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Venous thrombosis of the vessels of the legs: from the first signs and prevention to the fight against the disease. Thrombosis: diagnosis and symptoms of blood clots

Thrombosis of the arteries of the lower extremities is characterized by blockage of the veins with blood clots. The disease is dangerous because in most cases it proceeds without pronounced signs. As a result, the pathology is detected too late, when the venous lumen has already been completely blocked by a thrombus, which prevents full blood circulation. An even more dangerous condition is when a blood clot breaks off in the lower extremity and travels through the bloodstream to the heart or lungs. The consequences for the body in this case can be catastrophic, that is, paralysis or death. To be able to resist insidious pathology, you need to be attentive to your health, and if you have the slightest suspicion of a blood clot in your leg, your symptoms should be checked by consulting a doctor.

What is thrombosis

What is venous thrombosis of the lower extremities? Vascular thrombosis of the lower extremities occurs due to the formation of a blood clot in the cavity of the vessel. Gradually, the size of blood clots in the veins of the legs increases and so on until the lumen of the artery is completely blocked. Absolutely all vascular ducts are at risk of forming blood clots circulatory system, namely veins, arteries, capillaries.

What are the types of blood clots in veins?

  • Parietal, those that are located on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Obstructive, which completely block the vascular lumen.

The process of blood clot formation is not only natural for the body, but is also a necessary protective reaction against mechanical damage blood vessels, soft tissues, organs and skin. If the body did not have platelets as part of the blood cells, a person could easily die from internal bleeding, for example, in the case of even minor damage to a vein. But thanks to white anucleate blood cells, the same blood clot, consisting of platelets and collagen, instantly forms at the site of the rupture of the vessel. Such a blood clot reliably clogs the wound, stopping the bleeding.

After the damaged area heals, the blocking clot dissolves on its own.

If the coagulation system fails, self-dissolution does not occur; the blood clot remains attached to former place vascular injury. The lower extremities are at greatest risk of thrombophlebitis. The body perceives an unresolved blood clot as foreign body. And, trying to get rid of it, the immune system provokes an inflammatory process in the area where the blockage is localized with the formation of fibrin fibers. This leads to the fact that the primary thrombus begins to grow due to the layering of thrombotic masses. This is how thrombosis of the arteries of the lower extremities develops gradually.

Causes of thrombocytosis and its types

Infections, especially septic and pustular ones, often become the culprits of thrombosis. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that bacteria lead to the methodical destruction of the internal layers of blood vessels and also make the blood fluid more viscous.

For bacterial and viral infection pathogenic substances are released that lead to blood clots in the legs:

  1. Primary thrombosis of the lower extremities is caused by tumor processes in bone marrow when platelets are produced in excess. Scientists tend to believe that the cause of thrombosis lies in gene mutations. To congenital anomalies vascular system include atrophy of valves in the veins, underdevelopment of the elastic layer of the venous walls, varicose veins, fistulas between deep arteries and veins. Such congenital abnormalities are fraught with stagnation and slowing of blood flow, which becomes the cause of thrombosis.
  2. Secondary leg thrombosis is also characterized by excess platelet production. But unlike the primary one, the occurrence of reactive thrombosis of the extremities is facilitated by various diseases. Pathologies that provoke secondary thrombocytosis, the following: tumors of some organs, removal of the spleen, blood loss, inflammatory processes, bone fractures, taking glucocorticosteroids.
  3. Ileofemoral arterial thrombosis is one of the most severe forms of venous pathology. With such thrombosis of the veins in the legs, the femoral and iliatric vessels are blocked by thrombotic masses.

The formation of blood clots in the legs is more common in older people, with the exception of secondary thrombosis, which is more often observed in childhood. Reactive thrombocytosis occurs in children against the background iron deficiency anemia or with splenic atrophy. Such thrombosis is more common in women when it comes to hormonal disorders, reception contraceptive drugs or due to pathologies during pregnancy. Among men, those who abuse alcohol are more prone to thrombosis. fatty foods animal origin, alcohol and smoking. Severe sports and physical overload, physical inactivity, and obesity also contribute to the appearance of blood clots in the legs.

Signs of thrombosis

Symptoms of thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities are often not detected in the initial stages of the development of blood clots in the legs. Only over time, when leg vein clots reach critical sizes, does a person begin to notice signs of thrombosis. On late stages When leg thrombosis is detected, the symptoms become very noticeable and tangible. At this stage of pathogenesis, urgent and drastic measures will most likely be required to eliminate the deadly threat. Therefore, it is better to monitor the condition of your body and, if you are prone to thrombosis, especially of the lower extremities, periodically take tests for the level of platelets in the bloodstream and others preventive actions.

With thrombosis of the veins of the lower extremities, the symptoms are very different.

Common signs of a blood clot in the leg:

  • With thrombosis, the legs often hurt.
  • There is a feeling of goosebumps, accompanied by numbness in the legs, as if you had to sit through it.
  • There is a feeling of stiffness, heaviness, and swelling in the muscles.
  • Observed in the area of ​​thrombus formation.
  • Pallor or blue discoloration of the lower limb.
  • The skin in the affected area swells and becomes glossy with a shiny tint.
  • Thrombosis provokes swelling. Its volume depends on how blocked the vessel is; the smaller the lumen remains, the more the area where the blood clot is located on the leg swells.

