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There will be bleeding after childbirth. Blood after childbirth, how long it lasts and when to see a doctor. Prevention of early bleeding

After the birth of a child, lochia is secreted from the woman's genital tract for several weeks. Their number gradually decreases, which indicates wound healing after separation of the placenta. Many women are interested in the question: how long does bleeding last after a normal birth?

This one is very important factor, since it can be used to determine the degree of recovery of the body and deviations from the norm. Over time, lochia changes its composition and color. At first the woman is in the maternity hospital, but then discharged home.

If at first her condition is monitored medical staff, then in the future she must do it herself. The amount and nature of discharge indicates the state of health, so you need to notice deviations from the norm in time.

How long does it take to bleed after childbirth?

For 2 hours, the woman and the newborn are in the maternity ward. At that time normal discharge quite abundant and bloody, but their total amount should not exceed 400 ml. To prevent complications such as bleeding, they can drain urine through a catheter, put ice on the stomach, and administer drugs intravenously to speed up uterine contractions.

These few hours are the most dangerous, because the muscles of the uterus are relaxed and contractions may not occur, and the onset of blood loss may not manifest itself in anything other than dizziness and weakness. So if these symptoms appear and the sheet/diaper gets wet quickly, you should urgently call a nurse.

Complications can also arise from ruptures in the tissues of the birth canal, so the obstetrician carefully examines the vagina and cervix, and if their integrity is violated, take necessary measures, that is, suturing the wounds. If the tear is not sutured completely, a hematoma may form, which is subsequently opened and re-sutured.

How long does bleeding last after childbirth?

The recovery process is successful if in the first 2-3 days the lochia is bloody in nature and quite abundant (up to 300 ml in 3 days). At this time, the gasket should fill completely in just 1-2 hours.

Lochia may have blood clots after childbirth, a musty odor similar to menstrual odor. Gradually their number decreases, and they acquire a brownish-red hue, intensifying with movement. They also appear on palpation of the abdomen.

To prevent bleeding, you must adhere to certain rules:

  • Go to the toilet immediately when you have the urge to urinate. During the first 24 hours, you need to visit the restroom at least every 3 hours. An overfilled bladder interferes with the contraction process;
  • Attach the baby to the breast at his first request. The fact is that when the nipples are irritated, oxytocin is released, the hormone responsible for contractions. Blood leaking after childbirth may increase during breastfeeding and be accompanied by cramping pain lower abdomen;
  • Sleep and rest lying on your stomach. This position promotes the release of blood clots. The uterus may deviate posteriorly, but lying on the stomach will bring it closer to abdominal wall. This way the outflow will improve;
  • Place ice on your stomach several times a day, which will improve the condition of blood vessels and speed up contractions.

When the uterus is overstretched and labor is complicated, oxytocin injections are prescribed to stimulate contractions.

It is worth noting that an increase in the amount of discharge should be a reason to consult a doctor, because it may indicate late bleeding. This phenomenon can occur not only in the first days, but also several weeks after birth. So even at home you need to pay attention to how much fluid is released.

Late bleeding is usually caused by a stuck piece of placenta. Sometimes it is not diagnosed immediately after birth, then it leads to complications that can be detected during a vaginal examination or ultrasound. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the remains are removed under general anesthesia. At the same time, infusion and antibacterial therapy are carried out.

Sometimes this phenomenon occurs due to a blood clotting disorder, which can be caused by various diseases. Stopping such blood loss is the most difficult thing.

Most often, complications arise due to insufficient contraction of the uterine muscles. Bleeding after childbirth in this case is also painless, but very profuse. To stop it, contracting agents are administered and blood loss is also replenished. intravenous administration fluids or blood products. If necessary, resort to surgical intervention.

Early cessation of lochia is also a reason to visit a doctor. Perhaps there is lochiometra - an accumulation of secretions in the uterine cavity. This pathology occurs when the organ is overstretched or bent backwards.

If this condition is not eliminated in time, endometritis will appear - inflammation of the uterine mucosa, because lochia is a good breeding ground for microbes. Treatment mainly consists of taking Oxytocin and No-shpa.

blood after childbirth at home

So how much does one bleed after childbirth? The average time is 6-8 weeks. This is exactly the period required for the uterus to develop back after pregnancy and childbirth. The total amount of lochia ranges from 500 to 1500 ml.

