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Useful properties of pumpkin for pregnant women. Pumpkin puree soup. Negative properties of pumpkin seeds

Orange pumpkin - incredible healthy vegetable. Their dishes are very tasty, low in calories and easy on the stomach. There is no reason for breastfeeding or pregnant women to avoid pumpkin.

Useful properties of pumpkin

If you eat pumpkin regularly, you can maintain excellent health, beauty, and prevent the development of dangerous diseases. Table varieties of pumpkin contain:

Carotenoids involved in the synthesis of retinol (vitamin A);

Powerful Antioxidants natural plant origin, reducing the risk of cellular pathologies, including the development cancer diseases;

Vitamins PP, B, C, E, as well as essential microelements(phosphorus, iron, copper);

Pectins and fiber, essential for the normal functioning of the body.

Pumpkin belongs to those rare dietary products, which are low in calories and wonderful taste. You can use it to prepare soups, main courses (including meat and fish), and also use it for baking cakes, buns, cookies, preparing desserts and making jam.

Pumpkin is indispensable for feeding people with stomach ulcers, diseases of the liver, kidneys, nervous system, heart and blood vessels, suffering from metabolic disorders and obesity. Pumpkin pulp heals ulcers, removes toxins and waste, normalizes sleep, and relieves swelling due to its powerful diuretic effect. It quickly restores liver function.

Pumpkin is especially good for people whose body needs recovery after surgery or hepatitis A, as well as those whose immunity is weakened by severe or chronic disease. Pumpkin pulp helps reduce bad cholesterol, getting rid of puffiness. If there are injuries on the skin caused by eczema, dermatitis, burns, then applying raw pumpkin compresses alleviates the condition.

What are the benefits of pumpkin for pregnant women?

Pumpkin during pregnancy is considered an essential vegetable, at least one of the most healthy products of plant origin. For women in interesting position Intestinal problems are very relevant. Thanks to vegetable pumpkin fiber, expectant mothers do not have constipation, and their intestines work like clockwork.

Pumpkin's ability to remove excess fluid from the body helps avoid the formation of edema. This is especially true on later pregnancy, in the third trimester.

In the first months after conception, when many expectant mothers suffer from toxicosis, pumpkin can be used as an effective antiemetic of plant origin, absolutely safe for both mother and fetus. By eating pumpkin dishes, a pregnant woman gets rid of the symptoms of toxicosis.

In addition, due to the rich vitamin and mineral complex contained in pumpkin pulp, vitamin deficiency can be prevented. Healthy pumpkin is indispensable in terms of saturating a pregnant woman’s body with useful substances necessary for the normal development of the child.

Pumpkin pulp also has anti-inflammatory properties, strengthens the heart and immune defense of the expectant mother’s body, and saturates it with potassium and iron. Pumpkin during pregnancy allows you to avoid iron deficiency anemia and thus prevent fetal hypoxia.

Sufficient intake of potassium and phosphorus in the body guarantees the normal development of bones, joint tissue, correct formation musculoskeletal system.

It is important that the calorie content of pumpkin is very low, only 23 calories per 100 grams, so you can eat as much of it as you like. A pregnant woman is not in danger of gaining excess weight. Thus, the benefits of orange vegetables for the expectant mother are obvious.

What are the benefits of pumpkin for nursing mothers?

Nursing mothers should not refuse to eat pumpkin. She happens to be richest source beneficial plant substances, natural vitamins and essential minerals for the newborn's body. If a woman eats pumpkin, she enriches breast milk an excellent vitamin and mineral complex. This allows the child to grow up healthy and happy.

The presence of B vitamins in pumpkin is ensured by mothers fast recovery strength, relief from insomnia, postpartum depression, chronic fatigue associated with lack of sleep. In addition, due to vitamins, hair, nails, teeth, bones remain strong, preserved female beauty.

Vitamin T, very rare in nature, which is contained in pumpkin, relieves uterine bleeding, restores normal blood clotting, normalizes the process of platelet formation. It also prevents obesity, which is important for the peace of mind of a young mother, who should eat a nutritious and varied diet. Pumpkin helps nursing mothers return their figure to its prenatal state quite quickly and without painful diets.