The above symptoms of a blood clot in the leg may be accompanied by a strong increase in body temperature. In the presence of a blood clot in the leg, symptoms also occur in the form of bulging, engorged veins, and in addition, the leg, where the vascular passage is blocked, usually feels colder than the healthy limb. This is due to the lack of blood flow to certain areas, which can lead to tissue necrosis and gangrene.

The most terrible development of events can be seen in acute venous thrombosis lower extremities. If a blood clot breaks off in the leg, then moving along the bloodstream, it can enter any organ. Typically, death occurs when a blood clot enters the heart or lungs. In a situation where a blood clot can suddenly break away, then the consequences of deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities, as a rule, are strokes, heart attacks, paralysis, and pulmonary embolism.

Only a doctor should diagnose the symptoms and treat thrombosis, after drawing up a complete clinical picture. The recommendations of the attending physician must be followed strictly. Because most often blood clots on the legs are discovered in the later stages, and in such a situation the well-known expression that delay is like death is most appropriate.

Treatment of thrombosis

How to treat blood clots in the legs? When thrombosis of the lower extremities appears, it is better not to delay treatment. At the initial stage, it is always easier, faster and cheaper to get rid of the pathology, preventing the development of serious consequences. There are many ways to treat thrombosis, although the best of them are still preventive measures.

Treatment methods for thrombosis of the lower extremities are:

  • Medicinal.
  • Instrumental.
  • Non-medicinal.

Surgery for thrombosis in the leg is inevitable in neglected form. If the patient has no contraindications to surgery, then drastic measures can be taken to eliminate the blood clot from the vessel (thrombectomy), install a specialized filter, or fix the blood clot by piercing the venous trunk with metal clips or by installing a clamp.

Treatment of leg thrombosis with pharmacological agents effective in combination with non-medicinal techniques using fixing bandages or compression garments. Reliable fixation of the affected areas of the legs during thrombophlebitis helps eliminate pain and swelling.

Special compression garments improve blood circulation in the legs.

Mostly action medications is aimed at reducing thrombin activity and the production of antithrombin, which helps maintain the bloodstream in liquid consistency. Medicines prescribed for thrombosis of the lower extremities:

  • Direct and indirect anticoagulants.
  • Hemorheological active medicine.
  • Nonspecific anti-inflammatory tablets.
  • Thrombolytics are drugs that dissolve blood clots. Enzymes are also able to dissolve blood clots, more precisely fibrin fibers, which helps reduce the number of blood clots.

Alternative treatment of thrombocytosis can serve as an addition to the main therapy. Among the useful herbs, the most effective for thrombosis can be identified: lower limbs:

  • White acacia.
  • Verbena officinalis.
  • Hop cones.

Very effective folk remedy is admission courses onions with honey. Natural anticoagulants that prevent blood clots in the lower extremities are found in abundance in onion juice and are significantly stronger than aspirin. To prepare such a drug, you will need to squeeze out a glass of onion juice and add the same amount of honey to it. Infuse the mixture in a closed glass container for about three days in the room, and then ten days in the refrigerator. Take one tablespoon up to three times daily. When the mixture runs out, take a week's break and you can repeat the course.

People prone to the formation of blood clots in the lower extremities should definitely monitor their diet and follow drinking regime. Products consumed as food are allowed mainly those that help reduce blood viscosity. Among them, the most effective are: garlic, ginger, onions, cherry and cranberry juice or fruit drink. The daily diet should be dominated by foods containing antioxidants, flavonoids, and plant fiber. This method of nutrition will help in the fight against blood clots in the lower extremities, as well as other congenital and acquired pathologies.

In contact with

One of the serious pathologies in the individual’s body is thrombosis of the leg veins (photos of the disease are presented below). Those formed in the vessels disrupt the natural process of blood flow. After some time, they are able to come off or completely block the venous lumen. As a result, there is a high risk of developing serious complications, such as thromboembolism, stroke, gangrene and some others no less dangerous consequences, which often cause paralysis and death of the patient.

general information

One of the biological systems responsible for normal vitality human body, is hemostasis. Its main task is:

  • dissolution of blood clots;
  • stopping bleeding in case of damage to the walls of blood vessels;
  • keeping blood in a liquid state;

The formation of blood clots is one of the mechanisms of hemostasis, i.e. its appearance is necessary to stop bleeding.

A thrombus is a blood clot that forms in the lumen of a vessel when it is damaged. It covers the affected area and thus prevents bleeding. This process is called thrombosis. So, on the one hand, thrombosis protects the individual’s body from blood loss, and on the other, it is a provocateur of pathological conditions associated with a malfunction in the blood flow system. Causes of thrombosis:

  • damage to the walls of blood vessels as a result surgical intervention or injury;
  • change in blood flow speed;
  • high blood viscosity.

There are venous and arterial forms of thrombosis. Further we'll talk about thrombosis of the leg veins (photo below). It has two forms: thrombophlebitis and deep vein thrombosis, in which a blood clot breaks off and blocks a pulmonary artery.

The clot can completely cover the lumen of the vessel or only the edge of the wall. In the second case, it is called parietal and most often affects the veins of the lower extremities. Its presence provokes an inflammatory process called thrombophlebitis. Complications of thrombosis are precisely the result of untreated thrombophlebitis. Therefore, it is important not to miss the first symptoms of a blood clot.

