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Why are hormonal hormones harmful? What are the consequences of taking contraceptives?

During menopause, the doctor may prescribe an appointment hormonal drugs. However, not everyone knows why they are dangerous. For a long time doctors were confident in their safety. However, recently scientists were able to prove the dangers of hormonal drugs during menopause.

What are the dangers of hormonal drugs during menopause?
The fact is that there is a possibility of adverse reactions. Nevertheless, studies have shown that the benefits to the body from taking hormonal medications during menopause are greater than the harm. It is important to start treatment in a timely manner, then the likelihood of side effects will be minimal.

Usually women during menopause who do not have concomitant diseases, prescribe 2-phase hormonal medications containing dydrogesterone, estrodiol. The regimen for taking a 3-phase drug is very complex. Therefore, this drug is prescribed in extreme cases.

What are the dangers of hormonal drugs for children?
Hormonal drugs are prescribed not only to adults, but also to children. Formerly a doctor prescribed hormones only to seriously ill babies. They caused various side effects. Today, a mother may refuse to allow her child to take hormones. However, diseases such as asthma cannot be cured without them. What are the dangers of hormonal drugs for children, in which cases they should be taken, and in which cases there is no need to rush. Drugs local action(topical steroids) act locally. They almost never enter the bloodstream. But they are prohibited from taking if there is any inflammatory process.

For allergies, doctors prescribe corticosteroids for the child. Treatment with them lasts from two to three weeks. If there are indications, for example, a six-month-old child suffers from asthma, taking hormones is mandatory. If the child begins to lag behind in development, and a blood test shows what hormones are missing for growth, the hormone somatropin should be taken.

There is one important point Why hormonal drugs are dangerous for a child. The treatment course with hormones should not be completed immediately, but gradually. Otherwise, complications may arise. When applying hormonal ointment to the skin, it is first diluted with baby cream. Each time the proportion of the cream is increased, and the proportion of the ointment is reduced.

Scientists have recently discovered that some phytohormones contain a substance whose composition resembles estrogen, a female hormone. Usage this drug considered safe and useless. Therefore, do not rush to give up effective hormones.

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Facilities, affecting tissue metabolic processes. Adverse reactions and complications caused by drugs in this group, among all drugs unwanted effects are registered with a frequency of 18-39% - The largest number of complications develop from hormonal drugs, the proportion of which in the general series of drug reactions is 5%.

Among hormonal drugs Steroid hormones (prednisolone, dexamethasone, etc.) are widely used. Despite significant therapeutic effect obtained by prescribing glucocorticosteroids, adverse reactions develop in 20-100% of patients, and in a quarter of them complications are severe.

Up to 94% of adverse reactions caused by glucocorticosteroid drugs, falls to the share of prednisolone, because it is most often used in practice. Most often (up to 30% of all side effects) Cushing's syndrome develops, which is characterized by a moon-shaped face of a purplish-red color, fat deposition in subcutaneous tissue neck and shoulder girdle with simultaneous atrophy of the muscles of the limbs, increased blood pressure etc.

To the frequent complications of hormone therapy include diabetes, the frequency of which, according to data different authors, is 0.2-80%.

Steroid hormones can disrupt fat metabolism(23% of patients), function gastrointestinal tract(25%), and also influence functional state adrenal cortex. When using drugs internally, gastric ulcers may form (3-7%).

The following case history may serve as an illustration.

Often during treatment with corticosteroid drugs develops skin and muscle damage. Skin reactions are characterized by acne-like rashes, skin atrophy, rupture of subcutaneous fatty tissue, development of scleral-like changes and skin scars, dermatitis. The leg muscles are often affected: the patient is concerned about weakness, fatigue, wasting or atrophy of the leg muscles. These complications are difficult to treat.

In a third of children, glucocorticosteroids cause stunting bone tissue as a result of a sharp decrease in the production of growth hormone and increased excretion of calcium ions from the body. Violations intensify with increasing dose. Installation of gas pipelines, gasification of dachas, excellent company. hormone and duration of use.