The ability of pumpkin to normalize intestinal function, which is necessary for the mother’s body, provides comfort to the newborn baby. If a mother eats pumpkin dishes, then the child’s digestion and bowel movements are normal, and this is perhaps the greatest concern and joy of a young mother. The newborn will not have colic or constipation, which means a good night’s sleep and the woman’s happiness in motherhood are guaranteed.

How to properly consume pumpkin for nursing mothers

Lactating and pregnant women really need pumpkin. If possible, it should be included in the diet at any time of the year. The only thing you need to remember when breastfeeding a newborn is the danger of an allergy to orange pulp.

Therefore the rules are as follows:

For the first time since the beginning breastfeeding You can eat pumpkin on the tenth day after the baby is born, not earlier;

During the first days you need to eat no more than one teaspoon per day, after which you should monitor the skin and intestinal reaction of the newborn;

Gradually, the portion of pumpkin can be increased to one hundred grams per day, if the child’s body does not react with redness of the skin, rashes, diarrhea, diarrhea, etc.

A nursing mother needs to be extremely careful when drinking freshly squeezed pumpkin juice. The fact is that it can cause carotenemia - staining the skin of a newborn a lemon color. This happens if the child’s body is sensitive to carotenes.

The most acceptable option for using pumpkin during pregnancy and breastfeeding is baking, boiling and stewing. They allow you to preserve maximum vitamins and diversify your table. You can cook porridge, soups, desserts, bake pumpkin with apples, plums, vegetables in a mold or pot. The use of spices in the diet of a nursing mother is undesirable, but cream, sour cream, and cheese are acceptable in recipes.

Here's something to eat roasted pumpkin Not recommended for pregnant or lactating women. Frying in oil makes the dish too greasy, which has a negative effect on digestion. Fried food is contraindicated for a newborn baby, so the mother will have to forget about this method of cooking during breastfeeding.

By including pumpkin in your diet, a pregnant woman and nursing mother provides a great service to both her body and the body of the child. He will be born strong, healthy and will give his mother great happiness.

Everyone knows how pregnant women like to eat nourishing and tasty food. But don’t think that they eat everything. In fact, pregnant women also have special diet. And all to ensure that the baby is born healthy and strong. Every day you need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, about 7 types.

After all, fruits and vegetables are a valuable source of vitamins and microelements. During pregnancy, they have a mild laxative effect. It is also considered a multivitamin and a diuretic. Vegetables have a positive effect on the skin and the body as a whole. Therefore, it is worth understanding that nutrition during pregnancy is a very important element.

Seasonality should also be taken into account. For example, in the summer the diet will contain more fruits and greens, but in the fall and winter - vegetables and dried fruits. You should try to purchase natural food products. Because now there are a lot of genetically modified products on the market that will not bring any benefit to the body. Pumpkin is very useful for the body of a pregnant woman.

The benefits of pumpkin for pregnant women

Pumpkin tastes delicious, but other than that it's a treasure trove. useful substances, which are so necessary for the expectant mother. So why is pumpkin so beneficial? It contains a large amount of vitamin B, C and E, as well as vitamin D and PP. The vegetable is rich in carotene. This product nutrition accelerates metabolism and helps blood regeneration, slows down the aging process.

And if anyone else is wondering whether pumpkin can be used for pregnant women, then the answer is simply obvious. It’s not just possible, but necessary. Pumpkin pulp is consumed by pregnant women with severe toxicosis. This is simply an incredible tool that helps in the most difficult times. Pumpkin dishes effectively remove toxins from the body and cholesterol.

Pumpkin can be used not only for food, but also for skin care. This vegetable is wonderful cosmetic product. Homemade masks good helpers for any skin type. Pumpkin is easily absorbed by the body. It contains fiber and a lot of water.

Pumpkin for pregnant women is one of the healthiest foods. This vegetable must be given its due. It is already clear why pumpkin is useful for pregnant women.

Just a treasure for the body. Delicious pumpkin improves digestive system, normalizes intestinal function. It also effectively removes excess fluid. It consists of 90% water. Therefore, the vegetable can be considered an excellent diuretic. It's easy for pregnant women perfect product. The vitamins contained in pumpkin are essential for the growing body in the womb.