Development of the disease in the lower extremities. First signs

How to determine leg thrombosis early stage? This is a question asked by many patients. At the development stage, a blood clot is quite difficult to identify, since during its formation it is securely attached to the walls of blood vessels. As it grows, there is a high risk of separation and complications. A small blood clot does not interfere with the nutrition of soft tissues, since it does not block blood flow. However, even during this period, signs are observed indicating the beginning of problems with the nutrition of the soft tissues of the lower extremities. As a result, it decreases local immunity, and, as a result, the limb becomes vulnerable to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. Often the affected leg is attacked by a fungus. An individual should pay attention to the following symptoms of leg thrombosis:

  • a feeling of fullness and increased local temperature in the affected limb;
  • thickening of the dermis;
  • feeling of heaviness in the legs;
  • aches in the calf;
  • pain when bending the foot inward.

It has been proven that early symptoms characteristic of the female gender. The reason is that girls prefer to wear shoes on high heels, which is a provocative factor for the occurrence various pathologies lower extremities. In men early signs thrombus are invisible, i.e. absent.

Late signs

Under favorable conditions, the clot increases in size and blocks the blood flow. The individual experiences severe symptoms of leg thrombosis:

  • at the location of the thrombus, a compaction is felt during palpation;
  • strong pain syndrome may be only at the site of the clot or may be felt along the entire length of the blood vessel located below the clot;
  • intense swelling gives the dermis an unhealthy appearance.

If a person does not go to a medical facility and the clot remains in the vessel for a long period, then the temperature on the affected limb decreases and the skin turns pale. Lack of treatment is fraught with the development of gangrene.

In addition, the blood clot itself serves as a provocateur of the inflammatory process. In this case, the dermis over the affected area acquires a distinct vascular pattern and becomes red and painful. The individual experiences:

  • strong headache;
  • increased sweating;
  • general malaise;
  • nausea.

Reasons for the development of thrombosis

Under the influence of various factors, clots may form in the lower extremities. However, the main cause of their occurrence is considered to be a malfunction in the blood clotting system. Provocative factors are:

  • insufficiently active lifestyle;
  • impaired blood circulation;
  • genetic predisposition to the appearance of blood clots;
  • cardiovascular abnormalities, for example, arrhythmia, atherosclerosis;
  • hormonal imbalance caused by endocrine diseases, pregnancy, as well as long-term use hormonal medications;
  • tumor processes;
  • damage to vascular walls;
  • overweight;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • paresis and paralysis of the legs;
  • surgery, trauma or injury to the lower extremities;
  • septic conditions.

Regardless of the reason that provoked the formation of a clot in a venous vessel, it must be identified and removed. Only in this case will the treatment be effective.


Blood clots in the lower extremities have a different nature. Depending on the etiology, thrombosis is distinguished:

  • inflammatory;
  • stagnant;
  • caused by a malfunction of the blood coagulation system.

Depending on the location, thrombosis can be superficial or deep. In addition, the following forms of clot are distinguished:

  • Parietal - considered less dangerous, since the blood clot is attached to the wall and does not interfere with blood flow.
  • Occlusive - the vein is completely blocked.
  • Multifocal - clots form in different places.
  • Floating - in this case, the clot goes along the wall, and its tip floats in the venous lumen. It comes off quite easily and gets into small vessels and clogs them.
  • Mixed - the thrombus moves up and down the vein.

If floating thrombosis of the leg is detected, what to do? It should be remembered that this is the most dangerous form disease, since if it breaks off along with the blood flow, the clot easily enters the pulmonary artery. When identified, the individual must:

  • strict adherence bed rest;
  • strict adherence to medical prescriptions, including taking anticoagulants.

Depending on the location of the clot, the doctor decides on emergency hospitalization of the patient and surgical intervention.

Signs of blood clots in the lower extremities

As mentioned above, on initial stage the disease is quite difficult to detect. Clots form in both deep and superficial veins. An individual may suspect signs of thrombosis in the legs when the following clinical picture appears:

  • frequent inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • temperature increase;
  • trembling in the body;
  • swelling;
  • the legs become dark blue;
  • heaviness in the limbs;
  • compaction in the affected area, which is clearly palpable upon palpation;
  • general malaise;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • the dermis below the site of formation of the clot is burgundy and shiny.

In some cases, the clot grows slowly, while in others it grows quite quickly, which requires first aid doctors

If the superficial veins are affected, then symptoms of thrombosis of the blood vessels of the legs may appear immediately. In this case, the individual experiences:

  • cramps in the calf muscles;
  • redness of the affected area;
  • the venous pattern becomes bright;
  • pain when moving;
  • edema;
  • compaction at the site of the clot.

Symptoms of deep and superficial vein thrombosis

  • MRI and CT - identify areas with blood clots. They are also used to identify complications.
  • Impedance plethysmography - changes in the electrical resistance of tissues determine the rate of filling of blood vessels with blood.
  • X-ray contrast venography is an accurate way to detect the disease. A contrast agent is injected into a vein of the lower extremities, then photographs are taken to evaluate the patency of the blood.
  • Ultrasound duplex angioscanning and Doppler ultrasound are considered the gold standard for detecting thrombosis. With their help, the nature of the attachment of a blood clot to a vein is determined, the degree of narrowing of the vessel is assessed and analyzed, as well as the location, type, extent and mobility of the blood clot.
  • Radionuclide scanning - a radioactive substance is injected into a vein in the foot, which can be deposited in blood clots. The areas affected by the thrombus are not visible on the images.
  • Blood analysis.

