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Sharp pain around the navel. Cramping pain in the navel area. Diseases with pain syndrome

The presence of abdominal pain of any location indicates the development of certain problems. If discomfort is present near the navel, this indicates pathologies of the organs located in this area. This is where the small intestine, part of the large intestine and big oil seal, upper parts of the kidneys and ureters.

Typical clinical manifestations OKI can cause abdominal pain

Most often, the stomach hurts in the navel area when there are problems with the digestive system. This symptom manifests itself in the following diseases:

  • acute intestinal infections;
  • intestinal ischemia;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • mesadenitis;
  • obstruction of the small intestine;
  • appendicitis;
  • strangulation of the umbilical hernia;
  • diverticulitis of the small intestine.

Acute intestinal infections as the main cause of pain

A common cause of pain around the navel is the development intestinal infection which affects the mucous membrane small intestine. In this case, acute enteritis is observed infectious origin. The causative agents of this pathology are various bacteria, protozoan microorganisms, viruses, and sometimes fungi.

The group of acute intestinal infections includes many diseases that develop with a variety of symptoms. In addition to painful sensations in the abdomen, vomiting, increased body temperature, nausea, and diarrhea may occur.

Staphylococcal gastroenteritis

The disease manifests itself after consuming low-quality confectionery products.

Staphylococcal gastroenteritis is accompanied by abdominal pain, nausea, severe vomiting, sometimes increased body temperature.

Symptoms of the disease usually appear suddenly and disappear fairly quickly. Often you don't need to take any action to do this.

Salmonellosis is caused by certain pathogenic microorganisms that reach healthy person in the following ways:

  • infected animals;
  • sick people;
  • after drinking contaminated water or food.

Salmonellosis is accompanied characteristic symptoms, which include fever, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea. This disease can occur in mild form that can be treated at home. In more severe cases the patient is placed in a hospital, where they are warned severe consequences dehydration of the body.

If salmonellosis is suspected in a child, it is necessary to provide him with qualified medical care as quickly as possible. His condition may deteriorate greatly within a few hours.

The main symptom is cutting and incessant pain in the navel area. At the same time, frequent watery stools and vomiting are observed. Cholera is dangerous due to rapid dehydration of the body, which leads to hypovolemic shock and even death.


Pseudotuberculosis is accompanied by inflammation of the small intestinal mucosa, liver damage, fever, symptoms of intoxication, and rheumatism. Very often during development of this disease A scarlet-like rash appears in the form of small spots.

Rotavirus infection is also called. As it develops, severe pain appears in the abdominal area, vomiting and loose, foamy stools with a sour odor. Similar symptoms are characteristic of other viral gastroenteritis.

Enterovirus infection is caused by various strains and ECHO. This disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

Enteroviral rash

  • stomach pain in the navel area;
  • body temperature rises rapidly;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea appears;
  • symptoms of sore throat and stomatitis develop;
  • a rash appears on the skin;
  • a person feels a loss of strength and may complain of headaches.

Enterovirus infection is dangerous due to its complications. Without proper treatment it can lead to meningitis, encephalitis, paralysis, and provoke serious heart pathologies.

Crohn's disease as a cause of pain

Crohn's disease is a disease that is accompanied by inflammation of organs digestive system. The reasons for its appearance are still completely unknown, but genetic and immunological factors play a large role in its development. Crohn's disease is chronic and characterized by frequent exacerbations which are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • diarrhea that constantly bothers a person;
  • reduction or total loss appetite;
  • severe pain around the navel (if inflammation is localized in small intestine);
  • increased fatigue;
  • weight loss;
  • increased body temperature;
  • nausea, which may lead to vomiting;
  • bloating.

Intestinal ischemia is a common cause of pain

Intestinal ischemia develops against the background of blockage mesenteric vessels that supply blood to this organ. With insufficient oxygen supply, tissues gradually die.

It is customary to separate acute and chronic ischemia. In the first case, blockage of blood vessels occurs due to a blood clot or embolus. This disease most often develops in the presence of accompanying pathologies of cardio-vascular system. When the first signs of intestinal ischemia appear, it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible, since this state poses a danger to life.

