

Abdominal pain during pregnancy - types of pain and possible causes:

  • Painful sensations, discomfort, indicating a threat of miscarriage - aching pain that does not go away within 2-3 hours. If pain in the lower abdomen is accompanied by bloody discharge and turns into cramping, you should immediately call emergency help. The threat of abortion almost never manifests itself as radiating pain; the painful sensations are localized in the lumbar region. Factors that provoke spontaneous abortion may be intense physical activity, severe stress, infectious diseases, trauma or intrauterine pathology developing in the fetus.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, indicating an ectopic pregnancy, is severe, cramping pain localized on one side (where the egg is attached to the peritoneum). The discharge may be insignificant; the main symptom is severe pain, loss of consciousness, and a drop in blood pressure. A particularly dangerous condition is when the fallopian tube ruptures (during the 8th to 10-12th week). If the tube bursts, pain in the lower abdomen radiates to the leg or anal area, and can also rise upward - to the hypochondrium or supraclavicular area.
  • Placental abruption is one of the threatening conditions when carrying a child; it is manifested by very strong painful sensations, the woman literally “folds” in half. The uterus and the abdomen itself are very tense, the pain is increasing. This condition requires immediate medical attention, as intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus and its death are possible.
  • The lower abdomen often hurts during pregnancy and as a result, gastrointestinal upset. Constipation or flatulence caused by an irrational diet can cause nausea, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, and heartburn. Of course, these conditions are most often controlled by diet, but regular disruptions to the digestive system can threaten the process of bearing a child.
  • Natural pain associated with physiological stretching of the abdominal muscles. The uterus grows, and accordingly the load on the muscles and ligaments that support it increases. An enlarged uterus slightly displaces organs, which, also changing position, provoke some discomfort in the abdominal area.
  • Acute conditions called “acute abdomen” can also occur in pregnant women. Acute inflammation of the appendix, an attack of pancreatitis or intestinal obstruction is threatening conditions requiring immediate surgical or outpatient care.

Lower abdomen hurts after childbirth

Such pain can disturb even those women whose childbirth went well, without ruptures, without severe stretching of the perineal tissue. If the baby was born on time and the birth was successful, the pain in the lower abdomen goes away after two to three days. If, during labor, the tissues were subjected to severe stretching, and sutures were placed on the tears, then painful sensations are the body’s natural reaction to restoration and healing. If the sutures also become inflamed and the body temperature rises, then additional medical consultation and the prescription of anti-inflammatory drugs are required, taking into account the possibility of breastfeeding the child. On average, successful healing of sutures occurs within a week. All other types of pain, such as pain in the coccyx and sacrum, are associated with sprained muscles and ligaments during labor. In addition, during childbirth, the pelvic bones also move apart. Ideally, after 7-10 days, the pain should go away; if after childbirth the lower abdomen hurts for two weeks, or there are problems with urination, you need to contact a gynecologist for additional diagnostics and identify the cause of the pain. Also, after childbirth, a woman may experience pain in the lower abdomen in the pubic area; this phenomenon is associated with injury to the cartilage connecting the pubic bones. They should separate during labor painlessly, if the connective cartilage is elastic; if the cartilage tissue does not stretch well, it is injured, and the process of its recovery after childbirth can cause pain in the lower abdomen. In such cases, special gymnastics helps, exercises that help restore the previous position. pubic bones. If in the first days after childbirth the pain in the lower abdomen becomes cramping, this indicates the contractile function of the uterus - it returns to its original size and position. In addition, the level of oxytocin in a woman’s body begins to increase, especially if the baby is fed with breast milk. Oxytocin stimulates contractile activity, which in turn can cause pain in the lower abdomen. As a rule, such pain lasts 5-7 days and does not require pain relief. If the lower abdomen hurts after childbirth, and in addition the pain spreads to the back, preventing you from moving normally, you need to contact a doctor and have an X-ray of the spinal column done. It is possible that intervertebral discs were injured during childbirth; adequate treatment, preferably drug-free, is necessary to restore them. Physiotherapy, swimming or special exercises for the spine can come to the rescue. If the lower abdomen hurts after childbirth for two to three weeks, you need to be thoroughly examined again to identify a possible hidden pathology. While the baby is still very small, the mother has a little time to take care of her health and restore strength after childbirth.

Lower abdomen hurts after abortion

This type of pain can be explained by both physiological and psychological reasons. Any surgical intervention is accompanied by painful sensations, and abortion also has moral implications. If after an abortion the pain in the lower abdomen does not go away within 24 hours, you need to contact a gynecologist to rule out an inflammatory process or an even more threatening consequence - perforation of the uterine walls. The most common causes of pain after an abortion are the following:

  • The natural process of uterine contraction after surgery.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen caused by the process of detachment of the fetus from the lining of the uterus.
  • Complications after abortion, possible infection, inflammation of the uterine mucosa, which can lead to endometritis.
  • Incomplete removal of the fetus - the fertilized egg, which leads to disruption of the contractile function of the uterus, and there may be bleeding. This condition requires urgent medical attention.
  • The cause of pain after an abortion can be sexual intercourse. It is believed that after surgery, any intimate relations should be stopped until the uterus has completely healed and contracted.
  • Intense physical activity and heavy lifting can lead to pain in the lower abdomen after an abortion.