How to check your legs for thrombosis during an outpatient doctor's visit? To confirm the diagnosis, the following functional tests are performed:

  • Mayo-Pratt - initially the doctor gives the individual a massage, then applies a tourniquet for thirty minutes. If thrombosis is present, there will be pain and a feeling of fullness in the limb.
  • Homansa - the doctor asks the patient to lie on the couch and bend his legs. When bending the foot, pain appears in the lower leg.
  • Marching - an elastic bandage is applied to the entire leg from the toes to the groin. After some time it is removed, and if the patient has pain in the lower leg area, then there is a possibility of a blood clot.
  • Lowenberg - a cuff from a tonometer is placed on the lower limb and air is pumped up with a bulb, if the numbers are about 90 mm Hg. Art. If the individual feels pain, then he has a clot in the vessel. In a healthy leg and at 150 mm Hg. Art. there is no pain.

If PE is suspected, an X-ray of the lungs is taken using a radioactive marker.

Diagnostics carried out by a highly qualified specialist, as well as regular examinations, will save an individual at risk from irreversible consequences.

Treatment methods for leg thrombosis

Treatment for this disease must be comprehensive.

The following methods exist:

  • Conservative includes motor activity, bandaging legs with elastic bandages, compression therapy, taking medications, nutritional therapy, special daily routine, use folk recipes, as well as minimally invasive procedures.
  • Surgical.

Let us consider in more detail how to treat leg thrombosis using a conservative method. At superficial thrombophlebitis Physiotherapy, wearing compression garments and bandaging the limb are indicated elastic bandage. In order to eliminate the purulent or inflammatory process, the doctor recommends a course antibacterial treatment. You can reduce the formation of blood clots using special anticoagulant drugs that thin the blood:

  • "Heparin";
  • "Warfarin";
  • "Fragmin";
  • "Clexane."

When taking them, blood clotting should be monitored by regular testing. The dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs used in various dosage forms: injection solution, ointments, gels, capsules or tablets:

  • "Diclofenac";
  • "Ketoprofen";
  • "Voltaren";
  • "Indomethacin".

Fibrinolytics are suitable for clot breakdown:

  • "Urokinase";
  • "Streptokinase".

Improves blood circulation:

  • "Trental";
  • "Flexital";
  • "Pentoxifylline."

For improvement rheological properties blood is used:

  • "Reosorbilact";
  • "Refortan";
  • "Reopoliglyukin".

Detralex and Antistax will do an excellent job of strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

In the treatment of leg thrombosis, in order to increase efficiency drug therapy, the doctor recommends using other methods, for example, minimally invasive manipulations. If a floating clot is detected that has the ability to move through the vessel, special vena cava filters are installed. They are otherwise called traps; they prevent the blood clot from penetrating into vital organs.

After relieving the inflammatory process, physiotherapy is possible. If there are contraindications to taking anticoagulants, hirudotherapy is prescribed, which reduces blood viscosity.

Surgical treatment

Now let’s look at how to treat leg thrombosis surgically. It is indicated for:

  • ascending thrombophlebitis;
  • the threat of pulmonary embolism;
  • when floating clots are detected and conservative therapy is ineffective;
  • when a blood clot melts with purulent contents.

The following methods are used for this:

  • Stenting.
  • Thrombectomy - removal of a clot.
  • Troyanov-Trendelenburg operation, during which the great saphenous vein is clamped.

In particular difficult situations resort to removing a section of the affected vein. This operation is carried out under general anesthesia. After surgery, the individual should begin to move as quickly as possible, i.e., walk. This is necessary to prevent the formation of repeated blood clots.

Possible complications: hidden and obvious

Delayed contact with a doctor and inappropriate treatment of symptoms of leg thrombosis (see photo below) is considered a predisposing factor to serious consequences.

For example, the occlusive form of the clot can lead to gangrene. Fortunately, this is a fairly rare occurrence. The following complications of thrombosis are known:

  • Thromboembolism pulmonary artery(PE) - blood circulation and breathing are impaired. If the small branches are blocked, the patient develops signs of hemorrhagic pulmonary infarction.
  • Painful blue phlegmasia - as a result of occlusion of the femoral and iliac veins, the outflow of blood is completely blocked. In such a situation, there is a danger of developing gangrene.
  • Purulent expansion of the clot - with thrombophlebitis in the acute stage, an abscess forms.
  • Painful white phlegmasia - a spasm of the arteries occurs next to the affected vein.
  • Postthrombotic disease is damage to the deep veins of the lower extremities with complete destruction of the valves as a result of previous thrombosis, as well as changes in perivascular tissue.

Postpartum thrombosis of the lower extremities

Often, after delivery, women are diagnosed with diseases of the venous system, including acute thrombosis of the legs. The reasons for this phenomenon lie in the following:

  • Changes occurring in the blood coagulation system. Both during normal childbirth and during caesarean section there is a lot of blood loss. The body, trying to stop it, produces several times more factors that contribute to increased clotting. As a result, clots form in the lumen of the vessels. In addition, during the period of delivery, the walls of blood vessels are damaged, which also provokes an increase in coagulability.
  • Low tone of the pelvis is present in women after childbirth. As a result, the speed of blood movement decreases and the mechanisms of thrombosis begin to actively work.
  • After the baby is born, the hormonal levels change dramatically, which also contributes to the development of venous clots.
  • Pathologies of coagulation and of cardio-vascular system, overweight, anemia, late toxicosis, as well as age after forty years increase the risk of thromboembolic complications.