Under the influence of glucocorticosteroids as a result of increased permeability of the lens membrane cataracts develop, rises intraocular pressure, which can cause atrophy of the optic nerves and lead to complete or partial blindness. Changes in the lens are usually irreversible nature, intraocular pressure and optic nerves recover after discontinuation of glucocorticoids.

Although glucocorticosteroid hormones provide good effect in the treatment of various allergic diseases , they themselves sometimes cause allergic reactions up to anaphylactic shock, which we observed with the administration of hydrocortisone.

Although the question about teratogenic effect(congenital deformities) steroid hormones has not been completely resolved, but sufficient data have been accumulated on the development of anomalies in the fetus and newborns when pregnant women use glucocorticosteroid hormones. In this case, most often newborns have an enlarged tongue and a cleft. hard palate, softening of the bones of the cranial vault, narrowing of the aorta, mental retardation, children's cerebral palsy, adrenal insufficiency.

Thus, steroid hormones are capable of causing a wide variety of complications and adverse reactions. Therefore, only a doctor can correctly weigh all the indications and contraindications for their use. Only in a hospital can it be possible to promptly identify the beginning complications of hormonal therapy and stop the drugs until pathological process as a result of hormone therapy, it did not become irreversible.

Particular care should be taken when treating with hormones. prescribing them to children. The famous pediatrician Professor A.L. Libov spoke very expressively about hormonal therapy in children, somewhat paraphrasing W. Shakespeare: “Once you have received hormones, the future is full of doubts.” Hormonal drugs should be prescribed, but only when for health reasons it is impossible to do without them. At the same time, prednisolone or hydrocortisone ointment is often present in our home medicine cabinets; for mild rhinitis, a hydrocortisone suspension is instilled into the nose for speedy healing herpetic lesion lips or other rashes, the affected area is lubricated with fluorocortene, locacorten, sinalar and similar ointments containing steroid hormones. What enormous, invisible for the time being, harm is caused to health when small benefit in the coming days of treatment!

Synthetic nonsteroidal estrogens, in particular diethylstilbestrol, according to foreign authors, have the ability to cause cancer in girls if their mothers took these drugs during pregnancy. Wherein tumors of the vagina and cervix do not develop immediately, but many years after birth, most often during puberty. Benign vaginal tumors are registered in 30-40% of girls whose mothers were treated with non-steroidal estrogen hormones during pregnancy. Sex hormones, when administered to pregnant women, cause a masculin-like effect (i.e., they contribute to the appearance of any male characteristics) in a female fetus.

Pronounced carcinogenic effect have oral contraceptives (birth control). Under the influence of these drugs, uterine cancer may develop, benign tumor mammary glands, increase the growth of tumor cells present in the body. According to the Swedish Adverse Drug Reactions Committee, over five years oral contraceptives were the cause of such complications in a quarter of the women who took them.

Thus, hormones, having a pronounced therapeutic effect, refer to drugs with high percentage of side effects, especially in children.

Often during treatment with corticosteroid drugs skin and muscle damage develops. Skin reactions are characterized by acne-like rashes, skin atrophy, rupture of subcutaneous fatty tissue, development of scleral-like changes and skin scars, dermatitis. Leg muscles are often affected: the patient is concerned about weakness, fatigue, wasting or atrophy of the leg muscles. These complications are difficult to treat.

In a third of children glucocorticosteroids cause bone growth retardation as a result of a sharp decrease in the production of growth hormone and increased excretion of calcium ions from the body. The disturbances intensify with increasing doses of the hormone and duration of administration.

Complications from the visual organs from the action of steroid hormones develop in both adults and children, and in children they are registered in 28-44% of cases.