If the pain after an abortion persists for more than a day and tends to increase, accompanied by discharge that intensifies and becomes abundant, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance. Such conditions threaten not only the condition of the pelvic organs, but sometimes even the life of a woman.

Pain in the lower abdomen can vary in intensity and duration, it can also be short-term, but if it continues for more than a day, especially for a week, this is evidence of a serious illness that develops and may result in surgical intervention.

My lower abdomen hurts for a week

This constant abdominal pain is called chronic abdominal pain. Descriptions of sensations from patients are very diverse - from a burning sensation to constant pressure and heaviness. Quite often, the reason why the lower abdomen hurts for a whole week is a simple violation of the diet; the gastrointestinal tract is simply unable to work rhythmically in a normal manner. However, often chronic, persistent pain in the lower abdomen may indicate developing cholelithiasis, pancreatitis, or an inflammatory process in the large intestine. The pain can be truly constant, but it can also be cramping. As a rule, if a person suffers pain in the lower abdomen for a whole week, the pain is quite weak and does not differ in intensity. It is important to note how pain is related to eating, whether it occurs before or after eating. Also, chronic pain in the lower abdomen may be a symptom of a psychosomatic disease, more associated with neurology than with gastroenterology. In clinical practice, such pain is called neurotic.

The stomach actually hurts, although there are no objective external or internal causes. This is due to a psycho-emotional factor, which may be an unloved job, intense study and fear of exams, or family troubles. Also, the cause of constant pain may be vegetative-vascular syndrome, which is also a neurological disease. One of the causes of chronic, recurrent pain is helminthic infestation. Chronic pain is diagnosed using a comprehensive examination; the more complete it is, the more accurate and effective the treatment will be. The standard diagnostic complex includes the following procedures:

  • Collection of anamnestic information, including family history.
  • Palpation of the abdominal area.
  • Fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy - FGDS.
  • Expanded clinical trial blood, including leukocyte formula.
  • Biochemical blood test that determines the level of enzymatic activity of the liver and pancreas.
  • Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.
  • Analysis for determining helminthic infestation, coprogram.

If your lower abdomen hurts a lot

However, there are conditions that require immediate medical attention; these are all severe pain that does not go away within an hour.

Severe pain in the lower abdomen is one of the most typical symptoms presented in gastroenterological and gynecological practice. The stomach most often hurts intensely, since the gastrointestinal tract contains thousands of nerve endings and pain receptors. The nature of the pain can be different: pulling, sharp, aching, cutting, and so on. A pain symptom in the abdominal area is not specific, since many diseases are accompanied by painful sensations.

Women experience severe pain in the lower abdomen during the menstrual cycle; in men, pain in the lower abdomen can be a sign of urological pathology.

Some of the main reasons why women experience severe pain in the absence of signs of pregnancy are the following:

  • An ectopic pregnancy in which the egg does not reach the uterine cavity and begins to implant in the fallopian tube. There may be no signs of pregnancy, but after three to four weeks the egg begins to enlarge and destroy the tissue of the fallopian tube. This process is accompanied by severe pain, nausea, dizziness to the point of loss of consciousness. Similar condition requires immediate surgical intervention.
  • Apoplexy, ovarian rupture. A rupture can be triggered by injury, intense physical activity, or sexual contact. The symptoms are very similar to those of an ectopic, tubal pregnancy. The pain may radiate to the lumbar region, accompanied by vomiting, weakness and loss of consciousness. Treatment is urgent, surgical.
  • Torsion and disruption of blood flow through the veins in the pedicle of an ovarian cyst. The cyst begins to grow rapidly, putting pressure on nearby organs, often merging with them. The pain in the lower abdomen is aching, quite severe, but transient and recurrent. Treatment is surgical.
  • Inflammation of the appendages, which happens quite often after abortion, after childbirth. The pain is diffuse, severe, intermittent. If the diagnosis is not made in a timely manner, the spread of infection can lead to peritonitis. In the acute stage, adnexitis causes severe pain in the lower abdomen with radiation to the groin. The temperature is elevated, the abdominal muscles are very tense. Treatment in the initial stage of development of adnexitis is medicinal, conservative; in the acute stage, if there is a threat of peritonitis, surgical intervention is possible.

In addition, the lower abdomen hurts greatly due to ureaplasmosis and pathological diseases of the urinary system. In men, acute pain in the lower abdomen is a typical sign of inflammation of the urethra, acute stage of prostatitis, strangulated hernia.

All conditions associated with severe pain require immediate medical attention.

Pain in the lower back and lower abdomen

This is a description of so-called pelvic pain. Pelvic pain is considered to be all painful sensations in the lower abdominal region, accompanied by pain in the sacrum and lumbar region. Often such pain in men radiates (radiates) to the rectum or vagina in women. Pain in the lower back and lower abdomen is a nonspecific symptom that may indicate various diseases, such as gynecological, proctological, vascular or urological. The nature of the pain is also different; it can be acute or chronic, long-lasting.

Acute lower back pain is a sudden onset of painful sensations that last two to three hours, combined with fever, nausea, weakness and fever. This is how acute conditions that require immediate surgical attention quite often manifest themselves - inflammation of the appendix, acute intestinal obstruction, an attack of cholecystitis, rupture of an ovarian cyst, purulent inflammation of the urethra, pyelonephritis and other diseases.