In the first week they can be compared with normal menstruation, only more abundant and with clots. With each subsequent day, their volume will decrease and their color will approach yellowish-white. By the end of 4 weeks they are very scanty, one might say spotty, and after another 14 days they should become the same as before pregnancy.

For those who breastfeed, they end earlier, since the uterus contracts much faster. But for women who have had a caesarean section, recovery is slower because the suture interferes with normal reverse process, And blood is flowing longer than usual.

remedies for bleeding after childbirth

It is important to comply special rules personal hygiene still lasts postpartum period. Lochia contains microbial flora, which when favorable conditions can contribute to the development inflammatory process. That is why it is necessary that the discharge does not linger in the uterus and comes out of it.

For your own comfort, use pads or special disposable panties. Change them every 3 hours. It is recommended to give preference to the soft surface of these products, because this way you can better determine the nature of the discharge. You should not take flavored ones, they often cause allergic reactions. You should also not use tampons.

You need to wash yourself after every trip to the toilet. You can't take a bath, only shower. The genitals are washed only from the outside, from front to back. At this time, douching is not used to avoid infection.

It bleeds more during significant physical exertion, so it is not recommended to lift things that are too heavy.

It is necessary to seek medical help in the following situations:

  • Lochia acquired purulent character, sharp and bad smell. These phenomena indicate endometritis. It is usually accompanied by fever and pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Bloody discharge increased after they began to decrease or their volume is constantly large. These conditions may indicate that there is still an afterbirth in the uterus, which prevents the contraction of the organ and its restoration;
  • Curdled vaginal discharge is a sign of yeast colpitis, which is popularly called thrush. Typically this disease is characterized by itching in the vaginal and labia areas. Sometimes there is redness skin in the groin. The risk of developing thrush increases significantly when taking antibiotics;
  • The blood stopped abruptly. This happens when the cervix is ​​blocked by a blood clot. This condition requires medical intervention. It is worth noting that the risk increases after surgery caesarean section;
  • If you have to change several pads in an hour, this indicates severe bleeding. In this situation, you need to call emergency help.

The above complications do not go away on their own. Sometimes hospital treatment is required. Therefore, it is very important to seek help from specialists in a timely manner.

Blood discharge after childbirth is a mandatory and completely normal process.

In this way, lochia and the remains of the placenta are removed from the body.

Bloody discharge after childbirth: how long can it last normally and what to do if it is abundant and does not end for a long time?

Is this a cause for concern?

Blood after childbirth: how long does it last and why does this happen?

Postpartum discharge is natural physiological process, which consists in the body’s rejection of the uterine mucosa. Discharge occurs regardless of how the child was born (naturally or by cesarean). The birth of a child involves the separation of all membranes. The uterus after this is one large bleeding wound.

Restoration of the uterine mucosa begins immediately after completion labor activity. This process is taken over by the uterine glands. In the first days after childbirth, the discharge consists of blood (80%) and secretions of the uterine glands. Gradually, the amount of blood in the discharge decreases.

Lochia occurs in both the early and late postpartum periods. The early period is considered to be the first two hours after birth. The next 6-8 weeks are late.

Blood after childbirth: how long does it flow and what does the duration depend on?

The normal duration of postpartum bleeding is about 6 weeks. During this time, the woman loses about one and a half liters of blood. You should not be afraid of such a figure, because a woman’s body is ready for this in advance. When pregnancy occurs, a significant amount of fluid begins to circulate in the female body. more blood, than in an ordinary person.

The duration of bleeding depends on many factors. Significantly reduces this period breast-feeding. A woman’s body initially has a connection between breastfeeding and uterine contractions. Accordingly, than faster uterus will come to its own normal condition, the faster the discharge will end.

The duration of the discharge is also affected by the process of delivery. For those women who gave birth naturally, blood runs out faster after childbirth. After a caesarean section, the uterus takes a little longer to recover. This is due to the fact that an incision was made on it, which was subsequently sewn up.

Somewhat longer bloody issues will go to those women who are postpartum period are exposed to constant stress and severe physical activity. This is also why young mothers are advised to rest more after childbirth and try not to worry.