By eating a piece of delicious pumpkin, you can saturate your body with useful substances. This good replacement multivitamins.

Of course, there are also allergies to pumpkins, or more precisely to carotene, which is contained in the vegetable. But this is individual. This vegetable is low in calories and 100 g contains only 23 calories, like tomatoes. So you can’t get better on such porridge. Babies can be given pumpkin juice from the age of half a year.

Recipes for pregnant women

It is already clear that pumpkin is simply an indispensable vegetable during pregnancy. So it’s time to think about how to prepare it for a pregnant woman. Eat good dishes pumpkin recipes for pregnant women.

Pumpkin scones. To do this you need a glass of grated pumpkin, a glass of wheat flour, two tablespoons of olive oil, ½ tbsp. semolina, ½ tbsp. water, 1 hour. l. lemon juice and sugar to taste. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and kneaded. The dough should be similar to making pies. Spoon everything onto a baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes. Can be served with sour cream and herbs

Pumpkin porridge. The simplest recipe is pumpkin puree. The pumpkin is grated and stewed until soft. Then everything is thoroughly crushed. It's made like potatoes. Add to taste olive oil and sugar.

Millet porridge with the addition of pumpkin. In the evening you need to soak the millet. And in the morning add grated pumpkin to the porridge. Mix thoroughly and add more mole, sugar, olive oil and raisins. Place all this in the oven for half an hour at 180 degrees. You can add sour cream to the finished porridge. Delicious dishes Pumpkin recipes are easy to prepare and will please the whole family.

Pumpkin seeds are considered very useful during pregnancy. But the point is that you need to eat them raw. Because when heat treatment beneficial features the vegetable loses.

Salted seeds, which are popular, are considered harmful. After them you feel very thirsty, and during pregnancy after drink plenty of fluids swelling occurs. Especially in large quantities they can cause constipation.

It is worth noting that pumpkin is simply an excellent product during pregnancy. And on top of everything else, delicious vegetable. Pumpkin decoction or just juice will wonderfully quench your thirst and reduce your appetite. If you add garlic to it, it is also a remedy for colds. For toxicosis, this is an indispensable drink. Pumpkin is a storehouse of vitamins for the expectant mother.

And, beta carotene.

Eating pumpkin can reduce the symptoms of heart and vascular diseases.

Despite all the richness of nutrients, juice made from pumpkin is a low-calorie product. It affects all systems and organs.

When drinking pumpkin juice There is less cholesterol in a person’s blood.

In addition to the vitamins listed above, juice squeezed from pumpkin has necessary for good vision And strong immunity, and vitamin K, which helps blood clot quickly.

Pumpkin juice during pregnancy

Benefits and indications

The juice is able to quickly penetrate the cells of the body, making them active metabolic processes. Thus, consuming vegetables in the form of juice can cleanse the body at the cellular level.

What are the benefits of pumpkin juice for pregnant women? The action of pumpkin juice follows the same principle as juice. He is capable of providing diuretic and diaphoretic effects. In addition, this juice has anti-inflammatory properties.

It can have a beneficial effect on both expectant mother, and on her child, since he removes excess fluid from the body and normalizes digestive processes.

Pumpkin juice contains a whole range of beneficial properties, so during pregnancy you should definitely add it to your menu.

In the cold season, pumpkin juice can help replenish vitamin deficiencies and avoid epidemics. This is especially important for pregnant women, because their immunity is greatly weakened.

Pumpkin juice counts valuable product V folk medicine, it helps in the treatment of various ailments. Such a drink considered a light product due to its low calorie content, he is able to calm nervous system and normalize sleep.

Pregnant women should drink pumpkin juice to get rid of toxicosis symptoms. Pumpkin juice is considered a wonderful way to get rid of.

Pumpkin juice considered a natural antipyretic, so it can perfectly replace medications, which should be avoided during pregnancy.

When you have a cold, add it to the drink to speed up the healing process.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the fact that pumpkin has a whole range of beneficial properties, there are also contraindications.