Under the influence of glucocorticosteroids as a result increased permeability of the lens shell Cataracts develop, intraocular pressure increases, which can cause atrophy of the optic nerves and lead to complete or partial blindness. Changes in the lens are usually irreversible, intraocular pressure and optic nerves are restored after discontinuation of glucocorticoids.

Despite the fact that glucocorticosteroid hormones have a good effect in the treatment of various allergic diseases, they themselves sometimes cause allergic reactions up to anaphylactic shock, which we observed with the administration of hydrocortisone.

Although the question about teratogenic effect(congenital deformities) steroid hormones has not been completely resolved, but sufficient data have been accumulated on the development of anomalies in the fetus and newborns when pregnant women use glucocorticosteroid hormones. In this case, most often in newborns, an enlarged tongue and a cleft of the hard palate, softening of the bones of the cranial vault, narrowing of the aorta, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, and adrenal insufficiency are observed.

Hormonal drugs are a group of drugs used for hormone therapy and containing hormones or their synthesized analogues.

The effect of hormonal drugs on the body has been studied quite well, and most studies are freely available to a wide range of readers.

Distinguish hormonal agents containing hormones natural origin(they are made from the glands of slaughter cattle, urine and blood of various animals and humans), including plant and synthetic hormones and their analogues, which naturally differ from natural ones in their chemical composition, however, produce the same physiological effect on the body.

Hormonal agents are prepared in the form of oil and water formulations for intramuscular or subcutaneous administration, as well as in the form of tablets and ointments (creams).

Traditional medicine uses hormonal drugs for diseases that are associated with insufficient production of certain hormones human body, for example, deficiency of insulin in diabetes, sex hormones - with reduced ovarian function, triiodothyronine - with myxedema. This therapy is called replacement therapy and is carried out over a very long period of the patient’s life, and sometimes throughout his entire life. Also, hormonal drugs, in particular those containing glucocorticoids, are prescribed as antiallergic or anti-inflammatory drugs, and mineralocorticoids are prescribed for myasthenia gravis.

The effect of hormonal ointments on the body

Scientists have noted that the strength of the effect on the body, hormonal preparations for external use differ depending on the form of release. Ointments are considered the most powerful, and then (in descending order) come creams, lotions, gels and liquid forms(sprays). Hormonal ointments containing topical corticosteroids, are successfully used in the treatment skin diseases non-infectious origin, including allergic manifestations. Their action is aimed at eliminating the cause of rashes or skin irritations, which is the inflammatory process.

Of course, unlike pills or injections of hormonal agents, the hormones contained in ointments are not absorbed into the bloodstream large doses, therefore their impact on internal organs and systems are minimal. These ointments are quite effective, but require extreme caution and strict adherence to medical recommendations when used, that is, external hormonal agents must be applied in a strictly defined dosage, localized and in compliance with the rules indicated by the doctor. It is also undesirable to use hormonal ointment for a long time without control, especially with a high concentration. active substances. About nothing SELF-MEDICATION And SELF-ASSIGNMENT hormonal ointments and speeches to be CAN NOT.

Although the corticosteroid substances in ointments are synthesized, they nevertheless properly perform the functions of hormones. Therefore, many patients are concerned about whether these compounds will have harmful effects on metabolic processes organisms, regulated endocrine system. Scientists have proven that when it enters the blood (through skin), hormones are indeed capable of somewhat reducing the productivity of the adrenal glands, however, this only occurs during the period of external hormone therapy (application of ointments). After completing the course of treatment, the activity of the adrenal glands is completely restored.

The effect of hormonal contraceptives on the body

Since the introduction of the first birth control pill (more than 50 years ago), hormonal contraceptives cause heated debate. This topic has not lost its relevance to this day. Some are supporters who claim that their health has noticeably improved from the constant use of hormones, while others are ardent opponents of using pills to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Undoubtedly, one thing is that both the benefits and harmful side effects of this form of contraception have been quite well studied and have long been known.