What other factors influence the duration of discharge from the birth canal:

multiple pregnancy(the uterus in this case greatly increases in size, which means the contraction process will take longer);

● impaired blood clotting;

● trauma during childbirth, internal seams;

big baby;

● elements of the placenta that may remain in the birth canal (in this case, the inflammatory process begins);

● contractile feature of the uterus;

● the existence of fibroids or myomas.

Blood after childbirth: how long does it flow and what are the rules of personal hygiene during this period?

While bleeding continues, there is a high risk of developing infectious disease. To avoid this, you must adhere to certain rules of personal hygiene. In the postpartum period, they will differ somewhat from the generally accepted and well-known ones:

Special attention It is worth paying attention to sanitary pads; it is better to choose those designed specifically for postpartum discharge;

● when the discharge becomes less abundant, you can start using regular menstrual pads, but you should also be careful when choosing them: they should have high degree absorption;

● change gaskets more often; despite the fact that the product package says that they can retain moisture for up to 8 hours, you should not fall for advertising, ideally the gasket should be changed every 3-4 hours;

● It is strictly forbidden to use tampons for postpartum discharge, no matter what you are guided by and no matter what manufacturer you choose;

● it is advisable to wash yourself after each gasket change;

● this can be done using baby soap; it is also important to monitor the water flow: it should be directed from front to back;

● if the doctor has indicated the need for home treatment of sutures, then this should be done using antiseptics - furatsilin or potassium permanganate;

Bloody discharge after childbirth: how many days can it last normally and when should you sound the alarm?

Normal postpartum discharge

The first few days after birth, the discharge will be as heavy as possible. Approximately 400 ml of blood should be released daily. Most often it is not homogeneous, but with mucus or clots. There's no need to be scared, it's quite natural process. That's how it should be. These days the discharge is bright red.

After 3 days the color will gradually change to brown. The closer to the end of the postpartum period (8 weeks), the less discharge there will be. Gradually they will look like menstruation, then they will become light and turn into regular mucus.

When to sound the alarm

If a woman notices in the maternity hospital that the discharge has become more intense or less frequent, thicker or, conversely, more watery, she must immediately tell the doctor about it.

Also for postpartum discharge you need to monitor it even after discharge from the hospital. Despite the fact that each woman’s recovery process after childbirth is individual, there are general points that should be a reason to contact a gynecologist.

What should every young mother be wary of?

Quickly stop discharge. If lochia stops coming earlier than 5 weeks after birth, this is serious reason for concern. Every woman should know that functional layer The endometrium is completely restored no earlier than 40 days after delivery. If the discharge stops very soon after the baby is born, this does not indicate the body’s good ability to recover. Most likely this is due to complications. Often they have infectious nature. However, it could also be cervical spasm. It traps lochia in its cavity, preventing it from coming out. This situation requires an immediate solution, as it leads to serious consequences.

Red color of discharge. 5 days after birth, lochia takes on its color. It can be individual for each woman. But if the discharge remains bright red, as in the first days after childbirth, you urgently need to tell your doctor about it. This may indicate problems such as hematopoiesis or blood clotting problems.

Change in lochia color. If at first the discharge changed its color from red to brown, and after some time, it turned back to red, this also indicates problems. In most cases this is due to intrauterine bleeding which urgently needs to be addressed. Timely consultation with a doctor will help avoid serious consequences. A repeated change in the color of the blood after childbirth may indicate the existence of a polyp or rupture of soft tissue in the birth canal.

Odor appears. If after some time the discharge begins to have an odor (no matter what), this means that an infection has entered the uterine cavity. It can cause endometritis. By consulting a doctor in time and diagnosing the disease, a young mother can avoid such an unpleasant procedure as curettage. It is carried out when other methods of treatment (taking drugs that suppress the development of microorganisms and forcibly increasing uterine contractions) have been ineffective.

Bloody discharge after childbirth: how many days can it normally last and when does menstruation begin?

It is impossible to answer the question 100%: when will your period come? Every female body individual. Typically, if a mother stops breastfeeding towards the end of the postpartum period, her eggs will soon begin to mature.