Chronic disease in most cases develops against the background of atherosclerotic vascular lesions. This condition is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • a man complains that his stomach hurts. This symptom appears some time after eating;
  • signs of flatulence develop;
  • stool becomes liquid;
  • very often blood is found in the stool;
  • body weight gradually decreases.

Umbilical hernia strangulation

Called pathological condition, which is accompanied by protrusion of organs located in abdominal cavity, through the umbilical ring.

Externally, this defect looks like a convex formation located in the navel area.

Not strangulated hernia Usually it doesn’t bother me at all and doesn’t hurt at all. But when the organ located in the hernial sac begins to suffer from oxygen deficiency, everything changes.

A strangulated hernia leads to tissue necrosis, which is accompanied by severe abdominal pain. This symptom is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and constipation.

If you suspect a strangulated hernia, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Timely health care will prevent the death of intestinal tissue and ensure its normal functioning.

Development of acute appendicitis as a cause of pain

Many people know that the appearance acute pain from the lower abdomen on the right side indicates acute appendicitis. But very often this disease begins its development with uncomfortable sensations around umbilical region. On at this stage It is quite difficult to suspect a problem. But over time, the pain changes its location and becomes more noticeable.

Other symptoms of acute appendicitis include:

  • acute pain that intensifies even with a slight change in body position;
  • nausea, vomiting and loose stools;
  • significant decrease in appetite;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • When you try, the pain intensifies significantly.

If these symptoms develop, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. In the absence of proper treatment, which is most often carried out surgically, there is a high risk of appendix perforation.

Small bowel obstruction is a dangerous cause of pain

If your stomach hurts in the navel area, there is a high probability of small intestinal obstruction. This condition is characterized by impaired passage of food due to the presence of a mechanical obstruction in the intestine or due to decreased peristalsis. Another reason for this pathology is adhesive disease. It develops after surgical intervention on the abdominal organs.

The accumulation of helminths in the intestines, the presence of a neoplasm or diverticulum can also lead to blockage. Small intestinal obstruction is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of pain that is spasmodic in nature;
  • first they observe;
  • repeated vomiting (first the contents of the stomach are released, then the intestines);
  • stool retention is observed.

If small intestinal obstruction is detected, the patient requires immediate medical attention, since this condition is life-threatening.

Development of mesadenitis as a cause of pain

Mesadenitis is a disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the lymph nodes located in the abdominal cavity. This pathology most often is specific reaction immune system, which is acutely aware of the introduction pathogens into the human body.

Mesadenitis most often occurs in younger children age group. The patient has a list of characteristic symptoms:

  • stomach pain in the navel area;
  • nausea that leads to vomiting;
  • loose stool;
  • increased body temperature;
  • weakness and fatigue;
  • decreased appetite.

What to do for intestinal infections?

When the first symptoms of an intestinal infection appear, you should consult a doctor who will conduct a diagnosis to determine the causative agent of the disease. On this basis, treatment (usually complex) is selected.


Drugs are prescribed that lead to relaxation of smooth muscles, which are found in many organs of the abdominal cavity. It is recommended to take No-shpa and Papaverine. For intestinal infections, the use of conventional painkillers - Nurofen, Analgin and others - is strictly prohibited.

A drugPhotoPrice
From 67 rub.
From 12 rub.
From 110 rub.
From 46 rub.

Neutralization of pathogenic microorganisms

To reduce toxic effects pathogenic microorganisms that provoked an intestinal infection, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • it is forbidden to stop diarrhea and vomiting, which are protective mechanisms of the human body;
  • It is advisable to take any sorbent - Activated carbon or other drug;
  • treatment with intestinal antiseptics– Furazolidone, Enterofuril;
  • It is very important to replenish the volume of fluid and minerals lost by the body. For this it is used.
A drugPhotoPrice
From 5 rub.
From 50 rub.
From 306 rub.
From 419 rub.

Following a special diet for abdominal pain

For pain near the navel, you can drink weak tea

For a quick recovery from an intestinal infection, it is very important to follow special diet. For several days the patient is advised to form his menu from weak tea, light chicken broth with boiled vegetables and lean meat, dry cookies, oatmeal.

If your stomach hurts in the navel area, it is advisable to exclude any spicy, fatty, smoked, excessively salted and seasoned foods from your diet for some time. The list of prohibited foods includes any legumes, milk, confectionery, fresh baked goods. The latter provokes fermentation processes in the intestines, which negatively affects the patient’s well-being.