So, pumpkin juice should not be consumed by humans who have peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines, if acidity gastric juice lowered, suffering.

Also juice should not be used during.

Pumpkin juice cannot be taken by people, which have carotenes. Pregnant women are advised to consult a doctor before drinking pumpkin juice for the first time, especially as a treatment.

Methods of use

As a preventive measure, pregnant women should take half a glass of freshly squeezed juice in the morning half an hour before meals.

To improve taste sugar or sugar is sometimes added to pumpkin juice. Sometimes pumpkin, honey and honey are mixed to improve the taste and add beneficial properties.

Pumpkin juice too mixed with carrots, and. This mixture of juices is a rich complex of various minerals, necessary for the body.

To make the juice bright and sweet, It is best to use young and small fruits, the flesh of which is bright orange. It is these vegetables that contain large amounts of fructose and carotene.

You need to remove the peel and seeds from the pumpkin, cut it into slices and start preparing the juice.

The process of making freshly squeezed juice is very simple. When pumpkin juice is prepared at home, It's better to use a juicer.

If you put it on maximum speed, healthy drink will be ready in just a few seconds.

To get freshly squeezed juice, you can also grate the pumpkin pulp and squeeze out the juice through clean gauze.

So that the carotene contained in pumpkin is absorbed better, worth adding to juice a teaspoon of cream, sour cream or vegetable oil.

Preparation of pasteurized juice– the process is quite easy.

The juice, squeezed using a juicer, is brought to a boil (but not boiled), poured into sterilized jars and left to pasteurize for ten minutes. Next, the jars are hermetically sealed.

It is worth noting that When cooked, pumpkin will lose some of its beneficial properties., however, such juice, unlike freshly squeezed juice, can be stored for a long time.

Pasteurized juice can provide essential vitamins in winter.

In order for packaged juice to be healthy, when purchasing it, you must carefully look at the composition and percentage of pumpkin. Besides, You should purchase juice only from a trusted manufacturer.

Precautionary measures

Despite all the beneficial properties, juice squeezed from pumpkin can be harmful, even if there are no contraindications to its use.

So, if you exceed normal intake doses, hypervitaminosis may occur, in which even the skin can become orange.

Danger for pregnant women vitamin A overdose, as this affects the development of the fetus, especially.

So that pumpkin juice does not cause any harm to a pregnant woman and her unborn child, It is recommended to drink no more than two glasses of drink per day.

Thus, pumpkin juice is a healthy drink, rich various vitamins and microelements that can provide positive influence on the human body.

At correct dosage pumpkin juice will have an extremely positive effect during pregnancy.

Pregnancy - nutrition

The gifts of nature are an almost endless supply of benefits for the human body and a kind of food on which many generations of our ancestors survived. It is worth noting that one of them is raw pumpkin, which has excellent properties and is useful even for pregnant women.

Eating raw pumpkin: benefits and harm to the body

Pumpkin in its raw form has its own benefits and harms, and it is advisable, before consuming the raw product, to familiarize yourself with them in order to eliminate unpleasant situations and the occurrence of side effects. Fresh pumpkin is often used as juice after processing in a special processor, and it can also be eaten in whole slices, added to side dishes, soup, salad, or even made into oil.

The benefits of raw pumpkin include:

  • Strengthen tissue regeneration;
  • Improve vision;
  • Normalize blood pressure;
  • Help with weight loss;
  • Relieve nervous disorders;
  • Remove toxins, waste and excess fluid;
  • Strengthen immunity;
  • Normalize the functioning of the digestive system.

If you eat pumpkin in small quantities after a hearty dinner or lunch, this will speed up the digestion process and at the same time reduce the load on the liver and stomach, which is especially important for those who suffer from problems with these organs.

Pumpkin also helps eliminate cholesterol, increase hemoglobin, remove constipation and improve blood coagulation.

Unfortunately, eating pumpkin in this form is not beneficial for everyone, and despite the large number of benefits, the product can do a lot of harm. Followers healthy eating They prefer to eat pumpkin in large quantities in the form of juices, salads, smoothies, and simply as a separate product. It is worth noting that consuming pumpkin is strictly contraindicated for those with low acidity stomach and there are intestinal colics.