For those who continue to breastfeed, menstruation may begin six months after birth, not earlier. At first the cycle will be irregular. Menstruation can be both scanty and abundant, both short (up to 1-2 days) and long (up to 7-8 days). There is no need to be afraid of this, everything is within normal limits. For some mothers, menstruation does not appear until the end of lactation. This option is also considered the norm. This is due to the postpartum production of the hormone prolactin. It stimulates the production of milk to feed the baby and helps suppress the formation of hormones in the ovary (ovulation simply does not occur).

The postpartum period is no less important than pregnancy and childbirth. At this time, you also need to be careful about your health and condition. At the slightest deviation from the norm, you must visit a doctor. Don't be afraid to talk about any changes in your bleeding that worry you. Even if your gynecologist is a man, remember that first of all he is a doctor who is interested in your speedy recovery after childbirth. If something worries you while still in the maternity hospital, be sure to consult with him. Many problems are easy to solve at the stage of their formation, and not in a neglected form.

After being discharged home, do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene and doctor’s recommendations. Remember, your baby needs a healthy and cheerful mother!

During and after childbirth, all women lose some amount of blood. Normal loss blood after childbirth(the so-called lochia) cannot harm your body because it is prepared for such a loss (as you know, while you were pregnant, you had twice as much blood as you had before pregnancy). But keep in mind that if , then this already indicates a very serious danger!

Here's what happens to your body after your baby is born: when the placenta separates from the wall of the uterus to which it was attached, openings open in its place. blood vessels which begin to bleed into the uterus. If everything goes well, then after separation of the placenta from the woman, they contract the uterus and close the open blood vessels, thereby gradually stopping the bleeding.

If a woman's perineal, vaginal, or cervical tissue is torn during childbirth, or she has had an episiotomy, the bleeding may be caused by unsutured wounds. Usually this bleeding is accompanied by.

Your OB/GYN may give you synthetic hormone oxytocin, and also massage the uterus to help it contract faster. If you breastfeed your baby, you may notice that postpartum contractions intensify as the baby is applied to the breast. This is because at this point your body releases a lot of natural oxytocin, which causes uterine contractions. Therefore, breastfeeding helps speed up the process of involution ( postpartum recovery) uterus.

What is lochia?

Lochia is bloody vaginal discharge during the postpartum period. Lochia consists of blood, bacteria and rejected tissue from the lining of the uterus (endometrium).

In the first few days, lochia contains quite a large number of blood, which is why they are bright red and look very heavy menstruation. They can flow continuously and evenly, or they can flow at short intervals in a strong stream. If you lie on the bed for about half an hour (during this time blood will collect in the vagina), then when you get up, you may see small clots in the lochia.

If everything goes well, then every day the amount of discharge blood after childbirth will decrease, and after 2 - 4 days the lochia will become watery and their color will become pinkish. About 10 days after birth, lochia will leave a small amount of whitish or whitish-yellow discharge. These secretions consist mainly of leukocytes and cells of the lining of the uterus.

For most women, lochia completely stops after 2–4 weeks, although for some women this process lasts for one and a half to two months.

If you started taking birth control pills with a progestin (mini-pill) or received, you may continue to have spotting for two months, and this is completely normal.

What should you do when lochia occurs?

Use sanitary pads with maximum absorbency to absorb discharge (many women prefer night pads, which are not only highly absorbent, but also longer than regular pads). As the bleeding decreases, you can purchase pads that are less absorbent.

Do not use tampons for at least six weeks because they increase the risk of developing postpartum vaginal and uterine infections and prevent normal recovery uterus and can lead to a serious condition such as toxic shock syndrome.

Go to the toilet more often, even if you don't feel like peeing. In the first postpartum days bladder less sensitive than usual, so you may not feel the urge to urinate even if your bladder is full. A full bladder not only leads to problems with urination (and retention), but also increases the risk of developing infections urinary tract, interferes with normal uterine contractions, increases pain from postpartum contractions, and may cause excessive postpartum bleeding.

Don't delay going to the doctor if your bleeding gets worse or if:

  • lochia four days after the baby is born is still bright red;
  • Lochia has an unpleasant odor and is accompanied by fever or chills.

If you notice abnormal heavy bleeding(when one is soaked through sanitary napkin per hour), or if in blood after childbirth large clots are present, this may be a sign of late postpartum hemorrhage, and requires immediate medical attention.

