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Pills to make a girl gain weight. How to avoid weight gain while using hormonal medications

Some diseases can only be gotten rid of with the help of hormonal drugs, but as soon as you hear this word from a doctor, you immediately imagine how your body weight increases and your mood drops. This scares many people and, as a result, they refuse to take the drug, and all because of false information that is distributed in the media. mass media.

Myths or truth?

  1. Hormones only cause harm to the body. This information is not true; hormones act on the body like other conventional drugs and also have their side effects.
  2. You need to take hormones that your sister or friend has already tested. Another myth. Such drugs should only be prescribed by a doctor, this also applies to birth control pills. Before your appointment, you must undergo an examination and pass all tests.
  3. If you take hormones, you will definitely get better. Only part of this statement is true, since hormones affect appetite, but for some it decreases and they are not afraid of extra pounds. Initially, it is impossible to find out exactly how the drug will affect you; you just need to try it.
  4. Hormonal drugs are not excreted from the body. This is not true, since once the drug enters the body, it disintegrates almost instantly and is eliminated from the body after some time. Here, for example, birth control pills, are eliminated from the body after a day, which is why they must be taken daily.
  5. Alternatives to hormones can be found among conventional drugs. It is a myth. There are serious diseases for which it is necessary to use only hormones.

What are hormones used for?

Many people believe that the only hormones that are prescribed are, but this is not so. Problems that hormones can help cope with:

  • irregular periods;
  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • premature menopause;
  • diseases of the ovaries and uterus;
  • severely painful periods;
  • problems after childbirth;
  • problematic skin eg severe rash;
  • a lot of body hair, etc.

Justified fear

Modern medicine is so developed that the risk of gaining extra pounds is minimal. When using hormonal drugs, you need to monitor the condition of your body and even if there is the slightest change from the norm, you need to consult a doctor. Maybe the drug you are taking is not suitable for your body and needs to be changed. A properly selected drug should not cause any such phenomena.

Rules that must be followed in order not to gain weight from hormones

  1. Your weight must be monitored daily.
  2. Watch what you eat.
  3. Exercise regularly.
  4. If you want to eat, this does not mean you need to eat cake, replace it with an apple.
  5. Sometimes the reason for the appearance of extra pounds is excess water in the body. Therefore, after you consult with your doctor, you can drink herbal diuretic teas.

During the use of hormonal drugs, it is recommended to limit consumption of:

Now you have everything necessary information, which will allow you to maintain your weight and not gain extra pounds while using hormonal drugs.

Young girls in the period of maturation and first love are rightly concerned about the question: are there any birth control pills that do not make them gain weight? After all, the fear of gaining weight after taking it is completely justified: a woman not only gains excess weight, but even if she diligently loses weight, she cannot lose what she has acquired by taking medications. Some doctors talk about the availability of hormonal contraceptives, from which they lose weight, do not gain weight, but even reduce the existing weight somewhat. How to choose such medications?

Do birth control pills make you fat?

The question “do birth control pills make you fat” is completely justified, because after taking hormonal drugs, a woman experiences a change, which affects her weight and other functioning of the body, especially in the activity of the reproductive system. Moreover, taking contraceptives affects not only a woman’s weight, but also many other factors. important aspects. That is why it is recommended to consult a doctor before taking this type of medication. Good specialist will require appropriate tests to determine exactly what medications a woman should take in order to avoid becoming pregnant.