The effect of hormonal contraceptives on the body is entirely individual and depends on many factors. It should be borne in mind that the use of drugs is a direct intervention in the natural course of physiological processes in the body and have a direct impact on the daily functioning of all systems and organs. This is why deciding to accept any medications, in particular, hormones, ONLY A DOCTOR CAN, preferably based on the conducted comprehensive examination and taking tests, including for the condition hormonal levels.

The effect of hormonal pills on the body

Like any medicine, birth control pills affect the entire body as a whole. It has been experimentally proven that regular long-term use hormonal pills reduces the risk of cancer by an average of 50% (+ - 5%). But once a tumor is detected, hormonal drugs are no longer prescribed.

Doctors also note that the use contraception contributes to normalization menstrual cycle and reducing pain during menstruation. Sometimes in women with skin problems, in particular acne, acne disappears from taking hormones. This is because the acne was caused by hormonal imbalance in the body, and birth control pills this problem eliminated.

When taking hormonal contraceptives, special attention should be paid to the following recommendations:

  • pills intended to protect against unwanted pregnancy do not protect female body from sexually transmitted diseases;
  • women over 35 years of age when taking combined contraceptive pills you should stop smoking, as in this case the risk of vascular blockage increases significantly;
  • It is not advisable to use tablets during breastfeeding combined composition, since estrogen in their composition affects the quality and composition of milk. In this case, tablets containing only the corpus luteum hormone are prescribed;
  • if nausea, dizziness, or stomach upset occur, you should consult a specialist;
  • in case you are prescribed medications, you must inform your doctor that you are taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • If there is a miss in taking pills, then there is a need to use additional contraceptives, for example, condoms.

For women with severe forms endocrine diseases, For example, diabetes, as well as those with pathology of the heart and blood vessels, neoplasms, intake oral contraceptives undesirable. Your doctor will tell you more about the effect of hormonal drugs on the body, since their prescription is advisable only after a full examination, taking into account individual characteristics body.

State of the art modern medicine helps prevent unwanted pregnancy. Proper use of contraceptives guarantees a woman's right to have a child when she is ready for it.

Type of contraceptionprosMinuses
HormonalEffective protection against unwanted pregnancy, reducing the risk of ectopic pregnancy, malignant neoplasms in the reproductive system, normalization of the cycle, improvement of skin condition, prevention of infertility, can be taken continuouslySide effects, contraindications, does not protect against sexually transmitted infections, requires organization - taking medications should not be skipped
Reliability, one-time useHigh concentration of hormones, limited number of doses, likelihood of complications and side effects
Emergency non-hormonalEase of use, low costLack of efficiency

For nulliparous women A properly selected contraceptive is not dangerous. Analyze harm and benefit of birth control pills is necessary taking into account the characteristics of a particular drug. These medicines are accepted only after consultation with a gynecologist-endocrinologist.


Oral contraceptives (OCs) contain essential hormones that regulate the uterine cycle and a woman's ability to conceive a child. The composition is:

  • combined (COCs) - based on estradiol and progesterone;
  • mini-pills - based on progesterone.

By hormone concentration combination drugs there are:

  • microdosed;
  • low-dose;
  • medium dose;
  • highly dosed.

Depending on the content of hormones, OCs are divided:

  • to monophasic (the content of estradiol and progesterone in all tablets is the same);
  • biphasic (tablets contain a constant amount of estradiol and the amount of progesterone varying depending on the day of the cycle);
  • triphasic (the amount of estradiol and progesterone in tablets corresponds to the day of the menstrual cycle).

Advantages modern drugs in the absence of side effects (weight gain, neoplasms, body hair growth) that were observed with the first oral contraceptives. These medicines were introduced in 1960 and contained a large number of female hormones.

Last generation Hormonal mini-pills are recommended for women over 35 years of age for whom estrogens are contraindicated. Even smoking patients are allowed to take them. Bleeding between menstruation is not an indication for discontinuing the contraceptive.