What to do if your stomach hurts?

If pain occurs in the umbilical area, you should consult a doctor to find out the exact causes. this phenomenon. This can be caused not only by problems with the intestines, but also indicate pathologies of the genitourinary system or the cardiovascular system.

Children who may misinterpret their complaints require special attention. The child is often unable to accurately indicate the location of painful sensations, which to some extent complicates diagnosis.

In other cases, behind the harmless pain near the navel lies where more serious problems. If acute appendicitis, pinched umbilical hernia and some other diseases are suspected, emergency medical care is required. This will help preserve the patient’s health and life.

Video: Why does my stomach hurt?

Diagnosing abdominal pain is always difficult for a doctor. The fact is that the abdominal cavity contains a fairly large number of organs and all of them can cause pain of varying nature and intensity.

The organs of the abdominal cavity include: the liver with gallbladder, stomach, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, adrenal glands, ureters, various departments intestines. It is quite difficult to identify an unhealthy structure in this mass, therefore, if you have pain in the navel area, without experienced doctor not enough.

Why does my stomach hurt in the navel area?

There are many causes of pain in the central abdomen. Among them:

  • stenosis of the small intestine in acute form (if located in its middle part - just in the navel area);
  • enteritis and enterocolitis of various origins(with acute spasms);
  • impaired blood supply to the intestines as a result of pathology of the mesenteric vessels;
  • enzyme deficiency;
  • umbilical hernias;
  • malignant neoplasms in the small intestine, adjacent organs and structures (ureters, kidneys, stomach, omentum);
  • viral and bacterial infections.

On a note! If a woman has a slight stomach ache in the navel area during pregnancy, this is most likely natural reaction to dilate the uterus. It puts pressure on adjacent organs with its walls, which causes mild pain.

Stomach pain in the navel area and nausea

If nausea is added to the painful sensations, this indicates the manifestation of very specific diseases.

Spicy infectious enteritis deprived at first specific symptoms: appears general weakness, body temperature rises, possible headache. Characteristic signs in the form of acute spasms in the navel area, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea appear later, when the disease enters the main phase of its development. Additional symptoms depend on the type of infectious agent:

Attention! Lack of timely treatment coupled with weak immunity can provoke serious complications: typhoid and septic forms of salmonellosis with damage to internal organs, anemia and weight loss with giardiasis, severe dehydration with rotavirus.

Crohn's disease - autoimmune disease unknown etiology, which focally affects various parts of the intestine. However, if the disease decides to stop in the middle section of the small intestine, painful symptoms will be observed precisely in the navel area. In addition to pain in the umbilical area, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, flatulence, fever, fatigue and weight loss are observed.

On a note! The main manifestation of Crohn's disease is a specific focal lesion of the intestinal walls, so colonoscopy is required to confirm the diagnosis.

A strangulated umbilical hernia cuts off the blood supply to the organs caught in the pinched area and gradually leads to tissue necrosis. Severe pain, nausea and defecation disorders are the main symptoms of the disease. A hernia is easily identified by the presence of a bulging formation in the central part of the abdomen.

On a note! An umbilical hernia develops as a result of sudden physical exertion against the background of weakening of the muscle corset. abdominal wall. It is the prolapse of abdominal organs through the umbilical ring. An unstrangulated hernia does not cause problems and can remain without treatment for a long time long time. However, there is always a risk of pinching.

Acute appendicitis on early stage in some cases it causes pain in the umbilical area, which makes it much more difficult to diagnose, since other signs (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and high fever) are completely non-specific.

Important! The intensity of pain can reach such limits that it cannot be controlled even with the help of narcotic drugs.

Acute intestinal ischemia develops with thromboembolism (blockage by a blood clot) of large mesenteric vessels. A prolonged lack of blood supply leads to degeneration and tissue death, which results in sharp pain with severe attacks of nausea, continuous vomiting, rumbling in the abdomen and diarrhea mixed with blood in the stool. Pain concentrated slightly above the navel is the very first symptom dangerous pathology. It appears suddenly and requires an immediate response.