Chronic, prolonged pelvic pain is periodically recurring discomfort that sometimes lasts for months. Such pain indicates a developing hidden pathology that has not yet manifested itself.

Pain in the lower back and lower abdomen - causes and types of diseases

  • Endometriosis, which can take various forms:
  • Imbalance hormonal system, disruption of the normal anatomical structure of the uterus, thickening of the walls and tissue deformation.
  • Vulvodynia (vaginal pain) caused by endometriosis.
  • Inflammatory process in the pelvic organs caused by endometriosis.
  • Neoplasms (uterus, ovaries) – benign and malignant.
  • Prolapse of the walls of the vagina and uterus or POP (pelvic organ prolapse).
  • Interstitial cystitis is a disease of unknown etiology, when bacterial studies do not reveal the causative agent of the inflammatory process.
  • Infectious inflammation of the urinary tract.
  • Urolithiasis or urolithiasis.
  • Bladder cancer.
  • Adhesive causes, which often accompany surgery, also adhesive disease may develop and cause low back pain as a result of a closed injury.
  • Hemorrhoids, which manifests itself as chronic pelvic pain.
  • Inflammation of the mucous tissue of the rectum - proctitis.
  • Intestinal tumor.
  • IBS – irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Radiculopathy is an inflammatory process of the root spinal cord or its infringement (sciatica).
  • Hernia, osteochondrosis or prolapse (loss) of the intervertebral disc.
  • VRVVT – varicose veins of the pelvic venous system.
  • Pelvic varicose veins – an increase in the length of the pelvic veins, their expansion.
  • Inflammatory processes in the joints.
  • Fibromyalgia is a muscle spasm that causes lower back pain.
  • Colitis.
  • Retroperitoneal oncological process, tumors.
  • Intestinal obstruction.

Psychogenic causes - depressive disorders, violence, neurotic fear of sexual contact.

Lower left abdomen hurts

The lower abdomen can be divided into quadrants - the right lateral part, the umbilical part, the left lateral part, the right and left groin area and pubic part. Localization of pain in a particular area is one of the important diagnostic symptoms that help identify the cause of pain.

The lower abdomen on the left hurts - this is a signal about possible problems in the organs located in this abdominal part: in the left part of the intestine, in the left kidney, in the internal reproductive organs. Also, pain in the left abdominal area can be nonspecific and identical in a diagnostic sense with pain in the right abdominal area, with the exception of inflammation of the appendix. If the lower abdomen hurts on the left, this may mean that the sigmoid colon is inflamed, or urolithiasis, adnexitis or diverticulitis is developing. Due to the nonspecificity of the left-sided pain symptom, diagnosis includes a complete examination of the abdominal organs, regardless of their location - right or left. A comprehensive study allows for the timely detection of diverticulitis, which is also called left-sided appendicitis. If this disease is not diagnosed in time, especially in elderly patients, it can lead to perforation of the lower part of the colon (sigmoid), which is an indication for urgent surgical intervention. Tubal pregnancy can also manifest itself as pain in the left quadrant of the abdomen; in addition, this is also a sign of strangulation. inguinal hernia. One of the causes of left-sided pain may be ulcerative colitis, granulomatous enteritis (Crohn's disease or terminal ileitis), and helminthic infestation. Often, a kidney stone that is localized in the left kidney, passing the path to the bladder, also causes severe pain in the left side of the peritoneum.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the right

The obvious localization of pain, in a sense, is a plus for diagnosing the disease, while diffuse (widespread) pain in the lower abdomen greatly complicates the diagnosis due to its nonspecificity. The first thing that comes to mind with right-sided abdominal pain is inflammation of the appendix. Indeed, the right-sided localization of pain is a specific manifestation of appendicitis, but the lower abdomen also hurts in other diseases. For example, an inflamed ureter or an attack of cholecystitis, inflammation of the liver or the acute stage of pyelonephritis can also “response” to right-sided painful sensations. Crohn's disease, a complex inflammatory disease of unknown etiology, can also signal its development. Terminal ileitis, also called Crohn's disease, is a pathological lesion of the walls of the entire digestive tract, starting from the iliac region, where the first symptoms appear. However, when ileitis develops, symptoms can move down the peritoneum. In addition, cystitis or urolithiasis, ulcerative right-sided colitis, herpetic lesion intestinal walls can be signaled and manifested by pain localized in the lower right part of the abdomen.

Since the abdomen is a container for many organs and systems, right-sided pain may indicate an inflammatory process, pathology or chronic disease of the following organs located in this part of the peritoneum:

  • A vermiform portion of the cecum or appendix, inflammation of which most often manifests itself as pain in the right side abdomen - upper or lower quadrant.
  • Most of the intestinal tract, areas of which are often subject to inflammation, including infectious nature, obstruction, and an oncological process in the intestines is also possible.
  • In the right lower quadrant there is the right ureter, which can become inflamed and manifest as right-sided pain.
  • The right fallopian tube, which is anatomically slightly longer than the left. Inflammation may develop in the tube - salpingitis, endometrial polyp.