In addition, the risk of developing this pathology is especially high in women with varicose veins.

Signs of postpartum illness

Symptoms of leg thrombosis appear on the fifth or sixth day after delivery. When superficial veins are affected in the first days, the following is observed:

  • redness of the dermis along the thrombosed vessel;
  • increase in local temperature above the clot;
  • when touched the vein is dense;
  • deterioration general well-being;
  • pain in the affected leg when moving or walking.

When deep veins are affected, the symptoms are minor. The main symptom of this type of leg thrombosis is swelling, which is increasing and quite painful. The pain is bursting in nature and intensifies when lowering the legs down and when standing. The dermis in the affected limb becomes milky white or blue. In general, deep vein thrombosis is practically asymptomatic and is detected incidentally during ultrasound. The danger of an undiagnosed and untreated disease provokes its transition to postthrombophlebitic syndrome, in which the subcutaneous tissue is destroyed, the color of the dermis changes and quite dense swelling appears.

Treatment and prevention of postpartum thrombosis

Correctly selected therapy will help to completely cope with this problem. It is important to remember that self-treatment and use of products alternative medicine in the postpartum period, as well as in pregnant women, it is contraindicated. If you notice the above symptoms, you should immediately visit a vascular surgeon or phlebologist. What does thrombosis look like on the legs? Photos are presented in the article. Used in the treatment of disease A complex approach, including:

  • Taking medications. The main anticoagulants are the heparin group, which are approved for use by nursing women. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is indicated for severe thrombosis and only after discontinuation natural feeding. Venotonics are also contraindicated when breastfeeding a baby.
  • Wearing special underwear. Compression tights, stockings or knee socks help reduce the diameter of blood vessels, normalize and increase blood flow through the veins. As a result, it decreases venous stasis and the risk of pulmonary embolism. Your doctor will help you choose the right knitwear.
  • Physiotherapy. Electrophoresis, laser therapy, cryo-wraps, and phonophoresis are effective in treating symptoms of leg thrombosis in the postpartum period. Massage, hot wraps, baths, compresses, and wave forms of physical therapy are contraindicated.

In order to exclude postpartum thrombosis, preventive measures should begin during the planning period of conception. If a woman in this position has varicose veins, then wearing compression garments and a special bandage will be mandatory. If this disease is detected in the second trimester, the use of venotonics - Detralex, Antistax, Phlebodia - is indicated. If a woman has high blood clotting, she is recommended to administer injectable anticoagulants, which significantly reduce the risk of a blood clot.


Preventive action especially indicated for persons with overweight bodies, varicose veins and leading a passive life. For legs you should:

  • rest daily with your lower limbs raised up;
  • drink at least two liters per day ordinary water;
  • do swimming or yoga;
  • perform a set of therapeutic exercises selected by the doctor;
  • regularly monitor cholesterol and blood glucose;
  • do a contrast shower;
  • take salt baths for your feet;
  • perform self-massage of the legs and feet;
  • wear compression garments;
  • walk barefoot on a textured surface;
  • exclude taking oral contraceptives, as well as anticoagulants;
  • do cold foot rubs;
  • wear comfortable shoes, the heel should not be higher than four centimeters;
  • quit smoking;
  • exclude alcohol-containing drinks from the diet.

The occurrence of a clot in the lower extremities is a very dangerous condition that poses a threat to life. What thrombosis looks like on the legs is shown in the photo. Having noticed the first symptoms, you should immediately visit a doctor, who, after diagnosis, will select a course of therapy.

Causes of pain in the veins

Often, pain in the legs or calf muscles is caused by inflammatory processes in the blood vessels. If a vein in your leg hurts, then most likely a blood clot has formed. As a result, the outflow of blood is disrupted, the walls of the vessel stretch and expand. Pain in the lower extremities is caused by compression of tissues adjacent to the affected vessel. How do veins in the legs hurt due to thrombosis? The individual feels a dull, nagging pain. Long walk and standing causes soreness in the veins, as well as tension and loss of sensation. With deep vein thrombosis, pain manifests itself on palpation. With thrombophlebitis of the superficial veins, one of the first complaints of the patient is pain in the vessels of the lower extremities.


So, leg thrombosis (photo below) is characterized by thrombosis of the veins when a clot forms in their lumen. It appears in both healthy and inflamed vessels. In most cases, the vessels of the leg are thrombosed. Blood clots mainly form in the deep veins. Most often, females suffer from this disease due to physiological reasons.

A clot always provokes inflammation, which contributes to the formation of new blood clots. With this pathology, there is a high risk of disability or the development of complications in the form of pulmonary embolism. It is important to remember that the formation of a blood clot is a protective reaction of the individual’s body. If this process were absent, then the slightest bleeding would be fatal. When the vessels are healthy, the clots dissolve on their own. And when the functioning of the coagulation and anticoagulation systems is disrupted, anomalies occur.

Blood clots - how to recognize them and what to do if they are found?

Many people ask this question. The occurrence of blood clots often leads to the development serious illnesses. The number of patients facing this problem is constantly growing. Only one person is always to blame for the development of thrombosis pathological process- blood stagnation.