Oncological diseases of the intestine at an early stage manifest themselves with minor pain. Over time they become regular and spasmodic. Nausea and heartburn appear; the stool becomes liquefied and tar-colored (due to blood). The disease may be accompanied by anemia.

Nausea combined with abdominal pain is not harmless symptom. The only possibility of a successful outcome is a timely visit to a doctor. Otherwise, the problem can lead to serious complications, even death.

Stomach hurts after eating in the navel area

If the main catalyst for pain is food intake, the circle possible problems is also significantly reduced. These diseases do not pose an immediate risk to the patient's life, but require serious treatment.

Chronic ischemia in the intestinal area develops when smaller feeding vessels are blocked cholesterol plaques. Unlike acute ischemia, it is not characterized by sharp moderate pain in the visceral region, which appears mainly after eating or during physical activity.

Enzyme enteropathies develop with a lack of any digestive enzyme and lead to failure of parietal digestion. The body begins to reject certain foods, so eating can provoke another attack with sharp pain, flatulence and very liquefied, foamy stools.

Irritable bowel syndrome after each meal provokes painful cramps, accompanied by flatulence and diarrhea. It is a functional disorder and directly depends on the level of nervous load.

Stomach hurts when pressing in the navel area

Umbilical pain is not always obvious. Sometimes it manifests itself only during palpation. This is typical for:

  • chronic intestinal diseases,
  • the initial stage of the inflammatory process (appendicitis, enteritis),
  • increased gas formation;
  • abdominal migraine (typical mainly for adolescents and associated with emotional overload);
  • early stage of the oncological process;
  • umbilical hernia (not pinched);
  • pregnancy period.

Methods for diagnosing the cause of pain

Finding out why the stomach hurts in the navel area, doctors great importance allocated to the patient's sensations. Despite the gravity of the situation, it is very important to get detailed information about the characteristics of pain symptoms:

  • time of onset of the pain syndrome, features of its development (suddenly or progressively);
  • nature of the pain (sharp, nagging, spasmodic);
  • how long does an individual spasm last and with what frequency;
  • what actions are associated with the phenomenon (load, food intake, nervous stress);
  • in what direction is it localized (degree of displacement from the navel, presence of radiating pain);
  • reaction to painkillers.

So, if the stomach hurts directly in the navel area and below, Crohn's disease, enteritis, colitis, diseases are suspected genitourinary system; above the navel - diseases of the epigastrium and the stomach itself are added. If the pain moves to the right - appendicitis.

On a note! There is a possibility of so-called somatic pain, when the peritoneal organs are not damaged, and sensitivity is associated with irritation of the spinal nerves.

After collecting the anamnesis, additional research using laboratory and hardware methods:

  • blood and stool test (general, biochemical);
  • genetic research;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
  • irrigography (intestinal x-ray with contrast);
  • colonoscopy.

What to do if your belly button hurts

The best decision is to immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance (if intense pain). It is recommended to take painkillers only for unbearable pain, as they smooth out the symptoms and make it difficult to diagnose the problem.

Which specialist should I contact?

You will need a good diagnostician who can quickly make a diagnosis and determine the cause of the pathology. The best option is to consult a therapist. He will do an examination and analyze the results, on the basis of which he will prescribe treatment or additional examination or refer you to a gastroenterologist, oncologist or surgeon.

Remember: self-medication is unacceptable for abdominal pain.

Pain in the navel or side can be the cause of serious diseases that develop in the body. This causes discomfort; at this time it is difficult not only to work, but even just to move around.

Many people, especially men, do not consider it necessary to consult a doctor again because of minor pain, but such symptoms should not be ignored, because they often hide serious illnesses. There are many reasons, from intestinal disease to appendicitis; women may feel unwell during the period of ovulation.

Causes of illness

Pain near the navel can be sudden and severe, or it can be chronic and have aching character. Intense colic often occurs with nausea and vomiting, and fever. Such pain in the side can be deceptive, and is not always reflected in the place where the affected organs are located. What could unpleasant sensations indicate?

The most common diseases that accompany pain in the right side:

  1. Oncological diseases.
  2. Inflammation of the small intestine.
  3. Small intestinal obstruction.
  4. Inflammation of the left kidney.
  5. Acute appendicitis.