Side effects from taking oral contraceptives:

  1. Birth control pills make you fat - this is a fact, especially if a woman has chosen the wrong drugs that are not suitable for her existing hormonal levels. If you notice weight gain, you should consult your doctor. Of course, don't panic about weight gain. On average, weight increases by only 3-4 kg. Any other manifestations should be addressed in the doctor's office.
  2. Taking birth control pills for weight loss may cause weight gain and may not protect against. This often happens due to improper use of the drug. Sometimes women start taking medications on their own, which leads to similar negative manifestations.
  3. The negative impact of contraceptives in general on the functioning of the body has been identified and confirmed by specialists. Changes in hormonal levels can lead to changes in the microflora of the vagina, which may result in other unpleasant manifestations. Causing discomfort and discomfort. Provoking similar diseases Taking hormonal contraceptives, which cause weight loss, will make it difficult to cure them.
  4. If a woman has any chronic diseases, taking incorrectly selected contraceptives can lead to their exacerbation. Diseases of the reproductive system often manifest themselves here, the development of mastopathy, adrenal gland disease and even gastrointestinal tract are intensifying with renewed vigor.

Birth control pills that help you lose weight should be selected carefully and only after consulting a doctor. Any independent actions can lead to irreversible consequences.

Which birth control pills can help you lose weight?

Birth control pills that help you lose weight are of most interest to the fair sex. Thus, women want to preserve their former forms, and also pursue the goal of pleasing men, because the stronger sex is this moment pays more attention to a woman's figure. The opportunity to have contact that does not lead to the birth of children without the diligence of the man himself encourages even greater interest in the woman.

So, today the question is often asked, which birth control pills make you lose weight? Are there really any?

Birth control pills that don't make you fat

Experts note that if hormonal contraceptives are chosen correctly and in full accordance with a woman’s existing hormonal background, she will never gain weight from taking them. And, nevertheless, a possible list of drugs that are often recommended for women to take by specialists should be given.

The list includes:

  1. Low-dose drugs - Triziston, Yarina, Zhanine - are taken by all girls and women. Prohibited for use by teenagers.
  2. Microdosed - Lindenet, Mercilon, Logest - tablets are intended for use by young girls and women who are just starting to have sexual relations with men. In addition to the tablet form, today there are patches or flexible vaginal rings, which last for several days or weeks.
  3. Mini-pills - Charozetta, Exluton - are intended for use by girls who do not have regular sex life.

The presented products should be used only according to the instructions, as well as with the permission of a gynecologist. To find out about the effect of drugs on a woman’s body, she should undergo regular examination to identify side effects. You must go to the hospital at least twice a year.

What birth control pills make you lose weight?

Contraceptives that help you lose weight deserve special attention. Of course, you shouldn’t rely entirely on the effects of weight loss medications. But normalizing hormonal levels can help a woman regain her normal weight.

The following contraceptive pills for weight loss are distinguished:

  1. Regulon is taken by women who have already given birth, since for young women the presented remedy will have the opposite effect.
  2. Novinet - prescribed by specialists to girls who have not yet had pregnancies.
  3. Regividon - prescribed by a specialist only if there are any diseases genitourinary system among women.

Be careful about your health and consult with specialists before using medications.

hormone therapy (contraceptives or curative therapy) is always fraught with weight gain. Avoid problems with overweight It will help to follow a few rules.

Why do hormones get better

A couple of decades ago, hormonal contraceptives led to excess weight in almost all women. The reason for this is the “horse” doses of hormones that the first generation pills contained. Modern pharmaceuticals have stepped far forward and modern contraceptive pills contain a minimum amount of hormones. Nevertheless, complaints about problems with the figure did not become much less. One of the reasons for this is the independent choice of contraceptives. Remember: women's hormonal system extremely thin and experiments on it can be very expensive. Be sure to consult your doctor!

The second reason for weight gain when taking hormonal drugs is quite objective: it most directly affects metabolic processes and work endocrine system, hormonal pills increase the feeling of hunger. Not knowing about this property of hormonal contraceptives, women are unable to consciously resist the active production of the hunger hormone ghrelin in their bodies. Increased appetite is explained by the most for various reasons, and the result becomes predictable.

What to do? Having received a doctor's prescription to take hormonal medications, be sure to rebuild your nutrition system. Eat food 5-6 times a day, but in very small portions. This diet will “slow down” the production of grenaline and protect your figure from appearing extra pounds.