But the disease manifests itself in different ways. Thrombosis is very dangerous disease. To get medical help on time, you need to be able to recognize it in time.

A thrombus is a dense blood clot formed in the lumen of a vessel. There are several causes of blood clots. One of them is inflammation of the vein wall (thrombophlebitis). Middle-aged women are especially susceptible to the disease.

Many people do not know how to recognize them in such a situation, so in most cases this leads to gangrene and amputation of the limb. Thrombosis in the arm appears dull aching pain, burning, numbness, tingling, change in skin tone, swelling.

Healthy heart muscle pumps blood continuously and smoothly. Even minor deviations in the functioning of the heart disrupt the functioning of the cardiovascular system. As a result, blood clots form in the heart. How to recognize them, because often the patient is not even aware of the problem.

Thrombosis with such localization is not accompanied severe symptoms. The blood clot breaks off and enters the vascular system. As a result, serious complications arise.

Of them greatest danger present:

  1. Embolism of the lower extremities. Below the thrombus stopping point, the artery stops pulsating. Embolism is accompanied by sharp painful sensations, loss of sensitivity; the skin turns pale and becomes cold.
  2. Myocardial infarction. The complication means the death of the myocardium as a result of blockage of the coronary artery of the heart. This occurs due to insufficient oxygen supply to the myocardium.
  3. Stroke . As a result of a blood clot entering the arteries of the brain, various symptoms arise: speech and motor functions are sharply impaired, loss of consciousness, etc.
  4. Arterial embolism of the intestine.

A disease such as essential thrombocythemia may also be diagnosed. It is treated with the drug Anagrelide.

How to check blood vessels for blood clots - popular diagnostic methods

People with a genetic predisposition are primarily susceptible to thrombosis. They must closely monitor their health and undergo regular medical checkup, follow all doctor's recommendations.

How do you know if there are blood clots in the body? To do this, there are several ways to diagnose a blood clot.

Since it is sometimes necessary to check for the presence of blood clots in the body immediately, an emergency diagnosis has been developed, in which the following examinations are carried out:

  1. Duplex ultrasound scanning. Allows you to determine the speed of blood movement through the vessels, the diameter of the blood vessel. Very often, the examination reveals a blood clot in the body.
  2. Venography (phlebography)- X-ray of a blood vessel after insertion into it contrast agent. The method is aimed at studying the structure of a blood vessel and detecting a blood clot in it.
  3. Angiography- X-ray examination of cerebral vessels aimed at detecting a blood clot.

You can also carry out a routine examination - a blood test:

  • for cholesterol;
  • for clotting;
  • on biochemistry (with pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis, the concentration of D-dimers increases).

To obtain a quick and fairly reliable result for diagnosing deep vein thrombophlebitis, ultrasound with Doppler is used.

But, since checking blood vessels for the presence of blood clots using this method in patients with overweight does not work, especially if it is necessary to examine the iliac veins, then venography is used to examine such patients.

If a blood clot is suspected in the lower extremities, the main goal is diagnostic measures are its detection, description of the characteristics of thrombosis.

For example: the density of the clot, its fixation to the venous walls, its length, the presence of freely moving (floating) areas, the degree of obstruction.

Duplex ultrasound scanning can detect even blood clots that develop without characteristic signs. The absence of symptoms of thrombosis is observed when blood is diverted through additional paired blood vessels(bypass) or in case of incomplete closure of the venous lumen.

Asymptomatic thrombosis poses a great danger, since a person does not even have the desire to be checked for blood clots. If the disease is detected in time and measures are not taken, complete blockage of the vascular bed is possible, it is not excluded severe complications. That's why timely diagnosis is of great importance.

Blood clotting is one of the body’s defense mechanisms, which helps prevent blood loss in the event of damage to the integrity of the vascular wall. Unfortunately, sometimes the process becomes pathological, which is expressed in the causeless formation of clots inside the vessels, even if they are not damaged. So, what is a blood clot and what does it look like?

A thrombotic blood clot is a specific lump formed intravitally as a result of hyperactivity of the coagulation system from fibrin, formed elements or other plasma components. When answering the question of what a blood clot looks like, it is important to emphasize that blood clots are different, depending on their size, composition, stage of blood clot formation, quality characteristics and location. Currently, there are several types of thrombotic formations, which differ in morphology and localization in the vessels.

Main points of morphological classification

Depending on what the thrombus consists of, its main morphological characteristics will be determined, namely appearance and color. Based on these criteria, a specialist can draw a conclusion about the nature of pathological coagulation, some reasons for the development of the process, its aggressiveness, and the like. Currently, science knows four morphological species blood clots, including white, red, mixed and hyaline blood clots.

White clots are the result of agglutination of platelets and fibrin. These blood components have a dirty white color, which is why such clots are also called gray. Each white blood clot is an unstable substance with a textured surface, which disintegrates very quickly and, as a rule, is attached to the wall of the vessel. Sometimes such clots may contain white blood cells shaped elements blood, which are responsible for immunity.

The formation of a white blood clot occurs in the heart or large arteries, in which fairly rapid blood flow is observed. Clots form on the wall of the vessel, are located perpendicular to the direction of blood flow and tend to unite into unstable conglomerates.

Among the main predisposing factors for the formation of thrombotic structures are: various kinds endothelial damage inner shell vessels, including its damage by atherosclerotic deposits.