Lower abdominal pain and fever

This is a signal that the pathological process in the peritoneal organs is already entering the acute stage. Hyperthermia is a characteristic sign of an acute inflammatory disease, but this symptom often manifests itself at the stage when urgent medical attention is needed. Even with gangrenous appendicitis, the patient may have a relatively low body temperature, and with perforation it may generally decrease. Also, hyperthermia itself cannot be a specific symptom of a viral or bacterial infection. Many severe ulcerative processes are not always accompanied by significant changes in temperature; for example, a perforated ulcer often manifests itself in the first hours only as painful symptoms.

Appendicitis, inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), diverticulitis, dysentery, adnexitis and pyelonephritis, many other diseases may be accompanied by pain and slight hyperthermia. This applies to urological pathologies, gynecological and proctological diseases, and even venereal diseases, since, for example, gonorrhea is also sometimes manifested by abdominal pain and hyperthermia. The combination of “lower abdominal pain and temperature” in clinical practice is considered a serious signal of the acute period of the disease, and a high temperature that exceeds 38-39C is clear evidence of septic damage to the body, which may be caused by apoplexy of the ovarian cyst, rupture abdominal aorta, splenic infarction, peritonitis, rupture of the fallopian tube, infectious diseases of the kidneys or gallbladder. Both too high temperature limits and low temperature - hypothermia - is bad signs in a prognostic sense. All conditions whose symptoms include pain in the lower abdomen and fever require medical attention, and if the thermometer shows 34-35 or 38-40C, you need to call an ambulance, as these are obvious signs of sepsis and internal bleeding.

Chronic pain in the lower abdomen

Chronic lower abdominal pain is persistent pain that remains the main complaint that interferes with work ability for six months or more. The correlation between the severity of pain and the severity of abdominal pathology is usually insignificant. Chronic abdominal pain is often accompanied by mental disorders such as depression and sleep disorders. Chronic pain in the lower abdomen, not associated with diseases, most often occurs in women who have been sexually assaulted. There is also statistical evidence that in a third of women who underwent laparoscopy for chronic painful sensations, the cause of the disease could not be determined, which indicates a psychogenic cause of acute painful sensations. 10-20% of hysterectomies in the United States are performed annually for chronic pain in the lower abdomen, provoked by purely mental factors. Hysterectomy has high efficiency in relation to reducing the severity of pain syndromes associated with a subconscious protest against sexual intercourse. This reduces sexual dysfunction, reduces the level of psychogenic behavior and improves a woman’s quality of life, even if pathology from the uterus is not detected. There is no data on performing hysterectomy for psychogenic pain in our countries; it is obvious that such operations are not yet in demand and necessary for our women. Pain may also be a consequence of a hidden inflammatory process, infectious diseases such as chlamydia or mycoplasmosis. Any discomfort associated with sexual relations must be eliminated, perhaps not in such a drastic way as is practiced in the United States. Modern gynecology has more effective means to help identify the real reason pain after sex and effectively eliminating it.

Chronic pain in the lower abdomen due to gynecological problems

Dysmenorrhea is the most common cause of chronic pain. Dysmenorrhea is called cyclic pain in the uterine area that occurs before or during menstruation. It is believed that primary dysmenorrhea is associated not with pathology of the pelvic organs, but with hyperproduction of prostaglandins by the uterus. Secondary dysmenorrhea is usually associated with the presence of an acquired pathology (for example, endometriosis).

Endometriosis. The severity of pain in this disease varies from dysmenorrhea to intense intractable chronic pain, leading to disability. The intensity of pain does not correlate with the severity of the pathology.

Adenomyosis is a common condition and is asymptomatic in most women. Adenomyosis is characterized by an enlarged softened uterus, slightly painful on palpation. However, adenomyosis is considered a pathological condition.

Fibroids are the most common benign tumor of the pelvic cavity in women. Pain with fibroids is caused either by compression of adjacent organs or by degenerative processes occurring in the tumor.

Retained ovarian syndrome is characterized by recurrent adnexal pain after hysterectomy.

Prolapse of the genital organs may be accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, pressure, or dull pain.

Chronic inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs are characterized by prolonged pain, usually due to the presence of hydrosalpinx, tubo-ovarian cyst or adhesions in the pelvic cavity.

Chronic pain in the lower abdomen due to non-gynecological diseases

Adhesions after infections or surgical operations can cause chronic pain in the lower abdomen that is difficult to treat.

Gastrointestinal pathology, such as inflammatory diseases of the colon (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis), irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, fecal blockages, may be accompanied by pain. Pain in the lower abdomen may intensify during the perimenstrual period.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, such as poor posture, muscle strain, and herniated discs, can cause referred pain.

During the daytime, patients often feel normal, without complaining of discomfort in the abdomen. However, as soon as the person relaxes and tries to fall asleep, the discomfort returns.

Most often, pain is the most common and striking symptom possible diseases in the abdominal cavity, as well as nearby organs.

The stomach hurts or hurts in the stomach area because the pain receptors of the mucous membrane of this area of ​​the digestive system are irritated - due to spasm or stretching of the smooth muscles of the stomach, inflammation of its tissues, and also due to impaired blood supply.