Keep your vitamin and mineral balance under control

Another negative property hormonal drugs - the ability to increase the consumption and removal of vitamins and minerals from the body. This factor very much depends on the age, weight of the woman, her physical activity, general condition health. Deficiencies of vitamins and minerals can cause a feeling of “wanting something” and provoke extraordinary meals. Your doctor may recommend a diet with increased content vitamin C, calcium, zinc, iron, chromium, folic acid, selenium, vitamin E or prescribe medications containing them.

What foods are incompatible with hormonal therapy?

Due to the body’s ability to process simple sugars, which decreases under the influence of hormones, it is necessary to practically exclude foods with high glycemic index. These are any products made from white flour, sugar, beer. The consumption of potatoes, white refined rice, fatty meats, sausages, cheeses, carbonated drinks and products with artificial additives (preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers) should also be minimized. After all, hormones increase the body’s sensitivity to any unnatural products. And what might previously have gone unnoticed can result in a problem while taking hormonal medications.

Drink more water

Often women, fearing the accumulation of fluid in the cells of their bodies, reduce the amount of water they drink during the day. This should not be done under any circumstances: sensing a lack of moisture, the human body gives the command to create its reserves. A paradoxical situation arises: fluid accumulates in the cells not due to excess, but due to its deficiency. Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day (30 ml per 1 kg of weight).

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Many women are sure that if they start taking hormonal pills, they will immediately have to buy clothes for their growth. What is the reason for this misconception, and why do some people get better from hormones? What is special about the popular drugs Jess, Yarina and Nuvaring? And if you do gain weight, how to lose weight?

Almost always women who decide to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy with the help of hormonal drugs, they are wondering whether it is possible not to gain weight from taking Jess or Nuvaring. They often ask their friends for advice, and when they hear “no,” they try to refuse the doctor’s appointment. And very much in vain.

Surely you know that hormonal pills are prescribed not only as oral contraceptives (OC), but also for treatment certain diseases and inflammation. Doctors are surprised and assure patients that even if your friend recovered “thanks” to the pills, this does not mean that the same fate awaits you. Do you get better from taking hormones?

Have you started taking birth control and are dreading the day when all your clothes are too small? Are you afraid of getting fat? Then you need to learn about how not to gain weight from hormones.

Remember a few rules:

  1. Watch your appetite. As you know, this is the main reason for weight gain when taking new hormones. Of course, we are not talking about serious illnesses(For example, diabetes mellitus). To avoid weight gain, try to eat small meals. Eat 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  2. Drink 1-2 glasses before each meal warm water . This recommendation will help you avoid overeating. Sit down at the table 10-15 minutes after drinking liquid.
  3. To help your body absorb better useful material from food It is recommended to cleanse the intestines of toxins and wastes. To do this, you can use magnesia or any other laxative.
  4. If you are afraid of getting fat, then We recommend that you keep a food diary. Throughout the day, write down every bite you eat. This is very good way control your appetite. After all, it often seems to us that we are not overeating, and in the end, noticing the appearance of the barrel and tummy, we blame hormonal drugs. The food diary clearly demonstrates that although you eat “like a bird,” you allow yourself very high-calorie snacks.
  5. To all women who take Yarina or Jess Plus (as well as other hormonal drugs), you need to watch your weight. You can weigh yourself 1-2 times a week. More often it is not necessary, since the weight can jump by 1-2 kilos depending on how much liquid you drank and what you ate during the day.
  6. It is recommended to take contraceptives half an hour before eating. This is explained simply. After taking OK, your appetite increases, so try to have a snack after taking hormones.
  7. Do you like carbohydrates? Then we have bad news. So that a week later you don’t look in horror for information about how a girl can’t gain weight from hormones, you need to give up your favorite cakes and sugary treats. The use of oral contraceptives promotes the complete absorption of carbohydrates by the body.
  8. It has been noted that when using hormones women get better in the absence of regular sex life. If you take contraceptives, then sex should be a constant part of your life. The fact is that sex hormones contained in sperm minimize the side effects of pills. If there is a shortage male hormones ladies gain weight in their bodies, because the drug already contains a high dosage female estrogens, which lead to completeness.
  9. In no case Don't fast while taking hormones. After stopping the pills, hormones are normal, but due to strict “starvation” diets, there is a possibility of hormonal imbalance. You should also not take any miracle pills or dietary supplements for weight loss.