Pain on the left side can be the cause of the following diseases:

  1. Diseases of the genital organs.
  2. Inflammation of the kidney located on the left.
  3. Intestinal disorder in the colon area.

In addition, not only the location (right or left) of pain plays a role, but also its nature:

  1. Aching pain, reminiscent of dull pressure - this is how a disease of the small intestine (enteritis) of a bacterial or viral nature usually manifests itself.
  2. A sharp acute pain that becomes unbearable when pressed - probably everyone knows (and those who don’t know should find out, if they are not their own enemy) that the cause is most likely inflammation of the cecum, the already mentioned appendicitis.
  3. Nagging pain, reminiscent of contractions (for men, of course, it is difficult to understand how contractions feel, for women it is easier) - most likely this is a volvulus.
  4. Severe pain, while a hard formation is palpated (palpable) in the navel area - consult a doctor about an umbilical hernia.
  5. Extensive pain throughout the abdomen, especially to the left of the navel, possible fever - intestinal diverticulitis.
  6. Chronic pain that either subsides or becomes unbearable, accompanied by signs of general malaise: nausea, vomiting, fever - worst case scenario, diseases from the field of oncology manifest themselves in a similar way.

We have looked at symptoms common to men and women, and now let's talk about specific points.

Pain during pregnancy

This section will be of interest, first of all, to women, but it will also be useful for men to read. Pain in the navel area during pregnancy is a well-known phenomenon and is mainly associated with the development of the fetus and, accordingly, the growth of the abdomen. This is often the reason that a woman led a sedentary lifestyle and did not play sports before conception. This pain is temporary and does not require treatment; it will go away immediately after the birth of the child. If the pregnancy process is going well, then you should take more walks and do gymnastics for pregnant women.

However, sometimes pain appearing in the navel area can be caused by some disease. So, for example, cramping pain in the abdomen in the navel area, accompanied by nausea and diarrhea, can be caused by an infection during pregnancy. A large number of toxins pathogenic bacteria may adversely affect the development of the fetus, which can lead to spontaneous abortion. After the disease is eliminated, it will be necessary to evaluate the child’s condition.

Sharp pain in the abdomen or side can also be a sign of appendicitis, although this rarely happens during pregnancy, since the enlarged uterus displaces it. The woman begins to experience pain in her right side, in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium. Symptoms may include nausea and high temperature. The pain in the side can be very strong, does not allow you to sleep, and with the slightest movement it becomes even stronger. Acute appendicitis can cause some complications. A pregnant woman may experience placental abruption and fetal hypoxia, which can lead to miscarriage.

At the first signs of appendicitis during pregnancy, the woman is urgently hospitalized for surgical treatment.

Pain in the navel area may be associated with an abnormality of the stomach, pancreas or liver. In this case, there is pain above the navel. In addition, the woman experiences severe heartburn and stomach colic after eating. In this case, the only way to relieve pain above the navel is special drugs, which are prescribed by the attending physician.

The female part of our story is over, next part It will certainly be informative for both men and women.

Child's pain

So, all of the following is highly recommended to be read by men and women, that is, parents, since we will talk about pain in children. Very often, parents are faced with the problem that the child has pain in the tummy or side. You need to understand that symptoms that are inconspicuous at first glance can lead to undesirable consequences. Pain in the navel area varies in nature and duration, and can be acute, aching or dull. Finding out the causes of the disease is sometimes very difficult.

A common disease in a child is an umbilical hernia, which is characterized by pain around the navel, increased heart rate, irregular bowel movements, and vomiting. A round or oblong formation near the navel is palpated. At the slightest sign illness, you should consult a doctor.

Pain around the navel is caused by acute appendicitis. The child experiences aching pain that increases with movement. After a certain time, the discomfort in the navel area shifts to the right side and becomes acute. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur. Such patients require mandatory surgical intervention.

Often there is a disease such as volvulus of the small intestine, which leads to intestinal obstruction. The child develops a sharp pain above the navel, which intensifies over time. Vomiting and diarrhea may begin. To avoid pain, the child presses his legs to his stomach and may cry and scream in pain. In this case, you need to hospitalize the baby quickly.

Pain around the navel, at the level or slightly above or below, is often caused by disease of the stomach and duodenum. This malaise lasts for a long time, it either worsens or subsides. Pain, varying in severity, often begins after eating. Belching may begin, and heaviness appears in the upper abdomen on the right.