Pain signals from the stomach receptors enter the sensory nuclei of the thalamus - the area of ​​our brain in which all information from the sensory organs and receptors is “sorted out.” Pain signals are then sent to the cortex cerebral hemispheres brain

There a motivational-affective assessment of these signals occurs, and then.

In general, as a result of complex biochemical metamorphoses, we are faced with gastralgia - pain in the stomach.

This type of pain often occurs in those who have problems in the form of an insufficient amount of gastric juice produced by the cells of the stomach. In this case, the stomach pain is not severe, the pain is not clearly localized and is not associated with food intake.

The feeling of discomfort in the hypochondrium is accompanied not only by heaviness in the stomach, but by loss of appetite and deterioration in general well-being. This happens with pathologies of the thyroid gland, and also as a side effect of certain medications, for example, insulin.

By the way, my stomach hurts after taking medications - common problem those who are inclined to take medications “without fear or reproach” at the slightest provocation. A classic example of severe drug irritation of the gastric mucosa is aspirin, cardiac glycosides and drugs containing hormones.

After eating, does your stomach hurt and you feel pressure in its area that turns into severe pain? Also, stomach pain and diarrhea, as well as stomach pain and bloating? These symptoms suggest that you have acute gastritis, that is, an acute form of inflammation of the gastric mucosa. As experts note, such pain subsides after a few hours or within two to three days.

Stomach pain after eating and with chronic gastritis. Gastritis can be hypoacid - with reduced secretory function of the stomach, and hyperacid - with increased secretory function.

In the first case, the stomach simply cannot cope with digesting food, and the person complains that his stomach hurts and belches (rotten), and that his stomach hurts and feels nauseous, and often has diarrhea. But the pain is diffuse, and the patient cannot accurately determine and indicate to the doctor the “pain point”.

With hyperacid chronic gastritis, the stomach hurts severely during or immediately after eating. The pain may continue for 24 hours. Other symptoms of this disease include belching (but not rotten), nausea, vomiting, and constipation.

Pain in the stomach, caused by stress and a neurotic state, is accompanied by symptoms such as a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the hypochondrium, belching, vomiting and intestinal disorders. At the same time, the stomach hurts due to nervousness, regardless of meals, and the pain can become burning and quite severe with a sharp increase in emotional and mental stress.

It's all about enhancing stomach production of hydrochloric acid in stressful situations and high degree innervation (that is, the supply of tissues with nerves) of this organ. As a result, this can lead to erosions and ulcers of the gastric mucosa and trigger the development of gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis and ulcers.

Pain in the epigastric region is also possible with a heart attack. In clinical practice, this is called the gastralgic form of myocardial infarction. As doctors say, upon admission to medical institution in such situations, an incorrect diagnosis may be made: not a heart attack, but food intoxication or exacerbation of gastritis.

Spasmodic pain in the stomach of neurotic etiology is directly related to premenstrual syndrome (PMS). So if a woman has a stomach ache before menstruation or a stomach ache during menstruation, then the main reason for this is various disorders of her neuropsychic state, as well as cyclical vegetative-vascular and endocrine “shifts”.

Why does my stomach hurt during pregnancy? Because during the period of restructuring of the entire body, an exacerbation of all chronic diseases of a woman, especially inflammatory ones, is possible.

Causes of night pain

There are several factors that can cause night pain in the stomach. The exact localization of unpleasant sensations, their nature, duration, frequency, and other features of the clinical picture will help determine which disease provoked the attack.

Common causes of pain are the following:

  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Decreased peristalsis.
  • Inflammatory processes.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Frequent stress.

There are other reasons for pain during the night. Some of them require medication or hospitalization in the intensive care unit of a hospital.

For example, upper stomach pain in older people may be a symptom of myocardial infarction.

Pain lasting anywhere from a couple of seconds to a minute should not be a cause for concern in most cases. If the pain lasts for hours or even days, then this is already serious sign and a signal for an early medical examination.

The main causative factors are a sharp compression of the organs of the digestive system or, conversely, stretching of their elastic walls.

Pain in the stomach can be caused by diseases of the stomach itself, as well as pathologies of other organs and systems of the human body. Main question at the same time, violations of which organ caused pain in the epigastric region. Qualified

can only be performed by a professional doctor. Therefore, if you experience abdominal pain, it would be unwise, and sometimes even dangerous, to diagnose yourself and begin self-medication.

If the pain begins to bother you regularly at night, there is a high probability of exacerbation of a chronic disease.

Acute attacks often accompanied additional symptoms, by which the main violation is determined.

Pain due to ulcers and GERD

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, the patient experiences severe pain, approximately 3-4 hours after a meal.

Acute or aching pain in the lower abdomen in a person develops due to problems with the digestive tract, against the background of gynecological and urological pathologies, sexually transmitted diseases, and infectious diseases.

Causes of pain from different sides

Main types

There are several types of abdominal pain, each with different causes and characteristics.

Visceral pain

In order to make it easier to establish a diagnosis and subsequently organize the process of therapeutic action on the source of pathology, gastroenterologists divide stomach pains that bother the patient at night into the following types.


A tummy tug means you're pregnant

Before the critical days, women may have pain in the lower abdomen, more often the abdominal cavity is pulled, but if there are delays and nagging pain, fatigue and breast sensitivity appear, then pregnancy may be the cause.