All these recommendations apply only to drugs for the treatment of diseases thyroid gland and tablets intended to control pregnancy. If the doctor has prescribed a high-dose drug, then you need to put off the fight against excess weight and take care of your health. For example, when using Prednisolone, you should not limit yourself in food.

Why women blame pills

There are many representatives of the fair sex who claim that they inevitably get better from hormonal contraceptives. Among the reasons they highlight:

  • They promote the accumulation of fluid in tissues. Yes it is. But pills are different from pills. To avoid this side effect, do not try to “prescribe” yourself a contraceptive. Good doctor will prescribe a hormonal drug containing drospirenone. It is this substance that helps fight excess fluid in the body and swelling.
  • We often believe what we hear and don’t even try to understand what led to weight gain in a given situation. Do not forget that hormones are prescribed not only to prevent unwanted pregnancy, but also in other cases. For example, doctors prescribe pills if necessary to regulate the cycle during the period of planning conception. The drug can also be prescribed to treat inflammation in the vagina.

If you start taking the drug, but notice a deterioration in your health or rapid weight gain, contact your doctor immediately. This drug is not suitable for you, and the doctor’s task will be to choose another hormonal contraceptive option. Perhaps more gentle and safe in your case.

For what reasons do women still get better?

Experts note that women who take hormonal birth control pills for a long period of time can actually gain excess weight. This is due to the following factors:

  • Usually, taking hormones is accompanied by an increase in appetite. Perhaps this is the main reason. Indeed, if you do not learn to control your eating behavior, you can gain one or two sizes. It must be said that this also applies to girls who do not accept Yarina or Jess.
  • The use of certain hormones can actually cause weight gain.
  • There is evidence that if a woman gains weight while taking contraceptives, then most likely she had subclinical hypothyroidism even before the drug was prescribed. Given inflammatory disease negatively affects functionality thyroid gland. Wherein early form The disease does not have clear symptoms.

If you eat right, lead an active lifestyle, and your weight still continues to increase, then you need to consult an endocrinologist. Most likely, your problem is related to decreased thyroid function.

Doctors' opinion

Experts say that if your friend has gained weight hormonal pills, then you first need to find out the cause of this phenomenon. When prescribing a drug, the doctor takes into account not only the concentration necessary substances, but also the phenotype of a woman.

Curvy ladies with a predominance of estrogen in the body. Due to their constitutional and biological characteristics, fat is deposited according to the female type - on the buttocks and thighs. To avoid weight gain, they are prescribed tablets with an enhanced gestagen component. But this, of course, is not enough. It is very important that a woman controls her appetite and watches what she puts on her plate. It is important to say that all these measures are necessary not so that ladies with curves do not gain weight from taking OK, but because such women are generally prone to being overweight. They are usually prescribed the hormones Logest or Lindinet.

With a balanced phenotype body fat distributed evenly throughout the body. Such women have medium mammary glands and normal skin type. As a rule, they do not suffer from PMS. Doctors prescribe Marvelon, Nuvaring or Lindinet-30 for them.

There is also a third phenotype - androgen predominance. Representatives of the fair sex with a predominance of gestagens are endowed with tall stature, underdeveloped mammary glands, oily skin and hair. These women are “lucky” to feel depressed in the run-up to their period, painful sensations lower abdomen. In this case, specialists prescribe hormonal drugs with high dosage antiandrogenic components. These include: Janine, Diane, Yarina and Jess.