Small doses hormones contained in OCs provide therapeutic and preventive action:

Birth control hormonal pills are prescribed to a woman special conditions:

  • in a mini-pill;
  • COCs are included in therapeutic measures after artificial termination of pregnancy or miscarriage;
  • OK for violations uterine cycle, for the prevention of endometriosis (proliferation of the inner layer of the uterine wall), in the treatment of mastopathy.

What consequences may arise if canceled?

Earlier hormonal contraceptives required a mandatory break of several months every 3 years of use. Modern OCs can be taken for a long time; their withdrawal affects the body in different ways.


Already in the first months after discontinuation of the OC, a woman has the opportunity to become pregnant. While taking hormonal drugs, the body creates favorable conditions to conceive a child: the ovaries are rested, the uterus is prepared for bearing a fetus. Birth control pills do not pose a threat to the life of the unborn child. But if pregnancy occurs while taking a contraceptive, it must be stopped immediately.


In some cases, when stopping hormonal pills, women cannot become pregnant. In this case, gynecologists recommend that the patient undergo an examination to exclude the presence of inflammation. infectious diseases, malignant neoplasms in the uterus. In the absence of pathologies, a woman can plan a pregnancy.

Sometimes, after discontinuing OCs, women begin to experience skin problems, mood swings, depression, and disruption of the uterine cycle. They associate these phenomena with the development of dependence on steroid hormones. Negative reactions develop only in the case of an incorrectly selected contraceptive, so the choice is made by the doctor and regularly monitors the patient’s condition. Dependence does not develop while taking OCs.


The benefits and harms of birth control pills can only be determined by a specialist. The doctor will choose best condition health, regularity of sexual activity and other factors. OCs will definitely cause harm in the following pathologies:

  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • thrombosis;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • arthritis;
  • lupus erythematosus.

At depressive disorders, migraines, varicose veins, PMS, birth control pills can be taken under medical supervision.

Oral hormonal contraceptives are reliable and safe method. They should only be selected by the attending physician. This will help avoid negative consequences and will provide reliable protection from unwanted pregnancy. OCs are used as therapeutic and prophylactic agents.

Hello Dmitry! Hormonal drugs prescribed to a man by a competent doctor and on purpose, just like any other drugs, are designed to restore one or another function of the body. Otherwise, for example, applied in the wrong way, in the wrong dosage, they can lead to severe consequences or simply to health problems. Generally speaking, taking one or another medical supplies, it is always worth remembering such a wise and ancient phrase: “Everything is poison, and everything is medicine.” It all depends only on their competent or illiterate use.

Hormonal drugs are drugs obtained synthetically and acting like natural hormones produced in our body. These types of drugs do not necessarily have contraceptive effect, and can be prescribed to both women and men (depending on the type of drugs) to normalize the function of the reproductive system, normalize hormonal levels, etc.

For example, many men prolong their sexual function with the help of drugs for hormonal basis. Of course, their use must be previously agreed with a doctor; independent use of such drugs is strictly prohibited. After conducting a comprehensive examination and undergoing numerous tests, the doctor can indeed prescribe a drug containing testosterone, which will help a man improve the situation with sex hormones. However, simply taking testosterone, without a doctor’s prescription, may not lead to any significant results, since studies show that male menopause is not always caused only by a lack of hormones. Accordingly, hormone deficiency does not always lead to limited male functions. There is one interesting study in which testosterone was injected into the brain of a male rat, hoping to induce a strong sexual instinct. However, instead, the animal, on the contrary, suddenly showed maternal instinct. The male refused to mate with the female, and began to show purely maternal feelings towards her.

The consumption of hormones for each person is very individual and you cannot look at your neighbor and follow his example. Only a doctor can advise and prescribe hormones; if not done correctly, taking hormones can become unsafe.

If you are interested in taking hormonal medications for good results in sports, here everything is also very individual. One thing is for sure - you should not abuse any medications.