After giving birth, any woman should be prepared for spotting for another 42 days. Immediately they are represented by clots and blood, gradually the intensity decreases, and they acquire a mucous character. But the postpartum period can be complicated. Often this is bleeding, which can pose a threat to the woman's life. What are the causes of such conditions, how to understand whether this is normal or pathological?

Read in this article

Normal postpartum discharge

Normally, a woman has discharge from the genital tract - lochia - for six weeks (42 days). Intensity, consistency, color and other parameters undergo significant changes during this time. It roughly looks like this:

  • The first hours after birth. The discharge is copious, often with clots. As a rule, at this time the woman is still lying down, resting, and a doctor and midwife are watching her.
  • The first few days. Gradually, the discharge becomes smaller, and clots appear less and less often. At this time, the woman can safely use maxi. After breastfeeding there are more of them, as sucking stimulates uterine contractions.
  • From about 7 to 10 days, the spotting is already spotting and increases in periods.
  • From the second week, the lochia becomes more mucous with streaks of blood. Occasional slight smudging also persists. At this time, even for several days, there may be no discharge, but then it appears again. This is an absolutely normal rhythm up to 42 days after birth inclusive.

If the discharge continues after six weeks, you should consult a doctor immediately. This is an alarming sign of possible pathology.

Periods of uterine bleeding after childbirth

Uterine bleeding is an abnormal discharge of blood from the uterine cavity. The issue is especially relevant in the postpartum period. At this time, due to some features of the discharge, the girl cannot always correctly assess its volume.

Uterine bleeding after childbirth can be divided into the following types:

  • early, if they occur within 2 hours after birth;
  • late – up to 42 days inclusive;
  • after 42 days.

In the first case, the woman is still in maternity ward under the close supervision of obstetricians and gynecologists. Bleeding during this period is very massive and can even be life-threatening. Only a doctor or midwife can assess the nature of the discharge.

Late bleeding occurs due to various reasons. At this time, the woman is already at home, and if she suspects a pathology, she should consult a doctor.

Causes of onset of postpartum hemorrhage

The causes of bleeding in the early and late postpartum period are somewhat different, as are the tactics for managing women.

Early postpartum bleeding

Such complications, if assistance is not provided in a timely manner, can lead to the death of a woman. Therefore, all actions of doctors must be polished, coordinated and fast. The main reasons for bleeding within two hours after childbirth are as follows:

Cause of bleeding Why is this happening?
Atony or hypotension of the uterus The pathology is an insufficient contraction of the myometrium, as a result of which the gaping vessels of the placental site (the area where the baby's place was attached) do not collapse and continue to bleed profusely. In a few minutes, a woman can lose up to 2 liters of blood, which is extremely dangerous.
Incomplete separation of placenta The remaining part, usually a few centimeters, interferes with the normal contraction of the uterus, and this ultimately provokes bleeding.
Postpartum injuries Ruptures of the cervix, body, vagina, external genitalia are always accompanied by bleeding varying intensity. Sometimes with the formation of hematomas if blood enters a closed cavity or tissue (for example, into muscles, etc.).

In most cases, they are all diagnosed immediately after the baby is born. Late detection of ruptures or poor suturing can cost a woman’s life.

Blood diseases that affect blood clotting abilities, for example, hemophilia and the like In this case, the bleeding does not stop, since the ability to form microthrombi in the damaged vessels of the placental site is lost.

Late postpartum bleeding

If bleeding develops within a few days after birth, then the causes may be the same factors that lead to similar condition V early period. The further away very abundant lochia occurs, the higher the likelihood of some additional pathological process.

Late postpartum bleeding can also provoke the following conditions:

  • Presence of placental. Its formation occurs from the remains of the child's place, if complete tissue rejection did not occur during childbirth. The placental polyp is small in size, but is almost always noticeable on a pelvic ultrasound.
  • Development of the inflammatory process in the uterine cavity. It can be provoked by an infection in the vagina, chronic lesions (even carious teeth in immunodeficiency), etc.
  • Hereditary features of myometrial contraction. This is the most harmless option for bleeding after childbirth. As a rule, in this case it goes away quickly with conservative treatment.
  • Hydatidiform mole is a fairly rare pathology. It can be either benign or malignant. The discharge is often not abundant.