All about contraceptives: interview with a gynecologist

We offer you a video in which a specialist will tell you in detail about hormonal contraceptives. He will also answer the question of why people gain weight from hormones.

How to lose weight while taking hormones

If you sadly notice that your favorite dress is too tight at the waist or hips (that is, you are one of those exceptional people who gain weight from taking hormones), do not rush to buy a shapeless hoodie several sizes larger. By following a few tips, you will learn how to lose weight, and your weight will gradually return to normal:

  1. Adjust your diet. First of all, give up “junk” food, smoked meats and sausages, fatty varieties meat. Various sauces are also prohibited. Try to find a healthy alternative to them. For example, mayonnaise can be replaced with matsoni or sour cream with the addition herbs. It is also recommended to reduce butter consumption.
  2. You need to lose weight while taking oral contraceptives in the same way as without them. That's why physical exercise should become an integral part of your life. If you have problems with joint mobility, start with breathing exercises for weight loss.
  3. Do not under any circumstances stop drinking water. It happens that a girl understands that her plus 2-3 kilos is an excess of fluid in the body. So she tries to reduce the amount of water in her diet. We recommend that you consult your doctor and choose a diuretic. Just use it with caution, do not forget that it can be not only beneficial, but also harmful. Or you can start drinking chamomile infusion and parsley decoction. These drugs are considered natural diuretics.
  4. You can also recommend taking baths with sea ​​salt. If you add essential oil, you can improve your mood. But it helps to avoid depressive state, which is noted by women in the period of 1-2 months after the start of taking OK.

If you want to get rid of excess fluid, stop using caffeine-containing products. They retain water.

How not to gain weight from hormonal drugs that the doctor prescribes to treat the disease? After all, some ailments can be cured only with hormonal drugs. Some patients refuse to take such medications, allegedly explaining this as weight gain. Actually this is not true.

Hormones are quite common medicine. The fact that the only hormonal drugs, as many people think, are contraceptives, is not at all true. Hormones are prescribed for such health problems:

  • irregular menstruation;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • early menopause associated with improper diets, anorexia, etc.;
  • diseases of women reproductive organs(hypofunction of the ovaries, reduction of the uterus, etc.);
  • periods that are very painful (involving the lumbar region, lower abdomen, causing dizziness or loss of consciousness);
  • recovery after childbirth;
  • skin problems (acne, pimples);
  • heavy hair growth on the skin.

These are common cases various diseases when you simply cannot do without taking hormonal drugs. To avoid the problem of weight gain, you need to carefully monitor your condition and well-being. If uncharacteristic changes appear, you should consult your doctor.

If, on the basis of tests, the doctor decides to prescribe hormonal drugs, it is not necessary to refuse them. And although female body may respond to this technique differently, the treatment will still give results.

Careful observation of the state of the body will tell you what to do next.

You can have courage and endure, for example, headache or be upset about weight gain, and at the same time stubbornly take pill after pill. But you don't need to do this. These symptoms indicate that this drug It just doesn't fit. This means you need to consult your doctor, who will select another medicine.

In any case, the hormonal agent should not have side effects. Among them, the most common are the appearance of extra pounds, painful periods, migraines, and swelling.

If even one of them occurs, the drug must be changed and the one that is suitable must be looked for. But the treatment must be completed.

Myths about hormones

Many patients refuse to take hormonal. This happens because they have false information about the drugs, thinking that they can help them get better.

The media spread myths about hormones, including the following:

  • Hormones have an effect on the body negative impact. This is not true because the effects of these substances are the same as those of many other drugs. All drugs usually have side effects.
  • You should only take medications that someone around you has already taken and recommended. In this case, an acquaintance is a unique example of the fact that hormones do not improve. This cannot be done, because hormonal drugs are prescribed only by a doctor based on tests.