The stomach feels tight at this time for a simple reason - the uterus begins to constantly change its size, which is why women experience some discomfort.

Throughout pregnancy, nagging pain may appear from time to time.

In this case, you need to listen to the body, because in the early stages it is considered normal for the lower abdomen to pull, but in later stages, there may be other reasons.

The reasons for tightness in the lower abdomen during pregnancy are very different. Some of them are safe for the health of mother and child, and some can signal terrible pathologies.

Instability and sudden changes in hormonal levels in a woman’s body during pregnancy always carry the danger of exacerbation of any chronic pathologies. Among them are gastritis, stomach ulcers, and any other diseases that manifest as pain in the stomach.


Stomach pain can occur regardless of the time of day. If the pain suddenly started and stopped after a couple of minutes, then there is no reason to worry.

If your stomach hurts for more than an hour, then during the day it is better to consult a gastroenterologist or call an ambulance.

Often, pain at night is not the only symptom of a malfunction in the body.

You should pay attention to other signs:

  • Changing the position of the body, the pain intensifies.
  • There is a urge to vomit.
  • Sweating increases.
  • There is intense rumbling in the stomach.

Intestinal infections or problems with the biliary tract are manifested not only by pain and spasms.

In addition to the main symptoms, you need to monitor for other signs of disease. They may indicate the following:

  1. With an increase in temperature and chills, there may be pelvic diseases: gonorrhea, chlamydia, and other diseases.
  2. If you lose your appetite, feel nauseous, vomit, that is, gastrointestinal pathologies.
  3. Fainting and shock, with a sharp change in pressure, indicates bleeding inside the abdomen.
  4. Painful urination, cloudy urine, and temperature indicate kidney and urinary tract problems.

Additionally, you need to know the nature of the pain that occurs in the lower abdomen. This will allow you to correctly describe your condition to the doctor to establish an accurate and correct diagnosis.

So if discomfort appears suddenly, then the cause may be exacerbations or acute diseases.

There is no need to joke with such symptoms, otherwise a perforation may appear, bleeding will occur, or a certain organ will rupture.

Why do you feel soreness in the stomach area in the morning? There are different causes of abdominal pain. However, you should not self-medicate; you should visit a doctor for advice.

The following morning symptoms require immediate consultation with a medical specialist:

  • vomit;
  • increased body temperature;
  • flatulence;
  • bloody diarrhea;
  • swelling of the limbs.

Correct treatment of night stomach pain involves the use of antispasmodics. They are aimed at effectively relieving muscle spasms and act locally.

Other principles of correct treatment include the pathogenetic approach. This is an item that is part of an emergency project and involves the use of antibacterial agents. Such drugs are effective against night pain in the stomach because Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium that causes many stomach problems, is susceptible to them.

The main symptom is pain, which can have different characteristics: intensity, frequency, localization. It may be accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • Heartburn;
  • Bitter or sour belching;
  • Nausea, vomiting;
  • Possible flatulence and bowel dysfunction;
  • Insomnia;
  • Weakness and sweating;
  • Fever, chills;
  • Loose stools, mixed with blood or modified (black, or, conversely, light).

Of course, these signs are not observed all at once, but according to the disorder that occurs in the stomach or gastrointestinal tract.


When patients contact a therapist or gastroenterologist with complaints of nighttime stomach pain, the doctor first conducts a survey of the patient and collects an anamnesis. Then he carries out an external examination and palpation to identify the exact location of the pain. Then he prescribes urine and blood tests, ultrasound. In some cases, MRI, FGDS, manometry and pH measurements may be necessary.

To identify the cause of stomach pain at night, you need to see a doctor.

He will most likely appoint additional examination, which may include the following methods:

  • Tests for the detection of Helicobacter pylori– bacteria that cause most cases of gastritis and peptic ulcer.
  • Endoscopy is an examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum using a flexible instrument (endoscope). During the procedure, the doctor can detect signs of an inflammatory process and take a piece of tissue from the pathological focus for further laboratory study. Read more about endoscopy→
  • X-ray of the esophagus and stomach with barium contrast. The patient swallows a liquid containing barium, which coats the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract from the inside. An X-ray examination is then performed, which allows doctors to evaluate the condition of the esophagus and stomach. Read more about fluoroscopy→

The diagnosis of night pain cannot be based solely on the patient's complaints. It is necessary to conduct a complex of studies to establish the true cause of pain:

  • Careful history taking;
  • Ultrasound of the stomach and other gastrointestinal organs helps to identify pathological changes in the structure of the stomach and detect neoplasms;
  • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS), an effective technique that allows you to examine in detail the mucous membrane of the upper gastrointestinal tract and assess the extent of their damage. Including detecting an ulcerative defect. Along with the study, material is taken from the area affected by the ulcer for a biopsy. The purpose of the study is to identify oncological pathology;
  • Magnetic resonance or computed tomography - detects all pathological changes in the organ and differentiates them;
  • Tests for bacterial gastric infection Helicobacter pylori (breath test, gastropanel);
  • X-ray of the stomach and esophagus if it is impossible for any reason to perform an FGDS
  • Blood analysis.
  • Fecal occult blood test.