The structure of a red blood clot is radically different from the structure of white-gray clots. The former consists of red blood cells or red blood cells enriched with iron. It is these formed elements of blood that give blood clots a rich, red color. These structures form quite quickly, since the process of their formation occurs in vessels with weak blood flow. The red thrombus is loose and has smooth surface. Clots of this type are determined predominantly in peripheral veins and do not tend to unite into conglomerates. A red blood clot is easily separated from the vascular wall, so it can cause thromboembolism, heart attack or stroke.

White thrombus Red thrombus Hyaline thrombus

A mixed thrombus is the result of a fusion of red and white blood clots. It can be found in absolutely all vessels of the human body, but its favorite localization is large veins. Mixed thrombus has a unique structure. The formation has a head, body and tail. Head of a blood clot mixed type is attached to the wall of the vessel, while its tail is in free “swimming” and is always directed along the blood flow. These formations are distinguished by an unstable structure, therefore they are easily destroyed, starting from the tail element, which, when torn off, provokes blockage of smaller arteries and veins.

The hyaline thrombus is the most mysterious of all blood clots. This is due to the fact that the stages of formation of a hyaline-type blood clot and the reasons for its formation remain unknown to scientists. It has been proven that these formations appear in human blood vessels after severe shock, trauma, burn disease, lightning strike or injury. electric shock. Its appearance is facilitated by a complete temporary stop of blood flow. A hyaline thrombus consists of precipitated leukocytes, platelets and plasma proteins. It can be detected in absolutely all vascular structures, but is most often localized in capillaries. Blood hyaline thrombus is a common cause of thromboembolism with a fatal outcome.

Causes of development and types of blood clots

There is also a classification of blood clots, according to which it is customary to distinguish several types of specific blood clots that form only under specific pathological conditions:

  • tumor thrombus;
  • septic blood clot;
  • arrowroot thrombus.

The formation of tumor or metastatic blood clots is associated with the formation of secondary foci of a malignant neoplastic process. They appear only in patients who suffer from cancer of various organs. These formations always grow towards the right chambers of the heart.

A blood clot of the septic type develops against the background of local inflammation, involving blood vessels (mainly veins) or heart valves. It is these places that determine the main localization of septic clots.

Maranthic thrombosis mostly affects the superficial veins of the extremities. These blood clots occur in older people due to severe exhaustion and dehydration. Their formation is associated with an increase in blood density and a weakening of the blood flow.

What are the types of blood clots based on their location in the vessels?

The most common classification of thrombi, which distinguishes types of clots depending on their location relative to the vascular wall, divides all intravascular thrombotic formations into parietal and occlusive (obstructing or clogging) thrombi. A parietal fibrin clot is detected in most clinical options in large arteries or chambers of the heart, as well as in aneurysms and deep main veins of the extremities affected by thrombophlebitis. It develops against the background of chronic heart failure, congenital valvular defects, myocardial ischemia, and the like.

An occlusive thrombus is the result of the growth of a parietal clot. It is diagnosed more often in small vessels. This type of thrombosis is the most life-threatening type of disease, which is often fatal. An obstructing clot completely blocks the lumen of the vessel and deprives the organ of the ability to receive useful substances, as well as oxygen along with the blood flow. This condition provokes the occurrence of infarctions of internal structures, cerebral strokes, gangrene and other necrotic tissue processes.

As a rule, at the base of its head it is accompanied by a sharp attack of pain (for example, during a stroke, an intense headache), dysfunction of the organ and the development of irreversible changes in its structure.

According to the location of the clots, it is customary to distinguish:

  • venous clots;
  • arterial blood clots;
  • small blood clots in microcirculatory vessels.

Also distinguished:

  • a progressive clot that forms in one vessel and, as it develops, reaches another;
  • dilatation thrombus in the cavity of the aneurysm, which often fills it completely, bursts the walls of the bulge and provokes their rupture;
  • a spherical thrombus, which got its name due to the round shape that forms during its growth and constant polishing by the blood flow.

Any type of thrombosis is a life-threatening condition that requires proper diagnosis and immediate correction. At the moment, it is the type and location of blood clots that determine the further tactics of treating patients, which in practice can be implemented through conservative therapy or using surgical techniques. Naturally, it is best to prevent the development of blood clots. Therefore, when the first symptoms of disorders of the blood coagulation system appear, upon reaching a certain age (according to WHO recommendations, this age is 45-50 years), you should consult a specialist.

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Good afternoon, dear readers of the site. Article on the topic of blood clot in the leg, symptoms and treatment, photo on the leg. What to do at home, how to recognize traditional methods treatment, what to do with it.

Blood clot in the leg - what is it?

When thinking about how to check the blood vessels of the legs, you should first of all pay attention to the duplex scanning method. This technique allows you to assess the condition of blood vessels and veins, as well as the quality of hemolymph movement through the influence of ultrasonic waves.

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Thanks to the use of unique modern technologies, when using duplex scanning, a specialist can see a clear picture of the vascular system against the background of a dark spot of surrounding tissue, which makes it possible to identify even minor thrombus formations.

Treatment in hospital

It should be noted that the operation is one of radical methods to eliminate clots. Provided there is no threat to the patient’s health, therapy without surgery is predominantly practiced, that is, in a hospital setting.

In this case, various medications are used to help cleanse the vascular cavity, increase the elasticity of the walls and stimulate blood flow, such as ointments, injections, droppers and others.