With ulcers and gastritis, pain, on the contrary, appears on an empty stomach, and after the child has eaten, it subsides. He may feel nauseous, most often in the morning. There are problems with the toilet, the breath feels disgusting, sour smell. If not severe pain, there is no nausea and vomiting, you can do without a doctor. You should follow a diet and eat small portions.

Children have psychogenic pain near the navel. This is caused by a reluctance to attend school in order to attract the attention of parents. This mainly applies to especially emotional children. Attacks of colic may begin, nausea begins, and pallor appears. Strange behavior, fever, or, conversely, complete prostration may appear. It has been noticed that between abdominal pains, the child feels absolutely healthy. If this behavior worries you, you should consult a child psychologist.

If it occurs severe malaise, then you should immediately consult a doctor, you should not self-medicate, this can be fatal, so it is better to immediately take the necessary measures.

Painful sensations in the abdomen near the navel are not uncommon, and occur to every person at least once in their life. Pain around the navel does not go away on its own, but is considered a symptom of organ abnormalities gastrointestinal tract. Various factors provoke a painful symptom: infectious diseases, inflammatory processes and more serious illnesses. But in some cases pain is a sign poor nutrition And overuse junk food. In any case, you should not neglect this sign and should consult a doctor as soon as possible. It is important to promptly identify the source of pain in the intestines and eliminate the unpleasant symptom.

What you need to know about the intestines?

The small intestine and duodenum are located behind the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity, where a significant curvature of the stomach and pancreas is formed. These organs are covered with a thin connective tissue. There are muscles on the side of the abdominal cavity that serve as a protective barrier. In the navel area there is the least amount of such muscles and a thin layer of fat. At the same time, the navel area remains poorly protected and vulnerable. This structure often serves to cause an umbilical hernia, which causes pain. In other cases, the problem lies in diseases and inflammatory processes in the intestines.

Causes: intestinal diseases

When a person has pain in the navel area, the problem is often associated with intestinal diseases that occur in an acute form. Often, in addition to pain, the patient complains of flatulence. At chronic course intestinal diseases, pain near the navel is aching in nature and accompanies a person throughout the day. If the cause lies in intestinal diseases, then painful sensations especially aggravated after eating.

Acute and chronic enteritis

  • brittle nails;
  • dry skin;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • general weakness;
  • bleeding gums.
Cramping pain and nausea may be a sign of intestinal obstruction.

Intestinal obstruction or volvulus is characterized by cramping pain. The symptom continues for several hours (in best case scenario), and sometimes lasts several days. Most often the problem is diagnosed in teenagers. In parallel, diarrhea, headaches, nausea, and vomiting are observed. Over time, the limbs become numb and the skin becomes pale.

Oncological diseases

Often the source of pain around the navel is malignancy in the small intestine or stomach. Often the patient feels nauseous, vomits, and has a bloated stomach. As a rule, the painful sensations are spastic in nature and spread to the entire abdominal cavity. If such symptoms occur frequently, you should immediately consult a doctor. Timely treatment cancer increases the chance of a successful recovery.


Diverticulitis or diverticulosis is marked by the appearance of pouch-like protrusions in the intestinal wall. This deviation causes inflammation and pain in the navel area. The patient's body temperature rises and bowel movements are disrupted: constipation alternates with diarrhea. Often the pathology provokes bleeding, which manifests itself as blood in the stool.

Diverticulitis can be treated with antibacterial therapy, which is prescribed after diagnosis.

Irritable bowel syndrome

The syndrome is attributed to functional disorders in the functioning of the intestines, manifested by flatulence and pain near the navel of a cramping nature. Women are most susceptible to pathology, especially those who lead active image life. Unpleasant symptoms, such as pain, diarrhea or constipation, appear before noon. Often, painful sensations occur immediately after eating and disappear after bowel movement. IN evening time the syndrome weakens and does not bother the person.

Other intestinal diseases

Painful sensations in the navel may require immediate medical attention.