It is forbidden to consume pumpkin seeds in large quantities, especially during pregnancy and if you really want it. They can provoke premature birth. The drink is an excellent remedy to cleanse the body, however, if there were initially problems in the form of impaired digestion, then consumption of the product can cause nausea, vomiting, bloating and diarrhea.

Benefits of pumpkin during pregnancy

Many people eat pumpkin, but how healthy is it if a woman eats it? In what form can this product be used by the fair sex? This is exactly the question that girls who prefer to lead ask themselves. healthy image life. Experts believe that this product is simply ideal for women, regardless of age.

Pumpkin is especially useful for ladies:

  • Baked in the oven;
  • Boiled;
  • Steamed;
  • In the form of puree soup;
  • Raw.

Due to dishes with the addition of this product, you can significantly reduce excess weight, eliminate components such as cholesterol and heavy metals from the body. Among the beneficial properties are relatively female body assistance in treatment can be noted gynecological diseases(endometrium).

Previously, pumpkin pulp was used for infertility, cervical erosion, inflammation of the female reproductive system, and vaginitis.

Pumpkin is rich in calcium, which is useful during pregnancy, however we're talking about only about the pulp, not about the seeds. It will also help prevent anemia, nervous system disorders and replenish the body with calcium. In general, pumpkin helps maintain youth and elasticity of the skin, as well as eliminate wrinkles and increase firmness.

Baked pumpkin in the oven: benefits and harm for women

There are literally legends about baked pumpkin, as this dish was highly valued in past centuries, and in completely different classes. Both nobles and peasants ate the product processed in this way, and the benefits from it were simply incredible.

Vegetable in this form:

  • Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • Helps improve liver function;
  • Improves bladder functioning.

It is worth noting that any product or dish made from it has contraindications, and pumpkin is no exception. This product becomes very harmful if left in the oven for too long, since the appearance of a brownish tint indicates not only burning, but also the formation of harmful substances that are harmful to health. Possible intestinal upset as this dish has a laxative effect and can cause severe and prolonged diarrhea, which is not so easy to stop. From pumpkin porridge, if a person has diabetes, since the consumption of pumpkin of any kind is strictly prohibited in this case, it can provoke an increase in the level of glucose in the bloodstream and, accordingly, cause a deterioration in the condition.

Despite this, the product may be useful, since it contains a large amount of potassium, which helps improve blood circulation, which eliminates the formation of blood clots and platelets.

If you consume baked pumpkin in moderation, you can cleanse the kidneys and bladder, and it can also be extremely useful for cystitis, pyelonephritis, and urolithiasis.

Boiled and steamed pumpkin: benefits and harms

Boiled pumpkin helps relieve constipation and also has additional benefits regarding raw look. It is thanks to its many advantages that it is in demand almost all over the world.

Boiled pumpkin is rich in substances such as vitamin:

  • PP and carnitine.

They are quite difficult to find in vegetables. It helps improve digestion and has a great effect on the functioning of the whole body. Boiled pumpkin allows you to saturate the body with microelements and macroelements. To be more precise, iron, magnesium, copper, cobalt, calcium, zinc, due to which it is possible to avoid problems such as anemia, brittle bones and decreased immunity. Boiled pumpkin is considered an ideal option for accelerating weight loss, since the product is not only a low-calorie dietary food, but can also be quickly absorbed, which means that the formation of fat deposits is eliminated.

Boiled pumpkin is great product for the first feeding of babies, however, due to the fact that it can cause an allergic reaction, it is better to start introducing it into the diet gradually and literally 1 teaspoon at a time.

In general, children enjoy eating boiled, grated pumpkin, but even with a big appetite, it is undesirable to give it in large quantities to prevent accumulative allergic reaction. You can drink pumpkin juice or consume stewed/boiled pumpkin to get rid of swelling, as it helps eliminate excess liquid from the body, which is especially important for pregnant women. The liquid removes toxins and harmful substances, which, when stagnant, can cause the deposition of kidney stones, gallbladder And bladder. Boiled pumpkin is considered an excellent way to strengthen blood vessels and immunity. Boiled pumpkin used in for cosmetic purposes, because if you apply it to your face for a while, you can whiten it, eliminate acne and blackheads, as well as moisturize and fill it with vigor, tone, and a healthy appearance.