They are often more abundant than usual, painful and even clotted. But their duration should be no more than 3 - 7 days. In any case, the first critical days should not exceed the parameters of normal menstruation - approximately 20 ml of discharge per day.

Watch the video about uterine bleeding:

Symptoms of uterine bleeding after a month, in which you need to see a doctor

Immediately after giving birth, a woman is in the hospital for 3 - 5 or even more days. Doctors carefully monitor the nature of the discharge and, if pathology is suspected, immediately carry out additional examination and, if necessary, therapeutic manipulations.

Once a woman is discharged, she should monitor her condition independently. Whenever following situations It is imperative to seek medical help:

  • If the discharge is very heavy, bloody (there is not enough maxi pad for an hour).
  • When for unknown reasons, appeared.
  • In the case when the lochia acquires a strange character - it becomes purulent.
  • If the discharge continues for more than 42 days, even if it is not strong.

Diagnosis of the mother’s condition during uterine bleeding

If bleeding occurs, it is necessary to guess its cause as accurately as possible. Only in this case can the most correct therapeutic and diagnostic measures be taken.

With early postpartum hemorrhage, there is no time for any additional manipulations. Therefore, everything is immediately done to stop it. In this case, only the amount of blood that the woman has lost is assessed. This is of fundamental importance for the course of treatment measures.

Regarding late postpartum hemorrhage, it is necessary to clarify the reason why it occurred. The following methods are used:

  • . Using it, you can identify signs of inflammation, suspect placental polyp. It is also important to exclude new pregnancy, first menstruation and other pathology.
  • Hysteroscopy, which is performed if a placental polyp or pathology of the uterine cavity is suspected.
  • Usual RDV if no other examination is possible.
  • Study of blood clotting abilities - coagulogram.

All received material is sent to histological examination. According to his conclusion, we can talk about the real reason bleeding.

Treatment of uterine bleeding after childbirth

Treatment for early and late postpartum hemorrhage is different. This is due to different character discharge and possible reasons for the development of such conditions.

Early postpartum bleeding

Based possible reason and treatment is carried out. The sequence of actions is approximately as follows:

  • Introduction of agents that enhance contractile activity uterus, for example, oxytocin.
  • Manual examination of the uterine cavity. Allows you to identify parts of the placenta that prevent the myometrium from contracting. If necessary, manual massage is performed to increase the tone of the uterus (for atony).
  • Inspection of the birth canal for ruptures and injuries. Stitches if necessary.
  • If previous measures are ineffective, a complex of hemostatic actions is carried out: applying clamps to the vaginal vaults, repeating the administration of uterotonics and some others.
  • If bleeding continues, the woman is transferred to the operating room. An intervention is carried out, the volume of which depends on many factors. This may be the application of special compression sutures to the uterus to compress it, and other methods. If necessary, the organ is removed, which is the last hope for saving the woman.

Late uterine bleeding after childbirth

Therapy late bleeding in most cases it begins with conservative measures. These are contractile drugs, antibiotics, hemostatics, etc.

As a rule, after performing a pelvic ultrasound, it becomes clear whether curettage or hysteroscopy is necessary. It is performed if there is a suspicion of placental remnants or hydatidiform mole. The resulting material is sent for histological examination.

Prevention of postpartum hemorrhage

No woman can be immune from such bleeding, even if she has already had a successful uncomplicated birth. Therefore, everyone, without exception, receives prophylaxis in the early postpartum period. It includes the following:

  • Excretion of urine with a catheter so that an overfilled bladder does not interfere with the contraction of the uterus.
  • Cold on the lower abdomen for an hour or two for 20 minutes with breaks.
  • Risk groups (large fetus, history of bleeding, etc.) are given contractile agents, usually oxytocin.

After discharge from the maternity hospital, a woman should also take care of her health. To prevent bleeding, the following is recommended:

  • Practice breastfeeding.
  • Observe sexual rest from 2 - 3 weeks to 2 months, depending on the complexity of childbirth.

Bleeding after childbirth is serious, sometimes life-threatening women's condition. Only timely and qualified health care will help remove its cause and save the young mother. The woman’s task is to contact specialists in time and follow all advice after childbirth.