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of the painful syndrome at night. For this purpose, diagnostic measures are carried out. The specialist listens to the patient’s complaints, palpates the abdomen, examines the tongue, studies the clinical picture of the pathology and draws up a primary anamnesis. To obtain more accurate data about the condition of the body, the patient must undergo a full examination.

Additionally, the doctor prescribes:

  • fluoroscopy of the esophagus and stomach using contrast agents;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • gastroendoscopy or fibrogastroduodenoscopy;
  • computed tomography or MRI of the digestive system;
  • passing the necessary tests.

Based on the results obtained from laboratory tests and conducted instrumental diagnostics, the gastroenterologist makes a diagnosis and prescribes appropriate treatment.

Night pain in the stomach and the causes of this pathology is a serious problem, so it needs to be solved without delay. Usually, during an examination, the doctor collects an anamnesis (asks about lifestyle, diet, whether there has been any severe stress recently, etc.), palpates the abdomen and prescribes fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS).


During therapy, it is important to eliminate the underlying disease, which causes the unpleasant symptom. Correct treatment involves preventing the development of pathological mechanisms that lead to nocturnal gastralgia. The treatment regimen involves the use of the following:

  1. To restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the use of prokinetics (Motilium, Trimedat) is indicated. They allow you to normalize motor skills. For this purpose, you can use the antiemetic drug Metoproclamide (Cerucal).
  2. Antispasmodics (No-shpa, Drotaverine, Spazmolgon) are used to relieve pain.
  3. To reduce the production of hydrochloric acid. These drugs help normalize stomach acidity. Proton pump blockers (Pantoprazole, Lansoprazole, Omeprazole) are considered the most effective.

For low intensity pain syndrome, experts recommend:

  • Avoid eating for several hours, even if you are very hungry. Instead of food, you can drink tea or mint decoction;
  • Lie down on a bed or sofa. In this case, the legs should be slightly higher than the rest of the body;
  • Try to relax, stop being nervous;
  • Drink some ice water. First you need to take a few sips to find out whether the recipe helps or not. If there is no improvement, you should stop drinking.

However, with prolonged gastralgia, you need to consult a specialist. He will carry out diagnostic measures and prescribe effective therapy. Often, for treatment it is enough to adjust the diet, but for intense gastralgia, medications are used.

Why do most people now try to use traditional methods? They have a very large number of positive nuances. For example, minimal side effects.

Therapy for stomach pain at night depends entirely on what is causing it.

For example:

  • At GERD treatment includes lifestyle changes, taking antacids and medications that reduce stomach acid production.
  • For gastritis and ulcers, treatment is aimed at eliminating the etiological factor. If these diseases are caused by Helicobacter pylori, its eradication is carried out. If the inflammatory process develops during treatment with NSAIDs, it is necessary to stop taking them.

Night stomach pain is a common complaint of patients suffering from diseases of the digestive tract. For successful treatment it is necessary to identify and eliminate their cause.

To treat the digestive system, consult a gastroenterologist. Night pain in the stomach area is extremely serious symptom requiring a hospital visit.

The doctor collects a history of the disease: when it got sick, where, what your diet is, your habits, the presence or absence of stress. This is followed by a physical examination (palpation of the patient’s abdomen).

Fibrogastroduodenoscopy is prescribed. This examination involves inserting a special device with a video camera through the throat to examine the gastrointestinal tract.

Today this is the only way to obtain information about the condition of internal organs. A biopsy is prescribed if there is a suspicion of malignant tumor.

The gastroenterologist prescribes medications to relieve pain and spasms, to normalize stomach functions, and antibiotics. Medicines are taken as prescribed by the doctor; you should not self-medicate.

Each patient has the right to consult several doctors. The treatment plan and drug regimen depend on the period of the disease, the intensity of the symptoms, and the general health of the person. For more effective application medications, the patient must follow a diet. Eliminate spicy, sour, fried, fatty, smoking and alcoholic drinks from your diet.

What does effective treatment of this type of disease mean? First of all, professionals try to eliminate the causes of the problem. The principles of correct treatment are based on preventing in advance the formation and development of pathological mechanisms leading to night pain in the stomach.

Full treatment is possible only after diagnosing the cause that caused them. Such treatment can be prescribed by a specialist doctor. To relieve spastic pain, you can take an antispasmodic. But this is not a treatment, but only a method of providing first aid.

Effective treatment of night stomach pain is based, first of all, on eliminating the causes that cause it. This is the so-called correct treatment, the principle of which is to prevent pathological mechanisms leading to night pain.

During treatment, antisecretory drugs are prescribed. They reduce the activity of secretory cells and block the increase in acidity levels in the stomach. These drugs include proton pump inhibitors (PPIs):

  • Lansoprazole;
  • Pantoprazole;
  • Rabeprazole;
  • Omeprazole and their analogs.

For heartburn, Maalox, Rennie, Gastal tablets are used.

To restore gastric motility, metoclopramide, motilium, itopride or cerucal are prescribed.

If a gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer is detected, treatment is carried out in a hospital setting or on an outpatient basis. Apply antibacterial drugs, aimed at destroying Helicobacter pylori - bacteria that cause stomach problems.

Additional treatment consists of prescribing enzymes that improve the digestive function of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract as a whole. To activate the immune function of the digestive system, immunomodulators are prescribed.