The benefits and harms of eating pumpkin porridge

Why do they eat such a product as pumpkin porridge? This dish has existed for many centuries, but only recently have it been discovered positive traits of this product.

Despite undergoing processing, pumpkin in porridge has:

  • All B vitamins;
  • Vitamin A;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin PP;
  • Potassium and other substances.

It is quite rare to find a product that, after cooking, can retain all its beneficial properties. Pumpkin helps increase the growth of collagen cells in skin, and also has only positive reviews.

In addition, she has both medicinal and nutritional benefits, which consists of complete absence fats and increased content vitamins and minerals.

Pumpkin porridge is simply an irreplaceable dish for those who are losing weight, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, or under the age of one year, since fatty foods that can be harmful and contribute to rapid weight gain are contraindicated for babies.

Harm and benefits of using steamed pumpkin

Steamed pumpkin is a low-calorie dish, since 100 g of product contains 28 kcal. It is included in dietary food, and it helps improve metabolism, which is the first thing that is disrupted when dieting. Thanks to a large number fiber in pumpkin, the body is cleansed of toxins and waste, and therefore nutritionists recommend eating the product regularly in limited quantities, both for children and adults.

If the product is constantly present in the diet, you can avoid:

  • Hypertension;
  • Blood clots;
  • Blockage of blood vessels;
  • Stones in the cavity of the bladder and liver;
  • Problems with vision, even for those who have reached adulthood.

Is it possible to eat raw pumpkin during pregnancy (video)

Steamed, baked, boiled and even porridge-like pumpkin has incredible benefits, but only if they are prepared correctly, without violating the technology, and no chemicals have been added. Pumpkin helps maintain the nervous system in ideal condition, as it contains B vitamins and magnesium, which means it excludes nervous breakdowns and similar problems, if you eat everything in moderation.

Not everyone knows about useful qualities pumpkins. The pumpkin fruit, while low in calories, is rich in various nutrients. It contains a lot ascorbic acid, carotene, vitamins B, B2, E and macro- and microelements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron. Thanks to this, pumpkin pulp improves performance gastrointestinal tract, promotes bile secretion, increases water and salt metabolism. It is recommended raw or boiled for patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases accompanied by edema, kidney and liver diseases, gout, and also for removing chlorides from the body.

Pumpkin juice removes excess cholesterol from the body, which is very valuable for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis (the appearance of plaques on the walls of blood vessels), and accelerates the dissolution of stones in the kidneys and bladder. Pumpkin is also indispensable in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. The pectin it contains removes bacteria and other harmful substances, as well as salts, from the body. heavy metals. Raw pumpkin, grated (300-400 g per day), helps get rid of constipation.

Thus, pumpkin is a valuable dietary and medicinal product. How can you make it tasty as well?

Here are a few recipes that won't disappoint. You will understand that pumpkin can be considered a universal product, because you can use it to make everything from soup to dessert.

Stuffed pumpkin:

You will need:

1 medium sized pumpkin

1 glass of rice,

1 cup raisins,

1 packet of vanilla sugar,

1 packet of cinnamon,

1 teaspoon butter.

Cut the cap off a medium-sized pumpkin with a sharp knife and remove the seeds. Using a tablespoon, scrape the pumpkin pulp from the sides and chop. Mix this pulp with raw rice, raisins, vanilla sugar and cinnamon. Fill the cavity in the pumpkin with this minced meat, placing a few shavings of butter on top. Cover the pumpkin with a lid and place in a preheated oven over low heat on a baking sheet lined with foil. Bake the pumpkin for about 1.5 hours.

Pumpkin salad with blocks:

You will need:

300 g pumpkin,

1/2 cup sour cream, salt, sugar, herbs to taste.

Grate the peeled pumpkin and apples, add seasoning to taste, mix with sour cream, sprinkle with parsley or dill.