Painful sensations near or below the navel are often associated with a violation autonomic system person. In some cases, pain is caused by insufficient blood supply to the abdominal organs. More serious deviations that require immediate medical intervention can also provoke pain in the navel diet. Such ailments include:

  • Aneurysm abdominal aorta, in which the wall of the aorta expands and protrudes into the abdominal region. This deviation is quite serious and dangerous if it is not promptly corrected surgically.
  • Non-specific ulcerative colitis, characterized by the formation of necrosis and ulcers on the intestinal mucosa. The disease causes pain, diarrhea, bloody issues from the anus.
  • Crohn's disease, which affects different parts of the intestines. The patient experiences weakness, fever, diarrhea, weight loss, and pain in the navel area.
  • Mesadenitis causes inflammatory process in the mesenteric lymph nodes as a result of the penetration of bacteria or viruses into the body. Pathology causes pain and intoxication.


Above or below the navel

Pain above the navel is associated with gastropathy or ulcerative processes that occur in the pyloric region of the stomach and duodenum. At first there is a burning sensation and minor discomfort. As the pathology develops, the pain intensifies and continues throughout the day. Over time, the sensations become unbearable, and often a person loses consciousness from pain. This is observed in the case of the development of peritonitis or rupture of the ulcer.

In women, pain below the navel is associated with problems in the genitals.

Pain in the lower abdomen can be caused by a disease of the female genital organs.

Abnormalities in the colon or an ischemic condition can provoke painful feelings in the lower abdomen. With chronic pathology, there is pain that is constantly present. Acute form ischemic condition of the intestine causes sharp pain and paralysis of peristalsis internal organ. Often the cause of pain at the bottom of the navel is cystitis, ovarian or uterine cancer, uterine fibroid or atherosclerosis of blood vessels.

Right or left

The localization of pain on the right is associated with a lesion in the large intestine or the renal hilum on the right side. Pain on this side is a sign of inflammation of the appendix. The occurrence of an unpleasant sensation in the navel also indicates the development of appendicitis. Painful sensations on the left side cause viral lesions lungs. Sometimes a painful sensation indicates the presence of gas in the colon. In this case, there will be no symptoms of colon disease: broken stools, blood and mucus in the stool, elevated temperature.

Features of intestinal pain in the navel area

In pregnant women

During the process of bearing a child, a woman is bothered by various unpleasant sensations, including pain in the navel area. This symptom during pregnancy indicates umbilical hernia which has developed above the navel. Often unpleasant feelings caused by tightening of the skin or relaxation of the abdominal wall. If signs of pain occur, you should consult your doctor to rule out dangerous complications.

Pain in children

Particular attention should be paid unpleasant sensations in the navel area for newborns and older children. In adolescents, pain is associated with abdominal disease, which is associated with uneven or spasmodic development of organs. In some cases, the disease is confused with poisoning. But it should be noted that when abdominal disease Children's limbs turn pale and become cold.

In younger children school age, pain in the umbilical region, may be caused psychological factors.

In children younger age Intestinal volvulus often occurs, which must be identified promptly. Otherwise, intestinal obstruction will occur, which will soon lead to the death of the child. Sometimes painful sensations in the umbilical region are associated with psychological factors when the child is worried or worried.

Abdominal pain causes a lot of discomfort to a person - he cannot move, work, or walk normally. But besides this, if your stomach hurts in the navel area, this may be a symptom of a mass dangerous diseases and pathologies that develop in the body.

It is very difficult to determine the causes of this condition, because pain in the umbilical region is inherent in a number of diseases, and in order to accurately diagnose, you need to undergo certain tests and contact the appropriate specialists.

Features of pain and their localization

Pain in the navel area can indicate a huge number of the most different problems, so the main thing is to correctly determine the type of pain and start treatment on time

There are several systems and organs located in the umbilical region, and if there are problems in these systems, pain may occur. Based on the location of the pain and its nature, we can make a preliminary conclusion about the reasons that caused it.