Predominantly in the treatment process the following drugs are used:

  • ichthyol ointment;
  • heparin;
  • clexane;
  • warfarin;
  • dicoumarin;
  • fragmin.

How long it takes to resolve in the leg and how long it takes to thin the blood depends on the methods of therapy used. It should be noted that the most effective therapy involves a comprehensive combination of several techniques, for example, the use of products for internal and external use, physiotherapy and others.

Below the knee: photo

What to do if you come off

Why is thrombosis dangerous? As main danger of this disease it is necessary to name a situation when a blood clot breaks off and there is a risk not only to the health, but also to the life of the patient. In such situations, the patient requires immediate assistance.

Methods such as surgery or intravenous administration of the maximum amount of heparin may be used. Whether the clot can dissolve in this case depends solely on its size and the area of ​​localization of the pathogenic mass.

On hand: photo

Proper nutrition and diet: how to thin the blood

Not only the use of certain medications, but also balanced diet and a gentle diet. How much the mass is absorbed if this method is used depends on the correct use of diet therapy.

To improve the patient's condition, it is necessary to pay attention to following rules healthy eating:

  • to stimulate metabolic processes and blood circulation, it is recommended to follow a fractional nutrition plan, that is, eat little by little, but often enough and at the same time;
  • you should increase the amount of vegetables, fruits, dairy products and lean meat in the diet;
  • it is necessary to categorically refuse to eat junk food;
  • To compensate for vitamin deficiency, it is recommended to take vitamin complexes.

In addition, you should drink as much fluid as possible. It is best to stop drinking coffee and tea and drink herbal infusions, fruit drinks, homemade compotes and plain clean water.

Varicose veins

Varicose veins are one of the most common diseases, which is most often diagnosed in the elderly, women during pregnancy, as well as people engaged in heavy physical labor. External signs of this pathology are as follows: swollen veins, pronounced spider veins, swelling in the lower extremities.

Long-term presence of the disease against the background of absence adequate treatment can lead to blood thickening, the formation of thrombotic masses in the cavities of blood vessels and veins, disruption of circulatory processes, and in the most severe cases– tissue necrosis.

To eliminate pathology, various methods are used, the choice of which depends on the characteristics of the individual clinical picture.

The accumulation of clots in the vascular cavity with subsequent blockage of the vascular lumens often leads to the development of such a disease. This pathology characterized by disruption of circulatory processes, the appearance painful sensations in the affected area, as well as changes in the structure and color of tissues.

Treatment is based on the use of various methods, including, for example, taking medicines, surgery, methods of physiotherapy. At the initial stages of disease development, it is permissible to use methods traditional treatment. In addition, during the treatment process, the patient is often prescribed a gentle diet.


The consequences of the appearance of masses in arteries and vessels can vary significantly depending on the location of the clot, its size, as well as the time when the patient was given first aid. The most dangerous consequences include:

  1. Complete closure of the lumen of a vessel or artery with subsequent damage to nearby tissues.
  2. Impaired functioning of an organ or a specific limb.
  3. Myocardial or cerebral infarction.
  4. Tissue necrosis.
  5. Breakaway.

In the most severe cases, the patient may be required to amputate the affected limb. It should be remembered that the presence of a diagnosis of thromboembolism against the background of the development of symptoms such as, for example, tissue numbness, severe swelling, severe pain, is a direct indication immediate appeal to the doctor.

Lack of timely medical care can lead to more than serious consequences, including, among other things, the occurrence of death.

In the hip, in the head and in the heart

As mentioned above, the degree of danger of pathology, possible consequences and treatment methods are associated with the location of pathogenic masses. The most frequently diagnosed ailments of this kind include:

  • in the thigh area. Most often, the appearance of characteristic clots in this situation occurs due to varicose veins veins Damage to both superficial and deep veins is possible. On early stages When pathology occurs, the symptoms of thrombosis are almost completely absent; in the future, such manifestations as pain, tissue necrosis, impaired sensitivity, and the appearance of heat in the area of ​​the affected limb are possible.
  • in my head. In the vast majority of cases, their presence in the head area occurs due to the deposition of cholesterol masses. This type of pathology is one of the most dangerous, due to the lack characteristic symptoms. The appearance of clots leads to disruption cerebral circulation, lack of supply of sufficient nutrients to brain tissue.
  • in heart. The emergence of pathogenic masses in the heart area is the main reason for the deterioration of the patient’s general well-being, the appearance of pain in the chest area, shortness of breath, dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms. Separation of a blood clot in the absence of timely assistance may lead to death.

Regardless of the area of ​​localization, the patient requires timely assistance, otherwise it is almost impossible to avoid the negative consequences of this pathology.

Is it possible to play sports

The prevailing factors contributing to the formation of thrombus masses include a sedentary lifestyle. Provided there are no contraindications, which the attending physician will help identify, moderate physical activity helps stimulate blood circulation and improve the supply of nutrients to organs and tissues.

It should be remembered that sports are indicated for thrombosis only if there is no threat of detachment of the pathogenic mass, as well as the occurrence of other consequences negative character. In addition, the loads should be moderate, their intensity is determined exclusively by a specialist.

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A combined combination of conservative therapy methods, physical activity and proper nutrition will eliminate the problem, improve blood flow, and also eliminate as much as possible the likelihood of negative consequences of this disease.

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