Spicy pumpkin salad

You will need:

200 g pumpkin,

1 large onion,

1 tbsp. a spoonful of horseradish and chopped herbs, mayonnaise.

Peel the pumpkin, grate it on a coarse grater, add 1 finely chopped onion and grated horseradish, herbs and mayonnaise, season to taste with salt and pepper.

Pumpkin soup:

You will need:

800 g pumpkin,

150 g croutons or 2 tbsp. spoons of flour,

300 g potatoes, 4-5 glasses of milk,

3 tbsp. tablespoons butter, 2 teaspoons sugar.

Peel the pumpkin and potatoes, rinse, cut into thin slices, place in a saucepan, add 3-4 glasses of water, add salt, sugar, a tablespoon of butter and cook over low heat for 25-30 minutes. Add toasted or toasted croutons, stir and boil. Strain the mixture, rub the remaining thick mixture through it, dilute it all with hot milk (until cream thick) and season with butter.

This soup can be prepared differently. Boil the chopped pumpkin by pouring 2 cups of water over it. Separately in a saucepan, fry 2 tablespoons of flour with 2 tablespoons of butter, dilute with 4 cups of hot milk and 2 cups of water, boil, mix with pumpkin and cook for 15-20 minutes. After this, rub the soup through a sieve, add salt, 1-2 cups of hot milk, butter and stir. Serve the croutons separately with the soup.

Pumpkin (millet porridge with pumpkin)

You will need:

31 cups of millet,

0.5 kg pumpkin,

3 glasses of milk,

1/2 teaspoon salt,

butter to taste.

Wash the millet several times, first with warm water, and then - hot water, otherwise the cereal may taste bitter. Peel the pumpkin and remove seeds, cut into small cubes, place in hot milk, add salt and bring to a boil. Then add millet and cook at low boil for 30-40 minutes. Cover the thickened porridge tightly with a lid and place in the oven to evaporate. For the same purpose, the bowl with porridge can be wrapped in thick paper or cloth and covered with a pillow on top. Serve the porridge with butter.

Pumpkin roll

You will need:

1 kg flour,

1.5 teaspoons salt,

1 glass of water,

100 g margarine.

For filling:

1 kg peeled pumpkin,

5 tbsp. spoons of sugar,

1 cup ground walnuts.

Grate the ripe pumpkin, add sugar and nuts. Prepare a stiff dough from flour, eggs, salt, water and margarine, let it rise for 20 minutes. Divide into 2 parts, roll each thinly. Brush the layer with melted butter and add the minced meat. Place the second layer on top, which is also greased with minced meat. Roll it up like a roll. Place the roll on a greased baking sheet and immediately cut into slices to allow the moisture to evaporate, then bake for 45 minutes. The top can be brushed with an egg beaten with sugar. Serve the roll cold.

Vegetable stew

You will need:

6 potatoes,

300 g pumpkin,

2 onions,

3 carrots,

3 tomatoes or 1 tbsp. spoon of tomato paste.

Fry onions and carrots in a frying pan. When the onion turns golden, add the chopped potatoes and fry for 10-15 minutes. Then add the peeled and chopped pumpkin and simmer covered for 5 minutes. After this, add tomatoes or tomato paste and simmer until tender (about 20 minutes).

Pumpkin cake

You will need:

250 g flour,

50 g butter,

1 teaspoon sugar, salt.

For filling:

1 kg pumpkin,

100 g sugar,

4 tbsp. spoons of milk,

0.5 tsp cinnamon,

zest of 0.5 lemon,

1/4 teaspoon ginger, salt.

Mix butter and sugar, add flour, salt, knead the dough, roll out and put in a cold place for 1 hour. Peel the pumpkin, cut into slices, place on a baking sheet (meat side up) and bake over low heat for 1 hour. Rub the pumpkin through a sieve. Mix the resulting mass with sugar, yolks, milk and spices. Separately, beat the whites and carefully mix them into the mixture.

Line the cake pan with dough, lifting the edges, and pour the filling into it. Place the cake in the preheated oven and bake over high heat for 10 minutes, then reduce the heat and bake for another 30 minutes.