Nature of pain:

  • Acute pain. It can occur when an umbilical hernia is strangulated, an intestinal ulcer or gallbladder pathology. If there is acute pain radiating to the lumbar region simultaneously with the urge to urinate, this may be due to the movement of kidney stones.
  • Cutting (stabbing) pain. May appear when acute appendicitis, pathologies of the genitourinary system (in women), dysfunctions of the stomach and intestines.
  • It's a dull pain. It can occur with intestinal obstruction, the development of tumors, diseases of the genitourinary system, chronic.
  • Nagging pain. It is often observed in pregnant women with stretching of the peritoneal walls, as well as with pathologies of the genitourinary tract and intestinal obstruction.
  • Pain when pressed. With an umbilical hernia, pain near the navel is often combined with a feeling of nausea, and. In this case, the protrusion of the navel is noticeable upon visual inspection, and a characteristic compaction is felt to the touch, and when pressed on, the pain noticeably intensifies. Also, pain near the navel when pressed, accompanied by nausea, is characteristic of appendicitis, but the pain intensifies in right side at the bottom.
  • Pain after lifting weights. Appears with intra-abdominal enlargement, umbilical hernia, or stretching of the abdominal wall in women who have given birth.
  • Severe pain. Often accompanied acute conditions: appendicitis, umbilical hernia, volvulus, oncological diseases. A child may experience acute pain in the umbilical region due to a hereditary abdominal hernia. In this case, the pain can be either constant or paroxysmal in nature and accompanied by flatulence and nausea. Painful sensations gradually shift to the stomach area, gradually intensifying.
  • Pain after eating. The stomach begins to hurt after eating, with belching, a feeling of heaviness, and loss of appetite. The same symptoms are typical for indigestion. infectious nature, in case of circulatory disorders of the mesenteric vessels, as well as in irritable bowel syndrome.

Note! It should be borne in mind that each pathology or disease has its own specific set symptoms, so it is very important to notice any functional changes in the body so that the most accurate diagnosis can be made.

Why does my stomach hurt in the navel area?

  1. If it hurts below the navel:
  • Crohn's disease;
  • Enteritis;
  • Diseases of the large intestine;
  • Nonspecific ulcerative;
  • Mesadenitis;
  • Diverticulitis of the small intestine;
  • Pathologies of the genitourinary system.
  1. If it hurts to the left of the navel:
  • Accumulations of gases in the large intestine;
  • Diseases of the pancreas, spleen.
  1. If it hurts to the right of the navel:
  • Volvulus of the small intestine;
  • Appendicitis.
  1. If it hurts around the navel:
  • Umbilical hernia;
  • Acute appendicitis.
  1. If it hurts above the navel:
  • Gastropathy;
  • and duodenum.

Almost all pain associated with pathologies of the peritoneal organs is initially localized near the navel. Therefore, you should observe the specifics of pain in order to narrow down your search. possible illness. To do this, you need to determine the nature of the pain (cutting, sharp, stabbing, etc.), as well as what preceded the onset of pain (food, physical exercise) and what other symptoms were additionally observed (fever, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea).

Possible pathologies

Medicine includes more than a dozen pathologies that are associated with the appearance of pain in the umbilical region. Some of them are specific to certain categories of patients: men, children, women, etc.

Among women

In women, such pain may indicate problems with reproductive system, therefore, you should not postpone the examination of the doctor under any circumstances.

Most often, pain in the umbilical region occurs in women, which is due to the fact that pain in this area is usually associated with disorders in urinary system or reproductive organs:

  • Endometriosis. Congenital pathology, in which endometrial particles fall outside the uterus.
  • Inflammation of the pelvic organs (infectious diseases, tumors).
  • Oncology: uterine cancer, uterine fibroid, ovarian cancer.

What to do for pain in the navel area

It is impossible to independently determine the cause of pain, so you should not try to establish a diagnosis yourself, much less begin treatment. Pathologies, causing pain in the stomach, there are a lot of them, and only a doctor can tell you what to do in this case, and only after an examination.

Note! Self-treatment If you have pain in the navel area, it is highly not recommended. It is better to consult a specialist - a surgeon, therapist, gastroenterologist, and in case of acute pain, immediately call an ambulance.

When interviewing a doctor, you should clearly answer the following questions:

  • How long ago, how constantly and how often does the stomach hurt;
  • Where does the pain go or is it localized in one specific place;
  • What is the nature of the pain (cutting, sharp, aching, etc.);
  • Does the nature and location of pain change over time?

To determine the cause of the pain, the doctor will prescribe additional examinations:

  • Ultrasound of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Stool and blood analysis;
  • Irrigoscopy or colonoscopy.

Treatment will be prescribed depending on the cause of the painful condition.