  • Hormones can make you fat very quickly. This statement is only half true. Hormones can affect appetite in different ways. For someone, it will increase, and then, indeed, weight gain is possible. And for some, on the contrary, it decreases, and then there will be no extra pounds. You can find out how the drug will affect the body only after taking the medication.
  • The hormonal drug is not excreted from the body. This is also not true. Once in the body, the medicine begins to disintegrate after a short period of time and is then completely eliminated. For example, daily intake contraception is due precisely to this circumstance.
  • Hormones can be replaced with a regular drug. It is impossible, since some diseases associated with changes in hormonal levels in the body can only be cured this way.

Lack of awareness on this issue is the reason why these myths appear. Therefore, you should not self-medicate with hormones and refuse such drugs when prescribed by a doctor.

Instructions for the use of hormones

The use of hormonal drugs, especially oral contraceptives, without consulting a doctor risks causing women to gain weight. There may not be such side effects if a specialist selects the remedy.

The tests performed and careful observation of the patient such side effects will not give. Therefore, if it is appointed hormonal treatment, compliance following rules will tell you how to avoid gaining weight and maintain normal weight:

  • Accept hormonal agents it is necessary before meals 30 minutes. This is explained by the fact that after taking it, appetite increases, which is satisfied while eating.
  • Foods high in carbohydrates should be excluded from the daily diet, as hormones will ensure complete absorption of carbohydrates, and patients gain weight.

  • If hormonal contraceptives are prescribed, then it is necessary to establish regular sexual intercourse. Sperm containing male sex hormones will eliminate side effect contraceptives that have high dose female hormones. They are what lead to overweight bodies.
  • It is necessary to lead an active lifestyle so that the muscles do not weaken. Physical exercise will increase muscle mass, and it will quickly process the fat entering the body. Good also fasting days. They can be done up to twice a week. At this time, you can eat fruits, vegetables, and dairy products.
  • The high-dose hormonal drug prednisolone and others like it are the names that make you fat. There is no need to limit yourself in food at this time. You can follow a diet only when treating thyroid problems with hormones and when taking oral contraceptives.

These tips will reduce the risk of gaining excess weight during treatment.

Rules for losing weight while taking hormones

Modern medicine offers various hormonal drugs, the use of which will not lead to weight gain. During treatment, it is necessary to closely monitor all changes in the body.

If this happens, consultation with a doctor is necessary. He will also advise how to behave correctly during the appointment:

  • it is necessary to control weight daily;
  • monitor your diet, carefully select dishes depending on calorie content;
  • introduce regular exercise into your lifestyle;
  • if you want to eat, you can snack on an apple or drink a glass of kefir;
  • watch closely water balance, since excess water can also cause excess weight.

Compliance with these simple rules will allow you to maintain normal weight, and this is also the key to success in curing diseases.

Food requirements

Following a diet and limiting the intake of certain foods will also help maintain normal weight or minimally reduce the gained kilograms.

To do this, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • exclude fatty foods, since it is a source of fat deposits in the body;
  • reduce salt consumption, because it retains water, and this also adds extra pounds;
  • limit the consumption of snacks, chips, nuts, crackers; there are a lot of fats, dyes, preservatives that lead to obesity;
  • flour and baked goods (pastries, buns, cakes) are a source of extra pounds not only for those taking hormones;

  • eating sweets (candy, chocolate, ice cream) increases blood glucose levels;
  • consumption of legumes (beans, peas) will lead to bloating, which will disrupt digestion and result in extra pounds;
  • Potatoes are banned because they contain starch, which increases body weight;
  • carbonated drinks will also be superfluous in the diet, leading not only to extra pounds, but also to cellulite.

And we also need to remember about the beneficial effects of green, herbal and diuretic teas on the body. They help break down fat deposits and remove excess water from the body.

Hormonal medications are not a death sentence for your figure. No need to think about overweight. Today medicine offers many drugs. If one doesn't fit, then another will. And the disease can be defeated.