In the complex treatment of epigastric pain, a mandatory component is proper therapeutic nutrition. Dietitians recommend sticking to the following recommendations:

  • Consume low-fat dairy products;
  • Eliminate fatty meats from the diet - pork, lamb;
  • Do not under any circumstances consume canned and pickled foods, spicy, sour and salty foods;
  • Don't overeat during the day. Eat food in fractional portions - 6 times a day;
  • The last meal should be in the form light meal and at least 2 hours before bedtime;
  • Strictly exclude late-night snacking, alcohol and smoking. All these bad habits contribute to the development of various gastrointestinal pathologies and night pain.

You can use folk remedies only if a diagnosis has been established and after consultation with your doctor. They are not the main ones in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, but are used as additional treatment.

There are quite a few folk remedies used to relieve stomach pain. A group of vegetable oils stands out against their background. For example, a good analgesic and wound-healing effect gives sea ​​buckthorn oil. It contains vitamins B and E, and also creates a protective film on the mucous membrane of the diseased stomach, which is manifested in its analgesic effect.

Treatment of stomach pain must begin with a thorough diagnosis and identification of the exact cause of the pain syndrome. The best option is to contact a gastroenterologist. After all, what seems to you to be a pathology of the stomach may actually turn out to be a completely different disease. And self-medication in such a situation can be not only useless, but sometimes even dangerous for your health.

Remember - only a qualified doctor can give you the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment!

Therapy for night pain should be comprehensive.

To relieve the syndrome at home, use the following tips.

Emergency help

A person can help himself the first time he experiences a pain attack. In such cases, you need to act carefully and focus on the intensity and duration of negative manifestations.

To reduce nighttime pain in the stomach, you should give up late dinner, drink a glass of ice water, take a horizontal position and try to sleep.

If the pain does not subside at night and nothing helps, then you can resort to painkillers. The main thing is not to wait until it becomes unbearable, but to call an ambulance.

Traditional medicine

Traditional methods are a complement to the main treatment. Herbal medicine has many positive aspects. It eliminates the symptoms of the disease well, has an analgesic effect, and enriches the body valuable substances, removes inflammation of the mucous membrane, accelerates the healing of erosions.

Treatment of pain in the digestive organs

If your stomach hurts, you should find out the reasons leading to this situation. To do this, you should consult a gastroenterologist. After a thorough history taking, additional methods examinations.

Fibrogastroduodenoscopy is the most effective method for identifying pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. This study makes it possible to view in detail the ulcer formations and the size of the lesions.

If the development of malignant tumors is suspected, a biopsy is performed. To do this, affected tissues and cells are taken.

They are carefully examined to confirm or refute the assumption of oncological pathology.

After all examinations, the patient is prescribed effective therapy.

The main principle of treatment is timely prevention and prevention of the development of pathological processes that lead to pain at night.

All therapy is aimed at restoring the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

If there is severe, regular pain, the patient is prescribed painkillers. They quickly and effectively help cope with pain.

To reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, antisecretory drugs are prescribed. When consumed, the increase in acidity levels is blocked.

First aid

For stomach pain, self-medication is dangerous. A consultation with a doctor, examination, and tests are required.

Name the general rules for providing first aid to a patient without taking strong drugs, capable of relieving pain in order to avoid negative effects on other organs.

The first thing to remember: if you have pain in the stomach, you should not eat. Fasting for several hours will significantly improve the condition. If necessary, it is permissible to drink warm tea. Lie down, calm down, don’t be nervous, raise your legs above your head. Sometimes there is a case when ice water helps, but the patient only needs to take one or two sips and understand whether it will help or not.

Doctors advise drinking mint tea and chicken broth, but in small doses. The intake of any medications and liquids should be accompanied by self-monitoring of the stomach condition on the part of the patient. If tea, water or broth increases pain, it is recommended to immediately stop drinking these liquids.

On the day the pain develops or the next day, you need to contact a gastroenterologist, who will examine, feel, refer you for examination, and make a diagnosis. The main thing is to prescribe treatment that is suitable for a particular patient, taking into account the characteristics of his body.


Basic measures to prevent night pain include:

  • compliance with dietary nutrition;
  • exception bad habits;
  • strengthening the body's defenses;
  • healthy sleep;
  • refusal of a late heavy dinner;
  • absence stressful situations;
  • suitable physical activity;
  • regular diagnosis of ailments.

Stomach pain at night can be accompanied by various symptoms. Such a negative state indicates the development of pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract. The exact cause of the pain is determined by the doctor after diagnostic measures have been carried out. He chooses an effective treatment regimen, which can be independently supplemented with non-hazardous folk remedies.

To prevent stomach pain from appearing day or night, first of all you need to eat right. Even a healthy person should exclude fast food, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, canned food, fatty and spicy foods from their diet.

Dry snacks are not advisable; you should try to arrange full meals for yourself. You also need to maintain a balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, eat more healthy foods: vegetables, fruits, honey and bee products.

Need to visit more fresh air and move so that what you eat is better absorbed.

A serious gastrointestinal illness may begin with pain at night. To recover faster, you must immediately consult a doctor, undergo conscientious treatment and change your diet in favor of natural products.